Introdução à Linguagens de Programação

Fernando Magno Quintão Pereira Linguagens de Programação L A B O R A T O R I O D E C O M P I L A D O R E S Department of Computer Science Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Brazil

Transcript of Introdução à Linguagens de Programação

Page 1: Introdução à Linguagens de Programação



L A B O R A T O R I O D E C O M P I L A D O R E SDepartment of Computer Science − Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais − Brazil

Page 2: Introdução à Linguagens de Programação

•  Oquesãolinguagensdeprogramação?•  Porqueelasexistem?

•  Comocomputadoreseramprogramadosantesdaslinguagensdeprogramação?

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•  Existementre5.000e6.000línguasfaladasemnossoplaneta.

•  Cercade200idiomaspossuemmaisdeummilhãodefalantes.

•  Comodescreverumidioma?Queelementosestãopresentesnadescriçãodeumalinguagem?

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•  Comoéalinguagemfaladapeloscomputadores?– Quesímboloselausa?

– Quaispalavras?– ComoseriaagramáMcadessalínguaeletrônica?

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•  Computadorespossuemcordasvocaismuitosimples:ouemitemsom,ounãoemitem

•  Épossívelhaverumalinguagemcomapenasdoissímbolos?

•  Porquesomentedoissímbolos?

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•  Hámuitaslinguagensdezeroseunsdiferentes,assimcomohámuitaslinguagensdiferentesusandocaractereslaMnos:inglês,português,espanhol,etc.

•  Quemmedáexemplosdezero-um-nêsdiferentes?

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•  Cadainstruçãoemzero-um-nêspossuiumnome,chamadoopcode,eoperandos.

•  Instruçõesmudamoestadodocomputador.

•  QueMposdeinstruçõespoderiamexisMr?

•  Falarzero-um-nêsdeveserfácil,nãoé?

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•  AnMgamenteprogramarcomputadoreseramuitodi[cil.

•  Qualoproblemacomzero-um-nês?

•  Alguémaiconhececartõesperfurados?

•  Comodeixarzero-um-nêsmaisfácildeusar?

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•  Palavrassãomaisfáceisdelembrarquesequênciasdezeroseuns.

•  Porexemplo:qualinstruçãoémaisfácildeler:mov $1, AL,ou10110000 01100001?

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movl $5, %eax movl $1, %edx .L4: imull %eax, %edx decl %eax testl %eax, $0 jg .L4

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movl $5, %eax movl $1, %edx .L4: imull %eax, %edx decl %eax testl %eax, $0 jg .L4







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•  Aspessoasfalavamassembly,masoscomputadoresaindafalavamzero-um-nês.– Eraprecisoumtradutor.

•  OqueumtradutordesteMpodeveriasercapazdefazer?

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•  Programaremassemblyaindaeradi[cil.•  Osprogramadoresqueriamqueoscomputadoresfossemcapazesdefalarlínguasaindamaisparecidascomlinguagenshumanas.

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•  Quaisforamasprimeiraslinguagensdeprogramação?

•  Quemforamospaisdessaslinguagens?

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•  JohnBackusestavacompreguiçadeescreverprogramasemassembly.

•  IBM1953/54

•  Programarficouumas20vezesmaisfácil– Masaspessoasaindaestavamrelutantes…Porque?

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nfact=1 do i=1, 5 nfact = nfact*I enddo

movl $5, %eax movl $1, %edx .L4: imull %eax, %edx decl %eax testl %eax, $0 jg .L4

Fortran Assembly


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•  1958,Massachuse<sIns>tuteofTechnology•  ProfessorJohnMcCarthy.

•  Umanotaçãosimples,baseadaemfunçõesmatemáMcas.

• Muitosparênteses,

•  Elistas…

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(defun factorial (n) (if (<= n 1) 1 (* n (factorial (- n 1)))))

nfact=1 do i=1, n nfact = nfact*I enddo





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•  Precisava-sedeumpadrãoparaalgoritmos.

•  Umcomitêfoiformadoem1958.– JohnBackus– C.A.R.Hoare– JohnMcCarthy,etc

•  DestecomitênasceuALGOL58.

•  Talvezamaisinfluentelinguagemdeprogramação.

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•  Vocêsjáviramalgoparecidocomisto?

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•  COBOLfoifeitaparanegócios:– Contadores,economistas,etc

– Comodeveriaserumalinguagemassim?

•  1958:COBOLfoicriadaporumcomitê.– Indústria,governoeacademia

•  Aindausadaemmuitascompanhias,atéemBH!

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•  Quantaslinguagensdeprogramaçãoexistem?•  Quaisaslinguagensmaispopulares?

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•  AeditoraO’Reillydizqueexistem2.500linguagensdeprogramaçãodocumentadas.

•  Awikipédiadocumenta650.

•  Existemmuitas…

• Mas,porquetantas?

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•  Fortranserviaparacálculoscienyficos.

•  Lisperausadaemteoriadacomputação.

•  COBOLfoifeitaparaaplicaçõescomerciais.

•  Algoléumalinguagemacadêmica.

•  Easoutraslinguagensqueconhecemos?

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• – Java:18.71%– C:16.89%– PHP:10.39%

•  Googlecode:C,Java,C++,PHP

•  Craigslist:PHP,C,SQL•  Queoutrasmedidas?

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•  Deacordocommuitoscritérios,Javaéaalinguagemmaispopular.

•  ParaqueserveJava?•  Comoestalinguagemsurgiu?

•  Oqueelatemdemais?

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public class Fact { public static void main(String a[]) { int n = 5; int fact = 1; while (n > 1) { fact *= n; n--; } System.out.println(fact); } }

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•  Csurgiuem1972,efoi,durantemuitosanos,alinguagemdeprogramaçãomaispopular.

•  PorqueCtemestenome?

•  OqueagentefazcomC?

•  PorqueCfoitãopopular?•  QuaisosproblemascomC?

•  Ctevegrandeinfluência…

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int main() { int n = 5; int fact = 1; while (n > 1) { fact *= n; n--; } printf("%d\n", fact); }

•  Alguémjáviuistoantes?

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int n = 5; int fact = 1; while (n > 1) { fact *= n; n--; }

int n = 5; int fact = 1; while (n > 1) { fact *= n; n--; }

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Figure 1. Web application architecture.

effectively under a heavy load of requests. Finally, some runtimetechniques [23, 24] require a modified runtime system, which con-stitutes a practical limitation in terms of deployment and upgrading.Static analyses to find SQLCIVs have also been proposed, but

none of them runs without user intervention and can guarantee theabsence of SQLCIVs. String analysis-based techniques [3, 20] useformal languages to characterize conservatively the set of values astring variable may assume at runtime. They do not track the sourceof string values, so they require a specification, in the form of aregular expression, for each query-generating point or hotspot inthe program — a tedious and error-prone task that few program-mers are willing to do. Static taint analyses [12, 18, 31] track theflow of tainted (i.e., untrusted) values through a program and re-quire that no tainted values flow into hotspots. Because they usea binary classification for data (tainted or untainted), they classifyfunctions as either being santitizers (i.e., all return values are un-tainted) or being security irrelevant. Because the policy that thesetechniques check is context-agnostic, it cannot guarantee the ab-sence of SQLCIVs without being overly conservative. For exam-ple, if the escape quotes function (which precedes quotes withan “escaping” character so that they will be interpreted as charac-ter literals and not as string delimiters) is considered a sanitizer, anSQLCIV exists but would not be found in an application that con-structs a query using escaped input to supply an expected numericvalue, which need not be delimited by quotes. Additionally, statictaint analyses for PHP typically require user assistance to resolvedynamic includes (a construct in which the name of the includedfile is generated dynamically).

1.2 Our Approach

We propose a sound, automated static analysis algorithm to over-come the limitations described above. It is grammar-based; wemodel string values as context free grammars (CFGs) and stringoperations as language transducers following Minamide [20]. Thisstring analysis-based approach tracks the effects of string opera-tions and retains the structure of the values that flow into hotspots(i.e., where query construction occurs). If all of each string in thelanguage of a nonterminal comes from a source that can be influ-enced by a user, we label the nonterminal with one of two labels.We assign a “direct” label if a user can influence the source di-rectly (as with GET parameters) and a “indirect” label if a user caninfluence the source indirectly (as with data returned by a databasequery). Such labeling tracks the source of string values. We usea syntax-based definition of SQL injection attacks [25], which re-quires that input from a user be syntactically isolated within a gen-erated query. This policy does not need user-provided specifica-tions. Finally, we check policy conformance by first abstracting thelabeled subgrammars out of the generated CFG to find their con-texts. We then use regular language containment and context freelanguage derivability [28], to check that each subgrammar derivesonly syntactically isolated expressions.We have implemented this analysis for PHP, and applied it to

several real-world web applications. Our tool scales to large codebases — it successfully analyzes the largest PHP web application

...01 isset ($ GET['userid']) ?02 $userid = $ GET['userid'] : $userid = '';03 if ($USER['groupid'] != 1)04 {05 // permission denied06 unp msg($gp permserror);07 exit;08 }09 if ($userid == '')10 {11 unp msg($gp invalidrequest);12 exit;13 }14 if (!eregi('[0-9]+', $userid))15 {16 unp msg('You entered an invalid user ID.');17 exit;18 }19 $getuser = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM `unp user`"20 ."WHERE userid='$userid'");21 if (!$DB->is single row($getuser))22 {23 unp msg('You entered an invalid user ID.');24 exit;25 }...

Figure 2. Example code with an SQLCIV.

previously analyzed in the literature (about 100K loc). It discoveredmany vulnerabilities, some previously unknown and some based oninsufficient filtering, and generated few false positives.

2. Overview

In order to motivate our analysis, we first present the policy thatdefines SQLCIVs, and then give an overview of how our analysischecks web applications against that policy.

2.1 SQL Command Injection Vulnerabilities

This section illustrates SQLCIVs and formally defines them.

2.1.1 Example Vulnerability

Figure 2 shows a code fragment excerpted from Utopia News Pro,a real-world news management system written in PHP; we willuse this code to illustrate the key points of our algorithm. Thiscode authenticates users to perform sensitive operations, such asmanaging user accounts and editing news sources. Initially, thevariable $userid gets assigned data from a GET parameter, whicha user can easily set to arbitrary values. The code then performs twochecks on the value of $userid before incorporating it into an SQLquery. The query should return a single row for a legitimate user,and no rows otherwise. From line 14 it is clear that the programmerintends $userid to be numeric, and from line 20 it is clear thatthe programmer intends that $userid evaluate to a single valuein the SQL query for comparison to the userid column. However,because the regular expression on line 14 lacks anchors (‘^’ and ‘$’for the beginning and end of the string, respectively), any value for$userid that has at least one numeric character will be includedinto the generated query. If a user sets the GET parameter to “1';DROP TABLE unp user; --”, this code will send to the databasethe folloing query:

SELECT * FROM `unp user` WHERE userid='1';DROP TABLE unp user; --'


•  AlguémaquijáprogramouemPHP?•  Oqueestenomequerdizer?

•  Comodeveserumalinguagemparadesenvolvimentoweb?

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$id = $_GET[”user”];

if ($id == '') { echo "Invalid user: $id" } else { $getuser = $DB->query (”SELECT * FROM 'table' WHERE id=’$id’”); echo $getuser; }

•  AlguémnotouumpouquinhodeCaí?•  QualoMpodavariável$id?

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•  Computadoresfalamzero-um-nês,nósfalamoslinguagensdeprogramação…quemtraduzestascoisas?

•  Ecomoestatraduçãoéfeita?

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•  Oprimeirocompiladorfoi,provavelmente,oA-0deGraceHopper(1949).

•  Linguagensdeprogramaçãodiferentespossuemdiferentescompiladores.

• Masomesmocompiladortambémpodecompilarlinguagensdiferentes.

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•  UmamáquinavirtualéumhardwareimplementadoemsoDware.

•  Porqueistoéinteressante?•  Quelinguagensexecutamemmáquinasvirtuais?

•  Aindaénecessárioumtradutor?

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Àsvezes,tudoéinterpretado•  Uminterpretadornãoproduzcódigodemáquina.Aocontrário,elelêocódigodoprogramafonte,einterpretacadacomandoencontrado.

•  Quaisasvantagensdeuminterpretador?

•  Quaislinguagenssãointerpretadas?

•  Seráqueháalgumalinguagemquenecessariamentetenhadeserinterpretada?

•  Essascoisassãoeficiente?

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•  Algumaslinguagenssãocompiladasenquantoestãosendointerpretadas.– JavaScript,porexemplo.

•  Edeondevemaeficiência?•  Seráquedáparafazermelhorqueumcompiladortradicional?

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•  Existeumalinguagemdeprogramação“maispoderosa”quetodasasoutras?

•  Seexiste,quelinguageméesta?

• Mascomomedireste“poder”?

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1.  EncontrearededeestradasmaiscurtaqueligatodasascidadesdeMinasGerais.

2.  Encontreamenorrotapassandoportodasascidades,semrepeMr.

3.  DadoumprogramaPpararesolver(2),verifiqueseaprimeiracoisaquePimprimeéNovaEra.

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•  AmáquinadeTuringéummodelotéoricoquedefinetodososproblemasquesãocomputáveis.– Estado,fita,leitor,símbolos,instruções.

•  SenãohásoluçãonaMáquinadeTuring,entãonãotemjeitomesmo...

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•  SeumalinguageméequivalenteàMáquinadeTuring,entãoelaéTuring-Completa.

•  QuasetodaLPéTuring-Completa.

• Masexistemlinguagensquenãoosão.Algumexemplo?

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Oqueestesprogramasfazem?[-]ou[ > + < - ]

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•  Essaslinguagenstodasqueagenteviu…Java,PHP,C,Fortran,COBOL,Algol,etc,etc…elassãomuitoparecidas:variáveis,loops,comandos…Seráquenãoexistenenhumoutroparadigmanão?

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•  LinguagensimperaMvas:– Oprogramasãoinstruções.

– Atribuições,loops,sequências.– Efeitoscolateraiseestado.

•  LinguagensdeclaraMvas:– Oprogramadescreveumaverdade.

– Ausênciadeefeitoscolaterais.– Loopsviachamadadefunçõesrecursivas.

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SML•  Oprogramaéumconjuntodefunções.– Programassãoprovasporindução.

•  Principaisestruturasdedadossãolistasetuplas.

fun sum [] = 0 | sum (h::t) = h + sum t

fun filter [] _ = [] | filter (h::t) f = if (f h) then h :: (filter f t) else (filter f t)

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SorMngfun leq a b = a <= b

fun grt a b = a > b

fun filter _ nil = nil | filter f (h::t) = if f h then h :: filter f t else filter f t

fun qsort nil = nil | qsort (h::t) = (qsort (filter (grt h) t)) @ [h] @ (qsort (filter (leq h) t))

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•  Oprogramaéumconjuntoderestrições:– SeAéverdade,eA!Béverdade,entãoBéverdade.

parent(kim, holly). parent(margaret, kim). parent(margaret, kent). parent(esther, margaret). parent(herbert, margaret). parent(herbert, jean).

bisavo(GGP, GGC) :- parent(GGP, GP), parent(GP, P), parent(P, GGC).

ancestor(X, Y) :- parent(X, Y). ancestor(X, Y) :- parent(Z, Y), ancestor(X, Z).

•  Oqueproduzirábisavo(X, Y)?

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sum([],0). sum([Head|Tail],X) :- sum(Tail,TailSum), X is Head + TailSum.

subList([], []). subList([H|T], [H|R]) :- subList(T, R). subList([_|T], R) :- subList(T, R).

intSum(L, N, S) :- subList(L, S), sumList(S, N).


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•  Porqueelasestãoaí!•  Algumasdisputassãofascinantes.

•  Ahistóriadelaséincrível.

•  Diferentesproblemaspedemdiferentessoluções.