Se O SEGREDO é tão bom, onde está o meu Ferrari?!

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Transcript of Se O SEGREDO é tão bom, onde está o meu Ferrari?!

  • 8/9/2019 Se O SEGREDO to bom, onde est o meu Ferrari?!


    2010 Jamie Smart 1If The Secrets So Great, Where's My Ferrari

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    2010 Jamie Smart 2If The Secrets So Great, Where's My Ferrari

    I f t h e Secr e t ' s So Gr e a t . . .

    W here's my Ferrari?5 k e y s f o r g e t t i n g O FF t h e h i d d e n h a m s t e r w h e e l so y o u c a n

    s t a r t m a k i n g a g r ea t l i v i n g d oi n g w h a t y o u l o v e

    Did you know ...?Most people who get involved in personal development NEVER get even a

    FRACTION of the results they desire!

    W h y i s t h i s ?

    The majority of people spend their lives running on a hidden hamster wheel

    that keeps them chasing after dreams, goals & solutions that NEVER arrive.

    The hidden hamster wheel is a false belief a belief that gets taught to us as

    children & gets reinforced throughout our lives, without our even realising it!

    Hundreds of years ago, the belief that the earth was flat stopped people

    exploring new lands for fear of falling off the edge. In the same way the

    hidden hamster wheel stops most people from:

    Making a great living doing work they love Creating the lifestyle & experiences they desire Creating fulfilling relationships with people who matter to them Having good feelings, & a vibrant experience of living Generating wealth, abundance & financial freedom Achieving their most inspiring goals & dreams Living a life that's rich with meaning, purpose & contribution

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    2010 Jamie Smart 3If The Secrets So Great, Where's My Ferrari

    The hidden hamster wheel is a trap a trap that's probably been sprung on

    you without you even realising it, which raises a CRUCIAL QUESTION...

    QUESTION : If you're caught in a trap, what's the one thing you HAVE TO

    DO before you can escape?

    ANSWER: You have to REALISE that you've been caught in a trap.

    Until you realise you've been caught in a trap, you're VERY unlikely to get out

    of it.

    But once you know about the trap, & you can see how it works, then escape

    can be pretty straightforward. Especially if other people have escaped from the

    same trap, & can show you how YOU CAN DO IT TOO!

    Here are five MASTER KEYS to help you escape from the stress, struggle &

    frustration of the hidden hamster wheel & start creating a life you really love.


    Understand the trap you've been caught inUntil you understand the trap you've been caught in, it's virtually IMPOSSIBLE

    to free yourself from it. Here's how it works: The self-improvement & success

    industry shares some uncomfortable similarities with the diet industry: the

    promised results are often slow to materialise (if ever) and can be very short-

    lived (& even make the problem WORSE!) This is due to a trick of the mind,

    the deferred happiness factor embodied by the belief Ill be happy [secure /

    fulfilled / peaceful / successful etc] when I get X / Y / Z. Here are some

    common examples:

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    2010 Jamie Smart 4If The Secrets So Great, Where's My Ferrari

    Ill feel secure when I save up enough money / pay off my mortgage / get

    the job

    Ill feel good about myself when I lose the weight / quit smoking / get out of


    Ill be OK when I change my thinking / practice my affirmations / meditate I'll be happy when I'm doing work I love / find a partner / get rich

    While Ill be happy when seems like common sense, a quick look at the

    miserable lives of countless celebrities, Olympic gold-medalists & lottery

    winners will demonstrate that its just not true. Its an illusion that keeps

    people chasing after a carrot they never quite reach.

    M a t e r i a l su c ce ss i s f i n e - j u s t d o n ' t m o r t g a g e y o u r

    p e a ce o f m i n d , w e l l b ei n g & i n n e r s ec u r i t y t o g e t i t !

    There's nothing wrong with material success it's perfectly fine, as long as you

    build it on your sense of inner wellbeing & security instead of mortgaging your

    wellbeing with deferred happiness.

    When I first introduce people to the idea of the Hidden Hamster Wheel, they

    often say something like But if I didnt have that belief, I wouldnt be

    motivated to do anything!

    Thats just not true. You werent born believing this, and you were motivated

    to learn to walk & to talk. You were motivated to use your hands, & to play &

    to explore. You were motivated to love & connect with other people.

    We are all born with a natural sense of wonder & curiousity, a desire to explore

    the world around us & to create whatever we feel passionate about.

    When they say But if I didnt have that, I wouldnt be motivated to do

    anything! , heres what they really mean:

    If I didnt believe Ill be happy when, then I wouldnt be motivated to do all

    the crap I dont want to do but have been HYPNOTISED into thinking I NEED to

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    2010 Jamie Smart 5If The Secrets So Great, Where's My Ferrari

    do in order to be happy / secure / fulfilled / OK.

    A ct i o n s t e p : What are some of the more obvious ways youve been deferring

    happiness until now? What are your I'll be happy when... goals?

    Please be clear there's nothing wrong with wanting the things you want.

    That's fine! But if you think you NEED them in order to be happy, it does two,

    really damaging things:

    1. It separates you from the natural source of peace, wellbeing & security

    that's already RIGHT THERE INSIDE YOU.

    2. It dulls your awareness of what you REALLY want, your authentic desires.

    As you're about to discover, your authentic desires are essential elements

    when it comes to doing what you love (& creating an amazing life in the



    Replace your toxic goals w ith authentic desires

    Most people's goals are TOXIC.

    Here are some examples of toxic goals:

    1. A goal that you pursue because you think you should

    2. A goal that you pursue because you're doing an I'll be happy when...

    A goal that you settle for because you think it's unrealistic to go for what

    you really want

    3. A goal you want to achieve so other people will approve of or validate you

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    2010 Jamie Smart 6If The Secrets So Great, Where's My Ferrari

    And what's the opposite of a toxic goal? An AUTHENTIC DESIRE.

    When you were first born, you didnt know you had arms & legs. You were

    happy, joyful & full of wonder (except when you werent). One day you realised

    you had arms & legs, & you started on a learning curve. As far as I can tell,

    you were still just as happy, joyful & full of wonder as you learned to use your

    arms & legs.

    You didn't learn to walk & talk because you thought you should. You didnt need to defer your happiness to motivate yourself to walk & talk. You didn't settle for crawling & gurgling. You didn't learn to walk & talk in order to get someone's approval.

    You did it because you WANTED to. And why did you want to? Im guessing it

    was because you liked the idea! It was an authentic desire.

    Stop for a moment, & think of all the things youve done, just because you

    liked the idea We all have natural desire & motivation placed within our

    hearts, but it can sometimes be temporarily obscured by the list of things we

    think we should be doing, or need to force ourselves to do.

    But heres the thing: if youre doing something because you think you should

    (usually obeying someone elses rules) or because you think you need to in

    order to be happy / fulfilled / secure / OK, youre in danger of deferring


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    2010 Jamie Smart 7If The Secrets So Great, Where's My Ferrari

    A ct i o n s t e p : Here's the GOOD news: Your desires are your guide to whats

    possible for you. You really CAN have what you want. So here are some

    questions to help you get clear on what that is:

    What do you want? What would you love to create?

    How will you know youve got it? What will you see, hear & feel?

    What would you want if you knew you couldnt fail?

    What would you want if you knew it was OK to fail?

    What would you want if you were guaranteed to get it?

    Here's one of my favourites, the miracle question. It's great if you've been

    telling yourself that you don't know what you want...

    If there were a miracle tonight, & when you woke up tomorrow, everything

    was exactly as you want it to be, how would you know a miracle had

    occurred? What would you see, what would you hear, what would you feel,

    what would you believe, what would you experience that would let you

    know a miracle had taken place?

    Take some time to dream, to imagine how you'd love things to be. How would

    you love to spend your time? Where would you like to spend it, & with whom?

    Here's one more question to help you create your happy, successful life:

    What w ould you do if you knew you w ere going to be happy, secure,

    successful & loved, no matter whether you got it or not?

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    2010 Jamie Smart 8If The Secrets So Great, Where's My Ferrari


    Evolve your peer groupYou become like who you hang around with. Period. Peer group is one of the

    most powerful factors affecting everything, including:

    Your lifestyle Your mood & attitude Your health & fitness Your financial situation Your relationships Your goals & achievements Your developing skills & competencies

    As my friend Dan Bradbury says, Surround yourself with sad, lonely, fat,

    broke people, and you'll wind up sad, lonely, fat and broke! Surround yourself

    with happy, fun, fit and wealthy people, and you'll be happy, fun, fit and


    There are three reasons why it's like this:

    1. Unconscious Modelling Human beings have the amazing ability to

    unconsciously adopt the attitudes, beliefs & behaviours of the people around

    them. This is a big part of how you learned to walk & talk, & it still plays a

    big part in your life.

    2. Approval & Acceptance In days gone by, the people we spent our time

    with represented our safety & security being cut off from the tribe meant

    certain death. All of us have a desire to be approved & accepted by those

    around us to conform & fit in (no matter how non-conformist we might

    think of ourselves as).

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    2010 Jamie Smart 9If The Secrets So Great, Where's My Ferrari

    3. Social P roof We look at the people around us to find out what's

    considered appropriate, acceptable & normal in our neighbourhood. Without

    even thinking about it, we often allow others to set OUR standards for us.

    A ct i o n s t e p : Even if you do nothing else, take action to spend time with

    people who are either ON THE PATH to living the kind of life you want, or

    already living it.


    Take inspired actionPeople who create BIG results are masters of taking action, but what do I

    mean by INSPIRED action? Inspired action is action that's aligned with your

    authentic desire - what you truly want to create. As Joseph Campbell famously


    Follow your bliss, & don't be afraid, & the universe will open doors

    where there were only walls - Joseph Campbell

    Your authentic desire gives you clues to your life's purpose, & is an excellent

    compass for living a happy, successful life. People who make a great living

    doing what they love are inevitably people who take inspired action. Here are afew reasons why...

    W hen you take action, you affect your world

    If you are thinking about something but not taking action, you can imagine

    what you THINK the results will be, but it's only when you actually do

    something that you get a response from reality. That response from reality

    gives you valuable information about the action you've taken - information you

    can use to decide what to do next.

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    2010 Jamie Smart 10If The Secrets So Great, Where's My Ferrari

    W hen you take action, you activate your unconscious resources

    The more committed you are in taking action, the more your unconscious

    resources get activated. For instance, when you decide you're going to do

    whatever it takes to accomplish something, then take action, you'll be amazed

    at the amazing results that start showing up (in my experience, this can

    include bizarre & incredibly valuable coincidences.)

    W hen you take action, you learn

    When you take action, your unconscious mind learns automatically from the

    experiences you're engaged in. People who get out there & try things out

    develop a high level of skill far more quickly than the people who try & do

    everything as a theoretical exercise. Experience is a great teacher. Action gives

    birth to experience. If you want to learn REALLY fast, take inspired action.

    W hen you take action, you send yourself messages

    Here are just a few of the messages you send yourself when you take inspired


    "You're willing to try new things" "You're developing greater confidence "You're OK with taking managed risks" "Developing new skills is more important than playing it safe" "You deserve good things" You can have what you want, your authentic desires

    W hen you take inspired action, you extend your comfort zone

    This is another important one. As human beings, we're designed to value

    familiarity, at least to some degree. This is truly valuable - our survival

    depends on our ability to respond appropriately to situations that are new to

    our experience. When you take action & move with awareness into a new

    situation, you continue extending your comfort zone. This opens up your

    domain of possible experiences more & more every time you do it.

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    2010 Jamie Smart 11If The Secrets So Great, Where's My Ferrari

    Of course, times will come when you know what the right thing to do is, but

    you feel anxious or afraid, but that's OK. Use COURAGE & take inspired action.

    All the courage you use will be instantly transformed into confidence.

    A ct i o n s t e p : Make a list of some of the things you know are the right thing to

    do, but you've been hesitating about. Use courage, take action & watch with

    amazement as your confidence grows by leaps & bounds!


    Make freedom your number 1 priorityOnce you realise you've been caught in the hidden hamster wheel trap, &

    discovered how it works, the next step is simple. Make FREEDOM your number

    1 priority. Freedom comes in a number of flavours:

    1. Freedom from the hidden hamster wheel trap

    This trap is the cause of all kinds of struggle, frustration & disappointment. The

    sooner you become free of it, the more quickly you'll start creating the results

    you really want, with a HUGE reduction in worry & stress, which leads to...

    2. Emotional freed om

    Worry, anxiety & unhealthy stress are ALL the result of thinking patterns, & a

    lack of understanding of your psychological immune system. As you develop

    your understanding of the nature of thought, you'll begin to experience more

    PEACE OF MIND, wellbeing & an inner sense of security that can't be knocked

    by external events, which brings us to...

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    2010 Jamie Smart 12If The Secrets So Great, Where's My Ferrari

    3. Financial freedom

    Many people say they can't do what they love because they need to do an

    uninspiring job to pay the bills. When I ask what would happen if they didn't,

    they typically say one of two things:

    1) I'd starve

    2) I'd end up on the streets

    This is just plain untrue! While there are sadly many homeless people living on

    the streets, they're typically suffering from mental illness, running away from

    horrendous family lives or trapped in the cycle of addiction. They are RARELY

    people who left a job to do work they love, took a wrong turn & ended up living

    in a cardboard box. The first step towards financial freedom is working for

    yourself. Step two is developing passive income streams which gives you...

    4. Time freedom

    When you can make money without selling your time, you have time freedom,

    & can spend your time as you please. Of course, the process may require a

    greater degree of...

    5. Mental freedo m

    As you get more in tune with your psychological immune system, you're able

    to let go of unhelpful beliefs & get more deeply in tune with your innate

    wisdom. This allows you to take inspired action to a whole new level as you

    discover that who you really are (unlimited & powerful beyond measure) is

    capable of a lot more than who you thought you were. This gives you more &

    more space to enjoy...

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    2010 Jamie Smart 13If The Secrets So Great, Where's My Ferrari

    6. Social freedo m

    Social freedom is about embracing your authenticity, being true to yourself, &

    feeling comfortable in your own skin. It's about owning your power & showing

    up fully in the world, & it's the source of the kind of genuine charisma that

    can't be faked.

    A ct i o n s t e p : On a scale of 1-10, where one is No freedom & 10 is Total

    freedom, rate where you are currently in relation to these six freedoms, &

    where you'd like to be.

    Type of Freedom Current Level Desired Level

    Free from the HHW trap

    Emotional freedom

    Financial freedom

    Time freedom

    Mental freedom

    Social freedom

    If your want to increase your level of freedom in any of these areas, the

    answer is simple:

    Make FREEDOM your number 1 priority. Commit to it, then take inspiredaction. For lots of useful information about HOW to do it, visit the blog at:

    To your enlightened success!

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    About Your AuthorJamie Smart is one of the world's finest Neuro-Linguistic

    Programming trainers, and CEO of Salad. Salad is a leading

    source of products for developing your NLP skills & creating

    an amazing life you love. Jamie is passionate about helping

    people discover that they're capable of more than they think

    they are, because they ARE more than they think they are.

    His mission in life is to create a tribe of happy, organically

    successful people living authentic, fulfilling lives, making a great living doing

    what they love.

    You can find the full range of Salad products at

    Visit the blog at to get more powerful tools

    & insights for helping you make a great living doing what you love.

    2010 Jamie Smart 14