SECRETARIA DE ESTADO DA EDUCAÇÃO · Educação do Paraná – SEED. Orientadora: Lilian Kemmer...


Transcript of SECRETARIA DE ESTADO DA EDUCAÇÃO · Educação do Paraná – SEED. Orientadora: Lilian Kemmer...














Produção didática-pedagógica apresentada ao Programa de Desenvolvimento Educacional - PDE da Secretaria de Educação do Paraná – SEED.

Orientadora: Lilian Kemmer Chimentão


Dados Internacionais de Catalogação-na-Publicação (CIP)

B929m Bufalieri, Mirian Silvia de ÁvilaMúsica: instrumento para abordagem de questões sócio-culturais e linguísticas no processo de ensino – aprendizagem da língua inglesa/ Mirian Silvia de Ávila Bufalieri. – Londrina, 2011.34f.

Orientadora: profa. Lilian Kemmer Chimentão.Produção Didático-Pedagógica - Programa de Desenvolvimento Educacional - PDE da Secretaria de Educação do Paraná – SEED.

1. Musica. 2. Língua inglesa. 3.Ensino-aprendizagem . I. Chimentão, Lilian Kemmer. II. Título.

CDU 37.02:78


Agradeço a Deus por ter me sustentado e dado graças de

participar deste Programa.

Agradeço a minha família e amigos que me incentivaram,

apoiaram e ajudaram na realização deste trabalho.

Agradeço a minha orientadora, Lilian Kemmer Chimentão, que

com tanta dedicação me orientou na elaboração e produção deste material



1 PRODUÇÃO DIDÁTICO-PEDAGÓGICA......................................... 5

2 INTRODUÇÃO......................................................................... 6

3 DESENVOLVIMENTO................................................................ 8

3.1. Unit One .............................................................................................. 8

3.2. Unit Two................................................................................................19




Autor Profa. Mirian Silvia de Ávila BufalieriEscola de Atuação Colégio Estadual Antonio Garcez NovaesMunicípio da escola Arapongas

Núcleo Regional de Educação


Orientador Profa. Lilian Kemmer ChimentãoInstituição de Ensino Superior

Universidade Estadual de Londrina - UEL

Disciplina/Área Língua Estrangeira ModernaProdução Didático-pedagógica

Caderno Pedagógico

Relação Interdisciplinar Não háPúblico Alvo Aluno da 1ª. Série do Ensino MédioLocalização Colégio Estadual Antonio Garcez Novaes.

Rua Perdizes, 910Apresentação: Pesquisas têm levado a uma reflexão

detalhada justificando o uso da música no processo de ensino-aprendizagem, por razões cognitivas, afetivas e linguísticas. Assim, sob o tema, “O trabalho com o gênero textual música no ensino de língua inglesa”, este projeto propõe a utilização da música como um instrumento facilitador e potencializador da aprendizagem da língua inglesa. Através de um material didático-pedagógico com atividades de ensino voltadas para a música, numa perspectiva de desenvolvimento da atitude consciente e reflexiva, procuramos proporcionar ao aluno a apropriação crítica e histórica do conhecimento para compreensão e transformação da sua própria realidade.De acordo com Basso (2006), as canções são formas de expressão cultural que transportam valores estéticos, linguísticos, ideológicos, morais, religiosos, possuindo as marcas do tempo e lugar em que foram criadas. A mensagem expressa na letra da música expõe os propósitos e intenções do autor, produzidos em um contexto social específico. Independente do estilo, os temas apresentados nas letras das músicas são variados e vão ao encontro da realidade de vida dos alunos. Portanto, a utilização do gênero textual música nas aulas de língua


inglesa de forma responsável e consciente poderá tornar o processo de ensino aprendizagem mais significativo e eficaz.

Palavras-chave Música. Ensino. Aprendizagem. Inglês



Esta proposta de intervenção pedagógica originou-se da minha

preocupação como professora de língua inglesa em melhorar a qualidade

das minhas aulas, buscando ações que resultem em um ensino mais

significativo, mais dinâmico e, consequentemente, mais participativo.

Um dos objetivos da escola é formar indivíduos críticos e

transformadores da sociedade. Ao entrar em contato com uma língua

estrangeira e sua cultura, o aluno tem a possibilidade de interagir com o

mundo globalizado, possibilitando assim a ele, a oportunidade de reflexão

sobre si mesmo e sua própria cultura, assim como, a cultura de outros

povos. Isso contribuirá para sua formação como cidadão crítico, que vive em

sociedade e interage nela.

Proponho, portanto, um material didático pedagógico com

atividades de ensino voltadas para a música, que busquem, numa atitude

consciente e reflexiva, proporcionar ao aluno a apropriação crítica e

histórica do conhecimento para compreensão e transformação da sua

própria realidade.

Ao escolher o gênero textual música, é possível despertar nos

alunos motivação e interesse e assim, facilitar o processo de ensino-

aprendizagem, por ser um recurso presente no dia a dia dos alunos.

A elaboração deste material didático-pedagógico procura

contemplar as capacidades de linguagem, através do trabalho com gênero

textual, como forma de interação autêntica com a língua, refletindo

situações reais de comunicação, contribuindo assim para o

desenvolvimento do senso crítico do aluno. Assim como, tornar a

aprendizagem da língua mais motivadora e significativa; conscientizar que o

texto, musical ou não, é constituído a partir de elementos ideológicos,

históricos e sociais e que é possível relacioná-lo com situações reais vividas

pelo aluno; fazer da sala de aula de língua inglesa um espaço de formação

de um aluno cidadão, capaz de interagir e transformar o meio em que vive;

praticar uma leitura que não seja apenas uma interpretação superficial do

texto, mas procurar entender a intenção do autor, o contexto em que o

texto está inserido e de que forma isso pode influenciar nossa realidade e


contexto social; aperfeiçoar, através de atividades variadas, as 4

habilidades: “speaking, “writing”, “reading” e “listening”; ampliar os

conhecimentos lingüísticos; e, consequentemente, proporcionar melhora na

qualidade do ensino da língua inglesa.

Este Caderno Pedagógico é um material composto por 2 Unidades

Didáticas, elaboradas como opção de material de apoio para

implementação desse projeto e provém de experiências vivenciadas

durante minha caminhada pedagógica. Será aplicado no segundo semestre

de 2011 em 20 horas aulas. Será uma produção flexível para que sejam

feitas as adaptações e acréscimos se forem necessários.

O público alvo da implementação do projeto serão alunos da 1ª.

Série do Ensino Médio do Colégio Estadual Antonio Garcez Novaes.

Além do foco nas atividades de leitura crítica e interpretativa, as

unidades apresentam também atividades gramaticais e linguísticas

contextualizadas que corroboram para o entendimento do texto. Durante a

aplicação do material didático-pedagógico serão realizadas anotações

diárias para posterior análise. A avaliação será realizada a partir da

observação do desenvolvimento das atividades propostas no decorrer das


Buscando subsídios que enriqueçam a prática pedagógica do

professor de LEM, proponho a utilização da TV pendrive para exibição tanto

das músicas quanto dos clipes selecionados, tornando possível através

destes, explorar a riqueza das imagens dos mesmos e analisar a relação

deste recurso visual com a letra da música.




1 - Do you like music? ___________________________________________________________

2 - What kind of music do you like?


Let’s listen this music


1 – Do you like music?


2 - What kind of music do you like?


3 - Do you think that it is possible to learn English through music?


4 - What kind of music do you consider easier to learn English Language ?


5 - How long do you spend listening to music?


6 - Can you imagine your life without music?



Black Or White (Michael Jackson)

I took my baby on a Saturday bangBoy is that girl with youYes we're one and the sameNow I believe in miraclesAnd a miracle has happened tonight

But, if you're thinkin' about my babyIt don't matter if you're black or white

They print my message in the Saturday SunIt's tough for you to get byIt's black, it's white, whoo


1 – This lyrics expresses (mark the correct alternative) :

( ) the disillusion of an unrequited love.

( ) dreams and plans for a meeting on Saturday night.

( ) the desire to overcome the racial differences prejudice.

( ) the frustration by writing an article for the newspaper.

2 - What part of the song would you choose to justify your answer?



3- Match the columns

1- lyrics (______) grupo de linhas que contém uma rima2- stanza (______) uma linha que forma uma estrofe3- verse (______) a letra de uma música4- chorus (______) parte da música que é repetida5- rhythm (______) sons que ficam bem juntos, combinam6- rhyme (______) cadência da música


4 - There are many verbs in this song. Match the columns according to the meaning of them:

( ) contar ( ) to take ( ) dizer ( ) to believe( ) levar ( ) to have( ) pensar ( ) to tell( ) acreditar ( ) to see( ) ter ( ) to say( ) ver ( ) to think

5 – Let’s talk about this song …

a- What is its message?


b- Express your opinion about the title.


c- What kind of war does the song mention?


__________________________________________________________________ d- Explain, using your own words, what you understand when you read these verses:

“I said if you're thinkin' of being my baby It don't matter if you're black or white I said if you're thinkin' of being my brother It don't matter if you're black or white”






Toda música trata-se de um texto que apresenta marcas pessoais,

ideológicas, sociais e culturais do seu compositor e defende determinados pontos de vista. Por esta razão, para que possamos entender melhor sua

mensagem é interessante buscarmos também o contexto de sua produção.


6- After watching the “clip” of the music “Black and White”, answer these questions in Portuguese:

a – Que tipo de conflito sugere a você o início?



b – No decorrer do clipe são apresentadas várias épocas e contextos diferentes, com pessoas caracteristicamente vestidas de acordo com sua época e países de origem. O que estas cenas representam no contexto da música?



c – A famosa “Estátua da Liberdade” que se encontra em Nova York (EUA) é um símbolo de liberdade. Nos pés da estátua está gravado um poema, de autoria de uma poetisa judia chamada Emma Lazarus, famoso em todo solo americano, e que expressa a angústia e a esperança destes homens. (CHABAD, 2011).

Num determinado momento o cantor surge dentro da tocha desta estátua. Comente a relação que há entre esta cena e a mensagem da música.______________________________________________________________


d – Que palavra você usaria para expressar o que sugere as muitas faces que aparecem no final do clipe?




Did you know that...?

Michael skin color

The song Black or White, which promotes racial unity, was written by Michael Jackson and released in November 1991. The music arose as a kind of answer, for Michael's skin color was increasingly questioned by the press and the whole world. Rumors were that Michael had changed the color of his skin through a intentional treatment. But what nobody knew was that indeed, the star was suffering from vitiligo, an autoimmune disease, in which there is a total or partial destruction of melanocytes. Michael told to the public that he suffered from vitiligo, only two years later in an interview. (WIKIPÉDIA, 2011).

7- Copy from the text these information: a- Name of the music __________________________________________

b- Title ____________________________________________

c- Composer ____________________________________________

d- Release ____________________________________________

e- Name of an autoimmune disease in which there is a total or partial destruction of melanocytes ____________________________________________________________

8- Answer according to the text:

a- What kind of polemic did involve Jackson’s life when the song “Black or White”was released?_______________________________________________________________


b- When and how did the people know what was really happening to Michael’s skin?___________________________________________________________




Racial Prejudice

Racism has assumed many different forms throughout history. It was in the United States of America reached extreme racism against blacks, Indians, Asians and Latin Americans, particularly in the south. Until 1965, there were laws that denied non-white citizens to a series of rights. Laws prohibiting interracial marriage and segregating the races in public transportation and restrooms.Among many people who throughout history have struggled to overcome

racial prejudice stood out Martin Luther King, American clergyman who led the civil rights movement on behalf of blacks in the years 1950 and 1960. In 1964 he won the Nobel Peace

In one of his famous speeches, Luther King said even though they faced the difficulties he

still had a dream. His dream was that of a country where men would be truly equal. He had a dream that his four little children one

day would live in a nation where they wouldn’t be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their

character. With their faith they would be able to work together, to struggle together, to go prison together, to stand up for freedom

together, knowing they would be free one day. (WIKIPEDIA, 2011; THE I have a dream… 2010).

1- Copy from the text the words that the meaning is:

a- leis _______________________ b- discursos __________________

c- fé _______________________ d- através ____________________

e- país ______________________ f- liberdade __________________

g- cidadãos ___________________ h- sonho _____________________

i- caráter _____________________ j- direitos _____________________

2- Match the words to their meanings:

1- Prize ( ) who preach the doctrine of the superiority of certain human race.

2- Freedom ( ) the Minister of the Church.


3- History ( ) what is difficult or a difficult thing.

4 - Dream ( ) Social territory, politically and geographically delimited nation.

5- Difficulty ( ) free condition. The right to decide and acting at will.

6- Racism ( ) reward given as encouragement for works or merits.

7- Clergyman ( ) hankering for something. Looking for an ideal

8- Country ( ) narration of events and human activities in the

past. Chronological record, the facts of the past of humanity in general.

3- Answer yes or no according to the text Racial Prejudice:

Yes No

a- Martin Luther King was a teacher who led the civil ( ) ( ) movement

b- Martin Luther King won the Nobel Peace Prize after ( ) ( ) his fight for civil rights.

c - A series of rights were denied to non white citizens ( ) ( ) before nineteen seventy- five.

d- Luther King’s dream was to reach the freedom one day. ( ) (


e- In the south of the United States of America the extreme ( ) ( ) racism was only against blacks.

Go to:


Listen to Martin Luther King speech and complete the gaps with the words are missing:


Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, _________ __________ to South Carolina, go back to Georgia, go back to Louisiana, go back to the slums and ghettos of our northern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed. Let us not wallow in the valley of despair.

I say to __________ ______________, my friends, so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a ___________deeply rooted in the American dream.

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that _______ ________ are created equal."

I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former _____________ and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.

I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of _____________ and justice.

I have a dream that my four _____________ _______________will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

I have a dream today.

I have a ______________ that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and nullification; one day right there in Alabama, little ___________ ___________and _____________ ____________ will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.

I have a dream today.

I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the _______________ of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.

This is our hope. This is the faith that I go back to the South with. With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith we will ______ ____________to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.

This will be the day when all of God's children will be able to sing with a new meaning, "My country, 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. Land


where my fathers died, land of the pilgrim's pride, from every mountainside, let freedom ring."

And if America is to be a great _______________ this must become true. So let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire. Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York. Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania!

Let freedom ring from the snowcapped Rockies of Colorado!

Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of _________________________ !

But not only that; let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia!

Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee!

Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi. From every mountainside, let freedom ring.

And when this happens, when we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last! ____________ _________ _____________! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!"

Source from:


The most famous speech of Martin Luther King that took place in

August, 1963, in which he called the attention of all to racial equality and

the end of discrimination, echoed through years and years, later had its


Barak Obama was the result of Luther King’s dream. Who could

believe that the president of the most powerful nation in the world would be

a black man? But this happened!!! In 2008, Barak Obama became the first

black elected president in US history.

The campaign slogan of Barak Obama “Yes We Can” and the famous

speech of Martin Luther King called “I have a dream” are more than just

similar. The similarity between the elected president and the prominent

leader Luther King goes beyond the skin color. It is expressed by the thirst

for equality, the pursuit of their ideals, and the way they can fill with hope

the hearts of millions of Americans and people around the world.

(WIKIPEDIA, 2011).






4- Think and answer:

a- Is there still racial prejudice in our country nowadays? Discuss your answer

with your classmates.



b- Is marriage between different social classes widely common in our culture?



c- In your opinion, prejudice exists only in relation to skin color? Justify your answer


“I say to you today, even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream.” – It was what Luther King said in one of his famous speeches. His dream was a country where men would be truly equal.

What about you? Do you have any dream? What’s your dream? What have you been doing for your dream comes true? Write a paragraph telling about it.



- Do you know the singer Amy Winehouse?

- What do you know about her?

- What have you already listened about her?

- In your opinion, what makes a singer to be so great: his/her voice,

musical style, dances, fashion?

- What about Amy? Was she known by her music or her behavior?

- Do you know the meaning of the word REHAB? And if I say that Rehab

is the reduced form of rehabilitation? Is it easier?

1 – Listen to the music and complete the gaps with the words from the box:

Rehab (Amy Winehouse)

They tried to make me go to ______________

But I _____________'no, no, no'

Yes, I've been_______________, but when I ______________

You'll know-know-know

I ain't __________________ the time

And if my ________________ thinks I'm ______________

He's tried to _______________me go to rehab

But I __________________ go-go-go

I'd rather be at ______________ with Ray

I ain't got __________________ days

'Cause there's _____________________

There's nothing you can ________________me




That I _______________ learn from Mr. Hathaway


Going to significa “indo”, ou seja, o presente do verbo to go. Mas, ele também é usado para formar frases onde a ação principal ainda vai acontecer no futuro (futuro imediato ou Immediate Future).

Ex. I’m going to meet my friend.

Use of Immediate Future

a- Expressa ações que pretendemos realizar no futuro que já haviam sido decididas antes do momento da fala. Enfatiza a ideia de intenção, de uma decisão que já foi tomada.

Examples:I am going to visit San Francisco next year. (Eu vou visitar São Francisco no próximo ano.)Mark is going to cross Ireland. His friends are going to help him.(Mark vai atravessar a Irlanda. Seus amigos vão ajudá-lo.)

b- Expressa ações que achamos que irão acontecer devido a alguma situação no presente.

Examples:Mary is thirsty. She is going to drink some coconut water.(Mary está com sede. Ela vai beber água de coco.)Look at the sky! It’s going to rain.(Olhe para o céu! Vai chover.)

c- Geralmente é usado com advérbios ou expressões adverbiais de tempo, como: tomorrow, next week / month / year, soon, in two months / weeks / years.

Example:We are going to do our homework tomorrow morning.(Nós vamos fazer nossa tarefa de casa amanhã de manhã.)

1. Affirmative form

Sujeito + am / is / are + going to + verbo no infinitive


I am going to improve my pronunciation. (Vou melhorar minha pronúncia.)The girl is going to rest. (A garota vai descansar.)

2. Negative form

Para se formar frases negativas no Immediate Future, basta acrescentar a partícula de negação not depois do verbo to be. A forma contraída do verbo to be com a partícula de negação é muito usada.

Observe a conjugação do verbo to study.

To study (estudar)Forma negativa Forma contraída

I am not going to study I’m not going to studyYou are not going to study

You aren’t going to study

He is not going to study He isn’t going to study

She is not going to study She isn’t going to study

It is not going to study It isn’t going to study

We are not going to study

We aren’t going to study

You are not going to study

You aren’t going to study

They are not going to study

They aren’t going to study

Examples:It is not (isn’t) going to be difficult. (Não vai ser difícil.)We’re not (aren’t) going to bore you. (Nós não vamos aborrecer você.)

3. Interrogative form

Para formar frases interrogativas deve-se inverter a posição do pronome (sujeito) com o verbo to be e incluir o ponto de interrogação no final da frase.Observe:

To sudy (estudar)

Am I going to study?

Are you going to study?

Is he going to study?

Is she going to study?


Is it going to study?

Are we going to study?

Are you going to study?

Are they going to study?


Are you going to travel tomorrow? (Você vai viajar amanhã?)Is she going to live in London? (Ela vai morar em Londres?)

2- Complete the sentences with the Immediate Future by using the verb in parentheses:

1- They don’t know where we ___________________________ (to live).2- My parents ________________________ (to travel) tomorrow.3- Peter _____________________________ (to meet) an interesting person.4- Look at those black clouds! It __________________________ (to rain).5- We ______________________ (to meet) our friends tonight.

3- Choose the correct alternative and complete the sentences:

1- I’m hungry. I ____________________________________ a sandwich.

2- I ________________________________ him. He doesn’t need to know.

3- What _________________________________ about it?


A diferença dessas duas palavras é que, gonna é usado no lugar de going to em situações informais, mas ambos têm o mesmo sentido.

Ex. I’m going to lose my baby. = I’m gonna lose my baby.

‘m not going to tell

‘m going to make

‘are you going to do


(Vou perder meu amor.)



Wanna é informal e want to é a forma padrão. Observe:I wanna go. = I want to go. (Quero ir.)


A expressão ain’t é encontrada em muitas letras de música. Trata-se de uma contração de verbos auxiliares na forma negativa. Em outras palavras, é uma expressão que pode substituir a forma negativa de verbos auxiliares, como aren’t ,isn’t, am not, entre outras. É considerada, por muitos, uma gíria.

Veja estas frases:

I am not happy. (Eu não estou feliz). They are not a problem. (Eles não são um problema).

Estas frases podem ser escritas assim:

I ain’t happy.They ain’t a problem.

Outras expressões podem ser substituídas por ain’t:

- am not- are not, aren’t- is not, isn’t- has not, hasn’t- have not, haven’t- did not, didn’t (mais recentemente)

Source: WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia. Inglês Pra Quê?.Disponível em:<>. Acesso

em: 10 ago. 2011.

4- Rewrite the sentences using gonna or wanna:

a- He’s going to leave for England tomorrow morning.


b- We’re going to beat them easily.


c- I want to be alone for a while.



d- Do you want to dance?


5- Match the words to their corresponding translation:

a- pride ( n. ) ( ) aprender

b- tears ( n. ) ( ) perder

c- to make ( v. ) ( ) gastar

d- to learn ( v. ) ( ) lágrimas

e- rehab ( n. ) ( ) fazer

g- depressed ( adj. ) ( ) ensinar

f- to spend ( v . ) ( ) orgulho

h- rest ( v. ) ( ) deprimido

i- to lose ( v. ) ( ) reabilitação

j- to teach ( v. ) ( ) descansar, dormir

6- Now, discuss with your partner and answer these questions:

a- What kind of problem does this lyric mentions?


b- What kind of feeling do you have when you listen to this song?


c- How did the singer face the time she could spend in rehab?


d· What points of view or attitudes are revealed?


e· Does this song suggest any solution to the problem addressed?



(v.) verb (adj.) adjective (n.) noun


7- Now, you are going to read a text about “the influence of music in our lives”. Before that, match the words to their translations:

1- ancient ( ) trilha sonora

2- humanity ( ) sentimento

3- pain ( ) dia a dia

4- knowledge ( ) antigo

5- since ( ) reabilitação

6- soundtrack ( ) dor

7- no doubt ( ) desde

8- rehab ( ) humanidade

9- feeling ( ) sem dúvida

10- happiness ( ) conhecimento

11- daily ( ) felicidade

Music: expression of feeling

Since ancient times music is part of the life of humanity, whether in celebrations, festivals, pain or happiness always

there will be a soundtrack to mark these moments.

The music changes our state of mind. The body reacts to the vibrations of sound and emotions can be aroused.No doubt the music is a form of communication more presents the life of young people.The young people identify themselves by a musical style what gives them and reinforces the feeling of belonging to a group, having a same knowledge.The songs bring a story behind them. For this reason people identify themselves with the songs. The lyric of the song “Hehab”, for example, is autobiographical. It is famous for the phrase that Amy Winehouse uses refusing to go to rehab.We can say that the musical experience is part of daily life of each person. Certainly, music cannot be

separated from people life.

Adapted:Fonte: <>. Accessed: 25 Jul. 2011.


8- Answer according to the text:

a- Why is the music a form of communication more presents in life of young people?_______________________________________________________________


b- How can people identify themselves with the songs? Justify your answer.



9- After reading the text above, answer the questions pointing out (yes) or (no), according to your opinion:

Yes No

a- Do you often spend hours listening to music? ( ) ( )

b- Does music change your state of mind? ( )

( )

c- Do you usually try to find out the meaning of the songs you like? ( )

( )

d- Do the bands you like influence your way of dressing? ( )

( )

e- Do you believe that music can encourage violence or drugs use? ( )

( )

10- Copy from the text some cognate words:

Cognates words

Some English words can be recognized by the similarity they have with the words in the Portuguese language. They are the cognate words...





11- Put the words below in the right column:

Musical instruments

Types of music Music professionals Others

12- Group discussion:

a-- Access the site and watch the video.

b- In this video, thirteen singers are mentioned by their early death and most of them by drug overdose.

1- Could the fame and money prevent the involvement of young people with drugs, or instead of it they would be the facilitators? Why?

2- Would be the exposition and the pressure that these famous people suffer by the media a contributing factor to aggravate their problem of chemical dependence? Why?

3- What social and family measures could be taken to prevent drugs use?

4- What could you do to help a friend who is involved in drugs?

piano solo career Rock flute pop songwriter Blues drums CDguitar cello Classical Music conductor concert Jazz girl bandHip hop an album Country singer musical note violin

Discuss, in groups, the following issues:



The engagement of young people with drugs is a challenge that must be

faced. The problem has ceased to be only for the individual and reached

such critical levels, which is now considered a public health problem.

The quest for acceptance by a specific group, curiosity or even

attempt to escape from dairy problems, can lead young people

from different social and cultural conditions to use synthetic drugs or


The problem affects all spheres of society and many young artists

have already died because of drug abuse.

Heath Ledger, star of the film "Ten Things I Hate About You," was

also a victim of abuse of prescription drugs and died at twenty-

eight years.

Ledger had his first major role in the comedy "Ten Things I Hate about You,"

a teen adaptation for Shakespeare.

Adapted drogas .html (Accessed 29/07/2011) (Accessed: 29/07/2011)


Useful vocabulary:

1. Engagement: envolvimento

2. Challenge: desafio

3. Health: saúde

4. Attempt: tentativa

5. Role: papel

6. Acceptance: aceitação

13- Listen to the chorus of the music “Can’t take my eyes off you” and put the lines of it in the correct order:

Can’t take my eyes off you (Frank Valli)


( ) I love you baby, ( ) I need you baby ( ) to warm a lonely night. ( ) Now that I found you, stay. ( ) I love you baby. ( ) Oh pretty baby, ( ) Trust in me when I say: ( ) And if it's quite all right, ( ) Oh pretty baby, ( ) Don't bring me down I pray. ( ) And let me love you, ( ) Oh baby let me love you.

Access to the clip of the music of Frank Valli voiced by Patrick (Heath

Ledger) in


The film “10 things I hate about you” takes place in a modern high school in the US. At certain point of the film the character Patrick Verona (Heath Ledger) in his attempt to win "Kat" Stratford (Julia Stiles) over, sings the chorus of the song “Can’t take my eyes off



14- Copy the words that rhyme in the stanza above._______________________________________________________________________


15- Match the opposite of these words taken from the stanza above

1- love ( ) together2- warm ( ) ugly3- lonely ( ) lose, miss4- found ( ) hate5- to trust ( ) cool6- pretty ( ) to suspect

16- After the all the discussion about drugs addiction, write a text on the approached theme.

Adapted from: (Accessed:30/07/2011) Adapted from: (Accessed 30/07/11)________________________________________________________________________

Here are some useful expressions to give opinions:

- I think so…. - Without a doubt …- In my opinion ….. - I suspected that ….- I’d like to …. - I’m pretty sure that ….- I suppose …. - I’m convinced that ….- As far as I’m concerned …. - I honestly feel that …- I strongly believe that …. - I’m not sure that …


- I don’t think that ... - I don’t agree, I …. - Let’s face it…. - The truth of the matter is…..

Giving reasons and offering explanations:- The reason why….- That’s why …- For this reason ….- Considering ……





























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clip of the music of Frank Valli voiced by Patrick (Heath Ledger) in link