PROPOSTA DE TRABALHO INTERDISCIPLINAR ÁREA … · Construir significados a partir da linguagem...

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Transcript of PROPOSTA DE TRABALHO INTERDISCIPLINAR ÁREA … · Construir significados a partir da linguagem...




Institutional Advertisiment: reflecting about citizenship


a)Conteúdo estruturante: Discurso como prática social

b)Conteúdos básicos: gênero textual anúncio institucional, Tema do texto, Interlocutor,

Finalidade, Aceitabilidade, Informatividade, Situcionalidade, Intertextualidade, Temporalidade,

Referência textual, Elementos composicionais do gênero enfocado, Léxico pertinentes aos

textos abordados , Papel do locutor e interlocutor.

c)Conteúdos específicos: linguagem verbal e não verbal, slogan,logomarca, sequências

tipológicas descritiva, injuntiva, uso de verbos no modo imperativo, uso de adjetivos, léxico

relacionado aos temas bullying e dengue.


Refletir sobre problemas sociais emergentes, com foco nos temas bullying e dengue.

Estudar o gênero anúncio institucional envolvendo os diferentes aspectos que o compõe.

Identificar as sequências discursivas descritiva, injuntiva.

Construir significados a partir da linguagem não-verbal.

Reconhecer e utilizar os elementos gráficos tais como: cores, tipos e tamanhos de letras.

Planejar a escrita considerando a possível audiência, o suporte e os objetivos a que se propõe

o texto.

Escrever sobre um problema apontando para possíveis soluções, visando à realização de uma

campanha em nível escolar.

4.Quantidade de aulas:

8 a 10 aulas.


Ensino Médio

6.Recursos a serem utilizados:

Dentre os recursos didáticos, os instrumentos utilizados poderão ser: data show; TV Multimídia; pequenos textos em vídeos; revistas; jornais; livros de apoio, textos e atividades xerocopiadas, lousa, livros didáticos, rádio etc.

7.Encaminhamentos metodológicos

O início das atividades consistirá em trazer uma problematização aos alunos acerca dos dois

grandes temas abordados (dengue e bullying). Essa problematização se dará a partir de dois

pequenos videos que apresentam anúncios envolvendo essas temáticas. Os alunos serão

instigados a discutirem sobre o assunto e, já nesse início, serão motivados a se inserirem num

contexto de elaboração e publicação de um anúncio institucional que terá circulação em seu

ambiente escolar.

Na sequência,serão desenvolvidas atividades cujo enfoque recaiam no estudo do gênero

proposto, nos temas e também no uso da linguagem com vistas a possibilitar que o aluno seja

capaz de ler, compreender e produzir textos que sejam, de fato, significantes para ele.

Seguem as atividades propostas:

1)Em pares, discuta as seguintes questões:

a) When you are reading a magazine or a newspaper, do you usually pay attention to the


b) Have you ever decided to buy something after reading an ad?

2) Think of an ad that you like and justify the reasons why you like it.

3)Vamos ver o quanto você é observador! Olhe os anúncios abaixo e converse com seu colega

sobre eles.


4)In your opinion, do both advertisements have the same goals? Why? Why not?

Smoking to me

is like suicide...

it is death in


INSTITUTIONAL ADVERTISEMENT: reflecting about citizenship

5)Leia e depois responda a questão A)

Advertising uma forma de comunicação que tem como intenção convencer uma

audiência (telespectadores, leitores, ouvintes) a comprarem ou terem alguma reação

diante de determinados produtos, serviços, idéias ou comportamentos. Veja estes

diferentes tipos de anúncios (advertisement ou somente ads)

(MA) Merchandising Advertisement: seu principal objetivo é aumentar o consumo de um

produto ou de um serviço.

IA) Institutional Advertisement: intenciona persuadir os leitores sobre uma idéia ou um

comportamento socialmente aceito, ou uma contribuição material para alguma causa.

(adapted of, accessed on 16/11/2010)

A)Which of the texts is a Merchandising Advertisement (MA) and which one is a Institutional

Advertisement (IA).

6. Tick (√ )the correct alternative(s) for questions a and b.

a. Onde as pessoas podem encontrar anúncios?

( ) on the Internet ( ) on the radio ( ) in magazines

( ) on billboards ( ) on TV ( ) other. Which one?

b. Who usually produces an ad ? Tick ( √ ) the possible alternative(s).

( ) A person that represents the voice of an institution.

( ) Anyone who wants to sell a product.

( ) A person who works in the institution

( ) A publicist who works in advertising company

7. Quem são os possíveis leitores de anúncios?

8.How about testing your knowledge about the genre? In groups, take the Institutional Ads that

you find out of the Reading Box your teacher gave you. Analyse the chosen texts and discuss

with your partners: Which is similar in the most of them? Write a list.


Os anúncios podem ser encontrados em diferentes suportes.Os anúncios abaixo provam isso. Leia os anúncios I, II, III, IV e assista aos vídeos V e VI. Depois, faça as atividades.


Anti-Bullying ad from


Words hurt ad from

1. Relacione os textos I, II, III, IV, V, VI com seus suportes.

( ) billboard ( ) Television/Internet websites

( ) T-shirt ( ) other

2. Complete o quadro com os números dos textos do exercício 1.

Which ad(s) is (are)…

Tentando influenciar as pessoas a não usarem palavras ruins para se referir a outras pessoas?

Mostrando uma mudança pessoal de atitude de modo que as pessoas possam apoiar as outras?

expressando a necessidade de mudança de comportamento?

3. Answer the following questions: (in English or Portuguese).





A lion never uses his strength to humiliate another

a) Do all the ads you read present the same structure? Explain.

b) Which one do you like most? Why? FOCUS ON TEXT I 1. Releia o texto I e faça as atividades:

a. Tick ( √ ) the characteristics that are usually associated with lions: ( ) strength ( ) fastness ( ) goodness ( ) ferocity ( ) weakness ( ) courage b. What do the mended broken glasses indicate?

c. What are the possible intentions in using the lion‟s and the guy‟s face set side by side?

d.O produtor do anúncio usou uma técnica chamada de CLOSE UP, a qual significa um enquadramento muito grande para isolar uma parte da cabeça do personagem, com o objetivo de causar uma impacto visual dramático. Isso aconteceu no anúncio I. Justifique.


1. Look at text II and do the activities about it.

a. Em pares, escreva alguns possíveis sentimentos relacionados ao garoto da imagem. Eles expressam boas ou más idéias?Justifique.

b. What does the boy`s image (shrunk position, with bent knees and his head hidden under his arms) in Text II indicate? c. A expressão “Take a stand” significa “tenha uma posição firme sobre esse assunto”. What

is the possible relation between this expression and the boy`s position?

FOCUS ON TEXT III 1. Considering the verbal language “I PUT IT OUT for good, YOU can too! and the non-verbal language in text III, answer the questions:



A lion's territory is

determined by the size of the

pride and the availability of

prey and water.

Lionesses are ferocious

when defending their cubs.

Several will act together to

chase off a predator or an

aggressive male lion.

Lions kill only when

hungry. Their prey can

usually sense if lions are out

to kill and, if they are not,

will often ignore lions

wandering close to them.

The lion's mane makes his

body appear larger and more

impressive than it really is,

which helps to attract

females at mating time and

frightens off rival males.

Male lions take no interest

in the rearing of the young

and, on occasion, may even

try to kill them.


a. What addiction generated this campaign?

b. O que a expressão “for good” significa?

c. Qual sentence expressa a mesma ideia do text III? ( ) I quit it forever, so can you! ( ) I will be able to stop it for good, so will you! ( ) I can stop it for good, you can too!

d)A que se refere a palavra IT? What helped you to answer the previous question? e.What is the possible intention behind the use of a T-shirt to convey their message? FOCUS ON TEXT IV 1. A camiseta, no textoIV, foi criada pela campanha anti-bullying do Reino Unido (United Kingdom) e é um dos produtos vendidos on-line pelo What does its message expect from the possible readers? FOCUS ON TEXTS V AND VI

1. Assista aos videos dos textos V e VI e faça as atividades.

a. Answer the questions in the box:

Text V Text VI

i.What is the video advertisement about?

ii.Who are the people involved in the story?

iii. Where are they?

iv. What happens?

b. Video from text V is divided in two parts. Discuss about the changes between the first

and the second part of it. Escreva suas impressões a partir das discusses.

c. What is more important in the video of text VI – sounds or images? Justify.

d.Ambos os videos terminam com um conselho (advice). Can you consider the advice similar? Explain.

GROUP WORK: As you have seen, an ad campaign is commonly displayed in our everyday lives. Based on the knowledge you have about this text genre and all the information you have been exposed to, get ready to produce a very attractive ad about a relevant topic of your school/community/city to be shown in your school. REMEMBER to consider the: topic, audience, purpose, support and means of circulation.

a) Think about a problem that happens in your school and/or community and could be solved if

people worked together;

b) Decide what will be the main goal of the ad;

c) Create a name for your Institution (ONG, Company, etc.)

d) Decide what public it will be addressed to;

e) Choose what support (style of magazine or newspaper, outdoor, pamphlet, etc) will be used

to make the ad circulate among people.

f) Decide together your teacher when it will be published/divulged.

So, complete the Action Plan:

Context of production Institutional Advertisement


Addressed to


Thematic Content

Social Place



1.Read the texts paying attention to the verbal and non verbal language in order to understand their messages.






2.Depois de ler os textos VII, VIII, IX, X, volte aos textos I, II, III, IV e responda as questões :

a.Which characteristics are common in most of them? Tick (√) the answers: ( ) A picture related to the issue approached (non-verbal language) ( ) An impact statement ( ) Information to make contact (address, electronic address, phone number…) ( ) Presentation of a problem that must be solved ( ) The name of the author/Institution ( ) The suggestion of a solution to the problem exposed ( ) Sentences written in the Simple Past

b. In advertisements you may find: ( )linguagem metafórica ( )trocadilho com as palavras ( ) assuntos incomuns ( ) assuntos do dia a dia ( ) imagens impressionantes ( ) combinações inesperadas de imagens e palavras

c. A linguagem não verbal é importante nos anúncios porque ela transmite a idéia principal de uma forma impressionante.

Which ad(s) brings a more impacting use of non-verbal language to persuade the reader? Justify

Nos anúncios, cujo objetivo é vender uma ideia, a linguagem verbal geralmente consiste em apresentar um problema e uma solução.

d. Read texts I, II, III, IV, VII, VIII, IX, X again and complete the chart. (Answer in English or/and Portuguese)


Text I

Text II

Text III

Text IV

Text VII


Text IX

Text X

3)Read the definition of “logo”. Are there logos in the ads studied in this unit? Which one(s)?

Logo Um elemento de design gráfico reconhecível, muitas vezes incluindo um nome, símbolos ou marca registrada, representando uma organização ou produto.

(Source:, accessed on 10/08/2011)

4)Read the definition of a slogan. Can slogans be important in ads?

5. Reread text I and do the following activities.

i. Identify its slogan.

ii. Justify what helped you to conclude that.

Slogan Uma frase de impacto ou um pequeno grupo de palavras que são combinados de uma maneira especial para identificar um produto ou empresa. (Source:, accessed on 10/08/2011)

Vocês devem ter percebido que os elementos gráficos são tão importantes quanto a linguagem verbal em um anúncio. Às vezes, o não verbal é até mais importante dependendo do objetivo. STUDYING THE IMPORTANCE AND MEANING OF COLORS IN ADS

1. Que cores você relacionaria às seguintes situações ?

a. Burial/ mourning _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ b. Wedding/ baptism_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ c. Be in love/in danger_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ d. Picnic/Climbing_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e. Retirement_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f. Party_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ g. Competition _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h. Sleeping_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i. Security_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ j. Fire_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2. Now, read the meanings of some colors and compare with your opinion/knowledge about it.

RED Excitement, energy, passion, love, desire, speed, strength, power, heat, aggression, danger, fire, blood, war, violence, all things intense and passionate.

WHITE Reverence, purity, birth, simplicity, cleanliness, peace, humility, precision, innocence, youth, winter, snow, good, sterility, marriage, (Western cultures), death (Eastern cultures, cold, clinical

YELLOW Joy, happiness, betrayal, optimism, idealism, deceit, imagination, sunshine, gold, summer, philosophy, illness, cowardice, deceit, hazard covetousness, friendship, hope

GRAY Security, reliability, intelligence, staid, modesty, dignity, maturity, solid, conservative, practical, old age, sadness, boring. Silver symbolizes calm

GREEN Secretive and related to nature and the natural. Youth, rest, balance

PURPLE Royalty, nobility, spirituality, ceremony, mysterious, transformation, wisdom, enlightenment, cruelty, arrogance, mourning

ORANGE Energy, balance, enthusiasm, warmth, vibrant, expansive, flamboyant, demanding of attention

PINK Love and romance, caring, tenderness, acceptance and calm.

BLUE Peace, tranquillity, cold, calm, stability, harmony, unity, trust, truth, confidence, conservatism, security, cleanliness, order, loyalty, sky, water, technology, depression, appetite, suppressant

BLACK Power, sexuality, sophistication, formality, elegance, wealth, mystery, fear, evil, unhappiness, depth, style, sadness, remorse, anger, anonymity, underground, color, mourning, death (western cultures)

Advertising may relate colors to feelings, attitudes, qualities, etc… Because of that it is very important to figure out the meaning of color in ads.


3. Based on the previous activity and the colors chart, analyze the following ads. Then, answer:


a. What is the main color in Ad A? What does this color mean in this ad? b. Explain the use of black and white in Ad B and Ad D? What are the possible meanings created by their use? c. What message is sent by the red color of teenagers‟ clothes?


Another important graphic element in an ad is the image. Like colors, the image assumes other meanings when it is part of an ad. It happens because the choices aim to complement or even transmit the whole message.

4. Go back to activity 3, in the previous session and answer: a. What meanings do you relate to the skeleton of ad A? b. What can you infer from the two images of ad B? c. Who do the teenagers from ad C represent? d. Where do we normally see the image of ad D? What do you understand by the use of that picture?

2. Now, specify the relation among the words and phrases from the ads, on your notebook: a. Aids, unprotected sex and skeleton. b. Blood donation, accident and heart. c. Future, teenager and abstinence. „ d. Human traffic, bar code and people.



Read the texts below and discuss their messages with your friend.

2) Which text may be classified as an institutional ad? Explain your answer.

3)Read Monica`s gang comic below and find out the theme of the story.




TEXT 3 4. Mark the correct sentence(s) according to comics above. …….. Dengue fever is the subject of this comic. …….. All kind of mosquitos are dangerous for our health. …….. Monica really wants to fight with a mosquito. …….. The theme of the text “E” is public health.

5. What do you know about dengue fever? 6. Is there any kind of specific work in your town in order to prevent dengue fever?

1.Considering the ads you have read in this unit and the ones you get in contact with everyday, discuss the following questions:

A. Do you agree with the Brazilian phrase "Advertisement is the soul of the business"? Justify. B. Can an ad that sells an idea change a person's behavior and attitudes? Justify.


C. Are most ads we had contact with product advertising or social campaign advertising? What are the implications based on the difference you indicated?

1. Take the first draft of your ad campaign and check ( ) if your text contains the elements studied:


1.The non-verbal text expresses the main idea of the text.

2. The problem that motivated the ad is clear.

3. It suggests a solution that depends on the reader‟s adhesion.

4. The text has arguments that try to convince the readers.

5. There is an impact sentence.

6. There is a slogan.

7. There is a logo.

8. There is contact information.

2.Review your draft and rewrite it, if you ticked NO or PARTIALLY for some items. Consider everything you`ve learned to make all the necessary changes to improve your ad campaign.

8.Perspectiva de abordagem interdisciplinar

A abordagem interdisciplinar poderá ocorrer com as disciplinas de:

a) Arte ao trabalhar o uso das cores associando-as aos significados que se quer construir

nos anúncios.

b) História e Geografia ao explorar o vídeo proposto o qual apresenta a origem da


c) Ciências/Biologia ao tratar das questões específicas da doença.

d) Sociologia/Filosofia quando se discute o tema Bullying.

9.Material complementar

Além dos textos escritos e vídeos trazidos na sequência didática, o professor poderá pedir que

os alunos façam pesquisas relacionadas ao gênero enfocado, bem como aos dois temas




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