Bibliografia Geral 2009 2010

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  • 8/9/2019 Bibliografia Geral 2009 2010


    Doutoramento em Sociologia

    Seminrio Teorias Sociolgicas Aprofundadas

    Ano lectivo de 2009-2010

    Docentes: Prof. Doutor Carlos Manuel Gonalves e Prof. Doutora Isabel Dias


    1. Fundamental

    ALLAN, Keneth, (2007), The Social Lens, London, Sage

    BONNY, Yves (2004), Sociologie du temps prsent, Paris, Armand Colin.

    CONNEL, R.W. (2003), Gender & Power, Cambridge, Polity Press.

    CONNELL, R.W. (2008), Gender, Cambridge, Polity Press.

    FERNANDES, Antnio Teixeira (2006), Monotonia Democrtica e Diluio das Regulaes

    Sociais, Porto, Afrontamento.

    GINER, Salvador (coord.) (2003), Teora Sociolgica Moderna, Madrid, Ariel.

    KUMAR, Krishan (1997),Da Sociedade Ps-industrial Ps-Moderna, Rio de Janeiro, Zahar


    MARUCCELLI, Danilo (1999), Sociologies de la modernit, Paris, Folio.

    MILES, Steven (2001), Social theory in the real world, London, Sage.

    RITZER, George (2001),Explorations in social theory, London, Sage

    RITZER, George (2008), Modern Sociological Theory, (7 edition), New-York, MacGrawhill.

    RITZER, George (edit.) (2003), The Blackwell Companion to major contemporary social

    theorists, Malden, Blackwell.

    RITZER, George e SMART, Barry (edit.) (2001),Handbook of social theory, London, Sage.

    SCOTT, John (1995), Sociological Theory, London, Edward Elgar.

    TURNER, Bryan (1996), Teoria Social, Lisboa, Difel.

    TURNER, Bryan S. (edit.) (2007), The New Blackwell Companion to Social Theory, Blackwell.

    TURNER, Jonathan (2003), The structure of sociological theory, Belmont, Wadsworth.

    WATERS, Malcom (1994), Modern Sociological Theory, London, Sage


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    2. Para uma abordagem global das teorias sociolgicas (para alm dos indicados no ponto


    - GIDDENS, Anthony e TURNER, Jonathaan (1999), Teoria social hoje, So Paulo, UNESP.

    - RITZER, George (2008), Sociological theory, New York.

    - BERTHELOT, Jean-Michel (1991),La construction de la sociologie. Paris : Presses

    Universitaires de France.

    - MARUCCELLI, Danilo (1999), Sociologies de la modernit, Paris, Folio.

    - RITZER, George e SMART, Barry (edit.) (2001),Handbook of social theory, London, Sage.

    - TURNER, Jonathan (2003), The structure of sociological theory, Belmont, Wadsworth.

    - CORCUFF, Philippe (1994), As novas sociologias:contrues da realidade social,


    3. Reviso dos fundadores

    - ARON, Raymond (2002),As etapas do pensamento sociolgico, Lisboa, D. Quixote

    - GIDDENS, Anthony (1990), Capitalismo e moderna teoria social : uma anlise das

    obras de Marx, Durkheim e Max Weber, Lisboa, Editorial Presena

    4. Obras de referncia global

    - Neil J. Smelser, Paul B. Baltes (2001)International encyclopedia of the social and

    behavioral sciences, Oxford: Elsevier. (existe na Biblioteca da Flup)

    - Boudon, Raymond, Dictionnaire critique de la sociologie, Paris : Presses

    Universitaires de France. (existe na Biblioteca da Flup)

    - (Enciclopedia de Filosofia)

    - (registo e acesso grtis at 31 de Outubro de


    5. Revistas (bases da FLUP e em papel)

    5.1. Nacionais

    - Anlise Social

    - Anlise Social

    Sociologia, Problemas e Prticas

    - Economia e Sociologia

    Frum Sociolgico

    - Portugal Journal of Social Sciences

    - Revista Crtica de Cincias Sociais

    Sociologia Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto

    Revista de Sociologia

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    5.2. Estrangeiras

    - Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales

    - American Sociological Review

    - Cahiers internationaux de sociologie

    - Current Sociology- International Sociology

    - LAnne sociologique

    - Revista Espanola de Investigaciones Sociologicas

    - Revue du MAUSS

    - Revue Francaise de Sociologie (electrnica e papel, 2005 e depois)

    - Sociological Theory

    - Sociology

    - The American Journal of Sociology

    - Theory, Culture and Society

    - Sociologie du travail

    - Sociologie du Trabajo----------

    - Work and Professions

    - Organizaes e Trabalho

    Sociologie du Travail

    Sociologia del Trabajo

    Revue International du Travail

    Sociedade e Trabalho

    Formation et Emploi

    Formao Profissional

    Work, Employment and Society


    6. Outras fontes (recursos em Sociologia)6.1. Sites disponibilizados pela BlackwellSociology Resources

    Globalization, Communication and Society

    The Individual and Social Life

    Modern Organizations

    The Family


    Tradition and Social Change

    Social Theory

    Sociological Research

    Social Theory A Sociology Timeline from 1600. Created by Ed Stephan. Dead Sociologists' Society

    Contemporary Philosophy, Critical Theory and Postmodern Thought . Website

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    maintained by the Denver School of Education at the University of Colorado.

    Sociology of Knowledge . Website maintained by the Denver School of

    Education at the University of Colorado.

    Voice of the Shuttle Cultural Studies Page. Includes many social theory links.

    Social Theory A Sampler of Information Resources prepared by Sandra L.

    Brown, Reference Services Librarian Southwest Baptist University Library, Bolivar,


    Resources on Theorists, Theories, and Fields. Edited by Bob Craig, University

    of Colorado at Boulder.Philosophical Links Page

    The Philosophers Magazine. Maintained by the Philosophers' Magazine

    (TPM) on the net.

    Marx and Engels' Writings

    Marxism-related lists and archives

    Marxists Internet Archive

    Resources on Antonio Gramsci

    Critical Theory and Cultural Studies

    Habermas Links. Created by Antti Kauppinen.

    The Jrgen Habermas Web Resource. Created by Steve Robinson.

    The Herbert Marcuse Internet Archive The Anthony Giddens Resources

    The Jon Elster Page

    Links to sites related to Pierre Bourdieu


    Project Baudrillard

    George Herbert Mead. A repository of documents by about and related to the

    work of George Herbert Mead.

    Social_Psychology.Net . The University of Southern Indiana's Sociology

    Department's Social Psychology Links of Interest Page.

    The Foucault Pages at CSUN

    Foucault Site

    Howie's Homepage . Howard S. Becker's website. Centre for Critical Realism

    Norbert Elias and Process Sociology. This site identifies and provides internet

    resources for all social scientists working with the ideas of Norbert Elias and process


    Actor-Network Theory. Website maintained by the Denver School of

    Education at the University of Colorado.

    The Bruno Latour Website

    Jean-Franois Lyotard: A Bibliography.

    Roberto Unger Official Website.

    Roberto Unger Websource .

    Paul Virilio. Interviewed by James der Derian.

    Theory and Society . Journal Homepage. Philosophy and Civil Society. Website devoted to the philosophical

    examination of the nature of civil society and civic culture in general.

    Online papers of the Department of Sociology, Lancaster University

    Bookmarks for Douglas Kellner

    6.3. Outros sites

    Sociology Sites (Schools and Colleges)

    BRYN HAFREN SCHOOL Bryn Hafren has established itself as the prime site for

    school sociology in Wales and here they offer resources for GCSE level.

    DAVE HARRIS HOMEPAGE This is a collection of e-handouts and conference

    papers on sociology, distance education and cultural/media studies.

    ESOCIOLOGYNotes, Worksheets and TESTS!

    HEWETT SCHOOL, NORFOLKThis contains curriculum support materials for

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    sociologists of Advanced and GCSE level.

    SOCIOLOGY ONLINE Built by Andy Walker of Dartford Technology College, this

    has a good number of exercises and online quizzes etc., using Hot Potatoes


    MAHAMMAD SHOIAB'S PAGES This is a site from an Advanced level student,

    with access to his notes.

    MY SOCIOLOGY Pam Burrage's excellent site of notes and activities for the

    Advanced level student.

    NGfL FOR WALES This has GCSE Sociology on it, but you will find it very useful

    for A level remindes as well.


    fun site for checking out what you know (and what you don't).

    RUTH'S SOCIOLOGY RESOURCESThis is a teacher's site with AS and A2 level

    information and activities and neat summaries of areas of sociology.

    SCHOOL SOCIOLOGY This is a school site, with resources and some study and

    revision skills advice.

    S-COOL REVISION SITENot technically a school site, this has a revision

    programme specifically for A level Sociology if you follow the appropriate links.

    SOCIAL SCIENCE RESOURCES This site contains worksheets, including onlineworksheets, developed by the PGCE Social Science student teachers at the University

    of Leicester.

    SOCIOLOGY CENTRAL One of the best sites for A level sociologists, this offers

    downloadable resources, specifically designed for post-16 sociology students.

    SOCIOLOGY LEARNING SUPPORT A site of interactive quizzes, devised by ATSS

    member Chris Gardner and with a new design in 2006. There are self-assessment tests

    and exercises for students to do online, and currently 160 exercises are available.

    TAMARA O'HARA'S WEBSITE A comprehensive and fun site focused on AS, A2

    and Access sociology.

    WALES'S VIRTUAL TEACHERS' CENTRE This has some interactive stuff for you

    to try.

    NEWS ONLINE There are some great video resources available here, relevant toSociology.

    FRONTLINE Continuing the video resources theme, this is an excellent source of

    contemporary and some historical features, relevant to Sociology.

    Other Useful Sociology Sites BEAUTY MATTERS Teaching resources around the areas of body image, fashion

    and attraction.

    BRITISH JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY This will lead you to abstracts of the latest

    volumes of the BJS.

    CENTRE FOR APPLIED SOCIAL SURVEYS This contains a bank of questions

    which have been used in social surveys.

    CHILD POVERTY ACTION GROUP All you can expect from one of Britain's

    leading campaigning organisations.

    ESRC SITE MAP This will take you to a graphic representation of the ESRC site.

    Click on Findings to see a series of recent research findings from ESRC funded


    HOLOCAUST EDUCATION TRUST This site is dedicated to the history of the


    INFORMATION PLEASE This is an online Encyclopaedia, with Culture and Society

    links to the family, ethnicity, education, crime, gender and religion.

    INTERNET SOCIOLOGIST This is an active tutorial on using the Internet for

    sociological purposes, either as a teacher or a student. It establishes some essential

    principles for using the Internet.

    JUST FOR TEACHERS You have to register for this free site, but it has reviews ofresources, specifically for post-16 social science.

    SOCIAL SCIENCE DISCUSSION FORUM At last, a sociological 'chat room' that is

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    pitched at the right level for pre-University students. You may have to register to gain

    the full benefits.

    SOCIETY: THE BASICS BY JOHN MACIONIS This is a great site linked to the

    John Macionis' book, but including multiple choice questions, True or False activities,

    key term quizzes and links.

    SOCIOLOGICAL RESEARCH ONLINE This is the electronic Journal of the British

    Sociological Association. SOCIOLOGIST AT LARGE This is an American site, but with some good basic

    sociological information appropriate for A level students.

    SOCIOLOGY BLOG This is a sociology blog, covering all sorts of interesting topics.

    SOCIOLOGY AND CRIMINOLOGY BLOG This is a sociology and criminology


    SOCIOLOGY BY JOHN MACIONIS Another great site linked to the John Macionis'

    book, but including objectives, multiple choice questions, True or False activities,

    essay questions and links.

    SOCIOLOGY SHOPThere are basic items connected to this site, including conceptual

    tools and analytical tools.

    THEORY CARDS This is David Gauntlett's novel way of introducing basic theory. It

    is a good site for the A2 sociologist approaching theory for the first time.Sociology Web Directories

    GSOCIOLOGY This is a set of links focusing on social change and including some

    useful links to methods.

    SOCIAL SCIENCE INFORMATION GATEWAY UKThis is a gateway to a wealth

    of sociological material.

    SOCIAL WORLD: SOCIOLOGY This has an extensive set of links to sites of interest

    to sociologists.

    SOCIOLOGICAL TOUR THROUGH CYBERSPACE This is a slightly different site

    which offers advice on writing papers and using the sociological imagination.

    SOCIOLOGY NETWORKThis provides a access to Sociology resources in the news

    amongst other things.

    SOCIOLOGY RING Mark Foster organises a large number of connected sociology

    sites, which can be visited in turn or randomly.

    SOCIOSITE This is an international sociology site which allows you to access

    sources in a large number of subject areas associated with Sociology.

    SOCIOWEB This offers access to new resources in Sociology, amongst other things.

    TRANSTRAKAn American site with a bias towards practising sociologists. A good

    site for students looking for a career in sociology.

    WORLD LECTURE HALL - SOCIOLOGY Organised according to sociological

    topics, this allows you to follow your specific interests. Publicaes francesas

    Sociology Publishers CONNECT PUBLICATIONS This contains information concerning coursework and

    support publications from Connect.

    LINDISFARNE PRESS This contains information concerning publications and

    course from Lindisfarne Press.

    SOCIOLOGY REVIEW This contains details of the magazine Sociology Review.

    SOCIOLOGY UPDATES This contains details of the annual publication of Sociology


    TRIPLE A LEARNING This is the site of a commercial sociology publisher

    6.4. Outros sites com recursos

    Sociolog Julian Dierkes' Sociology links

    Theories about Social Change

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    About sociology links

    Sociological Research Online

    Les classiques des sciences sociales

    A really wonderful site, with lots of classical texts and resources for sociology students and

    scholars (in French)


    A very useful and complete collection of links to sociology sites around the world

    Les organisations internationales

    - Le Conseil international des sciences sociales (CISS/ISSC) de lUNESCO


    - LAssociation internationale de sociologie (AIS/ISA)

    - LAssociation franaise de sociologie (AFS)

    - Lassociation canadienne des sociologues et anthropologues de langue franaise


    - LAssociation italienne de sociologie

    - La Socit portugaise de sociologie (SPS)

    - La Socit suisse de sociologie (SSS)

    - Association of Black Sociologists www.blacksociologists.orgAssociation for Humanist Sociology

    Association of Population Centers

    Association for Qualitative Research

    Association for the Sociology of Religion

    Blackwell Sociology Resources

    Consortium of Social Science Organizations

    Dead Sociologists' Society

    European Association for Population Studies

    European Association for the Study of Science and Technology

    Euro Studies

    Global Social Work

    Indian Sociological Society www.insoso.orgInternational Network for Social Network Analysis

    International Social Science Council

    International Society for the Sociology of Religion

    International Sociological Association

    International Sociology of Sport Association

    International Union for the Scientific Study of Population

    Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction

    Korean Sociological Association

    Latin American Sociological Association

    Marxists Internet Archive

    Norbert Elias and Process Sociology

    Rural Sociological Society

    Select Great Social Theorists Page


    Social Science History Association

    Social Science Information System

    Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics

    Society for Applied Sociology

    Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality

    Society for Social Studies of Science

    Society for the Study of Social Problems

    Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction

    Sociologists' Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered

    Sociologists Without Borders

    Sociologists for Women in Society

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    Sociology of Education Association

    Statistical Resources on the Web

