Jamp Power brasil



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Transcript of Jamp Power brasil

Page 4: Jamp Power brasil

InterJampBrasil InterJampBrasil

A seguir apresento todas as atividades a disposição de todos, represento diversas redes de serviços online e redes sociais, tanto para uso: sociais, informativos, entretenimentos, eventos, news, pesquisas, amizades, interações de serviços JAMP eventuais ou Oficiais de ganhos extras e certos a livre escolha e assessorados por nós

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A segurança se constrói

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Page 6: Jamp Power brasil

On the turn of the 16th century, in the year 1500, April 21th, the Portuguese navigator Pedro Álvares Cabral reached the stunningly beautiful coast of what is currently known as The Federal Republic of Brazil and claimed the whole area on behalf of the Portuguese Crown.

At the beginning the land was called Monte Pascoal then, Terra de Vera Cruz, Santa Cruz and finally Brazil, in allusion to the Brazil wood, a very strong tree with a dark red inner color, unfortunately extinct nowadays.


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On the turn of the 16th century, in the year 1500, April 21th, the Portuguese navigator Pedro Álvares Cabral reached the stunningly beautiful coast of what is currently known as The Federal Republic of Brazil and claimed the whole area on behalf of the Portuguese Crown.

At the beginning the land was called Monte Pascoal then, Terra de Vera Cruz, Santa Cruz and finally Brazil, in allusion to the Brazil wood, a very strong tree with a dark red inner color, unfortunately extinct nowadays.


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GovernmentBrazil has a civilian President democratically elected. The bicameral legislative system is composed of the National Congress and the Senate. These two houses hold different levels of political representatives: state and national.

CurrencyThe REAL is the national currency and its approximate quotation is R$3.50 to US$1.00

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LanguagePortuguese is the national language yet it has quite a different accent from the one spoken in Portugal and in other former Portuguese colonies.

PeopleBrazilians descend from a mixture of races. Portuguese settlers, native peoples, African slaves, and French and Dutch settlers who tried to conquer the northeast of the country. In the XX Century, German, Italian, Polish and Japanese immigrants added new elements to that mixture.

Brazil is likely the most racially-mixed culture of our time.

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FamilyBrazilians are very affectionate and outgoing. Family ties are strong and parents tend to be overprotective of their children, especially of girls. For example, teenage girls often have earlier curfews than teenage boys of the same age.

Supervising children and caring for household is normally the wife’s responsibility while husbands are busy with work. Parents expect to know when their children are going out, where they are going and usually a curfew is set.

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ReligionBrazil is a Catholic country and yet religious openness prevails. There’s a variety of faith but there’s also great respect for its own syncretism. This is probably what provides Brazilians with greater tolerance and a broader sense of religious practices.

The staples of the Brazilian diet are arroz (white rice), feijão (beans), and farofa (manioc flour), also called farinha. These are usually served with carne (beef), carne de porco (pork), frango (chicken), or peixe (fish) and a lettuce and tomato salad Feijoada, the national dish is a meat and bean stew served with rice. Barbecued meat is very popular and traditional foods also include African-influenced fish and chicken stews.


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ClimateBrazil is by far the largest country in South America. Its size is 8,5 million km2 and most of it lies within tropical climate. Temperatures and vegetation varies quite a lot in relationship to the altitude of the cities. The seasons are exactly the opposite from those in the Northern Hemisphere except in the North of the country where its climate is Equatorial .

The average annual temperature is approximately 28ºC/83Fº in the North and 20ºC/68Fº in the South.

Temperatures may drop below freezing in the South whilst in Rio de Janeiro for instance, in the middle of the summer it may reach 40ºC/105Fº during several days.

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SportsBrazilian fondness for sports, in general and for soccer, in particular, is shown by the existence of some 8,000 sports clubs throughout the country. No other sport in Brazil can compare in popularity to soccer, which Brazilians call futebol. This passion for the sport is reflected in the number and size of soccer stadiums all over the country. The Maracanã Stadium, built in Rio de Janeiro for the 1950 World Cup is the largest in the world with a capacity for 200,000 seats.

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Carnival is a moveable feast that is tied to the religious Calendar and is celebrated all over the country. It is a traditional pre-Lenten celebration which ends on Ash Wednesday.

Carnival activities around Brazil normally take place from the Friday prior to Ash Wednesday and continue up to an including Ash Wednesday itself. Most Brazilian offices and business will close for the Carnival week in much the same way companies in many parts of the world close between Christmas and the New Year’s Eve.


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North RegionEncompasses the states

of Acre, Amazonas. Rondonia,Roraima, Amapá, Tocantins and Pará. This is the country’s most exotic region. It’s nature at its best; exuberant, lively, a true tourist’s paradise. The Amazon Rainforest covers six million km2. There you will find the world’s greatest diversity in flora and fauna.

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Northeast Region

Embraces the states of Alagoas, Bahia, Ceará, Fernando de Noronha Island, Maranhão, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Piauí, Rio Grande do Norte and Sergipe. This region’s heritage stems from a melting pot of cultures with African predominance yet native peoples, Portuguese, Dutch and French immigrants added their own flavors as well. As a result, this area is rich in folklore, handicrafts, and Capoeira, an African fight-dance. The coastal region is fertile and has some of the most beautiful beaches of Brazil.

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Mid-West Region

Composed by the states of Goiás, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul and the District Capital - Brasília. The Mid-West is a region of contrasts. There are signs of both the oldest and the most recent stages of the country's settlement. The region also presents the exuberant Araguaia River next to one of the most fascinating Wildlife Parks in the world - the Pantanal Marshlands.

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Southeast Region

Embraces the states of: Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.

Brazil’s main port of entry to visitors from all over the world the Southeast is a region of strong contrasts from the richest to the poorest. It has it all: beaches, mountains, farmlands, and the country´s largest metropolis: Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.

The most populous of the five regions, the Southeast is also the most industrialized part of the country.

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South RegionComposed of the states of Paraná,

Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina. Brazil's Southern region lies to the South of the Tropic of Capricorn. It is the only region in Brazil where all the seasons are clearly defined. The winter is cool and snow might even be seen in some towns. The South is famous for its beautiful secluded beaches, different from the tropical beaches of other regions and for the Iguassú Falls. A large number of European immigrants - especially Germans and Italians - settled in the region towards the end of the 19th Century.

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South RegionComposed of the states of Paraná,

Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina. Brazil's Southern region lies to the South of the Tropic of Capricorn. It is the only region in Brazil where all the seasons are clearly defined. The winter is cool and snow might even be seen in some towns. The South is famous for its beautiful secluded beaches, different from the tropical beaches of other regions and for the Iguassú Falls. A large number of European immigrants - especially Germans and Italians - settled in the region towards the end of the 19th Century.

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InterJampBrasil Augusto Pantaleão

Administrador “InterJamp”

A seguir apresento todas as atividades a disposição de todos, represento diversas redes de serviços online e redes sociais, tanto para uso: sociais, informativos, entretenimentos, eventos, news, pesquisas, amizades, interações de serviços JAMP eventuais ou Oficiais de ganhos extras e certos a livre escolha e assessorados por nós

Os quais serão devidamente ´apresentados a todos, a seguir!

A segurança se constrói

Sejam Bem Vindos

O convívio gera segurança

Page 23: Jamp Power brasil

Apresentações Sociais• Agenciamentos, Eventos e


• Parcerias e Afiliações

• Qualidade e Segurança

A Solução e SatisfaçãoA seguir iremos apresentar as redes de serviços sociais e de Parcerias e Afiliações

Com certeza irão gostar, e se desfrutar de imensas atividades infinitas de Qualidade e Segurança! “Jamp”

Page 24: Jamp Power brasil

InterJampBrasil Augusto Pantaleão

Administrador “InterJamp”

A seguir apresento todas as atividades a disposição de todos, represento diversas redes de serviços online e redes sociais, tanto para uso: sociais, informativos, entretenimentos, eventos, news, pesquisas, amizades, interações de serviços JAMP eventuais ou Oficiais de ganhos extras e certos a livre escolha e assessorados por nós

Os quais serão devidamente ´apresentados a todos, a seguir!

A segurança se constrói

Sejam Bem Vindos

O convívio gera segurança

Page 27: Jamp Power brasil

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