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  • O Ressalto no Basquetebol

    Análise em função das áreas de lançamento e do

    número de jogadores que nele participam em equipas

    masculinas de alto rendimento

    Roberto Lampert Ribas


  • O Ressalto no Basquetebol

    Análise em função das áreas de lançamento e do

    número de jogadores que nele participam em equipas

    masculinas de alto rendimento

    Dissertação apresentada com vista à obtenção

    do grau de Mestre em Treino de Alto

    Rendimento Desportivo (Decreto Lei n.º 216/92,

    13 de Outubro), sob orientação do Professor

    Doutor Fernando Tavares.

    Roberto Lampert Ribas

    Porto, Junho de 2011

  • Ficha de Catalogação

    Roberto Lampert Ribas

    Ficha de Catalogação

    Ribas, R. L. (2011). O Ressalto no Basquetebol: Análise em função das áreas

    de lançamento e do número de jogadores que nele participam em equipas

    masculinas de alto rendimento. Porto: Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada

    à Faculdade de Desporto da Universidade do Porto.



  • Dedicatória


    Roberto Lampert Ribas i


    Aos meus pais…Maria Lúcia e Jorge

    E aos meus irmãos…Rodrigo e Fernanda

    O amor de vocês por mim, me faz levantar todas manhãs e fazer sempre o melhor possível, simplesmente para orgulhar vocês…

    A minha melhor amiga e companheira…Michele Souza

    Tu teres feito parte deste processo, só me fez crescer. Espero evoluir ainda mais do teu lado…logo estaremos juntos novamente…TEPS

  • Agradecimentos


    Roberto Lampert Ribas iii


    Chegar ao fim desta jornada significa muito para a minha pessoa.

    Quando iniciamos a vida acadêmica, tudo parece estar tão distante e sempre

    pensamos que talvez não tenhamos capacidade de atingir determinados

    objetivos. O fato é que o objetivo foi alcançado e eu gostaria de agradecer

    imensamente a inúmeras pessoas.

    Primeiramente aos meus pais, que apesar de estarem longe a maioria

    do tempo durante esse processo, sempre me passaram confiança e serenidade

    para tomar decisões. O amor que sinto por vocês, apesar de muitas vezes não

    demonstrá-lo, é algo que não tenho como explicar com palavras, simplesmente

    isso. Aos meus irmãos, posso apenas dizer que nosso companheirismo será

    eterno e tenho absoluta convicção que estaremos unidos para sempre. Nossos

    momentos juntos são sempre divertidos e inesquecíveis.

    Agradeço ao meu orientador Fernando Tavares, apesar do nosso pouco

    convívio juntos, me apoiou em todos momentos, sempre me ajudando no

    possível e necessário para que eu chegasse até aqui. Suas correções foram de

    extrema valia e as discussões que tivemos sobre basquetebol me inspiram a

    querer estudar cada vez mais, para desenvolver o desporto que amamos.

    Agradeço a toda minha família, que sempre me apoiou e, muitas vezes,

    tomaram conta de mim como se fossem meus próprios pais. Alguns nomes

    são: Tia Clary, Tio Elimar, Vó Generina, Marcos, Mateus, Vicky (um muito

    obrigado pelas correções no inglês dos artigos), Edisson, Ana, Luisa,

    Fernando, Raquel, Laura, Beto, Carmen Lúcia, Roberta, Daniel, Tio Osmar,

    Dona Ida, Rose, Henrique, Tio Lousada, Tia Carmen, Tia Maria, Lu, Tio Jorge,

    Suzana, André, Camila, Tia Neli, Tio João, Paty e Caio. Agradeço também a

    minha bisavó, praticamente não lembro dela, mas tenho certeza que está

    sempre presente comigo nos momentos mais complicados. Uma lembrança

    especial, também, aos meus padrinhos Marco e Loiva e ao seu filho Fernando,

    apesar da distância tenho certeza que querem o meu melhor.

  • Agradecimentos


    Roberto Lampert Ribas iv

    Um agradecimento a toda família Souza, em especial ao Seu Júlio, Dona

    Sandra, Jeane e Vinícius. Sei que posso contar sempre com vocês e,

    obviamente, estou sempre a disposição para ajudar a comer um churrasco.

    Agradeço aos grandes amigos (irmãos que escolhi) que fiz até hoje

    nessa minha jornada: Gilliano, Carlos Roberto, Texugo, Adriano, Andrigo,

    Ivson, César, Éverson e Márcio. Aos companheiros de Portugal, Luciano, Dê e

    agora Henrique, um abraço mais que especial. A ajuda de vocês foi

    inesquecível e essencial. Agradeço aos gáuchos do Porto, Tuba, Paula

    (portuga-gaúcha??), Rafa e agora Mariana, Éverton, Vitória, Rafa e Edu. Um

    abraço para o grande amigo que fiz durante a minha estada no Porto, Marcelo

    Peduzzi, o seu companheirismo foi algo inestimável, nossas reflexões sobre a

    vida escutando GOG foram de grande aprendizado para mim. Agradeço a

    Raquel pelo companheirismo e por cuidar agora da Michele por mim. Uma

    lembrança ao Rafael Nascimento e sua família. Agradeço, também, a todos

    colegas de Mestrado, Paulo, Rafa, Thiago Gordo, Gleudson, Bernardo e


    Aos espanhóis, Rafael Navarro e Miguél Ángel, o seu apoio durante a

    minha estada em Madrid foi algo que vou guardar eternamente. Ajudar pessoas

    que mal conhecemos, creio que é algo muito nobre e que mostra o nosso

    caráter. Agradeço também a todos professores da UFRGS, em especial ao

    prof. Leonardo Tartaruga, pelo apoio constante e grande amizade em todos


    Agradeço em especial ao Grêmio F.B.PA., pela oportunidade de

    trabalhar e mostrar que sou capaz. Aos meu colegas de trabalho diário, Thiago

    Duarte, irmão que começou junto comigo e como sempre dizemos,

    terminaremos juntos. Ao Lucas Oliveira, pelo apoio e serenidade, a seleção já é

    pouco pra ti, tu merece muito mais. Thiagão Herrera, pelo companheirismo e

    pelas broncas que levamos juntos. Ao Marcelo Koslowsky pela amizade e pelo

    bom humor constante. Ao Gustavão, pela sua prontidão em ajudar,

  • Agradecimentos


    Roberto Lampert Ribas v

    principalmente sobre os contratos dos jogadores. Agradeço, também, ao

    Gerente de Futebol, Cícero Souza, que me liberou para apresentar a

    Dissertação, tua serenidade me deixa perplexo, espero aprender ainda mais


    Um grande agradecimento ao FC Porto, em especial ao Coach Rui

    Vanzeller, que foi um belo professor. Agradeço, também, ao Serginho e aos

    atletas que me ajudaram a crescer como profissional e pessoa.

    Obviamente, a última pessoa que agradeço é a minha eterna

    companheira, amiga, irmã, mãe, namorada, e tudo o que for possível, Michele

    Souza. Jamais aprendi tanto com alguém como aprendi contigo. Creio que logo

    vamos estar juntos e viver novamente tudo que vivemos. Palavras aqui não

    conseguem expressar minimamente o que sinto por ti. Espero que tudo que

    planejamos e sonhamos juntos realmente aconteça. Torço diariamente por


    Gostaria de deixar um pensamento muito pessoal que venho tendo a

    muito tempo: Na nossa vida, tudo é emprestado, um dia teremos que devolver

    tudo e a única coisa que vamos levar daqui, é uma consciência tranquila e o

    conhecimento adquirido.

  • Índice Geral _____________________________________________________________________________

    Roberto Lampert Ribas 1

    Índice Geral

    Dedicatória.……………………………………………………..………………......... I

    Agradecimentos………………………………………………………….................. III

    Índice Geral…………………………………………………………………………… 1

    Índice de Tabelas………………………………………………………………......... 3

    Índice de Figuras...............................................................................................




    Abstract……………………………………………………..…………...................... 9

    Lista de Abreviaturas e Símbolos………………………………………………….. 11

    Capítulo 1

    Introdução Geral e Estrutura da Dissertação

    Introdução Geral…………………………………………………….. 15

    Estrutura da Dissertação…………………...………………..…….. 20

    Referências Bibliográficas…………………………………..…..…. 20

    Capítulo 2

    An analysis of the side of rebound in high level ba sketball

    games …………………..……………………………..……………..


    Artigo aceite para publicação (Agosto/2011) na International

    Journal of Performance Analysis of Sport (UK)

    Ribas RL, Navarro RM, Tavares F, Gómez MA

    Capítulo 3

    Analysis of number of players involved in rebound

    situations in Euroleague basketball

    games …………………………………………….…………………...


    Artigo submetido à revista The Open Sports Sciences Journal

    Ribas RL, Navarro RM, Tavares F, Gómez MA

    Capítulo 4

    Síntese e Conclusões Finais ……………………………………


  • Índice de Tabelas _____________________________________________________________________________

    Roberto Lampert Ribas 3

    Índice de Tabelas

    Capítulo 1

    Tabela 1 - Capítulos da dissertação e seus principais objetivos …..……… 20

    Capítulo 2

    Table 1 – Analysis of Same Side and Opposite Side………………….….. 32

    Capítulo 3

    Tabela 1- Analysis of situations in rebounds……………………………….. 46

  • Índice de Figuras _____________________________________________________________________________

    Roberto Lampert Ribas 5

    Índice de Figuras

    Capítulo 1

    Figura 1 – Zones of the court......................................................…..……… 30

    Figura 2 – Zones of field-goals and side of rebound................................... 30

    Figura 3 – Field-goals distribution (recount and %).....................…..……… 31

    Figura 4 – Rebounds distribution (recount and %).....................…..……… 31

  • Resumo _____________________________________________________________________________

    Roberto Lampert Ribas 7


    De todas as variáveis presentes no jogo de basquetebol, o ressalto pode

    ser considerado uma das mais importantes para predizer vencedores e

    perdedores. Diversos estudos realizam análise discriminatória e encontram

    nessa variável, um aspecto fundamental para se vencer o jogo, porém poucos

    estudos analisam o ressalto de uma forma mais profunda, ou seja, o que fazer

    para ter uma boa performance nesse aspecto.

    Dessa forma, os objetivos da presente dissertação de mestrado foram: i)

    identificar se existe diferença entre o lado do ressalto quando a tentativa de

    lançamento ocorre de três diferentes zonas; ii) identificar a influência do

    número de jogadores envolvidos na disputa do ressalto. Para realizar isso,

    foram analisados 48 jogos correspondentes a fase Top 16 da Euroliga de

    Clubes da temporada de 2009-2010. Fizeram parte da análise um total de 4548

    lançamentos que geraram 2170 ressaltos. Para se evitar inconsistências,

    alguma ações foram excluídas da análise: lançamentos bloqueados, ressaltos

    onde a bola ia direto para fora da quadra de jogo, lançamento com falta,

    segundas tentativas de lançamento e ressalto que gerasse bola presa.

    Os principais resultados do presente estudo foram: i) quando os

    lançamentos acontecem dentro do garrafão, o mesmo lado possui um maior

    número de ressaltos estatisticamente significativos que o lado contrário; ii)

    aproximadamente 91% dos ressaltos ocorrem dentro do garrafão; iii) quando o

    número de jogadores que disputam o ressalto é igual, a defesa não ganha um

    maior número de ressaltos estatisticamente significativos que o ataque; iv)

    sempre que ocorre superioridade para a defesa (1, 2 e 3 jogadores) ou para o

    ataque (1 jogador), existe diferença estatisticamente significativa para a

    superioridade; v) situação de superioridade numérica ganha de uma forma

    estatisticamente siginificativa mais ressaltos que situação de inferioridade.

    Treinadores e pesquisadores podem utilizar tais informações encontradas no

    presente estudo, para melhorar treinamentos e a performance durante os


  • Resumo _____________________________________________________________________________

    Roberto Lampert Ribas 8

    Palavras-Chave: Ressalto, Análise de Jogo, Basquetebol, Número de

    Jogadores no Ressalto, .Tentativa de Lançamento

  • Abstract _____________________________________________________________________________

    Roberto Lampert Ribas 9


    Of all the variables in the game of basketball, the rebound can be

    considered one of the most important in predicting winners and losers. Several

    studies performed discriminant analysis and found in this variable, a key aspect

    to winning the game, but few studies analyzed the rebound in a deeply way, in

    other words, what to do to perform well in this aspect of the game.

    Thus, the objectives of this dissertation are: i) identify if there was any

    difference between the side of the rebound when attempt occurs from three

    different zones, ii) identify the influence of number of players involved in dispute

    of rebound. To accomplish this, were analyzed 48 games the corresponding to

    the 2009-2010 Top 16 of the Euroleague. Analysis were part of a total of 4548

    releases that generated 2170 rebounds. To avoid inconsistencies some actions

    were excluded from analysis: blocked shots, free throws attempted that did not

    touch the rim or the backboard, shooting foul, when the rebound went directly to

    out of bounds, second attempted field goal and held ball in the rebound.

    The main results of this study were: i) when shoots were taken inside the

    paint, the same side had statistically significant more percentage of rebounds

    than the opposite side, ii) near 91% of all rebounds were obtained inside the

    paint while there were no rebounds in three point zone; iii) when the number of

    players is equal, defense had no statistically significant more rebounds than

    offense; iv) wherewhen defense had superiority of 1, 2 and 3 players, it had

    statistically significant more rebounds than offense; iii) when offense had

    superiority of 1 player, it had statistically significant more rebounds than

    defense, v) situations of superiority had statistically significant more rebounds

    than inferiority.

    Coaches and researches should be aware of this kind of information to

    enhance practices and games performance.

  • Abstract _____________________________________________________________________________

    Roberto Lampert Ribas 10

    Keywords : Rebound, Game Analysis, Basketball, Number of Players in the

    Rebound, Field Goal Attempt

  • Lista de Abreviaturas e Símbolos

    Roberto Lampert Ribas 11

    Lista de Abreviaturas e Símbolos

    UK – United Kingdom

    SD – Standard Deviation

    NBA – National Basketball Association

    ex – Example

    SPSS – Statistical Package for the Social Sciences

    e.g. – exempli gratia

    % - percentual

  • Introdução Geral e Estrutura da Dissertação

    Roberto Lampert Ribas 15

    Capítulo 1Capítulo 1Capítulo 1Capítulo 1

    Introdução Geral e Estrutura da Dissertação

  • Introdução Geral e Estrutura da Dissertação

    Roberto Lampert Ribas 17


    A identificação dos aspectos que influenciam a performance individual e

    coletiva é uma das preocupações das comissões técnicas e de pesquisadores

    que investigam na área da análise de jogo. A análise da performance em

    esportes com bola, como o basquetebol, é uma ferramenta fundamental para

    treinadores, permitindo que eles tenham informação válida e confiável sobre as

    suas próprias equipas e seus oponentes (Ibánez et al.,2009). A análise

    quantitativa do desempenho em jogos de basquetebol, particularmente

    estatísticas de jogo, são usadas entre treinadores com o objetivo de analisar os

    eventos do jogo e adquirir mais dados sobre a performance da equipa e

    jogadores (Sampaio & Janeira, 2003). Indicadores de performance são usados

    frequentemente para definir equipas vencedoras e perdedoras. Para construir a

    melhor estratégia, tomar decisões táticas racionais e aumentar o desempenho

    da equipa, treinadores devem conhecer quais os elementos que são mais

    críticos e que mais distinguem vencedores e perdedores dentro de uma partida

    (Csataljay et al., 2009).

    O feedback é um fator crucial na melhora do desempenho em vários

    esportes. Muitos treinadores usam o feedback visual em suas tentativas de

    melhorar o rendimento de seus atletas. O feedback em forma de vídeo é a

    forma mais popular de tecnologia usada neste tipo de análise (Garefis et al.,

    2007). Para se ter um feedback adequado, é preciso saber exatamente quais

    são as variáveis que devem ser analisadas. Algumas das variáveis mais

    importantes para se analizar são as ações realizadas pelos atletas e equipas

    em competições reais, geralmente designadas como estatísticas de jogos

    (Gómez et al., 2008).

    No jogo de basquetebol, inúmeros aspectos podem ser considerados

    essenciais, porém pesquisadores que utilizam amostras de competições

    européias em seus estudos, identificaram a boa performance do ressalto

    defensivo e o percentual de lançamentos como estatísticas associadas às

  • Introdução Geral e Estrutura da Dissertação

    Roberto Lampert Ribas 18

    equipas vencedoras (Sampaio et al, 2006). O ressalto é a base do jogo para

    qualquer equipa, pois gera mais oportunidades para contra ataques e

    assistências, além de reduzir as chances do adversário aumentar sua eficiência

    em lançamentos, pois não possibilita uma segunda posse de bola (Trninic et al,


    Gómez et al. (2008), concluiem em sua pesquisa que a variável que

    melhor diferencia as equipas vencedoras das perdedoras de uma maneira

    global é o ressalto defensivo. Equipas vencedoras possuem uma melhor

    disciplina tática e responsabilidade em controlar as posições defensivas,

    conseguindo, dessa forma, ganhar mais ressaltos que seus oponentes. Outro

    exemplo de como o ressalto é um componente de extrema importância no jogo

    de basquetebol pode ser encontrado na pesquisa de Lidor & Arnon (2000), que

    conclui que o sucesso na partida não pode ser apenas descrito pela eficiência

    dos lançamentos, uma equipa deve demonstrar, também, um alto nível em

    ressaltos e assistências. Nessa pesquisa, os autores ainda indicam uma alta

    correlação entre o número de ressaltos totais e a quantidade de pontos

    marcados por uma equipa.

    Treinadores experientes e vitoriosos (Krzyzewski & Phillips, 2001;

    Wootten, 2003, Jackson & Arkush, 2004) acreditam que o ressalto é um

    aspecto, muitas vezes, negligenciado em suas rotinas de treinamentos.

    Questões como lançamentos, ensaio de jogadas, organização de diferentes

    tipos de defesas, análise dos adversários, condicionamento físico e outras

    questões técnicas e táticas possuem sempre a prioridade em seus treinos e,

    muitas vezes, essa variável tão importante como o ressalto é pouco treinada.

    Apesar da grande importância dessa variável, não é fácil encontrar

    estudos onde o ressalto seja estudado de uma forma mais profunda. As atuais

    pesquisas focam o seu escopo na questão da análise discriminatória, ou seja, o

    que interfere mais no resultado do jogo e, dessa forma, diferencia vencedores

    de perdedores. Visto que grande parte dessas pesquisas (Gómez et al., 2008;

    Ibánez et al., 2003; Karipidis et al., 2001) mostram a importância dos ressaltos,

  • Introdução Geral e Estrutura da Dissertação

    Roberto Lampert Ribas 19

    seria compreensível que pesquisas fossem realizadas no sentido de se analisar

    somente o ressalto, porém isso não ocorre com grande frequência. Um estudo

    que analisa esse aspecto é o de Tsamourtizis & Athanasiou (2004). Os

    referidos autores indicam em sua revisão de literatura que cerca 70-75% dos

    ressaltos ocorrem ao lado contrário do lançamento e que lançamentos de longa

    distância tendem a gerar ressaltos mais longos, porém não apresentam dados

    comprovativos dessas afirmações. Visto que sua metodologia divide a quadra

    de jogo em apenas 5 zonas, seus resultados apresentam números

    semelhantes, ou seja, que o ressalto tende a acontecer na maioria das vezes

    no lado oposto.

    Outro aspecto do ressalto que é pouco explorado na literatura é o

    número de jogadores que participam da disputa e seu respectivo

    posicionamento. É de extrema importância que cada jogador saiba exatamente

    onde vai se pocionar para lutar pelo ressalto e que cada equipa tenha bem

    treinado quem vai entrar no garrafão para tentar ganhar o ressalto e quem irá

    fazer a recuperação defensiva. Sobre esse aspecto de posicionamento e

    número de atletas que entra efetivamente na disputa do ressalto, não foi

    encontrada nenhuma publicação.

    Visto a falta de conhecimento mais profundo sobre essa variável e face

    às informações citadas anteriormente, estabeleceram-se os seguintes objetivos

    para o presente estudo:

    (1) determinar se o ressalto tende a ocorrer do mesmo lado ou do lado

    contrário ao lançamento;

    (2) analisar a influência do número de jogadores envolvidos no ressalto em

    jogos de basquetebol de alto nível;

  • Introdução Geral e Estrutura da Dissertação

    Roberto Lampert Ribas 20


    Este trabalho apresenta uma estrutura ligeiramente diferente do padrão

    tradicional de elaboração de Dissertações de Mestrado, pois foi elaborada a

    partir do “Modelo Escandinavo”. A dissertação é composta por quatro capítulos,

    descritos na Tabela 1. O segundo e terceiro capítulos correspondem aos

    artigos que foram redigidos segundo as orientações e normas específicas de

    cada periódico a que foram submetidos. O capítulo quatro apresenta as

    conclusões gerais da dissertação. No fim de cada capítulo são apresentadas as

    referências bibliográficas.

    Tabela 1: Capítulos da dissertação e seus principais objetivos.

    Capítulo 1Capítulo 1Capítulo 1Capítulo 1 Apresentar a introdução geral, bem como a pertinência do estudo e seus respectivos objetivos.

    Capítulo 2Capítulo 2Capítulo 2Capítulo 2

    An analysis of the side of rebound in high level ba sketball games.

    Artigo aceito para publicação (Agosto/2011) na International Journal of Performance Analysis of Sport (UK)

    Ribas RL, Navarro RM, Tavares F, Gómez MA

    Capítulo 3Capítulo 3Capítulo 3Capítulo 3

    Analysis of number of players involved in rebound s ituations in Euroleague Basketball Games.

    Artigo submetido à revista The Open Sports Sciences Journal

    Ribas RL, Navarro RM, Tavares F, Gómez MA

    Capítulo 4Capítulo 4Capítulo 4Capítulo 4 Apresentar a síntese final e as conclusões gerais da Dissertação


    Csataljay, G., O´Donoghue, P., Hughes, M., Dancs, H. (2009). Performance

    indicators that distinguish winning and losing teams in basketball.

    International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 9, 60-6.

  • Introdução Geral e Estrutura da Dissertação

    Roberto Lampert Ribas 21

    Ibáñez, S., García, J., Feu, S., Lorenzo, A., Sampaio, J. (2009). Effects of

    consecutive basketball games on the game-related statistics that

    discriminate winner and losing teams. Journal of Sports Science and

    Medicine, 8, 458-62.

    Ibáñez, S.J., Sampaio, J., Sáenz-López, P., Giménez, J., Janeira, M.A. (2003)

    Game statistics discriminating of junior world basketball championship

    matches (Portugal 1999). Journal of Human Movement Studies, 45, 1-


    Garefis, A., Tsitskaris, G., Mexas, K., Kyriakou, D. (2007). Comparison of the

    effectiveness of fast breaks in two high level basketball championships.

    International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 7(3), 9-17.

    Gómez, M. A., Lorenzo, A., Sampaio, J., Ibáñez, S., Ortega, E. (2008). Game

    related statistics that discriminated winning and losing teams from

    Spanish men’s professional basketball teams. Coll Antropol, 32, 451- 6.

    Jackson, P., Arkush, M. (2004). The last season: a team in search of its soul.

    United States of America, Penguin Press.

    Karipidis, A., Fotinakis, P., Taxildaris, K., Fatouros, J. (2001) Factors

    characterizing a successful performance in basketball. Journal of Human

    Movement Studies 41(5), 385-97.

    Krzyzewski, M., Phillips , D.T. (2001). Five-point play. New York, Warner Books,


    Lidor, R., Arnon, M. (2000). Developing indexes of efficiency in basketball: Talk

    with the coaches in their own language. Kinesiology (Zagreb), 32(2), 31-


  • Introdução Geral e Estrutura da Dissertação

    Roberto Lampert Ribas 22

    Sampaio, J., Janeira, M. (2003). Statistical analyses of basketball team

    performance: understanding teams wins and losses according to a

    different index of ball possessions. International Journal of Performance

    Analysis in Sport, 3, 40-9.

    Sampaio, J.; Ibañez, S.; Lorenzo, A., Gómez, M. (2006). Discriminative game-

    related statistics between basketball starters and non-starters when

    related to playing standard and game outcome. Perceptual and Motor

    Skills, 103, 486-94.

    Tsamourtzis, E., Athanasiou, N. (2004). Registration of rebound possession

    zones in basketball. International Journal of Performance Analysis in

    Sport, 4(1), 34-9.

    Wootten M. (2003). Coaching basketball successfully, Champaign: Human


  • An analysis of the side of rebound in high level basketball games

    Roberto Lampert Ribas 23

    Capítulo 2Capítulo 2Capítulo 2Capítulo 2

    Artigo Original

    An analysis of the side of rebound in high level basketball games.

    Ribas RL, Navarro RM, Tavares F, Gómez MA

    Artigo aceite para publicação (Agosto/2011) na International Journal of Perfomance Analisys of Sport


  • An analysis of the side of rebound in high level basketball games

    Roberto Lampert Ribas 25



    Ribas, R. L 1; Navarro, R. M 2, Tavares, F 1; Gómez, M. A.3

    1. Faculty of Sports Sciences and Physical Education, University of Porto, Portugal.

    2. Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences, University Alfonso X El Sabio.

    3. Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences, Polytechnic University of Madrid,


    Running Head: Side of rebound in basketball

    Key words: basketball, rebound, notational analysis, field-goal attempt

  • An analysis of the side of rebound in high level basketball games

    Roberto Lampert Ribas 26


    The aim of the present study was to identify if there was any

    difference between the side of the rebound when attempt occurs from three

    different zones. The sample was composed of 48 games (n= 4548 field-

    goals gathered) corresponding to the 2009-2010 Top 16 of the Euroleague.

    The analyzed variables were the unsuccessful attempted field goals, which

    generate rebounds, and then sample was split into three groups: i) paint

    zone, ii) two points zone, and, iii) three points zone. To analyze the side of

    rebound, the court was divided: i) same side and ii) opposite side of the field

    goal attempt.

    The results of the present study showed: i) 46.5% of the shoots were

    taken from the paint compared with 38.3% taken from the 3 point zone and

    15.2% taken from the 2 point zone; ii) near 91% of all rebounds were

    obtained inside the paint while there were no rebounds in three point zone;

    iii) when shoots were taken inside the paint, the same side had statistically

    significant more percentage of rebounds than the opposite side. Overall, it is

    suggested that coaches should take into account this reference values to

    better prepare training plans and game tactics in basketball.

  • An analysis of the side of rebound in high level basketball games

    Roberto Lampert Ribas 27


    The research about basketball has become greater in the last few years, the game

    is in constant evolution and there are always new problems to investigate and try to

    solve. A considerable number of papers have been published about what makes

    differences between teams and players’ performance in basketball games and it is very

    important to understand those aspects of the game to potentiate training methods and

    coach management during competition (Sampaio, Drinkwater & Leite, 2010).

    With the evolution of tactical and technical in basketball games, it is important

    to coaches, players and researches to understand every single detail of the sport.

    Performance analysis in basketball is an important tool, allowing coaches to have

    reliable information concerning their own team and opponents (Ibáñez, García, Feu,

    Lorenzo & Sampaio, 2009). To become better, teams must improve training sessions

    and matches. The study of the game, reflecting and reaching conclusions, can help to

    improve individual play, team play and the coach´s decision-making in important

    moments in the game (Ibáñez, Sampaio, Sáenz-López, Giménez & Janeira, 2003;

    Simovic & Komic, 2008; Pojskic, Separovic & Uzicanin, 2009; Sampaio, et al, 2010).

    In the past few years, some researchers are focusing their attention in the game-

    related statistics. It is well documented that some variables such as, defensive rebound,

    allow researches and coaches to discriminated winning and losing in basketball games

    (Gómez, Lorenzo, Sampaio, Ibáñez & Ortega, 2008; Ibáñez, Sampaio, Feu, Lorenzo,

    Gómez & Ortega, 2008). Defensive rebound is a basis for development of team´s

    offense, because it gives the team a possibility to make fast-breaks and assists to easy

    baskets, and it does not allows the opponents an extra ball possession (Trninic, Dizdar

    & Luksic, 2002). The offensive rebound also has an important role in basketball, being

  • An analysis of the side of rebound in high level basketball games

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    a good variable to discriminated winning teams in playoff games (Sampaio & Janeira,

    2003). However, available studies where the rebound was analyzed with more details,

    are not easy to find in scientific papers. If the rebound is a such an important variable

    that can predict winners, it is fundamental to understand how to win rebounds in

    basketball games.

    To prepare a team, to build up the best tactics, to make good decisions during a

    game, coaches need to know which elements of matches are the most crucial ones.

    Especially at close games where there are small differences between the performance of

    two teams (Csataljay, O´Donoghue, Hughes & Dancs, 2009). It is possible to find a

    large number of studies that discriminate winners and losers in basketball using game-

    related statistics, but according to Trninić et al., (2002), to a better understanding of the

    game, the information obtained from the game statistics should be completed by the

    computer video analyses. In this particular topic, some important variables such as zone

    of the field-goal attempt and side of the rebound are not available in official statistics.

    Indeed, available literature is quite scarce (Gómez, Tsamourtzis & Lorenzo, 2006;

    Ortega, Palao, Gómez, Lorenzo & Cárdenas, 2007; Gómez, Lorenzo, Ibáñez, Ortega,

    Leite, & Sampaio, 2010) and based on different topics in basketball, such as defensive

    systems, tactics used during basketball games or the game analysis in formative teams.

    Trying to investigate the rebounds as variables, there is only one study (Tsamourtziz &

    Athanasiou, 2004), the authors analyzed 5 different zones of shooting and rebounding,

    and found that most of shoots rebound to the opposite side.

    According to the framework reported, it seems very important for coaches and

    players to have some scientific support that allowed them to have a better understanding

    about the zones where the rebound occurs considering the spot where the shoot attempt

  • An analysis of the side of rebound in high level basketball games

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    was taken. Thus, the present study aims to determine if the ball tends to rebound

    on the same side or the opposite side where the field goal try occurred.


    Sample and variables

    In order to carry out this study, all games (n = 48) corresponding to the 2009-

    2010 Top 16 of the Euroleague were analyzed. The games were analyzed through

    systematic observation by two experienced observers trained for this observational

    analysis. Before the analysis of the games two separate observations were done to

    calculate interrater reliability. From a sub-sample of 10 games, Cohen’ Kappa was 0.91

    for shooting zone, 0.95 for rebound zone and 1.00 for side of rebound.

    To analyze the zone of attempted field goal and zone of rebound, the court was

    divided in fourteen zones (Tavares & Santos, 2007) (Figure 1). The variables were

    determined by expert coaches and researchers and were registered by experienced

    observers (licensed in Sport Science and with a minimum of 5 years of experience as

    basketball coaches). A total of 4548 actions of attempted field goals were analyzed

    (successful = 2378 and unsuccessful = 2170). To avoid inconsistencies some actions

    were excluded from analysis (blocked shots, free throws attempted that did not touch

    the rim or the backboard, shooting foul, when the rebound went directly to out of

    bounds, second attempted field goal and held ball in the rebound). On the other hand,

    the unsuccessful attempted field goals, which generate rebounds, have been divided into

    three groups: i) paint (zone 11 to 14), ii) two points (zone 6 to 10) and, iii) three points

    (zone 1 to 5). To analyze the side of rebound, the court was divided in two by

    theimaginary line basket-basket: i) same side and ii) opposite side of the field goal

  • An analysis of the side of rebound in high level basketball games

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    attempt. Each game provides a percentage of rebound in the same and opposite side,

    thus, the following variables were studied: percentage of rebound in the same or

    opposite side, when shooting from the paint, from two points, from three points and

    total field-goals attempts.

    Figure 1. Zones of the court.

    Figure 2. Zones of field-goals and side of rebounds.

    Data Analysis

    A normality test of Shapiro-Wilk was performed in all variables and after a

    paired t-test it was used to examination if there were differences between the percentage

    of rebound in the same and opposite side when shooting from the paint zone, two points

  • An analysis of the side of rebound in high level basketball games

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    zone, three points zone and total shooting attempts. The statistical analyses were

    performed using SPSS software 16.0 and significance level was set at p≤0.05.


    Figure 3. Field-goals distribution (recount and %).

    Figure 4. Rebounds distribution (recount and %).

  • An analysis of the side of rebound in high level basketball games

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    The results of total field goals attempted and rebounds are presented in Figure 3

    and Figure 4. Near 46.5% of total shoots were taken from inside the paint, while 38.3%

    from the three points and 15.2% from two points zone.

    It is also possible to see that almost 59.0% of all field goals attempted in all

    games were taken from zones 2, 4, 13 and 14. Near 91.0% of all rebounds were

    obtained inside the paint while there were no rebounds obtained in three point zone.

    Table 1: Analysis of Same Side and Opposite Side Variables Shapiro-Wilk Same Side Opposite Side T Sig.

    Sig. Mean SD Mean SD Paint 0.988 58.04 11.94 41.95 11.94 4.666 0.000* 2-points FG 0.978 49.26 18.1 50.73 18.1 -0.283 0.779 3-points FG 0.232 47.87 11.6 52.12 11.6 -1.266 0.212 Total 0.405 51.64 7 48.35 7 1.631 0.110 Significantly different: *p ≤ 0.05

    This study found that when attempts occur inside the paint, the same side had

    statistically significant more percentage than the opposite side. When attempt occur in

    two points, three points zones and total attempts, the same side had no statistically

    significant more percentage than the opposite side.


    The purpose of the present study was to identify if there was any difference

    between the side of the rebound when attempt occurs from inside the paint, two point

    zone and three point zone. There are not too many previous scientific studies in this

    field of research (Tsamourtziz & Athanasiou, 2004). Most of the information available

    about zone of rebound is from self experienced coaches and their empirical knowledge.

    The analysis of game-related statistics in basketball games showed that winning

    teams have better performance than losing teams in some variables, such as, defensive

  • An analysis of the side of rebound in high level basketball games

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    rebound, two points percentage field goal and free throws (Karapidis, Fotinakis,

    Taxildaris & Fatouros, 2001; Sampaio & Janeira, 2003; Trninic, et al., 2002). These

    studies allow coaches and players to understand which variables of the game are most

    important to have a better chance of winning games, but do not give the opportunity to

    coaches positioned players to gain the rebound, for example. Beyond knowing what is

    important to perform well during the game, they must know how to execute the

    actions.The zone of the field where the ball has more probability to rebound,

    considering the place where the shot was attempted is a very good information to the


    The rebound is clearly a very important variable in the game. Sampaio et al,

    (2006) showed the importance of defensive and offensive rebounds in three different

    levels of competition (Portuguese League, Spanish Professional League and NBA).

    Trninić et al, (2002), suggested that the defensive rebound is an indicator of overall

    defensive successfulness since it follows the unsuccessful opponent’s shot which is,

    most often, a consequence of the organized pressure defense well performed. We

    believe that this assumption and a good position of the players to dispute rebound can

    lead a team to over perform the opponent in the fight for the ball after an unsuccessful

    shot. The results obtained in the present study show that more than 90% of the rebounds

    occur inside the paint. The study about rebound zones of Tsamourtzis & Athanasiou

    (2004) does not use the same number of zones in the court to analyze the rebound and

    because of this a comparison is unlikely. This kind of information allows the coaches to

    prepare their team to be well positioned when the dispute happens. A team which

    usually disputes the rebound with two, three or four players can position each player in

    an exact place to box out the opponent from the zone where the ball has more

  • An analysis of the side of rebound in high level basketball games

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    possibility to rebound, in this case, inside the paint. The rebound is considered by some

    expert coaches (Jackson & Arkush, 2004), the most overlooked aspect of the game and

    requires a tremendous effort that the players will have to gain the dispute. With more

    scientific information about the rebound, it is possible to know the zones where rebound

    happens with more frequency having into account the areas where the shots are taken in

    the field. It is also very important all for the players to know who they are going to

    defend and to know the weakness of the opponent, this way they can try to explore this

    fragility of the adversary, for example, they must know exactly the zones where the

    other team has good percentage of successful shoot and try to avoid the attempts from


    It was found in this study that when the shot is taken from inside the paint there

    is a significant higher percentage of rebound on the same side and there were no

    differences between percentage of the two and three points attempt. The results obtained

    are different from Tsamourtziz & Athanasiou (2004) which suggest that much more

    likely 70%-75% of the time the ball rebound to the opposite side, but the present study

    does not use the same methodology of analyses. Since we do not have this information,

    but one possible explanation to these results is that the shoots taken from inside the

    paint are mostly with high pressure of the defense, because the paint is a zone very close

    to the basket, this pressure can cause a different mechanical of shooting which leads the

    ball rebound to the same side. There was no difference between the side when the shoot

    attempt occurs from two and three points zone, these results can be interpreted in the

    same way. The attempts from these zones are not always in high pressure from defense

    and there are no tendencies to the ball rebound to one specific side.

  • An analysis of the side of rebound in high level basketball games

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    The present study was limited in some aspects. It was not taken into the analysis

    if the player who shots the ball was free or was being defended and if it was individual

    or zone defense. We think it is very interesting that further research to control this

    information and look if when the attempt is unsuccessful there is any difference

    regarding the zone the ball goes to, because a free try is different from a non free one.


    Csataljay, G., O´Donoghue, P., Hughes, M. & Dancs, H. (2009). Performance indicators

    that distinguish winning and losing teams in basketball. International Journal of

    Performance Analysis in Sport, 9, 60-66.

    Gómez, M. A., Tsamourtzis, E., Lorenzo, A. (2006). Defensive systems in basketball

    ball possessions. Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 6(1), 98-107.

    Gómez, M. A., Lorenzo, A., Sampaio, J., Ibáñez, S. & Ortega, E. (2008). Game related

    statistics that discriminated winning and losing teams from Spanish men’s

    professional basketball teams. Coll Antropol, 32, 451- 456.

    Gómez, M. A., Lorenzo, A., Ibáñez, S. J., Leite, N. & Sampaio, J. (2010). Na analysis

    of defensive strategies used by home and away basketball teams. Perceptual and

    Motor Skills, 110, 159-166.

    Ibáñez, S. J., Sampaio, A. J., Sáenz-López, P., Giménez, J. & Janeira, M. A. (2003).

    Game statistics discriminating the final outcome of Junior World Basketball

    Championship matches (Portugal 1999). Journal of Human Movement Studies,

    45, 19.

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    Roberto Lampert Ribas 36

    Ibáñez, S., Sampaio, J., Feu, S., Lorenzo, A., Gómez, M. A. & Ortega, E. (2008).

    Basketball game-related statistics that discriminate between teams' season-long

    success. European Journal of Sport Science, 8, 369-372.

    Ibáñez, S., García, J., Feu, S., Lorenzo, A. & Sampaio, J. (2009). Effects of consecutive

    basketball games on the game-related statistics that discriminate winner and

    losing teams. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 8, 6.

    Jackson, P. & Arkush, M. 2004. The last season: a team in search of its soul. United

    States of America, Penguin Press.

    Karapidis, A., Fotinakis, P., Taxildaris, K. & Fatouros, J. (2001). Factors characterizing

    a successful performance in basketball. Journal of Human Movement Studies,

    41, 385-397.

    Ortega, E., Palao, J. M., Gómez, M. A., Lorenzo, A. & Cárdenas, D. (2007). Analysis of

    the efficacy of possessions in boys´ 16 and under basketball teams differences

    between winning and losing teams. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 104, 961-964.

    Pojskic, H., Separovic, V. & Uzicanin, E. (2009). Differences between successful and

    unsuccessful basketball teams on the final Olympic Tournament. Acta

    Kinesiologica, 3, 110-114.

    Sampaio, J. & Janeira, M. (2003). Statistical analyses of basketball team performance:

    understanding teams wins and losses according to a different index of ball

    possessions. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 3, 40-49.

    Sampaio, J., Ibáñez, S., Lorenzo, A. & Gómez, M. A. (2006). Discriminative game-

    related statistics between basketball starters and nonstarters when related to team

    quality and game outcome. Percept Mot Skills, 103, 486-94.

  • An analysis of the side of rebound in high level basketball games

    Roberto Lampert Ribas 37

    Sampaio, J., Drinkwater, E. J. & Leite, N, M. (2010). Effects of season period, team

    quality, and playing time on basketball players´ game-related statistics.

    European Journal of Sports Science, 10(2), 141-149.

    Simovic, S. & Komic, J. (2008). Analysis of the influence of certain elements of

    basketball game on final result based on differences at the XIII, XIV and XV

    World Championship. Acta Kinesiologica, 2 (2), 57-65.

    Tavares, F. & Santos, A. (2007). Análise do ressalto ofensivo em equipas de

    basquetebol do escalão sénior feminino. In IV Congreso Ibérico da Baloncesto

    "El entrenamiento desde la base a la élite deportiva en baloncesto" (Sérgio

    Ibáñez Gogoy; Sebastián Feu Molina; Isabel González; Javier Rubio; Maria

    Cañadas Alonso).

    Trninic, S., Dizdar, D. & Luksic, E. (2002). Differences between winning and defeated

    top quality basketball teams in final tournaments of European club

    championship. Collegium Antropologicum, 26, 521-31.

    Tsamourtzis, E., & Athanasiou, N. (2004). Registration of rebound possession zones in

    basketball. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 4(1), 34-39.

  • Analysis of number of players involved in rebound situations in Euroleague basketball games

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    Capítulo 3Capítulo 3Capítulo 3Capítulo 3

    Artigo Original

    Analysis of number of players involved in rebound situations in

    Euroleague basketball games.

    Ribas RL, Navarro RM, Tavares F, Gómez MA

    Artigo submetido à revista The Open Sports Sciences Journal

  • Analysis of number of players involved in rebound situations in Euroleague basketball games

    Roberto Lampert Ribas 41



    Running Title: Analysis of rebound in basketball games

    Roberto Lampert Ribas - Faculty of Sports Sciences and Physical Education, University

    of Porto, Portugal. [email protected]

    Rafael Navarro - Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences, University Alfonso X

    El Sabio. [email protected]

    Fernando Tavares - Faculty of Sports Sciences and Physical Education, University of

    Porto, Portugal. [email protected]

    Miguel Ángel Gómez - Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences, Polytechnic

    University of Madrid, Spain. [email protected]

  • Analysis of number of players involved in rebound situations in Euroleague basketball games

    Roberto Lampert Ribas 42


    The aim of the present study was to identify the influence of number of players

    involved in dispute of rebound in basketball games. To do so, 48 games

    corresponding to the 2009-2010 Top 16 of the Euroleague were analyzed. The

    sample was composed of 2170 situations (unsuccessful field-goals gathered which

    generate rebound), and the analyzed variables were: i) situations of equal number

    of 1, 2 and 3 players from offense and defense in rebound; ii) situations of

    superiority of 1, 2 and 3 players for defense; iii) situations of superiority of 1

    player for offense; iv) all situations of superiority and inferiority. The results of

    the present study showed that: i) when the number of players is equal, defense had

    no statistically significant more rebounds than offense; ii) when defense had

    superiority of 1, 2 and 3 players, it had statistically significant more rebounds than

    offense; iii) when offense had superiority of 1 player, it had statistically

    significant more rebounds than defense; iv) situations of superiority had

    statistically significant more rebounds than inferiority. Coaches and researches

    should be aware of this kind of information to enhance practices and games


    Key words: basketball, field-goal attempt, notational analysis, rebound, superiority

  • Analysis of number of players involved in rebound situations in Euroleague basketball games

    Roberto Lampert Ribas 43


    The investigation of factors which influence the performance in high level

    basketball games is relevant to affect the evolution of a sport. The detailed information

    about players and teams is an important tool for coaches to build the training process

    with more validity and success. This allows relating the performance of teams with

    technical and tactical indicators used during the game and thus develop a better

    improvement of training programs [1]. The information obtained through the analysis of

    the game in different situations allows identifying the tendencies of evolution of the

    players game and helps to optimize the preparation process [2].

    Currently, there are two aspects clearly different that address the scientific

    knowledge in sports [3], biomechanics and notational analysis. Both perspectives are

    related using the technology of images to obtain information and deepen the analysis.

    Thus, coaches and sport-analysts can use data to compare the results between teams and

    players. In the case of notational analysis, the mainly indicators used are: i) from games,

    ii) tactical and iii) technical; which allow to know physiological, psychological,

    technical and tactical demands of each sport. These indicators are related to quality of

    performance, with the main purpose of obtaining useful information and adjusting

    trainings and tasks to the reality of players or teams analyzed. Particularly, in the case of

    basketball, some authors [1] established that performance analysis has focused its

    attention on players and the evaluation of the game, attempting to know better the

    aspects that allow to optimize the resources of players and teams, and also identify the

    competition demands. However, to ensure relevant and objective information, the

    purposes of observation should be clearly defined. It is necessary to determine how you

  • Analysis of number of players involved in rebound situations in Euroleague basketball games

    Roberto Lampert Ribas 44

    intend to do the observation during the game and how the results collected can be used

    to improve the training process.

    With the evolution of the game, researchers [4] observed the need to introduce

    scientifically-based, sport-specific training, demands integration of the high expert and

    scientific approach to rational modeling of the training process in order to create

    effective system that would produce top basketball players and, as an expected

    consequence, top competitive results as well.

    The research about game indicators in basketball has reached great importance,

    but mainly focused on differentiating winning and losing teams [5, 6]. In this topic,

    there are some studies [6, 7, 8] that showed the importance of some variables in

    basketball. One of those variables is the rebound (offensive and defensive). In

    particular, one research [6] showed that the variables that better differentiate winners

    from losers in a global way were defensive rebounds and assists. However, with a lot of

    studies about what is really important in basketball, it is difficult to find researches

    where the rebound is studied, for example, where the ball tends to rebound or the

    difference about number of players involved in the dispute of rebounds. One research

    [9] about rebound possession zone showed that players need to know that shots taken

    from some ranges will rebound closer to the basket than shots launched from other

    distances, but this study does not report the difference about the number of players

    involved in the dispute of rebound.

    If the contribution of rebounds to winning high level basketball games is so

    important, we ask ourselves why it is so difficult to find researches where this variable

    is studied more deeply. Thereby, we think it is important to all coach staff to know if

  • Analysis of number of players involved in rebound situations in Euroleague basketball games

    Roberto Lampert Ribas 45

    there is any difference of chance to gain rebounds with more, same or less players

    involved in the dispute of rebounds. Thus, the present study aims to analyze the

    influence of the number of players involved in rebounds in basketball games.


    Sample and variables

    In order to carry out this study, all games (n = 48) corresponding to the 2009-

    2010 Top 16 of the Euroleague were analyzed. The games were analyzed through

    systematic observation by two experienced observers trained for this observational


    The variables were determined by expert coaches and researchers and were

    registered by experienced observers (licensed in Sport Science and with a minimum of 5

    years of experience as basketball coaches). A total of 2170 actions of unsuccessful

    attempted field goals, which generate rebounds were analyzed. To avoid inconsistencies

    with the sample some actions were excluded from analysis (blocked shots, free throws

    attempted that did not touch the rim or the backboard, shooting foul, when the rebound

    went directly to out of bounds, second attempted field goal and held ball in the

    rebound). After an unsuccessful attempt, the number of defensive and offensive players

    in the dispute of rebound were analyzed. To be considered in a dispute, the player must

    make some action in order to gain advantage to try to gain the rebound. The rebound

    situations analyzed were: i) 1 player from offense and defense; ii) 2 players from

    offense and defense; iii) 3 players from offense and defense; iv) advantage of 1 player

    to defense; v) advantage of 2 players to defense; vi) advantage of 3 players to defense

    and vii) advantage of 1 player to offense. The other situations were not analyzed due to

  • Analysis of number of players involved in rebound situations in Euroleague basketball games

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    the lower number of actions (ex: advantage of 4 or 5 players to defense,

    advantage of 2, 3, 4 and 5 players to offense and 4x4 and 5x5).

    Data Analysis

    A normality test (Shapiro-Wilk) was performed in all variables and afterwards a

    t-test for independent samples was used to examine if there were differences between

    the number of rebounds obtained from defense and offense in all situations. All

    variables were considered normal. The statistical analyses were performed using SPSS

    software 16.0 and significance level was set at p≤0.05.


    Table 1: Analysis of situations in rebounds

    Defense Offense t Sig. Mean SD Mean SD

    Equality 1 Player 2,45 1,72 2,31 1,5 0,441 0,660 Equality 2 Players 3,06 1,87 2,45 1,42 1,777 0,079 Equality 3 Players 1,35 1,49 1,5 1,27 -0,515 0,608 Superiority 1 Player Defense

    15,68 4,67 4,2 2,37 15,156 0,000*

    Superiority 2 Players Defense

    7,66 3,49 0,75 0,78 13,393 0,000*

    Superiority 3 Players Defense

    1,6 1,51 0,2 0,14 7,221 0,000*

    Superiority 1 Player Offense

    0,2 0,58 1,37 1,16 -6,228 0,000*

    Inferiority Superiority t Sig. Mean SD Mean SD

    Distinct number of players

    5,31 2,63 26,27 6,54 -20,588 0,000*

    Significantly different: *p ≤ 0.05

  • Analysis of number of players involved in rebound situations in Euroleague basketball games

    Roberto Lampert Ribas 47

    The results showed that the defense had no statistically significant more

    rebounds than offense when the number of players involved in the dispute is equal.

    When the number of players involved is different, defense and offense had statistically

    significant more rebounds when they had an advantage in the number of players

    involved. It was also found that situations with superiority had statistically significant

    more rebounds than inferiority situations.


    The intention of the present study was to analyze different situations in rebound

    and if there was any difference between defense and offense when the number of

    players involved in the dispute of the rebound is equal, with superiority of 1 player to

    offense and with superiority of 1, 2 and 3 players to defense.

    The rebound is a very important part of basketball games, but it is not easy to

    find researches about what players should do to gain rebounds in game situation, for

    example, how they should be positioned and fight for the rebound. The coach staff also

    do not have a large number of references to study, of course it is possible to find some

    books from more experienced coaches [10, 11], but scientific publications about this

    variable are needed for a better performance in the game.

    It was found in this study that when the number of players involved (1, 2 and 3)

    in the dispute of the rebound is equal, there is no advantage to defense or offence. This

    allows us to think that with equality, players must fight to obtain a better position to try

    to win the dispute. Researchers [12] enumerates some important aspects for the players

    to perform well in rebound, and some of those are technical and tactical preparation,

    pivoting, blocking, anticipation, securing and pulling the ball away. If the free space is

    the same for the players to dispute position, it seems very important for them to

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    anticipate the opponent. The best way to try to think before the opponent is practicing

    anticipation and decision making tasks. The players who usually go to fight for the

    rebound, should know exactly where the ball tends to rebound according to the player

    who is shooting the ball (e.g, specific position, player experience, defensive pressure,

    etc), if they control these factors better they may anticipate the move and try a better

    position to gain the rebound [9].

    According to authors [13], performance analysis in basketball is a fundamental

    tool for coaches, allowing them to have valid and reliable information concerning their

    team and opponents. This assumption shows that the results found in the present study

    can help coaches, because all the situations that had advantage on the number of players

    involved in the rebound, won statistically significant more rebounds. When defense has

    advantage of 1, 2 or 3 players, in all of those situations, defense won statistically

    significant more rebounds than offense. This also happened when offense had advantage

    of 1 player in the dispute. Another situation that was analyzed was superiority and

    inferiority, while superiority wins near 26 rebounds per game, inferiority win less than 6

    rebounds. With those numbers, superiority wins statistically significant more rebounds

    than inferiority.

    Coaches must know in depth their opponents, for example, if the coach staff

    knows exactly how many players the other team uses to dispute the rebound, they can

    prepare their teams to have always a higher number of players disputing the ball,

    according to the results found in the present study, the team which is well prepared to a

    situation like this, will win significant more rebounds than its opponent.

    The results obtained in situations with advantage for offense or defense showed

    that it is very difficult to gain rebounds with fewer players. If defense has an inferiority

  • Analysis of number of players involved in rebound situations in Euroleague basketball games

    Roberto Lampert Ribas 49

    the offense can win rebounds because at least one player is completely free to go after

    the rebound, the opposite situation is also true, the defense with more players can box

    out the players from offense and the others go to get the rebound. If the defense is

    playing a zone situation with inferiority, players from offense should move more

    quickly to confuse the defense and have a better position to jump and try to get the

    board, and in superiority the defense can put each player in one specific zone to box out

    the players in that zone and not allow the opponent to jump after the ball.

    One intriguing result obtained was the number of rebounds gained when

    superiority occurs. When the team has more players in rebound the number of rebounds

    gained is bigger. Teams should be prepared to always have more players in the dispute

    of the rebound. The rebound must be disputed with all players, not just centers. As some

    authors argued, power forwards, forwards and guards can contribute to obtain the

    rebounds [14], and then team would have superiority and may win more boards.

    The present research had some limitations that were not controlled. It was not

    verified the exact positions of the players when they were in the dispute of the rebound.

    It is interesting in further research to control this kind of information to have a better

    perspective of this important variable.


    The analysis of number of players involved in rebound situations allowed us to

    understand that it is very important have superiority in the dispute. This profile can help

    coaches to prepare specific practices according to their opponents, this way they can

    perform better in the games.

  • Analysis of number of players involved in rebound situations in Euroleague basketball games

    Roberto Lampert Ribas 50


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  • Síntese Final e Conclusões Gerais

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    Capítulo 4Capítulo 4Capítulo 4Capítulo 4

    Síntese Final e Conclusões Gerais

  • SínteseFinal e Conclusões Gerais

    Roberto Lampert Ribas 55


    É consensual na literatura disponível que o ressalto possui grande

    importância no jogo de basquetebol na questão de conseguir predizer

    vencedores e perdedores. Com a evolução do jogo em aspectos técnicos,

    táticos e físicos, torna-se essencial compreender todas variáveis do jogo de

    uma forma efetiva. No momento em que se é possível analisar aspectos que

    podem modificar resultados de jogos, o processo de treino pode ser mais

    específico, gerando assim uma melhor performance.

    Pesquisas sobre basquetebol têm focado, basicamente, o seu olhar

    sobre análise discriminatória, ou seja, fatores que possuem maior ou menor

    influência na vitória e na derrota. Dentre essas variáveis, o ressalto surge como

    um grande fator discriminante. Publicações científicas onde o ressalto seja

    abordado especificamente, são dificies de se encontrar. Obviamente livros de

    treinadores experientes abordam o assunto de uma forma profunda, porém

    muitas vezes os relatos são da sua experiência adquirida ao longo dos anos.

    Dessa forma, as opiniões sobre onde o ressalto tende a acontecer, ou a forma

    como deve ser disputado, o número de jogadores que deve disputar são

    completamente diferentes de acordo com as vivências de cada um.

    Em Portugal e no Brasil existe uma escassez de informação proveniente

    de investigação no domínio do ressalto, principalmente no que se refere ao

    número de jogadores que disputam o mesmo e o possível local de queda da

    bola. Desse modo, a presente pesquisa foi realizada no sentido de contribuir

    para um melhor entendimento desses aspectos. De acordo com os objetivos

    estabelecidos em cada capítulo, emergiram os seguintes resultados:

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    Capítulo 2Capítulo 2Capítulo 2Capítulo 2

    An analysis of the rebound in high level basketball games.

    (1) 46,5% dos lançamentos foram feitos de dentro do garrafão, 38,3% da zona de três pontos e 15,2% da zona de dois pontos.

    (2) Aproximadamente 91% dos ressaltos ocorreram dentro do garrafão enquanto não houve nenhum ressalto na zona de três pontos.

    (3) Quando os lançamentos ocorrem dentro do garrafão, o mesmo lado possui mais ressaltos que o lado contrário (p

  • SínteseFinal e Conclusões Gerais

    Roberto Lampert Ribas 57

    ofensivos, possibilitando assim que cada equipe conheça exatamente seus

    adversários e possa treinar de forma eficaz para vencê-los.

    Para uma melhor compreensão do ressalto, emerge a necessidade de

    realizar pesquisas com maior número amostral que incluam outras ligas e

    campeoantos nacionais de grande nível, bem como estudos que considerem o

    posicionamento exato dos lançamentos, tipos de defesas executadas, tipo de

    lançamento (livre ou marcado), o número de jogadores e suas respectivas

    posições e bloqueios defensivos por parte da defesa. Um desafio bem presente

    radica na necessidade de analisar também as características físicas de todos

    jogadores envolvidos no processo de disputa do ressalto, porém sabe-se das

    extremas dificuldades dessa abordagem.

    É importante ressaltar que as informações e resultados desse estudo

    trazem novos desafios aos treinadores e a todos os que estão envolvidos

    diretamente no processo de treino. Nem sempre é clara a melhor forma de se

    treinar e atingir a melhor perfomance possível, dessa forma, cabe a nós

    treinadores, estudar, pesquisar e, obviamente, treinar para que o jogo evolua

    cada vez mais.