Download - Apostila_-_Concurso_Vestibular_-_Inglês_-_Módulo_06

  • 8/8/2019 Apostila_-_Concurso_Vestibular_-_Ingls_-_Mdulo_06


    Nome do Aluno


    Anna Maria CarmagnaniWalkyria Monte Mr


    Carlos Renato Lopes

    Luiz Otvio Costa Marques



  • 8/8/2019 Apostila_-_Concurso_Vestibular_-_Ingls_-_Mdulo_06



    Governador: Geraldo Alckmin

    Secretaria de Estado d a Educao de So PauloSecretaria de Estado d a Educao de So PauloSecretaria de Estado d a Educao de So PauloSecretaria de Estado d a Educao de So PauloSecretaria de Estado d a Educao de So Paulo

    Secretrio: Gabriel Benedito Issac Chalita

    Coordenadoria de Estudos e Nor mas Pedaggicas CENPCoordenadoria de Estudos e Nor mas Pedaggicas CENPCoordenadoria de Estudos e Nor mas Pedaggicas CENPCoordenadoria de Estudos e Nor mas Pedaggicas CENPCoordenadoria de Estudos e Nor mas Pedaggicas CENP

    Coordenadora: Sonia Maria Silva


    Reitor: Adolpho Jos Melfi

    Pr-Reitora de Grad uaoPr-Reitora de Grad uaoPr-Reitora de Grad uaoPr-Reitora de Grad uaoPr-Reitora de Grad uao

    Sonia Teresinha de Sousa Penin

    Pr-Reitor de Cultura e Extenso UniversitriaPr-Reitor de Cultura e Extenso UniversitriaPr-Reitor de Cultura e Extenso UniversitriaPr-Reitor de Cultura e Extenso UniversitriaPr-Reitor de Cultura e Extenso Universitria

    Adilson Avansi Abreu


    Presidente do Conselho Curador: Selma Garrido Pimenta

    Diretoria Administrativa: Anna Maria Pessoa de Carvalho

    Diretoria Financeira: Slvia Luzia Frateschi Trivelato


    Coordenadora G eral: Eleny Mitrulis

    Vice-coordenad ora Geral: Sonia Maria Vanzella Castellar

    Coordenadora Pedaggica: Helena Coharik Chamlian

    Coordenado res de reaCoordenado res de reaCoordenado res de reaCoordenado res de reaCoordenado res de rea

    Biologia:Biologia:Biologia:Biologia:Biologia:Paulo Takeo Sano Lyria Mor i


    Maurcio Pietrocola Nobuko Ueta


    Sonia Maria Vanzella Castellar Elvio Rodrigues Martins


    Ktia Mar ia Abud Raquel Glezer

    Lngua Inglesa:Lngua Inglesa:Lngua Inglesa:Lngua Inglesa:Lngua Inglesa:

    Anna Maria Carmagnani Walkyria Monte Mr

    Lngua Portuguesa:Lngua Portuguesa:Lngua Portuguesa:Lngua Portuguesa:Lngua Portuguesa:Maria Lcia Victrio de Oliveira Andrade Neide Luzia de Rezende Valdir Heitor Barzotto


    Antnio Carlos Brolezzi Elvia M ureb Sallum Mar tha S. M onteiro


    Maria Eunice Ribeiro Marcondes Marcelo Giordan

    Produo EditorialProduo EditorialProduo EditorialProduo EditorialProduo Editorial

    Dreampix Comunicao

    Reviso, diagramao, capa e projeto grfico: Andr Jun N ishizawa, Eduardo Higa Sokei, Jos Muniz Jr.Mariana Pimenta Coan, Mario Guimares Mucidae Wagner Shimabukur o

  • 8/8/2019 Apostila_-_Concurso_Vestibular_-_Ingls_-_Mdulo_06


    Cartas aoCartas aoCartas aoCartas aoCartas ao


  • 8/8/2019 Apostila_-_Concurso_Vestibular_-_Ingls_-_Mdulo_06


    Caro aluno,

    Com muita alegria, a Universidade de So Paulo, por meio de seus estudantes

    e de seus professores, participa dessa parceria com a Secretaria de Estado daEducao, oferecendo a voc o que temos de melhor: conhecimento.

    Conhecimento a chave para o desenvolvimento das pessoas e das naese freqentar o ensino superior a maneira mais efetiva de ampliar conhecimentosde forma sistemtica e de se preparar para uma profisso.

    Ingressar numa universidade de reconhecida qualidade e gratuita o desejode tantos jovens como voc. Por isso, a USP, assim como outras universidadespblicas, possui um vestibular to concorrido. Para enfrentar tal concorrncia,muitos alunos do ensino mdio, inclusive os que estudam em escolas particularesde reconhecida qualidade, fazem cursinhos preparatrios, em geral de altocusto e inacessveis maioria dos alunos da escola pblica.

    O presente programa oferece a voc a possibilidade de se preparar para enfrentarcom melhores condies um vestibular, retomando aspectos fundamentais daprogramao do ensino mdio. Espera-se, tambm, que essa reviso, orientadapor objetivos educacionais, o auxilie a perceber com clareza o desenvolvimentopessoal que adquiriu ao longo da educao bsica. Tomar posse da prpriaformao certamente lhe dar a segurana necessria para enfrentar qualquersituao de vida e de trabalho.

    Enfrente com garra esse programa. Os prximos meses, at os exames emnovembro, exigiro de sua parte muita disciplina e estudo dirio. Os monitorese os professores da USP, em parceria com os professores de sua escola, estose dedicando muito para ajud-lo nessa travessia.

    Em nome da comunidade USP, desejo-lhe, meu caro aluno, disposio e vigorpara o presente desafio.

    Sonia Teresinha de Sousa Penin.

    Pr-Reitora de Graduao.

    Carta da

    Pr-Reitoria de Graduao

  • 8/8/2019 Apostila_-_Concurso_Vestibular_-_Ingls_-_Mdulo_06


    Carta da

    Secretaria de Estado da Educao

    Caro aluno,

    Com a efetiva expanso e a crescente melhoria do ensino mdio estadual,

    os desafios vivenciados por todos os jovens matriculados nas escolas da redeestadual de ensino, no momento de ingressar nas universidades pblicas, vm seinserindo, ao longo dos anos, num contexto aparentemente contraditrio.

    Se de um lado nota-se um gradual aumento no percentual dos jovens aprovadosnos exames vestibulares da Fuvest o que, indubitavelmente, comprova aqualidade dos estudos pblicos oferecidos , de outro mostra quo desiguaistm sido as condies apresentadas pelos alunos ao conclurem a ltima etapada educao bsica.

    Diante dessa realidade, e com o objetivo de assegurar a esses alunos o patamarde formao bsica necessrio ao restabelecimento da igualdade de direitosdemandados pela continuidade de estudos em nvel superior, a Secretaria de

    Estado da Educao assumiu, em 2004, o compromisso de abrir, no programadenominado Pr-Universitrio, 5.000 vagas para alunos matriculados na terceirasrie do curso regular do ensino mdio. uma proposta de trabalho que buscaampliar e diversificar as oportunidades de aprendizagem de novos conhecimentose contedos de modo a instrumentalizar o aluno para uma efetiva insero nomundo acadmico. Tal proposta pedaggica buscar contemplar as diferentesdisciplinas do currculo do ensino mdio mediante material didtico especialmenteconstrudo para esse fim.

    O Programa no s quer encorajar voc, aluno da escola pblica, a participardo exame seletivo de ingresso no ensino pblico superior, como espera seconstituir em um efetivo canal interativo entre a escola de ensino mdio e

    a universidade. Num processo de contribuies mtuas, rico e diversificadoem subsdios, essa parceria poder, no caso da estadual paulista, contribuirpara o aperfeioamento de seu currculo, organizao e formao de docentes.

    Prof. Sonia Maria Silva

    Coordenadora da Coordenadoria de Estudos e Normas Pedaggicas

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    da rea

    O estudo de ingls no ensino mdio deve ir alm de conhecer a lnguainglesa propriamente dita. Afinal, a escola tem um papel educacional na for-mao de seus alunos, ou seja, espera-se que a formao escolar leve em

    conta o desenvolvimento de cidadania, de indivduos crticos, de alunos quereflitam sobre a sua interao no seu ambiente social, cultural e poltico.

    E o que estudar ingls tem a ver com isso?

    Tem muito a ver. na escola que est a grande diferena de um estudo deingls significativo: que d acesso ao aluno s vrias culturas, inclusive suaprpria cultura, por meio de um idioma estrangeiro, por exemplo. Estudaruma lngua estrangeira pode, assim, representar uma nova perspectiva, umnovo ngulo a ser proporcionado ao aluno para o esperado exerccio de leitu-ra de mundo.

    Com essa proposta em mente, o programa de lngua inglesa foi planejado

    com o objetivo de desenvolver sua capacidade de construir significado atra-vs de textos. Os contedos desses textos no se restringem ao conhecimentoda lngua inglesa, isto , incluem outros conhecimentos, pois buscam abordartemas variados da realidade poltica, econmica e cultural do mundo contem-porneo. Para tal, so utilizados textos cientficos, literrios, de divulgao,

    jornalsticos e publicitrios que contribuam para a sua formao como leitorem lngua estrangeira.

    As atividades propostas no material didtico partem de uma sensibilizaopara a leitura que inclui explorao de conhecimento de mundo do aluno,estratgias de leitura e explorao de gravuras, fotos, grficos (elementos no-verbais dos textos) para capacit-lo para as etapas posteriores: reconhecimen-

    to de vocabulrio e de elementos gramaticais bsicos, reconhecimento dasrelaes estabelecidas entre textos e contextos, oraes e frases. A propostapretende, ento, atravs do material didtico e das aulas, desenvolver sua ca-pacidade de reflexo crtica sobre os temas abordados e a capacidade de reco-nhecimento e interpretao de textos de vrios tipos.

    Anna Maria G. CarmagnaniWalkyria Monte Mr

    Coordenadoras de Lngua Inglesa

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    do mdulo

    Neste mdulo final, retomamos um assunto importante de que comea-mos a tratar no mdulo anterior: os elementos de ligao. Dedicamos tambmuma unidade para uma leitura mais crtica e aprofundada (incluindo a os senti-

    dos subentendidos dos textos), seguida de uma unidade de reviso do quefoi visto neste e no Mdulo 5.

    Na Unidade 1, voc continuar a identificar elementos de ligao, ou co-nectivos, que estabelecem relaes entre frases em um texto. Alm dos japresentados no Mdulo 5, voc conhecer uma srie de outros desses conec-tivos, sempre em situaes contextualizadas.

    Na Unidade 2, voc ler alguns textos em mais profundidade, praticandosua habilidade de ler nas entrelinhas, isto , perceber como os sentidos emum texto so construdos alm de uma compreenso literal. Voc ir observartambm como os textos podem refletir uma viso mais subjetiva da realidade.

    Assim, para compreender melhor esses textos, seu papel como leitor(a) crtico(a) muito importante.

    A Unidade 3 prope uma ltima reviso do material, focando os conte-dos trabalhados neste mdulo e no anterior. Esperamos que, quando chegarl, voc possa olhar para trs e ver quanta coisa aprendeu e como j se sentepreparado para enfrentar futuros desafios envolvendo a lngua inglesa. Enjoythe material and good luck!

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    Unidade 1

    Elementos de ligao 2Organizadoras

    Anna Maria Carmagnani

    Walkyria Monte Mr


    Carlos Renato Lopes

    Luiz Otvio CostaMarques

    I.Leia parte de um artigo sobre o caf brasileiro e responda as questes que

    se seguem.

    Coffee Profit Is Up in BrazilAccording to the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, the coffeemarket has shown signs of recovery this year. 13.9 million sacks

    were exported between January and July, compared to 14.2

    million sacks during the same period last year. Although this years

    export volume was less, revenues were up US$ 232 mil lion.

    Ndia FNdia FNdia FNdia FNdia Faggianiaggianiaggianiaggianiaggiani

    The estimate for Brazils 2004/2005 coffee crop is 38,264 million sacks,32.8 percent more than the previous harvest of 28,820 million sacks.

    However, according to the Secretary of Production and Commercialization,

    Linneu Costa Lima, it is possible that the crop will be smaller than theMinistry of Agricultures prediction, since the countrys production wasdamaged by the rains in May and June of this year and is liable to be adverselyaffected by further rainfall in September.

    Costa Lima considers it possible that the market will react by raisingcoffee prices. The average export price per sack, which was US$ 46 in2002, rose to US$ 56 last year and US$ 74 this year.

    The market is reacting. The Brazilian crop is late and may yield lessand of poorer quality. If the supply is smaller, the price will have to adjust,Costa Lima affirms.

    A survey conducted by the National Supply Company (Conab)demonstrates that there is an equilibrium between supply and demand.Growers are expected to have the crop ready by September 15 and beprepared for the possibility of additional rainfall.

    So far, according to the Conab, only a small portion of the crop hasbeen harvested, and only 33 percent has been processed for export. Themonths of May and June are regarded as the best time to harvest.

    According to the Ministry of Agriculture, the Brazilian government istrying to make sufficient funds available for commercialization, so thatgrowers need not make hasty sales to cover harvesting expenses.


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    The government has already allocated US$ 165 million (500 millionreais) to commercialization, but these resources can only be used when thecoffee is ready for export.

    Another US$ 99 million (300 million reais) will be made available togrowers as a result of a decision by the National Monetary Council (CMN).

    (Source:www.brazzil.comAugust 2004)

    1. Segundo o texto, o que est em alta?

    2. Explicite, em portugus, a relao entre as idias ligadas pelos seguintesconectivos (elementos de ligao) presentes no texto, como no exemplo.

    a. since (pargrafo 2) relao de causa/explicao: possvel que a colheitade caf neste ano seja menor, uma vez quea produo nacional foi prejudica-da pelas chuvas de maio e junho

    b. Although (introduo)

    c. If (pargrafo 4)

    d. and (pargrafo 6)

    e. so that (pargrafo 7)

    f. but (pargrafo 8)

    g. as a result of (pargrafo 9)

    3. Copie do texto trs exemplos de estruturas passivas e d seu significado emportugus.

    Dica: Consulte a Uni-dade 2 do Mdulo 5

    sobre estruturas passi-

    vas, caso necessrio.

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    II.O seguinte artigo foi publicado na seo de esportes do site da BBC. Leia-o

    e responda as questes.

    Protester ruins marathonItalys Stefano Baldini took gold in the mens marathon, but his victory was overshadowed

    after one of the runners was attacked by a protester.

    Brazilian Vanderlei de Lima had been leading the race before the protesterappeared four miles from the finish.

    Soon afterwards, Baldini overtook de Lima to win with anew Olympic record in a time of two hours 10:54 secs.

    Mebrahtom Keflezighi of the United States took silver, whilede Lima finished with bronze.

    Great Britains Jon Brown suffered further Olympic misery

    when he repeated his fourth place in Sydney four years earlierafter clocking a time of two hours 12:26 secs.

    The protester, wearing a kilt and a green beret and a whiteplacard with the words The Grand Prix priest. Israel fulfillmentof prophecy says the bible, the second coming is near on it,was immediately arrested and taken to a police station.

    Police later revealed it was Cornelius Neil Horan, a former priest whodisrupted last years British Grand Prix. He was previously jailed for twomonths following his race track protest at Silverstone.

    A police source said: The man says he is Irish, he is also drunk. He had

    been to a taverna earlier. Police are going through his stuff .After the incident, de Lima said: I trained a lot for this and

    Im very happy to win this bronze medal.


    Remarkably, de Lima managed to hold onto his bronzemedal position much to the delight of the crowd, who hadwatched the earlier incident on the big screen and greeted hisentry to the Panathinaiko Stadium with a massive cheer.

    After the race, the International Olympic Committee said itwas saddened by the incident and awarded de Lima the Pierre

    de Coubertin Medal at the closing ceremony.

    An IOC spokesman said: We decided to do this in recognition of deLimas exceptional demonstration of fair play and Olympic values duringthis evenings marathon.

    The IAAF also confirmed that the overall marathon result would not bechanged despite the incident.

    ( 2004)

    1. O artigo trata de um incidente que marcou a histria recente dos esportes.Complete o quadro a seguir com as informaes relativas a esse incidente.

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    a. O qu?

    b. Quem?

    c. Onde?

    d. Quando?

    e. Por qu?

    2. Complete o quadro abaixo com as informaes sobre o evento em questo.


    1 lugar

    2 lugar

    3 lugar

    4 lugar

    3. Considerando-se que shadow quer dizer sombra em portugus, a palavraovershadowed, na introduo do artigo, significa

    a. ( ) interrompida.

    b. ( ) ofuscada.

    c . ( ) questionada.

    d . ( ) anulada.

    4. O que significam em portugus os seguintes vocbulos do texto?

    a. overtook (pargrafo 2)

    b. disrupted (pargrafo 6)

    c. awarded (pargrafo 10)

    5. Qual a funo do conectivo despite no ltimo pargrafo do texto? Expliciteem portugus a relao entre as idias por ele ligadas.

    6. Releia o texto e faa as seguintes tarefas.

    a. Circule exemplos de estruturas passivas (como was attacked, na introduo).

    b. Sublinhe exemplos de conectivos que expressem a idia de tempo (comobefore, no pargrafo 1).

    Dica: Lembre-se que,

    em uma reportagem

    como a acima, expres-

    ses de tempo so ele-

    mentos-chave para a

    compreenso da se-

    qncia dos fatos.

  • 8/8/2019 Apostila_-_Concurso_Vestibular_-_Ingls_-_Mdulo_06


    III.As seguintes declaraes foram feitas durante os Jogos Olmpicos de Atenas:

    A. Dressage1 commentator: This is really a lovely horse and I speak frompersonal experience, since I once mounted her mother.

    B. Paul Hamm, Gymnast: I owe a lot to my parents, especially my motherand father.

    C. Boxing Analyst: Sure there have been injuries, and even some deathsin boxing, but none of them really that serious.

    D. Softball2 announcer: If history repeats itself, I should think we canexpect the same thing again.

    E. Basketball analyst: He dribbles a lot and the opposition doesnt likeit. In fact, you can see it all over their faces.

    F. Tennis commentator: One of the reasons Andy [Roddick] is playingso well is that, before the final round, his wife takes out his balls andkisses them... Oh my God, what have I just said?

    1 dressage: adestramento de cavalos2 softball: espcie de verso simplificada do beisebol(Source:[email protected] 2004)

    1. Com um colega, discuta o que cada uma dessas declaraes tem de curiosoou inusitado.

    2. Identifique nas declaraes acima elementos de ligao que expressam:

    a. explicao (Comentrio A)

    b. oposio (Comentrio C)

    c. incluso (Comentrio C)

    d. confirmao (Comentrio E)

    e. condio (Comentrio D)

    3. Relacione os elementos de ligao de (a) a (d) da questo anterior com seuspossveis equivalentes abaixo.

    ( ) yet ( ) as ( ) actually ( ) also

    4. Qual dos conectivos em parnteses poderia completar a frase abaixo?

    The tennis commentator believes that Andy Roddick is playing so wellpartly ______________ (because of / in spite of) the support he gets fromhis wife.

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    Cleaner Tosses Art Out with the GarbageSun Aug 29, 2004

    LONDON (Reuters) A cleaner at Londons Tate Britain modern artgallery threw out a bag of garbage that was part of an artwork because itwas thought to be trash, British newspapers reported Friday.

    The transparent bag of garbage full of newspaper, cardboard and otherbits of paper formed part of a work by German-born artist Gustav Metzgercalled Recreation Of First Public Demonstration Of Auto-Destructive Art.

    It was on display next to a sheet of nylon that had been spattered withacid, and a metal sculpture on a table when a cleaner tossed it out with theother trash.

    A Tate spokesman said the mistake was made the day before theexhibition opened at the end of June, and although the bag was later rescued,it had been damaged and Metzger had to replace it with another one.

    The newspapers said the spokesman would not reveal how much thebag had cost to replace.

    Its now covered over at night so it cant be removed, the spokesmantold the Times.


    1. Link the three columns so as to make coherent statements about the text.

    a. The cleaner threw out the bag, however, it wont be removed.

    b. The bag was later rescued; so that it had to be replaced

    with another one.

    c. They cover the new bag at night if he thought it wasgarbage.

    d. This wouldnt have happened since the cleaner had knownthe bag was part of anartwork.

    2. Complete these statements with the linkers in the box.

    as a result of as while actually

    a. ____________ the bag was damaged, it couldnt be used anymore.

    b. ____________ the original bag was left in the open, the new one is coveredat night for protection.

    c. The bag seemed like garbage, but _____________ it was part of a work ofart.

    d. _____________ the cleaners mistake, the work of art wasnt complete onthe day the exhibition opened.

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    3. Match the linkers in the previous exercise (a-d) to their possible synonymsbelow.

    ( ) due to

    ( ) in fact

    ( ) because

    ( ) whereas

    I think, therefore I am.

    Ren Descartes (1595-1650)

    I blog, therefore I am.

    title of an article on BBC News, February 2002

    SELF-CHECKComo voc avalia seu rendimento nesta unidade? Cheque os itens e com-

    plete as informaes abaixo.

    1. Nesta unidade eu

    ( ) reforcei minha compreenso de elementos de ligao em textos.

    ( ) aprendi a identificar novos elementos de ligao nos textos.

    ( ) li os textos em mais detalhe.

    ( ) li os textos com mais segurana.

    ( ) apliquei estratgias de leitura acumuladas at aqui com maior facilidade.

    ( ) adquiri informaes interessantes com a leitura dos textos.

    ( )

    ( )

    2. Nesta unidade tive mais dificuldades com

    e mais facilidades com

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    Unidade 2

    Nas entrelinhas...Organizadoras

    Anna Maria Carmagnani

    Walkyria Monte Mr


    Carlos Renato Lopes

    Luiz Otvio CostaMarques

    I.O artigo abaixo foi publicado no site

    1. Observe o ttulo do artigo, o lide e a foto que o acompanha. Voc capaz deprever o assunto que ser tratado? Discuta com um colega.

    Brazil Acts As Portugals ColonyBrazils TV Record coverage of the European

    football championship was unacceptable. For thisreason, it was good to see Greece beat Portugal in thefinal even though one could share the disappointmentof the Portuguese fans. TV Record closed itstransmission fast and we did not see the Greek team

    receiving its trophy.John Fitzpatrick

    2. Agora leia o restante do artigo e responda as questes que se seguem.

    Brazil declared its independence from Portugal in 1822, but if you hadwatched the television coverage of the European football championshipyou would have thought Brazil was still under the Portuguese heel.

    Only one non-subscription station, TV Record, showed the games andthe commentary when Portugal was playing was scandalously biased. Thecommentator made no attempt to hide his support, urging the team on

    vai, vai, Portugal! (go, go, Portugal) and stretching his vocal cords tothe limit with exaggerated GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLcalls whenever the team scored.

    Not only this, but he kept making cozy references to the Portuguesecolony (colnia) not community (comunidade) in Brazil as though wewere still living in colonial times.

    The fact that several of the teams Portugal faced, such as Spain, Englandand Holland, also have substantial communities here was barely mentioned.The Dutch even colonized a part of the Northeast for about 30 years and

    Dica: O lide uma es-

    pcie de pequena intro-

    duo ou resumo do

    contedo de uma repor-

    tagem. Ele normalmente

    aparece em letras desta-

    cadas logo abaixo do t-

    tulo. Note como a com-

    preenso das informa-

    es a contidas ajuda

    bastante na leitura de

    todo o texto.


  • 8/8/2019 Apostila_-_Concurso_Vestibular_-_Ingls_-_Mdulo_06


    left their mark on places like Recife, while it was the English who broughtthe Portuguese crown to Brazil to flee Napoleons armies.

    This biased coverage assumed that Brazilians should automatically besupporting Portugal even though few people have any direct relationshipwith Portugal and many other nationalities, including Italians, Germans,Russians, Japanese, Lebanese, Armenians have done more to develop Brazil

    than the Portuguese ever did.Greeks are not thick on the ground here but there is a Greek community

    and Brazilians of Greek descent whose feelings were totally swept aside inan insulting manner.

    One understandable reason why many Brazilians were rooting for Por-tugal was the fact that the Portuguese manager, Felipe Scolari, and one ofthe teams top players, Deco, are Brazilian. Scolari led Brazil to its WorldCup triumph in 2002, but headed off to Europe immediately afterwards.

    Another reason was that one of Portugals top player, Figo, plays alongsideBrazilian idols, Ronaldo and Roberto Carlos, as well as English superstar,

    David Beckham, for Real Madrid.Despite these points, TV Record coverage was unacceptable. For this

    reason, it was good to see Greece beat Portugal in the final even though onecould share the disappointment of the Portuguese fans as they watched theirteams hopes fade away in their own capital.

    TV Record closed its transmission within a minute of the final whistleand we did not see the Greek team receiving its trophy. You can be sure thiswould have been shown in its entirety had Portugal won.


    John Fitzpatrick is a Scottish journalist who first visited Brazil in 1987

    and has lived in So Paulo since 1995.(Source:www.brazzil.comJuly 2004)

    a. Que evento esportivo discutido no artigo?

    b. No primeiro pargrafo, o autor menciona um fato histrico. Que fato esse?

    c. Por que ele faz meno a esse fato?

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    d. A palavra heel quer dizer calcanhar em portugus. No primeiro pargrafodo texto, ela est sendo usada com o sentido de

    ( ) submisso.

    ( ) parceria.

    ( ) idolatria.

    ( ) inveja.

    e. De acordo com o autor, a cobertura da TV Record foi scandalously biased.O que isso provavelmente significa?

    ( ) A cobertura foi o mais imparcial possvel.

    ( ) A cobertura foi visivelmente parcial.

    f. A expresso as though no pargrafo 3 significa, em portugus,

    ( ) como se.

    ( ) apesar de.

    ( ) uma vez que.

    g. Explique em portugus os argumentos ligados pela conjuno while nopargrafo 4.

    h. A expresso even though no pargrafo 5 estabelece uma relao de

    ( ) adio

    ( ) condio

    ( ) conseqncia

    ( ) constrastee poderia ser substituda com sentido equivalente por

    ( ) since.

    ( ) because.

    ( ) although.

    ( ) so.

    i. Nos pargrafos 7 e 8, o autor menciona duas razes que justificariam atorcida brasileira por Portugal. Quais so elas?

    j. Identifique e sublinhe, no pargrafo 9, trs palavras ou expresses de ligao.

    k. De acordo com o autor, o que teria acontecido se Portugal tivesse ganho acompetio?

    Dica: Lembre-se que

    whileliga idias que es-

    to em contraste ou em


    Dica : D mais uma

    olhada nas unidades so-

    bre elementos de liga-

    o neste e no mdulo

    anterior, caso precise de


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    3. A leitura do artigo nos permite concluir que o autor crtico em relao aosseguintes aspectos, EXCETO

    a. ( ) a falta de conhecimentos sobre a histria do Brasil.

    b. ( ) o comportamento bairrista dos brasileiros.

    c. ( ) a atitude parcial da mdia esportiva.

    d. ( ) a atitude conservadora dos portugueses.

    4. Voc concorda com a posio geral do autor expressa no artigo? Justifiquesua resposta.

    II.Observe as seguintes charges da revista The New Yorker.

    1 2

    3 4

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    1. Com um colega, discuta o que as charges tm em comum.

    2. Em que charge(s) a personagem que fala

    a. faz um pedido?

    b. d uma desculpa?

    c. apresenta um problema?

    3. Justificando suas respostas, decida qual(is) charge(s)

    a. apresenta(m) uma situao exagerada.

    b. apresenta(m) uma situao provvel nos dias de hoje.

    c. apresenta(m) uma personagem com conscincia crtica.

    4. Se voc tivesse que dar um ttulo em portugus para cada uma das charges,que ttulos daria? Discuta com um colega.

    Charge A:

    Charge B:

    Charge C:

    Charge D:

    III.Leia os trechos de msicas a seguir e discuta as questes que se seguem

    com um colega.

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    American LifeAmerican LifeAmerican LifeAmerican LifeAmerican Life


    Do I have to change my name?

    Will it get me far?

    Should I lose some weight?

    Am I gonna be a star?American life

    I live the American dream

    You are the best thing Ive seen,

    You are not just a dream

    AAAAAmermermermermericicicicica Ia Ia Ia Ia Is Ns Ns Ns Ns Not theot theot theot theot theWWWWWorororororldldldldld(Morrissey)(Morrissey)(Morrissey)(Morrissey)(Morrissey)


    The land of the free, they said

    And of opportunity

    In a just and a truthful way

    But where the president

    Is never black, female or gay

    And until that day

    Youve got nothing to say to me

    To help me believe

    In America...

    1. Que tema as duas canes tm em comum?

    2. Julgando exclusivamente pelos trechos selecionados, qual das duas can-es parece mais crtica? Justifique sua resposta.

    3. Em sua cano, Madonna faz referncia ao conceito do American Dream.

    Que conceito equivalente evocado por Morrissey em sua cano? O queisso significa?

    4. Voc acha que as crticas feitas nas canes so justificadas? Comente comum colega e escreva suas concluses abaixo.

    Morrissey is a British

    singer and songwriter,

    who became famous in

    the 1980s as the leader

    of the rock band The


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    Spider-Men Take Over UniversityTue Jul 20, 2004 08:33 AM ET

    LIMA, Peru (Reuters) Dozens of students wearing red Spider-Man

    masks took over buildings at Perus National Engineering University onMonday to demand the removal of the dean, whom they accuse of mishandlingfunds, a radio station reported.

    The mask wearers students just like the shy Peter Parker whose exploitsas a superhero are the subject of the hit movie Spider-Man 2 hid theirfaces so as not to be picked up by police or security cameras at the NationalEngineering University, RPP radio reported.

    The university has been taken over by 50 masked delinquents, whohave broken doors, Dean Roberto Morales told the radio station.

    Were trying to get rid of them and to reorganize the university, one

    of the students, wearing the red mask printed with a black spiders web, toldRPP.

    The peaceful standoff continued and police were standing by.

    With the Spider-Man craze sweeping Lima, the masks are on sale atroadsides and cinemas for about $3.


    1. The article is mainly about

    a. ( ) the success of the movie Spider-Man 2 in Peru.

    b. ( ) a protest against the movie Spider-Man 2 in Peru.

    c. ( ) a students demonstration in a university in Peru.d. ( ) a university course about superheroes like Spider-Man.

    e. ( ) the problems with the educational system in Peru.

    2. The dean (line 3) is probably

    a. ( ) the universitys administrator.

    b. ( ) a students leader.

    c. ( ) the Secretary of Education.

    d. ( ) a professor at the university.

    e. ( ) a security guard at the university.

    3. The police

    a. ( ) attacked the students.

    b. ( ) monitored the students action.

    c. ( ) arrested 50 students.

    d. ( ) identified the demonstrators.

    e. ( ) were not involved in the episode.

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    4. The expressions 50 masked delinquents, used by Roberto Morales, indicateshis

    a. ( ) formal treatment to the students.

    b. ( ) disapproval of the studentss behavior.

    c. ( ) impartial conduct in the episode.

    d. ( ) disapproval of the police.

    e. ( ) sense of humor about the episode.

    5. The success of Spider-Man in Peru is best suggested by the expression

    a. ( ) black spiders web.

    b. ( ) 50 masked delinquents.

    c. ( ) peaceful standoff.

    d. ( ) Spider-Man craze.

    e. ( ) red Spider-Man masks.

    SELF-CHECKComo voc avalia seu rendimento nesta unidade? Cheque os itens e com-

    plete as informaes abaixo.

    1. Nesta unidade eu

    ( ) reforcei minha compreenso de elementos de ligao em textos.

    ( ) melhorei meu entendimento de vocabulrio desconhecido.

    ( ) li os textos em mais detalhe.

    ( ) li os textos com mais segurana.

    ( ) identifiquei elementos crticos e subjetivos nos textos.

    ( ) apliquei estratgias de leitura acumuladas at aqui com maior facilidade.

    ( ) pude me posicionar mais criticamente em relao aos textos.

    ( ) adquiri informaes interessantes com a leitura dos textos.

    ( )

    ( )

    2. Nesta unidade tive mais dificuldades com

    e mais facilidades com

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    Unidade 3

    Checkpoint 4Organizadoras

    Anna Maria Carmagnani

    Walkyria Monte Mr


    Carlos Renato Lopes

    Luiz Otvio CostaMarques

    I.O que voc sabe a respeito dos ndios guaranis? Discuta com um colega.

    II.Leia um artigo sobre os ndios guaranis publicado no site

    e responda as questes abaixo:

    1. Identifique em portugus a que se referem os seguintes nmeros:

    a. 1500

    b. one million

    c. three

    d. 17th

    e. 1864-70

    f. 30,000

    g. 40,000

    h. 40

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    Guaranis, Brazils Original OwnersBrazils Guarani Indians were displaced by modern agriculture in the 70s. They were

    moved to one of eight Indian reservations that had been set up at the beginning of the

    century. The reservations were located near cities, in keeping with the conventional

    wisdom of the time that what the Indians needed was to be civilized.

    Spensy PimentelSpensy PimentelSpensy PimentelSpensy PimentelSpensy Pimentel

    When Brazil was discovered by Europeans in 1500, there were anestimated one million Guarani Indians living on millions of square kilometersin what is now southern Brazil, parts of Argentina and Bolivia, and most ofParaguay.

    In modern Paraguay, Guarani remains an official language, and is spokenby morepeople, especially in rural areas, than Spanish.

    Along with the Guarani, another large Indian group lived in Brazil. Theywere the Tupi, who formed what we would call a nation-state, inhabiting anarea that ran from modern So Paulo north to Maranho.

    Although the Guarani Indians shared a common cultural heritage, theynever formed a single socio-political unit like the Tupi. Rather, they lived indifferent areas sharing only their language, a lingua franca which permittedeasy communication throughout their vast lands.

    Presently in Brazil, there are three Guarani groups: the Guarani Mbya,mainly in the southeastern coastal region; the Guarani Nhyandeva, whocall themselves simply Guarani, who live further inland in Paran andSo Paulo, and in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul; and the Guarani Kaiow,who live only in the southern part of Mato Grosso do Sul, but are found inParaguay, as well.

    The Guarani Indian groups took different routes to their fate under whitecivilization. The Guarani Mbya were herded into Jesuit missionary settlementsin the 17th century in an effort to civilize them European-style.

    Meanwhile, the Kaiow drifted deeper into the forests in the area nowalong the border of Brazil and Paraguay, between the Apa and Miranda rivers.As it is an isolated, remote region they remained practically untouched bywhite civilization until the middle of the 19th century.

    But when it came, white civilization came with a vengeance in the formof the Paraguay War (1864-70). Much of the bloody fighting took placeexactly where the Kaiow were living so it was inevitable that they wouldhave ever more contact with whites.

    Today there are some 30,000 Guaranis (Kaiow and Guarani Nhyandeva)in Mato Grosso do Sul, living on 40,000 hectares. That works out to littlemore than a hectare per person, or five hectares per core family. Specialistssay a Guarani family needs at least 40 hectares if they are to live in theirtraditional way.

    (Source:www.brazzil.comAugust 2004)

    2. O texto acima

    a. ( ) cientfico. b. ( ) jornalstico. c. ( ) literrio.

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    3. Descreva em poucas linhas os principais pontos tratados no texto.

    4. Transcreva do artigo as sentenas com estruturas passivas equivalentes emsignificado s das sentenas abaixo.

    a. Modern agriculture displaced Brazils Guarani Indians in the 70s.

    b. When Europeans discovered Brazil in 1500...

    c. In modern Paraguai, people speak Guarani, which remains an officiallanguage.

    5. Encontre no artigo mais duas sentenas com estruturas passivas e transcre-va-as abaixo.



    6. Relacione as palavras ou expresses de ligao com os sentidos que elasestabelecem no texto.

    a. although (linha 10) ( ) exemplificao

    b. like (linha 11) ( ) contraste

    c. rather (linha 11) ( ) tempo

    d. as well (linha 19) ( ) incluso

    e. meanwhile (linha 23) ( ) retificaof. if (linha 34) ( ) condio

    II.Antes de ler o texto que se segue, observe o seu ttulo e a figura que o

    acompanham. Discuta as seguintes questes com um colega.

    1. Qual assunto voc espera encontrar nesse texto?

    2. Que tipos de palavras voc provavelmente encontrar nele?

    Dica: Para facilitar sua

    compreenso, concen-

    tre-se na primeira frase

    de cada pargrafo. Ela

    normalmente contm as

    informaes mais rele-

    vantes de um texto.

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    Brazil Scrambles to Save Its Disappearing Savanna

    By Andrew Hay

    3. Leia o texto para confirmar ou rejeitar as suas hipteses e decida qual oseu assunto principal.

    BRASILIA, Brazil (Reuters) Brazil launched an emergency plan onFriday to save what remains of its vast tropical savanna, much of which hasbeen cleared for farming in recent decades.

    Up to 70 percent of the savanna has already disappeared, but Brazil hopesto preserve remaining grasslands, forests and dense scrublands that are home

    to ancient communities and many species of wildlife.For decades and decades the savanna was a resource to clear at any

    cost, at any price and stopping this process is an emergency for all of us,Environment Minister Marina Silva told a theater packed with Indian families,descendants of runaway slaves and other activists.

    Brazil will set up a national plan to create sustainable use and preservationof the savanna or cerrado home to maned wolves, giant anteaters andrare jaguars.

    The government hopes to get $30 million over eight years from theWorld Banks environment fund, according to its Cerrado specialist AugustoSantiago.

    The program is similar to one the Brazilian government has introducedfor the Amazon.

    It will establish reserves, ecological corridors and ecotourism projectsand hopes to promote sustainable use of savanna fruits, animals and medi-cinal plants.

    As with the Amazon, Brazil aims to prevent disintegration of ruralcommunities and the loss of species that could become valuable medicalcures or commodities.


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    Activists say the savanna is disappearing faster than Brazils Amazon andAtlantic rain forests because of uncontrolled development of roads, riversand railroads.

    The savanna is the only continuous agricultural area in the world thatcan be expanded to meet growing global food demands. Much of it has

    been cleared in recent decades into a vast grain-growing area.It produces crops like soy, corn and cotton that are helping drive Brazils

    fastest economic growth since 1996.

    Remaining wilderness areas will disappear by 2030 if the clearing con-tinues at the present rate, according to environmental group ConservationInternational.

    An area the size of New Jersey has been cleared in each of the past fewyears.

    Our savanna is turning into a desert and all this is being done foragribusiness profits, activist Manuel Conceicao Santos told the environment

    minister.Agriculture ministry officials said they had no conclusive evidence that

    Brazils farm exports were behind the savannas destruction. They said theywould ensure water resources were not lost and land was used sustainably.

    Any productive activity is going to have to take into account sustainabilityunder this government, said Valdemiro Rocha, secretary of rural support atthe ministry.

    Environmentalists said the savanna now had a chance of survival. Wereoptimistic, although we still havent seen the resources to do this and anyspecific targets, said Denise Hamu, the Brazil director for the environmental

    group WWF.(Source:www.reuters.comSeptember 10, 2004)

    4. Responda as seguintes questes.

    a. De acordo com o autor, por que os cerrados esto sendo devastados?

    b. Que comparao o autor faz para mostrar o tamanho da rea de cerradosdevastada nos ltimos anos?

    c. Voc acha que a comparao acima ajudou voc a visualizar o tamanho darea devastada? Por qu?

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    7. Agora encontre no texto palavras que foram formadas a partir dos seguintesverbos e escreva o que elas significam.

    a. to remain (permanecer, restar): (parag. 1 e 2)


    b. to preserve (preservar): (parag. 4)


    c. to grow (crescer): (parag. 9 e 10)


    d. to conserve (conservar): (parag. 11)


    e. to destruct (destruir): (parag. 14)Significado:

    MINI-TESTCharge 1

    Charge 2

    Dica: Lembre-se que,

    como voc j viu na Uni-

    dade 1 do Mdulo 5, sa-

    ber identificar a que ca-

    tegoria uma palavra per-

    tence verbo, adjetivo,

    substantivo etc. pode

    ser muito til para suacompreenso em uma


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    Charge 3

    Charge 4


    1. Qual tema h em comum entre as quatro charges?

    2. Quais charges tratam da poluio atmosfrica?

    a. ( ) 1 e 2

    b. ( ) 1 e 4

    c. ( ) 3 e 4

    3. Quais charges tratam da poluio causada por embalagens?

    a. ( ) 1 e 2b. ( ) 2 e 3

    c. ( ) 3 e 4

    4. Na charge 2, um dos pescadores est aborrecido porque

    a. ( ) o rio est poludo.

    b. ( ) a pesca est piorando.

    c. ( ) o seu estoque de bebidas acabou.

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    5. Na charge 3, uma das embalagens est triste porque

    a. ( ) sabe que vai ser reciclada.

    b. ( ) brigou com a outra embalagem.

    c. ( ) no foi reciclada adequadamente.

    SELF-CHECKComo voc avalia seu rendimento nesta unidade? Cheque os itens e com-

    plete as informaes abaixo.

    1. Nesta unidade eu

    ( ) reforcei minha compreenso de elementos de ligao em textos.

    ( ) melhorei meu entendimento sobre estruturas passivas.

    ( ) pude identificar categorias de palavras (verbos, adjetivos etc.) com maisfacilidade.

    ( ) identifiquei elementos crticos e subjetivos nos textos.

    ( ) li os textos em mais detalhe.

    ( ) apliquei estratgias de leitura acumuladas at aqui com maior facilidade.( ) pude me posicionar mais criticamente em relao aos textos.

    ( ) adquiri informaes interessantes com a leitura dos textos.

    ( )

    ( )

    2. Nesta unidade tive mais dificuldades com

    e mais facilidades com

    TESTYOURSELFQuestions 1 to 4 are based on the article below.

    Bananas could power Aussie* homesAustr alian engineers have created an electri city generato r f uelled b yAustr alian engi neers have created an electr icit y generator f uelled b yAustr alian engineers have created an electri city generato r f uelled b yAustr alian engi neers have created an electr icit y generator f uelled b yAustr alian engineers have creat ed an electricit y generator f uelled by

    decomposing bananas, and hope to build a full size fruit-fired power station.decomposing bananas, and hope to build a full size fruit-fired power station.decomposing bananas, and hope to build a full size fruit-fired power station.decomposing bananas, and hope to build a full size fruit-fired power station.decomposing bananas, and hope to build a full size fruit-fired power station.

    At present, much of Australias annual banana crop goes to waste, becausethe fruits are too bruised or small.

    But rather than just letting them rot, the researchers would like to put therejects to good commercial use.

    If all goes according to plan, a banana-fuelled power plant capable ofpowering 500 homes could be built.

    Mountains of waste

    Engineering lecturer Bill Clarke, from the University of Queensland,said he hit upon the unusual idea when the Australian Banana GrowersCouncil approached him, looking for ways to use a mountain of waste fruit.

    In North Queensland, bananas are abundantly available and could be agreat source of renewable energy, Dr Clarke said.


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    About one third of tropical Queenslands banana crop which is morethan 20,000 tonnes a year never makes it into the shops.

    Normally they are just left to rot on the ground, but Dr Clarke says thisdamages the soil and wastes a potentially useful resource.

    He has successfully used bananas to generate electricity in the laboratory,and is assessing whether a power plant could be commercially viable.

    Dr Clarke lets the bananas decompose in sealed vats and uses the methanefrom the rotting fruit to power an electricity turbine.

    So far so good, but the real test is whether this idea can be a commercialwinner.

    *Aussie = informal for Australian

    ( 2004)

    1. The title of the article expresses

    a. ( ) a logical deduction.

    b. ( ) a future possibility.

    c. ( ) an opinion.

    d. ( ) an established fact.

    e. ( ) a polemical issue.

    2. According to the article,

    a. ( ) the production of bananas in Australia is insufficient for the nationaldemand.

    b. ( ) very little of the annual banana crop in Australia is lost.

    c. ( ) bananas are a major source of energy in power stations in Australia.

    d. ( )500 homes in Australia already use banana-generated energy.

    e. ( ) bananas that are left to rot on the ground are bad for the soil.

    3. Which of these words in the text is NOT an adjective?

    a. ( ) renewable

    b. ( ) useful

    c. ( ) banana-fuelled

    d. ( ) commercially

    e. ( ) unusual

    4. The sentence ...much of Australias annual banana crop goes to waste,

    because the fruit are too bruised... is equivalent in meaning toa. ( ) Since much of Australias annual banana crop goes to waste, the fruit are

    too bruised.

    b. ( ) Much of Australias annual banana crop goes to waste; however, the fruitare toobruised.

    c. ( ) Much of Australias annual banana crop goes to waste, as the fruit aretoo bruised.

    d. ( )While much of Australias annual banana crop goes to waste, the fruitare too bruised.

    e. ( ) Much of Australias annual banana crop goes to waste so that the fruitare too bruised.

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    Questions 5 to 8 refer to the following text.

    By Brian Unwin

    Think of it as the worlds biggest birdwatching notebook. It seems fantastic,but the internet is making it a reality, and it has been launched at the hobbys

    jamboree, the British Birdwatching Fair at Rutland Water.

    BirdTrack is a database where any birdwatcher in Britain or Ireland canstore their personal records daily, and watch them feed into a giant picture ofbirds coming and going, and stopping and nesting, across the British Isles.

    Thousands of people are expected to respond, says the British Trust forOrnithology (BTO), the leading national bird research organization, whichis setting up BirdTrack with the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds(RSPB) and Birdwatch Ireland, the Republics main bird group.

    BirdTrack is a year-round extension to Migration Watch, a hugelysuccessful BTO database. For the past two years, it has provided a vividonline picture of the miracle of spring bird migration, when millions ofsummer visitors from cuckoos to chiffchaffs pour into Britain from theirwinter quarters in Africa.

    Migration Watch has made the process visible, with animated maps of

    bird arrivals updating daily and weekly, based on the sightings of thousandsof observers recorded via its website. Anyone can log on to it wheneverthey like.

    BirdTrack will continue to show spring migration, but it will also showspecies leaving for the winter, and winter visitors such as fieldfares andredwings from Scandinavia which head north when spring comes.

    Britain has the worlds biggest concentration of birdwatchers the RSPBhas more than a million members so with more people having internetaccess the participation potential is huge.

    The data will be used to support species and site conservation efforts,

    and to provide more insight into the status of scarce species.This will benefit both birds and birdwatchers, said Dawn Balmer, the

    BTO scientist in charge of the project. Thousands of people are birdwatchingevery day but what they have seen has not got through to organizationsworking on species and site conservation.

    To take part, visit the BirdTrack website to registerfree. Birders already in Migration Watch can use the same user name andpassword. Queries can be e-mailed to [email protected]

    ( August 2004)

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    5. The text is mainly about

    a. ( ) some bird species migration in the winter.

    b. ( ) the British Birdwatching Fair at Rutland Water.

    c. ( ) a website that helps birdwatchers follow birds journeys.

    d. ( ) the spread of birdwatching in Britain in the last few years.

    e. ( ) a research organization that helps birdwatchers protect some bird species.6. In the text, jamboree (line 3) means

    a. ( ) a rare species of birds.

    b. ( ) a research organization.

    c. ( ) a website on birds.

    d. ( )a large organized event.

    e. ( ) a project on some bird species.

    7. According to the text, Birdtrack

    a. ( ) is a fantastic notebook on bird species.

    b. ( ) can be used by birdwatchers only.

    c. ( ) is hardly ever updated by birdwatchers.

    d. ( )will show birds migration in Britain only.

    e. ( ) will help scientists to know more about birds.

    8. All of the following are bird species, EXCEPT

    a. ( )cuckoo.

    b. ( ) scarce.

    c. ( ) fieldfare.

    d. ( )redwing.

    e. ( ) chiffchaff.

    BibliografiaCoffee Profit Is Up in Brazil, in August 2004

    Protester ruins marathon, in August 2004

    2004 Olympics statements, in [email protected] September2004

    Cleaner Tosses Art Out with the Garbage, in August2004

    Brazil Acts As Portugals Colony, in July 2004Cartoons on modern technology, in

    Excerpts from Madonnas American Life, in

    Excerpts from Morrisseys America Is Not the World, in

    Spider-Men Take Over University, in July 2004

    Bananas could power Aussie homes, in August 2004

    Guaranis, Brazils Original Owners, in in August 2004

    Brazil Scrambles to Save Its Disappearing Savanna, in www.reuters.comSeptember 10, 2004

  • 8/8/2019 Apostila_-_Concurso_Vestibular_-_Ingls_-_Mdulo_06


    Cartoons on environmental issues, in

    Article on birdwatching, in 24, 2004

    Anna Maria Grammatico Carmagnani

    Professora do Departamento de Letras Modernas da Faculdade de Filoso-fia, Letras e Cincias Humanas da USP. doutora em Lingstica Aplicada ao

    Ensino de Lnguas e atua na graduao e ps-graduao da rea de Ingls,alm de cursos de difuso cultural e de especializao em traduo. Comexperincia de 25 anos no ensino superior, seu currculo inclui a elaboraode materiais didticos para o ensino de ingls e dicionrio bilnge. Suas pes-quisas acadmicas incluem trabalhos voltados para o ensino de leitura e an-lise crtica do discurso didtico-pedaggico voltado para o ensino de lnguasestrangeiras.

    Walkyria Monte Mr

    Professora do Departamento de Letras Modernas da Universidade de So

    Paulo. mestre em Filosofia da Educao (PUC-SP) e doutora em Linguageme Educao (USP). Participou da elaborao de material didtico para o ensi-no fundamental e mdio, desenvolveu programas de formao de professo-res. Seus trabalhos em escolas pblicas e privadas, nos nveis fundamental,mdio e superior, compem a sua carreira no magistrio. Suas pesquisas aca-dmicas voltam-se para o ensino pblico e para o aspecto educacional doensino de lnguas estrangeiras.

    Carlos Renato Lopes

    Mestre e doutorando em lngua inglesa pela Universidade de So Paulo.

    Com experincia de mais de 17 anos no ensino de ingls, trabalhou em diver-sas escolas de idiomas, no ensino mdio, e mais recentemente no nvel supe-rior, incluindo cursos de ps-graduao lato sensu. Desde 2000 desenvolvemateriais didticos, tendo sido co-autor de uma srie de quatro livros destina-da a nveis bsicos e pr-intermedirios.

    Luiz Otvio Costa Marques

    Graduado e mestrando em lngua inglesa pela Universidade de So Paulo.Ministra cursos de lngua inglesa h 15 anos, tendo trabalhado em diversasescolas de idiomas em So Paulo. Atualmente, leciona no curso de extenso

    universitria English On Campus, promovido pelo Departamento de LetrasModernas da Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Cincias Humanas da Universi-dade de So Paulo.