Transcript of EFETIVIDADE DA SUPLEMENTAÇÃO DE ZINCO NA FORÇA ... · Prof. Dr . Eduardo Sérgio ......

Page 1: EFETIVIDADE DA SUPLEMENTAÇÃO DE ZINCO NA FORÇA ... · Prof. Dr . Eduardo Sérgio ... grupo-controle composto por ... níveis mais baixos de peroxidação lipídica e desencadeiaram







clínico randomizado duplo cego




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clínico randomizado duplo cego

Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, como requisito para obtenção do Título de Doutor em Ciências da Saúde. Orientador: Prof. Dr. José Brandão Neto Coordenadora: Profa. Dra. Ivonete Batista Araújo



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B574i Bezerra, Maria Aparecida. Influência do zinco no desempenho muscular em mulheres jovens e idosas / Maria Aparecida Bezerra. – Natal/RN, 2013. 57f.: il. Orientador: Prof. Dr. José Brandão Neto

Tese (Doutorado em Ciências da Saúde) – Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Centro de Ciências da Saúde.

1. Envelhecimento – Tese. 2. Nutrição – Zinco – Tese. 3. Força muscular – Tese. I. Brandão Neto, José. II. Título.

RN/UF/BSA01 CDU: 613.2-055.2

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clínico randomizado duplo cego

Aprovada em: ______/______/______


______________________________________________________________ Prof. Dr. José Brandão Neto (Presidente – UFRN)

______________________________________________________________ Profa. Dra. Selma Sousa Bruno (Membro Interno – UFRN)

______________________________________________________________ Prof. Dr. Eryvaldo Sócrates Tabosa do Egito (Membro Interno – UFRN)

______________________________________________________________ Profa. Dra. Margareth de Fátima Formiga Melo Diniz (Membro Externo – UFPB)

_____________________________________________________________ Prof. Dr. Eduardo Sérgio Soares Sousa (Membro Externo – UFPB)

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A Deus, fonte de sabedoria, de amor e de inspiração criadora. A Ele dedico este trabalho. Aos meus pais, João (in memoriam) e Irene, pelo esforço que fizeram para que os filhos pudessem estudar. Aos meus amados filhos, Amanda e Tiago, pelas palavras e ações de incentivo quando eu retornava para casa cansada da jornada de trabalho. Às mulheres que fizeram parte dessa pesquisa, pelo compromisso assumido em todas as fases do trabalho e por tudo o que aprendi com elas. Aos Mestres do passado e do presente pelo árduo trabalho com a fonte do conhecimento que pode propiciar o desenvolvimento da humanidade.

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A Deus, fonte de vida e amor, que me amparou durante todas as etapas deste


Ao Prof. Dr. José Brandão Neto, minha profunda gratidão, pela precisa e

preciosa orientação ao longo desta importante fase de minha vida.

A Profa. Áurea Nogueira de Melo por sua dedicação voluntária à avaliação

neurológica das pacientes, em todas as fases da pesquisa.

Aos colegas: Naira Josele Neves de Brito, Érika Dantas de Medeiros Rocha,

Alfredo de Araújo Silva e Denise Dal'Ava Augusto pela ajuda nos procedimentos de

avaliação em suas respectivas áreas de atuação.

À FAPERN e CNPq pelo financiamento da pesquisa.

Ao PPGCSA e aos docentes a ele vinculados.

A UFPB, especialmente aos colegas do Departamento de Fisioterapia, pelo

incentivo nesta etapa acadêmica.

Às equipes do Programa de Saúde da Família dos Bancários, Timbó I e Timbó

II pelo acolhimento, compromisso e dedicação com que nos receberam e

acompanharam durante toda esta pesquisa.

Às voluntárias, cuja colaboração permitiu a realização deste trabalho.

A todos os que, direta ou indiretamente, contribuíram para a conclusão deste

trabalho, a minha gratidão.

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Introdução: O decréscimo na função muscular durante o envelhecimento limita a

capacidade funcional e, consequentemente, a independência física. Objetivo:

Avaliar a efetividade do zinco na força, na resistência e no equilíbrio muscular em

mulheres idosas atendidas em área de abrangência da Unidade de Saúde da

Família do Sistema Único de Saúde. Metodologia: Ensaio clínico randomizado

duplo cego placebo controlado com 38 participantes aleatoriamente distribuídos em

4 grupos: grupo-controle composto por 18 mulheres jovens, com idade entre os 20 e

os 30 anos, assim subdivido: Jovem Placebo (n=9) ingeriu placebo (sorbitol 10%);

Jovem Zinco (n=9) ingeriu 25mg do elemento zinco. Grupo experimental composto

por 20 mulheres idosas, com idade entre os 60 e os 80 anos e subdividido: Idosa

Placebo: (n=10) ingeriu placebo; Idosa Zinco (n=10) ingeriu 25mg do elemento

zinco. O seguimento teve duração de 90 dias. A força, a resistência e o equilíbrio

muscular foram estimados pelo pico de torque isocinético normalizado pelo peso

corporal, do quadríceps (PT/kg QUA) e dos isquiotibiais (PT/kg IQS) nas velocidades

angulares de 60°/s e de 180°/s por dinamometria Isocinética. Resultados: Na

medida inicial PT/kg IQS 60°/s, não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos.

Após 90 dias ocorreu redução significativa da força apenas no grupo Idosa Placebo:

PT/kg IQS 60°/s =58,53±16,37 Nm em relação ao grupo Jovem Placebo: PT/kg IQS

60°/s = 84,15±27,60 Nm p=0,01. Quanto à resistência dos isquiotibiais (PT/kg IQS

180°/s), os dois grupos de idosas (Placebo e Zinco) eram significativamente

menores do que o grupo Jovem Placebo na medida inicial. Após 90 dias, apenas o

grupo Idosa Placebo tinha resistência significativa menor que o grupo Jovem

Placebo. Efeito dentro de cada grupo: ocorreu aumento significativo de força e

resistência dos isquiotibiais no grupo Idosa Zinco e diminuição significativa no grupo

Idosa Placebo. A diferença de médias (Δ) entre Idosa Zinco e Idosa Placebo (teste t

independente) dos isquiotibiais, após 90 dias, foi significativa tanto para força (PT/kg

IQS60°/s Δ=8,97 Nm, p= 0,02) como para resistência (PT/kg IQS 180°/s Δ=11,88

Nm p=0,01). Conclusões: A diferença significativa entre as médias do inicio e as de

seguimento, tanto de força como de resistência dos isquiotibiais entre Idosa Zinco e

Idosa Placebo, mostra a vulnerabilidade desse músculo durante o envelhecimento.

Essas perdas poderiam ser minimizadas com a suplementação de zinco. Isso indica

que a nutrição adequada de zinco pode prevenir perda de força e resistência

muscular em mulheres com mais de 60 anos.

Descritores: Envelhecimento. Zinco.Nutrição. Força muscular. Dinamômetro de

força muscular.

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ERO Espécie reativa de oxigênio DMO Densidade mineral óssea Zn Zinco

Nm Newton metro

PT Pico de torque

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1 INTRODUÇÃO ...................................................................................................... 08

2JUSTIFICATIVA .................................................................................................... 12

3 OBJETIVOS ......................................................................................................... 13

3.1 Objetivo geral .................................................................................................... 13

3.2 Objetivos específicos ........................................................................................ 13

4 MÉTODO .............................................................................................................. 14

5 ANEXAÇÃO DO ARTIGO1 .................................................................................. 15

6 ANEXAÇÃO DO ARTIGO 2 ................................................................................. 40

7 COMENTÁRIOS, CRÍTICAS E CONCLUSÕES. .................................................. 45

REFERÊNCIAS ....................................................................................................... 48

ANEXO ................................................................................................................... 51

APÊNDICE ............................................................................................................. 52

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O envelhecimento populacional é uma realidade em países desenvolvidos e

em desenvolvimento(1). A prevalência de múltiplas condições crônicas e

incapacidade funcional são mais elevadas na senescência. Variações nas condições

de saúde, no bem-estar, na capacidade funcional e nas necessidades de cuidado

distinguem diferentes grupos de idosos. Tais variações poderão culminar com a

Síndrome da Fragilidade caracterizada pela diminuição da massa corporal, fraqueza,

fadiga, inatividade, redução da ingestão alimentar, sarcopenia, osteopenia,

anormalidades no equilíbrio e na marcha(2). Essas características estão direta ou

indiretamente interligadas com fatores, como: características demográficas,

socioeconômicas e outros aspectos relacionados com a saúde(3).

Estilo de vida sedentário, característico dessa população, está associado com

osteoartrite, consequente da inatividade física, redução da função mitocondrial,

desajuste do estado redox celular, aumento de inflamação crônica sistêmica que

torna o ambiente intracelular do músculo propenso à toxicidade de espécies reativas

de oxigênio (ERO)(4). Esses fatores podem contribuir para a redução da massa

muscular esquelética. Tal redução tem inicio discreto na terceira década e

diminuição significativaa partir do final da quinta década em homens e mulheres(5).

A diminuição do músculo esquelético, tecido metabolicamente ativo, afeta a

sua capacidade metabólica, particularmente as capacidades glicolíticas e


, potencializa aumento da gordura corporal, diminuição da aptidão

aeróbica, da massa magra e da densidade mineral óssea(7).

Estudo de nosso grupo de pesquisa mostrou que 20,2% da variabilidade da

densidade mineral óssea na coluna lombar estava relacionada com a massa magra

e tempo de menopausa; 22,3% de variabilidade da densidade mineral óssea do colo

do fémur estava relacionada com o peso corporal e idade; 18,9% da variabilidade da

densidade mineral óssea no triângulo de Ward estavam relacionadas com a idade e

gasto energético basal; e 39% da variabilidade da densidade mineral no trocanter

estavam relacionadas com o índice de massa corporal, idade e menarca(8).

Essas evidências mostram que o organismo humano reage de forma

específica aos diferentes tipos de estímulo, ao longo do desenvolvimento, revelado

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no bidirecional processo epigenético: de genótipo para fenótipo e de fenótipo para


O músculo esquelético sintetiza esse contexto e responde, de acordo com a

tipologia de suas fibras, ao metabolismo aeróbico e anaeróbico. Fibras musculares

de contração lenta (tipo I) têm metabolismo oxidativo e são ricas em capilares e

mitocondrias. São requisitadas durante exercícios que aumentam a resistência

muscualar. As fibras musclares de contração rápida (tipo IIa) têm perfil metabólico

semelhante às fibras do tipo I. As fibras musculares glicolíticas de metabolismo

anaeróbico (tipo IId e IIb) têm pouca mitocondria e pouca vascularização capilar.

Estão envolvidas nos exercícios que visam aumentam a força muscular(10).

O grupos musclares isquitibias e quadricepes, que são objetos de nosso

estudo, apresentam um percentual elevado de fibras musculares de contração

rápida tipo II. Em estudo histoquimico, Garrett et al.(11) mostram que há uma

proporção maior dessas fibras nos isquitibiais em comparação com o quadriceps. No

bícepes femoral (cabeça longa), na área proximal, há um pencentual de 55,2% e na

área distal, 53,8%; na cabeça curta do bíceps, na área central, o percentual é de

59,2%; no semitedinoso, na área proximal, 54,6% e na área distal, 60,4%; no

semimembranoso, na área proximal, 51% e na área distal, de 50,5%. Para o

quadríceps, no mesmo estudo, os músculos foram analisados apenas na área

central. Mostra portanto, um percentual de fibras musculares tipo II no vasto lateral

de 54,5%, no vasto intermédio de 45,7%, no vasto medial de 49,4% e no reto

femoral de 57,7%(11).

Os músculos com elevado percentual de fibras do tipo II são recrutados em

exercício de alta intensidade e geram elevados níveis de tensão nos tendões

produzidos por força de estiramento os quais podem expor os músculos a danos em

períodos de atividade muscular intensa(11). No envelhecimento a tendência ao dano

muscular aumenta, principalmente em mulheres, em decorência do aumento da

tensão isotônica, da baixa cinética das pontes cruzadas de actina e miosina. Estes

danos musculares que têm como consequência maior rigidez muscular e baixa

produção de força(12). Isso pode ser agravado devido à característica das fibras

musculares glicolícas tipo II que são mais suscetíveis também ao dano provocado

por alto nível de estresse oxidativo(10).

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Pessoas idosas com mais de 40% de fibras musculares tipo II apresentaram

níveis mais baixos de peroxidação lipídica e desencadeiaram com mais eficiência o

sistema contra ânio superóxido do que das pessoas que têm menos de 40% dessas

fibras musculares(13). Também é reportado que há redução significativa da força

muscular, da área de secção transversa muscular, diminuição de fibras tipo I e

decréscimo de capilares por área de fibra muscular (14).

Essas transformações biológicas causadas por estilo de vida sedentário e

fatores nutricionais podem mudar a capacidade mitocondrial e interferir no

metabolismo oxidativo energético, o que pode tornar o organismo vulnerável a

agentes agressores celulares, como os radicais livres, principalmente no

envelhecimento, os quais estão relacionados com a sarcopenia e doenças crônicas(4,


O estilo de vida fisicamente ativo das pessoas idosas, está associado com a

compensação parcial da preservação da biogênese mitocondrial e com a

capacidade antioxidante no músculo esquelético que pode retardar o início da


A sarcopenia (redução da massa muscular) e a dinapenia (redução da força

muscular) estão associadas com o aumento do estresse oxidativo e podem ser

potencializadas devido à menor atividade das enzimas anaeróbicas e aeróbicas, do

conteúdo de proteínas, e não apenas devido à diminuição da atividade física(6).

Existem evidências de que a deficiência de zinco no organismo pode afetar a

função do músculo estriado (15) e pode induzir a apoptose de células musculares

lisas vasculares. O estresse oxidativo, na deficiência de zinco, contribuiria para a

apopitose dessas células(16).

Estudos sobre a ação do zinco na saúde humana mostram avanços nesses

ultimos 50 anos. Segundo Prasad(17), no início da década de 1960, eram

conhecidadas apenas três enzimas que necessitavam de zinco para suas atividades.

Atualmente, são conhecidas mais de trezentas enzimas e mais de mil fatores de

transcrição que precisam de zinco para realizarem suas atividades. O zinco mostrou

ser efetivo para tratar diarréia aguda em crianças e resfriados comuns; prevenir

cegueira de pessoas com degeneração macular e reduzir a incidências de infecções

no envelhecimento(17).

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O zinco é um abundante elemento de transição no cérebro, tem importante

papel na estabilização da proteína básica de mielina e na formação da bainha de

mielina(18), está envolvido no desenvolvimento e preservação das funções dos

nervos periféricos(19), na preservação da quantidade de fibras musculares e no

metabolismo energético dessas fibras musculares(20). Já mostrou exercer influência

no trabalho total isocinético dos músculos extensores do ombro e do joelho em

homens jovens(21).

Durante prolongados períodos de restrição de atividade motora, parece que

são modificados mecanismos endógenos da homeostase do zinco. Zorbas et al.(22)

mostram que ratos mantidos em hipocinesia, mesmo estes recebendo

suplementação de zinco na dieta, esta não garantiu que o zinco penetrasse nos

tecidos onde são normalmente depositados, como ocorre nos ossos e nos músculos.

Foi obervado também aumento do zinco no plasma, na excreção fecal e urinária, o

que resultou em significante perda de zinco corporal(22).

Considerando a importância da nutrição de zinco associado com estilo de vida

ativo, a pesquisadora propôs essa pesquisa com a finalidade de estudar a influência

do zinco na força, na resistência e no equilíbrio muscular em mulheres idosas


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A redução do desempenho muscular em homens e mulheres está associada

com a sarcopenia, que é uma das principais causas da redução da força e do

desempenho muscular no envelhecimento(23) e que é caracterizada pela redução do

número, do tamanho e do nível da vascularização das fibras musculares(13). A

estimativa de sarcopenia aumenta à medida que as pessoas envelhecem. Em

pessoas com idade entre os 60 e os 70 anos, o percentual de sarcopenia fica entre

5% e 13%. Já em pessoas com mais de 80 anos, essa estimativa aumenta para os

percentuais de 11% a 50%(24).

A diminuição da força muscular relacionada com a idade foi denominada

dinapenia em 2008(25). Ela tem consequência significativa, durante o

envelhecimento, por aumentar o risco de limitações funcionais, de incapacidade e de

mortalidade(26). É reportado atualmente que a dinapenia do quadríceps e do punho e

não a sarcopenia, é preditor independentes de mortalidade(27).

O estudo da dinapenia em mulheres é um tema que tem relevância clínica,

por ser fator de risco para a maioria das doenças crônicas relacionadas com o

envelhecimento. Por outro lado, um aporte suplementar de zinco pode favorecer

aumento da força muscular devido sua ação como antioxidante, estimulante

imunológico e como agente inflamatório(16).

Considerando a realidade do decréscimo do desempenho muscular no

envelhecimento e sua associação com a nutrição adequada de zinco, o presente

estudo investigou a efetividade da suplementação de zinco (25 mg do elemento

Zn++) no aumento da força, da resistência e do equilíbrio entre os músculos

isquiotibiais e quadríceps em mulheres jovens e idosas. Portanto, este projeto

atendeu à finalidade primordial da Política Nacional de Saúde da Pessoa Idosa

(Portaria nº 2.528 de 19 de outubro de 2006)(28). Tal política visa a “recuperar,

manter e promover a autonomia e a independência dos indivíduos idosos” por estar

inserido o projeto na Atenção Básica de Saúde, em consonância com os princípios e

diretrizes do Sistema Único de Saúde.

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3.1 Objetivo geral

Avaliar a efetividade do zinco (25 mg do elemento Zn++) no desempenho dos

músculos isquiotibiais e dos quadríceps nas velocidades angulares de 60°/s e de

180°/s entre mulheres jovens e idosas.

3.2 Objetivos específicos

Verificar se a suplementação de zinco em mulheres idosas diminuiu a

diferença de força e resistência, em comparação com as mulheres jovens.

Observar se a suplementação de zinco aumentou a força, resistência e

equilíbrio muscular em mulheres idosas.

Constatar se houve diferença significativa entre as mulheres idosas que foram

suplementadas com zinco e aquelas que ingeriram placebo.

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Ensaio clínico randomizado duplo cego placebo controlado com um

seguimento de sessenta dias. Trinta e oito mulheres foram distribuídas,

aleatoriamente, em quatro grupos. O grupo-controle foi constituído por 18 mulheres

jovens com idade entre os 20 e os 30 anos e subdivido em dois grupos: Jovem

Placebo (n=9) ingeriu placebo (sorbitol 10%) e Jovem Zinco (n=9) ingeriu 25 mg do

elemento zinco. O grupo experimental foi composto de 20 mulheres idosas com

idade entre os 60 e os 80 anos, subdividido em dois grupos: Idosa Placebo (n=10)

ingeriu placebo e Idosa Zinco (n=10) ingeriu 25 mg do elemento zinco. A força, a

resistência e o equilíbrio muscular foram estimados pelo torque isocinético

normalizado pelo peso corporal do quadríceps e dos isquiotibiais nas velocidades

angulares de 60°/s e de 180°/s, antes e após os sessenta dias de tratamento.

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Título: Efetividade da suplementação de zinco na força, na resistência e no

equilíbrio muscular em mulheres idosas: ensaio clínico randomizado duplo cego.

Periódico: Clinical Interventions in aging

ISSN: 1176-9092 (Print) Qualis: A2 (Medicina II – CAPES) Fator de impacto: 2.083 Status: a ser submetido

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Clinical Interventions in aging

Effectiveness of zinc supplementation on strength, endurance, and muscle balance

in elderly women: a randomized double blind clinical trial.

Maria Aparecida Bezerra1

Simone Bezerra Alves1

Áurea Nogueira de Melo2

Érika Dantas de Medeiros Rocha3

Naira Neves de Brito3

José Brandão-Neto4

1 Departamento de Fisioterapia da Universidade Federal da Paraíba (João Pessoa,


2 Departamento de Pediatria da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (Natal,


3 Pós-graduanda do Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências da Saúde da

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (Natal, Brasil);

4 Departamento de Medicina Clínica da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do

Norte (Natal, Brasil).

Correspondente: José Brandão-Neto.

Av. Gal. Gustavo Cordeiro de Farias, s/n, Natal-RN, CEP 59012-570, Brazil.

Tel +55 84 3342 9748

Fax +55 84 3342 9776

[email protected]

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ABSTRACT Introduction: The elderly generally show decreased muscle performance, accompanied by low consumption of dietary zinc. It is reported that zinc has positive effects on muscle performance. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of zinc on strength, muscular endurance, and balance in older women. Methodology: A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial with 38 participants randomly subdivided into 4 groups: a control group comprised of 18 young women aged between 20 and 30 years, thus subdivided: Young Placebo (n = 9) ingested a placebo (sorbitol 10%), Young zinc (n = 9) ingested 25 mg of zinc. An experimental group of 20 elderly women, aged between 60 and 80 years and subdivided as: Elderly Placebo: (n = 10) ingested a placebo; Elderly Zinc (n = 10) ingested 25 mg of zinc. The follow-up lasted 90 days. The strength, endurance, and muscular balance (hamstring/quadriceps) were estimated by isokinetic peak torque, normalized by body weight, of the quadriceps, and hamstrings in the angular velocities of 60°/s (force), and 180°/s (resistance). Results: Compared with the strength of the Young placebo hamstring group, the Elderly Zinc showed a proportional increase in strength, and the Elderly Placebo group was significantly reduced. The same was seen for hamstrings resistance, only that the Elderly Placebo group showed a significant reduction compared to the Young Placebo group. Effect within each group: a significant increase in strength and endurance of the hamstrings in the Elderly Zinc group, and a significant decrease in the Elderly Placebo group. Mean difference(Δ) between Elderly Zinc and Elderly Placebo for hamstring strength was significant for (PT/kg IQS60°/s Δ = 8.97 Nm, p = 0.02) and for resistance (PT/kg IQS 180°/s Δ = 11.88 Nm p = 0.01). Conclusions: The study showed that zinc may be effective in increasing the strength and endurance of the hamstring, (a vulnerable muscle), and prevents disproportionate reduction of its strength relative to the quadriceps, atypical muscle imbalance that increases the risk of falls in older people. Keywords: Aging. Zinc, Nutrition, Muscle strength, Dynamometer, muscle strength.

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Population aging is a reality on all continents1, and results in the need for the

elderly to seek ways to address the related challenges; high prevalence of chronic

disease, and functional disability2. All this may predispose this population to develop

the Fragility Syndrome, compromising both their quality of life and interfering in their

autonomy. Additional commitments and financial input from their families and the

state are required to aid these people with their new needs in regard to personal

care3. These factors are also directly or indirectly linked to demographic and

socioeconomic factors, as well as to other aspects health2.

During aging, muscle performance is directly associated with decreased

functional capacity4. Sarcopenia, characterized by reduced number, size5, and

vascularization of the muscle fibers4, is directly related to accelerating muscle mass

loss,after 60 years of age6, and has a direct effect on muscle strength reductions in

the elderly 5.

Reduced muscle mass and strength are associated with increased oxidative

stress, which may be potentiated due to lower anaerobic and aerobic enzyme

activity, and protein losses, and not just due to decreased physical activity7.

There is evidence that zinc deficiency in the body can affect striate8 muscle

function, and can induce apoptosis of vascular smooth muscle cells. Oxidative stress

combined with zinc deficiencies, would contribute to this cellular apoptosis9.

Zinc is an abundant transition element in the brain, it plays an important role

in the stabilization of basic myelin proteins, and the formation of the myelin sheath10,

it is involved in the development and preservation of peripheral nervefunctions11, and

in preserving the amount of muscle fibers, and their energy metabolism12. Zinc was

also demonstrated to influence the total isokinetic work of the extensor muscles in the

shoulders and knees in young men13.

During prolonged restrictions of motor activity, it appears that endogenous

mechanisms of zinc homeostasis are modified. Zorbas et al.14 showed that rats kept

in hypokinesia, did not guarantee tissue zinc penetration (normally deposited in

bones and muscles) even when receiving dietary zinc supplements. Increased zinc in

plasma, fecal and urinary excretions was also observed, resulting in significant losses

of corporalzinc14.

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In healthy aging, skeletal muscle shows a significant reduction in isokinetic

muscle strength (especially in women), increased stiffness of the muscle fiber,

reduced phosphorylation of the myosin light chains, and diminished actin and myosin

cross-bridge kinetics, which results in low rates of force production15. There are also

reductions in muscle cross-sectional area, type I fiber percentage, capillaritizedarea5

and a decline in mitochondrial oxidative capacity4.

Older people with an active lifestyle show partial compensation, preserving

mitochondrial oxidative capacity. An active lifestyle helps retain antioxidant capacity.

In contrast, in the sedentary elderly, mitochondrial function is compromised with

deregulation of the redox function. This anomaly may increase chronic inflammatory

processes, which make the intracellular spaces of skeletal muscle an environment

prone to toxicity, as mediated by reactive oxygen species (ROS)16.

Proper zinc nutrition is essential to preserve muscle function8. Its deficiency, a

characteristic of human aging, results in decreased immune response, and

development of chronic degenerative diseases 17, which may predispose the elderly

to long periods of restricted movement, and make them vulnerable to precipitate fecal

and urinary excretion of zinc, thus decreasing corporalzinc14.

Decreased muscle strength related to age, called dynapenia by Clark and

Maniniin 200818, has significant consequences for the aged, and increases the risks

of functional limitations, disabilities and mortality 19. Study shows that dynapenia of

the quadriceps and wrists are independent predictors of mortality20. Thus, we see the

clinical relevance of dynapenia studies.

During human aging there is usually a gradual change from an active to

sedentary lifestyle. The sedentary lifestyle is associated with chronic inflammatory

disease, sarcopenia16, and dynapenia20. Zinc, being recognized as an anti–

inflammatory21, could prevent the evolution of dynapenia, since the hand grip

strength is negatively associated with levels of urinary 8-hydroxy-20-deoxyguanosine

(8-OHdG)22. Based on the above, the present study aims to investigate the

effectiveness of zinc supplementation (25 mg Zn++/day) in preventing strength,

endurance, and quadricep/hamstring muscle balance losses in young and elderly


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Materials and methods

Patient and study design

The volunteers, 60 to 80 years old were selected from a population of healthy

elders3, as routed by the doctors of three family health clinics in the 3rd Sanitary

District of the city of João Pessoa (PB), and by active search of the medical records

of families enrolled at these health clinics. After selection, a home visit (with the agent

responsible for the covered area of the local Family Health Clinic) was made in order

to inform the volunteers about the research, and to invite their participation.

The study included women; who practiced physical activities twice a week (at

most), were residents in the areas covered by the study, which agreed to participate

freely, and were aged from 20 to 30, and from 60 to 80. Women with a history of

diseases such as diabetes mellitus, liver disease, thyroid disease, neurological

disease, and rheumatoid arthritis were excluded. Besides these were excluded; users

of medications that interfere with nerve function, and/or of pharmacological vitamin

and mineral supplements, or which had a history of recent surgery. Those who were

under hormone replacement therapy, or with mental illness, or had been bedridden

during the last two months for more than two weeks, or whom did not agree to

participate in the study were also excluded.

Initially, we pre-selected 56 women between 60 and 80 years of age. After

initial assessments, 20 women were excluded: two for not being able to leave home

during the evaluations, four were living in another neighborhood with their children,

eleven were self-medicating with anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and/or vitamin

supplements, three walked every day and practiced gym exercise three times a


Thirty-six women were referred for specialist clinical assessment in

rheumatology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, cardiology, and neurology. At this

stage, four with knee osteoarthritis, one with gastritis, two with diabetes, three with

carbohydrate intolerance, and two with hypothyroidism were excluded.

After these assessments, 24 elderly participants were selected and were the

basis for selecting the pairs of young women to form the control group. The young

women aged between 20 and 30 years were selected from the same area covered by

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the family health clinics of the older women, following all the procedures for

evaluating the elderly.


After being informed about all stages of the research, the reading and signing

of the informed consent (as approved by the Ethics and Research Committee, Center

of Health Sciences, Federal University of Paraiba (Protocol. 0193) was completed.

Who agreed to be a volunteer then signed.

Experimental Design

Clinical randomized double blind controlled placebo. The professional

responsible for carrying and storing bottles containing the zinc supplement and

placebos was also responsible for group randomization, drawn randomly 1:1,

randomly distributed into 4 groups. The control group included 18 young women

between 20 and 30 years of age, and was subdivided into: Young Placebo: (n = 9)

ingesting (10% sorbitol); Young Zinc: (n = 9) ingesting 25mg of elemental zinc/day.

The experimental group comprised 20 elderly women aged between 60 and 80 years

old, and was subdivided into: Elderly Placebo: (n = 10)ingesting a placebo(10%

sorbitol); Elderly Zinc:(n = 10) ingesting 25 mg of zinc/day.

The women were supplemented with 25 mg of zinc daily in the form of hepta-

hydrated zinc sulfate (ZnSO47H2O, Merck, Darmstadt, Germany). The solutions of

zinc, and the placebo (10% sorbitol) were prepared at the Department of Pharmaco-

technics (UFRN, Brazil). Each volunteer was given a bottle of white matte plastic,

containing 30 ml. A drop contained 5 mg of the element Zn++, or placebo (10%

sorbitol). The volunteers were instructed to add 5 drops of the solution to a piece of

bread, juice, or milk daily for breakfast. The study lasted for seven months. Each

week 10 women were randomly selected to begin the experimental phase that lasted

90 days. The women drawn were referred by the professional responsible for

randomization. Assessments started for the first phase of the study. After the final

procedure of the assessment, they would receive a bottle containing a solution of

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either zinc or placebo that they would use during the ninety days. In the end all of the

assessment procedures were performed for the initial stage.

Instruments and data collection procedures

Anthropometric assessment

The weights and heights of the participants were obtained on a manual

balance (Elmer) with a capacity of 150 kg, 100 g precision, and a metal scale of 200

cm with a precision of 1 cm, leveled and calibrated (Balmak; BK50F, Sao Paulo, SP,

Brazil). The body mass index (BMI) was obtained from the ratio weight/height 2.

Evaluation of alimentary consumption

The food intake assessment was performed using an estimated weekly food

intake based on three days, two days mid-week, and one day on the weekend. The

volunteers were instructed to properly perform the technique of food accounting,

noting the time of each meal, and all food consumed in their respective home


The calculation of energy, macronutrients, fiber, calcium, iron, and zinc

consumed (from the menus) was done through the Nut Win software version 1.5 a

Nutrition Support Program, provided by the Department of Health Informatics,

Federal University of São Paulo/UNIFESP. We also used the Brazilian Food

Composition Table (TACO), provided by the Center for Studies and Research in

Food (NEPA), State University of Campinas (UNICAMP)23.

Assessment of physical activity

The level of physical activity was measured using the Baecke physical activity

questionnaire (modified for elders), and used to characterize a homogeneous

physical activity group 24.

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Evaluation of strength, endurance, and muscle balance

Peak isokinetic torque, normalized by body weight(PT/kg) to assess strength,

endurance, and muscle balance, 25 was measured at angular velocities of 60°/s, and

180°/s,on a Computerized Isokinetic Dynamometer (Biodex Multi-Joint System

3,Biodex System Biomedical Inc, New York, USA),at the Laboratory for Analysis of

Muscular Performance, Department of Physical Therapy, UFRN.

The dynamometer was calibrated before each session, as described in the

equipment manual. All tests were performed by the same physician in all phases of

the study. Women performing the tests initiated a brief warm-up for five minutes on a

stationary bicycle, adjusted to a resistance of 25 W at a speed of 20 km/h. They then

conducted quadriceps stretching for both limbs. The stretching was conducted with

the volunteers standing erect, the knee in complete flexion, and the hip extended to

the maximum tolerable amplitude. Each maneuver was maintained for 30 seconds

and repeated three times, at an interval of 30 seconds.

After stretching, each participant was positioned on the dynamometer chair

with the backrest reclined (with respect to the vertical position) by 5°. The

participant’s trunk (thorax) is stabilized by means of two cross straps, and a

transverse strap fixes the waist (pelvis). The support of the dynamometer lever arm

was positioned in the distal region of the leg, 5 cm above the lateral malleolus, so

that a complete arc of ankle dorsiflexionis allowed. The mechanical axis of rotation of

the dynamometer was aligned with the lateral epicondyle of the femur (the axis of

rotation of the knee joint). During all testing procedures, all women were told to hold

firmly to the lateral seat support so as to keep all body segments stabilized.

Adjustments to correct the effect of gravity on the torque were performed with

the knee at 60°, and calculated by the dynamometer software. After a brief period of

familiarization with the dynamometer, three sub maximal contractions were

performed. The volunteers were then instructed to relax completely for three minutes.

After this interval, they began is kinetic evaluation in the non-dominant limb. The

isokinetic dynamometer was set in isokinetic mode, with the angular velocities at

60°/s and 180º/s. Five repetitions with the angular velocity at 60°/s(rated power), and

fifteen repetitions with the angular velocity at 180°/s (rated resistance), and the

hamstrings/quadriceps ratio was used to assess relative muscularbalance25. The

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three-minute rest period was maintained between sets to minimize the effects of


Collection of biological material

8 mL of blood were collected: 2 mL for zincexamination (BD Vacutainer, Trace

Element, Serum, BD Franklin Lakes, NJ,USA), 2 mL for hematologic tests

(VacuetteK3EK3EDTA, Greiner Bio -One, Monroe, North Carolina, USA), 2 mL for

biochemical tests, and 2 mL for hormonal dosage (Z Vacuetteserumclotactivator,

GreinerBio-One, Monroe, North Carolina, USA).The samples for zinc were

immediately kept at a temperature of 37oC in a stainless steel oven, suitable for

metals. Six hours later, the tubes were taken, and the sera collected with plastic

ferrules, and stored in plastic tubes with metal-free caps. Hemolyzed samples were

discarded because red blood cells are richer in zinc than is plasma. All procedures

related to the handling of zinc samples were followed according to international

standards. The serum samples were stored in a freezer at -20ºC until analysis.

Laboratory analyzes

Hormones (GH, IGF - 1, IGFBP3, E2, LH, FSH, TSH, T4) were measured by

chemiluminescence (Immulite 1000 systems), the blood count was performed by an

auto-analyzer(Horiba ABX Diagnostics, Micros 60, Montpellier, France), glucose,

total protein, albumin, alanine transaminase, aspartate transaminase, total bilirubin,

urea, creatinine and lipids were analyzed by auto analyzer (DadeBehring, Dimension

AR, Illinois, USA). Zinc was determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AA

- 240FS, Varian, Victoria, Australia) according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Statistical Analysis

Data normality was assessed by the Shapiro-Wilk test. The data of the

descriptive statistics were presented in a table as the mean, standard deviation, and

mean difference (Δ). To detect the homogeneity between the groups, the parametric

test one- way ANOVA was used with post hoc Tukey. The difference in average peak

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torque, normalized by body mass (PT/kg) for the quadriceps and hamstring muscles,

at the angular velocities of 60°/s and 180°/s, and the muscle equilibrium ratio

(between hamstrings/quadriceps) were analyzed. We compared between the control

group Young Placebo, and the experimental Elderly Placebo and Elderly Zinc

groups(one-way ANOVA) at the beginning and at the end of testing. The difference of

effects within each group was made by paired the Student's t test. The treatment

effect, comparing the Zinc Elderly with the Placebo Elderly group was made from the

difference between the averages of the initial and the final evaluations, by

independent t test.


The final sample consisted of 20 elderly women and 18 young women. In table

1 are summarized the characteristics of homogeneity between the groups. After

analyzing the data, the randomization layout of the groups was revealed. To compare

the effectiveness of zinc on force (PT/kg 60°/s), on resistance (PT/kg180°/s), and on

muscle balance (IQS/QUA) in aging, the control group of reference was the Young

Placebo group, which was not affected by zinc supplementation.

In Table 2, the differences in averages (Δ), and standard deviations between

the control group Young Placebo with the experimental groups Elderly Zinc and

Elderly Placebo are expressed. In the initial measures of muscle strength APT/kg

IQS 60°/s, the percentage difference between the groups Young Placebo and Elderly

Zinc was 9.24%, between Young Placebo and Elderly Placebo it was 18.33%, no

significant differences. Following 90 days of supplementation with 25 mg, the Elderly

Zinc group had peak torque increased PT/kg IQS 60°/s by 8:18 Nm, with no

significant difference in muscle strength continuing in the Young Placebo group.

However, the Elderly Placebo group in contrast observed a decrease in PT/kg IQS

60°/s of 1.50 Nm from their initial measurements(A) representing a significant

30,45% reduction in strength when compared to the Young Placebo group.

In the original measurement APT/kg QUA 60°/s, there was a significant

percentage of difference in strength between the Young Placebo and Elderly Zinc

groups of 28.24%,between the Young Placebo and Elderly Placebo groups, the

difference was 29%. In the follow-up DPT/kg QUA 60°/s measurements we observed

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reductions in strength difference between the Young Placebo, and Elderly Zinc

groups at 22.83%, between the Young Placebo and Elderly Placebo groups it was

24%, the difference was not significant. As to muscle balance between the

hamstrings and quadriceps (AIQS/QUA 60°/s), it was observed that the Young

Placebo group showed lower muscular balance than the two elderly groups, which

could expose their knees to damage. The evaluation, after 90 days of

supplementation with 25 mg zinc revealed that the Elderly Zinc group maintained

muscle balance within limits, but were 7.74% above the Placebo Young control

group. However, in the Elderly Placebo group, there was a decreased muscle

balance (DIQS/QUA 60°/s Nm) of 18.69% compared to the Young Placebo group.

Concerning hamstring muscle strength, in the initial (APT/kg IQS

180°/s),measurements a significant difference between the Young Placebo group

and the Elderly Zinc group of 31.76%, and between the Young Placebo and Elderly

Placebo group of26.86%, was observed, which shows decreasing hamstring strength

with age. In the follow-up measurements, after 90 days of supplementation with zinc,

increased hamstring resistance in the Elderly Zinc group was observed. The increase

was enough to verify no significant differences between the Elderly Zinc and the

Young placebo groups. However, in the Elderly Placebo group we observed

decreased hamstring muscle strength, and a greater significant difference between

the Young Placebo and the Elderly Placebo groups.

When the effect of zinc supplementation was compared in the same group

between the initial measurement sand after 90 days, as seen in Table 3,the Elderly

Zinc group showed significant increases (10.93%) in the strength of the hamstrings

(PT/kg ISQ 60°/s), and significant increases (10.22%) in the quadriceps muscle

(PT/kg QUA 60°/s). This represented an increase of 1.28%in the strength balance

between the hamstrings and the quadriceps (ISQ/QUA 60°/s), approximating 60%.

However, in the Elderly Placebo group seen in Table 4, there was a decrease of

2.56% in the strength of the hamstrings (PT/kg ISQ 60°/s), and significant increase of

9.80% in quadriceps strength (PT/kg QUA 60°/s), which represented a significant

decrease of 12.78% in the balance of muscle strength (ISQ/QUA 60°/s).

Muscular endurance analyzed before and after 90 days in the Elderly Zinc

group showed a significant increase of 16.46%for the hamstring (PT/kg ISQ 180°/s),

and the mean increase was 9.21% for the quadriceps (PT/kg QUA 180°/s). This

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represented an increase of 10.39% in the muscle strength balance (ISQ /QUA

180°/s). In contrast, it was found that for the Elderly Placebo group (in comparing the

initial assessments with the subsequent 90 days of experiment), there was a

decrease of 6.79% in the hamstring strength(PT/kg ISQ 180°/s), and 5.65% increase

in quadriceps strength, this represented a decrease of 15.28% in the muscle strength

balance (ISQ/QUA 180°/s).

The effect of zinc supplementation between the Elderly Zinc group, and the

Elderly Placebo, seen in Table 5, shows a significant increase in both strength and

endurance for the hamstring muscles and the quadriceps. It can be assumed that

zinc supplementation of 25 mg may be effective in the prevention of muscle strength

and endurance losses, while increasing muscle strength and endurance in healthy

women over 60 years of age.


The main results of this study show that supplementation of 25 mg daily for a

period of 90 days increased strength, endurance, and muscle balance in women

between 60 and 80 years of age. This may contribute to the prevention of strength,

endurance, and muscular balance losses common during aging.

It was found that daily zinc intake was below recommended levels in all three

groups, both for age and for sex26. However, serum zinc levels were within the

reference standard normal27. In this nutritional condition, and in the initial assessment

of hamstring strength measured by peak torque normalized by body weight at an

angular velocity of 60°/s, the Young Placebo control had 9.24% more power than the

Elderly Zinc group and 18.33% more than the Elderly Placebo group. No significant

differences. However, the follow-up measurement showed that the Young placebo

group had increased hamstrings strength (12.66%), and in the Elderly Zinc group,

increased strength was 10.81%.In contrast the Elderly Placebo group showed

reduced strength (2.56%). This decreased hamstring strength generated a significant

difference of 30.45% compared to the Young Placebo group. Serum zinc observed in

follow-up was seen ata significant reduction of 22.50% in the Young placebo group;

the Elderly Placebo group saw a significant reduction of 9.8%. However in the group

supplemented with 25 mg of zinc (Zinc Elderly), serum zinc reduction was

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insignificant. This shows that in the Young Placebo group, who increased their

hamstring strengths by 12.66 that zinc may have been used in intramuscular

structures thus reducing its availability in the plasma by 22.50%, leaving the group at

the upper limit of zinc deficiency27. In the Elderly Placebo group, a significant

reduction in serum zinc represented a reduction of force of 2.56%. This shows the

importance of adequate amounts of zinc in the diet to preserve the strength of the

hamstrings, since the supplemented Elderly Zinc group at 25 mg of zinc for ninety

days, seems to have used the additional zinc, and secured increases in strength.

This muscle group is extremely important in muscular balance for older people25.

Zinc could also reduce or prevent hamstring injuries characteristic of aging 28.It is

reported that to preserve muscle function, zinc is essential for proper nutrition8. Its

deficiency is characteristic of human aging, and leads to immune response

decreases, and the development of chronic degenerativediseases17.

Of interest in this study was the quadriceps strength. In the initial evaluation,

strength of the quadriceps for the Young Placebo group was 28.24% higher than the

Elderly Zinc group and larger by 29%than the Elderly Placebo group, significant

differences. In the follow-up measure, the difference in strength between the groups

decreased as the Elderly Zinc group increased by 10.22%, the group Elderly Placebo

by 9.8%, and the Young Placebo group by only 3.46%. The proportionate gains of

force, both in the hamstring muscles as well as the quadriceps for the Elderly Zinc

group resulted in a better muscular balance. In contrast, in the Elderly Placebo group,

decreased strength of the hamstrings to 1.50 Nm, and increased strength in the

quadriceps of 12.53 Nm, led to a significant decrease in muscular balance from 51.59

± 7.74 to 45.74 ± 8.24. Accordingly, with muscle imbalance, an overload of the

quadriceps can occur, because the most requested of movements, from sitting to

standing position, spares the hip extensor 29.

During normal walking, balance between the flexor and extensor musculature

is necessary for perfect dynamism between the concentric and eccentric contractile

mechanisms. Because of aging, lesions of the quadriceps and hamstring muscle

groups can interfere with this mechanism, due to decreased potential for muscle

tissue regeneration 30. Elderly people with lower muscle strength have higher rates of

mortality 31. Muscular force reduction18is closely related to decreased muscle mass

with age5. Reductions in strength, and muscular endurance, as well as unbalanced

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knee flexor and extensor muscles are inversely correlated with pain, stiffness, and


A Brazilian study of the elderly with mean ages of 69 ± 3.64 years, established

benchmarks for balance between the knee flexors and extensors (the hamstrings,

and quadriceps)at an angular velocity of 60°/s: 47.95 ± 10.99% and an angular

velocity of 180°/s: 59.59 ± 13, 40%32.In our study the approximate age of the women

was by groups Elderly Zinc: 66.40 ± 6.20, and Elderly Placebo: 65.30 ± 5.03.Our

study showed that at the angular velocity of 60°/s the muscular balance between

flexors and extensors (during the initial evaluation of Elderly Placebo group) was

51.59 ± 7.74%, close to the reference values above. In the follow-up measurements,

the balance between flexors and knee extensors of 45.74 ± 8.24% was lower, both in

terms of their initial measurements as with the elderly of reference 32. However, in the

Elderly Zinc group,(initial average of 58.09 ± 11.29% and final average of 58.84 ±

9.90), the average hamstring/quadriceps balance, the equilibrium force directed to

the knee joint, was maintained at 22.27%,above the average benchmark for this

parameter 32. These results indicate what zinc supplementation can do in addition to

other factors that improve the health of the elderly 26, 27, and it may also be effective

in increasing muscular strength, especially the hamstring muscles.

In the muscle balance measurements (ISQ/QUA180°/s), the Elderly Placebo

group showed an initial mean of 61.69 ± 11.95, and a final average of 53.51 ± 6.21,

the Elderly Zinc group showed an initial mean of 57, 98 ± 11.29, and final average of

64.70 ± 9.79. Therefore, the present study showed that the average strength of the

muscle balance of the knee joint 90 days after the first assessment of Elderly

Placebo group was 11.25% lower than the reference population. In contrast, the

Elderly Zinc group after the same time was 7.9% higher than the reference

population average 32. The increase in muscle balance in strength and resistance

seen in this study could make it easier to change from the sitting position to the

standing position, or the starting and maintaining walking speed for a longer time.

With reference to the comparison between the muscle balance averages

outlined in this study, and the reference population32, there is evidence that zinc

supplementation might be beneficial to prevent muscle imbalance for both strength

and endurance. This is because the final averages for the group of women which

were supplemented with zinc during 90 days at an angular velocity of 60°/s,

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maintained close to 60%, and at the angular velocity of 180°/s they were close to

65%. This might help to focus future studies elucidating the role of zinc in muscle

strength and endurance.

During aging, the hamstrings are most vulnerable to injury because a one-year

increase in age increases the likelihood of tendon injury in this muscle group 1.3

times 33. Actions that develop increased muscle strength can be effective in

improving the daily life of elderly women, and contribute to the maintenance and

extension of their autonomy, of the functional capabilities of this population 34, 35.

The hamstrings are a muscle group, with a predominance of fast twitch type II

muscle fibers. In healthy aging, there is a reduction of skeletal muscle fiber type I, of

capillaritzed area4, of strength, and of cross-sectional area. In the hamstrings, the

femoral biceps are made up of mainly 2c fibers that can become fast fiber or slow,

depending on the demand for action requested 36.

Reduction of muscle mass and muscle strength is associated with increased

oxidative stress and may be increased due to lowered activity of anaerobic and

aerobic enzymes, and protein content, not just due to decreased physicalactivity7.

There is evidence that zinc deficiency in the body can adversely affect the

function of striated muscle 8,and can induce apoptosis of vascular smooth muscle

cells; oxidative stress with zinc deficiency could contribute to the apoptosis of these

cells 9. Acute depletion of zinc in the body; also changes the working capacity of

skeletal muscle 13. However, the effectiveness of zinc in the metabolism depends on

lifestyle, because in experimental conditions of restricted mobility in mice, zinc

supplementation was not effective in maintaining its metabolic balance 14.

To preserve muscle function, proper zinc nutrition is essential 8 because zinc

deficiency in human aging causes a decrease in the immune response, and the

development of chronic degenerativediseases17.

The significant difference between the initial and follow-up averages for both

strength and endurance of the hamstrings between the Elderly Zinc and Elderly

Placebo groups shows the vulnerability of this muscle during aging. The decrease in

strength, endurance, and balance was minimized with zinc supplementation, while

increasing strength, muscular endurance, and balance in the older zinc

supplemented women was observed. This indicates that adequate zinc nutrition can

prevent loss of strength and muscle endurance in women over 60 years. Accordingly,

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Public Health Action could minimize the effects of dynapenia and neuromuscular

aging syndrome.


This study was funded by FAPERN (Case Notice PPSUS 3 - in. 011/2009).

The authors have no conflicts of interest in publishing this article.


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Table 1. Bioanthropometrics and health characteristics between Young Placebo, Elderly Zinc, and Elderly Placebo Groups

Young Placebo (n=9) ElderlyZinc (n=10) ElderlyPlacebo(n=10)

Age 24.11±2.97 66.40±6.20* 65.30±5.03*

Monthly income 1732.40±1080 1544.60±1111 2210.30±1865

Body mass(kg) 62.45±15.44 62.45±15.44 64.26±10.67

Height(m) 1.61±0.04 1.50±0.08* 1.51±0.03*

BMI(kg/m²) 23.75±5.41 25.96±5.33 27.82±4.03

Physical Activity 4.94±3.19 6.98±2.57 6.56±2.83

RBC(million/mm3) 4.45±0.19 4.48±0.35 4.56±0.30

Diet zinc(mg/dia) 7.42±1.15 5.74±2.17 6.54±2.09

Zinc (μg/mL) 1.081±0.06 1.068±0.11 1.079±0.04

Note- * Statistical significance (p ≤ 0.05).

BMI= Body Mass Index; RBC= Red Blood Cell

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Table 2. Peak torque; normalized by body mass of the quadriceps and hamstrings in the angular velocities of 60°/s and 180°/s, for Young Placebo, Elderly Placebo and Elderly Zinc Groups (one-way ANOVA).


Placebo (n=9)


Zinc (n=10) P Δ1




p Δ2

APT/kg IQS-60°/s,Nm 73.50±25.59 66.71±13.13 0.73 6.79 60.03±18.56 0.30 13.47

DPT/kg IQS-60°/s,Nm 84.15±27.60 74.89±14.46 0.57 9.26 58.53±16.37 0.02 25.62*

APT/kg QUA- 60°/s,Nm 162.44±43.69 116.58±24.64 0.01 45.86*

115.34±29.24 0.013 47.10*

DPT/kg QUA 60°/s,Nm 168.25±59.75 129.84±29.61 0.11 38.41 127.87±30.04 0.13 40.38

APTIQS/QUA 60°/s,Nm 45.00±8.97 58.09±11.23 0.01 -13.09* 51.59±7.74 0.29 -6.59

DIQS/QUA 60°/s,Nm 54.29±18.23 58.84±9.90 0.71 -4.54 45.74±8.09 0.31 8.55

APT/kg IQS 180°/s,Nm 65.75±18.10 44.87±15.49 0.01 20.88** 48.09±8.63 0.03 17.66


DPT/kg IQS 180°/s,Nm 68.06±21.74 53.71±9.18 0.10 14.35 45.03±11.34 0.006 23.03**

APT/kg QUA 180°/s,Nm 117.73±32.83 77.26±24.07 0.01 40.47** 79.33±15.55 0.006 38.40


DPt/kg QUA 180°/s,Nm 125.42±41.46 85.09±19.88 0.01 40.33 84.06±18.54 0.009 41.36*

A IQS/QUA 180°/sNm 56.73±8.90 57.98±11.87 0.96 -1.24 61.69±11.95 0.59 -4.95

DIQS/QUA 180°/s,Nm 57.56±18.29 64.70±9.79 0.42 -7.13 53.51±6.21 0.75 4.05

A Zinc (μg/mL) 1.0816±0.06039 1.0683±0.1167 0.93 0.0132 1.0796±0.0472 0.99 0.0020

D Zinc (μg/mL) 0.8383±0.0865 1.006±0.1387 0.005 -0.1679 0.9738±.0736 0.02 -0.1354

Note - * Statistical significance (p ≤ 0.05). Δ1= (difference of means between Young placebo and Elderly Zinc); Δ2= (difference of means between Young Placebo and Elderly Placebo. A = measured before supplementation, D = measurements after the 90 days of supplementation with zinc, PT = peak torque, Nm = Newton.meter; kg = body mass; QUA= quadriceps; ISQ = hamstring ISQ /QUA = hamstrings and quadriceps ratio

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Table 3. Peak torque (normalized by body mass) of the quadriceps and hamstrings at angular velocities of 60°/s and 180°/s of the Elderly Zinc group (t test stopped).

Note - * Statistical significance (p ≤ 0.05).

PT = peak torque, Nm = Newton meter; kg = body mass; ISQ = hamstrings, QUA = quadriceps, and ISQ/QUA = hamstrings to quadriceps ratio: Δ = difference between averages before and after

Elderly Zinc 95% confidence interval

Before After P Δ





PT/kg IQS 60°/s Nm





-14.99 -1.36

PT/kg QUA 60°/s Nm





-23.12 -3.39

IQS/QUA 60°/s Nm





-9.39 7.90

PT/kg IQS 180°/s Nm





-15.60 -2.07

PT/kg QUA 180°/s Nm





-13.57 -2.08

IQS/QUA 180°/s Nm





-14.22 0.78

Zinc (μg/mL) 1.068±0.1167 1.0059±0.1471 0.14 0.0624 -0.0256 0.1505

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Table 4. Peak torque normalized by body mass of the quadriceps and hamstrings in the angular velocities of 60°/s and 180°/s Elderly Pacebo group (t test stopped).

Note - * Statistical significance (p ≤ 0.05). PT = peak torque, Nm = Newton meter; kg = body mass; ISQ = hamstrings,QUA = quadriceps, and ISQ/QUA = hamstrings to quadriceps ratio; Δ = difference between the averages before and after

ElderlyPlacebo Confidenceinterval95%


(n = 10)

Mean ± SD


(n = 10)

Mean ± SD

p Δ

LowerLimit UpperLimit

PT/kg IQS 60°/s Nm





-4.91 7.91

PT/kg QUA 60°/s Nm





-22.60 -2.45

IQS/QUA 60°/s Nm





3.09 8.59

PT/kg IQS 180°/s Nm





-3.54 9.66

PT/kg QUA180°/s Nm





-11.54 2.08

IQS/QUA 180°/s Nm





-1.03 17.39

Zinc (μg/mL) 1.0796±0.0472 0.9593±.0612 0.001 0.1202 0.0692 0.1712

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Table 5. Difference of averages before and after 90 days (independent t test) of peak torque/body mass of the quadriceps and hamstrings, angular velocities of 60°/s and 180°/s, between Elderly Zinc and ElderlyPlacebogroups

Note - * Statistical significance (p ≤ 0.05). PT = peak torque, Nm = Newton.meter; kg = body mass ; QUA = quadriceps, ISQ = hamstrings, Δ = average difference between



Elderly Placebo


Confidence Interval

Mean ± SD Mean ± SD Δ P Lowest Highest

PT/kg IQS 60°/s Nm 8.29±9.44 -1.50±8.97 9.97* 0.02 1.13 18.44

PT/kgQUA 60°/s Nm 15.95±19.29 11.82±15.65 4.13 0.60 -12.30 20.56

PT/kg IQS 180°/s Nm 8.82±9.45 -3.06±9.15 11.88* 0.01 3.13 20.62

PT/kg QUA 180°/s Nm 7.83±8.03 4.73±9.53 3.10 0.44 -5.18 11.38

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Título: Influence of basal energy expenditure and body composition on bone mineral

density in postmenopausal women

Periódico: International Journal of General Medicine

ISSN: 1178-7074 (Electronic) Qualis: B2 (Medicina II – QUALIS CAPES) Status: Publicado

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41 International Journal of General Medicine Dovepress

open access to scientific and medical research

Open Access Full Text Article O r i g i n a l R e s e a r c h

Influence of basal energy expenditure

and body composition on bone mineral density

in postmenopausal women

This article was published in the following Dove Press journal: International Journal of General

Medicine 2 November 2012 Number of times this article has been viewed

Maria Aparecida

Bezerra Quirino1 João Modesto-Filho2

Sancha Helena de

Lima Vale3 Camila Xavier

Alves3 Lúcia Dantas

Leite4 José Brandão-

Neto5 1Department of Physiotherapy, 2Department of Clinical Medicine,

Universidade Federal da Paraíba, João Pessoa, Brazil; 3Postgraduate Health

Science Program, 4Department of

Nutrition, 5Department of Clinical

Medicine, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brazil

Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of body mass index,

body weight, lean mass, fat mass, and basal energy expenditure on bone mineral density in

postmenopausal women. Methods: This was a cross-sectional, descriptive study of a sample of 50 women, with mini-

mum time since menopause between 1 and 10 years. Bone mineral density was assessed at

the lumbar spine (L2–L4), femoral neck, Ward’s triangle, and trochanter using dual-energy

X-ray absorptiometry. Body mass index, lean mass, fat mass, and basal energy expenditure

were measured by bioimpedance. Results: The mean age of the women was 51.49 3.86 years and time since menopause was 3.50

2.59 years. Significant negative correlations were found between chronological age and lumbar

spine, femoral neck, Ward’s triangle, and trochanteric bone mineral density. In regard to time

since menopause, we also observed significant negative correlations with bone mineral density at

the lumbar spine and Ward’s triangle. The following significant positive correlations were

recorded: body mass index with bone mineral density at the femoral neck and trochanter; fat mass

with bone mineral density at the femoral neck and trochanter; lean mass with bone mineral density

at the lumbar spine, femoral neck, and trochanter; and basal energy expenditure with bone mineral

density at all sites assessed. On the other hand, the multiple linear regression model showed that:

20.2% of bone mineral density variability at the lumbar spine is related to lean mass and time

since menopause; 22.3% of bone mineral density variability at the femoral neck is related to body

weight and age; 18.9% of bone mineral density variability at Ward’s triangle is related to age and

basal energy expenditure; and 39% of bone mineral density vari-ability at the trochanter is related

to body mass index, age, and menarche. Conclusion: Changes in bone mineral density, specific for each skeletal site, are influenced

by age, time since menopause, body weight, body mass index, lean mass, and basal energy

expen-diture. Lean mass and basal energy expenditure positively influenced bone mineral

density at the lumbar spine and Ward’s triangle, with a predominance of trabecular bone. Keywords: women, menopause, bone mineral density, body composition, energy

expenditure Correspondence: José Brandão-Neto Av Gal Gustavo Cordeiro de Farias, s/n, Natal-RN, CEP 59012-

570, Brazil Tel 55 84 3342 9748 Fax 55 84 3342 9776

Email [email protected]

Introduction Demographic changes predicted for the next 50 years indicate that the number of

elderly people will increase worldwide, together with metabolism-related diseases.1

Among these, osteoporosis in postmenopausal women is recognized as an important

public health problem because it is associated with a high risk of fracture, elevated

morbidity and mortality rates, and incurs high financial and societal costs.2

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42 Quirino et al Dovepress

Bone mineral density (BMD) increases during childhood,

adolescence, and early adulthood, until reaching peak bone

mineralization. It is a negative predictor of osteoporosis and

risk of fracture over time, and is influenced by genetic,

mechanical, nutritional, and hormonal factors.3

Peak bone mineralization in the entire skeleton, occurring

on average at 18 years of age, varies little up to the age of 50

years, with a slight and progressive increase in BMD of

around 0.2% per year in cortical bone-rich regions. However,

in areas with a larger amount of trabecular bone, such as the

proximal femur and the inner area of the vertebral body, an

immediate decline is initiated at the age of 18 years, with an

annual loss in BMD of 0.3% (trochanter), 0.4% (femoral

neck), 0.6% (Ward’s triangle), and 0.5% (lumbar spine).4 This

reveals a 50% loss of BMD, mainly in Ward’s triangle. One

study indicates that a 10% increase in peak bone miner-

alization could delay the development of osteoporosis by 13

years, while a 10% increase in time since menopause would

delay it by only 2 years.5

As with BMD, lean mass in the third decade of life varies

little until the fifth decade, showing a sharp decline from the

sixth decade onwards.6 The difference in muscle strength

between young and elderly individuals is less when these

values were adjusted for lean mass and muscle mass.7

Menopause is associated with diminished serum estrogen

levels, which may provoke a decrease in BMD and lean mass,

and a rise in body fat.8 These alterations can affect gait and

balance in the elderly,9 reducing physical activity at work,

home, during leisure time, and in sport. This causes a decline

in total and basal energy expenditure, which is influenced by

age, sex, body composition, and hormonal factors, including


Studies show that body weight has a positive influence on


However, this influence is different between

skeletal sites.15

There is no consensus regarding the effect of

body composition on BMD. Some research has shown that fat

mass and lean mass are correlated with lumbar spine and hip

BMD, respectively.15

However, other studies demonstrate

that obesity does not protect against fracture in

postmenopausal women. On the contrary, it is associated with

an increased risk of ankle and femur fractures.16

Lean mass

plays a relevant role in BMD, possibly acting positively on

cortical bone mass.17

Aging is accompanied by a decrease in lean mass and

basal energy expenditure.11

Individuals with low basal energy

expenditure are predisposed to gaining weight at the expense

of a proportional increase in fat mass.10,11

Studies show a

posi-tive association between basal energy expenditure and

BMD in North American women, which is much more

significant than body weight.10,11

In order to understand the impact of body composition on

BMD in the first 10 years after menopause, we studied the

influence of age, time since menopause, body mass index, fat

mass, and basal energy expenditure on lumbar spine, femoral

neck, Ward’s triangle, and trochanteric BMD. Materials and methods Patients and study design This was a cross-sectional, quantitative, descriptive study

performed at the Lauro Wanderley University Hospital

gynecology outpatient clinic of the Universidade Federal da

Paraíba, Brazil. Participants were selected from those

responding to posters put up at the hospital, university cam-

pus, and family health units in nearby neighborhoods. The

sample consisted of 50 women with minimum and maximum

time since postmenopause of one and 10 years, respectively,

and body mass index between 18.5 and 39.9 kg/m2. A stan-

dard deviation of 6 and maximum error of estimation of 20%

were used to calculate sample size, with a 5% significance

level. All the women in the study were of mixed ethnicity.

Exclusion criteria were: use of hormone replacement therapy;

immunosuppressants, glucocorticoids, diuretics, anticon-

vulsants, or calcium supplementation; tobacco or alcoholic

beverages; previous surgery (colostomy and oophorectomy);

and history of disease (neoplasia, diabetes mellitus, liver,

kidney, and thyroid disorders, and rheumatoid arthritis).

All participants gave written informed consent. The

project was approved by the research ethics committee of

Lauro Wanderley University Hospital, Universidade Federal

da Paraíba (protocol number 335/03). After assessment, the

women were referred for specialized clinical follow-up. Instruments and data

collection procedures A form was used to record sociodemographic, clinical, and

anthropometric data. Weight and height were measured while

fasting and after bladder emptying. Subjects were barefoot,

wearing Bermuda shorts and a t-shirt, and standing in the

bipedal position, with their chin parallel to the floor. The

head, buttocks, and heels were aligned with the stadiometer

of a 150 kg anthropometric scale in 100 g increments and a 2

m metal rod in 1 cm increments (Filizola, Personalline E, São

Paulo, Brazil). Body mass index was calculated to obtain

classification of nutritional status as follows: eutrophic at

18.5–24.9 kg/m2; overweight at 25.0–29.9 kg/m

2; and first-

degree obesity at 30–34.9 kg/m2, in accordance with World

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43 Dovepress BMD in postmenopausal women Health Organization criteria.18 Next, we determined basal energy

expenditure, fat mass, and lean mass by bioimpedance (RJL

Systems, Quantum II, Clinton Twp, MI). All care was taken to

inform subjects adequately regarding bioimpedance

procedures.12,19 Bone densitometry was conducted using dual energy x-ray

absorptiometry (Lunar DPX-L; Lunar Radiation Corporation,

Madison, WI), in order to measure BMD at L2–L4, femoral

neck, Ward’s triangle, and the trochanter. Results were

calculated by bone area (cm²) and bone mineral content (g), with

BMD expressed in g/cm2. World Health Organization criteria

were used to classify BMD, as normal, osteopenic, or

osteoporotic.20 Statistical analyses Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social

Sciences (SPSS) version 16.0 (IBM Corporation, Armonk, NY).

To characterize sociodemographic, anthro-pometric,

bioimpedance, and BMD variables, descriptive statistics

procedures such as central tendency (mean) and dispersion

(standard deviation) measures were applied. Pearson’s

correlation coefficient (r) was used to determine the relationship

between independent (time since menopause, age, age of

menarche, body mass, body mass index, basal energy

expenditure, lean mass, and fat mass) and dependent variables

(lumbar spine, femoral neck, Ward’s triangle, and trochanteric

BMD). The Chi-squared test was used to verify the association

between nutritional status (eutrophy, over-weight, obesity) and

diagnostic classification of BMD (nor-mal, osteopenic, and

osteoporotic). Results with P # 0.05 were considered to be

statistically significant. Multiple linear regression was used to

evaluate linear predictor functions.

Results A total of 50 women completed the study, with a mean age of

51.49 3.86 years and mean time since menopause of 3.50

2.59 years. None of the participants were illiterate; 40 were

able to read and write, 44 had secondary school education,

and 16% were educated to university level. Moreover, 62%

had a household income of up to three minimum monthly

wages (US$795), 24% had four to six minimum wages

(US$1060–US$1590) and 14% had seven to ten minimum

wages (US$1860–US$2650). With respect to professional

activity, 64% were economically active, 16% were retired,

and 20% were homemakers.

Descriptive statistics for bioanthropometric results are

shown in Table 1. The results for BMD and its diagnos-tic

classification are shown in Table 2. There was a high

Table 1 Bioanthropometric characteristics Variables Mean SD Minimum–maximum

Age (years) 51.49 3.86 45–58 Menopause (years) 3.5 2.59 1–10 Menarche (years) 13.04 1.67 10–17 Body mass (kg) 63.84 10.5 44–86.7 Height (m) 1.52 0.06 1.43–1.65 BMI (kg/m2) 27.49 4.74 19.3–39.9 Body water (kg) 31.04 3.19 26–39 LM (kg) 41.58 4.9 31–51 FM 21.92 6.78 11–36 BEE (BIA) 1354 102.38 1159–1554 Lumbar spine BMD 1.04 0.18 0.69–1.52 Femoral neck BMD 0.9 0.11 0.68–1.29 Ward’s triangle BMD 0.77 0.17 0.44–1.2 Trochanteric BMD 0.75 0.11 0.58–1.08 Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; LM, lean mass; FM, fat mass; BEE, basal

energy expenditure; BIA, bioelectrical impedance analysis; BMD, bone mineral

density; SD, standard deviation.

­occurrence of osteopenia at all skeletal sites, and 24% and 12%

of osteoporosis at skeletal sites L2–L4 and Ward’s triangle,


Figure 1 shows the occurrence of normal BMD, osteope-nia,

and osteoporosis in women with eutrophic nutritional status,

overweight, and obesity. There was a significant asso-ciation

between BMD at all skeletal sites and the differing nutritional

status of the patients.

Table 3 shows the relationship between independent

variables and BMD at all skeletal sites studied. Basal energy

expenditure (bioelectrical impedance analysis) had a positive

correlation with all skeletal sites studied.

Table 4 presents the multiple linear regression model,

demonstrating that 20.2% of BMD variability at the lumbar spine

was related to lean mass and time since menopause, 22.3% of

BMD variability at the femoral neck was related to body weight

and age, 18.9% of BMD variability at Ward’s triangle was

related to age and basal energy expenditure, and 39% of BMD

variability at the trochanter was related to body mass index, age,

and menarche.

Table 2 Bone mineral density (g/cm2) and diagnostic

classification of bone mineral density at four skeletal sites Variables Normal Osteopenia Osteoporosis

N % n % N %

LS 18 36 20 40 12 24 FN 26 52 24 48

WT 20 40 25 50 5 10 T 34 68 16 32 Abbreviations: BMD, bone mineral density; LS, lumbar spine (L2–L4); FN,

femoral neck; WT, Ward’s triangle; T, trochanter.

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Quirino et al Dovepress


100 100




ar 80

( % ) F e m o r a l



ine 60


k 60

40 40






0 0

Eutrophic Overweight Obesity Normal Osteopenia Osteoporosis

Eutrophic Overweight Obesity

Normal Osteopenia














ter 100

80 80

60 60


(%) 40





0 0

Eutrophic Overweight Obesity Eutrophic Overweight Obesity Normal Osteopenia Osteoporosis Normal Osteopenia

Figure 1 Relationship between BMD (normal, osteopenic, and osteoporotic) and nutritional status (eutrophia, overweight, and obesity) in menopausal patients. Notes: Chi-square test (P , 0.05): association between diagnostic classification of BMD and nutritional status of lumbar spine (A) (χ² 9.83; df 4, P , 0.05); in the femoral

neck (B) (χ² 12.77; df 2, P , 0.01); in Ward’s triangle (C) (χ² 12.74; df 4, P , 0.05); and in the trochanter (D) (χ² 9.23; df 2, P , 0.01). Bars are shown as

percentage. Abbreviation: BMD, bone mineral density.

Discussion In the present study, we observed osteopenia at all skeletal sites under study and osteoporosis only at L2–L4 (24%) and

Ward’s triangle (10%). There were significant negative cor-relations between age and BMD at all skeletal sites analyzed.

However, with time since menopause, significant negative

correlations were recorded only for bone mineral density at the lumbar spine and Ward’s triangle. In this respect, Guthrie

et al21

demonstrated that the degree of bone loss at the

lumbar spine and femoral neck was similar, although the rate

of such loss was greater at the lumbar spine in the early Table 3 Correlation coefficients (Pearson) between bioanthro-

pometric variables and bone mineral density Independent Dependent variables



Age (years) 0.315* 0.303* 0.311* 0.332*

Menopause (years) 0.338* 0.202 0.304* 0.194

Menarche (years) 0.263 0.256 0.179 0.454**

BW (kg) 0.267 0.368** 0.268 0.454**

BMI (kg/m2) 0.188 0.367** 0.258 0.463**

LM (kg) 0.311* 0.343* 0.257 0.336*

FM (kg) 0.227 0.348* 0.225 0.454**

BEE (BIA) 0.281* 0.355* 0.292* 0.376**

Notes: *Statistical significance (P , 0.05); **statistical significance (P , 0.01).

Abbreviations: BW, body weight; BMI, body mass index; LM, lean mass; FM, fat

mass; BEE, basal energy expenditure; BIA, bioelectrical impedance analysis; BMD,

bone mineral density; LS, lumbar spine (L2–L4); FN, femoral neck; WT, Ward’s

triangle; T, trochanter.

postmenopausal years. This indicates significant BMD loss in the

first 3 years after menopause in areas with a predominance­

of trabecular bone. In an attempt to minimize these losses, studies have been

conducted to describe the protective effect of body weight on

BMD in menopausal women.13,14,22

In our study, we observed

significant positive correlations between body weight and BMD

at all skeletal sites studied, except for Ward’s triangle.

Michaelsson et al13

reported that body weight above 70 kg could

be used to exclude women from an osteoporosis pre-vention

program. This was contested by Bedogni et al,22


demonstrated that anthropometric measures could not be used to

classify individual bone mineral status, because there was no

evidence that body weight altered bone mineral status.

On the other hand, low body mass index may be asso-ciated

with lower BMD at the femoral neck, with greater risk of

osteoporotic fracture.17 Elevated body mass index could be

associated with ankle and femur fractures in post-menopausal

women.16 Therefore, these studies highlight the controversy

concerning the effect of body weight on maintaining BMD. The

protective effect of elevated weight on BMD in postmenopausal

women is attributed to adipose tissue, which may be an extra-

ovarian source of estrogen,23 and the magnitude of the

mechanical load to strengthen the osteogenic response.24 In a physiological state, mechanical overloads increase

muscle strength during physical activity. This muscle strength

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45 Dovepress BMD in postmenopausal women

Table 4 Multiple linear regression model and predictive equations

Dependent R R2 Adjusted SE of Predictive equations* variables R2 estimate

LS 0.449 0.202 0.168 0.160 BMD 0.678 0.022 (age) 0.011 (LM) FN 0.473 0.223 0.190 0.109 BMD 1.096 0.004 (BW) 0.009 (TSM) WT 0.434 0.189 0.154 0.155 BMD 0.801 0.014 (age) 0.001 (BEE) T 0.624 0.390 0.350 0.094 BMD 1.152 0.009 (BMI) 0.008 (age) 0.018 (menarche) Note: *All statistical variables were significant (P , 0.05). Abbreviations: LS, lumbar spine; FN, femoral neck; WT, Ward’s triangle; TSM, time since menopause; T, trochanter; LM, lean mass; BW, body we ight; BEE, basal energy

expenditure; BMD, bone mineral density; BMI, body mass index; SE, standard error. acts on specific bone levers and modifies bone metabolism

to the point of stress.25

Thus, bone responds immediately

to the mechanical loads it bears,26

involving both cellular

and tissue reactions.27

During disuse, the metabolic

activity of bone tissue is suppressed. It is normalized by

brief expo-sure to very low mechanical stimuli,26

responding better to dynamic than static loads.28

In relation to body mass index and fat mass, the present

study revealed significant positive correlations (Table 3) only

with BMD at the femoral neck and trochanter. When these

variables were fit to the multiple linear regression model, a 0.9%

reduction in femoral neck BMD was observed for each year of

life and a 0.4% increase for each kg of body weight gain. For

trochanteric BMD, a 0.9% increase was associated with higher

body mass index. This indicated that excess weight, represented

by body fat, reinforces the biomechani-cal theory,24–28

given that

we found strong correlations with BMD in weightbearing areas

such as the femoral neck and trochanter. With respect to the

theory about an extraovarian source of estrogen, attributed to

adipose tissue,23

we question whether it could prevent bone loss

in these women, given that no significant positive correlations

were observed between fat mass and BMD at the lumbar spine or

Ward’s triangle (Table 3). These areas exhibit the greatest bone

density loss in the first years of menopause.21

One study showed

that fat mass was inversely correlated with bone mass,

suggesting that fat mass in itself does not have a protective effect

on bone mass.24

However, lean mass shows significant positive

correlations not only with BMD at the femoral neck and

trochanter, but also at the lumbar spine (L2–L4, Table 3). The

multiple linear regression model demonstrated a 2.2% reduction

in BMD at the lumbar spine for time since meno-pause and a

1.1% increase of that BMD for each kg of lean body mass (Table

4). This means that lean mass is represented primarily by the

large muscles, which transmit greater and more frequent

mechanical loads to the skeleton.24,29

Thus, lean mass and psoas

muscle volume at L3 were associated with low loss of BMD at

the lumbar spine, indicating the importance of applying

muscle strength at the site where BMD is maintained.30 In the

long run, the effect of strong dorsal extensor muscles reduced the

incidence of vertebral fracture in women with estrogen

deficiency.31 There is evi-dence that skeletal muscle is also an

extraovarian source of estrogen, and the capacity to synthesize

this hormone likely depends on the proportion of lean mass.32 Age is accompanied by an increase in fat mass, and a

decrease in BMD, lean mass, and basal energy expen-


which may lead to disturbances in gait and

balance, and increased risk of falling.9,16

These factors may

generate insecurity, contribute to a sedentary lifestyle and

potentially induce changes in body composition to less lean mass

and more fat mass, culminating in sarcopenia.8,9

In post-

menopausal women from the fifth decade onwards, the drop in

estrogen levels has an important role in decreasing muscle mass.8

It was also demonstrated that basal energy expenditure falls with

menopause and is related to the decline in lumbar spine.19

In our

study, we observed a reduction of 1.4% in Ward’s triangle BMD

for each year of life and an increase of 0.1% in that BMD for

every calorie of basal energy expendi-ture (Table 4). Therefore,

in this area of predominance of tra-becular bone, the basal

energy expenditure improved BMD. This result corroborates the

study conducted by Choi and Pai,19

demonstrating that BMD is

more strongly correlated with basal energy expenditure than are

lumbar spine, fat mass, and body mass index. Additionally, basal

energy expenditure was the best covariable of bone mineral

content and BMD in a cohort of African-American women,11

displaying a strong correlation with hip and whole body BMD

when compared with other anthropometric measures.10

­Furthermore, the present study also shows a significant

association between nutritional status and BMD. Overweight

women exhibited twice as much osteoporosis at the lumbar spine

and Ward’s triangle compared with eutrophic women, while the

femoral neck showed a 23.2% increase in osteopenia, indicating

that being overweight did not increase BMD (Figure 1). A

number of studies have demonstrated that obesity does not


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46 Quirino et al Dovepress

menopausal women against osteoporosis, and as such, is a risk

factor for fracture.16 One study reported that visceral adi-posity

and low-density lipoprotein were inversely associated with BMD

and that high-density lipoprotein was positively associated with

BMD.33 Finally, the present study, using the multiple linear

regression model, demonstrated BMD variability at the lumbar

spine related to lean mass and time since menopause, BMD

variability at the femoral neck related to body weight and age,

BMD variability at Ward’s triangle related to age and basal

energy expenditure, and BMD variability at the trochanter

related to body mass index, age, and menarche. Thus, a change

in lifestyle, and consequent increase in lean mass, along with a

rise in basal energy expenditure, could improve metabolic

disorders related to aging, obesity, and diabetes mellitus, thereby

minimizing BMD loss.

Conclusion In conclusion, we observed the occurrence of osteopenia at all

skeletal sites under study and osteoporosis only at L2–L4 and

Ward’s triangle. These areas are associated with lean mass and

basal energy expenditure, and could prevent osteoporosis. Given

that our study sample was not probabilistic, other studies with a

more representative population are needed.

Acknowledgment This study was supported by the National Council for Scien-

tific and Technological Development (472832/2011-5). Disclosure The authors report no conflicts of interest directly relevant

to the content or publication of this article.

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A experiência adquirida nesses anos dedicados ao presente estudo, mostrou

que o aprendizado ocorre de forma diversificada. Estudar o fenômeno do

envelhecimento humano relacionado com a dinâmica muscular revelou um enorme

potencial de investigação científica para a fisioterapia em um contexto interdisciplinar,

como foi referido na introdução.

O músculo é muito mais do que apenas um aparato mecânico. Ele é também

reconhecido como um órgão endócrino capaz de produzir e liberar citocinas (myokines)

em resposta à contração muscular(29). Essa descoberta proporciona uma mudança de

paradigma e revela novos horizontes científicos, tecnológicos e acadêmicos. A

caracterização dos efeitos biológicos de peptídeos (conhecidos e desconhecidos),

secretados durante a contração muscular, será objeto de investigação nesses próximos


Ficamos diante de grandes paradoxos: ações simples e sem custo para toda

pessoa capaz de contrair voluntariamente os músculos e tão negligenciada por muitos.

A contração muscular, que afeta o metabolismo de nutrientes, como a excreção de

zinco na restrição de atividade motora(22) depende de aspectos motivacionais e de

capacidade de fazer escolhas. Essas ações podem ser empreendidas no âmbito da

Atenção Básica de Saúde, com custo operacional muito baixo para prevenir o avanço

da osteoporose e do diabetes. Ao mesmo tempo, são publicadas novas patentes

biotecnológicas com base na identificação de novas miocinas e seus receptores,

podendo servir como alvos farmacológicos para o tratamento de doenças musculares,

de distúrbios metabólicos e de outras doenças associadas com o desuso muscular(31).

O projeto de pesquisa encaminhado para o processo seletivo do doutorado teve

o seguinte título: Correlação entre índice de recrutamento das unidades motoras e a

densidade mineral óssea em homens e mulheres sedentários de meia idade. Esse

projeto, que já estava em andamento, teve de ser abandonado por ter desabado

durante um final de semana, parte do teto do Laboratório e ter danificado a estrutura

elétrica e o equipamento, muito sensível, o que poderia comprometer a validade interna

da pesquisa.

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Entretanto, nossa primeira publicação foi fruto de parte dos dados parciais desse

projeto e não só evidenciou significativas correlações positivas da massa magra com a

densidade mineral óssea (DMO) no colo do fêmur e trocânter, mas também com a

coluna lombar (L2-L4). O modelo de regressão linear múltipla mostrou que a redução

de 2,2% na DMO da coluna lombar, relacionada ao tempo da menopausa, pode ter

aumentado 1,1% por cada kg de massa magra, e na DMO do triângulo de Ward,

redução de 1,4%, relacionada com a idade, podendo ter um aumento de 0,1% para

cada caloria de gasto energético basal(8).

Motivada por esses achados e com a aquisição do Dinamômetro Isocinético,

“padrão ouro” para avaliação de desempenho muscular, pelo PPGCSA e Departamento

de Fisioterapia da UFRN, encaminhamos o projeto “Influência do zinco na performance

muscular em jovens e idosas” ao Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa do Centro de Ciências

da Saúde nº. 0193/09 (ANEXO). Posteriormente, concorremos ao Edital FAPERN

011/2009 – PPSUS III – Pesquisa para o SUS: Gestão Compartilhada em Saúde. O foi

aprovado e teve seus resultados apresentados no II CONGRESSO FAPERN DE



Resultaram também em duas publicações uma em 2010(32,33) e outra em 2012(34)

projetos a que estou vinculada na UFPB e que também enfocam aspectos relacionados

com a motricidade humana.

Como base nos resultados desses estudos, temos elementos importantes para

programar ações de saúde que visem a recuperar a força, a resistência e o equilíbrio

muscular em idosas e prevenir a osteoporose(35) e, deste modo, poder contribuir para a

finalidade primordial da Política Nacional de Saúde da Pessoa Idosa (Portaria nº 2.528

de 19 de outubro de 2006). A referida portaria visa “recuperar, manter e promover a

autonomia e a independência dos indivíduos idosos”(28). O mais importante é que essa

ação seja fruto da avaliação prévia dessa comunidade, com os resultados voltados

para ela, e não apenas mero material de discurso acadêmico. Isso é possível, pois

essas unidades de saúde da família fazem parte das áreas de campo de estágio da


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É importante salientar que foi uma tarefa árdua selecionar uma amostra de

mulheres com o perfil das mulheres do nosso estudo no âmbito das unidades de saúde

da família. Essas unidades de saúde, embora estivessem inseridas em um raio de

continuidade de aproximadamente dois quilômetros, tinham peculiaridades marcantes

entre si. Em uma delas, onde o perfil socioeconômico revelou escores mais baixos,

nenhuma mulher com idade entre os 60 e os 80 anos atendeu aos critérios de inclusão

no estudo. Revelaram adoecimento precoce em relação às mulheres da mesma idade

das mulheres das outras unidades de saúde do estudo.

Também nos chamou a atenção o fato de os escores de atividade física das

mulheres jovens terem sido menores (Tabela 1 do artigo 1) que os escores das idosas.

Isso nos coloca em situação de alerta sobre essas jovens, pois assumem um estilo de

vida sedentário e com escolhas de alimentos que eram mais práticos em detrimento do

aspecto nutricional. Essas jovens são potenciais- alvo de cuidados preventivos para o

envelhecimento sadio futuro.

Agora será mais fácil estimular a prática de um estilo de vida mais sadio para a

população deste estudo, porquanto elas foram os atores principais e vivenciaram,

durante a pesquisa, mudanças em suas sensações e em suas ações.

Essas ações também podem ser incentivadas na Atenção Básica de Saúde, em

todos os municípios do Brasil, uma vez que é uma ação efetiva e de baixo custo.

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Título do Projeto

Influencia do zinco na performance muscular em jovens e idosos

Profa. Maria Aparecida Bezerra Quirino (Fisioterapeuta/UFPB, Doutoranda/PPGSA/UFRN) Prof. Dr. José Brandão Neto (Médico-Endocrinologista/UFRN-Orientador).

O propósito desta pesquisa é de estudar as relações entre performance muscular

(torque isocinético, potência e fadiga) do músculo quadríceps e dos ísquios tibiais em

mulheres idosas e mulheres jovens e correlacioná-las com o nível de atividade física e

a nutrição de zinco.

Neste estudo a Sra. (Srta) irá responder a um formulário de perfil social, demográfico e

de saúde, um questionário sobre o desempenho de atividade física habitual e avaliação

nutricional. Fará exames laboratoriais, com coleta de sangue e urina. Também será

avaliada sua capacidade de força muscular, flexibilidade e fadiga. Estes dois últimos

exames serão realizados na UFRN na Cidade de Natal –RN, e haverá, portanto, um

deslocamento de automóvel particular com duração da viagem de aproximadamente 4

horas (ida e vinda), guiado por motorista particular e profissional. Os resultados dos

testes serão entregues e explicados para a compreensão do seu estado de saúde.

Faremos um acompanhamento do tratamento com suplementação de zinco em doses

fisiológica (25 mg Zn++ na forma de ZnSO4.7H2O) durante um período de três meses e

repetiremos todas as avaliações iniciais. Como se trata de um estudo duplo cego nem

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a pesquisadora nem o voluntário saberão qual é o seu grupo, se o placebo ou


Não encontramos na literatura relatos de riscos conhecidos com a administração oral

de 25 mg do elemento zinco. Nos outros procedimentos de avaliação, todos os

cuidados com a biossegurança serão respeitados.

Os resultados desta pesquisa poderão ser publicados para informação e benefício de

todos os profissionais envolvidos diretamente com a área da saúde, embora sua

identidade permaneça anônima. Seu nome não será publicado ou usado sem seu

consentimento. Sua recusa não vai, de maneira alguma, envolver penalidade ou perda

de benefícios. Sua participação é estritamente voluntária e a Sra. (Sta.) pode retirar-se

desta pesquisa a qualquer hora.

Se em qualquer momento sentir que houve infração de seus direitos, deve contatar o

Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa do Centro de Ciências da Saúde da UFPB para

respostas sobre qualquer questão da pesquisa e de seus direitos, ou a Professora

Maria Aparecida Bezerra Quirino, pelo telefone: (83) 3216-7183. End.: Departamento

de Fisioterapia/ Centro de Ciências da Saúde /UFPB – Campus I.

Diante do exposto, eu admito que revisei totalmente o conteúdo deste termo de

consentimento, estando participando deste estudo de livre e espontânea vontade.

Desta forma, aceito participar do estudo fazendo parte de qualquer um dos grupos.

________________________________________ ____________

Assinatura do voluntário, Número da identidade



Impressão digital do participante

_________________________________________________________ Pesquisadora Profa. Maria Aparecida Bezerra Quirino (Assinatura) Data: ___/___/___