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Armada : Portuguese naval fleet

Banquitti : Banquet

Bazarucos : Indo-Portuguese copper coin worth 1/75 of a tanga Câmara : Municipality

Capitão-mor : Portuguese caption major

Caravela : Portuguese sailing ship

Carreira : Portuguese navigational route

Cartaz : A card, used to denote a pass enabling the the ship to sail on a special route, during the Portuguese supremacy .

Casa da India : India House in Lisbon

Casado : Portuguese man married to native woman and settled in the colony.

Casticos : Those born in Asia of Portuguese parents

Chatta : An upper garment introduced by the Portuguese ,commonly used by Luso-Indians in their homes.

Chavers : Mercenary soldiers

Christão : Christian

Cofereria : Confraternity

Cruzado : Portuguese gold coin worth 400 reis

Devaswam : Property belonging to the temple

Escrivão : Writer

Esmol : Alms

Estado da India : The Portuguese State of India


Feitoria : Portuguese factory

Fidalgo : Portuguese word literally means son of a Somebody.

Gramam : Settlement of Brhamins

Grandhavari : Manuscript of royal families , usually written On cadjan leaves.

Irmão : Brother

Kebaya : Dress worn by Malacan women, later Introduced in Kerala and still worn by Luso-Indian women in interior villages.

Kalari : Gymnasium and place to learn martial arts In Kerala.

Kappiri : Negro

Koottam : Assembly of elders of the village

Kovilakam : Royal house

Koyma : Lordship

Ladinha : Litany

Lanthakkar : People from Holland, the Duth

Lascar : Soldier

Laudate : Thanksgiving song in Latin, usually sung by Luso-Indians before conclusion of the banquet.

Leilão : Auction

Luso-Indians : Persons or progenies of mixed parentage of the Portuguese men and Indian women.

Mesticos : Those born in Asia of Portuguese and Indian parentage.


Misericordia : Holy House of Mercy

Mestre : Master craftsman

Moors : Muslims from Middle East

Mullatos : Progenies of European and Negro parentageNatu or naadu : Province

Naduvazhi : Provincial ruler

Ola : Palm leaf for writing

Orfãs del rei : Orphans sent by the king of Portugal

Padroado : Portuguese patronage

Pagament : Payment

Papa : Pope

Parangi : Portuguese or Portuguese descendants In Kerala

Paradesi : Foreigner, used for Middle Eastern Muslim In the South West India.

Raja : King

Reinos : Those born in aristocratic family

Sanketam : The buildings and land controlled and protected by temple authorities

Soldado : Portuguese man, contradiction to Casado

Sollteiro : Portuguese bachelor

Swarupam : Independent principality

Tanga : Indo-Portuguese silver coin worth 60 reis.

Tavazhi : Maternal lineage


Topasses : Literally means interpreter or translator, a word used for Portuguese descendants during Dutch period.

Udayavar : Lord of the territory.

Varna : The four fold division of Malabar society

Vedor da fazenda : Treasurer of the estate

Vinho : Wine

Xerafin : Indo-Portuguese silver coin worth 300 reis.

Zamorin : Ruler of Calicut