Soluções da equação de Schrödinger: partícula numa caixa ... · A Figura 40.17 é uma...

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UFABC - Física Quântica - Curso 2017.3 Prof. Germán Lugones

Aula 9 Soluções da equação de Schrödinger:

partícula numa caixa infinita


298 Física IV

profundidade muito pequena), a energia desse único estado é aproximadamente E ! 0,68U0.

A Figura 40.16 mostra distribuições de probabilidade — ou seja, os valores de |c|2 — para as funções de onda indicadas na Figura 40.15a. Assim como no caso do poço infinito, as posições não são igualmente prováveis. Ao contrário do poço infinito, existe alguma probabilidade de encontrar a partícula fora do poço, em regiões proibidas pela mecânica clássica.

Também existem estados em que E é maior que U0. Nesses estados de partí-cula livre, a partícula não está ligada, mas pode se mover livremente em todos os valores de x. Qualquer energia E maior que U0 é possível; logo, esses estados de partícula livre formam uma região contínua e não um conjunto discreto de níveis com determinadas energias. As funções de onda da partícula livre são senoidais dentro e fora do poço. O comprimento de onda dentro do poço é maior que fora dele, correspondendo a uma energia cinética dentro do poço maior que a energia cinética exterior a ele.

A Figura 40.17 é uma demonstração gráfica de partículas em um poço de po-tencial finito com duas dimensões, e o Exemplo 40.6 descreve outra aplicação do poço de potencial quadrado.

Figura 40.17 Para compor esta imagem, 48 átomos de ferro (mostrados como picos amarelos) foram dispostos em um círculo sobre uma superfície de cobre. A “elevação” em cada ponto dentro do círculo indica a densidade de elétrons dentro dele. A configuração de onda estacionária é bastante similar à função de distribuição de probabilidade de uma partícula em um poço de potencial finito de uma dimensão. (Esta imagem foi feita com um microscópio de tunelamento com varredura, a ser estudado na Seção 40.4.)

Figura 40.16 Funções de distribuição de probabilidade (valores de |c(x)|2) para cada função de onda mostrada na Figura 40.15 para uma partícula em um poço de potencial quadrado. As linhas retas horizontais para cada função de onda correspondem a |c|2 ! 0.

n = 3

n = 2

n = 1x

0 L

0c(x) 02

Um elétron está preso em um poço quadrado com largura igual a 0,50 nm (comparável com alguns diâmetros atômicos). (a) Calcule a energia do nível fundamental E1–PPI, supondo que o poço tenha profundidade infinita. (b) Calcule os níveis de energia quando a profundidade do poço é igual a seis vezes o valor da energia do nível fundamental encontrada na parte (a). (c) Calcule o comprimento de onda do emitido quando o elétron faz uma transição do nível n ! 2 até n ! 1. Em que região do espectro eletromagnético esse fóton se situa? (d) Se o elétron está inicial-mente no nível n ! 1 (nível fundamental) e absorve um fóton, qual é a energia mínima que esse fóton deve possuir para que o elétron escape do poço? Em que região do espectro eletromag-nético esse fóton se localiza?


IDENTIFICAR E PREPARAR: a Equação 40.41 fornece a ener-gia no nível fundamental E1–PPI para um poço infinito e a Figura 40.15b mostra as energias para o poço quadrado com U0 ! 6E1–PPI. A energia do fóton emitida ou absorvida em uma transição é igual à diferença de energia entre os dois níveis envolvidos na transição; o comprimento de onda do fóton é dado pela relação E ! hc/l (veja o Capítulo 38).EXECUTAR: (a) pela Equação 40.41,

E1 -PPI =p2U2

2mL2 =p2 11,055 * 10-34 J # s2 2

2 19,11 * 10-31 kg2 10,50 * 10-9 m2 2

= 2,4 * 10-19 J = 1,5 eV

(b) Temos que U0 ! 6E1–PPI ! 6(1,5 eV) ! 9,0 eV. Podemos obter os níveis de energia a partir da Figura 40.15b:

E1 ! 0,625E1–PPI ! 0,625(1,5 eV) ! 0,94 eV

E2 ! 2,43E1–PPI ! 2,43(1,5 eV) ! 3,6 eV

E3 ! 5,09E1–PPI ! 5,09(1,5 eV) ! 7,6 eV

(c) A energia do fóton e o comprimento de onda para a transição de n ! 2 até n ! 1 é

E2 - E1 = 3,6 eV - 0,94 eV = 2,7 eV

l =hcE

=14,136 * 10-15 eV # s2 13,00 * 108 m>s2

2,7 eV

= 460 nm

na região azul do espectro visível.



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Dada uma função de energia potencial V(x) que representa um certo sistema, queremos usar uma equação de Schrödinger independente de tempo, para:

- determinar os possíveis níveis de energia - determinar as funções de onda 𝜓(x) correspondentes.

Mostraremos que, para uma partícula livre de massa m movendo-se em uma dimensão, a função

𝜓(x) = A eikx + B e–ikx

é uma solução para a equação de Schrödinger independente do tempo para quaisquer valores das constantes A e B.

Não há forças agindo sobre uma partícula livre. Como a força sobre uma partícula é dada por F = –dV(x)/dx, temos que para uma partícula livre V(x)=constante. Neste exemplo adotaremos V(x)=0.

Portanto, a equação de Schrödinger independente do tempo fica:


A equação de Schrödinger para o potencial nulo


d2 (x)

dx2+ V (x) (x) = E (x)


d2 (x)

dx2= E (x)

Derivamos 𝜓(x) = A eikx + B e–ikx para checar se se verifica a equação:

Substituindo na Eq. de Schrödinger, temos:

d (x)

dx= ikAeikx � ikBe�ikx

d2 (x)

dx2= �k2Aeikx � k2Be�ikx


d2 (x)

dx2= E (x)


��k2Aeikx � k2Be�ikx

�= E

�Aeikx +Be�ikx


(x) = E (x)

Como temos V(x)=0, a energia total é:

E = p2/(2m)+V(x) = p2/(2m)

Usando a relação de De Broglie, p=ħk, temos:

E = p2/(2m) = ħ2k2/(2m)

Substituindo na equação do slide anterior obtemos:

E 𝜓(x) = E 𝜓(x)

Logo, a função 𝜓(x) = A eikx + B e–ikx é uma solução para a equação de Schrödinger independente do tempo para quaisquer valores das constantes A e B.

Teorema 1: Seja a equação diferencial:

onde f(x) é uma função real ou complexa, e 𝛼 é uma constante real, i.e. 𝛼2 é um número real positivo.

No curso de EDO, se demonstra que a solução dessa equação é:

onde A e B são constantes arbitrárias.

Temos uma combinação linear de exponenciais complexas.

Revisão de equações diferenciais ordinárias


dx2+ ↵2f(x) = 0

f(x) = Aei↵x +Be�i↵x

Teorema 2: Seja a equação diferencial:

onde 𝛼 é uma constante real.

A solução dessa equação é:

onde A e B são constantes arbitrárias.

Temos uma combinação linear de exponenciais reais.


dx2� ↵2f(x) = 0

f(x) = Ae↵x +Be�↵x


Vamos resolver a equação Schrödinger independente de tempo para um potencial V(x) com forma de poço quadrado infinito. Este problema é às vezes chamado de "partícula em uma caixa".

Podemos construir uma "caixa" para um elétron usando dois eletrodos e duas grades dentro de um tubo contendo vácuo.

Partícula em uma caixa infinita

6-2 The Infinite Square Well 237

and differentiating again,


dx2 � �k2 A sin k x � k2

B cos k x

� �k2�A sin k x � B cos k x� � �k2 C�x�Substituting into Equation 6-18,


2m� ��k2� �A sin k x � B cos k x� � � E�A sin k x � B cos k x�

62 k2

2m C�x� � E C�x�

and, since 62 k2 � 2mE, we have

E C�x� � E C�x�and the given C(x) is a solution of Equation 6-18.

6-2 The Infinite Square Well A problem that provides several illustrations of the properties of wave functions and is also one of the easiest problems to solve using the time-independent, one-dimensional Schrödinger equation is that of the infinite-square well, sometimes called the particle in a box. A macroscopic example is a bead free to move on a frictionless wire between two massive stops clamped to the wire. We could also build such a “box” for an electron using electrodes and grids in an evacuated tube as illustrated in Figure 6-1a. The walls of the box are provided by the increasing potential between the grids G and the electrode C as shown in Figures 6-1b and c. The walls can be


C CG G x








G x




FIGURE 6-1 (a) The electron placed between the two sets of electrodes C and grids G experiences no force in the region between the grids, which are at ground potential. However, in the regions between each C and G is a repelling electric field whose strength depends on the magnitude of V. (b) If V is small, then the electron’s potential energy versus x has low, sloping “walls.” (c) IfV is large, the “walls” become very high and steep, becoming infinitely high for V 4 @.

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Colocamos dois eletrodos C c o n e c t a d o s a u m potencial V. Ao lado de cada um, colocamos grades G conectadas a terra.

Não há força sobre o elétron colocado entre as grades.

Nas regiões entre cada C e G há um campo elétrico cuja força depende da magnitude de V.

Esse d ispos i t ivo pode manter o elétron confinado entre as duas grades.

6-2 The Infinite Square Well 237

and differentiating again,


dx2 � �k2 A sin k x � k2

B cos k x

� �k2�A sin k x � B cos k x� � �k2 C�x�Substituting into Equation 6-18,


2m� ��k2� �A sin k x � B cos k x� � � E�A sin k x � B cos k x�

62 k2

2m C�x� � E C�x�

and, since 62 k2 � 2mE, we have

E C�x� � E C�x�and the given C(x) is a solution of Equation 6-18.

6-2 The Infinite Square Well A problem that provides several illustrations of the properties of wave functions and is also one of the easiest problems to solve using the time-independent, one-dimensional Schrödinger equation is that of the infinite-square well, sometimes called the particle in a box. A macroscopic example is a bead free to move on a frictionless wire between two massive stops clamped to the wire. We could also build such a “box” for an electron using electrodes and grids in an evacuated tube as illustrated in Figure 6-1a. The walls of the box are provided by the increasing potential between the grids G and the electrode C as shown in Figures 6-1b and c. The walls can be


C CG G x








G x




FIGURE 6-1 (a) The electron placed between the two sets of electrodes C and grids G experiences no force in the region between the grids, which are at ground potential. However, in the regions between each C and G is a repelling electric field whose strength depends on the magnitude of V. (b) If V is small, then the electron’s potential energy versus x has low, sloping “walls.” (c) IfV is large, the “walls” become very high and steep, becoming infinitely high for V 4 @.

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As paredes podem ser feitas arbitrariamente altas e íngremes, aumentando o potencial V e reduzindo a separação entre C e G.

6-2 The Infinite Square Well 237

and differentiating again,


dx2 � �k2 A sin k x � k2

B cos k x

� �k2�A sin k x � B cos k x� � �k2 C�x�Substituting into Equation 6-18,


2m� ��k2� �A sin k x � B cos k x� � � E�A sin k x � B cos k x�

62 k2

2m C�x� � E C�x�

and, since 62 k2 � 2mE, we have

E C�x� � E C�x�and the given C(x) is a solution of Equation 6-18.

6-2 The Infinite Square Well A problem that provides several illustrations of the properties of wave functions and is also one of the easiest problems to solve using the time-independent, one-dimensional Schrödinger equation is that of the infinite-square well, sometimes called the particle in a box. A macroscopic example is a bead free to move on a frictionless wire between two massive stops clamped to the wire. We could also build such a “box” for an electron using electrodes and grids in an evacuated tube as illustrated in Figure 6-1a. The walls of the box are provided by the increasing potential between the grids G and the electrode C as shown in Figures 6-1b and c. The walls can be


C CG G x








G x




FIGURE 6-1 (a) The electron placed between the two sets of electrodes C and grids G experiences no force in the region between the grids, which are at ground potential. However, in the regions between each C and G is a repelling electric field whose strength depends on the magnitude of V. (b) If V is small, then the electron’s potential energy versus x has low, sloping “walls.” (c) IfV is large, the “walls” become very high and steep, becoming infinitely high for V 4 @.

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No limite, a função de energia potencial V(x) tende ao potencial de um poço quadrado infinito.

Para este problema, a energia potencial é da forma:

V(x) = 0 para 0 < x < L V(x) = ∞ para x<0 e x>L

238 Chapter 6 The Schrödinger Equation

made arbitrarily high and steep by increasing the potential V and reducing the separa-tion between each grid-electrode pair. In the limit such a potential energy function looks like that in Figure 6-2, which is a graph of the potential energy of an infinite square well. For this problem the potential energy is of the form

V�x� � 0 0 � x � LV�x� � @ x � 0 and x � L


Although such a potential is clearly artificial, the problem is worth careful study for several reasons: (1) exact solutions to the Schrödinger equation can be obtained with-out the difficult mathematics that usually accompanies its solution for more realistic potential functions; (2) the problem is closely related to the vibrating-string problem familiar in classical physics; (3) it illustrates many of the important features of all quantum-mechanical problems; and finally, (4) this potential is a relatively good approximation to some real situations, for example, the motion of a free electron inside a metal.

Since the potential energy is infinite outside the well, the wave function is required to be zero there; that is, the particle must be inside the well. (As we proceed through this and other problems, keep in mind Born’s interpretation: the probability density of the particle’s position is proportional to U C U 2.) We then need only to solve Equation 6-18 for the region inside the well 0 � x � L, subject to the condition that since the wave function must be continuous, C(x) must be zero at x � 0 and x � L. Such a condition on the wave function at a boundary (here, the discontinuity of the potential energy function) is called a boundary condition. We will see that, mathemat-ically, it is the boundary conditions together with the requirement that C(x) 4 0 asx 4 {@ that leads to the quantization of energy. A classical example is that of a vibrating string fixed at both ends. In that case the wave function y(x, t) is the dis-placement of the string. If the string is fixed at x � 0 and x � L, we have the same boundary condition on the vibrating-string wave function: namely, that y(x, t) be zero at x � 0 and x � L. These boundary conditions lead to discrete allowed frequencies of vibration of the string. It was this quantization of frequencies (which always occurs for standing waves in classical physics), along with de Broglie’s hypothesis, that motivated Schrödinger to look for a wave equation for electrons.

The standing-wave condition for waves on a string of length L fixed at both ends is that an integer number of half wavelengths fit into the length L:

n L

2� L n � 1, 2, 3,c 6-22

We will see below that the same condition follows from the solution of the Schrödinger equation for a particle in an infinite square well. Since the wavelength is related to the momentum of the particle by the de Broglie relation p � h�L and the total energy of the particle in the well is just the kinetic energy p2�2m (see Figure 6-2), this quantum condition on the wavelength implies that the energy is quantized and the allowed val-ues are given by

E �p2



2mL2 �h2

2m�2L�n�2 � n2 h2

8mL2 6-23

Since the energy depends on the integer n, it is customary to label it En. In terms of 6 � h�2P, the energy is given by

En � n2 P262

2mL2 � n2 E1 n � 1, 2, 3,c 6-24

FIGURE 6-2 Infinite square well potential energy. For 0 � x � L, the potential energy V(x) is zero. Outside this region, V(x) is infinite. The particle is confined to the region in the well 0 � x � L.


V(x )


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O potencial V(x) é bastante artificial, mas vale a pena estudá-lo cuidadosamente por vários motivos:

(1) não precisa de matemática difícil. (2) o problema está intimamente relacionado com o problema da

corda vibrante na física clássica; (3) esse potencial é uma aproximação relativamente boa para algumas

situações reais, por exemplo, o movimento de um elétron livre dentro de um metal.

Como a energia potencial é infinita fora do poço, a função de onda deve ser zero nessa região (lembremos que a densidade de probabilidade da posição da partícula é proporcional a |𝜓|2).

Logo, precisamos resolver a equação de Schrödinger independente do tempo apenas na região dentro do poço, 0<x<L..

Como V(x)=0, a equação de Schrödinger fica:

A função de onda deve ser contínua, 𝜓(x) deve ser zero em x=0 e x=L, logo:

𝜓(0) = 0 𝜓(L) = 0

Estas são as duas condições de contorno da equação diferencial acima, no caso de uma caixa infinita. 12


d2 (x)

dx2= E (x) ) d2 (x)



~2 (x) = 0


A solução da equação diferencial do slide anterior é:

onde .

Agora, só falta determinar os valores das constantes A e B que permitem que sejam verificadas as condições de contorno 𝜓(0) = 0 e 𝜓(L) = 0.

Primeiro usamos a condição 𝜓(0) = 0:

(x) = Aeikx +Be�ikx

k =



(0) = Aeik0 +Be�ik0 = A+B = 0 ) A = �B


Usando a condição A = –B, podemos re-escrever a solução de nosso problema:

Agora usamos a condição 𝜓(L) = 0:

Para que a condição acima seja verificada, poderíamos adotar A=0. Mas isso nos levaria à solução nula 𝜓(x)=0, que não representa o problema de uma partícula numa caixa infinita.

Devemos, portanto, adotar sin(kL)=0:

(x) = Aeikx �Ae�ikx

= A [cos(kx) + i sin(kx)]�A [cos(kx)� i sin(kx)]

= 2iA sin(kx)

(L) = 2iA sin(kL) = 0

sin(kL) = 0 ) kL = n⇡, n = 0, 1, 2, · · ·


Substituindo k em função da energia:

Discussão: 1. As condições de contorno levaram à quantização da energia! E não pode

adotar qualquer valor!

2. O valor n=0 não foi considerado pois E=0 significa que a equação de Schrödinger fica -ħ2/(2m) d2𝜓/dx2 =0 ⇒ 𝜓(x) = A + B x. Para verificar as

condições de contorno 𝜓(0) = 0 e 𝜓(L) = 0, deveríamos ter A=B=0, o que nos levaria à solução nula 𝜓(x) = 0.

kL = n⇡ )p2mE

~ L = n⇡

E =n2⇡2~22mL2

n = 1, 2, · · ·


3. Podemos escrever E da seguinte maneira:

onde E1 é a menor energia permitida (energia do ponto zero):

6-2 The Infinite Square Well 239

where E1 is the lowest allowed energy10 and is given by

E1 �P262

2mL2 6-25

We now derive this result from the time-independent Schrödinger equation (Equa-tion 6-18), which for V(x) � 0 is

� 62

2m d2C�x�

dx2 � EC�x�or

C��x� � � 2mE62 C(x) � �k2C(x) 6-26

where we have substituted the square of the wave number k, since

k2 � 4 p65 2

�2mE62 6-27

and we have written C��x� for the second derivative d2C�x� �dx2. Equation 6-26 has solutions of the form

C�x� � A sin kx 6-28 a


C�x� � B cos kx 6-28b

where A and B are constants. The boundary condition C(x) � 0 at x � 0 rules out the cosine solution (Equation 6-28b) because cos 0 � 1, so B must equal zero. The bound-ary condition C(x) � 0 at x � L gives

C�L� � A sin kL � 0 6-29

This condition is satisfied if kL is any integer times P, that is, if k is restricted to the values kn given by

kn � n P

L n � 1, 2, 3, c 6-30

If we write the wave number k in terms of the wavelength L � 2P�k, we see that Equation 6-30 is the same as Equation 6-22 for standing waves on a string. The quan-tized energy values, or energy eigenvalues, are found from Equation 6-27, replacing k by kn as given by Equation 6-30. We thus have

En �62


2m� n2


2mL2 � n2 E1

which is the same as Equation 6-24. Figure 6-3 shows the energy-level diagram and the potential energy function for the infinite square well potential.

The constant A in the wave function of Equation 6-28a is determined by the nor-malization condition.

)� @

� @

CnCn dx � )L


n sin24 nPxL5dx � 1 6-31

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240 Chapter 6 The Schrödinger Equation

Since the wave function is zero in regions of space where the potential energy is infi-nite, the contributions to the integral from �@ to 0 and from L to �@ will both be zero. Thus, only the integral from 0 to L needs to be evaluated. Integrating, we obtain An � �2�L�1�2 independent of n. The normalized wave function solutions for this problem, also called eigenfunctions, are then

Cn�x� � � 2L

sin nPx

L n � 1, 2, 3,c 6-32

These wave functions are exactly the same as the standing-wave functions yn(x) for the vibrating-string problem. The wave functions and the probability distribution functions Pn(x) are sketched in Figure 6-4 for the lowest energy state n � 1, called the ground state, and for the first two excited states, n � 2 and n � 3. (Since these wave functions are real, Pn�x� � CnCn � C2

n.) Notice in Figure 6-4 that the maximum amplitudes of each of the Cn(x) are the same, �2�L�1�2, as are those of Pn(x), 2�L. Note, too, that both Cn(x) and Pn(x) extend to {@. They just happen to be zero forx � 0 and x � L in this case.

The number n in the equations above is called a quantum number. It specifies both the energy and the wave function. Given any value of n, we can immediately write down the wave function and the energy of the system. The quantum number n occurs because of the boundary conditions C(x) � 0 at x � 0 and x � L. We will see in Section 7-1 that for problems in three dimensions, three quantum numbers arise, one associated with boundary conditions on each coordinate.

FIGURE 6-3 Graph of energy versus x for a particle in an infinitely deep well. The potential energy V(x) is shown with the colored lines. The set of allowed values for the particle’s total energy En as given by Equation 6-24 form the energy-level diagram for the infinite square well potential. Classically, a particle can have any value of energy. Quantum mechanically, only the values given by En � n2�62P2�2mL2� yield well-behaved solutions of the Schrödinger equation. As we become more familiar with energy-level diagrams, the x axis will be omitted.







V ���






L0 V = 0



En = n2E1

E1 =� 2 2––––––––––––––––––2mL2

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238 Chapter 6 The Schrödinger Equation

made arbitrarily high and steep by increasing the potential V and reducing the separa-tion between each grid-electrode pair. In the limit such a potential energy function looks like that in Figure 6-2, which is a graph of the potential energy of an infinite square well. For this problem the potential energy is of the form

V�x� � 0 0 � x � LV�x� � @ x � 0 and x � L


Although such a potential is clearly artificial, the problem is worth careful study for several reasons: (1) exact solutions to the Schrödinger equation can be obtained with-out the difficult mathematics that usually accompanies its solution for more realistic potential functions; (2) the problem is closely related to the vibrating-string problem familiar in classical physics; (3) it illustrates many of the important features of all quantum-mechanical problems; and finally, (4) this potential is a relatively good approximation to some real situations, for example, the motion of a free electron inside a metal.

Since the potential energy is infinite outside the well, the wave function is required to be zero there; that is, the particle must be inside the well. (As we proceed through this and other problems, keep in mind Born’s interpretation: the probability density of the particle’s position is proportional to U C U 2.) We then need only to solve Equation 6-18 for the region inside the well 0 � x � L, subject to the condition that since the wave function must be continuous, C(x) must be zero at x � 0 and x � L. Such a condition on the wave function at a boundary (here, the discontinuity of the potential energy function) is called a boundary condition. We will see that, mathemat-ically, it is the boundary conditions together with the requirement that C(x) 4 0 asx 4 {@ that leads to the quantization of energy. A classical example is that of a vibrating string fixed at both ends. In that case the wave function y(x, t) is the dis-placement of the string. If the string is fixed at x � 0 and x � L, we have the same boundary condition on the vibrating-string wave function: namely, that y(x, t) be zero at x � 0 and x � L. These boundary conditions lead to discrete allowed frequencies of vibration of the string. It was this quantization of frequencies (which always occurs for standing waves in classical physics), along with de Broglie’s hypothesis, that motivated Schrödinger to look for a wave equation for electrons.

The standing-wave condition for waves on a string of length L fixed at both ends is that an integer number of half wavelengths fit into the length L:

n L

2� L n � 1, 2, 3,c 6-22

We will see below that the same condition follows from the solution of the Schrödinger equation for a particle in an infinite square well. Since the wavelength is related to the momentum of the particle by the de Broglie relation p � h�L and the total energy of the particle in the well is just the kinetic energy p2�2m (see Figure 6-2), this quantum condition on the wavelength implies that the energy is quantized and the allowed val-ues are given by

E �p2



2mL2 �h2

2m�2L�n�2 � n2 h2

8mL2 6-23

Since the energy depends on the integer n, it is customary to label it En. In terms of 6 � h�2P, the energy is given by

En � n2 P262

2mL2 � n2 E1 n � 1, 2, 3,c 6-24

FIGURE 6-2 Infinite square well potential energy. For 0 � x � L, the potential energy V(x) is zero. Outside this region, V(x) is infinite. The particle is confined to the region in the well 0 � x � L.


V(x )


TIPLER_06_229-276hr.indd 238 8/22/11 11:57 AM


A constante A, que aparece na função de onda, pode ser determinada a partir da condição de normalização:

Agora definimos Cn = 2iAn, e usamos k = n𝜋/L. Logo:

Podemos calcular essa integral usando a identidade trigonométrica sen2𝜃= (1–cos2𝜃)/2; o resultado é |Cn|2 ×L/2. Portanto,

Z +1

�1 ⇤(x) (x)dx = 1


02(�i)An sin(kx)⇥ 2iAn sin(kx)dx = 1


0|Cn|2 sin2(n⇡x/L)dx = 1

|Cn|2 ⇥L

2= 1 ) Cn =




Então as funções de onda normalizadas para uma partícula em uma caixa são:

O número n recebe o nome de número quântico. Ele identifica a função de onda e a energia correspondente.

n(x) =




⌘n = 1, 2, 3, · · ·


Funções de onda 𝜓n(x) e densidades de probabilidade |𝜓n(x)|2 para n=1, 2, 3. Para x<0 e x>L temos 𝜓n(x)=0.

6-2 The Infinite Square Well 241

Comparison with Classical ResultsLet us compare our quantum-mechanical solution of this problem with the classical solution. In classical mechanics, if we know the potential energy function V(x), we can find the force from Fx � �dV�dx and thereby obtain the acceleration ax � d2

x�dt2 from Newton’s second law. We can then find the position x as a func-tion of time t if we know the initial position and velocity. In this problem there is no force when the particle is between the walls of the well because V � 0 there. The par-ticle therefore moves with constant speed in the well. Near the edge of the well the potential energy rises discontinuously to infinity—we may describe this as a very large force that acts over a very short distance and turns the particle around at the wall so that it moves away with its initial speed. Any speed, and therefore any energy, is permitted classically. The classical description breaks down because, according to the uncertainty principle, we can never precisely specify both the position and momen-tum (and therefore velocity) at the same time. We can therefore never specify the ini-tial conditions precisely and cannot assign a definite position and momentum to the particle. Of course, for a macroscopic particle moving in a macroscopic box, the energy is much larger than E1 of Equation 6-25, and the minimum uncertainty of momentum, which is of the order of 6�L, is much less than the momentum and less than experimental uncertainties. Then the difference in energy between adjacent states will be a small fraction of the total energy, quantization will be unnoticed, and the classical description will be adequate.11

Let us also compare the classical prediction for the distribution of measure-ments of position with those from our quantum-mechanical solution. Classically, the probability of finding the particle in some region dx is proportional to the time spent in dx, which is dx�v, where v is the speed. Since the speed is constant, the classical distribution function is just a constant inside the well. The normalized classical distri-bution function is

PC�x� �1L

FIGURE 6-4 Wave functions Cn(x) and probability densities Pn�x� � C2

n�x� for n � 1, 2, and 3 for the infinite square well potential. Though not shown, Cn(x) � 0 for x � 0 and x � L.




L x

0 LL /2 L /2

2 /L

L /3 2L /3 L /3 2L /3



0 L x 0 L x

0 L x




L x




2 /L



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Até agora, obtivemos a solução da equação de Schrödinger independente do tempo.

Sabemos (ver aula anterior) que se 𝜓(x) é a função de onda para um estado definido de energia E, a função de onda dependente do tempo é:

𝛙(x, t) = 𝜓(x) e–iEt/ħ .

Portanto, as funções de onda dependentes do tempo para um estado estacionário, para uma partícula em uma caixa, são:

n(x, t) = n(x)e�iEnt/~ =




⌘e�iEnt/~ n = 1, 2, 3, · · ·


Poliacetileno faz parte de uma classe de moléculas orgânicas de cadeia longa que conduzem eletricidade ao longo de seu comprimento.

A molécula é constituída por um grande número de unidades (C2H2), chamadas monômeros (apenas três monômeros são mostrados aqui).

Os elétrons podem se mover livremente ao longo do comprimento da molécula, mas não perpendicularmente ao comprimento, de modo que a molécula é como uma “caixa” unidimensional de elétrons.

Partículas na “caixa” de um polímero

Capítulo 40 — Mecânica quântica I: funções de onda 291

Em x ! 0, obtemos c(0) ! A1 " A2, que deve ser igual a zero para satisfazer à condição de contorno nesse ponto. Assim, A2 ! –A1, e a Equação 40.27 se torna

c(x) ! 2iA1 sen kx ! C sen kx (40.28)

Simplificamos a expressão introduzindo a constante C ! 2iA1. (Voltaremos a falar dessa constante mais tarde.) Podemos também satisfazer à segunda condição de contorno em que c ! 0 em x ! L escolhendo valores de k de modo que kL ! nπ (n ! 1, 2, 3,…). Dessa forma, a Equação 40.28 fornece funções de onda de um es-tado estacionário para uma partícula em uma caixa na região 0 # x # L. (Fora dessa região, c(x) ! 0.) Os valores possíveis de k e do comprimento de onda l ! 2π/k são

k =np

L e l =



2Ln 1n = 1, 2, 3, c2 (40.29)

Assim como ocorre com uma corda (Figura 40.10), o comprimento L da região é um número inteiro de metades de comprimento de ondas.

Níveis de energia para uma partícula em uma caixa

Os níveis de energia possíveis para uma partícula em uma caixa são dados por E ! U2k2/2m ! p2/2m, onde p ! Uk ! (h/2π) (2π/l) ! h/l é o módulo do momento linear de uma partícula livre com número de onda k e comprimento de onda l. Isso faz sentido, já que dentro da região 0 # x # L a energia potencial é zero e a energia é toda cinética. Para cada valor de n, há valores correspondentes de p, l e E; vamos designá-los por pn, ln e En. Juntando tudo, obtemos

pn =hln



Então os níveis de energia para uma partícula em uma caixa são


Níveis de energia para uma partícula em uma caixa 1n = 1, 2, 3, c2En = =




= 2mL2


Constante de Planck dividida por 2p

Constante de Planck

Magnitude do momento linear

Número quânticoComprimento da caixaMassa da partícula

Cada nível de energia tem seu próprio valor de número quântico n e uma função de onda correspondente, que designamos por cn. Quando substituímos k na Equa-ção 40.28 pela expressão nπ/L da Equação 40.29, encontramos

cn 1x2 = C sen npx

L 1n = 1, 2, 3, c2 (40.32)

O diagrama de níveis de energia na Figura 40.11a mostra os cinco níveis mais baixos para uma partícula em uma caixa. Os níveis de energia cada vez mais ele-vados são proporcionais a n2 , então espaços maiores são cada vez mais espaçados entre si. Há um número infinito de níveis porque as paredes são perfeitamente rígidas; mesmo uma partícula de energia cinética infinitamente grande permanece confinada dentro da caixa. A Figura 40.11b mostra gráficos das funções de onda c(x) para n ! 1, 2, 3, 4 e 5. Note que essas funções parecem idênticas às das ondas estacionárias em uma corda (Figura 40.10).

Aplicação Partículas na “caixa” de um polímero Poliacetileno faz parte de uma classe de moléculas orgânicas de cadeia longa que conduzem eletricidade ao longo de seu comprimento. A molécula é constituída por um grande número de unidades (C2H2), chamadas monômeros (apenas três monômeros são mostrados aqui). Os elétrons podem se mover livremente ao longo do comprimento da molécula, mas não perpendicularmente ao comprimento, de modo que a molécula é como uma “caixa” unidimensional de elétrons. O comprimento L da molécula depende do número de monômeros. A experiência mostra que os níveis de energia permitidos estão bem de acordo com a Equação 40.31: quanto maior for o número de monômeros e quanto maior for o comprimento L, mais baixos serão os níveis de energia e menor o espaçamento entre esses níveis.










Monômero C2H2

Elétrons são confinados ao comprimento L da molécula (como partículas em uma caixa).


Book_SEARS_Vol4.indb 291 16/12/15 5:45 PM


O comprimento L da molécula depende do número de monômeros.

A experiência mostra que os níveis de energia permitidos estão bem de acordo com a Equação:

Quanto maior for o número de monômeros e quanto maior for o comprimento L, mais baixos serão os n íveis de energia e menor o espaçamento entre esses níveis.

En =n2⇡2~22mL2

n = 1, 2, · · ·

Capítulo 40 — Mecânica quântica I: funções de onda 291

Em x ! 0, obtemos c(0) ! A1 " A2, que deve ser igual a zero para satisfazer à condição de contorno nesse ponto. Assim, A2 ! –A1, e a Equação 40.27 se torna

c(x) ! 2iA1 sen kx ! C sen kx (40.28)

Simplificamos a expressão introduzindo a constante C ! 2iA1. (Voltaremos a falar dessa constante mais tarde.) Podemos também satisfazer à segunda condição de contorno em que c ! 0 em x ! L escolhendo valores de k de modo que kL ! nπ (n ! 1, 2, 3,…). Dessa forma, a Equação 40.28 fornece funções de onda de um es-tado estacionário para uma partícula em uma caixa na região 0 # x # L. (Fora dessa região, c(x) ! 0.) Os valores possíveis de k e do comprimento de onda l ! 2π/k são

k =np

L e l =



2Ln 1n = 1, 2, 3, c2 (40.29)

Assim como ocorre com uma corda (Figura 40.10), o comprimento L da região é um número inteiro de metades de comprimento de ondas.

Níveis de energia para uma partícula em uma caixa

Os níveis de energia possíveis para uma partícula em uma caixa são dados por E ! U2k2/2m ! p2/2m, onde p ! Uk ! (h/2π) (2π/l) ! h/l é o módulo do momento linear de uma partícula livre com número de onda k e comprimento de onda l. Isso faz sentido, já que dentro da região 0 # x # L a energia potencial é zero e a energia é toda cinética. Para cada valor de n, há valores correspondentes de p, l e E; vamos designá-los por pn, ln e En. Juntando tudo, obtemos

pn =hln



Então os níveis de energia para uma partícula em uma caixa são


Níveis de energia para uma partícula em uma caixa 1n = 1, 2, 3, c2En = =




= 2mL2


Constante de Planck dividida por 2p

Constante de Planck

Magnitude do momento linear

Número quânticoComprimento da caixaMassa da partícula

Cada nível de energia tem seu próprio valor de número quântico n e uma função de onda correspondente, que designamos por cn. Quando substituímos k na Equa-ção 40.28 pela expressão nπ/L da Equação 40.29, encontramos

cn 1x2 = C sen npx

L 1n = 1, 2, 3, c2 (40.32)

O diagrama de níveis de energia na Figura 40.11a mostra os cinco níveis mais baixos para uma partícula em uma caixa. Os níveis de energia cada vez mais ele-vados são proporcionais a n2 , então espaços maiores são cada vez mais espaçados entre si. Há um número infinito de níveis porque as paredes são perfeitamente rígidas; mesmo uma partícula de energia cinética infinitamente grande permanece confinada dentro da caixa. A Figura 40.11b mostra gráficos das funções de onda c(x) para n ! 1, 2, 3, 4 e 5. Note que essas funções parecem idênticas às das ondas estacionárias em uma corda (Figura 40.10).

Aplicação Partículas na “caixa” de um polímero Poliacetileno faz parte de uma classe de moléculas orgânicas de cadeia longa que conduzem eletricidade ao longo de seu comprimento. A molécula é constituída por um grande número de unidades (C2H2), chamadas monômeros (apenas três monômeros são mostrados aqui). Os elétrons podem se mover livremente ao longo do comprimento da molécula, mas não perpendicularmente ao comprimento, de modo que a molécula é como uma “caixa” unidimensional de elétrons. O comprimento L da molécula depende do número de monômeros. A experiência mostra que os níveis de energia permitidos estão bem de acordo com a Equação 40.31: quanto maior for o número de monômeros e quanto maior for o comprimento L, mais baixos serão os níveis de energia e menor o espaçamento entre esses níveis.










Monômero C2H2

Elétrons são confinados ao comprimento L da molécula (como partículas em uma caixa).


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Exemplo 1: Encontre os dois primeiros níveis de energia para um elétron confinado a uma caixa unidimensional com 5,0 ×10-10 m de diâmetro (cerca do diâmetro de um átomo).

Solução: Usando n=1 e n=2 temos:

292 Física IV

Figura 40.11 (a) Diagrama dos níveis de energia para a partícula confinada em uma caixa. Cada energia é igual a n2E1, onde E1 é a energia do nível fundamental. (b) Funções de onda para a partícula confinada em uma caixa, para n ! 1, 2, 3, 4 e 5. ATENÇÃO: os cinco gráficos foram postos verticalmente para melhor clareza, assim como na Figura 40.10. Cada uma das linhas horizontais tracejadas representa a função c ! 0 para a respectiva função de onda.







E = 0

n = 3

n = 2

n = 1

n = 4

n = 5


0 L

n = 3

n = 2

n = 1

n = 4

n = 5



ATENÇÃO Uma partícula em uma caixa não pode ter energia zero. Note que a energia de uma partícula em uma caixa não pode ser zero. A Equação 40.31 mostra que E ! 0 exigiria n ! 0, mas substituindo-se n ! 0 na Equação 40.32 obtém-se uma função de onda igual a zero. Como uma partícula é descrita por uma função de onda não nula, significa que não pode haver uma partícula com E ! 0. Esta é uma consequência do princípio da incerteza de Heisenberg: uma partícula em um estado de energia zero teria um valor definido de momento linear (precisamente zero), então a incerteza de sua posição seria infinita e a partícula poderia ser encontrada em qualquer lugar ao longo do eixo x. Mas isso é impossível, uma vez que uma partícula em uma caixa só pode ser encontrada entre x ! 0 e x ! L. Sendo assim, E ! 0 não é permitido. Por outro lado, as funções de onda de estado estacionário permitidas com n ! 1, 2, 3,... não representam estados de momento linear definido (cada um é uma mistura igual de um estado de momentum x " pn ! nh/2L e um estado de momentum x –pn ! –nh/2L). Assim, cada estado estacionário tem a incerteza de seu momento linear diferente de zero, consistente com ter uma incerteza de posição finita.

Encontre os dois primeiros níveis de energia para um elétron confinado a uma caixa unidimensional com 5,0 # 10–10 m de diâmetro (cerca do diâmetro de um átomo).


IDENTIFICAR E PREPARAR: este problema utiliza os conceitos que estudamos nesta seção, relativos a uma partícula em uma caixa. Os dois primeiros níveis de energia correspondem a n ! 1 e n ! 2 na Equação 40.31.EXECUTAR: de acordo com a Equação 40.31,

E1 =h2

8mL2 =16,626 * 10-34 J # s22

8 19,109 * 10-31 kg2 15,0 * 10-10 m22

= 2,4 * 10-19 J = 1,5 eV

E2 =22h2

8mL2 = 4E1 = 9,6 * 10-19 J = 6,0 eV

AVALIAR: a diferença entre os dois primeiros níveis de energia é E2 – E1 ! 4,5 eV. Um elétron confinado em uma caixa é bastante

diferente de um elétron confinado em um átomo. Contudo, é interessante notar que a energia obtida neste exemplo possui a mesma ordem de grandeza do nível de energia realmente exis-tente em um átomo.Você pode demonstrar isso para um próton ou um nêutron (m ! 1,67 # 10–27 kg) confinado em uma caixa cuja largura seja 1,1 # 10–14 m (o diâmetro de um núcleo atômico médio), as energias dos dois primeiros níveis são cerca de um milhão de vezes maio-res: E1 ! 1,7 # 106 eV ! 1,7 MeV, E2 ! 4E1 ! 6,8 MeV, E2 – E1 ! 5,1 MeV. Isso nos fornece uma pista para entender a razão pela qual as energias envolvidas em reações nucleares (que envolvem transições entre níveis de energia dentro do núcleo do átomo) liberam muito mais energia que reações químicas (que en-volvem transições entre níveis de energia de elétrons em átomos).Finalmente, podemos mostrar (veja o Exercício 40.9) que os ní-veis de energia de uma bola de bilhar (m ! 0,2 kg) confinada em uma caixa de 1,3 m de comprimento — o tamanho de uma mesa de bilhar — são separados por cerca de 5 # 10–67

J. Os efeitos quânticos não afetam seu jogo.


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Exemplo 2: Um elétron que se move em um fio de metal fino é uma aproximação razoável de uma partícula em um poço infinito unidimensional.

O potencial dentro do fio é constante em média, mas aumenta acentuadamente em cada extremidade.

Suponha que o elétron esteja em um fio de 1,0 cm de comprimento.

(a) Calcule a energia do estado fundamental para o elétron.

(b) Se a energia do elétron for igual à energia cinética média das moléculas em um gás a T=300 K, cerca de 0.03 eV, qual é o número quântico n do elétron?


Solução: (a) A energia do estado fundamental é

O valor de E1 obtido acima está bem abaixo do limite de mensurabilidade. Também, é menor do que a incerteza na energia de um elétron confinado em 1 cm.

(b) usamos , logo:

6-2 The Infinite Square Well 243

Just as in the case of the standing-wave function for the vibrating string, we can con-sider this stationary-state wave function to be the superposition of a wave traveling to the right (first term in brackets) and a wave of the same frequency and amplitude trav-eling to the left (second term in brackets).

EXAMPLE 6-2 An Electron in a Wire An electron moving in a thin metal wire is a reasonable approximation of a particle in a one-dimensional infinite well. The poten-tial inside the wire is constant on average but rises sharply at each end. Suppose the electron is in a wire 1.0 cm long. (a) Compute the ground-state energy for the electron. (b) If the electron’s energy is equal to the average kinetic energy of the molecules in a gas at T � 300 K, about 0.03 eV, what is the electron’s quantum number n?

SOLUTION 1. For question (a), the ground-state energy is given by Equation 6-25:

E1 �P262


�P2�1.055 � 10�34 J � s�2�2� �9.11 � 10�31 kg� �10�2 m�2

� 6.03 � 10�34 J � 3.80 � 10�15 eV

2. For question (b), the electron’s quantum number is given by Equation 6-24:

En � n2 E1

3. Solving Equation 6-24 for n and substituting En � 0.03 eV and E1 from above yields

n2 �En

E1 or

n � �En

E1� � 0.03 eV

3.80 � 10�15 eV

� 2.81 � 106

Remarks: The value of E1 computed above is not only far below the limit of mea-surability, but also smaller than the uncertainty in the energy of an electron con-fined into 1 cm.

EXAMPLE 6-3 Calculating Probabilities Suppose that the electron in Exam-ple 6-2 could be “seen” while in its ground state. (a) What would be the prob-ability of finding it somewhere in the region 0 � x � L�4? (b) What would be the probability of finding it in a very narrow region $�x � 0.01L wide centered at x � 5L�8?

SOLUTION(a) The wave function for the n � 1 level, the ground state, is given by Equation 6-32 as

C1�x� � � 2L

sin PxL

TIPLER_06_229-276hr.indd 243 8/22/11 11:57 AM

6-2 The Infinite Square Well 243

Just as in the case of the standing-wave function for the vibrating string, we can con-sider this stationary-state wave function to be the superposition of a wave traveling to the right (first term in brackets) and a wave of the same frequency and amplitude trav-eling to the left (second term in brackets).

EXAMPLE 6-2 An Electron in a Wire An electron moving in a thin metal wire is a reasonable approximation of a particle in a one-dimensional infinite well. The poten-tial inside the wire is constant on average but rises sharply at each end. Suppose the electron is in a wire 1.0 cm long. (a) Compute the ground-state energy for the electron. (b) If the electron’s energy is equal to the average kinetic energy of the molecules in a gas at T � 300 K, about 0.03 eV, what is the electron’s quantum number n?

SOLUTION 1. For question (a), the ground-state energy is given by Equation 6-25:

E1 �P262


�P2�1.055 � 10�34 J � s�2�2� �9.11 � 10�31 kg� �10�2 m�2

� 6.03 � 10�34 J � 3.80 � 10�15 eV

2. For question (b), the electron’s quantum number is given by Equation 6-24:

En � n2 E1

3. Solving Equation 6-24 for n and substituting En � 0.03 eV and E1 from above yields

n2 �En

E1 or

n � �En

E1� � 0.03 eV

3.80 � 10�15 eV

� 2.81 � 106

Remarks: The value of E1 computed above is not only far below the limit of mea-surability, but also smaller than the uncertainty in the energy of an electron con-fined into 1 cm.

EXAMPLE 6-3 Calculating Probabilities Suppose that the electron in Exam-ple 6-2 could be “seen” while in its ground state. (a) What would be the prob-ability of finding it somewhere in the region 0 � x � L�4? (b) What would be the probability of finding it in a very narrow region $�x � 0.01L wide centered at x � 5L�8?

SOLUTION(a) The wave function for the n � 1 level, the ground state, is given by Equation 6-32 as

C1�x� � � 2L

sin PxL

TIPLER_06_229-276hr.indd 243 8/22/11 11:57 AM

6-2 The Infinite Square Well 243

Just as in the case of the standing-wave function for the vibrating string, we can con-sider this stationary-state wave function to be the superposition of a wave traveling to the right (first term in brackets) and a wave of the same frequency and amplitude trav-eling to the left (second term in brackets).

EXAMPLE 6-2 An Electron in a Wire An electron moving in a thin metal wire is a reasonable approximation of a particle in a one-dimensional infinite well. The poten-tial inside the wire is constant on average but rises sharply at each end. Suppose the electron is in a wire 1.0 cm long. (a) Compute the ground-state energy for the electron. (b) If the electron’s energy is equal to the average kinetic energy of the molecules in a gas at T � 300 K, about 0.03 eV, what is the electron’s quantum number n?

SOLUTION 1. For question (a), the ground-state energy is given by Equation 6-25:

E1 �P262


�P2�1.055 � 10�34 J � s�2�2� �9.11 � 10�31 kg� �10�2 m�2

� 6.03 � 10�34 J � 3.80 � 10�15 eV

2. For question (b), the electron’s quantum number is given by Equation 6-24:

En � n2 E1

3. Solving Equation 6-24 for n and substituting En � 0.03 eV and E1 from above yields

n2 �En

E1 or

n � �En

E1� � 0.03 eV

3.80 � 10�15 eV

� 2.81 � 106

Remarks: The value of E1 computed above is not only far below the limit of mea-surability, but also smaller than the uncertainty in the energy of an electron con-fined into 1 cm.

EXAMPLE 6-3 Calculating Probabilities Suppose that the electron in Exam-ple 6-2 could be “seen” while in its ground state. (a) What would be the prob-ability of finding it somewhere in the region 0 � x � L�4? (b) What would be the probability of finding it in a very narrow region $�x � 0.01L wide centered at x � 5L�8?

SOLUTION(a) The wave function for the n � 1 level, the ground state, is given by Equation 6-32 as

C1�x� � � 2L

sin PxL

TIPLER_06_229-276hr.indd 243 8/22/11 11:57 AM


Exemplo 3: Calculando probabilidades. Suponha que o elétron do exemplo anterior possa ser "visto" enquanto estiver em seu estado fundamental.

(a) Qual seria a probabilidade de encontrá-lo em algum lugar na região 0< x <L/4?

(b) Qual seria a probabilidade de encontrá-lo numa região muito estreita, de largura Δx =0.01L centrada em x= 5L/8?


(a) A função de onda para o nível com n=1é:

6-2 The Infinite Square Well 243

Just as in the case of the standing-wave function for the vibrating string, we can con-sider this stationary-state wave function to be the superposition of a wave traveling to the right (first term in brackets) and a wave of the same frequency and amplitude trav-eling to the left (second term in brackets).

EXAMPLE 6-2 An Electron in a Wire An electron moving in a thin metal wire is a reasonable approximation of a particle in a one-dimensional infinite well. The poten-tial inside the wire is constant on average but rises sharply at each end. Suppose the electron is in a wire 1.0 cm long. (a) Compute the ground-state energy for the electron. (b) If the electron’s energy is equal to the average kinetic energy of the molecules in a gas at T � 300 K, about 0.03 eV, what is the electron’s quantum number n?

SOLUTION 1. For question (a), the ground-state energy is given by Equation 6-25:

E1 �P262


�P2�1.055 � 10�34 J � s�2�2� �9.11 � 10�31 kg� �10�2 m�2

� 6.03 � 10�34 J � 3.80 � 10�15 eV

2. For question (b), the electron’s quantum number is given by Equation 6-24:

En � n2 E1

3. Solving Equation 6-24 for n and substituting En � 0.03 eV and E1 from above yields

n2 �En

E1 or

n � �En

E1� � 0.03 eV

3.80 � 10�15 eV

� 2.81 � 106

Remarks: The value of E1 computed above is not only far below the limit of mea-surability, but also smaller than the uncertainty in the energy of an electron con-fined into 1 cm.

EXAMPLE 6-3 Calculating Probabilities Suppose that the electron in Exam-ple 6-2 could be “seen” while in its ground state. (a) What would be the prob-ability of finding it somewhere in the region 0 � x � L�4? (b) What would be the probability of finding it in a very narrow region $�x � 0.01L wide centered at x � 5L�8?

SOLUTION(a) The wave function for the n � 1 level, the ground state, is given by Equation 6-32 as

C1�x� � � 2L

sin PxL

TIPLER_06_229-276hr.indd 243 8/22/11 11:57 AM


A probabilidade de que o elétron seja encontrado na região especificada é a integral entre 0 e L/4 da densidade de probabilidade P(x)=|𝜓(x)|2:

Para calcular a integral, fazemos u=πx/L e dx=Ldu/π :

Assim, se procuramos a partícula em um grande número de buscas idênticas, a elétron será encontrado na região 0 <x <0.25 cm cerca de 9% do tempo.

244 Chapter 6 The Schrödinger Equation

The probability that the electron would be found in the region specified is


0P1�x�dx � )



sin2 4PxL5 dx

Letting u � Px�L, hence dx � L du�P, and noting the appropriate change in the limits on the integral, we have that




sin2 u du �2P4 u


sin 2u45 3 P�4




145 � 0.091

Thus, if one looked for the particle in a large number of identical searches, the elec-tron would be found in the region 0 � x � 0.25 cm about 9 percent of the time. This probability is illustrated by the shaded area on the left side in Figure 6-6.

(b) Since the region $�x � 0.01L is very small compared with L, we do not need to integrate but can calculate the approximate probability as follows:

P � P�x�$x �2L

sin2 PxL


Substituting $�x � 0.01L and x � 5L�8, we obtain

P �2L


�0.01L� �

2L�0.854� �0.01L� � 0.017

This means that the probability of finding the electron within 0.01L around x � 5L�8 is about 1.7 percent. This is illustrated in Figure 6-6, where the area of the shaded narrow band at x � 5L�8 is 1.7 percent of the total area under the curve.

EXAMPLE 6-4 An Electron in an Atomic-Size Box (a) Find the energy in the ground state of an electron confined to a one-dimensional box of length L � 0.1 nm. (This box is roughly the size of an atom.) (b) Make an energy-level diagram and find the wavelengths of the photons emitted for all transitions beginning at state n � 3 or less and ending at a lower energy state.

FIGURE 6-6 The probability density C2(x) versus x for a particle in the ground state ofan infinite square well potential. The probability of finding the particle in the region 0 � x � L�4 is represented by the larger shaded area. The narrow shaded band illustrates the probability of finding the particle within $�x � 0.01L around the point where x � 5L�8.

xL /4 3L /4L /20 L



n22 –– L

�x ––––– L

TIPLER_06_229-276hr.indd 244 8/22/11 11:57 AM

P(0, L/4) =

244 Chapter 6 The Schrödinger Equation

The probability that the electron would be found in the region specified is


0P1�x�dx � )



sin2 4PxL5 dx

Letting u � Px�L, hence dx � L du�P, and noting the appropriate change in the limits on the integral, we have that




sin2 u du �2P4 u


sin 2u45 3 P�4




145 � 0.091

Thus, if one looked for the particle in a large number of identical searches, the elec-tron would be found in the region 0 � x � 0.25 cm about 9 percent of the time. This probability is illustrated by the shaded area on the left side in Figure 6-6.

(b) Since the region $�x � 0.01L is very small compared with L, we do not need to integrate but can calculate the approximate probability as follows:

P � P�x�$x �2L

sin2 PxL


Substituting $�x � 0.01L and x � 5L�8, we obtain

P �2L


�0.01L� �

2L�0.854� �0.01L� � 0.017

This means that the probability of finding the electron within 0.01L around x � 5L�8 is about 1.7 percent. This is illustrated in Figure 6-6, where the area of the shaded narrow band at x � 5L�8 is 1.7 percent of the total area under the curve.

EXAMPLE 6-4 An Electron in an Atomic-Size Box (a) Find the energy in the ground state of an electron confined to a one-dimensional box of length L � 0.1 nm. (This box is roughly the size of an atom.) (b) Make an energy-level diagram and find the wavelengths of the photons emitted for all transitions beginning at state n � 3 or less and ending at a lower energy state.

FIGURE 6-6 The probability density C2(x) versus x for a particle in the ground state ofan infinite square well potential. The probability of finding the particle in the region 0 � x � L�4 is represented by the larger shaded area. The narrow shaded band illustrates the probability of finding the particle within $�x � 0.01L around the point where x � 5L�8.

xL /4 3L /4L /20 L



n22 –– L

�x ––––– L

TIPLER_06_229-276hr.indd 244 8/22/11 11:57 AM


A probabilidade é ilustrada pela área sombreada do lado esquerdo na Figura:

(b) Como a região Δx=0.01L é muito pequena comparada com comprimento L, não é necessário integrar, mas podemos procurar a probabilidade como:

244 Chapter 6 The Schrödinger Equation

The probability that the electron would be found in the region specified is


0P1�x�dx � )



sin2 4PxL5 dx

Letting u � Px�L, hence dx � L du�P, and noting the appropriate change in the limits on the integral, we have that




sin2 u du �2P4 u


sin 2u45 3 P�4




145 � 0.091

Thus, if one looked for the particle in a large number of identical searches, the elec-tron would be found in the region 0 � x � 0.25 cm about 9 percent of the time. This probability is illustrated by the shaded area on the left side in Figure 6-6.

(b) Since the region $�x � 0.01L is very small compared with L, we do not need to integrate but can calculate the approximate probability as follows:

P � P�x�$x �2L

sin2 PxL


Substituting $�x � 0.01L and x � 5L�8, we obtain

P �2L


�0.01L� �

2L�0.854� �0.01L� � 0.017

This means that the probability of finding the electron within 0.01L around x � 5L�8 is about 1.7 percent. This is illustrated in Figure 6-6, where the area of the shaded narrow band at x � 5L�8 is 1.7 percent of the total area under the curve.

EXAMPLE 6-4 An Electron in an Atomic-Size Box (a) Find the energy in the ground state of an electron confined to a one-dimensional box of length L � 0.1 nm. (This box is roughly the size of an atom.) (b) Make an energy-level diagram and find the wavelengths of the photons emitted for all transitions beginning at state n � 3 or less and ending at a lower energy state.

FIGURE 6-6 The probability density C2(x) versus x for a particle in the ground state ofan infinite square well potential. The probability of finding the particle in the region 0 � x � L�4 is represented by the larger shaded area. The narrow shaded band illustrates the probability of finding the particle within $�x � 0.01L around the point where x � 5L�8.

xL /4 3L /4L /20 L



n22 –– L

�x ––––– L

TIPLER_06_229-276hr.indd 244 8/22/11 11:57 AM

A figura mostra a densidade de probabilidade P(x)=|𝜓(x)|2

em função de x para uma partícula no estado fundamental de um poço de potencial quadrado infinito.

244 Chapter 6 The Schrödinger Equation

The probability that the electron would be found in the region specified is


0P1�x�dx � )



sin2 4PxL5 dx

Letting u � Px�L, hence dx � L du�P, and noting the appropriate change in the limits on the integral, we have that




sin2 u du �2P4 u


sin 2u45 3 P�4




145 � 0.091

Thus, if one looked for the particle in a large number of identical searches, the elec-tron would be found in the region 0 � x � 0.25 cm about 9 percent of the time. This probability is illustrated by the shaded area on the left side in Figure 6-6.

(b) Since the region $�x � 0.01L is very small compared with L, we do not need to integrate but can calculate the approximate probability as follows:

P � P�x�$x �2L

sin2 PxL


Substituting $�x � 0.01L and x � 5L�8, we obtain

P �2L


�0.01L� �

2L�0.854� �0.01L� � 0.017

This means that the probability of finding the electron within 0.01L around x � 5L�8 is about 1.7 percent. This is illustrated in Figure 6-6, where the area of the shaded narrow band at x � 5L�8 is 1.7 percent of the total area under the curve.

EXAMPLE 6-4 An Electron in an Atomic-Size Box (a) Find the energy in the ground state of an electron confined to a one-dimensional box of length L � 0.1 nm. (This box is roughly the size of an atom.) (b) Make an energy-level diagram and find the wavelengths of the photons emitted for all transitions beginning at state n � 3 or less and ending at a lower energy state.

FIGURE 6-6 The probability density C2(x) versus x for a particle in the ground state ofan infinite square well potential. The probability of finding the particle in the region 0 � x � L�4 is represented by the larger shaded area. The narrow shaded band illustrates the probability of finding the particle within $�x � 0.01L around the point where x � 5L�8.

xL /4 3L /4L /20 L



n22 –– L

�x ––––– L

TIPLER_06_229-276hr.indd 244 8/22/11 11:57 AM


Substituindo Δx=0.01L e x=5L/8 , obtemos

Isto significa que a probabilidade de encontrar o elétron dentro da região especificada é aproximadamente 1.7 %.

244 Chapter 6 The Schrödinger Equation

The probability that the electron would be found in the region specified is


0P1�x�dx � )



sin2 4PxL5 dx

Letting u � Px�L, hence dx � L du�P, and noting the appropriate change in the limits on the integral, we have that




sin2 u du �2P4 u


sin 2u45 3 P�4




145 � 0.091

Thus, if one looked for the particle in a large number of identical searches, the elec-tron would be found in the region 0 � x � 0.25 cm about 9 percent of the time. This probability is illustrated by the shaded area on the left side in Figure 6-6.

(b) Since the region $�x � 0.01L is very small compared with L, we do not need to integrate but can calculate the approximate probability as follows:

P � P�x�$x �2L

sin2 PxL


Substituting $�x � 0.01L and x � 5L�8, we obtain

P �2L


�0.01L� �

2L�0.854� �0.01L� � 0.017

This means that the probability of finding the electron within 0.01L around x � 5L�8 is about 1.7 percent. This is illustrated in Figure 6-6, where the area of the shaded narrow band at x � 5L�8 is 1.7 percent of the total area under the curve.

EXAMPLE 6-4 An Electron in an Atomic-Size Box (a) Find the energy in the ground state of an electron confined to a one-dimensional box of length L � 0.1 nm. (This box is roughly the size of an atom.) (b) Make an energy-level diagram and find the wavelengths of the photons emitted for all transitions beginning at state n � 3 or less and ending at a lower energy state.

FIGURE 6-6 The probability density C2(x) versus x for a particle in the ground state ofan infinite square well potential. The probability of finding the particle in the region 0 � x � L�4 is represented by the larger shaded area. The narrow shaded band illustrates the probability of finding the particle within $�x � 0.01L around the point where x � 5L�8.

xL /4 3L /4L /20 L



n22 –– L

�x ––––– L

TIPLER_06_229-276hr.indd 244 8/22/11 11:57 AM


Exemplo 4: (a) Encontre a energia no estado fundamental de um elétron confinado em

uma caixa unidimensional de comprimento L=0.1nm. (Esta caixa é aproximadamente do tamanho de um átomo.)

(b) Faça um diagrama dos níveis de energia e encontre os comprimentos de onda dos fótons emitidos para todas as transições começando no estado com n=3 ou menor, e terminando no estado fundamental.


(a) A energia do estado fundamental é:

Substituído hc = 1240 eV.nm e mc2 = 0.511MeV, temos:

E1 =12⇡2~22mL2


8mc2 L2

6-2 The Infinite Square Well 245

SOLUTION(a) The energy in the ground state is given by Equation 6-25. Multiplying the numerator and denominator by c2�4P2, we obtain an expression in terms of hc and mc2, the energy equivalent of the electron mass (see Chapter 2):

E1 ��hc�2

8mc2 L2

Substituting hc � 1240 eV � nm and mc2 � 0.511 MeV, we obtain

E1 ��1240 eV � nm�2

8�5.11 � 105 eV� �0.1 nm�2 � 37.6 eV

This is of the same order of magnitude as the kinetic energy of the electron in the ground state of the hydrogen atom, which is 13.6 eV. In that case, the wavelength of the electron equals the circumference of a circle of radius 0.0529 nm, or about 0.33 nm, whereas for the electron in a one-dimensional box of length 0.1 nm, the wavelength in the ground state is 2L � 0.2 nm.

(b) The energies of this system are given by

En � n2 E1 � n2�37.6 eV�

Figure 6-7 shows these energies in an energy-level diagram. The energy of the first excited state is E2 � 4 � (37.6 eV) � 150.4 eV, and that of the second excited state is E3 � 9 � (37.6 eV) � 338.4 eV. The possible transitions from level 3 to level 2, from level 3 to level 1, and from level 2 to level 1 are indicated by the vertical arrows on the diagram. The energies of these transitions are

$E342 � 338.4 eV � 150.4 eV � 188.0 eV $E341 � 338.4 eV � 37.6 eV � 300.8 eV $E241 � 150.4 eV � 37.6 eV � 112.8 eV

The photon wavelengths for these transitions are

L342 �hc


1240 eV � nm188.0 eV

� 6.60 nm







E3 = 9E1 = 338.4 eV

E2 = 4E1 = 150.4 eV

E4 = 16E1 = 601.6 eV

E5 = 25E1 = 940 eV


E1 = 37.6 eV

FIGURE 6-7 Energy-level diagram for Example 6-4. Transitions from the state n � 3 to the states n � 2 and n � 1 and from the state n � 2 to n � 1 are indicated by the vertical arrows.

TIPLER_06_229-276hr.indd 245 8/22/11 11:57 AM


(b) As energias nesse sistema são dadas por:


As energias das transições são:

6-2 The Infinite Square Well 245

SOLUTION(a) The energy in the ground state is given by Equation 6-25. Multiplying the numerator and denominator by c2�4P2, we obtain an expression in terms of hc and mc2, the energy equivalent of the electron mass (see Chapter 2):

E1 ��hc�2

8mc2 L2

Substituting hc � 1240 eV � nm and mc2 � 0.511 MeV, we obtain

E1 ��1240 eV � nm�2

8�5.11 � 105 eV� �0.1 nm�2 � 37.6 eV

This is of the same order of magnitude as the kinetic energy of the electron in the ground state of the hydrogen atom, which is 13.6 eV. In that case, the wavelength of the electron equals the circumference of a circle of radius 0.0529 nm, or about 0.33 nm, whereas for the electron in a one-dimensional box of length 0.1 nm, the wavelength in the ground state is 2L � 0.2 nm.

(b) The energies of this system are given by

En � n2 E1 � n2�37.6 eV�

Figure 6-7 shows these energies in an energy-level diagram. The energy of the first excited state is E2 � 4 � (37.6 eV) � 150.4 eV, and that of the second excited state is E3 � 9 � (37.6 eV) � 338.4 eV. The possible transitions from level 3 to level 2, from level 3 to level 1, and from level 2 to level 1 are indicated by the vertical arrows on the diagram. The energies of these transitions are

$E342 � 338.4 eV � 150.4 eV � 188.0 eV $E341 � 338.4 eV � 37.6 eV � 300.8 eV $E241 � 150.4 eV � 37.6 eV � 112.8 eV

The photon wavelengths for these transitions are

L342 �hc


1240 eV � nm188.0 eV

� 6.60 nm







E3 = 9E1 = 338.4 eV

E2 = 4E1 = 150.4 eV

E4 = 16E1 = 601.6 eV

E5 = 25E1 = 940 eV


E1 = 37.6 eV

FIGURE 6-7 Energy-level diagram for Example 6-4. Transitions from the state n � 3 to the states n � 2 and n � 1 and from the state n � 2 to n � 1 are indicated by the vertical arrows.

TIPLER_06_229-276hr.indd 245 8/22/11 11:57 AM

6-2 The Infinite Square Well 245

SOLUTION(a) The energy in the ground state is given by Equation 6-25. Multiplying the numerator and denominator by c2�4P2, we obtain an expression in terms of hc and mc2, the energy equivalent of the electron mass (see Chapter 2):

E1 ��hc�2

8mc2 L2

Substituting hc � 1240 eV � nm and mc2 � 0.511 MeV, we obtain

E1 ��1240 eV � nm�2

8�5.11 � 105 eV� �0.1 nm�2 � 37.6 eV

This is of the same order of magnitude as the kinetic energy of the electron in the ground state of the hydrogen atom, which is 13.6 eV. In that case, the wavelength of the electron equals the circumference of a circle of radius 0.0529 nm, or about 0.33 nm, whereas for the electron in a one-dimensional box of length 0.1 nm, the wavelength in the ground state is 2L � 0.2 nm.

(b) The energies of this system are given by

En � n2 E1 � n2�37.6 eV�

Figure 6-7 shows these energies in an energy-level diagram. The energy of the first excited state is E2 � 4 � (37.6 eV) � 150.4 eV, and that of the second excited state is E3 � 9 � (37.6 eV) � 338.4 eV. The possible transitions from level 3 to level 2, from level 3 to level 1, and from level 2 to level 1 are indicated by the vertical arrows on the diagram. The energies of these transitions are

$E342 � 338.4 eV � 150.4 eV � 188.0 eV $E341 � 338.4 eV � 37.6 eV � 300.8 eV $E241 � 150.4 eV � 37.6 eV � 112.8 eV

The photon wavelengths for these transitions are

L342 �hc


1240 eV � nm188.0 eV

� 6.60 nm







E3 = 9E1 = 338.4 eV

E2 = 4E1 = 150.4 eV

E4 = 16E1 = 601.6 eV

E5 = 25E1 = 940 eV


E1 = 37.6 eV

FIGURE 6-7 Energy-level diagram for Example 6-4. Transitions from the state n � 3 to the states n � 2 and n � 1 and from the state n � 2 to n � 1 are indicated by the vertical arrows.

TIPLER_06_229-276hr.indd 245 8/22/11 11:57 AM

6-2 The Infinite Square Well 245

SOLUTION(a) The energy in the ground state is given by Equation 6-25. Multiplying the numerator and denominator by c2�4P2, we obtain an expression in terms of hc and mc2, the energy equivalent of the electron mass (see Chapter 2):

E1 ��hc�2

8mc2 L2

Substituting hc � 1240 eV � nm and mc2 � 0.511 MeV, we obtain

E1 ��1240 eV � nm�2

8�5.11 � 105 eV� �0.1 nm�2 � 37.6 eV

This is of the same order of magnitude as the kinetic energy of the electron in the ground state of the hydrogen atom, which is 13.6 eV. In that case, the wavelength of the electron equals the circumference of a circle of radius 0.0529 nm, or about 0.33 nm, whereas for the electron in a one-dimensional box of length 0.1 nm, the wavelength in the ground state is 2L � 0.2 nm.

(b) The energies of this system are given by

En � n2 E1 � n2�37.6 eV�

Figure 6-7 shows these energies in an energy-level diagram. The energy of the first excited state is E2 � 4 � (37.6 eV) � 150.4 eV, and that of the second excited state is E3 � 9 � (37.6 eV) � 338.4 eV. The possible transitions from level 3 to level 2, from level 3 to level 1, and from level 2 to level 1 are indicated by the vertical arrows on the diagram. The energies of these transitions are

$E342 � 338.4 eV � 150.4 eV � 188.0 eV $E341 � 338.4 eV � 37.6 eV � 300.8 eV $E241 � 150.4 eV � 37.6 eV � 112.8 eV

The photon wavelengths for these transitions are

L342 �hc


1240 eV � nm188.0 eV

� 6.60 nm







E3 = 9E1 = 338.4 eV

E2 = 4E1 = 150.4 eV

E4 = 16E1 = 601.6 eV

E5 = 25E1 = 940 eV


E1 = 37.6 eV

FIGURE 6-7 Energy-level diagram for Example 6-4. Transitions from the state n � 3 to the states n � 2 and n � 1 and from the state n � 2 to n � 1 are indicated by the vertical arrows.

TIPLER_06_229-276hr.indd 245 8/22/11 11:57 AM

6-2 The Infinite Square Well 245

SOLUTION(a) The energy in the ground state is given by Equation 6-25. Multiplying the numerator and denominator by c2�4P2, we obtain an expression in terms of hc and mc2, the energy equivalent of the electron mass (see Chapter 2):

E1 ��hc�2

8mc2 L2

Substituting hc � 1240 eV � nm and mc2 � 0.511 MeV, we obtain

E1 ��1240 eV � nm�2

8�5.11 � 105 eV� �0.1 nm�2 � 37.6 eV

This is of the same order of magnitude as the kinetic energy of the electron in the ground state of the hydrogen atom, which is 13.6 eV. In that case, the wavelength of the electron equals the circumference of a circle of radius 0.0529 nm, or about 0.33 nm, whereas for the electron in a one-dimensional box of length 0.1 nm, the wavelength in the ground state is 2L � 0.2 nm.

(b) The energies of this system are given by

En � n2 E1 � n2�37.6 eV�

Figure 6-7 shows these energies in an energy-level diagram. The energy of the first excited state is E2 � 4 � (37.6 eV) � 150.4 eV, and that of the second excited state is E3 � 9 � (37.6 eV) � 338.4 eV. The possible transitions from level 3 to level 2, from level 3 to level 1, and from level 2 to level 1 are indicated by the vertical arrows on the diagram. The energies of these transitions are

$E342 � 338.4 eV � 150.4 eV � 188.0 eV $E341 � 338.4 eV � 37.6 eV � 300.8 eV $E241 � 150.4 eV � 37.6 eV � 112.8 eV

The photon wavelengths for these transitions are

L342 �hc


1240 eV � nm188.0 eV

� 6.60 nm







E3 = 9E1 = 338.4 eV

E2 = 4E1 = 150.4 eV

E4 = 16E1 = 601.6 eV

E5 = 25E1 = 940 eV


E1 = 37.6 eV

FIGURE 6-7 Energy-level diagram for Example 6-4. Transitions from the state n � 3 to the states n � 2 and n � 1 and from the state n � 2 to n � 1 are indicated by the vertical arrows.

TIPLER_06_229-276hr.indd 245 8/22/11 11:57 AM

6-2 The Infinite Square Well 245

SOLUTION(a) The energy in the ground state is given by Equation 6-25. Multiplying the numerator and denominator by c2�4P2, we obtain an expression in terms of hc and mc2, the energy equivalent of the electron mass (see Chapter 2):

E1 ��hc�2

8mc2 L2

Substituting hc � 1240 eV � nm and mc2 � 0.511 MeV, we obtain

E1 ��1240 eV � nm�2

8�5.11 � 105 eV� �0.1 nm�2 � 37.6 eV

This is of the same order of magnitude as the kinetic energy of the electron in the ground state of the hydrogen atom, which is 13.6 eV. In that case, the wavelength of the electron equals the circumference of a circle of radius 0.0529 nm, or about 0.33 nm, whereas for the electron in a one-dimensional box of length 0.1 nm, the wavelength in the ground state is 2L � 0.2 nm.

(b) The energies of this system are given by

En � n2 E1 � n2�37.6 eV�

Figure 6-7 shows these energies in an energy-level diagram. The energy of the first excited state is E2 � 4 � (37.6 eV) � 150.4 eV, and that of the second excited state is E3 � 9 � (37.6 eV) � 338.4 eV. The possible transitions from level 3 to level 2, from level 3 to level 1, and from level 2 to level 1 are indicated by the vertical arrows on the diagram. The energies of these transitions are

$E342 � 338.4 eV � 150.4 eV � 188.0 eV $E341 � 338.4 eV � 37.6 eV � 300.8 eV $E241 � 150.4 eV � 37.6 eV � 112.8 eV

The photon wavelengths for these transitions are

L342 �hc


1240 eV � nm188.0 eV

� 6.60 nm







E3 = 9E1 = 338.4 eV

E2 = 4E1 = 150.4 eV

E4 = 16E1 = 601.6 eV

E5 = 25E1 = 940 eV


E1 = 37.6 eV

FIGURE 6-7 Energy-level diagram for Example 6-4. Transitions from the state n � 3 to the states n � 2 and n � 1 and from the state n � 2 to n � 1 are indicated by the vertical arrows.

TIPLER_06_229-276hr.indd 245 8/22/11 11:57 AM


Os comprimentos de onda dos fótons emitidos nessas transições são:

6-2 The Infinite Square Well 245

SOLUTION(a) The energy in the ground state is given by Equation 6-25. Multiplying the numerator and denominator by c2�4P2, we obtain an expression in terms of hc and mc2, the energy equivalent of the electron mass (see Chapter 2):

E1 ��hc�2

8mc2 L2

Substituting hc � 1240 eV � nm and mc2 � 0.511 MeV, we obtain

E1 ��1240 eV � nm�2

8�5.11 � 105 eV� �0.1 nm�2 � 37.6 eV

This is of the same order of magnitude as the kinetic energy of the electron in the ground state of the hydrogen atom, which is 13.6 eV. In that case, the wavelength of the electron equals the circumference of a circle of radius 0.0529 nm, or about 0.33 nm, whereas for the electron in a one-dimensional box of length 0.1 nm, the wavelength in the ground state is 2L � 0.2 nm.

(b) The energies of this system are given by

En � n2 E1 � n2�37.6 eV�

Figure 6-7 shows these energies in an energy-level diagram. The energy of the first excited state is E2 � 4 � (37.6 eV) � 150.4 eV, and that of the second excited state is E3 � 9 � (37.6 eV) � 338.4 eV. The possible transitions from level 3 to level 2, from level 3 to level 1, and from level 2 to level 1 are indicated by the vertical arrows on the diagram. The energies of these transitions are

$E342 � 338.4 eV � 150.4 eV � 188.0 eV $E341 � 338.4 eV � 37.6 eV � 300.8 eV $E241 � 150.4 eV � 37.6 eV � 112.8 eV

The photon wavelengths for these transitions are

L342 �hc


1240 eV � nm188.0 eV

� 6.60 nm







E3 = 9E1 = 338.4 eV

E2 = 4E1 = 150.4 eV

E4 = 16E1 = 601.6 eV

E5 = 25E1 = 940 eV


E1 = 37.6 eV

FIGURE 6-7 Energy-level diagram for Example 6-4. Transitions from the state n � 3 to the states n � 2 and n � 1 and from the state n � 2 to n � 1 are indicated by the vertical arrows.

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246 Chapter 6 The Schrödinger Equation

L341 �hc


1240 eV � nm300.8 eV

� 4.12 nm

L241 �hc


1240 eV � nm112.8 eV

� 11.0 nm

6-3 The Finite Square Well The quantization of energy that we found for a particle in an infinite square well is a general result that follows from the solution of the Schrödinger equation for any particle confined in some region of space. We will illustrate this by considering the qualitative behavior of the wave function for a slightly more general potential energy function, the finite square well shown in Figure 6-8. The solutions of the Schrödinger equation for this type of potential energy are quite different, depending on whether the total energy E is greater or less than V0. We will defer discussion of the case E � V0 to Section 6-5 except to remark that in that case the particle is not confined and any value of the energy is allowed, that is, there is no energy quantization. Here, we will look first at states with E � V0.

Inside the well, V(x) � 0 and the time-independent Schrödinger equation (Equation 6-18) becomes Equation 6-26, the same as for the infinite well:

C��x� � �k2C�x� k2 �2mE62

The solutions are sines and cosines (Equation 6-28) except that now we do not require C(x) to be zero at the well boundaries but rather that C(x) and C�(x) be continuous at these points. Outside the well, that is, for 0 � x � L, Equation 6-18 becomes

C��x� �2m62 �V0 � E�C�x� � A2C�x� 6-33


A2 �2m62 �V0 � E� � 0 6-34


V(x )



+a–a 0

V(x )





FIGURE 6-8 (a) The finite square well potential. (b) Region I is that with x � �a,II with �a � x � �a, and III with x � �a.

FIGURE 6-9 (a) Positive function with positive curvature; (b) negative function with negative curvature.

f (x )



f (x )



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