Texto Consciência Negra


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Page 1: Texto Consciência Negra


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Reportagem da revista Com Ciência, editada pela Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência, SBPC.��

"Day of Black Consciousness" portrays the dispute by historical memory. Preserve the memory is a way of building the story. It is the memory of that dispute, this story, which in the past 32 years be celebrated on November 20, the "National Day of Black Consciousness." On that date, in 1695, was killed Zombie, one of the last leaders of Quilombo dos Palmares, which became a great icon of resistance to black slaves and the fight for freedom. For the historian Flavius Gomes, the Department of History at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, the choice of November 20 was much more than simple opposition to a May 13: "os movimentos sociais escolheram essa data para mostrar o quanto o país está marcado por diferenças e discriminações raciais”. It was also a struggle for visibility of the problem. This is no small feat, since the issue of racism has always been denied, inside and outside Brazil ... " Construindo o "Dia da Consciência Negra"

In many slave societies in the Americas existed leakage of slaves and the formation of communities such as quilombos. In Venezuela, were called cumbia, in Colombia of longlines and brown in the U.S. and Caribbean. Palmares lasted about 140 years: the first evidence of Palmares in 1585 and there are details of escaped slaves in the Serra da Barriga until 1740, well after the assassination of Zombie. Although attempts have been treated in the peace agreements failed prevailed and the destructive fury of the colonial power against Palmares.

32 years ago, the gaúcho poet Oliveira Silveira suggested to his group that November 20 was celebrated as the "National Day of Black Consciousness," because it was more significant for the Brazilian black community than the May 13. "Thirteen of May betrayal, freedom without wings and bread without hunger", thus setting Silveira the "Day of the Abolition of Slavery" in one of his poems. In 1971 the November 20 was celebrated for the first time. The idea spread to other social movements to fight against racial discrimination and, in the late 1970, has appeared as a proposal of the National Unified Black Movement.

"It's important to win the" National Day of Black Consciousness "as the national day for all Brazilians and Brazilian society, striving for a de facto democratic, egalitarian, uniting the entire working class in a project of

a nation that considers the diversity engendered in our historical process. " Vocabulários: � �������������� ������������ ���� ���������������� ������������������������������������������� �������������� ���������������� ������������������������������������� ����������������� ������������ ������������������������������� ������������� ���������������� �����������

1 www.robertoizidro.com / MSN: [email protected]

Page 2: Texto Consciência Negra

A. Traduza o texto com auxílio de dicionários. (value: 1,50 points) �

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B. Responda (V) verdadeiro ou (F) falso. (value: 1,00 point) 1. ( ) Day of the black conscience portrays the historical memory of a people. 2. ( ) Not to preserve the memory is one in the ways of building the history. 3. ( ) It is for the dispute of that memory, of that history, that in the last 52 years it is

commemorated on November 20. 4. ( ) In 1695, Zumbi was born. 5. ( ) The choice of the November 20 was much more than a simple opposition to the May 13. 6. ( ) The theme of the racism was always denied by the societies. 7. ( ) Palmares lasted about 145 years 8. ( ) In many slave societies in the Americas there weren´t leaks of slaves. 9. ( ) In 1971 the Nov. 20 agreement was the first time. 10. ( ) "Dia Nacional da Consciência Negra" was entitled as the national day of all the Brazilians

and Brazilian that struggle in fact for a society democratic.

Merry Christmas! Good Parties!

Page 3: Texto Consciência Negra

Tradução do Texto: O Brasil Negro.

Reportagem da revista Com Ciência, editada pela Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência, SBPC.�

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de todos os brasileiros e brasileiras que lutam por uma sociedade de fato democrática, igualitária, unindo toda a classe trabalhadora num projeto de nação que contemple a

diversidade engendrada no nosso processo histórico". !�"����#������� �������������� ������������ ���� ���������������� ������������������������������������������� �������������� ���������������� ������������������������������������� ����������������� ������������ ������������������������������� ������������� ���������������� ������������

B. Responda (V) verdadeiro ou (F) falso. 1. ( ) Dia da consciência preta retrata a memória histórica de umas pessoas. 2. ( ) preservar a memória é uns dos modos de construir a história de um povo. 3. ( ) é para a disputa daquela memória, daquela história que nos últimos 52 anos que é comemorado o dia

20 de novembro. 4. ( ) em 1695, nasceu Zumbi. 5. ( ) a escolha de 20 de novembro era muito mais que uma oposição simples para o 13 de maio. 6. ( ) o tema do racismo sempre foi negado pelas sociedades. 7. ( ) Palmares durou aproximadamente 145 anos 8. ( ) em muitas sociedades de escravo na América não houve fuga de escravos. 9. ( ) em 1971 o Nov. 20 acordo foi na primeira vez. 10. ( ) " Dia da de Nacional que Consciência Negra " foi intitulado como o dia nacional de todos os brasileiros e brasileiro que lutam na realidade para uma sociedade democrático.