Br ^u^mm^^ · 2008-08-11 · Br...

Br lltofpfioteferMMii/P' '#©!» of Victor Pu|,o&%fe|rj|iiBfehja^Qn, 0$, had, been a w a i g % p ^ i ^ W p ^ S i ^ % i : | 0 1 ' ' an & r O « l e ^ ^ p i e ^ p | ^ # ^ i S » a B p « X aeu«pi£i^eM«t)e,pfh1s ffl. •<*- ^u^mm^^ t .... v ... 7 J e ^ j % ' ^ i | ^ P % f ^ , t t i a y Bavean appli- cation tdptber .laws than that under qonsidera- .tiorT-r-^nay not hefoajiplioabloto a law agitated more thajj aV?othe.Hriiijfbre the Anieriearl .jioor pie the pastyear-ii " ', 'the; ba§i$ of the <;ba^e,-- : whftt does that im- -poiikf ^Wrb^Ws'siga'fip^^Uwfeat Ha real '-raepni'nst7^v'detHlyiV'dbe8n<A mean the ''su^pres^iottj'nnderthei pretq^t of respect, of' \W crfticisnr' of dfi» law! .Nty : if'slmply flHftfiHLttSjaetfarHhe-HffseeUtfdtt of the- law •„ •tfdthro^jfo'fte;. '•© Bttrflitl^rtifilisSiK. ft pe^ Yet I rflDst.'ctiijfe'ss Vbai .tlris Recusation •contoSn^inol: ""^lUvpS^feo ^ettfilo JfiTfs'efifeettfes-nmy l&tTjisb tsiw'jfQpulucu thu tnoBt!,,»nji»0?ali d'ttngpvp.i^,.deg<iidi% 1 ; 'Upd,, herarioua sp§ctoolp,s-f-nmy^e«id tp-wnder the peoplecjgwjiye^j'l the vifhilie<vo ; are-intll- dicjted>-ftlm §ig4$iztng ; itW Jerribje. effect whicb^ i t ^ o d q c ^ - ^ ^ I j h e n - ^ t f it.;be,jSP, let nstshut up ^ch^fers r Jet ; giftlQSQ 1 puj' schools^ progrpi&%n&%iger possible;'flnd we call'ourselves Mogul or Thibet^ but-n.ot a civiliezd nation, ygs^it woo Id be hotter ampler ev$$r av.e ex- Tfttf BS^A^.»JrDMr '*«, "1851, ^ Fp.<~5E|ffirst xo)amei)\- ocratwiHolose .Sapi& lgth,.••SvjbBBribc:s who pay, for the- p r e j o n J ^ n d ^ s s ^ T e i r p l >• vious'to-thattim©^w^l^fee ohaJge;5-orily the a l- v a n t o m e ^ p M o e ^ d m'ftil esi^ribprs f l'. - rtbr yottto per'suad©. us that-we were in Asia,!"™?*^^* 1 -^). tni/um «($?CggNo«, pa r- ithat.thq'cqqwrycaMed, Prance is no more, —'»*---'>—J--•««*- .»>•>..-.-•.• ',and tbwt.H h a A ^ n - replaced by something, ...u- L , . „ j s ^ t (h ^ moD av C hyj be the-Republic", little- -too' the"f hrqsebla- |,f^8f'.tfee aqctisatjcn I;> .• IrvSnaJn, gentlemen,''qujsi'tbn has been the lavyi'but-we'rnust. say, ".trrffi- r eyen : Spa),e f y jfe^ jjj$$p.Wt tortile inqoireliion. v fn, France, tqrtSMe' has been the kw-'-well^we-must again-say^-that wafi^i&our respeq't foV the_jqrlure.: Cut-, tiiig-I^s,!?e^n.ihe,|a-viylivit'vve: want 'respect fa? the cleaiW. '"Thp-hot-iron httst^e^athe isl%%$p^ !i{!i&," is superior'to the |pi'^Otsit|p;a jsdvt-bf-lt?g- iisfel^da'ingerous law; epfeed'j'fhooo-h h rnay P.^^Un|i8i,^-barharQ«s,--de -bijt. 1^1,, it -,be' exe(ili!.ed,*ri. ^ipSS1p^^jMhAt.u:fs; 'tjnjost,- s«j .;.trj^itla-barbaritus.ibat'.let it -be e?eculed4 Itieteht'ryesb 'JKe?pU^ no! ;That frthV True, sense^ifi&e phrgse; Respect tothe Law, Furlper^pnijeraeh^ consider, that in the 'opertftwnbfse^o^r^^aWs.there ore tvvo ,.,, ._ ^ . , . f^aions^tttaj of jhetPress which criiicises^ Aiox^xs sei^e ^oQr^k/e^)i§hten?,iWd.gatof-the 'feglsla- ' °fj!f P?! 8 ! 3 ' ture,..whii;h d^cjujes;; : now, if ypu paralyse ' «-"nrteVi tho firstiinici' youhy reprecliissiofl^jwral- yse-'the•Second. , ; If .laws iverenever-'critioi- sed.'theyy6aW'ni*ej?bejmeliorated of. re- formeU. 'The L|gislfitiTC A^emb'iy would. Ua,ve nJofhlingtoSoanoV ni'ight a s ^ell close its d'o,d|s,j -But. Aat, I snppoge,""is not- y.o»'r ' renaS f la#) ^ty w#v«ent"fespect 'for h,6feiron". -"Bhe ' rs ° * gu il.l<strn|is,jhe^^sw^l^sjt' 4 tw e b'ut l will 1 confess tliat'we- wa4t,' respect,, for the guillotinei ?• ^ " .-.".«." Gentlemen! the 'yi|h| of! •evi'&kfjtsoj,-ofectit-J icising.?e.yerely,. aiut.ftfeave.ajrl, of er.irtcising' a, la\v \v.hiph>jnaji so. easily, reste-r-e tl^ rnarj-; ;r)ers*6ft% sav"age, state*, this rfght/o?-the- wrtyn ritf : tes^safte.d v tj^ari. thptrprthe legis-. \£i<ir,.thfs^'ne'ce.ssp.Uv fights' thia-impfeScripta-' •bje. I'igblj[V o& wig -rec|igi)ize; 'by'|;6)iir. v"e?aict. in the;ac^uiMa;i of the acctise'tl; " 7 ^.,,;, • '. A, m a n , i eoo^ejnned 'a'pdi.rai§erabfe niahjj is.draS&ed, iaihe,;ijio.raing to<a public place, [--where he.meets-• thie scafjbl'd, s He-»resohs," 'he argues, fie refuses to die. He is' slilt young'; Scarcely twenty-nine. Two- oxeou- .aim. . . ,- --'Pia-PWH^- 1 ^'! 6 .4 ear i ~ ^ ' do^bt. as to the'mea.nfrrg,o(the phrase^Eliespect for thfl- Lawf«haying.vh.een dissipated^ I enter-'-into - the heart of the matter.' '• ^; ' — (jjentjernen: Therej^aS,'h\ what thaypg c.afleo; 4e ;i ahjljeht" European- -coile^^g |aw, , whitjh forrjioTetharia-GeBtury Bow,all phil- osogh^rs^aHsd^'ffiirikers,. all true,stat0s- 'men. 'Him mafya to'hlot frorn' the'.statute' ~" - .. ' • w3« ,,— i ^ 1 • i. ' t , . fcoqkij«^law, -Jwich -peccana pronounced' i mpiquS^a|)it.Fr^nlt-lin declariBd abominable; ^Ja^jj-'whicn falling- pajlienlarly"'on'ffi'at' ...ji&rtfdinrof the people already crushed by ig- noragce nn,d misery, isodioas toth&d'Brno- •VraWas Jf is repugnant' to~ the more 'refined' and intelligent censeryatiycs; a law, which Kingifcpjiis Phi.lipe,., whom I always-name .OTtbglS&^ age, in misfortune, O aod tpiljteatti in exile—said he fl detested with:feiswhole spill.'' a law, in short, which •pus&iny discards,. Which Russia; discards, aridr^moh Prance is nbont and-oughtto dis- card^fhai'law before which the human con. science^ "eyery day recoils with'a "deeper . dr^(lj ; „JS..the.^'penalty of doath.''. IBVell^geBtlemeB,! was_decejved; Leon . Foueheje .was deceived. If is' recovering- thaWais'e sname. The guillotihe begins to feel ihal .it too is a social institutionfas we sa'wltQ df.y.. And who knows? Perhaps it 'is dfeafjjijigjlike olheris, fefifs'restdr'ation.r— " May 1 we^Jot yet see it reappear in the Place tie Grave, in brcbd dajfc-before thje crowd— w-itfejts*.apparatns < pt headsmen^gehs d'arm- es and.pribricr^iefs^axtd .under the -very windows ofthe~Ho(el de Ville,. where it was once, .on ihe.^th February, dishonored and mutilated [ >,.•'-•''• Meanwhile it is tricking itself up? It feels that society, so'deeply-moved must need's, in order to-' is re-establishment, retnrr| to rtj antjeiitt traditfoins—and the gtiillbtine is one ortte^Tgd^BS^^r^fbTest* Bgai nst those ihsfiiagSg^es arid, declairriers, whom we call Beccjjja,: -Vicp, Filangieri,'' Montesquieu, 'IJafgot,-j|-raniiltn—whem we call jjLouis PftitippjjWhora and Cuizot, ^nd Whodare to;th'inl"and to say, that a machifie^for Chopping dfl* men's heads issu perfl^.^v? fi .A^ ciet y . wn '^.'i ' ,ves ^y t ' ie Gospel, Ii is'in4igriant,,agai"nst those anar- f chbts arjd iitppians,, and,' on the morrow of its ni^st terr,thie anyjblee.dy .days, asks for. our a^nyrajtidn, T GenHemeri-oftlbeJury: when this bit of stampedifarjer,'frurn ray son, was brought to me"i^trii$i bitatipn to a most unqualified' s uiti;"$fra'tf^e'aS'&ife the limes in which we ihetn overwhelmed ,..,;'-??»• wnat! nave->ve reached i$ Jpsj$. What I have the encrpach- i inetlis otfrigbtii. sense, on reason, on liberty lolihonght^cn narural right, extended sojar, ithatwfe ate elfHed upon to, pay, .not Our mo- iieri&l,r^pVcflj;"*hVicbiflrareadily cohceeded, ' Ifeofdu'r.rxioiaJl reip'ects, to penaities^which I, »oppr;j.he.t3.r,9|o,un;dest abyss pflhe conscience,. ••'w^ib)kfj|iyi;s whoever thinks of them pale, .anja^y^ichrRe]ig.ipn.abhors? to those penal- ..tiegBwjBc'h knowing.that they are blind ye' .•dnre:tb'bo-irreparable":-penahies which dip their fingers' fir human' olood, to write' the •commandmefi!., "thou shaft not kill;" penal- ' 4 i li6^Bi^0itf us doil'bt of God .when they, .falliiJiBilite'irinpjehi! Nef.Wdl rto 1 we. chM^^;atr]Vedat that pitch^1^ • ^^jl^^'ilinie^.since I^m brough-t to it, I mijst"|e}|^ t 't|iat yo'u maythe bettercom- : prehehifep^iia^ipni.-fthetfue crifrjiinaJin this^ afTair^riililKgre^e a criminal, is not 1 my h'm, bind.-his bohdsi-and feetj them; a frigntful battle ensues. !MtrttToii.I»»t. " A,t tha,ol6se,cif the >S;n<i. < a^Bioii of tho Leg- islature, eomeqf t.hj.rnemoors Qf th£)obbyjjro- sentod^o j'pa1,§1Ay"ojQ^otiIyonsdttle" a tea-pot, *j;for the iri%est/hM^a. ; tal#iflSho: passa-ge of the Nine milH'on-pm. •-, - -; ; ' ThojMsantato|j^?;rnii^e--V Bjtr. V^miia, who abwmpahiipi v^ljhLC'Britefilk suitable" to jthe ooeasibrt. '^ilehWtt-plNyqnBdafe-, having plja.el^^noarpof'" Baf«fly-seoupod undo* his aTn^ragur-ned iusLthafiks^r-the*preBeBt-tlrus- T h e cbfedemried, his feet tied by CQ^ds.ta- .jthe la4der,,u^SlM'iScaffdd'-againsn5iexe- cationer; iho^battfeispr^lohged/hoTfcrf 'seizes 1 the ctowd. The-executtpners, with^sTjiarjo^B andsweiit oh their brows, pale, palpitating, terrified, desparate with l- know' not., what h'orribfeTd'espair-r-weighe"d down by the.. public reprobation which' bugh^ib' eurse the p'enaitj, 'and noV iTFpassi ve; inStfurnerit—' imaka-^avag§_'ef|b*ts.' -' The man clings'ta the se.aTFcWVnd'begs fprmercy. His dress is torn, to pieces ana his shoulders are .«ret with blbbdc- Tnenj after three' quarters of an hptor—ne, we quibble about minutes-r- after thirty-five minutes, jf yqu will.of this bind of-monstrou's effort,, of this spectacle without name, of.this agbny, agony, mark y bo,.for everybbdy^for the .people. ni> less than.US' condemned—after this." century of 3F18HINO EjtcnRsiOK.—-On Tuesday, of last week'some thiity-iivepersbris"from this village chartered, the Steames-Clinton, and "procaed«d tb-the Gajouiblands on ajifejisure seeking trip. iaiguiir, ffenOem^n of trre^ry^lheinistl ^ sin S. OTer &«• sea sickness e n ^ r f b y some me'nta delayed unfip^^''o^|^ i t|ojp"'oT tl< year,'wJlll^e^Qp in aSditwii, as,-h^tpfore a|- verS.sod. .'' • '•• * \ ." ' : \ ,, , ... {Cf^ftey'-thV present v6tam^i4*io'bm» t' I 'welflfepd:•to%dppt-tlje readypay'Bystern in.r>-• I gard to papefs.^' 'A moments re'riebtigjj v wUl 60' I'Vinq.e any Beteoa'jtkat debts"-'of. $l.'.to'^iJ Boat-teiid'oVer a territory of ^0 trtiles in extorjt,. bdst as rnpoh t;o.,flqHQ.ot themes th.ay are wcirt 1. ; N.p.m.Wha»t or meohanio woit][d.-o^opuld 90 ~ tipuo business and allo\y_ j s^qhi .'de|!t87 T(n y^ars- hard labpr, : '>wJtb no jernunpratifoni h s.. l-opnvinoe"d us tlittVit-'would'he v?Qrse4han &1 y forttsrjto tjiy the' «x.perimen^ "ibrxgli.";.A,Jih e- systeal ofbusiness'TjifiH be eatpred into','wb"u! - ^orstand, ; by the*' pthfcft- oopiity. papers'v arid sn 1- ,j rsoribe'iis" w&p pay fpr. their papers" .wjill bo. ben t ^fitted in theimprqvpda^Jpearanceafidiniroasid Value'and intorjes't. §jf tRe.. piipeir, |«Eile thoie who pon't pay=dori't Sete4» JBaymen.ts qilarterly pr sera^anhually, in advanoe, will answer is> w'ellasrbt' , the'wh'ole :1 yp'arf. ..' * -"'.'.'• '.-• CuToa JElgWwg*' 0 '' Iiidepenclenc*!,. •";, The'tecent ne^s frpra th«1'Island of Caba^ has been to the effeoi-that- there..Jiad been gaAoringSjdf mon in different.jiarts of {heIsi- aiid, deolaring" thegisejyes independent of Spain, and their determination tw seo'ure lnae-- pendenoe. The pews daily grows- more au.-* ;tbiptio and. reliable. On the 4th "of iuly a Be^totttiiSrroTrHdopindenoo vJas publishqd by .person styling themselves prpyisioaaji repre- sentatives^of the people of Cuba>_ ginoethat ^me thp"insntgents, had various gltirmish- es with the Spanish, authoritiesj generally' ebmiBg^nff viptorious». Several- companies' of Spanish troops have declared in.favOT '6f the ijjeurgaots." Our Eastern exohanges, which pretend to be posted up in regard to Cuba,, con- sider the re volt.a general one, which is very r^BTy-tft-proVe successful. * . |,madp hiflfcjjr whiphvb.o d^pl/upd. be fqlt..,tr,uly g^tefol^., 4;s the . speoehasAviiiblKW-ei'o* then jraade, .have .bjien. Aone up ij^ verse by "sonTo""' poet, wp. tiLttp the liher.ty.Wgi,ving them a njub- ilicatipij,-^ •'' v ' ,". •„•',,.'• .-"">••-' •' [VASKtfi^tfilts—- ' '"'•'.' • •, • Lyon 'of Lyonsdate,. P^ay ta&c, . .' ... -/ , - This bright fneme-nto Ibr qursakov. : ," There's ^'thirty" pieeps" in its' make: ,. \ v . ,This-^eu-.poK JJJan of enlarged loebsi we set, •, * On seiwieov in the eaitise of-dobr»-.•-'. " '". This^rioe, ('tis more than bthirSget)*- . . - ,- . ;-<t - ! ; -'Ataa-ijot. •'.. ' son,, buumpeiU'Mhe real Trijrtiihal, t k / , is he whofortw'eiiS^-five years' has com bat- ted the .irrijparablP ffenPlfies under afj their fdrrij'?.." '$$.% wh8~ Wj^'en^r-flvp^ars Stavej yindic^ted^ on ever^edca^on, 'thteffl# '.^_—*lab^tty^af,ljurnan life.' T^e cpmoe of-dc- Jiebtonomrimtedtt-I denounce myseft ^ . ^ -p^j^ia Wblg'si erable creatufej-is- carried back fe his pris- on:- Thp'-pebple breatfte again—the pedpie who have all-thetrprejudices of-their old ~hu-, manity,'an,d y*ho are.clement because they, feelibemselves spyereign, the people sup- posed that tKe'mah was saved ! , . . " ' * ' Npt ataS? The guillotine is vanq.uisbed', but it remains. It remains all day in the midst of the dismayed and astounded popu- lation - . In the evening, behold a reinforce- ment of headsmen ; they bind the man so that he-is only an inert thing;- and as night falls tbi'ey carry 'hirn to the-, public place, Weeping," howling, haggard, covered with blood,, asking life, imploring "God,* calling his father and his toother—for before death he was a child-—butthey hoisted him'to the scaffotcT and his head fell. Then, a groan proceeded from all hearts; neVer. had legal murder appeared with more cynicism or abomination; airfeltasone man in regard~m~fhis awfuTfransactiorf;" theyTefT as if the-civilization of France had'been in- sulted, in-.the open daylight, 'by*'resurgent barbarisln. Then' i.t was,-too, that a cry escaped: the breaslof a yonng man—--a cry which came from hi? heart, his soul—a cry of-pity-,--a-cry of anguish', a cry of horror, a cry of humanity; and that cry, you, gentle- men bf the jury, arje called upon to "pubishi Arid in.the presence"6f thfi appalling fails which I have recounted7you . are asked to say to the the guillotine, " Thou art right!" andto mercy, holy mercy, 'Thou art wrong.' -No; (hat is impossible ! Mr. Advocate-Gefieral,-1 tellyou without bitterness that you-defend a bad cause-. <-Y.ou have done well, but you engage in a con- test with the spirit of civiUfeatidn, : with the refihement.of manners, with progress. You have'agairist y 0 g ^ e j-gjfe' "conyictioris of the human heart: .you U^v^-against yptiithose priitciples in the light of which France has advannpd and caused the world to advance —"ih« inviolability,'b( human life; the fra- ternity of all classes; £he..d^ptTin0,'.pf amelior- ation, which sup'piants' .trie doctrine of . re- venge. You have against yoii' all that illu- minates'reason, all that moves the §oul—Phi- losophy and Religion—on afte side, Voltaire, on the'other, Jesus. You have done well; the frightful service which the scaffold pre- tends to-render society, society loathes ar-d repels-! You have done well—partizans of y the.death penalty----you will not wash out thdse fHghtful texts, from which' centuries the blood of the' decapitated 'has ran in streams. Gentlemen, I have done. My son, you reeei've this day a great hon- or. You are now worthy to,combat, to suf- fer, perteps, for the great caqse of truth :•- From this day forward you etiter the true manly lifej)f our tirne. Be proud, ypu who. are only a simple soldier, of the human, and democratic idea-; : you s|t at the Same bench where Beranger and Lam'epais sate. Be firm in your convhtipn, and"—thTsTs my last word—if ydij.w&nt ap'jncentjve to itrprigth- en your faith in progress, yoiir -,beliefin ,the futu^e fr jrour religibh-for humanity, yovr-ejc« ecr3iior>"fdV"fhe"sfiafrbld, yout horror*of irre- vocable arid ; ilrepairable..penakteff j fthink that"- yeu sat whelre, Lesarqueft-eat . • - of the oompany—the mfnistration of salt brine in alogathio doses by Dr. Deanr—the trip—was. a pleasant one, and accomplished/ail desired, -wlaxation from business an.d.p lake and. shore strolk The "fish oaught might all have'been eaten by a pan with a good app^Jkeat .one^- rheal. We fbund.rid fish and no game at the Galous, but warm, hospitality on the part of Mr. Gill and family. Qn the return, tho-Ciinton stopped at Saok- etfs ^arhof, to enable the "boys"_to see the •elephant, and the Dr. to renew his bag^pf salt. Most of tho party jdfnod at Narrows Hotel," and wo think, from representations the proprU etbr did-himself and his guests injustice on th oeeasion, passing them offwith seeond-rate; at- tention. ' He-will ljardly got one" of his late guests to give him-a second call. We regret this oiroumstanco, for Mr. Barrows Veally keeps "argood house, ancTis withal a .fine felloi?—but he made a serious mistake ptjeating hisguests' as hddid» Capt. MATHEWSON spared Ho exertion to make the trip a pleasant one. He is-a thor- ough seaman and a good follow, and. nor Master ever need ask a finer crew. . He ought*] tb'bave a better boat, The Clinton has been overhauled .and pttinted this season; but at best she' runs at a snails pace. Pleasant "weather, the'lake smooth an8 beau- tiful, Bind attentions,' and the.'tbousand little pleaqantrjes, incidents and kin'dnesses which sewe tprpake }£ile,jp'yq"us*far 'jrioriT than g'rdat exen'ts-r-all these attendants ompur recent trip, willbe.lpng rememhef^dC-wjlf.excite a smile and enkindle ivarm emotions long 'years henee. lOToaiiiAtiow'vV»A.fen^-J)aniel'J. Burdiok left his residQnaesiP'AlbioiJpaiSund^y last,jand.| hfta.p.p_t. 8ino0:boen''htjard!'l3ifi. •Ha.w^re.^wp.ya. palnfleaf liat,' be^^kin^irpeli,. Bnd -ffapleji pafi&1.g^sM8ja||iit' SS.few o'l'dr Ho ^ I somowl|(|t |oraij^pd1; Ir-^mation- ,^onoorning Mifm cirkwuhieaWjIjy i^|eijpp,t>|ije'tiyi3e ) 'to Mrs,B«Kliokiff|hp I>«|iv^ .^e'go Co. will So thankfuiljr'-fpeeivci^j,. '' "*T°'*". • <-.- •Albion, July 3l£,18~51. ^Ipglisnfstiisiri^a Motf '<#li,L „. - . »fiheiP''own?lafefe|a^f|ift'|^ notice thitthe Vinos of ' maTryTJeliJr - ^ P y - ^ « * * ^ P 8 ( M H m 4 c M i ^ u ^ rin this,.yic|n1ty- are already begihi ^'^^"^^JP^I^iMtont - •-- --- ' dfhis> emancipated s l a ^ ^ ^ P V lfe fJ3==Fe of potatoes j-^ii'n'g to decay. PrompfappTwitttioii of lime q'r, cbarooal may ySt sto'p the disease. \Xf* BISHOP pB^ANcur-, of this Diooos, will, hold service in the ^pisoopal. Churph'in fbip tsU14ge on Monday next, .the" 4th August, at 5 j ' P . M., . The tea-pot niayjt; evor^e J P-ullof freshbst, strongpst'teii "! Scru'ehong; Sanghai 'and "Boliea, i,. '. - T-hrs-iea^poti;' How tjj njalco it quickly lewn, Put.the wpod irjto .thp urn,,' : ' Water'boiling hot then tuts . (Uo§d,you don't youjf fingers huun) "'" ' "' "ith't»a--3ofe.. - JVre-w.aili,. .This. %@de-tea?cum be- f Mor&irial evor.HriJo |hee | -. Of Weed, hoMvate'r, and' pf mej ' •': -li And tea-pots. _ Lyq-s^-eplies-^' _ J . wr ." ^ ' .' Oh, beauteous pot! the gift I take • ' , - Both for the giver's and the- Speaker's sake-W^ | Both fos.fts'value and'-its mAke--. '" - Ttyis"tea-pot. ' <. Brigg's'brazen top, BeekmaW wpakjee, I Borrough's eternal spout shall be Linked ever in my thoughts with thee-?- : 1 My ie'cLipbt!' -v. . ' 7'"'-'- '•••' For frion6;s betrayeda.nd liipy lbst-i- For faith and conscience far off tost— '1 mourn not,'when I oouptihy post, ' ,. u, - • ?/ ' ' - .i..My tea.-p.ot. rj. YooB8<£iDiEs S c H o o t ^ W e are gratified Buz A ^KIBBT, for two oj b learu that Miss riree years past having.chdrge.of a largo and ut-Watertown,- apoV'pre'vrousljr Flas Cotton In ©island. The editor ofthe TrfounWri tTlettei' %'rn London,,aftpr refer-ring to Ins disco very-.dPlilr. Glaiiss^ni by- which tlie flax fibre ean l: r5e„ fc sqj •dissolved: through chemical agenjB, thati.tio- ^ses its cparsprieSB arid bardneBs, and becp'm'eS as'stotj aSd'flh&.as-e s ^£bh, gi¥esl!i*r.:C|kusBfin''S estimate ,of the,pro.bable cost of the- new nja- teda( s ' • .' k . . "„...„.,..., . .'•|S l esajjtstheif4.a'x stftay.pii-, tbe ripe,- ,(!ry plant as it comes froiisuthe-fis'ldwitlrtne' seed s mken pff, may he-growtn evei^'in- ^nglaad fpf ! : 110. per top, but life w|l|l, o.puo^de, iip. cpst -for ^vth'e present to p»e %m per^nVdeHveredj ; as it is" necessacy that hberal inaucemeati..s'b:ai|.J)e giypn for. its. exterisiya cultivPtjoh, -S«t:ton-? of.thestraw or flax in the bundle, will yield one'tonof4isessed ; ahd^l^anfibre,.the'cBst bf- d'ressing whioh by his method, BO as tp..-r0,ake it flak- co.ttbri, is {|a&i>er tori. {Qw- euperibr wqsteriJ machinery qught considerably to re- duce^this.)'. The total coBtofthe-ffajicotton; therefore, wiU be $125 per- ton,,br. six oepts per pound, while, flax, as it conies from the field, is vv<5rth-$15,per ton; should this come down to |lfJ per ton, the cost of the fibre will -be reduced to ^DS-jeMon,. or less- tttan five cents per pouhd.- At that rate, "good field hands" must, be-rather slow of-saleTar cotton planting at #1,000" eauh.or qyen $700;?'' M. Claussen's prqness: ,itis said, f rsqu{re.B' but three hours-for completion. It-takes "the' flax as it came from thefiejd, only somewhat dryer'arid with the seed beaten off,', and rpn-» dtersit thoroughly fit. for breaking.. The plant is allowerrta/ripen before it is harvest- edj so thatthesfeed is allfeaved, while'tedieus- uess and injury to-the fibre, net to- speak* of thg unwhoi'esomeness of the old-fashioned roTling pi'oCesses., are entirely o'bviated.T—' Where desirable•in.,t|-.e fabrics u* vbVpJ6 ! tj^^he'*tateiawr"lhava cbrflffiittefj --the ciirrig;'frt.der:the most aggravating cir ';;CUffisfahce|;%)tn : -ih6fullest premeditation,J vflth^.en^iw.)n jttie wfong-doina with fre- •f|uprif tenewH%-p^ho;.6ffehce I '„•£.. ^e& 1 Iipioclqlfe;-i^rthisremnarJf , ''iir'bsi'-fbsr- ismj^lWs;.'Olld-•wd'-•! l -Pn^'e'a8onlngfea-• taUonisA 'thi^aaAv^of.bluodifq.rr-hMdiil havp bauled' - Withiajl''i%iife/att'd%6» -&S' ther-e-is-a 4)rBa*5Stf|h¥i%^ll!l|haUle,ty:ith Jt t with ••ali'fjbtil^foFrWd' wrffer^fih' l alfm , y'%res and amMAipgislator, ajfid f^ear'it. .{p'oint-'. iswMol&tlatsllibbet ivte^vtr-thDii' spud p a t s imfc, for the etetfiW^rlsWhiifdti tff the g4ne'r8(ferii8/lh'e human l a * nailed up the diVihp; "* . - " '• ' ' •'. . -.• . T ""' :„:,;•" '-• '"' " / GEN. SCOTT.—-At the time of the passage pLjhe Fugitive Slave Act,, Gen Spptt v tt,as ' Secretarylof War. The' New York .• (.-.•_-.. .t«!i -t nomination. , . . , ate Qwlyen- fi&n-ipeaks of Gen Sco|t?8« .feTafipB" to the fugitive Acjt as ft-Hpws: " •" '" \. "Msi&Bg the*.perils thatfteset. the, >caun- fryy"&6,'i l .ftp brppghtiA'bwt Mtl&itiy,w>Kf\ ofhis fame, all the winning sedvt&mscsfiiiii sp> Lrialeloqfie^ce. k\l ike -. m&iolily of jiis migKhi name i{jron,Mek^Sr:S;:fiffiongressV0 vpt^ toil , T H A T > ^ k b i ^ i i ' % ' . ^ p MAS'jCoijTjttie'rfeb M,ORB To.i^;)f!|i^gE,t,i;HA^,-GB^. .tyirte^in Sebrr. .'-NQ" OJ*\ Timr!WMj&oTLB' ANxrbcs" ABOUT IT, for no on£ tyiPti iviehiific soldier Mm tiff Hell 'as he.' {fie ^ik. ,efll$«cvoil vm' in v)h%fy iUMjl!itrrJi4eks\v»pUlf^lW)ding. , l e t " A- correspondent qf T the . ftew "York HeraWsaysBarnum'sWent'hasifnlfaT^^ .endcsjiVortp epga'ge'iJiC^pountcss Socarrqe, asy pih"rilsf,b'6t has etigaged-^Lola .Momcz •as uanscusOr to appear so"0n ' •'.' " * Id 3 The Barnbutning and. .JUmljiion press of this county, lead on by the faJla- diuro, : having bpen badfyworsted ia.the late cpntest, and in their-oppositiop tothe mpas! ures.adopted for the enlargement ofilie ca- ifels, an.d reduced to the forlorn condftibn'Of Qrgans of a miserable faction, t numbering" but L69 in, they now-seek to rr- ooypr their lost ground~=and retrieve their fallen fortunes by m a k i n g a comTmieu' and simultaneous persopaliattackjon the Editor p/lliwpapjrarr-O.w^ 'JOfmcs.^ >• Now; Gerfl,-thsifs-unkirtd, and untriie. We guess the Palladium doa't Ipad us, and did not on. the Banal question. ' We have not said a word about yourself orpaper'in 60veral weeks ;. and in common with the mass .of readers, have never read, and care not a fig for tho personal squabbfing between yourself and- the Palladium -^believingthat-pappr as foolish, in replying to, attacks as fhq Times false and unfair in mak- ing them. TheJdea of retrieving politioal for-: tunes by attacking you, is -Worthy, of ybu^a, hallucination nobody else could entertain,—r Pshaw?! .Do tajje back what you say about our attacking ypu, Goh'l—we would aS soon think of epanking a-siek bahy r or quarreling wi^li« little blaok ifk'd white abimal, as'af attacking yeu- "' •' - ''..' Ijn Western and Southern pities, has eonsented [to opqnjLsebool for j o u n g ^adies-in this..villag6'. !Few rppre thorough teaohojrs can be found than BBIQBT, and we Jiavi? no doubt her..s.ohool all that could bo deJBired by^pejsons hav- fhg dsughters to odueatej "The Sehdbl is to be ipened about the mM31e r of next month; ,- -. A Watertown paper, speaking of the. eloping txerelses of,lfie-r.eoent term of Mis3 Barem's sohpol at; that place, {sayp— . . . ' It was-ourpleasure to listen to the com-, 'mancement exercises of the"' Yourig_ Ladies fnttifute—npwjnchargfi.ofthe'Missea BRIGHT. Inline present could fail tp discern,ia nearly all the composition, an earnest endeavbr to rek'ch B.omethihg beyond the mere glitt«r-and stow", which too often- 'characterize such oc- •eisions. -There was an aim at strength as well drteauty—and the exarcisesSvere none" klie less hrilriant from eacraficing-ferth* beau- •iy olJTruth—^me'finicaland thefaise. There Were jewels—such as sparkle, only in the cas- ket ot nwyd-^attd flowers.too, perennial-ones, 1 nute'blos'soijls of the" heart. The friends of I'emale education can but promote their own nterests by forwarding the interests df the |J3hdpT.-' • , " ' " ' .-. EpeB - Tooki MANDPACToas.-~iJtr. - MARK- ] Am fitted up 'last spring the' shop adjoining Dr. Lariddrfs 'olothihg works, wherebe^is man- pfaottring most kinds or Edge Tools'? Mr. M. •JB said to be a finished workman, and articles plirohased of him will be found vastly superior |ia those purchased' at the East> We ...would | rdoommend to mercharita and traders in this section ofcountry, to procure "trloirj supply of Mr^ Markham, and purchasers will do welt tD"'| enquire for tools of his manufacture. THE ADQUST ELECTIONS.—On Monday of next weelc state^leptionsTJake place in Ken- tuoky,Jndiana, Alabama, arid Arkansas. AH of these states choose State officers, members of thp Legislature and members of Congress. Illinois, Missouri, and Iowa, also' hold elections the Bamcday. So far as present appearanoe is concerned it seems? quite ";plain t h a t . with' 'proper exertion, the Democrats will succeed in a majority if not in all of these states. / - S^' We le&fai from Mr. GBIFFIN that he -willoommphce running the Oil. Mil) in'this :place the pi-cisent week. Oil and oil 'meal wil] be furnished by Win in any quantity. We pre- sume dealers and painters in this section of, bouatry will engage all the oil he can make for I thp present; preferring a pure article to the" adulterated oils purchased in the Eastern cities. fl?' With a olear eky overhead, arid'fe boau- "rjful starlight, quiie a smart shower of rain fel- w Philadelphia about ten 0'clock m the eve- ning on Wednesday of la'st week.. A similar phenomenon" was notiqed at Mprristown, al-" -thaugh clouds were noticed at the verge of the, .•hor.l?!on, in thB latter ease.. ., I cpntemplatedj the made to~ fegem, •wool qiiite closely. Specimens died; fcd^fflue,, yellow, &c., are exhibited to show haw readi ily und sutisfactorily the flax, cotton tdkes any color that may be desired. Beside these liej-olls bl; flannels, feltings, and almost every variety ofiplaiutexturesj-tabrieated wholly or ia good'p^rt from flax as prepared for .spir>. rupgundqrMr. p.ljtpjBJsn's, patent, proving the adaptation of thisfibre...tav.alni.6stevery use new subserved by either Gotton or wool. The irvixturestofeatton andffaxj.flax-cofctottand wool, are excellent and serviceable fabrics. {j^" RSv. Mr. CRSHB of the Baptist Chiiroh dfthis village.has been confined to his Tiouso some weeks by an affection oftb'e heart. His [.health is slowly improving,- and it' ia^hopod he may be abWto resume his ministerial duties in a few^veoks. _ •-. -- WHAT DOES IT-M-EAwT-^iACE, of tho Patri- ot. and-MiiitSj-of the Palladium, a braes- of pifofassed incorrigible ^bachelor's, ar N e smitten with tbo pettilodn .manjaf Whioh appoarS: to: have seized, upon some bold wonien in oortain. Idealities. MiLXsin a reqeiit- talk really beeaTBe' "elbqupnt-in behalf o'f'the "new oostume,'' using a sobre of "superlatives Mybnd inrT'oapaoity jto' eoBipreheiiji or remember.^-- while PtAeB^ee^ hip readers posted up 1 in regard to "women in •pants," if in nothing-else being .done'in,tjie great world. How is ifc^-why is it-r-aqd ie,it t^upf-thaldur frion$s..whilbminsenSiWe to' the nrightj.glfjne'es, Winning spj.Ip,B, and endearing caresseBiqf; sbmoof the finest ladies iu ohris- J'TX^The Columbus (Geo) 'Sentinel s»ys pf> M^'Buehatianforiho PVesidSfidy)—,', "T \ m ^ ^ » m « n been ^ ^ S ^ ^ ^ Z ^ ^ J 1 ^ \ yield to wlrat-.ra^WaterWWn' chap calls thp4^"»-—~ .«i.-i-* u—i- ; - —*.~* ,..u- ° knee-pliiB-tilWta?'- ,eostume7 Strange—a'nae. cauntahlVvWhat$><» it'mSan? T.'B. McM!apti9, onfe pf the Irish exiles oon- finfed at Australia) escaped recently aifid is.'now •-n California, ' The Htttohinsone gave concerts in Wa- "tertbwp on Tu'esdayand Wednesday- evening Hi „.' ; ".'-'. $jr* The1 wheat crop ofthe present year is "rhdre abundant than for 1 any previous ..year- for .a longifrae. The cold weather most of the EBeason has doubtless produced tho large eropi - OJvOr'outt, under sentence of doathJlpr set- ting on fire buildings at Utfca, has had hiSreX : ' ^"cution postponed to the jSlth of'&e|. GOVT: Hunt, in grantihg the postponement, charges thoprisoTrorthaiho.mustpreparefdrthe eixeeti : j|ippatthajtime. . , , - • .' . . .• .. miy mutt whpse home is on/rpj^wft.^ , ; 'I)aofc»Btti--:Ott.Sat«rdaVatftt-a' da«eitt« »f j •Mif. JpJm-«W3!st6r,.agM If ye'a?fe^l froto.'V timboi'ln.attempting to eross'Saf^l^Qre'e-k near. Mr. Lindsay's ta^srn', andwas'.dypwiied, :"Her_ body tvas rococorod on the foliowifig morning; Oswego Couuty Agricultural Society. Al "a njeetihg of the merttbers of the Os- wego Cbunty Agricultufal Society, held July 22d,' at' 11 o'clock A- M., at theSchodl- hqusein the village of New Haven, rjiirs'u- aiiit to an act ofthe Legislature for re-pfgan- izing Baid socipty^EAMUEL G/MERRI- AM was-ealled. tothe Qhair, and James H. Wright wqs apppintpd' Secretary. A certified cQpy of the act of the Legisla- ture haviV)g been, presehtedte- theijriet'ting, it.was unanimouslr - Resolved, That this Society do now pro- ceed to the choice of-officers for the.eurrent yeaT. ,-""'. .""'"' ', " "--.-' - , James. A,. Wright being-the only Secre- tary present as Inspector ofEle6tions. , • ' Resolved, Tha,.t three.,Inspectors of EIec-^| lion- be appointedjto fill vacaqeipEL;. Whereupon, Nathan FarnhamJ of the town of Oswego, L. Tower, of ScHba, and Hamilton Mufray, ofthe city ofOswegp,'^ were duly elected such Inspector's. The njeetiing-then proceeded to. batlot for officers of the Soci'etyV w hen the follow- ing gentlemen were unanimously elected: JOHN W. JUDSON, of Oswego, Pres't. JaSftes-S. Cliandler, of Mexico, 1st Vice esident. ^> H. H. Bronson, qf Hannibal, 2d.. y"ico President. ' " ,N, Goodsel), of New'Haven, Correspond- ing'Secretary. S. Burt T X)s.wego, Rec. Secretary. L. A. Cole, Tdwn of Qswego Treasurer. D. f. Brewster, OswegoT . ':'•• John Carpenter, Town ! Executive ' . ofOswego, f Com. K.E/Sahford, Yolney, J - ,. . - , The President elect havirig taken .- the Chair, Ins. H. Wright was-appoimcdSecre-j tarypro tem, and on motion of Mr. Merri- ain, , ' „ _„.. ::. v Resolved, That the annual Fair beheld at Oswego, on.the lotft and 11th days of .September nest. *' - . ; On motion of H . Mffrray, Resotvod, That a committee of ninp Be. chosen to revise the Constitution," Htfd to re* port to the next annual meeting, and" the fol- lowing gentlemen were elected : Joel T'urrili, ofOswego, B E. Bowen, Mexico. .-,-A. Z. McCarty, Pulaski. - X J. Wolcott, Fultonr" ' ' J. H. Wright, New Haven. <-* „. PeteTtievendorf,'Hastings, i-,-4", Hamilton Murray, Oswego. E. B. Talcoti,'^' -dp. - .... Wm. Arnes, Hannibal. . . :'.....* On motion of Mr, Gqodsell, , Resolvefi That thepresideqt b& added to the committee. , .' • • The society then adjourned sine die. ,--' ' . "• J. k. WRlGHT,.Sec T New Haven", July 2&, """"' ©m8n.e!na«,v«J3IHKf(jiet>^t«y S B»- 6' ' """; ; ®bttst%np|i|J«fete, mm tindler if ^«%plpyf^ emp- 4 '--'-' vm?; m 'to 'IWlb.wJ of •',»™. Mi^iicy 1 pay his de,b«^qp ! ihe" ; rpop. ey'nprph-ftf WSmty mW-Uf 'alavesUitf- some-fr^St^^irwIfl" ttfe^ con ." •tested by'thei»e|tStM^ ',j, 9 ' .0puws of Ga%!ir$ r Md^ iji feypr qf^*iftfp|»|^Co« tt . iiW#; in th^ yi y.^ij' ; „, ^Meiwitfegrp^ak^^^r^M the 4ecis.ioP, meets the general iaRproMion ,df the cbmrB'uM^.^" T^e^Mkgm^. ,-frvpr whOjt'hi.fmilij-a ^rtf«h'j(.rovjde s fpV'th'a p'rnpnp'iplHork' i>,Ufe«i|-lr;' its- land'^oes,' is quite W iM$Mi$ % lih.siriityAbfribe.t^atp^s,:"•-»«.* V : j>:. - - ' .These slav'esj'whQ'ifev'ifthli^^^ land, will- bp *emn»e0^n^,spgM^^ "' hft; Josonle free^ate/Pf'••'this ©hion or- to' Ljbefja., / V'-J/j" .'• 'J''^"'^. ;:,:..';•". !7%f 'M$$nc!io1tyjAtcidenti 'ffi'&h'diegtugay., ™-A eo?'respbn'd!erit of the" A^tjasgives sdms ', particulars of the drbwr^Mf ^ . t h e five per- ' sons-0fl-th^,ehatgaugay^^ . ]frve,.youn"g'pe , Pj^ J. Ayres,lG-:Ke5%>: Hr/,% mifMi'Cfi^ and El-Dai^) wsnt duf ph'fhejrfuffpdhd of Mr, Braytoh, pri the'Chateaugay river,fora boat vi'de,- ; -T»efodat^yas:'^^sin-afl^Uptlish," 'thing;, and ta)ci';iitb)f.e^pW two' per- sons'with safety^Thp, night):.i^'|uitejark, and TO.per6on'npw'ltyi^ wheBHttoolc-.pface^hut it is "sfljjppgpi- tj^at, * frqmAme;|l'tghtOT6yeroen'ts---6't;t,hosa:m boat H ttpset, and precipitated {hem iota the water,-. ' - ' .. 4 scrqams Were hoard, by.several per- sons living near the 4 plaepj and a number of people were onifhe brjSk'6'f^'^ popd with- in a few moments, buf the night was so dark Vhat tiothing coiSld be seen nnlil afit©Was kindled, so as t^ ypflesi prj the, .'pppdj' when the boat ^as djsj;pvgr«a"bpitdm side up, and a hat was seep 'floating on i.hp.. surface..-*- Ndtwithstanding atl the exertions'tfialcould be mad*, nbne ef'the bodi'ei'cobld he recov- ered until about two hours after the acrcident -and lorigafter life was extinct, .^The boifies heve~ndwbeen-foup(J.--i.^heIr ages were from from 17 td^O. . • .. ,.„-r ; -f' *. ,„' : ^remertdu.ov:s..$loriii ppd' WMrlwind,— HONESDALte, .Pa. t J o 1 y x even 'j n our -vjllhge was visited wS^'a. viplp'rrt Stprm accompanied by a terrTfic,yVhwl\Mibd, which swept across the upper part of the place,"ta- king in its coarse the large dwjejling^hpiise pf M.lV.West, a.pfrrtion^Wh'ich was deposi+ ted on the- opposite, aide of tijeriver, - Anothef portion was seen by several of - j our citizens high up in the airmailing before^] the wind over a Irving Stiff," which is more than 300 feet high"! Bnd nearly two - , miles distant from the house H A large 'quantity ofthe bricks, were scattered 'over the fields, along ifie.traolf-of the whirl-wind." .Mrs; West; child and servant were in Ahp house at the time thp - wind Nstru6k it, : and [fortunately escaped unhurt" A large quan 1 tity of ^laiss.was.brbken by ' the hail, and thPejbps in all directions are-leveled with J the ground. The'tbunder and lightning were»^ery secvera. Mr.- -West's damage is pstimated at 82,« 00O,. .. '.- H"(i|sical Mania lb Buflaloi BpfTulor-Jtily 26, -1851.—The Jennny Li.hd Coacert excitement .isfery grealln this city, -'—The tickets for' Mpnhaf 'evening have been all sold—some af them as high as ®10 each,byjipeculators. T h e crowd around the4icfeet^fficb was so great That several strong meq fairJted. Du"fibg the'rush, a chqfeh'deacpn,"lV!r. Gill, got jammed in the crowd,.ijpdjfel], dPwh^nsep^ib'le.. He lies in a very pradarious c6n'dition.'' , ' *. Jenny" liind is at theJP'flllsf, -wherfeshe will remain tjll Monday. ' : . Madame Anna Bishop; yr\)l also give a concert in Buffalo on Monday evening. 1851; " ', , % '•'• . . -j:. - '_' BOSTON, JaiyZ6^-rih the harbor- yesfer r daIy.„afle.r.nDdn ) near''Minot's Ledgo, David CroSfbiq, flged .years, fell oyerb&ard from fh'd..,yhchi "Aliise." ' ,". ' ' ' Mr. Cable S'lSlcClWiieti,.'assistant erigi ne^r in the Boston Fire Department,'jurfipTd in to rescue him, but theysunk't^getrieV, and were both dr6wb«d'; , """t. '"7", 'l_^" ! McClenqe'nj ,vyM"l#as much respected, iea-vesa Jfcife„and/'ia.mi'ly; ' Crospie'sfnother k^eps a restaurant o^Llntlel) street. Important from'Texas.—NEW ORLEANS, July. 24t£. 4 d vipes from Texas Jo Ju ly 14 have b'epri.rebelven. ;; ••'* •' '-'' v Grepii eltcit'emenlprevaiied at Rio-Grand, in consequence of the Meiica'bs tefulrng to deliver -t^lpurtaway;. sjave. 'Aivfi'ffhed par- lor of^teiattiTiad threatened 'fp-iapfttre.-Rre- sidib. 'Itis i'aid.;. there' are 2j6b'0 fugitive glav«s in M.exicpr:• : » ..... '" .-.';. Tbfi f political feeling iri-Teiiaa is running very K y , " rh ' -'• ' <• . . . . fatal Accident a\llh^.v^^ named Otifr i^as killed 'byvtha-^machinery of the Messrs.-Moore's planning mill in Itb- acn, a fe,W '3ays since, i-flp, wgfs caught in a b^alt whik pijlipg,tbe roaohiflpry,, wa^S. drawn in; and hal hls-neck: ..his., thigbs- j.instnntlybrnken.'' . T/ie tbotld!'$ 'Fq,ir~A\\trita,n Harness ATcasejflPiid^i'.'ve* rjrgrWfa.t.Bji jiarnpss^and 'eiabdwfe'Vpjkrhari'shiii' sent to the 'World's I Fairit'y'r^ee3r8;LjE6Y(©WrSiV^ delphia, has bcen"awarded the-pilze .Imiidal of- ; the-great Exhibition. Thq rnanufatfr- |-Wfre®hadto^pritend with many rriB'gPlfi- cferit spfe-dirrienVsent from this country, and nearly 'ey'qryo.t-befrpart of theityddd^-- .' The Cryslnl Palace awaw!s»nre;?nofr to be made until October. . The Pal'nce j s t o be lit up cv6ning,s'y.after,th.e first' of September. #Vbrre~spbhatfttt of th'(|Ba;fra|p Cou''' rier Says tW'Cqncerts'whicri 'JeTrny'Lind ftr to give in BU"^aIo:wifTb"p' the.-last-she will give-iii this country, tinle'sS it be one.orMwo' in New Ybik'. She%iH%e at'.'Niagara Falls "ten 6r'twel\?e'days] and -wiir.'prdbably sail foy^Europe on,tbe4f)th of August. " ' FRdi*JOftEGOt^—AnI'TjIeptrotr of-a-delfii- gate to C|opgffss,hlhs;bee'ri hpld and . Gerlor- moveia*' ir-dm the office- of, ^over.rjc|r" ; "'bf the territory hy General-.Taylor was elected*, over his wjiig opponent" ' . - ' . Hon, O. ^.„Qlpr1jcp',.q,pjled 'a.t thjs officSja' a few dpysslnce tpflansirer a^Jnquiry-a's'to the chnse of the fis4'SCiiaIi:0 O'atpr'lo.. The Hon 'Gentl%f^i-'iofv'ef flib.ifn^stety in-.thfl twinklingofaVbed pqst,•• V^'.'tn'B same cause," savs he,.'*'tha"tWriake:s $f : "%^^.'barrpl; run' over; pufri^e-itt'thfpuih.''Ithb Biihg nblo than is drawn'pM bt:jfe'1af7"— W:<A«rtm Jefer'sdriim^;-; ^Il^i^t^i, M g .. The salt boi|p^,at"'.'Syr'Pp«se,and Salina h&ve r>piarjv",ptl 8|bppe'd trfelt, wqrl{? r with .* view Sf pfrtasfef W& am^#»T OM. no* iriW'ftd-£eF / '&i|lt , trH''c^n'W#'ifice has slight' iy a m h ^ i j p j i c f f - i ' ^ ^ - f -,:: t .--•; Itpp-pears frqm a'sj^emant ^ndp'-'q'HGor.- .rit Smf th, that. U b>s. pnjd #14,373 1-5 : M the bnil and ,Mpsk$ -4 ChPplin.vbnrgw with negro scaling in M»yhmd f upd |e«/ repaid buCIOjS'SM&'i •> i. ".*- .Lti't % ?rm>»m,th

Transcript of Br ^u^mm^^ · 2008-08-11 · Br...

Page 1: Br ^u^mm^^ · 2008-08-11 · Br lltofpfioteferMMii/P' '#©!» of Victor Pu|,o&%fe|rj|iiBfehja^Qn, ... card^fhai'law before


l l t o f p f i o t e f e r M M i i / P ' '#©!» of Victor Pu|,o&%fe|rj|iiBfehja^Qn, 0 $ , had, been a w a i g % p ^ i ^ W p ^ S i ^ % i : | 0 1 ' ' an & r O « l e ^ ^ p i e ^ p | ^ # ^ i S » a B p

« X a e u « p i £ i ^ e M « t ) e , p f h 1 s ffl. • < * -^u^mm^^t .... v...

7 J e ^ j % ' ^ i | ^ P % f ^ , t t i a y Bavean appli­cation tdptber .laws than that under qonsidera-.tiorT-r- nay not he foajiplioablo to a law agitated more thajj aV?othe.Hriiijfbre the Anieriearl .jioor pie the pastyear-ii " ',

'the; ba§i$ of the <;ba^e,--:whftt does that im--poiikf ^Wrb^Ws'siga'fip^^Uwfeat Ha real '-raepni'nst7^v'detHlyiV'dbe8n<A mean the ''su^pres^iottj'nnderthei pretq^t of respect, „ of' \W crfticisnr' of dfi» law! .Nty : if'slmply flHftfiHL ttSjaet far Hhe-HffseeUtfdtt of the- law •„ •tfdthro^jfo'fte;. '•© Bttrflitl^rtifilisSiK. ft pe^

Yet I rflDst.'ctiijfe'ss Vbai .tlris Recusation •contoSn^inol: " " ^ l U v p S ^ f e o ^ettfilo JfiTfs'efifeettfes-nmy l&tTjisb tsiw'jfQpulucu thu tnoBt!,,»nji»0?ali • d'ttngpvp.i^,.deg<iidi%1; 'Upd,,

herarioua sp§ctoolp,s-f-nmy^e«id tp-wnder the peoplecjgwjiye^j'l the vifhilie<vo;are-intll-dicjted>-ftlm §ig4$iztng ;itW Jerribje. effect whicb^ i t ^ o d q c ^ - ^ ^ I j h e n - ^ t f it.;be,jSP, let nstshut up ^ch^fers rJet ;giftlQSQ1puj' schools^ progrpi&%n&%iger possible;'flnd we call'ourselves Mogul or Thibet^ but-n.ot a civiliezd nation, ygs^it woo Id be hotter

ampler ev$$r av.e ex-

Tfttf B S ^ A ^ . » J r D M r ' * « , "1851,

^ Fp.<~5E|ffirst xo)amei)\-ocratwiHolose .Sapi& lgth,.••SvjbBBribc:s who pay, for the- pre jonJ^nd^ss^Teirpl >• vious'to-that tim©^ w l fee ohaJge;5-orily the a l-v a n t o m e ^ p M o e ^ d m'ftil esi^ribprs f l'. -

rtbr yottto per'suad©. us that-we were in Asia,!"™?*^^*1-^). tni/um «($?CggNo«, pa r-ithat.thq'cqqwrycaMed, Prance is no more, —'»*---'>—J--•««*- .»>•>..-.-•.•

',and tbwt.H h a A ^ n - replaced by something, ...u- L , . „ j s ^ t ( h ^ moDavChyj

be the-Republic", little- -too' the"f hrqsebla-

|,f^8f'.tfee aqctisatjcn I;> .• IrvSnaJn, gentlemen,''qujsi'tbn has been the lavyi'but-we'rnust. say, ".trrffi-reyen :Spa),efy jfe^ jjj$$p.Wt tortile inqoireliion. v fn, France, tqrtSMe' has been the kw-'-well^we-must again-say^-that wafi^i&our respeq't foV the_jqrlure.: Cut-, tiiig-I^s,!?e^n.ihe,|a-viylivit'vve: want 'respect fa? the cleaiW. '"Thp-hot-iron httst^e^athe

i s l % % $ p ^

!i{!i&," is superior'to the |pi'^Otsit|p;a jsdvt-bf-lt?g-iisfel^da'ingerous law;

epfeed'j'fhooo-h h rnay P.^^Un|i8i ,^-barharQ«s,--de

-bijt. 1 1,, it -,be' exe(ili!.ed,*ri.

^ipSS1p^^jMhAt.u:fs; 'tjnjost,- s«j .;.trj^itla-barbaritus.ibat'.let it -be • e?eculed4

Itieteht'ryesb 'JKe?pU^ no! ;That frthV True, sense ifi&e phrgse; Respect tothe Law, Furlper^pnijeraeh^ consider, that in the

'opertftwnbfse^o^r^^aWs.there ore tvvo ,.,, ._ ^ . , . f^a ions^ t t ta j of jhetPress which criiicises^ Aiox^xs sei^e ^oQr^k/e^)i§hten?,iWd.gatof-the 'feglsla- ' °fj!f P?! 8! 3 ' ture,..whii;h d^cjujes;; :now, if ypu paralyse ' «-"nrteVi tho firstiinici' youhy reprecliissiofl^jwral-yse-'the•Second.,; If .laws iverenever-'critioi-sed.'theyy6aW'ni*ej?bejmeliorated of. re-formeU. 'The L|gislfitiTC A^emb'iy would. Ua,ve nJofhlingtoSoanoV ni'ight as ^ell close its d'o,d|s,j -But. Aat, I snppoge,""is not- y.o»'r

' renaS fla#) ^ty w#v«ent"fespect 'for h,6feiron". • -"Bhe ' r s ° * gu il . l<strn|is, jhe^^sw^l^sjt ' 4 tw e b'ut

l will1 confess tliat'we- wa4t,' respect,, for the guillotinei ?• " .-.".«."

Gentlemen! the 'yi|h| of! •evi'&kfjtsoj,-ofectit-J icising.?e.yerely,. aiut.ftfeave.ajrl, of er.irtcising' a, la\v \v.hiph>jnaji so. easily, reste-r-e t l^ rnarj-; ;r)ers*6ft% sav"age, state*, this rfght/o?-the-wrtyn ritf:tes^safte.dvtj^ari. thptrprthe legis-. \£i<ir,.thfs^'ne'ce.ssp.Uv fights' thia-impfeScripta-' •bje. I'igblj[V o& wig -rec|igi)ize; 'by'|;6)iir. v"e?aict. in the;ac^uiMa;i of the acctise'tl; " 7 ^ . , , ; , • '. A, m a n , i eoo^ejnned 'a'pdi.rai§erabfe niahjj is.draS&ed, iaihe,;ijio.raing to<a public place,

[--where he.meets-• thie scafjbl'd,s He-»resohs," 'he argues, fie refuses to die. He is' slilt young'; Scarcely twenty-nine. Two- oxeou-

.aim. . . „ ,- --'Pia-PWH^-1^'!6 . 4 e a r i ~ ^ ' do^bt. as to the'mea.nfrrg,o(the phrase^Eliespect for thfl-Lawf«haying.vh.een dissipated^ I enter-'-into

- the heart of the matter.' '• ^; ' — (jjentjernen: Therej^aS,'h\ what thaypg

c.afleo; 4e;iahjljeht" European- -coile^^g |aw, , whitjh forrjioTetharia-GeBtury Bow,all phil-osogh^rs^aHsd^'ffiirikers,. all true,stat0s-'men.'Him mafya to'hlot frorn' the'.statute

1 j . l i ' ~ " - .. ' • w3« ,,— i ^ 1 • i. ' t , .

fcoqkij«^law, -Jwich -peccana pronounced' i mpiquS^a|)it.Fr^nlt-lin declariBd abominable; ^Ja^jj-'whicn falling- pajlienlarly"'on'ffi'at'

...ji&rtfdinrof the people already crushed by ig-noragce nn,d misery, isodioas toth&d'Brno-

•VraWas Jf is repugnant' to~ the more 'refined' and intelligent censeryatiycs; a law, which Kingifcpjiis Phi.lipe,., whom I always-name

. OTtbglS&^Bfepec.tJdue. to age, in misfortune, Oaod tpiljteatti in exile—said he fl detested with: feis whole spill.'' a law, in short, which •pus&iny discards,. Which Russia; discards, aridr^moh Prance is nbont and-oughtto dis-card^fhai'law before which the human con. science^ "eyery day recoils with'a "deeper

. dr^(lj;„JS..the.^'penalty of doath.''. IBVell^geBtlemeB,! was_decejved; Leon

. Foueheje .was deceived. If is' recovering-thaWais'e sname. The guillotihe begins to feel ihal .it too is a social institutionfas we sa'wltQ df.y.. And who knows? Perhaps it

' is dfeafjjijigjlike olheris, fefifs'restdr'ation.r— " May1 we^Jot yet see it reappear in the Place

tie Grave, in brcbd dajfc-before thje crowd— w-itfejts*.apparatns< pt headsmen^gehs d'arm-es and.pribricr^iefs^axtd .under the -very windows ofthe~Ho(el de Ville,. where it was once, .on ihe.^th February, dishonored and mutilated [ > , . • ' - • ' ' •

Meanwhile it is tricking itself up? It feels that society, so'deeply-moved must need's, in order to-' i s re-establishment, retnrr| to rtj antjeiitt traditfoins—and the gtiillbtine is one ortte^Tgd^BS^^r^fbTest* Bgai nst those ihsfiiagSg^es arid, declairriers, whom we call Beccjjja,: -Vicp, Filangieri,'' Montesquieu, 'IJafgot,-j|-raniiltn—whem we call jjLouis PftitippjjWhora and Cuizot, ^nd Whodare to;th'inl"and to say, that a machifie^for Chopping dfl* men's heads issu perfl^.^v? f i.A^ciety .wn'^.'i ' , v e s ^y t ' i e

Gospel, Ii is'in4igriant,,agai"nst those anar-f chbts arjd iitppians,, and,' on the morrow of

its ni^st terr,thie anyjblee.dy .days, asks for. our a^nyrajtidn, T

GenHemeri-oftlbeJury: when this bit of stampedifarjer,'frurn ray son, was brought to me"i^trii$i bitatipn to a most unqualified' suiti;"$fra'tf^e'aS'&ife the limes in which we

ihetn overwhelmed

,..,;'-??»• wnat! nave->ve reached i$ Jps j$ . What I have the encrpach-

i inetlis otfrigbtii. sense, on reason, on liberty lolihonght^cn narural right, extended sojar, ithatwfe ate elfHed upon to, pay, .not Our mo-iieri&l,r^pVcflj;"*hVicbiflrareadily cohceeded,

' Ifeofdu'r.rxioiaJl reip'ects, to penaities^which I, »oppr;j.he.t3.r,9|o,un;dest abyss pflhe conscience,.

••'w ib)kfj|iyi;s whoever thinks of them pale, .anja^y^ichrRe]ig.ipn.abhors? to those penal-..tiegBwjBc'h knowing.that they are blind ye' .•dnre:tb'bo-irreparable":-penahies which dip their fingers' fir human' olood, to write' the •commandmefi!., "thou shaft not kill;" penal-

'4i li6^Bi^0itf us doil'bt of God .when they, .falliiJiBilite'irinpjehi! Nef.Wdl rto 1 we. c h M ^ ^ ; a t r ] V e d a t that pitch^1^

• • ^^jl^^'ilinie^.since I^m brough-t to it, I mijst"|e}|^jp.tjt't|iat yo'u maythe bettercom-

: prehehifep^iia^ipni.-fthetfue crifrjiinaJin this afTair^riililKgre^e a criminal, is not1 my

h'm, bind.-his bohdsi-and feetj them; a frigntful battle ensues.

!MtrttToii.I»»t. " A,t tha,ol6se,cif the >S;n<i.<a Bioii of tho Leg­

islature, eomeqf t.hj.rnemoors Qf th£)obbyjjro-sentod^o j'pa1,§1Ay"ojQ otiIyonsdttle" a tea-pot,

*j;for the iri%est/hM^a.;tal#iflSho: passa-ge of the Nine milH'on-pm. •-, - -; ; '

ThojMsantato|j^?;rnii^e--V Bjtr. V^miia, who abwmpahiipi v ljhLC'Britefilk suitable" to

jthe ooeasibrt. '^ilehWtt-plNyqnBdafe-, having p l ja .e l^^noarpof ' " Baf«fly-seoupod undo* his aTn ragur-ned iusLthafiks^r-the*preBeBt-tlrus-

The cbfedemried, his feet tied by CQ^ds.ta-.jthe la4der,,u^SlM'iScaffdd'-againsn5iexe-cationer; iho^battfeispr^lohged/hoTfcrf 'seizes1

the ctowd. The-executtpners, with sTjiarjo B andsweiit oh their brows, pale, palpitating, terrified, desparate with l- know' not., what h'orribfeTd'espair-r-weighe"d down by the.. public reprobation which' bugh^ib' eurse the p'enaitj, 'and noV iTFpassi ve; inStfurnerit—' imaka-^avag§_'ef|b*ts.' -' The man clings'ta the se.aTFcWVnd'begs fprmercy. His dress is torn, to pieces ana his shoulders are .«ret with blbbdc- Tnenj after three' quarters of an hptor—ne, we quibble about minutes-r­after thirty-five minutes, jf yqu will.of this bind of-monstrou's effort,, of this spectacle without name, of.this agbny, agony, mark y bo,.for everybbdy^for the .people. ni> less than.US' condemned—after this." century of

3F18HINO EjtcnRsiOK.—-On Tuesday, of last week'some thiity-iivepersbris"from this village chartered, the Steames-Clinton, and "procaed«d tb-the Gajouiblands on ajifejisure seeking trip.

iaiguiir , ffenOem^n of t r r e ^ r y ^ l h e i n i s t l ^ s i n S . O T e r &«• sea sickness e n ^ r f b y some

me'nta delayed unfip^^''o^|^it|ojp"'oT tl< year,'wJlll^e^Qp in aSditwii, as,-h^tpfore a|-verS.sod. .'' • '•• * \ ." ' : \ ,, , ... {Cf^ftey'-thV present • v6tam i4*io'bm» t ' I

'welflfepd:•to%dppt-tlje readypay'Bystern in.r>-• I gard to papefs. ' 'A moments re'riebtigjjvwUl 60' I'Vinq.e any Beteoa'jtkat debts"-'of. $l.'.to'^iJ Boat-teiid'oVer a territory of ^0 trtiles in extorjt,. bdst as rnpoh t;o.,flqHQ.ot themes th.ay are wcirt 1.; N.p.m.Wha»t or meohanio woit][d.-o^opuld 90 ~ tipuo business and allo\y_j s qhi .'de|!t87 T(n y^ars- hard labpr,:'>wJtb no jernunpratifoni h s..

l-opnvinoe"d us tlittVit-'would'he v?Qrse4han &1 y forttsrjto tjiy the' «x.perimen^ "ibrxgli.";.A,Jih e-systeal ofbusiness'TjifiH be eatpred into','wb"u! -^orstand, ;by the*' pthfcft- oopiity. papers'v arid sn 1- ,j

rsoribe'iis" w&p pay fpr. their papers" .wjill bo. ben t ^fitted in theimprqvpda^Jpearanceafidiniroasid Value'and intorjes't. §jf tRe.. piipeir, |«Eile thoie who pon't pay=dori't Sete4» JBaymen.ts qilarterly pr sera^anhually, in advanoe, will answer is> w'ellasrbt',the'wh'ole:1yp'arf. ..' * -"'.'.'•

'.-• CuToa JElgWwg*'0'' Iiidepenclenc*!,. •";, The'tecent ne^s frpra th«1'Island of Caba has been to the effeoi-that- there..Jiad been gaAoringSjdf mon in different.jiarts of {heIsi-aiid, deolaring" thegisejyes independent of Spain, and their determination tw seo'ure lnae--pendenoe. The pews daily grows- more au.-*

;tbiptio and. reliable. On the 4th "of iuly a Be^totttiiSrroTrHdopindenoo vJas publishqd by .person styling themselves prpyisioaaji repre-sentatives^of the people of Cuba>_ ginoethat ^me thp"insntgents, had various gltirmish-es with the Spanish, authoritiesj generally' ebmiBg nff viptorious». Several- companies' of Spanish troops have declared in.favOT '6f the ijjeurgaots." Our Eastern exohanges, which pretend to be posted up in regard to Cuba,, con­sider the re volt.a general one, which is very r BTy-tft-proVe successful. * .

|,madp hiflfcjjr whiphvb.o d^pl/upd. be fqlt..,tr,uly g^tefol^., 4;s the . speoehasAviiiblKW-ei'o* then jraade, .have .bjien. Aone up ij^ verse by "sonTo""' poet, wp. tiLttp the liher.ty.Wgi,ving them a njub-

ilicatipij,-^ • ' 'v ' ,". •„•',,.'• .-"">••-' •' [VASKtfi^tfilts—- ' ' " ' • ' . ' • •, •

Lyon 'of Lyonsdate,. P ay ta&c, . .' ... -/ , -This bright fneme-nto Ibr qursakov. : ," There's 'thirty" pieeps" in its' make: ,.

\ v. ,This-^eu-.poK

JJJan of enlarged loebsi we set, •, * On seiwieov in the eaitise of-dobr»-.•-'. " '". This^rioe, ('tis more than bthirSget)*-

. . - ,- . ;-<t - ! ; -'Ataa-ijot. •'.. '

son,,buumpeiU'Mhe real Trijrtiihal, t k / , is he who for tw'eiiS^-five years' has com bat­ted the .irrijparablP ffenPlfies under afj their fdrrij'?.." '$$.% wh8~ Wj^ ' en^ r - f lvp^a r s Stavej yindic^ted^ on ever^edca^on, 'thteffl#

'.^_—*lab^tty^af,ljurnan life.' T^e cpmoe of-dc-

Jiebtonomrimtedtt-I denounce m y s e f t ^ . ^ - p ^ j ^ i a W b l g ' s i

erable creatufej-is- carried back fe his pris­on:- Thp'-pebple breatfte again—the pedpie who have all-thetrprejudices of-their old ~hu-, manity,'an,d y*ho are.clement because they, feelibemselves spyereign, the people sup­posed that tKe'mah was saved ! , . . " ' * '

Npt ataS? The guillotine is vanq.uisbed', but it remains. It remains all day in the midst of the dismayed and astounded popu­lation-. In the evening, behold a reinforce­ment of headsmen ; they bind the man so that he-is only an inert thing;- and as night falls tbi'ey carry 'hirn to the-, public place, Weeping," howling, haggard, covered with blood,, asking life, imploring "God,* calling his father and his toother—for before death he was a child-—butthey hoisted him'to the scaffotcT and his head fell.

Then, a groan proceeded from all hearts; neVer. had legal murder appeared with more cynicism or abomination; airfeltasone man in regard~m~fhis awfuTfransactiorf;" theyTefT as if the-civilization of France had'been in­sulted, in-.the open daylight, 'by*'resurgent barbarisln. Then' i.t was,-too, that a cry escaped: the breaslof a yonng man—--a cry which came from hi? heart, his soul—a cry of-pity-,--a-cry of anguish', a cry of horror, a cry of humanity; and that cry, you, gentle­men bf the jury, arje called upon to "pubishi Arid in.the presence"6f thfi appalling fails which I have recounted7you . are asked to say to the the guillotine, " Thou art right!" andto mercy, holy mercy, 'Thou art wrong.'

-No; (hat is impossible ! Mr. Advocate-Gefieral,-1 tellyou without

bitterness that you-defend a bad cause-. <-Y.ou have done well, but you engage in a con­test with the spirit of civiUfeatidn,: with the refihement.of manners, with progress. You have'agairist y0g ^ e j-gjfe' "conyictioris of the human heart: .you U^v^-against yptiithose priitciples in the light of which France has advannpd and caused the world to advance —"ih« inviolability,'b( human life; the fra­ternity of all classes; £he..d^ptTin0,'.pf amelior­ation, which sup'piants' .trie doctrine of . re­venge. You have against yoii' all that illu­minates'reason, all that moves the §oul—Phi­losophy and Religion—on afte side, Voltaire, on the'other, Jesus. You have done well; the frightful service which the scaffold pre­tends to-render society, society loathes ar-d repels-! You have done well—partizans of

ythe.death penalty----you will not wash out thdse fHghtful texts, from which' centuries the blood of the' decapitated 'has ran in streams. • Gentlemen, I have done.

My son, you reeei've this day a great hon­or. You are now worthy to,combat, to suf-fer, perteps, for the great caqse of truth :•-From this day forward you etiter the true manly lifej)f our tirne. Be proud, ypu who. are only a simple soldier, of the human, and democratic idea-;: you s|t at the Same bench where Beranger and Lam'epais sate. Be firm in your convhtipn, and"—thTsTs my last word—if ydij.w&nt ap'jncentjve to itrprigth-en your faith in progress, yoiir -,beliefin ,the futu^efrjrour religibh-for humanity, yovr-ejc« ecr3iior>"fdV"fhe"sfiafrbld, yout horror*of irre-vocable arid;ilrepairable..penakteffjfthink that"-yeu sat whelre, Lesarqueft-eat . • -

of the oompany—the mfnistration of salt brine in alogathio doses by Dr. Deanr—the trip—was. a pleasant one, and accomplished/ail desired, -wlaxation from business an.d.p lake and. shore strolk The "fish oaught might all have'been eaten by a pan with a good app^Jkeat .one -rheal. We fbund.rid fish and no game at the Galous, but warm, hospitality on the part of Mr. Gill and family.

Qn the return, tho-Ciinton stopped at Saok-etfs ^arhof, to enable the "boys"_to see the •elephant, and the Dr. to renew his bag^pf salt. Most of tho party jdfnod at Narrows Hotel," and wo think, from representations the proprU etbr did-himself and his guests injustice on th oeeasion, passing them offwith seeond-rate; at­tention. ' He-will ljardly got one" of his late guests to give him-a second call. We regret this oiroumstanco, for Mr. Barrows Veally keeps "argood house, ancTis withal a .fine felloi?—but he made a serious mistake ptjeating hisguests' as hddid»

Capt. MATHEWSON spared Ho exertion to make the trip a pleasant one. He is-a thor­ough seaman and a good follow, and. nor Master ever need ask a finer crew. . He ought*] tb'bave a better boat, The Clinton has been overhauled .and pttinted this season; but at best she' runs at a snails pace.

Pleasant "weather, the'lake smooth an8 beau­tiful, Bind attentions,' and the.'tbousand little pleaqantrjes, incidents and kin'dnesses which sewe tprpake }£ile,jp'yq"us*far 'jrioriT than g'rdat exen'ts-r-all these attendants ompur recent trip, willbe.lpng rememhef^dC-wjlf.excite a smile and enkindle ivarm emotions long 'years henee.

lOToaiiiAtiow'vV»A.fen^-J)aniel'J. Burdiok left his residQnaesiP'AlbioiJpaiSund^y last,jand.| hfta.p.p_t. 8ino0:boen''htjard!'l3ifi. •Ha.w^re.^wp.ya. palnfleaf liat,' be^^kin^irpeli,. Bnd -ffapleji pafi&1.g^sM8ja||iit' SS.few o'l'dr Ho ^

I somowl|(|t |oraij^pd1; Ir-^mation- ,^onoorning Mifm cirkwuhieaWjIjy i^|eijpp,t>|ije'tiyi3e)'to Mrs,B«Kliokiff|hp I>«| iv^ . ^ e ' g o Co. will So thankfuiljr'-fpeeivci j,. '' "*T°'*". • <-.-

•Albion, July 3l£,18~51. Ipglisnfstiisiri a Motf '<#li,L „ . - . » f ihe iP ' ' own?la fe fe | a^f | i f t ' | ^

notice thitthe Vinos of ' maTryTJeliJr -^Py-^«**^P8(MHm4cMi^u^ rin this,.yic|n1ty- are already begihi ^ ' ^ ^ " ^ ^ J P ^ I ^ i M t o n t

- • - - • --- ' dfhis> emancipated s l a ^ ^ ^


fJ3==Fe of potatoes

j- ii'n'g to decay. • PrompfappTwitttioii of lime q'r, cbarooal may ySt sto'p the disease.

\Xf* BISHOP pB^ANcur-, of this Diooos, will, hold service in the ^pisoopal. • Churph'in fbip

tsU14ge on Monday next, .the" 4th August, at 5 j ' P . M.,

. The tea-pot niayjt; evor^e J P-ullof freshbst, strongpst'teii "! Scru'ehong; Sanghai 'and "Boliea, i,. -» '. - T-hrs-iea^poti;'

How tjj njalco it quickly lewn, Put.the wpod irjto .thp urn,,' :' Water'boiling hot then tuts . (Uo§d,you don't youjf fingers huun)

" ' " ' "' "ith't»a--3ofe.. -

JVre-w.aili,. .This. %@de-tea?cum be- f Mor&irial evor.HriJo |hee | -. Of Weed, hoMvate'r, and' pf mej ' •': -li

And tea-pots. _ Lyq-s -eplies- ' _ J . wr." ^ ' .' Oh, beauteous pot! the gift I take • ' ,

- Both for the giver's and the- Speaker's sake-W^ | Both fos.fts'value and'-its mAke--.

' " - Ttyis"tea-pot. ' <.

Brigg's'brazen top, BeekmaW wpakjee, • I Borrough's eternal spout shall be

Linked ever in my thoughts with thee-?- :

1 My ie'cLipbt!' -v. . ' 7'"'-'- '•••'

For frion6;s betrayeda.nd liipy lbst-i-For faith and conscience far off tost— '1 mourn not,'when I oouptihy post, ' , .

u, - • ?/ ' ' - .i..My tea.-p.ot. rj. YooB8<£iDiEs ScHoot^We are gratified

Buz A ^KIBBT, for two oj b learu that Miss riree years past having.chdrge.of a largo and ut-Watertown,- apoV'pre'vrousljr

Flas Cotton In ©island. The editor ofthe TrfounWri tTlettei' %'rn

London,,aftpr refer-ring to Ins disco very-.dPlilr. Glaiiss^ni by- which tlie flax fibre eanl:r5e„fcsqj •dissolved: through chemical agenjB, thati.tio-ses its cparsprieSB arid bardneBs, and becp'm'eS

as'stotj aSd'flh&.as-es^£bh, gi¥esl!i*r.:C|kusBfin''S estimate ,of the,pro.bable cost of the- new nja-teda(s ' • .' k. . "„...„.,..., .

.'•|Slesajjtstheif4.a'x stftay.pii-, tbe ripe,- ,(!ry plant as it comes froiisuthe-fis'ldwitlrtne' seed

smken pff, may he-growtn evei 'in- ^nglaad fpf „ !:110. per top, but life w|l|l, • o.puo de, iip. cpst -for ^vth'e present to p»e %m per^nVdeHveredj ;as it

is" necessacy that hberal inaucemeati..s'b:ai|.J)e giypn for. its. exterisiya cultivPtjoh, -S«t:ton-? of.thestraw or flax in the bundle, will yield one'tonof4isessed;ahd^l^anfibre,.the'cBst bf-d'ressing whioh by his method, BO as tp..-r0,ake it flak- co.ttbri, is {|a&i>er tori. {Qw- euperibr wqsteriJ machinery qught considerably to re-duce^this.)'. The total coBtofthe-ffajicotton; therefore, wiU be $125 per- ton,,br. six oepts per pound, while, flax, as it conies from the field, is vv<5rth-$15,per ton; should this come down to |lfJ per ton, the cost of the fibre will -be reduced to ^DS-jeMon,. or less- tttan five cents per pouhd.- At that rate, "good field hands" must, be-rather slow of-saleTar cotton planting at #1,000" eauh.or qyen $700;?''

M. Claussen's prqness: ,itis said, frsqu{re.B' but three hours-for completion. It-takes "the' flax as it came from thefiejd, only somewhat dryer'arid with the seed beaten off,', and rpn-» dtersit thoroughly fit. for breaking.. The plant is allowerrta/ripen before it is harvest-edj so thatthesfeed is allfeaved, while'tedieus-uess and injury to-the fibre, net to- speak* of thg unwhoi'esomeness of the old-fashioned roTling pi'oCesses., are entirely o'bviated.T—' Where desirable•in.,t|-.e fabrics


vbVpJ6!tj^^he'*tateiawr"lhava cbrflffiittefj --the ciirrig;'frt.der:the most aggravating cir ';;CUffisfahce|;%)tn:-ih6fullest premeditation,J

vflth^.en^iw.)n jttie wfong-doina with fre-•f|uprif tenewH%-p^ho;.6ffehce I '„•£..

^e&1Iipioclqlfe;-i^rthisremnarJf,''iir'bsi'-fbsr-ismj lWs;.'Olld-•wd'-•!l-Pn 'e'a8onlngfea-• taUonisA 'thi^aaAv^of.bluodifq.rr-hMdiil havp bauled'

- Withiajl''i%iife/att'd%6» -&S' ther-e-is-a 4)rBa*5Stf|h¥i%^ll!l|haUle,ty:ith Jtt with

• ••ali'fjbtil foFrWd' wrffer^fih' lalfm,y'%res and amMAipgislator, ajfid f^ear ' i t . .{p'oint-'.

i s w M o l & t l a t s l l i b b e t ivte^vtr- thDii ' spud p a t s imfc, for the etetfiW^rlsWhiifdti tff the g4ne'r8(ferii8/lh'e human la* nailed up the diVihp; "* . - " '• ' ' • '. .

-.• . T ""' :„:,;•" '-• '"' " /

GEN. SCOTT.—-At the time of the passage pLjhe Fugitive Slave Act,, Gen Sppttvtt,as

' Secretarylof War. The'New York .• (.-.•_-.. .t«!i - t nomination.

, „ . . , ate Qwlyen-fi&n-ipeaks of Gen Sco|t?8« .feTafipB" to the fugitive Acjt as ft-Hpws: " •" ' " \. "Msi&Bg the*.perils thatfteset. the, >caun-fryy"&6,'il.ftp brppghtiA'bwt Mtl&itiy,w>Kf\ ofhis fame, all the winning sedvt&mscsfiiiii sp>

L rial eloqfie^ce. k\l ike -. m&iolily of jiis migKhi name i{jron,Mek^Sr:S;:fiffiongressV0 vp t^ toil ,THAT>^kbi^ii '% ' .^p MAS'jCoijTjttie'rfeb M,ORB To.i^;)f!|i^gE,t,i;HA^,-GB^. .tyirte^in Sebrr. .'-NQ" OJ*\ Timr!WMj&oTLB' ANxrbcs" ABOUT IT, for no on£ tyiPti iviehiific soldier Mm tiff Hell 'as he.' {fie ^ik. ,efll$«cvoil vm' in v)h%fy iUMjl!itrrJi4eks\v»pUlf^lW)ding. ,

l e t " A- correspondent qf Tthe . ftew "York HeraWsaysBarnum'sWent'hasifnlfaT^^ .endcsjiVortp epga'ge'iJiC^pountcss Socarrqe, asy pih"rilsf,b'6t has etigaged-^Lola .Momcz •as uanscusOr to appear so"0n ' •'.' " *

I d 3 The Barnbutning and. .JUmljiion press of this county, lead on by the faJla-diuro,:having bpen badfyworsted ia.the late cpntest, and in their-oppositiop tothe mpas! ures.adopted for the enlargement ofilie ca-ifels, an.d reduced to the forlorn condftibn'Of Qrgans of a miserable faction,t numbering" but L69 in, they now-seek to rr-ooypr their lost ground~=and retrieve their fallen fortunes by makinga comTmieu' and simultaneous persopaliattackjon the Editor p/lliwpapjrarr-O.w^ 'JOfmcs.^ >• Now; Gerfl,-thsifs-unkirtd, and untriie. We guess the Palladium doa't Ipad us, and did not on. the Banal question. ' We have not said a word about yourself orpaper'in 60veral weeks ;. and in common with the mass .of readers, have never read, and care not a fig for tho personal squabbfing between yourself and- the Palladium -^believingthat-pappr as foolish, in replying to, attacks as fhq Times false and unfair in mak­ing them. TheJdea of retrieving politioal for-: tunes by attacking you, is -Worthy, of ybu^a, hallucination nobody else could entertain,—r Pshaw?! .Do tajje back what you say about our attacking ypu, Goh'l—we would aS soon think of epanking a-siek bahyr or quarreling wi^li« little blaok ifk'd white abimal, as'af attacking yeu- "' •' - ' ' . . '

Ijn Western and Southern pities, has eonsented [to opqnjLsebool for joung ^adies-in this..villag6'. !Few rppre thorough teaohojrs can be found than

BBIQBT, and we Jiavi? no doubt her..s.ohool all that could bo deJBired by^pejsons hav-fhg dsughters to odueatej "The Sehdbl is to be ipened about the mM31erof next month; ,- -.

A Watertown paper, speaking of the. eloping txerelses of,lfie-r.eoent term of Mis3 Barem's sohpol at; that place, {sayp— . . . '

It was-ourpleasure to listen to the com-, 'mancement exercises of the"' Yourig_ Ladies fnttifute—npwjnchargfi.ofthe'Missea BRIGHT. Inline present could fail tp discern,ia nearly all the composition, an earnest endeavbr to rek'ch B.omethihg beyond the mere glitt«r-and stow", which too often- 'characterize such oc-•eisions. -There was an aim at strength as well drteauty—and the exarcisesSvere none"

klie less hrilriant from eacraficing-ferth* beau-•iy olJTruth—^me'finicaland thefaise. There Were jewels—such as sparkle, only in the cas­ket ot nwyd-^attd flowers.too, perennial-ones,

1 nute'blos'soijls of the" heart. The friends of I'emale education can but promote their own nterests by forwarding the interests df the |J3hdpT.-' • , " ' " ' .-.

EpeB - Tooki • MANDPACToas.-~iJtr. - MARK- ] Am fitted up 'last spring the' shop adjoining Dr. Lariddrfs 'olothihg works, wherebe^is man-pfaottring most kinds or Edge Tools'? Mr. M. •JB said to be a finished workman, and articles plirohased of him will be found vastly superior

|ia those purchased' at the East> We ...would | rdoommend to mercharita and traders in this section ofcountry, to procure "trloirj supply of Mr Markham, and purchasers will do welt tD"'| enquire for tools of his manufacture.


next weelc state^leptionsTJake place in Ken-tuoky,Jndiana, Alabama, arid Arkansas. AH of these states choose State officers, members of thp Legislature and members of Congress. Illinois, Missouri, and Iowa, also' hold elections the Bamcday. So far as present appearanoe is concerned it seems? quite ";plain that. with' 'proper exertion, the Democrats will succeed in a majority if not in all of these states. /

- S^' We le&fai from Mr. GBIFFIN that he -willoommphce running the Oil. Mil) in'this :place the pi-cisent week. Oil and oil 'meal wil] be furnished by Win in any quantity. W e pre­sume dealers and painters in this section of, bouatry will engage all the oil he can make for

I thp present; preferring a pure article to the" adulterated oils purchased in the Eastern cities.

fl?' With a olear eky overhead, arid'fe boau-"rjful starlight, quiie a smart shower of rain fel-w Philadelphia about ten 0'clock m the eve­ning on Wednesday of la'st week.. A similar phenomenon" was notiqed at Mprristown, al-" -thaugh clouds were noticed at the verge of the, .•hor.l?!on, in thB latter ease.. ., I

cpntemplatedj the made to~ fegem, •wool qiiite closely. Specimens died; fcd^fflue,, yellow, &c., are exhibited to show haw readi ily und sutisfactorily the flax, cotton tdkes any color that may be desired. Beside these liej-olls bl; flannels, feltings, and almost every variety ofiplaiutexturesj-tabrieated wholly or ia good'p^rt from flax as prepared for .spir>. rupgundqrMr. p.ljtpjBJsn's, patent, proving the adaptation of this fibre...tav.alni.6st every use new subserved by either Gotton or wool. The irvixturestofeatton and ffaxj. flax-cofctott and wool, are excellent and serviceable fabrics.

{j^" RSv. Mr. CRSHB of the Baptist Chiiroh dfthis village.has been confined to his Tiouso some weeks by an affection oftb'e heart. His

[.health is slowly improving,- and it' ia^hopod he may be abWto resume his ministerial duties in a few^veoks. _ •-.

-- WHAT DOES IT-M-EAwT- iACE, of tho Patri­ot. and-MiiitSj-of the Palladium, a braes- of pifofassed incorrigible ^bachelor's, arNe smitten with tbo pettilodn .manjaf Whioh • appoarS: to: have seized, upon some bold wonien in oortain. Idealities. MiLXsin a reqeiit- talk really beeaTBe' "elbqupnt-in behalf o'f'the "new oostume,'' using a sobre of "superlatives Mybnd inrT'oapaoity jto' eoBipreheiiji or remember. -- while P tAeB^ee^ hip readers posted up1 in regard to "women in •pants," if in nothing-else being .done'in,tjie great world. How is ifc -why is it-r-aqd ie,it t^upf-thaldur frion$s..whilbminsenSiWe to' the nrightj.glfjne'es, Winning spj.Ip,B, and endearing caresseBiqf; sbmoof the finest ladies iu ohris-

J'TX^The Columbus (Geo) 'Sentinel s»ys pf> M^'Buehatianforiho PVesidSfidy)—,', "T

\ m ^ ^ » m « n been ^ ^ S ^ ^ ^ Z ^ ^ J 1 ^ \ yield to wlrat-.ra^WaterWWn' chap calls thp4^"»-—~ .«i.-i-* u—i-;- —*.~* ,..u- °

knee-pliiB-tilWta?'- ,eostume7 Strange—a'nae. cauntahlVvWhat$><» it'mSan?

T.'B. McM!apti9, onfe pf the Irish exiles oon-finfed at Australia) escaped recently aifid is.'now •-n California,

' The Htttohinsone gave concerts in Wa-"tertbwp on Tu'esdayand Wednesday- evening H i • • „ . ' ; ".'-'.

$jr* The1 wheat crop ofthe present year is "rhdre abundant than for1 any previous ..year- for .a longifrae. The cold weather most of the EBeason has doubtless produced tho large eropi

- OJvOr'outt, under sentence of doathJlpr set­ting on fire buildings at Utfca, has had hiSreX:'

^"cution postponed to the jSlth of'&e|. GOVT: Hunt, in grantihg the postponement, charges thoprisoTrorthaiho.mustpreparefdrthe eixeeti: j|ippatthajtime. . , , - • . ' . . .• ..

miy mutt whpse home is on/rpj^wft.^

,;'I)aofc»Btti--:Ott.Sat«rdaVatftt-a' da«eitt« »f j •Mif. JpJm-«W3!st6r,.agM I f ye'a?fe^l froto.'V timboi'ln.attempting to eross'Saf^l^Qre'e-k near. Mr. Lindsay's ta^srn', andwas'.dypwiied, :"Her_ body tvas rococorod on the foliowifig morning;

Oswego Couuty Agricultural Society. • Al "a njeetihg of the merttbers of the Os­

wego Cbunty Agricultufal Society, held July 22d,' at' 11 o'clock A- M., at theSchodl-hqusein the village of New Haven, rjiirs'u-aiiit to an act ofthe Legislature for re-pfgan-izing Baid socipty^EAMUEL G / M E R R I -AM was-ealled. tothe Qhair, and James H. Wright wqs apppintpd' Secretary.

A certified cQpy of the act of the Legisla­ture haviV)g been, presehtedte- theijriet'ting, it.was unanimouslr -

Resolved, That this Society do now pro­ceed to the choice of-officers for the.eurrent yeaT. ,-""'. . " " ' " ' ' , " "--.-' -

, James. A,. Wright being-the only Secre­tary present as Inspector ofEle6tions. , • ' Resolved, Tha,.t three.,Inspectors of EIec-^|

lion- be appointedjto fill vacaqeipEL;. Whereupon, Nathan FarnhamJ of the

town of Oswego, L. Tower, of ScHba, and Hamilton Mufray, ofthe city ofOswegp,'^ were duly elected such Inspector's.

The njeetiing-then proceeded to. batlot for officers of the Soci'etyVwhen the follow­ing gentlemen were unanimously elected:

JOHN W. JUDSON, of Oswego, Pres't. JaSftes-S. Cliandler, of Mexico, 1st Vice esident. > H. H. Bronson, qf Hannibal, 2d.. y"ico

President. ' " ,N, Goodsel), of New'Haven, Correspond-

ing'Secretary. S. BurtTX)s.wego, Rec. Secretary. L. A. Cole, Tdwn of Qswego Treasurer. D. f. Brewster, OswegoT . ':'•• John Carpenter, Town ! Executive ' . ofOswego, f Com. K.E/Sahford, Yolney, J - , . . -

, The President elect havirig taken .- the Chair, Ins. H. Wright was-appoimcdSecre-j tarypro tem, and on motion of Mr. Merri-ain, , ' „ _„.. ::.v

Resolved, That the annual Fair beheld at Oswego, on.the lotft and 11th days of .September nest. *' - . ; On motion of H. Mffrray,

Resotvod, That a committee of ninp Be. chosen to revise the Constitution," Htfd to re* port to the next annual meeting, and" the fol­lowing gentlemen were elected :

Joel T'urrili, ofOswego, B E. Bowen, Mexico.

.-,-A. Z. McCarty, Pulaski. -X J. Wolcott, Fultonr" '

' J. H. Wright, New Haven. <-* „. PeteTtievendorf,'Hastings, i- ,-4", Hamilton Murray, Oswego. E. B. Talcoti, '^' -dp. - .... Wm. Arnes, Hannibal. . . :'.....* On motion of Mr, Gqodsell, •

, Resolvefi That thepresideqt b& added to the committee. , .' • •

The society then adjourned sine die. • ,--' ' . "• J. k. WRlGHT,.SecT

New Haven", July 2&, """"'

©m8n.e!na«,v«J3IHKf(jiet> t«ySB»-6' ' """; ;®bttst%np|i |J«fete,

mm tindler if ^ « % p l p y f ^ emp-4'--'-'


m 'to

'IWlb.wJ of

•',»™. Mi iicy 1 pay his de,b«^qp!ihe" ;rpop. ey'nprph-ftf WSmty mW-Uf 'alavesUitf-s o m e - f r ^ S t ^ ^ i r w I f l " ttfe^ con." •tested by' thei»e| tStM^ ',j,9' .0puws of Ga%!ir$ rMd^ iji feypr q f ^ * i f t f p | » | ^ C o « t t .

iiW#; in th^ yi y.^ij'; „, ^ M e i w i t f e g r p ^ a k ^ ^ ^ r ^ M the 4ecis.ioP, meets the general iaRproMion ,df the cbmrB'uM^.^" T^e^Mkgm^. ,-frvpr whOjt'hi.fmilij-a ^r tf«h ' j ( . rovjde s

fpV'th'a p'rnpnp'iplHork' i>,Ufe«i|-lr;' its-land'^oes,' is quite W i M $ M i $ %

lih.siriityAbfribe.t^atp^s,:"•-»«.* V : j>:. - -' .These slav'esj'whQ'ifev'ifthli^^^

land, will- bp *emn»e0^n^,spgM^^ "' hft; Josonle free^ate/Pf'••'this ©hion or- to' Ljbefja., / V'-J/j" .'• 'J''^"'^. ;:,:..';•".

!7%f 'M$$nc!io1tyjAtcidenti 'ffi'&h'diegtugay., ™-A eo?'respbn'd!erit of the" A^tjasgives sdms ', particulars of the drbwr^Mf ^ . t he five per- ' sons-0fl-th^,ehatgaugay^^ . ]frve,.youn"g'pe,Pj^ J.

Ayres,lG-:Ke5%>: Hr/,% mifMi'Cfi^ and El-Dai^) wsnt duf ph'fhejrfuffpdhd of Mr, Braytoh, pri the'Chateaugay river, for a boat vi'de,- ;-T»e fodat^yas:' ^sin-afl^Uptlish," 'thing;, and ta)ci';iitb)f.e^pW two' per-sons'with safety^Thp, night):.i^'|uitejark, and TO.per6on'npw'ltyi^ wheBHttoolc-.pface^hut it is "sfljjppgpi- tj at, * frqmAme;|l'tghtOT6yeroen'ts---6't;t,hosa:m boat H ttpset, and precipitated {hem iota the water,-. ' - ' .. 4 scrqams Were hoard, by.several per­sons living near the4 plaepj and a number of people were onifhe brjSk'6'f^'^ popd with-in a few moments, buf the night was so dark Vhat tiothing coiSld be seen nnlil a fit© Was kindled, so as t^ ypflesi prj the, .'pppdj' when the boat ^as djsj;pvgr«a"bpitdm side up, and a hat was seep 'floating on i.hp.. surface..-*-Ndtwithstanding atl the exertions'tfialcould be mad*, nbne ef'the bodi'ei'cobld he recov­ered until about two hours after the acrcident -and lorigafter life was extinct, . The boifies heve~ndwbeen-foup(J.--i.^heIr ages were from from 17 td^O. . • .. ,.„-r;-f' *. ,„'

: ^remertdu.ov:s..$loriii ppd' WMrlwind,— • HONESDALte, .Pa. t J o 1 y x even ' jn„ our -vjllhge was visited wS^'a. viplp'rrt Stprm accompanied by a terrTfic,yVhwl\Mibd, which swept across the upper part of the place,"ta­king in its coarse the large dwjejling^hpiise pf M.lV.West, a.pfrrtion^Wh'ich was deposi+ ted on the- opposite, aide of tijeriver, - Anothef portion was seen by several of -

j our citizens high up in the airmailing before ] the wind over a Irving Stiff," which is more than 300 feet high"! Bnd nearly two-, miles distant from the house H A large 'quantity ofthe bricks, were scattered 'over the fields, along ifie.traolf-of the whirl-wind."

.Mrs; West; child and servant were in Ahp house at the time thp - wind Nstru6k it, : and

[fortunately escaped unhur t" A large quan1

tity of ^laiss.was.brbken by ' the hail, and thPejbps in all directions are-leveled with

J the ground. The'tbunder and lightning were»^ery secvera.

Mr.- -West's damage is pstimated at 82,« 00O,. .. '.-

H"(i|sical Mania lb Buflaloi BpfTulor-Jtily 26, -1851.—The Jennny

Li.hd Coacert excitement .isfery grealln this city, -'—The tickets for' Mpnhaf 'evening have been all sold—some af them as high as ®10 each,byjipeculators. • The crowd around the4icfeet^fficb was so great That several strong meq fairJted. Du"fibg the'rush, a chqfeh'deacpn,"lV!r. Gill, got jammed in the crowd,.ijpdjfel], dPwh^nsep^ib'le.. He lies in a very pradarious c6n'dition.'',' *.

Jenny" liind is at theJP'flllsf, -wherfeshe will remain tjll Monday. ' : .

Madame Anna Bishop; yr\)l also give a concert in Buffalo on Monday evening.

1851; " ', , % ' • ' • . . - j : . - '_ '

BOSTON, JaiyZ6^-rih the harbor- yesferr

daIy.„afle.r.nDdn)near''Minot's Ledgo, David CroSfbiq, flged I§ .years, fell oyerb&ard from fh'd..,yhchi "Aliise." ' ,". ' ' '

Mr. Cable S'lSlcClWiieti,.'assistant erigi ne^r in the Boston Fire Department,'jurfipTd in to rescue him, but theysunk't^getrieV, and were both dr6wb«d';,"""t. '"7", ' l _ ^ " ! —

McClenqe'nj ,vyM"l#as much respected, iea-vesa Jfcife„and/'ia.mi'ly; ' Crospie'sfnother k^eps a restaurant o^Llntlel) street.

Important from'Texas.—NEW ORLEANS, July. 24t£. 4 d vipes from Texas Jo Ju ly 14 have b'epri.rebelven. ; ; ••'* •' ' - ' ' v

Grepii eltcit'emenlprevaiied at Rio-Grand, in consequence of the Meiica'bs tefulrng to deliver -t^lpurtaway;. sjave. 'Aivfi'ffhed par­lor of^teiattiTiad threatened 'fp-iapfttre.-Rre-sidib. ' I t i s i'aid.;. there' are 2j6b'0 fugitive glav«s in M.exicpr:• :» . . . . . ' " .-.';.

Tbfifpolitical feeling iri-Teiiaa is running veryKy,"rh ' -'• ' <• . . .

. fatal Accident a\llh^.v^^ named Otifr i^as killed 'byvtha-^machinery of the Messrs.-Moore's planning mill in Itb-acn, a fe,W '3ays since, i-flp, wgfs caught in a b alt whik pijlipg,tbe roaohiflpry,, wa S. drawn in; and hal hls-neck: ..his., thigbs-

j.instnntlybrnken.'' .

T/ie tbotld!'$ 'Fq,ir~A\\trita,n Harness — ATcasejflPiid^i'.'ve* rjrgrWfa.t.Bji jiarnpss^and 'eiabdwfe'Vpjkrhari'shiii' sent to the 'World's I Fairit'y'r^ee3r8;LjE6Y(©WrSiV^

delphia, has bcen"awarded the-pilze .Imiidal of-; the-great Exhibition. Thq rnanufatfr-

|-Wfre®hadto^pritend with many rriB'gPlfi-cferit spfe-dirrienVsent from this country, and nearly 'ey'qryo.t-befrpart of theityddd^--

.' The Cryslnl Palace awaw!s»nre;?nofr to be made until October. . The Pal'nce j s t o be lit up cv6ning,s'y.after,th.e first' of September.

#Vbrre~spbhatfttt of th'(|Ba;fra|p Cou''' rier Says tW'Cqncerts'whicri 'JeTrny'Lind ftr to give in BU" aIo:wifTb"p' the.-last-she will give-iii this country, tinle'sS it be one.orMwo' in New Ybik'. She%iH%e at'.'Niagara Falls

"ten 6r'twel\?e'days] and -wiir.'prdbably sail foy^Europe on,tbe4f)th of August. " '

FRdi*JOftEGOt^—AnI'TjIeptrotr of-a-delfii-gate to C|opgffss,hlhs;bee'ri hpld and . Gerlor-

moveia*' ir-dm the office- of, ^over.rjc|r";"'bf the territory hy General-.Taylor was elected*, over his wjiig opponent" ' . - '

. Hon, O. .„Qlpr1jcp',.q,pjled 'a.t thjs officSja' a few dpysslnce tpflansirer a^Jnquiry-a's'to the chnse of the fis4'SCiiaIi:0 O'atpr'lo.. The Hon 'Gentl%f^i-'iofv'ef flib.ifn^stety in-.thfl twinklingofaVbed pqst,•• V '.'tn'B same cause," savs he,.'*'tha"tWriake:s $f:"%^^.'barrpl; run' over; pufri^e-itt'thfpuih.''Ithb Biihg nblo than is drawn'pM bt:jfe'1af7"— W:<A«rtm Jefer'sdriim^;-; ^ I l ^ i ^ t ^ i , Mg ..

The salt boi|p^,at"'.'Syr'Pp«se,and Salina h&ve r>piarjv",ptl 8|bppe'd trfelt, wqrl{?rwith .* view Sf pfr tasfef W& a m ^ # » T OM. no* iriW'ftd-£eF/'&i|lt,trH''c^n'W#'ifice has slight' iy a m h ^ i j p j i c f f - i ' ^ ^ - f -,::t .--•;

Itpp-pears frqm a'sj^emant ^ndp'-'q'HGor.-.rit Smf th, that. U b>s. pnjd #14,373 1-5 :M the bnil and ,Mpsk$ -4 ChPplin.vbnrgw with negro scaling in M»yhmdf upd | e« / repaid buCIOjS'SM&'i •> i. " . * -

.Lti't % ?rm>»m,th