INGLÊS INSTRUÇÃO: As Questões de números 01 a 10 Estão

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  • 8/14/2019 INGLS INSTRUO: As Questes de nmeros 01 a 10 Esto




    INSTRUO:As questes de nmeros 01 a 10 estobaseadas nas publicaes SE/CENP -Pro-postas Curriculares (e PrticaPedaggi-ca) Lngua EstrangeiraModerna Ingls.

    01. O estudo de uma lngua estrangeira pode e deve

    (A) ser uma experincia centrada na seleo decontedos e formas interessantes de ensinar.

    (B) prever atividades e tcnicas de repetio parafixao de estruturas gramaticalmentecorretas.

    (C) priorizar a fixao dos mecanismos dasestruturas da lngua estrangeira, por meio deexerccios de repetio.

    (D) garantir a automatizao de mecanismos deaprendizagem para o bom desempenhocomunicativo.

    (E) proporcionar uma experincia de comunicaohumana, que o educando vivencia no seudia-a-dia.

    02. O professor de Ingls tem a tarefa de

    (A) auxiliar o aluno a assumir o seu aprendizado,adaptando o ensino de lnguas a uma realidadedinmica e varivel.

    (B) utilizar mtodos de ensino modernos, garantindoo cumprimento dos contedos estabelecidos

    em lei.(C) adquirir tcnicas pedaggicas que garantam a

    aprendizagem da lngua estrangeira de umaforma prazerosa.

    (D) tratar das quatro habilidades (ouvir, ler,escrever, falar) com a mesma nfase eexpectativa de aprendizagem.

    (E) eleger um mtodo eficaz para a transmisso doscontedos gramaticais necessrios ao domnioda lngua.

    03. Ao avaliar a aprendizagem, o professor de Inglsdever levar em conta

    (A) o desempenho lingstico do aluno, destacandosuas produes corretas das incorretas.

    (B) a correo gramatical apresentada pelo alunoem situaes de testes e provas.

    (C) a auto-avaliao do aprendiz e dos outroselementos de seu grupo de estudo.

    (D) a gravidade do tipo de erro apresentado peloaluno em relao srie.

    (E) o domnio do aluno sobre os conhecimentostransmitidos em aula.

    04. O objetivo da aprendizagem da lngua estrangeira,(........), adquirir competncia em comunicao.

    Essa competncia

    (A) a capacidade de o aluno comunicar-se compreciso gramatical.

    (B) o resultado da capacidade de utilizar-se dahabilidade oral em ingls.

    (C) a capacidade de transferir as regras da lnguade maneira adequada.

    (D) o resultado do conhecimento da gramticaligado s funes da lngua.

    (E) o resultado da graduao de contedosgramaticais determinados.

    05. O ensino da lngua estrangeira moderna

    (A) beneficia o estudo da lngua materna, pois leva

    conscientizao de que h semelhanas ediferenas entre ambas.

    (B) prejudica a aprendizagem da lngua materna,devido s diferenas de ortografia e de sintaxeexistentes entre ambas.

    (C) representa uma pea suplementar no currculoescolar, uma vez que seu papel educacional restrito.

    (D) estimula o julgamento de valor, levando o alunoa rejeitar ou valorizar demais tudo o que estrangeiro.

    (E) facilita a homogeneizao de valores culturaisabsorvidos das sociedades em que a lngua falada.

    06. A produo oral

    (A) deve ser evitada no incio da aprendizagem,uma vez que, pela dificuldade que representa,torna-se pouco motivadora para o aluno.

    (B) deve ser incentivada desde o incio daaprendizagem por meio de dilogos simples,

    que reflitam as situaes reais de fala.(C) deve ser trabalhada em classe desde o incio,

    pois primeiro o aluno aprende a ouvir, depois afalar, ler e escrever.

    (D) deve ser trabalhada em classe, obedecendo,porm, seqncia de aquisio dashabilidades, sendo que falar ocorre por ltimo.

    (E) deve ser pouco trabalhada em classe, pois osalunos tero pouca necessidade dessahabilidade para a aprendizagem da lngua.

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    SEE/Ingls 4

    07. Assinale a alternativa que indica o procedimento

    mais adequado ao alcance dos objetivos propostospara o ensino de leitura e compreenso de texto.

    (A) Traduo para a lngua materna com opropsito de simplificar o texto e facilitar suacom- preenso.

    (B) Utilizao de textos autnticos para a leituraindividual em voz alta e conseqente treino

    fontico.(C) Levantamento de questes sobre o tema,

    obteno das informaes gerais einformaes especficas.

    (D) Utilizao prioritria do texto como modelo depreciso formal da lngua estrangeira namodalidade escrita.

    (E) Explorao das estruturas utilizadas namodalidade escrita para acelerar a fixao dasformas orais.

    08. Na escolha dos textos, o professor deve basear-se

    (A) nos interesses e necessidades dos aprendizes.

    (B) em pontos gramaticais ou itens lingsticosrelevantes.

    (C) na adequao gramatical do texto para garantirseu completo entendimento.

    (D) na seqncia dos textos apresentados nomaterial didtico.

    (E) no aprofundamento de um contedo escolhido

    pelo professor.

    09. Em relao ao erro, pode-se dizer que

    (A) o professor dever facilitar as tarefas paradiminuir o risco de erros.

    (B) o professor dever evitar corrigir os erros dosalunos iniciantes.

    (C) o aluno dever ser constantemente corrigido atproduzir sem erros.

    (D) o erro deve ser discutido com o aluno, para queele possa monitorar-se.

    (E) o erro deve ser assinalado pelo professor parapoder avaliar o aluno.

    10. Selecione a alternativa que completa o enunciadoseguinte:

    Leitores fazem uso de determinadas estratgiaspara a compreenso de textos em lngua materna.

    (A) No entanto, essas mesmas estratgias no seaplicam para a compreenso de textos emingls.

    (B) Portanto, deve-se despertar a conscincia doaluno para a utilizao dessas mesmas

    estratgias no entendimento de textos emingls.

    (C) No entanto, para se compreender um texto emingls, necessrio, primeiro, adquirirproficincia gramatical na lngua-alvo.

    (D) Portanto, essas mesmas estratgias so trans-postas automaticamente, sempre que se pro-cessa a leitura de textos em ingls.

    (E) No entanto, impossvel a utilizao dessasestratgias em ingls, devido s diferenasestruturais entre as lnguas.

    INSTRUO: As questes de nmeros 11 e 12referem-se ao texto abaixo.

    Now I know what its like tobe a postman. I found outwhile delivering severalhundred leaflets to homes inour neighbourhood. Not only

    did I have to contend withtruculent dogs. A quarter ofthe front doors I visiteddidnt even possess a letterbox. Three cheers for ourpostmen I say.

    Mrs. A. Williams, Rednal,W. Midlands.

    11. Com base no texto apresentado, pode-se afirmarque Mrs. Williams

    (A) teve de lidar com a constante truculncia davizinhana.

    (B) disse ter participado de trs comemoraes comcarteiros.

    (C) questionou-se sobre problemas com ces davizinhana.

    (D) encontrou uma caixa de cartas perdidas navizinhana.

    (E) mudou sua opinio sobre o trabalho doscarteiros.

    12. Assinale a alternativa que contm a palavra likena mesma funo gramatical em que aparece notexto acima.

    (A) I like to go jogging in the morning.

    (B) She is just like a mother to me.

    (C) They said theyd like some coffee.

    (D) We know what we like, they added.

    (E) He plays jazz, rock and the like.

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    13. Assinale a alternativa que representa a mesmafuno expressa em: Bake the pie in a slow oven.

    (A) Youd better bake the pie in a slow oven.

    (B) You might bake the pie in a slow oven.

    (C) You could bake the pie in a slow oven.

    (D) You must bake the pie in a slow oven.(E) You should have baked the pie in a slow oven.

    14. Assinale a alternativa que completa, correta erespectivamente, as seguintes sentenas:

    I. She hasnt been ____________for six monthsnow.

    II. The manager fired three ____________.

    III. The ________ hired a new manager.

    IV. The expansion of the factory will mean the________of sixty extra workers.

    (A) employment-employed-employees-employer

    (B) employer-employees-employed-employment

    (C) employees-employer-employed-employment

    (D) employing-employment-employees-employer

    (E) employed-employees-employer-employment

    15. Assinale a alternativa que contm os trs verbos

    com pronncia diferente em relao termina-o ed.

    (A) robbed, loved, liked

    (B) visited, wanted, needed

    (C) looked, robbed, wanted

    (D) played, added, called

    (E) packed, phoned, stayed

    16. A seqncia em que todas as palavras tm slabatnica no seu incio :

    (A) handbag - football - guitar - fantastic.

    (B) horrible - policeman - passenger - necessary.

    (C) envelope - confident - Japan - photograph.

    (D) management - catholic - symptom - comfortable.

    (E) hospital - persist - capitalism - perfection.

    17. Assinale a alternativa em que todas as palavrascontm o s final pronunciado da mesma forma.

    (A) bats, caps, ads, lots

    (B) laughs, makes, mops, larks

    (C) causes, puts, does, pledges

    (D) bus, comes, crosses, judges

    (E) pencils, pens, comes, bites18. Das palavras apresentadas abaixo, a nica que tem

    o som de th diferente dos demais :

    (A) cloth.

    (B) thanks.

    (C) clothe.

    (D) three.

    (E) earth.

    19. Todas as palavras tm o mesmo som voclico deduck na seqncia

    (A) cover - hush - fun - lucky.

    (B) cut - push - money - pudding.

    (C) butcher - honey - common - sugar.

    (D) but - Sunday - love - bull.

    (E) London - bullet - mother - put.

    20. Assinale a alternativa que contm somenteuncountable nouns.

    (A) advice, piece, work, lamp

    (B) sink, rubber, paper, slice

    (C) news, dust, wool, loaf

    (D) biscuit, money, iron, rule

    (E) traffic, fruit, information, grass

    21. People assume too easily that politics solve allhuman problems. No one ought ever to make sofalse an assumption.

    Reescrevendo-se o trecho acima na voz passiva, aforma correta ser:

    (A) Too easily politics have assumed to solve allhuman problems. An assumption so false noone ought to have made.

    (B) Politics are assumed too easily to solve all

    human problems. So false an assumption oughtnever to be made.

    (C) That politics have been assumed too easily tosolve all human problems. So false anassumption no one ought not to have made.

    (D) All human problems are assumed by politics tooeasily to be solved. An assumption so falseought never to be made.

    (E) Politics solving all human problems are beingassumed too easily by people. Never so false anassumption ought being made.

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    SEE/Ingls 6

    INSTRUO: As questes de nmeros 22 a 24 contmespaos em branco. Assinale, em cadauma, a alternativa que os completacorreta e respectivamente.

    22. Id like to ask you _____.

    (A) how old you are, when were you born and what

    you enjoy doing(B) how old are you, when were you born and what

    do you enjoy doing

    (C) how old you are, when you were born and whatyou enjoy doing

    (D) how old are you, when you were born and whatdo you enjoy doing

    (E) how old you are, when were you born and whatyou do enjoy doing

    23. I. He arrived _____ to see his little daughtersperformance.

    II. My teacher is usually nice but ____ she can bevery rude.

    III. The airplane landed exactly _____.

    IV.It was easy _____ to find good jobs but now itsalmost impossible.

    (A) in time - at one time - at time - on time

    (B) at one time - on time - in time - at times(C) at time - in time - on time - at one time

    (D) on time - at one time - in time - at times

    (E) in time - at times - on time - at one time

    24. I. That material is ____of a mixture of polyesterand cotton.

    II. Fruit ___ you good.

    III. She seems to be ____ a lot of changes in herplans.

    IV. Have you ____ the jobs I asked you to do?

    (A) done - makes - making - made

    (B) making - made - done - made

    (C) made - do - doing - make

    (D) made - does - making - done

    (E) done - does - doing - made

    25. Assinale a alternativa que indica o discurso indiretode:

    Please dont drink any more, said his wife. Dontforget that we have to drive home.

    (A) She begged him not to drink any more and

    reminded him that they had to drive home.(B) She asked him not drinking any more and asked

    him not to forget that they have to drive home.

    (C) His wife told him to drink no more and advisedhim to not forgetting that they had to drive home.

    (D) She asked him kindly dont drink any more andbegged him not to forget that they would have todrive home.

    (E) His wife said to him not to drink any more andremembered him they had to be driven home.

    INSTRUO: As questes de nmeros 26 a 29 re-ferem-se ao texto abaixo. Para asquestes de 26 a 28, escolha asalternativas que preenchem,corretamente, os espaos em branco,de acordo com o respectivo nmero.

    It is widely acknowledged among men that all babiesare very ugly and it is with feelings barely raised abovethe level of tolerance that one of them will gaze upon( 26 ) . What a pathetic sight the little creature is withits ugly nose and hungry red face, and howextraordinary that anything so small ( 27 ) producesuch a terrible volume of sound ! He racks his brainfor something suitable to say to the hovering parents.Nothing comes, for he does not want to display hisignorance by asking (28 ) .

    26. (A) the babys friends of him

    (B) the baby of his friends

    (C) his friends babys

    (D) his baby friends

    (E) the friends of his baby

    27. (A) ought

    (B) have to

    (C) is willing

    (D) should

    (E) is going

    28. (A) what about is its sex(B) about your sex

    (C) what sex is it

    (D) about what its sex is

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    (E) what sex it is

    29. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta o mesmosignificado de He racks his brain for some-thing ....

    (A) He tries very hard to remember something ...

    (B) He brings back to memory something ...

    (C) He reminds of something ...(D) He recalls for something ...

    (E) He makes someone remember something ...

    INSTRUO: As questes de nmeros 30 a 32 refe-rem-se ao seguinte texto:

    Its long been part of folk wisdom that birth orderstrongly affects personality, intelligence andachievement. However, most of the research claimingthat firstborns are radically different from other childrenhas been discredited, and it now seems that any effectsof birth order on intelligence or personality will likely bewashed out by all the other influences in a persons life.In fact, the belief in the permanent impact of birth order,according to Toni Falbo, comes from the psychologicaltheory that your personality is fixed by the time youresix. That assumption simply is incorrect.

    30. According to the text,

    (A) birth control becomes part of folk wisdom.

    (B) the order of birth determines a persons life.

    (C) wise people say that birth order controlspersonality .

    (D) the order of birth is a sign of wisdomnowadays.

    (E) birth order has nothing to do with intelligence andpersonality.

    31. The text says that

    (A) a persons life is influenced by many things in hislifetime.

    (B) a firstborn child is radically like other children.

    (C) firstborns have stronger impact on a personslife.

    (D) intelligence and personality are effects ofpermanent impact of birth order.

    (E) birth control influences a persons life in manythings.

    32. Toni Falbo

    (A) agrees that a childs personality is fixed at theage of six.

    (B) disagrees that at the age of six a childspersonality is already fixed.

    (C) is the author of the psychological theory involvingfirstborn children.

    (D) is a researcher who defends the impact of birthorder on intelligence and personality.

    (E) states that folk wisdom explains how personalityand intelligence are affected by birth order.

    INSTRUO: As questes de nmeros 33 e 34referem-se ao texto abaixo.

    Canadian researchers may have discovered whywomen are ten times more likely to develop eatingdisorders than men, and twice as likely to suffer fromdepression. It seems that women produce thebrain chemical serotonin which is linked to humorand appetite more slowly than men. Neurologist Dr.Miko Diksic of the McGill University in Montreal believesthis slow production of serotonin is more than enoughto account for higher incidence of depression inwomen.

    33. De acordo com o texto,

    (A) as mulheres so to propensas aos distrbiosalimentares quanto os homens.

    (B) uma substncia produzida pelo crebro responsvel pelo fato de os homens semostrarem mais propensos depresso que asmulheres.

    (C) a maior incidncia de depresso entre asmulheres est relacionada com sua propensoao mau humor.

    (D) os homens so duas vezes mais propensos aos

    distrbios alimentares que as mulheres.(E) a produo mais lenta, pelo crebro feminino,

    de uma certa substncia qumica, respondepela maior incidncia de depresso entre asmulheres.

    34. In the text, the word likelyis twice used meaning

    (A) enjoyable.

    (B) suitable.

    (C) inclined.

    (D) appropriate.

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    SEE/Ingls 8

    (E) thoughtful.

    35. The policeman on the motorcycle overtook the carand waved it to the side of the road. He then asked

    the driver if he knew what speed he had beendoing.

    Infere-se pelo texto que

    (A) a velocidade do carro estava incompatvel com aestrada.

    (B) a estrada estava interditada mais adiante.

    (C) o carro era roubado, no tinha placa.

    (D) o policial multou o motorista porque ele nosoube entender a sinalizao.

    (E) o motorista do carro estava bbado, no

    percebia o que estava fazendo.

    36. Read the dialogue below and then select thealternative showing the restaurant where Emily andPat had dinner yesterday.

    Emily: It was a lovely dinner, wasnt it?Pat: Absolutely! I dont mind going back there

    tomorrow.Emily: Impossible, dear. If todays Monday...






    INSTRUO: As questes de nmeros 37 e 38 re-

    ferem-se ao texto e figura abaixo.


    Tired of the interstates green-sign, fast food same-ness? Head for Arizona, where a long stretch of oldRoute 66 survives, offering a nostalgic journey throughone slice of America. The storied road once linked bigtowns and small from Chicago to Los Angeles. Theperfect ride? A snappy Corvette, icon of the 1960sTV series Route 66. Why stop? Perhaps for a trueAmerican coffee. Or to behold the Tyrannosaurus rexatGrand Canyon Caverns.

    37. According to both, text and picture,

    (A) a three-decade old car is the ideal means oftransport to ride on Route 66.

    (B) Route 66 still connects Chicago to Los Angeles.(C) Route 66 is for people who prefer modern

    highways to travel.

    (D) the city of Williams is on Route 66.

    (E) remains of dinossaurs who used to live incaverns can still be seen all along Route 66.

    38. In the text, the words sameness and snappy arerespectively equivalent to

    (A) equalityand speedy.(B) inequalityand motionless.

    (C) dullnessand fast.

    (D) a fewand modern.

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    H O T E L


    569 Lexington Ave. at East 51 st St.(212) 752-7000, fax (212) 758-6311Reservation number(800)23-LOWESOFFER: Weekend specials from $109. Packagesfrom $129 - Single $139-$205. Double $139-$225.


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    (E) monotonyand fashionable.

    INSTRUO: As questes de nmeros 39 e 40 re-ferem-se aos anncios seguintes:

    39. Read the dialogue and select the alternativeindicating the hotel where Paul and his wife stayed.

    Janet: What was your hotel like?Paul: Very good. And we could cook our own meals


    (A) Park Savoy Hotel

    (B) The West Park Hotel

    (C) Hotel Pennsylvania

    (D) Lowes New York Hotel

    (E) Hotel Beacon

    40. All the hotels in the ads(A) overlook New Yorks Central Park.

    (B) are located near all points of interest in NewYork.

    (C) offer some kind of discount.

    (D) offer accommodations for two people for lessthan $250.

    (E) have weekend specials.

    41. In the Elizabethan age,

    (A) both men and women could write plays andperform in them.

    (B) playwrights did not care about creating originalplots.

    (C) plays respected all the classical theatre units.

    (D) playwrights were free to criticize whatever theywanted.

    (E) plays were performed exclusively in London.

    42. John Donne and George Herbert were

    (A) Augustan poets.

    (B) Neo-classical poets.

    (C) Romantic poets.

    (D) Pre-Raphaelite poets.

    (E) Metaphysical poets.

    43. It is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings:it takes its origin from emotion recollected intranquillity...

    This is the definition of poetry proposed by

    (A) William Blake.

    (B) Percy Bysshe Shelley.


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    SEE/Ingls 10

    (C) William Wordsworth.

    (D) John Keats.

    (E) Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

    44. Jonathan Swifts Gullivers Travels

    (A) is the first English psychological novel.(B) uses imaginary societies to criticize English

    political and social institutions.

    (C) is a direct product of the prude Victorian society.

    (D) can be defined as something between prose andpoetry.

    (E) satirizes the ludicrous Romantic tendency toexaggeration.

    45. In it the author criticizes his own people accusingthem of a moral paralysis which hangs mainly overhis hometown.

    This is a reference to

    (A) James Joyces Dubliners.

    (B) T. S. Eliots The Waste Land.

    (C) Graham Greenes The Quiet American.

    (D) Aldous Huxleys Brave New World.

    (E) George OrwellsAnimal Farm.

    46. Virginia Woolf's novels

    (A) deal exclusively with men and women fightingfor their political ideals.

    (B) are realistic reminiscents of the authors humblebackground.

    (C) try to go beyond what she regarded as thetyranny of the plot.

    (D) avoid experimentalism in order to analyze all thecontradictions of our modern world.

    (E) are conservative in terms of form but extremelyadvanced in their contents.

    47. The aim of his style was to get the most out of theleast. Thus he only seldom uses adjectives and hislanguage is rarely emotional.

    This is a reference to(A) John dos Passos.

    (B) William Faulkner.

    (C) Ernest Hemingway.

    (D) F. Scott Fitzgerald.

    (E) Sinclair Lewis.

    48. In The American Scholar, his famous speech atHarvard University, Ralph Waldo Emerson

    (A) stated that conservative Puritanism shouldalways command American literature.

    (B) stated that nature should not be regarded assomething transcendental.

    (C) criticized Transcendentalism as a negativeorientation for American writers.

    (D) called for a new burst of creativity in order toachieve something original in Americanliterature.

    (E) proclaimed the superiority of learning over


    49. For Edgar Allan Poe, poetry

    (A) should be long and descriptive.

    (B) was the art of making man aware of the socialand political world around him.

    (C) was the immediate result of inspiration.

    (D) was not to care about form.

    (E) should create an exclusive sense of beauty.

    50. The world of Tennessee Williams

    (A) is ruled by irrational forces which turns life into agame we cannot win.

    (B) reflects the stability of American society in termsof emotional reactions.

    (C) is a mirror of the American northern society, withall the contradictions it inherited from the CivilWar.

    (D) is realistic and reflects the authors concern withmans political attitudes.

    (E) is exclusively American in character, andportrays people who always overcome theirconflicts.

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