Episódio 4

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  • 8/13/2019 Episdio 4


    Episdio 4

    Agent: We've got inflection points. Agente: Temos pontos de desvio.

    Agent: All he needs to do is see her dance and youre at your ripple limit. Agente: Ele s precisa ver a dana e atingir o limite de onda.

    Richardson: What? All right, block the door. Richardson: O qu? Tudo bem, bloqueie a porta.

    Agent: He's already through it. Agente: Ele j est l.

    Richardson: Not that one, the next one. Richardson: No aquela, na seguinte.

    David: Excuse me. David Norris, Im here to see Elise. David: Com licena. David Norris, estou aqui para ver Elise.

    Richardson: I'm blocking them all. Richardson: Estou bloqueando todas elas.

    Agent: Hat! Hat! Agente: Chapu! Chapu!

    David: Is she here? David: Ela est aqui?

    Woman: Yeah, she's in the studio. Mulher: Sim, no estdio.

    Richardson: It's too late. Hes already seen her. You hit your ripple limit. Richardson: tarde demais. Ele j a viu. Voc atingiu seu limite de onda.

    Richardson: Celebrate now. Theyrejust going to kick it upstairs. Richardson: Pode comemorar agora. Isso vai chegar chefia.

    Agent: It's Donaldson. Agente: o Donaldson.

    Richardson: He has no idea what he's up against. Richardson: Ele no sabe contra o que est lutando.

    Donaldson: Let's take a walk. Donaldson: Vamos dar uma volta.

    Donaldson: The intense chemistry between them, the constant inflection points, Donaldson: A intensa qumica entre eles, os constantes pontos de desvio,

    Donaldson: and the kicker, you pulling them apart twice Donaldson: E pra terminar, os separaram 2 vezes

    Donaldson: only to have chance put them back together. Donaldson: S para ter a chance de uni-los novamente.

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    Donaldson: Yeah, all that seemed a little much. Donaldson: Sim, tudo parece um pouco demais.

    Donaldson: So, I asked Burdensky to do some research this morning. Donaldson: Ento, pedi a Burdensky que fizesse uma pesquisa nesta manh.

    Donaldson: Have you been in here before? No, of course not. Donaldson: J esteve aqui antes? No, claro que no.

    Agent: It seems like David Norris and Elise Sellas Agente: Parece que David Norris e Elise Sellas

    Agent: were meant to be together because they were meant to be together. Agente: deveriam ficar juntos porque tinha de ser assim.

    Richardson: Wait, what? Richardson: Espere. O qu?

    Donaldson: In the '70s when he was born, they were meant to be together Donaldson: Nos anos 70, quando ele nasceu, era para ficarem juntos,

    Donaldson: same thing in the '80s, '90s. Donaldson: o mesmo nos anos 80, nos 90.

    Agent: Wasn't till 2005 that the plan changed and she was supposed to stay withAdrian.

    Agente: S em 2005, quando o plano mudou, ela deveria ficar com Adrian.

    Agent: The problem here is there are remnants from all those old plans. Agente: O problema que h resqucios dos antigos planos

    Agent: that keep pushing them together. Agente: que continuam unindo-os.

    Agent: They still feel like they belong with each other even though they dont, Agente: Eles ainda acham que pertencem um ao outro, mesmo que no

    Agent: and we're about to tear them apart again. Agente: e vamos separ-los de novo.

    Richardson: You spend your whole career hoping, someday, Richardson: Passou sua carreira inteira, esperando um dia,

    Richardson: you'll get a red-letter case. Richardson: pegar um caso de destaque.

    Richardson: Something you can really make a name for yourself with. Richardson: Algo para construir seu nome.

    Richardson: Finally you get one, and its booby-trapped. Richardson: Finalmente consegue um, e uma armadilha.

    Harry: What? Harry: Como?

    Richardson: I'm saying, it wasn't your fault. They were meant to be together. Richardson: Estou dizendo que no foi sua culpa. Eles foram feitos para ficarem juntos.

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    Harry: What? Harry: Como?

    Richardson: Were. In an earlier version of the plan. Actually, a dozen earlier versions. Richardson: Deviam, em uma verso anterior do plano. Na verdade, em uma dzia de

    verses anteriores.

    Richardson: I always wondered how we had such bad luck Richardson: Sempre me perguntei como fomos azarados

    Richardson: that she was on that particular bus on that particular day. Richardson: por ela estar naquele nibus, naquele dia especfico.

    Harry: How could a plan just change like that? Harry: Como o plano pde mudar assim?

    Richardson: I don't know. Its above my pay grade. Richardson: No sei. Est fora da minha alada.

    Agent: So, we're going operational. This is exciting. Its been a while. Agente: Ento vamos iniciar uma operao. Que timo. J faz algum tempo.

    Donaldson: We're not going operational. Donaldson: No vamos iniciar operao.

    Donaldson: No one ever made it to my job by taking stupid risks. Donaldson: Ningum chega onde estou correndo riscos estpidos.

    Agent: So, what are we going to do? Agente: Ento o que vamos fazer?

    Donaldson: We're going to kick this case upstairs Donaldson: Vamos manter este caso no alto escalo,

    Donaldson: to someone with the latitude to clean up this mess Donaldson: com algum que possa limpar essa baguna

    Donaldson: without breaking into a sweat. Donaldson: sem derramar uma gota de suor.

    Donaldson: We're going to bring this to Thompson. Donaldson: Vamos levar isto ao Thompson.

    Agent: Thompson? When he was in the field, his nickname was Agente: Thompson? Quando ele estava em campo. Seu apelido era

    Donaldson: The Hammer, yes. Donaldson: O Martelo, sim.

    Donaldson: He'll crush this little romance with a flick of his hand Donaldson: Ele vai acabar com este romance com uma mo

    Donaldson: and force them back on plan again. Donaldson: E os obrigar a voltar ao plano de novo.

    Elise: I want to go to a club. Elise: Quero ir a uma boate.

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    David: Oh! Why ruin a really nice day? David: Por que estragar um dia to bom?

    Elise: Come on. Elise: Vamos!

    David: No, I don't dance. David: No, no dano.

    Elise: Oh come on, everyone can dance. You just feel the music. Elise: Todo mundo dana. s sentir a msica.

    David: Well, I've been told that I have trouble feeling. David: Bem, j me disseram que no consigo sentir.

    Elise: Who told you that? Elise: Quem lhe disse isso?

    David: A long list of women. David: Uma longa lista de mulheres.

    Elise: That's gross.You know what? Letsrace to that lamppost. Elise: Que pssimo. Quer saber? Vamos apostar corrida at aquele poste.

    Elise: You win, I dance for you. I win, you dance for me. Elise: Se voc ganhar, dano para voc. Se eu ganhar, voc dana para mim.

    David: On the pole? David: No mastro?

    Elise: If you like, yeah. Elise: Se quiser, sim.

    David: This is serious. What are the rules? David: Isso srio. Quais as regras?

    Elise: There are no rules. Oh! You bastard! Oh, my gosh! Elise: No existem regras. Seu miservel! Oh, meu Deus!

    David: You challenged me in those shoes? David: Voc me desafia com esses sapatos?

    Elise: Okay, fine. I can't.Youre right. These are the wrong shoes. Elise: Ok, certo. No posso. Tem razo. So os sapatos errados.

    Elise: I'm going to twist an ankle. Elise: Torcerei um tornozelo.

    David: You said, No rules. I avoided them. Ow! David: Voc disse sem regras.Eu as evitei. Ow!

    Elise: You said you had trouble feeling. Elise: Voc disse que no conseguia sentir.

    David: Great. David: timo.

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    Man: Hey, David. Homem: Ei, David.

    Woman: You're even cuter in person. Mulher: Est ainda melhor pessoalmente.

    Man: Hey, it's David Norris. Homem: Ei, David Norris.

    David: How you doing? How are you? David: Como est? Como vai?

    Elise: How are we feeling about this tie? Elise: Vamos nos livrar desta gravata.

    Man: Hey, David Norris! Homem: Ei, David Norris!

    David: Hey, how you doing? Maybe I should go home and get my tux. David: Oi, como est? Talvez deva ir para casa e pr meu terno.

    Elise: Definitely don't do that. It's good. Elise: Definitivamente no faa isso. Est bem.

    David: I should never have come back here again without my backup dancers. David: Eu nunca mais deveria voltar aqui sem meus danarinos reservas.

    Man: I voted for you. Homem: Eu votei em voc.

    David: How are you? David: Como vai?

    Man: Norris, you're a rock star! Homem: Norris, voc um astro do rock!

    Elise: Did you grow up over here? Elise: Cresceu por aqui?

    David: Yeah, three blocks over that way. Pioneer Street. My whole childhood. David: Cresci, a 3 quadras por ali. Pioneer Street. Toda minha infncia.

    Elise: What were you like as a kid? Elise: O que voc fazia quando garoto?

    David: I've spent about half my time in the principals office up until the sixth grade. David: Passei metade do meu tempo na sala do diretor at a 6 srie.

    Elise: Wow. Elise: Uau.

    David: Yeah, that was when my mother and my brother died within a month of eachother.

    David: Isso foi quando minha me e meu irmo morreram, com um ms de diferena.

    Elise: I'm sorry. Elise: Lamento.

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    David: No, it's fine. You know how I always tell that story about how David: No, tudo bem. Voc sabe que eu sempre conto aquela histria sobre como

    David: I got inspired to go into politics because my dad took me to the Senate Gallery David: me inspirei a entrar na poltica porque meu pai me levou galeria do Senado

    David: and we sat together and that's true. But what I leave out is David: e nos sentamos juntos, verdade. Mas o que no conto que

    David: he did that right after they died. And I was bottoming out. David: ele fez isso logo depois que eles morreram. Eu estava no fundo do poo.

    David: So, he wanted to get me out of here for a little while. David: Ento, ele quis me tirar daqui por um tempo.

    David: and he planned this road trip to DC, and I think its because JFK was his idol. David: E planejou a viagem a Washington, acho que porque Kennedy era seu dolo.

    David: And we went and sat in the gallery. David: Ns fomos e nos sentamos na galeria,

    David: I remember watching him watch them, and I knew thats what I wanted to do. David: lembro-me de v-lo observando-os. Percebi que era o que eu queria fazer.

    David: I wish they were here to see all this. David: Gostaria que estivessem aqui para ver tudo isso.

    David: I wasDidnt expect to tell you any of that. David: Eu estavaNo esperava lhe contar isso.

    Elise: David? David? Hello. Hey. What are you doing? Why are you calling? Elise: David? David? Al. Oi. O que est fazendo? Por que est ligando?

    Elise: Hi. No, I was Because I was sleeping. No. No, its not. Elise: Oi. No, eu estava Porque estava dormindo. No. No, no .

    Elise: Why are you calling? Okay, well, I gotta go. I gotta go. Okay. Im so sorry. Elise: Por que est ligando? Certo, bem, tenho que ir. No, tenho que ir. Ok. Sinto muito.

    David: It's all right. Everything okay? David: Sem problemas. Est tudo bem?

    Elise: Yeah. Oh, my God. That was so weird. I woke up and you werent here. Elise: Sim. Meu Deus. Foi to estranho. Acordei e voc no estava aqui.

    Elise: And then the phone rang and it was my ex which is just so strange. Elise: Da o telefone tocou e era o meu ex o que foi muito estranho.

    David: Sorry, I guess we hadn't gotten to any of that stuff yet. David: Desculpe, ainda no conversamos sobre essas coisas.

    Elise: Right.You know, we broke up a while ago, and its over and then he calls Elise: Certo. Voc sabe, ns terminamos h algum tempo acabou e ento ele telefona

    Elise: four times in one morning. Elise: 4 vezes numa manh.

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    David: He called you four times this morning? David: Ele te ligou quatro vezes nesta manh?

    David: How long have you guys been broken up? David: H quanto tempo terminaram?

    Elise: Three months. It's like he knew I was with someone else. Elise: H 3 meses. Parece que ele sabia que eu estava com outra pessoa.

    David: Was it serious? David: Era srio?

    Elise: We were engaged. Elise: Ns estavamos noivos.

    David: So, not really that serious? David: Ento, no to srio.

    Elise: Right. Elise: Certo.

    David: Well, what happened? David: Bem, o que aconteceu?

    Elise: Do you want to know this? Elise: Voc quer saber disso?

    David: Yeah. David: Sim.

    Elise: He was a great guy. Brilliant choreographer and dancer, Elise: Era um timo cara. Brilhante coregrafo e bailarino,

    Elise: and we had the same group of friends. We had known each other a long time. Elise: e tnhamos o mesmo grupo de amigos. Nos conhecamos h muito tempo.

    David: Well, he sounds great. Why didnt you marry him? David: Bem, ele parece timo. Por que no se casou com ele?

    Elise: Because of you. Im not some hopeless romantic. Elise: Por sua causa. No sou uma romntica incorrigvel.

    Elise: I've never allowed myself to be that way. But once I felt, Elise: Nunca me permiti ser assim. Mas uma vez eu me senti,

    Elise: even for a moment, what I felt with you Elise: mesmo que por um instante, o que senti por voc.

    Elise: You ruined me. I didnt want to settle for less. Elise: Voc me estragou, no me contentaria com menos.

    David: I know the feeling. David: Eu conheo esse sentimento.

    Elise: It scares the shit out of me. Elise: Me assusta pra caramba.

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    David: I'm not gonna hurt you. David: No vou te magoar.

    Elise: You don't need to say that. Elise: No precisa dizer isso.

    David: I'm not gonna hurt you. This is the first time in 25 years David: No vou te magoar. a primeira vez em 25 anos

    David: that I don't feel like I'm by myself. David: que no me sinto s.

    Elise: That's a lot of responsibility for me. Elise: muita responsabilidade para mim.

    Elise: I don't know if I'm quite comfortable with that. Elise: no sei se me sinto vontade com isso.

    David: Well, too late. David: Bem, tarde demais.

    David: You know, I'm supposed to go to an interview right now. David: Sabe, eu tenho que dar uma entrevista agora.

    David: What if I told you I wasn't ready to let you out of my sight quite yet? David: E se lhe dissesse que ainda no quero te perder de vista?

    Elise: Sounds good. Elise: Parece bom.

    David: You wanna go? David: Voc quer ir?

    Elise: Yeah. Elise: Sim.

    Interviewer: Are you handsome or is it that Washington is so populated by Entrevistador: Voc que bonito ou Washington que est cheia de

    Interviewer: I don't wanna say, hideous abnormalities Entrevistador: no quero dizer anormalidades horrendas

    David: This is getting a little weird. David: Isso est ficando um pouco esquisito.

    Interviewer: David Norris, everybody. Entrevistador: David Norris, pessoal.

    Man: Excuse me, ma'am. Homem: Com licena, senhorita.

    Elise: Yes? Elise: Sim?

    Man: Congressman Norris asked me to give you a message. Homem: O deputado Norris pediu para lhe dar um recado.

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    Man: He was just called into a meeting. He says its urgent. Homem: Ele foi chamado para uma reunio. Disse que urgente.

    Elise: Okay. Elise: Ok.

    Man: He said he'll call you as soon as hes out and hell see you at the show tonight. Homem: Disse que ligar assim que terminar e ir v-la em sua apresentao.

    Elise: Okay, thank you. Elise: Certo. Obrigada.

    Man: Thanks. This way, Congressman. Homem: Obrigado. Por aqui, deputado.

    David: Hello? David: Ol?

    Thompson: Frustrating, isn't it? My name is Thompson. Thompson: Frustrante, no? Meu nome Thompson.

    David: Whatever happened to free will? David: O que houve com o livre arbtrio?

    Thompson: We actually tried free will before. After taking you Thompson: J tentamos o livre arbtrio antes. Depois de lev-los

    Thompson: from hunting and gathering to the height of the Roman Empire, Thompson: da caa e coleta ao apogeu do Imprio Romano,

    Thompson: we stepped back to see how you would do on your own. Thompson: ns nos afastamos para ver como agiriam por conta prpria.

    Thompson: You gave us the Dark Ages for five centuries Thompson: Vocs nos deram a Idade das Trevas por 5 sculos

    Thompson: until finally we decided we should come back in. Thompson: at finalmente, ns decidirmos que deveriamos voltar aqui.

    Thompson: The Chairman thought that maybe we just needed to do a better job Thompson: o Presidente achou que talvez precisavamos fazer um trabalho melhor

    Thompson: with teaching you how to ride a bike before taking the training wheels offagain.

    Thompson: ensinando-os como andar de bicicleta antes de retirar as rodinhas de novo.

    Thompson: So, we gave you the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, scientificrevolution.

    Thompson: Ento, ns lhes demos o Renascimento, o Iluminismo, revoluo cientfica.

    Thompson: For 600 years we taught you to control your impulses with reason. Thompson: Por 600 anos ensinamos vocs a controlar os impulsos com a razo.

    Thompson: Then in 1910, we stepped back again. Thompson: Ento em 1910, nos afastamos de novo.

    Thompson: Within 50 years, you had brought us World War I,

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    Thompson: Em questo de 50 anos, vocs nos deram a I Guerra Mundial,

    Thompson: the Depression, Fascism, the Holocaust, and capped it off by bringing the Thompson: a Grande Depresso, o fascismo, o Holocausto, levaram o

    Thompson: entire planet to the brink of destruction in the Cuban missile crisis. Thompson: mundo beira da destruio com a Crise dos Msseis em Cuba.

    Thompson: At that point a decision was taken to step back in again Thompson: quela altura, decidimos intervir de novo,

    Thompson: before you did something that even we couldnt fix. Thompson: antes que fizessem algo que at ns no pudssemos consertar.

    Thompson: You don't have free will, David. You have the appearance of free will. Thompson: Vocs no tm livre arbtrio, David. Vocs apenas aparentam ter.

    David: You expect me to believe that? I make decisions every day. David: Voc espera que eu acredite nisso? Tomo decises todos os dias.

    Thompson: You have free will over which toothpaste you use Thompson: H livre arbtrio para escolher qual pasta de dente voc usa

    Thompson: or which beverage to order at lunch. But humanity just Thompson: ou qual bebida pedir no almoo. Mas a humanidade

    Thompson: isn't mature enough to control the important things. Thompson: no madura o bastante para controlar coisas importantes.

    David: So, you handle the important things?

    David: Por isso, vocs lidam com elas?

    David: The last time I checked, the world is a pretty screwed-up place. David: A ltima vez que chequei, o mundo um lugar bem catico.

    Thompson: It's still here. If we had left things in your hands, it wouldntbe. Thompson: Mas ele ainda est aqui. Se o deixssemos nas mos de vocs, no estaria.

    David: Tell me why I can't be with Elise? Because the last guy didnt know. David: Me diga, por que no posso ficar com Elise? Porque o outro cara no sabia.

    Thompson: Meeting Elise at the Waldorf three years ago wasnt chance. Thompson: Encontr-la h 3 anos no Waldorf no foi acaso.

    Thompson: That was us. We knew she would inspire you to give that speech. Thompson: Foi por nossa causa. Ns sabamos que ela o inspiraria a fazer aquele discurso.

    Thompson: That speech that brought you back from the edge of oblivion Thompson: Aquele discurso que o livrou da obscuridade,

    Thompson: and overnight made you the frontrunner in this coming election. Thompson: e da noite pro dia o ps na dianteira da eleio que viria.

    David: What are you saying? You want me to win the election? David: O que est dizendo? Que querem que eu ganhe a eleio?

    Thompson: This one and four more after it.

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    Thompson: Esta aqui e as prximas quatro.

    Thompson: And I'm not just talking about elections for Senate. You can matter, David. Thompson: E no falo apenas das eleies pro Senado. Voc pode fazer a diferena, David.

    Thompson: Really matter. What your father wanted when he took you to the Thompson: De verdade. O que seu pai queria quando o levou ao

    Thompson: Senate Gallery when you were 10. What your brother wanted Thompson: ao Senado aos 10 anos. O que seu irmo queria

    Thompson: when he made you promise the day before he overdosed Thompson: quando te fez prometer no dia anterior de morrer de overdose,

    Thompson: that you wouldn't be like him. Thompson: que voc no seria igual a ele.

    Thompson: Why do you think you have that yearning to be in front of people? Thompson: Por que acha que tem o desejo de ficar diante das pessoas?

    Thompson: That terrible emptiness when youre not. Thompson: Aquele terrvel vazio quando no est?

    David: Don't do that. David: No faa isso.

    Thompson: David, you can change the world, Thompson: David, voc pode mudar o mundo,

    Thompson: but that doesn't happen if you stay with her.

    Thompson: mas isso no acontecer se ficar com ela.

    David: Why do you people care who I love? David: Por que vocs se importam com quem eu amo?

    Thompson: It's not about her, it's about you. What being with her does to you. Thompson: No se trata dela, trata-se de voc. O que estar com ela lhe causa.

    David: What it does to me? Imbetter when Im with her! Even you said it. The speech. David: O que me causa? Sou melhor quando estou com ela. At voc disse isso. O


    Thompson: In small doses, Elise was the cure. But in large doses she rubs off on you. Thompson: Em pequenas doses, Elise foi a cura. Mas em altas doses, ela o afeta.

    David: Stop. David: Pare.

    Thompson: David, the president cant be a loose cannon. Thompson: David, o president no pode ser inconsequente.

    David: Stop talking. It's not working. David: Pare de falar. No est funcionando.

    Thompson: Why do you refuse to accept what should be completely obvious by now? Thompson: Por que se recusa a aceitar o que agora deveria ser to bvio?

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    Thompson: You've seen what we can do.You cantdoubt we are who we say we are. Thompson: J viu o que ns podemos fazer. Voc no pode duvidar, que somos quem


    David: Look, it's not about who you are, its about who I am. David: Olhe, no sobre quem vocs so, sobre quem eu sou.

    Thompson: Can't outrun your fate, David. Thompson: No pode fugir do seu destino, David.

    David: I just disagree with you about what my fate is. David: S discordo de voc sobre o que meu destino .

    David: I know what I feel for her and its not gonna change. David: Sei o que sinto por ela e isso no vai mudar.

    David: All I have are the choices that I make. David: Tudo que tenho so as escolhas que fao.

    David: And I choose her come what may. David: E eu a escolho haja o que houver.

    Thompson: It's 6:20. If you leave now, you can make Elises show. Thompson: So 18h20. Se sair agora assistir apresentao de Elise.


    Agent:We've got inflection points. Agent:All he needs to do is see her dance and you're at your ripple limit.

    Richardson:What? All right, block the door.

    Agent:He's already through it.

    Richardson:Not that one, the next one.

    David:Excuse me. David Norris, I'm here to see Elise.

    Richardson:I'm blocking them all.

    Agent:Hat! Hat!

    Richardson:Is she here? Woman:Yeah, she's in the studio.

    Richardson:It's too late. He's already seen her. You hit your ripple limit.

    Richardson:Celebrate now. They're just going to kick it upstairs.

    Agent:It's Donaldson.

    Richardson:He has no idea what he's up against.

    Donaldson:Let's take a walk.

    Donaldson:The intense chemistry between them, the constant inflection points, and the


    Donaldson:you pulling them apart twice only to have chance put them back together.

    Donaldson:Yeah, all that seemed a little much.

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    Donaldson:So, I asked Burdensky to do some research this morning.

    Donaldson:Have you been in here before? No, of course not.

    Agent:It seems like David Norris and Elise Sellas were meant to be together

    Agent:because they were meant to be together.

    Richardson:Wait, what?

    Donaldson:In the '70s when he was born, they were meant to be together,

    Donaldson:same thing in the '80s, '90s.

    Agent:Wasn't till 2005 that the plan changed and she was supposed to stay with Adrian.

    Agent:The problem here is there are remnants from all those old plans

    Agent:that keep pushing them together.

    Agent:They still feel like they belong with each other even though they don't,

    Agent:and we're about to tear them apart again.

    Richardson:You spend your whole career hoping, someday, you'll get a red-letter case.

    Richardson:Something you can really make a name for yourself with.

    Richardson:Finally you get one, and it's booby-trapped.


    Richardson:I'm saying, it wasn't your fault. They were meant to be together.


    Richardson:Were. In an earlier version of the plan. Actually, a dozen earlier versions.

    Richardson:I always wondered how we had such bad luck

    Richardson:that she was on that particular bus on that particular day.

    Harry:How could a plan just change like that?

    Richardson:I don't know. It's above my pay grade.

    Agent:So, we're going operational. This is exciting. It's been a while.

    Donaldson:We're not going operational.

    Donaldson:No one ever made it to my job by taking stupid risks.

    Agent:So, what are we going to do?

    Donaldson:We're going to kick this case upstairs to someone with the latitude to

    Donaldson:clean up this mess without breaking into a sweat.

    Donaldson:We're going to bring this to Thompson. Agent:Thompson? When he was in the field, his nickname was...

    Donaldson:The Hammer, yes. He'll crush this little romance with a flick of his hand

    Donaldson:and force them back on plan again.

    Elise:I want to go to a club.

    David:Oh! Why ruin a really nice day?

    Elise:Come on.

    David:No, I don't dance.

    Elise:Oh come on, everyone can dance. You just feel the music. David:Well, I've been told that I have trouble feeling.

    Elise:Who told you that?

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    David:A long list of women.

    Elise:That's gross. Elise: You know what? Let's race to that lamppost.

    Elise:You win, I dance for you. Elise: I win, you dance for me.

    David:On the pole?

    Elise:If you like, yeah.

    David:This is serious. What are the rules?

    Elise:There are no rules. Oh! You bastard! Oh, my gosh!

    David:You challenged me in those shoes?

    Elise:Okay, fine. I can't.

    Elise:You're right. These are the wrong shoes. I'm going to twist an ankle.

    David:You said, No rules. I avoided them. Ow!

    Elise:You said you had trouble feeling.


    Man:Hey, David.

    Woman:You're even cuter in person.

    Man:Hey, it's David Norris.

    David:How you doing? How are you?

    Elise:How are we feeling about this tie?

    Man:Hey, David Norris!

    David:Hey, how you doing? Maybe I should go home and get my tux.

    Elise:Definitely don't do that. It's good.

    David:I should never have come back here again without my backup dancers.

    Man:I voted for you.

    David:How are you?

    Man:Norris, you're a rock star!

    Elise:Did you grow up over here?

    David:Yeah, three blocks over that way. Pioneer Street. My whole childhood.

    Elise:What were you like as a kid?

    David:I've spent about half my time in the principal's office up until the sixth grade.

    Elise:Wow. David:Yeah, that was when my mother and my brother died

    David:within a month of each other.

    Elise:I'm sorry.

    David:No, it's fine. You know how I always tell that story about how

    David:I got inspired to go into politics because my dad took me

    David:to the Senate Gallery and we sat together and that's true.

    David:But what I leave out is he did that right after they died.

    David:And I was bottoming out. So, he wanted to get me out of here for a little while David:and he planned this road trip to DC, and I think it's because JFK was his idol.

    David:And we went and sat in the gallery. I remember watching him watch them,

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    David:and I knew that that's what I wanted to do. I wish they were here to see all this.

    David:I wasDidn't expect to tell you any of that.

    Elise:David? David? Hello. Hey. What are you doing? Why are you calling? Hi.

    Elise:No, I wasBecause I was sleeping. No. No, it's not. Why are you calling?

    Elise:Okay, well, I gotta go. No, I gotta go. Okay. I'm so sorry.

    David:It's all right. Everything okay?

    Elise:Yeah. Oh, my God. That was so weird. I woke up and you weren't here.

    Elise:And then the phone rang and it was my ex which is just so strange.

    David:Sorry, I guess we hadn't gotten to any of that stuff yet.

    Elise:Right. You know, we broke up a while ago,

    Elise:and it's over and then he calls four times in one morning.

    David:He called you four times this morning? How long have you guys been broken up?

    Elise:Three months. It's like he knew I was with someone else.

    David:Was it serious?

    Elise:We were engaged.

    David:So, not really that serious?


    David:Well, what happened?

    Elise:Do you want to know this?


    Elise:He was a great guy. Brilliant choreographer and dancer,

    Elise:and we had the same group of friends. We had known each other a long time.

    David:Well, he sounds great. Why didn't you marry him?

    Elise:Because of you. I'm not some hopeless romantic.

    Elise:I've never allowed myself to be that way. But once I felt,

    Elise:even for a moment, what I felt with you. You ruined me. I didn't want to settle for


    David:I know the feeling.

    Elise:It scares the shit out of me.

    David:I'm not gonna hurt you. Elise:You don't need to say that.

    David:I'm not gonna hurt you. This is the first time in 25 years that I don't feel like I'm by


    Elise:That's a lot of responsibility for me. I don't know if I'm quite comfortable with that.

    David:Well, too late. David: You know, I'm supposed to go to an interview right now.

    David:What if I told you I wasn't ready to let you out of my sight quite yet?

    Elise:Sounds good.

    David:You wanna go? Elise:Yeah.

    Interviewer:Are you handsome or is it that Washington is so populated by

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    Interviewer:I don't wanna say, hideous abnormalities

    David:This is getting a little weird.

    Interviewer:David Norris, everybody.

    Man:Excuse me, ma'am.


    Man:Congressman Norris asked me to give you a message.

    Man:He was just called into a meeting. He says it's urgent.


    Man:He said he'll call you as soon as he's out and he'll see you at the show tonight.

    Elise:Okay, thank you.


    Man:This way, Congressman.


    Thompson:Frustrating, isn't it? My name is Thompson.

    David:Whatever happened to free will?

    Thompson:We actually tried free will before. After taking you from hunting and gathering

    Thompson:to the height of the Roman Empire, we stepped back to see how

    Thompson:you would do on your own. You gave us the Dark Ages for five centuries

    Thompson:until finally we decided we should come back in.

    Thompson:The Chairman thought that maybe we just needed to do a better job

    Thompson:with teaching you how to ride a bike

    Thompson:before taking the training wheels off again.

    Thompson:So, we gave you the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, scientific revolution.

    Thompson:For 600 years we taught you to control your impulses with reason.

    Thompson:Then in 1910, we stepped back again. Within 50 years, you had

    Thompson:brought us World War I, the Depression, Fascism, the Holocaust,

    Thompson:and capped it off by bringing the entire planet to the brink of destruction

    Thompson:in the Cuban missile crisis.

    Thompson:At that point a decision was taken to step back in again

    Thompson:before you did something that even we couldn't fix. Thompson:You don't have free will, David.

    Thompson:You have the appearance of free will.

    David:You expect me to believe that? I make decisions every day.

    Thompson:You have free will over which toothpaste you use

    Thompson:or which beverage to order at lunch.

    Thompson:But humanity just isn't mature enough to control the important things.

    David:So, you handle the important things?

    David:The last time I checked, the world is a pretty screwed-up place. Thompson:It's still here. If we had left things in your hands, it wouldn't be.

    David:Tell me why I can't be with Elise? Because the last guy didn't know.

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    Thompson:Meeting Elise at the Waldorf three years ago wasn't chance.

    Thompson:That was us. We knew she would inspire you to give that speech.

    Thompson:That speech that brought you back from the edge of oblivion

    Thompson:and overnight made you the frontrunner in this coming election.

    David:What are you saying? You want me to win the election?

    Thompson:This one and four more after it.

    Thompson:And I'm not just talking about elections for Senate.

    Thompson:You can matter, David. Really matter.

    Thompson:What your father wanted when he took you to the Senate Gallery

    Thompson:when you were 10. What your brother wanted when he made you promise

    Thompson:the day before he overdosed that you wouldn't be like him.

    Thompson:Why do you think you have that yearning to be in front of people?

    Thompson:That terrible emptiness when you're not.

    David:Don't do that.

    Thompson:David, you can change the world, but that doesn't happen if you stay with her.

    David:Why do you people care who I love?

    Thompson:It's not about her, it's about you. What being with her does to you.

    David:What it does to me? I'm better when I'm with her! Even you said it. The speech.

    Thompson:In small doses, Elise was the cure. But in large doses, she rubs off on you.


    Thompson:David, the president can't be a loose cannon.

    David:Stop talking. It's not working.

    Thompson:Why do you refuse to accept what should be completely obvious by now?

    Thompson:You've seen what we can do. You can't doubt we are who we say we are.

    David:Look, it's not about who you are, it's about who I am.

    Thompson:Can't outrun your fate, David.

    David:I just disagree with you about what my fate is.

    David:I know what I feel for her and it's not gonna change.

    David:All I have are the choices that I make. And I choose her come what may.

    Thompson:It's 6:20. If you leave now, you can make Elise's show.