Parte 6 - Futuro Do VoIP

Voip nos Smartphones: FaceTime - um software desenvolvido pela Apple Inc. capaz de realizar chamadas de vídeo para o iPhone 4 e 4S , iPod Touch (quarta geração), iPad 2 e Mac OS X , que utiliza a câmera frontal para fazer chamadas de video entre os aparelhos. O FaceTime funciona com uma rede Wi-Fi , mas não funciona com 3G. Skype - Faça chamadas, chamadas com vídeo e troque mensagens de chat com qualquer usuário do Skype, de graça, faça chamadas e envie SMS para seus contatos (ou qualquer outro número) com as tarifas baixas do Skype. Com Crédito Skype, seu dinheiro vai longe. O aplicativo funciona em 3G e Wi-Fi. Fring – Free Group Video - Free 4-way video chat. A mobile video calling part! Video Chat – See your friends, wherever you are (on 3G, 4G & Wifi) Live Texting - Chat it up with your buddies on the go – live texting at its bests Fring Calls - Unlimited, free calls to friends worldwide FringOut Calls - The cheapest way to call regular phone # worldwide from your mobile phone. Truphone - With the Tru App on your computer or mobile, you can call other Tru App users for free, and make low-cost calls to any landline or mobile around the world. Tru App works across PC, Mac, Linux, Android, iPhone, iPod, iPad, Nokia, BlackBerry and is free to download. Futuro do VoIP / Conclusão Pelos projetos atuais das empresas que hoje trabalham com VoIP, segundo analistas de mercado e alguns pontos de opinião, uma das próximas etapas na evolução do VoIP é a extinção por completo do modelo atual de ligações de longa distância (DDD/DDI) pela rede PSTN


Futuro da rede VoIP

Transcript of Parte 6 - Futuro Do VoIP

Voip nos Smartphones:FaceTime- umsoftwaredesenvolvido pelaApple Inc.capaz de realizarchamadas de vdeopara oiPhone 4e4S,iPod Touch(quarta gerao),iPad 2eMac OS X, que utiliza a cmera frontal para fazer chamadas de video entre os aparelhos.O FaceTime funciona com uma redeWi-Fi, mas no funciona com 3G.Skype - Faa chamadas, chamadas com vdeo e troque mensagens de chat com qualquer usurio do Skype, de graa, faa chamadas e envie SMS para seus contatos (ou qualquer outro nmero) com as tarifas baixas do Skype. Com Crdito Skype, seu dinheiro vai longe. O aplicativo funciona em 3G e Wi-Fi.Fring Free Group Video - Free 4-way video chat. A mobile video calling part!Video Chat See your friends, wherever you are (on 3G, 4G & Wifi)Live Texting - Chat it up with your buddies on the go live textingat its bestsFring Calls - Unlimited, free calls to friends worldwideFringOut Calls - The cheapest way to call regular phone # worldwide from your mobile phone.

Truphone - With the Tru App on your computer or mobile, you can call other Tru App users for free, and make low-cost calls to any landline or mobile around the world.Tru App works across PC, Mac, Linux, Android, iPhone, iPod, iPad, Nokia, BlackBerry and is free to download.

Futuro do VoIP / ConclusoPelos projetos atuais das empresas que hoje trabalham com VoIP, segundo analistas de mercado e alguns pontos de opinio, uma das prximas etapas na evoluo do VoIP a extino por completo do modelo atual de ligaes de longa distncia (DDD/DDI) pela rede PSTN e, mais adiante, talvez a erradicao dos sistemas convencionais de telefonia.Parte desta evoluo estar medida que os telefones IP chegarem aos lares e os acessos em banda larga se popularizarem. Neste sentido, vrios segmentos trabalham no intuito de criarem redes convergentes, seja utilizando os meios de transmisso telefnica atual, j compartilhado por servios ADSL, seja compartilhando meios de transmisso de servios de televiso a cabo, entre outros.O futuro da tecnologia deVoice over Internet Protocol(VoIP) so ascomunicaes unificadas(UCoIP) (Unified Communication over IP).

O futuro do VoIP WirelessOs telefones WiFi tm muito potencial, mas ainda no possvel que todos usem. Algum que tenha um telefone celular e precisa de uma linha telefnica para sua conexo ADSL no precisa de outro aparelho necessariamente. Qualquer um que viva em uma rea com pouca disponibilidade de WiFi pode no encontrar muitos lugares para usar esse aparelho de telefone. Pessoas que no tm uma rede de amigos que usam o mesmo servio VoIP podem achar mais barato usar uma linha fixa ou um celular.Conforme mais cidades desenvolvem redes WiFi, esses telefones se tornaro mais prticos e teis. Atualmente, eles parecem uma novidade ou um brinquedo que pode ser o substituto da linha fixa, do celular ou de ambos. E isso poderia acontecer bem rpido. Os telefones WiFi j so teis em uma pequena escala dentro de alguns negcios e escolas. Muitas empresas possuem redes WiFi e servio de telefonia VoIP, tornando os telefones WiFi possveis substitutos para os telefones de escritrio e alunos que vivem em campus com grandes redes WiFi tambm podem usar esses telefones para fazer chamadas a custo baixssimo ou sem custo nenhum.Apesar de todas essas possibilidades, a tecnologia ainda nova e as redes WiFi no existem em nmero grande o suficiente para tornar esses telefones prticos para todo mundo. Alm disso, os usurios j relataram algumas falhas que tornam seu uso bem complicado. Por exemplo, alguns aparelhos reiniciam a cada vez que o usurio entra em uma nova rede sem fio ou a cada vez que um administrador efetua uma mudana em uma rede existente. Algumas redes WiFi instaladas em lugares pblicos requerem um programa de navegao na Internet para estabelecer a conexo, o que deixa os telefones, que no tm um navegador embutido, inteis nesses locais.Mesmo que o VoIP no use muitalargura de banda, outros usurios de redes WiFi pblicas e privadas usam. Compartilhar essa rede com excesso de trfego adicional pode fazer com que a qualidade de voz no seja boa ou com que o sinal seja perdido. Mas, felizmente, possvel melhorar a qualidade de novas redes WiFi. Com o hardware e programas certos, uma rede pode separar e priorizar o trfego de voz, tratando-o como um sinal separado e fornecendo uma melhor qualidade durante as conversas.Mesmo que ainda sejam mais parecidos com brinquedos do que com ferramentas, os telefones WiFi provavelmente iro ficar mais populares com a expanso das redes WiFi. Para mais informaes sobre WiFi, telefones, telefones celulares e tecnologias relacionadas, confira os links na prxima pgina. forward ten years to 2008 and VoIP has revolutionised the way that residential and business communications are delivered. According to Infonetics, around 30% of all international telephone traffic is now carried as VoIP. In the business world, VoIP has been the driving force behind a range of new options for business communications. Businesses looking to replace their existing telephone system will almost certainly examine a range of VoIP-capable PABXs. But for businesses of all sizes, there is now another option hosted IP communications from a service provider.At Nortel, we call this IP Powered Business, and it enables a consistent, fully-featured voice service to be delivered to end-users regardless of where they are; at a corporate headquarters or branch office, working at a customer site or at home. Because the service is delivered from high-availability, network-based softswitches, businesses have huge flexibility to add new users and new locations, to move users between locations and rapidly implement business continuity plans, which may require an entire workforce to relocate to temporary premises in the space of a few hours. With the global recession beginning to bite, business users are also attracted by the commercial advantages of using a hosted IP communications service. They no longer need to buy, manage, maintain and upgrade their own PABX. Instead, a service provider can offer a range of service packages for a per-user, per month fee. Those packages will certainly include all the traditional business telephony features, such as call diversion and voice mail, but are also growing to include multimedia features such as presence, instant-messaging, click-to-call, video calling, video conferencing and collaboration. End-users can choose to access the service via traditional telephone or via a PC client or both. And with Fixed Mobile Convergence, end-users can move seamlessly between fixed and mobile phones, and between cellular and WiFi networks while maintaining the ability to access their complete range of services and content.All this is available today but coming in the near future will be a new level of integration between web-based applications and VoIP services. One example of this could be a lone-worker application, which displays the location and safety status of employees working alone, and which allows a supervisor to contact each employee on their mobile phone simply by clicking on that employees icon on a map screen.Innovations in VoIP have not been limited to the business market. Home users have also participated in a phenomenal explosion of VoIP usage. As well as dedicated VoIP service providers such as Skype, we have also seen VoIP being embedded into Instant Messaging applications from Yahoo, Google and Microsoft as well as games consoles, enabling multi-player gamers to chat while playing over the broadband network. Weve also seen the emergence of triple and quad-play service providers, such as Neuf-Cegetel in France, who have successfully won business from millions of homes by packaging broadband access, VoIP, TV and mobile services. At Nortel, weve termed this the IP Powered Home and its about to get even more exciting.Coming soon will be new features, such as the ability to add telephony functions to IPTV. When you receive an incoming call at home, the TV will automatically pause the live broadcast you are watching, show details of the caller and allow you to accept the call or send it to voicemail simply by pressing a button on the remote control.VoIP has come a long way, from its earliest incarnation as a technical curiosity for PC enthusiasts to the underlying technology for almost all new voice telephony networks today. As we begin to explore the opportunities for further integration between fixed, mobile and web-based services, we can expect to see a great deal more VoIP-oriented innovation in the months and years ahead.The author, David Perry, is senior manager of Nortels Carrier VoIP & Applications Solutions

The Wireless VoIP OpportunityWireless VoIP theoretically has many advantages, including reduced cost for calls and higher-bandwidth data transfers versus a traditional cellular connection. WiFi networks cost a fraction of what traditional cell tower technology costs to deploy, and can be rolled out quickly without the detailed site reviews required to install radio towers. More importantly, wireless VoIP can actually dramatically improve call quality especially in residential areas or office towers where traditional mobile network coverage is spotty. What does this mean for the average user? As the workforce moves to a flexible, non-static environment, wireless VoIP will allow employees to roam from mobile networks to WiFi-based home and office networks using a single device to manage communications that currently traverses mobile, home, and office handsets. Within the United States, nearly five million homes already have a WiFi network installed imagine if you could use the same handset both in your home for cheap IP-based calls, and then switch to cellular when you leave the building? Clearly, this technology has a lot to offer, from the enterprise to the average phone user.Wireless VoIP offers potential savings by allowing companies to change the way they manage their phone systems. For example, instead of having voicemail, caller ID and e-mail separately, wireless VoIP will allow customers to retrieve all of their messages in one place, alleviating the pain of having different operators for different services and ultimately dealing with several bills at a time. Employees can also download software applications, enabling them to turn their phones into mini-computers and track inventory, or log onto the companys intranet.From a consumer perspective, the increased bandwidth from using a dual handset will potentially allow us to download video and movies, watch TV shows via on-demand technology and even videoconference with friends and family all at speeds faster than cellular networks.

A Move Toward VoIP?Recently a study was done byHeavy Readingthat showed that fewer businesses then you would think have made the conversion to VoIP. But, according to the Heavy Reading study, that may be changing. The number of businesses using VoIP is on the rise. In 2011 about 31% of businesses in North America were using VoIP but Heavy Reading predicts that by 2015 that number will rise to 66.6%.