Download - ESCOLA ESTADUAL ^DR JOSÉ MARQUES DE OLIVEIRA … · 2017-12-08 · Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente a frase: ... We – them – her. c) We – its ... marque a alternativa

Page 1: ESCOLA ESTADUAL ^DR JOSÉ MARQUES DE OLIVEIRA … · 2017-12-08 · Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente a frase: ... We – them – her. c) We – its ... marque a alternativa

ESCOLA ESTADUAL “DR JOSÉ MARQUES DE OLIVEIRA” TRABALHO ESTUDOS INDEPENDENTES DE RECUPERAÇÃO RESOLUÇÃO SEE Nº 2.197, DE 26 DE OUTUBRO DE 2012 Aluno: _______________________________________ Ano Atual______ Data : ___ Matéria: Inglês Turno: VESPERTINO Valor :30pontos Nota: __________ PROFESSORAS: Supervisora : MARIA CLEIDE Orientadora: ROZILI

1. Match words and pictures: What’s the weather like? It’s …


ensolarado ventando


nublado nevando


chuvoso quente verão






1 sunny













Page 2: ESCOLA ESTADUAL ^DR JOSÉ MARQUES DE OLIVEIRA … · 2017-12-08 · Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente a frase: ... We – them – her. c) We – its ... marque a alternativa

2) Translate the following the sentences to English: (1,5)

a) A previsão do tempo para hoje é de 30º C.


b) Está muito frio hoje.


c) Eu adoro dias ensolarados.


3) Answer the questions in English: (1,5)

a) What is your favorite season ? Why?



b) How is the weather today? And how was it yesterday?



4) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb to be: (1,0)

a)Yesterday it _________ very cold and rainy.

b) It _______25ºC now. It _______28º C yesterday.

c) You ______beautiful last night, with your new pullover.

d) She _____late for work last Friday.

5) Complete the sentences with the past tense of to be , in the

affirmative or negative form, according to the context: (1,0)

a) Was it cloudy yesterday ? No, it___________.

b) Were you in Porto Alegre last week? Yes, I_____.

c) Was it cold in Rio ? No, it ______very hot.

d) Were they busy? No, they _______.

Page 3: ESCOLA ESTADUAL ^DR JOSÉ MARQUES DE OLIVEIRA … · 2017-12-08 · Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente a frase: ... We – them – her. c) We – its ... marque a alternativa

6. Observe :

Quanto ao uso dos pronomes “ I” e “ ME “ , assinale a alternativa correta:

a) O significado de ambos é quase sempre o mesmo , um ocupa a função de sujeito da frase e

outro de objeto da frase.

b) Não possuem o mesmo significado, um ocupa a função de verbo e outo de complemento.

c) O significado de ambos é o mesmo, e não faz diferença sua função na frase.

d) Ambos tem o mesmo significado e podem ser utilizados de qualquer maneira sem regra


7. Como são divididos os pronomes pessoais em inglês? Qual é a função de cada um deles nas






8. Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente a frase: “We are reading ________ books. Is

she reading ________ ?”.

a) our – her.

b) ours – her.

c) ours – hers.

d) our – hers.

9. .Na frase “These are _________ pen, not ________” qual a alternativa que contém os

possessivos para completá-la corretamente?

a) my – your.

b) my – yours.

c) mine – yours.

d) mine – you

10 )Escreva C (certo) ou E (errado) as afirmações a seguir sobre o uso dos pronomes:

Page 4: ESCOLA ESTADUAL ^DR JOSÉ MARQUES DE OLIVEIRA … · 2017-12-08 · Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente a frase: ... We – them – her. c) We – its ... marque a alternativa

1. A frase “Those are my parents” está no plural. ____________

2 .Na frase “The dog is old” “The dog” pode ser substituído por “He”._________

3. Na frase “Joe and I live in Miami” “Joe and I” pode ser substituído por “They”. _______

4 .Na frase “They decided to spend their vacation in New York” a palavra grifada morfologicamente é

um Possessive Adjective (Adjetivo Possessivo)._______

5 . Em inglês, sempre há um sujeito expresso nas frases.____________

11)Complete as frases de acordo com as dicas e as opções a seguir:

That – These – Those – This – Those – These

a) ____ are my grandfather and my grandmother. (Perto)

b) I will buy a dress and ____ skirt. (Longe)

c) _____ are my parents. (Longe)

d) Are _____ your friends? (Longe)

e) _____ is my new car. (Perto)

f) I gave to my mother _____ flowers. (Longe)

12 ) Marque a alternativa que substitui corretamente os termos grifados na frase: “Paul, Robert

and I gave flowers to Helen”.

a) They – its – she.

b) We – them – her.

c) We – its – her.

d) They – them – she

13 ) Read and answer the questions in portuguese:

a) O que John pergunta a garfield?

_____________________________________________________________ b) Onde Arlene e Garfield foram?


Page 5: ESCOLA ESTADUAL ^DR JOSÉ MARQUES DE OLIVEIRA … · 2017-12-08 · Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente a frase: ... We – them – her. c) We – its ... marque a alternativa

c) Ao traduzirmos a frase“ The Chef gave us some food” descobrimos o humor da tirinha . Explique o porquê ? _______________________________________________________________

14) Complete corretamente a frase abaixo no Simple Past: “The children ____________ (to eat) all the food, but they didn’t ____________ (to drink)the milk” .

15) Reescreva a frase abaixo no passado : “The boys win the game and start to cry”. ____________________________________________________________________________

16) De acordo com o estudo dos verbos irregulares no passado, marque a alternativa que tenha uma frase correta no Simple Past: a) I haved a terrible headache an hour ago. b) We done our homework last class. c) They ated a hot dog. d) She made a delicious cake yesterday. 17) Dê a forma negativa da frase: “He studied Biology at UnB” . ______________________________________________ 18) Qual é a forma interrogativa da frase “Mario spoke English very well”?

19) Qual é o passado dos verbos: to take – to change– to carry – to write? ____________________________________________________________________________

20) Complete as frases com as palavras da caixa:

1. ................... is a geophysical hazard involving a slide of a large snow.

2. .................... is an extended period of months or years when a region

suffers a severe deficiency in its water supply.

3. .................... an overflowing of water onto land that is normally dry. It

can happen during heavy rains, when snow melts too fast etc.

4. ..................... is the point in which a volcano is active and releases lava


poisonous gasses in to the air.

5. a shaking of the ground caused by the sudden breaking


movement of large sections (tectonic plates).

21) Assinale a alternativa correta :

Flood drought vulcanic eruption snowslide earthquake

Page 6: ESCOLA ESTADUAL ^DR JOSÉ MARQUES DE OLIVEIRA … · 2017-12-08 · Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente a frase: ... We – them – her. c) We – its ... marque a alternativa

1 The weather is sunny.

A. Chuvoso

B. Ensolarado

C. Frio

2. It's cloudy here today.

A. Ensolarado

B. Nublado

C. Quente

.3. Is it warm over there?

A. Frio

B. Nublado

C. Quente

.4. Snowy weather hits Britain.

A. Com neve

B. Seco

C. Com sol

5. The dry weather made them sick.

A. Seco

B. Úmido

C. Gelado

6. Cool, damp weather will give way

to sunshine.

A. Claro

B. Nublado

C. Úmido

7. D ead in stormy weather in


A. Com tempestades

B. Com neve

C. Com chuvas

22. Assinale a alternativa correta : The text is...........................................

a) ( Comic Strip b ) magazine cover c) weather forecast d ) campaign


23 ) Responda em inglês:

What ’s the weather like today?


24 ) Enumere a 2ª coluna de acordo com a 1ª:

( 1) bushfire ( ) seca

(2 ) drought ( ) enchente

(3) flood ( ) terremoto

(4) earthquake ( ) deslizamento de terra

(5 ) landslide ( ) furacão

(6) hurricane ( ) queimada

Page 7: ESCOLA ESTADUAL ^DR JOSÉ MARQUES DE OLIVEIRA … · 2017-12-08 · Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente a frase: ... We – them – her. c) We – its ... marque a alternativa

25. Write sentences using the present perfect. a)Rick / draw / a Picture


b)They / see / a lot of horror movies


c) You / not eat / at the new Indian restaurant


d)She / call / her cousin__________________________________

e)I / not do / my homework _____________________________

26. Put the sentences into interrogative and negative forms:

a) They have found a new form of radiation.



b) We have been to New York four times.



c) Neymar has played very well.



d) My dad has bought a brand new car.



27. Complete the sentences with for or since.

1- I’ve been an architect __________ I left college.

2- My mum has worked in the bank _________ three years.

3- Katherine has lived in Bristol __________ she was five.

4- I’ve played in the school tennis team __________ six months.

5- Jim has had a cold ____________ last week

28. Complete com yet or already:

a) I have ____________ done my exercises.

Page 8: ESCOLA ESTADUAL ^DR JOSÉ MARQUES DE OLIVEIRA … · 2017-12-08 · Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente a frase: ... We – them – her. c) We – its ... marque a alternativa

b) He hasn’t answered the questions_________.

c) Brazil has _________paid the bill.

d) Have they gotten the bus ___________?

29.Now, supply with just or yet:

a) I have __________bought a new car.

b) My mother has __________drunk a soda.

c) Have you team won a game ____________?

d) We haven’t done it________________.


30) No primeiro quadrinho a formiga diz a Garfield que se ele a esmagar ela se tornará:

a) Famosa

b) Triste

c) Morta

d) Esmagada

31) No 2º quadrinho a “ fat slob” significa:

a) Sujo

b) Bonito

c) Magro charmoso

d) Gordo preguiçoso

32) No 3º quadrinho as formigas celebram o dia como “national stupid day” isto significa:

a) Dia nacional das formigas

b) Dia nacional da coragem

c) Dia nacional do estúpido

d) Dia da independência

33) Read:

Page 9: ESCOLA ESTADUAL ^DR JOSÉ MARQUES DE OLIVEIRA … · 2017-12-08 · Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente a frase: ... We – them – her. c) We – its ... marque a alternativa

Assinale a alternativa que melhor explica a principal ideia da campanha

“When you educate a girl . You educate a nation “

a) A educação escolar é fundamental para todos, mas especialmente para as meninas. Ela é geradora de oportunidade, saúde e empoderamento familiar.

Os efeitos físicos de uma garota educada refletem na melhoria da

autoestima, da saúde, e causa o chamado efeito cascata em seus lares, criando oportunidades e reduzindo a pobreza.

b) Meninas devem ser proibidas de ir à escola, já que, informadas, serão estimuladas à diminuição da fertilidade, e menos chances de serem

controladas, seja pelo governo ou pela religião de seu país.

c) Garotas não deveriam estudar muito… a frase reforça a idéia de que meninas precisam apenas da escolaridade suficiente para

exercerem os papéis de esposa e mãe. d) Crianças não devem frequentar a escola. 34)Marque a alternativa que apresenta a opção correta do “past perfect”.

My cousin _________ to me for weeks.

a) doesn't write

b) don't write

c) has not written

d) has not being written

35) Assinale a alternativa que complete a frase :

Page 10: ESCOLA ESTADUAL ^DR JOSÉ MARQUES DE OLIVEIRA … · 2017-12-08 · Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente a frase: ... We – them – her. c) We – its ... marque a alternativa

Was that 9 o’clock train? B: Yes, you ___________ it.

a) have just missed

b) has just missed

c) have just miss

d) have just missing

e) had just miss

36. Write the forms of the following irregular verbs into the correct column.

forgot; been; spoken; sing; done; gave; chose; have; tell

Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle

37.Complete the sentences by writing the verbs in brackets in the Simple Past.

a) Yesterday a boat ____________________ near my house. (sink)

b) I _____________________ off the roof when I was trying to fix the antenna. (fall)

c) My sister ___________________ me this watch for my birthday. (give)

d) I ____________________ this dress for my cousin’s wedding. (wear)

e) I _____________________ Mark to come to the party. (tell)

f) Last weekend I _____________________ to the cinema. (go)

g) Yesterday my mother _____________________ me to school. (bring)

38.Quais são os pronomes demonstrativos em inglês? Como eles são usados?




39, Como são divididos os pronomes pessoais em inglês? Qual é a função de cada um deles nas








40, Qual é a função dos Possessive Adjectives e dos Possessive Pronouns em inglês? Como eles

são usados nas frases?

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