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--------------------------BRAVO 100 livros essenciais --------------------------Guerra e Paz, Leon Tolstoi 16. Doutor Fausto, Thomas Mann Som e a Fria, William Faulkner Teogonia, Hesodo 21. As Metamorfoses, Ovdio Os Miserveis, Victor Hugo 30. Adeus s Armas, Ernest Hemingway 36. A Comdia Humana, Balzac 37. Grandes Esperanas, Charles Dickens 38. O Homem sem Qualidades, Robert Musil 39. As Viagens de Gulliver, Jonathan Swift 40. Finnegans Wake, James Joyce Os Lusadas, Lus de Cames 42. Os Trs Mosqueteiros, Alexandre Dumas 44. Decameron, Boccaccio 48. Os Cantos de Maldoror O Livro das Mil e uma Noites 54. Don Juan, Tirso de Molina Mensagem, Fernando Pessoa Paraso Perdido, John Milton 57. Robinson Cruso, Daniel Defoe 66. A Condio Humana, Andr Malraux Os Cantos, Ezra Pound A Morte de Virgilio, Herman Broch 73. As Folhas da Relva, Walt Whitman 74. Deserto dos Trtaros, Dino Buzzati 77. A Ilustre Casa de Ramires, Ea de Queirs 79. As Vinhas da Ira, John Steinbeck 83. Contos de Hans Christian Andersen 84. O Leopardo, Tomaso di Lampedusa Vida e Opinies do Cavaleiro Tristram Shandy, Laurence Sterne 86. Passagem para a ndia, E.M. Forster Orgulho e Preconceito, Jane Austen Pais e Filhos, Ivan Turgueniev 91. A Epopia de Gilgamesh 92. O Mahabharata 94. On the Road, Jack Kerouac 95. O Lobo da Estepe, Hermann Hesse 99. As Irms Makioka, Junichiro Tanizaki-----------------Le Monde sculo XX -----------------8 For Whom the Bell Tolls Ernest Hemingway 1940 9 Le Grand Meaulnes Alain-Fournier 1913 French 10 Froth on the Daydream Boris Vian 1947 French 11 The Second Sex Simone de Beauvoir 1949 French 13 Being and Nothingness Jean-Paul Sartre 1943 The Gulag Archipelago Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn 1973 Russian 17 Alcools Guillaume Apollinaire 1913 French 18 The Blue Lotus Herg 1936 French 19 The Diary of a Young Girl Anne Frank 1947 20 Tristes Tropiques Claude Lvi-Strauss 1955 23 Asterix the Gaul Ren Goscinny and Albert UderzoEnglishFrenchDutch French 1959 French24 The Bald Soprano Eugne Ionesco 1952 French 25 Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality Sigmund Freud 1905 German 26 The Abyss Zeno of Bruges Marguerite Yourcenar 1968 French 31 The Horseman on the Roof Jean Giono 1951 French 32 Belle du Seigneur Albert Cohen 1968 French 35 Thrse Desqueyroux Franois Mauriac 1927 French 37 Confusion of Feelings Stefan Zweig 1927 German 38 Gone with the Wind Margaret Mitchell 1936 English 39 Lady Chatterley's Lover D. H. Lawrence 1928 English 40 The Magic Mountain Thomas Mann 1924 German 41 Bonjour Tristesse Franoise Sagan 1954 French 42 Le Silence de la mer Vercors 1942 French Life: A User's Manual Georges Perec 1978 French 44 The Hound of the Baskervilles Arthur Conan Doyle 1901 1902 45 Under the Sun of Satan Georges Bernanos 1926 French 47 The Joke Milan Kundera 1967 Czech 48 A Ghost at Noon Contempt Alberto Moravia 1954 Italian 49 The Murder of Roger Ackroyd Agatha Christie 1926 English 50 Nadja Andr Breton 1928 French 51 Aurelien Louis Aragon 1944 French 52 The Satin Slipper Paul Claudel 1929 French 55 Friday Michel Tournier 1967 French 56 The War of the Worlds H. G. Wells 1898 English 57 If This Is a Man Survival in Auschwitz Primo Levi 59 Les Vrilles de la vigne (French) Colette 1908 French 60 Capital of Pain Paul luard 1926 French 61 Martin Eden Jack London 1909 English 62 Ballad of the Salt Sea Hugo Pratt 1967 Italian 63 Writing Degree Zero Roland Barthes 1953 French 64 The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum Heinrich Bll 1974 German 65 The Opposing Shore Julien Gracq 1951 French 66 The Order of Things Michel Foucault 1966 French 67 On the Road Jack Kerouac 1957 English 68 The Wonderful Adventures of Nils Selma Lagerlf 69 A Room of One's Own Virginia Woolf 1929 English 70 The Martian Chronicles Ray Bradbury 1950 English 71 The Ravishing of Lol Stein Marguerite Duras 1964 French 72 The Interrogation J. M. G. Le Clzio 1963 French 73 Tropisms Nathalie Sarraute 1939 French Jules Renard 1925 French 74 Journal, 1887 1910 75 Lord Jim Joseph Conrad 1900 English 76 crits Jacques Lacan 1966 French 78 Manhattan Transfer John Dos Passos 1925 English 80 Moravagine Blaise Cendrars 1926 French 81 The General of the Dead Army Ismail Kadare 1963 Albanian 82 Sophie's Choice William Styron 1979 English 83 Gypsy Ballads Federico Garca Lorca 1928 Spanish 84 The Strange Case of Peter the Lett Georges Simenon 1931 French 85 Our Lady of the Flowers Jean Genet 1944 French 86 The Man Without Qualities Robert Musil 1930 1942 German 87 Furor and Mystery Ren Char 1948 French 89 No Orchids For Miss Blandish James Hadley Chase 1939 English 90 Blake and Mortimer Edgar P. Jacobs 1950 French 91 The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge Rainer Maria Rilke 1910 92 Second Thoughts Michel Butor 1957 French 93 The Burden of Our Time The Origins of Totalitarianism Hannah Arendt 94 The Master and Margarita Mikhail Bulgakov 1967 Russian 95 The Rosy Crucifixion Henry Miller 1949 1960 English 96 The Big Sleep Raymond Chandler 1939 English 97 Amers Saint-John Perse 1957 French98 99Gaston Gomer Goof Under the VolcanoAndr Franquin 1957 Malcolm Lowry 1947French English------------------Folha 100 sculo XX ------------------4 - Doutor Fausto (1947) - Thomas Mann. 7 - A Montanha Mgica (1924) - Thomas Mann O Som e a Fria (1929) - William Faulkner 9 - O Homem sem Qualidades (1930-1943) - Robert Musil 10 - Finnegans Wake (1939) - James Joyce. A Morte de Virglio (1945) - Hermann Broch 14 - O Inominvel (1953) - Samuel Beckett 19 - Os Embaixadores (1903) - Henry James 23 - O Leopardo (1958) - Tomaso di Lampedusa 26 - O Quarteto de Alexandria (1957-1960) - Lawrence Durrell 28 - Malone Morre (1951) - Samuel Beckett. 29 - O Deserto do Trtaros (1940) - Dino Buzzati 30 - Lord Jim (1900) - Joseph Conrad Orlando (1928) - Virginia Woolf 32 - A Peste (1947) - Albert Camus 34 - O Tambor (1959) - Gnter Grass 39 - Molloy (1951) - Samuel Beckett 40 - A Condio Humana (1933) - Andr Malraux 42 - Retrato do Artista Quando Jovem (1917) - James Joyce 43 - A Cidade e as Serras (1901) - Ea de Queirs 44 - Aquela Confuso Louca da Via Merulana (1957) - Carlo Emilio Gadda 45 - As Vinhas da Ira (1939) - John Steinbeck Auto de F (1935) - Elias Canetti 47 - Sombra do Vulco (1947) - Malcolm Lowry 50 - O Bosque das Iluses Perdidas (1913) - Alain Fournier 51 - Morte a Crdito (1936) - Louis-Ferdinand Cline 52 - O Amante de Lady Chatterley (1928) - D.H. Lawrence 53 - O Sculo das Luzes (1962) - Alejo Carpentier 54 - Uma Tragdia Americana (1925) - Theodore Dreiser 55 - Amrica (1927) - Franz Kafka A Vida - Modo de Usar (1978) - Georges Perec 60 - Jos e Seus Irmos (1933-1943) - Thomas Mann 61 - Os Thibault (1921-1940) - Roger Martin du Gard 63 - Paralelo 42 (1930) - John dos Passos (1896-1970) 65 - Passagem para a ndia (1924) - E.M. Forster 67 - Enquanto Agonizo (1930) - William Faulkner 68 - As Asas da Pomba (1902) - Henry James 70 - A Modificao (1957) - Michel Butor 71 - A Colmia (1951) - Camilo Jos Cela 72 - A Estrada de Flandres (1960) - Claude Simon A Sangue Frio (1966) - Truman Capote 74 - A Laranja Mecnica (1962) - Anthony Burgess 77 - Jean Christophe (1904-12) - Romain Rolland 80 - O Cime (1957) - Allain Robbe-Grillet 81 - O Imoralista (1902) - Andr Gide 82 - O Mestre e Margarida (1940) - Mikhail Afanasevitch 83 - O Senhor Presidente (1946) - Miguel ngel Asturias 84 - O Lobo da Estepe (1927) - Herman Hesse 85 - Os Cadernos de Malte Laurids Bridge (1910) - Rainer Maria Rilke 86 - Sat em Gorai (1934) - Isaac B. Singer 89 - O Ano - Pr Lagerkvist 90 - A Tigela Dourada (1904) - Henry James 91 - Santurio - William Faulkner92 93 95 97 99-A Morte de Artemio Cruz (1962) - Carlos Fuentes Don Segundo Sombra (1926) - Ricardo Giraldes Absalo, Absalo (1936) - William Faulkner Herzog (1964) - Saul Bellow Judeus sem Dinheiro (1930) - Michael Gold---------------------------------GUARDIAN top 100 books of all time ---------------------------------Hans Christian Andersen, Fairy Tales and Stories Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice Honore de Balzac, Old Goriot Samuel Beckett, Trilogy: Molloy, Malone Dies, The Unnamable Giovanni Boccaccio, Decameron Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights Geoffrey Chaucer, Canterbury Tales Anton P Chekhov, Selected Stories Joseph Conrad, Nostromo Charles Dickens, Great Expectations Denis Diderot, Jacques the Fatalist and His Master Fyodor M Dostoyevsky, The Idiot George Eliot, Middlemarch Ralph Ellison, Invisible Man William Faulkner, Absalom, Absalom; The Sound and the Fury Gustave Flaubert, A Sentimental Education Federico Garcia Lorca, Gypsy Ballads Gilgamesh Gunter Grass, The Tin Drum Knut Hamsun, Hunger. The Book of Job Kalidasa, The Recognition of Sakuntala Yasunari Kawabata, The Sound of the Mountain Nikos Kazantzakis, Zorba the Greek DH Lawrence, Sons and Lovers Halldor K Laxness, Independent People Giacomo Leopardi, Complete Poems Doris Lessing, The Golden Notebook Astrid Lindgren, Pippi Longstocking Lu Xun, Diary of a Madman and Other Stories Mahabharata Naguib Mahfouz, Children of Gebelawi Thomas Mann, Buddenbrook; The Magic Mountain Elsa Morante, History Toni Morrison, Beloved Shikibu Murasaki, The Tale of Genji Genji Robert Musil, The Man Without Qualities Njaals Saga Ovid, Metamorphoses Edgar Allan Poe, The Complete Tales Franois Rabelais, Gargantua and Pantagruel Jalal ad-din Rumi, Mathnawi Sheikh Musharrif ud-din Sadi, The Orchard Tayeb Salih, Season of Migration to the North Laurence Sterne, The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace; Anna Karenina; The Death of Ivan Ilyich and Other Stories Thousand and One Nights Valmiki, RamayanaWalt Whitman, Leaves of Grass --------------------BRAVO 100 brasileiros --------------------OS SERTES, Euclides da Cunha A ROSA DO POVO, Carlos Drummond de Andrade LIRA DOS VINTE ANOS, lvares de Azevedo O TEMPO E O VENTO, Erico Verissimo CRNICA DA CASA ASSASSINADA, Lcio Cardoso OS ESCRAVOS, Castro Alves O GUARANI, Jos de Alencar ROMANCEIRO DA INCONFIDNCIA, Ceclia Meireles TRISTE FIM DE POLICARPO QUARESMA, Lima Barreto SO BERNARDO, Graciliano Ramos LAOS DE FAMLIA, Clarice Lispector SERMES, Padre Vieira AS MENINAS, Lygia Fagundes Telles A OBSCENA SENHORA D, Hilda Hilst PAULICIA DESVAIRADA, Mrio de Andrade BA DE OSSOS, Pedro Nava A ALMA ENCANTADORA DAS RUAS, Joo do Rio OBRA POTICA, Gregrio de Matos GABRIELA, CRAVO E CANELA, Jorge Amado MARLIA DE DIRCEU, Toms Antnio Gonzaga CLARO ENIGMA, Carlos Drummond de Andrade MAR ABSOLUTO, Ceclia Meireles MALAGUETA, PERUS E BACANAO, Joo Antnio O PAGADOR DE PROMESSAS, Dias Gomes ROMANCE D A PEDRA DO REINO E O PRNCIPE DO SANGUE DO VAI-E-VOLTA VIVA O POVO BRASILEIRO, Joo Ubaldo Ribeiro CARTAS CHILENAS, Toms Antnio Gonzaga CANA, Graa Aranha A COLEIRA DO CO, Rubem Fonseca ESPUMAS FLUTUANTES, Castro Alves UM COPO DE CLERA, Raduan Nassar A ESTRELA SOBE, Marques Rebelo O ATENEU, Raul Pompia FOGO MORTO, Jos Lins do Rego O QUINZE, Rachel de Queiroz SEMINRIO DOS RATOS, Lygia Fagundes Telles INVENO DE ORFEU, Jorge de Lima TERRAS DO SEM FIM, Jorge Amado BROQUIS, Cruz e Souza O ENCONTRO MARCADO, Fernando Sabino A MORENINHA, Joaquim Manuel de Macedo O PICAPAU AMARELO, Monteiro Lobato AS METAMORFOSES, Murilo Mendes HARMADA, Joo Gilberto Noll PERA DOS MORTOS, Autran Dourado A ESCRAVA ISAURA, Bernardo Guimares 200 CRNICAS ESCOLHIDAS, Rubem Braga O VAMPIRO DE CURITIBA, Dalton Trevisan OS RATOS, Dyonlio Machado FEBEAP, Stanislaw Ponte Preta O HOMEM E SUA HORA, Mrio Faustino CATATAU, Paulo Leminski OS CAVALINHOS DE PLATIPLANTO, Jos J. VeigaAVALOVARA, Osman Lins O QUE ISSO, COMPANHEIRO?, Fernando Gabeira O BRAO DIREITO, Otto Lara Resende QUARUP, Antonio Callado A SENHORITA SIMPSON, Srgio Sant Anna TREMOR DE TERRA, Luiz Vilela ZERO, Igncio de Loyola Brando GALVEZ, IMPERADOR DO ACRE, Mrcio Souza VIVA VAIA, Augusto de Campos INOCNCIA, Visconde de Taunay POESIAS, Olavo Bilac O TRONCO, Bernardo lis O URAGUAI, Baslio da Gama JUCA MULATO, Menotti del Picchia CONTOS GAUCHESCOS, Joo Simes Lopes Neto