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22 - Classifique, respectivamente, os verbos destacados em:

A verdade que o marinheiro no morrera. No dia LNGUA INGLESA seguinte, alguns companheiros bateram-lhe no ombro e pediramlhe notcias de Genoveva, se estava mais bonita, se no sentira muito a ausncia dele. Read the text and answer the questions 26, 27, 28 and 29. a) regular irregular regular b) irregular regular regular 1 The first roller skates were made in 1760 by c) regular irregular irregular Joseph Merlim, a Belgium musician. He worked d) irregular regular irregular hard on his wonderful invention. People at a dance couldnt believe it when Merlin arrived on his 23 - Assinale a alternativa em que h predicativo do sujeito. 5 roller skates playing the volin. Unfortunately his skates had no breaks so he a) Faz dez anos que no vou a Salvador. couldnt stop; he went straight across the dance b) Os alunos ficaram alegres aps saberem o resultado das floor and crashed into a large mirror. Both the provas. mirror and the violin were broken, and Merlim c) Os diretores fizeram muitas crticas ao projeto apresentado. was badly hurt. It was the last time anyone tried 10 d) No inverno, mame fazia bolinhos de chuva para tomarmos roller-skating for another hundred years. caf.


24 - A alternativa que contm aposto :a)

(Something to Read Cambridge University Press)

GLOSSARY: Tenho notado, professora, uma certa desesperana em suas unfortunately = infelizmente go straight across = ir direto a / ao palavras. crash = bater, colidir b) Prezados alunos, este romance deve ser lido por todos. c) Dois pases no assinaram o acordo: Brasil e Chile. 26 - According to the text, d) Eu no ofendi o senhor, seu canoeiro! a) the musician got upset because he broke his violin. b) only the violin was broken when he crashed into the mirror. c) no one attempted to go roller-skating for another hundred 25 - Em que perodo no h complemento nominal? years. a) No almoo, a empregada comeu todo o doce de leite que d) Joseph Merlim made his roller skate before acting as a mame fizera. musician. b) A casa estava cheia de flores para receber a doce Jlia. c) Minha filha tinha gosto s leituras de contos de fadas. 27 - All the words, underlined in the text, are adverbs, except: d) A crena em Deus nos liberta do egosmo.

a) b) c) d)

last hard badly unfortunately

28 - Whats the active voice for The first roller skates were made in 1760 by Joseph Merlim. Joseph Merlim _______ the first skates in 1760.a) b) c) d) made makes has made was making

29 - In Unfortunately his skates had no brakes so he couldntstop..., the underlined conjunction expresses a) b) c) d) time. result. reason. addition.

30 - Choose the best alternative to answer the question below.Whose homework is that? a) b) c) d) Its hers. Theyre mine. Its over there. Theyre difficult.

Pgina 5

31 - Choose the alternative that best completes the blank.Some men ___________ no jobs lately. a) b) c) d) havent found have found doesnt find has found

38 - Choose the right alternative to complete the text grammatically correct. Computer viruses can travel _____ one place to another ____ fast _____ a phone call.a) b) c) d) from / as / as over / as / than to / more / than between / / than

32 - In The destruction of the Amazon forest could have serious ecological consequences, the underlined verb is closest in meaning toa) b) c) d) do. keep. make. cause.

39 - Read the paragraph below:You are new in your city, and feel sad. You think about your family, your friends and your old home. How can you make friends in your new home? Here are some answers.... In the underlined sentence above, the speaker intends to a) b) c) d) warn. predict. suggest. advertise.

33 - Choose the best alternative to answer the question below.What do you do? a) b) c) d) We are pilots. Im fine, thanks. I live in New York. We are 20 years old.

40 - Read the sentence below:In Mexico, 60% of men and 40% of women are overweight. According to the sentence above, we can conclude that the percentage of overweight men is

Read the paragraph and answer the questions 34, 35 and 36.

An umbrella _____ a very ordinary object. It _____ people a) lower. against the rain and hot sun. You can fold most umbrellas, so it is b) highest. c) higher. easy ______ them. d) lowest. 34 - Choose the best alternative to complete the blanks in the paragraph. Read the text and answer the questions 41 and 42. a) b) c) d) is / puts / to hide was / keeps / to help was / brings / to buy is / protects / to carry WE COULD NOT LIVE WITHOUT IT American researchers presented a list of five inventions for the interviewees to indicate ______ was more important. In fifth place was the microwave; in fourth, the cellular telephone; in third, the personal computer and in second, the automobile. And to a lot of peoples surprise, the toothbrush, one of the simplest invention in history, finished in first place. In Brazil, the Globo network developed the same research and the toothbrush again finished in first place.


35 - You can fold most umbrellas, ... means that we cana) b) c) d) enlarge them. open them easily. hardly carry them. make them smaller.



36 - The pronoun it, underlined in the paragraph, refers toa) b) c) d) the sun. the rain. a person. the umbrella.

41 - Choose the best alternative to complete the blank in the text.a) b) c) d) who where which whose

37 - Choose the best alternative to complete the blanks.Julie was born _____July 3, _____ night _____ New York. a) b) c) d) in / at / at on / at / in in / at / in on / in /at

42 - In And to a lot of peoples surprise, the underlined wordscan be replaced by a) b) c) d) it. us. her. them.

Pgina 6

43 - Choose the best alternative to have the paragraph completed correctly. The stepmother smiled and said: Of course you _____ go, Cinderella. If you ______ your work first and if you ______ a dress to wear.a) b) c) d) may do have could was bought might are doing lend ought to would finish washed

50 - Inplayed a) b) c) d)

It was a fair game, we conclude that the game was

well. badly. honestly. brilliantly.


44 - Choose the alternative in which the definite article is used correctly.a) b) c) d) The Brazilians are very friendly. The old man is arriving right now. The spring is the season of flowers. The New York is a very beautiful city.

45 - Choose the best alternative to complete the blank in the sentence. Mary is hurt. She cut _________ while she was cooking.a) b) c) d) myself herself himself yourself

46 - The underlined word in the sentence below means:The appropriate response to How are you? that anyone expects to hear is an automatic Im fine. a) wish b) answer c) excuse d) greeting

47 - Ina) b) c) d)

Scientists agree about certain differences between the sexes, we conclude that scientists have no idea of the topic. are not sure about the topic. are still discussing the topic. have the same idea of the topic.

48 Read:... two or three dormitories, full of facilities around and a very good rental. The extract above was taken from an advertisement about a) b) c) d) travel brochure. hotel reservations. apartments for hire. old movies for sale.

49 - In the sentence:Television has contributed to change the values and perceptions of Americans. The underlined word is closest in meaning to a) b) c) d) cultures. behaviour. information. conceptions.

Pgina 7

AS QUESTES DE 51 A 75 REFEREM-SE MATEMTICAsoma dos elementos da diagonal principal da matriz i 2 se i j A = (aij)3x3, tal que a ij = , um nmero i + j se i = j a) b) c) d) mltiplo de 3. mltiplo de 5. divisor de 16. divisor de 121.


51 - A

52 - O baricentro de um tringulo, cujos vrtices so os pontos M (1, 1), N (3, 4) e P ( 5, 2), tem coordenadas cuja soma a) b) 2. 1. 2 c) . 3 1 d) . 3

53 - Em um polgono regular, a medida de um ngulo interno o triplo da medida de um ngulo externo. Esse polgono oa) b) c) d) hexgono. octgono. enegono. decgono.

54 - Se S = 6 l cm2 a rea de um quadrado de lado l cm, o valorde l a) b) c) d) 3. 6. 9. 12. valor da expresso 1 , 3 tg x , para 0 < x < e 2 cossec x 1

55 - Osen x = a) b) c) d)

1 . 4 1 . 2 2 . 3 2 . 8

56 - Os pontos A(3, 5), B(4, 3), C(1, 0) e D(0, 4) so vrtices de um quadriltero ABCD. A rea desse quadriltero 15 . 2 7 b) . 2 c) 11. d) 15. a)

Pgina 8

57 Seja a circunferncia e duas de suas cordas, AB e CD. Amedida de CD, em cm, a) b) c) d) 10. 12. 14. 16.C A


16 cm


2 cm B


58 - O nmero de poliedros regulares que tm faces triangulares a) b) c) d) 1. 2. 3. 4.

59 - Na figura, AB = AC e BC = CM. O valor de x C

a) b) c) d)

50. 45. 42. 38.B




60 - Retirando aleatoriamente um elemento do conjunto A = {1, 2, 3, 4, . . . , 100}, a probabilidade de ele ser mltiplo de 5a) b) c) d) 2 . 5 1 . 5 1 . 10 3 . 10

61 - Seja a distribuio de freqncia, onde fi a freqncia simples absoluta:xi fi 4 9 8 10 10 16 12 30 20 35

A mdia dessa distribuio a) b) c) d) 10,28. 11,17. 13,36. 14,15.2

62 - Uma esferaa) b) c) d) 70 %. 9 70 %. 3 700 %. 9 700 %. 3

tem 9 cm2 de rea. Para que a rea passe a 100 cm , o raio deve ter sua medida aumentada em

Pgina 9

63 - A diagonal da seco meridiana de um cilindro equiltero mede10 2 cm. A rea lateral desse cilindro, em cm2, a) b) c) d) 250. 200. 100. 50.

64 - Em um tringulo ABC, retngulo em A, a hipotenusa mede 1 5 dm e sen B = sen C . Nessas condies, o maior cateto mede, 2 em dm, a) b) c) d) 3. 4.

5. 2 5

66 - Em um trapzio, a base mdia mede 6,5 cm e a base maior, 8 cm. A base menor desse trapzio mede, em cm,a) b) c) d) 4. 5. 6. 7.

67 - A raiz real da equaomltiplo de a) b) c) d) 7. 5. 3. 2.



24 . 5


= 25 um nmero

68 - Segundo a distribuio de freqncias, o nmero de funcionrios que ganham a partir de 4 salrios mnimos e menos de 10 a) b) c) d) 110. 130. 185. 205.Nmero de salrios mnimos 0 |___ 2 2 |___ 4 4 |___75 Nmero de funcionrios 95 75

Pgina 10

69 - No tringulo, cujos lados medem 5cm, 10 cm e 6 cm, o maior ngulo tem cosseno igual aa) b) c) d) 7 . 10 9 . 20 13 . 20 8 . 10

75 - Para que f(x) = (2m 6)x + 4 seja crescente em , o valor real de m deve ser tal quea) b) c) d) m > 3. m < 2. m < 1. m = 0.


reais positivos, ento o valor de a + b a) b) c) d) 2. 3. 5. 6.

70 - Se (x + b)2 (x a)(x + a) 2x + 17, sendo a e b nmeros

71 - Quatro cubos idnticos so dispostos como na figura a seguir, formando um nico slido. Considerando que a diagonalde cada cubo mede 10 3 cm , a diagonal desse slido , em cm, igual a a) b) c) d)

30 3 . 40 3 . 20. 30.

72 - Estudando um grupo de crianas de uma determinada cidade, um pediatra concluiu que suas estaturas variavam segundoa frmula h = log 10 0, 7 . i , onde h a estatura (em metros), e i a idade (em anos). Assim, segundo a frmula, a estatura de uma criana de 10 anos dessa cidade , em m, a) b) c) d) 1,20. 1,18. 1,17. 1,15.



73 - A soma dos n primeiros termos da PG (1, 2, 4, 8, ... ) 85. Logo, n a) b) c) d) 8. 10. 12. 14. 0