Genitive Case Caso Genitivo. Genitive Case Indicar posse Substitui o of da oração Exemplo: The car...

Genitive Case Caso Genitivo

Transcript of Genitive Case Caso Genitivo. Genitive Case Indicar posse Substitui o of da oração Exemplo: The car...

Page 1: Genitive Case Caso Genitivo. Genitive Case Indicar posse Substitui o of da oração Exemplo: The car of Peter was robed. Peters car was robed.

Genitive CaseCaso Genitivo

Page 2: Genitive Case Caso Genitivo. Genitive Case Indicar posse Substitui o of da oração Exemplo: The car of Peter was robed. Peters car was robed.

Genitive Case

• Indicar posse

• Substitui o of da oração

Exemplo: The car of Peter was robed. Peter’s car was robed.

Page 3: Genitive Case Caso Genitivo. Genitive Case Indicar posse Substitui o of da oração Exemplo: The car of Peter was robed. Peters car was robed.

Genitive Case

• Regra geral acrescentar ’s aos substantivos que não terminam em s.

Jane’s flat is big.

• Se terminar em s, acrescenta-se apenas ’ (apóstrofe).

The birds’ wings.

Page 4: Genitive Case Caso Genitivo. Genitive Case Indicar posse Substitui o of da oração Exemplo: The car of Peter was robed. Peters car was robed.

Casos Especiais

• Plural sem s e nomes próprios com s, acrescenta-se ’s.

Those men’s umbrellas are broken.

Cris’s dress is new.

Page 5: Genitive Case Caso Genitivo. Genitive Case Indicar posse Substitui o of da oração Exemplo: The car of Peter was robed. Peters car was robed.

Casos Especiais

• Nomes bíblicos, históricos ou clássicos terminados em s, acrescenta-se apenas ’.

Jesus’ sandals were brown.

Socrates’ principles were followed by lots of people.

Page 6: Genitive Case Caso Genitivo. Genitive Case Indicar posse Substitui o of da oração Exemplo: The car of Peter was robed. Peters car was robed.

Casos Especiais

• Quando há dois ou mais possuidores, acrescenta-se ’s ao último.

Paul and Sally’s home was burnt.

• Quando forem pertences distintos de possuidores diferentes, acrescenta-se ’s a cada um.

Mr Brown’s and Mr. White’s wives are beautiful.

Page 7: Genitive Case Caso Genitivo. Genitive Case Indicar posse Substitui o of da oração Exemplo: The car of Peter was robed. Peters car was robed.

Casos Especiais

• Para lugares (edifícios) relacionados ao possuidor, acrescenta-se apenas ’s, omitindo-se o substantivo.

Sarah goes to her grandmother’s (house) every weekend.

I’m going to my girlfriend’s (house).

Page 8: Genitive Case Caso Genitivo. Genitive Case Indicar posse Substitui o of da oração Exemplo: The car of Peter was robed. Peters car was robed.

Casos Especiais

• Com certas expressões de tempo, peso ou espaço, acrescenta-se ’s ou ’ para substantivos terminados em s.

Two months’ journey.

The pig’s weight is 70kg.

The kitchen’s size is enough.

Page 9: Genitive Case Caso Genitivo. Genitive Case Indicar posse Substitui o of da oração Exemplo: The car of Peter was robed. Peters car was robed.


Page 10: Genitive Case Caso Genitivo. Genitive Case Indicar posse Substitui o of da oração Exemplo: The car of Peter was robed. Peters car was robed.


• Forma normal do verbo

• Utilizado com ou sem to

Page 11: Genitive Case Caso Genitivo. Genitive Case Indicar posse Substitui o of da oração Exemplo: The car of Peter was robed. Peters car was robed.

Infinitivo – Com to

• Após adjetivos, advérbios e substantivos

It’s easy to play the piano.

He has much to learn.

Page 12: Genitive Case Caso Genitivo. Genitive Case Indicar posse Substitui o of da oração Exemplo: The car of Peter was robed. Peters car was robed.

Infinitivo – Com to

• Após ask, decide, expect, hope, invite, promise, refuse, want, wish

She refused to answer.

They want to play football.

Page 13: Genitive Case Caso Genitivo. Genitive Case Indicar posse Substitui o of da oração Exemplo: The car of Peter was robed. Peters car was robed.

Infinitivo – Sem to

• Após os verbos anômalos e os verbos let e make

I can’t see them.

Let me do it!

Page 14: Genitive Case Caso Genitivo. Genitive Case Indicar posse Substitui o of da oração Exemplo: The car of Peter was robed. Peters car was robed.

Infinitivo – Sem to

• Após but e except

There is nothing to do but (except) tell them the truth.

Page 15: Genitive Case Caso Genitivo. Genitive Case Indicar posse Substitui o of da oração Exemplo: The car of Peter was robed. Peters car was robed.


Page 16: Genitive Case Caso Genitivo. Genitive Case Indicar posse Substitui o of da oração Exemplo: The car of Peter was robed. Peters car was robed.


• Forma ing do verbo

Page 17: Genitive Case Caso Genitivo. Genitive Case Indicar posse Substitui o of da oração Exemplo: The car of Peter was robed. Peters car was robed.


• Após preposições (IMPORTANTE)

I’m afraid of falling down.

Page 18: Genitive Case Caso Genitivo. Genitive Case Indicar posse Substitui o of da oração Exemplo: The car of Peter was robed. Peters car was robed.


• Após admit, avoid, appreciate, consider, delay, detest, dislike, enjoy, escape, excuse, fancy, finish, mention, miss, practice, resist, understand, quit

Avoid being near the cliff.

Finish cleaning the house and then you go out.

Page 19: Genitive Case Caso Genitivo. Genitive Case Indicar posse Substitui o of da oração Exemplo: The car of Peter was robed. Peters car was robed.

Infinitive / GerundInfinitivo / Gerundio

Page 20: Genitive Case Caso Genitivo. Genitive Case Indicar posse Substitui o of da oração Exemplo: The car of Peter was robed. Peters car was robed.

Infinitivo / Gerundio

• Após advise, agree, allow, attempt, begin, continue, forget, intend, leave, like, love, mean, neglect, prefer, permit, remember, start, stop, study, try, hate

He started studying / to study English.

They prefer travelling / to travel by car.

Page 21: Genitive Case Caso Genitivo. Genitive Case Indicar posse Substitui o of da oração Exemplo: The car of Peter was robed. Peters car was robed.

Genitive Case


Children’sJohn’sSusan Steve’sMen’s


Page 22: Genitive Case Caso Genitivo. Genitive Case Indicar posse Substitui o of da oração Exemplo: The car of Peter was robed. Peters car was robed.

Infinitivo / Gerundio

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to study