Download - INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE PESQUISAS DA AMAZÔNIA · 2016. 1. 21. · e Philip Stouffer, pela cessão de vocalizações. Ao meu orientador Gonçalo Ferraz, que acreditou no meu potencial,

Page 1: INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE PESQUISAS DA AMAZÔNIA · 2016. 1. 21. · e Philip Stouffer, pela cessão de vocalizações. Ao meu orientador Gonçalo Ferraz, que acreditou no meu potencial,


Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia

Dinâmica da Ocorrência de Papa-Formigas (Aves: Thamnophilidae) em

uma Parcela de Floresta Primária de Terra Firme

Carlos Eduardo Nader

Manaus, Amazonas

Março, 2011

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Carlos Eduardo Nader

Dinâmica da Ocorrência de Papa-Formigas (Aves: Thamnophilidae) em

uma Parcela de Floresta Primária de Terra Firme

Orientador: Gonçalo Ferraz

Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto

Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia,

como parte dos requisitos para

obtenção do título de Mestre em

Biologia (Ecologia).

Manaus, Amazonas

Março, 2011

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Banca examinadora do trabalho escrito:

Cintia Cornelius – USP

parecer: aprovado

Maja Kajin – UFRJ

parecer: aprovado

Beth Gardner – USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center

parecer: não enviado

Banca examinadora da defesa presencial:

Thierry Gasnier – UFAM

parecer: aprovado

Tânia Sanaiotti – INPA

parecer: aprovado

Mario Cohn-Haft – INPA

parecer: aprovado

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N135 Nader, Carlos Eduardo Dinâmica da ocorrência de papa-formigas (Aves: Thamnophilidae) em uma parcela de floresta primária de terra firme / Carlos Eduardo Nader.--- Manaus : [s.n.], 2010. xviii, 36 f. Dissertação (mestrado)-- INPA, Manaus, 2010 Orientador : Gonçalo Ferraz Área de concentração : Ecologia 1. Thamnophilidae. 2. Aves – Floresta de terra firme – Amazônia. 3. Dinâmica de populações. 4. Insetívoros. I. Título. CDD 19. ed. 598.8045

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Foi estudada a ocorrência de aves insetívoras em uma parcela de 928-

ha de floresta de terra firme, a aproximadamente 60 km ao norte de

Manaus, levando em conta a detecção imperfeita. Foram estimados

aspectos da dinâmica de ocorrência como crescimento, turnover,

colonização e sobrevivência de manchas, e foram testadas previsões

sobrevariação da dinâmica entre três tipos de espécies: solitárias, de

bando misto, e seguidoras de formigas de correição.

Palavras-chave: insetívoros, Thamnophilidae, ocorrência, detecção,

colonização, turnover, MCMC, Amazônia

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Dedico a todos aqueles que, desde Wallace e Bates, enfrentam as vicissitudes da Floresta Amazônica no intuito de desvendar um pouco mais sobre esse formidável ecossistema.

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Aqui dedico meus agradecimentos sinceros, primeiramente, à minha família, que mesmo

nem sempre concordando com os caminhos que tomei, me deu o carinho e o apoio que eu

precisei, resistindo à distância e me incentivando sempre.

À minha namorada, Duna, que nesses seis últimos meses teve que conviver com

apenas uma voz no telefone, mas que esteve ao meu lado mesmo assim e me deu uma

chama para continuar batalhando, sabendo que eu teria sua companhia ao final de tudo.

À minha outra família, Marlos, Jarbas, Pati e Tati (e Anderson), que dividiram um teto

comigo nessa jornada por um longo período, que suportaram minhas manias e meu

eventual mau humor, e me animaram quando eu chegava em casa depois de um dia ruim. E

também àqueles que foram minha família por tempos menores, Luiz, Igor, Arnold, Melina,

Marcelino, Priscila, Igor, Cristian, Mauro e Cíntia, mas que foram igualmente importantes

para completar essa jornada.

A todos aqueles que ajudaram na execução do projeto, dedicando tempo em saídas

de campo ou em escuta de gravações, Angela, Carla, Christian, Gonçalo, João Vitor,

Monica, Mariana, Thiago O., Thiago C. e, principalmente, Claudeir Vargas e Marconi

Cerqueira. Ao Mario Cohn-Haft, pelos conselhos ornitológicos, e à Coleção de Aves do INPA

e Philip Stouffer, pela cessão de vocalizações.

Ao meu orientador Gonçalo Ferraz, que acreditou no meu potencial, me ensinou

muito sobre ecologia e também um pouco sobre a vida, e também subiu e desceu os morros

da trilha M para que esse projeto desse certo.

Ao PDBFF pela estrutura e a seus funcionários, pela organização do rancho, apoio

logístico e manutenção de trilhas e acampamentos, que foram vitais para o bom

funcionamento do projeto.

Ao INPA e ao Programa de Pós Graduação em Ecologia, por manterem um curso em

que pude aprender muito na teoria e na prática.

Ao Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute pelo financiamento do projeto e ao CNPq

pela concessão da bolsa de mestrado.

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“A Natureza é uma nuvem mutável, sempre e nunca a mesma.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Apesar de populações tropicais de aves terem sido consideradas por muito tempo mais estáveis que suas correspondentes de regiões temperadas, sabemos que a variação das chuvas ao longo do ano pode acarretar sazonalidade na disponibilidade de comida e às condições microclimáticas da floresta. Estas mudanças podem afetar as aves, fazendo com que movam-se em busca de recursos. Estudamos parâmetros estáticos e dinâmicos da ocupação de 14 espécies de papa-formigas, comparando o uso do espaço antes e depois da estação chuvosa. Dividimos as espécies em três grupos: solitários (SL), espécies de bando misto (BM) e seguidores de formigas de correição (SF). Nós testamos predições de que SF apresentariam maior variação de locais ocupados que ambos os outros grupos, e que BM apresentariam maior variação que SL. Amostramos vocalizações de papa-formigas em 55 pontos distribuídos regurlamente em 928-ha de floresta primária contínua, logo antes e logo depois da estação chuvosa, empregando pontos de escuta e gravadores autônomos durante as primeiras horas da manhã. Os dados foram analisados, levando em consideração a detecção imperfeita, através de Markov Chain Monte Carlo. Comparações de parâmetros entre grupos indicaram apenas que as probabilidades de detecção de SF são mais baixas que de SL ou BM. A detecção mais baixa de SF indica que possivelmente eles estão menos disponíveis para amostragem devido ao seu maior movimento; considerando também o evidente movimento de P. rufifrons (SF), acreditamos que SF apresentam mais variação que SL e BM. BM de copa aparentemente possuem maior variação que os BM de subosque, visto que estes, tal como SL, não apresentaram evidência de mudanças.

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Occupancy Dynamics of Antbirds (Aves: Thamnophilidae) in a Primary Terra Firme Forest Plot

Although tropical bird populations were considered for a long time as more stable than their temperate counterparts, it is known that tropical variation in rainfall throughout the year can bring seasonal variations to food availability and changes in microclimatic conditions of the forest, which can possibly affect birds, making them move in search of resources. We studied static and dynamic occupancy parameters between 14 species of antbirds, to compare their use of space before and after the rainy season. We divided them into three groups, according to their social and foraging habits: solitary (SL), mixed-species flock followers (MF) and army-ant followers (AF). We tested predictions that AF would present more variation in location of occupied sites than both groups, and that MF would show more variation than SL. We surveyed vocalizations of antbirds in 55 points distributed evenly in 928-ha of continuous primary forest, just before and just after the rainy season, employing point counts and autonomous recording during early morning. Data were analyzed, accounting for imperfect detection, using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). Comparisons of parameters between groups indicated only that detection probabilities of AF are lower than SL and MF. Lower detection of AF possibly indicates that they are less available to detection since they move more; considering also P. rufifrons’ (AF) noticeable changes in occupied sites, we believe that AF show more variation than SL and MF. Canopy MF seem to be more prone to variation than understory MF, since understory MF, along with SL did not show evidence of changes.

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Resumo ................................................................................................................ viii

Abstract ..................................................................................................................ix

Sumário .................................................................................................................. x

Introdução ..............................................................................................................xi

Objetivos .............................................................................................................. xiv

Objetivo geral .................................................................................................... xiv

Objetivo específico ............................................................................................ xiv

ABSTRACT................................................................................................................ 2

METHODS ................................................................................................................ 5

RESULTS................................................................................................................ 13

DISCUSSION ........................................................................................................... 14

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................. 18

LITERATURE CITED .................................................................................................. 19

TABLES .................................................................................................................. 22

FIGURES ................................................................................................................ 24

FIGURE LEGENDS .................................................................................................... 28

Conclusão .............................................................................................................xv

Perspectivas ......................................................................................................... xvi

Anexo A............................................................................................................... xvii

Anexo B................................................................................................................ xix

Anexo C ............................................................................................................... xxi

Anexo D ............................................................................................................. xxiii

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Por muito tempo, acreditou-se que as populações de aves tropicais eram

particularmente estáveis, se comparadas a espécies similares em regiões

temperadas (Klopfer, 1959; MacArthur, 1972). Frequentemente isso foi atribuído à

ausência de variações extremas de temperatura ao longo do ano nos trópicos, e

assim os organismos não necessitariam suportar condições climáticas severas

anualmente. Mantida essa visão, aves tropicais não necessitariam viajar à procura

de melhores condições climáticas ou de forrageio e deveriam viver mais que suas

correspondentes de regiões temperadas (Murray, 1985; Karr et al., 1990).

Entretanto, a variação no regime de chuvas ao longo do ano pode causar

fortes mudanças no ambiente, trazendo modificações na umidade do solo e

influenciando a produção de folhas, flores e frutos (Frankie et al., 1974; Stevenson et

al., 2008). Essas variações sazonais podem afetar a comunidade de artrópodes

(Janzen e Schoener, 1968; Janzen, 1973; Wolda, 1988; Anu et al., 2009), o que, a

seu tempo, pode trazer mudanças às aves (Williams e Middleton, 2008). Karr e

Freemark (1983) investigaram as implicações espaciais e temporais das variações

ambientais sobre as taxas de captura de aves em um Parque Nacional no Panamá,

usando redes de neblina em 4 parcelas de 2-ha, que representavam as diferentes

condições microclimáticas e estrutura da vegetação encontradas em uma área maior

de 2 km2. Seus resultados indicaram que as aves procuraram condições

microclimáticas mais favoráveis dentro da área de estudo ao longo do ano; eles

chamaram atenção especial aos efeitos derivados da perda de habitat, que pode

impactar não apenas espécies especialistas daquele ambiente, mas também

aquelas que podem utilizar ocasionalmente um tipo de ambiente ameaçado durante

períodos críticos de seus ciclos de vida.

A ubiquidade da variação ambiental nos trópicos e a evidência de seus efeitos

sobre as populações animais reforçam a necessidade de entender como os animais

utilizam o espaço ao longo do ano. Neste sentido, tivemos a intenção de estudar a

estabilidade da ocupação de sítios por aves em uma floresta primária de terra firme.

Para alcançar esse objetivo, procuramos espécies de aves que poderiam ser

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facilmente amostradas e que compartilhassem uma quantidade de características

devido a sua filogenia próxima, mas que diferissem em relação ao comportamento, o

que hipoteticamente poderia influenciar seus vínculos com sítios em particular ao

longo do tempo. Os Papa-formigas (Thamnophilidae) se mostraram como uma

escolha interessante, pois sua filogenia é bem conhecida (Brumfield et al., 2007) e

porque, apesar de serem aves tipicamente sedentárias, formando casais

monogâmicos que aparentemente defendem seus territórios por todo o ano, eles

demonstram uma variedade de comportamentos que refletem seu uso do espaço.

Um minucioso estudo sobre a estabilidade de territórios de algumas espécies

desta família foi conduzido por Greenberg e Gradwohl (1986). Seus resultados

sugerem que os territórios destas aves permanecem inalterados por longos

períodos. Conduzido no Panamá, o estudo acompanhou quatro espécies de papa-

formigas em uma parcela de 12-ha durante sete anos, com censos anuais sempre

na mesma época do ano. Seus resultados indicaram que os territórios são muitos

estáveis, não mudando de ano para ano. A chegada de novos ocupantes ajudava a

manter a estabilidade do território quando um ou ambos os indivíduos do par

desaparecia. Outro exemplo de uso estável do espaço, desta vez com relação aos

bandos mistos, é o estudo de Jullien e Thiollay (1998) na Guiana Francesa, que

documentou como as medidas de área de vida, tamanho e composição de bando se

mantiveram notavelmente constantes ao longo dos anos. Todavia, nem todos os

estudos sugerem constância: na mesma área de nosso estudo, Stouffer (2007)

estudou 13 espécies de insetívoros terrestres (incluindo dois papa-formigas,

Myrmeciza ferruginea and Myrmornis torquata) por 10 anos em uma área de 100-ha,

entre os meses de março a agosto. Seu estudo indica que aquelas espécies não

mantêm territórios estritamente estáveis. Cerca de 71% dos territórios persistiu de

um ano para outro, sugerindo que há ainda uma necessidade de compreender

melhor as dinâmicas de território e de ocorrência de aves de floresta.

Este trabalho apresenta uma análise da ocorrência de 14 espécies de papa-

formigas em uma área de floresta tropical contínua, com um foco na variação

espacial da ocupação de diferentes sítios ao longo do ano. O objetivo deste estudo é

testar previsões sobre quais grupos de espécies tendem a apresentar mudanças de

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sítios ocupados entre dois momentos do ano, independentemente da identidade dos

indivíduos ou outros processos populacionais. Com essa intenção, dividimos as

espécies alvo em três grupos, de acordo com o comportamento social e de forrageio:

1) espécies que vivem solitárias ou em pares, 2) espécies que acompanham bandos

mistos e 3) espécies que seguem formigas de correição. Considerando os diferentes

hábitos, nossas hipóteses são que espécies solitárias apresentarão menores

alterações de sítios ocupados que espécies de bando misto, e por fim, espécies

seguidoras de formigas demonstrarão maiores alterações que os outros dois grupos,

dado que possivelmente possuem maiores territórios, e cobrem maiores áreas em

busca de comida, possuindo uma territorialidade menos estrita.

Para testar nossas hipóteses, nós amostramos vocalizações de papa-

formigas em uma área de 928-ha de floresta contínua na Amazônia Central

brasileira. Devido à grande abrangência espacial, decidimos basear as análises na

estimativa de ocupação, a probabilidade de que um sítio está ocupado por uma

determinada espécie. Como este método não requer a marcação e recaptura de

indivíduos, ou acompanhamento visual de territórios, ele se mostra mais apropriado

a um estudo em uma área tão ampla. Deste modo, abrimos mão da possibilidade de

inferir sobre indivíduos e sua persistência de territórios, para poder analisar

processos de ocupação espacial em uma escala mais ampla.

Nossas mais importantes variáveis de interesse são dadas pelos

componentes dinâmicos da ocupação; para isso nosso estudo abrange duas

diferentes épocas do ano, antes e depois da mesma estação chuvosa, com a

intenção de detectar mudanças espaciais causadas pela variação sazonal dos

recursos e comportamental (entretanto, essa variação não foi especificada no

estudo). Nosso processo de amostragem, tal como nossa análise de dados, leva em

conta a detecção imperfeita, de modo que nossa estimativa de ocorrência considera

explicitamente que algumas das ocasiões de amostragem podem levar à não

detecção de uma espécie que, de fato, estava presente; deste modo, as estimativas

geradas são facilmente comparáveis entre estudos.

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Objetivo geral

- Estudar a variação espacial da ocorrência em 14 espécies de papa-formigas

divididos em três grupos.

Objetivo específico

- Testar previsões sobre quais grupos apresentam maior variação na ocorrência

baseadas no comportamento social e de forrageio de cada grupo.

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Capítulo 1

Nader, C.E. & Ferraz, G. Occupancy Dynamics of

Antbirds (Aves: Thamnophilidae) in a Primary Terra Firme

Forest Plot. Manuscrito em preparação para The Auk

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Carlos Nader1,2 and Gonçalo Ferraz1,3,4

1Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project

Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia

Av. André Araújo, 1753

Manaus – AM – Brazil


[email protected]

[email protected]

4Corresponding Author

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Although tropical bird populations were considered for a long time as more stable

than their temperate counterparts, it is known that tropical variation in rainfall

throughout the year can bring seasonal variations to food availability and changes in

microclimatic conditions of the forest, which can possibly affect birds, making them

move in search of resources. We studied static and dynamic occupancy parameters

of 14 species of antbirds, to compare their use of space before and after the rainy

season. We divided them into three groups, according to their social and foraging

habits: solitary (SL), mixed-species flock followers (MF) and army-ant followers (AF).

We tested predictions that AF would present more variation in location of occupied

sites than both groups, and that MF would show more variation than SL. We

surveyed vocalizations of antbirds in 55 points distributed evenly in 928-ha of

continuous primary forest, just before and just after the rainy season, employing point

counts and autonomous recording during early morning. Data were analyzed,

accounting for imperfect detection, using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC).

Comparisons of parameters between groups indicated only that detection

probabilities of AF are lower than SL and MF. Lower detection of AF possibly

indicates that they are less available to detection since they move more; considering

also P. rufifrons’ (AF) noticeable changes in occupied sites, we believe that AF show

more variation than SL and MF. Canopy MF seem to be more prone to variation than

understory MF, since understory MF, along with SL did not show evidence of


Key words: insectivorous birds, Thamnophilidae, occupancy, detection, patch

survival, turnover, Amazon

TROPICAL POPULATIONS OF BIRDS were believed for a long time to be particularly stable,

compared to their temperate counterparts (Klopfer 1959; MacArthur 1972). A

frequent explanation for this belief was that the tropics do not suffer from extreme

temperature variation throughout the year, so that organisms do not have to bear

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severe weather conditions yearly. Thus, the traditional view held, tropical birds should

not need to travel in search of better climatic or foraging conditions and they should

live longer than their temperate counterparts (Murray 1985; Karr et al. 1990).

Nevertheless, tropical variation in rainfall throughout the year can cause strong

variation in the environment, bringing changes to soil moisture and influencing the

production of leaf, flowers and fruits (Frankie et al. 1974; Stevenson et al. 2008).

Those seasonal variations can affect the community of arthropods (Janzen and

Schoener 1968; Janzen 1973; Wolda 1988; Anu et al. 2009) which, in turn, can also

bring changes to birds populations (Williams and Middleton 2008). Karr and

Freemark (1983) investigated temporal and spatial implications of environmental

variation upon capture rates of birds in a Panama National Park, using mist-nets in

four 2-ha plots, that represented the different microclimatic conditions and vegetation

structures found in a larger 2 km2 area. Their results indicate that birds tracked most

favorable microclimatic conditions within the area throughout the year, and they call

special attention to the potential for far-reaching effects of habitat loss, impacting not

only specialist species, but also species that may occasionally use one type of

threatened habitat during stressful periods of their life cycle.

The ubiquity of tropical environmental variation and the evidence of its effects

on animal populations reinforce the need for understanding how animals use space

throughout the year. In this sense, we aimed to study the stability of site occupancy

by birds within primary terra firme forest. To accomplish this goal we sought target

birds that could also be easily sampled and shared a number of traits due to shared

phylogeny, but differed with regard to behavioral traits that hypothetically influence

their attachment to particular sites through time. Antbirds (Thamnophilidae) proved

to be a reasonable choice because their phylogeny is well known (Brumfield et al.

2007) and because, despite being typically sedentary birds that form monogamous

pairs and often defend territories throughout the year, they show a variety of

behaviors that reflect upon their use of space (Zimmer and Isler 2003).

A thorough study of territory stability was carried by Greenberg and Gradwohl

(1986). Their results suggested that antbirds have territories that remain in the same

place for long periods. Greenberg and Gradwohl’s study, carried in Panama, tracked

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four species of antbirds in a 12-ha plot during seven years, with yearly census always

at the same time of year. Their results indicated that territories are very stable, not

changing from year to year. The arrival of new occupants helped to maintain territory

stability when one or both individuals of the pair disappeared. As another example of

stable use of space, this time pertaining to mixed-species flocks, the three-year study

by Jullien and Thiollay (1998) in the French Guiana documented how metrics of

home-range size, flock size and flock composition stayed remarkably constant

through time. Nonetheless, not all studies suggest constancy: in the same area of our

study, Stouffer (2007) studied 13 species of terrestrial insectivorous birds (including

two antbirds, Myrmeciza ferruginea and Myrmornis torquata) for 10 years in a 100-ha

area, through the months of May to August. His study indicates that those species do

not keep strictly stable territories. Around 71% territories persisted from one year to

the next, suggesting the need to improve our understanding of territory dynamics and

occupancy dynamics of forest birds.

This paper presents an analysis of the occupancy of 14 antbirds species in a

continuous tropical forest site, with a particular focus on spatial variation of site

occupancy between different times of the year. Our objective is to test predictions

about which groups of species are most prone to changes in occupied sites between

two times of the year, independently from individual identification or other

populational processes. With that intent, we divided the target species into three

groups, based mainly in their social and foraging behavior: 1) species that live in

couples or solitary (SL), 2) species that accompany mixed-species flocks (MF) and 3)

species that follow army-ant swarms (AF). Considering the different habits, our

hypotheses are that SL will present less alteration in site occupation compared to MF

and, ultimately, that AF will show higher alteration than both other groups, since they

possibly have larger territories, and cover larger areas in search of food, having less

strict territorialities.

To test our hypotheses, we surveyed vocalizations of antbirds in an area of

928-ha of continuous forest in the central Brazilian Amazon. Due to the wide spatial

scale, we decided to base our analyses on the occupancy, the probability that a site

is occupied by a given species. Since this method does not require marking and

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recapturing individual birds, or visual territory tracking, it proves to be quite

appropriate to work over such a large area. In this way, we forwent the possibility of

infering about individuals and their territory persistency, to analyze the spatial

processes in a wider scale.

Our most important variables of interest were given by the dynamic

components of occupancy; therefore we covered two different times of the year,

before and after one single rainy season, with the intent of detecting spatial changes

caused by seasonal variation of resources and behaviour (although this variation was

not specified in this study). Our sampling process, along with our data analysis,

account for imperfect detection, so that our occupancy estimation method explicitly

considers the possibility that some sampling visits may end in non-detection of a

species that is actually present at a site; thus, estimates generated are easily

comparable between species and studies.


Study area. – Fieldwork for this study took place at the Biological Dynamics of Forest

Fragments Project area (BDFFP)(Bierregaard et al. 2001; Laurance et al. 2002),

approximately 60km north of the city of Manaus, Brazil (Fig. 1a). We sampled bird

vocalizations in a 694-ha grid of trails formally denominated reserve 1501, also

known as Km 41. The informal site name derives from its location along ZF3, a dirt

road extending east off Km 64 of highway BR-174 which connects Manaus to

Venezuela. The Km 41 grid (Fig. 1b) spans an area of continuous primary terra firme

forest. The rainy season in the area extends from December to May and the dry

season from June to November, registering an average annual rainfall of 1900-2500

mm. Vegetation is typical of terra firme forest, with a canopy around 30-37m high. Its

understory is relatively open, and gaps due to tree falls are common. The grid

includes streams that form four micro-basins, which flow to the Urubu River, an

affluent of the Amazon River.

Study species. – Antbirds, the focus of our study, are suboscine passerines which

belong to the family Thamnophilidae. Antbirds, as the name suggests, have

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insectivorous foraging habits even though they do not necessarily include ants in

their diets. Some species of antbirds follow army-ant swarms, feeding upon the

insects that are flushed away by the ants. Some of them follow army-ants

occasionally, like Willisornis poecilinotus or Percnostola rufifrons, but a few others,

like Pithys albifrons and Gymnopithys rufigula, are obligate army-ant followers,

believed to forage exclusively in the company of army ants (Willis and Oniki 1978).

Antbirds may also associate in mixed-species flocks, composed by many

insectivorous species, where they likely gain anti-predator protection with relatively

low competition for resources (Terborgh 1990; Jullien and Thiollay 1998). In mixed

species flocks, some species, called nuclear species, act like flock leaders, as

Thamnomanes caesius and Thamnomanes ardesiacus in our study area (Develey

and Stouffer 2001). A flock is composed of core species that spend all of their time

within the flock, while some other species may participate irregularly (Munn and

Terborgh 1979; Jullien and Thiollay 1998). The number of irregular species may vary;

however, association to the flock is commonly limited to only one pair (and possibly

their offspring) per species (Zimmer and Isler 2003). As it is possible that both mixed-

species flock followers and ant-followers wander longer distances in search of food,

we hypothesize that their dynamic components of occupancy, namely turnover,

colonization and patch survival, are going to indicate less stability than the ones of

solitary species.

Instead of working with all antbirds found at our study site, we chose to

analyze a subset of the species found at the BDFFP. We selected, by field

experience, 14 that were more likely to be commonly found, out of the 26 species

registered in the area (Table 1). These species were divided into three groups: group

1 is composed by the primarily solitary species, which rarely participate in mixed-

species flocks or ant-following groups and tend to hold well-defined territories

throughout the year (SL); group 2 is composed by species that accompany canopy or

understory mixed-species flocks (MF), and group 3 by both regular or obligate ant-

following species (AF). Group membership is based on Cohn-Haft et al. (1997).

Sampling design. – Our sampling consisted on bird vocalizations surveys over 55

sites, regularly distributed over the trail system, in 10 north-south trails (Fig. 1b). We

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separated every two points by a minimum distance of 400m. We consider it an

appropriate distance to treat them as independent sample points – which guarantees

that no bird will be detected simultaneously in two different points.. Considering each

point as the center of a 400x400-m cell, the total sampled area spans 928 ha.

To study the dynamic components of occupancy, we treated our sampling

scheme as a Pollock robust design (Pollock 1982), having two separate sampling

seasons, or primary occasions, subdivided into several visits to each sampling site

(secondary occasions). Thus we assumed that dynamic changes in occupancy do

not occur within primary occasions, considering their short duration (19 days and 49

days, respectively), but only between primary occasions. The two sampling seasons

took place in November 2008 and in June-July 2009, just before the onset and just

after the end of the rainy season. Because detection during the rainy season is much

lower than during the dry season, this choice of periods increases our chance of

detecting birds. Furthermore, having one season just before and one just after the

rainy period opens the possibility of occupancy changes during the study, not only

due to the considerably longer period between seasons compared to the one

between visits, but also to environmental and life-history changes expected between

the two periods of the year, such as food availability and stage in the reproductive


During each season, we conducted a variable number of visits to each site,

ranging from 7 to 25, with a total of 1024 in the first season and 885 in the second.

Visits were short samples of 3 or 5 minutes (point counts or recordings, respectively).

Apart from their duration, visits differ in three important ways that were used as

sampling covariates: the sampling method, the listener, and the time of the day the

sampling started.

We used two different sampling methods: point counts (which accounted for

992 visits) and autonomous recording (917 visits). In the first method an observer

goes to the point at sampling time and records all species seen or heard, in the

second one, the ‘observer’ listens to a recording that was taken by a machine left at

the sampling point ahead of time. In both cases, recognition of bird vocalizations is a

crucial skill and thus we refer to the observer as the ‘listener’ regardless of whether

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he/she identified birds in the field or in the laboratory. We concentrated our sampling

effort during the first hours of the day, since in general birds vocalize more frequently

in early morning. For both methods, we recorded the time, date, and a list of the

species detected. Point counts started with the first light of the day, in the south end

of a north-south trail. Each listener would go north along the trail, and return south

through an adjacent route, performing 10-12 point counts each day between 0513

and 1120 hours local time (95% of times between 0525 and 0909 hours). Each point

count consisted of 3-min of passive listening. Point counts were taken by 14 different

listeners, with identification skills ranging from that of an advanced beginner to an

experienced field ornithologist. In order to balance the differences, the least

experienced listeners trained to recognize the vocalization of the target species, on a

collection of locally recorded bird vocalizations, assembled in our laboratory from a

combination of published recordings (Naka et al. 2008) and field recordings kindly

shared by Dr. Philip C. Stouffer. In addition to balancing the differences through

training we also measured each listener’s identification skill by applying a bird voice

identification test to all listeners, experienced or not, prior to each sampling season.

This identification score from each listener entered the analysis as a covariate of


Autonomous recording, our other sampling method, has two main advantages

over point counts: it allows simultaneous sampling in many points at the most

favorable times and provides a permanent record of the vocalizations which can be

revised at any time. Autonomous recording also eliminates human interference

during sampling, and reduces listener bias, as the same recordings can be

processed by a small number of listeners (Haselmayer and Quinn 2000; Penman et

al. 2005; Acevedo and Villanueva-Rivera 2006). We used 10 Portable Autonomous

Recording Units (PARD), low-cost systems we assembled specially for this purpose

based on a design kindly shared by Kurt Fristrup and adapted to our needs and

equipment. PARDs were distributed in sampling points along trails, and kept

recording continuously, until their battery charge ended, for approximately 40-h.

Later, in the laboratory, sound files were trimmed to 5-min cuts. Four or five cuts

were used from each morning, with a time difference of 30 minutes between the start

of every cut, starting around the time of first the light of the day, about 15 minutes

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before sunrise. If an early morning recording was not available due to late equipment

positioning, we still used cuts up to 1000 hours. Sound cuts were filtered to reduce

the excessive insect noise when needed, decreasing their volume in frequencies of

most cicadas and crickets, ranging from 5 to 8 kHz. All target species vocalizations

are situated in lower frequencies, therefore no data was lost due to filtering. Sound

cuts were then listened to by Marconi C. Cerqueira and Claudeir F. Vargas, which

have respectively 3 and 5 years of field experience in identification of local bird

vocalizations. Even though MCC and CFV have outstanding identification skills, their

identification score was measured and employed in the analysis just as with point

counts. Counting both point counts and autonomous recordings, the total listening

effort was greater than 126 hours, equivalent to the listening time a single person in

the field would carry out in 229 days performing an average of 11 point counts per


The last, but not the least important detection covariate that we measured

during our sampling is time of the day. Time is relevant because different species

tend to vocalize more at different times. However, since changes in vocalization

activity follow circadian rhythms which do not always match legal time, we converted

our time data to minutes after sunrise, based on sunrise data of Manaus published by

the Brazilian government’s National Observatory ( Sampling

visit start times ranged from -38 to 343-min after sunrise, with a median of 68 min.

Ninety five percent of all visits took place between -18 and 198 min after sunrise.

Analysis. – Sampling in ecological research is almost never perfect: when a species

is present at a given site, it may easily go undetected. To account for imperfect

detection, MacKenzie et al. (2002) proposed a model with two levels, taking into

account both the state (if a site is occupied or not) and the sampling process (if a

species is detected at a given site). In this model, multiple visits to each site are used

to estimate both occupancy and detection probability via maximum likelihood.

Cerqueira et al. (in prep.) used this model to test predictions on the occupancy of 10

pairs of bird species, also at the Km 41 grid. The applicability of the MacKenzie et al.

(2002) approach was extended by a multi-season model developed in MacKenzie et

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al. (2003) which estimates occupancy dynamics parameters: colonization and local

extinction probabilities.

The hierarchical approach employed in both MacKenzie et al. (2002,2003)

models is more fully developed in the Bayesian framework models of Link et al.

(2002), Royle and Kéry (2007) and Royle and Dorazio (2008), which estimate

occupancy and other population biological parameters while taking advantage of the

flexibility of modern computational solutions such as Markov Chain Monte Carlo

(MCMC). The combination of a Bayesian approach and MCMC adds possibilities like

using a priori information, and generating full a posteriori distributions of the main

model parameters or any combination of their values. Besides, MCMC makes it

particularly easy to incorporate spatial components in the analyses, such as, for

example, the inclusion of a covariate that estimates spatial autocorrelation in

occupancy (Royle and Dorazio 2008). At a preliminary stage of our analysis, we ran

single-season occupancy models similar to the ones used by Sberze et al. (2010) to

estimate spatial autocorrelation in occupancy between our sampling sites. Since we

did not find any significant indications that occupancy presented autocorrelation, we

chose not to include it in our analyses, and so we picked a Bayesian formulation of a

multi-season occupancy model from Kéry and Schaub (in prep.) adapted to the

detection variables we felt necessary to best describe the biological aspects of the

species along with the sampling process. Each species was analyzed separately,

and the results from different species were compared later, outside the occupancy

modeling framework.

Our model consists of two levels, describing: 1) the biological state, whether a

cell is occupied or not in a given season; and 2) the sampling process, whether a

species is detected or not, provided it is present at a site in a given season (Fig. 2).

For clarity, we represent the state part of the model in Fig. 2 referring to the two

sampling seasons separately. As we are using a Markovian formulation of occupancy

dynamics, the state of site i in season j depends on the state of site i in season j-1.

This leaves out the first season as not depending on any paste state, as represented

in Figure 2. Considering the biological state, the latent (partially observed) variable z

describes the true occupancy, whether the species is present (zij = 1) at a given site i

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in season j or not (zij = 0). In the first season (j = 1), zij is drawn from a Bernoulli

distribution with probability ψ1, the occupancy probability for the first season, or the

probability that any given site is occupied at that time. The occupancy probability ψ

can also be interpreted as the proportion of sites that are occupied in a given season,

and ψ1 is that proportion referring to the first season. In the second season, zij also

comes from a Bernoulli draw, but this time the Bernoulli parameter, ψij, is given by:

ψij = zi(j-1) φj-1 + (1 - zi(j-1)) γj-1 (1)

where zi(j-1) φj-1 is the probability that a site that was occupied in the first season (zi(j-1)

= 1) remains occupied (‘survives’) in the second season, and (1 - zi(j-1)) γj-1 is the

probability that a site that was not occupied in season 1 (zi(j-1) = 0) becomes occupied

(colonized) in season 2. We will call the parameter φ as patch survival, as it indicates

the probability that an occupied site (or patch) will remain occupied from one season

to another, while the parameter γ will be called as colonization, since it indicates the

probability that an unoccupied site is colonized.

The detection probability pijk, the probability of detecting a species at site i,

season j and visit k, is given by the logistic function:

logit (pijk) = a0 + a1 time + a2 time2 + a3 score + a4 recorder + a5 (j - 1) (2)

where a0 is an intercept, a1 and a2 are linear and quadratic effects of the time of the

day, respectively, a3 is an effect of the identification score, a4 is an effect of the

autonomous recording technique (in contrast to point count), and a5 is an effect of the

second season, as j – 1 = 0 in the first season. We used both linear and quadratic

effects of time because, although most species vocalize close to sunrise, many

species vocalize most frequently at some time later in the morning. The probability

pijk is conditioned to occupancy, because if the species is not there, the chance to

detect it is zero. This is included in the model in the form of an unconditional

detection probability, µijk, which becomes zero when zij = 0 (species does not occur at

site i and season j), and pijk when zij = 1 (species does occur). The data collected

enters the model as yijk, and is modeled as a Bernoulli draw with probability µijk. From

the main parameters, we also estimated other derivate dynamic parameters. One

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useful derived dynamic parameter we used, turnover (τ), is the probability that a

random occupied cell in season j was not occupied in previous season (j-1). Turnover

can be interpreted as the proportion of the occupied sites in a given season that were

not occupied in the previous season. It was defined by Royle and Kéry (2007) as:

τj = γj-1 (1 – ψ j-1) / ψj (3)

We also estimated the growth rate (λ), the factor that multiplies the occupancy

from one season to the following one, which is equal to 1 if no changes occurred.

The growth rate is defined by MacKenzie et al. (2003) as:

λj = ψj+1 / ψj (4)

Since we did not have any consistent a priori information about the

populations, we used uninformative priors to all of the parameters. Parameters

describing detection (a0, a1, a2, a3, a4 and a5) had uniform prior distributions between

-10 and 10, and ψ1, φ and γ had uniform distributions between 0 and 1. We estimated

the posterior distribution of parameters using an MCMC with 6,000 interactions in

each of 3 chains, discarding the first 1,000 interactions as a burn-in, and a thinning

rate of 5. Model was fitted by the use of WinBUGS (Lunn et al. 2000) combined to R

(R Development Core Team 2009) by the use of package R2WinBUGS (Sturtz et al.


We also performed comparisons between mean parameters of different

groups. Since distributions of parameters are unknown, we preferred a non-

parametric test. To accomplish these comparisons we chose a Wilcoxon two-sample

test, also known as Mann-Whitney U-test, also performed in R. All groups were

compared in pairs, SL vs. MF, SL vs. AF, and MF vs. AF. Occupancy and detection

were tested using values from both seasons as different estimates to the same

group. We used linear regressions to estimate variation of turnover and patch

survival in relation to occupancy probabilities, using the average from occupancy

values from both seasons.

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Most species presented considerably high occupancies, with 12 of the 14 species

presenting mean occupancies higher than 0.5 in both seasons (Fig. 3a and Table 2).

Although most species presented an increase in their mean occupancies from first to

second season, we have no strong evidence of change in occupancy, since the

confidence intervals of the occupancy estimates from different seasons overlapped

for all of them. Comparing the occupancy between the three groups none were

significantly different.

Mean detections of all species were all lower than 0.4, with most of them lying

under 0.25 (Fig. 3b and Table 2). Among the 14 species, 11 present a positive

change in p from the first to the second sampling season. Only two of them though,

M. ferruginea and H. dorsimaculatus, had non-overlapping 95% confidence bounds

on p between seasons. Nevertheless, the effect of the second season on detection

(a5 - Fig. 3c) shows that actually seven species had a significant difference in

detection in second season, six positive and only one negative: C.lineatus.

Comparing mean detections of groups, SL and MF showed no differences between

them; on the other hand, U-test showed differences between detections of SL and AF

(p-value=0.004) and MF and AF (p-value=0.015).

Most species had mean growth rates higher than 1, reflecting the slight

change noticed in occupancy in different seasons (Fig. 3d and Table 2); however, in

accordance to the overlapping confidence bounds of occupancy to all species, none

of the growth rates were different than 1. Mean growth rates were compared but no

differences between any of the groups were detected.

Turnover was generally low, which is not surprising due to the high occupancy

values: if too many sites are occupied, not many occupations can be new (Fig. 3f and

Table 2). Colonization, on the other hand, had considerably high means, but

estimates were generally uninformative, since they had very broad 95% confidence

bounds, covering, in several cases, more than 90% of possible values (Table 2).

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Comparisons of both turnover and colonization between groups showed no

differences between different social foraging habits.

Patch survival had high values and most confidence bounds were close to one

(Fig. 3e and Table 2). A difference of mean patch survival probabilities can be

noticed in Figure 3e, mainly between SL and AF, although they were not significant

by the U-test.

In Figure 4 we can observe the correlation of turnover and patch survival with

the average occupancy of both seasons. This comes mainly from a mathematical

artifact, but the regression helps us identify which species stray most from the

tendency; thus species that showed higher residuals are identified in Figure 4. C.

lineatus and T. ardesiacus had turnovers higher than generally expected, clearly

presented those values because of the non-significant growth, in the same way that

P. albifrons presented a negative residual due to the non-significant decrease in

occupancy. M. brachyura had a much higher turnover than expected, what indicates

alteration in occupied sites. M. axillaris also had lower turnover than expect, but its

turnover presents broad confidence bounds, covering expected values; this also

explains the higher than expected patch survival for this species; the same happened

to P. albifrons and G. rufigula, but with a patch survival lower than expected. T.

ardesiacus also showed a higher than expected patch survival due to the non-

significant occupancy growth.


No significant changes in occupancy probability were detected from one season to

another, leading us to believe that the target species presented a stable proportion of

the grid occupied throughout the period of study. The average patch survival (φ)

across species was 0.83, higher than the survival of territories of 0.71 found by

Stouffer (2007) for a group of species that included 2 antbirds and other 11 terrestrial


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The generally high occupancy across species agrees with Cohn-Haft et al.

(1997), as they classified all but M. axillaris as common. M. axillaris actually

presented low occupancy in both seasons (0.50 and 0.49, respectively), and along

with M. brachyura (0.45 and 0.56) had the lowest occupancy values of all the target

species. Based on these results, they probably should be classified in the same

abundance class. Surprisingly some species, particularly H. dorsimaculatus, seem to

be present in all sites. The species turnover estimate was expected to be close to

zero, since it is impossible to colonize many new sites when most of them are

already occupied. This mathematical artifact explains most of the correlation between

turnover and survival with occupancy, as seen in Figure 4; this correlation must be

carefully taken into account while examining the dynamic parameters, which can

present unreliable information if analyzed alone. This correlation was also

comparable to the study of Stouffer (2007), which indicated that territory stability was

positively correlated with abundance; although our main parameter estimated was

occupancy, this could be an indication that species which occur more widely are less

inclined to changes in space also in the scale of our study.

Detection was higher in the beginning of the dry season (second sampling

season) than in the end (first sampling season), showing that antbirds are more

conspicuous at this time; that is probably due to November being at the end of a

stressful dry period. Unfortunately, detections were generally low, contributing to

broaden 95% confidence bounds in all biological parameters. Considering the

generally low detection of all species, the use of methods that take the sampling

process into consideration should be seen as an essential step to avoid bias in

parameter estimation.

Only one species, C. lineatus, showed a higher detection in the first sampling

season. That can be evidence of a different behaviour from the other species, which

might also indicate a different reproductive season, due to the vocalization frequency.

Detection was lowest for AF, resulting in high uncertainty about their

occupancy dynamics parameters. On the other hand, the lower detection for this

group suggests that their foraging habits make them cover larger areas in search of

food, and probably are unavailable to be detected at cell central point during most of

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the time. Still, they are present in most of the grid, since they have high occupancy

probabilities. As a result, the low detection accompanied by the high occupancy, may

be an indication that AF show more alteration in space than SL or MF in each

season, and possibly between seasons.

Drawing comparisons between AF species, we notice that P. rufifrons, an

occasional ant-follower, exceptionally presents a higher detection probability

comparable to most species in the other two groups. Perhaps the high detection

reflects the species’ solitary behavior, as we think that solitary species are more

regularly available for detection in sampling points. That is corroborated by the little

change observed for P. rufifrons in occupancy probability (Fig. 3a), with an estimated

growth rate of 1.04 (0.81-1.34). However, if we evaluate the dynamic parameters, we

find comparatively high turnover and colonization probabilities (0.25 and 0.62,

respectively) with relatively narrow 95% confidence bounds, suggesting that P.

rufifrons has a considerable change in patch occupancy: although we cannot observe

a difference in the number of occupied sites, many occupied sites actually changed

locations. That may occur due to a similar number of newly colonized sites and site

extinctions. The high detection then may be explained as this species being more

conspicuous than other AF. The spatial changes of P. rufifrons, although accounts for

only one species, along with the presumed movement of other AF species, could

point out to the direction that AF present more spatial changes than the other two


Some SL species showed relatively high values of turnover and colonization

probabilities, namely C. lineatus, T. murinus and C. cinerascens. These values agree

with the non-significant growth in occupancy, but no remarkable changes can be

noticed in the previously occupied sites, since the upper limit of the patch survival

confidence bounds is close to 1 for all SL. These patch survivals values indicate that

solitary species were considerably stable between seasons.

It is interesting to notice the changes with M. brachyura (MF), a species that

also presented a non-significant occupancy growth comparable to the species above.

As a result, we should also expect a high patch survival probability. However, it

presented low patch survival along with high turnover and colonization, what points

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out to a less stable occupancy. These changes in space might indicate our

hypothesized changes in occupancy of MF which we could not observe in other

members of the group. Possibly this behavior is more evident in canopy mixed-

species flock followers, such as M. brachyura itself, and H. dorsimaculatus. The latter

did not show any changes in space, but that could simply have been obscured by its

occupancy, since the species seems to occur everywhere within the grid.

The three understory MF species, T. ardesiacus, T. caesius and M. axillaris,

presented high patch survival rates, along with low confidence bounds in turnover.

This seems to indicate spatial stability, which agrees with the stable home-range size

of understory mixed-species flocks found by Jullien and Thiollay (1998).

We found that many antbirds we studied are generally stable, which is in

accordance to Greenberg and Gradwohl (1986). However, two species, M. brachyura

(MF) and P. rufifrons (AF) had noticeably high turnover rates along with lower

survival confidence bounds, what indicates a considerable change in occupied sites.

In addition, the low detection probabilities for the three other AF species make us

believe that they use wider ranges in search of food. Although we cannot fully accept

the hypothesis that AF species are more prone to changes in space, we believe that

our results tend to confirm that; further studies are needed. On the other hand, since

only one species of MF had evidence of changes, we then refute the hypothesis that

MF present more changes in occupied sites than SL. Nevertheless, in an inside

comparison between MF, different behavior between them can make us raise

another hypothesis, that canopy MF can present a different use of space than

understory MF, judging from the noticeable changes of M. brachyura and the fact that

H. dorsimaculatus seems to be almost omnipresent, in contrast to the apparent

stability of the understory MF. Thus, we think that AF are more prone to changes in

space than understory MF, as they show estimates more similar to SL; on the other

hand, we cannot don’t have any evidence that AF and canopy MF show any

differences in occupation stability.

Our results indicate that some species which were considered stable in space

actually may have a different use of the forest areas throughout the year.

Understanding the functioning of space use by animals is of vital importance to

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conservation, and more studies should be directed to it, covering more species,

possibly in a community model. This would be particularly important to less abundant

species, which are more susceptible to population variations. Rare species are

obviously more difficult to sample, and models that take into account the imperfect

detection can be much more accurate than traditional ones, when studying a large

area such as the Km 41 grid. Different sampling methods may also be associated,

since different techniques like point counts and mist-netting may have radically

different detection probabilities for some species, for example P. albifrons, which has

low detection in point counts or recordings, but is commonly caught in mist-nets.

Autonomous recorders or mist-nets used in canopy heights would probably bring

more information about more species and make it possible to investigate further into

the community; those methods could possibly help us understand one of the

questions raised by this study, about the differences of space use between canopy

and understory MF.


We would like to thank all friends who made this project possible. Fieldwork was

done with the kind help of Angela Midori, Carla Sardelli, Christian Andretti, João Vitor

Silva, Monica Sberze, Mariana Tolentino, Thiago Orsi, Thiago Costa, Claudeir

Vargas e Marconi Cerqueira. The last two also listened to extensive hours of

recordings, and, along with Mario Cohn-Haft, could lend their precious ornithological

knowledge. PDBFF provided the indispensable logistic support, along with camp and

trail maintenance. This study was funded by the Smithsonian Tropical Research

Institute, and by a master´s fellowship offered by the Brazilian government´s National

Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq).

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Table 1. List of studied species divided by sociality groups. Adapted from Cohn-Haft

et al. (1997).

Habitata Positionb Socialityc

Group 1 – Solitary species (SL)

Fasciated Antshrike Cymbilaimus lineatus 2,1 M S

Mouse-colored Antshrike Thamnophilus murinus 1,2 M SU

Guianan Warbling-Antbird Hypocnemis cantator 1,2 U S

Gray Antbird Cercomacra cinerascens 1 C S

Ferruginous-backed Antbird Myrmeciza ferruginea 1 T S

Group 2 – Mixed-species flock followers (MF)

Dusky-throated Antshrike Thamnomanes ardesiacus 1 U U

Cinereous Antshrike Thamnomanes caesius 1 UM U

Pygmy Antwren Myrmotherula brachyura 1,2 C C

White-flanked Antwren Myrmotherula axillaris 1,2 M US

Spot-backed Antwren Herpsilochmus dorsimaculatus 1 C C

Group 3 – Ant-following species (AF)

Black-headed Antbird Percnostola rufifrons 1,2 U SA

White-plumed Antbird Pithys albifronsd 1 U A

Rufous-throated Antbird Gymnopithys rufigulad 1 U A

Scale-backed Antbird Willisornis poecilinotus 1 U SA a Habitat: 1 – primary terra firme forest, 2 – secondary forest. b Position: T – terrestrial, U –

understory, M – midstory, C – Canopy. c Sociality: U – accompanies understory mixed-

species flocks, C – accompanies canopy mixed-species flocks, A – army-ant follower, S –

solitary or in pairs. d obligate ant followers.

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Table 2. Static and dynamic parameters of occupancy, as explained in Figure 3,

along with γ, colonization probability, the probability that an unoccupied site will be

occupied in the following season. The main values are the means and the values in

brackets correspond to 95% of each posterior distribution.

Species ψ1 ψ2 p1 p2 λ φ τ γ

Solitary (SF)

C. lineatus 0.6 [0.46-0.73] 0.78 [0.6-0.94] 0.17 [0.13-0.22] 0.1 [0.07-0.14] 1.33 [0.95-1.79] 0.82 [0.59-0.99] 0.37 [0.2-0.55] 0.72 [0.44-0.96]

T. murinus 0.78 [0.66-0.89] 0.9 [0.8-0.97] 0.13 [0.1-0.17] 0.18 [0.14-0.22] 1.16 [0.98-1.38] 0.92 [0.81-0.99] 0.2 [0.09-0.33] 0.81 [0.55-0.99]

H. cantator 0.83 [0.72-0.93] 0.84 [0.72-0.93] 0.23 [0.18-0.27] 0.23 [0.18-0.28] 1.01 [0.87-1.17] 0.91 [0.8-0.99] 0.09 [0.02-0.21] 0.46 [0.13-0.79]

C. cinerascens 0.64 [0.51-0.76] 0.72 [0.6-0.83] 0.22 [0.18-0.27] 0.3 [0.24-0.36] 1.15 [0.94-1.42] 0.87 [0.74-0.96] 0.23 [0.11-0.38] 0.46 [0.25-0.68]

M. ferruginea 0.65 [0.45-0.87] 0.72 [0.58-0.84] 0.09 [0.05-0.14] 0.2 [0.15-0.26] 1.14 [0.81-1.61] 0.85 [0.68-0.98] 0.23 [0.02-0.48] 0.45 [0.07-0.76]

Mixed-flocks (MF)

T. ardesiacus 0.65 [0.44-0.9] 0.85 [0.7-0.97] 0.11 [0.07-0.17] 0.13 [0.09-0.17] 1.35 [0.95-1.93] 0.93 [0.77-1] 0.29 [0.03-0.53] 0.68 [0.19-0.97]

T. caesius 0.88 [0.74-0.99] 0.84 [0.7-0.94] 0.14 [0.1-0.18] 0.18 [0.13-0.23] 0.95 [0.78-1.14] 0.89 [0.74-0.99] 0.07 [0-0.21] 0.44 [0.03-0.91]

M. brachyura 0.45 [0.31-0.58] 0.56 [0.42-0.71] 0.19 [0.14-0.24] 0.18 [0.13-0.24] 1.29 [0.87-1.85] 0.67 [0.45-0.88] 0.47 [0.28-0.66] 0.47 [0.29-0.67]

M. axillaris 0.5 [0.29-0.76] 0.49 [0.28-0.75] 0.09 [0.04-0.15] 0.11 [0.05-0.21] 1.03 [0.55-1.78] 0.75 [0.41-0.99] 0.24 [0.01-0.58] 0.23 [0.01-0.65]

H. dorsimaculatus 0.95 [0.88-1] 0.94 [0.87-0.99] 0.26 [0.22-0.3] 0.38 [0.33-0.44] 0.99 [0.92-1.07] 0.97 [0.9-1] 0.02 [0-0.09] 0.46 [0.03-0.92]

Ant-followers (AF)

P. rufifrons 0.71 [0.57-0.85] 0.73 [0.6-0.84] 0.15 [0.11-0.2] 0.21 [0.16-0.27] 1.04 [0.81-1.34] 0.77 [0.62-0.9] 0.25 [0.1-0.41] 0.62 [0.35-0.86]

P. albifrons 0.75 [0.4-0.99] 0.53 [0.33-0.77] 0.02 [0.01-0.05] 0.08 [0.04-0.14] 0.74 [0.39-1.39] 0.57 [0.3-0.92] 0.2 [0-0.61] 0.44 [0.02-0.96]

G. rufigula 0.72 [0.36-0.99] 0.74 [0.47-0.95] 0.05 [0.02-0.1] 0.08 [0.04-0.15] 1.1 [0.59-2.22] 0.76 [0.41-0.99] 0.26 [0-0.7] 0.61 [0.06-0.98]

W. poecilinotus 0.78 [0.57-0.96] 0.81 [0.64-0.96] 0.07 [0.04-0.1] 0.06 [0.04-0.09] 1.06 [0.78-1.46] 0.88 [0.67-0.99] 0.16 [0.01-0.39] 0.55 [0.05-0.96]

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Fig. 1.

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Fig. 2.

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Fig. 3.

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Fig. 4.

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Fig. 1. BDFFP study area east of BR-174, north of Manaus (a); the black line shows

highway BR-174 and the dotted lines show dirt roads, including road ZF-3, running

east-west through the map. The lower panel (b) shows the trail grid in Km 41;

sampling points are marked with empty circles

Fig. 2. Diagram of dynamic occupancy model in two levels describing the biological

state and the sampling process. The state level is described differently in the first and

second season, as the first season (j = 1) does not depend on any past state.

Symbols in the diagram stand for the following quantities: zij is the partially observed

true presence or absence of species in site i during season j; ψ1 is the probability that

any given site is occupied in season 1; ψij is the probability that site i is occupied in

season j; φj-1, patch ‘survival’ probability is the probability that an occupied site in

season j - 1 is still occupied in season j; γj-1, the colonization probability, is the

probability that an unoccupied site in season j - 1 is occupied in season j; pijk is the

conditional probability of detecting the species at site i, season j and visit k; a0 is the

intercept of the detection part of the model; a1 and a2 are the linear and quadratic

effects of time, respectively; a3 is the effect of the listener identification score on p; a4

is the effect of the use of the autonomous recorder instead of point counts on p; a5 is

the effect of the second season on p; µijk is the unconditional probability of detection;

and yijk is the observation data (detection/non-detection) of given species at site i,

season j and visit k.

Fig. 3. Static and dynamic parameters of occupancy and detection. Circles indicate

means and lines indicate the 95% confidence bounds of posterior distributions: a)

occupancy (ψ), probability that a random site is occupied in each season; b)

detection (p), probability that a species is detected in a point count, with the average

detection score and the average time of day, in each season; c) effect of second

season on detection; d) growth rate (λ), a growth rate of 1 means no changes in

occupancy; e) patch survival (φ), probability that an occupied site will remain

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occupied in the following season; f) turnover (τ), probability that a random occupied

site was not occupied in previous season.

Fig. 4. Turnover (τ) and patch survival (φ) versus occupancy (ψ) (average of both

seasons). Species identified showed residuals above 10% of the slope.

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Encontramos estabilidade para muitas das espécies estudadas, principalmente as

espécies de hábitos solitários e as que participam em bandos mistos de subosque, o

que está de acordo com o estudo de Greenberg e Gradwohl (1986) e Jullien e

Thiollay (1998). No entanto, duas espécies, Myrmotherula brachyura e Percnostola

rufifrons, demonstraram valores altos de turnover, além de limites de confiança mais

baixos de persistência de manchas, o que indica mudanças consideráveis nos sítios

ocupados. Adicionalmente, com exceção de P. rufifrons, os outros seguidores de

correição apresentaram baixas probabilidades de detecção, consideravelmente mais

baixas que todas as outras espécies, o que nos faz crer, devido a sua alta

ocorrência, que dificilmente estão disponíveis para amostragem no ponto central de

um sítio, pois possuem maior movimentação que as outras espécies. Deste modo,

concluímos que, apesar da alta incerteza dos parâmetros dinâmicos dos seguidores

de correição, temos evidência de que este grupo apresenta uma maior

movimentação pela grade, e consequentemente menor estabilidade de ocupação

que os outros. Assim, apesar de não podermos aceitar completamente a hipótese

de que esse grupo possui maior mudança nos sítios ocupados em diferentes épocas

do ano que os outros, temos indícios que apontam nessa direção. Com relação às

espécies de bando misto, como apenas uma espécie deste grupo apresentou

evidências de mudanças, nós refutamos a hipótese de que as espécies solitárias

são mais estáveis que as espécies de bando misto. Todavia, ao fazer uma

comparação entre as espécies de bando misto, seus diferentes hábitos podem nos

fazer levantar uma nova hipótese: que espécies de bandos mistos de copa podem

ter uma maior tendência à instabilidade espacial que aquelas que participam de

bandos mistos de subosque. Isso se deve às perceptíveis mudanças de M.

brachyura e o fato de que Herpsilochmus dorsimaculatus parece ser quase

onipresente na área de estudo, em contraste à aparente estabilidade das espécies

de bando misto de subosque. Deste modo, acreditamos que os seguidores de

correição apresentam maiores alterações no espaço que os bandos mistos de

subosque; entretanto não temos evidência de que os seguidores de correição e as

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espécie de bandos mistos de copa demonstram qualquer diferença nas alterações

no espaço.


Nossos resultados indicam que algumas espécies que eram consideradas estáveis

no espaço na realidade podem apresentar um uso de diferentes áreas em diferentes

períodos do ano. Entender como funciona o uso do espaço para os animais é de

vital importância para a conservação, e mais estudos deveriam ser direcionados a

isso, abrangendo mais espécies, possivelmente em um modelo de comunidades.

Isso pode ser particularmente importante para espécies menos abundantes, que

consequentemente são mais suscetíveis a variações de população. Espécies mais

raras são obviamente mais difíceis de serem amostradas, e modelos que levam em

consideração a detecção imperfeita podem ser muito mais precisos que os

tradicionais quando estudamos uma área tão ampla quanto a do presente estudo.

Métodos de amostragem diferentes também podem ser associados, já que

diferentes técnicas como pontos de escuta e redes de neblina podem apresentar

probabilidades de detecção completamente distintas para algumas espécies, como

por exemplo para Pithys albifrons, que, como pudemos observar, apresenta baixa

detecção em pontos de escuta ou gravações autônomas, mas é comumente

capturado em redes de neblina. Gravadores autônomos ou redes de neblina

utilizados na copa das árvores também podem contribuir para uma investigação

mais aprofundada da comunidade; esses métodos poderiam por exemplo nos ajudar

a entender uma das questões levantadas por este trabalho, sobre as diferenças do

uso do espaço por espécies de bando misto de subosque e copa.

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Anexo A

Ata da aula de qualificação

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Anexo B

Parecer de avaliador do trabalho escrito - Cintia Cornelius

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Anexo C

Parecer de avaliador do trabalho escrito - Maja Kajin

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Anexo D

Ata da defesa presencial com parecer dos avaliadores

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