Del S Potter

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Transcript of Del S Potter

Del S. PotterPastoral Apologist

In Defense of the Sheep ~ Luke 15:4


Im sending this interactive resume to you in order that I may fulfill the calling (1Co 1:24) that our Lord Jesus has placed on my heart and in my life. I have a passion for reaching not only unbelievers, but also teaching believers biblical truths to every age and at every level. My wife Sherri and I are willing to go wherever God leads us. I have a vision and a heart for Gods people and fresh new ideas that will train them to be disciples in their community, and to lead them and others to a personal, loving, and mature relationship with Jesus Christ whether in or out of season (2 Timothy 4:2).My hearts desire is to gather, organize, and defend the sheep. And for this reason, my prayer is for the Lord Jesus Christ to bring to you and to your church the right shepherd who is equipped with the rightly divided (2 Tim. 2:15) seeds that can lovingly and boldly plant, harvest, and ultimately feed its sheep! GRACE & PEACE TO YOU!MY APOLOGIAQUALIFICATIONSTESTIMONYFAITH STATEMENTMINISTERIALPART IPART IIPART IIIHOMEBIBLEGODJESUSHOLY SPIRITSALVATIONPART IPART IIGRACE & PEACE!

For Jesus IS the hope of our defense Del P.

I have a passion for reaching not only believers, but also teaching biblical truths to unbelievers at every age and at every level. Sherri (my wife) and I are willing to go wherever God leads us. I have a vision and a heart for Gods people and fresh new ideas that will train them to be disciples in their community, and to lead them and others to a personal and mature relationship with Jesus Christ.

The most important defense (apologia) of my hope is my relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, and the calling He has placed on my life to correctly handle the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15) and to make a defense to everyone who asks me to give an account for the hope that is in me, yet with gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:15).MY APOLOGIAMY APOLOGIAQUALIFICATIONSTESTIMONYFAITH STATEMENTMINISTERIALPART IPART IIPART IIIHOMEBIBLEGODJESUSHOLY SPIRITSALVATIONPART IPART IIGRACE & PEACE!

QUALIFICATIONSStrong leadership & discipleship skills to help biblically defend, empower, and to elevate like a dove the sheep in the midst of wolves (Matt. 10:16).

Public Relation and Marketing Skills useful for effective biblical outreach to the community and abroad (1 Peter 3:15).

Computer Skills useful for Church Administration and visual & audio presentations.

MY APOLOGIAQUALIFICATIONSTESTIMONYFAITH STATEMENTMINISTERIALPART IPART IIPART IIIHOMEBIBLEGODJESUSHOLY SPIRITSALVATIONPART IPART IIGRACE & PEACE!M.A. Christian Apologetics Southern Evangelical Seminary Matthews, NC 2010 2016B.A. Theatre Ministry/Marketing minor Northwestern College Orange City, IA 1990 - 1995

GPA: 3.45GPA: 3.15


T.E.A.M. Speaker, Matthews, NC Oct. 2012 Present SES Conference Speaker

T.E.A.M. stands for Truth, Evangelism, & Apologetics Mission. The goal here is to impact the academic arena, the Christian church, and the culture by giving reasons for the truthfulness of the Christian faith through various presentations on many different Apologetic topics.

Kairos Prison Ministries, Windsor, NC Dec. 2005 Present Outreach Volunteer

My task as a Kairos weekend volunteer is to serve as Gods instrument through which His love, grace and mercy are expressed to the participants/guests on extended stay in a real and profound way. I dont go into the facility to change minds but I allow Gods Holy Spirit to begins changing their hearts through loving and listening to their story so then I can share Gods story. This is good news and good times for those serving hard times!MY APOLOGIAQUALIFICATIONSTESTIMONYFAITH STATEMENTMINISTERIALPART IPART IIPART IIIHOMEBIBLEGODJESUSHOLY SPIRITSALVATIONPART IPART IIGRACE & PEACE!


Snug Harbor Clubhouse, Hertford, NC Dec. 2010 Jan. 2012 Community Outreach Pastor

I started this weekly Bible discussion group because of an increasing need of those in the region who either have not grown up in a church or have grown out of going to church because of bad experiences with so-called Christians and/or leadership.

I lead studies on such hard topics as the Problem with Evil, Why Jesus and Not Someone else?, and Pick a god, any god just to name a few. Through these biblical studies I encouraged and fostered discussion among the participates to think critically and yet critically think about what it is the Lord Jesus is trying to share with them apart from anything they may have heard or experienced outside the Holy authoritative word of God!MY APOLOGIAQUALIFICATIONSTESTIMONYFAITH STATEMENTMINISTERIALPART IPART IIPART IIIHOMEBIBLEGODJESUSHOLY SPIRITSALVATIONPART IPART IIGRACE & PEACE!


Snug Harbor Community Church, Hertford, NC Dec. 2005 Dec. 2009 Youth Pastor/Associate Pastor

I was honored with the responsibility of offering Christian centered youth activities for all ages from 1 through 92 (ok, maybe not. but you get the idea)! With every youth who came through the church doors my responsibilities, with God's help, was to build a community of faith by sharing experiences of love, support, friendship, and biblical service so that we could all go forth more empowered with the Holy Spirit to make a better world.

I encouraged the youth to grow in faith by experiencing spiritual disciplines of worship, study, and prayer all the while being members of a loving and supportive community. The Lord and I encouraged youth and the congregation to be "doers" of God's word (James 1:22) and to apply the things they are learning in a heart-filled servant like manner. When I arrived at this Church there were no youth programs and only 2 kids attending services. In just over a year we had several youth programs and 18 kids attending faithfully. MY APOLOGIAQUALIFICATIONSTESTIMONYFAITH STATEMENTMINISTERIALPART IPART IIPART IIIHOMEBIBLEGODJESUSHOLY SPIRITSALVATIONPART IPART IIGRACE & PEACE!


I became a Christian in college in 1993. After many regretful events that were brought on by my own arrogance and greed that I carried in my heart, I found myself alone and unwanted in social gatherings at college, and I had burned all trust with my family because of choices I had made during my time at school. One day I came back from school to my apartment and felt empty inside. I turned on the radio to listen to music hoping it would comfort me and a song came on that changed my life, it was called "I Want To Change" by Russ Taff.

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The words of that song struck a chord in my heart and one particular verse stood out "..and not to be trapped in the patterns that life has set for me." I did feel trapped and people around me (especially my family) didn't believe that I could change. MY APOLOGIAQUALIFICATIONSTESTIMONYFAITH STATEMENTMINISTERIALPART IPART IIPART IIIHOMEBIBLEGODJESUSHOLY SPIRITSALVATIONPART IPART IIGRACE & PEACE!


.I immediately got down on my knees and started crying like a little boy. A little boy who had grown up in a dysfunctional home where alcohol and divorce prevailed. I cried out to the Lord and asked Him to forgive me of all my sins, and to not let me be trapped in the patterns life had set for me. Previously, just like my Father, I had been a drinker, I lied, and cheated, and I realized that I was on the path to turn out just like my father.

Then the Lord gently spoke to my heart and helped me to see that I was filling the void in my heart with things other than Him and His love. This sparked a desire to have a personal relationship with Jesus and to read His Word so that I may come to know and understand the vast love He has for me (Jeremiah 29:11). I am no longer trapped by the worlds patterns that give little hope for change. True change came to me when I called on the Lord and believed (Romans 10:13). The following week I made the decision to be baptized in a local non-denominational church in the community. Living forgiven to this day and to the end of my days for Jesus Christ!MY APOLOGIAQUALIFICATIONSTESTIMONYFAITH STATEMENTMINISTERIALPART IPART IIPART IIIHOMEBIBLEGODJESUSHOLY SPIRITSALVATIONPART IPART IIGRACE & PEACE!


The Bible is the inspired Word of God, consisting of 66 books (39 in the OT and 27 in the NT; nothing more, nothing less). It is inerrant in its original manuscripts and infallible in its authority. It is the ultimate authority guidebook from God to Man, being necessary and sufficient for every person to know, if they so desire, everything needed for salvation and living a life on this Earth for Christ. It is inerrant in all things it mentions, including science, geology, history, archeology, philosophy etc, and is to function as a guidebook in those disciplines. As the ultimate authority, whatever it says is to be taught and obeyed. The principle of interpretation is thus found in itself and answered by itself (2 Timothy 3:16).

I believe in teaching the entire Bible dynamically straightforward, unwavering, uncompromising, and unapologetic with gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:15). While providing real-life application to this fallen world in which we live; I teach chapter by chapter, verse by verse (6:1). It is my sincere desire to simply point people to Jesus who alone is sufficient for our every need and who alone can equip every man, woman, and child for every good work (2 Cor. 12 1:9)!MY APOLOGIAQUALIFICATIONSTESTIMONYFAITH STATEMENTMINISTERIALPART IPART IIPART IIIHOMEBIBLEGODJESUSHOLY SPIRITSALVATIONPART IPART IIGRACE & PEACE!


God is ageless, He is timeless, He exists outside the realm of space, mortal consciousness, and comprehension, for He himself is immortal, the great I AM. God exist simply because He eternally exists. Our knowledge of Gods existence is limited to how and when He chooses to reveal Himself. God is three persons (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), and yet one God. He is the uncreated first cause, the Creator of the universe and all life, the Sustainer of all things and He is transcendent above all things; totally separate from His creation. He is totally Holy and perfectly righteous, all powerful, all knowing, all present, eternally unchanging in his attributes and plans. No one, not any living thing in the heavens, earth or universe, have any bearing on the attributes or the essence of who God is or why he exists. God is spirit, having the ability to be at anywhere, at any time, and at anyplace (John 4:24). God is omnipotence (Ps 103:19), omnipresence (Ps 139:7-10), and omniscience (1 Cor 1:25). God allows His infinite power, presence, and perfect knowledge, to be revealed simply to demonstrate His spirit and personal nature through the flesh. He is love (1 John 4:8) and thus He is a personal God as well; establishing personal relationships with those who are called His people.MY APOLOGIAQUALIFICATIONSTESTIMONYFAITH STATEMENTMINISTERIALPART IPART IIPART IIIHOMEBIBLEGODJESUSHOLY SPIRITSALVATIONPART IPART IIGRACE & PEACE!


Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the second person of the Trinity. He is God from eternal past to eternity future, being the Word (Logos) in Creation. He entered into the world through His incarnation in history as a baby, being born of a virgin, of the house of David, of the Jews, at the time of the Roman Empire. With this incarnation, he is 100% God and 100% Man (John 1:14). God knew it had to be all or nothing, so He had to be both fully human and fully divine in order to give His life a ransom for many because he is also able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, seeing that he lives forever to make intercession for them (Hebrews 7:25).

Jesus was sinless throughout His entire life, with His mission being to come down to die on the Cross for our sins so that whoever believes in Him would be saved and have eternal life (John 3:16). He was crucified by Pontius Pilate at the instigation of the religious leaders and after 3 days, He rose from the grave and appeared to His disciples (John 20:19), then to more than 500 eye-witnesses (1 Corinthians 15:6), before rising to heaven after some time. In the future, Jesus will come back again to judge the entire world. MY APOLOGIAQUALIFICATIONSTESTIMONYFAITH STATEMENTMINISTERIALPART IPART IIPART IIIHOMEBIBLEGODJESUSHOLY SPIRITSALVATIONPART IPART IIGRACE & PEACE!


The Holy Spirit is the very essence, being, and moral character (soul) of the living God having appeared to us in a very personal and supernatural way through the atoning work of Jesus Christ. The Greek word for spirit (John 20:22) is Pneuma which means the very character, mouth and breath of God. In the beginning the bible tells us that the spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters (Genesis 1:1-2). It also says that this same God breathed His spirit into mans nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. (Gen 2:7). Job even says The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life (Job 33:4) and understanding (Job 32:8).

The bible even tells us that Jesus breathed on them and said to them, "Receive the Holy Spirit (John 20:22). He is given to all believers in Christ during and after Pentecost without distinction at the time of conversion. His purpose is to convict Man of sin, and of righteousness, and the world of judgment. He directs Man to Christ as the Savior of the world and aids believers in their walk and growth in Christ. He also gives spiritual gifts as He sees fit, without any special emphasis on any one gift. The gifts of the Spirit are given to build up God's people and His Kingdom for His sake, and thus are not necessary for salvation or sanctification (1 Cor. 12:4-6).MY APOLOGIAQUALIFICATIONSTESTIMONYFAITH STATEMENTMINISTERIALPART IPART IIPART IIIHOMEBIBLEGODJESUSHOLY SPIRITSALVATIONPART IPART IIGRACE & PEACE!


The purpose of salvation is to provide all human life with a means of reconciling with God and obtaining the promise of eternal life. Salvation is necessary because humans are depraved minded and unable to obtain salvation on our own merits. According to Jeremiah 19:9, "The heart is deceitful in all things, and desperately wicked." Without a clear means to obtain salvation through faith in Christ, the depraved nature of humans would cause them to sin and doom them to eternal death through separation from God. Faith in Christ is the only path to salvation, with faith in Christ justifying us before God. Good works flow from and are a result of the faith in Christ (Acts 4:12). There may be many roads to ones house but only one road leads to our driveway (John 14:6)!

God desires all persons to be saved. Peter 3:9 notes that God is "not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." God's desire for humans to achieve salvation is also apparent in 1 Timothy 2:4, which states "Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. Mankind either chooses or rejects this precious gift.MY APOLOGIAQUALIFICATIONSTESTIMONYFAITH STATEMENTMINISTERIALPART IPART IIPART IIIHOMEBIBLEGODJESUSHOLY SPIRITSALVATIONPART IPART IIGRACE & PEACE!