Phrasal verbs 3ano sem respostas


Transcript of Phrasal verbs 3ano sem respostas

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PHRASAL VERBS• Uma preposição ou advérbio após o verbo pode modificar o seu significado completamente:

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Eles caracterizam a

forma natural de um falante nativo se expressar.

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Put off = AdiarHe had to put off the festival till next week

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I take bus 215 to school

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You should take off that sweater.

It´s very hot today (tirar)

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I have to get back to my

home (voltar)

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We should get on with

the party (continuar)

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Essas locuções são chamadas de phrasal

verbs e são muito comuns em inglês. Na verdade, os phrasal

verbs possuem um “ar” de informalidade, de

gíria, porém se tornaram algo fundamental até

mesmo no âmbito formal e principalmente na hora

de praticar o inglês falado no dia-dia.

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Existem alguns casos relativamente complicado como

hold on (esperar).

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Hold up = atrasar

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Em alguns casos específicos

• A preposição ou advérbio é colocada após o objeto • Let´s put the fire out Obj.

• Let´s put out the fire

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Now, try to complete

the sentences with one

of the phrasal verbs


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tomorrow what you

can do today

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1.Put off

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2.Lucas and Mary

usually_____at 6 o

´clock in the


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2. Get up

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3.If you ____from

every difficult

situation, you´ll

never solve your


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3.Run away

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4.In japanese homes, people

traditionally _____their


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4.Take off

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5. Put out

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1. Get along = to be friendly

with someone

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2. Get back = return to

a place

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3. Get in = to arrive at home or at


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4.Get through =

to be connected to a place

by telephone

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5. Get up = to get out

of bed after


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Phrasal verbs / Put

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Put off•Make something happen later•Make somebody not want/like sth

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• Lack of parking space was putting potential customers off•Robert´s attitude towards women really puts me off• They had to put the wedding off because the bride´s mother had na accident•About the meeting: Can we put it off for a few days?

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Put on•To dress yourself with a piece of clothing or jewellery•Pretend to have feelings• Become fatter

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•Dorothy put on her coat and went out•Stop putting on that funny voice•She put a lot of weight on after the children were born

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Put out•Stop sth burning•Put sth outside•Defeat

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•Has the fire been put out yet?•We usually put the cat out at night•He was put out in the first roung at Wimbledon

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Put up•Build a wall, erect• Make a picture available to see

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• John was in the garden putting a

fence up•Put up your hood or

you´ll catch cold• I put a few posters

up to make the room look less bare

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Put up withTo accept unpleasant behaviour by someone

or an annoying situation without complaining,

even though you do not like it = tolerate

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•How has Jane put up with him for so long?• I don´t see why you should have to put up with sexual harassment

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Put at• To calculate the cost, amount, size of something.

•The cost of repairing the damage was put at 100 dollars

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Put back•To put something in the place where it was before .• To make something happen more slowly or at a later time than it should happen

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•Put the books back where you found them• Remember to put back anything you borrow•These problems are putting publication back by at least two months

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Put aside•To not allow yourself to be afected by a problem, argument = disregard• To keep something so it can be used or taken away later = reserve

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•Both sides need to put aside their differences and continue the peace talks.•Put aside half the coriander to use as a garnish

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Put about•To tell a lot of

people something, especially something

that is not true = spread

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I don´t know who´s been putting these rumours about, but

they´re not true

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Put down•Put something on a surface•Criticize sb publicly, makes him feel stupid• Kill an old animal

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• If the box is too heavy, just put it down for a while.• It´s not my style to put down other players• In the end the cat had to be put down

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Put in• To spend a particular amount of time doing something, or to make a particular amount of effort in order to do something. = devote•Wendy has been putting in more hours at the office recently.

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1. When we can't do a test one week, we sometimes ... doing it till the following week.a    put off b    put on c    put out

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2.When my family comes to visit me from California, I usually . . . the entire crowd at my house; they don't need to go to a hotel. a)  put off  b) put up  c)   put on  d)  put out

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3. When you have an unpleasant teacher, you simply have to . . . them and hope that you won't have that teacher the following year. a)  put off  b)  put out  c) put up with  d) put up

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4.When you come into a dark house, one of the first things you do is to switch on the light. You can also say you . . . the light.

  a)  put up with    b) put on    c) put out     d) put up

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5. The job of firemen is to ... fires. They put water and special materials on them. a) put up with   b)put on   c)put out   d)put off

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