Download - Belo Horizonte 2015 - Minas Gerais€¦ · Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha


Belo Horizonte


Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Tel.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]






CEMIG - Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais

CODEMIG - Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais

COPASA - Companhia de Saneamento de Minas Gerais

SEAPA - Secretaria de Estado de Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento

EMATER – Empresa de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural do Estado de Minas Gerais

EPAMIG – Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária de Minas Gerais

SECTES - Secretaria de Estado de Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior

HIDROEX – Excelência em Águas

IGTEC – Instituto de Geoinformação e Tenologia

SEE - Secretaria de Estado de Educação

SEF - Secretaria de Estado de Fazenda

SEGOV - Secretaria de Estado de Governo

SEMAD - Secretaria de Estado de Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Sustentável

FEAM - Fundação Estadual do Meio Ambiente

IEF - Instituto Estadual de Florestas

SEPLAG - Secretaria de Estado de Planejamento e Gestão

Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Tel.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

Table of Contents Table of Contents.........................................................................................................................................5

Executive Summary......................................................................................................................................5

CHAPTER 1 ..................................................................................................................................................6


DIAGNOSIS OF DEGRADED AREAS..............................................................................................................9

PROJECT’S GOAL ....................................................................................................................................13

CHAPTER 2 ................................................................................................................................................19

ASPECTS OF THE ACTIVITY ..........................................................................................................................19

Basins ....................................................................................................................................................19

Biomes ..................................................................................................................................................22

Development territories .........................................................................................................................24

Rural Area..............................................................................................................................................26

CHAPTER 3 ................................................................................................................................................27

ACTION OR MOBILIZATION PLAN ................................................................................................................27

Data Collection.......................................................................................................................................28

Actions with the Institutions ...................................................................................................................33

Actions with the Civil Society...................................................................................................................48

Actions with companies ..........................................................................................................................57

Actions with the government ..................................................................................................................60

CHAPTER 4 ................................................................................................................................................82

PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN ...................................................................................................................82

GESTÃO DO PROGRAMA .........................................................................................................................82

COMMUNICATION .................................................................................................................................84

PHYSICAL-FINANCIAL SCHEDULE..............................................................................................................88

ANNEXES ...................................................................................................................................................96

Annex 1 - Proposal for Participation of EPAMIG........................................................................................97

Annex 2 - Contribution of EPAMIG.........................................................................................................100

Annex 3 - Proposals "Planting the Future" - Department of State of Finance ............................................105

Annex 4 - Draft of Article SEF ................................................................................................................107

Annex 5 - Proposition of Emater-Mg Shares in the Scope of the Planting the Future Project .....................108

Annex 6 - Pilot Project proposed by HidroEX ..........................................................................................111

Annex 7 - Proposal for MST participation ...............................................................................................116

Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Tel.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

Annex 8 - Contribution of the Forest Factory Institute ............................................................................123

Annex 9 - Summary of production capacity and IEF costs ........................................................................125

Annex 10 - CEMIG budget .....................................................................................................................130

Bibliographic Reference............................................................................................................................135

Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Tel.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

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Executive Summary

This document establishes the operational guidelines of the project set out under the Working

Group of the Planting the Future Project, established by the State Normative Decree No. 298 of August

25, 2015.

This study aims to identify the regions of Minas Gerais w here reforestation w ill have greater

eff iciency as w ell as stakeholders and their inf luence on the project. The document explains the actions

that have been proposed by the Working Group and provides for the project management structure by

the coordination.

Chapter 1 presents the scenario of environmental degradation in Minas Gerais due to the

anthropic exploitation that occurs since the seventeenth century and how the recovery of 20 thousand

hectares through the planting and production of 30 million seedlings can mitigate the problem. Although

it is beyond the real needs of the State, the Planting the Future Project can spread in social ideas the

need to build in Minas Gerais a sustainable development model.

Chapter 2 describes the characteristics of biomes and existing river basins in Minas Gerais and

the need for its environmental recovery w ithin the context of the 17 State Development Territories. What

meets the proposal made by the State Executive to regionalize the development of Minas Gerais taking

into account the specif icities of each region.

Chapter 3 presents the stakeholders of the Planting the Future Project: civil society, companies

and government agencies. For each of them models of participation and engagement w ere outlined,

constituting the scope of initiatives to be taken to materialize the program guidelines.

Chapter 4 details the budget of $ 400 million to implement the project in three years, besides the

management plan, operation schedule and quality management. The amount w ill be reduced as

partnerships are developed w ith the private sector and other agencies. Chapter four also presents the

communication plan, in w hich are described communication strategies of the proposal, the tools and

target audience. Both items w ill be developed to give institutional credibility to the program and the

Executive of the State.

Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

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Conceived by the governor Fernando Pimentel, the Planting the Future Program (PPOF) aims

to recover 20 thousand hectares through the production of 30 million different species tree seedlings in

all development territories of Minas Gerais to December 2018.

The Planting the Future project is based on the principle of Sustainability. The term "sustainable"

comes from Latin Sustentare (sustain, defend, promote, support, keep, care). According to the

Brundtland Report (1987), the sustainable use of natural resources must "meet the needs of the present

generation w ithout affecting the ability of future generations to meet their needs." Take this principle to

communities by inserting it in their daily lives, in their culture, it is one of the most important challenges

of the program.

In recent years, w e are experiencing an unprecedented w ater crisis in the Southeast region of

Brazil. The urban population of large cities suffer drastic reduction in supply of w ater, endangering this

key component for a good quality of life. In turn, the rural population suffers gradual impact of w ater

stress condition, w hich can cause the rural exodus. The history of Brazil and the w orld show s that

severe droughts caused the abandonment of the inland cities. As an example, it happened in the

Northeast region in the past. As explained by De Alcantara Silva (2012), droughts, since 1903, have

led millions of Northeastern people to leave the countryside.

The perspective is that this situation gets w orse in the coming years, w ith the increase in population causing even greater burden on w ater sources. The United Nations World Report on the

2015 Development of Water Resources - Water for a Sustainable World, points out that in recent

decades the w ater consumption increased tw ice more than the population and it is estimated that the

demand still grow s 55% by 2020. By keeping the current consumption patterns, by 2030 the w orld w ill

face a deficit in w ater supply of 40%. The report points to factors of water scarcity, intense urbanization,

inadequate agricultural practices and pollution, affecting the supply of clean w ater in the w orld.

In the Southeast region, the drought is likely to persist for the next three years, according to the

Geological Survey of Brazil (CPRM), w hich by means of Regional Superintendents of Belo Horizonte

and Sao Paulo has been follow ing the evolution of drought in Minas Gerais, Espirito Santo, Rio de

Janeiro, São Paulo and Bahia.

With this in mind and believing in adaptive capacity of human beings, and in their ability to

overcome scarcity scenarios, w e propose a project to enable collaborative action betw een various

Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

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organizations and civil society. The goal is to generate change in perspective and mobilization of the

population in order to reforest the State in several areas that have suffered the impact of human


In addition, there is grow ing international concern to encourage actions to promote reforestation

and recovery of areas. On September 25, 2015, President Dilma Rousseff established the goals for

2030, in the United Nations Framew ork Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), committing to zero

illegal deforestation in Brazil, reforesting 12 million hectares and recovering 15 million hectares of

pasture. Therew ith, Brazil takes the lead position in sustainable development, and is the only

developing country to set environmental goals

Minas Gerais, due to its large size and the economic development model adopted since the

seventeenth century, based on the mineral and farm exploration, today has areas that require recovery

actions. With the emergence of environmental issues caused by global w arming and drought in recent

years, the various institutions of the State Public Administration seek, each in its sector, to propose

actions to mitigate the situation. Not only restoring the previous situation, but proposing new use for the areas.

For decades, farmers absorbed industrial technologies for the modernization of its production,

organized in intensive capital monocultures, i.e., that use heavy machinery and large amounts of

pesticides and chemical fertilizers. They are little sustainable production systems, since it is quite high

the environmental degradation arising from it, w ith soil erosion, contamination of w ater sources and

little biodiversity and risks to public health. In the social sphere, these models entail the reduction of

jobs, food insecurity, disability of natural resources conservation and loss of popular know ledge of

previous generations. Definitely, w e are at a time w hen w e need to rethink our productive relationships

w ith the land, in order to continue to produce w ithout the effects that affect the very survival of human


Currently it is possible to combine the production areas w ith environmental recovery, as shown

in Figure 1, w here an agroforestry system is presented. As described by Ramos (2009), "the

proliferation of experiences w ith agroforestry systems in Brazil meets the grow ing concerns in

developing an agriculture that is socially fair, environmentally less aggressive and economically more

viable for farmers."

According to the International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF), the term

Agroforestry defines a land use system and practices in w hich w oody species are deliberately

integrated w ith crops and/or livestock in the same unit of land management. The integration occurs by

Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

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spatial mixture or the temporal sequence. Regularly there w ill be ecological and economic interactions

betw een the arboreal and non-arboreal components of agroforestry.

As guaranteed by Vaz da Silva (2002), agroforestry systems improve "the biological and

structural attributes of the soil and not hinder the grow th of native trees for the recovery of riparian


Figure 1 - Agroforestry systems in Brasil ia / DF. Source:

In order to have a change in the treatment of the environment, another axis of equal importance

to the project and that w ill also be developed is the Environmental Education. This attribute of the

initiative w ill permeate the guidelines and interventions in communities w ith social mobilization and

netw orking activities. It is crucial to raise aw areness, build capacity, support and coordinate all social

actors involved in order to promote cultural change in communities, w ith new values, attitudes and

beliefs w ithin the conception of care ethics and respect for the environment.

Follow ing the educational concept of Paulo Freire, in w hich the "action-reflection" relationship is

present in all stages of the educational process, it is learning by doing and doing by learning. Each

person learns by their ow n experiences, also making themselves perpetuated agent of that learning

through the exchange of information or "dialogue of know ledge". Thereby, the know ledge is constructed


Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

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Within the context of social mobilization, the current communication tools are indispensable for

the creation of citizens' collaboration netw orks. With improved technologies, today the average citizen

is connected to the Internet from almost any current device, anyw here, opening up possibilities for

people w ho w ere previously isolated. Recently, the culture of innovation has given rise to many

applications based on collaborationism. In other w ords, the adoption of policies that make use of these

new technologies and forms of contact is needed to increase the person's chances to become the

protagonist of a deep social action that marks the economic and sustainable development in Minas



In the Brazilian law , the definition of degradation is in Decree No. 97.632, of April 10, 1989, w hich

regulates Article 2, section VII of Law No. 6.938, of August 31, 1981. Namely, "it is considered as

degradation, the processes resulting from damage to the environment, by w hich w e lose or reduce

some of its properties, such as the quality or capacity of environmental resources and that recovery

should aim to return the degraded site to a form of use according to a predetermined plan for use of

soil aiming at environmental stability. "

The degraded areas can arise from various processes, w hether due to human activities or natural

processes that are part of the natural dynamics of the evolution of relief, such as the gully erosions and

f ires that occur from natural causes in grassland ecosystems as the cerrado. Agriculture and livestock

are the main sources of soil degradation in terms of extension. These activities are the oldest

degradation processes of our civilization. How ever, there are other sources, even w ith a greater

potential for impact, w hich should and need to be considered.

According to the text prepared by Harris et al. (1996) there are tw o main categories of land use that

leads to the degradation of the ability of an ecosystem to maintain self-sustained: 1) temporary use and;

2) permanent use. A third category w ould be the reduction of the ecosystem, resulting from unregulated

activities in unspoiled areas such as air pollution, w ildlife hunting, w hich can lead to degradation or

impairment of the ecosystem. The three w ays to use the land are interconnected by changes in entropy

and biodiversity of the ecosystem.

1. Temporary use: includes activities w ith a programmed and defined land use. Usually there is the

preparation of projects, including, at least in theory, have an environmental recovery program

after use.

Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

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2. Permanent use: it includes activities w here there is no intention in the long term, return the area

to a self-sustained system. As a result, there are no intrinsic economic or legislative mechanisms

to ensure environmental recovery.

3. Ecosystem reduction: it refers to activities that apparently are presented as little shocking -

compared to those belonging to the tw o previous categories - but that cause reduction in carrying

capacity and biodiversity of the environment. This is the biggest threat for breaking the self-

sustainability of systems in many parts of the w orld.

Some examples of activities in each of those groups are presented in Table 1.

Table 1 - Examples of environmental degradation sources characterized by temporal classification

proposed by Harris et al. (1996).

Classification Degradation Source Temporary Open-pi t mining

Quarries Civi l engineering works Pi les of waste, sanitary landfills, waste disposa l s i tes

Permanent Agroforestry systems Civi l engineering works Agricul ture, l ivestock

Reduction of ecosystem Uncontrol led recreation Uncontrol led wi ldl i fe hunting Removal of genetic resources External pol lution (e.g., acid ra in)

The recovery of a given degraded area must have as objective to recover their physical, chemical and

biological (structure) integrity, and at the same time, recover their productive capacity (function) either

in the production of food and raw materials or providing environmental services. Therefore, the recovery

of a degraded area can either seek the restoration of their ecosystem functions, such as giving to it a

capacity w ithin the economic interest of its ow ner.

For revegetation of degraded areas, it is necessary to prepare the soil or substrate, planting grasses

and legumes and later, planting other species selected for afforestation.

This w ay, if we were to consider the previous level terracing w ork, in order to inf iltrate w ater into

the soil, and the actions for soil preparation, w ith approximate cost of R$ 4,000.00 reais/ha and planting

costs of about R$ 11,000 reais/ha (including the planting of pioneer, secondary and climax species,

planting and fertilization for ant protection), the total amount for the revegetation of degraded areas

Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

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w ould be approximately R$ 15,000 reais/ha. It is notew orthy that this cost is not applied in areas w ith

intense degradation processes, such as areas w ith contaminated soil and/or intense erosive processes,

w here may be necessary the soil recovery.

For the "Planting the Future" project, the degraded areas in the State of Minas Gerais that the State

Environmental Foundation (FEAM) considers to be included in the Project are the abandoned mining

areas, areas of gully erosions, degraded pasture and old urban w aste disposal sites. The degradation

problem found by these activities or processes occurs throughout the State, as an example w e can


• Mining: São Thomé das Letras and Luminárias; Quadrilátero Ferrífero; region of Jequitinhonha;

granite extraction in the East region of Minas Gerais; ornamental rocks in several municipalities

such as Candeias; several mining areas; sand extraction areas in w atercourses; extraction areas

of government responsibility for use in construction of roads and civil construction.

• Gully erosions areas: region of Rio Doce; Campos das Vertentes; municipality of Cruzília and

region in the vicinity; Northw est region near the municipality of Bonfinópolis de Minas; municipality of Gouvêia and region and municipality of Tiros and region in the vicinity.

• Former urban w aste disposal sites: these areas are distributed throughout the State, requiring a

mapping for location of the most serious cases that may be impacting important environments such

as w atercourses.

• Grasslands: As presented in the Plan for Energy and Climate Change of FEAM, it is estimated to

be necessary the recovery of 9 million hectares of degraded pastures by 2030 in the State of Minas

Gerais. One w ay of recovery of grassland areas w ould be through the creation of agro-forestry

systems, encouraging the pasture consortium w ith reforestation.

• Roads: A major source of erosion that occurs, are the highw ays. Those that more impact the

environment are rural roads, normally open w ithout major technical concerns. Observing the

countryside of Minas Gerais, w e see that is a very large number of gully erosions that start from a

road w ater removal for conservation, disregarding that in each w ater outlet there is the

concentration "dow nhill" forming a groove, w hich often causes irreversible environmental damages .

In these roads there is an urgent need to establish the capture of rainw ater, preventing it from going

dow n the road causing environmental and f inancial damages.

Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

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FEAM believes that for the recovery of degraded areas listed above, State intervention must go beyond

the simple planting of seedlings, since the degree of intervention in these areas is intense. In this

context, FEAM, together w ith IEF, considers it is necessary to prepare Manuals to assist entrepreneurs

/ producers / municipal managers in revegetation actions of the areas. These Manuals could be

developed by the team of SISEMA, w ith Project resources. It is also important to hire experts to monitor

the implementation of the f irst projects, in order to establish a robust methodology to be follow ed along

the "Planting the Future" project.

SISEMA has in the headquarters and in the f ield, technicians specialized in environmental education,

w ho may prepare leaflets and educational brochures. Some primers already edited can be reproduced

only w ith an update of text, if necessary.

In a bibliographic survey made in a generic w ay, the resources to be allocated to the Project for the

recovery of these areas w ould cover a total of 2,000 ha w ith an average cost of R$ 15,000 reais/ha. In

this w ay, the amount w ould be 30 million reais.

Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

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General Purpose

The Planting the Future Program (PPOF) aims to recover 20 thousand hectares through the production of 30 million different species tree seedlings in all development territories of Minas Gerais

to December 2018. Furthermore, the PPOF w ill disclose its actions and integrate the initiatives focused

on the existing environment in the State Public Administration, supported by the Geographic Information

System. The program w ill also spread the sustainability concept in the society and the positive

implications of zeal for the environment.

Specific Goals

1. Planting in w et APP

Here, w e address the springs and banks of w aterways. Not all of them should be used

for tree plantations. But in general, w e can use the river banks for the implementation of

agroforestry systems using species w here it w ill be harvested non-timber products.

2. Planting in dry APP

Here, w e address the areas that have more than 45 ° slope, and that are few areas,

located in the hilltops thereby defined by law . We can also insert in this context the fruit

trees and timber species. It is easy to see that there is erosion in the hills in these

deforested areas. It should not be diff icult to convince producers about the need for

protection of the areas, despite the erosion process already initiated, just planting trees

w ill not be enough. Other practices should be considered.

3. Planting in area of legal reserve of family farmers

Being a need for part of the farmers, the legal reserve for small producers can be

deployed using tree fruit species, varying naturally according to the climate of the region.

This is a w ay of planting several seedlings of species that can improve the income of

farmers, but also their food security. Timber forest species can also be used in this mode.

4. Planting according to the CAR - for reconstitution of Legal Reserve and APP

The registered properties w ill have time to be in accordance. Therefore, they can be

used for planting trees for restoration and enrichment of their legal reserve, if necessary.

Likew ise, it can be made restoration of, w et or dry, permanent preservation areas w here

Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

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it may be possible to establish agroforestry systems or planting fruit trees and other

species of non-timber production.

5. Agroforestry systems formation

This is a recovery mode of degraded areas w ith productive purpose, either w ith an option

of timber production or non-timber products such as fruits, seeds and other plant parts

associated w ith the non-arboreal cultivation. Any farmer can be used as target. The

system can be deployed in agroecological or traditional arrangements. It produces a

large positive environmental impact on the property.

6. Silvopastoral systems formation

For recovery of degraded pastures, keeping the same purpose in the area, one of the

options that w e can use is the deployment of silvopastoral systems, w here w e can

consort timber or fruit tree species in consortium w ith pasture.

7. Recovery of degraded areas

The recovery of degraded areas can be done in several w ays, whether for recovery of

ecosystem functions of the area, w hich w ill be a long process, w hether to give to it a new

production function according to the preference of the ow ner.

8. Formation of orchards and agroforestry yards in several rural properties

In every farm there is a planting of fruit trees in the vicinity of its headquarters. The

proposal is to form this orchard w ith fruit trees and numerous palm trees that produce

commercial palmettos, or enrich them as required according to the desires and needs of

its ow ner. It is an important action mainly for the family farmer w ithin the context of food


9. Diverse reforestation

In the program, w e can deploy homogeneous or heterogeneous forests for various

purposes. In the cerrado areas, w e suggest planting of local fruit species, w hich can be

very profitable if w ell managed. Part of this planting can be done experimentally by

seeds. In other areas, w here there is interest, it can be used exotic species of timber or

various fruit production. Similarly, heterogeneous or homogeneous plantation according

to the producer's interest. When the reforestation area is w ithin an ecological corridor,

Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

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attractive w ildlife species should be prioritized in the planting along w ith the species that

w ill occupy the land.

10. Urban afforestation

This mode, w hich can include lots of seedlings, is of great importance to the project

because the urban tree w hen planted correctly, it can play a key role in environmental

education process of the population, w hen this aspect is w ell explored. In order to

achieve success in this mode, the involvement of the city is important, and especially the

population of the areas to be forested. If people do not show interest, the plants cannot


11. Rural afforestation

We have here a vast territory to be explored. The public should be the rural population.

Cooperatives, municipalities, churches, various communities can and should be engaged. If w e discover how to offer seedlings of species economically interested to

farmers and stockmen, the success w ill be greater. Species such as the Indian Neem,

w hich has insecticidal properties to combat w hitefly, are treated by stockmen w ith

greater care and can be successful. Other species that produce food and also shadow

are also w elcomed by rural communities. The rural forestry may also be part of an

ecological corridor area. In this case, it should be follow ed the same guidelines for these

areas in order to succeed in the gene f low that w ill operate in the place, even w ith the

human presence. There must be a community involvement in these situations, w ith an

environmental education w ork parallel to the plantations.

12. Road afforestation

There are many areas available for planting trees in the roads of Minas Gerais. But this

method requires a correct choice of species. If w e w ant just occupy the areas, the best

choice is choosing the fast grow ing species. How ever, fruit species should not be


13. Planting in areas of w ater recharge, (altitude)

We address herein, those areas of greatest attitude, and for various reasons, they are

devoid of arboreal vegetation. In most cases, there is species that can be used in

homogeneous reforestation, w hich w ill succeed in both the protection function and in the

production: Candeia. It can be w ell adapted to the low er fertility soils, since they are

Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

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associated w ith signif icant altitude. Naturally, other species can be used in different

latitudes of the State, w here the areas of w ater recharge need protection. We remember

that just planting trees may not be enough to meet the protective needs of the areas.

14. Planting in urban and rural schools

We have the possibility to associate afforestation directly w ith the educational process.

It is healthy that w e can use preferably attractive bird species. This w ill contribute to

student learning and also for the birdlife. Attractive w ildlife species should be present in

all forms already described, the importance of w ildlife in ecosystem service restoration

of diverse environments.

15. Coops enrichment

It is very common that the areas under recovery have diff iculty in development since

there are no sources of propagules around and offer a variety of seeds. In this case, attractive species of fauna should also be prioritized.

16. Planting in Conservation Units

In this case can be used areas of the various conservation units such as areas for full

protection or restricted use. It is important to take into account w hat is established in

each management plan. The use of species that occur in these environments and are

also fauna attractive is also important.

Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

17 of 135

Figure 2 - Municipalities with Registered Conservation Units

17. Planting in settlement and land reform projects

In this mode you can enter almost everything that has been said above. It is the

population in need of assistance and w ho can be very beneficiary in such a program.

Recovery of legal reserve areas w ith fruit species; reforestation that seek to provide food

security and income, formation of agroforestry yards (orchards), rural afforestation and

other forms of action involving these communities. How ever, all of them must be

associated w ith an environmental education program aimed at the transformation of

quality of life in those environments.

Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

18 of 135

Considering these goals, w ere defined as macro level goals:

1. Recover 40,000 springs (800 m w ith fence + 100 seedlings/spring)

2. 6,000 ha of riparian forest recovery

3. 2,000 ha gully erosions, and in such recovery mode of degraded area w e have to partner

w ith companies and municipal governments due to the high cost. About R$


Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

19 of 135


The areas of activity in the State of Minas Gerais proposed under the project are designed to

cover several areas.


The management model to be used by the program w ill have as reference the activity in the

territoriality defined by nature itself: the w atershed. This is because the w ater interacts w ith the

environment from the spring, through the tributaries and the entire section w here the river is passing

through. Thereby, the Program requires a w ork aimed at the entire basin, regardless of political-

administrative divisions of the region.

In large basins, the health of the river is a direct consequence of the measures taken to control surface runoff and promote w ater inf iltration into the soil, preventing erosion and reducing the amount

of sediments and nutrients. This care is also important to maintain the biodiversity of the basin,

connecting the different micro w atersheds of the region and, thus, ensuring the genetic variability of


The State of Minas Gerais can be divided into 5 major w atersheds, which w ill be refined to the

point of micro w atersheds to reach even the small farmer responsible for that region.

Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

20 of 135

Figure 3 - Main basins of Minas Gerais, ottoencoded in level 2. Preparation: Planting the Future Project

The territory can be divided into 5 Ottobasins Level 2: 74 - São Francisco; 75 - Rio

Jequitinhonha; 76 - Rio Doce; 77 - Rio Paraíba do Sul; 84 - Rio Paraná, as described in Figure 3.

In view of the division of the territory in basins, w e can better identify the stakeholders w ho follow

this guidance, such as the basin committees, as w ell as the regions of operation, such as springs,

recharge areas, river banks, permanent preservation area - APP and riparian forests, as described in

Figure 4.

Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

21 of 135

Figure 4 - The basins are divided by the level of each spring, ottoencoded according to the National Water


Associate to w orks to promote increased w ater availability in rural properties, subject matter of

previous initiatives, the Project for Recovery of Spring and Riparian Forests aims to protect the quality of w ater produced in the properties, through the protection of w ater courses present in micro w atershed,

from its spring to the mouth. In this w ay, the APPs w ill be allocated linked to w atercourses along the

Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

22 of 135

properties that adhere to the project, promoting their enclosure and the supply of seedlings of native

species for planting.

Riparian forests are essential to the ecological balance, providing protection for w ater and soil,

reducing siltation of rivers, lakes and dams and preventing the contribution of pollutants to the aquatic

environment. Moreover, they form corridors that contribute to biodiversity conservation; they provide

food and shelter for w ildlife; they form natural barriers against the spread of pests and diseases in

agriculture; and, during their grow th, they absorb and f ix carbon dioxide, one of the main gases

responsible for climate change affecting the planet


The State of Minas Gerais has a huge diversity of environments to be met w ith different forms

of activity. For example, the form of soil treatment in the Cerrado is different from the Atlantic Forest,

as w ell as the seedlings to be supplied to reforest these biomes should be different. At this point, it is

possible to propose actions that are based on biomes division, for example, the survey of species of

seeds to be planted.

Minas Gerais has 3 major biomes, according to the data from the State Forest Institute (IEF) in

partnership w ith the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA) having an area of 33.8% of native vegetation,

and the Cerrado (19.94%), the Atlantic Forest (10.33%) and Caatinga (3.48%).

These biomes are represented in different types of vegetation, w hich are representative in 4

different types in the State of Minas Gerais, according to the chart and map below .

Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

23 of 135

Figure 5 - Types of vegetation in Minas Gerais

The Cerrado occupies most of the territory of Minas Gerais, covering the Central, Northw est and

North region of the State. It is mainly cut in the São Francisco River Basin. This biome remained w ell

preserved until the 1960s, but since then, it has suffered from the grow th of monocultures, such as soy,

rice, and also due to charcoal and frequent f ires.

The Atlantic Forest is the second largest biome of Minas Gerais. It has an occupation and

extraction history dating back to the beginning of Brazilian colonization, through massive deforestation. Currently, w e have approximately 10% of the original full coverage.

Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

24 of 135

According to the NGO SOS Mata Atlântica, the pace of deforestation in the State of Minas Gerais

has been declining, from 1st state that most deforested in 2012-2013 to second place in 2013-2014,

behind the State of Pará. Nevertheless, Minas Gerais had a deforestation rate of 5,608 hectares per

year. The most problematic region is the Northeast region, w hich concentrates one of the poorest

populations in the State.

Caatinga is the only exclusively Brazilian biome. Its biodiversity cannot be found anyw here else

on the planet. Despite it covers a small area in the State of Minas Gerais, it is a biome in advanced

deforestation stage due to continuous exploration.

Development territories

The actions of the Executive Branch of Minas Gerais are being articulated considering the

division of the State in Development Territories.

Minas Gerais is divided into 17 Development Territories, as described in Figure 8: Alto

Jequitinhonha, Caparaó, Central Mata, Médio and Baixo Jequitinhonha, Metropolitan, Mucuri,

Northw est region, North region, West region, Southw est region, South region, Triângulo Norte,

Triângulo Sul, Vale do Aço, Vale do Rio Doce and Vertentes.

Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

25 of 135

Figure 6- Development Territories of Minas Gerais.

This territory division w ill guide actions together w ith the municipal governments and the

development territories, identifying opportunities for joint operation.

In view of the tw o approaches, w e relate the development territories w ith the types of

predominant vegetation, w hich w ill reference operations in the different territories in view of the

peculiarities of each.

According to Figure 5, w e can see that the areas differ one another, w ith respect to the type of

vegetation. This indicates, for example, that the operation in areas such as Caparaó, Mata, Mucuri,

Vale do Aço and Vale do Rio Doce, w hich have almost 100% of the Atlantic Forest, may receive similar

species of trees.

Urban Area

Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

26 of 135

The reforestation activities in urban perimeters provide a basis for actions in conjunction w ith

the municipal governments, providing a different view in the forms of operation, reaching the streets,

squares, among many others that w ill be identif ied. The revitalization of parks and forest parks, or even

the creation thereof, w ill be the scope of actions of the Project.

Rural Area

The activity in the rural area w ill provide a basis for actions to be strongly supported in the

participation of the follow ing agencies: Emater, IEF and Rural Minas, through programs to communicate

and facilitate the participation of farmers in the project.

Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

27 of 135


In order to fulf ill the main goal of the Planting Future Project, w hich is the recovery of 20

thousand hectares through the planting and production of 30 million trees over the next 3 years, various

actions w ere proposed in the Working Group. There w ill be a study to prioritize planting areas, from the

data provided by the various agencies and researched by the team. Furthermore, in order to operate

the cultivation, various partners and suppliers have been identif ied capable of providing a structure that

supports such mobilization. In the follow ing section, w e present the data collected for the State of Minas

Gerais and mapping of suppliers already identif ied.

Figure 7 - Presence of institutions of the State Public Administration that support the operation of Planting

the Future

Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

28 of 135

Figure 8 - Presence of private nurseries in Federal Universities, partners in the operation of Planting the


Data Collection

The Ecological-Economic Zoning (ZEE) of Minas Gerais "had as purpose, as a technical

assumption, support the planning and orientation of public policies and actions on the environment in

the regions, through a Macro diagnosis of the state. What enables the territorial management,

encouraging the participation of Plural Councils, COPAM, CERH and Basin Committees, w ith a view to

its management, according to criteria of economic, social, ecological and environmental sustainability."

Therew ith, the ZEE addresses tw o main thematic axes: the ecological and socioeconomic

aspects. The axes w ill be used as an alternative scenario for planning and consolidation of infrastructure

projects involving development, social, economic, cultural and environmentally sustainable models,

improving the population's quality of life. Among the specif ic purposes of the SEZ w e can mention:

Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

29 of 135

prepare the bases for environmental models (natural and anthropogenic) and the exploratory scenarios;

prepare a universal language database w ith broad access and ease of use, containing the primary and

secondary information and, among other things, define priority areas for development, conservation

and preservation.

The Planting the Future Project used products developed in the ZEE to reference the

prioritization in the various Development Territories. Among them, Priority Area Plans for Conservation

and Priority Area Plans for Recovery w ere used, as show n in Figure 9.

Figure 7 - Priority Area Plans for Recovery and Conservation Units

Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

30 of 135

Figure 8 - The relationship between the Prioritization Plans of recovery areas of the ZEE and

municipalities with Conservation Units

Together w ith this information, the prioritization of sites w ill also be made from the analysis of

deforested areas using data available by the IEF and the SOS Mata Atlântica. In Figure 8 is shown a

map indicating the changes betw een 1970 and 2012. With it, you can see that there w as a strong

deforestation in the region, even as a Permanent Protection Area (APP).

Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

31 of 135

Figure 9 - Comparison of the vegetation cover of the area of APA Ipê Amarelo, in Angelândia, on two

dates: l ight green, registration of the Pages of the Brazil 's Plan, 1970s vectorized for IEF and dark green,

registration of SOS Mata Atlântica, in 2012.

Moreover, w e can see the pow er of georeferencing tool that exactly indicates the area w here there is

no vegetation. The use of images w ill help identify the exact areas w here planting w ill be done.

Figure 10 - View of the fragment identified in the figure above, in the images Rapid Eye of SISEMA, on

the website of INDI - IGTEC

Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

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With the survey of these areas, w e can indicate w here the planting w ill be more eff icient and

indicate actions such as the creation of Conservation Units (UC’s).

Within the Working Group, it w as proposed actions to be presented in the follow ing sections.

The action plan aims to reach different stakeholders w ith different approaches.

By definition, stakeholders are "persons or organizations (e.g., clients, sponsors, executing

organization or the public) actively involved in the project or w hose interests may be positively or

negatively affected by the implementation of the project" (Project Management Institute - PMI).

Initially, w e identif ied 4 major stakeholders grouped according to their degree of impact /

inf luence, w hich will be interview ed and may be expanded until all Parties are identif ied. We suggest

the division of actions in conjunction w ith stakeholders, presented below .

Figure 11 - Groups of stakeholders influenced by the Project

Planting the Future Project




Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

33 of 135

Actions with the Institutions

Institutions, treated herein as any organization not bounded directly to the government form an important sphere of the society and w ill be fundamental to the development of the project. Several

institutions that could form a netw ork of partnerships to achieve the proposed purpose w ere identif ied.

Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

34 of 135

Action: 01 - Coordination w ith the institutions - Identif ication of Universities

Responsible Coordination of the Project and Working Group

Description Identif ication of renow ned Universities w ith research developed in forestry, in

order to establish partnerships and develop existing projects and w hich w ill have

joint application w ith the Planting the Future Project. Those involved w ill be

mainly forming agencies of the Working Group and any other interested Party

that may indicate partnerships. This action w ill be developed mainly in the

planning phase, but throughout the execution new universities w ill be identif ied.

The action w ill be performed through contact w ith the head of the university, by

the Coordination follow ed by meeting schedule for details of the expectations of

each Party of the partnership and establishment of detailed joint action.

Area of operation Universities

Schedule Detailing throughout the execution of the Program


identify Universities

Partnership agreement Is the partnership


Proposed actions

List of Universities

interested on it

New partnership proposal

Meeting with those




Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

35 of 135

Action: 02 - Articulation w ith the institutions - Identif ication of Rural Associations

Responsible EMATER, IEF

Description Identif ication of Rural Associations that can facilitate the planting and

maintenance w orks of the reforested areas, w ith the purpose of establishing

partnerships and developing projects that w ill be the basis of the Planting the

Future Project. Those involved in the action w ill be EMATER, together w ith the

Municipal Governments and the Municipal Council for Rural Development, and

IEF, w hich has extensive operations in the rural area. This action w ill be

developed mainly in the implementation phase. It w ill be implemented through a

broad discussion of the project w ith these partners, seeking the necessary

support for its proper development.

Area of operation Rural associations throughout the state

Schedule Detailing throughout the execution of the Program


Identify Rural Associations

Partnership agreement

Is the partnership feasible?

Proposed actions

List of Associations

New partnership proposal

Meeting with those responsible



Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

36 of 135

Action: 03 - Coordination w ith the institutions - Identif ication of Environmentalist Entities

Responsible Project Coordination


Identif ication of Environmentalist Entities that can facilitate the planting

and maintenance w orks of the reforested areas, with the purpose of establishing

partnerships and developing projects that w ill be the basis of the Planting the

Future Project. They have been identif ied about 120 environmentalist groups.

Area of operation The entire state

Schedule Detailing throughout the execution of the Program


Identify Entities

Partnership agreement Is the partnership


Proposed actions

List of Entities

New partnership proposal

Meeting with those responsible



Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

37 of 135

Action: 04 - Coordination w ith the institutions - Identif ication of Research Institutes

Responsible Coordination of the Project and Working Group

Description Identif ication of Research Institutes w ith research developed in forestry, in

order to establish partnerships and develop existing projects and w hich w ill have

joint application w ith the Planting the Future Project.

Area of operation Research Institutes

Schedule Detailing throughout the execution of the Program


Identify Research Institutes

Partnership agreement Is the partnership


Proposed actions

List of Institutes

New partnership proposal

Meeting with those responsible



Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

38 of 135

Action: 05 - Coordination w ith the Institutions - Partnership w ith UFLA

Responsible CEMIG, COPASA

Description Partnership w ith UFLA to use the nursery, w ith the purpose of providing

seedlings to be used in the Planting the Future Project. CEMIG has been

developing w ith UFLA and other universities, numerous projects to generate

know ledge in initiatives related to Reforestation of Riparian Forest, protection of

springs and construction of dams. UFLA implemented a Reference Center in

Riparian Forest, w hich has supported dozens of master's and doctoral theses.

In Minas Gerais, the state government has also in CEMIG an agent that w ill

contribute to the grow th of the Cultivating Good Water Project - CAB, especially

in major w atersheds that cover their reservoirs of Hydroelectric Pow er Plants.

Currently the company is in the forest nursery of Volta Grande being operated in

partnership w ith UFLA.

Area of operation UFLA Nursery

Schedule Detailing throughout the execution of the Program


Partnership with UFLA

Partnership agreement Is the partnership


Proposed actions

New partnership


Meeting with those responsible



Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

39 of 135

Action: 06 - Coordination w ith the institutions - Partnership w ith Basin Committees

Responsible Project Coordination


Partnership w ith the Basin Committees that can identify and propose new

actions in order to engage the Parties and strengthen projects that w ill intersect

the Planting the Future Project.

Area of operation Basins

Schedule Detailing throughout the execution of the Program


Partnership with the basin committees

Partnership agreement Is the partnership


Proposed actions

New partnership


Meeting with those




Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

40 of 135

Action: 07 - Coordination w ith the institutions - Partnership w ith IBIO

Responsible Project Coordination

Description Partnership w ith IBIO in order to enhance projects, partners and

resources that w ill have application in the Planting the Future Project. There

have been initial contact that w ill be further developed throughout the project.

Area of operation Areas of inf luence of the IBIO

Schedule Detailing throughout the execution of the Program


Partnership with IBIO

Partnership agreement Is the partnership


Proposed actions New partnership


Meeting with those responsible



Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

41 of 135

Action: 08 - Coordination w ith the institutions - Partnership w ith Instituto Espinhaço

Responsible Project Coordination

Description Partnership with Instituto Espinhaço with the aim of enhancing projects,

partners and resources in 53 municipalities of its operations that will have

application in the Planting the Future Project. There have been initial contact

that will be further developed throughout the project.

Area of operation 53 Municipalities for operation of the Instituto Espinhaço

Schedule Detailing throughout the execution of the Program


Partnership with Espinhaço Institute

Partnership agreement Is the partnership


Proposed actions

New partnership proposal

Meeting with those responsible



Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

42 of 135

Action: 09 - Coordination w ith the institutions - Partnership w ith Instituto Terra

Responsible Project Coordination


Partnership w ith Instituto Terra in order to carry out a benchmarking, to

identify methodologies and study of the Case of Success of the reforestation of

Bulcão farm, as w ell as develop partnerships w ith the Olhos D'água Project,

w hich has operations throughout the Rio Doce Basin, and its application in the

Planting the Future Project.

Area of operation Rio Doce Basin

Schedule Detailing throughout the execution of the Program


Partnership with Terra Institute

Partnership agreement Is the partnership


Benchmarking methodologies

New partnership proposal

Visiting Bulcão Farm



Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

43 of 135

Action 10 – Coordination with the Institutions - Partnership with the Forest Factory Institute

Responsible Project Coordination


Partnership w ith the Forest Factory Institute for recovery of São

Francisco River Basin w ith nurseries in the follow ing Basins: Velhas, Urucuia

and Paraopeba, as detailed in Annex 8.

Area of operation São Francisco River Basin

Schedule Detailing throughout the execution of the Program


Partnership with Forest Factory

Partnership agreement Is the partnership


Proposed actions

New partnership proposal

Meeting with those responsible



Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

44 of 135

Action: 11 - Coordination w ith the institutions - Mobilisation of state schools

Responsible SEE


Mobilizing schools to promote environmental education programs and

promote planting joint efforts, through seed distribution to students, in order to

engage students and increase support for Planting the Future Project.

Area of operation Schools

Schedule Detailing throughout the execution of the Program


Mobilization of State Schools

Required resources

Preparing for the "D-Day"

Contact by SEE

Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

45 of 135

Action: 12 - Coordination w ith the institutions - Support Manuals for rehabilitation of degraded areas

Responsible FEAM and IEF


FEAM, together w ith IEF, believes it is necessary to prepare manuals to

assist entrepreneurs / producers / municipal managers in actions for

rehabilitation of degraded areas. These manuals can be developed by the

SISEMA team. Besides the SISEMA team, it is necessary hiring fellow s /

researchers w ho w ill assist in the preparation of these documents.

Area of operation Priority Areas

Schedule Detailing throughout the execution of the Program


Preparation of Manuals by SISEMA

Support Manuals

Distribution of Manuals

Contracting the Print Shop

Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

46 of 135

Action: 13 - Coordination w ith the institutions - Partnership w ith MST

Responsible Project Coordination


The partnership Project aims to promote the recovery of degraded areas

through capacity building of peasants. The capacity building w ill focus on the

implementation of educators’ nurseries in the regions of an extensive process of

environmental education and a dialogic process betw een empirical know ledge

and academic know ledge, improving the agro-ecosystem and environmental

conservation combined w ith income generation. The action w ill be taken in the

areas of agrarian reform in the State of Minas Gerais. The details of the action

is included in Annex 7.

Area of operation MST Priority Areas

Schedule Detailing throughout the execution of the Program


Partnership with MST

Partnership agreement Is the partnership


Proposed actions

New partnership proposal

Meeting with those responsible



List of Municipalitie


Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

47 of 135

Figure 12 - Settlements that wil l provide seedlings

Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

48 of 135

Actions with the Civil Society

The actions w ith the Civil Society w ill be addressed in various parts of the project, since the

community is a major stakeholder. We can say that all w ork w ill be developed to benefit the community . If the citizen, w hether resident in urban or rural area, to realize that there w ill be an improvement of life

from our actions, this w ork does not make sense. It should be highlighted the participation of the

farmers, w ho w ill be primarily responsible for continuing and maintaining the project.

Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

49 of 135

Action: 01 - Coordination w ith Civil Society - Disclosure by EMATER

Responsible EMATER


Disclose the Project in all municipalities in the state - meetings, visits,

print and broadcast media - during the routine actions of agricultural extension

of EMATER, w hich is present in 790 municipalities of Minas Gerais, and promote

specif ic events for the Planting the Future Project. It w ill be implemented through

television programs (Minas Rural) broadcast on Rede Minas, Terraviva

(Bandeirantes group channel), TV Horizonte and several other stations of the

inland cities. This action is detailed in Annex 5.

Area of operation 790 municipalities of the State of Minas Gerais

Schedule Detailing throughout the execution of the Program


Disclosure by EMATER

Support the Project

Coordination with the communication team

of the project Disclosure in

meetings, visits and media

Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

50 of 135

Action: 02- Coordination w ith Civil Society - Identify Farmers

Responsible EMATER and Communication of the Project


Identify, register the producers of each municipality participating in the

project and estimate the number of trees per property, in order to involve the

farmers w ho w ill be the key to the support and development of Planting the

Future Project. This action is detailed in Annex 5.

Area of operation Farmers

Schedule Detailing throughout the execution of the Program


Identification of Producers

Register of Producers

Involvement of Producers

Trees per


Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

51 of 135

Action: 03- Coordination w ith Civil Society - Prepare Technical Material

Responsible EMATER


EMATER w ill produce and provide technical material about the project

for mobilization and training of farmers. It w ill be made through the preparation

of informative technical material about planting and cultivation of trees available,

hiring a graphic company for printing material and distribution to the farmers who

are part of the project. This action is detailed in Annex 5.

Area of operation Farmers

Schedule Detailing throughout the execution of the Program


Produce technical material

Promotional material

Distribution to farmers

Contracting Print Shop

Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

52 of 135

Action: 04 - Coordination w ith Civil Society - Technical Guidance of producers

Responsible EMATER and Communication of the Project


Technical guidance of producers and their families for planting and

conduct of seedlings. It w ill be essential to raise aw areness about the Project

and w ill be a mechanism to ensure the maintenance of grow ing seedlings.

Collective events w ill be promoted in order to guide farmers for planting and

conduct of seedlings available. This action is detailed in Annex 5.

Area of operation Farmers

Schedule Detailing throughout the execution of the Program


Technical guidance

Planting and maintenance

Event Promotion

Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

53 of 135

Action: 05 - Coordination w ith Civil Society - Event in Schools

Responsible SEE


Creating an event in Schools, w ith "D-Day" format, to raise aw areness of

the students. Making in schools a day for reflections w here the focus is the

Environmental Education. It w ill be an open and extensive time to the w hole

community w here the school is located, opening spaces for dialogues and joint

participation. The initiative w as called by Paulo Freire as "culture circles".

Therefore, the SEE w ill encourage reflections related to the educational process

permeated by concepts and practices guided by the sustainable use of the

planet's resources.

Area of operation Schools and communities

Schedule Detailing throughout the execution of the Program


Mobilization of students

Awareness of students

Event in schools

Distribution of seed kits

Use of Project materials

Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

54 of 135

Action: 06 - Coordination w ith Civil Society - Aw areness in the f ield

Responsible SEE


Insertion of discussions regarding Environmental Education in the

Proposal for Training Teachers of the "Programa Escola da Terra" (Earth School

Program), w hich is a planned action in axis No. 1 of PRONACAMPO (National

Program for Field Education), meeting the specif ic operational requirements of

the schools in the countryside and those located in quilombo communities. The

program currently serves 17 (seventeen) municipalities and 1,200 (one thousand

and tw elve hundred) course participants, w ith inclusion forecast w ith new

municipalities in 2016.

Area of operation Schools and Rural Communities

Schedule Detailing throughout the execution of the Program


Discussion by Pronacampo

Partnership with the Program

Environmental awareness

Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

55 of 135

Action: 07- Coordination w ith Civil Society - Communication of results

Responsible EMATER and Communication of the Project

Description Disclosure of results of EMATER project to ensure that the target audience is

reached. This action is detailed in Annex 5.

Area of operation 790 municipalities with EMATER operation

Schedule Detailing throughout the execution of the Program


Disclosure of results

Promotional material

Results disclosed

Data generated by the project

Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Minas Gerais - Codemig Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 2.202 – Bairro São Luís – Pampulha –CEP: 31365-450 - Belo Horizonte - MG

Phone.: (31) 3213-6101 - - [email protected]

56 of 135

Action: 08 - Coordination w ith Civil Society - Geographic Information System

Responsible Coordination of the Project and IGTEC


Creation of the Geographic Information System. The platform w ill be

capable of gathering information on each region and also to give to the people

conditions to participate in a collaborative w ay of the reforestation process, better

know ing of their region and the possibilities of action. Among the system's

objectives, w e can highlight the possibility of direct interaction betw een the

actions of the project and the society, w ith the people, institutions and

companies. The registration is to enable the user to identify geographically

providing information on its a micro w atershed, its development territory and its

biome, through a geoplatform, as suggested by IGTEC. It w ill also provide

suggestions for operations, such as planting manual, suggestions for seedlings

and projects in partnership w orking in its region.

Area of operation Information Systems

Schedule Detailing throughout the execution of the Program


Creation of SIG

Project progress reports

Project monitoring

Maps Government Information

Information obtained by the platform

Updated Information of

the Project