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O ex-boxeador Zack (Alex Meraz), o talentoso lutador de MMA Tim (Todd Duffee), o atendente de loja vtima de bullying Justin (Scott Epstein), e o lutador de luta-livre Mike (Dean Geyer) tem histrias muito diferentes, mas eles compartilham uma paixo pela 'cincia selvagem' e rapidamente se tornam leais a seu treinador nada ortodoxo, Case (Michael Jai White), um brilhante ex-campeo de UFC que anda na pior. Ensinando a eles muito mais do que a luta, Case prepara os jovens para uma competio chamada The Beatdown, comandada por um universitrio eempresrio de lutas local chamado Max (Evan Peters). Quando seu mentor cai numa armadilha de policiais, os jovens se unem para achar qual deles o traidor.The former boxer Zack (Alex Meraz ) , talented MMA fighter Tim ( Todd Duffee ) , the attendant Justin bullied store ( Scott Epstein ) , and Mike wrestling fighter ( Dean Geyer ) have very different stories but they share a passion for ' wild science ' and quickly become loyal to their unorthodox trainer , Case ( Michael Jai White ) , a brilliant former UFC champion walking at worst. Teaching them much more than fighting , Case prepares young people for a competition called The Beatdown , run by a university and local businessman fights named Max ( Evan Peters) . When his mentor falls into a police trap , young people come together to find which one is the traitor.

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