2013 Simulado 04 Ingles03 FINAL

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Transcript of 2013 Simulado 04 Ingles03 FINAL

  • 7/27/2019 2013 Simulado 04 Ingles03 FINAL


    Simulado online 04 2013

    Objetivo de Ingls / Modelo Enem

    Pr-vestibular Social

    1)A questo da censura est diretamente relacionada

    com a liberdade de expresso. Com base no cartaz

    abaixo, o que se observa?

    Foto: eluterius. Disponvel em: http://www.sxc.hu/


    (A) Grafitar muros no permitido;

    (B) No se consegue entender nada;(C) A parede foi rabiscada por vndalos;

    (D) A imagem ilustra por si s o conceito;

    (E) As palavras apagadas deviam ser imprprias.

    2) Dentre os direitos de cidadania est a garantia

    de acesso a escolas de qualidade e voltadas para

    o desenvolvimento do cidado. O texto abaixo lista

    vrios itens pertinentes a essa questo.

    What is the Human Right to Education?1) Individual Rights: Every individual child must have

    equal access to a quality education adapted to meet

    his or her needs.

    2) Aims of Education: The aims of education must

    be directed toward the development of each childs

    personality and full potential, preparing children

    to participate in society and to do work that is

    rewarding and reasonably remunerative, and to

    continue learning throughout life.

    3) Dignity: Schools must respect the inherent dignity

    of every child creating an environment of respect and

    tolerance in the classroom, preventing practices and

    disciplinary policies that cause harm or humiliation

    to children, and promoting self-confidence and self-


    4) Equity: There must be equitable distribution of

    resources in education across communities according

    to need.

    5) Non-Discrimination: The government must ensure

    that the human right to education will be exercised

    without discrimination of any kind as to race, colour,

    sex, language, religion, political or other opinion,

    national or social origin, property, birth or other


    6) Participation: Students, parents and communities

    have the right to participate in decisions that affect

    their schools and the right to education.



    Os itens que tratam da questo da disciplina e

    garantem uma distribuio de recursos justa so:

    (A) 3 e 4; (B) 1 e 6;(C) 2 e 3; (D) 4 e 6;

    (E) 1 e 5.

    3) As manifestaes populares que vm acontecendo

    em vrias partes do mundo buscam expressar o que

    o povo pensa sobre as polticas governamentais e a

    necessidade de se garantir os direitos do cidado

    em vrias reas. Ao invs de passeatas, o texto

    abaixo oferece uma ao alternativa.

    Photo: Tomaz Silva/ABr. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/



  • 7/27/2019 2013 Simulado 04 Ingles03 FINAL



    Peace begins with you

    Our idea is simple. Peace can be created by a critical

    mass of people focusing their thoughts on peace or

    having peaceful thoughts. And when enough people

    focus on peace instead of war, on harmony insteadof discord, on love instead of hate, the idea of peace

    will resonate throughout the world. This groundswell

    of thought will lead to actions that will achieve the

    goal of world peace and understanding.

    This is why we are focusing on sponsoring a contest

    to inspire composers to create a new peace song

    that we can all sing.

    Everyone is welcome to participate in the Songs for

    Peace project - from children to adults, from poor to

    rich. We encourage you to join us, and help build a

    worldwide community that resonates peace.It is an obvious but powerful truth that with more

    people focused on peace, the greater the chances

    that conflicts can be avoided, and greater harmony

    achieved.Dr. George Barkett, Founder, Songs For Peace



    As palavras que melhor definem a ao proposta

    pelo texto so:

    (A) war - song - hate;

    (B) love - peace - contest;(C) rich - thoughts - actions;

    (D) mass - poor - worldwide;

    (E) world - groundswell truth.

    4) De modo a garantir que todo cidado tenha

    direitos iguais no mundo, as Naes Unidas

    elaboraram a Declarao Universal dos Direitos

    Humanos, que conclui da seguinte forma:



    Therefore the General Assembly proclaims this

    Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a common

    standard of achievement for all peoples and all

    nations, to the end that every individual and every

    organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly

    in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to

    promote respect for these rights and freedoms and

    by progressive measures, national and international,to secure their universal and effective recognition

    and observance, both among the peoples of

    Member States themselves and among the peoples

    of territories under their jurisdiction.

    Portanto, as medidas para garantir o direito de todos

    dever se dar principalmente atravs de:

    (A) garantias de fronteiras;

    (B) medidas econmicas;

    (C) polticas de sade;

    (D) prticas religiosas;(E) formas de ensino.

    5) Alguns anncios tm por objetivo levar o leitor a

    realizar uma ao:

    Disponvel em: http://adweek.blogs.com/adfreak/imip-print-ads.html

    Em que alternativa voc identifica a ao sugerida

    no anncio?

    (A) adotar crianas;

    (B) educar os jovens;

    (C) tornar-se doador;

    (D) preservar a natureza;

    (E) manter a cidade limpa.