T'IS, · 2015-06-02 · BL r? e Hiuaiian asrtte (.. n rj i w lm itnilmitakiUat rrwjMixr In. r. t...

BL r? Hiuaiian asrtte (.. n rj i w lm itnilmitakiUat e In. r. t UWUWil 1 I Mitta 00 rrwjMixr ! . la' i Oftt t M wb iw lira iiUt-ai- .-. ' ! TMM nm ROBERT GRIEVE, M iw in HON II Mi lira HtWIf U LNm t ImAmI "W ta ta w o a ot Hvtry Tatacday Srmlmc. Qttr or cataaia It OX U Me 40,0 TJrM.fCfl.mn ism Xmlaotlum 11 tii panics tek issue HKf (. II Stat j uw rata TTW Ottawa HOC, S ' W t0 TO e MM Mrivir rx a rji-vr- - y Catena, .. .' i- - R4lm. CpJ ka Jwi4 fr m rr. m 4r ot wl fir lht mim. ak r fc baad.it MTwtMtsvaM''riltitiitl7. X. a Alt HKlt a4TwtiMnla mt aKewr!, alia Ih. tj .arIVn4 la. r Mtn J ! Or. I la awar Isi OaW VOL. XYII.-X- o. 14.1 HONOLULU, WEDNESDAY, APRIL Uxn. ttrnimr.Xtrt.MilnlataalM.aKlsaa4 6 1SS1. WHOLE ITo. 84V. milttaMM 1W JU.I.ra AMirWma jTtltlWM.all, w na im s 2tnn3brr G-r- I lyVi. "1WSaaaraa. aafi Jaa at 0N taa aaay at aVkaaaai-laa- Mt aWBC hK yk 4HhW' VPMK Wl VfaaV wiflHL SayWSaT' 'a., .raaVBaa'aaaa'aapal aaafajt 'aaaaaBaafcjaajafllaBi aaa aHHaakrVaapfa Baaa T mWu .an iiMjin ai4l iaa t nHiB aaaaaaaaac tatty aaaaaiaaX. aaa" aaaaata? aaaa BaraaaBiaa VMM NMftl aaa.aaa- t- t ii tew Is aa -- taa 1 aaaaaTaara.. tltM& S Mlrf M m WW. ta aaaa kaaataM 1 taa a tin a ita. aaaaati 'ta atajal aH - T Baamaaaaaaaai, lmaa aaaa. aa aaaaaj KWMT HKtawaTaarWaaaa aa.7 Xaca 3iSj jiiiiiaw. a -J- E J. mtmtrm. S T taanatJNMi. 2QjC&3lfEh. IkraWurrdaOK TVr laanm SaaTi iwaaa taaW-aw- t aaM It tf MM li . la awaa was taaai at at XU a- -i aK tm I inaaaiil 1 na.i na. afcni.i afaw fraioifc JNWI aaoa aaaaaj mat tfpiatlv :l fmtL - JW aa aarfc Ma aaAaa SateC JaaaBt BaaHMIa miA aaaaT anK m. J.. Jainauil aala1ll.aavaaaw II lliaBJ faa aaai I aaa OMK. &Nki a. XkaV'ts iKiiBaaaaaaaaBklaaaal aaat aaaaaaal fl1 flaaaaaaa? aaaaaatfL Saaaaaaaa Baa VaaaQha -- I laarr iisulal .)Way wayMam-paa- -- T.lii.nrr Vka Maa It lilaaajaWaaaJlaa.aaffil'iaTaaH'aaaaatafcaaaaaa. B aaavs. wm. tt aaa aaac t.iunaC ma Tfv aa aaaaVat aat M BaaaQ- aaf aaaaT faawiaaVaT'aHSc ' amaaaaa.aareaaj aaiainnaai if aim aju if . ) laft to aa awt St (a aaWCmaWaV r laaa f taw Jat3t."aitt faaAkaaSHaaC. Haaat afF"n. to waw mu mtms aam uulL a aaCW ay.aaaaial Bll.t: it aM"1"' k aai lag, laai aaaia laaa tollaWfcaa ay? rihinaV vwnBas aaaa Haawiiaw haiket, 1. .rarxk-- T mn max 3. awe aat saw av" L. 1 -- ta.a'irfh. atl-I-ir taaaaava, Tad. atBaaa- aaw i jv a wm aaa MaC -- raaa aaata, tf lila,U. ato Cat v .n rimj MiT aW . - uaaahnaaV t dW lraaaaHlaaW r E P . Sta-- ai w. T-- c. m kaw Jaw kawc - tat torf - i 4t luw aai itoC aat to. Itec. ant auar Jar aa? Ah iir. Cwliainm, Ja.'iwui Ta- -t Boaa-- V 1 MIIIW aa-a- a- aav laac . Stat . a-- tar caw -- to 0aiJ..-a- av K aar a"- - octur amusoois. tginatii. ', .aaaa.an mini iiin In BjlHuii. A.e. -. ira-aa- .i ... hams. m. ...B. aSJORK a i- t- TTl-i- rlh "" " fAJfSZAmZ'iLniL at ka-aink- aair -- nar iia. aiwm lt . aaaaaaa ataat aaaa-- aa . T- J- uatin- mi at, aa etc af to- -t kaw 'Soda a r tK AaBaar ato an tow BJsaafrd: : aaam am numuBjn. aa A. m ..a aar .n 4aa .: fcakd A aML. X. aaavaaar T & aVRt aaaimna f Ataea. tt xaaaBatiar aamaec Sfef n,r avimiftiir. as. --ataaaiiillii uat aWaa-- ak mt-w-at af aWrJaa-aB- V , -- aata Aa.affflaaaKaMB.M taa. aJ aat-jriar- haagf Tl7 JtT - r- - awa -- . JJc ai Uk satta at-- it aont aanaf ax -- "" i f , . aaaraaa-aaa- c. aatf ar taata ac at aunaataaaa aaaaatr n at at-5i- cr a3ap(v t ski aaC a! Caw aaaaaaaak. at taa tw- -t jtaanK. " Taa jta aat if anidt-(raa- ci. ovkaM aaataataaa-o- a' akcati aat aaJmnauiat 4f tbvatt jttaai haaaSaaaaTBBW-iaaV- i' a- -v ' aa paavT intHa-'iimt-- aja aaa aaaaaraff iaek. ".J- S. -- ..aav -- aaflaa vs. 7f ..a aa aaa aaaiiii.ni ail. w av . -- antat it joaafi.'" raac aatavtm --a"? t aor naavaaa nataaont -- - .b-- A a." fc at wiiM -c aaav a-- aw Sit Bar ami awmc a? WaVriaaaaaasM. St isa. aw s aae J -- aaaTa a -- ? Tin in laaiiin ii amiiia ! i in lamii a. -- v. , aa.. aV lalu,- -, jtenna a. , St INa--rt at fiMarial ut iJlal ae- - aaut Caatliitl war: c -- c aunnt ik. ram ac La-at- SJM it Faanuiw JUtaa Piarorai Caa- -t 3UW A3S- - aatC SJa! - Ciaiiai-iiifiii- i-. aw B. taaanal. --KNtlaMM awaBa rataa. t ft Ontinflii. SUaVt A. a raw. Tumi B. M HAbV A rar j a. EJPtt aT r '" rX.ljner' katolail-am-T-5aal-ai- aat iaaaaiwiiii aareB-qa-Bc- an azr tc a. Jav f Ait it mt aMrJai aM iC a. aaw "aaaaat. saaai. aavaaaaaac an. tm.; aW aimu af nMfr-wirinioii fc' uatv r arr vafasr -- r - TWaaaar aaSBa timnu a --- - Srfrf' fai bi--t- - a. aaatf TtWaC aaaaat afWIaf atrt aaaaatWaTa aaaaaaa aaSHJ aaaar'aaallaqjRaJ awav attar a--r 5-- noir ina; e SH T a21aCaTSS- - 15 X aaat Cafaafataaaalak, L-- fJ! , "- - " a, "tin 1 WFL 4atfkBaHaaa VflfifaHaW M' aaaaaaV fSSSFHWC m ill I aa Eaynftniiii. - kaaCniai nftnif. " an if ii iirn " n : arm tn-a- r at lSs t.ani , . iaag jca fc aw ynwicaa. aaat. i masn tc aar a- -t ta Jumarx CairiT B: CViwnraMC me flj at aw aaaot at ayniiiamiii.aaaaigratt- - e aau jhk ifaatur aaanaRi aar aair aOHOE b aara jt ai.i itain "Tin Cuaaabr Ara aaaow. asetn-- SttaaiMiifiu. aauWiaa taaiaaara Tw Cajauttu asuainEKCTw b, tmiuiaaai. iate hc w ar teawsat aflaa- - am sanSar rwatmE !luima- - ruifDaa.3E1l& arrtferrHL" TtrUiHUllrf nt Antwi rBsaraoaia? rf .ataVamtrftaaaKlalfti taaWrSttcarHfBrHBa waa.Ksa 4m rf iiiiaiiiaittiT a ". bas aait B1-- ate fuaUrl taat. Et Biw imirilll Mas SSI. jrf ar T gM& aw-- a atraa tMW.-.u- n ' r' ' " ' if ttTT , ajM In ih 1lirnnrrr gw. .JUlA HUI TUmrarf TT "" f"" ' "" rfeirinra an-- Ij rn. .... - . .!. . 1Tm i.fli 1 ZUfci aaH.3lrtmarar dtf 0- 1 ail.B. nana aaaw - - ' aat? nasggrm. ae tfhH- - wtj3iiciaeignair-gui- j - ar ataamd aaj tj t mooxMrn-- '' Vs. - t aaaniC a n. .ju. Ta-ir- -. - - a i amrrx: ss BaaBa .tarns p TOtt ! aetw Mnranr atc aiiTTHTtar ar gnsxr - - aft. aft Willi I TIlT TTT TflTT H. affaCaaUUT aai "5 a'aaSri.T. tea, tmmi-- a z . .u. - I 9 If .. - .hi rrETirr. 7Hfa . M. itt .tm.. I. aflatiaiaui. 'Eui ' M.ar-.dur- a: crira-?i amOBiQgx " ,"1 JTH T"r- hiBn inTi ii iiiiif rirrrm-i- r Ji(t 3BT 3TI2Ia- - n.ia-- r -- ktUH..i - , rjctrrarMBtf ariilr.a.asCa-3ca- w JJBC3 rf auina asne af Sat ctosuc aaa auiMy 1TrTtTT m anul tiror jsaiiny inn 'aurwa tramrjaa 33ra3XX3. a m Sal Shb: aai wait jna-a- E in.fitMmB ilMtiiouroawa; .wu-- 1 asa"trfiiu. am. jTaa. A. SrSMRK K-- k. S.K.SOT.T. OnstSIir a Ur a Xeajy P&MScw matmwtf hr.w aawaa, UK a S7 bku. ii. Arsrrr. t v;uhjvijiv UA.-S- hw sat y. w SaritaamfnT wm . -- : SwaaVNT 'Way V i--i .t w . Sg jy Mil" ttmc yT Lt Jntjai.a. BwrtiiN. 1W 5jejm.wn. . ?w- - ,m imNi-ai.niKii- K .fc fa, f acsamas xxr ewaassHar t awawaitt.raaa. T.i r. z. xssrsAy Jt col. iaa yaaraygr.'- - BitnoAlt. JU Jt. CXirKUCBC Jt: c.- - - nF4asc .Mr General Omniigrmiaa 31.mixia?raj. 1 IU UACXTBLD Jt CO SXIIA.i CeXIIJJiX itlJIf. ... t . B 1 H. CSOCER AkD FKOYISIOX DEALER- - M -. jT-r--t aVM- - nutKK JC co QavifV T far: 4aL tiPlinff ttlvf Iljiiitaaw lata; ?im.. Sk, Xt S.3t i ScSteaf nJ. Xttoeitiitf rwer'tagit- - HKs.JL.at.yn.i.r XjKSSoiAr Xkra ' fy.rt.V f.V. IK la MMK. KnUAJIUU. L. r ar . J30L.L.ll JC C- O- atOMr, aiiim.aiii-.sv'.wa'- arfUMMia .bewtiMa jmnotm- - H 83 Jft. r. KlAXJiIt! JL CO Ttl.l'i.rK IX 3tXT ?We JLX3 erXELl i atmigan i.. lia-.-ir w- - ntu.f laraVS: . COMM1SS.OK MERCHANTS tt 8an .i o jtr a Bar aVnrir. antripimt. VTwaM. auiHninii. )C B- imt ii t i t a V- - H-- l ..-..- . F XRLSr2TOiSti. 0XX2iiaXiK jfiiS. f ya -- ,,,..m 5. tH.Je. a a. ' . - a-- rail -"- - ""- '- ""- - ""' -- - r JOIW T 1YA.Xl5iKAOl.li. I ;i.. iT-r- , j,t, ... j. -- J e iTrrii i XZSHAX3aZ. 'Jlnan ifca'- - TimiiailT C. - -- TXQ. JL. SASS3SCES. Er m t 1st t S . Mcl.TKh A BKOT11LU. . k tg3P.'T'?l iiiSUwl 3-- ft ' ''- -. S - r a-- .. . ., j r i trmn-- T a cooke. I . . ' ar SnamaUL. UUOAMJHAB Ac CO aXJfTmif AX2 3eaJL2fiT IT SAISVAjS j "a. Aa SL.tajk .J aaairaa . f..r laav S Sre aSwav4atuAnM T Mf -. L vjw . a.; ; a r ati sTTK03rO"r - vmnr-- rt r TiaaiffmirT saaf, j ataa lva - Sa I na a -- - --- Ofii.x amua v A.X. Jr V- - TT. 'VBtKTOTA CO i. fo-- XajL B'oarartinr Jam ct Ctaofc . aaC tlawanajDHOit aaTXara Jdaaaaaaaav - K E . UXXX3ACO-Cla- . ATSJQ33T AT IAV 3ZI. SiTTI JtrTi J' "Mlafta rtB'MUtaaiC i.x.: . . ... . - - ics 5 J iciK-B-&p-i3iM sr -- ajr - .--. - ., w, ma, jj- - . M j'rxr -- .tt i, - cS Va .Li-arrajitpr- tr Crz. inriaJiur- - '' I awliM!r1n.-.rrjni- ftaiciitftgadmac - mmairt "w !--. 7i.it Jl" Janann itt-M-G. 3y i :otsxi- - ' aau .' aTaaw "ltiat. aatnan. -a .i wa-ttt-f-. a. 4h Sia.. aaQg JlFHftT 2B3JH st J'lEt iCrtHt. .. . ,.. i. aaa- -r a--a- -- aa. "'" mirriAro i - T . ' rnrrc- - 'nai Ttir aitiiiniaKmnr Bmmtjilt. X I XI. O. r a T T. Jt -- 0i. - .ru - tu ..-r- n TTiTTT.t rr TirnriTT . . --,, ., - - r wriaasjnaaaa-a---- -. wl iraat a Tiw"m 3 CEcoiSIiSSEnsr' Tib r ;n-- r r-- 3r y a- - -- 1 -- r1 - V- - . i ...... iuj. -- j. Cn-t- aaar I t la lyaMH. Sto t tCECXL. BUOTTTl. . i.j i t- -t inr.i I'l .1 ...jtp "T.rir. SSaB SaTKuK iTr atiuaaVr aaiaic Banaanai tfBMr.;uinr hat (ana. a t) a ni numiu g a. aanaate: 31A- - ar TTiEO- - H IJATXXarS. gaaar u , j i aai ;. . pErrrr m iiitijni.ni-ait-j .r-.. . - ma.Ha.nf Hi. ...aqaaa IiaO. i. an a liabat C Sa-at- a. arnBnnwa aBiB5;i 3 ak a. t aaa Saaa ': ar a,itaKavi. . mai- - . risn.ri COOEE. itti cnoocsacx Qsiiarc is C2S ' aatmajj--- . Tlniimnu. JacrataaMtrc SBFSiVlft. j 11. aim. wiut tViaarMt- iftf fTHiacBr. aa lli giniuamiJi louim. 1. ir air.M.n.Tw4n. j Jl. "Wr.. -- . T ib i.ainaaa traa ia- aa. a. ra, f aat jam .Sia2-aa-7-- a. ' - . , SJ5.ia.AL, rr - - iVimT riVTH-- u - .,. -.- - ..a.- - a, jaa. 3 lSlil. tl- - UttZ-im- il H. & rTrTlMUl-- -t. Srar'Tj 1 TrTrftflmiC. rJElHibiaTC 333H Uhr'iJIJatDL : : : tTllilllll S.ma: SoniCr, 3'.i ninj. 3Evaiaraixs3aE. u2uu2uif r I j CWSaaKXX &3TCS, XkS. BSOBTE. 3E,ior-Kici.7M- X aiici. ! ? aa aataSM r ftimi t at TV- - wil Ott !tir SnnBrv viKirr kuio. xr X. COOK JTEBB. 2E. 3X HOMEOPATWKT, tti- - CaStf ? Sa VumfiaaclK B'ti'filn'- - VO ' v i v ji.ir st-- rv lawafc ww ssk tabJMto'w. i Lt. w fta.Ji X--. Mi.ttTjr-- L . so Nwrrt!,rtr3tvt3. . awteiaWiaajijiwt c jitt tame - , CA, TV tllT-XC- K. 3COT A TC5T S TFHTiTC, Ayiataato ItrrrKaatxajjaa itaCcata I CEUEKAL BBSIXESS ACENT. t m aj.w1. mw .. , 1C.,,,. :iia i5Tlr i t JAJIO X- - JIOXSAKKAT. Atrsrr.ej- - ar.i CctiseWcr at I aria.. acae-- - 3wattolr TtArSirfOtHira3i.xiirTtt EOXG GCCVX Jt TTT OSG. t JLmttAM.Lta GfntT2&t Sdjyixc y "Cla3mr name-ra- t ,rvr ImJnJt MM: I CC- - tt 5 5hnt ai-- Sii Sk Muamt Jaws. "WwcMtiicabtewt. r c j.ixg. Iraccnr. TTl-sJissl-e ssi Sea3BiAisr r "" jwn- -r -- ra at -- - r JnwrS arCK.i-.- -n nd. jeratw. X At rf iO ?mniiuti. J. rftaiuma. - Asauasat. ( Law. KICJI.LKD K. 1UCKESTOS. UT "ggLiHiil ha. 1aa e wb m- - ate learnt X aXmcumiriMKMa. UWaXV -- - Cilia C. Owcraawam Jftrrfcta ai Ctwr-- rf ftnearc- - i15.i-W-aia.a- x. yWii.f Xr&rjnaK INc&jaav. ia aawwc ! TK"iti.r ir. xin 7L r3CETXi3 AX "XLEJAIZ t'--- It FwatMaiWhi. OucAaf Kaav Ova, 3Mav fw33 .'i 'i3 raM f aHiBlMBK rinuMNa--r aWuWti - StaVwf KtaA. n OSaV KaaaMik. V I WjUX&a-- a fcBOSSSISOX. .'ymgil-.wr- T V X VSiEWJ sria: at, .t sr.x. .a UWa HI- ,- 2sirauctt?irijia; A A JtrecluJ,. :?a. Sittalc 5U I 3f CASTLt A HATCH, ST XjaTX-- . i. rT-iri- - Jz. ; s; hum.! i d tur-s- . if Aif X3HFHniL a-- aanma m a : wci-- aa Clua. OaHaisitic iftL. is Jbnner a awa a mnaai. a ArtK. w . . G. IT. SL.VCK.A-LAB- Jt CO Tr-nrrn- .tTT,airir?iMt T77riTt 3Li HMfirS TTl IT iilm a '' WWe!i- -, Smutt-Z-L. wwi a.aawMiL yw a- - ?Vtwi. ( T 5Waar Waitadn.. h SKST a .- - v n--n, jaom .aa-i. j i 'T nnc r r rr . - - r v. ..v.. ciawiii in --KB uJaaaJtraofc ; : riTrr.,xxag jjgxz. aMiE-azxsr- Axn t XaaataMJa.xa-An- .. 9BHlllt vatim II JHOT cnutnar m mvmm A.nnt-ia- .r tatc Jkaan-- aaBfi - JartaaT JtriarlkaWj ut afct-4.- aaamy Jnadt JlaCv Xra ai KaaHv M. AXJLE- -f jc soBxo;". r j Jaaiuiuafl. t--- j. L Toirtiaa " a ..7 .. ZM V... .X .nf aa ;xfca.tfa.XcJ. fa, fa.fcL I I r..,wa-T-a- t 33CJOCAJSC. xiaa JOj1AAJLEK. TaKcaa. aaSAXJ. ? irrnjur T3ko- - e? tjLruj-- o l aWT - iJiaj t.Jw.a .1 uiZitiaua isamr HTHLT BSOC m rrOsSALsi t--rf OBaa-aaSa- a, A. a: rillcuce tfaaantaraia-inis- r jait tMiiarait taivyim c aatmc ttck 3ar.sr ' JSTJEraSa" ittniisz. frazix: xoaz cwxnc xx .u no- - Mta I vauiaitiaf mat jturatomm ip WAIIAir SAP 1T02J3: Jaw IT I a. GREY & CO., as nt.ipM J"Jw"Jw ut aoio. tn TI KIL'nc tr oiane Sm. arf I !,n. TOM fHutn: " " rnri1 j t--- i !...- - , AT'PfC tn3ti' 2. tBZ H2S, pxtxraiHJAs ix9rxuii,i Jnmi.-mliiw- J Jt f lalfflllCT A TIIj. ieast ra tt ..... rr . . . r. trerfcionra .wmat. uyimu. arnromuinit. rsas rant; fJ''"' TS TtET7aVOIOLIXAJt JXASET. C arAiiXE. Prsrprtrire-- . SIIT "var z&mciatfti-- . AjUtlllmr .CT aarlArtC :&avC XoaV.cc acrtnGX. aSrTaSirf - aSMBaaaaat. ,M - .. u - t- - u.r- - aja jEOirreC t3 tatraic om--c tom-i- c .a' ra... mmaTJiakla T a T?artfc.m ? ta anbf - ift- atmr tfaa s&msli -- : Cii4taR. .r 1 i j- - , -- ; rr ... -. . zr STjrSa "ZST. - - .a-- . 1 ...a... ...at art Wl -- J. -- ,! aaSraa aar - - - - , i - ' - i J . i a r t - t fJ. -- :a ". ?f' T 1 Tjaj,fcraae if aii Xtmm imt taTn.t.irira mianif. 13. 3h--T" n Ala 3Caw: Sihh fin mmm? i - r 'Tn : aiaaaaaaaa 3KXZVL HXHL JjKiltgirX J aTiSIttlg' OT. ,' ncHHii.tT ?2a;2a f I aa- - tt r lUty . I'aTaaitanaar gavm rliaiat; cxa iry ta jaib-- a anCLaajkB. j, Iff A. iESUEEE Haaao&xXafct. I m fJOr. &&, x?RrE- - HrawasdSlc&PstrzvIpn'Kasscrv&Th 3vro3trola.xj.t Tailor. c c couajo. BLACKSMITH AND MACHINIST u . w - . . - ..... . Candy Manufactory and Bakery; $$ Rsrr.r.wii. aatTWe. Str HOyOLTTLTJ IEOX WOBSS CO. t Vi S5; r;"r !" f T """;M-"- i Machincrj cf Every Description, I ;. ... ..... . t T!L'rag;BtaMif,ai'mw'Ttl - CT"MJ:i'taMTaHajfc. .rtjtit i CHR. GERTZ. S "w. ajjl Slipper.. J. II. AVICliE. x 6mc Wit Kto sent. iC vowur'tcamj ttMt a nvofi xt . MwWtruw. B rortar.ro.mr OOMitrf. a tr - rtJU . oit c. 'E(.'ELKaT Jt CO., XI5SXIXHS 1IC PECSBSSS, .jrma rr. ' arjfwv a,s m.4? Jr ar C. E. VIL.tl ... neexxxx. xixTTAcrr: LCTXCiJ AX3 3X1IXXIX i F?j.iIT) fe Elr ESCSifTKI, rumTlimi3aL.fMie VrtA;u taaWeat !. W W.r.ittWJrfiror.?rTnWiVawn.t.taK Ty J. H. LYNCH, ' - KTSC STKECT - . Sl p cto&. pic JUC .eaLaiite & Ijac 4fHC&&raa C . ... btH M-tt- lii 2M4i fBfrtC!emXlJ- - xrmmami ynf. i s ri.. c-.- v -- r h ir..' iir. r-- K oitru w flK mic hw,; xxrmci:BnE-airswratii?- 3r.is.-jv- tnio et , 2 aJD' ! CEO. S. HARRIS, SSP iO 63.EM 6U6XSSHHL .Hti- - uincr. narxr ucitt a vna- - aLwr-- . a.. n.wrj.. ijnHtitrv tt.P a. ni--nf .- -. rf v t . n.ain. -- i.. . ,,,. aums. tftSclJ WlgSiS fe Tf5SJe &asj .r jw.' . - . k AK I talAfl WELL lUULOf irasii!ianrJtaa!tijmi-- - Si GmHarf AvWCt JjHi&! Ul . Wrt fc-..- Lran J'jia.mr SSI. jaxz fn vpprTio wr " i j v- -. -- .v. ..V 1-- -- - at iJStSaf" r,rrt,tt,&r"IrriaxiEa?aiUSi5ir ArsOSLSTAX2CCiTX$Z.eXAr ftiLaiuiTjariafitsaiaagtTajfKlitErag-lttirirai- : or Ja rr - i t' :i a -- la. r" . ."a i . . . . a, i . j j---- m juiUiiX JlJ JTlL 31 . , Jt. .iis:s-,uC- Tr cei- -i s j KEHPS ALWAYS OK HAND x tywrcrairEr: rtT Tattft. ClSlC3UaV maatttatn&EfC (rr''n tV -- T T -- - l i. , i T2ua.3nn!CTrjai acu3btSBL I AT REDUCED PRICES J L--- f THE EEsT ES.LTBi 9T CHIlE C1G1ES j, ,nr. , ,l IK ICI1 H.C OJC.11, iOdl mut iouauL2 JLSXt Trr IBA3t--S- a. THOMJLS. LICE. f S C X. Tn cm. "? "HCf. Sal i ZnniL iSIK U1I. Mitt pvsinr jCiirituiiisa, auiC actJE- intb Jc XJtav air !Uit.CAiiiC5rBia&jiiHi5 A.Tsr5cr csSeirin rsr-t--- r --. 02, 3T::c;r. i, i-- e, t&c Tnscw- -t an eqiU9ac-ar- 9 -F mgipii-- e nrahaanrnx. JEf. 2lac 3Clcili .2H- Amt JtfraC n nc Xiiytanx fir T3if ba KT82 L. Vrmc KkSmii. ftrmr. )hA ar nntir-,--linr 3EHStmir Snrm f H at fa" ?n OIL SLACKIKC.-5- . i Y r i; G. S. PfffKKAM & CO.. g C XSCBX, T.tivf.g. 1 !: 20LLES & fe, Irerfs, 3 j VV-- - :&: trr oKixovna niov rSATESXtXTCXB A zI2STCLASS E0HSE-SH0E- 2. ary anowaljj atitmi-eranjiaa- 2atorr fcv ary Txsmoii. r"kTf7"vR"-r- rs . ,1 - ctvt u AtSfiall'TBE ITS3KaC4H. HCeSeSSttZTZOIITY Xsn&Si.ShOn WCi l?ttC2Xisi GXBsuSZiZ flit. - - - fi. W1TST- - z R OFIK STRiM -- zxa- rr , -- - rmr . .. ar rf . . - -- - .a. u.i.- - fjrjrix tnraigaa3ii-A- A sitx jtoft xs. jLGErJTZl yerltifj ST i Vsvfftnrs. fir? j 3fJtt.ii - !jBmr ant aor snut. aau mfljor yi. I nsto 3rTtr rail te jUstaifHai rf .n atlntirat a Tjeanm: o aracij St . eamgaiste .i.w.rarrrr--- r fmo. 77. jnm.r ' - r Jfnsaraart JIaltrts, noaoa Bwrd or rndc rtrrittrs. ! gk.VT$ rr the Hawaiian I.laart.. PWUdclpliia Beard of Underwriters. 4 GK.VTS rr the Itairallan l.la.U V C. KBXVKK Jt CV TRXas-XTUAJtT- tC FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, r HASBtsr.. Otfa-- ? .- - . Ax .Viuu Jrtticri. " " v- - n.Ara. uv, vomica. U.V.tllUKC.-Il-IlIill- l FIBJS INSURANCE COMPANY. rins rxDnum.M;ti iiavimj ntaw .r- - r4iatoi Arfats af tr itw Cia.Dis - vnp. vorrc . aaa.. s iirt ni . xrt.Lxs J .. 1? ws . Mr J al Itrlca. UCSiaSi s rf sh tr r. A. cH-rt- tt x HAMBURC-MACDEBUR- C ........ ... " lllSUliAAUK COMPANY,! or HJOIBCEC Bctldixgs. UEsruisnisE. rrnjri. S3MS&nraeaRsa. A-- JACt;CK.AiTtrtlr HiwiiuxliUtJf. SM ty Insurance Notice. TI1K AG IIS T FUR. THE BRITISH Far- - . Xuw. lMTarp ftansT. rtinatnlt Vn fr -t w fca- - prtor, . n w, r.t. i .riiij TKKia. H. S.VT1IS. ' 'r " Ar.MIrt.Tar Vvr !. Oa. Insurance Notice. I i THE HUIXMR.UI ASC fRUUKED ' rmXm1ibrr. MlnKaMtnub V(trax IbiWlk C JatCL mnc ta ft2as U X3Mjt8tmc r xrcai cr rr,tmtW a! 'aMS i rt c strsy. -- 1 "Jav Ba X3IS Aj-- r atta HrnHi't Faaa fiSSSatfiu. Haxcaa?, At, at. .L IIHin.W IrmiRlMPP rnMDIUY! o " "." fraxcisco. ""'jJITST RECEIVE! ZUIAJB. i TrTl mW Ttl P" BTB aPT afak B"B 'TITt iwhhibj, ,..-- - y- - ai Jt7a X m m i r- - Aa iwc T. 4iL "Vtttir ty r. .Sans SIK IXC O HP OS ATS D, 1S85 CASTLE & COOKE, ACENTS ' Far tar Hawaiian I.Iud.. : NORTH GERMAN PIES IXSITBANCS COMPANY, fapiial, Fire ?iillia Rekfcoark. ,.. :rzr- - T'IS, . M .. . t aalZa, J CTtlLXilaX O-- P 312 Ztm.1 laTaTC . . . aw r' Vu A . 1. .i. '. m&T ltaU Uaf ". .TTT.1A JaTX TpilI. ltwf ;aiii?rraii .i.sCftf ir it. Bt.'rTT. Ti ? - ......... ...-..- .. ... Lloyd ..!,-..- .. ........ iiicununur Ltumrani t. ...., or H. CLVDBJ.CJI. K&all) ITrKnlx. AcciienandLeipriilnsuranceCo., XA. ClHIt rB WRnrXUB ATCK- - W jaaa4 a- cinai anfrteti: aaea. - Ouaaaan. aarr la If naaor aa i .? t jaaVraacaat. m ra u Wht Ki J C.'h.'B.JL i L! jvrmTvr fire 5ivi fetarks ksiraBRR llnmnsnv -- ..j..j CAPITAL fie.edo,eoo T:fJlllZJsJJi2LZLZjZ?i:s,rr aicw4i7nais-s- c Mrti i pfac rfat aW ai-- 3. iaiciK- sax i i"it .ihwil aft fia ria--T awtut. TT a aaTa. Vi.A-- a jav. Jaa fla.n an ai jai Kited aad -- xajaAIrbrrc t tf J. a. WitXE3. oTiSz. idojo. Ji.ri3e iiisuranceCo. of vrurrnBraca. amai " ; CIDES.JIGIKD n ACXnORtXCO X aai. On Cargo, Freight and Treasure Pmm. 5taaaa& a at jorsi afcat aarfcf. latitat Ciiz-f- , br Sp-ia- l Penoixion I ax zii. 3uui foariaMt atmt,, rs-S-F AccxsIrraHjaanIjb3i. FIEEHIS'S FCSD INSURANCE COMPANY, O? SAX FHAXCZSOO. I Z?ii:o and TyTorlno , Caat Caaiui. fctM. i aa jt . Sc-rii- Xb-- l t nafecn tin BdHls. SMtraC jsrA jmrjfif if affar;n. lirt..- - iinmiTHi. 1 Jy rasiL; asE an. rut carftnTr awft- -t Art are! iiDijjiTt secoxo to xoxe. Losses Prcmptlj Adjusted. t SISHOP at CO., t2 tr Armcr9icaHs.rttKiixEtfuift. UffiifiWL 5riXini(DDH aai GU3BE INSURANCE CO. It S.. . - O.JaalUa.U j XTC ESTABLISHED AT CCTCT U H Itr ai- Sjnrnlttvi: 2EtcXrcriv aSt Stat- - amfltrrjCarTyirfgmryt zarrivrjBtaiipiteft rrprflTErrrjinrca wrprnnKP.mi DHTiinGs te fcnnaf scna. &atlt-Jtit- Aa a rlaj -' Mr-- irr f. bIIiiict rf nnasA. iwni Siraaiif ' if ar. .nra. ar -- r jnoiiuasa jc acaaart-- t,tiaaia nraisatrafaist ;riatf rruT.AIrr hr. i fiXii. 2!aKP 4 Ot. JG22H niYIS 233 ZZECASm: INSURANCE CO., Or LOXIXX AID EDUSCECE. laxiiaaieiai mm. CAPITAL. T . . cuvrstts AjacTrraliritaaAAaTati 7att. 1,'jiii HltX EZE5 iP. 21EKU3J triartHraWiRiitrteJtIi(ai.b.atf ar arfrfflras--r a tBrngtrgaro, faHfHwrfcr,utMut.agam. 3toaar-e- i giaajart iff aWlhaaargatitlatiuiawe'yjftC.x XunatstT atrf. DMCAaaxiflMr latrrC raVsHav Buiafa ant yu'uau-i- TSafrer tuMr. ia. is irlffrrr vatk .s a& stR-iMa- . rr xofc israac u4t am arRosxAMa;AO GEEJLAX LLOYD Ja3JK liSBiOK CSaSfsiJ Sf Bslfe. F0P.lC.fA fegfilaSgraKCrSgjSaTetggat JTTSX 1EIE rAMTtaSrZ tTMKrATTCS J. ijT ruJnhm.ir-t 1 4sn!u Acraty iiac ti fiat xuuontmaL. rasrsai pranctsexrismcssc av acx XAtAa aesAaaa caw Ctaae-ptr- taw Baa ca Out JEa.it r. until Ifi. TmUr. nA atadkt Xtna 7xaawMir Trasa. S:t T A "frrEJAAri! fcrTQ-i-arg- Agnar .hej: Msgh&a&H&Bill&ksmmste. IICEroEAT9, latt. ii; PK3f FA UxtmdLiftUiKr&KzGi, Saffiriya Icui sx it sons iavuiut 7nrr ExaacjAt XXvra- - rrftaa-- f irjaa 2EZ3l ASZ. TZAZS-yEUaTI- tZ KtX A :. I JtaxbtaLremmxc fiocauiwa ra&7 jxm 25 acta C nxdavjtssunnt iarntrhi&w Trrday f cafrr at jejt 813,300,000: ItainT rait Usrm&i U.wirlM Aea7, SA9JOOO CASTLS. &. COOKE, AJEMTS C3XUM Jieca J 2 TVKTJCBAaTAAiUrlSllaVAZZlaw Jr nsorantt jjoftrts. l A. .SCHAKPKK. (iEXT itrilnncollmnl ofDiMltnrTlIti JL fOH"tPo4lVat4frStrH7, A)rrt f TVn a.r if VJTtlTv rid ) NriaiCMNnm,-illIlianK- ti t4 K. Vt V Kr- - iH V. mmI Ikwa ToHJ. fHS It WILDER & CO., AEf-n- fttr lb llamtllnn Island, 0 TllK Mutual Life Insurance Co. j or xsw iork, j Largest, Safest and Most ; ECONOMICAL LIFE INS. CO. T7T TWR WO'RT.Tl . Assets.(isso).s90,000,00i jt.-t- . -- ..-- i Vn-nri- c a CinA TMmo . tn Te I -"- -- iUOkl.U Swnkairbit.raMRu.il.kn. M- - -- Ik. j j I I ( PQ- H- vat. iiuj iiuu umutiij in. -- THS Complexion and Teeth. 4 XW ,D TAH IBIX rRElAR.T10 -- A, Pga ed br all t t , jao--t ftttta 1 HtitMat. lallit oJifr ptorioo U H1:r.ifmJf "' " ra! iW IwaJii JIIv0 " J i" " J"iac la caaaiw 9sttr tx - " .jj-- - IHOLLISTER & CO. r3ats 4 ApoUMcxrKMi, ij jayaataa MrreS .Hooolala. -- nr- C0StCHEE&AHUlnG "IDET STKEET. ABOTS KXSO. Hew Goods of Various Description- - Chinese and Japanese Ware ' ALsa latest sttlt ot FIIRnPP8 MnUCITICC IH 1CUJCI dv isci.BK ",u"u , v.. ..u-- vuafii. Sili HasdkereMefj hemstitched). AH reor 14 -- aLttii. A riXS ASiOZTKEXT OF JaDanese . Lacnuprprl warp ... -- ,r, M li &L."WA2ILN pnrflture JlaDOfaCtOrT J. H. BRUWS, JR., PCASCTACTtXES; ITT T7TTnfI ntl TTTm BTTTTTTTTI T1 nlili KINlii HP MnOililnl. - -- -- -- - ...,...., it Tur i nurcT nniprri HI I nt. LUrVCOl rniuCO! ALTTATS OX 11A.-VD- , AXO ORDERS RILED AT SHORTEST NOTICE tee ruasnc2z IS JLTOFTH BEST SEASONED STUFF, axj No Pains will be Spared TO SITE 3ATISFiCT10R TO HIS CUSTOMERS. Cpblalrrtatr Done ta oritr. Coffins Always on Hand. " fCALLASU SEE.- - Iy . --. - t .1" I I Ilia aia!a a.at aWaaaa IiMa aatW LUhTnAuIUn a LiUlLuEn HnLD,B Ei.T H""?. tipuoafie, uoaeiaiD, u. 1. - I.UB1 . Mouldings, Bracfcets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doors Jjl'. tS tad! f rviwa-- t ns4ti. ITffTBffig, Scroll anil Band Sawing! ALLKIXItSOF pa ry a. " l - 3crticj s-- asd Tesaatigjj. OZBESS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Aa4 aTark Uauxalta. fefaa fctea an ataer Iatertt adfcauil. ravawaac.Kxrit. 1st is C3-u.iaxr- aa arell37-- , XAXC7AC7CZZ9 07 BZTINZD A. NO. 1 StTGAB ZT 37 3E3I OjEl2ar, Prsriesf CGGfectifissr I Pastnr Cnnk sii-s- r Pioneer Steam Candy, Factory TJD EL TJCLSU 2T13JLK3.& Tvtwf!mi.X.l ZetuH ivzm-- H&if nrcbssitsAcrrt 5tr a T7cta. AXS Gr2sPittna XrtiitaaCc&etarivwt Xtait Wedding Calces Ornamented feateaaj&trcs? Ari. t EiA Irtri St si CSnKatr&rertas,. Csxxzzi zA. St.Tl ZtoUi Atnrta t--rt. Xautaaa d Tart tttlyr JUST EECEIVBD LYHCH'S BOOT FACTORY AyzTTasTtverz or La&s' Miss ss' cjA ZMztfs Sfeas . XOiaaYEBX VUV.LV TttU CASH ut rjFFEZ-G- M KOSji. COFFKE, kctihffl. 4orti(n olires. , WILLIAMS. DI2I0HD & C0 Shipping and Commisstoa MercbantJ M nCkMrata$tml.lUamiM. lr I W. H. CHOSSMAH & BSO.. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 1M ClMtaber ntrret, TCcw Tork. Xtfimtt CatU A CVxAf. an! J. T. WtltrlotM. H. W. SEYEEANCE, Hanallan Cousal and COMMISSION MERCHANT 311 Calireraii Si . Sta FriMltcs, Cal. SK Kmo N 4. It CARLSON & CT7BRLER, Agenta "4 505 Market Stroot, San Francisco. SBUj FAIRBANK'S Wagon, Planters" and Platform Scales ALL SIZES. AIM, Atacr of Sinjf ta Bro. KntHth A Am.tkia Oast Stool, Rtud, Sq u J Ftai ; u4 Sri't XtMhcVg Co't Tiro. Too. CatOk and Pick SteL Stfl Hirroa- - Tnta. Wrf(, Craa-btrt- , e. Sat Sprlngi. Cun Sariatrt. Axitt, Jtc. IT" ADDRESS. FAIRBANKS A nUTCnUJSO. Xa,l VarUtStmt. SS3a &UL Fttaafaea. Cl. CSTABIJ.HIICD. 13. H1DJA RICE MILL, CORXKR or r Million and Fremont StA, Sas Frinciica CAUrURMA. rpne dia mcFlilLu ner i years .Z??gJZrSSk,l taa worn, in laaraacaaM. ox Cleansing and Polishing iwn-w,t-f-- FrcMlacra rrara S to s pr crnt. Sort UuataCa!artlc4 Mint f Aautaraua. THE H.THA RICKUILL fa SOW IX FKHTECTEC- - Dulling and Dressing of Paddy UNCLEAN ED RICE rnc I& Baaalaa I.ladv la wakab M U tpMitBT dwuwawna V Pmkfy and HuHtd Kk Win netira praatat aa canal uttaaaa. m h. oaianwooo, Grl CataalMaai Xmlui Mat PnaHaM' af IU BXaL tj to DR. J. COLLIS BR0ir.iE'S OECiionoiATisrH 13 THE OKIOISAt AXD OXLT OETDTflr. CnUIRUOTXE U 4aiat4 hr la Pfafcuaa Mk ia am .aaaulat aa TdBtato nawt, .Tfr aaaartfart. CIILOBODTXE K la kaft laiaat taawa far CaoftH. Oimaaalaa. Biaaialiu. AKHUL CULOSOOTXC aOeaaaltr caadu aaa umti tkoa laeaftoa aulaMM-Bata.t- ia. FrT.t, Cfaas, A tea, CXILOBODTXE na a cam la DUnhan, aad H ta eat tpraW la Caaarra aad &reuij. CIILORODTSC affpctatr caw .aatt aa attack. f Baaiiny. HfMnia, matuaa. a4 aam CnLOBUDT.IE I. ta aarr aOMNe at Xaanlfia, Karaaaoaa. Oaat. Cunr, T?oa- - uf. VntiMi, Ac Traat w". TmaH PMrif r, V. D.. anMr Inuiir at iu gywra't Hgted. Laaaaa - -- 1 kar a amtaHaa is Kittir nu I k.i Hm aW MfBlaallwta-cadea.- .all tpmodtc mat ScMtaa. lUnnH Hta tanaafBB. iini, anatraaa. mjrfothtf li. as4 aa perfcetfr uaOl wHk tat maha." - Etri BMat caaawafcatat a at Catktt af PSjt. iu, mxt be bat nertrrt dtfraleb fraat Hr Majrur-- a Oaaaal at Vaaa n tae Ct aVat ekalira baa Iml raf. tax IfJttOr. aaa Ohm taa aalr naai, af aar ank. aa CaxaxasTXZ "Jwtaur, IH Dtt.akif. B41 CJI6TI05. Bra-ta- r or PtaacT aid larr.TMaa. Tb paktle art ranker ea.mn.wl : a hrmr af ta mnwl atasaa fcavtac iva to eb kaawtaSx cf &a Baart af lafaat RrrtM. CA CT10S. Sir Part Wetc" Katnl that Dt. A Ouh Baor was lateakli y t a.talat af Cauaawi. taat taaatarjof IkeMfMuon oHa. mutr aatrae 1K, bd lirnul t aar. bai aata raarx ta -- i Tiao Jn r 19 IWt HaBMtlnttlt 1 j. Za. J . U. ai. aadllL (sua. 5aaa to rr..i- - :U! art. "Dr J ObtUl SaOVSE" a tt O rsaMat ftiat Orrrvbataiag aHical terliat r accs.acr.aM-- . tme btl. iit XtaS--'t- r J. T. DA VE.TPORT, S1 A3aF It ZVMafrr7 Loaa--s. Imti la '. k W a. fcomm A Ca . aa. J 0 toa itt t pyp - -- ifwaarK3.ftr3aaMMainaTlTtT lliiMiilillWaViilil Corner Beale and Howard Sis., aavrzAS-c-uo- CAUrourrA. r. H, 7A7I02, Ptt JOtZTZ X003Z. Is;' BUILDERS OF STEAM MACHINERY n Atx. m asaacKKt, Steamboat, Steamahlp, Land ENGINES AND BOILERS rtTXX TZAariA, af t UataaK tastu atca Baa f Vaat, tnai at . OKrjfXAETXSUIXcaataMUe as arira. aac. nXTJlll LA CACHES. Zufa a4 atwa Tact CO, acraaat l ntataaat ta St 1iU tt wsaa rr art is fc laaaanau f. Want ta4 oVaetaf waUr TTAjr ROH.Z.V. TMUttHttUMfMHtot aiataf IU aatoralacd vrfctaaaaalpat4 ast bit far .-vf ytgtawt. CClJ.BtMJD JrHTCAS.nAISC A ClfiaEBT atatt afltr at art trr,ai tUaa. AfMtA&savn-I-- mkmi4 aUrtaak, a'ATKJS riPCrtf E4r tMttIa, tfttfail, 4t at aacaW IraaaVt fw avaawanc tftjtw. or S rsaat. aU4 . yvX fc, ipw; natr av t rtrrtct t (. niDwcuc ztrtmxa. Aiir ., rt uU ty aaiaatlaaw. ttttud t? Hjlrz HrrSexTtWttn, .w-aaa7c- - ictttf aa. VtlrytOIUL. aa , cefauat, aim, anto, AVaar4fAaaasa- - faa a4 afur Ca swt artsrrw yttax. FCWP, MrAtahM, fcr UfauHmwatT tcnU lr vrertblmztttH nptrx Sfawaa Vwaa. , r!;F4Kfc- - At tttOS XTOCU. AX. 'J UmV.Htiuk. tiwt vs. IvsUjtVfVyjLZS A c JTcrMW SQU.ZS a C. rfarp r I

Transcript of T'IS, · 2015-06-02 · BL r? e Hiuaiian asrtte (.. n rj i w lm itnilmitakiUat rrwjMixr In. r. t...

Page 1: T'IS, · 2015-06-02 · BL r? e Hiuaiian asrtte (.. n rj i w lm itnilmitakiUat rrwjMixr In. r. t UWUWil 1 I Mitta 00!. la' i Oftt t M wb iw lira ROBERT GRIEVE, iiUt-ai- .-. TMM nm



Hiuaiian asrtte (.. n rj i w lm itnilmitakiUate In. r. t UWUWil 1 I Mitta 00rrwjMixr ! . la' i Oftt t M wb iw liraiiUt-ai- .-. ' ! TMM nm

ROBERT GRIEVE, M iw in HON II Mi liraHtWIf U LNm t ImAmI "W ta ta w o a otHvtry Tatacday Srmlmc. Qttr or cataaia It OX U Me 40,0TJrM.fCfl.mn ism Xmlaotlum

11 tii panics tek issue HKf(. II Stat j uw rataTTW Ottawa HOC, S ' W t0 TO e MMMrivir rx a rji-vr- - y Catena, .. .'

i-- R4lm. CpJ ka Jwi4 fr m rr. m4r ot wl fir lht mim. ak r fc baad.itMTwtMtsvaM''riltitiitl7.

X. a Alt HKlt a4TwtiMnla mt aKewr!,alia Ih. tj .arIVn4 la. r Mtn J !Or. I la awar Isi OaW VOL. XYII.-X- o. 14.1 HONOLULU, WEDNESDAY, APRIL Uxn. ttrnimr.Xtrt.MilnlataalM.aKlsaa46 1SS1. WHOLE ITo. 84V. milttaMM 1W JU.I.ra AMirWma jTtltlWM.all, w na

im s

2tnn3brr G-r-

I lyVi."1WSaaaraa. aafi Jaa at

0N taa aaay at aVkaaaai-laa- Mt

aWBC hK yk 4HhW' VPMK Wl VfaaV wiflHL SayWSaT' 'a.,.raaVBaa'aaaa'aapal aaafajt 'aaaaaBaafcjaajafllaBi aaa aHHaakrVaapfa Baaa

T mWu .an iiMjin ai4l iaa

t nHiB aaaaaaaaac tatty aaaaaiaaX.

aaa" aaaaata? aaaa BaraaaBiaa VMM

NMftl aaa.aaa- t- t ii tew

Is aa --taa 1 aaaaaTaara.. tltM&S Mlrf M m WW. ta aaaa kaaataM1 taa a tin a ita. aaaaati 'ta atajal

aH - T Baamaaaaaaaai, lmaa aaaa. aa aaaaaj

KWMT HKtawaTaarWaaaaaa.7 Xaca




-J-E J. mtmtrm. S T taanatJNMi.


IkraWurrdaOKTVr laanm SaaTi iwaaa

taaW-aw- t

aaM It tf MM li . la awaa wastaaai at at XU a- -i aK tm

I inaaaiil 1 na.i na. afcni.i afaw fraioifc

JNWI aaoa aaaaaj mat tfpiatlv :l fmtL - JWaa aarfc Ma aaAaa SateC JaaaBt BaaHMIa

miA aaaaT anK m.J.. Jainauil aala1ll.aavaaaw II lliaBJ faa

aaai I aaa OMK. &Nki a. XkaV'tsiKiiBaaaaaaaaBklaaaal aaat aaaaaaal fl1 flaaaaaaa? aaaaaatfL Saaaaaaaa Baa VaaaQha

-- I laarr iisulal .)Way wayMam-paa--- T.lii.nrrVkaMaa

It lilaaajaWaaaJlaa.aaffil'iaTaaH'aaaaatafcaaaaaa.B aaavs. wm. tt aaa aaac t.iunaC ma Tfv aaaaaaVat aat M BaaaQ- aaf aaaaT faawiaaVaT'aHSc '

amaaaaa.aareaaj aaiainnaai if aim aju if. ) laft to aa awt St (a aaWCmaWaV

r laaa f taw Jat3t."aitt faaAkaaSHaaC.

Haaat afF"n. to waw mu mtms aam uulL aaaCW ay.aaaaial Bll.t: it aM"1"' kaai lag, laai aaaia laaa tollaWfcaa ay? rihinaVvwnBas aaaa Haawiiaw


.rarxk-- T mn max 3. awe aat saw av" L.1 -- ta.a'irfh. atl-I-ir

taaaaava, Tad. atBaaa- aaw i jv awm aaa MaC -- raaaaaata, tf lila,U. ato Cat

v .n rimj MiT aW . -

uaaahnaaV t dWlraaaaHlaaW r E

P .

Sta-- ai w.T-- c. m kaw Jaw kawc -

tat torf- i 4t luw

aai itoC aat to. Itec. ant auar Jar aa? Ah

iir. Cwliainm, Ja.'iwuiTa- -t Boaa-- V 1 MIIIW aa-a- a- aav laac

. Stat . a--tar caw --to 0aiJ..-a- av K aara"-- octur amusoois. tginatii. ',

.aaaa.an mini iiin In BjlHuii.A.e. -. ira-aa- .i ... hams. m.


a i-t- TTl-i- rlh

"" "

fAJfSZAmZ'iLniLat ka-aink- aair

--nar iia. aiwm lt .aaaaaaa ataat aaaa-- aa . T- J- uatin- mi

at, aa etc af to--t kaw 'Soda a

r tK AaBaar ato an tow BJsaafrd:: aaam am numuBjn.

aa A. m ..a aar .n 4aa .: fcakd A aML. X.

aaavaaar T & aVRt aaaimna fAtaea. tt xaaaBatiar aamaec Sfef n,r avimiftiir. as.--ataaaiiillii uat aWaa--ak mt-w-at af aWrJaa-aB-V ,

--aata Aa.affflaaaKaMB.M taa. aJaat-jriar- haagf Tl7 JtT -r- - awa -- . JJc

ai Uk satta at--

it aont aanaf ax -- "" i f , .aaaraaa-aaa- c. aatf ar taata ac at aunaataaaaaaaaatr n at at-5i- cr a3ap(v t ski aaC a! Cawaaaaaaaak. at taa tw--t jtaanK. "

Taa jta aat if anidt-(raa- ci. ovkaMaaataataaa-o- a' akcati aat aaJmnauiat 4f tbvattjttaai haaaSaaaaTBBW-iaaV- i'a--v ' aa paavT intHa-'iimt--

aja aaa aaaaaraff iaek. ".J- S.-- ..aav --aaflaavs. 7f ..a aaaaaaaaiiii.ni ail. w av .

--antat it joaafi.'"raac aatavtm --a"? t aor

naavaaa nataaont -- -.b--A a." fc at wiiM -c aaav a-- aw

Sit Bar ami awmc a?

WaVriaaaaaasM. St isa. aw s aae J--aaaTa a --?Tin in laaiiin ii amiiia ! i in lamii a.

-- v. , aa.. aVlalu,- -, jtenna a. ,

St INa--rt at fiMarial ut iJlal ae--

aaut Caatliitl war: c --c aunntik. ram ac La-at- SJM it Faanuiw

JUtaa Piarorai Caa- -t 3UW A3S- -aatC SJa! - Ciaiiai-iiifiii- i-. aw

B. taaanal. --KNtlaMM awaBarataa. t ft Ontinflii. SUaVt A.

a raw. Tumi B. MHAbV A rar j a. EJPttaT r '"rX.ljner'

katolail-am-T-5aal-ai- aat

iaaaaiwiiii aareB-qa-Bc- an azr tc a.

Jav f Ait it mt aMrJai aM iC a.aaw "aaaaat. saaai. aavaaaaaac an. tm.;

aW aimu af nMfr-wirinioii fc'uatv r arr vafasr --r-

TWaaaar aaSBa timnua --- - Srfrf'faibi--t- - a.

aaatf TtWaC aaaaat afWIaf atrt aaaaatWaTa aaaaaaa aaSHJ aaaar'aaallaqjRaJawav attar a--r 5-- noir ina; e

SH T a21aCaTSS- - 15 Xaaat Cafaafataaaalak,

L--fJ!, "-- " a, "tin 1

WFL 4atfkBaHaaa VflfifaHaW M' aaaaaaV fSSSFHWC

m ill I aa Eaynftniiii. - kaaCniai nftnif.

" an if ii iirn " n: arm tn-a- r at

lSs t.ani ,


iaag jca fc aw ynwicaa. aaat.i masn tc aar

a--tta Jumarx CairiT

B: CViwnraMC me fljat aw aaaot at ayniiiamiii.aaaaigratt- -

e aau jhk ifaatur aaanaRiaar aair aOHOE

b aara jt ai.i itain "Tin CuaaabrAra aaaow. asetn-- SttaaiMiifiu.

aauWiaa taaiaaara Tw Cajauttu asuainEKCTwb, tmiuiaaai. iate hc w ar

teawsat aflaa- - am sanSar rwatmE !luima- -

ruifDaa.3E1l& arrtferrHL" TtrUiHUllrfnt Antwi rBsaraoaia? rf.ataVamtrftaaaKlalfti

taaWrSttcarHfBrHBa waa.Ksa4m rf iiiiaiiiaittiT a ". bas aait B1--

ate fuaUrl taat. EtBiw imirilll Mas SSI.

jrf ar T gM& aw--a atraa tMW.-.u- n

' r' ' " 'if ttTT, ajM In ih 1lirnnrrr gw.

.JUlA HUI TUmrarf TT "" f"" ' "" rfeirinraan-- Ij rn. .... - . .!. . 1Tm i.fli 1

ZUfci aaH.3lrtmarar dtf 0-1 ail.B. nanaaaaw - - '

aat? nasggrm. ae tfhH- - wtj3iiciaeignair-gui-j- ar ataamd aaj tj

t mooxMrn-- '' Vs. - taaaniC a n. .ju. Ta-ir- -. - -a i amrrx: ss BaaBa .tarns p TOtt

! aetw Mnranr atc aiiTTHTtar ar gnsxr - -aft. aft Willi I TIlT TTT TflTT H. affaCaaUUT

aai"5 a'aaSri.T. tea, tmmi--a z . .u. - I 9 If..-.hi rrETirr. 7Hfa . M. itt .tm.. I.

aflatiaiaui. 'Eui 'M.ar-.dur- a: crira-?i amOBiQgx

" ,"1 JTH T"r-hiBn inTi ii iiiiif rirrrm-i- r

Ji(t 3BT 3TI2Ia-- n.ia--r --ktUH..i - ,

rjctrrarMBtf ariilr.a.asCa-3ca- w JJBC3 rfauina asne af Sat ctosuc aaa auiMy1TrTtTT m anul tiror jsaiiny inn 'aurwa tramrjaa

33ra3XX3. a m Sal Shb: aai wait jna-a- Ein.fitMmB ilMtiiouroawa; .wu-- 1asa"trfiiu.

am. jTaa. A.

SrSMRK K-- k.

S.K.SOT.T.OnstSIir a Ur a Xeajy P&MScw

matmwtf hr.w aawaa, UKa


bku. ii. Arsrrr.t v;uhjvijiv UA.-S- hwsat y. w SaritaamfnT wm. -- :

SwaaVNT 'Way V i--i .t w . Sg jy

Mil" ttmc yT Lt Jntjai.a. BwrtiiN. 1W

5jejm.wn. . ?w--,m imNi-ai.niKii- K .fcfa,

f acsamas xxr ewaassHart awawaitt.raaa. T.i

r. z. xssrsAy Jt col.

iaa yaaraygr.'- - BitnoAlt.

JU Jt. CXirKUCBC Jt: c.- - -

nF4asc .Mr

GeneralOmniigrmiaa 31.mixia?raj. 1



M -. jT-r--t aVM- -

nutKK JC coQavifV T far: 4aL tiPlinff ttlvf Iljiiitaaw

lata; ?im.. Sk, Xt S.3t i ScSteafnJ. Xttoeitiitf rwer'tagit- -

HKs.JL.at.yn.i.rXjKSSoiAr Xkra ' fy.rt.V f.V.

IK la MMK. KnUAJIUU. L.r ar .

J30L.L.ll JC C- O-

atOMr, aiiim.aiii-.sv'.wa'-

arfUMMia .bewtiMa jmnotm- - H 83

Jft. r. KlAXJiIt! JL COTtl.l'i.rK IX 3tXT ?We JLX3 erXELl

i atmigan i.. lia-.-ir w- - ntu.f laraVS: .

COMM1SS.OK MERCHANTStt 8an .i o jtr a Bar aVnrir. antripimt.

VTwaM. auiHninii. )C B-

imt ii t i ta V- - H--l ..-..-. F

XRLSr2TOiSti. 0XX2iiaXiK jfiiS. fya -- ,,,..m 5. tH.Je. a a. '.- a-- rail-"- - ""- '- ""- - ""' -- -


JOIW T 1YA.Xl5iKAOl.li. I;i.. iT-r-

, j,t, ... j. --J eiTrrii iXZSHAX3aZ.

'Jlnan ifca'- - TimiiailT C. ---TXQ. JL. SASS3SCES.

Er m

t1st tS . Mcl.TKh A BKOT11LU.. ktg3P.'T'?l iiiSUwl 3--ft ' ''- -.


- r a-- ..

. ., j r i trmn--T

a cooke. I

. . '

ar SnamaUL.


j "a. Aa SL.tajk .J aaairaa . f..rlaav S Sre aSwav4atuAnM T Mf

-. L

vjw . a.; ; a r ati sTTK03rO"r - vmnr-- rt r TiaaiffmirT saaf, jataa lva - Sa Ina a -- - ---

Ofii.x amua v A.X. JrV- - TT. 'VBtKTOTA CO

i. fo-- XajL B'oarartinr Jam ct Ctaofc .

aaC tlawanajDHOit aaTXara Jdaaaaaaaav-


E . UXXX3ACO-Cla- .

ATSJQ33T AT IAV 3ZI. SiTTIJtrTi J' "Mlafta rtB'MUtaaiC

i.x.:. . ... . - -ics 5 J iciK-B-&p-i3iM sr --ajr- .--. - ., w, ma,

jj-- .

M j'rxr --.tt i,-cS Va .Li-arrajitpr- tr Crz.

inriaJiur- - '' IawliM!r1n.-.rrjni- ftaiciitftgadmac -

mmairt "w !--. 7i.it Jl" Janann itt-M-G.

3y i

:otsxi- - '

aau .' aTaaw "ltiat. aatnan.-a .i wa-ttt-f-. a. 4h Sia.. aaQg

JlFHftT 2B3JH st J'lEt iCrtHt... . ,.. i.

aaa- -r a--a- -- aa.

"'" mirriAro i- T . '

rnrrc- - 'nai Ttir aitiiiniaKmnrBmmtjilt. X I

XI. O. r a T T. Jt -- 0i.-.ru - tu ..-r-n TTiTTT.t rr TirnriTT. . --,, ., - - rwriaasjnaaaa-a---- -.

wl iraata

Tiw"m 3

CEcoiSIiSSEnsr'Tib r ;n-- r r-- 3r

y a- - -- 1 -- r1 - V--. i ...... iuj. --j. Cn-t-

aaar I t la lyaMH. Sto ttCECXL. BUOTTTl.

. i.j i t--t inr.i I'l .1 ...jtp "T.rir.SSaB SaTKuK iTr

atiuaaVr aaiaic Banaanai tfBMr.;uinrhat (ana.

a t) ani numiu g a. aanaate: 31A- - arTTiEO- - H IJATXXarS.

gaaar u , j i aai ;. .

pErrrr m iiitijni.ni-ait-j .r-.. . -

ma.Ha.nf Hi. ...aqaaa IiaO. i. an aliabat C Sa-at- a. arnBnnwa aBiB5;i3 ak a. t aaa Saaa ': ar

a,itaKavi. . mai- - .

risn.ri COOEE.itti cnoocsacx

Qsiiarc is C2S '

aatmajj--- . Tlniimnu. JacrataaMtrc

SBFSiVlft. j

11. aim. wiut tViaarMt- iftf fTHiacBr.aa lli giniuamiJi louim.

1. ir air.M.n.Tw4n. j

Jl. "Wr.. -- . T

ib i.ainaaa traa ia-

aa. a. ra, f aat jam

.Sia2-aa-7-- a. ' -. ,SJ5.ia.AL,rr - - iVimT riVTH-- u -

.,.-.- - ..a.- - a, jaa.3

lSlil. tl-- UttZ-im- il H. & rTrTlMUl-- -t.

Srar'Tj 1


rJElHibiaTC 333H Uhr'iJIJatDL : : : tTllilllll

S.ma: SoniCr,3'.i ninj.

3Evaiaraixs3aE.u2uu2uif r I



XkS. BSOBTE.3E,ior-Kici.7M- X aiici. !

? aa aataSM r ftimi t at TV- -

wil Ott !tir SnnBrvviKirr kuio. xrX. COOK JTEBB. 2E. 3X

HOMEOPATWKT,tti- - CaStf ? Sa VumfiaaclK B'ti'filn'- - VO '

v iv ji.ir st-- rv

lawafc ww ssk tabJMto'w.i Lt. w fta.Ji X--. Mi.ttTjr--L . so

Nwrrt!,rtr3tvt3. .

awteiaWiaajijiwt c jitt tame - ,

CA, TV tllT-XC- K.

3COT A TC5T S TFHTiTC,Ayiataato ItrrrKaatxajjaa itaCcata


t m aj.w1. mw .. , 1C.,,,.:iia i5Tlri tJAJIO X- - JIOXSAKKAT.

Atrsrr.ej- - ar.i CctiseWcr atI aria.. acae-- - 3wattolr


EOXG GCCVX Jt TTT OSG. tJLmttAM.Lta GfntT2&t Sdjyixc y

"Cla3mr name-ra- t ,rvr ImJnJt MM:I CC- - tt 5 5hnt ai-- Sii Sk Muamt Jaws.

"WwcMtiicabtewt. r

c j.ixg.Iraccnr. TTl-sJissl-e ssi Sea3BiAisr

r "" jwn- -r --raat-- - rJnwrS arCK.i-.- -n nd. jeratw.













"ggLiHiil ha. 1aa e wb m-- ate learntX aXmcumiriMKMa. UWaXV

-- - Cilia C.Owcraawam Jftrrfcta ai Ctwr-- rf ftnearc- -

i15.i-W-aia.a- x.yWii.f Xr&rjnaK INc&jaav. iaaawwc

! TK"iti.r ir. xin7L

r3CETXi3 AX "XLEJAIZ t'---

It FwatMaiWhi. OucAaf Kaav Ova, 3Mav fw33.'i 'i3 raM f aHiBlMBK rinuMNa--r aWuWti

- StaVwf KtaA. n OSaV KaaaMik. V I

WjUX&a-- a fcBOSSSISOX..'ymgil-.wr- T V X VSiEWJ

sria:at, .t sr.x..a UWa HI- ,-

2sirauctt?irijia;A A JtrecluJ,. :?a. Sittalc 5U I 3f


i. rT-iri- - Jz. ;s; hum.! i dtur-s-. if Aif X3HFHniL

a-- aanma m a : wci-- aa Clua.OaHaisitic iftL. is Jbnner a awa a

mnaai.a ArtK. w


Tr-nrrn- .tTT,airir?iMt T77riTt3Li HMfirS TTl IT iilma ''WWe!i--, Smutt-Z-L.

wwia.aawMiL yw a-- ?Vtwi. (

T 5Waar Waitadn.. h

SKSTa .- - v n--n, jaom .aa-i. j i

'T nnc r r rr . - - rv. ..v..ciawiii in --KBuJaaaJtraofc ;: riTrr.,xxag jjgxz. aMiE-azxsr- Axn t

XaaataMJa.xa-An- .. 9BHllltvatim IIJHOT cnutnar m mvmm A.nnt-ia- .r tatc Jkaan--

aaBfi - JartaaT JtriarlkaWj ut afct-4.-

aaamy Jnadt JlaCv Xra ai KaaHv M.

AXJLE- -f jc soBxo;". rj Jaaiuiuafl. t--- j. L

Toirtiaa " a ..7 .. ZM V... .X .nf aa

;xfca.tfa.XcJ. fa, fa.fcL II

r..,wa-T-a- t33CJOCAJSC.




irrnjur T3ko- -e? tjLruj-- o l

aWT -iJiaj t.Jw.a .1 uiZitiauaisamr


t--rf OBaa-aaSa- a,

A. a: rillcucetfaaantaraia-inis- r jait tMiiarait taivyim c

aatmc ttck 3ar.sr '

JSTJEraSa" ittniisz.

frazix: xoaz cwxnc xx .u no- - Mta I

vauiaitiaf mat jturatomm ip


Jaw IT I a.GREY & CO., as nt.ipMJ"Jw"Jw ut aoio. tn

TI KIL'nc tr oianeSm. arf I !,n. TOM fHutn:

" "

rnri1 j t--- i !...- -,

AT'PfC tn3ti' 2. tBZ H2S,pxtxraiHJAs ix9rxuii,iJnmi.-mliiw- J

Jt f lalfflllCT A TIIj. ieast

ra tt ..... rr . . . r.trerfcionra .wmat. uyimu. arnromuinit. rsas rant;fJ''"' TS

TtET7aVOIOLIXAJt JXASET.C arAiiXE. Prsrprtrire-- .

SIIT "var z&mciatfti-- .

AjUtlllmr .CT aarlArtC :&avC XoaV.cc acrtnGX.

aSrTaSirf - aSMBaaaaat. ,M -.. u- t- - u.r- -aja jEOirreC t3 tatraic om--c tom-i- c

.a' ra... mmaTJiakla T a T?artfc.m ? ta anbf -

ift-atmr tfaa s&msli -- : Cii4taR. .r 1 i j- - ,-- ; rr ... -.. zrSTjrSa "ZST.- - .a-- . 1

...a... ...at art Wl --J. -- ,!aaSraa aar- -- - ,

i- ' - i J . i a r t - t

fJ. -- :a ". ?f' T 1

Tjaj,fcraae if aii Xtmm imt taTn.t.iriramianif. 13. 3h--T" n Ala 3Caw: Sihh fin mmm? i

- r 'Tn:

aiaaaaaaaa 3KXZVL HXHL JjKiltgirX J aTiSIttlg' OT. ,'ncHHii.tT ?2a;2a f


aa-- ttr lUty . I'aTaaitanaar gavm rliaiat;cxa iry ta jaib-- a anCLaajkB. j,

Iff A. iESUEEE Haaao&xXafct.I m

fJOr. &&,

x?RrE- -HrawasdSlc&PstrzvIpn'Kasscrv&Th

3vro3trola.xj.t Tailor.c c couajo.


u . w - . . - ..... .

Candy Manufactory and Bakery;

$$ Rsrr.r.wii. aatTWe. StrHOyOLTTLTJ IEOX WOBSS CO. t

Vi S5; r;"r !" fT """;M-"- i

Machincrj cf Every Description, I

;. ... ..... . tT!L'rag;BtaMif,ai'mw'Ttl- CT"MJ:i'taMTaHajfc. .rtjtit i


S "w. ajjl Slipper..


x 6mc Wit Kto sent.iC vowur'tcamj ttMt a nvofi xt .

MwWtruw. B rortar.ro.mr OOMitrf. a tr- rtJU . oitc. 'E(.'ELKaT Jt CO.,

XI5SXIXHS 1IC PECSBSSS,.jrma rr.' arjfwv a,s

m.4?Jr ar

C. E. VIL.tl ...neexxxx. xixTTAcrr: LCTXCiJ

AX3 3X1IXXIXi F?j.iIT) fe Elr ESCSifTKI,rumTlimi3aL.fMie VrtA;utaaWeat !.W W.r.ittWJrfiror.?rTnWiVawn.t.taK Ty



Sl p cto&. pic JUC .eaLaiite & Ijac 4fHC&&raa C

. ...btH M-tt- lii 2M4i

fBfrtC!emXlJ- - xrmmami ynf. i sri.. c-.- v -- r h ir..' iir.r--K oitru w flK mic hw,;

xxrmci:BnE-airswratii?- 3r.is.-jv- tnio et,2aJD'



.Hti- - uincr. narxr ucitta vna- - aLwr-- . a.. n.wrj..ijnHtitrv tt.P a. ni--nf .- -.

rf v t . n.ain. -- i.. . ,,,.aums.

tftSclJ WlgSiS fe Tf5SJe &asj.rjw.' .

- . k

AK I talAfl WELL lUULOfirasii!ianrJtaa!tijmi-- -

Si GmHarf AvWCt JjHi&! Ul . Wrtfc-..-

Lran J'jia.mr SSI. jaxz

fnvpprTiowr " ij v- -. --.v. ..V 1-- -- - at

iJStSaf" r,rrt,tt,&r"IrriaxiEa?aiUSi5irArsOSLSTAX2CCiTX$Z.eXAr

ftiLaiuiTjariafitsaiaagtTajfKlitErag-lttirirai- :

or Ja

rr - i t'

:i a --la. r" . ."a i . . . . a, i . jj----m juiUiiX JlJJTlL 31. ,

Jt. .iis:s-,uC- Tr cei- -i s j

KEHPS ALWAYS OK HANDx tywrcrairEr: rtT Tattft.

ClSlC3UaV maatttatn&EfC

(rr''n tV -- T T --- l i. , iT2ua.3nn!CTrjai acu3btSBL




,nr. , ,lIK ICI1 H.C OJC.11, iOdl mut iouauL2

JLSXt Trr IBA3t--S- a.


S C X. Tn cm.

"? "HCf. Sal i ZnniL iSIK U1I.

Mitt pvsinr jCiirituiiisa, auiC actJE- intb Jc

XJtav air !Uit.CAiiiC5rBia&jiiHi5

A.Tsr5cr csSeirin rsr-t--- r

--. 02, 3T::c;r. i, i-- e, t&cTnscw- -t

an eqiU9ac-ar- 9 -F mgipii-- e nrahaanrnx.JEf. 2lac 3Clcili .2H-

Amt JtfraC n nc Xiiytanx firT3if ba KT82 L.

Vrmc KkSmii. ftrmr. )hA arnntir-,--linr 3EHStmir Snrm fH at fa"




i; G. S. PfffKKAM & CO.. gC XSCBX, T.tivf.g.


!: 20LLES & fe, Irerfs, 3j

VV---:&: trr

oKixovna niovrSATESXtXTCXB A


ary anowaljj atitmi-eranjiaa-

2atorr fcv ary Txsmoii.

r"kTf7"vR"-r- rs . ,1 - ctvt u

AtSfiall'TBE ITS3KaC4H.

HCeSeSSttZTZOIITY Xsn&Si.ShOnWCi l?ttC2Xisi GXBsuSZiZ flit.- - -

fi. W1TST- -z

R OFIK STRiM-- zxa-

rr , -- -rmr . ..ar rf . .- -- - .a. u.i.- -

fjrjrix tnraigaa3ii-A- A sitx jtoft xs.jLGErJTZl yerltifj ST i Vsvfftnrs. fir? j3fJtt.ii -!jBmr ant aor snut. aau mfljor yi. I

nsto 3rTtr rail te jUstaifHai rf .natlntirat a Tjeanm: o aracij St . eamgaiste

.i.w.rarrrr--- r fmo. 77. jnm.r

' - r

Jfnsaraart JIaltrts,noaoa Bwrd or rndc rtrrittrs.

! gk.VT$ rr the Hawaiian I.laart..

PWUdclpliia Beard of Underwriters.4 GK.VTS rr the Itairallan l.la.UV C. KBXVKK Jt CV



.-- . Ax .Viuu Jrtticri.

" " v- - n.Ara. uv, vomica.



rins rxDnum.M;ti iiavimj ntaw .r- -r4iatoi Arfats af tr itw Cia.Dis - vnp.

vorrc. aaa..s iirt ni. xrt.LxsJ .. 1? ws. Mr Jal Itrlca.UCSiaSis rf sh tr r. A. cH-rt- tt x


........ ..." lllSUliAAUK COMPANY,!or HJOIBCEC

Bctldixgs. UEsruisnisE. rrnjri.S3MS&nraeaRsa.

A-- JACt;CK.AiTtrtlr HiwiiuxliUtJf.SM ty

Insurance Notice.


Xuw. lMTarp ftansT. rtinatnlt Vn fr

-t w fca-- prtor, . n w, r.t. i .riiijTKKia. H. S.VT1IS. '

'r " Ar.MIrt.Tar Vvr !. Oa.

Insurance Notice. I



rmXm1ibrr. MlnKaMtnubV(trax IbiWlk C JatCL mnc taft2as U X3Mjt8tmc r xrcai cr rr,tmtW

a! 'aMS i rt c strsy.--1"Jav Ba X3IS

Aj--r atta HrnHi't Faaa fiSSSatfiu.Haxcaa?, At, at. .L


" "." fraxcisco. ""'jJITST RECEIVE!



TrTl mW Ttl P" BTB aPT afak B"B'TITt iwhhibj, ,..-- - y-- ai Jt7a X m m i r--

Aa iwc









Far tar Hawaiian I.Iud.. :


fapiial, Fire ?iillia Rekfcoark.,.. :rzr--T'IS,. M .. . taalZa, J CTtlLXilaX O-- P 312 Ztm.1 laTaTC

. . .aw r' Vu A . 1. .i.'. m&T ltaU Uaf ". .TTT.1A JaTX TpilI.ltwf ;aiii?rraii .i.sCftf irit. Bt.'rTT. Ti ?-

......... ...-..- .. ... Lloyd..!,-..- .. ........iiicununur Ltumrani t.....,

or H. CLVDBJ.CJI. K&all) ITrKnlx.


XA. ClHIt rB WRnrXUB ATCK--W jaaa4 a- cinai anfrteti: aaea.- Ouaaaan. aarr la If naaor aa i

.? t jaaVraacaat. m ra uWht Ki J C.'h.'B.JL i

L! jvrmTvrfire 5ivi fetarks ksiraBRR llnmnsnv

-- ..j..jCAPITAL fie.edo,eoo

T:fJlllZJsJJi2LZLZjZ?i:s,rraicw4i7nais-s- c Mrti i pfac rfat aWai--3. iaiciK- sax ii i"it .ihwil aft fiaria--Tawtut.

TT a aaTa. Vi.A-- a jav. Jaa fla.n an ai jai

Kited aad --xajaAIrbrrct tf J. a. WitXE3.

oTiSz. idojo. Ji.ri3e iiisuranceCo.of vrurrnBraca.


On Cargo, Freight and TreasurePmm. 5taaaa& a at jorsi afcat aarfcf.

latitatCiiz-f-, br Sp-ia- l Penoixion I

ax zii. 3uui foariaMt atmt,,

rs-S-F AccxsIrraHjaanIjb3i.



Z?ii:o and TyTorlno ,Caat Caaiui. fctM. i aajt .

Sc-rii- Xb--l tnafecntin BdHls. SMtraC jsrA jmrjfif if affar;n. lirt..- -iinmiTHi. 1

Jy rasiL; asE an. rut carftnTr awft- -t Art are!

iiDijjiTt secoxo to xoxe.Losses Prcmptlj Adjusted. t

SISHOP at CO.,t2 tr Armcr9icaHs.rttKiixEtfuift.

UffiifiWL 5riXini(DDH aai GU3BE

INSURANCE CO.It S.. . -O.JaalUa.U jXTC ESTABLISHED AT CCTCT UH Itr ai- Sjnrnlttvi: 2EtcXrcriv aSt Stat- -

amfltrrjCarTyirfgmryt zarrivrjBtaiipiteftrrprflTErrrjinrca wrprnnKP.mi

DHTiinGste fcnnaf scna. &atlt-Jtit- Aa a rlaj- 'Mr-- irr f. bIIiiict rf nnasA. iwni Siraaiif 'if ar. .nra. ar -- r jnoiiuasa jc acaaart-- t,tiaaianraisatrafaist ;riatf rruT.AIrr hr. i

fiXii. 2!aKP 4 Ot.



laxiiaaieiai mm.

CAPITAL. T . . cuvrsttsAjacTrraliritaaAAaTati 7att. 1,'jiii

HltX EZE5 iP.21EKU3J triartHraWiRiitrteJtIi(ai.b.atf ararfrfflras--r a tBrngtrgaro, faHfHwrfcr,utMut.agam.

3toaar-e- i giaajart iff aWlhaaargatitlatiuiawe'yjftC.xXunatstT atrf. DMCAaaxiflMr latrrC raVsHav Buiafaant yu'uau-i- TSafrer tuMr. ia. is irlffrrr vatk .s a&stR-iMa- . rr xofc israacu4t am arRosxAMa;AO


F0P.lC.fAfegfilaSgraKCrSgjSaTetggatJTTSX 1EIE rAMTtaSrZ tTMKrATTCSJ. ijT ruJnhm.ir-t 1 4sn!u Acraty iiac ti fiatxuuontmaL. rasrsai pranctsexrismcssc av acxXAtAa aesAaaa caw Ctaae-ptr- taw Baa ca Out

JEa.it r. until Ifi. TmUr. nA atadktXtna 7xaawMir Trasa.

S:t T A "frrEJAAri! fcrTQ-i-arg- Agnar.hej:


IICEroEAT9, latt.ii; PK3f FA UxtmdLiftUiKr&KzGi,

Saffiriya Icui sx it sons iavuiut 7nrrExaacjAt XXvra- - rrftaa-- f irjaa

2EZ3l ASZ. TZAZS-yEUaTI- tZ KtXA :.I JtaxbtaLremmxc fiocauiwa ra&7 jxm 25 actaC nxdavjtssunnt iarntrhi&w Trrday f cafrrat jejt

813,300,000:ItainT rait Usrm&i U.wirlM Aea7,



nsorantt jjoftrts.

l A. .SCHAKPKK.(iEXT itrilnncollmnl ofDiMltnrTlIti

JL fOH"tPo4lVat4frStrH7,A)rrt f TVn a.r if VJTtlTv

rid ) NriaiCMNnm,-illIlianK- ti

t4 K. Vt V Kr-- iH V. mmI Ikwa ToHJ. fHS It

WILDER & CO.,AEf-n- fttr lb llamtllnn Island,

0 TllK

Mutual Life Insurance Co.j or xsw iork,j Largest, Safest and Most;


. Assets.(isso).s90,000,00ijt.-t- . --..--

i Vn-nri- c a CinA TMmo. tn TeI -"- -- iUOkl.USwnkairbit.raMRu.il.kn.

M- - --Ik.j




vat. iiuj iiuu umutiij in.--THS

Complexion and Teeth.4 XW ,D TAH IBIX rRElAR.T10

--A, Pga ed br all t t , jao--t ftttta 1

HtitMat. lallit oJifr ptorioo U

H1:r.ifmJf "' " ra! iW IwaJiiJIIv0 " Ji" " J"iac la caaaiw 9sttr tx- " .jj-- -

IHOLLISTER & CO.r3ats 4 ApoUMcxrKMi,

ij jayaataa MrreS .Hooolala.

-- nr-


Hew Goods of Various Description- -

Chinese and Japanese Ware '

ALsa latest sttlt otFIIRnPP8 MnUCITICC IH 1CUJCI dv

isci.BK ",u"u, v.. ..u-- vuafii.

Sili HasdkereMefj hemstitched).AH reor 14 -- aLttii.


JaDanese. Lacnuprprl warp...-- ,r,

M li

&L."WA2ILNpnrflture JlaDOfaCtOrT



nlili KINlii HP MnOililnl.- -- -- -- - ...,....,it Tur i nurcT nniprriHI I nt. LUrVCOl rniuCO!



tee ruasnc2z IS



No Pains will be SparedTO SITE


Cpblalrrtatr Done ta oritr.Coffins Always on Hand.

" fCALLASU SEE.- - Iy.--. -

t .1" I I Ilia aia!aa.at aWaaaa IiMa aatWLUhTnAuIUn a LiUlLuEn

HnLD,B Ei.T H""?.tipuoafie, uoaeiaiD, u. 1.

- I.UB1 .Mouldings, Bracfcets,

Window Frames,Blinds, Sashes, Doors

Jjl'. tS tad! f rviwa-- t ns4ti.

ITffTBffig, Scroll anil Band Sawing!ALLKIXItSOF

pa ry a." l -3crticj s-- asd Tesaatigjj.


fefaa fctea an ataer Iatertt adfcauil.ravawaac.Kxrit. 1st is

C3-u.iaxr- aa arell37-- ,



37 3E3I OjEl2ar,Prsriesf CGGfectifissr I Pastnr Cnnk

sii-s- rPioneer Steam Candy, Factory

TJD EL TJCLSU 2T13JLK3.&Tvtwf!mi.X.l ZetuH ivzm-- H&if

nrcbssitsAcrrt 5tr a T7cta.


Gr2sPittnaXrtiitaaCc&etarivwt Xtait

Wedding Calces Ornamentedfeateaaj&trcs? Ari. t

EiA Irtri Stsi CSnKatr&rertas,. Csxxzzi zA.

St.Tl ZtoUi Atnrta t--rt. Xautaaa d Tarttttlyr


AyzTTasTtverz orLa&s' Missss' cjA ZMztfs Sfeas




4orti(n olires.


Shipping and Commisstoa MercbantJM nCkMrata$tml.lUamiM. lrI


1M ClMtaber ntrret, TCcw Tork.Xtfimtt CatU A CVxAf. an! J. T. WtltrlotM.

H. W. SEYEEANCE,Hanallan Cousal and

COMMISSION MERCHANT311 Calireraii Si . Sta FriMltcs, Cal.

SK Kmo N 4. It


"4505 Market Stroot, San Francisco.


FAIRBANK'SWagon, Planters" and Platform Scales

ALL SIZES.AIM, Atacr of Sinjf ta Bro. KntHth A Am.tkia

Oast Stool,Rtud, Sq uJ Ftai ; u4 Sri't XtMhcVg Co't

Tiro. Too. CatOk and Pick SteLStfl Hirroa- - Tnta. Wrf(, Craa-btrt- , e.

Sat Sprlngi. Cun Sariatrt. Axitt, Jtc.


Xa,l VarUtStmt.SS3a &UL Fttaafaea. Cl.


CORXKR orrMillion and Fremont StA, Sas Frinciica

CAUrURMA.rpne dia mcFlilLu ner i years.Z??gJZrSSk,l taaworn, in laaraacaaM. ox

Cleansing and Polishingiwn-w,t-f--

FrcMlacra rrara S to s pr crnt. SortUuataCa!artlc4 Mint f Aautaraua.


Dulling and Dressing of Paddy

UNCLEAN ED RICErnc I& Baaalaa I.ladv la wakab M U tpMitBT

dwuwawna V Pmkfy and HuHtd KkWin netira praatat aa canal uttaaaa.

m h. oaianwooo,Grl CataalMaai Xmlui Mat PnaHaM' af IUBXaL tj toDR. J. COLLIS BR0ir.iE'S


CnUIRUOTXE U 4aiat4 hr la Pfafcuaa M kia am .aaaulat aa TdBtatonawt, .Tfr aaaartfart.

CIILOBODTXE K la kaft laiaat taawa farCaoftH. Oimaaalaa. Biaaialiu.AKHUL

CULOSOOTXC aOeaaaltr caadu aaa umti tkoalaeaftoa aulaMM-Bata.t- ia.FrT.t, Cfaas, A tea,

CXILOBODTXE na a cam la DUnhan, aadH ta eat tpraW la Caaarra aad&reuij.

CIILORODTSC affpctatr caw .aatt aa attack. fBaaiiny. HfMnia, matuaa. a4aam

CnLOBUDT.IE I. ta aarr aOMNe at Xaanlfia,Karaaaoaa. Oaat. Cunr, T?oa--uf. VntiMi, Ac

Traat w". TmaH PMrif r, V. D.. anMr Inuiirat iu gywra't Hgted. Laaaaa - -- 1 kar a amtaHaais Kittir nu I k.i Hm aW MfBlaallwta-cadea.-

.all tpmodtc mat ScMtaa. lUnnHHta tanaafBB. iini, anatraaa. mjrfothtf li.as4 aa perfcetfr uaOl wHk tat maha."- Etri BMat caaawafcatat a at Catktt af PSjt.iu, mxt be bat nertrrt dtfraleb fraat Hr Majrur-- a

Oaaaal at Vaaa n tae Ct aVat ekalira baa Iml raf.tax IfJttOr. aaa Ohm taa aalr naai, af aar ank. aaCaxaxasTXZ "Jwtaur, IH Dtt.akif. B41

CJI6TI05. Bra-ta- r or PtaacT aid larr.TMaa.Tb paktle art ranker ea.mn.wl : a hrmr af tamnwl atasaa fcavtac iva to eb kaawtaSx cf &aBaart af lafaat RrrtM.

CA CT10S. Sir Part Wetc" Katnl thatDt. A Ouh Baor was lateakli y t a.talat afCauaawi. taat taaatarjof IkeMfMuon oHa.mutr aatrae 1K, bd lirnul t aar. bai aataraarx ta --i Tiao Jn r 19 IWt

HaBMtlnttlt 1 j. Za. J . U. ai. aadllL (sua.5aaa to rr..i- - :U! art. "Dr J ObtUlSaOVSE" a tt O rsaMat ftiat OrrrvbataiagaHical terliat r accs.acr.aM-- . tme btl.iit XtaS--'t- r J. T. DA VE.TPORT,

S1 A3aF It ZVMafrr7 Loaa--s.

Imti la '. k W a. fcomm A Ca . aa. J 0toa itt tpyp - --ifwaarK3.ftr3aaMMainaTlTtT


Corner Beale and Howard Sis.,

aavrzAS-c-uo- CAUrourrA.

r. H, 7A7I02, Ptt JOtZTZ X003Z. Is;'


n Atx. m asaacKKt,

Steamboat, Steamahlp, Land


rtTXX TZAariA, af t UataaK tastu atcaBaa f Vaat, tnai at .

OKrjfXAETXSUIXcaataMUe as arira.aac.

nXTJlll LA CACHES. Zufa a4 atwa Tact CO,acraaat l ntataaat ta St 1iU tt wsaa rr artis fc laaaanau f. Want ta4 oVaetaf waUr

TTAjr ROH.Z.V. TMUttHttUMfMHtotaiataf IU aatoralacd vrfctaaaaalpat4 ast bit

far .-vf ytgtawt.

CClJ.BtMJD JrHTCAS.nAISC AClfiaEBT atatt afltr at art trr,ai tUaa.AfMtA&savn-I-- mkmi4 aUrtaak,

a'ATKJS riPCrtf E4r tMttIa, tfttfail,4t at aacaW IraaaVt fw avaawanc tftjtw. or

S rsaat. aU4 . yvX fc, ipw; natrav t rtrrtct t (.niDwcuc ztrtmxa. Aiir .,rt uU ty aaiaatlaaw. ttttud t? HjlrzHrrSexTtWttn, .w-aaa7c- - ictttf aa.

VtlrytOIUL. aa , cefauat, aim,anto, AVaar4fAaaasa- - faa a4 afur Caswt artsrrw yttax.

FCWP, MrAtahM, fcr UfauHmwatT

tcnU lr vrertblmztttH nptrx SfawaaVwaa. ,

r!;F4Kfc- - At tttOS XTOCU. AX.'J UmV.Htiuk. tiwtvs. IvsUjtVfVyjLZS A c JTcrMW SQU.ZS a C.

rfarp r


Page 2: T'IS, · 2015-06-02 · BL r? e Hiuaiian asrtte (.. n rj i w lm itnilmitakiUat rrwjMixr In. r. t UWUWil 1 I Mitta 00!. la' i Oftt t M wb iw lira ROBERT GRIEVE, iiUt-ai- .-. TMM nm




Ti S..



Stm.rT vr tv 'ln?fesa. II noslnm TinMHfeHy?mwfcfhrtninr IK MCM rta Tt

. ....: .i.ttftwujsli

Wk.Wftbe Ml; fMI l tkH i

kiXkitai aWkar wilMri""'?'IM Ar. CAwnoc

"J l..v. n.... . !

Mllltatl. AMil ..?I WiIm imMi m ,,im mmm. rtHhiiw. it t w

t,hw9Mu. MtAttir- -

7J iiBiWf x ilNtr 4WKetM ytaces mw

ml9m1m9rte fttrrft iMii. wiikirmitIM Wpt,1 Btf vwl)MMvm vsr,wnvf9r

a s Ti ihu )mM& mm& fnuMtwUl j,

. tmA , ,,. ay,, v '

MMnAaMi 9m ui mMtztrnt, i)Mtliw mt

HnmI nHyiAiyifttmaMiiX apwsj. pMjt m ywr




ts VHWaUS1.r.XI

MA-- f Ct--t. ?jil H!t01Hil- -

tai.d3MurAn..faTeaMM.ii imH tMm WcaaaY.

arJaarra. Jnww Vw : Ut p a- -Hl'iJWftK Oplh )iM mm rfriipr tr the

Mtt 1 wmtM nTOe Sna M an niny. afMir 5T CgfcawAI K.J.P.ASaCK.

in I nWnwrtarMn1n.ilii ,)ia JintiH


'B5CKOOI. XOTICE.The.nxe ef lit PcKn Schawh-- af tne Kinc-W-

l'Otv fiW.i.nWAaM:e-T- t;

4 tnv MMtf wiat'i'i. j i. te iirr v t vr$.Wiiinxi. ei: . w ue a2. nana 'cawrtWnewjnei vsxvswinf ttne mas ?na nave eer

yln n af

er vac cvraScaarnSoa IknW. yinrck S. !i

AicaCecractcri.yttx nntrter nthe Infewhr .

. .k. HJn-- t wi.yaiiiTn nan- ir-- - -'t - - - -

i- 'iMiiK,iatnti lamavial .,11- -i . in ae aira

l of SJiwheat tne ease afnae-n-hI iiiiito nan any at eem as tor oatreaf

! MS., vfcejT a al a mania a CaaaMaas " Caa--t-- a --riw m niif v- -4

-- 1aa.aaaima.-airWlHMan' will a najiimtarliam lat t ar aa, ama- -

Ihe lata mi an ami kaneJ a

taint, Bn, fS- --

.Tvrf- -t ..latcaiian feazttti i


atsx atoacs I. IXJtS.WSI.ESrAY. arau. a, area

JBrnaaam nateaaranaraf --WVuri in at laa&nre

laalieaf miarmil oiaaa ear nii aw tor nV irHamatlata-a-L Ora imc vat the arst ama.au.

I thare if a ,li aliTj i ia. amaiOmtee as

taa pnmomal aaoRaee. arabaabr to the netarwasnaninT esfaai at toe

tasaat aramttaersaacna: mml. Ak AmJtoiiimaHiilin kwaWaaaaiSaatthre.n. - - amf m m. a. m!.nwatnanaairaaaaamncto I2kJKtl smaaaar a

& - - ki. . & r

eammaamny at mote myju. s artfaiaifj ali. .

age avwaeet ami aaawaaaaav wamk has beat i.

aVaanmTmaar torJaaoe. Bad bexn.'uiMi :'

aaTSmTtomtoaTjanvstobawe antofi viu. nbe s&3Ca- -

aatattr ramaaomvai af Bhrdwcwa'tas 'waty.'pttaawiii nat many Erne amoht tone 1eEsawed here, lae Kama aamnantas sawed tat a- - I

waamjm aammak. Tae am sorry mat mare start ,

iwaaaaaaaa kmwe aaa I in ecJandwaat aarmatto"yaaaamacaaeatBiSAShKaa. nr maatcsaaaianat kaauml an heat an toe wnraaiaanmaaaaT.aUaraana.tontatfeaaaastona. The aaa. a

aSaaVaaaamnwla easac at sht naSrat want amimaataftmaHman or a l&i mat, Thwaat w.tnometol mat alin'n ot affnrr ansa j-- J

rear. we fear at wit: m the rj . Vat i taafiw b

t--w tamt there a aay be met ami'. aat h aA.'ytaac at. " ij iniaaiLiii-a-

a &aaa il tom mya saaaaat aawawaam toknay mtaait

caf hasasne rec- -

. JrVemt; tTsaas swssarar eKrois

M. warn nimil we iaaw beeaaae i fiialai . 1

Jkk. tmatatadi besassiHe tor am (oacrt;imaTi jM ita wery seam eaa.it ttosefmg to mgetyia tami lamuut af aTltfesBvatihtapftsmaHISldmtoHtss maw mse c&mckc esses

mmmao - im ra1 f'wjwaaananhat afll Twlraw.

to pracry - 1 af eejBS er i

lutkif axtttVec ae eSfiersssre .: hJTMm,' wsl v c ae oeiaiai ef a

aTac tto. lailwL. whetther slraimn ar aa t

aX haata n react b si amatktt.'te at piii nf a heawrtn fc fcwied

aae fin laj aamoaaaes bee aaaa ewerr aaamfgEpmmaatwassegmpliTTai li frff". " T

jESSf -- - -- ir. ii iram .. , imai ane fees. - anmirr O.M...M.. aattiii-- nihi fmra ii aaweat m if lb mi i' '

haarTmairmtl'nali'mliiia .itsnaw:'ftm- - ar-- Yf in f 1

Hi warns, he . nat, age cre w Secgmg

- - - 'vj m 'hmf aaaaawmaiwtsasr w earner the

Gt'txat IfcaaaaywegtoaMLlnab ssahsasgt.we i.-- swe. ww wan ae aaa aost an ej aat.a"

r:"'-- " lrri!.,!!Trr eaarate f imaian C as- wrtteaam!wmrte!,,r

-- aT ,m

. .aaanV . wBffK Vaawnaaaf asaV!Bwa9s'- tOa. aaTlwaaBBBBBaBaawaS ;

ae rtof tarn as aar mstaalfe taaaic se aemer asmawasKtoaeeLiusueaefctmaaewLat I

- - .un-m- intj at liiiaaTaat g mwiJmsI aa

j. w watotosennt seaMemesto Sas -- riasastto,t-- test eat essnt latdaml Ta set fe samaf

. fifwsaraar aay t saat mnvlatwecwetaaaa aaataeaatsseres statwv ear see a ito iiiittotAv


v.snaamei tot Beassiiaesfaewtoawwsakggnrf togiaiiaucaVff Besa? thanInKaratolinenfeBriats sas

aSgiiraji.iatakireg irJto- - 3f-- ,

r.-m- s fjruiiii rrme aacdBitatSse--"' be ax; --hljjbjii topnwifeer:arftaezv

Srwsst afc-sj- xari Sea rznBrasa ssV- r- issar--; -. : c jo. aawssaamaec we SBifeat5gaausgf

de Sastotri'mr. .hna i far haar Rt-mv-.

a - are kews etay a a esreasc ef aeesnsy--

na Set FruTiitrm Ataarsscm warn rarer abs ezsezse3f linmr e ae wsr aS i?xz rtisr w

malt mt wi wn Eases tSg Ggaazaana f tfeZ -

- ssprrr

I tad it J:;:!wo we-- hare rV trial of ticsstereweiiaiu trastitibie. w .rvr.xlwxrs'""'''

1st and p.. bark, v.. the edd . irticA.

Tns eaaaxy ato the case IVhs. sassjfantsrae which the twdibe'

isarrHML Takiiw the aattorof sweetie, w '

feid k itaMri fce sere! re that saieeto b &I . tk. .uiaw. - V

Lakad r what know . thatifcpnrwwfccas.wiadstoicd:toind. areTery

T.- -. .-- .-, A..T ,-- .,- " t

VCMMfsasrisi.MdS'MfM(Aitrei- -- fc - - m, Ml i lkuJjji,hLl-- a mitirtTi


at tkereMiteCMaMfc jce 4r IbU jvr- j t w i -- - .ll... . - W-- tv-or-r

pwreltT wR,nw nmr wcMm Ike prMvnjr w ike em. A i.,uUiuM

atacau raektkeJ(aeal Use pwsat Iomv

twit ke bii M t WrvxrCTrdoc .

Ky Chndns r- - Miwat- fc- f- T B -MHiKMwa.nvivuKi!uwonni u

wnMH.imwnWt sasa w mtmmm.-- t: j-- r ja&HMlttecMapaiv

t?jttTagaiyMiwwnhKl,k a ajtvtnfMK.iwca!:w'"'--- i

ieJt-wlalniwm- ntW

b)il,mAipMi!w bat anwt and naav txc thwic:awtheyer;jjn,MkKv.iri "

" noweme that the ibeorr tnat wo cancnay Vu n. nhate ana. aae-- l teearvic-u-- ;

nwanftXLMenesJtear . "gnekagwnji in'fc wweas1ia--c

. . . j ...n a--am --.. --h ji --. jn--. dsrw; the US " . A coaatr.men. ww s content. All 1 hare learned lAoina. I JPoloa was crarv heA wink -- ueatr we this item of "an- - hruC is from is to die. tuKJtd the Aaaicf Uawahans love and


ws saKAr -- ac i iU--i-

VMS WTiMfr 1 rffflff 5 Vtt. 5S at XSWCC ti- JSI6 sfcf- c-

M the lear of aetata, rwage Uianuhs o--er

A.atl ' lam limtil r it -' r-i-rt r-- v " : J!f - a4to .icreapietfch.Tlhttben.-d.eJirwiiTaai.arv-r

fence, ku .j nniii. iin,U n i hi ianV linjrj. TdtestatwnhoUldcAamr-vaVst- cer--

ma? XKU nctnxsnccnaaerK. v . i t vn. c. .. u.-- .iaaajeitvaiaBs-T- N tv o-- -. j- - h ---- -

i.-- i. . .. - i -.- -. hr rWt--r -.- nij ..--- ' - " " - '--..,,. m, wr ewesataty ant aaas. Uni wo t

Villhilann rttoaread t-- the owsr of ltti.' -- j j WmilliM" conre tam leaw: kst

waa knee Weneeee-ss- i jnjaa.tMiatilic.waIceta ;

laac liacoact She no of ceasaraes do-- rs Jooar vmz. saw to he cuo4tfyd af mad wmat theyaMktnexrawcKaej. yisa sank eiaanicu Krface (m rki (naanmi llnl uniV il ji i mniin i ii

i ; S. i- - j . ' . --ATaeaorox rasianr a iv k hh m awur. waaanttank iaafr aareara aaewi eaaer psapViiafa I

ae aVCrt. kaaat fk is. oar of taesah- -jeca; apa. wank there if a waar dneneaceof

mv !


to as anfoctcnaar mat toe jams have ;Keen iiian.it to sit en Ac Crataonee vkick was

an anr to eovajie ato she psbkna waaeh oas .

.a.aJ tor tat leaawae af tne naiinh ic Baoa.Pay aar n-- to a, to aawt (vcaaaM a inke ao- - '

nan nan one & a La. skef ??aar an opcaxtannT.foraawx so aacaaed, to make maawat pesaaaamaacktckea.w&aV Wi trniimj, of taerx JaC l

eh aaaaoec ktmc aksat te-e- a. mm bwac11 saeet a. an m. jaoaear st ntraanr aide Arceeeace. perhaps

Mia ansa; sad wwebn ae--tbt saamanc at anaeasacGacn.

w4csaaaks9naamaamB., kua.at matas she eantaaancss of the Jaw : the hrr.ewrrni

K .eaaaor-jfy-q. na taerefore faB res--ae if pane nVr aaae af afce, if a he not aaSto th amt. at Cocrt a JafierV finfiy if mostcarefrfrc jcaaraedayaaasamc ahir It nimaSSB. waacaea on tJa si? saow a maocsns

1 X

aanTjBlmtmayli,aVtoicetrWiaitoVsmtoac Kama , nVi.inT.- -


yet they bad a rower to asr one freesihiniiia.ttofymmaaB.eawriit aato raje mar--

rum a-- iTti in I am la y. dii-- AfammS. ee. &al mot, a cafsaty

arre bees icrwa to BTaiaam totoes at the en.mo.ofme

"-- r TTami .ty ai









cache to he asxsd has orrmgr a ag cases offssaaaaa tor aasamr. etr ctaraaamnaaa m inaianii.

ate na aumarafaor, tssrwaatamnof whaca zeaameanereaeactsatmton.araTa avdeatotoakoatthe aaatontv waaaeanr has oaanaa. nar rjaatoat. - '

smoadd V jsnot te at Bit as seeaasmt- -

toby befrxe the infersTaat 1alaiaastona.tomeaceaimwe. aaa as it

Stock, the Oauijufitoe aat. stagnant seeat tons i

to asve iass sbcIB of tie nana pomat aadtoBarieaarijpijinm nai aH lai. at jA irafc

Ie 3 arcwars that there were twe Tiirjf reaar- -rf ae fm b was a be

SEfdywai metoaay limajmwaa.ilhad: NaT aVafSWaaanarVz tfmmf

tzsal 'i mrejeaasw. --rj nmamffiy.

-t-ototo--- !.--- .wra aat aeressarr -i- -i- tank tseis...w

: aZ taat wasJiwjamwet wag. to washvterstoi aaa, --mra ,tf i m tw fore.to caVaanflbt- - jpssimrtaraVsierc JratoraeasiesaesM m mi beSac the rawaaaavw, iTajtaatataweeewas niiM, arS sim

Idifc i nWeack cf tine eman iir.ee

wjassaans !. iffi was raejn cmemawaranHh- -

ssextattoms toss. d ahxeianaea: humsBawamas aenkr of

wOSsaitE. batf a bemranr, as arassibeemttTr-m- warn nam issf, same that aararoawr-- AS the catiwwrnoe wamtod waag farai ariresaamaac atoi.tat lwrim . itaot njikand the

M. r . Ii amiiiMM Miia 11 m imJ." r m ii .-

ifr dWelfapt ftto fat. Tae sswerne fuoa. ticaraaar tae aatx was inrraTir ear. tae arCiEastner5

tot- - toat to ato watt : aw atot m tnsr--a " a - - ."" - " "a. ' mac ag ane j. i imlai sney aeuaewea a anat imr amt aase was

toaatofcenat tamtaaaaam. lae saaaae iwtir.'e a jSo- ifsaaaaa a saemancaee of ahjwiiiim as iAjm js to-

' .


3 .- a s a . m i

" r ij - "gaBf a t. 7m J lanjB r

m i. j il s

3fc. 1ST. JSraraa tt St. Seatua s j

..iflF- n- aa se - 8

. .. C.7KT 3tti-r

mtwhna a Imm. . .Jfttexais. 1 malamsnamnaE 9CtoMAnmsujs - lin. ' Jia.anaaiiiuL- - - z tmtaarir. laaaesnsfS Soittif Suxac

SumiI trs . cmr jaOiW

C liri rfPWW

r ' "- - ai sassaaamee siaaacf iwatoaeafcaaataratft. p,.

"""" f: r - to. avasaE.e'aanaaai.. aas aesm, aawseinaBBt aa smmsjejes

af ffl kemac has fcaat i iuit-

amii i ill".

mm! maraas wa lat ar a, mat a s"a-- IwsaeAtmma ,a aaauamatat ;i!iiMa.

"'"" """"" jiajtui:-- .


" " ft1 gwfe T ajjuaua ae aanuaaaliiiimanrli wak yi riniiaani bat hue 111 aa

Z" aaramniai 1, anarwe BamaaaaaBl aar- mVffe

wftamv i3anaiZ am.ac --fawnraf caa- -w. -peaaameac r we an aat amarane af tat3wrw! waaaasnac pwwer'af an esWEs"'" ar whw. -

- ".





NOTES.Tut MIk f x tAVTervadrr.t. w V

ltbedlawwkwitfcWKiito the mcwawoirtK

and nw which, rewnh? !f"fLE

hnnrelf. willim; ciime.




'lea-amft- y



aatSsacv-Aarssjsa- v

Wtavtanntsolwtocdonraesmcrue. TVss5- -

c "2 JJtlT-KlJ- ?b

W mast lake &

tv. ovmaw ob Pud is actuated by rvdiliceUm &Vfc it '

. It R ,

sheaW m l xlracbt Mat ussy ivon! w" ;

.n k t mT K- - jtM- - rxtrtMttotavi ww"2l:. f 1 " , w!?:i wV xtia fvjiM. Vnj-wo- xtho c

a for ivttml auprtd fcsw htouwe

uJmkM of IK nw IM, n m rwww" " faluM attaches TO tk Mttrs fiktcnahk.

Ocb Liilnti'iiirT the .( irrrttm; oteti irittvMWitiMt bwt at the vvfof Rranl mui ttet sr om wnerefcm. Joojetsthai tfcn Saprac kimwH tke example of nr--ioctatfto. KJuOUhs."wm

reqaw that the -

t W tTi Mawcun. --v ?wjrci(MUaot W1 nw ? toe fcK behest.aa&wtucsuvUiattfccoliVYot the Jrertwr-jaa- rt

aire wfth w 00 that paart at leas. B. themr.-the Tft- - nn he qaeer aooa t e

mk and ns&wns: J Esrope if be thinks thejneofcertot theKatreri BranT snite new j

. tMar Iais5 ctwwnaw ."'It HmL IWnri: thr Tck dM n.l obcamis Ctt; .

hmMe WwmholAf a Uk cvb.-t-. to datk aAresi ant. whether ect la company or not

"WxpobKAare awnwarr v Stir theesh Mnc Xank SS. The IX anv$ a

-- t nan. hrt it w, Wwt the MS w haw Aei !

,fciMml(e..-w,M- i.abpat aatwwagemte. The SteS Aaw for-!.--

inohnhri aamabar w (tei IMS WW. aw a I.. .. ' - - -m. t -- . 2 1- . . . . tktitiu-- - xWKa . the seneral heahh of the eommomtr s j

inail amBimi We notice that ao tatn.v;awMndowaauaiaa3teoei.vandtnsnalMM !

. . ... t . - .V. Tt ' ll.l mm mmm, ..!

lwn KtMaa Ana we reseai taa no...V . .lQCttU 9.wal W i"w. nw B wtMV.. wi. i

Tnmr iiiimm h$ teeix naade. t

WKnhnkitwnmV-hewenT- ht theJhwteiraf the j

ocae one to kk !iJfnTJa crr. K J

Wcal prncooe of thee feopk Jo eocroach nnase pK ma Any one conge .NsaaiK. I . Ti

., '

lFT2l-L3Z:Jr.ri- l'in'an. w vbbi wjtt ..w n-- . 2 i,,;,,. ,tf " .. i. u, i.u i i--tDownia uejinuo xumn wn iwx ,

jae Xhresec tne noaafis wnen j"-- m ansa tana- - ,'

'PTJST.rrirrrrrrall raaat if ait moV alone the street aatbet tamer the posies: jtsse one has ton jwrds orseat mVt aaveateat. then one sramtsaatotaaemraV.1aaaaDr aaiitolr a pawaaect. mteaada: a exsraordcaary aade. aad sv cc Xci onlydoes johs board tor saanralt at has own swvetwtlLbat he hats casvas caztoia frjen Ue epav:projection of h- - boase. s that if one happens towve. to eroM the street at that aamcatar spot.there as a dackiuc of heads, a k-- 1 hau. a brtk-ara-f

shlDS asd ym;itii sanae savcpJaan. Ttusatnsaace. we are sare. eonM ea-S- y he prevectedfaeaaaweantoR.batif aaaetaimt ant done. wea be sere thai nar by a awaae- - too wide sueetswill become arroecsH. '

ir it rarioas bow many peopie sacs petition- -tiin i.aahuii.ty. and it nan laaaty dees aat spsakharjhfortaecnnwriwiseaseof naimdaak whenthey say that Skey sened witaoat nania; overfnBy what taey were sa: . t- - It wuald sare

et" UoaHr aad an i.iari' after-wards, if kafote uatm any pewbaa that may ber.iinir laaad. they anal read at oaar eaiafaUy.cooraarr she poaats aaadV. pi aider weal whetkeriker taoroarJUr acree waifc aeat is set forth, aadoafv taes afc thetr ssramnres. Many proper sjerisank lin aaa Hi lima a i mrr see toe aaaars ofeahec wacaa ihieT" re7ec( aad dmare to haitate,kaiaBBrK. Tats fc 0eat roQe. la wtimlhlaasaa"sow3 jrinaecS sthfliai.ciade him.witboc:;eferenee to at arts of others. Of enrse it is aarS amdeciud lhaaz that eaacr atsn has sheindU of jauaaa. whalu hi retitiea ae hkes. and ewaU ankmw that rtch: : want ae waat to do is towaraaeanSeaot toaaEnsarmaocaBHoeasilStherhoe exaacoard their codects. It wilibe aaaad an araaare ao work waB. we ate sare. andfewer saauiatoaas wat tars he iwiLmtiil to sacklin aim i Mi Vneaeoer asy qesaac has to be done.am Aj it on the pgr of the lauea ; if yoado.the ehaacas are tba yoa wi& set nurl wnh yomr-se- if

wans ieui-tii- g rram. . i" nawiingatouiiiilii leattedea-natocOto-


toarrsatker aswortk prnserraa;: Wbja-.- , , 1Jadse of tie Called btotet OtStZBt Ca toe themwlam aaaacc of ew Tork.l.,jj..a wahtohk aanoaat of canraat arfteaegtae, worth. t3M. to the Ibmy J-e-aet. on

l"-"- " JTi1? atrM " TT .!?L2; !t

arartocs of the aaper bare reiasstod ao toask yonso arret from the euexpasy. as a4arhl token oftauti eott'enr. aad tkamts. the laeuetu v a seat of

.e. a those day'--, oftee

HSAwcaed far prcosecw beewees tocads. Jato Coak- -

!nnc :bk ae;aaaaaarof tae kamt can tw per--matard or taonarjtl of- - 3i ebtacra has bees

aaTi-ea- '

f a wi3 be amewed-.- The rncje taea saaL !ehoaiaatai heat- - t inaane. I wwa rxamaaen at ayI mm t ef lae las that I have not aaal Lx yjoraafer for two rear put. aad Tcaae to seMfe fora darxnr, atott-Jcae- "Bsi.-- was the pty,

JfaSjfe-- yon V sax xae as aTdaae for fast nx--pvc. oiMBBaiwtne-aa- i am

jsxar. saaa csh I tikask yjo forBrgwrai'iiMen

feef asas w sesis nae rooar as yen sar : tad LaBypaia.M ac teat oraaw toku taimi."

' te Ce.dtter ei Pxr&es--

TaeC an atyeaptod hr dm ftStr Cosxrit

the ejnnre tf abe ChaefSasrajaT. ami JaVnranry.

Of law eswaeaae an Weikamdij wawjwea reryieiim I aafirwaf taerrfaies had tagbearsa; ai the puaats tf atuae. Xz. J. Tw d i

was mreseak ami sttotnt tat: he kadttomieajwsmma

toajuaarfar several sX a aettoKamis. The Chtof

ok bees greased Seer needed no eosmsei; Hz.


s. sxae awsAASewsa ,isi assjoiewsssanasawmw x. jfcKo eM.MUIiag IMlll Ullll I fclSII t Sft.... Bl.nl.. i irii --


AwaitsWrasgtraaal eirairtrwar wi a exarr'aesfwanaaiaaaaar- waaaasa- 4 a,

bsb. aaaaaer as amssaaa. rtw aewew i

ban 5a.x bfojd 'sf ks merSoms kasey frostIM not asantB ae wan naaM

and s.c isk il si ainmaa 1,1' has we-- Eernrd;. bare an is

wvamRr thwe he- - Mr-- larka saat faeeja'iti nan itl

far atLaexiti of tae ewrriwe nt aot bean; aTaatgt ifn.irjiaii'u fcsairif--

sanr mi owaaiyaac wash tae haamx rrTCTnjr arx&hwon-wer- r aatoraaa. aasiaa wai am ! ominnagi: dak H&& a ntiCX9nT- -

Be scaled stmt, ist laaiinaBTT sat xB pszmeaear saanaat saaaaa are mean, i anx- tautthe tores! jtarrc aamTwi ere aec aastoosd at laeiml ee-- tae an. Itr. Wete.cassanrd to on '. mr Bsartsi.. rihe was BHaae. jb toaheeeaar.li toll heama V- aaaramel storxto peceux ta. I taat I'lnn if tzsts the oaraan. cc"

aafaaafwaMaf aatmwmattoaV jarr. Xafmf toose wftia sintoat me neesimi wereaariBi jafcjals. I arr elethuc ac-jogf-t jcriaw- -! eraraBnarwam-a- wasakfa3nm.i4' ammnUaeef

aa. t aat taat 1 sac Stoef ntos ansaer. I cbi am I

.liw ii aasto a w,wijj tmML.maf tamt eke mane aw aaaae. 1 d5d A ze?T..I m . j a i m i r m rv, ? ' tji.. --a

a9efanekaaatibaafinreasTraaaaaa tor stanc the psi- -

toiwiiieaHtiaeiiiiuBCtesu.i tone ua: saes hma. ran tmi tans wianT ea- -r


mAawas wi rut ir



maa vasamasasta. am oca oarf iiiiw wmt- sjfaaa n if I ha.

i C.Smti. jattiast Ttwweif. the ii umii : was'iasiai.LSs3i usTsfasbca. '.? - - " .&.. msmmmmmnT Jt mtJ - IWPIIll IWW.I I IW - mmWrmmmaVrnM.. i.k lfW S... .i ce..j a a t J 'aanmanat aiinmu-i- i eg. ife feamarbrwac bseatt'svsmBatafKto toed- - - - - - ...... .

B I I 111 ll.l IlinWI OF AJWC TWil IA- - .lll.HH WI ml11 WM325E2& or tohajtsU'. It sss--

hbt. oamtzst. ass t " -- Tnerir r-

rttBtteccBBwE-JtBTZari- -

2. Weak. SoBtoii-H- i tasiiiTJCiBifett IneaEBiiaiiwa ngrirwaf sssns sBsater smrxseoaitoseea.lareai rTmstxseMisiaasrito Sireaajs.

r.&xtxT. TJtir-r- ti "--? 'x v awtt tj. .isg JvrJ fljWLlssez. airaai tectaa it iivjxzid.i.-


aba: itat kxd ataewaaear esnaaed


waanaaTIwV AMIP MeaS aa I Hal aaaa 'atmf. maVU mm- ..- --. - awwa CasW mm,m V T.. ..,TTrrri fin fclli tain nil ma - n n.aai ato mil if JImiiiI limn ill Fmcato 1. Htv urn saain , w a. aa w Baaaaa a a. saasaH wisa arma m an

sasammammmammmammmami S snaaaTa mmmant ant TaTaa. atoww aarlCLaann Tatwawaa - awraaat aaaaae

r...... a . . ,o-- s raw.I aara saelatt 'In riai

l- - aoaawatcaj. , iff I Smwaedlaaaa art sT lan f -: ajarf&eBarsaiir tons awswsa mt traf

- ' r .; f j aeliynn. I dh1l Jaaaafimiij la.am. riibiifte- -

, 3 mwaaw- - Sa aat has aaessr aaal aanx't fincf Xt J&fejfc , c - s. satmamaatwai toyaeeamf thrat. lim,,.Tjmai mTiL. . 7. I I?8 S wsmmiaal aT-ZZ-T- a s 1 "U maUmb wkle mma Stto want.a- .- J r- - "- - . . j iaisalSiam.lm tegjEaahnaaeAsoJ-- i".5" ill H r imtami iiiniui. tnaak ha ....&- -

12-- 2 .3"! "I pijanil. 11 liTI iH Imii lr im f

aemi'' i . ia .:f! wamat ntaatom aamawtfat

M . 3 ; "t - f aetoa aat after ae irstC aat sac aaheate

"zenffBswT" "JiAt' '" ""I1 pflu aeiqlwjraprfcT3in

M S. ScU!"t. Orbr rtvl si twu linos ttlcWawlwnbtsjcn,ed it. Xmw n abota retard lure n-- t mi bits Kivt ofrt reliable laots that I can form iu.'rmcnt rjron11 vt ..rifnlyv scruple capital punishroeut. His motive was that be was nudiuRtoaivpatorivtitiao.

Captain Jackon. Staled because be bvl beardthat Wiring mcr .A t&catJL. Hrtd he known Ure

Mrun was net his wife. did not think be wouldbate MCwCd.

G. Arwtrvw. I knew of no cirrotusttaces ton.rtl wiih tlie caR .v. WilhiHtt--. Sinaevl Kxwuoe Ahfird rencrr

. a - - ,iunMLMIIWMrMIIIUlilHM Hil '-- ' - .- -."T- -

" :" "Tiv:- -

deoee astotb tvulN-Jio- t of thewuman. Mlxra ihsUmx) r hrins Sbat Ur. Webb had Midthe mm nM uie.

C V. Hcj. .a. Hail bearvl that the roan wasv nrapetif faJcd. Simply ctnl for the

wewot w hw laaae.C. A. Sfcnws. Was M liv Ur. Wei that Um

taaa insane and K iiniN.F. Wscenlwr. blmed e ppaeral principle.

The CVmunsttrc avlJoarocJ aKMt ll)Vhcl;.Srrusn IUt. .

Theaitenet again bj-- appainticent oaa,n.r allows a'droaVan rorwn m ttwrt. lu

than we nave think whenfananeys.lt consider He







S.tmrbVTal Wjum. at UGnaalersct theduef

Tba xasunataa$ naJ iaqniri werolirectel ast the fvime; ivcxswn to vibtain aH the infiKraa-tx- at

pHhew&ieh rnht tend to taftoeoce theCtvittnute to xecoeuaeod the coavlemoed wanu merer.

In aJditiM to the erUencr taVec Mr. A. S. Bart- -nX eennl in sshaut to we CMsaitteo a. , i .li.bM , ,

dtacMW prejannntions of insanitr of rvratairaJe. whioh the CVKamittee signified

thev wwakl be pjensed to receive from htm.FxiDerRaji2e3ddLn&de? UofiJ a. written

ctstMoeal which he nled with the CXwnnuttee.Vhak!MM that his wf hial trwnvtltUT uav .

yoked htm K wrath. That he ronM not ber witfa I

ner anj wr. ie wt w w ianu.rated. That he htl druik three rU-- - of liqiav.and was. Mwa. lots was at ue ume woen oe

deed. II. c.ij d l.A-..-west cnoontt toei k.. .Mn.rA. mk .. .i.. .u,

He said that he had a wife liriuc. ,hnt was livincfrom her. 1 saw tX4na. for the sr?t tune

eartr in Man, in nrisoa. Htisa frsiet and..... .. . M. ....liAtk. WU. .. I.K.. f

.WW.W. w. fc. nn ..-.- - v. -

Kev. tL n. arier -t-- Te m. ltoooimu. itave., ix. i ; . i 1 1..MKILAJAMKWa. ..imttb W.VwM ..UV, " u. .ara t.nii 'mfes. He srsve of the hitorvofkxsUfe- - That be Kved in Hooolaln iboat 10veacs. then went to Uanukna. Hawaii fromthence went to Kan where he made the aconamt- - I

otoj, ,w returned to Kan. then lived aaain --ith j,.; finaUr h. left hna and went to lie withasieex mao. oaai kuwik nvavx u-- i ,eenwed "teh nect h went to the hocseandme,her and man at the door andkiNcd her; he. . A ..v. ncn. j (Lki i K.j i

socceeoeii. im. a OKHnx- swweu nn. . i..L- - ,j . t - . swnannaaosnn-naia-j-mwiii- ie ne -- s ieurT--ui i.... j. ..i K k.,. t k--ieefed aad m-l- him. He made there stele--aaecrs on mv srsi risif to him soot months aro :he awiaot tiir be was insane whau he wanatel I

the crime. 1 have rtsued una at leas: five timestalked with htm al length; be showed ao signs oficssnity.he saii he was nvexcone wifli pasaonwarn he dad the tltmi. Cm aanu mm .im nani."' I

It. .?W mCmt VAT 1 I III lll.tl I I ll I HlJlMIM I. Ilf It.qaor at the suae : be said he. tras for i

theeriae: hewas verr serine?. The las: time Isjii vas the day wkek be was repoeved : thecme preriocs he said he deserved the pBEishment.I bare asw itowanans many tunes do straocethiat which to as might seem stracee Kks.b IM KE llll til. Ilf I.III..T W f.'lim.l .sasd be made preparations for the mnrder : saidbe cat his tmcers accidentally, think he said he '

so while sftupeaua? the knim. lie was notmarried to the voaiaa he kflled: she had told hunthat she hai bred wuh other men ; be did sot say i

be bad keen dakrr, : he told a Terr dear story:lwcav to hare a very clear reooilection off

the orarnwCaare.Dr. R. McKibbtE. rhijetian and Surgeon. Saw

Poisa at Onha nrkoa day before yesierday at re- - jqnestof Comnuitrr. had a lone conversation withkmt. mostly m Hawaiian, am acqaaiated with -Hawaaan I Minimi : lat li in inii i of the keepersof the npsva. Malaihi. a Constable, and Hj-.Fy-f e ,thejsaniae was the same now 4 when be came f

to. They said he had no heart nthe, no fever, aa; 'well and stent w& . I then repeated the qnestaons J

Sohux.-a-e conrmed a acswers: hesud he ,

bad been well. ja?t lb suae a noar : be said that ;be had had some trabea&t Waikaps. had beenNajaixpfxyaaasfi and been laipeJHoned forthree raaca: said Utrty he bad Ineit awhSe a:H'i" saal be-- was married, that his wife wastrna.aiaernaB.iHamataa. Hacudbehadbeea ttrtoc a ar aad earbt montbi (with I

nowsaiiofomarauantataoaaaMeih- -

rea:: she followed anntoKaa: hesalthatupm a ? irse Kore this rvrnr. .

reorebe aad ? had trrsi roeether oa the best ofterats: that lately he aspecced adelny,

,a. . t . ..,j... ifc.. M. i.....""" nmKmvrM i. mxbmt .r a,. .- - ......a .ra....:;te(1ato, j.. aroarh an orniarj: he n--t ,y, iftrt xrr ntsaMinelT to him." .-- .. n.; trami aaa suae ana Terj.-vmcr- aorr kothesTherwltawlwwweetiiwiLettbiWv. iiasVed fan. irerrarax and tseatmc 'kim : tais ntaea htoi Tty aasTT when he wect to

totTh?tea?5a7,li aoZe tLtat the ra:a--e rf the other man, about a chad oat:arbeexa. scB iaoead and went and ant a hot--

isfc: a hufi Ixaae be had none a the honseto cct beef 'with. I told hna I had seen a knifeKaara me one be aL and it was net saeaaone mi be asrfforilmanaiua. pa.pin J. aad was totdk-- ixpeord the back of It-- VfhU did von dothat tor. dadn't to do u to kitt wftwejoss Hesaat ye. a. i ua li 1 uahtat cetore : imam--, aad ih.ii ha. hadsanoe ap hat mjaaa to kill the wmaan before

sirct: Besood behJidkcnc: up the woman's dressWt-x-v sas aiMaaw of ks and net ap socepteuascf cstpeabost Shertam. He said be hEns

y lbs jrtts tofrewesi them fcianmn i. tarvokthe awaaow what Wiaiaoapado.lhejibewaBtto time Ixw. vhtrene araarTas. be wartetfe

re rsaaaaamBessawceawitha aaBceaac. i

,r lto say

ath. dai


at- -







ty, g 4j ;

thereat ao 'rrfetaty


so1 mi m at nr. aat I ooaat wa-trr

tactlr it. shzt.dar ar the need : sand be Snort t it

at the "Cure. aarrssedit foctbe pcrposeofkxTJtair iier.

Vestwmk Dr. to Oaka arima. he astor- -

oiaa talk prettyabeaad tsZ KcESbbras

no rxrstttons to sake:been meaetoe erer 39 years: I tbhtkA&fnait af aoeod nrnd was coot and

m ts stoteaatass. troa tae statenceaasof kas actmss I smcazhiyadee aim

to be a sata aawj fwaanf, hadtna mvA tad d.

aztf the saafiawi tosat& aeseeoaes so rx very determined asi hard to

wtecaoiry: he ail down bfK as toskaa the bmD tie wcaaa us ra when h

at gadheg fomg eoseseawr; hi what toayeannfeg La,

"l. If I aot seM tae sairjert of irsrrard Thai act had acccfl report or dstcsneasefhat ca caee by a kilftl aeacc Ji) ruadand exaaomed kirn osiy street rasa-jr- t of.

not be abaras a aaaa.to (fire acy Tx&Bt&oe 'jyiiiAja tewrtr-a- g has Btautyx jasussy : I noasd teas anas fevna a: the re--

T 1 mipi iwi nhi nn a "jfair in aiTii"i-.Mir- i at za hhSee&xt of

3 txadbt be to areai paa- - ardkaaaAe : fr-- x what i ha baud of li ecrwa-jiaac- ea

cf : crew-- not enBsar t&at Ffcfearat asace at ise ced.

1st. S. Xriibeea. saae assaer "ST,aW anmi' by Dr. JactSrev.

' Dr. . ftmaaT Ftoaimta asi Ssrammrs. Besfs miiia. " ISrraae-raf

I hauil Putin hi ariaoa yejetdy.teeacrj la aotinwnaMf aan

tiahe' '"swunf 1 aaaa ancreasra: te-.t ia. tbe oat of acd: IrxdiXbe'-- :nar a wanabhr cftmvxa ex aaastry

f--- " mvm . Maaar anrmrr -- k.aa a. tj.p I a obb aeJ

"a-m-. Khi ac aaa aaaa ae aamaaaaww smc. u ftiaaiahrnt to ta mnmfaf fcii tr--

hawe aewci abe asaxaaharhftrva ,


Dt-- . traaTitwoir fawnaaaa asst atTrxs. '

SserKXSiI Xtsacti OaW Pnr rwCT yeerr aaaB-e- r Isbv and aaiwo aw

iiawtSKrAt Faab aVcc sawBCjt tan r freoc sn

acif EacSsft- - ae eesbbs' rang ft enm.s ao rbu Ion. saaVzataaii tozx; kas enrahnra; a. i

nn tmfmi i I rac saw haa aat fit!wry fmwvGA: aearyt mtsaamxt. aatpttoeM t

tnoi . I &etalfced visit aaa abost tfe eraaie : ie- - f


Maaaar toatorantttc n--c Otfct Prisaa JpiiiaT ewerr Staaay f

ii "mi Eaue sswsc IVaaa twites taKetfact. He iMjai iiaiketfrf xsi-se-

- He seesu Bk

a4T rjai eVagasarog aJ, af a-- Iutc? )

aaystica? frame atlU w aV earns tae -i' .:..,. .fv--. -y aa atasac

- I , fc.. . ...USE SACS- - AiSto. MKWKI " T'- -- l r 21 --i .ji Um .rwr- .tu. -

gltrjbdta f ticraas. uetsbl Try !;!far &tS ani Sat W ttoC npaaea.S X ra. .. -- fc m.m- .. m mJtKK4 &SW. Jl.tyi r ..Wl. mz mm- -

htChrac: aoyaaa i t3 anas' ata.,sax. tissctfirxst

sfT'--- 1iiei.A. fXFeriesr Cttijiz- - tmz gotaete

htiztii. EibJ kezt fcfe Hsra ie3Ptfest sitae rrsstt estr ose. wx its. .

sa Ssbcntst tk wsi rts Tn. Hjeis. r

tx vh i s Htwtsra a3 fra -f.. ..33; ji fas jisni St faragritfv A tt

tzOzi&. Bat KttiU s& fcii x Se zaatsacy

tor . iboul topculaaee, and of person"' tr,-.s- t in.; xl vtd Jcsntl liitasbislSoJ. mer lie;, civaIW ntrtiMy !(. rvssexsol. no ostneu t revue,fnHr hn stntin flirtf was nnthini: aNu! luntto lfJ to think hue ioaa. lie rrnmt tohare noharsh feelinc tptanl any one enmlreallv (vnttertt. Had rellaiotK Hfferni no

i?owed to I c himlt forhis cotnim; fate. I aigned the re'Jlion lieennsn Iwwa infonewl tlwt new etnlence hail been found,and that the cirrtimatancea rahl eitrmi.itp; 1know ot do sneh elmirostanees.

It was roenihxted to tne at the time, (the nightbefore the time appointed for execntiont that Lo

been w by the woman ami herpararaoar; batim; leen tied ltaml and fool andplaewl nnuar tin bed, while ther (yuadeil theireondoct lefurt him; and he had been driven toierratior At the tiro ot signing the petition Itnraerhil be waa liw wife.

Cecil Krown : lawyer. Was preinl at the trialof Folna, at VaineC Hawaii, last November: hoappsared perfectly sane, lie pleaded KBilty. bnt

CVort wonH not allow th pi h 1 entered.Dnrinc the trial appsared lrfectlr sane. Ka-li-

and Kawahi wire a$sisneil to defend him.Sawahi. in ttiy w the twet Hawaiianlawrer at the bar. Kalmv was intoiioaleddannc the trial; Xawnhi never drrnk. The Ooort

the evidence adduced 1 think do farwum coonxlrxoM bav deended hua better. Mr. Prosionptweoated. I lure no circamstnncea since thetrial, vhtcfa wwtht tend to mitkjate the oOns.Hare heard be was a very jealous man. so thenatives of Hamakua tak) nie. Krom the nAturpofthe crime and tba evidence. I believe he was fullyaware of what he was dciafr when he committedthe crime. Kaloa made a mwj vehement addresstj the Jury, bnt ho had no evidence. F. Spen-cer was the clerk of the Court. He made no state-meat- s,

and made no offer ot to the Omrt.Three or foar liars (or a week passed between

taiinc the peft and coins to trial. Ashford Spencer was also about the Court. Moth he and F.Spencer haderary oprartemtr to.. evidence.There was an unaaoauj larce number of jwtsonsfrom Kin at that of Court. Iharc artlenuciithat eitrsil for five rears in soccer wn. The term

u more inan iwo wrety.John It Kef;- - I s&ned the xvtitkra. I know of

ik facU in wiUipiUon of this offense. Do notthink be could have been in a good frame of raicdat the tnae. Among Hawaihns the hire of manfor woman i sometimes very rtnwt. so abo isealoay, Thmk thta nas was very ranch, pn- -

Irofcrd.lTt.u... Iw. &J . 1.1 KA ..IHIWIT,. h. .VW1.3 W B MM. P

mUobcv is strom. and if the woman learns, tQmIi J! :.. .ij. m .1 i ; ,

M? (WMIH 74MHUV WO MI0 JUe Ki W),her do this. When made those ctrenmstances

thev commit homicide, it is a sum. of temromryinsanity. Ifamnn should be rb for

who commit mnrder with malice afore- -Uottt, not in passmn.

Kamio: loli was a Rood man. and when hisprorertr in her was interfered withbewas overjwrr--u, am nr ivouiicg away iwasK, xiclooks like a cood man. latheoasebf aSjwaiardon thbbiaral wmmitted a mnrder. he waa. Um. i.. mi. ;.kh..hi rt. nwjn mj...... . . .... tiwiie men anieu ainaseii. l siaiea wuuoav. t. .. i . j w -- i.lv..

Mlk: I siimeii the idtitien. I bdiaifdthat Polsa oomnuhed crime he n i?noranl ahdblind. Do not kaow Pole, never saw htm. Haveread the aewpajer acoont of the mnrder. Knowof ao arw circumstances. Do not know whethershe was IMsa's wife or not. The sentence of theCourt was bnt I ham pity far the. man.

V. S- - Wrt-ll- t. TV,n..T ItlrtV TVIm T ioTWw)

the petilion: reed the petition. I think he was oftmsoand mind when he ecrnmhted the deed. Uisdrapmc his room, sprinkhm; perfumery and cut jtins; his nmrer made me think he was insane. Iheard that he sharpened the knife and est liisanger to :ty if it was shaip, then west and kiUedthe woman.

ranee: Do not know Polua: know soihincabout the matter. I sarsed the parw from senti- -menu o: amm. Many nawanami are ayanj. anaI wish his lite spued.

Saoaa : I satoed the petition because many arenow dyinc. and no more deaths should be added.aaow of no tact.

Beka: Isicned the petitioo. I know nothinc;of the arenmetanees of Polna's offense. Betsigned that the nienee micbt be conrmatrd.

Joseph Lainaholo: I sained the petitien fromfeettnes of aloha for man 1'oroa. It is thesame feeJmir I wonld have for any one who wassentenced to death. Now is a time of mourzixig,

I ohjtct to aov one btinR homt.Haabeo: I the pentun. Do not kcov

Polo. I think he most have been insane to doscchatninc. Know nothinc of the circumstances,He hndereat lore for that woman, and fromaneer and jealonsy killed her.

The Comnirrtee Uien adjourned.Tmns Dat.

JJ .v. ZSL? vI

Uamledo&es: htated he had beenatthetrmi. Was veil aeanainted wit the factaHtfae eaea the man had desired hna toaot in

-- s defence, bol ithal when be forrnd he--could pay ;

ao retainer, he had decticed to undertake so crave ,

a reajjaisMlny witlannrjetog remunerated fm-hf-a

troable. He.eonawiered the man was feefair

defecrM. No plea of insanity was raised. Helooked at it from a paofeastonal point of .

ncma warhm emnaaiia-- lj aawwaamrl twfe ntJ mTtorlr --"j-- -

? "S??only hne to take. He had to Mr.'rarJt Spencer. He reasoned that a man oeooent

!lriZ !

lraajw intmaw wtiA oA ; htoself lore produced msine jeakmsy, act--

answered at to what wttnerK cncsirlered nornMlaad alwwrnua etiTtemfrrt. He then continuedthat he did no omisider this a case of fmrxe bnsUor jnddea nroroaat on- - These bewoaid hareareed bad he conducted the defence. He

tias snaa esf watsrV mijwV'e. em asioiamt of- "rr--answers which be made about his family andrneaa?. am eriwaaae wniea made nan nat sawman was insane came oat m trial, but if ho hadbeen m the ptaftun of Judge, it aonld not haremade him alter hat sentence. Had the aan beenaaaunod he wueki have raised the case from adiicreot standpoint. When asked if any Cburtoef rurdoc had exrmsed their pacoing powerspon the groeaads wtneh fce adwaaced. he said thatdwnag a coarse of ay wears expeneoee be neveru"1 twei 1KB so oo so. oat at tne same

coanutted sajenfe. It wax stated that there had :"" wasrrh laiiac After some farther

.- - -- -. .- - i-- -, ,jasa" " raT;A.Grter- - Had been eaaLnedat Eanaavla;the marder tcoc place no the aijht be left. KnewuV. sun wed, sat aramainted with "aat domestictroubOBS. There was msfhtna: of the way about !

tfceaasK he was not terer atethnTTtt, botbeWMnot aula: be was Terr wiilaic. bet iaeted radgmentween insrustHt wtnt work by wirafif. He came I

to the pbatataoa wath a itafctitiia for bad !

tecatsT. bwt diritj i """ erpsneaee with htmbe aadnever sntowarL Whe the i leftkita. Patoa cum to witneas to hat aanhad an nnmxcar mtimacy with a leamsleT,I InLnilisnT.wTm J Fsl Tf fuT rea--, Wjjlcesa hasted the woman sp; the cmainerl that jPoeaa dinted her; be mat backed owlrso of herfront teeth; Pfalaa hlisaslf had drirea her sway;tbswTt&eat had hmtatif heard. The ptaata-tiocaaa- at

wrje rny cawaVdat aatnaja, andts.se. nil fjmwJlw m litdas tne Caltforanthaaatfraar efaunal? tae naftee onartors. reply Ito Jar. isnaa. tnere w aea ami a womenoa the phanrvsn Tae woman stated ato aaajrxaato aarrv the taaaaton a dealaad toraurT Poeaa. Os tee day he the peSfitartrstthe aaa- - Patatat work oa the traeh yisauda. beaaanataiaaanxal. antrked wuneas war henrstaaahtoaaaVicT Mart the stmauaramsk Jarhaa. lae woaaaa rtad'bo a wssk. and hekei fl njAuatly satae the, jam luaatnt. ttonaorfcedharder aad better than asaal aaoertheioVi thatt ,ia i suaafao waaaacn: ior him. On theancn&s; o tae antaner km hadaaked to tf eacsaedfrora wort on ataAsiiul of the wemtime. bat waa

west to kit work aa anil When, inat R)ii'i rwjaest. triad to rant

hra ra jail, bat was anxbie to keep ha awmit-aens- t.

an Mr. Pyfc, w4to tali hna the actswas txatf. Tae aaa a uttle dameraot aflerthe aaa. aft, Tae aat maia He wasjeemd at ay Itmaeahkon or the gaag worttmiii.He waa bealary. eaer aarw hna aader the ra

af jamwe.Jirnimnni mat earpaater ma to natntofioa.

Eaear Pataa. iniht baa iaaaae. saw hat aIt--x hoar before the dned: aekwd baa aaoat th

Paa am r vac me srHk acnha a aat r9ttis haaemefc be had not easator mVmt threedm. Poeas. had done ao wuck ior tarter en?:aad besaltnato; ahoothihai hat caxhea; haddone an wxrk i tt that day; the aeneral iaaptra--

the saaaawtaon anav taaraaa hadavaeaXsKk. heaar waaea" teejpex. lis badk-a- Pofcu. saseat anefa aaooey csa, tkea, nan, .feantheaataaa. dona at the te&thcift. wrerieT- - daiaoi see how he" catamthiast

rswi iiosss snow, um saws me aB e.Mgis sa asstaxaar tsaekadtem both aeisri.. Peeaawsaa ahfetiattamiw intiaHij. TMniaiiawMbwaex stf aa the imiar, Om ato't ej varabaafigd with t aat Ha haatal of aa frcss or--

V. t Frit itsirf thai acavlamrr VI6aT7- -hs had

t&t&em oa Sitar-a- y itst-- He had acsratoca taaWk a

that there wsaao nWnrritmT toe aay one to trase, llw CosnottoeBadbiom ifsy sintd fay the,'isina.- -rs tae;i ., anai astteat waa vastest wtaatgff'? fcxrward aat atatewhat UeU

Tae ttaetmstrta -- eetesl" watoh waai.j-- -stae-el"- ', js- - mjk! brtix-C- r- n itesr

mmSmmAH",. ' i33 MP. fyaaoaux set oast yms. otTZZT&Z,

wtseema aavsauaen uiaaTss: aacass- -taaroa PMsa attfceaaae ot tiesrfer. Wisea he tioUA hca fc&is thaicncxiae. ae tastdmt aad heart r52afc. freawcit til tas siiti cet te conatttalSrjeii.aas. U pUie aa Sr,rf.-Tjrr- :g

Wiiii t taeausetd. UiSdmg ita-- V6. ra 4&3SMaJt.MA3 aaal taatrarr.-.- awtetti

which he prepared deblierately to eom-aaa- ty"wJnvf TT JL SLTTJirJatan todmaf. Taetoece v : nasi to yea, sir. aat pro- - .'?riL3lTVrLSiSl5s CT.-JS- : ! amthe deaL &a aaMias acre naked aadcase













? ma





her she

theay tax

the BtocwTS with her cetlto otter Prdw5 arje fRqaeoUy grantedjnthont anyketansxrarjkalaeweeaati.etnekati "gf?" "lJg""?,- - v""


1,-- v tarsal aat theatae tamto: aamttowaiy'fi"' fT-?,- ? ."'f"?0-- - iikaA tmrhmii It bad bea aad taat aan wwre nsane who

tieanoi. he at cool ; frea the man's ' "..i "tT-vi"- ," r"iTS .,acraaeaocsftaeacteliarwsayhe rt,Jl! lESLSSwMatoaasanawheaaeeaBaatoial thattsl; bat "f1 ? S"-iT- 1 m?tratte tuahs aad drink he was excited. ' Pftll -- &,

fee aesenbedl ttama. haha had Iwenintoocatod atae aa ar, the sataart tok bffbre. He worked hud to obtain a verdict,,.,-tL-


c she m IWSTW, I thai he aid wasaaadeEtoL kit ' mazaltnghxr--.

lie examirbriod a Hawaiianrr I lHMm.1 Vfm-i- J.






psnaased Derrektav


amtdker'koiksj&alaapii.it tfaaant


meataad aad

IsBeaat aaaim!



dowi crxsassted

Mafcat the

wsjm. she CfciLLi-- ftrsaawsue

T-- m. marratamaweatrrtetiajl--a itme


--mimuataw. M

TTrMasrrtiAkAjeja;hemarXraioateaow;.BtCH-Siif- s: AaasSsayaat

rttifete'HaCaaw awajyrre.

that aaaerrasaciai ofdraa


ai aammT.BaVZ- - mjmpmmu.



htfeszO35- -

cjptc- -


























fcaoiadw-beha- d


bat dot









tfcat gaaatefa



ajfTm'sfcJi-jhai.sjd- .

: .a. si. T1 Z" ' - -- Jc f - ?f ? Crtl LTX JU JCK-lfc- l ZZSZZ31J ZZ7Z& UJZ, bit

nrRUevl that the roan had liecn three dar wllhntitfoial and two nights without alcept lhat dttrinathe third il.iv he h.td ilnnk a laituo of i vi. ,..'ITttlietoro killing tho woman hfthnd nnl lliokmfo on las own IiauiK and Ihnt the wounds iiavehim no piitu this was just the condition of ruanrihs-in- o p:Usnt.tot whom the doctor had hailclatrRo: cited tlis case of a woman whotiitapieceout ot her arm and felt no pain, ahe had had pinsstuck in her Ivick without teelini; them. ThialnlMm tn think the man vflw Inarine. but that themoment ho had cut his throat, IholilcsilletlincbrtniRht liim to his senses, and ho understood hisrosixtnsibiUUos. lin consideml tho state o( theman's heart n very strong mint. A roan withhmrt tliseae wonld N rnoro li.ible to bo ftlTcctcdby liquor than a wll man.

The Uouunitt(.i Ui.u .i.l.osraed.

ettal fmisr mcttlS.

COriiT OF THK IIA-naii- aa

Ilaoil. Il lUnVrupcy.Ulac Wo Tat et al vx. Mu bias A Co. Onl'r at

ltearlnc.Thrra. an oMer lMnd on the SJlh day of March

to lae Marhal, iltrettlnii Mat to Ute bo--m.

( of tar proof Hr f Ah Ytfc. Frn Ilea ami Alt. all nfIlalku. I.laadorHaat. oolng tmtne aiwlef the Htmaame of Mn 31o .t IX- i- ami to pal Ihelr propertr.rocntlai; hiue, Ixwfca ana Vi anter loek ami aeal.iw the petition of Wla. Wo Tat and other, pnrlacthai Mia Ma Mnf .t Co. nay be ilectan-d-, baAkrnpl.

Sw, iherefiwe.lt I. nearnd that Th-r- hr, taeltttUr ot April A. D. is!, at tu t A. M.. armyChamhrrs, at Alllotaal Hale, llofioMa, be the timeand phce of hearlae ukl pel It ton ami decMlnt In

of the baaktapty or lH Sl Slacatal Co, Witpuicd. aud that aotlc herrut he gtten by peMt.hlnc

a copv of lht onlrr for throe 9ftC4stve vroea In thoHiWAHAX UaiErtE. and that atd Ah YtS.Pealteaand Aki be MfW ifith a cetiy ot iH pet'tliw. and atamatoa to appear it raia ume ami piace,

WltarM ny hand and th '1 of the San--SealJ rem Court, this SHa day of March a. li

1M.CITAS. C. IMR&IS. CM.f JaiUce.

AtUt: A. Bosa. .Drpatyt rert. Sapreme Coort. SI at

CL7lO ttTAIUN ISLANDS, tn Probate lOnlerof aolleoo( Frtllioa for AHovanca ot Accoants, frlfchatfc. aadFinal Dtotrlbottna of lTrpeny I

In the matter of the Ktte of Henry (Ionian, late ofv?alalaa.Oilin,atttad Iatotahv Al Chamber,

rMM'aHr.JrlrVe. - 'On Jitadmraad I Ha cine rtrltionand aeroonitof

Wt.lium K. Catle. .ilaial;trr.lor of the Blate ofHenry Gordon, iatr of Wllalaa, Oaha. deceased, nherelnhe k to be alined 3a..aBd charrr hlmelfwith and aifc thai AteniHe mav beaaoncil aad approred.and thai a anal order may be,rode of ditrioiiIo& w the property remalntne In hfshaada to the persona taottn enUOcd, and dlKoarjrlnchtm and hu .xiretie (rora all fuihar retpontibillty as

aeh 'It i ordered that reilnesda. the 4th dar of Mar

A. H. Na'dndiA. IL, herere the said JnMkr.at Chamber. In the Coort Hon', at lloaoln'n, M andthe same hereby l appointed a tho ttoo aad paxe foraeario: Mid petition andaromate. aad that all persootnlrelcd aray then and ttlerrtippear and bovr eaoe.If anv taav bare, whr the saaie rhonld not be granted,aad may present evidence a to who are entitled to thesaid property. And that thla Order, in the Hawaiiansad Snlih lanroasee. be rmlii.h(l in the HayaiuntlAaaxra and bnokoa awpapr. printed and

In. lloeetari, for three faeceesive wret ire-rl-oa

to the time latreia aapeiated for said bearingPaudai lloaolola. U. L. lhi a day -- f Varch A.D.

ISal. L.WVRSNCE JIcCCLLY.JaUce ot the apreBle Coort.

Attest:Drpnty Clerk Sapreaie Coart .

glTKiaiK ml'RT llF TIIR HAWAII tXC3 l.tartd- -. in Protsal. In the E.tale of J. O NEIL,of Honolnla. deceased Intestate. Before Ht. JaniceMiCullv.

On rradln; and SHnt the petition of A. J. Crrtwriehtot llontxaln. albeinc laat J. ONeil. or Itonoinla. diediateu:e at Honolnla on the tola day of March. A. D.UM. asd prarins that Letter! of Administration Issseto mm. and that aieanwaiie year pentraaer tie ap--iwintnl rv Aiatiralor. ordered thatVsDSEsnAYTTHK SIXTH BAT OF APRIL. A. O.ISM. at lOoTeleetJ.V. M be ond heeebv K. appointedfor hearing fsaid petition before the said Justice,in the Coort Ro.ua of thU Court, at Hooolaln, at whichtime and place al) peroaft cooetrncd may appear andshow? eaaye. If aat taey have, why sard perjttnn seeerdnot be rrant-d- . and that tat. ordc o pabllehed In the

i ABStisa lacpiace ior mree sarcesre weeaa m ue- Hawaiian Oaxee newspaper, m Hoanoam.xatteil nono;nlo. it. I.. Marcn 31. .. ir. i?ei.

LAWRENCE McCULLT.Jastiee of Ihe Sapreme ConrU

Attest: V. Rosa. Deputy Clerk SC

Mortgagee's Sale.T" ACCOItDAXCE iriTII AI Power of Sale contained la a cettala morrsare

deed jriven by J. Kaaae intarruie known as John J.Lcwiel. to Henry Dimond. dated November !3th. tSTT.rtcorded la Liber M. folio 554. the naderb-ae- d civeanotice that a tateads to frmcloee said motifafr forcoaditios broken, to wit; of interest onthe ante seemed thereby, and will eell at paMIe auttoaat the anrtion room of E. P. Aaaaaa. hi Honolain. noSATCRUAT. iAY 7th. lt$U at :t o'clock noon, an thoprearsr dexnexi la said mortraee, via:

1. All that tract of bad boated oa the west side ofXaamna IMiret in said Hflaolnln. described in Royalrunt Nv ICCu luae Lewis.i AH that tract ot raad oa the Island of Molokal.known aa napaleas, desribed la Land CommissionAwaidNo-ini- . nsrsv DIVONTJ.

C&.t A Hatch. AtrorneTS for Afortneee.HoaotaU. April 1. ESI. MT Im




Cures Nervous Headache in 5 minutes



Lurjiris Exquisite Powder,Cameline, Oriental Cream,

And a Large Aasarm'nt of Labia and Colgate's Soap.ut Pprt amery. Bias he s and oiau

Superior Toilet Articles.yos SALE AT

Dr. HorTmann's Drug Store..'Kan





TjrorTrir.r. I'laE.iSKTAKrNoTiri.TiiTJL I --JTw rubIf-k-M . Heal Xrlate Oakr hs HB4- -

tal3- - ii2" of tw-i- hA len; tvn wAnted latAW q)hiihmh;.

JfT iarnmu Is to adserri bh hi CHforate andthe Cou-i- aad "m all ts.s. so that ear friendsabrad who ne caaaaatny earhrreiiwr hare, ai walloar --sp on .h.e Isuads. who wish in ehaarememlrf iea awrr wow and Home to swit. witaoat rias;sabjre; t "tae ariOAriwc leonlesc whsca m

aerrivfort ifi T alt who wish to ire me theAeescy ortoeir Rooeas. HowsA and Pnu liytaeywtsttad it eperaa)3f bs these rtreatese. 1 laloail to jieethio onaca ef toian mj falst aaebtioa.

jEMPLOYIViENT BUREAUI have alto opcBd aaaaajararnt Bareaa, and take

,tm --m.ltm.Mr II lllllll mmf

Agznt and Managers of Plantatlona,Shipping Agerite.

Otrnen ot Vetaela, Trade-iae-n.

aaialleU'rempkiysTs who datirt raririal aa promptliiiention nuaerraniiaiii toaeniyme aiaeicsaciisexist.

BespeetmUr.i.Z. wfltKJfsOf.

Beat Zattfr lsrohwr uA SatfwaeeMat Baraaaj4.an.v

Great Eeduction in Prices.


Fnrflitiire Company.E P. ADAMS, AGEXT.





At "Ware Booms em Kiss St.841 im Z. V. ADAJCn. Aarat


rpUK U.VDBB8ICXKD IJKIKG1 o1xed to Vaa the Islands. Crrs for sate, te lota

to mm hmjTt iL vfsote of

1113 PUOPZEIY UT ItOETH ZOHALA,cowctsTurc or

Cme snd ParlnrclJirl", Honaea, Halldintxsd Tbzrf, llontt asd Cattle,

Case aad nrs Ks-o- PJalidtor aad MTi.elsrilJtolaa:Vatertate. XfrrneaWi'. Ae . A.

If t 'wfet-Kda7fte-fc hssv will heSbtsjI atpawtoswrTttia. raeteraw.apptrtoMt rtel . UJ39. steasta.

Boots & S&oe.BOOTS & SHOES I

AcoxMfiXJir.irr ov tjootk axii .hoeImws asd maacfactory of

3aaerj Tlevr Ojyjiejwr. sewyer A sVe .

Has been BeceivedBy ie tad w a soid at iweat prleej.

fy CM sal trtsi.soI iiii13 cisnz & cooee.



Monday. April h.. .r I WWot k O mTaarMay.. April Ittn... .larttMtpmJtawday, AptH JlUofllleoRpm

TOrcHIofl AT MAALAKAaTnextaT. April Mh jitloVotKamIMdaj. April MU. 'J',nTneeoVy, April Wh WtrnHka!n'

AKKIVINU AT KAVitVclaeeaay atthSanday 4W!2?Weilneeday lpih

itirrauiiso moxt kaviSatnnlay -- alssWeilnelaT ,


.................... .wtfeeltllthTbateaay..... AMUbtMoaaay..... .JltfMrj t tn



ratiiK AiirvTw or tiii.s imhctr mrr,1 Mesara. V. II. Cmsonan A Brna . 5a. 11 fha-h- er

rjtreet. New th. will dispatch a IravehM veelthe tairer pan of Mar or earte In Jane tar thla port.

Ptrile deotrtna: m klp hy thla buhIw Hoe will for-

ward theli order early, to aro the neeersarytoonuFttlehl al lewesi rate.

CASTLK Jt COOKE.Stl am O Aaeou la Monoram.

Irom Honolulu to Hilo Direct.The A I Cltnp-t-r Stammer,

(lOODMAX. UASTSR.Will nil from tlonolaln te lllto direct, aad iIH cHat

taurmedtatc Porte on the trnrn trra.For Frehjht r Tafeace. apply 'h tataln at Veart.

t or A. PIUKl-(KR.AtT-

27X3EjE3 TuSlBLE:

min i L15CELERElil.Ml. t ytAKTEK

Tnday. April Sth. 5pm... ...CtrtaHof HawaiiTaedar. April int. 1pm. Hav.TnrMtar, April retb.a pm. CtreaH et HawaiiTaeedny. April htta. i p m . .

Tnesdav. May H,)pm . . ...CliauUwlBawaHTneaday. Way loth. . p m . . . ....1I10Tnesdae. Mar tTra. Spa . "Icirewtl of UawaHTiiei-day- . 'J tHk. 5 p to.. laTnday, May 31 t, p m.... ...CilwMtefMaswIlTneeday, Jaae Tlh. ijp m oTliJeeaIcTiwoTtTne-da- y. Jnne 1 Hh. j p m. . . '.!

Tnenday. Joneatnt. 5 p m... nibTaesday, Jane ta. 5pm.. CtrroKotHiwAlt

ca- - Xo Credit lur rasanjro JIohct. -- atTepesirlTctr declmo to opes attoaals far Passaees.

and we partkalady call the alleavvoa at ue Iniibicpnhiic t. the nf haTiar !. aan 'retoMplalnlr marked; the Vteamer win J-- reerr..ranynmarhedBanrate.ar fee Fnsinai e PAlceia.anleso Itecelplett ltr.

Trtltrht aoney Due on Denned.In all casw of fri(ht for parlies net rfn M. e

nntnown. the freight money will be iettedla aduaelAC'KAI.Ii orl.lllIIOIl-- and II I.M--H U.H.

UK 1'I.AI.Xt.T JUBKCl)Tor the parte whom they are foe. or prnrniy stated la tkereceipt u whom they art reastfrncd- -

All demande for damat e or losa mail t made wtanhaone month

In no war liable for lo or arcldeat le Itte Heel.SSeT" Hack Brier's. Boy. and neh Be net be

allowed oa Nard the tramer oa arrival. aatM a Her tho

x e


For San Francisco.THE SI'LESnin !ITEA3JIH



Oa or about Monday. April 12.


Tin: si'i.r.Miin .htka jiiiiipCITY of NEW YORK

NE.tnt'IlY. ComnmneJeir.On or about Saturday, April 16

for Fr-g- bt and !., plr toSI7 SB. H. H SPRLD A Ca.a.c-w-

GimmIh lor Stilpmeiit w?r Ntraairr cum nowb iUrtHi, IVw ut CliAr&Tw. In lb t'irv-prtx-tf

U.irrhuiiw nenr Ihf fttemnrr .i.aibfoIeuropevianewyork



Established 1040.

Two Sailings Every Week,Foir. Livi:uiMtn.j

From Sets York arery nWaeaviey,i'Vowt Bottom ntry SidrnTfay.

RATES OF PASSACErCnliln- - . aio, H1..I I Of) Walet

Aeeordiaz to AceomaorbUaa.RBTUBM TICKlCTo OX PAVOK.VMJr.TXXw.

Steerage ,' ,, . aast CnrrrnrrGood aeaaaanwlntoae eaa arwara

tpiKwooaa WILLIAM,, OUIOMnS X C rha -

a state street, Beetoa.V8ICIOX H. BrtOwTX A Ce

4 BowUaa Osana. Se.Ts.1.tce to Pasumrers from Jto'taalta. Sew Zeahvid

forlUtiin to theuoali amneui frea TtoaaeMports, the frwaaeaey of fi sauTan pnrhahW ptMeibllllT of delay in vrw Toek

aMdatlaas ahMTa tesvrred.TEKrfOlf H. BHOW7C is CO.itoly Bowling ttrwesA. KowTatk


"Waflele, y Malol"WaioII. jEfjfH tniu.

"Walehn, JZtXh "Wailniadn,Gen. Slegt I ..'- -" V Kolas.

and Mana.PT.AG Rod with triUle BalL OnVe-B- ti Cosaet of itoean

and liun atroeu I



wili. i,i:.ivr, jnisrroi j.tTiiii.irfrom Mar Itth " June 1st next Otmill srIsOClds OT lb!. T.-.- .h'Hild Uwmm ftM.MMfttefoes April nth. tut farther portValar aewsr to

BRztfaie ca,


3S!v C B?owof & Co.-Ago- nts. t"V f Xesehoodlw Ktoraee rree.tlxand lilssral ea.li adrnaera aade on shtpmeate be' y BRKwlstdcMr

BOSTOH AND HONOLULU PACKET LINE Iiev- - c. Srswsr & Co.-Ago- nts. ftt"r raswraM arrurm'olasade lor storaew and .hlaowwi of Oil.

ffshapa asm uar aorrSAftaoAM to a ew aWafosa. sV.lea.'-- ijh. and other XeaMra foru


Id hie eaiuw ratoMst La ik. Daru axialwrvwAtarricd aa al lac oae of Fort aad Xerehaal Simm.

la this city, te

J. A. PAIiMEH & Co.,Tjlwthl.0pe0rtnj.lt7 fteaaklaetiMpMI tor toelltrai pelrsaoee wsrf apws Aa m the put. todmoot lesottswfir asJt.Utataiosiaaoaaea of toate JUVrnalseMrt aaa to secardld to Ml lUUMaH.

3fVTAire.Bostoiala.XastJl tse. WI asjaa


dssliaaVs iwslawaae Bo. at XMaaaAsenaa.enlAdwiasassrhiHs.a.kkkm.nam. serraaie' reset, ease bowse, stewis aad fowl

' Apal to 3. H. WOOB. orn 9. tt i K WltettAit aiAtorowaatat.

FORSAIE.OKB MOKB COTTAOIJ AIS'DLot. slsaated 00 iho te.r of Locale aadPliU ueot aawJt rmrateat an tad DVtaaaaaa in IjLstaiiwLe&A. Par n.il.ali . a..

noireoftkeLwaerB. Wlfiaeisi. ostat mtSin sof . 8 Dote. Eo. W If


rv. tre asd favci-w- kaowo la this cnmnlfi al.).jsl li.i.i.'ta r a: Jarvb Walk f. So. U KJextree fitiiaaed'ooiyoortetrti.


Page 3: T'IS, · 2015-06-02 · BL r? e Hiuaiian asrtte (.. n rj i w lm itnilmitakiUat rrwjMixr In. r. t UWUWil 1 I Mitta 00!. la' i Oftt t M wb iw lira ROBERT GRIEVE, iiUt-ai- .-. TMM nm


' stai' he ' tHaakaahlr CM: art... : t"nj; i- te ir beard

" Hra-l- t Tfcf anit qsarir-- : : drrrcxrr teVek c te v rr o eriWr dthtecajTcaaafci.T&. r-- ". 'jar eat.ir the ceat ear f taatfliltjha Baa ef. iibs.i. aaaa. at jwml af aaaigaisaj, aadIk aaa. a-- nwtmyVyit eaj of tSw 1 i saaaaahiiu.B BsarlvaHM &aes

hiai tillhear eba -

totrartafcllattf tsya0sp'"boa atthedbsBKian pha--

n!fi.taiMHtn hm wiuwthrWa taaaah- - --baall awL

mm Star Vt iftttitytaHM.MtMMv HMfUttfiMyiMl Mr

TH0r- - - - - - -- k4S "3HpMBMm JCu

htMBBBaHT. Iwlf. baaii baHui baar

aaKBct9taa--M-aa-af-itt- c- Bar-- ,.

Kfiwii iii Taaraiifia Vktae huh

K BaJ I g ah-- BJB far tM

r tC blMHlMafi'.i linlilul(Tll tar wlcAf it davaaarm a t.

r nnc te ut unian or orCfcW. m rmrnw


1k am i Baiiim a4 VrwUrr mrr t!'rja- - Tat JL . Aar aa( c aaj h a

Vbr MatMS' JBWBataaTjB1 1 3toAkT IMSl

a oVr CBiwr mir -

&& - at n aw taiidtikr anaiuWatV fctWri fcaT Wmtmi aaMaV fiilftiac am

nrfrJ l?ell

tife'. fei Vi r:T5'! Trfl " I1.1 1 - E

TS;;!g: et

r iw if 2- ',

IE ; t 1 1 ' :

I p fijg


i i IJSiL-- i J


t m ijiAm

1 m 1 1 lII

osToroyoa.rjr.m a f"r . - - tolMK

a ha. Mh iSahihi wea?. two ata;tt.. 7" . w- - .v.- "fcpVt so ataa Kaa. Tajaac rv ? i .


SaSed. ;

Mm aaom Baaai rtaaw kiaMiA T aiaa I r J.Tt

wa-- X fraa Trr Iiacaae:


l - - 1L-- aaw 'aMfe asaHaotaarriSfBT " " "t ii n T--aMMaaateaiaeit '''-- , - a. j w

BataaMaraaBKaa.aaTaaEa. a onmhahtvaTaaaaK ra hi aki am n r anaiiiaa W laatr aar T.--rSf thea -

iakf aat wim alK

boTsaadnrkfoaaaat atepeois



- ' T"?- -


3"?aTaa5SaKTao o(ai!Ei''- S.W- m aaaii j Br ia aerr weark.K BMBk .aaata, a.a a aae B la

iaaaarbiBassarsaaaaaaaiBBaBSBaBK InaO" .iBfaavraiii fin " .Jaaa aBl Baas aw a ubb'i aw rm ww -

aa'rBaK.aaac iea "T?J??5S 'E!?r 3L-t,- TL2r T Z, aTLKTaa 'eaaaai(rs lVaa,aak

laav aat hat Xa

aaar av re sere-

"ifcass? aVIeaaaa.aaa a k. rot --r4 aa ei

aaaard. ,'! VV ra aasya-i- - umm

bMai'b.' aatWr hVat Ar- - fcbbbi sbk. t asaaMra.


V(b Saa .. ttar.taalaaa -- - aV

V a jpaaaxjardaaaaBaJftaj 'aS'JBTJ

aaa Mhaa.tliaa aa --. aaUK aat"mB f"bbaaBBav

aaaaaaaBBBBB) 41aaaaaWrVea.

2MSS3SnSKS.: E TTaA'arr tie'

aaayi li' w ataraaar orrtavcau sMriOrv - Sar--ca Abo -- ..larsaa aa laawkaaa. ajaa aa :-- a

aaMaaa. aarWa - J r. a JXatepaaVaaBBBBBBBBVBV a vaasb. Iwajsr ;

- - iw 1K hrfi-iT- J at 'aa aaa an m r 1- - "

aarv a a asraa

. r Laaaa.haea.t--ar Chaser

yWB IfcBaaatk, 4M BrWa'am

BaiaaaKaaaaBkHaaaXh aMlt--r itaTa-- lf araet atba vara mfi.LTaaaTCiaT bat eeaaa. a aarr-- 1" bbii

ha hanaaa aiT--i atf-- i

the aaiaaiir ahabr aawe anesta

" tadKL 3faaor?IfaaMaaaaaaae ai aaa --.v.. im.aaaaaaaaaaa. .a "- ,a --m- J a aa. BBBa Baa vafsmwr wwr a. nw jlaa .?-- -- e"L --m .. m. I

" --.mLrTiaSaVatBBaie Marr-r.

MTTZ!"m tt-- abr alaraat t -- ktrntmrnt aaaaaa. a? ay aar raa naaji, m ,.,.Sr Bwlbaat aeea.arar '

haaB:tlhaaBv a---, aw aaaae thaasaa aa aiaawalaa ear -aaa . aaa.Jja- - aaat aar On.ay a.

aaar a , -- - ctn lJ eaaattra. 5h

SJeT--r barf reA aaat --taaaj??1- -"n hn taaW Bte

aWaaal fcrsrs twtacJaa.a-apk- c

liTaa-?-'- ar, .. aatiasrfc- - wtetbgafceyer- -

.yLrarf.roVr.aclaareriCiLBTiaa! a CVrasiaB' she aorr eeismt IrBaaaaaaiBjaidbtBgwc

Ta.a.-CTr-.- ,,i r vjaTTzrrsmar the ca--

-- L. u- -. . . t . IkI saaa saar xraaalu.a!ta.hrxinlltEals Korrancxa


ISLAND LOCALS.Arorr loirs.

Tkx wrar folks pot some lea oat of April

Tsc MltraachrtoTiJBaart f Mr. Okrk's

Pha'"' rehearsal took wlac ha evaai&cthe theatre.

Oar tbtaisareaaetoMr.I'.G.'rhraHi farbvie! PfJT.

Sashta aaaaibsrs wan added to KiwajshaoQkIiiSmbv.

That sum of la M tttaok --yHTOpR,Causey net Oimqr. Ybeitrl was aot hts with.

Qs Sataroay Beat. April ath, the roraar steae ofthe Laaaltto Moose will r laid with ae

W JtBtiiai u ptk4Me-.adtc- -ltfcawiT of qwMatietv: ud rmM ou all Ac "

ea Br BMOB the. hBftOflaa? JMPQP

The SiniH Xs CkfldnaV: Saoiety wa

tSa Us MiMiO.! wxtiac as SMtiv tTmhutaett at aW Ti! r Mint i af 3b. P. C Joans, jr.

The nwtra MaHai awd In lain' have bothlarardwtth ry taB ou s fro Hawaii: thehi ha has- -, out JW pBarati tot sa-r- atl

athturmc tjKU.

T.liMa)iiy.eopUa-AtH.E.M.SS- . '

M,i-fark- rort iai Mi Mr.Jor a aerrtaK-oiMBttt- nest ltrsie stts. !

Tae a HawaS saes:fc n --a f

ma. ran aie uuii n nar "" ""t itae nam, aataaoae kTta-:dWa-aa '

enac on shore b Sard. T dancer of tev .

iiliai Jinn ii .iiw nm ta flnnwssnl '" -tau aiaar.

.AW J '" "

wicVrofd: scaaeof our aye 'wr. are mere trap:!

eoMiat ww( Ike Betail oa Saaaay hua. ia

it fa natamyof laaanktafwarj tewmaialatfofSawaataao dtaiiia aave saaeteQ xtom aae aee--


TaxbaarepidEapc. VTe sappuee a is beoaase sk( I Tbe bark .faaal Gapta-- a Edict,waa nke a the tree at HBo oa Moaaay, Marei I sc froe a

part of the towa. i ua in tfce Saaaa Seat, baring i S barrels! of siftr, IS) and IT apoesdsof

lae rewanl otand fac the eapaare. of buoe- -laaar was ? ia all: fSO was ofud by toe

nWbvtaeOiai Oaeafvarietaaaeaaaotwiw w wiang at his apor.TkiUBHa- -.

r; . 'She MaaaaJIr. Uaaanaeirsaisaeia ;

hK ha ' a Leoac Tanat, oiald aatawetwa ti aaaa. wa lac lc wasaa-aja- a

It aaaaaaawe aae CaaaMaaa waoaaaaat apaa CMptaia Bass




ar VieaaKT left for Clam oa Saaday. or oa other hbtd j at wocldbea variocs oksfos of our coram unity. Committee.Ska area with tweoty-foa- r Caiaese ' rmnr. In Ihr locoasidtctBeadrBabihtyof.aadfonafororgan-aaihatVaaiaaiuaiiaaBBoar- d.

lae ft woald not be at all sarprfen r s Maid next uaaoa predated the folkmnc reprtalaeaaopoeasifcbeonalos: coaatry , vaataana prove to be a saart ea raake. i, ,- -- . j. ...'..,..zaav he oai beaac nd of t

xamaaaiae Js?aed fay the Kaptokua Park Aso- -

aaaauaralMI thev cot allowtheawaaf a twoa to aoesabscabat s a aepto lh ra atnetaat. Itytauntj unjii naaWithat people who de not support the traaksacaideat ana.

Tbe aae eJ fSaadeMnafietedbf tbe FotkejasM.pja Jb.J.Bmaa tor aviabuweof the ,

in i aaaa Trraim "Tn oa tae na jaarcawas .aiaaaaaahalaaaraaaaKT Oaars. Anwaale I

laa IWLai ae teach, wtaa theaoaalfaaaafla na. dtii i . aJmat to aK the reastre-- 'aaeaasaflhclaw. !


aauc awac jsaaaaa sareec areaaaar. SJoar saeaairy. aa u wa onrr are Mageaaaahweaar expect a eeeacooiraadat lascThe staae oachnr. the ;naai roBeE. the bauocfc ,

waaaataad the prteooers aae all ihia. iheir share i

ofa Wert. ,

Ikwineads of the Mmirtec of Flaaaeeaad Xrs.yajhar aaufad the 13th Aaajrecsary of their

artlaVt rf alannwwra. eaajMCaax of nathaa,ta-e- wan nieepled. rvwatiaf oat that

tatswas ta cream

IVe of Hawahas Tjodce Xa SL x. t A.

Xaar nraaaehid at thoir TjoexvaMaaoaSaaaaharaaat. SthiaA-at- E harp, for aatFW-bm-s

af preoerdanc ia a.hody to Makikx a periaaaaaamaar oaiaainaay of Mac the oaraer

saaarVtheTaanJOoSoaw. VaaaW bteshrcB are

aV way. it woaH he a jjood thaar if the Mat-- 1

aaar af tbe Uiat. the AtJoraey-Gexieta- l. theMat haT m hi nai hi tin aaihiiiai n aW tiaalT

lot ofvari-- i


a oee est oer rawjnte. aad we aere?aae c boaraai at: tae atae rat rrwnTiinnrtn

Tioaaicsia. w the Gardea Coaat oaeof ijaaataatuaawaotaaaawBB eror wriBea : tt j

2?Si!rriCS,,""OWTO.. .e." w -- . j

bo toaattj ia thr warHas tar toHdaiaa.

y as to fw.ua theIJ hb aaawhr

waa nasaaat be aat cat bt

Daokeas tatalai aatotvafbar chanaeBR. ta ha? gerar ealae hum jtiaaast

foOowaK ioa.iataamat

-- ?!. .j - -? -- T v S.TTrNrT.. 'I may Tf

OaaaarU -- ..asaaaai awaars I


The baawar.who have hres. throwtas: -' - at the Chi- -

tttVZ'T2r7Zdar ooaaaaaaae atoai ia that ssasaav aa4 aaery Xhfaaswaach ibeaia te pat a saopav

to the haaaVaa Salaiay. we were laauh jfcai l j

'waatbe raadeelae af thesekwooas freai Baast.

rv.'y- - ?? 2J tTharaaah the aerfoaaa

ecevaa.BBsaBvaaa.aa. -t ahaar

a..maa.s-l- j.- . h . ah.aau - - -

.ieh. ....... ..".ME- - . xtnBre. .... iMimi











r.lJjm '





aa .'aaaaaa arebanrasr

--..- ...i


Tlaaiihnai aaafBa







i- .-






aeseeBeaajard aboat apaetpan of :

' aaew. a Cauif a wan sbaaaatwiaaaetaaaahabaat baaad BBVthrht- - A tKaaaaaa. aaa (

? ae doabt at to abithn j alhaaaaaabBbBaeakaaTororljaaaaa.aaTBBXtK. a l.nm, m a. ia.Shaaaa Ha net a warrant for UMt

. lawo ia. Thaa areaaa aaar aaarbhaw tryaat taoeok the hat btdor yof eaH a.

I)l(xadav aaecaac a atrr was bcoacht botW

ahr r.vxr Coaet Mhaaaai wrth havaartmtet

ST iatahafaaaajhart- - rrai C2TsS: btsacasd


raajbv btaa baraahbare hiBBaBBaJ I

i laaafiTa. asaSt UMlkiArm 4

IaWtUaiaaal Iks aat waTraaaaaW rattJ 'awday. baaaraa waakaahaaa.

oaaaacaa aaeraat aa' osoaaawavrale tbe pnwsa hr the Mhutarr of the latarsot.

The oaw of --a" riwwia e man tae taeaxre yvotcay aae weee wary

aaaraaaaav Wm aaa.aaa w.aaa aa a aaa ar.aaaaaaar tm an b ataacn ' wtat rtoaaaltfcefW. Weexaaw ti asnaBr iet atari. Xa. Waraer hatJBaatralsd tbe wsf lil tital fcea ftaar. aVt I adya iiibb. as wsaaca: iiwaiiBa """"ar1 rrcai

aaaaraaBrr bobbf . raaaa .vaawae- rv-- rr Oat .a Mas r4r'.aal

aaaaaj It imA? mwWMLwh iHmt I tf 9 f-c-1 A.aaJhJ -- ? - -- a.. J

BBBaaaaB- -, BBaaaaaa aaaaax aasaBBBBBaaBBBX B.BJ aaaa

ahwdacaare.Jac. Saiaarhas beea. TilaaiiTHhrrsaiiiaMal aaa ,.atiad sat hscl

ttebaaaaeea wjiar aaaaiIaarht of the worid. at Ka.aa. ia i"o""" " Baaf"abaaBV hab baBaf V! Haaw

if anr vr-aa- i jwo t 11.111 abuai obpl tfaare Terr fjltdtosee that Mr Parse-ha-t baas left

.taciaoaa batoaa jabjeta. ha aot , airaaaax ae Baaaaaaax aaar v. w avaaaai VOB I

areaaa. i lauiii) at aMr. BarvrMrhreaaee his


to the ofHe had beesaaioaiidbrthrreabiooaiaL.iiaeaatatelaaaad. At Lee. oat of the earaar SatArt thatImbw: Laac to hat isore ahaal Jwa weeks sacaad besaht hi in hrsad aa At tasehe dad art tare be Tra. fjaje yniiy becaaeaEtaEsaaasToaacx. rzaSsasEarasasaajatrjaseof two af has oecapasaoei bver. wa has. ware,nan. i i. aae or thexx ia ,1aamil.

aVaarrferacrrfKaLce.wiaarhhecerAaiaC. TSayaBS GaB3BVaBBbilh &a7 laavt 'F1 atSsS ZaffXI I

nfocmxnl 2k t; .fee raEset raasocribesuBaaaaawiarlheaBLatheyhaaaeai

fcn m-r- r to fee-- sss&ozsxs A. lajii o k

srWh aaai! reft fmc rf that a2a-- . also fxifr! farL

iaooeaefc. arrrrxoc aJhcart fibe suBeSBne. aai yve5s xs aasrss of 3rraxitr xaw&arfctiirTrfhe

iXrrctvlaaei.iua'Sg.i wi er. &si trje netee. . -. ..-- I - - r

m lm... m.l..-iia.tlmaifliri- l.. ..a ii m. mm. ..jr .ir.if-,- im...iini...a a, ... aa. a- - v. a .., A --- :."" .""f "" . '. . " "

an an, ahat oarwhaa ahey see at, wa. jsna a aaasaaaes venjart aHe aaanr.

The asaiaau laoar Laaa; was i lahtitasaa boat oa '.iTBTiii

Min.C3jm basaaer. nboat aJinUtirea xJkj are

qcnrrtas tholTcs on tfc r cocsuis aresiata--

Onbrrhrt hip fmm Kaht dot U XVUra ifr,towed ta Hr froa t jvrt to tais jxKt.A kiI looc lU- -

Most of the adHs oo &n U aai ans fall blast.Stonioii ar fall of t aad tnias

ranmiu; to take it nj.ThrehaTexi latona ' dariacthe wco

TjKraiafIlvatoiMSs.aB 1 l:Wj U tradesbare asade the ntefct vwv

CMrShT-TteteeU- s of rai i retorts asln'rfacfalMiioMiikaTRteaw. aaaTT r$L Tbf

wfaahat:eoocracatwa rired

lakerlrrrk whale


Thewluaaaok her

tbeThe raV

that wiU



ake hataak




aad bnctaedii.ibmh.


eaaaetan-- it- that






orr rarr u, wtr. "vwx K--, bat tal.--twO."

OMBpuvhris cosm is front Mwri Uwi camtionfcaoo on thttDd mxxerv iaratapM &ad'eBjsKtxtfactamaantwc. If das is trsa, the aaattecAooH h ttrtdl to.

Sena aeoJteas of tae Ivatoaic fQd. by aeansof ram and factions talk, have at vrnfced to

inre amaitctkeotfar-H- c jyoeeahte Ntirreiaw The tr.jss

enforrrd hereafter a liast sceh m

of tae pm in taeMrts.The "raajestv of the lav' aa 1 tb jv)uw

ia h is Mak to tbe Soot kSea. IsJantJerA.A Vuaka ce4afale irot mti a exae BJJ to ar--w oe cfcjrwd wi Aawnt tlale ra tk"r- - '"'"ri.'C!!!" i"f '"S5- ,&. Mo bs to trial tie raalerarurof tn ocnntrrawuu tnthUieirvin a. chik Ireo and..v--- T" rr "tae nut aovw. ano JoDowett m. tai a saraseloot TroaWe was aiMgebeod-- d. tr c rbe KsaisimTms iaa-ro- wd to exiiam to taea tfc -- HM roof tati - l - : ...- j. - --a .i i--- ...!SUM JWTY. UM illWIIWWIIIJ V w-- ,KW(- -

ties. A tarbt Twaaktty wmsiraraed ta view of taetr--eoneaae!e,aad ther retained rmcs-H- y ta their

Hajuxt.Tbe eraser of KOuiMis ramarkibbj- - active at

TCRMat. lae are oaed Vr aV it a : lava fromJfaaaa. low. stall continue Jo beta, bet tittlepro-ret- g fa uadi.

Tae late rains caused heavy Jra jets la taeraviaes. Ia VTaroio. a pcctxai of t be Tiee cropwas. for a aw. wibmereed. Ko k mas icjury.aowewu-- . was ooiaaaoeis.

a vc the saaaB rk has aot avi j hs aarear- -anee lotto dtsarieL

Trront Kaaakaa we hear that faH ewiag iatae- -davkery after tae Sooa stona, tbe t eavy sarf oa

5T2?5J,S!!l!S,a! .T":Beatfcinoae of Ms saddest for 3 has cocae into I

oar nods: danar the past week. M cf. Soaaia Qle- - i

wrf. f Rev VThl S. Obsoi -- dedal 'deaceat HBo. oa Wednosdav. .'IvcfcSSJ. leavittcaa arfaat daacteer three weeh ., and two baau- -

tifat little boes nntaeriess. X r. and Mrs. Otasonhave beau aEik aboat thr roars, and have .

iili .nAwwJ tlaggaselew; to the Kttae r,ilnmnier Ut raMi has dis riiarcvd irilh nwlfanhfuloe and efficieocy t- - idatiesas prJxapal 'of the Hilo Aascicx sebcai : raatiiboi aae.!V- -. Okeua has showa heme f his helper is everymrht hrr Mthaaataic iate v ia B pertaiaiacviajjimui V the nativ . weUasbv hersympathy with all Chrtssi&n sorfc. Her paiiotce .

Tl - X f hi. . J 1JaaVX rffTTamrip1w;v ajajijaii av va avTJhnmO jnwih

jjj,,,. ja. Breannaeat i i her life here, aadthe powerf al inCueoce of a vanre that rejoicedkr 4 tA Trill let- - be rMabeid.J--

ru-lii- JiittU ii mi loss, t ct jrrea cais aadft 1 mifln fuairr. cai i onlv sav :-- Bnef is the aace that forat oar loied. in4ts asi via a. aii- -t ift haaaV aa htch are beckeaia f MpaaSs hohtiar.Vhite oar heart's ea fotdtar.

ishrht aat thin edeaee haievaaisaef.Three, warrr cor father 4cae rr. rtts a aaafeh4.There ki thr hone, that kme time naaertas. iTaare cre tae tan tau sever t eeaoa promt;.


-- isf:Ir?TTyBT. " ". -- . . . . ..

rS P f?T to S?.of,J?rtSr.Fiteh vaecwiated ISpacsoas, aad of these t

aboat iAsacrsrfurty. i

. . : j. . ar..t ..- - '.r.on rw - r w . cFaaweriIieiwiTtrtrwi:aadxhoTraBa;taae issaid

K"ot weo. j

TheaaaraaaD oa the Gwdro Isaaad has not ., .,.;. . Krf a .,

A. iava axa.a'waBaBTS a w aaaaaaaa aaaaBaav aaaBaaa. n7er.'j. i

There vpere twenty cafe? of aaB-po- x aad vedaaths. a less percegtagr than at auautala. I

AboatSHaaea the cattle, tn ooaeoaeece of thenvasresof the caterpiOais. have 'eft aVhictaads,sad are seeaaac the ctreks aad Kaaams. j

Twee wp ataiai rejaaoaat waaa aae taaa oa taeroads wreoed aad traaV-o- re regard,Bv& tm, eifc. imj mwmm.. wM - .s.- "." - " .-

- - .-- .at BOtaeabB seeaar ao rnraess.

The weather has beau wecj ahevrary atSDtBea.The nae is taowaarfaat aad kxks abiiitM. The

aai1a?Hcdar?c aaSSftoa?SS" S-a- J: , T -

TV have traian i fh cratt Bashers Mad hare eatea ap aeariy an the tras.

. the case a aow too str xrc foe them. Atluaalta sate a no craaa. aaa oaiscbbm that ballooks have shed 1

eat i. rafc. . taw vaanrsai c.v- ..-..- - !- - - a

ate said to be better worker thaa the old area at312. The tatasr are aaxioas a shio asmia'at SMl tbat the aaaatten a not ore a. 1

aaesBvanpsa aa. aesi aaa easltolaKaafMVbTtheowaraatiae benar a9 ti ofTherhthohc wectaaoiw" aw." a ajaaiaa aaaai aWOBtaraeaaaw bar doctor's rip-teee- d orarra, aad oatbstart reaoaBhar Vaaa oraers wea luaaaatadfih hraahaa tceee. aad tavre ha kaaawaed

tje ahd I aal a a hisTs day.T'af aabtabtam

editor hat beea rtta'taal b raat aaaB-ao- t Oaeer,..a .. ..s .a. --.

SaaaM Pox.TWioaaaraathvaVhatof

daath reaortrd at the StabVaa hUoawlataatweak t I

taaaa. aaaatat Bb 1 tttaktii

aiBaaa V.ta.tatii,tt i I

if a.4.4..C i.jKv.k4 Ifc aaa iiti,il aaa.a of

Maaiiiiiitt saabasaa ittti Ta

"Rafart of W SbulQ.mx Hosp4tol.Par the waaatabateMiaAat Ibb a,aaiflBai

rWOt. kaaatial jtareh aai jmBrenvaf fraa anr at- it aaiii JjaW I.. al

TBjiitltTtidBred . m

araaaisaBat Aartl JU tata ah


Ptal Vaiea.Oaaanx: I ks la yoar

QaMlto aaaaaaa: the PiraalCaaoa. Illabll na 1 UHl lliBBbi kai that it aarard ataarnariaaaeaoe to thr Canard Seaaa liaui aVry

rtve oar raifls extra oarr. a a aauitiia woahi aasard, or a pared aa csrBi. rather thaa the ward

caaM ahoaii saaW. aad after they bare amaaaoa XraaaaTr oate tor OBT. -- . .n a i- - I

Jr la " I?!rr""77"w. r. ' iaai aaaa aar us a .1 .1.1 m aary

jcopooe the t aooc to hobs oarMTa. I 'i.ai aar raaaarka af the Vwaa far IsHI a. a.aniHT j-- -a - - --" aaaa ,

Three --fears a Ccooa jatat. the. aosaaueterXewxarkaad aow Paaaa-Gaaera- a. a aa

xxaerrtew. TrnaiBt tbe saaaact tar wall to jayac tbe saeat. aad eataac aVf d- -

aonaatCfS to ess tanersa of aot rr-T1- t tie I

tafce, aaVHa tfeey ware areaoed by a tmcesuaal- -is? laooovrsaeace to tbe Caned States r.a.1aassarxaes. ct wnairr? aaato see tbe Pogaatjag- -tjeaarat aai ausiexte waa tatx aa ajaaMet.aaJcaa sbt attrzooc of the labad aataaoraaes to the '

--t xrrrr T tti trr to do. ini iii - -aaejy oayreara. CpoatheajiarxiblLgeetherff;fV-- r IT t. r If m .'l.l w I as lFW '

jreArolfirewsxa-ArtTf-c rr.iibecaUw.0T7.aiiSrwdial asaacar toox cxxeuiie seztisar esij; she Caaaa wtvsi- -eTtTCtliKJitifatdbi. I tf-e- sspcraa--d itstEabeeVaac aoac ere ths. hxi ass hasaot bees,

shaC aot tax tbe CxalSiilei riltfcrirro4i3..- -- -.

TS l;tm.rf4mV-- .i .,,. ... .1 '- --m..it, .i w iy w. . a. .g a ... i

etaes zrfaxxacc the assrb: there wis z UrrelBHaaaBBBaBT araBaaTZ BBaBSXEaa - aall a. ia. ..aa an aa. aa al. a - w " - aa . aa a a a. - aa ...a .a "a. w ilia ml aaaaataaTEa. atlafO BUSa. CiBaaa. I

Tho IiunaUIo Home - Iiajring theCSrarr SJonr.

Ecrros Giirm ill joa kiadly pablish thefoUovins; notice in regard to the Lnoalilo Home

The Trustee hare plannul to hare the corner-sra- ae

the bailJias Uid cut at aooawith ccremoaios the prfseccoof Herl




itoTai uinresuif tTtccenufm, ana ice t liiefsof the KicjvJom. The public are iarited to attend.BJiJe the MuKvoie aililress. short stxwh willbe raade in Hawaiian by Hon. A. F. JuvlJ andHon. iv K. K.vti. and there nill be ntnaic. Thebsildincisnteatedoatheextresie maakasideofEcteokahna plaias. and can be reached fromrxsrnann or inortx, rvinaa ami txisacoUstreets or by Riktri street. It consists of a two-sto- rr

centre, with one-ttor- v wira.and ia calcn-ated- to

aeosmBwdate aboat forty inditidaala, es

th Saperiataadent and Mrvanlx.S. K Dou, Um of the Trustees.

Halted Statra Ctrll Sendee Hefbrm.Enrroa GinrtE In a recent article oaacera-in- r;

United States ciril fertice yoa spoakof the system of Cortgrcssioaal coaunatioas aspoecliarly adapted to a repabheaa form of porera-tseo- t.

It is trse that the l1resident acd his rs

hare far less opportunity than Congressmenhare to select saitable appointments, and that thePresident oaarmt pretend to personal knowledgeof the qaaU&eations of roostof those whom he ap-points. He mast therefore rely oa others for sachlarormatioa. It is also tree that Fnminii.IVmuyU rasy hare do hisher taea of honor, and nobetter appreciation of the qualities needed for thepebiw service, than Concresstaen can be upectedto hare, and still more, one who passes a tharoccherarainatiss before the most honorable, conscien- -saons and setruue ot h'iTjT Uoards mayprove to te utterly unfit for practical duties.xneie a jaaennaoie quaiiues wurca. maj one i

1 !"f?i or,? A"2 4C l nIiia':t0Awstk' -?

i or pnTir. ai is often remarked uiai mi wuo uoT.,ntkv.vm-W.olAO- T, tm VJ.,k--i. i . i?T.ii.K-- . I

?n?2fi--w-Hi w

cate or oppoe mvu seme reform may well re--!fraiu from oalua; each other hard names, ttstfll 'seeas to ia that the present system of appoint- -raests has abases for which a'remedy can and j

oacat bo found. I should tike ta kaoir youriviews more fully oa these matters. Do roc thinkthat freqaeat change in ofice is likely to securebetter service ? Do .too thiak that rurtuan aomi- -nations ooAt ta continue beoaose theybnnsas j

sattsfactorr results as aav other srstera would Ivimm vo Diui . abu. aiuuiT it .i a.u not arawim;too heavily oa you. do yoa regard what is called.not otTeasiveiv. ihe "spnls svsteaa, favorable tothe penaaaecoe of rapabltean iBstttatioos 1 Thee

are asked oa the assumption of a com-mon object, namely, to obtain the best results ofcrrfl service for a republican country. H.

The Temperance Movement.j The adjourned faceting lathe interest of Tem- -'

peraaee at the Vestry room of Fort St. Qtcreh on

ttUy creaiaKla.t, was irell .Headed by the

ed and ordered to be pas-e- d over to the papers.Ms. Cajnus. lams aso GcrrtDas : Your

Coomutttv apnotaKd to take into considerationaad refurt Suu the desirahlbty and form of or- -piniaanoc, ts to repict havmg met on MondayaadFridayfieniaESWcooferthereoondaUofrotiiintfrklual cansulutioD to gam the views and ex- -iCTencre oi uie t,iiifiiwTfwv to as to vne at ascorrect a basis of action as tuissible. The deein- -bdity of aa efort in behalf of Teoipsraaee iscocceeaecoo.au sums, ooim viewoi. me repeaiaafattsres of olanned societies, your committee hasbeen led to consider the advisabihty of ecterns:cow this work in a diSereat way. vu:

Tie app amine of of a persons,lia t hf aiiit ri Til a i.r itac awu4 caraiaf .uniHHia a atifcii viaiyj aaia ?

of .he community, to have the general manace- -me-t- learrerancework.conzraittees for tbe various braacoes. aad thtt thepabtic geaerallv iaterasted in the cause of Tern-- 1

peraaoe be oordiaU) inxi to withthis enmmittee which shall serve for one year.Also that meetings be held on the first Monday j

i.i .,e MJ& ....1. . ... mil U..i mm in .mi .ill,In order to obrUl tire difficulty 0f obtaining so i

larse a ootaauttee from a general aeetiac of per- -sans, oaiy sanaae out vFuung so serve m wenr.t.ofTaWnni.. irfnt nr n.n.ix... - . ,i. ul ii. ,--. .s ' -

.V"T" 'J7T T- s

-- " --- -"TVeu (ua wosrawwuDr. C M. HrdAx a Joaes, Dr. M. hitaey, .

Mrs. J. G. DictoB. Jlfes. Jt A. Qiambarlarn.s. m. tssl rabaCs: Fb3iriui i

ofBishop. 3. M. Dow, Edwin A. Jonas. Joseph Gil- - tsaaoVj. B. Atberton, Cant. Babeoci. D. P.Tvte. I ta- tSsa. vui"c-"Te'- -' A"u- -TiT ,

?fta !

ts wanneai that soca a comantree shall work .

-- roarfi its solveoiaraitleas in the varioas eoaa- - ,

nets that are. or may, open bp to temperanceviark whether tor iectares, social entertataiaeat&reaaraaaaaaarjociaaitaaicarr'.pitsas.ari.aao.wiararsBrepxTsoi tae peogress ot its wars attth innnii aaaatakaaae

Tbe sabject of a paper devoted to the interest ofTeaenare has afco beee daly conajderrd brroar rotanuttre wao ana uat tae wocicbedimcaIttoaa?etwitbootrtccaarTed&dsorJDort.This aad thr fear that the vary parties or ctaseesaimed at woahi aot be reached, has shown yoarcommittee that the medtem of the exastuar. paperseooia oe eaaptoiea to amase aracaes to better aovaaoa as b. calaanai are arways open tovaatteis ot ibibik atterest.

geswtafaBi , ahuiitlnt. jia behalf of the Cbaa'te. I

TaocG Taacx. , axOarneart. i t

Varkart adorer, aad an exerflratarrtsoajcby Mrs. Haadford. Miss and Messrs VT. L. :

vrMcheoaoanedtai9oeek. adjoanmartooa the ant Monday ereeiai: m May.

pea'xl Notices.

DR. THACHER. DEKTIST,WT.I rtnt the Uliali ef Htraa aa Xaai as a a

awrrl Is aisevet lsli.il Ik. t.taa. tataaatar te Wakieat oa those taaacs aStt three acatas. TVeer ,

tshhtfs hare tV4cer f.irt hit reoaa wit. abatera.ltbariar Set


nit aUtaa Cmbo Ia JlAiaev ts bVu-ijc- . I

Aba ClatalianasH aaaaWiia keftaaaa- - Le aBsrteaearaa t reta sea titiatoi pee batt

htJTaetmee!JMBwaaalaa.aarBSlaii-aa- e iiii iaa eaot-V- t

orabal r H aeaa Issa. 4. Raaratt

HV.ltaa. vsataa aa Mara.tajsaaQaltbaroH Saaa.fciathri.lt.Vla.lt baa

Notice w the Public."

Tm at iwoa ',. ai a i w.atBjaas aHBaBbjfBa, fJBajawsaBaa (aaaBBjaaaaB "ayalBah Vbaaagaajaa sag a I X3are. am a" art aia- -i

--a w t BBFOra- -

a. "ha" aT. wa aBBBaaaaaa, aa. a

aaaaa. leaiianr. ta aaaa - wsiiaaa' aUaaneil aaea baa7iaiallKaaa)iWBt af Mateoa.

lSasoaaiiairatiuiiirf hrwanorf aerWtaaaa aat eaap WrrT'aBjBJ VIBSBaBBaaraaa aa4 aaiawa " W'

VMotVbbMbbT' ttttaf aaa waara.it aat t ear iasaaka. . aat aa n a aae.i ar. aa iinmi Haa a . aaabr y.an , hi aa. rn.tr, tCseTatVhaiili.tiat!faraaaawaatarea, aae h taaa- -

aa siawaaaa aaaaraaOVsad aa laa hartal are

Ia, aaae ska, imm a annate sail w have sr--

aaata will II II M t ar, I II III I mill at Salaaaatv. aaaaa h, Mat wt Waa. ,'TrMT 1 .

' imaj as MVai kal ajr a

Vew. wmrrmt m r aerai hiaaaaii aaaa. it. aaaaisajaaefcatata aaatt.aaa.af ear aaaa-H-i

an aaa aadr I J laaau sraw aa thtti,iii fi --T arrrraaeaaarailiia.iaaai

u utiaa ita mi a au aaa tar aaad m.I iBinr aaa aasM .uaBeae al aai brass eart, ThtU111.111 aaa. M ataaa -- a ia. rara af iBnaaa

inail -- iiraT" i " eaara raran.are arat aawaaHsa. aaa, K MSa aeoi waa aa vara the

aaaaa- aai a.r .....r . ,an aa aaaae. ta aaa w ii.iihi a I

LSSSSEsaSSsSii ir iiibIsi iinair mm

aaaa tint.Br aat araaaacarar4 rfc fraal arad I

verr.araaaa.asaaatwta.waeeaaa wa

-- TraeaCi-- ttasw ,TPikr.nii.tKa,m

laa 11 lai aav. rrlar aa VraaraM ttat larr a Bat laaaha tatssX aaaa aaav.aa. hrassaat aaa iar

aaaarr aar oarr watawr taar orr a aaaa aaa aar.i tajaa that OV Taiaateaarara. waraiaid." ate a. seteannar mae. tsai tOaaais aa Ma

rkaMaa. aat af KHaaecer. tfcal thrr taert thr aarraia

tfcSar?alr,1iBa!ZZTZZSZV.tZSZZfUZ". ma .arm, ir taa t, ui tae roll,A.tfa.uii SsaiwatriniaaiatDaaale aeairr wartHWS aar raaawrerrajartaeB) Mieceapaaaa . tarerat aad pUatareta tae aert are bsttrUUCUtMO OTLH 111111. 4WS.UCT ius.. es?rrSaB7 ta suar Zrar caaar, sr9-TLir-- r ;:.'..!. vi i. .,.v. r

.-- ..-.-.- tjaat Anaij aett rwrsera ..hnaniniinn3ntiautlfulreao"iaejia.r raraMrfdacavrrtraaadtirpraTrssrat.aiaBarscarrr aas aj-- rasni waa. 132?' "" "aw-- e caa rrmtr .ar. vaaava -- r. ux rr--


i.cwtTa ocrmwrar utarraaliaa. u a. tea Urv a-- I. Wacte. casaat teealtar aachatit. erea ysjaiJaie.T- - Wesaytae raWte.

ac:aiclarjaTvrai--TiiElii4rrarT-T- TjeweSarb. Tit e rx r J a.. Eoert crater car atarrasase7ws'aaia(faalbrrad. BGOtZ. t dantrad by

Vuch C(u af Waitbiw. Hun.

ROBBIHS i APPLETOHCrre-a- J Ifur-a- Sew Tat, C 8. JL.ge tWVrr-- , TKzset rBatexlvvrrvr wa xsrst frr liH Etx- -

Ox lyOiUlX STLVEli.ajsOr tie I01TZ3: F3JCES.

aanaa-- rae-ajr- aa ta.sra tr-- n aaaa - ?ij" i i tie hspe f jssis siif rrwxrd. Tirr were ad- - fja tbe Eaaa-u- j IiaaaittaBxracgLWtagi; bet itswia an aM axsa' at the Sr"e caeajtt traaar .j , 5. ru r ; in A--i-il a . 'am ' .- A- - '..,-- runf- -. rarastseasrmttersyu acariiui aaahaarf wti( fT taAaotra aa 3 paaaaae aaa tin.- - gl thrv taixr tisax jtjry aimtj r A--7', ehtSrrroflCa. aa? kjaMsaa aa aitr 3. C J J.'".'tii , , j . . .- - . ... - s. .!. "IT I-- 1 .. 6SK2.



:. . ii. w. .ia iBvti. " Aa. wrc a ajrrr soaUMtai ua. si iar tw ws &r batauu ori iQS assies. ,jas lacaetai aha aaaa "f . .i.t. n-. .. r . jti .v- - tw. ... r ., - t , axeat lor


of SUonlarllsscaic






..wr. aeraaalic g.pnrn ti aMg-r-i..- ,tf .m. -- - -- . tt . ria- - . ' "i a " ... .. ,... j . f. s &se cc soa I TAJaX. TTwlTtfrAStwtxjtoohcT rswxri I rVt.r I'tarfamrCTrrVrrrri S.S.C

THE LATEST:Assassination of tho Emperor of

Rnssin.3Ioro Chinese on route forllonolnln.

By the arma! last cTenlns of the hark Elh, fromSan Francisco, with dates to the 16th sUlmn, welearn with recrrt of the assassination of AlexanderII, Cwr of Kussia, by tho nlhttists, on Sanday,the ISth ultimo. His death vras caused by theplosion ot a bomb thrown under his feeUpro-ilncin- s;

almost instant death. Tho assassin haslieea arrested. Tho late Emperor is succeeded byhis son as Alxnder HI. The deceased Oar waswas bom April Uth. ISIS, and became Emperor onlebraarr l?lt. 1S6S.

The bomb was cast at the Crar as he was in

frotn a parade in a elotse earrtace. guardedby eight Cossacks. The first bomb destroyed theoartiace. but did no other barm ; the second bombshattered the Car's Ices. His duak and wearingapparel were torn to shreds. He only liTed an hourand a quarter.

jfhe most profound sensation of gloom has beenspread throughout Europe. The conuunnists. how.eTer, hare made demonstrations congratulatingthe nihilists

St. rcTEBSBrjso. MarchKth. The man arrestedconfessed that he threw the first bomb, but deniesall knontedctt of the person who threw the second.In addition to the rerolrcr which the prisoner attempted to nse, a dagger was found on him. Thename be gave is bebeved to be false. The priameris 21 years of ace. a native of ltorovitcha and Government of Notgerod.

"ew Yosx. March llth. The Communists inthis citvwill hold a meeting cveniru; tosjrapataue with Eassian Xihilists.

c. 1,- """"". .afc--4- t.. Uv.VHt .UWthrew the first bomMms been a student two years. . .,k. r: ni j i i :iueircouu oomo-.uro-

" a8 keen arrestee, tie is also a yoantr man.Kamors of Nihilist plots are rife, and fwr-- of

outbreaks atidrarthaLsassiutiotisnre expressed.

. General Upton, the author of Infantry TaeUcstM committed satcide.

The steamer City of FrUmg arrived at SanFrancisco on the lTthclt, from Hongkong with58 Chinese, most of whom, says the.iM, irodestined for Hoaolala.

:JJr-rr,c.,,- te


PRACTICAL SIG.V AXD SHOWPAI.VrER,Xa So Hotel St.. opposite Family Kaxket.


TTOR CATIHYIXC 31ERCHAXDISKi AXD BAGGAGE Oflci. i Pickerins Co'1. X. L. Mere, coraer Fort aad Ria; streef. OrderspDcUMli attended to. Prinle ruideaee, st.

T8at F. H. 0KU1XG.



BARB WIRE,Best and Cheapest for Fencing1.

artist ijia.2aca.0ci




Carpenter and Builder,snop. coe. inxo and bethel sts.

-- -,I.' orpwr lTT'-- s tit fc.. rv JlLXj

adnd of boiMinr: --io rrqoiri Oficu udtsrr tcted op in tn latest Bitten btyles.

Hepairing; of Every Descriptionft ? &&f&2?!Z to25t isedd"iet

B. Persaaal altealioa il! fee siven to the aerisgall kind, ot baildlar. hlviar had xaerieace la the

asteta Sut I feel coatdeatl caa give satisfacuoathe most fartidionf.

cwOrdeta IrttatTnj shop or residence will receiveprompt auertioa

He'id'ace. i s F.t :ret. Honoiolnnni, ? :ir .Mhn i...-r- t. .nritL mr if

T'rVl, "fl "3 Tr-a --j OOijjf "J j,g --itLi jl JL '"" a JL O O JL


X. expecttoeTHE EVENT OF THE YEARAad treat eacoaracemeat will be offerrd n breedtrt

1 own. rt c! rMr - snck. t. ; t the speed aad tm--the hreed of th'if aatata.- - Trait r aad iMraer.

" " '' " " ' """"J JJTa Clioicr LOT orNEW ZEALAND OATS!Free fn s. eoaad "d the the tatnr tthe hottoa tad ipir.t t rae j si.tk torji.ety

A. W. BOSH,$ Kit roetSlreet.

Elcctro Plating and Gilding--,

T "0. 05 MlAM STUEKT,famrber Shop Fat

Notice to Trespassers.VK, THE VaVUKKSlUlNT..), FOlt- -

hid the tre.aas.lat to everr ae oa the Ahathat af KaaaMla. fttW it Kat. t.had of Xui.Stttsar. a feaa, . The rnpat at aalatu

aba tiahlsltia wlihaat ear laaa s jeeattaaWaYVt'.NO MIS X AROLuKA

a-t-r. Mia. M - tipwi iXVILLIAM risiNIXt,

tmnx t.- - I" Ptla?fo. 92 King Street. Honolulu.

Stdile tA Wmmi - ar,4 laa.erst ef Leathr.aad aawle- - ar.-- e All atk aaae n tnraatahitahaMii is mn ) dasri aaasrvtaraa. aadtn sal loi ratetn to B!.iw my eaatowr.aMTrall Mt


lUlLLASTEIl A-- CO.VttCfxlratn, Apotliocnrioa

Va 1tHsfWt 1

Ttobam aad ttftr' - fat f Varttkad A Caa kiaiaai! it V a.n. raw iVa-da- . Oat

a4aa7Waaaas A ljt' i ahiaM4 Wat Thhatea.tvaaa pssf.wm el issadaa RaaraarsBathb lh. Ar . Ar



Etirxiislied Rooms,irOH U11I1K AN1M.1.NTI.KJ11U,

ha.i Ka.hi, ima. rraaasiaWa Pnt adshea,aaar, aaaa aeiaaayae -




Special Notice.



CFCURE YOUR TICKETSIa the ahora, ia tar Eatdesalc ti aeraaetmf.

a"t havt dcUTaiaad la sell txkru ap u

LlE'iEa.JlI-- . S2tJtL,We ire an-- atraareaeatt far aVt oaut-xuito- B

af tkr ib- -r Oraad Caacstt, ia which

500 Presents are Given.t- - Sod ta jT ardrri at tiu.All orfers for tfetrtt are Sited led rrta'aed ia Eerls-t"- -


Ex "Atalanta,"Gennan Bitter Br, in qU and pta ;

Gijnnan CryEtal Iker, " "Hddnect Cfhampagne,

Bhinenne and Hockhdmer,Port Wine, Sberrr, Cogniac,Sellers Water in jag;!,

HA.VABA CIGAES, Scc &c.rossAixirr

ffi 9ZX3 zr. rxa.cjuTxxi co.

nrtioti nlrS.



Wednesday, : : April 6th,AT 11 A. M.,

A Choice lot of PlantsAnd Other Articles,'


ROOMSALE.. At Our New Sales Room,i Xeat doer toVT. 0. Irwla Co.

THURSDAY, : : : APRIL 7th,f. At k A. Jr will be sold,

Dry Goods and Clothing1,AND A LISB OFf

FRESH GROCERIESCoatltttag In part as followi:

T1n Peach Hotter. Apple Bntter. Aorted Jtn,Table aad PU Fratlt. Hiked itccront.Boloeaa Siliorr, Koait Chicken, ball ilatklttl,Crnea Beef. Head Cheese, Lunch Tonrne.Mtne Snap. Snrf 1'ejs. Br Cora, lloaey.White Itoe STrnp.Awted Craeker. Oytr.Itima Bean. floneie Snokrd Ilerrinc. MBttanl,Bottle PitMes. Ureond Tfpper aad Site,PalU of lard. Biis Corn Meal, Boxes Tea, Chrete,Bacon. IU( tVheit. Boxe. Candln.Bote. Bei Tellow Sojp.21 ba lobar; Boxes Tableaubpanlsh baddies. c &c , , .

D?Fer further pirtfcnUrs iee rotten.BAKTOW A TUCKBK. Ancfrs.


' -

On Friday Ajjril 8th;tir-iO- A&kea Street, back of tae .lIiva!lJ Jhestre,



s timed tnilracicn.JUKIUH E lLl.h.t.11, T

MULES AND HORSES.niinrnv ivii.t. up itrnriVEn.iiT.L

tiaKaJtrfrncdorthcVQrcti-jeo- f JUk LJ -f.Jlorvj, xnd nronil attcnuoti ot person in tan ir.anctco to pelectlnc aad Dor--

chasinz the time actardlnz ta otderiirtn,BAKTOW Jt TCCKER.

REAL ESTATE FOR SALEValuable as an Investment.

Raited to god teniat for a Ion; period. BaHdings 1n


NOTICE.rN'DEIISIG"ED JLVVE kn.THE Into copartnership for the tranactlon of a

General Auction and Commission Bn.IneM. asder ihefirm name ot Bartow Jt Tucker, lodat from March tit.ISSt. C S. BAKTOW,

Stl 1 O. TCCKER.




A line asst. of "Windsor & Xeirton's

OIL AHTJ WATER COLORSBrashes, assarted sizes ; Palettes,Knives, Oil Caps, Iak Slabs,liquid Gold, ArtUU' Drying Oil,Gold aad Silver Shells and Saucers,Picture Mastic, Prepared Caavaa,Windsor Xewtoa's Water Colors in boxes,Wooden Plates, several sizes ;White Wood Fans, aut'd sixes and shapes ;

Black Cardboard Panel, various sizes.


rlnc rapeterics and Queen Aline Statloncrr

Visiting Cards, Diaries, Blank Books,Miscellaneous and Presentation Books,

i.rmtn. am pocketMaps of the Hawaiian Islands


!', Z. 'i aat iDIAMOND HEAD

Letter and Wote Paper,vWlth view of this thataeeerl.be litd-aHt- eacnted

te order b. the Co.. Jt V ) to he hadla aaaatittea u salt.

Fresh Uooils, Noveltiesami Xcir Rooks

Caaettitlr soarht ferand added ti Ihej tapait. ASarrial "tdrrs fonraMed rtalarlraf h mall WI


1?'zM'a r ara.aauaraaai

Hi M a. HKt r Hi i( I

ttlr'rt 'S rl III. kMt It .1 ptr.urlt "ifeet,


rrlea.lhsltMalir1trl.0rt s ttM.I la Saa Prtaclaaa,M t


(W your Pianos Tuned


tlv ). --4 tr, datr,iialyLIAMI tut R liRIlRIti T

ncLuv mi stc-nt- nr,

Ml II 1.4 Ml PartlWiaet



A Larce Aaiortment of


SCCII aSuperior Clarets.

Port Wine. Sherry,Uladelra, Siaterne WInea.

Brandies, &&, tie--, &cPO SALE JIT


Oats, Bran, Barley.200 Sacks Oats,200 Sacks Bras,200 Sacks Barley,100 Sacks Sraall Tellow Corn,100 Sacks Potatoes,





WItt he win be pjexted to sent his frleads lad tbtBvrac is 19 aMa aj a...... a. ja iia. a. &Itrarestaarxet price.Fmh IsUnd Batter received erery ireek. of

t arvz nnt a call. tfPIAU0 P0ESALE.

THE L2DETtr3IG2tED OiTEnSJ. toatleaCoUire wtdc by Erxd ef Pirii.uuu rood order, ltd win te auacarj;. iBaao&la, Xtrrh Ss, ?L fJCSO

ttruon gate,By --3. P. AOAXsC

Ship Bread at AuctionWEDNESDAY, : : APBIL 6th

At 13 o'clock soon, at Sain Ixoja. will b sold

"Without ResorTOt100 Boxes Medium Bread,

.10 Barrel Medium Broad.0 Hadf-BarrcJ- a Salmon.

E. P. ADAMS. AacUaaetr.


OX WEDNESDAY, : : .U?JiIX.GthyAT 11 A. St,

At Store of Messrs. 0. IT. Macfarlantr Co.WILL BE SOLD.

On a ceodlt to tho Trade,10 to 15 tons Ear Iron, os3t sizes.

E. P. AD.UIS.AactT


At 10 A. St, at Sale Kootn.




SackVBrown Sugar,CasesAnstxalianJBatter,

" ' " SmAlfTenowSAka Corn,ivicks OlirsrakA OvH.- sMax&tttTtMrBrtir"

Sacks Giliforaia Barley.


,1 WiLiirt,.a..fcfcktiJ -

THURSDAY, : : APRIL 14th,k J .'Ll- - jw m Calai Til 111,fc "" "

The nnder.cd H InunKtdd by thr AtltBlatttnter

l'e ChWDPBHvrjtWtks coarreae of l5Vaw. tooffrrJae; Q - j . . -- , -

A Lease for a term of Ten Tears,Fromtti Tela ApriWSSHaf '

All tho Lands in Manoa Valley,....WITH THE....

BUILDINGS THEREON,BelonirlnK to the Estate, comprntnc ahont 4& aarts of

Kale and KaU Land.Ot the Kilo Lands thrfe ire fraat rl ts K acres, wH

snpptled wtth water, ud emseaettr wrr swNaM hrrluce pUattnr;. Itrat payable semWnimatrjr ta adraare.

lnteaillssparejiiseriare reqaested tn sail tt theof Aocfloneer and obula rail pjfOealars lad

ot La&da aad baikUnts.E. P. ADAMS, Anei'r.


RECEIVED BY THE DISCOTERI'A Fall Lisa, of those Unexcelled

" TTnn Stool JPlo-ro-B- "

Made to order by the MOLTA' E PLOW CO- - Xaa.5, 6, 7, 8, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13 and W. Also, a few Af the


These Plows are uknowledced by all who bavsnsed them to be stronger and bettor thaa aaj asherkinds in the market. We have also a faO assart.ment of Plow liandles.

Agricultural ImplementsOF ALL KIM3.

llaU's 1 and 15 inch Steel Breakers, U tech KolaQueens, aad


Extra PoinU for all the aboee ptawsoonataBtlr eabaad.

Expected sootLby the "Amy Tbrr" fajot Bod-to- n,

and the ''Maokan" frosn .Vew TojV, a failassortment of Good ia oar Has..a.Wo koep Constantly on Hand

A very fall line of KngHih aad Aawrieaa


We deal in Dtsek liVwtrK Powaar, Ilereates sadOlwit Powder, and Sporxlaa INrardar of ajl fchaHimported tHreet from tae ChllfTai PswaferTarks


Cook Stoves and RangesSoon ftiprosed, Ahss, 9nrvrMed rfaraaar


t4f nnleri f . ITantation (ro.l froea theI.fan.1. rbr if LFI'ilMr will b tiled wtthMSl'Vli ir hTT






fUmmWm4 afafthdf Mkt MkWtmmmmSaraaaRojBFTBj aaaaob arrwaaajr btIV!t

iwMA MntkwHg WkwkWtf IrMpt

"'PPDwHf j a9 VawofrbaFa WP"'WslW

AM J l'MWaariy PW aWoraaW 14 arJ


rsasaataOaa shatahaW Vmaat.laa. aaaarr with Us hart tatarlaas, at trweewatkaaaa a rata.

H'ork Caaranictd or Hif!ufftJtwok rim tub BmcnmRi w

E. B. TH0BIAS,Contractor and Biulder,

JL.i-L- .1 1 t tttjaajaaawaaaaaBBBBaaaaBaaBaaari a


rBBBBBBBa' aH bH'''bbb! BBBBBbI bKliBBbBBBBBBlJaaOV fPs r Hl M

bbbbbbbHaSL BafaLZaWa? PrBBaL JOBaaaBaaaaaaBas iriwi maw.

Uraldroee Xe.23 Slahea atraet.EiUtutrifrnxkedil then sou4 lad workdess kt

bett maeaer M. .

Homesteads! Homesteadfl!

kralklarcrlsuta. (god nadi, piaatTOf aratcr, tea heatloU, heaatlf al acrserr. aad part atr.

Xtt TABO PATCHEa.Tcrai lo tart partaatera. Afffjto

Bc7 1f B. J. X0VZ7T.

TO 3EaT.rrrfri T.ARCE A!DcoHrerrrrtr.r rr--

slske JEoorw. Arplr ltS40iiaLl.trl.daora fma Jfcraotisla Uairi, aa


Page 4: T'IS, · 2015-06-02 · BL r? e Hiuaiian asrtte (.. n rj i w lm itnilmitakiUat rrwjMixr In. r. t UWUWil 1 I Mitta 00!. la' i Oftt t M wb iw lira ROBERT GRIEVE, iiUt-ai- .-. TMM nm






,ii-- v


S8:a.m:vcoth: stock:OP SEW





and American Dry Goods, which yStock of Birorwn1 tefe, tfee pebKc to examine rxy Marnificcntilhlii.it qwflwc the -

Largest and Best-Select- ed Stock in the City ofthan air chMrpcritivlr.MjTnteprifcUrrUESH KW TAKK1CS

MIOWVOKk. S.UH.CD GOOD. under the go of 8.1.10.


Don't be Deceived, Come and Examine for Yourselves.


Dry Goods, Undenrear, Hosiery, Taney Goods, Trimmings, Clothing


TU.-in-rfMC- ud NO TBOCBLK TO SHOW GOODS. Orders",BP--- ""' -

tni tbe eaantxy eanf HJ Greeted.


GEO. F. WELLSNos. 06 and OS Fort Street,


-- IX-



IS OT GE"En-VIiIi- Y K2COW3TF'Bat i TtttKUt' Piano iMch M( 1 fcTEJVUAlar WUMJt) can be Voajtrt here la. Itsscfa.awt ctnayrr Jkan thrr can poMikly I jwrckaec i

Iillcostaeeenf tsetrUicItaiiiimnmi

-- aKSoliiiIT jt t ' ' ' 1 "" p

Ttamaa lew Fiaao lf fckh bate bees p"iliiit ts Frci tbe j x ml pricenaciw MaiiiiM ;Zum tee price 1 would hartcftacfd (km Mr lactase Piano

j5y: Wkj-e- jw br rr Tixtxt In Sn Fran- -

Beiaa-- Sole Agent let these Prase in tkH Ktacdfls.aa4haiWaamttmio:tfectaiiafctarcrioi-ti- lT.M-

- .mtlrii tooccwUf cpe Mh aarhiliuliilti ii'fc Cot't or elwVWe. II job vonKBk a Aartrieaa Him rcae prte I ea fur- -

l jfgriiiiiii1tiiirliiriiiiitTTrTr-lU-!"- " 'T w a.

larntfemr IllTIfTiWKTrnilurtuiia'tiiinlnwit liens. ii iodine Oaac CoBecT. where joe. find TWO ti uciiu: ck

Tlie Hew American

SEWING MACHINE.TM? Macfctee. wfeicb bw Veea injIESrSEtT

ItIi.'UI.lll. BK PeE "7 "- - n"- - -- "Ttae at w reare. arc ' not ohIt :ke e!?kiZSfiSrSStiTmms of lacm ti Wet. a to $afeealJtrcbater.

All kinds of Furniture



u kk MmL YK4(t! vW bWMwtia Art(k s KKk ckcer tbu tm cts taj-lartta

Pine Imported Parlor Suits

GMU!rentiJfctfe?- -


Barker's OH&lrrOB SALE AT COST S)--

All'ldiids of Pictures

Framed to Order.

Omi civet txw asv kind ol Jrame yon desae.t' ' ' -




Uew 'Styles of Paintings.

Tie Satst ever produced. Only f33 perPair.

Watches, Clocks, Jewelry



LiigeAMerastx jBStwcriirtrMttifcW !!

Brackets,- WorkBaskete,

ToUetSete.' ':- ---ECCEC

OUl'k&weleryeewtK. OraMiw.

ICEO. F. WELLS,cs aad C3 Fort rt. HonctBtn

r :&I Utwn STBEET,


FURNITURECu rtwaUr xiiti as

OT)EKTAKER"S DEP.IBTHEXTT Us ertabfoaeicst. where at; be iotsfi


Aa Cast, of ta bctt material aad vorktuxratp.'Xt SwemiUtbtrtlT be n receiptor Sew Uesrae

kfcwHbt rented oat at oodrote rates. StT

VTAKTED.YOUNG MEX TO lTEAHXAFETT JTrkis af.exeT description txcjtt

UKnaai faeeied- - Sens. raobJe.d lea iOxIO Ii lor sale.

to.iS-Hlfiir- .









Ofltox tlie CargoOF THE AXEBIOAK



Just Arrived from Boston,


Steam. Cnmterland and Stove Coal,

Kerosene 00." Electric" BraniKercseae 0D, "Brewer s Best,"150 Test

C ?v x-- cl 1X atches.Eastern PiM Barrel Slioolts,

0rs " Copper-tipped- ," Resin,Pitch, Tr, Fire CUy, Plaster Pari?,Ice Refrigerators variocs site?,


Pick aad Axe Hindles.Pamber Buckets,

KTJLE CARTS, Heavy and Light,

Earners' Boilers, for Plantation use ;An Invoice cf 0t Kails, assorted;AtaeiSboTeJs, llunt8 Aies and Hatchets.


Stock of Clioice Groceries :

Lewis Tomatoes, Cases Sausage Meat,Green Com. Succotash,Gherkins, 1 aad l. gall.Bosten Baked Beans, Com Starch,

Tomato and Slock Turtle Soup,Sandwich Ham and Tongue,Insh Stew, Harriet of Muttoc,Stewed Calves' Head, Dairv Salt,Qr Barrels Fainilv Pork.Oases Lard, 5 lb tins, full weight

Boston Cruslied Sugar.23on.t Bonrcis,


Iron Safes, Tellow Metal and Nails,Manila Cordage, New Bedford make;AViiitewcod, SUtee, Bosendale Cement.

An Invoice of Carriages,cosrrasisG sojte of

a72ao Latest StylesAXD OF UTU) JXAACl-ACTCBEK-

Basket Phaetons, Cabriolets.Mineral JPaint,

Caustic Soda,Bubber Packing,

Sheathing Felt,Grindstones,

Sugariand Coal Bags,

Portland Cement.

The there Good H be derrf tec tale to antra




crrr of :sladrld axd oberox,' tlOS Dys PssE)

JTUSTi TO TTjAIfPCo&iUB of Uie col iortseat c?

DRY GOODS & CLOTHINGGalvacized Iroa Booiif; and Fence VTire,

Portland Ceoest rAThite's),Fire Bricks. Btee Mottled Soap,Best "Welch Steosi CoaLGslTacired Iron VTart, Saddlery,3 pair AUrrlees, Tait & 'Watsons Cectriicgals."Hcies, liquors, Ac &c 4c

ft --ALSO


CO TonsBalirt3d Iron, T Ball,

Boofln? Slates, Ac. Arc.



Jest to hand Ex "Eureka," and for Sale Tiy


100 bbls. Prime Plantation SalmonM. the Lmest MarJst Rata.


gjiuuaiiau ukst iionrs ix bxbps.


A GHXAT STJG ARREFXNERT.San rmncisco'.An IxnportantAdaiUgto

The new California Sugar ReSncry now be-i-nc in

erected at the Potrcro by Claus fcpreckel

& Oanpanr, will be ono of the very bestand equipped sugar refineries m the

'vwU. The excavation for the building is nowof land projecting intogoing on at a point

San Francisco Itay, just beyoa be new Gas

Works at the Potrcro. The building willentire space between Delaware and

Louisiana streeU in South San Francisco. ItBill I fully four hundred ft long, with an of

fB1mn(ril and ftftv foot in width,

and will be ten stories high, including a deep I

hKeaent: surmounted by a tower ininvi.inicht. The roof of tlie man building w.ll

be one Imndrcd and ten feet, and the roof of

the tower one hundred and forty feet abovetbe gnmnd, thereby making a longer aa well

as a hither betiding than the Talaee Hotel. Itwill present the appearance of an enormous

fortress to thoso approaching San Franciscofrom across the lay-- ' .

The water in the bay at this point is snfa-cien- tlv

deep to enable the largest ocean ves-

sels to approach a wharf, which will becreeled for the use or the Refinery. The wharr

will be 400 feet in length, covered throughout,

and will be supplied with overhead tramways, is,. ,rll -- smanv other conveniences not usually

appurtenant to wharves. The raw sugar, a

w brought from the Sandwich Islands, will belanded at this wharf, thereby saving immenseexpeno for warehousing and drayage. The

present Refinery requires constantly sevenfour-hor- se trucks to carry sugar to and Irora

theRefinerv. Alter tne raw sugar is iuumat the wharf, it will be passed along a trara-wa- v

to the warehouse, which is to be erectedjust across the street from the Refinery. It

and distinct building, 145will be a separatefeet long by &5 feet wide.

The sugar will be ineltod in the warehouse,thus leaving tho Refinery free from all vapor

arising from boiling sugar. From the melting

pans in the warehouse the liquid sugar will be

pumped into tanks on the oppertory o. theRefincrv building and thence passed through

the bac-ntte- rs, receiving its first clarificatiou,and from thence agau elevated to tanks in thetower. From these tanks the liquid sugar will

pass to charcoal filters 10 feet in diameter and

;0 feet high, having a capacity of 45 tonseach. These are called high-press- altertanks. Thence the sugar gravitates to receiv-

ing tanks in the pan-roo- m of the capacity of

2,20 gallons, tho liquor being forced to thereceiving Links bv a heavy body of water

turned in from above. From the receivingtanks the liquor passes to the vacuum pans,where, the pressure of the atmosphere beingremoved, the liquor boils at a temperatureaveraging less thn 140 degrees Fahrenheit,instead of at 212 degrees as is usually re-


There will be two vacuum pans, thelarger one being 1 feet in diameter inside, and43 teet in bight with a capacity to boil t.OOO

pounds of sugar at one time, said to be thelargest vacuum pan in the world. The otherwill be 12 feet in diameter and 20 feet high,and will boil 40,000 pounds at one charge.

The sugar, when discharged from thevacuum, passes into cooling tanks, and fromthence is let down into mixersover raiiiiu6"machines, From these mixers it passes into i

ih rentrifcral maclunes, which, revolving :

nniillv. s the vrut acainst the screensat the'side of the cylinders, and by centrifugalforce throw the syrup through these screensand leave the sugar dry in tho machine. Thesemachines are of the "Hepworth patent, thebaskets 51 inches in diameter and 35 inchesdeep, and holding 1,000 pounds of purgedsugar each. From the centrifugal machinestlie sugar is discharged through gates in thebottom and carried by elevators to the pressand dry granulating machines, and also toother portions ot the building.

The hard and granulated sugar will bo lo-

cated on the sixth fioor of the Befinery, andthesoand the various other grades of sugar willjiaSb from" this floor to the third fluor, wheretliev will be packed into barrels and sacksand such other packages as will bo found tobe expedient; aad from this floor the sugarwill be delivered on the second or deliveryfioor, at whose door the railroad cars pass.

The reason fer building the Refinery build-

ings so high, and having so many stories, isthat therebv the rehandling of the sugar issaved. The bniWiog will be well anchored,and will be as near earthquake proof as a twostory bouse would be. That portion of themain building in which are the charcoal tank,and known as the charcoal house, where thecharcoal will be automatically fed into thotank, will be built mainly of iron, the floors,

girders and braces being of iron, and SOO tonsof iron will be used in this portion of thebuilding alone. Tbe whole building rests on

a solid stone foundation, and is built in themost substantial manner.

It is given out that there will be no Chineseemployed in this Refinery, and the wages ofthe operatives will be the same as they haebeen for ten years past, averaging from $50to $60 per month.

The plans of the building were prepared byS. S. Hepworth & Co. of New York, they hay-

ing drawn the plans for the largest house intho East, situated at Brooklyn. Two hundredand fifty men will bo employed in this Refinery.P. A. Smith will be the Superintendent andCharles Watson the Chier Engineer of this newand important enterprise.

Persons well informed in such matters assertthat this Refinery will by all means bo thebest in the world, and that it will with lessexpense refine four times the quantity of sugarthat the present California Befinery has thecanacitv to refine. The reason for the con

struction of this gigantic Befinery is simplybecanse the demands of commerce require it,it being a necessary and needed adjunct toour sugar trade. In other words, there arenot now ou the Pacific Slope nearly as manysugar refineries as are needed, and this one isbeing built with all the modern appliances andmachinery to supply a long felt want. Thetotal expenses attendant on the building ofthis Refinery, the warehouse, the wharf andthe other buildings which will be required fnrits oDeration. will exceed $1,000,000. It willbe built by ono of the roost energetic firroBonthis continent, and it would be a good thingfor California if we had a few more suchenergetic and courageous firms as SpreckeU &Co. The same energy, business foresight andintelligence whicn has enabled this firm toachieve a position where the judicious ex-

penditure of so vast a sum is a problem easilysolved, will no donbt enable them with thegreatly increased facilities, not alone to ac-

quire gre3t wealth, but to retain an advancedposition in an important indnstry, and pos-jibl-

to wield tlie scepter of the sugar king. S. F.Bulletin, March 9tb.

Interesting Retrelntions in Census Reports.

Tbe work of the staffof officers appointedby tbe Eoperintendent of the Census to collectstatistics relating to the industries and mann-fectare- s

of New York city will show somesingular industries. It was found, for instance,that some use was made of old shoes, but ex-

actly what use was hard to find out. Largenumbers of old shoes were sold by raj; pickersto certain men who disposed of them at a goodprice. It is well known that bits of old leathermake the commercial article known a3 Prussian blue, but only a few firms manufacture it, jana the new can lor wa snoes was enaeniijforsotse other purpose. In New York cityand Brooklyn about three million pairs of oldshoes are thrown away evey year. Formerlyold shoes were plentiiul in the gutters of cer-

tain neighborhoods ; now it appears that theyare sought after as choice prizes in the ragpicker's line. By dint of pereeuen'ng inquiryit was discovered that the old shoes wensfor three purposes. First, all shoes not com-

pletely irorn out are patched, greased, andafter teing otherwise regenerated sold to menwho deal in such wares. Some persons wearone shoe much more than the other ; thesedealers find mates for shoes whose originalmates are past htipe. Secondly, the shoesnot worth paJchinjraro cut np into pieces;the good bits are used for patching other shoes,and the worthless bits, the soles and cracked"nppers," are converted into Jamaica rum bya process known only to the mannfacturers-ItisExi- d

they are boiled in pure spirits andallowed to stand for a few weeks, the productfar surpassing the Jamaica rum made withessences, btirat Etagar and spirits.

It 1,.. K.n nntitvxl hr Homo dcDtlticS thatwhile manufacturers are quito willing to put

a valuation upon their manufactured productthey hesitate about stating the value of theraw material and even return the schedulcawith tlie space for tho value of raw materialleft blank. In one instance a manufacturer oftomato catsup returned a report giving thovalue of his manufactured product at SlS.000ami the value nf his raw material as nothing.His explanatioi was ns follows : Every year

the comings ason ho sends to all tho whole-

sale houses wh ch make a busiuess of canningtomatoes clear tubs, with tho understandingthat women w o trim and peel shall throw thoskins and pai nga into these tubs ; every daythe tubs are r moved, thesltiffin them groundup, fermented, flavored and sold as tomato c.t-s- up

to tlie extent of S1S.O00.Another singular and decidedly pernicious

business is the manufacture on a largo scalecheap candies from w hite earth or terra alba

mixed with n little sugar ami glucose, uwdepntv who investigated tho confectionerybusiness reports that 75 per centum of some

candies is composed of theso substances, andsuch candy, notably "gum drops," contain still

less sugar. Tho effect of white earth upon thostomachs of the unfortunate children who buythese candie- - is vet to bo determined by futureautopsies. What is called a hno urana ot casinosoap has been found to bo composed chif tly ofthis earth and grease, but tho evil effects ofsuch an imposture are trifling compared to thoresults of turning children's; stomachs intominature pottery works.

Among the new industries which havesprung into cxistenco during the last few years

the system of finishing in this city foreigngoods imported in an unfinished condition.Foreign articles composed of several parts aronow Targclv finished in this city, the partscalling for hand labor being importedwhile thoso calling for machino work aremade here. In this way heavy duties aroBavcd, although tho articles are sold as im-

ported goods. Evening Post.

Beautiful Women.

Mrs. Scott Siddons has been talking to aToronto inr&freporter about beautiful women.

She thinks that regularity of features is rathertiresome, and causes a lack of expression."Miss Neilsnn," she says, "had not a satis-

factory face " Mrs. Langtry is one of ourfcjture beauties, and as usual with

them, she has a great deal of expression and amvnt mnliito countenance, which, with blue

nwV-- & most incenious expression. Ofhandsome women that I have seen by far theloveliest is the Countess of Lon'dale. She isqnecnlv-lik- e in her style, possesses symmetryof form and has reglar features, and yet notstonv. Sho is a samplo of regular-featur- ed

women w itli a good expression. The Princessof Wales is exceedingly liko her pictures, andis wonderfully young looking. Sho is a littledeaf, and her mobility in trying to catch every-

thing makes her interesting. There is a charm-

ing complaisance alxiut her." American wo-

men have far more beauty, Mrs Scott Siddonsthinks, than thoe of England. "Boston andPhiladelphia," she says, "aro the places where

have seeu the greatest amount of beauty in ashort time especially very young women. In

the South woman have a very mature age. Itis in the first flush of girlhood that one sees thomost handsome faces ou this continent. It israre tint von sec a beautiful face in England,and 1 thiiik that is why they make such a fusover those that they have now hold of. I pre-

fer the Canadian very much to English women,becanse they have much greater easo of man-- or

fnr nt.B tliinr. There is an absence of thatstlShess which spoils young English women

-- nP:t.tv. Australian ladies are more likeEnglish women than Canadians i.re; tney arofreer than English women and not so free asAmericans a happy medium.

A Numerous Saint.

The body of the Apostle St. Bartholomew,savs Littledale's "Plain Reason!,," is declaredinthe Roman Breviary and Martyrology to

have been translated from Benevento to Rome

bv tho Emperor Otto III. (933-100- and isalleged to be entire. It i- - attested by Bulls ofAlexander III. and Sixtns V. But tlie branchof Benevento alleges that the entire body of

St. Bartholomew is there still, and producesBulls to that effect from Leo IX.. and StephenIX, Benedict XII., Clement VI., Boniface IX.,and Urban V., tho earliest of which Popesreigned fiftv vears after tho death of Otto III.Here then, are two entire bodies ; but Monte

Casino claims the possession of a largo part

of the bodv, and so does Rheims. Thero are,beside three heads, oco at Naples, one formerly

at Reichcnau, and a third at Toulouse ; twocrowns at tbe head at Frankfort and Prasuetwo jaws at Cologne, and a lower jaw atMurbach; an arm and hand at Gersiac; asecond arm, with tho flesh, at Bethune: a

third arm at Amalfi; a largo part of a fourtharm ot Foppens ; a fifth and part of a sixth atCologne: a seventh arm at Andechs, an eightharm at Ebers ; three large leg or arm bones atPrague; part of an arm at Brussels, and otheralleged portions of the body, not reckoningtrifles like skin, teeth and hair, in twenty otherplaces.

(Fjcucral Jglcrrhandisc.


TBAItTIES IX wit or :Ai.VANizr;nJL Plotnctolroafroia tbe new Mains, will do weU

lo live tne uaJersliued a caU. We hate

60,000 Feet of Galvanized PipiiF

On band. Jaat Received ex ..AUter"Dd"G.eniffffrand can offer It at


By tb " Morro CajUe," Jost at band, we bare rtcelTeda rail Uae ot


Earth Closets, Cast Iron Sinks,Enameled Cast Iron Washstands,Marble tops and Basins for WaBhslands,

with Corks and Chains for same,Dose Bibb Cocks,Sewer and Sink Traps, Urinals,Kitchen Slop Sinks, Sink Plugs,Light Cast iron Soil Pipe. 2, 3 & 4 inch.

All Work In the Above LineW01bmttDdedt3wUadipitcn. Also, tit

at band, a new lot ot

UNCLE SAM RANGE,Tfcrte different 6tjl. of four ittei each. Al,

Opera, May, Quartette and Ting Hou

Together wttb tbe

Cotton Plant, Sunny SoutyMagna Charta, Osceola.

Demand, Buck's andCharter Oak Stoves.

SUPERIOR FRENCH RANGES,For Prime FimCles. ot Boiel.

Ships' and Schooners' Cabooses,Laundry Stoves, Kerosene StoveB



NOT TVS.jr. B lo orertn PtoTe tbrtmah tbe man. aad tear-la- ?

tbe raalKr ofctotee to ot, pleaae state limit, and tbessmbtr or people joa won w

817HoocWa, Jcce IS.I57.


Comins Boilers, Steam PipesETO, ETC.

Saves 25 per Cent, of Fuel- -


Atent.HT m



op to aad inelcHn;the3Widajrof AnjMt.nwt be KtUedVrtth J. H. Black oaJr All Indtbtednefnp la tbe eaxae cote wui ov kujw vj J. IL BLACK--


Honolulu, Anput S, 1S9J. 817- -2

. 4

(gintral gcrtjnndist.

I taw





(To be followed bth"Kil"aiif 'loUol.")

And por Stotmor, via Panama.ryoicES of

The Fol'owing Goods W

Aro no In our possession :

DARK BLUEDENLMS :New rnnti. Str mK Ac.Brown CottomHorrock's White Cottons A.B

Turkey Red Gton. Ticking,Blue Cotton D 11. Htne and r ancy FLANNEL,Ixwunp. Italia Cloth. Kprj:Fancy White d Black DltESS GOODS,Jacqnard. Motir, Mousseluw, Jaconets, Ac, .

lltn-Re- , CurtaU. Lambrequins, Tnblo Covers,Ac" Ac. A. Ac

TAILORS' G0DS:Buckskins. Dmkins. Coatincs.niagoials,rriatcd Moleouus, Brown Cords,White Linen kills. Ac

An Assorment of Shirts,"Woolen, Flanrl and Cotton Mixed,Merino and Ctton Undershirts,Wool Jacketsphawls, JUiantets, aowbis, o.c

HOSIERY:Socks and Stckings, Balbriggan,Children's Ac,

SilkHandkemieKFonlardJ.T. B. and Facy Cotton Handkerchiefs,Neckties, Wot and Silk BraidsjRibbons, Thrad, Battens, Ac

India Rubbtr Coats and OverallsFancy and Toilet .rticles: Florida Water,

Genuine Eau o Cologne, l'hilocome,Combs, Tooth3rnshes, Lnbin's Extracts,Fenther Duster Harmonicas,Violin StringsPlaviiig Cards,Looking Gtasss, A lenna Chairs.

STATIONERY:Blank Books. Ldgers, Journals.Day Books, Coy and Receipt Books,Gold Leaf. WUVPMNG PAPER,Superior Printig Paper, two sizes,Manila Rope al sizes, SpunyamFlax and HenpPackinc,

Sugar Cb Goal BagsWoolpack, BcrUps, Sail Twine,India Rubber l'ickin&

SADDLES Sjdney and English.Powder, Lad and Zinc Paint,


Fence Wire, 4, 5, fc Hoop Iron. Rivets,Galvanized Iron PpesK to IK inch.Yellow MetallO toJG oz., Nails. Steel Bails,Perforated Brass. Jackets, Cutlery, Scissors,Butcher and Pocke, Knives.

, Razors, Sheep Sheas, Saw Files, Ac

CROCKERY in Assottcd Crates. Also,

Dinner, Breakfast aid Tea Sets,Bota, llicu Lishes,Cupa, Flower Pots.


Sardines. Vinegar, Suret's Olive Oil,German Saus.ifje,Ultra Wash Blue, Hue Mottled Soap,Table Salt, Stearini Candles, 47. Ac


Boutellau Branly, Gin, Rum, Alcohol,St. Paul's Ale, Mailers Lager Bier, Champagne1Ch. Farre and Uiifeaeck Dry Monopole, dx.,

Empty Demijohns, Market Baskets,Molasses and Tailor Barrels.

CEMENT:Stockholm Tar, Fin Clay, Fire Bricks,Red Bricks, Tiles. Bates, Boats,Blacksmith's Coal, Steam Coal, Ac


Pianos from L. Neufeld, BerlinFOR SALE 1ST

si: l it. iiACnrEi.n-co- .

ILDER CO.Importers and Dealers in








mrr-- W1ST IBM






ALSO, OTS" "ELAJSiyA Most Complete Stock of

DRY REDWOOD!Scantling; Plank, surfaced and rongh,

Boards, surfaced and rough ; Battens,Pickets, Kaslic, Lattice, Clapboards.






Paint and Whitewash BrushesWHITE LEAD,






Of Eastern and California Make.





FAinUASKS' In Jan and Keg. Coette. Laie,Airorted Table Froitj. Canned Meali. Jaaw and felnoaeytnGU.. Pickle. Kera of 'k.:'i'"Ke lof Pic Pork for family aie Bw of Coffee,

anTcaddlea of Finest Tea. Sardines in er and M boxes,Vwmieelu, JtaccaroiJ, Ciackera In Tajietr, Cqbe ".

BOU-E- a s. m.Kegannr.WIRE RIGGING.

SIZE8J?HOaiI5Cn TO a iscnxs. fobIiOLLES & CO.





H. Whiton, from New Tort. Of f Madtid and City of lintai. from Engta.,


Plantations, Country Stores andFamildes- "sa555ssss wsaaaass1- -'MM0 "ZTQ3?5XZ2Zk e o.InlOiWorO;NIndia ltnbtier



-- " 3, 4, 6, 5". W anu uimutMetal. CtolBjnotactheftguBabbit

Weston' Centritnpil Beltine, ""Jf "?VrtBuih Scrthe s and Snaiths.Oi ,MrHeavy Garden HpLane-sinantera-


IAthtEbrIo No. 20

. Eacle Anvus, Spear -g



Horse Shoes, Horse NaiIs,l:ini&ninK"'- -


. , .-- rhlMt. Saws, Braced, Bolts, Catehea Ac,

Plows and Match Plane. A Full Line of

Paiuts and Oils of tho Best English and American Brands I



ASupexior Assortment of American AVhite Flannels.

STAPLE :.... --. . r...:i- - vi TTnwiian Pia. Com Starch. Japan, Cornet and Cheap Tea.ttoiaen w""'.'1'"" ri"-V- nT.i.

The Favorite Fancy and Wnslilng Soaps. Lalifomia anBams, Com Moot, Avena, Graham Hour, Ac Ac It

OnCo's Steum Feed Irrigating & Vacuum Pumps

The Geo. F. Blake Mfg.Weston's Palcrd Centrifugal,

Woodicard it Broicn's Celebrated Pianw,A'eto Haven Organ Co. Parlor Organs

Washburn & Hloen Jffg. Co. Barbed Wire, the JM Barbed Wire man.facium

Portland Cement, Sugar Bags, Oats aud Bran Calforma Hay.

Columbia River Salmon, Ms. and hf. bUs., Salmon Bdlies t Kds-Ve- ryF,

lino r a. katim ff




MaIoSb.ee,Mattoeki.Plow, o it

" -

Condensed ComeU

MM a w



Tho finest Gold aud Silver Watches ever bruught to Honolulu!

NhL.6rii-ng- y

Consisting of " Chrono-

graph," "P.S.Bartlctt,""Win. Ellery," "Ap--pleton,

'3 Breakin




"Sterliug," "Home,''jnd tho "Broadway,'(all Waltham move-ments- ),

as as all

the Newest and FinestStyles from themanufacturers.

STEM WINDING COLDTo suit all tastes aud ages, and


He has also hand Extensive and Elegant

LISTE OF THE YEEY BEST JEVEIET;Rings, Ear Rings, Breastpins, Studs, Amulets, and all classes of Goods in

Such as Fingerthe Jewelry Line. The Diamond Settings aro tho purest and in tho market, and tho

styles the superb ever offered here.ALSO, A FULL LI3IK OP

Tlxe DBest and most



Agent on these IslandsGoods, and as he imports direct the

on his own account for Cash, he prepared


the United States. supplied ona Liberal Discount allowed for Cash,

'M- - MclHERHY.

tt" ita:.THE

SoleFor the abovemanufacturersto


AT A JIUCIIT6aW anywhere onttidegood terms, and

ail tr

3ro Eiisrcs-iiNrE- :Should be wlthont the

American Cylinder CupOf which orer Ten Thoniaad aro now In me.



That can be relied npon.


All that Is Claimed Por It

A certiln nnmber of dmpi perrnlnnteor per hoar (Tllble .tothe ere), will kepxonrCyllnnerlabrleated eontlnamnlj. (Theold of cop do not Iced

it vtu nr for iuelf In faelCTerjtwo raontht; la oilereryteren to ten mcnthi; In weir,packinz and labor erery fonrmoathi.

Tbe abore. alio Cnp lor6haft Bearlajs, Cjllnder OUand LnbrlcatlnK Compound maybe had of the fyraU.




'StoToltar. and Hamw.Pari Pte.

una Flew.

inchs FoiK,File.." V -

Milk. Uert sna longu.


mMSTracy & Co.,".11 t3TTiaj I,Lj


Elegant Silverware




on an




thanThe Trade




is ijii'oMinLE to HATToo-nccirc-ItpralM of thU zooi oM aundard Vamllr JCedldao

It cannot be too Manly recommended, aa It It treJy aJlxrrel ol the Age, aad so hooaahcld ahonld bwithout It. It prerenta aa well aa cam Mkln Xt-m-

Onnc lUieunwilirn, UrmTelandatlHKUtier Dlaenae. Afleeleit Liver, Ileadaehe,Tlnaieii. Bite. Wind, Iim1IkIoo, Couailpa-tlo-n.

Fevera ntirt sae, Iepleawne. LmbI-im- le.

Font Brratb,aadfTer?dleaialres(htoacrtsranted by a dlordered itomKh.

It purine th Blood. Cleanfta th Stomach aad Bow-el- f,

and jbei the whole ijnera a Healthy aad DtHxnt-f- nl

Tone. There nstex was a medlc'ne tm the Sttmrreqoal to It, and held j eompoaed of Ilerta only.lttaabe itren aafely to Infanui It t a trlmnph ta medlcla

harml, jet efflcaelooi. IntalnablK !a tie family, on

th read, at ea, and rrerywhere.7or tale try atl DrajjlfH, and at wholetala by


Direct from Boston and New BedfordXx bark Amy Tomer, w haT rectlTed

BUCK JfOS. 1 TO VX. CttTTOSJUTfn?oi.totOoi. CottonSallTwtao.t.Taad

8 DlT. 5ew Bedford Manila Cordare. alaea froatlX to5 laca. Slaal Bop, d, 9 and M thread. Btraryars3 Ttrs and 1 Tarn. lonjelln Selilcc. , . Wsnd Uthread. OA KH-- Aih Oara. ilesfrorBtoft.

AllofwhicliwUlbeaold aatowaa oa b boothttathUmaiUet. Kl U BOLUS & CO.




f M

Page 5: T'IS, · 2015-06-02 · BL r? e Hiuaiian asrtte (.. n rj i w lm itnilmitakiUat rrwjMixr In. r. t UWUWil 1 I Mitta 00!. la' i Oftt t M wb iw lira ROBERT GRIEVE, iiUt-ai- .-. TMM nm

4. i 5


f SawaiianfiMetfe Stipplemeht, ArhI



I -




j-- Late Foreign News. .

Boercrc, March 7th. The Gtmuin Socialist massmeeting m Foseml Hall t. ns attended by

bxmt 4,030 penuna. The speakers were delegateof the German Soculut partr. FrU ith Mid

.Syirricl. and "Wendell Phillips, John Smnton andothers. A resolution expressine, sympathy withthe German Socialists was adopted.

Chicago, March Tlfc. The Chicafin Lamber-men'- a

Eirhange held its .regular meetingThe President's address contains the sjutlmc

, statement that owinc to the enormous crowlh of theJnmbEr business, it will take only twenty years tocxhantt the great pine forests of the ranntrr, ifthe present rate of depletion continues. Thereceipts of lumber of alt kinds at this port dcrincthe year 1880, were l,5Gt,ac,000 feet.

Caxdiiub, March 7Uu Preparations for thecraeaation of this place by the British arepro-eecdin-

Ciunu, March 7th. Abdorahman Khan isrsjikinc preparations which seem to lndicatcJiisintentiool trying tO'Occnpy'CandahaT wbenjtheBritish Bare left. The departure of the Britishwill probably be the Renal for a sanguinary strap,-c!- e

between Ayoob Khan and Ameer AbduiahmanKhan.

"Lotojox. March 7th v The snow-alar- in Soot-lx- ad

has now abated, bat it will be fame diysbtforc railroad communications are restored.Abaat nine Teswls were lost on the AberdeenshireCjut. sad were drowsed. .Jibe shipJIB Ef&liiff, from Calcutta to 'Dcndee, raswrecked near Aberdeen, and thirty perrons werelot, with all hands on board, on the coast ofXorthnraberland.

Tads, March 7th. The Government has resolv- -ld to recall the French representAtive in Venezu-ela, in consequence of the twenty rears bad faithlaPrenoh creditors br the GoTernment of thatcountry.

March ti-- Thib.foTtdtel?rftmsne3 to" cause the Board of Trade to take

artion a&arast American pork, were received lathellOBfteMt uotnmons on Toeadar last, xrinle aninfluential deputation from the Larerpuol IVm- -

ision?rrai wereJictoally there to interview Mtm- -"Bella, the Vice President of the Council, and to

adnm him against action similar to that ofPrance. Thetettsjranrs purported to be from theSecretary qf .the Liverpool Provision Guild. Thepolice are. inves;igUnx the matter.'

asHctoTox, March 8th. The President hascomma led LaesusUichmond of libode Island, Con-f- o

General at Home : for Gniled states Consuls hehas nominated John L. Friable of Michigan, atllhmj,P. M. Edcr,of rada, at Guayaquil;

('Albert llhodev, District of Columbia, at Itoura;d ward Backus, of Illinois at Peru; Erxule Courtal,

at 1a Union: John A. Hdderman of Kansas, atBangkokj AbbettL. Does, at Aleppo; John F.

une pfew Jersey, at Jfuera Leorla. ,

ifnrToix. SUrch 8th. The Tttmmi Wash- -The Xational JlepWcar,

which is controlled by Second Assistant Postmas-

ter-General Brady, editorially warns Postmaster-Gener- James this moraine that it willnot do'fof 1dm tofset tip as a. reformer, !6r'td doanything that may cast reflection upon the ad-

ministration of his tnedeceswrs. It says thatany imputation upon the business methods 'ornoue.iv oi tnose who una recent control ol tne

(IJartofljce, will be dis&sterons to his best Interests! Betrimental to those of lis pirty. .Chicago, .March 8th. The JoimaT "Washing-ta- n

dispatch says- - It is apparent there is to be,n trsroendoua pressure brought to bear upon thePresident for the removal of persons now in of-fice, and the appointment of new applicants. Atone time y fully 00 office-seeke- were at

itherWblte House endoaTonnj; to grt un audiencevilli the President and present their papers. Veryfew were admitted, and the President said

to a Senator who had called with anapplicant that be would not make any removalsat present? nd intended to require, all pipers ask-ing for appointment! to come through the properDenartmenL

Nrw Yoik, March Sth. Advices from Panamasay that the 10th of February will be rememberedin Antigua as the ore istoa of a frost, the LeanestIn of man. occasioning n damagewhieh'bas' no equal in lue historv of the countrysince its conquest by the Spaniards The frost wasin teen thnfice wfcsTormed in many places, andt le following momin; it could be collected quitereadily. --Even in protected places, such as

hbuses, the iceormed In water tcjscU.mMwasfKnTj of a Very respectable thickness inthe Hiormnc After the frost came, the fields andcuffee1 rjhtnlation appeared as though fire bad

tnem. IDe leaves ol tne coneothjmosx ngoroui as wtllns the tendcrest

tfTStre d molored n"d shrivelled, and broken nteces at the slightest touch, wh 1 even the

tender twigs were injured. Several years mustMpeasanly can be re-stored taltheir mnal iealthy condition. Sugarcane was killed as it stood, rne lews in tots re-

spect is confined to theam&ant now actually tin-co-

lthigh allot this will etrcely,b- - thebtal15. Tne amount of dnlge'l? calculated us be--

twtvsi one ana two millions collars.h'rwlorx. March 1th. The Timet cays: The

IINtjI policy which Mexico has recently adopted,in granting conoessxios and subsidies for the

ol rsJWsy within her territory, is pro- -tUicmg a degree of activity- - among nval companies,Tlttch bids fair to build a system of crmimunicaYHrj JJittmgboct tint Bepuhhe in a wonderfully(iTt'flirn-- . The Mexican Central is in the handsof Boston capttnlifts, siio are working with t,rratenergy It is to connect with the Atchison, Tonekaand Santa Fe. at El Pnno, on the border, ana thetwo sTKtems will be practically tinder one control.The Mniean Central line will run from near themiddle of the northern boundary of the Republic,straight down through its territory to the CrfpiUl.

.with branches V the Gulf Coast at Tumpiro, andthe Pacific Cuan at San Bias. The whole lino is alittl short of 100 miles long, through a country

uuapible or being very productive, and will haveviiik1kbi with our railwsv svslem ou both sides

ottbe Kooky Mountains. Tributary to the samecorabmatioir U tins Souora Railway, also underoaasimdioo, which is to traverse the State ofKntwr from .Arizona to the Gulf of California.Wea'thereare projected lines, under the Sallrvanand Painter charters from the City of MexiconoHh-e- o the borders of Texas, at Laredo,with A7donteraplated connection through Texas bythe International and Xprthem, and from theCity of Mexico estward to the Pacific Coast atManzanuio. South of the City of Mexico are theprojected 1ips of foe Mexican Southern, travr-ers-

the country from the gulf to the ocean, andconeKUng, with, both Vera Crox and the City ofMexico? io say nothing of the Tehnantepec

is'prrrrwng ramdljr across theof tne country- -

'JT-til-i: NOTICE!

gt J.C. LANE'S

, ncnitx.KTrtEi.-r-, xubkixu.


Headstones, Tombs, .

WashsteaiCTopt, and

Tfling- in Black and White Harble.U-- tt h " J. ' ' I



attttb 10WS5T POSJIBLE.EATES.V- -,,,

Hummrnti ani) llewdstouea Clenned and

Ori trom the otier Iflandf promptlj sttendnl to.' fas

'Schbdl ef Cookery BestauranmeltllTd. StXAAt.

- Rrtirren ItercbsBt and Qmch Strreu.nnUHr'ST-IA- . MtrU.BOiSKn. Xer. vbop. jbiu.r.i Tjrri and Battrf vita Trs or Coflee "25c

OJISXEB-1- 2 Kn.twoi HCpkiByVtTiiJeiLlert.llhTrotCeffce. fiUUK trKB.SP.n-ChoiM,Stlk.7Bt.l)- Cn

CoMMesl.!Alal,Ac,c-- , fiJU2-- pUnt!e-liallt- T. Clrtnttow, Erouoaiy.

Board, t4 pS tresk 21 3fcal Tickets, $4r3sa ALijm .y.' ug -- HU "- -, CUi-ir.ir-

XciaGIiXlIbJVUAliXiilWiimlSrLoJel5or"fttl5tnatel, .BI JSOIXESiCo.

lJSt?lJ j"' t'J rK

6i 1881.


RESPECTFULLY CALL ATTENTION io'iit New and Assorted Linesc Goods, just Jfac York and San FrandscoTx"' JfiXptriai""Murray," " Kalahtva," " Wrestler," and other late arrivals, ichich Hey offer'aPthe lotcest marlxt rates. Large invoices of Choice Goods to arrive per " ZoefjromLiverpool, and " Clicshirrrom New York.


All sizes, made to our order, extra strong. v .

SULKEY PLOWS. Extra riotr Parts constanllj on l.tnd.'

WATEll FILTERS AND COOLERS,A new invoice of the favorite. Hrgicnio Porous Filters. Jowelt's Water Filters andCoolers, and Coolers only, assorted sizes.


KEROSENE OIL high test, best quality.Having msde arrangements Io import direct lrom first hands, ne arc now prepared to offer

the best oil in the market (150) at favorable rates. Tins oil is brought from the East to SanFrancisco by railroad, in cars owned by the Company, and the great loss from leakage anddeterioration is avoided. The oil ia put up in Cans and Barrels. In the latter form it will befound a great convenient to families and retailers. The barrels are lined with heavy tin, andare proM Jed with a convenient faucet. No leakage, and no chargu for containers which arereturnable hen empty- - Wo can also supply low test Oils, guaranteed lo pass the Govern-ment Test, at reduced rates.


' Of English and American Manufacture, in packages to suit.

RUBBER HOSE,A fresh invoice of the Celebrated " Carbolized" 3 & ply, and ' Standard" 3 & i ply



a and Assorted of Implemcnts,-T6oIs!an- d

, . Supplies lo requirements.



f ' ' ' '.S I ' CT.-- 1

LUBRIOATING OILS, Fetrr, UnadaXtrakd. S&" Use genuine oils if you to presenoyour beariiigs. "'"


, , , . i Fci.1. Lrxbs or - .



" AGEX1SEORContinental Oil and Transportation Co.- 'Hallidro's Barbed HTire and Staples)

iHallidieV Patent Rope,A.vrrill;a .Chemical Paints,





DressBUck MIL.,murk C.rimercr.Bike.ilk,rellBe,1I.C olK uuimnF,


AH Satins, Silks



Cordlallr to

HIS STORE,thej will Sad and of

DiEiyj and iKaiic GroodsJDSTKECEt'EDrEn"3IEEroO"AXD"J.CSTB.UA."

.Department. House Furnishing Goods.

tcJ de Lien ,'

t;Frinre5,iinltons and Xrimmingt,

To rcitch all the ibore.

Ato. as cndlett oftVorned, ind

Lawn Prc5

Furnishing Goods.

Embroidered Chrrals,H.in dittoEmbmldrifdPlain dilo.tiinjrfaanihnmmrr ditto,Balmoral dlllo.nnrr Sfartland ifbauli,

ditto.Cheekrd ditto.Silk Mohair ditto,Prlnce Jirketr.Ilslhrifrn Hose,Fancy tlilto dlllo.

Will each find fresh Well Stock

Buited bis



Bam Wagon,

Invites the

E3Where fcalUble VatIcIt

iVeloor. Poplin,tulistr.



vrlnr Alp. Jlrrlact.Woolen, Empress








I Gents'White Shirv.Cotort'd ditto;Uneheaiy KlcatoirnaHdc

nr BrilUU Ho-- e,

Fine Col ditto ditto,FlueTweedi-BlU- ,

Hut Bey", ditto.Fine llat and Cap.Fine b. Alpaca Coatt,While linen tlnck ditto,Dlllo ditto ditto.Wh Jiarrrlller Vejlf,linen

Black and Colored Lace Silk Xltt..OlOTT.! Is. and Shawl.

Adjafuule Front and Mdt BnM Corctf,Blacky hue and Colored Mlk Sjcartea and Tin .

Grand preparations being

FIRST TIi31VrX,C3a'Y -- SLE.ncllcr of tr In

M. Brewer's




LUNCH PARLORS,'osTiTCatid 78"JIotT Street, .









HART.BROJHERS, Proprietors.

Board the Day, "Week or

33 LLI AJR IS,Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco,

Soda Water and other Iced Drinks.. d I Jr Jl, . 4 . f L

Meals Served First-Clas- s" Style

at all nouns.HEXBTJ.llABT, 37 9 ELIJSA-HAB-


The Honolulu Workst. cow prepared to


National Tube Works Co's Works,AT McKEESPOKT. PA- -

toroakecontracti todcHrcrUln lir;f r raallqnactltlerln thla .. SXaaUl


Cnuied Sanr ia Earrrl- - Grannliti So-ir- ln s OWlrorSatebr ( LOLLES CO. J 6i

OtttrKTano' 1W wi ""T J"."1 " I jeaicniT. w..ti.,oertral fcsadred milhoa Rallona ol I metier WiUon'a S.wicrlUaata PLinUlioa.nmoTextlieCrotcinclaminvaEtecTErfdaj. j (ottx lj)

. t j laoroKlUAlhany'Lhbricating-Componnd;- ! IH"

American Lubricators,California JJViro Works)

Albany Cylinder Oil.



yGoods I l






While and Cnblrachrd Dimaik Table Linens,Table Cotct and ?tapfcinfr. to match. " L

and Prinlrd Wool Table t'orerf , tajcc cnaini ana i iniel,u hlte and Colored Eedpread,French Maml'ln Qnilu.Lace and Embroidered PlUew frhacu.Ilar.lui, While Crarh and Liaen Tos-eli-

, --

JUrbcllird Oil Cloth, - -- iMoqttltoettinr. 1. .Ac--, 4c, arc

Children and.BabiesVChemiw.2Ciphtcovn,Mockinsf,lackett,Hal.,Cap..Handkerchief?,

Fancy Goods.Talecctejincj.

Langnidoc andEmbroidrrir. and lnMrrfionf,





Point, Tlonitra. Linen. Venice, Caro-line, Pilloircaie Lacea,


axEmbmldprr. mnA Hav.WorIfd. Embroider 'j.inen no., caraooara..Chenelile Crochet Needle.



Plain, Grain

newerWor.1 frfli,l lti,M


White and Colored Jsra Canvas.ac--, fi-e- it


arc made for mjr

11Tee which will jTrn a ftttr 1tcel j

838 A. fWELLIS, Block.

by Transient







thoaEh waterUacbi.ta,

,,'- -





tiro. ItlblKw.


steameb crry OP sydsey,IDA McKAY, A17D'


Br THE ABOVK 3IAKT ATESSELS,hjreja!treceired. Extra Mew Beef in btrreli

and half barreir. Ca,c Falrbank Lard.roIdene.EAtraFajnllr Flour.W heat. Corn, Oat, tf, 4t

TOLLED rlilXSEED jPAIJfD OITj.JLIUnr Linmed Taint OIL Wrfreatrd the pare'Aillclb" Lard Oil. for Ltibricali- n- .ae.oT Spirit Tnr- - "

pentlne. Atlantic Lead, in ?acki;euf lib, andnpvard or US lb. Paitt Brnrhes In rreatfwictj. AHotnhIch1ltbc wldat Prfte br,-- Wtt BOL1XS4CO.

BY THELATEST AEE1TAIS3 fl U Trena u.i rnajtciKco 3

WE llAXTu DECEIVED A EAKGEto onr former (lock of Ship Chandlery,

Milp Stort. Frorlilone, iiu, icnhkh circa n lb.Greatest Assortment of Goods

Kept on tbee leltnda. all ef which will b told at theLoweit Market Price. a mnaj. Onr friend, and thepublic snernll7 are mpecUallr lnrllcd lo examine.- . JJQLLL8 A CO..- -

a. --7t7-a i a ia.BELL


I.ltOBrimiTED DEC 39, 1880.II A WTOEMAS- S- J PEinonrTS. O. U'ILTjER. Vrcx PbuidtC O.BERUEIt. .SrcxATAr axdTiasc-i- b

VE ACS 30TT VBEl'ABCD TO SCI.I. OR' renttotbepabllcforpciritejmrpoeionlj-.CDm-plet- e

ontSta of Telephonic Initranenu of the latettpattrrn f. incJndin; the celebraied 'Blake TranrmlUer.'

We will alfara!.h eallmala to errtt prlrale Tele-phonic llneatm the other Jahrnd. For particnlara.aupjr Ml i. U. UAIUJ&n. r

bti-Ji- Set'j nawallin Htll Telephone

v LIME.enAiiiBRtusr'KQu jtMFonjfiA..

LlincJujtrtteiTed. - - . -




fc .rljecan'bnjr in pairs not akin.v.

A. HEEBEET, UawaiJin Hotel. ECla

Page 6: T'IS, · 2015-06-02 · BL r? e Hiuaiian asrtte (.. n rj i w lm itnilmitakiUat rrwjMixr In. r. t UWUWil 1 I Mitta 00!. la' i Oftt t M wb iw lira ROBERT GRIEVE, iiUt-ai- .-. TMM nm

IT aMjwacwr --,

W if A"'py --jflny


FDD? ACop oi.Tccu ftJwk1 Krfnff rmnl lftrfnTnh JrCnTmi

I 'STSi'-ATcStt'i- f. TMTweedloe3. the

nnenktr divided his anbicctintcf fonr sections-- tlio.tca, the watcrr thomilk,. tho sugar, Tho

lecturer first, drety attention, tea drinkingwith every day life, and dhorrri (hat the prin-

ciple componciita of tea were theine and theessential oil of tannin, which latter possessedastringent properties. Ho informed tho au-

dience that the best time- - tojaho tea was abouth three liwsjj&ejwJioufiC r any other heavy

ftrfSmTderjrecated in the strnneest terms- t the excess to which tea drinking is carried by

some people, asserting that such a practice m- -AitrpA a nprvoaa disonranization and impededdigestion. He showed that the solo differencebetween black and green tea was of ono pre- -

- 1 .1 - fL - Lf...t A tI BrtA ililiiinparatiun, ana mat uom Kiuua ijuuiu i --

ed from tho leaves of tho same plant. Afterasserting that the ndtflteration of tea had verytimrli ilecrcasid of fate i ears which the leadrinking public will bo glad to know, thelecturer preceded to treat of the various kindsnr1ni!m pmn iii different parts of tho world

fr'and tho countries where the different kinds ofteas were consumed, the lecturer came to moconsideration of the milk, iU value as am.fritivn npent. and referrinc to its adulteration he roudaitlio iujtoundingr8sertionahat inl

Xaonuon aione evurj joi ...a.. .,..em anent on water which was sold na milk.

, Passing on. to regard the sugar, the lecturerdenied the common error uiat huui was ,u- -jurious to the teeth, bringing forward as an

i examplo the negroes of Jamaica, who he said,tl.mifli thov were the crealest eaters of sugarin the world, were proverbial for their bcatiful teeth.

Madame de Janzy was tit Napoleon the Ill'scourt in the last years of tho second Empire,

t,H aa verr friendly with tho Imperial

iamilr. Slio relates a comical summing up oftho situation, which Njpoleou indulged inonce when aff.tirs were in a wretched cond-i-

' tiolt. "How can you expect tlio governmentto get on ? Tho Empress is Legitimist; Morayis OrlcansiBt; tho Prince Napoleon is Be--

. publican, I myself am a Socialist, and Por-sfg- ny

is the only ono Imperialist, and ho s afool ! " If the man ot Sedan were alive hewould not forgive .the viscountess for bringingtu light this stinging statement, in which therewas much more truth of deGuitiuu than hemeant to have been betrayed into.

; An old lady at Dublin, Ind., recently minsed$800, and the departure of her grandson for

J Omaha led her to suspect him of the theft. Anofficer was sent after him in hot haste, but bo- -

. . ... J iIia nlil Initwin anfirntilore an nxiCT. wauiuuciiiD -- j -.-,

ing a bureau, fouud, lier money under some.clothing just as bqo nau icit u niuiuna ucium,



HONOLULU, OAHTJ. H. LrN'STITUTIOH BKINGTHIS city allurements. Is. an acknowledged

eafernard for morals for Minority of climate, 1

Thi buildings are largeand commodious, whilethe Ktonnda afford the pupils opportunities for liealth- -

Unremlttlne attention wlllbe jdvrn to the Intellectualand moral enfinre of the pupils. pnpllswlllbefrectonilrnd the rclljHoue exercises or not, ac-

cording as their parents or guardians maj desire.i.iT. rrrHrpdatativ time during the year. AO

redaction will be made from regular charges, except forabencecanfed orpTotracted1lfnc.- - "

v irnrp of absence dnrlnc the scholastic rear. except: the College racallona or or special permission. fVEach nunfl must 'on! entctinjJbtaln one suit of nnt--

form, which with all other nccissatv-- : dothlnjr, Ac, ic

will be fnrnlshed at moderate cost by the Collero; butnone of these will be provided by the College unless by


The course of study Is Classical, Scientific and Com-

mercial; Latin, Oreefc, French, Spanish, German andItalian are tan-h- t.

Partlcnlar attention will be to the EnjllshIB all Its branches. Literature l"nre and Mixed

Mathematics:, nislorr, Uecsnphy, Chemlstryjind '.Nat.nral Philosophy. 'TERMS:For Board, Lodslnr, Tnltlon and Washing, ptr

Scholastic fear A., $2Up.0O

Entran;ffec..ifvr..f,4,.--- 5' i.n . WVacation at Cullfge. ,"K""V "V J?

Jlaslc, rocal and instrumental, Drawing and ilodcin' Languagea extra.

DAY rnPILS-Seni- or Class SSJunior Class.... , 40 00

The Scholastic Tear consists of two 8if i Ion . each

commenceaon theSOihof Angnst; tho second on tns

For all and furthrr particulars, apply 'to ,UEV. W. J. LAKKIN, President,

Ko. i3Berctaniast.

ETcnln? s'ciool1)eparlnic'iit'or St. LouisColleje. 5

The President baa decided to include this branch In.the currtaaam or me oncce.

rt. nhinr i to afford all classes of the community themeans of acquiring a theoretical and practical knoitWrd-- e of all commercial and bnslnesa transactions Inrf.rirnu,: mil slioto rlresn inslcht Into the workings.and application of the different Trades, which tl ts


The Theoretical Branch will lie under the a uperrts)6aof the President and Professors of the College. TheePractical and most Important Branch will be speclallx,ailcUUeU lO UJ IU1UUIUCI, 1IUU1 IUO l.llwua iiinn... mi ,- -

zans among us, who hare kindly tod generously prom-

ised their unices to this useful and raluable entf rprls-J- .

TtiMlll Hlirniattlr. derote balf an hour each eTen- -

lng to the us ! Imparting knowledge to the studentAll the tmpimnis necessary io rata insc,uniwos'

.n1inn will h 1nrnUhed br the: Colli pe.

Each master-artlaa- while connccteajrlth the Col-

lege, will be entitled to nami oneto the prlrinses or tnis iseting hcuooi urpinmnii. I

TEUMS-Ea- ch jludenl per week, HJcM. the KreningSchool w'll 18 817

g OifLLtFOJtINlAtFuijiltjirc lS




illinU' U M1





' . '. or


PAHTIES IN HONOLULUjr other carta, of thelslanda. T

? . . .r X. f 1 AU &A i. iDESIRING FURNITURE


Ordeis Filled at Lowest RalesBrapptlcailnatoUr.E r. AD iU?, Queen Street, wb

baa our Descriptive Catalogue wttb Prices.


iiisu stret.UJBlack Walnnt Bedroom, Sets.! JJIacU Walaut Sldebdardr. X --1

Ulack AValn'uf Dining Cfinlrs',

Onk Cane Seat Dininc Chain,Cedar Bedroom Sets,


Situation "Wauted

AS A. irEnQAUTILE ABSISTAKT,a dinar considerable experience. PIcae-- SCBlBE.jareot Otxette Oface. So

Extra Hew Bcel

BEijiiittis irrimin! NWPM mumUtfx!MjHiUA&AvA.Un JtjylMw ww

" '- -- ' - - - - .nrpB-niMromiiani- AT. CALirou.T;a.JC Oats, California Oroond Barlej4California COnCCalirorsla Wheat, California Braa.

All fresh and la food order, and for al low byBOHJBa a CO.

i "fxoim.GATE EXTRA FAMILY.GeLBES Golden Gate Bakara' Extra,

Exrelslor Extra,Ex bark Kalakiua, for saja If B0LLE3

GROCERIES EX KALAKAUA.'A JJEBRIU.' Teat rtmder.PREKTOX Tea, English Breakfast Tea,

(.rusnea sugar, uraatuawu&r or sais oy CO.


PK1HK Extra nmlljBcef In half bsrrelssBjttraPig Pork In VS. U and i barrels.' Butter la SO lb kegand 4 lb elass jars ; llama and Bacon (extra nice). Lard,

Foraale by ilOLLES X Co.

SALMON.Rl VKRSaUInS I! EABREUCOI.rBIA Canned Salmon-l-aad3J- tins.




lUrcn 19, mu SO) aPer City of Sydney.

1 00 BAGS l?inS1? JUAiITY POTA- -1 toes,3aga Sllrerskln Oaloas

California Ualry Butter, la lbs keys, and 4 IhlGIim Jan. put up Expressly for onr lnd

Eastern Codfish, Boneless VvOfish, tjulern Uama,Eastern Bacon. Comet English Ureakrast Tea,

In 1 lb boxes. Comet Oolung Tea. & lb boxes. --

Salmon, Pilot Bread, Crackers, and Cake, ilediumBread In Cacs. . f . J ff


Lead, llubbuck'a Lead, IlubbucX'a Zinc,Verdigris, Ulack Palm. Chrome JUreea, .

Chrome Yellow. Pari Oreeu. and t 1

Full assortment of fancy Kitnta.For sal by BOLLES Jb Co.

rJJS'SEED OLL TS BBIS.BOII"EK cans. Kaw Paint Oil. the pure Uneed,For sala by BOLLES Jt Co,

LUBIUCATIXG OXXS.5 gallon cans; Lard Oil. la

barrels and cans. For lata, by BOLLES & qo,

PACIFIC RUBBER PAIKT,of this celebrated paint In H,

1 and a gallon packages', all the deslrsbleahadea andcolora. KorsalebyBOLCES JtCo.

OATS, BARI.KT, BRA2T, CORK",and Hay, Per " D. C. Murray? and "Wi U.

Bimond." For sale by BOLLES A Co.

POTATOES.JU A line lot pirj" City of Sydney." Foraale by', I i 1 ' J BOLLES Co.

RI-VrE- SAI-MO- IKCOIitTMBIA barrels. For as! by: It .BOLLES Ji Co.

CASE GOODS,assortment of Fruit, Meats, Fish,

Lobsters, Clams, Oysters, Shrimp", c.Just received, and for sale by BOLLES & Co.



six thread to arc Inch.2 818 ' BOLLES & CO.



UTTER AND CHEESE.I I L.lL.M Pli.nf C.fln,.


iE2uPboi.DAGE. Ani5 hoik ROPE.

J lnchOoS,lnch. JJo. Spun jam. Seizing, Itatlin,.Housellnc,JIarline,KpBndIngi&c-- i 1L 3 813 W ' - - 4J30LLES & CO.


MT JleUIlicJron'Strapped.Blocks, PaUsUBushiagPlain Bushing, a full assortment of sizes.. 8is BOLLES & CO.




; Sugar MaoMneryOFTHE--

KAALAEA PLANTATION'1 Su;rMll),Hx3i Inch Bolls,

1 40 feet Cane Carrier for same, nearly new,3 500 gallon JlcOnle's Clariffers, In perfect order,3 COO gallon Precipitators,2 Cleaning Pans, Copper Colls and Iron Shells, with

" " T, Skimming 'Trough, complete;1 Circular Eraporator, Copper Coll and Copper Shall.

6 feet diameter,2 Evaporators, Copper Colli and Iron Shells,S Syrup Tank supply to vacuum pin,1 6 foot Yacnum Pan, aet on cast Iron columas,

' Pun Strikes, Si tons of sugar,

Blako's Direct Air Pomp, for pan,h Wei ton's Patent Centrifugals, with Iron frame,

nearly new,'1 Sngar Trough to take a Strike of pan. with sugar

apouta and columns, all of Iron, nearly aew.

1 Diagonal Steam Engine;' To drin 3 V.'cston's 31 arblnes, nearly new.

lfl Coolerajn nrst-rtt- e order,t Blake's Steamilolassea Pnmp,1 Xolaates Blo-C- ! . 1 I1 Blake's Steam Feed Pump.1 Pair Compound Boilers, with steam drum and

"mountings, complete,

ONEvGOAXjBOILEE," is& a ore.Bt

made at the Honolulu Iron Works, for using coaton pbntatlcoil 'fttar)j a(vrt" '

t.M itnAt, Mi.v. 7Sftlilrh t xriaeheadlimetfr. .raadeofSIS plates, compleu wltft, eaalj Iroj bad

suys, aeariy new,


Sparc Pieces of Machinerr,h ,cr. .et-- tFThe above machinery la naw taking off (rom litotj

CUrleraperdsy,audIlnSoodordT Csubfl boughtas It nowstsnds aJCaaJaeaj. or on waarfaLlIonolala,tobde1rrrd,arte?ABTitts1i,-t8lM- . -


REAL ESTATE!Desirable Propert J on Fort St. For Sale.

T'HE TSTEtJls- - TCSOXTS' liOT STCT7-at- rd

on Fort Street above BexeUnlx. This lot IsICO feet frontage on. rott, street, ana ih ie rear, mereIs a y dwelling bouse on Itae lot. nearly new,

4.V nn linBi.. fcalh hcrasa and DrivT. and two ircllaSO fret deep, well ttouedup from thai bcttom for rewerXg purposes, ine water IB jaiu wu in suht uiuercjatplaces, and plpiag all In good condition. Then liample riwtDTfor the SMirlpB of twwUrgrxottagea Thjftne1if sail new ona of tnaaietbattbT-an-centrally located lota for x residence of any la tho dryo rianolwu. Theibore saje offert good apporwaftyfor titer permanent' Investment of 'ciplUTi '

Tltlo perfect. Deed at Ike eins of the purthaMa.A pan of the pnrehaso money mayraaaia secumlyaorta's on the premise. For fanner narrlcslart,

;fliW.MACY.ltlwwrmie,or, Jut CAKrttBJGUt.Eae;. ,

P77ieh;a plan ettbe lot caa be seen. Sa 7


20 Tons , China. Nut, Cake,


lN!?dtfirf ?Wi FOBLICTBat Clst7' iT JBflnrtjel tit iktaa?


la the Hre Proof Baliaax

NaeaKUHASUsSiBrrr.' ."?

Three doort belo their old aUad, .enjaih'iJas&too most complete aaaortmento r.

Drags, Chem'cala & Toilet'lxtialM


AoongafewortheirSpecUlUeeBuyhe foiad'IaStock of ,,,

The Crown ftocilcosstsnso of ,. , t v

Eerfames. Soaps, CosmetfcstAXD TH CELEBBATXO 4

Opaline Face Pcifyder- -Theae Goods receired the highest- - aarit.tS late

Sydney Exhibition over ill other compttUora.

A ZJ.1L&E AJS'S0JlT2Cl?JlTo? johs oessxzx.'s


.at a

Hair and Wooth Brjhe,Camclllne for the fcoBpIexIoaaaslTwtb,

LUBIN'S AND PIHAUD'5Soap Cosmetics and FacaPow4eT, ,' i

IOELLULOID TRUSSESEspctlallr adapted to tila climtte.. u

, A Full Line of lhi

Hnmplirey's lromeopaihic 8ieclJk&V

Carbolic Add and Chloride of lime, far dlatafaOaIng purposes, . Aarii

- J v -- s4Agents for P. loriilard & Co's (Wefeatod

Tobaccci, andDrawiag Eowi tTobacco and Cigarettwsv. ,' "

Buchanan & Lylo's Tobaccos,WMchvwe have lately iatrodoted hre and vhichuU

rapidly growing Into favor an4 demand. , a



Whlcli are so welt known all over the TwMfontno comment from or. , .e

Goodwin & Co'o Old 'iftttlge,"rr t ."0

TOBACCO asd ciaABxrrk8,7' ,


Among oor One nuadreJ hrsnda.of CI03335,T

wewen la cell especur attniion io m

TTnTl nflTrlumll Slotr?"t.i 9 mm

The Fa7oriio ed BramJ, PeSoIariaa,The Fragrant Stxnap. " j

They also continue to nunnfeetere-- "

'sSoda Water In all Its BrancHesipt

Together wlllt tltetr ..i.

BelfastGin&er AielBU 20


The Following; Goods,X LATE .IKH1VALS.

Best Cal. Hard Red Bricks,Beat Cal. Troah Lisa.

CS HEI.HESSEY X, XX ADD XXX SMRQTEenotsaej Brandy, dhez brand,Caaka lIejmeTlJraoJy, ,Caaea Kentucky Favonta Whinny,CefO.F.CWIiMke7, ,

CaltetHa.lVihiikej,O.K.Vniiiur, rCaJiltBoci'AiDerirriVniiiaryi .Caeca Gin, Basket 8totw Jog Cfm. . asBest Sherrr and Port Wlao ta enaa & vecd.AUo, Ale, ftjrter, 1c, u, i .e

TTUeli Tf iU be Sold at KtductiTrletl't(T Ta Suit the Timer, ' JlM

wotiob. t.



Constating of thoYoUawing G.od, rizJloIUIVlCbJnsKo.IMatHaR, "CwUSaperiorTei,Ctra Silka. Fe ,

And Other Fancy Goods.'H. B. Up SUIrf over T T. Lenchas A Co'vltraxgi

gireet. 1 I t . M VSVi



This little appariios oils the TyrTnJtr ceisKtlr ndperfectly So little eil leased that a sarins; of oH aadwear equal ta four time be coat may be eficcted la oneseason.

m-- as i7,r. .n-.fr-

BEST AMERIOASMSTEAM ANDWATER PIPE.We would cell the attention ef theao requtrUs; Wptnx.

i tacrerUryostccJkof ciT154,000 Feet On Hand!

BJaek Weldea Steam Pl?3i toTla, cHameter..Gilttalted Water Fife) H ta lrWBetcrjll

far-- The above at Moderate Prices.TEE H0H0LUnjIE03"WS2K5 COXPY

Commisaicn Jfercfianta and Jot-wardi- ng

Agents. """

OlHrer So, SO California S Sk F;rM4w.

Tao Best PricM WATTJawdU And 8&te BnnnarH- iy v Jt;tltLANDSCAPES.

pEnsoxs wismxo to" 3 JLV&kv tew ofhenae or eny oal ctooe h el mk,to .

Can navePICTTTBLCS IH X1SSTXA98,R7XXBXepoljUij; to t. aw5enJcoed.itUCrert StreeLHsT

noaotaln-iaa.W.-lt. Wti Kill CajuaLT



'"uw: In Quantities to Suit,JC. 7S2) BOiiESTi CoT tM4fl

M - VJ-- CO. for sale vjr ' aa js -- seixxal

... i,.


t .Kiaai iluu a Ibltla aktaCtlM. Urbceries, I rtai1 nAIlM Atfe Oin. 1zm from ft ta 21 fML ', i., mi, I cT7ri1hTOM uscu'fo a ixcties. fob tf I nvfWHtH wfltlMi-cn- 1n nn 1m