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'3TBLIOTECA CENTR . A .. c.: .• ~


Tese apresentada ao curso de Pós-Graduação em Odontologia -

Área de Biologia e Patologia Buco-Dental, Faculdade de

Odontologia de Piracicaba, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

- UNICAMP, para obtenção do título de Doutor em Ciências


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ORIENTADO: Edvaldo Antonio Ribeiro Rosa

Tese apresentada ao curso de Pós-Graduação em Odontologia -

Área de Biologia e Patologia Buco-Dental, Faculdade de

Odontologia de Piracicaba, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

- UNICAMP, para obtenção do título de Doutor em Ciências

ORIENTADOR: Prof. Dr. José Francisco Hõfling

BANCA EXAMINADORA: Prof. Dr. Antonio A. S. de Lima

Prof. Dr. Fernando C. Pagnocca

Prof. Dr. Mário T. Shimizu

Prof. Dr. Reginaldo B. Gonçalves



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Page 3: UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DE · 2018. 7. 27. · universidade estadual de campinas faculdade de odontologia de piracicaba


Ficha Catalográfica

Rosa, Edvaldo Antonio Ribeiro. R 71 u Uso da eletroforese de enzimas constítutivas na caracterização

ínterespecífica de leveduras orais. I Edvaldo Antonio Ribeiro Rosa.- Piracicaba, SP : [s.n.], 2000.

122p. : il.

Orientador : Prof Dr. José Francisco Hõfling Tese (Doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas,

Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba.

L Isoenzimas. 2. Candida. 3. Análise numérica. L Hõfling, José Francisco. II. Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba. II!. Título.

Ficha catalográfica elaborada pela Bibliotecária Marilene Girello CRB/8-6159, da Biblioteca da Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba- UNICAMP.


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~t. ~.,.




A Comissão Julgadora dos trabalhos de Defesa de Tese de DOUTORADO, em

sessão pública realizada em 13 de Novembro de 2000, considerou o


1. Prof. Dr. JOSE FRANCISCO HOFLING ____ -+~-~~·~·~· ~·~-.~'-------------------





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Este trabalho é dedicado à memória daqueles que fizeram da

Microbiologia uma ciência aplicada a melhoria da Saúde Pública, e cujos

nomes sempre serão evocados onde quer que duas ou mais pessoas

reunam-se para discutir os grandes feitos da Humanidade.


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Aos meus pais, Elço e Maria, por todo esforço

dispensado na minha formação e por sempre terem acreditado

em mim, eu dedico esta obra.

A Meire, aquela que ilumina os meus dias e que

comigo divide os bons e maus momentos, eu dedico

o êxito dessa conquista.


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Se não houver frutos,

valeu a beleza das flores.

Se não houver flores,

valeu a sombra das folhas.

Se uão houver folhas,

valeu a intenção da semente.

Hen:fil (1944-1988)

Ao meu amigo, "irmão mais velho" e orientador,

pela boa vontade em me guiar nesta tese, eu torno

pública a minha mais profunda gratidão.


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Meus mais sinceros agradecimentos às seguintes pessoas e instituições, sem as quais esta

tese não poderia ter sido realizada:

À Universidade Estadual de Campinas e a Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba, na

pessoa do Prof. Dr. Antonio W. Sallum, pela oportunidade cedida.

A Coordenadoria de Pós-Graduação da FOP, na pessoa da Coordenadora Prof" Dr• Altair

A Del Bel Cury e das secretárias Erica A Pinho e Sônia M. L. Arthur, pela pronta atenção


A Coordenadora do Curso de Pós-Graduação em Biologia e Patologia Buco-Dental Prof"

nr• Darcy O. Tosello, pela presteza na condução do processo de tramitação desta tese.

Aos professores da FOP, em especial aqueles do Curso de Pós-Graduação em Biologia e

Patologia Buco-Dental, pela positiva participação na minha formação.

Aos examinadores que compuseram a banca de tese, Prof Dr. Antonio A S. de Lima,

Prof. Dr. Fernando C. Pagnocca, Prof. Dr. Mário T. Shimizu, Prof. Dr. Reginaldo B. Gonçalves,

Prof. Dr. Paulo Y. Kageyama e Prof. Dr. Sérgio R P. Line pela análise e avaliação deste trabalho.

Aos amigos do Laboratório de Microbiologia e Imunologia, Prof Dr. Celso Pauiino,

Wilma, Iriana, Marcelle, Janaina, Magda, Marcelo Napimoga, Rafael "Moicano", Flávia e

Marilize pela colaboração desmedida.

Aos meus "irmãos" dentro e fora do Laboratório de Microbiologia e Imunologia,

Anderson "Borrachinha", Cássio, Marcelo ''Mazão", Wagner e Alessandra, pelo fato de vocês

serem meus amigos.

Aos meus amigos do CPD, Emílio, Marcos Rapetti, Marcos Romano, Luis ''Totico"

Henrique, Felipe ''Felipão", e José ''Tuba" Favarin, por nunca me negarem ajuda durante minha

estadia na FOP.

As bibliotecárias Heloisa M. Ceccotti e Marilene Girello, pela inestimável ajuda.

A F APESP, pela provisão dos recursos materiais para a condução dos trabalhos


Ao CNPq, pela provisão da bolsa de estudos que me foi imprescindível durante o



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1 r t~ (


ABREVIAÇÕES __________________________________________ l

RESUM0 ______________________________________________ 2

ABSTRACT _____________________________________________ ~3

INTRODUÇÃ0 _________________________________________ ~4

PROPOSIÇÃ0 _______________________________________ 6


DISCUSSÃO __________________________________________ l04

CONCLUSÕES __________________________________________ 108

REFERÊNCIAS BffiLIOGRÁFICAS ___________________________ l.09


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flg = micrograma;

fLL = microlitro;

0 c = escala Célsius de temperatuia;

35 S = radioisótopo 35 do enxofre;

SS e 18S = sub-unidades ribossômicas de índice de sedimentação 5 e 18, respectivamente;

CBS = Centraalbnreau voor Scbimmelcultures, Baarn, Netherlands;

DNA =ácido desoxírribonucléico (do inglês: deoxiribonucleic acid);

EcoRl = endonuclease de restrição para o sítio 5'-G/AATIC-3';

EST = esterase;

g =grama (unidade de massa);

g = gravidade (unidade de força centrífuga);

In= em (do inglês: in)

kDa = kilodalton;

KOH = hidróxido de potássio;


MM =massa molecular;

mRNA =ácido nbonucléico mensageiro (do inglês: messenger nbonucleic acid)

mg = miligrama;

mL = mililitro;

mm = milímetro;

mM = milimolar;

mR."'ifA =ácido ribonucléico mensageiro (do inglês: messager ribonucleic acid);

NTSYSTM = Numerical Taxonomy and Multivariate Aualysis System;

PAGE = eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida (do inglês: polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis);

pH =potencial bidrogeniônico:

RAPD =polimorfismo de DNA amplificado ao acaso (do inglês: random amplified polymorfic DNA);

RNA = ácido ribonucléico (do inglês: ribonucleic acid);

rpm = rotações por minuto

SDS = dodecilssulfato de sódio (do inglês: sodium dodecyl sulfate):

S,m = coeficiente de siroilaridade cofenética "simple matcbing":

UPGMA = agrupamento pareado sem peso com signifcado aritmético (do inglês: unweighted pair group method

with arithmetic mean);


YPD =meio extrato de levedura-peptona-glucose (do inglês: yeast peptone de>.1rose).


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Na presente tese, buscou-se estabelecer os graus de diversidade existentes entre diferentes

espécies de leveduras do gênero Candida isoladas da cavidade oral de indivíduos saudáveis por

meio do emprego da técnica de eletroforese de enzimas constitutivas_ Para tanto, linhagens

representativas de diferentes espécies de Candida (C. albicans, C. tropicalis, C. parapsilosis, C.

krusei, e C. guilliermondii) e também suas respectivas linhagens-tipo foram crescidas em frascos

com meio de cultura líquido, os quais após incubação (3 7°C, 150rpm, 18 horas) foram

centrifugados e seus pellets lavados. As massas celulares obtidas foram processadas num

disrruptor celular tipo Mini Bead-beater que permitiu a obtenção dos extratos citossólicos brutos,

os quais foram aplicados em tiras de papel de filtro e suas proteínas separadas por eletroforese em

gel de amido. A ativídade enzimática foi acessada para 20 sistemas: álcool desidrogenase (ADH),

lactato desidrogenase (LDH), malato desidrogenase (MDH), isocitrato desidrogenase (IDH),

glicose-6-fosfato desidrogenase (G6PDH), aspartato desidrogenase (ASD), glucose

desidrogenase (GDH), manitol desidrogenase (MADH), sorbitol desidrogenase (SDH), aconitase

(ACO), enzima málica (ME), catalase (CAT), superóxido dismutase (SOD), transaminase

glutâmico-oxalacética (GOT), u-esterase (EST), ~-esterase (EST), leucina aminopeptidase

(LAP), glícosil transferase (GTF), peroxidase (PO) e u-amilase (u-AM). A partir dos géis

revelados foram feitos os diagramas representativos da mobilidade eletroforética das bandas que

permitiram a confecção de fenogramas de similaridade para cada sistema enzimático.

Os sistemas que forneceram bandas perceptíveis permitiram a análise da diversidade das

espécies analisadas tanto em termos fenéticos quanto genéticos, que possibilitaram a redação de

quatro artigos originais. Nesses originais pode-se observar a diversidade acessada através da

análise conjunta de todas enzimas, da análise conjunta de todas as desidrogenases, e da análise

genética dos diferentes toei, bem como uma comparação da capacidade discriminatória

estabelecida entre a técnica de eletroforese de enzimas constitutivas (MLEE) e a técnica de

eletroforese de proteínas totais em gel de poliacrilamida (SDS-PAGE).


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In the present thesis, it was intended to establish the existing diversity grades among

ditferent yeast species of Candida genus isolated from oral cavities of healthy individuais by

means of multilocus enzyme electrophoresis. For this, representative strains of different species

of Candida (C. albicans, C. tropicalis, C. parapsilosis, C. krusei, e C. guilliermondii) and their

respective type-strains were grown in liquid culture medium bottles, which, after incubation

(37°C, lSOrpm, 18 hours), were centrifuged and their pellets were washed. The cell masses were

processed in a Mini Bead-beater cell disrupter in order to obtain the crude cytosolic extracts,

which were separated by starch gel electrophoresis. The enzymatic activity was accessed for 20

systems: alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), malate dehydrogenase

(MDH), isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH), glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH),

aspartate dehydrogenase (ASD), glucose dehydrogenase (GDH), mannitol dehydrogenase

(MADH), sorbitol dehydrogenase (SDH), aconitase (ACO), malic enzyme (ME), catalase (CAT),

superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutarnic-oxalacetate transaminase (GOT), a.-esterase (EST), ~­

esterase (EST), leucine aminopeptidase (LAP), glucosil transferase (GTF), peroxidase (PO) e a.­

amylase (a.-AM). From revealed gels it were built the diagrams representing the electrophoretic

banding mobilities that allowed the construction of similarity phenograms for each enzymatic


The systems which furnished detectable bands allowed the species' diversity analysis in

phenetic and genetic terms, what allowed the writing of four original papers. On these articles

one can notice the diversity accessed from the overall analysis of enzymes, from the overall

analysis dehydrogenases, and from the genetic analysis of different loci, as good as one

comparison of discriminatory capacity deterrnined by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE)

and whole-cell protein electrophoresis on polycrylamide gel slabs (SDS-PAGE).


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O gênero Candída compreende um extenso grupo de espécies de leveduras que podem ser

encontradas em diversos ecossistemas, seja coexistindo de forma saprófita, seja provocando

sérias patologias, sobretudo em crianças, idosos e pacientes imunossuprimidos iatrogenicamente

ou por imunodeficiências adquiridas, onde passa a atuar como um agente oportunista.

As várias espécies que compõem esse gênero estão distribuídas em diferentes phyla (ou

divisões), de acordo com suas características sexuais, o que implica numa grande diversidade.

Muitas espécies apresentam seus estados anamórficos (imperfeitos) no gênero Candida e seus

estados teleomórficos nos phyla Ascomycota ou Basidiomycota, além daquelas que não

apresentam estágios sexuais conhecidos, caso das espécies C. albícans e C. trapícalís.

A ocorrência dessas leveduras na cavidade oral é descrita desde longa data e seu papel

como agente etiológico de diversas patologias da cavidade oral permanece indiscutível até hoje.

Contudo, somente mais recentemente esse grupo de microrganismos vem recebendo uma maior

atenção por parte dos cirurgiões dentistas, visto que modernos recursos de Biologia Celular e .

Molecular têm revelado os mecanismos pelos quais ocorre o estabelecimento do quadro mórbido.

Em sentido convergente, muitos outros estudos têm buscado estabelecer a compreensão

da biodiversidade dessas leveduras, tanto em termos interespecíficos, como em termos

infraespecíficos. Na busca dessa compreensão, o emprego de ferramentas desenvolvidas pela

Biologia Molecular tem sido de fundamental importância.

Um dos primeiros marcadores de biodiversidade desenvolvidos, baseia-se no

polimorfismo de expressão eletroforética de enzimas constitutivas (do inglês: multilocus enzyme

electrophoresis - MLEE) classificadas como isoenzimas ou aloenzimas, em função dos diferentes

locí codificadores ou da presença de múltiplos alelos em um mesmo locus, respectivamente

(PRAKASH et ai., 1969). Conforme revisão concebida por HÚFLING & ROSA (1999), a MLEE

é uma técnica que apresenta a propriedade de separar, em distintos taxa, linhagens de espécies

estreitamente relacionadas tanto morfologicamente, quanto fisiologicamente, o que vem a

justificar o uso dessa técnica em estudos de Sistemática ou mesmo de Epidemiologia. Outras

metodologias, levantadas por esses autores, também podem ser empregadas. Porém, para


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leveduras, a eletroforese de enzimas constitutivas foi apontada por PUJOL et al. (1997a) como

sendo um método de maior reprodutibilidade, quando comparado com métodos baseados na

reação da polimerase em cadeia (PCR). A opção pelo uso dessa técnica tem outros aspectos

positivos como o relativo baixo custo operacional (FERREIRA E GRATTAPAGLIA, 1995) e a

alta capacidade discriminatória entre linhagens de uma mesma espécie de Candida (LEHMANN

et ai., 1989a; LEHMANN et ai., 1989b; CAUGANT & SA.Nl)VEN, 1993; ARNA VIELHE et ai.,

1996; BOERLIN et ai., 1995; BOERLIN et ai., 1996; DOEBBELING et ai., 1993; LACHER &

LEHMANN, 1991; LE GUENNEC et ai., 1995; LEHMANN et ai., 1991, LEHMANN et ai.,


A literatura tem mostrado ao longo dos últimos anos que a eletroforese de enz1mas

constitutivas apresenta grande poder resolutivo na identificação de tipos clonais de Candida spp.

além de uma expressiva reprodutibilidade. Entretanto, existe relativamente pouca informação

disponível acerca do emprego dessa metodologia como determinante de diversidade

interespecífica e como método agrupante de isolados clínicos em seus respectivos taxa espécie­


O pleno entendimento da diversidade infra e interespecífica· dessas espécies de

importãncia odontológica pode contribuir de forma significante para a compreensão de diversas

lacunas existentes acerca da genética, evolução, patologia e epidemiologia dessas leveduras.


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Com base na relativa escassez de informação acerca da possibilidade do emprego da

eletroforese de enzimas constitutivas na organização de espécies orais de Candida em clusters

espécie-específicos e buscando contribuir na direção do pleno entendimento da diversidade

apresentada por leveduras desse gênero, nos propusemos a conduzir uma série de experimentos

onde representantes de cinco espécies de importância clínico-odontológica, a saber C. albicans,

C. tropicalis, C. parapsilosis, C. krusei, e C. guilliermondii, fossem caracterizados pela técnica

em questão e seus resultados submetidos à anàlise numérica e à anàlise da diversidade genética

baseada no polimorfismo de múltiplos toei.


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•!• Main techniques employed on molecular epidemiology of Candida species. Hõfling, J.F.

& Rosa, E.A.R. Alpe-AdriaMicrobiology Joumal8 (1): 5-23,1999

•!• Grouping oral Candida species by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis. Rosa, E.A.R.;

Pereira, C.P.; Rosa, R.T. & Hõfling, J.F. lntemational Joumal of Systematic and

Evolutionary Microbiology 50: 1343-1349, 2000

•!• Evaluation of different dehydrogenases potential to recognize Candida species

commonly isolated from human oral cavities. Rosa, E.A.R.; Pereira, C.V.; Rosa, R. T. &

Hõfling, J.F. Revista Argentina de Microbiologia 32:123-128, 2000

•!• Analysis of parity between protein-based electrophoretic methods for the

characterization of oral Candida species. Rosa, E.A.R.; Rosa, R.T.; Pereira, C.V.; Boriollo,

M.F.G. & Hõfling, J.F. Memórias do Instituto Osvaldo Cruz (in press).

•!• Inter and infra-specific genetic variability of oral Candida species. Rosa, E. AR.; Rosa,

R.T.; Pereira, C.V.; Boriollo, M.F.G. & Hõfling, J.F. Revista lberoamericana de Micologia

(enviado para publicação)

•!• Clonai variability among oral Candida albicans assessed by allozyme electrophoresis

analysis. Mata, A.L.; Rosa, R.T.; Rosa, E.A.R.; Gonçalves, R.B. & Hõfling, J.F. Oral

Microbiology and Immunology (in press)


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Main techniques employed on molecular epidemiology of Candida species

J. F. Hõfling, E. A. R. Rosa

Laboratory ofMicrobíology and Immunology, Dental School ofPíracicaba, State Uníversíty of Campinas

(UNJCAMP), Brazil.

Prof. J. F. Hõfling: Av. Limeira 901, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil. CEP 13414900. CP 52. Fax: +55 19 4305218. Emaíl:


Key-words: Candida spp, molecular characterization, proteín and DNA profiles


The genus Candida is a group of yeasts that can be found dispersed in vanous

ecosystems, from tropical forests (1) and Brazilian rivers (2), to a component of the spectrum of

yeasts that contaminate German teas (3), besides some species o f medicai interest ( 4), that have

been showing a relative increase of importance in the establishment of diseases derived from

abusive use of immunosuppressive medications, or as opportunist manifestations in patients

suffering from congenital or acquired immunodeficiencies (5).

The different species that compose the genus are distributed m different phyla ( or

divisions ), in agreement with sexual characteristics of each one. Thus, the anamorph states of C.

guilliermondii, C. guilliermondii var. membranaejaciens, C. krusei, C. sorbosa, C.

pseudotropicalis, C. parapsilosis and C. pulcherrima have their teleomorph states in the phylum

Ascomycota, in the species Yamadazyma guilliermondii, Pichia ohmeri, lssatchenkia orientalis,

Issatchenkia occidentalis, Kluyveromyces marxianus, Lodderomyces elongisporus and

Metschnikovia pulcherrima, respectively (6-10). Some species of Candida present their

teleomorph states in the phylum Basidiomycota, for example, C. scotii, C. capsuligena, C. frigida

and C. gelida, which are imperfect forms of Leucosporidium scotii, Filobasidium capsuligenum,

L. frigidum and L. gelidum, respectively (11, 12). There are species that do not present well­

known perfect state, such as C. albicans, main species of medicai interest, and C. tropicalis (13).

In agreement with Porto (14), there were until that date 81 species ofyeasts classified within the

genus Candida.


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The determination of a systematic classification of Candida strains was initially

developed from previous knowledge concerning the physiology and biochemistry ofthose yeasts,

and it has developed in order to allow the individual characterization for each isolate

("fingerprinting") and favor the understanding of the relationships of phenetic, genetic and

phylogenetic features between two or more entities. Initially, the routine of identification and

characterization of such yeasts involved - and still today are used - techniques of evaluation of

typical cellular structures formation, such as chlamydospores, pseudohyphae and true hyphae

(15). Thus, C. albicans can be differentiated from other species, because it produces globose

terminal chlamydospores, whose walls are thick and generally in great number (16), with

abundant pseudomycelia that comes from the non separation of budding blastospores, and in old

cultures true mycelia can be found. The last author still adds that C. stellatoidea can be

differentiated from C. albicans, although with certain difficulty, since the former presents scarce

chlamydospores production, which, when present, are found in chains of two or three spores.

Samaranayake & Macfarlane (17) add that some strains of C. tropicalis, can eventually present

formation of small pear-shaped terminal chlamydospores. Other species do not produce such


Auxanographic methods, which evaluate the behavior of the specimens that will be

identified according to their fermentation capacities and carbohydrate assimilation, were firstly

proposed by Wickertnan & Burton (18) and also by Wickerman (19). The assimilation tests were

!ater appraised by Fio! (20), who observed the low capacity of sporogenous yeasts speciation - for

certain sugars - proposing a reformulation in the way those tests should be conducted. Still in

1975, Land et ai. (21) demonstrated that the incorporation of dyes in the culture media increased

significantly the capacity of speciation of medically important yeasts, and more recently,

Sandven (15) validated such methods emphasizing their discriminatory capacity at the species

levei. Thus, isolates which do not produce chlamydospores can be classified in other species that

compose the genus. Another auxanographic method, based on the capacity that some species

present of hydrolyzing amides, was proposed by Mira-Gutierrez et ai. (22), and it allowed the

characterization of seven genera and nineteen species ofyeasts isolated from clinicai material and

confirmed by conventional methods o f identification.


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Under the historical view, during the 1950 and 1960's, the necessity of settling down the

degree of infraspecific variability, as a function of the pathological and ecological importance of

those yeasts, drove severa! research groups to develop serological and chemotaxonomic methods

that could discriminate different clonal populations of Candida. In serology, the publications of

great relevance explored the use of double immunodiffusion, agglutination, immunofluorescence

and immunoelectrophoresis techniques, using cytoplasmatic proteins or wall polysaccharide. In

this investigation field, Tsuchiya et a!. (23) began the presentation of a series of works that

demonstrated the possibility of the employment of thermostable and thermolabile antigens,

obtained from cellular wall, in taxonomic application. Hasenclever & Mitchel (24) published an

article where they reclassified the species C. stellatoidea in the different serotypes of C. albicans.

In 1973, Axelsen (25) observed that the double-dimensional immunoelectrophoresis could

characterize strains of C. albicans, starting from the existent variability among 78 antigenic

fractions obtained from the cellular extract of that species. Other variations of the

immunoelectrophoresis technique, such as crossed immunoelectrophoresis, have been used as

taxonomic tools for species of Candida (26). The serology continues helping the classification of

C. albicans strains, through agglutination tests, allowing the separation ·of the isolates in two

serogroups (A and B), collaborating to a better characterization ofthose microorganisms (27).


Chemotaxonomical methods try to establish the affinity relationships among different

strains through the comparison of chemical compositions of severa! cellular structures, such as:

polysaccharides, proteins, nucleic acids, enzymes, fatty acids, etc. The nuclear magnetic

resonance (NMR) of cell wall polysaccharides was widely used for yeasts of severa! genera with

taxonomic purposes: Nadsonia, Hanseniaspora, Kloeckera and Saccharomycodes (28),

Hansenula and Pichia (29), Torulopsis, Debaryomyces and Metschnikowia (30-32) and Candida

(33, 34). The main polysaccharides analyzed are the mannans, whose side chains can present

variable concentrations ofoligosaccharides with 131-2, 131-3 and I3J-6links, ofrelative systematic

value (35). The technique of magnetic nuclear resonance was used by Shibata et al. (36) to

differentiate, through the structure of the mannans with 131-2 links, C. famata from C. saitoana,

and C. guilliermondii from other species of Candida (37). Variations in the proportions of al-6,


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o:l-2 and o:l-3 Jinks of mannans allowed Kogan et ai. (38) to establish differences between C.

albicans serotypes A and B and C. parapsilosis.

The constitutional profile of fatty acids with Jong chain, established with gas-Iiquid

chromatography, allowed the differentiation of severa! yeast genera (39) and was also used in the

study of the perfect and imperfect states of ascomycetes of the genus Candida by Viljoen et al.

( 40). Inside the cells, those compounds can be found as triglycerides or free polar fatty acids,

such as oleic acid and stearic acid (41). Botha & Kock (42) observed that the analysis of fatty

acids with Jong chain should not be the first choice in presumptive identification processes of

yeasts, specially for basidiomycetes. Nevertheless, that technique discriminates different strains

o f a species and different species of a genus.

Cytochromes are heme-proteins involved m final oxy-reduction processes of the

respiratory chain, whose spectrophotometric absorption spectra can be used in systematics of

Candida (43, 44) and, in yeasts, they can vary from 510 to 605 J.lm (45). Showing special

taxonomic importance, the cytochrome C already had its aminoacid composition determined and

its gene sequenced by Freire-Picos et al. ( 46), who evaluated the degrees of homology and the

possible phylogenetic relationships existing among Kluyveromyces lâctis, Schwanniomyces

occidentalís, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida krusei.

In accordance with Mendonça-Hagler & Hagler (47), the first chemical property of

nucleic acids employed as taxonomic criterion was the composition of DNA bases, generally

expressed in percentile molar of guanine plus cytosine (mol%G+C), whose value is constant for

each microorganism. In the double helix of DNA, between the homologue bases guanine and

cytosine, there are three interactions of "hydrogen-bond" type, that are more thermostable than

the two "hydrogen-bonds" between adenine and thymine. The greater mol%G+C in a double

strand of DNA, the greater temperature is necessary to promote the thermal denaturation.

According to Johnson (48), the mol%G+C can be determined by using a thermocontrollable

ultraviolet spectrophotometer (260nm), that supplies a sigmoid whose midpoint represents the

mean temperature of denaturation of the double strand ( called melting temperature = Tm). The

higher the value ofTm, the greater the moi%G+C.

Among the early researches involving the differential determination of yeasts based on the

different molar proportions of nucleotides, the one conducted by Dupont & Hedrick ( 49) can be


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emphasized, in which the first proportions for the genus Tríchosporon were established, and the

studies of Gheho (50), who determined the moi%G+C values for severa! species of the genus

Geotrichum, classifying them in the phyla Ascomycota and Basidiomycota. De Hoog & Gueho

(51) evaluated the mol%G+C values of the "type-strains" of some species of the genera

Moniliella, Trichosporonoides and Hyalodendron, establishing variation patterns of those values,

for the referred species. Still in 1984, Gueho et al. (52) used the technique in the classification of

28 species of Trichosporon, what allowed the division of these species in two groups, where the

first - that seemed to be related with the phylum Ascomycota - included species with mol%G+C

values lower than 50% (34.7-48.8), and the second group, that seemed to be related with

basidiomycetes, included those species whose mol%G+C values was greater than 50% (57-64).

Similar experiment was conducted by Pappagianis et ai. (53), who evaluated the applicability of

the technique for Coccidioides. The main merit ofthe studies mentioned above was to present the

possibility that the technique has to relate species of yeasts with the phyla in which they are

classified. Nakase et al. (54) used such technique to help the systematic study of

ballistosporogenous yeasts. The authors observed the diversity o f these yeasts, belonging to two

genera (JJallístosporomyces and Kockovaella), that presented variation :from 39 to 68.5% for

mol%G+C values in the chromosomal DNA. Hamajima et al. (55) used the mol%G+C values

determined by the Tm and HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) techniques, to

propose the exclusion of strains of C. tropicalis that did not absorb a certain monospecific serum

factor, comrnonly absorbed by cells of C. tropicalis. More recently, Gueho et ai. (56) evaluated

the mol%G+C compositions of three species of Malassezia that compose the genus, and they

proposed the inclusion of other four, increasing the total number of species to seven.



Severa! researchers (57-60) have been using the electrophoretic analysis of whole-cell

proteins (SDS-PAGE) in the taxonomy of fungi. Type, number and :frequency of aminoacids

determine the size of the protein, its shape and total electric charge, determining its

electrophoretic mobility. Small differences in sequences of aminoacids can cause great

differences in the mobility o f proteins. Shechter et al. ( 61) developed a comparative study on

protein electrophoresis of different species of dermatophytes (Microsporum gypseum, M kennels,


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Trichophyton mentagrophytes, T. tonsurans, T. rubrum and Epidermophyton jloccosum), in

which they evaluated the electrophoretic profiles of proteins ex:tracted from mycelial cells,

demonstrating that the technique allowed the grouping of the isolates in genera, and the

differentiation of the species from the same genus. Few years !ater, Hall et ai. (62) conducted

taxonomic studies using electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel for the identification of oomycetes

from the genus Phytophthora, showing variations among the bands obtained from different


V ariations in the original electrophoresis technique of whole-cell proteins allowed the

study of the infra and inter-specific variabilities among isolates of the genus Candida. Lee et al.

(63) proposed a characterization system for isolates of C. albicans based on electrophoretic

separation o f total proteins, followed by transfer to a nitrocellulose membrane where the proteins

were revealed through the combination with conjugated of polyclonal antibodies-alkaline

phosphatase, that produce colored complexes (technique denominated ''W estern blot"). The

authors observed the occurrence of 16 different serotypes among 190 isolates. The same isolates

were submitted to the agg!utination technique developed by Hasenclever & Mitchell (24) and

they just produced 2 serotypes groups, demonstrating the great capacity · of the electrophoretic

procedure in the differentiation of isolates of the same species. Another variation of the technique

was developed by Shen et al. (64), who introduced the analysis ofthe profiles of e5S)-methionine

radiolabeled proteins, in the differential identification o f seven species of Candida (C. albicans,

C. tropicalis, C. parapsilosis, C. krusei, C. guilliermondii, C. kefyr, C. lipolytica and C.

lusitaniae), two species of Torulopsis (T. glabrata and T. Candida), a species of Trichosporon (T.

beigelii) and a species of Saccharomyces (S. cerevisiae ), obtaining ex:tremely satisfactory results.

Seeking for an application for electrophoresis in the understanding of the biodiversity o f

the intrabuccal environment, Maiden & Tanner (65), working with yeast samples isolated from

the oral cavity, employed the polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis for their identifications. They

obtained pattems of protein bands whose molecular masses varied from 29 to 116 kDa

(kilodaltons ), which is enough for the differential analysis o f those organisms. Those authors

emphasized the high specificity of the technique, added to the fast obtainance o f a great number

of data with classificatory significance. In a publication from 1991, Vancanneyt et al. (60)

proposed the use of whole-cell proteins electrophoresis of severa! genera and species of yeasts


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with medicai and industrial importance with the purpose of promoting their differentiation and

characterization. The authors pointed out the importance and necessity of type-strains inclusion,

with the purpose of characterizing the corresponding and correlated groups, in the moment of the

construction of similarity phenograms, as well as they established reproducibility criteria for the

evaluation driven in different gels.

In 1992, that same group of researchers ( 66) published another work justifying the

application of whole-cell protein electrophoresis in the identification and classification of yeasts.

The authors, after polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), submitted the gels with their

respective slots to scanning densitometry with posterior achievement of correlation matrixes and

construction of protein phenograms. Their results confrrmed the success o f the methodology for

the characterization of yeasts of genera Cystofilobasidium. Filobasidium, Filobasidiella, Kondoa,

Leucosporidium and Rhodosporidium, with their characteristic fingerprints. Guillamon et al. (67)

used SDS-P AGE to establish the affinity relationships, at infraspecific levei, for different strains

of Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolated from fermentative processes of Spanish vinifacteur

industry and observed the variability due to artificial selection for human interference, checking -

once again- the importance and versatility ofthat methodology.

In a great number of cases, it is now known that one-dimensional electrophoregrams of

whole-cell proteins discriminate, so much as, the information derived from data of DNA-DNA

hybridization (68-73). Bacterial strains with 90-100% ofhomologue DNA sequences generally

present protein profiles almost identical, and strains with at least 70% of DNA homology tend to

have similar protein profiles. Those observations are, according to Kersters (72), the greatest

pillars in which the application of protein electrophoresis in Microbial Systematics are founded.

The comparison of electrophoretic profiles is a resource with satisfactory taxonomic resolution,

that is applicable to the levei of species, subspecies or biotypes.


Isoenzymes are, according to Dixon & Webb (7 4 ), multiple forms of an enzyme occurring

in an unique species. This fact occurs due to the presence of severa! toei, coding different

versions of an enzyme, or dueto the existence of multiple alleles in an single locus (75), and in

the last case, each enzyme is called alloenzyme or allozyme (76). When studying the expression

and enzymatic activity, we can evaluate parameters as homozygosis, heterozysis, variation in the


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molecular masses and ionic charge of isoenzymes, that give polymorphic characteristics between

two or more alteies or among distant genes that code different molecular forms of the same

enzyme. The isoenzymes can be detected through electrophoresis in gel. This technique has been

used in taxonomic and epidemiological studies with filamentous fungi (77-80), myxomycetes

(81), and in assays with yeasts (82-84).

Lehrnann et al. (85), work:ing with some species of the genus Candida as C. albicans, C.

stellatoidea, C. tropicalis and C. paratropicalis, isolated from severa! infectious focuses, studied

the polymorphism for 4 enzymatic systems, and they obtained peculiar results for each studied

species. In the same year, Lehmann et al. (86) made the numerical analysis of those isolates,

based on the interpretation of the clusters formed after the electrophoresis and detection of

multiple forms of these and other enzymes, grouping the isolates in two larger clusters: A) C.

albicans-C. stellatoidea I and II, and B) C. tropicalis-C. paratropicalis. Caugant & Sandven

(87), working with 98 isolates of C. albicans, studied 9 enzymatic systems and observed the

polymorphism for those enzymes inside of that yeast population. Other researchers also published

papers concerning the classification of Candida species and yeasts from other genera, through the

analysis of multilocus-enzyme electrophoresis (88-1 02).


The Total DNA Restriction Partem Analysis, commonly designated as REA (Restriction

Endonucleases Analysis ), was firstly used in the characterization of yeasts by Nath & Bollon

(103) and for Candida species by Scherer & Stevens (104). The REA technique is based on the

characteristic that the bacterial restriction endonucleases have of cleaving the double strand of

DNA, when they recognize small specific sequences with 4 to 8 base-pairs, denominated

palindromes. The polymorphism observed in the REA technique occurs because the genomes of

genetically distinct individuais differ in the nucleotide sequence along the DNA (1 OS) and the

presence or absence of the palindromes, recognized and cleaved by the restriction enzymes, can

vary among the different individuais, generating polymorphism. Differences in DNA sequences

can also result from insertions, deletions or other causes (translocations, invertions) that alter the

distances between restriction sites. The fragments obtained from the digestion of chromosomal

DNA are separated using electrophoresis in agarose or polyacrylarnide support (106), generating


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genornic fingerprints, once the number and the location of the cleavage sites are specific for each

genome (107).

Such tool has been used in taxonomy of Candida and other yeasts, either in the analysis o f

total genornic DNA (108-111), or in specific parts ofDNA. Pfaller et al. (112) promoted total

digestion of C. albicans genome with Eco RI and after electrophoretic separation of the

fragments, they observed that isolates obtained from different anatornical sites of the same patient

followed a clonal pattern of colonization. Sanchez et a!. (113) evaluated the nosocornial

acquisition of C. parapsilosis in patients submitted to bone marrow transplants using that

technique. In the following year, two publications (114, 115) also pointed out that REA could

help the understanding of the mechanisms of C. albicans crossed infection in hospital ambient,

demonstrating the relevance ofthe technique.

In 1989, Su & Meyer (116) proposed the REA technique to analyze the polymorphism of

mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of C. parapsilosis, C. kefir and C. albicans, and to establish

differentiation parameters for those species. Carruba et al. (117) pointed out that for C.

parapsilosis, fragments of rnitochondrial DNA supply more information than fragments of total

genomic DNA Gimenez-Jurado et al. (118) also used mtDNA polymotphism to analyze the

genetic diversity existing within the genus Metschnikowia. Morace et al. (119) accomplished the

digestion of amplicons ofthe cytochrome P-450 (L1A1) lanosterol-1,4 a-demetylase gene, that

contains a highly conserved region of DNA in different species of Candida, and subrnitted the

fragments to electrophoresis, obtaining characteristic profiles for each species.

In recent years, amplicons of conserved sequences ofDNA, that code 18S ribosomal sub­

units, have also been digested by restriction endonucleases (ssu18S rRNA PCR-REA) and

electrophoretic rnigrations of the fragments have been employed in the evaluation of inter and

intraspecific polymorphism. Vilgalys & Hester (120) were the first researchers who used such a

technique for characterization of Candida, Cryptococcus and Trichosporon. Those authors

emphasized the relative simplicity o f the method, that does not involve either transfer procedures

("Southern blot"), or hybridization. Hopfer et al. (121) used this technique to digest the

amplicons of some cryptococci, Candida and Trischoporon. In 1995, Baleiras-Couto et al. (122)

submitted S. cerevisiae, C. valida and C. lipolytica to analysis based on RAPD markers and they

observed that this last technique supplied less stable results than the polymorphism of restriction


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of the gene of ssu 18S rRNA for those rehearsed species. Other ribosomal sub-units and

conserved regions were also analyzed in relation to the derived polymorphism of amplification

and enzymatíc cleavage. Williarns et ai. (123) evaluated the existing variability in amplicons of

intergenic spacing areas of rDNA from severa! species of Candida and reported that C.

guilliermondii, C. glabrata and C. pseudotropicalis could not be characterized indivídually,

whereas C. albicans, C. tropicalis, C. stellatoidea, C. parapsilosis and C. krusei showed different

profiles for each species. Nho et ai. (124) publíshed an artícle, in which they described an

adaptation of the technique for the gene that codes the rRNA 5.8S sub-unit of C. krusei, C.

inconspícua and C. norvegensis, and its applicability once due to species-specífic bands obtaíned

by those authors.


Another technique, denominated RFLP (Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism), ís

also derived from cleavage of the genome of yeasts, and involves the transfer of fragments of

DNA to inert membranes of nitrocellulose or nylon, with posterior denaturation of double strand,

and hybridization with radiolabeled or chemoluminescent specific probes of DNA, whose

radiation or ligth are detected by radiographic films (125, 126).

Two publications reported the efficiency of a specific probe (CkF1,2) for the

characterization ofC. krusei, that allowed the dífferentiation ofthat species from others (127), as

well as the characterization of different strains of C. krusei (128). Roy & Meyer (129) used the

RFLP analysis to characterize 3 groups of C. parapsílosis isolated from clinicai material, and

they could quantify the genetic divergence existing among those groups. Faix et ai. (130)

characterized strains of C. albícans isolated from events of neonatal candidemia using Eco RI

and Xba 1 restriction enzymes, with posterior hybridization with 27 A probe, obtaining profiles

that allowed comparison of the degrees of likeness among those strains. Mathaba et ai. (131) also

used 27 A probe, that presents moderate frequency of repetitive sequences, to characterize 57

strains of C. albicans isolated from oral cavity o f 18 patients, and they observed that, in most of

the cases, only one clone ofthe yeast prevailed. Still regarding the employment ofmarkers RFLP

in the characterizatíon of oral strains of C. albicans, Boerlin et ai. (90) used Eco RI and Hinf 1

endonucleases to digest the genome and Ca3 probe to observe the polymorphism in the pattem of

restriction from 189 strains of that yeast. Those authors also concluded that only one clone of C.


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albicans was involved in recurrent episodes of oropharyngeal candidosis. Carmougrand et al.

(132) analyzed the polymorphism existing in the patterns of restriction of the mtDNA of C.

parapsilosis, detectable by hybridization with the segments ofthe sub-units 6 and 8 of ATPase,

that allowed the differentiation of severa) isolates. The construction of an artificial

oligonucleotide with radiolabeled repetitive sequences poly d(GT), poly d(CA) and poly (GT), in

o r der to be used as probes, was proposed by Wilkinson et ai. ( 13 3 ), in 1992, who observed the

discriminatory power of such oligonucleotides for different strains of C. albicans. In 1993,

Niersters et al. (134) proposed that the amplification of the domains V 4 in the genes of ssu

rRNA, with subsequent enzymatic cleavage and hybridization with species-specific probes, could

be used in the differential determination of severa) species of Candida with medicai interest.


PFGE (Pu1sed Field Gel Electrophoresis) is a technique that has been providing important

taxonomic information. PFGE is based on the limiting size of the separable DNA fragments by

conventional electrophoresis in agarose ( about 50 kbp ), which can be increased by the

introduction ofpulses, or alterations in the direction ofthe electric field (135). Pizzirani-Kieiner

& Azevedo (136) reported that molecules of DNA longer than 50-60 kbp show electrophoretic

mobilities that are independem of their respective molecular masses, that is, ali o f them migrated

together in the gel.

Schwartz & Cantor (137), working with Saccharomyces cerevisiae, solved the problem of

electrophoretic separation of great segments of DNA. Those researchers observed that, when

alternating the direction of electric field, those molecules started to migrate differentially.

Applying a variable electric field, the molecules ofDNA moved diagonally, in "zigzag", making

possible the isolation due to their different molecular masses.

That technique allowed the establishment of electrophoretic karyotypes (EK) of C.

albicans (138), C. stellatoidea and C. claussenii (139), C. krusei and C. inconspicua (140), C.

boidinii (141), C. parapsilosis (142, 143), C. tropicalis (144), C. rugosa (145), C. glabrata (146),

C. lusitaniae (96), severa! species of Saccharomyces and Zygossaccharomyces (147), Hortaea,

Filobasidiella and Mallassezia ( 148), and it was used by Zervos & V azquez ( 111) and V azquez

et al. (149) to evaluate the possible origins offungal flora involved in infections.


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PFGE can be used in the characterization of chromosome, plasmide, or mitochondrial

DNA (mtDNA) structures. In 1993, Fukuhara et al. (150) evaluated the Iineal conformation of

mtDNA of Pichia pijperi, P. jadinii and Williopsis mrakii, that when compared with the circular

mtDNA of kindred species, demonstrated high genic homology, suggesting that those two

mtDNA forms do not have distant origins, therefore, they show Iittle taxonomic value. PFGE is

also an useful technique in the separation of great fragments of fungai chromosomes digested by

restriction endonucleases for rare cleavage sites (135). The use of that technique allows the

construction of physical maps for severa! genera of yeasts, because those endonucleases furnish

great fragments (151). Those physical maps can provide important information regarding the

extension of the genome (152). DNA macrorestriction profiles, obtained from that procedure,

allowed Corrnican et al. (153) to determine that an uniclonal predorninance for C. glabrata

occurred in different anatomical sites ofthe same individuaL In 1994, Branchini et a/. (154) used

that technique to demonstrate the genotypic variability of C. parapsilosis isolated catheter and

from peripheral sanguineous circulation. Pontieri et al. (155) observed the existing relationships

among strains of C. parapsilosis isolated from blood, vagina and soil. After comparison of the

results, the authors concluded that technique allows the obtainance of genotnic fingerprints for C.

parapsilosis. Waggoner-Fountain et a/. (156) used the polymorphism of macrorestriction

fragments separated through PFGE to evaluate the vertical and horizontal transmissions of

Candida in premature newborns, that were maintained in nosocornial ambient.


The PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) is a powerful technique, that involves in vitro

synthesis of millions of copies of a specific segment of DNA in the presence of Taq DNA

polymerase. The technique of PCR is based on the enzymatic amplification and anelling of

"primers" (initiators, starting from 5' end) that define the sequences of the double strand DNA to

be amplified (157), using sequences of the rnicroorganism DNA strands as template. Those

primers are artificially synthesized, so that the nucleotide sequences are complementary to those

that flank the area that will be amplified. Those amplifications are conducted in appropriate

apparels denominated thermocyclers, that control the temperature of each amplification cycle

phase. The amplification products ("amplicons") can be separated by agarose or polyacrylamide

gel electrophoresis.


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Phylogenetic studies involving amplification by PCR and sequencing of small ribosomal

RNA sub-units (srRNA) were conducted by Hendricks et al. (158), who evaluated the

polymorphism degrees of those regions, for severa! species of Candida, Kluyveromyces,

Torolaspora and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, establishing evolutionary distances for such species.

Still with evolutionary interest, the cytochrome P450-L1A1 gene was analyzed by Burgener­

Kairuz et al. (159), who compared the sequences of amplification product of that gene for

different species ofCandida, Cryptococcus, Trischoporon and Torolopsis, establishing degrees of

phylogenetic likeness, derived from the polymorphism generated during evolutionary processes.

The analysis of direct sequencing of amplicons of Lodderomyces elongisporos 18S RNA (ssu

rRNA) gene sequences allowed James et al. (160) to evaluate the existing interrelations among

that and other ascomycete species and ascomycete-like organisms. The results obtained by those

authors indicated that L. elongisporos should be the teleomorph state of C. parapsilosis.

Carlotti et al. ( 161) described the employment of the technique in the characterization of

C. krusei, with the purpose of accomplishing the identification of isolates of that species. The

authors developed two primers that amplify tandem1y repetitive and polymorphic sequences

(CKRS-1) ofnon-transcriptionable intergenic regions ofrRNA genes ofC. krusei. That group of

researchers ( 162) also compared their results with other results derived from hybridization with

CkF 1,2 probe, and concluded that the polymorphism detectable in amplification of CKRS-1

allows the deterrnination ofthe fingerprints of different C. krusei isolates. Nishikawa et al. (163)

developed primers for species-specific sequences of ribosomal sub-units, that allow the

differentiation of isolates of the Debaryomyces hansenii/Candida famata complex from other

isolates of C. guilliermondii.

In 1995, Walsh et al. (164) proposed that one variation ofthe original PCR technique, the

analysis of the simple strand conforrnational polymorphism (SSCP-PCR), could be useful in

identification and characterization of pathogen-opportunist fungi and yeasts. However, those

authors did not discriminate isolates of C. albícans, C. tropicalis and C. parapsilosis as

differentiated entities, when the amplicons of small fragments of 18S rRNA gene were employed

Many other groups of researchers published papers in which the PCR technique was used

as an auxiliary tool in the identification andlor characterization of isolates of Candida, C. krusei

(165), C. albicans, C. glabrata, C. parapsilosis and C. kruseí (166), C. albicans (167) and C.


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albicans, C. glabrata, C. tropicalis and C. krusei (134) and other yeasts related with that genus,

like Saccharomyces ( 168, 169) or Metschnikowia (170).


Among the different applications of PCR, the technique of AP-PCR (Arbitrary Primed

PCR), which determines the RAPD markers (Random Amplified Polymorphism ofDNA), is the

most used method in systematic or epidemic studies. In that technique only one primer is used, in

an arbitrary way, while in the technique of classic PCR, two primers that code a known aim

sequence are used (171). The appearance of electrophoretic bands allows the observation of the

molecular nature of the polymorphism of the RAPD loci. Williams et ai. (172) reported that

experimental evidences have been showing that differences of just a pair of bases (punctual

mutations) are enough to cause the non-complement ofthe primer with the template strand, what

do not allow the amplification ofthe segment. Other polymorphism sources can include deletions

or inserts in the connection sites of the primer, that increase the distances to be copied by the Taq

polymerase. By this way, the genetic polymorphism detected through RAPD markers has a

binary nature and the amplified segment may be present or absent. In 1997, San Milan et ai. (1 O)

demonstrated that severa! clinicai isolates presumptively identified as C. guilliermondii, in fact

presented great affinity with C. jermentati, for RAPD markers. Those authors pointed out that

AP-PCR technique allows more precise discriminations in the characterization of those yeasts at

species levei.

The capacity of strains characterization from the same species of Candida through RAPD

markers was demonstrated by Holmberg & Feroze (173), who obtained different electrophoretic

banding profiles for amplicons of severa! strains of C. albicans. However, in another

characterization study with nineteen oral isolates of C. albicans, Howell et al. (174) showed that

AP-PCR technique supplied three different types for RAPD markers, against other five types

obtained by REA technique, with Eco RI and Hinfl enzymes. The genomic heterogeneity of C.

parapsilosis, commonly accessed through the electrokaryotyping by PFGE (117), is also possible

ofbeing accomplished by AP-PCR, with similar results, as indicated by Lott et al. (175). Severa!

species of Kluyveromyces, many of them classified as teleomorph states of severa! species of

Candida, were differentiated based on RAPD markers, by Molnar et ai. (176), who checked the


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discriminatory capacity of AP-PCR technique for differentiation of species. Yeasts of other

genera, like Phaftia (177), have also been analyzed tbrougb that analytical resource.


Severa! revision works on the employment of molecular tools as analytical auxiliary in

systematic, taxonomic, evolutionary and epidemic surveys involving microorganisms - and

especially, yeasts - have been published and some of them were described here. In spite of the

high resolutive capacity o f those techniques in the characterization inter andlor infra-specific, the

accumulated experience points for the necessity of using more than a technique in the

characterization of genera, species or strains (5, 35, 48, ll2, 178-186). In 1995, Bart-Delabesse et

al. (187) accomplished an epidemic survey in a burn care unit, where they used the techniques of

AP-PCR, RFLP and electrokaryotyping by PFGE to understand the mechanism of cross-infection

in patients with candidemia, and concluded that the combination of at least two different methods

should be used in the characterization of strains o f Candida, confirming such statements.

In an interval of some decades since the first investigations with taxonomic emphasis, in

which the previous knowledge concerning the physiology, biochemistry and genetics of yeasts

were used, the great progress provided by molecular characterization of species and strains of

Candida, tbrough the described techniques, is evident Although new techniques will still be

developed, the knowledge already accumulated is of fundamental importance.


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Grouping oral Candida species by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis

Rosa, Edvaldo Antonio Ribeiro1; Pereira, Cássio Vicente\ Rosa, Rosimeire Takaki1

; and

Hõfling, José Francisco1

Microbiology and lnununo1ogy Laboratory, Dentistry Faculty ofPiracicaba, State University of Campinas. Av. Limeira 901, CEP 13414-900, CP 52, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil. Fax: +55 19 430 5018, Email:


Running title: Oral Candida species grouped by MLEE.

Keywords: Oral Candida spp, cluster analysis, MLEE.


Multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE) and numerical taxonomic methods were

carried out in order to establish relatedness degrees among five Candida species commonly

isolated from oral cavity of humans. Of twenty enzymatic systems assayed five had not shown

any enzymatic activity (ASDH, MADH, SDH, GTF, and a-AM). The obtained data revealed that

some of these enzymes are capable of distinguish strains of different species, but most of them

could not organize ali strains in their respective species-specific clusters. Numerical

classifications based on MLEE polymorphism must be regarded for surveys involving just one

Candida species.


Candida, mainly the species C. albicans, remain the most common fungi found in the oral

cavity of humans, and in the recent years have been receiving more attention because of their

involvement in a numberless cases of opportunist oral infections in patients with AIDS and those

having immunosupresive medication. Of epidemiological interest, characterization procedures

that furnish molecular fingerprints have been applied in order to establish possible relationships

among Candida isolates that could have some oral relevance (McCullough et ai., 1996). The

multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE) is a resource that has been used in studies involving a


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large number of microorganisms (Selander & Levin, 1980; Soltis et al., 1980; Okunishi et al.,

1979) including Candida species (Lehmann et al., 1989a, Pujol et al., 1993; Reynes et al., 1996).

These works pointed out the capacity that some enzymatic systems have in discriminate less

related strains or even species from the other genera. The proposition o f this paper is to evaluate

the parity existing among some enzymatic systems for fingerprinting five Candida species (C.

albicans, C. tropicalis, C. krusei, C. parapsilosis, and C. guilliermondii) isolated from healthy

subjects saliva.

Material and methods

Candida strains: Representative strains of different Candida species isolated from oral cavity

and identified by colony characteristics on CHROMagar Candida differential medium (Anson &

Allen, 1997; Bemal et al., 1996; San Milan et al., 1996) chlamydospore and germ tube formation

and by sugar fermentation and assimilation (Sandven, 1990), were obtained from Microbiology

and Immunology Laboratory, Dentistry College of São José dos Campos: Candida albicans (97a,

F72, E37, 17b, CBS562T), Candida guilliermondii (FCF405, FCF152, CBS566T), Candida

parapsilosis (21c, 7a,CBS604T), Candida krusei (IM90, 4c, CBS573T), Candida tropicalis (lb,

FCF430, CBS94T). Ali strains (excluding the type strains) were isolated from the oral cavities of

healthy human beings. In this work, we added the Saccharomyces cerevisiae type-strain

( CB S 1171 T) as an extra-generic organism.

Cells cultivation aud enzyme extraction: AI! the strains were grown in 50mL of YPD medium

(2% dextrose, 2% peptone, 1% yeast extract), on a shaker table at 150rpm and 30C, ovemight.

The cells were harvested by centrifugation of total culture medium volume at 2,000 g for 3

minutes and the pellets were washed 4 times with cold sterile water for ensure completely culture

medium traces or extra-cellular metabolites remotion (Woontner & Jaehning, 1990). The last

washed pellets were transferred to microcentrifuge tubes of 2mL, and were added equal amounts

of acid washed glass beads and 200IJL of cold sterile water. The tubes were adapted in a Mini­

Bead Beater cell disrupter (Biospec ), where the cell lysis have been done at 4600rpm., 4 times of

30 seconds, with intervals of 5 minutes, when the samples were conditioned in an ice bath. After

cell disruption, the microcentrifuge tubes were centrifuged at 10,000 g for 2 minutes, and the


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supernatants were applied on Whatman 3 filter paper wicks of 5x12mm. These wicks were

maintained at -70C.

Starch gel electrophoresis: The electrophoreses were carried out according to V ai et ai. (1981 ),

solubilizing hydrolysed com starch Penetrose 30 (Refinações de Milho Brasil, São Paulo) at a

final concentration of 13% in diluted 1:30 Tris-citrate buffer pH 8.0 and vigorously agitated

heating over a Bunsen burner. The formed gels were poured in perplex casting moulds (200 x 120

x 1 Omm), and left on the bench, at room temperature until complete solidification. They were cut

longitudinally at 2.5cm from one border. The 2.5cm segments were separated and the wicks were

applied on the cut. Wicks with 0.2% bromphenol blue were applied in both extremities ofthe cuts

to indicate migration. After jointed the parts, cotton cloth bridges were done connecting the gels

to electrode tanks with Tris-citrate buffer pH 8.0 (Selander et a!., 1986; Caugant & Sandven,

1993). Electrophoreses were carried out at 4C and 130V until the migration markers move at

least 80mm from application point. At this time, the electrophoreses were terminated and the gels

were sliced in their high in slices into 1.2mm thickness.

Bands revelation: The gel slices were stained revealing the enzyme active bands, according to

Selander et a!. (1986) protocols. Enzymatic systems assayed were alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH­

E.C., lactate dehydrogenase (LDH- E.C., malate dehydrogenase (MDH- E.C., isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH - E.C., glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase

(G6PDH - E.C., aspartate dehydrogenase (ASDH - E.C. 1.4.3.x), glucose

dehydrogenase (GDH - E.C., rnannitol dehydrogenase (MADH - E.C.,

sorbitol dehydrogenase (SDH- E.C., malic enzyme (ME- E.C., aconitase

(ACO - E.C., catalase (CAT - E.C., superoxide dismutase (SOD - E.C., glutamate-oxalacetate transaminase (GOT- E.C., a-esterase (EST- E.C., 13-esterase (EST- E.C., leucine aminopeptidase (LAP- E.C., glucosil

transferase (GTF- E.C., peroxidase (PO- E.C. e a-amylase (a-AM- E.C.


Computing numerical data: Dendrograms were generated for the different enzymatic systems

by using the same measurement of relatedness, the Simple Matching (SsM) association coefficient

(Sokal & Michener, 1958; Sneath & Sokal, 1973), based on band positions computed with the

NTSYS software package, version 1. 70 (Applied Biostatistics, Inc.) This SsM measures the


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proportion of bands with the same and the different Rm values in patterns of two OTUs

(Operational Taxonomic Unit), k and j, by the formula: SsM =ElE + b + c, where E is the

positive combination ofbands (present or absent) shared by OTUs k and j, bis the number of

bands unique to OTU k, and c is the number ofbands unique to OTU j. For the present study, a

SsM of L 00 represents identically matches (i. e., ali the bands in the patterns of OTUs k and j

match), a SsM ofO.OO represents no matches, and SsMvalues ranging from 0.01 to 0.99 represent

increasing proportions of matched bands. Dendrograms, represented by non-rooted trees, based

on SsM values were generated by the unweighted pair-group arithmetic average (UPGMA)

clustering method (Rohlf: 1963; Sneath & Sokal, 1973).


The one-dimensional e1ectrophoreses of protein extracts of 12 Candida strains, their

respective type strains, and the Saccharomyces cerevisiae type strain, showed that among twenty

assayed enzymes five had not shown any enzymatic activity (ASDH, MADH, SDH, GTF, anda­

AM). The remaining systems furnished electrophoretic bands that allowed the construction of

fifteen individual dendrograms showed in Fig. 1 (a, b). Candida albicans-strains CBS562T, 97a,

F72, and E37 were clustered in dendrograms A (ADH), B (ME), E (IDH), F (LDH), H (ACO),

and K (CAT). Candida albicans strain 17b showed atypical patterns of MLEE for ali assayed

enzymes, grouping with strains of other Candida species, in a non-repetitive way. The two

clinicai strains of C. guilliermondii (FCF152 and FCF405) only clustered together in dendrogram

derived from IDH system. Dendrogram G (MDH) shows a grouping of such clinicai strains of C.

guilliermondii with the inclusion of C. albicans strain E3 7 and the type strain of C. guilliermondii

clustered with three C. albicans strains (CBS562, 97a, and F72). For C. kruseí, IDH system could

group two strains, CBS573T and 1M90. Catalase could group strains CBS.573 and 4.c, and PER

system formed a composite cluster with the inclusion of the atypical C. albicans strain 17b

between C. krusei strains 1M90 and 4c. Among C. tropicalis strains, the type strain (CBS94 T)

and the clinicai isolate FCF430 were the specimens that revealed the highest relationship (SsM =

1. 00) for four enzymatic systems (IDH, LDH, a-EST, and 13-EST) and for ADH, ME, and MDH,

grouped with SsM> 0.85. Ali three strains ofC. parapsilosis appeared together in a single cluster

for the dendrograms ofG6PDH, IDH, LDH, ACO, CAT, GOT, LAP, and SOD although in these


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four last trees, associated with strains of other species. The S. cerevisiae type strain CBS 1171 T

combined with different species of Candida according to the different enzymatic systems.

The results of the individual MLEE analyses were pooled for each strain, and a non­

rooted relatedness dendrogram of the 18 analyzed strains based on the similarity calculated by

Simple Matching coefficient ofassociation, were built (Fig. 2). The nine phenons (clusters) were

established by the perpendicular line that represents the average value for SsM of ali OTUs, and it

is 0.841.

Phenon I contains the strains CBSI52T, 97a, F72, and E37 (C. albicans), grouped with a

SsM :?: 0.898. Phenon II has two strains of C. guilliermondii (FCFI52 and FCF405) and one C.

tropicalis (Ib) as components, grouped with SsM 2': 0.847. Phenon IIIjust contains the type strain

CBS1171T of S. cerevisiae. Phenon IV contains the three strains ofC. parapsilosis (CBS604T,

2lc, and 7a) and the atypical C. albicans strain 17b, with SsM 2': 0.845. Phenon Vis a cluster

composed of a unique C. krusei strain (4c). Phenon VI contains the type-strain CBS566T of C.

guilliermondii. Phenon VII is composed oftwo strains of C. tropicalis (CBS94T, and FCF430)

grouped with SsM = O. 917. Phenon VIII has the strain 1M90 of C. krusei. Phenon IX contains the

type strain of C. krusei (CBS573 T).


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'--------" r f~

L _---f------1" ló 1: '------o;

Fig. la: Dendrograms showing lhe relatedness leveis among different Candida species. based on their respective MLEE patterns and statistical treattnent with Sirnple Matclting assocíation coefficient (SSM) and UPGMA clnstering method: A) ADH; B) ME; C) G6PDH; D) GDH; E) IDH; F) LDH; G) MDH; H) ACO. Strains (OTUs): 01) CBS562T (C. albicans); 02) 97a (C. albicans); 3) F72 (C. albicans); 4) 17b (C. albicans); 5) E37 (C. albicans); 6) CBS566T (C. guilliermondii); 7) FCF152 (C. guilliennondii); 8) FCF405 (C. guilliermondii); 9) CBS573T (C. krusei); 10) 1M90 (C. krusei); 11) 4c (C. krusei); 12) CBS94T (C. tropicalis); 13) 1b (C. tropicalis); 14) FCF430 (C. tropicalis); 15) CBS604T (C. parapsilosis); 16) 21c (C. parapsi/osis); 17) 7a (C. parapsilosis); 18) CBS1171T (S. cerevisiae).


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0.6555 0.7+16 0.8277 O.Sl3S l.CODO """' 0.7+16 "'"" 0.9139 J.OO.X: ,i)l ,Ol

t!J !DZ

8 ;o2

:o3 i0'3 !!S

11' il~ ' ;15 5 :17

!I' .n 3 O+

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i iú5 !07 ]0' 'OS

li os " 09 09

r~ . " 06 H " os '1~

'" " 0.5+16 0.65BS o.m3 0.8862 1.0000

""" 0.6$11 D.?S-11 0.8971 LOOOO

I!' ,o:

~ 2

~ 'O'

00 li' Ir i .e ' 02

' I .J r-f " __ I "' lO 08 lt

~' ~ o~

w 05

I os l2

I ,os

08 it7 ll

'" ~~~ ,!I 18

I '" ' 1;') " 17 09 16

0.7+70 0.8HJ3 0.8735 U9J6ll l.DOOO 0.:>500 l.l?3Sl 1).1::251 0.9127 l.ODOO

' 01 :01 - 02

Nl !02

00 D5 M -i '" I


- ':' ':3

' ' 1 I :03 05 :os

' 06


~~ O?

1:' -~

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~ os ~ l;l

11 J ~ " " ___,--o;

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' 00 06 ' 1!5 15

l6 1 16 17

G.&i36 \"1.7327 O.SZJB O.Sl\"19 l-0000 Ol

m r-L____j~ ~ '" !3 L-: ,~ ,16 '15

i i; 06

' '0 ~í·

l2 os

Fig. lb: Dendograms showing the relatedness leveis among different Candida species, based on their respective MLEE pattems and statistical treatment with Simple Matching association coeffícient (SSM) and UPGMA clusteriog method: I) a-EST; J) ~-EST; K) CAT; L) GOT; M) LAP; N) PER; O) SOD. Strains (OTUs): 01) CBS562r (C. albicans); 02) 97a (C. a/bicans); 3) F72 (C. albicans); 4) 17b (C albicans); 5) E37 (C. a/bicans); 6) CBS566T (C. guilliermondii); 7) FCF152 (C. guilliermondii); 8) FCF405 (C. guilliennondii); 9) CBS573r (C. krusei); 10) 1M90 (C. krusei); 11) 4c (C. krusei); 12) CBS94r (C. tropica/is); 13) lb (C. tropicalis); 14) FCF430 (C. tropica/is); 15) CBS604T (C. parapsilosis); 16) 2lc (C. parapsi/osis); 17)7a(C. parapsi/osis); 18) CBS1171T (S. cerevisiae),


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0.6875 0.7622


S,m = 0.841 ± 0.091


' ' ' I 0.8368

' I ' I I I


' ' ]I :I I I


' ' :I :I I I I I

' ' I I I I




r1 0.9861


CBS562 J 97a F72 E37 FCF152 J lb FCF405 C8S1171-17b CBS604 J 2lc ?a 4c C8S566 CBS94 J FCF430 1M90 CBS573.-

Pbenon I



Pbenon IV


Pbenon VI




Fig. 02. Non-rooted relatedness dendrogram of oral Candida species grouped by the sum of ali

enzymatic pattems, SsM coefficient and UPGMA algorithm.


Y easts of genus Candida form a heterogeneous group that has species whose teleomorph

states are stayed in the Ascomycota or those that do not have perfect state defined yet. In oral

cavity, severa! species of Candida can be isolated, justifying the necessity o f understanding their

ecological involvement. Proceedings based on MLEE pattems of Candida have supplied useful

information in oral epidemiological surveys (Reynes et al, 1996; Pujol et al., 1993). Among the

wide range of enzyme classes, the dehydrogenases, hydrolases, transferases, beside others,

comprehend the most interesting enzymes applicable to MLEE technique, due to their relative

stability, specificity for substrate, and occurrence in living organisms (Dixon & Webb, 1979;

Selander et al., 1986; Gabriel & Gersten, 1992).


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In Fig. 1 (a, b) it can be observed that the enzymatic system that could group the major

part of strains in their respective species clusters was IDH. Such fact had already been pointed

out by Lehmann et ai. (1989a) that also added that IDH and SDH solely distinguish species and

do not have any value in biotyping Candida isolates. In the present investigation, for different

repetitions of SDH bands detection protocols, we could not obtain such band patterns, even when

other protocols were tested. In other hand, the systems that furnished the worst grouping were

GDH, a.-esterase, and 13-esterase, maybe due to the non-formation of bands in many strains.

Candida parapsilosis strains could be grouped together with SsM = 1.000, in species-specific or

composite clusters, for most of non-dehydrogenases (ACO, CAT, GOT, LAP, and SOD),

showing be the species whose strains are the most related, even being isolated from different

individuais. Same behavior was detected for C. albicans strains CBS562 r, 97a, and F72, in

different enzymatic systems.

Non-rooted dendrogram presented in Fig. 2 shows the sum of ali partia! dendrograms in

figure 01, where a compensation of one each other was expected. Clusters were formed from

limiting line derived from the average of ali OTU's similarity with 0.841 and standard deviation

of0.091. Some strains clustered together either with others of their own species (species-specific

clusters) as phenons I (C. aibícans) and VIT (C. tropicalis) or of different species (composite

clusters) as phenons li, and IV.

According with this figure, MLEE technique could grouped most of C. aibicans strains in

a single phenon, with exception for 17b strain that showed be the less related. This fact was also

observed in previous assays involving SDS-PAGE of whole cell proteins for these strains

(Hõfling et ai, 1999). The 17b strains was reidentified in order to determine whether or not it is a

C. aibicans isolate. The phenotypic characteristics that included the use of CHROMagar Candida

medium that differentiates C. albicans from the recently described C. dubliniensis (Schoofs et al.,

1997) ensured that such isolate was a C. albicans strain. The analyzed enzymes also grouped ali

strains of C. parapsilosis with strain 17b of C. aibicans. Such aspect of composite cluster

generating from MLEE was already observed by other authors as following. Smith et ai. (1990),

characterizing different species of Brettanomyces and Dekkera, obtained a phenogram in which

some strains could not be grouped with high similarity values in their respective species-specific

clusters and with interference of some strains in other clusters. Jones & Noble (1982) established


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electrophoretic comparisons among species of dermatophytes based on :MLEE technique and

obtained a dendrogram in which occurred the inclusion of isolates from certain species inner taxa

of other species or even of other genera. These authors pointed out that this fact may occurs when

only a few isolates of each species are included in the surveys. Boerlin et ai. (1995) used 16

enzymatic systems for characterizing 21genetically atypical strains of chlamydospore-forming

and germ tube-positive C .aibicans recovered from human immunodeficiency virus-positive drug

users, and demonstrated that some of these strains were grouped in different clusters, showing

high diversity on allelic composition.

Extensive enzyme heterogeneity among strains of Candida or other yeast genera had

already been observed by other groups of researchers that pointed out that it may occur increasing

the possibility of dividing such specimens in various groups or clusters (Lehmann et al., 1989a;

Lehmann et al., 1989b, Lehmann et al., 1993; Caugant & Sandven, 1993; Naumov et al., 1997).

Lehmann et al. (1991) related the phenomenon of isoenzymatic pattems changing of C. albicans

during its conservation in laboratories, what could increase the apparent polymorphism. Pujol et

ai. (1997) found atypical strains of C. albicans in AIDS patients, showing diverse allelic

polymorphism. The same investigators included few strains of C. tropicaiís, C. giabrata and C.

krusei in the survey obtaining characteristic species-specific clusters. However, the fact that just

few specimens of these species were added could have influenced the organization of such


In order to ensure whether or not UPGMA algorithm well fits the assemblance between

two OTUs in the dendrogram construction, a product-moment correlation coefficient was

computed between the elements SJK ofthe original similarity matrix S and cophenetic values CJK

of the matrix C derived from the dendrogram. This cophenetic correlation coefficient is a

measure of the agreement between similarity values implied by the dendrogram and those of the

original similarity matrix (Sokal & Rohlf, 1962). This coefficient has value rcs = 0.932, that is

comprehended between 0.60 and 0.95 (Sneath & Sokal, 1973) or higher than 0.90 (Sokal &

Rohlf, 1970), values considered as good, corroborating by this way, with the finds of Farris

(1969), that pointed out the fact that UPGMA algorithm will always maximize rcs values.

Ali the strains employed here were previously and independently classified up to species

leve! in two different laboratories by mean chlamydospore and germ tube formation, fermentation


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and assimilation of sugars, obtaining the same results. This evidence discards the possibility of

bad previous identification of the strains.

Based on the presented observations, we could propose that the grouping of Candida

species by mean MLEE patterns from the assayed enzymes followed by numerical taxonomy

statistical treatment is not efficient when involving few isolates from more than one species,

regarding such resource for surveys conduced with a single species of Candida, for what, the

MLEE technique had already proved be a method useful for systematic or epidemiological ends.


The authors are indebted to ''Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo"

and ''Fundo de Apoio ao Ensino e Pesquisa-UNICAMP" by the financiai support given to this



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Boerlin, P., Boerlin-Petzold, F., Durnssel, C., Addo, M., Pagani, J. L., Chave, J. P. & Bille,

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Hõfling, J. F., Campos A. S., Pereira, C. V., Rosa, R. T. & Rosa, E. A. R. (1999). Preliminary

characterization and grouping of Candida species by numerical analysis of protein profiles

obtained by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Rev Iberoamer Mico/16, 27-29.

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Rosa, E.A.R.; Pereira, C. V; Rosa, R.T.; and Hõfling, J.F

Microbiology and Immunology Laboratory, Dentístry Faculty ofPiracicaba, State University of Campinas

(UNICAMP), Brazil.

Correspondence to: Professor J.F. Hõfling, Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba,

Laboratório de Microbiologia e Imunologia, Avenida Limeira 901, CEP 13414-900, CP 52,

Piracicaba, SP, Brazil. Fax: +55 19 430 5018, Email: hoflí[email protected]

Running head: Parity among dehydrogenases ofCandída spp


Electrophoresis of some dehydrogenases were carried out in order to establísh relatedness

degrees among fíve Candida species commonly ísolated from oral cavíty o f humans by numerical

taxonomy methods. The obtained data revealed that some of dehydrogenases are capable of

dístinguishíng strains of dífferent specíes, but most of these enzymes could not organize ali

strains in their respective clusters. Numerical classífícatíons based on dehydrogenases

polymorphísm must be regarded for surveys involvíng just one specíes of such yeast genus,

where thís resource had already shown be useful.

Key words: Candida specíes, dehydrogenases patterns, cluster analysis.


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Se investigaron las relaciones entre algunas espécies de Candida aisló de la cavidad oral

de humanos. Dehidrogenases de estas amuestras fueron evaluadas a través dei empreo de tecnicas

de electroforesis. Aunque nuestros resultados han mostrados que algunas de las dehidrogenases

son capables de distinguir entre las diferentes espécies, la mayoria de estas enzimas no fueron de

valor por el agrupamiento de estas amuestras en sus respectivos grupos. Deben considerarse

clasificaciones numéricas basadas en el polimorfismo de dehidrogenases para estudios con

simplemente una especie de tal género de levadura, donde sabemos que los recursos son útiles, ya

se habia mostrado.

Palabras claves: Especies de Candida, padrón de! dehidrogenases, análisis de! grupos.


The yeasts from genus Candida remain the most common eukaryotic microorganisms

found in human oral cavity and, in recent years, have been receiving more attention since they are

involved in numerous cases of opportunistic oral infections, mainly in patients with AIDS and

iatrogenic immunosuppressions (19). Certain species, such as C. albican$ and C. tropicalis, are

easily recovered from saliva, even in healthy carriers (5, 7).

With epidemiological interest characterization procedures, which furnish molecular

fingerprints, have been used in order to establish possible relationships among Candida isolates

that could have some oral relevance (15). Such techniques can be done with cellular substances

from variable nature, but the most impressive researches have been conducted with molecules

that can show sufficient individual polymorphism and chemical stability for application in

molecular epidemiological surveys, as deoxyribonucleic acid (18) and proteins (8). One

technique which evaluates protein polymorphism is the multilocus enzyme electrophoresis

(MLEE) that has been used in studies where single/multiple specíes (11) or the presence of

síngle/multiple clones (21, 22) colonízation were investígated.

The proposítion of this study is to evaluate the capacity of some dehydrogenases in

establishing the fingerprinting of five Candida species (C. albicans, C. tropicalis, C. krusei, C.

parapsilosis, and C. guilliermondii) isolated from the saliva ofhealthy subjects.


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Candida strains - Representative strains of different Candida species isolated from oral

cavity and identified by biochemical and physiological tests were obtained from the

Microbiology and Immunology Laboratory, Dentistry College of São José dos Campos: C.

albicans (97.a, F.72, E.37, 17.b, CBS.562T), C. guilliermondii (FCF.405, FCF.152, CBS.56é),

C. parapsilosis (21.c, 7.a,CBS.604T), C. krusei (1M.90, 4.c, CBS.573T), C. tropicalis (l.b,

FCF.430, CBS.94T). The superscripted T in CBS strains implicate that they are the respective

type-strains of such species and in this work we added the Saccharomyces cerevisiae type-strain

(CBS.l171 T) as an extrageneric organism.

Cell cultivation and enzyme extraction - Ali the strains were grown in Erlenmeyer

flasks with 50rnL of YPD medium (2% dextrose, 2% peptone, 1% yeast extract), at 30°C,

overnight, in a shaker table under 150 rpm of agitation. The cells were harvested by

centrifugation oftotal culture medium volume at 2000 g for 3 min and the pellets were washed 4

times with cold sterile water to ensure complete remova! of culture medium traces or extra­

cellular metabolites (32). The washed pellets were transferred to microcentrifuge tubes of 2 mL,

and equal amounts of acid-washed glass beads and 200 !lL of cold sterile water were added. The

tubes were adapted in a Mini-Bead Beater cell disrupter (Biospec, Inc.), where the celllysis was

conducted at 4600 rpm, 4 times of 30 s, with 5-min intervals, then the samples were conditioned

in an ice bath. After cell disruption, the microcentrifuge tubes were centrifuged at 1 O 000 g for 2

min, and the supematants were applied on Whatman 3 filter paper wicks of 5x12mm. These

wicks were maintained at -700C.

Starch gel electrophoresis - The electrophoresis was carried out according to V a! et al.

(31 ), by solubilizing hydrolyzed com starch (Penetrose 30, from Refinações de Milho Brasil

Ltda) up to a final concentration of 13% in 1:30 pH 8.0 Tris-citrate buffer, with vigorous

agitation on a Bunsen bumer. The forrned gels were poured in perplex casting moulds

(200x120x10 mm), and let over bench at room temperature until complete solidification, when

they were cut on their longitudinal dimensions at 2.5 em from one border. The smaller parts were

separated and the wicks were applied on the cut. Wicks with 0.2% bromphenol blue were applied

in both extremities of the cuts for migrating indication. After jointed the parts, cotton cloth

bridges were placed connecting the gels to electrode tanks containing pH 8.0 Tris-citrate buffer


59 ,l ) A

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(3, 24). Electrophoresis was carried out at 4°C and 130 V until the migration rnarkers ran through

at least 80 rnrn from wick's inserting point. At this time, the electrophoresis was interrupted and

the gels were sliced in their high in slices with 1.2 mm thickness.

Band revelation - The gel slices were submitted to some protocols to reveal the

dehydrogenase active bands, according to Selander et ai. (24), Alfenas et ai. (1 ), and Ballve et ai.

(2). Enzymatic systems assayed were: alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH - E.C., lactate

dehydrogenase (LDH- E.C., malate dehydrogenase (MDH- E.C., isocitrate

dehydrogenase (IDH - E.C., glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH - E.C., aspartate dehydrogenase (ASDH- E. C. 1.4.3.x), glucose dehydrogenase (GDH- E. C., mannitol dehydrogenase (MADH - E.C., sorbitol dehydrogenase (SDH -

E.C., malic enzyme (ME- E.C. Table 1 shows the protocol for each

enzymatic reaction.

Table 1. Staining systems for debydrogenases •

Dehydrogenases' Substrate (amt) Buffer amt (mL) Salt(amt) Coenzymeb

ADH Ethanol (3mL) 0.2M Tris--HCl pH 8.0 (50) NAD

ASDH Aspartic acid (50mg) PhosphatepH 7.0 (50mL)" NAD

GDH D-glucose (I g) 0.2M Tris--HCl pH 8.0 (100) NAD

G6PDH Glucose 6-phosphate 0.2M Tris--HCl pH 8.0 (50) O.lMMgCl, NADP dissodium ( 1 OOmg) (lmL)

IDH I.OM isocitric acid 0.2M Tris--HCl pH 8.0 (50) O.lMMgC12 NADP (2mL) (lmL)

LDH Lactic acid 85% ( 1 OmL) O.lMTris--HClpH7.5 (100) O.lMMgC12 NAD (lmL)

MDH 2.0M malic acid" (6mL) 0.2M Tris--HCl pH 8.0 ( 40) NAD

ME 2.0M malic acid" (6mL) 0.2M Tris-HCl pH 8.0 (40) O.IMMgCl, NADP (lmL)

MADH M.annitol (IOOmg) O.IMTris-HClpH8.5 (100) NADP

SDH Sorbitol (500mg) O.OSM Tris-HCl pH 8.0 (50) NAD

• Ali svstems must be stained in the dark at 37°C. The time is variable between 20 and 60 minutes. ' To sÍain dehydrogenases, dissolve substrates in suitahle bu:ffer, then add 1.0 mL of dimethylthiazol tetrazolium (MIT) solution (1.25 g in 100 mL ofwater) and 0.5 mL ofphenazinemethosulfate (PMS) solution (I g in 100 mL of water) andeither2.0 mL ofNAD solution (! gofNAD-free acid in 100 mL ofwater) or 1 ml ofNADP solution (1 g o f dissodium NADP in I 00 mL of water), as indicated. Keep solutions refrigerated and in the dark c Sodium phosphate (pH 7.0) bu:ffer: mix equa1 parts of 27.6 g of NaH2P04.H20 in I liter of water and 53.6 g of Na2HP04. 7H20 in !liter of water, then dilute the mixture I :25 with water. d Malic acid solution: 268 g of DL-malic acid and 160 g of NaOH in I liter of water. Caution: potentially explosive reactíon.


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Computing numerical data - Dendrograms were generated for the different enzymatic

systems by using the same measurement of relatedness, the Simple Matching (SsM) association

coefficient (17, 26, 27), based on band positions computed with the NTSYS software package,

version 1.70 (Applied Biostatistics, Inc.) This SsM measures the proportion of bands with the

same and the different Rm values in pattems oftwo OTUs (Operational Taxonomic Unit), k and

j, by the formula: SsM = ElE + b + c, where E is the positive combination of bands (present or

absent) shared by OTUs k and j, bis the number ofbands unique to OTU k, and c is the number

of bands unique to OTU j. For the present study, a SsM of 1.00 represents identically matches

(i. e., ali the bands in the patterns of OTUs k and j match), a SsM of 0.00 represents no matches,

and SsM values ranging from 0.01 to 0.99 represent increasing proportions of matched bands.

Dendrograms, represented by non-rooted trees based on SsM values, were generated by the

unweighted pair-group arithmetic average (UPGMA) clustering method (17, 23, 26).


The one-dimensional electrophoresis of 12 Candida strains extracts, their respective type­

strains, and S. cerevisiae type-strain showed that, among ten assayed dehydrogenases, three did

not show any enzymatic activity (ASDH, MADH, and SDH). The remaining systems furnished

electrophoretic bands that allowed the construction of seven individual dendrograms shown in

figures 1, 2, and 3. Candida albícans strains CBS.562T, 97.a, F.72, and E.37 were grouped in

pure or compost clusters in dendrograms A (ADH), G (ME), D (IDH), and E (LDH). C. albicans

strain 17.b showed atypical patterns ofMLEE for ali assayed enzymes, grouping with strains of

other Candida species in a non-repetitive way. Pure cluster of C. guílliermondii was only

detected in a dendrogram derived from IDH (D) system, even though grouping just the two

clinicai strains FCF.l52 and FCF.405. Dendrogram F (MDH) shows a grouping of such strains

with the inclusion of C. albícans strain E.37. For C. krusei, just the IDH (D) system could group

two strains, CBS.573T and 1M.90. This species showed to be the Ieast able for clustering ofthe

species used in this survey. Among C. tropícalís strains, the type-strain (CBS.94T) and the

clinicai isolate FCF.430 were the specimens that revealed the highest relationship (SsM = 1.00)

for two enzymatic systems [IDH (D) and LDH (E)] and for ADH (A), ME (G), and MDH (F),

grouped with SsM> 0.85. Ali three strains ofC. parapsílosis appeared together in a single cluster


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for the dendrograms of G6PDH (C), IDH (D), and LDH (F), although in these two last trees, they

were associated with the atypical C. albicans strain 17.b. The S. cerevisiae type-strain CBS.ll71 T

combined with different species of Candida according to the different enzymatic systems.

The results of the individual MLEE analyses were pooled and a non-rooted relatedness

dendrogram of the 18 analyzed strains based on the similarity calculated by Simple Matching

coefficient of association was built (Fig. 4). The phenons (clusters) were established by the

perpendicular line that represents the average value for SsM of ali OTUs, and it is 0.8357 ±


Phenon I contains the strains CBS.562T, 97.a, F.72, and E.37 (C. albicans), grouped with

a SsM ~ 0.897. Phenon II has a unique strain of C. guilliermondii (CBS.566T) as a component.

Phenon III contains the strain 1M.90 of C. krosei. Phenon IV contains the S. cerevisiae type­

strain CBS.ll71 T Phenon V is an impure cluster composed by three strains of C. parapsilosis

(CBS.604, 2l.c, and 7.a) with the inclusion ofa C. albicans strain (17.b), anda value for SsM ~

0.875. Phenon VI contains the strain FCF.l52 of C. guilliermondii and the strain l.b of C.

tropicalis grouped with SsM = 0.929. Phenon VII is composed by a unique strain of C. .

guilliermondii (FCF.405). Phenon VIII has the strain 4.c of C. krosei. Phenon IX contains two

strains of C. tropicalis (CBS.94T, and FCF.430) grouped with SsM = 0.905. Phenon X has a

unique strain of C. krusei (CBS.573 T).


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0.6193 0.7H5 0.8097 0.9018 1.00 l!_ CBS.S62 97.a F.72 E.37

I 1M.90


r-i 17.b


~~ 21.e FCF.405 7.a 4.c FCF.l52 l.b CBS.566

I CBS.94 FCF.430 CBS.573 r.R,;. 11 '71

~5516 ~6660 U/773 ~888? 1.110 L!_

rD CBS.562 97.a F.72 E.37 CBS.1171 FCF.l52

ri~ I FCF.430 l.b CBS.94

J I : 7.a 4.c CBS.604 21.e 17.b


FCF.405 CBS.566 1M.90 ~.Jtf::. "'7::1

0.6631 0.7173 0.8316 0.9158 1.08 ~ CBS.562

~ 97.a F.72

ri I 17.B

I FCF.152

I CBS.1171

' l.b CBS.604

I 7.a 2l.c E.37

~ CBS.566 CBS-573 ,.-----,____ FCF.405 CB$.94 4.c FCF.430 1M.<m

Fig. 1: Dendrograms (A to C) sho.,.ing the relatedness leveis among different Candida species, based on their respective dehydrogenases MLEE patterns and statistical treatment mth Simple Matchíng association coefficient (SsM) and UPGMA clnstering method: A) ADH; B) GDH; C) G6PDH.


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0.6534 0.7t01 0.8267 0.9134 l. DO ~ ! CBS.562

' 97.a

i, F.72 E.37

! 17.b

i CBS.604 21.e 7.a FCF.152

r-- FCF.405 l.b

- 4.e CBS.566 CBS.94 FCF.430 CBS.1171 CBS.573 1M.40

0.6429 0.7321 0.8214 0.9107 1.00 ~ I

CBS.S62 97.a

I I F.72

I E.37 4.e

' 17.b i I

CBS.604 - 21.c 7.a -

ri FCF.405 CBS.573 . 1M.90 '--- CBS.94 FCF.430 CBS.1171 CBS.566 FCF.152 L h

0.70 0.78 0.85 0.93 1.0 L!_ I

CB$.562 97.a

' F.72 CBS.566 E.37 FCF.152

c- FCF.405 l.b ,- CBS.94 FCF.430 CBS.S73

r-i. 17.b

~ 4.e CBS.604 CBS.1171 1111.90 21.c 7 .•

Fig. 2: Dendrograms (Dto F) showing the relatedness leveis among differem Candi da speeies, based on their respective dehydrogenases MLEE pattems and statistical treattnent with Simple Matching association coefficient (SsM) and UPGMA clustering method: D) IDH; E) LDH; F) MDH.


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0.6389 0.7292 0.8194 0.9097 1.00 ~

~ CBS.562 97.a F.72 CBS.1171 E.37 CBS.566

', I FCF.152

r- I l.b 7.a FCF.405 4.c 17.b

y 1M.90 CBS.604 21.C CBS.573 CBS.94 FCF.430

Fig. 3: Dendrogram G (ME) showing the relatedness leveis among different Candída species, based on their respective dehydrogenases MLEE patterns and statistical treatment with Simple Matching association coefficient (SSM) and UPGMA clustering method.

s .. , = 0.8357 ± 0.0905 I I

0.9881 o.6B..,;;o..;.o __ ...;..o._75.._7..;.o __ ...;..o • ..;.s3._,4.,;.o __ ...;..o • ..;.9..,;;11..;.1 __ ...;....;.o

CBS562 197o F72 E37 CBS566 1M90 CBS1171 Ler


.- I 17b I CBS604 I I 21c

?a FCF152

I r-- I

lb FCF405 4c CBS94

I • I I I I

I FCF430 I CBS573

0.6800 0.7570 0.8340 0.9111 0.9881





Phenon V

Phenon VI

Phenon VII




Fig. 4. Nonrooted relatedness dendrogram of Candida species grouped by the sum of all dehydrogenase systems and UPGMA algorithm


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Genus Candida includes a heterogeneous group of yeasts that has spec1es whose

teleomorph states are classified in different phyla as Basidiomycota, Ascomycota, or those that

do not have perfect state defined yet (20). Proceedings involving the evaluation of MLEE

pattems in Candida have supplied some useful information in epidemiological surveys, genetic

and physiological studies, and have shown the applicability o f such technique for the most varied

purposes when involving these yeasts. Among the wide range of enzyme classes, the

dehydrogenases, a sub-group of oxi-reductases, show the highest specificíty for their substrates

( 4), and probably the lowest capacíty for generatíng unspecific bands, that could act as either

electrophoretic or stain artifacts.

In figures I, 2, and 3 it can be observed that the enzymatic system which could group the

major part of strains in their respective species clusters was the IDH. Such fact has already been

pointed out by Lehmann et ai. (II) who also added that IDH and SDH solely distinguish species

and do not have any value in biotyping Candida isolates. In the present ínvestigation, we could

not obtain such band pattems for different repetitions of SDH band detection protocols (data not

shown). On the other hand, the system that furnished the worst grouping· was GDH, due to the

lack offormation ofbands in many strains.

As we have used different species of Candida, some of them anamorph of certain

Ascomycota presenting diverse allelic organization with few loci sharing among the OTUs, we

could not confidently assign genotypes to ali loci pattems, and the method employed to calculate

similarities between OTUs, generated by MLEE, was the treatment of such bands as phenotypic

characters as proposed by Meloní et ai. (I6). Símple Matching coefficíent was applíed in the

construction of ali dendrograms according to the proposition o f Sneath & Sokal (26).

The nonrooted dendrogram presented in Fig. 4 shows the sum of ali partia! dendrograms

in figures I, 2 and 3, where the compensation of each other was expected. Clusters were formed

from limítíng line deríved from the average of ali OTU's símílaríty with 0.8357 and standard

deviatíon of0.0905. Some straíns formed taxons oftheir own species (pure clusters) as phenons I

and IX, of different species (ímpure clusters) as phenons V and VI, and taxons composed from

one straín solely.


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According to this figure, dehydrogenases could group most of C. albicans strains in a

single phenon, with the exception of 17.b strain, that showed to be the least related. This fact was

also observed in previous assays involving SDS-P AGE of whole cell proteins for these strains

(9). These enzymes also grouped a!! strains of C. parapsilosis with strain 17.b of C. albicans.

Such aspect of impure cluster generated from MLEE was already observed by other authors as

following. Stout & Shaw (30) obtained the same behavior working with certain species of Mucor,

which were grouped based on MLEE polymorphism. Smith et a!. (25), characterizing groups of

different genera and species ofEnglish "stock beer'' yeasts Brettanomyces and Dekkera, obtained

a dendrogram in which some specimens could not be grouped with high similarity values in their

respective species-specific clusters and with interference of some strains in other clusters. Jones

& Noble (10) developed a classification system for dermatophytes based on MLEE comparisons

and obtained a dendrogram in which occurred the inclusion of isolates from certain species inner

taxons of other species or even genera. These last authors supported that this fact occurs when

only a few isolates of each species are studied.

Other groups of researchers have observed that extensive enzyme heterogeneity among

strains from Candida or other yeast species may occur, increasing the possibility of dividing sue h

specimens in various groups or clusters (3, 11, 12, 14, 17). Lehmann et a!. (13) related the

phenomenon of change in isoenzymatic patterns of C. albicans during its conservation in

laboratories, what could increase the apparent polymorphism. Pujol et a!. (20) found atypical

strains of C. albicans in AIDS patients, showing diverse allelic polymorphism. The same

investigators included few strains of C. tropicalis, C. glabrata and C. krusei in the survey

obtaining characteristic species-specific clusters. However, the fact that these species were added

with few specimens could have influenced the cluster' s organization.

In order to ensure whether or not UPGMA algorithm fits well the assemblance between

two OTUs in the dendrogram construction, a product-moment correlation coefficient was

computed between the elements SJK of the original similarity matrix S and cophenetic values

CJK of the matrix C derived from the dendrogram. This cophenetic correlation coefficient is a

measure of the agreement between similarity values implied by the dendrogram and those of the

original similarity matrix (28). This coefficient has a value of rcs = 0.89, that is comprehended

between 0.60 and 0.95 (23) or 0.74 and 0.90 (29), values considered as good, corroborating by


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this way, with the findings of Farris (6), who pointed out the fact that UPGMA algorithm will

always maximize rcs values.

In this work other similarity coefficients were tested (data not shown) in order to observe

if this event was repetitive, as Jaccard (81), Dice (SD) and the correlation coefficient based on

product-moment ofPearson (r), and this interference behavior was conserved on them. Also, ali

the strains employed were previously and independently classified up to species levei in two

different laboratories by means of chlamydospore and germ tube forrnation, fermentation and

assimilation of sugars, obtaining the same results. This evidence discards the possibility of bad

identification of the strains.

Based on the present observations, we could propose that the grouping of Candida species

based on MLEE for dehydrogenases is not efficient when involving few isolates from more than

one species, regarding such technique for surveys conducted with a single species of Candida, for

what, the MLEE resource has already proven to be a powerful systematical tool.


The authors are indebted to "Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do 'Estado de São Paulo"

and "Fundo de Apoio ao Ensino e Pesquisa-UNICAMP" for the financiai support given to this



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cultivation ofCandida from the oral cavity. Rev Microbiol28:79-84.

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characterization and grouping of Candida species by numerical analysis of protein profiles

obtained by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Rev. lberoamer. Mico!. 16:27-29.

10. Jones MG, Noble WC. 1982. An electrophoretic study of enzymes as a tool in the taxonomy

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12. Lehmann PF, Hsiao CB, Salkin IF. 1989. Proteins and electrophoresis profiles of selected

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13. Lehmann PF, Wu LC, Mackenzie DW. 1991. Isoenzyme changes in Candida albicans during

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Giardia from humans and felines. Am J Trop Med Hyg 38:65-73.


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17. Naumov GI, Naumova ES, Sniegowiski PD. 1997. Differentiation ofEuropean and far east

Asian populations of Saccharomyces paradoxus by allozyme analysis. Int J System Bact


18. Olsen I. 1990. Chemotaxonomy ofyeasts. Acta Odont Scand 48:19-25.

19. Porto E. 1980. Micologia do gênero Candida. Caracteres gerais e bases para sua classificação.

In: Lacaz CS. ed. Candidíases. São Paulo. EPU-EDUSP. p.1-26.

20. Pujol C, Renaud F, Mallie M, de Meeus T, Bastide JM. 1997. Atypical strains of Candida

albicans recovered from AIDS patients. J Med Vet Mycol35:115-121.

21. Pujol C, Reynes J, Renaud F, Raymond M, Tibayrenc M, Ayala FJ, Janbon F, Mallie M,

Bastide JM. 1993. The yeast Candida albicans has a clonal mode of reproduction in a

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22. Reynes J, Pujol C, Moreau C, Mallie M, Renaud F, Janbon F, Bastide JM. 1996.

Simultaneous carriage of Candida albicans strains from HIV-infected patients with oral

candidiasis: multilocus enzyme electrophoresis analysis. FEMS Microbiol Lert 137:269-273.

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29. Sokal RR, RohlfFJ. 1970 The intelligent ignoramus, an experiment in numerica1 taxonomy.

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30. Stout DL, Shaw CR. 1974. Genetic distance among certain species of Mucor. Mycologia


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NlCt\Mt' C]:;.~NTI\.1\ .

j\BL\Ül L• tl Protein Pattems of Candida. EAR Rosa et al.

c; EC~ O Analysis of Parity Between Protein-Based Electrophoretic Methods for the

Characterization of Oral Candida Species

EAR Rosa, RT Rosa, CV Pereira, MFG Boriollo, JF Hõfling +

Laboratório de Microbiologia e Imunologia, Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba, Unicamp.

Av. Limeira 901, 13414-900, Piracicaba, SP, Brasil

Electrophoretic studies of multilocus-enzymes (MLEE) and whole-cell protein (SDS­

p AGE) were carried out in order to evaluate the parity between different methods for the

characterization of five Candida species commonly isolated from oral cavity of humans by

numerical taxonomy methods. The obtained data revealed that sodium dodecyl sulfate

polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis is more efficient in grouping strains in their respective species

while MLEE has much limited resolution in organizing ali strains in their respective species­

specific clusters. MLEE technique must be regarded for surveys in which just one species of

Candida is involved.

Key words: polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - multilocus enzyme electrophoresis - Candida -

numerical analysis.

The yeasts pertaining to the genus Candida are found dispersed in different epitelial areas

of the body, including oral mucosa. In recent years, they have been given more attention due to

their involvement in a increasing number of cases of opportunist oral infections in patients with

Aids and those having immunosuppresive medication. Of epidemiological interest,

characterization procedures based on molecular fingerprints have been applied in order to

This work received financiai support from ~Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo" and "Fundo

de Apoio ao Ensino e Pesquisa, Unicamp''.

+ Correspondingauthor. Fax: +55 19 430 53!8. E-mail: hofling,'á

Received 1 October 1999


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estabiish possibie reiationships among Candida isoiates involved in oral infections (McCullough

et ai. I 996).

Different types of eiectrophoretic techniques have been used for the characterization or

typing of Candida including eiectrophoretic separation of chromosomes (Asakura et ai. I99I,

Monod et ai. 1990), DNA fragments (Scherer & Stevens 1987), multilocus-enzymes (Lehmann et

ai. 1989a, Pujoi et ai. I993, Reynes et ai. 1996), and whole-cell proteins (Shen et ai. 1988,

Vancanneyt et ai. 1991, 1992, Hõfling et ai. 1998). The two Iatter methods have been used

successfully for yeast characterization. The resulting electrophoretic profiies can be plotted into a

binary data matrix that, with computer-assisted support, produces comparative results expressed

as simiiarity or cophenetic correlation matrices or dendrograms (Kersters 1985).

In this experiment, we compare multiiocus-enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE) and

poiyacryiamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) for their ability to discriminate five Candida

species isolated from saliva of healthy subjects.


Candida strains - Representative strains of different Candida species isolated from human oral

cavity and identified by biochemical and physiologicai tests were obtained from the

Microbiology and Immunoiogy Laboratory, Dentistry College of São José dos Campos: C.

albicans (97.a, F.72, E.37, 17.b, CBS.562T), C. guilliermondii (FCF.405, FCF.152, CBS.566T),

C. parapsilosis (21.c, 7.a,CBS.604T), C. krusei (!M.90, 4.c, CBS.573T), C. tropicalis (l.b,

FCF.430, CBS.94T). The superscript T in CBS strains indicates that they are the respective type­

strains for each species. Saccharomyces cerevisiae type-strain (CBS.1171 T) was included as an

extra-generic organism (Costas et ai. 1989).

Cell cultivation and whole-cell protein extraction - Ali strains were grown in 50 mi of Y east

Peptone Dextrose medium (2% dextrose, 2% peptone, I% yeast extract) in a shaker table under

150 rpm, at 30"C, overnight. The cells were harvested by centrifugation at 2,000 g for 3 min and

the pellets were washed four times with cold sterile water in order to remove either culture

medium traces or extra-cellular metaboiites (Woontner & Jaehning 1990). The last washed pellets

were transferred to 2ml microcentrifuge tubes and acid-washed glass beads ( v/v) plus 200 Jll o f


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cold sterile water were added. Cells were lysed using a Mini-Bead Beater cell disrupter (Biospec)

at 4600 r.p.m., repeating four times of30 sec at 5-min intervals, and placed in an ice bath. After

cell disruption, the microcentrifuge tubes were centrifuged at 1 O, 000 g for 2 min, and the

supematant's protein concentration were determined according to Bradford (1976) and adjusted

to 80 11g/ml (Ames 1974). The MLEE supematants were applied on Whatman 3 filter paper

wicks of 5x12 mm (Selander et al. 1986), and for SDS-PAGE technique equal volumes of

supematant and loading buffer of Bruneau and Guinet (1989) (5mM Tris, 2.5% 2-

mercaptoethanol, 1.5% SDS, 0.025% bromophenol blue) were combined and heated in a boiling

water bath for 1 O min.

MLEE and specific-enzyme staíníng - The electrophoreses were carried out using hydrolyzed

com starch Penetrose 30 (Refinações de Milho Brasil) up to a final concentration of 13% (Vai et

ai. 1981) in 1:30 pH 8.0 Tris-citrate buffer (Selander et al. 1986, Caugant and Sandven 1993).

Electrophoreses were carried out at 4°C and 130 V until the bromphenol blue migration markers

had run at least 80 mm from application point. At this time, the electrophoresis was interrupted

and the gels were sliced with 1.2 mm thickness. The gel slices were revealed for enzyme active

band detection, according to Selander et al. ( 1986) protocols. Enzymatic systems assayed were:

alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH- E.C., lactate dehydrogenase (LDH- E.C.,

malate dehydrogenase (MDH- E.C., isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH- E.C.,

glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH- E.C., aspartate dehydrogenase (ASDH­

E.C. 1.4.3.x), glucose dehydrogenase (GDH- E.C., mannitol dehydrogenase (MADH­

E.C., sorbitol dehydrogenase (SDH - E.C., malic enzyme (ME - E.C., aconitase (ACO - E.C., catalase (CAT -E. C., superoxide dismutase

(SOD- E. C., glutamate-oxalacetatetransaminase (GOT- E. C., cr-esterase (EST

- E.C., 13-esterase (EST- E.C., leucine aminopeptidase (LAP - E.C.,

glucosil transferase (GTF- E. C., peroxidase (PO -E. C. e cr-amylase (cr-AM­


SDS-PAGE proteín analysís- SDS-PAGE protein profiles were obtained after electrophoresis of

50!ll of protein solution in polyacrylamide slab gel with sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) in a

discontinuous buffer system (Laemmli 1970) with 4.5% stacking gel and 12.5% running gel. The

electrophoresis was conduced at 125 volts in a cold chamber and the gels were stained with


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Coomassie blue G-250 0.25%. After destaining, the gels were scanned and the profiles of each

lane transferred to a densitometry interface in the SigmaGel software (Jandel software) where the

exact position ofthe protein peaks were determined.

Computing numerical data - Dendrograms for the different MLEE systems and SDS-PAGE were

generated by using the simple matching (SsM) association coefficient (Sokal and Michener 1958,

Sneath & Sokal 1973, Naumov et ai 1997), based on band positions calculated by the NTSYS

software package, version 1.70 (Applied Biostatistics, Inc.). For the present study, a SsM of 1.00

represents identical matches (i. e., ali the bands match), a SsM of 0.00 represents no matches, and

increasing intermediate values represent increasing proportions o f matched bands. Dendrograms,

represented by non-rooted trees, based on SsM values were generated by the unweighted pair­

group arithmetic average (UPGMA) clustering method (Rohlf 1963, Sneath and Sokal 1973,

Naumov et ai. 1997).


The application of UPGMA clustering produced two similarity dendrograms shown in

Figs I and 2, in which severa! clusters (phenons) could be distinguished. These clusters may be

defined by their average similarity values (SsM).

Phenons generated by SDS-P AGE

Phenon I: there is the S. cerevisiae type-strain CBS.l171 T

Phenon II: there are three strains ofC. kruseí, with SsM 2 0.872.

Phenon IIl: there are three strains of C. tropicalis, with SsM 2 0.897

Phenon IV: there are three strains of C. guílliermondii, with SsM 2 0.823

Phenon V: there are three strains ofC. parapsilosis, with SsM 2 0.833

Phenon VI: there are five strains ofC. albicans, with SsM 2 0.833

lnterspecific comparison by SDS-PAGE- Among ali the species, C. albicans (phenon VI) was

the most frequently isolated species and its cluster could be grouped to others with SsM = 0.513.

C. krusei (phenon II) showed some similarity with S. cerevisiae CBS 1171 with SsM =

0.692, and both could be isolated from others with SsM = 0.597.

C. guilliermondii (phenon IV) and C. parapsilosis ( cluster V) showed a value of SsM =

0.7749, and these two clusters could be grouped with C. tropicalis (phenon III) with SsM = 0.655.


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Reproducibility of SDS-PAGE pattems- The protein profiles of analyzed strains on different gels

were reproducible after three repetitions of each electrophoretic running. Protein extracts of S.

cerevisiae (CBS 1171) and molecular mass markers were applied in ali gels providing mean

values SsM = 0.853 and 1.000, respectively.

Enzymatic systems - The one-dimensional electrophoreses of protein extracts from 12 Candida

strains, their respective type-strains, and S. cerevisiae type-strain, showed that among twenty

assayed enzymes, five did not show any enzymatic activity (ASDH, MADH, SDH, GTF, and a-


Phenons generated by MLEE

Phenon I: there are four strains ofC. albicans (CBS.152T, 97.a, F.72, and E.37) with SsM

?: 0.898

Phenon Il: there are two strains of C. guilliermondii (FCF.152 and FCF.405) and one C.

tropicalis (l.b), with SsM?: 0.847

Phenon ill: there is the S. cerevisiae type-strain CBS.li71T

Phenon IV: there arethree strains ofC. parapsilosis (CBS.604T, 2l.c, and 7.a) and one C.

albicans strain (17.b), with SsM?: 0.845


Phenon V: there is a C. krusei strain (4.c)

Phenon VI: there is the C. guilliermondii type-strain CBS.566 T

Phenon VII: there are two strains of C. tropicalis (CBS.94T, and FCF.430), with SsM =

Phenon VIII: there is the strain 1M.90 ofC. krusei

Phenon IX: there is the C. krusei type-strain (CBS.573T)

Interspecific comparison by MLEE - Excluding phenon I, composed only by C. albicans, and

those in which only one strain were detected (phenons ill, V, VI, VIII, and IX), ali other clusters

had an impure composition with more than one species component.


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0.5132 0.6349 0.7566


SsM= 0.825 ± 0.139

0.8783 1.0000

' CBS1171

' ' 4c

' I CBS572 ' I ' ' 1M90 ' ' lb ' FCF430 ' ' '

CBS94 ' ' FCF152 I FCF405 !

' CBS566

' ' 21c ' ?a ' ' '

CBS604 ' ' F72 ' ' E37 ' ' '

97a ' ' I '

CBS562 l?b


Phenon II


Phenon IV

Phenon V

Phenon VI

Fig.l: non-rooted dendrogram of similarity among Candida strains grouped by simple matcbing associative coefficient and UPGMA algorithrn from sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis profiles.

SsM = 0.841 ± 0.091

0.6875 0.7622 0.8368 0.9115 0.9861

' CBS562 I I


97a Phenon I F72

E37 r-- I

I FCF152 Phenon II I I I

lb FCF405



ri CBS1171 Phenonll 17b CBS604 21c PhenoniV

' I ?a 11 I

rl__+----=== 4c PhenonV CBS566 Phenon VI CBS94 FCF430 Phenon VII

1M90 Pbenon VIII

CBS573 Phenon IX

Fig. 2: non-rooted dendrogram of similarity among Candida strains grouped by simple matching associative coefficient and UPGMA algorithrn from multilocus enzyme electrophoresis profiles.


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The analysis of electrophoretic profiles of proteins and multilocus-enzymes has allowed

the identification, classification of numerous strains, species and genera of yeasts (Baptist and

Kurtzman 1976, Okunishi et ai. 1979, Yamazaki and Komagata 1981, Maiden and Tanner 1991,

V ancanneyt et ai. 1991, 1992).

The reproducibility of electrophoretic profiles on different slab SDS-P AGE gels was

evaluated by the inclusion o f molecular mass markers, besides protein extract o f a organism from

a non-correlated genus (Costas et ai. 1989, Bruneau and Guinet 1989) and gave similarity

correlation values SsM = 0.853 for three repetitions of S. cerevisiae and SsM = 1.000 for three

repetitions of molecular mass markers. These values are in agreement with the minimum

acceptable proposed by Sneath and Johnson (1972) that was 0.800. The data obtained from

grouping of Candida strains based on their electrophoretic profiles showed high levei of

agreement with the inter-specific classification established by conventional methods. Moreover,

the isolates of each species showed identical or very similar profiles when compared. This fact

suggests that these protein profiles obtained by SDS-P AGE are relatively stable taxonomic


As shown in Fig. 1, the use of type-strains allowed the identification of clusters at the

species levei, since the Candida isolates were grouped with their respective type-strains. With

regard to cluster compositions, the SDS-P AGE technique ailowed the organization of ali isolates

in distinct clusters, with similarity coefficients SsM ~ 0.833 for C. albicans, SsM ~ 0.833 for C.

parapsilosís, SsM ~ 0.823 for C. guilliermondii, SsM ~ 0.897 for C tropicalis, and SsM ~ 0.872

for C. krusei.

Shechter et ai. (1972), using non-denatured acid and basic protein electrophoresis and

association coefficient of Jaccard (SJ), that excludes negative matches, obtained a phenogram in

which the species C albicans, C. krusei and C. parapsilosis combined among them with 40% of

similarity. The species C. guilliermondii clustered to this group with 32% and C. parapsilosis

was the last one to group, with approximately 25% of similarity. This behavior, different from

that found in our research, is due to the fact that non-denatured proteins migrate through the gel

according to their molecular mass, structural conformation and net charge. In contrast, SDS

denatured proteins migrate according to molecular mass oniy. As molecular mass is more


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conserved than net charge, electrophoretic profiles based on this criterion should, in theory,

detect better taxonomic relationships (Kersters I9S5).

The systernatic proximity between C krnsei and S. cerevisiae (SsM = 0.692) assessed by

SDS-PAGE technique was also observed by Barns et al. (I99I) in their analyses based on

phylogenetic analysis of ISS ribosomal sub-units RNA genes. Hendricks et al. (I9S9) support

that Candida and Saccharomyces should have a close phylogenetic relationship, detectable by

ISS rRNA sequence analysis.

According to Fig. 2, the MLEE technique grouped most C. albicans strains into a single

phenon, except for I7.b strain that was shown to be the less related. These enzymes were able to

group ali strains of C. parapsilosis with strain I7.b of C. albicans. Such aspect of multispecific

cluster generated from MLEE was already observed by Smith et al. (1990), that characterizing

different species of Brettanomyces and Dekkera, obtained a phenogram in which some strains

could not be grouped with high similarity values in their respective species-specific clusters and

with interference of some strains in other clusters. Jones and Noble (I9S2) established

electrophoretic comparisons among species of dermatophytes based on MLEE technique showing

the inclusion of isolates from certain species inner taxa of other species ór even of other genera.

These authors pointed out that this fact may occur when only a few isolates of each species are

included in the surveys. Boerlin et ai. (I995) used I6 enzymatic systems for characterizing 2I

genetically atypical strains of chlamydospore-forming and germ tube-positive C albicans

recovered from human immunodeficiency virus-positive drug users, and demonstrated that some

of these strains were grouped in different clusters, showing high diversity on allelic cornposition.

Extensive enzyme heterogeneity arnong Candida or other yeast genera had already been

observed by other groups of researchers that pointed out that it rnay occur increasing the

possibility of distributing such specirnens in various groups or clusters (Lehrnann et al. I9S9a,

I9S9b, Caugant & Sandven 1993, Naumov et al. I997). Lehmann et al. (199I) related the

phenomenon of isoenzyrnatic pattems changing of C. albicans during its conservation in

laboratories, what could increase the apparent polymorphism. Pujol et al. ( I997) found atypical

strains of C. albicans in Aids patients, showing diverse allelic polyrnorphism.

When comparing the results assessed by SDS-PAGE and MLEE, it can easily be seen that

the first one is more useful for grouping isolates in their respective species, maybe due to the


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expression of species-specific bands while the second one perhaps better explores the variabi1ity

at a sub-specific levei, being useful for ana1yses of genetic po1ymorphism among strains of a

certain Candida species.

In order to ensure whether or not the UPGMA algorithm assesses resemblance between

two OTUs in the dendrogram constructions, a product-moment correlation coefficient was

computed between the elements SJK ofthe original similarity matrix S and cophenetic values CJK

of the rnatrix C derived from the dendrogram. The cophenetic correlation coefficient is a measure

of the agreement between similarity values implied by the dendrogram and those of the original

similarity matrix (Sokal and Rohlf 1962). These coefficient had values rcs = 0.928 for SDS­

PAGE and rcs = 0.932 for MLEE, that range between 0.60 and 0.95 (Sneath and Sokal 1973) or

higher than 0.90 (Sokal and Rohlf 1970), considered acceptable, corroborating by this way, with

the finds ofFarris (1969), that pointed out the fact that UPGMA a1gorithm always maximizes rcs


The protein profile analysis by SDS-P AGE improves the know1edge about the taxonomic

relationships among oral yeasts. This method shows good reproducibi1ity and al1ows collection of

usefu1 information for numerical analysis. This methodo1ogy brings re1evant information in

systematic eva1uation of related species. W e propose that the grouping of Candida species by

MLEE pattems from the assayed enzymes is not efficient when only based on a few isolates from

more than one species, regarding such resource for surveys conduced with a single species of

Candida, for what, the MLEE technique had already proved to be a useful method for systematic

or epidemiological purposes.


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Laboratório de Microbiologia e Imunologia, Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba,

Universidade Estadual de Campinas.

Correspondence to Prof Dr. J. F. Hõfling: Avenida Limeira 901, CEP 13414-900, Piracicaba,

SP, Brazil.

Fax: +55 19 430 5218;

Email: [email protected]

Rnnning title: Genetic variability of oral Candida


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In this research, strains of five different Candida species (C. albicans, C. guilliermondii,

C. tropicalis, C. krusei, and C. parapsilosis) isolated from healthy human oral cavities as well as

their respective type-strains were used in order to establish the genetic diversity existing among

the different species and within a certain species, by the analysis of their electrophoretic

alloenzyme pattems. These profiles were analyzed for their band positions in the gels, what

allowed to group the strains of a same species in species-specific clusters and to treat them as

conspecific populations. A total ofthirteen enzymatic Ioci were obtained (ACO, ADHI, ADH2,

CAT, G6PDH, GDH, GOT, IDHI, IDH2, LAP, LDH, PER, and SOD). The allelic frequencies

(p) and the heterozygosity (h) for ali the thirteen Ioci were determined and diversity index

formulas. The GsT index is the estimated proportion of genetic diversity that was applied in order

to establish inter and infra populational diversity, what, for our results, indicated that 37.75% o f

total genetic diversity was attributable to differences among the species and the remaining

62.25% was attributable to differences within these populations. An Euclidian distance

dendrogram for the different conspecific populations was built, showing that C. guilliermondii

grouped first with C. tropicalis that formed a expanded cluster with C. · albicans. This cluster

combined !ater with another one composed by C. parapsilosis and C. krusei. Comparing our

results to the others that were obtained by different molecular techniques, we have observed that

the clustering hierarchies follow different paths of organization, varying according to the

methodology employed.

KEY WORDS: Candida spp, genetic variability, MLEE


En esta investigación, lineages de cmco espec1es de Candida (C. albicans, C.

guilliermondii, C. tropicalis, C. krusei, y C. parapsilosis) aisladas de las cavidades orales

humanas de personas saludables así como sus respectivos lineages-tipo fueron usados para

establecer la diversidad genética que existe entre Ias diferentes especies y dentro de una miesma

especie, por e! análisis de sus perfiles de aloenzimas. Estos perfiles se analizaron según suas

posiciones en los geles, lo que permitió agruparse Ias lineages de una misma especie en gupos

especie-específicos y tratarlos como poblaciones conspecificas. Un total de trece loci enzimáticos


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fue obtenido (ACO, ADH1, ADH2, CAT, G6PDH, GDH, GOT, IDH1, IDH2, LAP, LDH, PER,

y SOD). Las frecuencias allelicas (p) y la heterocigosidad (h) para todos los trece loci fueram

determinados per fórmulas de índice de diversidad. El índice de GsT es la proporción estimada de

diversidad genética que fue aplicada para establecer los grados de diversidad inter y

infrapoblacional, que para nuestros resultados, indicó que 37.75% de diversidad genética total

eran atribuibles a las diferencias entre las especies y 62.25% era atribuible a las diferencias

dentro de estas poblaciones. Un dendrograma de distancias Euclidianas para las poblaciones

conspecificas fue construido y muestra que C. guilliermondii se agrupó primero con C. tropicalis

que formó un grupo extendido con C. aibicans. Este grupo combinó después con otro compuesto

por C. parapsilosis y C. krusei. Comparando nuestros resultados a los otros que fueron obtenidos

por técnicas moleculares diferentes, nosotros hemos observado que las jerarquias de agrupamento

siguen caminos diferentes de organización y varían según la metodologia empleada.

P ALABLAS-CLA VE: Candida aibicans, diversidad genética, MLEE


The fungí of Candida genus are the most commonly eukaryotic mlcroorganism found on

human oral cavity, standing or not involved with oral diseases [18]. Severa! workers have

compared the different species of Candida in order to determine their evolutionary relationships

[1] and systematic implications [11]. These articles and others [20, 23, 6, 3, 12, 2, 25,26] also

pointed out the applicability of molecular techniques based on protein or nucleic acids for the

identification of yeast species and establishment of similarities or correlation among clinicai or

environmental isolates of a certain species of Candida what can be employed in epidemiological

or ecologícal surveys. Among the molecular techniques based on protein polymorphism, the

multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE) is a resource that can be applied in studies involving

either characterization of isolates or assignment of yeast genotypes.

The MLEE allowed LEHMANN et ai. [13] to characterize C. aibicans, C. stellatoidea, C.

tropicalis and C. paratropicalis, isolated from severa! infectious focuses. LEHMANN et ai. [14]

made the numerical analysis of the same isolates grouping them in two larger clusters: A) C.

aibicans-C. steilatoidea I and II, and B) C. tropicalis-C. paratropicalis. CAUGANT &

SANDVEN [4], working with 98 isolates of C. aibicans could observe the enzymatic


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polymorphism on that yeast population. Other researchers also published papers concerning to

the classification of Candida species and of yeasts from another genera through the analysis of

multilocus-enzyme electrophoresis [15, 16, 27, 6, 12, 2, 28, 25, 26].

In this research, collections of isolates belonging to the same species were jointed together

and treated as conspecific populations and the diversity and genetic distance among them were



Candida strains: Representative strains of different Candida species isolated from human

oral cavity and identified by biochemical and physiological tests, were obtained from

Microbiology and Immunology Laboratory, Dentistry College of São José dos Campos: C.

albicans (97.a, F.72, E.37, 17.b, CBS.562T), C. guilliermondii (FCF.405, FCF.152, CBS.566T),

C. parapsilosis (2l.c, 7.a,CBS.604T), C. krusei (1M.90, 4.c, CBS.573 T), C. tropicalis (l.b,

FCF.430, CBS.94T). The over-scripted capitalletters T in CBS strains implicate that them are the

respective type-strains o f such species.

Cells cultivation and enzyme extraction: Ali the strains were gfown in 50mL of YPD

medium (2% dextrose, 2% peptone, 1% yeast extract) in a shaker table under 150rpm, at 30"C,

overnight. The cells were harvested by centrifugation at 2000xg for 3 minutes and the pellets

were washed 4 times with cold sterile water in order to avoid neither culture medium traces nor

extra-cellular metabolites [ 42]. The last washed pellets were transferred to microcentrifuge tubes

of 2mL, and added of acid-washed glass beads (v/v) plus 200~ of cold sterile water. The tubes

were adapted in a Mini-Bead Beater cell disrupter (BIOSPEC, Inc.), where the cell lysis were

processed at 4600rpm, 4 times o f 30 seconds, with intervals o f 5 minutes, when the samples were

conditioned in an ice bath. After cell disruption, the microcentrifuge tubes were centrifuged at

1 OOOOxg for 2 minutes, and the supematants were app1ied on Whatman 3 filter paper wicks of

5x12mm and kept at -70"C [31].

Starch gel electrophoresis: The e1ectrophoreses were carried out using hydrolyzed com

starch Penetrose 30 (Refinações de Milho Brasil) up to final concentration of 13% [39] in 1:30

pH8.0 Tris-citrate buffer, with vigorous agitation on a Bunsen burner. The forrned gels were

poured in perplex casting moulds (200x120x10mm), and let over bench at room temperature until


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complete solidification, when they were cut on their longitudinal dimensions at 2. Sem from one

border. The smaller parts were separated and the wicks were applied on the cut. Wicks with 0.2%

bromophenol blue were applied in both extremities of the cuts for migrating indication. After

jointed the parts, cotton cloth bridges were done connecting the gels to electrode tanks with

pH8.0 Tris-citrate buffer [31, 4]. Electrophoreses were carried out at 4°C and 130V until the

migration markers run through at least 80mm from application point. At this time, the

electrophoreses were interrupted and the gels were sliced with 1.2mm thickness.

Bands revelation: The gel slices were revealed for enzyme active bands detection,

according to SELANDER et ai. [31] protocols. Enzymatic systems assayed were alcohol

dehydrogenase (ADH), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH), glucose-

6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH), glucose dehydrogenase (GDH), aconitase (ACO), catalase

(CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutamate-oxalacetate transaminase (GOT), leucine

aminopeptidase (LAP), peroxidase (PER). Values ofrelative mobility (Rm) for each band were

determined dividing the migrating band values by the bromophenol blue dye distalline.

Diversity and genetic distance determination: Isolates belonging to the same species

were jointed together and treated as conspecific populations. Allelic frequéncies for ali loci were

determined and applied in formulas of diversity index [23] where HT is the total diversity of a

certain species for one locus, Hs is the diversity component within the populations, DsT is the

diversity component between two populations, and GsT is the estimated proportion of genetic

diversity attributed to the diversity component between two populations. The genetic distances

among different Candida species were assessed by ROGERS' distance [29] with allelic

frequencies, by the formula:

where Pn and P;y are the frequencies of allele i at the locus j in the populations X and Y

respectively, L is the number of examined loci, andA is the number of alleles at the locus j. A

distance matrix anda distance dendrogram were built following the protocols ofDIAS [5].


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A total of thirteen enzyme loci could be assessed after gel revelations and they were

organized in the Table 01. The loci denominated as null were those where none electrophoretic

band could be assigned.

Table 01: Genotypes of Candida species assessed by alloenzyme electrophoresis



CBS.562 aa bc CC aa bc aa CC aa null aa ac ab ab 97.a bb bb CC aa CC null bc aa null aa ac ab ab F.72 bb bb null aa CC null bc aa null aa ac aa ab 17.b CC null ac ab CC CC bb null aa CC bc CC ab E.37 bb bb null aa CC null bc aa null bb ac ab bb

CBS.566 bb CC null bb CC bb bb bb CC CC ab aa CC

FCF.lSZ bb CC null aa CC null CC bb bb bb ac ab bb FCF.405 CC CC ac ab CC CC bb bb bb bb bc aa bb CBS.S73 CC ac null bb bb ac aa aa CC CC bb aa bb

1M.90 CC bc null CC aa bb bb aa CC bb bc CC null 4.c CC null bc bb CC CC bb nul1 bb CC bc CC ab

CBS.94 bb CC bb CC CC null CC bc null bb bb ab aa l.b bb CC null aa bc null bc bb null bb ac ab bb

FCF.430 bb CC ac CC CC null bc bc null bb bb aa ab CBS.604 CC null ab bb CC CC bb null aa CC bc bb ab

21.c CC null ab bb CC CC bb null aa CC bc bb ab 7.a CC null bb bb CC null bb null aa CC bc null ab

The genotypes allowed the determination o f allelic frequencies and heterozygosis for each

loci in ali species (Table 02). From these data, HT, Hs, DsT, GsT values could be calculated (Table

03). The mean GsT value for ali species was 0.3775, what implies in 37.75% of total genetic

variability attributable to differences among the five species, and 62.25% of total genetic

variability attributable to differences within such populations.

The genetic distances (D) among the Candida species were assessed by ROGERS'

distance method, what generated the dendrogram showed in Figure OI. In such dendrogram it can

be observed that C. guilliermondií grouped first to C. tropicalis and these two species formed a

expanded cluster with C. albicans. Other cluster was formed by the grouping of C. parapsilosis

and C. krusei.


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Table 02: ADelic frequency and heterozygosis of some Candida isoenzymes

C.albicans c. guilúomondü C Ta-usei C. tropicalis C parapsiJI.Jsis

loci p(a) p(b) p(c) H p(a) p(b) p(c) H p(a) p(b) p(c) H p(a) p(b) p(c) H p(a) p(b) p(c) H

ACO 0.20 0.60 0.20 0.56 0.00 0.66 0.33 0.45 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 ADHl 0.00 0.87 0.12 0.23 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.62 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 ADH2 0.16 0.00 0.83 0.28 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.25 0.50 0.25 0.62 0.33 0.66 0.00 0.45 CAT 0.90 0.10 0.00 0.18 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.66 0.33 0.45 0.33 0.00 0.66 0.45 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00

G6PDH 0.00 0.10 0.90 0.18 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.67 0.00 0.16 0.83 0.28 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 GDH GOT !DHl IDH2 LAP LDH PER SOD

0.50 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.50 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.60 0.20 0.20 0.40 0.10 0.50 0.50 0.30 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.00


0.50 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.16 0.33 0.50 0.61 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.66 0.33 0.45 0.33 0.66 0.00 0.45 0.00 0.33 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.66 0.00 0.00 0.66 0.33 0.45 0.00 0.33 0.66 0.45 0.00 0.00 0.56 0.00 0.66 0.33 0.45 0.00 0.33 0.66 0.45 0.00 1.00 0.58 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.67 0.00 0.66 0.33 0.45 0.16 0.66 0.62 0.83 0.16 0.00 0.28 0.33 0.00 0.66 0.45 0.66 0.33 0.48 0.00 0.66 0.33 0.45 0.25 0.75 0.00 0.37 0.50 0.50

Table 03: H r, H., Dsr and Gsr values of diversity


ACO 0.5563 0.2450 0.3Hl3 ADHl 0.6810 0.3555 0.3268 ADHZ 0.6418 0.4514 0.1904 CAT 0.8318 0.3018 0.3301

G6PDH 0.3089 0.=4 0.0648 GDH 0.6978 0.5205 o. 1m GOT 0.5152 0.3879 0.1273 IDHl 0.6893 0.2568 0.4326 IDHZ 0.7175 0.3371 0.3804 LAP 0.8327 0.3253 0.3074 LDH 0.6468 0.5486 0.0982 PER 0.8267 0.3934 0.2333 SOD 0.5201 0.4641 0.0580

Gst {average2


-C albicans

- C parapsilosis 0.1554

C krusei -


0.5588 0.4780 0.2967 0.5224 0.2755 0.2541 0.2470 0.8275 0.5302 0.4568 0.1518 0.3723 0.1076

= 0.3775

0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.66 0.45 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.16 0.51 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.45 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.50

- C guilliermondii 0.1364

_ C tropicalis

Figure 01: Dendrogram of genetic (Euclidian) distances based on the overall of allelic frequencies, assessed by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis.


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Severa! research groups have been published papers about Candída population genetics

and phylogenetic relationship arnong its species [34, 35; 9, 13, 14, 17, 15, I, 11]. Multilocus

enzyme electrophoresis is a resource that have been employed on studies involving either

characterization of organisms [43, 19, 20, 10] or genetic structure of populations of

microorganisms [32, 33, 3, 21, 22].

The genotypes presented on Table 01 show a great number of nullloci dueto the absence

of enzymatic bands on the respective Rm values. In most of cases, this fact occurred in a

randomly manner showing be a strain-specific characteristic, but in a small number of cases this

absence of bands happened in all members of a certain species, in a species-specific way. The

GsT mean value (Table 03) obtained from ali enzyme Ioci is the ratio of genetic diversity ofNEI

[23], which for our results indicates that 37.75% of total genetic variability is attributable to

differences arnong the species and 62.25% to differences within the different species. This

relative Iow mean value for inter-specific polymorphism had probably occurred due to the fact

that most of these species has unknown sexual reaction, that limits the possibility of speciation.

HAMRICK [7], working with plants, noticed some phenomena in which séxual barriers induce to

a Iess genetic differentiation.

The relative bigger mean value for conspecific polymorphism found in our experiments,

perhaps is resulting from cryptic speciation (38], diploid genome [24, 40, 30], heterozygosity by

either aneuploidy or gene duplication [30, 27], mitotic recombination [ 41], and phenotypic

instability [36]. LEHMANN et al. [13] pointed out that their results, after MLEE analysis,

indicated that extensive heterogeneity exists in strains of C. albícans.

The genetic relationships among different species of Candida were established using the

ROGERS' distance [29], dueto the fact that Euclidian distance (more commonly employed) has

minimum value as zero (when populations have the same allelic frequencies) and maximum as

two (when populations "fix" different alleles), we applied the formula of ROGERS [29] that

corrects the D values distribution letting them at the interval 0.0 s:: D s:: 1.0 [5]. Figure 01 shows a

dendrogram with ROGERS' distances values for the different conspecific populations, where C.

guilliermondii was grouped with C. tropicalis followed by C. albicans. In other cluster, C.

parapsilosis and C. krusei formed a separated group. Using the same species and different


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techniques, different authors obtained dendrograms whose clustering ordination were very

dissimilar. SHECHTER et ai. [34] separated acidic and basic proteins by disc polyacrylamide gel

electrophoresis and after numerical analysis with Jaccard's similarity coefficient obtained a

dendrogram with the following grouping sequence: C. albicans - C. stellatoidea, C.

pseudotropicalis, C. krusei, C. parapsilosis, C. guilliermondii, and C. tropicalis. In 1991,

BARNS et ai. [1] established the evolutionary relationships among severa! pathogenic Candida

species and other yeasts by the polymorphism of small subunit rRNA sequences, their results

showed that C. albicans, C. tropicalis, C. parapsilosis, and C. viswanathii form a subgroup

within the genus while C. guilliermondii, C. lusitaniae, C. kefir, C. glabrata, and C. krusei form

clusters in other cladogram branchs. More recently, HÚFLING et ai. [11] obtained, by SDS­

PAGE and Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, a dendrogram in with the following

clustering sequence: C guilliermondii, C. parapsilosis, C. tropicalís, C. kruseí, and C. albicans.

We could deduce from the comparison of these different results and ours, that hierarchical

schemes of species grouping vary according to molecular marker and coefficient employed.


The authors are indebted to "Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo"

and "Fundo de Apoio ao Ensino e Pesquisa-UNICAMP" by the financiai support given to this



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Clonal variability among oral Candida albicans assessed by allozyme

electrophoresis analysis

Mata, A.L. 1; Rosa, R T2

; Rosa, E. AR 2; Gonçalves, R.B. 2; and Hõfling, J.F 2 •

1 Environmental Microbiology Laboratory, Vigo University, Spain 2 Microbiology and Immunology Laboratory, State University ofCampinas, Brazil

Short title: Clonal diversity of oral Candída albícans


A total of forty-nine Candída albícans strains were isolated from eleven healthy

children's saliva in Piracicaba, Brazil, and were analyzed according to their alloenzymatic

pattems. Among eight loci assayed, seven were polymorphic and allowed to determine allelic and

genotype frequencies, in order to establish the genetic variables for this fungai population. Some

children showed just one genetic type whereas other harbored two or more clones of such yeast,

in a multiclonal manner of colonization by Candída albícans.

Key-words: Candída albicans, oral colonization, clonality pattems.

Correspondence to: Dr. José F. Hõfling

Piracicaba Dental School, Microbiology and Immunology Laboratory.

Av. Limeira 901. CP 52

CEP 13414-900 Piracicaba, SP



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Among the eukaryotic microorganisms colonizing the oral mucosa, Candida albicans

(Robin) Berkhout (1923) is the most commonly found (1, 5), being or not associated to oral

pathologies (9). It is known that during human immunodeficiency vírus infection one or more

than one genetic type of such yeast can be isolated from oropharynx of a certain patient (11, 15,

16, 17). Some authors have described the occurrence of multiple Candida albicans and other

Candida non-albicans strains colonizing the same individual or the same anatomical region, other

than the oral cavity (6, 10, 19, 22).

MERZ et ai. (12) observed that electrophoretic karyotyping of Candida albicans clinicai

isolates assessed by orthogonal-field-altemation gel electrophoresis (OF AGE), for a certain

subject, were likely to have identical electrophoretic pattems, even though this resource can be

used to designate a strain for epidemiologic studies. According to BOERLIN et ai. (3), neither of

typing methods based on restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis with DNA probes,

electrophoretic karyotyping, nor random amplification of polymorphic DNA are recognized as a

standard for the delineation of genomic groups, and none has been clearly demonstrated to

correlate with classical methods used in taxonomy and phylogeny reconstmction.

The lack of information about uni!multiclonal partem of oral Candida albicans

colonization in healthy children drove us to the development of this experimental work. We

employed the MLEE technique in order to determine how genetically variable this yeast is, in

such population.


Candida albicans samples: A group of eleven children (8-10 year-old) belonging to five

different socioeconomic categories was taken for the presenting study. A1l of them presented

systemic health, assessed by a prior physician examination, DMFT index lesser than 5, and no

suggestive indicia of active candidosis, althought, it was possible to isolate Candida cells from

their saliva. None ofthe subjects was taking antibiotics or any other medication at the time ofthe

saliva collection. Non-stímulated whole-saliva was sampled, maintained in ice (maximum 60

minutes), diluted in sterile saline solution to 10·1, dispersed over Sabouraud-Chloramphenycol

Agar plates (100IJL) and let at 30°C. After 48 hours, ten characteristic Candida colonies were


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chosen from each plate, according to their colony differences (19). A total of forty-nine (mean = 4.45±1.21 colonies/subject) chlamydospore positive, germ-tube forming and C. albicans

characteristic fermenting/assimilating sugar strains were obtained from the 110 selected colonies.

The rernaining 61 colonies were identified as other Candida spp and were not included in this


Cell cultivation and protein extraction: Ali the strains were grown in 50mL of YPD

medium (2% dextrose, 2% peptone, 1% yeast extract ), at 30°C, overnight, in a shaker table under

150rpm of orbital rotation. The cells were harvested by centrifugation of total culture medium

volume at 2000g for 3 rnin and the pellets were washed 4 times with cold sterile water to ensure

complete remova! of culture medium traces or extra-cellular metabolites (23). The last washed

pellets were transferred to 2mL microcentrifuge tubes, and equal amounts of acid-washed glass

beads and 200J.1L of cold sterile water were added. The tubes were adapted in a Mini-Bead Beater

cell disrupter (Biospec, Inc.), where the celllysis was conducted at 4600rpm, 4 times of30s, with

5 rninutes intervals, when the samples were conditioned in an ice bath. After cell disruption, the

microcentrifuge tubes were centrifuged at 1 OOOOg for 2min, and the supernatants were applied on

Whatman 3 filter paper wicks of 5xl2mm. These wicks were maintained ai -70°C until use.

Starch gel electrophoresis: The electrophoreses were carried out, using a hydrolyzed

com starch (21) up to a final concentration of 13% in 1:30 pH8.0 Tris-citrate buffer, with

vigorous agitation on a Bunsen burner. The formed gels were poured in perplex casting moulds

(200xl20x10 mm), and let over bench at room temperature until complete solidification, when

they were cut on their longitudinal dimensions at 2.5cm from one border. The smaller parts were

separated and the wicks were applied on the cut. Wicks with 0.2% bromophenol blue were

applied in both extrernities of the cuts for rnigrating indication. After jointed the parts, cotton

cloth bridges were placed connecting the gels to electrode tanks with pH8.0 Tris-citrate buffer (4,

18). Electrophoreses were carried out at 4°C and 130V until the migration markers run through at

least 80 mm from application point. At this time, the electrophoreses were interrupted and the

gels were sliced on their high in slices with l.2mm thickness.

Specific enzyme staining: The gel slices were submitted to some protocols to reveal the

dehydrogenase active bands, according to SELANDER et al. (18). Enzymatic systems assayed

were: alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH - E.C., malate dehydrogenase (MDH - E.C.


Page 107: UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DE · 2018. 7. 27. · universidade estadual de campinas faculdade de odontologia de piracicaba, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH- E. C., leucine aminopeptidase

(LAP- E.C., and peroxidase (PO- E. C. the bands on the gels were numbered

in order of decreasing mobility, and the corresponding alleles were numbered by using the same

nomenclature. Lack of demonstrable activity for an enzyme was scored as two null alleles at the

corresponding gene locus (3). Each unique combination of alleles over the 8 enzyme loci

examined was considered as an electromorph type (ET).

Allele and genotype frequencies and heterozygosity determination: Allelic

frequencies for each enzyme (p) locus were calculated (2), where pl, p2, p3, and p4 derive from

the times when such allele appears divided by the sum of ali alleles at that locus. Observed and

expected genotype frequencies were determined according to CAUGANT & SANDVEN (4).

Heterozygosity (h) for these loci was determined as proposed by NEI (13) following the formula

h = 1- 2: x? , where X; is the frequency o f each aliei e in a certain locus.


For the collection of 49 saliva isolates sampled on this survey, 7 (87.5%) ofthe 8 enzyme

loci (PO, LAP, ADH2, MDHI, MDH2, MDH3, and G6PDH) were polymôrphic for two or more

alleles. ADHI locus was monomorphic with only one allele prevailing. Heterozygotes at the LAP

and PO loci showed two bands (monomeric enzyme) while G6PDH, MDHI, MDH2, and MDH3

loci showed 3 bands (dimeric enzyme). Both ADHI and ADH2 loci only showed homozygous

behavior. The assigned genotypes of ali strains involved in this survey were scored (3) and

expressed in table O 1.

According to these genotypes, its possible to observe that individuais I, VII, VIII, IX, X

and XI showed just one clone occurring on saliva, while the other patients showed two or more

distinct genetic variants, as follows: III and VI (2 clones), IV and V ( 4 clones), and II ( 6 clones).


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Table 01. Assil!)led genotypes of 49 C. albú:ans isolates Patient Strains Enzyme loci

PO LAP ADHI ADH2 MDHI MDH2 MDH3 G6PDH I A5 112 111 111 I/I 111 I/I 2/2

A9 112 111 111 I/I l/1 l/1 2/2 All l/2 1/1 111 1/1 l/1 111 2/2 A14 l/2 1/1 111 1/1 l/1 111 2/2 A19 1/2 111 111 111 111 111 2/2

II A40 2/2 111 111 212 2/3 2/2 2/3 2/2 A41 l/1 3/3 111 1/1 2/3 2/2 2/3 2/2 A42 l/2 3/3 111 111 2/3 2/2 112 2/2 A43 112 1/2 1/1 2/2 2/3 2/2 2/3 2/2 A44 2/2 111 2/2 2/3 2/2 2/3 2/2 A45 1/2 2/2 111 1/1 2/3 2/2 2/2 2/2 A46 l/2 2/2 111 1/1 2/3 2/2 2/2 2/2

III B3 112 111 111 111 l/1 111 212 B4 l/2 l/1 l/1 1/1 1/1 l/1 2/2 B7 l/2 1/1 l/1 l/1 1/1 111 2/2 B8 112 l/1 1/1 111 l/1 1/1 2/2 B9 l/2 l/2 l/1 l/1 l/1 l/1 2/2

IV CIO 1/2 l/2 l/1 1/2 l/2 2/2 C13 1/2 111 111 1/1 2/2 111 2/3 C15 111 l/1 111 1/1 1/1 1/1 2/3 C43 l/2 111 1/1 111 2/2 111 3/3 C48 l/2 111 l/1 l/1 2/2 1/1 3/3

v C34 112 111 111 l/1 2/2 1/l 2/3 C35 l/2 l/1 l/1 1/1 1/1 1/l 2/3 C36 l/1 l/1 1/1 l/1 1/l 2/3 C38 l/2 l/1 l/1 l/1 111 l/1 2/3 C41 2/2 111 1/1 111 l/1 1/1 2/3

VI D28 l/2 111 111 111 1/1 l/1 111 D29 l/2 1/1 1/1 1/1 111 111 1/1 D30 1/2 l/1 111 111 111 l/1 111 D31 111 l/1 l/1 2/2 l/2 2/3 2/2

VII D2 2/2 4/4 1/1 2/2 l/1 212 111 D32 2/2 4/4 1/1 2/2 1/1 2/2 111 D33 2/2 4/4 1/1 2/2 l/1 2/2 1/1 D34 2/2 4/4 111 2/2 111 2/2 111 D35 2/2 4/4 111 2/2 111 2/2 111

VIII Dl2 2/2 4/4 111 2/2 111 2/2 1/1 D15 2/2 4/4 l/1 2/2 111 2/2 1/1 D16 2/2 4/4 111 2/2 111 2/2 111 D37 2/2 4/4 1/1 2/2 111 2/2 1/1

IX E2 l/2 212 111 2/2 2/2 1/3 3/3 E32 l/2 2/2 1/1 2/2 2/2 l/3 3/3 E33 112 2/2 1/1 2/2 2/2 l/3 3/3

X E43 112 111 111 212 111 2/2 2/2 E45 112 111 1/1 2/2 111 2/2 2/2 E46 l/2 l/1 1/1 2/2 111 2/2 2/2

XI E20 l/2 l/1 111 2/2 111 113 2/2 E 54 l/2 l/1 111 2/2 1/1 l/3 2/2 E 55 1/2 l/1 l/1 2/2 111 113 2/2

(-) null allele (absence of any enzymatic band)


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Table 02 shows the allelic frequencies and heterozygosity for the different assayed loci,

ranged between 0.421 and 0.582. The mean heterozygosity found among polymorphic loci was


Table 02. Allelic freguencies and heterozy~ozity iu enzyme loci loci p(1) p(2) P(3) p(4) H PO 0.415 0.585 o o 0.485

LAP 0.622 0.155 0.040 0.183 0.555 ADH1 1.000 o o o o ADH2 0.500 0.500 o o 0.500 MDH1 0.469 0.459 0.072 o 0.573 MDH2 0.698 0.302 o o 0.421 MDH3 0.523 0.362 0.115 o 0.582 G6PDH 0.246 0.581 0.173 o 0.573

h (avg) for po1ymorphic loci- 0.527

Table 03. Assigned genotypes of 21 C. albú:ans ETs. ET N°of Enzyme loci

isolates PO LAP ADH1 ADH2 MDHI MDH2 MDH3 G6PDH 1 9 112 1/1 111 1/1 1/1 1/1 212 2 1 1/2 1/2 111 111 1/1 1/1 2/2 3 1 1/2 1/2 111 1/2 112 2/2 4 2 1/2 111 111 111 2/2 I/I . 2/3 5 1 111 1/1 1/1 111 111 1/1 2/3 6 2 112 111 111 1/1 2/2 1/1 3/3 7 2 1/2 1/1 1/1 1/1 111 111 2/3 8 1 1/1 1/1 111 1/1 111 2/3 9 I 2/2 111 111 111 1/1 I/I 2/3 10 3 1/2 111 1/1 1/1 111 1/1 111 11 1 1/1 111 1/1 2/2 1/2 2/3 2/2 12 9 2/2 4/4 1/1 2/2 1/l 2/2 1/l 13 3 1/2 2/2 1/1 2/2 2/2 1/3 3/3 14 3 112 1/1 1/1 2/2 111 2/2 2/2 15 3 1/2 1/1 1/1 2/2 111 1/3 212 16 1 2/2 111 111 2/2 2/3 2/2 2/3 212 17 1 l/1 3/3 111 1/1 2/3 2/2 2/3 2/2 18 1 112 3/3 111 1/1 2/3 2/2 112 2/2 19 1 1/2 1/2 1/1 2/2 2/3 2/2 2/3 2/2 20 1 2/2 1/1 2/2 2/3 212 2/3 2/2 21 2 1/2 2/2 1/1 111 2/3 2/2 2/3 2/2


(-) null allele ( absence o f any enzymatic band)


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Table 04. Observed and expected genoty~e freguencies in C albictms isolates and in ETs. Enzyme Genotype Frequency in 49 isolates Frequency in 21 ETs

locus Observed Expected* Observed Expected* PO 1/1 0.061 0.158 0.143 0.204

2/2 0.224 0.315 0.143 0.204 1/2 0.653 0.446 0.619 0.408

LAP 1/l 0.591 0.387 0.571 0.412 2/2 0.122 0.023 0.143 0.045 3/3 0.041 <0.001 0.095 0.009 4/4 0.183 0.033 0.047 0.002 l/2 0.061 0.190 0.143 0.274 l/3 o 0.050 o 0.122 l/4 o 0.228 o 0.060 2/3 o 0.012 o 0.040 2/4 o 0.056 o 0.020 3/4 o 0.014 o 0.009

ADH1 1/1 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 ADH2 1/l 0.081 0.006 0.143 0.163

212 0.081 0.006 0.143 0.163 1/2 o 0.013 o 0.040

MDHI 1/1 0.449 0.210 0.428 0.204 2/2 0.367 0.201 0.190 0.127 3/3 o 0.005 o 0.020 1/2 0.020 0.412 0.047 0.322 l/3 o 0.065 o 0.129 2/3 0.149 0.063 0.285 0.102

MDH2 l/1 0.673 0.467 0.476 0.250 2/2 0.285 0.087 0.428 0.204 1/2 0.020 0.403 0.047 0.452

MDH3 1/l 0.449 0.281 0.428 0.274 2/2 0.285 0.120 0.095 0.068 3/3 o 0.012 o 0.036 1/2 0.041 0.367 0.095 0.274 1/3 0.122 0.118 0.095 0.198 2/3 0.102 0.077 0.285 0.099

G6PDH 1/1 0.245 0.060 0.095 0.009 2/2 0.510 0.337 0.571 0.444 3/3 0.102 0.026 0.095 0.046 l/2 o 0.284 o 0.126 1/3 o 0.080 o 0.040 2/3 0.143 0.189 0.238 0.285

*Expected genotype frequencies are calculated as lhe square of lhe allele frequency for homozygote genotypes and twice lhe product of lhe allele frequencies for lhe heterozygotes (Hardy-Weinberg test).

Observed and expected genotype frequencies for each Iocus were drawn on table 04 that

shows both frequencies either in isolates and in ETs. No significant deviation from expected


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values was seen when applied de Hardy-Weinberg test for the frequencies of single-locus

genotypes, neither in isolates nor in ET' s frequencies.

Throughout the samples, twenty-one different eletromorph types (ET) were observed,

occurring the same ones even in distinct individuais. Table 03 shows these ET's composition and

the number of isolates scored among them.


The observation of many heterozygous loci comes to the agreement with the notion that

C. albícans is a diploid organism, as early proposed (4, 14). PUJOL et al. (16) also pointed out

this phenomenon and concluded that this heterozygous band pattem was not due to either

aneuploidy or gene duplication.

The literature data relating different biotypes of C. albicans occurring in a same oral­

healthy individual are not properly consistent, whereas in other with oral candidosis are more

abundant. REYNES et al. (17) showed that among 70 C. albicans isolates from 7 human

immunodeficiency virus-infected patients with oral candidosis, 2 to 3 different ETs were found.

LE GUENNEC et ai. (7) showed that HIV type 1-positive adults with oropharyngeal

manifestations of candidosis and were under azole therapy, presented more than one single yeast

strain colonizing their mucos~ in most of the cases. In their survey, the authors observed from

one to six different strains of C. albícans, occurring throughout the antifungal schedule (ranging

from 8 to 33 months), in a manner that a resistance-increasing selective succession occurred.

In our study, five children (45.45%) showed an uniclonal pattem of colonization, although

individuais VII and VIII have carried the same ET, and individuais X and XI just have diverged

at MDH3 locus. This occurrence is, at least in part, due to the fact that in both cases the children

were relatives (brothers ).

Subjects II, IV, and V showed high degree of genetic variability with 4-6 ETs that did not

show apparent relatedness. No conclusive explanations could be attributed to this phenomenon

because of the lack of more inforrnation about the hygienic and feeding habits of such

populations. Subjects I (one clone) and ill (2 clones) showed the prevalence ofa same ET (ET 1,

table 3). The observed variability occurring on LAP Iocus, that generated the second clonal type

on individual III, could be due to an occasional recombination, a hypothesis that was not


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excluded by PUJOL et ai. (16) for C. albicans populations, even do they follow a clonal manner

ofpropagation. On our point ofview, this possibility is very improbable once we could not obtain

any other alie! e "2" for that locus in that individual.

The expected heterozygosity values (h) for severa! loci were not correlated with the sum

of observed heterozygotes in this population because, even do, no significant deviation from

expected Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium values was obtained for any polymorphic locus (neither

for isolates nor ETs), the relative higher proportion ofhomozygotes on the overallloci (81.26%)

drove to the non-appearance of a enough quantity of heterozygotes. Such fact diverges from

NEI's (13) observation, in which the estimation of heterozygosis per locus is equal to the

expected proportion of heterozygotes for a diploid organism population under Hardy-W einberg

equilibrium. PUJOL et al. (16) related that geographical isolation may be associated with

different allelic frequencies in different populations, even if each separate population is

panmictic. Such strains obtained from different local sources, when combined may generate an

apparent departure from Hardy-Weinberg expectations, particularly with a deficit of

heterozygotes, the Wahlung effect (20). This effect could be corroborated with our results, once

assayed strains were obtained from individuais of different geographical subdivisions (letters A

to E preceding each strain label imply 5 distinct areas in Piracicaba, Brazil) with different

particularities, as socioeconomic background, access to oral care units, etc.

Artificial enzyme variability derived from long-terrn laboratory stocking hypothesis,

called "domestication" (8), was excluded because the assayed strains were recently isolated from


Finally, we could conclude that healthy children may carry more than one genetic type of

C. albicans in their oral cavities in a multiclonal manner of colonization. Complementary studies

involving their families and neighborhood, hygiene and nutritional habits must be done, in order

to establish the sources of that multicolonization pattern, in such childish populations.


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3. Boerlin P, Boerlin-Petzold F, Durussel C, Addo M, Pagani JL, Chave JP, Bille J. Cluster of

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4. Caugant DA, Sandven P. Epidemiological analysis of Candida albicans strains by multilocus

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different Candida species. Arch Pathol Lab Med 1981: 105: 454-455.

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electrophoresis analysis and antifungal susceptibilities. J Clin Microbiol 1995: 33: 2732-


8. Lehmann PF, Wu LC, Mackenzie DW. Isoenzyme changes in Candida albicans during

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O emprego da MLEE associada aos recursos de análise numérica propiciou a redação de

dois artigos originais onde isolados clínicos de diferentes espécies de Candida foram analisados

quanto a sua capacidade de agrupamento monoespecífico (ROSA et al., 1999; ROSA et al.,

2000). Em ROSA et al. (1999), o polimorfismo enzimático de sete desidrogenases (álcool

desidrogenase - ADH, glucose desidrogenase - GDH, glucose-6-fosfato desidrogenase -

G6PDH, isocitrato desidrogenase - IDH, lactato desidrogenase - LDH, malato desidrogenase -

MDH, e enzima málica - EM) permitiu a construção de dendrogramas independentes cuJa

capacidade discriminatória não foi satisfatória, excetuando-se a isocitrato desidrogenase que,

conforme já apontado por LEHMANN et al. (1989a), talvez seja a desidrogenase que permita o

melhor agrupamento conspecífico para Candida spp. Contudo, quando foi realizada a confecção

do dendrograma baseado na somatória de todas as desidrogenases, pôde-se obter clusters espécie­

específicos para C. albicans e C. parapsilosis, inclusive com a inclusão de suas respectivas

linhagens-tipo. O uso das desidrogenases como marcador molecular pode, ao menos em parte, ser

justificado pelo fato de que dentre as mais diversas classes de enzimas, essas oxi-redutases

apresentam a mais alta especificidade por seus substratos (DIXON & WEBB, 1979) e

provavelmente apresentem uma menor probabilidade em gerar bandas não-específicas.

Já em ROSA et al. (2000), outras classes de enzimas foram adicionadas (aconitase -ACO,

alfa esterase- aEST, beta esterase - j3EST, catalase- CAT, glutamato oxalalato transaminase­

GOT, leucina aminopeptidase LAP, peroxidase PO, e superóxido dismutase - SOD) àquelas

anteriormente citadas, e a espécie C. parapsilosis foi a melhor agrupada (com valores de

similaridade iguais a 1,00), formando clusters monoespecíficos e compostos. Algumas linhagens

de C. albicans (CBS562, 97a, e F72), de forma análoga aos resultados obtidos por ROSA et al.

(1999), também formaram clusters monoespecíficos, reforçando a posição de que as espécies C.

albicans e C. parapsilosis são aquelas que melhor agrupam suas linhagens, através da análise de

enzimas constitutivas individuais. Quando da construção do dendrograma geral envolvendo todas

as 15 enzimas, observou-se que o cluster de C. albicans passou a incorporar a linhagem E37, e

ocorreu a formação de novos clusters, porém compostos ou que não contemplavam todas as


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linhagens ensaiadas (phena II e VII). Esse comportamento pode, em parte, ser explicado pelo fato

de que em alguns gêneros füngicos as enzimas constitutivas fornecem bandas que funcionam

corno verdadeiros fingerprint, caracterizando o indivíduo muito mais que a espécie. Essa

propriedade levou SMITH et ai. (1990) a obterem que alguns isolados de Brettanomyces e

Dekkera podiam serem agrupados em clusters rnultiespecíficos, corno ainda, apresentavam

relativos baixos valores de similaridade quando da formação de clusters rnonoespecíficos. Ainda,

JONES & NOBLE (1982) apontam para o fato de que a análise de MLEE gera clusters

compostos por isolados de diferentes espécies e mesmo de diferentes gêneros de fungos


Nossos resultados passam a apresentar um maior entendimento quando analisamos os

resultados obtidos por ROSA et al. (enviado para publicação) a partir da análise da diversidade

genética infraespecífica acessada pela observação de polimorfismo alélico. Nesse trabalho, os

isolados de urna mesma espécie foram juntados e tratados como populações conspecíficas e as

freqüências alélicas para todos os loci gênicos foram determinadas e aplicadas em fórmulas de

índices de diversidade (NEI, 1973). Os resultados obtidos revelaram que 37,75% da variabilidade

genética total era atribuível às diferenças entre as espécies, ao passó que os 62,25% de

diversidade restantes expressavam a variabilidade contida dentro das espécies. Diversas causas

podem estar contribuindo para esse deslocamento em direção da diversidade intraespecífica, tais

corno especiação criptica (TIBAYRENC et al., 1991), diploidia do genorna na levedura (PUJOL

et al., 1993; SCHERER & MAGEE, 1990; WHELAN & KWON-CHUNG, 1988), heterozigose

por aneuploidia ou por duplicação gênica (PUJOL et ai., 1993; SCHERER & MAGEE, 1990), ou

recornbinação mitótica (WHELAN et al., 1980). No caso específico de C. albicans, LEHMANN

et ai. (1989b) já havia anteriormente descrito sua extensa heterogeneidade para enzimas

constitutivas. Essas observações conduzem a inferência de que a análise de marcadores MLEE

aplicada às Candida spp. é bastante influenciada pelo polimorfismo intraespecifico, de grande

importância quando se desejam determinações de grande poder resolutivo, caso de levantamentos


A capacidade de promoção de agrupamentos monoespecificos pela MLEE foi comparada

a aquela promovida pela técnica de eletroforese de proteínas totais em gel de poliacrilamida

(SDS-PAGE), no artigo de ROSA et al. (in press). Nesse artigo, foram comparados os


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dendrogramas originados a partir das duas técnicas cujos resultados foram analisados

numericamente, e enquanto a MLEE forneceu um gráfico contendo nove phena, alguns deles

compostos e outros contendo somente uma linhagem, a SDS-P AGE permitiu o enquadramento de

todas as linhagens de uma dada espécie em seu respectivo cluster espécie-específico. Essa

propriedade de agrupamento monoespecífico de isolados de Candida spp. pela SDS-PAGE já

havia sido observada, mesmo quando variando critérios na análise numérica (HÜFLING et a!.,

1999). Esses resultados apontam para a possibilidade de que a expressão de bandas espécie­

específicas mais conservadas na SDS-P AGE podem influenciar na composição dos clusters

mantendo-os monoespecíficos, ao passo que a MLEE, muito provavelmente, explore melhor a

variabilidade em um nível subespecífico. Posto isso, podemos presumir que estudos envolvendo

mais de uma espécie de Candida, tais como aqueles de implicação na Sistemática, seriam melhor

avaliados empregando-se a eletroforese de proteínas totais, enquanto que levantamentos de

ordem epidemiológica, onde se desejam acompanhar a ocorrência de clones de importância

clínica, seriam melhor conduzidos empregando-se a eletroforese de enzimas constitutivas.

Nessa direção, MATA et al. (in press) empregaram a eletroforese de enzimas constitutivas

para avaliar a ocorrência de diferentes tipos genéticos de C. albicans na ·saliva de escolares da

região de Piracicaba, SP, oriundos de diversas classes socioeconômicas. Foram empregados cinco

sistemas enzimáticos que geraram oito loci, sendo que sete deles (PO, LAP, ADH2, MDHl,

MDH2, MDH3, e G6PDH) foram polimórficos para dois ou mais alelos. Numa amostragem com

onze crianças, cinco delas (45,45%) apresentavam infecção uniclonal pela levedura, e três outras

apresentavam entre 4 e 6 clones de C. albicans na saliva. A técnica possibilitou ainda detectar a

ocorrência de dois clones muito relacionados provenientes das amostras de dois irmãos e a

existência de um mesmo tipo genético ocorrendo em dois indivíduos que estudavam numa

mesma escola. A análise dos diferentes loci revelou baixa diversidade alélica entre os clones,

decorrente da baixa proporção de heterozigotos- fenômeno de Wahlung (TffiAYRENC et ai.,

1991) - que pode estar associado ao fato de que os clones de C. albicans dessas crianças eram

isolados entre si por elementos geográficos (PUJOL et a!., 1993) e por diferenças na situação

socioeconômica de suas famílias, além do fato de que essa espécie não apresenta estágios sexuais



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Em ROSA et ai. (1999), ROSA et ai. (2000), ROSA et a!. (in press), como critérios para a

análise numérica foi empregado o coeficiente de associação Simple Matching (SsM) para se

determinar os graus de similaridade e como método de agrupamento, o algoritmo UPGMA

(NAUMOV et a!., 1997). O coeficiente Simple Matching foi eleito dentre vários outros testados

(Jaccard, Dice, e Pearson) devido ao fato de que o mesmo fornecia os maiores valores de

similaridade para repetições de uma mesma linhagem. Para se determinar qual algoritmo melhor

respondesse à formação dos clusters, vários foram avaliados (single linkage, complete linkage,

neighbor joining ) e o UPGMA foi aquele que apresentou os maiores valores de coeficiente de

correlação cofenética (r cs) entre a matriz de associação gerada pelo Simple Matching e a matriz

cofenética gerada pelo algoritmo. Esses achados estão em concordância com os de F ARRIS

(1969) que preconiza o uso do UPGMA, pois o mesmo tende sempre a maximizar os valores rcs·


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I. A eletroforese de enzimas constitutivas de diferentes classes, seguida da análise

numérica, apresentou baixa eficiência como recurso de agrupamento monoespecífico

de isolados orais de Candida spp.;

2. A eletroforese de desidrogenases, seguida da análise numérica, apresentou baixa

eficiência como recurso de agrupamento monoespecífico de isolados orais de Candida


3. A eletroforese de proteínas totais, seguida da análise numérica, apresentou relativa alta

eficiência como recurso de agrupamento monoespecífico de isolados orais de Candida

spp., quando comparado com os resultados obtidos na eletroforese de enzimas


4. A eletroforese de enzimas constitutivas é uma técnica com alta capacidade resolutiva

na identificação e caracterização de diferentes tipos genéticos dentro de uma

determinada espécie de Candida oral;

5. Isolados de diferentes Candida spp. apresentam maior diversidade intraespecífica que

interespecífica, quando acessadas através da eletroforese de enzimas constitutivas,

seguida de análise do polimorfismo de múltiplos locí;

6. A eletroforese de enzimas constitutivas apresenta como principais méritos, além da

alta capacidade resolutiva infraespecífica e da robustez na reprodutibilidade, a

possibilidade de condução subseqüente de análise numérica baseada em critérios

andansonianos, ou de análise de diversidade genética baseada no polimorfismo de

múltiplos Zoei.


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