Wl/tKVlJW I V flffx w ialora.yroofe* n iM U tr, · 2012-11-01 · a local atreet, suburLaa, ^onrk,...

-------- - C js .,.,,? IV flffx w tm ism Lm rm sik re xujiafca- A ialora.yroofe* niM U tr, Wl/tKVlJW *• '••loo*# you to tiu» p u u or oar vexoatM** . i ^ r f i & T J S K S s - i S s ^ s - M n«t>t. fo^ikirijvsriiLxrs! <* A_V?l«t..r 1» momtUilMj, ^..^.) ■ H. 1. •ore than just a Con**ro.apao auWortptlon* and at* and a hi* branch a..t1n«a n. la « s v m m S %2 v r $ r £ : '■*• e?*"- ?• °« — homjr. to ar«MiTw*" & ° f ,C.t' - lf **• "«* * «Pl« 1 n<n« 7 o” »TS” “ aa^ SLJSlST £ T £ :,.£ aS S i& SSJi..- '* • to~ ' - *’• - 3>gT?frr*. A Vol.j«t^or Wu.t g. a r<»cr .iin^ v/o^ftri _. ®“8* *• *•*** t0 "1th the ot&a**« an whomever th. j-JorJty ho. <J.otdo« r a t bo 4oo.. V.m oust b« ~.udy t T o a r V J * thl ga Coo*'*.*. and Volont«a»* •. o»*r.. loa^'-a. Ea »u» . bo "•°Ay to hm lp ntha-., but: alao to l.a~n r-**. t0 i*.*.- **•** •**«•. H. rat bo rr-ep^o.* "o 5£i 'o«.i££! hto<- olantoor., loyally, without pa**y dtspcta* and *;uabbl«s. '* Leo-n^ t o j ^ ; ^oaa i* JM n our volurt eor uodertitufld our Confix... moves* at ani> *hut !t°atunda ‘torT Tbov *u*t •^ . “K JJiSS bi 0 fiS 2 S I ! t,* fl?h 2 ^ , our ?eo;,ie m ®’ an<* to°* ^«iT- u w ii o « b c« Dotn.roo oy rroadoo. Th.y *uat l.j~a to uao ti>«l*> kao*ladjra tn H?k?2 *UW! ** ?*0pX* tfl8y 1,va und *OT** *-Sit ?n all t2M flatly phobias. And troubla. of t.halr liras r.ov mia* ao* to poao thair a.n un4«r.taud! ag on t.o othara, la tha Luaoa wi aiMLW pi?y ^ i S S g . r * T s y ,i i 5 - ^- - n . S S B S & f f d r tg fe y .;.- ; K V r ,:r ~ !:» itat tb.n Kroedoe* Voluctaaro oxpact.od to do. A.YRluBt..r »u« Q’lP^..; th. f<r.t 3Uc« h. cr-K-ni., otlwi- .k __ - _ , Con^ra.s .an an '9 * ook-a to Jo*a *h« * i k , 1 ^ * H# axplata ^o tn.u what t« snooted nt n Q « M ^ dr*i,0 f!r th*,r ^*a«l«»tto0 Mth tha #rloriouH f^odo. that 2* * u* t 0811 all *ba voluntoL-r. i n hi. tak° ,n u "^oup L.ade** and plad^a h 1»a.tf to oarry out tho d.at.fona of lata ‘‘'’•our _ t> d * SSE’SSS X T Z S L * bl‘ £ '"' Uu4-- ff* *«' ■■> SSvIt* «. I mTofnlSl niSLZII^fel®^ IT** wo^tnff-placaa of the racnia axpla!ntn« Con^raaa policy to thap, ffln ia: thorn »o an o^-t the Conyaoa and *o unit, olth oth.r. tQ th. co^al^os or :&v~oap U conduotln*. A ,y0lunf.~ 5. a fVoodo, o^unT ^ .;5” ° r ' C>? 088 ,8 iLJPW"'* »>*st plimi K. r a t r a t -O^ulc-ly, each «.ak, «i»b hi* h.w ___ «^oup, and dtaouaa whut. ta. ( -oup 1r, t.o flo o*aS« f* ^ th* * °^ nt« n. aimt doald. Mth !2i a ?U ar# 10 A© *o ca— y th. Coo(r*«a« w.ek^a^Mdtii%h«°?iUlf f.iar*0,J fi* #uat pUfl ta “•• a11 hla C* 2 r * #* , l4#a aAd Con«^a« annat*^ In hi plAo«. Ha ouat plaa tyom to briag tha haadauA^^L fl° ! Wf? “«tlon-n|do ou»n il^a m lch Coag-aaa oond«etlx»c and ho* to h 1u tho jwopl^a’ coSridar b!r«^ H* i>U#t ell#ck aP oa v*hot * “ • daotdad t ri* 2 m9m t*oro««tair oa^-l^l ojt by all hia *a^ i t JZ rlt ?Jf*1 WuuiLQa«a*a uad failure a or If not i^P«atod acol. la tao futur.. A Volunta.r la a i*

Transcript of Wl/tKVlJW I V flffx w ialora.yroofe* n iM U tr, · 2012-11-01 · a local atreet, suburLaa, ^onrk,...

— -------- - C j s . , . , , ?

I V f l ffx w t m is m Lm rm sik r e x u j i a f c a - A

ia lo r a .y r o o fe * n i M U t r ,


* • '••loo*# you to tiu» p u u or oar vexoatM** . i ^

r f i & T J S K S s - i S s ^ s - Mn « t> t . f o ^ i k i r i j v s r i i L x r s ! <*

A _ V ? l « t . .r 1» momtUilMj, ^ . . ^ . ) ■ H. 1. •ore than just a Con**ro.apao

auWortptlon* and at* and a hi* branch a..t1n«a n . la

« s v m m S % 2 v r $ r £ : '■*• e ? * " - ? • ° « —h o m j r . to ar « M i T w * " & - «

° f , C.t' - l f * * • " « * * « P l « 1n<n«7 o” »TS” “ aa ^ S L JS lS T

£ T £ : , . £ aS S i & S S J i . . - '* • to~ ' - * ’ • -

3>gT?frr*. A Vol.j«t^or Wu.t g . a r<»cr .iin^ v/o^ftri

_ . ®“8* * • * •* * * t0 "1th the ot&a**« an whomever th.j-JorJty ho. <J.otdo« r a t bo 4oo.. V.m oust b« ~.udy t T o a r V J * thl

ga Coo*'*.*. and Volont«a»* •. o»*r.. loa^'-a.Ea »u» . bo "•°Ay to hmlp ntha-., but: alao to l.a~n r-**. t0 i*.*.-

* * • * * • * * « • . H . r a t bo rr-ep^o.* "o 5 £ i 'o «.i££ ! hto<- o la n to o r ., lo y a l ly , w ithout pa**y dtspcta* and * ;uabb l«s .

— '* Leo-n^ t o j ^ ; ^oaa i* JM n our volurt eor

uodertitufld our Confix... moves* at ani> *hut ! t°atunda ‘to rT Tbov *u*t

• ^ . “K J J i S S b i0f iS 2S I ! t,* fl?h2^ , our ?eo;,ie m ®’ an<* to° * ^«iT- u w i io«b c« Dotn.roo oy rroadoo. Th.y *uat l.j~a to uao ti>«l*> kao*ladjra

t n H?k?2 * UW! * * ?*0pX* tfl8y 1,va und * OT** * - S i t ?nall t2M flatly phobias. And troubla. of t.halr liras r.ov mia* ao* to poao thair a.n un4«r.taud!ag on t.o othara, la tha Luaoa wi

a iM L W p i ? y ^ i S S g . r * T s y ,i i 5 - ^ - - n .

S S B S & f f d r t g f e y . ; . - ; K V r , : r ~ ! : »

itat tb.n Kroedoe* Voluctaaro oxpact.od to do.

A.YRluBt..r » u « Q’ l P ^ . . ; th. f<r .t 3U c « h . cr-K-ni., otlwi-

.k __ - _ , Con^ra.s .a n an'9 *ook-a to Jo*a *h« * ik, 1 ^ * H# axplata ^o tn.u what t« snooted nt nQ « M ^ dr*i,0 f ! r th* ,r ^*a«l«»tto0 M t h tha #rloriouH f^ o d o . that

2* * u* t 0811 all *ba voluntoL-r. i n hi.tak ° ,n u "^oup L.ade**

and plad^a h 1» a . t f to oarry out tho d .a t .fo n a o f lata ‘‘' ’•our _t> d *

S S E ’ S S S X T Z S L * bl‘ £ ' " ' U u4- - ff* * « ' ■■> S S v I t * « . Im T o fn lS l n i S L Z I I ^ f e l ® ^ IT** wo^tnff-placaa of the racnia axpla!ntn« Con^raaa policy to thap, ffln ia : thorn »o an o -t theConyaoa and *o unit, olth oth.r. tQ th. co^al^os or :&v~oap U conduotln*. A ,y0lu n f.~ 5 . a fVoodo, o ^u n T ^ . ; 5” ° r ' C>? 088 ,8

i L J P W " ' * »>*st plimi K . r a t r a t -O^ulc-ly, each « .ak , «i»b hi*h .w ___ «^oup, and dtaouaa whut. ta. ( -oup 1r, t.o flo

o*aS« f * ^ th* * ° ^ nt« n . aimt doald. M th! 2 i a ?U ar# 10 A© *o ca— y th. Coo(r*«a«

w .e k ^ a ^ M d t i i% h « ° ? iU l f f.ia r*0 , J fi* #uat pU fl ta “• • a11 h la h « C* 2 r * #* , l4#a aAd Con«^a« annat*^ In hi

plAo«. Ha ouat plaa tyom to briag thahaadauA^^L f l ° ! Wf? “«tlon-n|do ou»n il^a m lch Coag-aaa

oond«etlx»c and ho* to h 1u tho jwopl^a’ coSridar

b !r « ^ H* i>U#t ell#ck aP oa v*hot * “• daotdad tri* 2 m9m t* oro««tair oa^-l^l ojt by all hia

*a^ i t JZ rlt ? Jf*1 WuuiLQa«a*a uad failure a or Ifnot i^P«atod acol. la tao futur.. A Volunta.r la a i*

N <iC - S iA Y t l a t u r ***% *orfc: Be M i l oo*ry oat loyally, «ltk a U h'o

ability, m - jr detail of t n ^ M « ho a r t H with Mo group to do. Ha »«at aot a high st«M vl of reliability, aad of flewotloo to the Coof-eea eaooa, wh!eh w in eaeourege others to •off hlo. Ha »oat etrlre to bo tin soat active worker la a m * eepect of « w r Congreoa oawpelgo, la hla area or hli plaoa of work.Ha oust work always to gat othere, fro* laalda the Cengreeeea fro* outside It, to work a ad tptm to bo Coagi-eoawea a ad Volunteer.Ha a o t aeak to wla the treat of Uk people, by dolag every freedoo took that arloao with all hla etreagtii. Aad ha auat kaap ajaa and aara open fo* every opportunity to pat la a word for c o m a a polioj. aad to etrlke a blow for Coogreee eoopelgao. A volunUert la a froodqw workert 1 J

A Vplootoor oaat teach1 Ho wust toaoh people toot the ^o«d to

freedoa Ilea through unity with their fellow- •ea In tha st^ugs la led by Coagreoa. He wust teaoh tb«* that their freadaw M il only be won through their own efforts, aad that their atreagth llee only in unity uad organisation. tte aaat teach the* to •ea, la all their little atru^glee and oawpalgna, seed* of the great aatloaal etruggls for fraedoai which la going oa aad w i n g towurds victory. He ouet spread uaongct the people understanding and knowledge bj dtatri t ottag to thaw the Congress leaflet and pawphlsts and the puplloutlons Inyan!so, lighting Talk end Liberation, Now Age, which support Congreaa ulna, iiut to do all thlb, tha volunteer wust htweelf study, learn an/’ discuas. He wust study with hie group the study notes nhldi will be lsflued to volunteers, pa suet discuss with bis group the problems uhloh he paste that arlaea fro* t./>e lives of his peoplw. He r*uat ltstaa to the opinions of others and Lan-n rrom the* ao that he oon beoocw on expert In the field of organisation for freedom, and paon on to otho^e the underatending rhlcti wfii help thaw to go foT^ard. * voluntear la o at.u^ent and teuohgr of f-eadow!

Tt is not -Ivon *o ev"*7body to have the high qualities of o volunteers That la why we any that a volunteer it aonethlnp: r a c i a l ! He la a lsadar and organiser of hTs^poople who sots tHa coase of freeflow highs than hla own coaifo~t and well-being.

Our voluntec- wore;*eflt was at rted to build tbs *Cong~«ee of the r cople*. This la *he fl^st and grea*eet tusk ne sot before all Volunteers. Into tb 'o work, oa1* volunteer oust fit all the ofber dialy , urgent tastes - tre fight against O-oup A^eas, r But laorenaee, Baatu Zdueatioa - like ladtvldittl bricks in tho building of a greut v a il . >*hat are the apeo*al teaks of Voluoteere la tea oa*palga for the Conaroea of the roople - the greet wall of freedow we • ’~e building.

^.ere Is * The Ja il*. *Vho Call to the Congreaa of tha TOople* has now be«n pufcliahed'Tn mor*. languages. Our voluntev^* groups wust use I t , carefully uad thoroughly, to wla new eupportere for tne oawpalf ♦The Call* wuot to ta*ea by volunteero to allthe lepo^tunt, p^owlnect uad laflueaclul people In the grotto* area work. It wust be put lato peoples* hoods, and ourwfully dlsouosed with the*, so that they understand fully whut the Uongreea of the people la . It auat be dlaousaad with Vl&llunce <~o«wltteo own, Advisory ao-rd eewbera and trade union offlolula; «ltb taachore and p-wachure; *ltb woweas* leadors and sports ofl lcials : w it* roaldente orgaulout Iona and tsuchen essoolatIon leaders; with ch iefs , houdoen and tribal oldora. Tfo one ■aa l ah a who has lnfluanco in ths cosnun*ty mist be ailsead out. And allwuf t be aeked to take a aaod la the »o^k of buildlag ths C .C . . "bej »u»* be asked nad encouraged to help oanvaaa others eithnVhe C all".Aad the woet uc^’ ve and Influeaclal of theo wust be aakad to eerre on a local atreet, suburLaa, ^onrk, towhahip or faotory *Congr«88 of tho People Cowwltteo*. ^h io 1r ^ho first task of all voluntesre.

T fP local Cong^eoa of *~he ^eopje Copvlttee: It to aow tiiw to oet.these ooNwittsoe up >

ev.ry^here. O u r volunteer grc^pe wust oee that they oprlng up eva^-ywh fire* in the urea where the group la wo-klag; out after tfaet our groc wust spread alco to nei 'hbourlng areas where the~e lo ao volunteer group.


Collection Number: AD1812


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