Mercury . The Sun Neptune Uranus Saturn Mars Pluto The Moon MAPA ASTRAL INICIEI A PARTIR DO MEU SIGNO SOLAR, QUE SE ENCONTRA NA SÉTIMA CASA DO ZODÍACO, SEGUINDO EM SENTIDO HORÁRIO, OU SEJA, DEPOIS CASA 6, 5... (Além da leitura dos signos nas casas coloco a leitura desses símbolos que se encontram dentro de algumas casas e com algumas oposições) CASA 7 Sun in Capricorn You are much more serious than others your age. On the one hand, you like being taken seriously and enjoy having responsibility, but on the other hand you see that other young people aren't saddled with such responsibilities, and you tend to envy them. You may develop a rather odd and unusual sense of humor. Through jokes and humor, you show that you recognize the seriousness of life, but you also escape from its overwhelming effects. When you grow up, you want to be important and achieve something real that everyone can point to as yours. You are ambitious in everything you do and will work very hard to excel over others.

Transcript of MAPA ASTRAL LUMA.doc

Mercury .

The Sun






The Moon


INICIEI A PARTIR DO MEU SIGNO SOLAR, QUE SE ENCONTRA NA STIMA CASA DO ZODACO, SEGUINDO EM SENTIDO HORRIO, OU SEJA, DEPOIS CASA 6, 5... (Alm da leitura dos signos nas casas coloco a leitura desses smbolos que se encontram dentro de algumas casas e com algumas oposies)


Sun in Capricorn

You are much more serious than others your age. On the one hand, you like being taken seriously and enjoy having responsibility, but on the other hand you see that other young people aren't saddled with such responsibilities, and you tend to envy them.

You may develop a rather odd and unusual sense of humor. Through jokes and humor, you show that you recognize the seriousness of life, but you also escape from its overwhelming effects.

When you grow up, you want to be important and achieve something real that everyone can point to as yours. You are ambitious in everything you do and will work very hard to excel over others.

You are very practical and always ask what good something is.

Mercury .

Mercury in the Seventh House 7th hs

You are attracted to people who seem intelligent, because communicating with others is very important to you, and you enjoy being among friends with whom you can have good talks. You do your best mental work with someone else, because you know how to cooperate in such a way that the two of you get excellent results.

You understand how to get along with others better than most people of your age, and you use this ability to help the people around you get along. You may become known as a peacemaker, because you are able to understand others' points of view.

Mercury in this house may mean that you enjoy a good argument, simply as an exercise of wits. You find that arguing with someone sharpens your understanding.

Mercury in Capricorn

You like to think and plan very carefully, for you have a cautious mind, and you don't want to jump to conclusions. Your mind does not work very quickly, but your carefulness makes up for that.

You are good at organizing yourself and others, so you can direct activities if necessary. These talents may be useful in business when you grow up. You are a practical thinker, and you want to learn skills that will be useful in your life.

Inwardly, you are a serious person, and your thoughts are serious. As a result, you may seem older than most people your age, because adults feel they can rely on you. However, even though you are basically serious, you can be quite funny.

Sun Conjunct Mercury

You have a good mind, and you enjoy talking with people. A good conversation means more to you than many other things, but you may have one problem. This aspect indicates that you like to take the active role in any discussion; that is, you are a better talker than a listener. To a certain extent you can't help this, but if you are conscious of it, you can prevent it from becoming a difficult problem.

Your mind may or may not be fast, but it is working constantly. You have a great need to express your opinions, and you can't stand it when people don't take your ideas seriously.

Sometimes this aspect means that you have a lot of ability to work with your hands. Certainly such activities as building things or working with gadgets are good for you as a way to release nervous energy that would otherwise build up.

Mercury Opposition Ascendant

This aspect means that you like to be involved with others and communicate often with your friends, because you need lots of mental excitement. You like to debate, but you may not take the ideas very seriously.

You like to be with interesting and stimulating people, but you do not like the responsibility of relationships. You stay away from people who are overly emotional, because big displays of feeling make you uneasy.

If you can keep yourself from challenging everyone's ideas, you will work very well with others in planning and carrying out any kind of mental work.

Mercury Square Midheaven

Even while you are quite young, you will spend quite a bit of time thinking about your future, but don't expect to make up your mind for a long time. Your mind is very active, and each new interest you take up will give you a new idea about your future career.

You are quite restless and need to be mentally active all the time. You need to keep your mind busy, talk with others and feel that life is moving quickly. You are able to think very clearly, but only if you come out of yourself.

Be careful not to say things that work against you. It is possible to make your point without offending others.

Mercury Square Jupiter

This aspect usually means that you have a sharp mind and great ability to understand ideas that aren't obvious to others, but you will need a lot of discipline to make the most of it. Otherwise, your thinking is likely to be rash and sloppy, and you will jump to conclusions without knowing all the facts. You need to train yourself to work carefully with some kind of system. When you start a project, make a checklist of the steps that you might overlook and then make sure that you take care of each one.

On the plus side, you are able to put together ideas and understandings that to others seem unrelated. You are generous and optimistic, which will make people like you.

Mercury Sextile Pluto

You get totally involved in each new interest. Because you do not take any subject lightly, you learn a great deal about everything you study.

Fortunately this aspect helps you look at matters logically as well as feel them out intuitively. Thus you reach a higher level of understanding than most people.

This aspect favors careers in investigation, including criminal investigation and law enforcement; jobs that require ability in mechanics and repairing; and fields that require an understanding of human behavior. This aspect will help your career in another way, because you can convince people of your point of view without making them feel that you are pushing them around.

The Sun

Sun in the Seventh House 7th hs

You are at your best with another person, either working or just having a good time. You are able to adjust your own needs to someone else's so that together you make a pair that works better than either of you would separately.

You are very social, and you have learned early in life to get along with others. For this reason, you are able to help others patch up an argument, because you see both sides of the controversy.

Some people express another side of the seventh-house Sun. You may really feel like arguing and fighting with others, instead of trying to get along. Don't make a habit of it, because everyone gets tired of fighting eventually.

You should learn to be more independent. Also avoid making compromises that require you to give up something essential just to keep a friend.

Sun Conjunct Neptune

You are very sensitive and inclined to withdraw from fights with others. When you are around people who have negative feelings, you can feel them immediately, and they make you feel bad. But this trait can help you become a kind and compassionate person, because you so easily feel what others feel.

You like to pretend and create worlds in your mind in which you can do anything you want. But it is very important to learn the great difference between the world that you create in your mind and the one outside that you share with others. If you train your creative mind properly, your fondness for fantasy can help you produce significant poetry, art or music.

Sun Opposition Ascendant

You have a great need to interact closely with other people. Many persons with this aspect like to pick fights and get into arguments, as if they can find themselves only through conflicts with others. You could choose to compete less fiercely and still learn to know yourself by what you can withstand in another.

It is however more likely that you will prefer to work closely with another person in a partnership. Since you express yourself more clearly when you are with someone else, you are unusually sociable.

Sun Square Midheaven

You have a great deal of self-assertive energy, and you will want to get ahead in life, to be well known and highly regarded by others. But in order to get where you want to go, you must learn to make some compromises. While you are young you may have a lot of conflicts with authority figures, but eventually you will learn how important they can be to you.

Another possibility is that you will attract people who are very dominant, who will not let you do what you wish. But you can gain something by testing yourself against such people. You can gain a greater understanding of your strengths and limitations which will make you more effective. In any case the main thing is to understand yourself and the kind of effect you have on other people.

Sun Square Jupiter

Throughout your life the world will test you to see if you can overcome your tendency to overdo everything you get involved in. Learn to act more moderately and not take on more than you can handle. If you learn to understand your own limitations, you will discover that you have the ability to act at the right time. This is not because you are lucky, but because you know what you are doing and when to do it. An excellent sense of timing is one of the rewards of learning to live with reality. If you know yourself well, you will be successful.

You like everything around you to be big and grand, which is fine if you know your limitations and what you can handle. If you do not, you will spend too much money and waste what you have. Avoid living more richly than you can afford.

Sun Sextile Pluto

You are quite strong willed, perhaps stubborn, but you do not try to push anyone around. You simply demand to be allowed to do things your way. In a situation in which you must work hard and apply yourself, you are among the best, because you feel that anything you do should be done well.

You are likely to influence those around you, not because you try to, but simply because your personality has a drive that impresses others.

You are very curious, wanting to know the answer to every question that occurs to you. To get the answers, you are willing to work and to study very hard.

As long as you have some basic security in the world, you will be able to hold your head high, even at times that are quite rough for the people around you.

Neptune in the Seventh House 7th hs

You tend to see what you want to see in others, and when you talk with someone, you hear what you want to hear. You are likely to have conflicts with others over imaginary slights and hurts.

At the same time you idealize some people so much that you cannot bear it when they show normal human faults or flaws. This can be especially troublesome when you decide to get married, for you may demand that your partner be pure, noble and ideal. Or you may go to the other extreme and choose friends whom you feel superior to in some way.

You cannot expect someone else to save you from the "cruel world," and you cannot expect to save others from it until you find out who you really are and accept others as ordinary people like yourself.



Neptune in the Sixth House 6th hs

This placement makes your body very sensitive to outside influences, such as temperature, drugs, different kinds of foods and such. It can be a sign of allergy problems, and certainly you need to be very careful about what you eat, drink or take as medicine.

On the other hand, this placement means that you need to help and be of service to others. At best, this comes from genuine love and sympathy for others. Give yourself credit for your strengths and your individuality. Do not always give in to other people. A strong person who believes in himself can do much more for others than someone who acts like a doormat.

Neptune in Capricorn

This generation should represent quite a reaction against the previous one. These children will probably idealize work, thrift, practical considerations and duty rather than the more abstract, spiritual ideals of the generation before them. However, their idealization of such practical virtues does not mean that they will be very effective in dealing with them. In fact these principles may deteriorate considerably, simply because this generation does not deal with them in their daily lives but only in their minds and dreams.

Moon Opposition Neptune

You are so sensitive and react so strongly to any upset that you find it difficult to keep truth and untruth sorted out. Throughout your life you will have to work on building up a clear sense of what is real and what is not. Then when you talk with someone, you both will know that you understand each other. Whenever you talk with someone, make sure they really understand what you are saying.

One problem to watch out for is that because of your confusion about what others are really thinking, you may often be disappointed or hurt. Thinking of yourself as a noble and neglected soul may make you feel better, but it will not help. The only way to clear it up is to stop sulking and find out why the problem has come up between you and the other person.

Neptune Opposition Ascendant

This aspect can create problems in relationships in that you feel deceived or disappointed by your closest friends. When you are older, you may feel like giving up everything you have to help out someone you love, but be very careful to do this only for someone who is worth it, someone who is trying to improve his or her own life.

There is another way that you may experience this aspect. Instead of looking for people whom you can help, you may seek out teachers, people who are wiser, more mature and evolved than you. Very often you idealize an older person and hang on to his or her every word and gesture.

You may be attracted to very creative and sensitive people who see aspects of the world that you do not see. These people can be very rewarding but they may also be confusing at times.

Neptune Sextile Pluto

This aspect lasted extremely long. It started in the late 1940s and continues beyond the end of the twentieth century. Therefore, a lot of children were born under this influence, and it is hard to separate its effects from other elements and indications. During this time a lot of beliefs, religious or otherwise, underwent extraordinary changes. Attitudes about organized religion, morality and sexuality were revised completely. The children of this time will probably know the cycles of life better than others. They will realize that it is a natural part of life that everything must die and decay, to be reborn again at another level. This is especially true for inner and spiritual developments but also for their concern about social and human relations.


Uranus in the Sixth House 6th hs

You may be quite restless and find it hard to settle down to any kind of stable working pattern. You like to attack tasks with new and innovative methods rather than by established procedures. You don't mind work, but you hate to be restricted in the way you go about it.

So many things attract your attention that it is difficult to keep your mind on all of them at once, and you may exhaust yourself in the effort. You must learn some self- discipline in order to suppress the bad side of this energy and bring out the good side. However, as long as you are free to pursue your activities with your own methods, you should not have much trouble.

Uranus in Sagittarius

These children are strongly attracted to new philosophies and will question all accepted traditions and ideals. They are interested in new and innovative ideas rather than the tried and true, feeling that the past has outlived its usefulness. They have a strong drive to be free and may be quite eccentric. If the current interest in new religious sects and cults continues, these people are likely to be very much involved in them and will change them tremendously.

Saturn Conjunct Uranus

This aspect signifies a heavy internal tension that can have both creative and difficult results. At its most difficult, it may make you feel restless and irritable, not knowing whether to go forward or backward. This in turn creates tension, and you try to get away from whatever is causing the conflict.

If you can keep this tension within reasonable limits, it can make you very alert and attentive to any task that you are involved in. And because you can hold in your tenseness, you can persist in the face of difficulty longer than most people and thereby get a lot done.

Also you are able to maintain a balance between caution and change in your life. You can go through very major changes in a careful and orderly manner without blowing everything apart.

Moon Opposition Uranus

This aspect may mean that your emotions are very changeable. But it can also mean that you don't really trust the people you rely on for support and care.

You are most attracted to people who are very exciting and stimulating, who are following their own way of life completely. But you are reluctant to get involved with anyone who tries to limit your freedom or who makes too many demands. To avoid relationships that are too close and emotional, you may attract unstable and unreliable people.

If you feel hurt because someone doesn't want to be close to you all the time, ask yourself if that's what you really want. The chances are you do not. Instead, look for someone who can be free with you and with whom you can be free, without making demands on each other.

Jupiter Trine Uranus

You love freedom and you want to see everyone get a fair break. If you believe that someone is not getting a fair deal, you will work very hard to help them and fight for their rights. You are also a questioner, always wanting to know why a situation is as it is, especially concerning rules and laws. All your life you will be eager to have new and fascinating experiences, see new places and encounter new ideas.

You are tolerant and are willing to let everyone believe what they wish. You like to be around people who are different from you, and in fact you are attracted by their differences. All your life you will be attracted to exciting people and situations because they make you feel more alive and interesting.

Uranus Trine Midheaven

You do not like to be tied to possessions that you must take care of. This means that eventually you will prefer to have as few possessions as possible so that you can go wherever you want without any worries. Very early in life you will decide that you have to follow a path that is uniquely your own and does not follow anyone else's ideas about what is good for you. You want to break new ground, but in order to get there you won't have to battle others.

You may change your mind several times about what you want to do with your life, not so much because your mind is unstable but because it is so difficult to find exactly what you need.

You like a certain amount of excitement in your life, to keep from getting bored. You are future oriented, always looking ahead to the next thing to come along.


Saturn in the Sixth House 6th hs

For a person of your age, you have a very serious attitude toward work and responsibility. Also you may have more responsibilities than other young people, which may cause you to lose out on some of the fun of being young. But you should learn to accept your lot, because the discipline you learn now will help you out later in life and may bring you considerable success.

If you do nothing but complain and resent your situation, you will develop such a negative attitude that you will have difficulty with jobs all your life.

But if you can accept this placement of Saturn as a positive lesson to be learned, you will eventually get great satisfaction from your work, which you will do very carefully. You will gain recognition for the thoroughness and quality of your work. You will have to work hard to get what you want, but you will get it, along with the satisfaction of knowing that your success is the result of your efforts rather than luck.

Saturn in Sagittarius

This placement indicates that you approach new experiences and new knowledge with care and interest. Throughout your life you will hesitate to accept a new idea until you have become very thoroughly acquainted with it and really feel that you understand it.

In many areas of life you are quite conservative, believing in principles that have been proven over a long time.

You have strong ideals, to be sure, but you won't let yourself be carried away by them. You always look for ways to put your beliefs and ideals into practice. When you formulate a belief or an ideal, you find it very easy to put it into practice.

Saturn Conjunct Uranus

This aspect signifies a heavy internal tension that can have both creative and difficult results. At its most difficult, it may make you feel restless and irritable, not knowing whether to go forward or backward. This in turn creates tension, and you try to get away from whatever is causing the conflict.

If you can keep this tension within reasonable limits, it can make you very alert and attentive to any task that you are involved in. And because you can hold in your tenseness, you can persist in the face of difficulty longer than most people and thereby get a lot done.

Also you are able to maintain a balance between caution and change in your life. You can go through very major changes in a careful and orderly manner without blowing everything apart.

Moon Opposition Saturn

You are likely to feel very unloved and remote from other people unless your family and friends make a special effort to be very warm and caring. You should make a special effort to get out of yourself and relate to others, for otherwise you will feel lonely and depressed much of the time. Don't be afraid that people will reject you; some of them may, but that happens to everyone.

Your mother is very important to you, and your relationship with her will have a great effect on your emotional development.

Jupiter Trine Saturn

Patience, perseverance and the desire to accomplish something significant in the world are all characteristics of this aspect. Also you are able to maintain an excellent balance of idealism, innovativeness and practicality. Even while you are young you will be able to see a situation as a whole as well as in detail. This gives you a high degree of organizing skill.

With your organizational ability and your cautious but not narrow conservatism, you would be very good in an executive or decision-making position.

Saturn Trine Midheaven

You try to take good care of your possessions, and you like to have them arranged neatly about you. Also you try to use your possessions in the best way possible.

Even at an early age you will feel that very little that is worth having comes for nothing in this world, but you are willing to work.

Although you can work with others if necessary, you probably prefer activities that you can pursue by yourself, because then you do not have to worry about whether someone else's standards are as high as your own. It is more important to you to be right than to be popular. All your life you will get along well with persons in authority. Eventually you will probably be in a position of authority yourself.

Saturn in Sagittarius

This placement indicates that you approach new experiences and new knowledge with care and interest. Throughout your life you will hesitate to accept a new idea until you have become very thoroughly acquainted with it and really feel that you understand it.

In many areas of life you are quite conservative, believing in principles that have been proven over a long time.

You have strong ideals, to be sure, but you won't let yourself be carried away by them. You always look for ways to put your beliefs and ideals into practice. When you formulate a belief or an ideal, you find it very easy to put it into practice.


Mars in Scorpio

You have a strong will, and you let everyone know what you want. But you do not seem especially pushy, just persistent. If someone makes you angry, instead of blowing up right off, you go into a slow burn. People know you are upset, however, because you are likely to make sarcastic and biting remarks.

But also the intensity of your anger, even though it is held in, may be rather frightening to others whose emotions are not as strong as yours.

If necessary, you are a fighter, although you don't look for fights. But when you get into it, you fight with body and soul.

You relate to the world around you very emotionally, and there is very little to which you do not react.


Mars in the Fifth House 5th hs

You have a great need to express yourself and to be yourself openly. You say whatever is on your mind and let everyone know your mood. For this reason, you have a reputation for honesty, if not tact.

You put a great deal of energy into all your activities, but especially into whatever you do for fun. It is difficult for you to remain cooped up for long, because you get restless unless you are really enjoying your work. Basically you prefer play to work. As an adult, however, you may succeed by choosing a career that is really 'fun' for you.


Pluto in Scorpio

This placement lasted from 1983 to 1995. Many astrologers believe that Scorpio is the sign that is ruled by Pluto. The children of this era should be much more concerned with the forces underlying the surface of reality. They will put their intelligence to investigating all kinds of phenomena, and it is just possible that they will bring the arts and sciences out of their present stagnation to a new period of dynamic activity. This period will be a time of change that is intense even by twentieth-century standards.

Venus Square Pluto

You have very strong feelings about people, and your friendships are emotionally intense. It is very important that you find out as much as possible about yourself, your needs, what you seek from other people and why you form relationships. And it is very important to have a good opinion of yourself.

When something goes wrong between you and a loved one, it is because of changes that are occurring within you or mental impulses that you do not yet understand. You tend to act somewhat compulsively and to follow the voice of your unconscious mind rather than your reason. You may even choose friends who act destructively toward you. If this happens, it is only because you have a destructive attitude toward yourself. You always have the choice of walking away from a situation; you aren't forced to be with anyone.

Pluto Trine Ascendant

You are very intense emotionally, and you take life seriously. Your relationships with others are also intense, and you probably prefer to have a few close friends rather than a lot of casual acquaintances.

Eventually you will arrive at a philosophy of life that you will hold quite intensely, and when you decide on your position, it will be very difficult for anyone to make you change your mind. The most intense changes in your life will happen through relationships.

It is very difficult for you to leave matters alone, but you must learn when to leave others' lives as they are. People resent uninvited interference, and their resentment could get in your way, unless you learn this lesson.

Sun Sextile Pluto

You are quite strong willed, perhaps stubborn, but you do not try to push anyone around. You simply demand to be allowed to do things your way. In a situation in which you must work hard and apply yourself, you are among the best, because you feel that anything you do should be done well.

You are likely to influence those around you, not because you try to, but simply because your personality has a drive that impresses others.

You are very curious, wanting to know the answer to every question that occurs to you. To get the answers, you are willing to work and to study very hard.

As long as you have some basic security in the world, you will be able to hold your head high, even at times that are quite rough for the people around you.

Mercury Sextile Pluto

You get totally involved in each new interest. Because you do not take any subject lightly, you learn a great deal about everything you study.

Fortunately this aspect helps you look at matters logically as well as feel them out intuitively. Thus you reach a higher level of understanding than most people.

This aspect favors careers in investigation, including criminal investigation and law enforcement; jobs that require ability in mechanics and repairing; and fields that require an understanding of human behavior. This aspect will help your career in another way, because you can convince people of your point of view without making them feel that you are pushing them around.

Neptune Sextile Pluto

This aspect lasted extremely long. It started in the late 1940s and continues beyond the end of the twentieth century. Therefore, a lot of children were born under this influence, and it is hard to separate its effects from other elements and indications. During this time a lot of beliefs, religious or otherwise, underwent extraordinary changes. Attitudes about organized religion, morality and sexuality were revised completely. The children of this time will probably know the cycles of life better than others. They will realize that it is a natural part of life that everything must die and decay, to be reborn again at another level. This is especially true for inner and spiritual developments but also for their concern about social and human relations.


Pluto in the Fourth House 4th hs

You feel very strong urges from deep within yourself, particularly whenever something reminds you of your earliest childhood. You have already acquired many emotional habits that totally control your behavior when you are upset, making it impossible to do what you know is right.

One of your parents has had an enormous impact upon you, either for good or for bad. You may be very attached to one parent and too dependent upon him or her. Or you may have great difficulty getting along with one of your parents who makes you feel bad about yourself and undermines your self-confidence. You must learn not to take your guilty feelings so seriously and to recognize that you are really quite all right.



Cancer Rising

You are a very sensitive person and very attached to familiar surroundings. When you encounter new people, you are friendly enough, but you won't talk about your inner feelings until you get to know them quite well. However, once you decide to trust someone, you trust him or her completely.

Where you live while you are young will always be important to you.

If you feel secure in yourself and self-confident, you can be a generous person, always willing to give of yourself.

In those areas in which you lack self-confidence, you have a serious problem. Your sensitivity makes it difficult for you to take criticism or harsh words from anyone, especially those whom you love. When you feel hurt, you withdraw into yourself and avoid others.


Moon in Gemini

Your emotions change very rapidly, and you are quite restless. You get bored rather quickly, and your attention tends to wander if you have to keep it fixed on one object too long. But you are very curious and eager to try out every new experience.

You enjoy traveling as a chance to have new experiences. And you feel the same way about new ideas, wanting to learn everything there is to learn.

One very good feature of this Moon position is that you will probably learn to let your intellect control your emotions. In situations where others act wildly and emotionally, you can keep your cool and see what is really happening.

The Moon

Moon in the Twelfth House 12th hs

You are rather unwilling to talk about your feelings with others, because you feel that they won't understand you or won't think well of you. Often you feel that no one should see the real you, but that is not true.

You have a great need for emotional security, but you often feel you won't get it. But even though it is difficult for you to trust people on an emotional level, you do like to help others. You may pretend that you are not really generous and helpful, but in fact you are.

Often this position means that you like to fantasize and daydream.

Moon Opposition Neptune

You are so sensitive and react so strongly to any upset that you find it difficult to keep truth and untruth sorted out. Throughout your life you will have to work on building up a clear sense of what is real and what is not. Then when you talk with someone, you both will know that you understand each other. Whenever you talk with someone, make sure they really understand what you are saying.

One problem to watch out for is that because of your confusion about what others are really thinking, you may often be disappointed or hurt. Thinking of yourself as a noble and neglected soul may make you feel better, but it will not help. The only way to clear it up is to stop sulking and find out why the problem has come up between you and the other person.

Moon Opposition Uranus

This aspect may mean that your emotions are very changeable. But it can also mean that you don't really trust the people you rely on for support and care.

You are most attracted to people who are very exciting and stimulating, who are following their own way of life completely. But you are reluctant to get involved with anyone who tries to limit your freedom or who makes too many demands. To avoid relationships that are too close and emotional, you may attract unstable and unreliable people.

If you feel hurt because someone doesn't want to be close to you all the time, ask yourself if that's what you really want. The chances are you do not. Instead, look for someone who can be free with you and with whom you can be free, without making demands on each other

Moon Opposition Saturn

You are likely to feel very unloved and remote from other people unless your family and friends make a special effort to be very warm and caring. You should make a special effort to get out of yourself and relate to others, for otherwise you will feel lonely and depressed much of the time. Don't be afraid that people will reject you; some of them may, but that happens to everyone.

Your mother is very important to you, and your relationship with her will have a great effect on your emotional development.


Jupiter in Aries

You will grow by finding out who you are, being yourself and letting all of your latent talents and possibilities come into being.

By doing everything in your own way, you are able to show others the way. In the process you will develop enormous self-confidence, justifiable pride and the ability to stand alone against all odds when necessary.

On the other hand, if you deny your needs for individual fulfillment, because of inhibitions or pressure from other people, you will begin to feel that it is you against the world. You would be forced to assert yourself and fulfill your needs at the expense of fulfilling your obligations to others.


Jupiter in the Ninth House 9th hs

You are fascinated by anything new or foreign, anything that exposes you to some new aspect of the world. Your curiosity is very deep, and you want to know and understand as much as possible of the world.

You have a great need to get out into the world and travel, which will probably happen when you are older.

You probably have an unusual interest in ideas that help you understand and deal with the world.

You are very tolerant of the ways in which others differ from you; in fact you are even attracted to people because of their differences. You are not especially critical, and even while young you accept others for what they are. If you cannot accept them at all, you simply leave them alone. You are of a liberal temperament, wanting to see that everyone gets their fair and honest due.

Jupiter in the Tenth House 10th hs

This can indicate considerable professional success later in life. The reason for your future success is that one or both of your parents has instilled in you a basic confidence in yourself and in your ability to deal with the outer world.

Very early in life you will seek experiences through which you can learn all you need to know about getting along in the world. You want to achieve something that is significant both to you and to others.

But this placement does create one problem. If you achieve these goals in your life, you will have to keep your sense of humility about your accomplishments. If you become arrogant and self-righteous, all the good you could do will be undone.

At its best, this placement signifies that your life will revolve around caring for and protecting others and giving them greater knowledge and wisdom.

Jupiter Conjunct Midheaven

You are an ambitious person who wants to get ahead, not just for yourself, but for the benefit of the larger world to which you belong. Your wide-ranging interests may include such topics as religion, geography, and even politics and government.

You will always be concerned with doing what is right for its own sake, not for what you can get from it.

You will always want your life to stand for the highest and best values -honor, integrity, respect and truth. Even when you cannot uphold these principles as you would like, you will respect them.

Sun Square Jupiter

Throughout your life the world will test you to see if you can overcome your tendency to overdo everything you get involved in. Learn to act more moderately and not take on more than you can handle. If you learn to understand your own limitations, you will discover that you have the ability to act at the right time. This is not because you are lucky, but because you know what you are doing and when to do it. An excellent sense of timing is one of the rewards of learning to live with reality. If you know yourself well, you will be successful.

You like everything around you to be big and grand, which is fine if you know your limitations and what you can handle. If you do not, you will spend too much money and waste what you have. Avoid living more richly than you can afford.

Mercury Square Jupiter

This aspect usually means that you have a sharp mind and great ability to understand ideas that aren't obvious to others, but you will need a lot of discipline to make the most of it. Otherwise, your thinking is likely to be rash and sloppy, and you will jump to conclusions without knowing all the facts. You need to train yourself to work carefully with some kind of system. When you start a project, make a checklist of the steps that you might overlook and then make sure that you take care of each one.

On the plus side, you are able to put together ideas and understandings that to others seem unrelated. You are generous and optimistic, which will make people like you.

Jupiter Trine Uranus

You love freedom and you want to see everyone get a fair break. If you believe that someone is not getting a fair deal, you will work very hard to help them and fight for their rights. You are also a questioner, always wanting to know why a situation is as it is, especially concerning rules and laws. All your life you will be eager to have new and fascinating experiences, see new places and encounter new ideas.

You are tolerant and are willing to let everyone believe what they wish. You like to be around people who are different from you, and in fact you are attracted by their differences. All your life you will be attracted to exciting people and situations because they make you feel more alive and interesting.

Jupiter Trine Saturn

Patience, perseverance and the desire to accomplish something significant in the world are all characteristics of this aspect. Also you are able to maintain an excellent balance of idealism, innovativeness and practicality. Even while you are young you will be able to see a situation as a whole as well as in detail. This gives you a high degree of organizing skill.

With your organizational ability and your cautious but not narrow conservatism, you would be very good in an executive or decision-making position.


Venus in Aquarius

You are friendly with people but sometimes you find it difficult to form close relationships. You prefer friends who are somehow exciting and different.

You enjoy being popular and you work well with other people in group projects and team efforts. You understand immediately what is good for the group and can adjust your own goals to fit.


Venus in the Eighth House 8th hs

You enjoy your senses, and you want to experience the world as vividly and totally as possible. You seem to be looking for a hidden dimension of the world that will transform your life completely. Often you will seek this dimension through relationships with others, which will be very intense and full of feeling.

Be careful not to be too possessive of your friends. Also, you shouldn't choose your friends according to the advantages you will gain from their friendship.

While you are young, you should begin to take care of your health by not eating or drinking too much and by getting plenty of physical exercise.

Venus in Aquarius

You are friendly with people but sometimes you find it difficult to form close relationships. You prefer friends who are somehow exciting and different.

You enjoy being popular and you work well with other people in group projects and team efforts. You understand immediately what is good for the group and can adjust your own goals to fit.

Venus Square Pluto

You have very strong feelings about people, and your friendships are emotionally intense. It is very important that you find out as much as possible about yourself, your needs, what you seek from other people and why you form relationships. And it is very important to have a good opinion of yourself.

When something goes wrong between you and a loved one, it is because of changes that are occurring within you or mental impulses that you do not yet understand. You tend to act somewhat compulsively and to follow the voice of your unconscious mind rather than your reason. You may even choose friends who act destructively toward you. If this happens, it is only because you have a destructive attitude toward yourself. You always have the choice of walking away from a situation; you aren't forced to be with anyone.