Balanço 120 dias - Veja as ações da Samarco - versão em inglês

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Transcript of Balanço 120 dias - Veja as ações da Samarco - versão em inglês

DO THE RIGHT THING.Central de Relacionamento: 0800 031 2303Ouvidoria: 0800 721 0717


An Overview of the Actions Performed by Samarco in the Last 120 Days

NOV 15 Ì Accident at Fundão dam

Ì Emergency actions

Ì Psycosocial assistance to affected people

Ì Accommodation of the displaced families

Ì Samarco’s employees take paid leave

Ì Immediate implementation of an emergency plan

Ì Beginning of the piezometers daily monitoring as well as monitoring at the structures

Ì Beginning of animal rescue



Installation of radars in Santarém, Selinha and Sela


Ì Collection of water samples along Rio Doce

Ì Implementation of a radar control room

Ì Beginning of the cleaning process on the roads


Ì Employees start paid leave

Ì Installation of a radar in Germano9

First meeting with representatives of Samarco and the community10

Beginning of intervantion at the dams structures11

Beginning of water supply to affected communities12

Displaced people are accommodated in houses rented by Samarco14

Ì Completion of the pipelines project for the water treatment plant in Rio Guandu

Ì Beginning of cleaning operations in Candonga


Ì Signing of the Preliminary Term for Environmental Liability

Ì Submission of Environmental Plans to SEMAD and IBAMA

Ì More than 600 students return to school


Delivery of school kits17

Implementation of a weekly dialogue and negotiation table between Samarco and the Housing Company of Minas Gerais (Cohab MG)


Ì Opening of assistance stations in Espírito Santo

Ì Dialogue meeting with the community

Ì Implementation of the integrated monitoring center


Delivery of the alternative water collection system and pipelines in Governador Valadares


Meeting with the National Mayors Front (FNP)23

Gradual re-establishment of water supply in Colatina24

Lecture about Professional Training in Mariana and Barra Longa27

Installation of electrical piezometers in Selinha28

End of paid leave for employees29

Ì Visit from ALMG dams committee to Samarco’s dams

Ì Financial support cards start being delivered

Ì Beginning of company-wide vacation at Samarco


Technical report from SES Geosol lab certifying that the water is appropriate for human consumption after treated


DO THE RIGHT THING.An Overview of the Actions Performed by Samarco in the Last 120 Days

Central de Relacionamento: 0800 031 2303Ouvidoria: 0800 721 0717


DEC 15Houses started being delivered in Mariana1

Beginning of sonar mapping of Rio Doce water3

Samarco signs TAC with the Ministry of Labor in Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo


Delivery of bridge between Águas Claras and Monsenhor Horta (Mariana)


Ì Delivery of the financial business card to fishermen and river side communities

Ì Samarco gets officially liable for the center of rescued animals

Ì Re-vegetation of the areas along the margins of rivers Gualaxo and Doce


99,7% of the families spend Christmas in houses rented by Samarco


Opening of an assistance station in Galileia


Ì Opening of an assistance station in Barra Longa

Ì CPRM (Brazil Geological Service) and ANA certify the water quality in Rio Doce


Graduation of about 60 students in Bento Rodrigues16

Ì Graduation of students in Paracatu de Baixo

Ì Signing of a Preliminary Term of Liability (TCP) to formalize the actions regarding animal care


Ì Delivery of bridge between Campinas and Barreto (Mariana)

Ì Delivery of 6 artesian wells in Colatina


Beginning of dredging operations in the reservoir of Risoleta Neves hydropower plant in Candonga


99,7% of the families spend Christmas in houses rented by Samarco25

Delivery of the bridge which connects Pedras and Borba to Águas Claras and Campinas (Mariana)


JAN 16End of the company-wide vacation at Samarco4

Delivery of bridge over the River Onça in Barra Longa6

Sonar mapping confirms the existence of fish in Rio Doce9

Employees return to the operations unit11

Samarco registers the Recovery Plan within IBAMA


Ì Delivery of the bridge over the river Gama in Mariana

Ì 220 residents impacted were re-employed


Samarco’s staff start layoff25

Results of analysis prove that the plume did not reach Abrolhos


Samarcos employees in Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo, approve during meeting, an agreement for the temporary interruption of their work contract (layoff)


DO THE RIGHT THING.An Overview of the Actions Performed by Samarco in the Last 120 Days

Central de Relacionamento: 0800 031 2303Ouvidoria: 0800 721 0717


FEB 16 Ì Back to School after holidays in Mariana

and Barra Longa Ì Delivery of the bridge in Curvina


Ì Samarco, SESI and City Hall offer free training courses in em Mariana


Ì Conclusion of the project to reinforce the dam of Santarém

Ì Conclusion of the tailings retaining dike S3

Ì 3,500 financial support cards delivered to the communities and riparians




Construction of a containment barrier below Santarém dam


MAR 16 Ì Signing of the agreement between

Samarco, Vale and BHP Billiton and the Federal governments of de MG and ES

Ì All families who lost their homes have already been accommodated in houses or in other lodging chosen by them

Ì Over 4 million m² of area re-vegetated along the margins of rivers Gualaxo, Carmo and Doce

Ì Over 4 thousand subsidiary cards have been provided to the affected people, including the Riverside communities