Novos Paradigmas nas Empresas: Força de Trabalho Distribuída e o Teletrabalho

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Novos Paradigmas nas Empresas: Força de Trabalho Distribuída e o Teletrabalho. Francisco de Assis Gonçalves - Teleoffice Álvaro A. A. Mello - BECA Consultores. Desenvolvimento da tecnologia nas telecomunicações. Tempo de Absorção da Tecnologia. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Novos Paradigmas nas Empresas: Força de Trabalho Distribuída e o Teletrabalho

  • Novos Paradigmas nas Empresas:

    Fora de Trabalho Distribuda e o TeletrabalhoFrancisco de Assis Gonalves - Teleoffice

    lvaro A. A. Mello - BECA Consultores


  • Desenvolvimento da tecnologia nas telecomunicaes


  • Tempo de Absoro da Tecnologia Micro eletrnica dobra n de componentes num chip a cada 18 meses Redes de telecomunicaes crescem 78% ao ano

    Preos dos computadores caem 25% ao ano


  • Crescimento da Internet no Brasil

    Posio dos Pases por Nmero de Hosts (fonte: Network Wizards 2003) PasJaneiro/031Estados Unidos*120.571.5162Japo (.jp)9.260.1173Itlia (.it)3.864.3154Canad (.ca)2.993.9825Alemanha (.de)2.891.4076Reino Unido (.uk)2.583.7537Austrlia (.au)2.564.3398Holanda (.nl)2.415.2869Brasil (.br)2.237.52710Taiwan (.tw)2.170.23311Frana (.fr)2.157.62812Espanha (.es)1.694.60113Sucia (.se)1.209.26614Dinamarca (.dk)1.154.053


  • Para as empresas Novo estilo de gerenciamento e de formao de equipes. Definio do plano de carreira com nveis hierrquicos menos definidos.

    Para os empregados Adaptao a um novo ambiente de trabalho sem escritrio Automotivao para estimular o desenvolvimento de suas carreiras.Desafios


  • Empresa VirtualTrabalho realizado eletronicamente em que as caractersticas principais de um objeto existem, apesar do objeto em si no existirConcepes de espao (desterritorializao) e de tempo (desprendido do aqui e agora)Exemplos: loja virtual, escritrio virtual, realidade virtual, engenharia virtualCaractersticas em comum: A) Infra-estrutura de sistema baseada na tecnologia de informao e comunicao.B) Localizao geogrfica no importante.C) Executores das atividades esto remotosD) Conceito de trabalho no inclui agrupamento fsico de pessoas


  • Causas da tendncia ?

    Compartilhar recursos

    Compartilhamento de conhecimento

    Velocidade na obsolescncia dos equipamentos



  • O trabalho antes da era industrial Identificao do lugar de vida com o lugar de trabalho. Espacialmente, a residncia e o local de trabalho coincidiam. Os trabalhadores eram agregados aos membros de uma famlia artes.

    Produto do negcio elaborado num processo completo de produo. A tecnologia era uma mescla de trabalho fsico e mental, executivo e criativo.


  • O trabalho na era industrial Lugar de trabalho separou-se do lugar de moradia.Tarefas empregando inteligncia e com grau de importncia foram transportadas para a empresa e confiadas ao homem (trabalho produtivo);As tarefas consideradas inferiores so exercidas em casa e confiadas mulher (trabalho reprodutivo). Extino dos sentimentos e da emoo entre os componentes que executavam o trabalho.Mstica para o trabalho e lazer condenvel. Viso asctica de uma vocao para o trabalho fornecendo a justificao tica da moderna diviso do trabalho e para a lucratividade. Fim do conhecimento por inteiro, pelos trabalhadores, do processo produtivo. Cadeia de montagem acaba por se transformar num smbolo do escritrio, da empresa, da sociedade inteira.


  • O trabalho ps industrialProgresso cientifico tecnolgico trouxe a proeminncia de bens imateriais (informaes, idias, smbolos, valores, esttica). Mquinas assumem o trabalho repetitivo e aos trabalhadores fica a funo de elaborar idias, empregando mais o crebro que os msculos. Lugar de trabalho e o horrio sincronizado no constituem mais em exigncia real da produo. Residncias e os profissionais perdem o antagonismo da era industrial. A vida nas grandes cidades: congestionamentos de trnsito, poluio, distncia trabalho / residncia do trabalhador, diminuindo seu tempo livre para o lazer e atividades pessoais. Conscincia da oportunidade oferecida pela Internet.


  • Era da Informao ou do ConhecimentoEstratgias empresariais atuais: Mtodo tradicional, que traz os trabalhadores para o trabalho. Mtodo da fora de trabalho distribuda, onde trabalho uma atividade e no um lugar.


  • Estudo de Caso: A Experincia da Nortel Networks Programa de Teletrabalho iniciado em 1994 conta hoje com 15.600 teletrabalhadores, (17% de todos os funcionrios) espalhados pelo mundo (a maioria dos usurios est nos EUA, Canad, e Europa) .


  • A experincia no Brasil

    Business Continuity Plan (BCP) utilizando o teletrabalho como ferramenta, levou em conta:

    A preveno de interrupes pode reduzir as perdas financeiras e pode assegurar a confiana tanto de seus investidores quanto do mercado.

    Uma interrupo total da rede pblica de telefonia rara e a primeira infra-estrutura a ser restabelecida.

    A estrutura tecnolgica de telecomunicaes o caminho chave para utilizar o teletrabalho, tanto em situaes normais como emergenciais.

    A Nortel networks possua uma intranet segura que permitia ser acessada de qualquer lugar.

    75% dos funcionrios da subsidiria brasileira possuam notebooks; O prmio do seguro fica mais baixo quando uma empresa possui um PCN.


  • Imprevistos acontecemEmpresas atuais podem ter seus funcionrios localizados em qualquer ponto do mundo, com condies para gerir seus negcios a qualquer hora e de qualquer lugar.


  • TerminologiaBusiness Continuity Planning (BCP) ou Plano de Continuidade de Negcios (PCN)


  • O que BusinessContinuity Planning? Planejar para assegurar a continuidade das operaes no caso de um evento que possa paralisar as atividades da empresa. Um Business Continuity Planning contm as providncias a serem tomadas, os recursos requeridos e os procedimentos a serem seguidos, para assegurar a disponibilidade dos servios essenciais, dos programas, e operaes em um evento de inesperadas interrupes.


  • Business Continuity Planning


  • Componentes do BCP ou PCN

    BCPDisaster RecoveryBusiness RecoveryPlano de ContingnciaObjetivoEquiptos. Computacionais crticosProcessos de Negcios CrticosProcesso CrticosFocoRecuperao dos DadosRecuperao dos NegciosSobrevida

    Exemplode EventoFalha no Mainframe ou ServidorInundao do LaboratorioPerda da AplicaoSoluoHot Site RecoverySecar e ReiniciarUsar o Manual de Processos


  • Construindo um BCP ou PCN


  • Lies Aprendidas


  • Tolerncia ZeroCommand Centers podem ser destruidos pelo evento.Staff disperso.Sites Remotos envolvidosAplicar o Teletrabalho.

    No WTC ficava o NYC Emergency Operations Center


  • Lies Aprendidas em 11/09Ter um plano para evacuar as pessoas chavesPossuir suporte para apoiar atividades de teletrabalhoComunicar informao de ameaa pela InternetSuporte de TI (acesso aos dados. Distribuio da informao)


  • TeletrabalhoO teletrabalho como ferramenta de um BCP: Participao na tomada de decises crticas sem levar em conta a localizao geogrfica Mobilidade O trabalho em qualquer lugar, a qualquer hora


  • Quando o telefone, recm inventado, foi inicialmente apresentado aos empresrios, eles disseram:

    " Por que ns precisamos disto ? Ns temos os mensageiros para levar as mensagens ".


  • Quando a primeira copiadora foi inventada,ao seu criador foi dito:

    Ns no temos necessidade dela, pois temos papel carbono para fazer cpias.


  • Quando os primeiros computadores pessoais foram inventados,e foi salientado que poderiam ser utilizados tanto na empresa como em casa, Ken Olsen (o fundador e presidente da Digital Equipment Corporation) disse:

    " Por que algum iria querer ter seu prprio computador?


    Introduction. Mention working with TIGR. R&D not a typical client.

    Terrorist Attacks caused $500 M data and systems damage. $15.8 B Cost of restoring All IT and Communications$8.1B long term cost to enterprises.

    FEMA: WTC disaster: NY economy $60B

    Insurance payouts: $25B, which will top Hurricane Andrew 1992 $19B

    Biggest loss was in paper.

    BCP is disaster preparedness. Might be a legal or regulatory requirement. Might be your insurance company pressuring you.

    Research animal facilities must comply with the Animal Welfare Act, ILAR guidelines to have a disaster preparedness plan, Association for the Accreditation and Assessment of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC) certification standards, institutional environmental health and safety or Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards, and other institutional documents, such as mission statements to perform research, teaching and service activities, and empowerment of institutional security and fire departments.

    Introduction. Mention working with TIGR. R&D not a typical client.

    Terrorist Attacks caused $500 M data and systems damage. $15.8 B Cost of restoring All IT and Communications$8.1B long term cost to enterprises.

    FEMA: WTC disaster: NY economy $60B

    Insurance payouts: $25B, which will top Hurricane Andrew 1992 $19B

    Biggest loss was in paper.

    BCP is disaster preparedness. Might be a legal or regulatory requirement. Might be your insurance company pressuring you.

    Research animal facilities must comply with the Animal Welfare Act, ILAR guidelines to have a disaster preparedness plan, Association for the Accreditation and Assessment of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC) certification standards, institutional environmental health and safety or Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards, and other institutional documents, such as mission statements to perform research, teaching and service activities, and empowerment of institutional security and fire departments.

    Introduction. Mention working with TIGR. R&D not a typical client.

    Terrorist Attacks caused $500 M data and systems damage. $15.8 B Cost of restoring All IT and Communications$8.1B long term cost to enterprises.

    FEMA: WTC disaster: NY economy $60B

    Insurance payouts: $25B, which will top Hurricane Andrew 1992 $19B

    Biggest loss was in paper.

    BCP is disaster preparedness. Might be a legal or regulatory requirement. Might be your insurance company pressuring you.

    Research animal facilities must comply with the Animal Welfare Act, ILAR guidelines to have a disaster preparedness plan, Association for the Accreditation and Assessment of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC) certification standards, institutional environmental health and safety or Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards, and other institutional documents, such as mission statements to perform research, teaching and service activities, and empowerment of institutional security and fire departments.

    Introduction. Mention working with TIGR. R&D not a typical client.

    Terrorist Attacks caused $500 M data and systems damage. $15.8 B Cost of restoring All IT and Communications$8.1B long term cost to enterprises.

    FEMA: WTC disaster: NY economy $60B

    Insurance payouts: $25B, which will top Hurricane Andrew 1992 $19B

    Biggest loss was in paper.

    BCP is disaster preparedness. Might be a legal or regulatory requirement. Might be your insurance company pressuring you.

    Research animal facilities must comply with the Animal Welfare Act, ILAR guidelines to have a disaster preparedness plan, Association for the Accreditation and Assessment of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC) certification standards, institutional environmental health and safety or Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards, and other institutional documents, such as mission statements to perform research, teaching and service activities, and empowerment of institutional security and fire departments.

    Introduction. Mention working with TIGR. R&D not a typical client.

    Terrorist Attacks caused $500 M data and systems damage. $15.8 B Cost of restoring All IT and Communications$8.1B long term cost to enterprises.

    FEMA: WTC disaster: NY economy $60B

    Insurance payouts: $25B, which will top Hurricane Andrew 1992 $19B

    Biggest loss was in paper.

    BCP is disaster preparedness. Might be a legal or regulatory requirement. Might be your insurance company pressuring you.

    Research animal facilities must comply with the Animal Welfare Act, ILAR guidelines to have a disaster preparedness plan, Association for the Accreditation and Assessment of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC) certification standards, institutional environmental health and safety or Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards, and other institutional documents, such as mission statements to perform research, teaching and service activities, and empowerment of institutional security and fire departments.

    Introduction. Mention working with TIGR. R&D not a typical client.

    Terrorist Attacks caused $500 M data and systems damage. $15.8 B Cost of restoring All IT and Communications$8.1B long term cost to enterprises.

    FEMA: WTC disaster: NY economy $60B

    Insurance payouts: $25B, which will top Hurricane Andrew 1992 $19B

    Biggest loss was in paper.

    BCP is disaster preparedness. Might be a legal or regulatory requirement. Might be your insurance company pressuring you.

    Research animal facilities must comply with the Animal Welfare Act, ILAR guidelines to have a disaster preparedness plan, Association for the Accreditation and Assessment of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC) certification standards, institutional environmental health and safety or Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards, and other institutional documents, such as mission statements to perform research, teaching and service activities, and empowerment of institutional security and fire departments.

    Introduction. Mention working with TIGR. R&D not a typical client.

    Terrorist Attacks caused $500 M data and systems damage. $15.8 B Cost of restoring All IT and Communications$8.1B long term cost to enterprises.

    FEMA: WTC disaster: NY economy $60B

    Insurance payouts: $25B, which will top Hurricane Andrew 1992 $19B

    Biggest loss was in paper.

    BCP is disaster preparedness. Might be a legal or regulatory requirement. Might be your insurance company pressuring you.

    Research animal facilities must comply with the Animal Welfare Act, ILAR guidelines to have a disaster preparedness plan, Association for the Accreditation and Assessment of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC) certification standards, institutional environmental health and safety or Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards, and other institutional documents, such as mission statements to perform research, teaching and service activities, and empowerment of institutional security and fire departments.

    Introduction. Mention working with TIGR. R&D not a typical client.

    Terrorist Attacks caused $500 M data and systems damage. $15.8 B Cost of restoring All IT and Communications$8.1B long term cost to enterprises.

    FEMA: WTC disaster: NY economy $60B

    Insurance payouts: $25B, which will top Hurricane Andrew 1992 $19B

    Biggest loss was in paper.

    BCP is disaster preparedness. Might be a legal or regulatory requirement. Might be your insurance company pressuring you.

    Research animal facilities must comply with the Animal Welfare Act, ILAR guidelines to have a disaster preparedness plan, Association for the Accreditation and Assessment of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC) certification standards, institutional environmental health and safety or Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards, and other institutional documents, such as mission statements to perform research, teaching and service activities, and empowerment of institutional security and fire departments.

    Introduction. Mention working with TIGR. R&D not a typical client.

    Terrorist Attacks caused $500 M data and systems damage. $15.8 B Cost of restoring All IT and Communications$8.1B long term cost to enterprises.

    FEMA: WTC disaster: NY economy $60B

    Insurance payouts: $25B, which will top Hurricane Andrew 1992 $19B

    Biggest loss was in paper.

    BCP is disaster preparedness. Might be a legal or regulatory requirement. Might be your insurance company pressuring you.

    Research animal facilities must comply with the Animal Welfare Act, ILAR guidelines to have a disaster preparedness plan, Association for the Accreditation and Assessment of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC) certification standards, institutional environmental health and safety or Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards, and other institutional documents, such as mission statements to perform research, teaching and service activities, and empowerment of institutional security and fire departments.

    Introduction. Mention working with TIGR. R&D not a typical client.

    Terrorist Attacks caused $500 M data and systems damage. $15.8 B Cost of restoring All IT and Communications$8.1B long term cost to enterprises.

    FEMA: WTC disaster: NY economy $60B

    Insurance payouts: $25B, which will top Hurricane Andrew 1992 $19B

    Biggest loss was in paper.

    BCP is disaster preparedness. Might be a legal or regulatory requirement. Might be your insurance company pressuring you.

    Research animal facilities must comply with the Animal Welfare Act, ILAR guidelines to have a disaster preparedness plan, Association for the Accreditation and Assessment of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC) certification standards, institutional environmental health and safety or Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards, and other institutional documents, such as mission statements to perform research, teaching and service activities, and empowerment of institutional security and fire departments.

    Introduction. Mention working with TIGR. R&D not a typical client.

    Terrorist Attacks caused $500 M data and systems damage. $15.8 B Cost of restoring All IT and Communications$8.1B long term cost to enterprises.

    FEMA: WTC disaster: NY economy $60B

    Insurance payouts: $25B, which will top Hurricane Andrew 1992 $19B

    Biggest loss was in paper.

    BCP is disaster preparedness. Might be a legal or regulatory requirement. Might be your insurance company pressuring you.

    Research animal facilities must comply with the Animal Welfare Act, ILAR guidelines to have a disaster preparedness plan, Association for the Accreditation and Assessment of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC) certification standards, institutional environmental health and safety or Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards, and other institutional documents, such as mission statements to perform research, teaching and service activities, and empowerment of institutional security and fire departments.

    Introduction. Mention working with TIGR. R&D not a typical client.

    Terrorist Attacks caused $500 M data and systems damage. $15.8 B Cost of restoring All IT and Communications$8.1B long term cost to enterprises.

    FEMA: WTC disaster: NY economy $60B

    Insurance payouts: $25B, which will top Hurricane Andrew 1992 $19B

    Biggest loss was in paper.

    BCP is disaster preparedness. Might be a legal or regulatory requirement. Might be your insurance company pressuring you.

    Research animal facilities must comply with the Animal Welfare Act, ILAR guidelines to have a disaster preparedness plan, Association for the Accreditation and Assessment of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC) certification standards, institutional environmental health and safety or Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards, and other institutional documents, such as mission statements to perform research, teaching and service activities, and empowerment of institutional security and fire departments.

    Stuff happens all the time. While R&D organizations face many unique risk management challenges. Like any operation, R&D firms have both property and intellectual capital at risk. While the recent terrorist acts have heightened disaster preparedness concerns, disastrous calamities can happen anywhere and any time. For instance, this past June, medical researchers in Houston suffered a devastating blow when flooding from Tropical Storm Allison destroyed thousands of records and research animals. Research data was lost due to a lack of proper disaster planning. Both paper and electronic data were lost due to a lack of basic back-up precaution. One-of-a-kind property was lost when floodwaters burst through a wall and destroyed centuries old art collections, equipment, and music scores.

    More than IT: people, premises, legal contracts, vital records, market knowledge.

    Work with senior management and other outside professionals such as corporate attorneys, succession planners, insurance companies.

    Discipline of thinking of contingencies that can happen to a business and developing a Plan to prevent, recover, repair and continue the business with the least disruption and cost.

    Introduction. Mention working with TIGR. R&D not a typical client.

    Terrorist Attacks caused $500 M data and systems damage. $15.8 B Cost of restoring All IT and Communications$8.1B long term cost to enterprises.

    FEMA: WTC disaster: NY economy $60B

    Insurance payouts: $25B, which will top Hurricane Andrew 1992 $19B

    Biggest loss was in paper.

    BCP is disaster preparedness. Might be a legal or regulatory requirement. Might be your insurance company pressuring you.

    Research animal facilities must comply with the Animal Welfare Act, ILAR guidelines to have a disaster preparedness plan, Association for the Accreditation and Assessment of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC) certification standards, institutional environmental health and safety or Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards, and other institutional documents, such as mission statements to perform research, teaching and service activities, and empowerment of institutional security and fire departments.

    Introduction. Mention working with TIGR. R&D not a typical client.

    Terrorist Attacks caused $500 M data and systems damage. $15.8 B Cost of restoring All IT and Communications$8.1B long term cost to enterprises.

    FEMA: WTC disaster: NY economy $60B

    Insurance payouts: $25B, which will top Hurricane Andrew 1992 $19B

    Biggest loss was in paper.

    BCP is disaster preparedness. Might be a legal or regulatory requirement. Might be your insurance company pressuring you.

    Research animal facilities must comply with the Animal Welfare Act, ILAR guidelines to have a disaster preparedness plan, Association for the Accreditation and Assessment of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC) certification standards, institutional environmental health and safety or Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards, and other institutional documents, such as mission statements to perform research, teaching and service activities, and empowerment of institutional security and fire departments.

    Introduction. Mention working with TIGR. R&D not a typical client.

    Terrorist Attacks caused $500 M data and systems damage. $15.8 B Cost of restoring All IT and Communications$8.1B long term cost to enterprises.

    FEMA: WTC disaster: NY economy $60B

    Insurance payouts: $25B, which will top Hurricane Andrew 1992 $19B

    Biggest loss was in paper.

    BCP is disaster preparedness. Might be a legal or regulatory requirement. Might be your insurance company pressuring you.

    Research animal facilities must comply with the Animal Welfare Act, ILAR guidelines to have a disaster preparedness plan, Association for the Accreditation and Assessment of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC) certification standards, institutional environmental health and safety or Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards, and other institutional documents, such as mission statements to perform research, teaching and service activities, and empowerment of institutional security and fire departments.