Download - PROCESSO SELETIVO DE TRANSFERÊNCIA EXTERNA · 20/10/2013 CADERNO DE PROVAS INSTRUÇÕES 1.Confira, abaixo, seu nome e número de inscrição. Confira, também, o curso e a série





1. Confira, abaixo, seu nome e número de inscrição. Confira, também, o curso e a série correspondentes à suainscrição. Atenção: Assine no local indicado.

2. Não serão permitidos empréstimos de materiais, consultas e comunicação entre candidatos, tampouco o usode livros e apontamentos. Relógios, aparelhos eletrônicos e, em especial, aparelhos celulares deverão serdesligados e colocados no saco plástico fornecido pelo Fiscal. O não cumprimento destas exigências ocasionaráa exclusão do candidato deste Processo Seletivo.

3. Aguarde autorização para abrir o Caderno de Provas. Antes de iniciar a prova, confira a paginação.

4. Este caderno de provas é composto por 10 questões dissertativas, para candidatos ao ingresso na segundasérie, por 12 questões dissertativas, para candidatos ao ingresso na terceira ou por 15 questões dissertativaspara candidatos ao ingresso na quarta série.

5. Transcreva para o Caderno Definitivo de Respostas o texto que julgar correto em cada questão, não ultrapas-sando o espaço disponível. Não haverá substituição do Caderno Definitivo de Respostas por erro de transcrição.

6. A interpretação das questões é parte do processo de avaliação, não sendo permitidas perguntas aos Fiscais.

7. A duração das provas será de 4 (quatro) horas, incluindo o tempo para transcrição das questões dissertativaspara o Caderno Definitivo de Respostas.

8. Ao concluir a prova, permaneça em seu lugar e comunique ao Fiscal. Aguarde autorização para devolver, emseparado, o Caderno de Prova e o Caderno Definitivo de Respostas, devidamente assinados.


1 Recentemente, tem havido na área de ensino e aprendizagem de línguas discussões sobre quais aborda-gens usar para organizar o currículo e o planejamento de aulas de Língua Inglesa. Uma abordagem quetem sido discutida recentemente é a Task-based approach.Defina essa abordagem, apontando seus princípios centrais e os papéis do professor e do aluno.(O texto deve ser respondido em português.)

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2 O “erro” no ensino e na aprendizagem de línguas tem sido visto de maneira diferente em cada teoria deaprendizagem.Contraste o conceito de erro nas teorias behaviorista e cognitiva.(O texto deve ser respondido em português.)

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3 Leia o texto a seguir.

As mudanças são significativas. Em primeiro lugar, é importante lembrar que a Língua Inglesa que estáse colocando como a língua de contato entre diferentes nações no mundo de hoje tem apenas o nomeda língua que se fala no Reino Unido ou nos EUA ou onde quer que seja.Como escrevi em um trabalho publicado alguns anos atrás, é uma nova língua que vagamente lembrao inglês, mas tem características próprias que a distinguem fonológica, morfológica e sintaticamente.Venho chamando-a de World English — “o inglês do mundo” ou “o inglês mundial”. Essa língua não temdono; não pertence nem aos ingleses, escoceses, estadunidenses etc. Ela pertence a todos aquelesmilhões de pessoas que dela fazem uso diário no mundo inteiro.O World English é um grande desafio para nós, linguistas, que somos acostumados às línguas emseu sentido tradicional, em grande parte frutos da geopolítica vigente em tempos passados. Ela é umexemplo da mestiçagem linguística que marca os nossos dias pós-modernos.É evidente que o ensino de inglês — uma atividade que envolve bilhões de dólares no mundo inteiro -–vai ter que se ajustar à nova língua. É também o nosso grande desafio pela frente.(Adaptado de: RAJAGOPALAN, K.; SILVA, F. A linguística que nos faz falhar. São Paulo: Parábola, 2005.)

Escreva um texto de, no mínimo, 200 palavras, em português, discutindo a questão problematizada peloautor e posicionando-se em relação à perspectiva apresentada.

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4 Leia o texto a seguir.

“Culture” in the sense intended by Vygotsky and subsequent sociocultural theorists includes, but extendsfar beyond, “high culture” phenomena such as literature, architecture, works of art, and the like. In amore significant way, culture refers to the historical accretion of all of human life, including the everydayrituals of interpersonal communication, family structure, institutional and group identities, creation anduse of material artifacts and technologies, approaches to problem solving, literacy and numeracypractices, and most fundamentally, to the lexicalization and grammaticalization patterns specific tolanguage (or languages).(THORNE, S. L.; TASTER, T. Sociocultural and cultural-historical theories of language development. In: SIMPSON, J. (Ed.) TheRoutledge Handbook of Applied Linguistics. New York: Routledge, 2011.)

Considerando a definição de cultura apresentada no texto e os conhecimentos sobre o tema, discuta comoo ensino de cultura passa a ser encarado na perspectiva do inglês como língua franca.(O texto deve ser respondido em inglês.)

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5 Suppose your Facebook friend Luke has recently updated his status to: “Going to Rio de Janeiro nextweek! So excited! Tips, anyone?”Write him a personal message with some tips and advises of places to go and things to do and see whilehe is in Rio.(O texto deve ser respondido em inglês com, no mínimo, 100 palavras.)

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6 Write down your autobiography.(O texto deve ser respondido em inglês com, no mínimo, 200 palavras.)

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Leia o texto a seguir e responda às questões 7 e 8.

A McMemoir with FriesBy Linda SaccoThe first job I had was at McDonald’s. They rang me up early on a Saturday morning and asked if I couldcome in a few hours later. The person that interviewed me was the second-in-command manager.The interview was done outside, in the wind. I thought I’d bring a folio of achievements but we never gotto that. The next interview was with the general manager, a woman who kept looking over my shoulder.I didn’t know who or what she was looking at. I should have known right then that the job would beunbearable.They hired me, I think, because I said I could work the ‘close’ shift. Another big mistake. I started aboutsix weeks later. It was a couple of days after I turned 17.When I walked into the western suburban restaurant my senses were completely assaulted by the over-powering scent of what could only be deemed “the McDonald’s smell”. The distinctly unpleasant, yetintoxicating food odour battled with the sweet perfume I was wearing.The next stop was the crew room, a tiny space next to the storeroom that housed two tables and fourchairs. There was also a small TV set and a few McDonald’s posters on the walls. One guy, probably ayear older than me, would be training us. He popped in an instructional video. His running commentarywas, “That machine doesn’t look exactly like that in Australia” and the repeated “It’s easier when you’reshown here”.After a brief question and answer session, his final words to us were “Everyone’s uniforms fit okay?”Everything fit but it just looked terrible. It was bad enough I had to wear a tie to school. Now I knew therewas something worse: a bowtie.With the theory over, it was time for practice. The girl who was training me wore the most lipstick and eyeshadow I’d ever seen on a person working a Monday night. In two hours or so she went on to tell me howevery single aspect of the restaurant operated: how to clean, restock, work the cash register, make fries,brew coffee, how many company-regulated swirls the 30c cone needs and more. I was trying to take itall in and because I wasn’t grinning like a maniac she cooed, “Are you okay?” I felt like screaming, “Yes,I’m just trying to remember all this crap!”The worst thing I soon learnt was the “40 seconds to serve a customer” rule. I found it mostly impossibleto fill cups with ice, press the drink button, “clean as you go”, announce the amount of each burger leftremaining, throw out any “expired” burgers, drop fries, announce how many of each size of fries was left,dodge the other people working on front counter, announce how many unpopular apple pies were left,put lids on cups, add a napkin to the bag, fold the top of the bag in the company-approved method andwait for customers to look in every pocket for their last five cents all in the time demanded. Managerslooked at me in dismay when the front counter average would go beyond 40 seconds. I would just lookat the clock and hoped it would go faster.When there were no customers to serve, the secondary duty was cleaning the dining room. If I was reallylucky, I would be assigned a whole shift in the dining room. The downside to this was tending to thetoilets. Once, upon entering the ladies room I was greeted by a large bin resting upright on top of thetoilet. I bubbled with laughter at the sheer surprise. No other worker seemed to find this amusing.Whilst I wiped down tables and put trays away, the music, often obscure songs by popular artists, driftedthrough. Every now and then a manager would slink up to me and ask, “How’s everything?”“Clean,” I would reply.“What’s that?”Whilst my back was turned, the remains of a Happy Meal or three were left for my minimum-wagedhands.Stepping out to clean outside was a nice break from the chaos. Finding a 20 cent coin on the floor waspriceless. Of course, the thief-proof uniform meant there were no pockets so into my heavy black shoe itdropped. With the working employee discount, a half priced 30c cone with 5 cents change granted somecompensation for unpaid breaks.Once Year 12 kicked in it was time to worry about something other than getting a 20 pack of nuggets toobese people. As a happy quitter, I made almost $3000 and left behind the intense boredom and stress.

Copyright 2010 Linda Sacco(Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 26 set. 2013.)

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7 How does Linda feel about working at the company?Justify your answer with excerpts from the text.(O texto deve ser respondido em inglês.)

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8 Identify the genre of the text A McMemoir with Fries. Then, point out the existing relations among thegenre, its content, style, objectives and linguistic resources of the text.(O texto deve ser respondido em inglês.)

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9 Explain the meaning of the categorization of Phrasal Verbs as:

a) Intransitive.

b) Non separable transitive.

c) Optionally separable transitive.

d) Obligatorily separable transitive.

(O texto deve ser respondido em inglês.)

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10 Leia o texto a seguir.

A linguistic sign is not a link between a thing and a name, but between a concept and a sound pattern.The sound pattern is not actually a sound; for a sound is something physical. A sound pattern is thehearer’s psychological impression of a sound, as given to him by the evidence of his senses. This soundpattern may be called a “material” element only in that it is the representation of our sensory impressions.The sound pattern may thus be distinguished from the other element associated with it in a linguistic sign.This other element is generally of a more abstract kind: the concept.The linguistic sign is, then, a two-sided psychological entity.(SAUSSURE, F. Course in General Linguistics. Translated by Roy Harris. Illinois, US: Open Court Publishing Company, 7th ed.,1995.)

Baseado na leitura do texto e nos conhecimentos sobre o tema, defina o que é o signo, de acordo comSaussure, e explique uma de suas principais características: a arbitrariedade do signo.(O texto deve ser respondido em português.)

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