Plane Jam en To

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Transcript of Plane Jam en To

DISCIPLINA: Ingls Instrumental HORRIO: 28-29


NATUREZA: Lngua inglesa para fins especficos, em nvel instrumental bsico.

EMENTA: Desenvolvimento da habilidade de compreenso escrita atravs da interpretao de textos acadmicos e tcnicos, a partir do conhecimento prvio do aluno em lngua inglesa, com a utilizao do suporte da lngua portuguesa.

OBJETIVOS: Habilitar o aluno a ler, interpretar e compreender textos acadmicos e tcnicos da rea da computao/informtica atravs da utilizao de estratgias de leitura.

CONTEDO PROGRAMTICO: 1. Habilidades utilizadas para a compreenso de textos: 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. sentena; 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. Identificao de idias principais; Distino entre idias-chave e idias-suporte do texto; Anlise e avaliao da informao transmitida pelo texto; Inferncia do significado e uso de itens lexicais desconhecidos; Entendimento de informaes explcitas e implcitas no texto; Entendimento das relaes dos elementos lexicais dentro da

2. Aspectos lingsticos relevantes comuns linguagem tcnica em textos e manuais de computao: 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. Tipos de textos; Classificao de dados; Anotaes de leitura (taking notes); Interao textual; Referncias textuais;

3. Atividades no Laboratrio Multimdia de Lnguas: 3.1. 3.2. 3.1. 3.2. Pesquisas eletrnicas sobre tecnologias disponveis; Simulao de testes disponveis na rede mundial de


METODOLOGIA: Aulas expositivas e interativas atravs da execuo de atividades em grupo, exerccios escritos de compreenso e interpretao textuais e co-elaborao de atividades textuais.

AVALIAO: Uma prova parcial (30%) ~ (27 de setembro); avaliao do envolvimento e comprometimento do aluno em termos de apresentao de trabalhos solicitados e comprometimento com o Curso (20%); apresentao do seminrio (20%); uma prova final (30%) ~ (29 de novembro). Os alunos que no atingirem o total de 70% de aproveitamento ao final do semestre letivo devero prestar exame em 6 de dezembro de 2004.

BIBLIOGRAFIA: GULEFF, V.L., SOKOLIK, M.E., LOWTHER, C. Tapestry Reading 1. Heinle&Heinle Thomson Learning. 2000. HARDISTY, D., WINDEATT, S. CALL. Resource Books for Teachers. Oxford English. 1994. MCKAY, S.Lee. Teaching English as an International Language. Oxford. 2002. OLIVEIRA, S. Reading Strategies for Computing. Editora UnB. 1998. Oxford Dictionary Portuguese/English/Portuguese (sugesto) WINDEATT, S., HARDISTY, D., EASTMENT, D. The Internet. Oxford. 2000. THE ROAD AHEAD, BILL GATES PENGUIN READERS 1999.


PROGRAMA DE CURSOCURSO: Anlise de Desenvolvimento de Sistema AREA PROFIS.: Informtica DISCIPLINA: Ingls instrumental CARGA HORRIA: 60h PERODO LETIVO: 2008/1 PROFESSORA : Giselda S. Costa E-Mail : Blog: OBJETIVO Desenvolver estratgias que possibilitem ao aluno aumentar sua capacidade criativa no uso da lnguaestrangeira e dar-lhe acesso interpretao de uma grande variedade de textos incluindo manuaistcnicos, diagramas, tabelas e artigos de revistas especializadas. EMENTA O curso visa desenvolver no corpo discente a capacidade de analisar, avaliar e assimilar o contedo detextos em ingls e de expressar-se, por escrito e oralmente, nesse idioma, propiciando, assim, um acessomaior a todas as vias de informaes em geral e em seu prprio campo de atuao profissional. COMPETNCIAS Desenvolver estratgias que possibilitem ao aluno aumentar sua capacidade criativa no uso da lnguaestrangeira e dar-lhe acesso interpretao de uma grande variedade de textos incluindo manuaistcnicos, diagramas, tabelas e artigos de revistas especializadas em sua rea de atuao profissional,como tambm, executar exerccios de aplicao de estruturas gramaticais. HABILIDADES Desenvolver as competncias bsicas de comunicao em lngua inglesa;Compreender textos (orais e escritos) de natureza diversificada;Produzir (oralmente e por escrito) enunciados de complexidade adequada s situaes exigidas nestenvel de aprendizagem;Analisar discursos produzidos em situao;Selecionar e aplicar adequadamente os recursos lingsticos em funo da situao e do uso concreto dalngua; .Utilizar adequadamente os conhecimentos sobre a estruturao e o funcionamento da lngua nos seusaspectos morfossintticos, semnticos e pragmticos; . Enriquecer progressivamente o vocabulrio. 1 Ministrio da EducaoSecretaria de Educao Profissional e TecnolgicaCentro Federal de Educao Tecnolgica do Piau Unidade de Ensino Descentralizada de Floriano - UNED BASES TECNOLGICAS (CONTEDOS)Recursos Textuais 1. Elementos responsveis pela "imagem do texto":1 . T t u l o s , s u b t t u l o s , p a r a g r a f a o . 2.Efeitos tipogrficos (itlico, negrito, maisculas, etc.).3 . S i n a i s d e p o n t u a o . 4.ndices tipogrficos de organizao (numerao, hfens, setas, etc.).5.Quadros, grficos, tabelas e ilustraes.2.Elementos lingsticos

responsveis pela coeso e coerncia do texto:1.Palavras/expresses responsveis pelas "referncias" textuais (formas remissivas, taiscomo: pronomes, repeties, sinnimos, antnimos, nominalizaes, etc.).2.Palavras/expresses responsveis pela organizao temtica do texto (palavras repetidas,palavras-chave, escolha de substantivos, adjetivos, verbos e advrbios, etc.).3 . P a l a v r a s / e x p r e s s e s responsveis por relaes lgicas (preposies, c o n j u n e s , expresses que indicam causa, conseqncia, concluso, comparao, oposio, etc.).3.Palavras/expresses responsveis pela ordenao e seqenciao textual (advrbios ou locuesadverbiais como, por exemplo, a seqncia: "inicialmente..., em seguida..., finalmente", etc.). Recursos Gramaticais 1 . A s p a r t e s d o d i s c u r s o 1.Modal auxiliar verbs I,II,III2.Present perfect x Simple Past3 . S i n c e & f o r 4 . P a s s i v e v o i c e 5 . I n d i r e c t s p e e c h I , I I , I I 6 . R e l a t i v e p r o n o u s 7.Condicional sentence I,II,II8 . U s e + i n f i n i t i v e 9 . V e r b s f o r m u s e d t o e x p r e s s f u t u r e 10.Used to + infinitive1 1 . P h a s a l v e r b s Estratgia de leitura 1 . C o g n a t o s 2.Tipogrfico3 . S k i m m i n g 4 . S c a n n i n g 5.Pre d i c t i o n 6.How to use the dictionary ( affixation)7 . N o m i n a l gro up8.Context reference9.Discourse markers PROCEDIMENTOS METODOLGICOS E RECURSOS DIDTICOSMetodologia: As aulas sero ministradas de forma expositiva e interativa, onde os alunos trabalharo em pares, grupose individuais para que possam se beneficiar com a troca de conhecimento. O professor far uso de umm a t e r i a l s e l e c i o n a d o p o r e l e e s c o l h i d o ( l i v r o ) e t e x t o s p e r t i n e n t e r e a d e I n f o r m t i c a q u e i n c l u i atividades de leitura e interpretao de textos, atividades gramticas e elaborao de textos escritos efalados. Recursos Didticos: Livro texto, textos especficos, retro projetor, TV e livros paradidticos. 2 PLANEJAMENTO DE AULAS Aula 1-2Apresentao geral da disciplina. O que Ingls I n s t r u m e n t a l e c o m o t r a b a l h a r e m o s . .3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 E s t r a t g i a s d e l e i t u r a c o m o u s o d o s c o g n a t o s . Uso do predicting, skimming, scanning, guessing em textos.Grammar Overview: tempos verbais.9-10-11-12-13-14Uso do dicionrio prefixos e sufixos.15-16-17-18-19-20Referncia contextual Written Test 20-21-22-23-24-25Grammar overview: Adjectives, pronouns, articles, texts.2 6 - 2 7 - 2 8 29Texts interpretation. Orientaes para leitura, interpretao, traduo de t e x t o s . 30-31-32-33-34-35Grammar overview: preposition , types of business, vocabulrio tcnico.3 6 - 3 7 - 3 8 - 3 9 R e v i e w a n d W r i t t e n t e s t o r d e n a o d e t e x t o Written Test 40-41-42-43-44-45Grupos Nominais - completando esquemas.46-47-48-49-50-51-52Textos tcnicos, Marcadores.53-54-55-56-57-58Grammar overview : passive Voice, grammar review II, texts.5 9 - 6 0 R e v i e w a n d Written TestCRITRIOS E INSTRUMENTOS DE AVALIAO A avaliao ocorrer atravs do progresso, interesse e da participao do aluno, incluindo verificaesescritas e orais em sala de aula.As notas finais dos alunos nesta disciplina sero calculadas com base nas seguintes porcentagens: Quatro exames escritos e orais em classe: 60%

Freqncia e participao em classe: 40% Considerar-se- aprovado por mdia o aluno que obtiver mdia igual ou superior a 7 ( sete) e freqnciaigual ou superior a 75% do total da carga horria da disciplina. BIBLIOGRAFIA BSICA MARCINIUK,Ruth; KRUK, Andria. Take a lift : Lingstica aplicada ao ensino da lngua inglesa.Curitiba:Base, 2004.MUNHOZ, Rosangela. Ingls Instrumental : estratgias de leitura. Modulo 1 e 2. So Paulo: Textonovo,2003.GLENDINNING, E. H. and McEwan, J.1999. Basic English for Computing , Oxford: Oxford UniversityPress.TORRES,Dcio et al.2003. Ingls .com.texto para informtica . 1. ed. Salvador: Disal editores. BIBLIOGRAFIA COMPLEMENTAR MICHAELIS: dicionrio prtico: ingls-portugus, portugus-ingls . So Paulo: Melhoramentos,1987.MURPHY, Raymond.1995. English Grammar in Use . England: Cambridge University Press. 3 Ingls Instrumental Profa. MSc. Deurilene S. Silva Ementa: Pretende desenvolver habilidades de leitura e interpretao de textos em lnguainglesa, propiciando ao aluno a aplicao de diferentes tcnicas de leitura para ampliaoda compreenso de textos no idioma. Objetivosa) Estimular o estudo e compreenso da lngua inglesa atravs de estratgias deleituras que propiciem o entendimento de textos em suas diversas naturezas; b) Conhecer as estruturas bsicas da lngua inglesa e suas funes; c) Possibilitar condies para a traduo de textos originais extrados de jornais,revistas e sites especializados; Contedo Programtico:Unidade I Tcnicas de leitura= Skimming= Scanning= Pistas tipogrficas, etc.Estratgias de leitura= Ativao do conhecimento prvio= Inferncia= Deduo= Vocabulrio, etc. Unidade II Estruturas da lngua inglesa:= grupos nominais= grupos verbais= afixao 2Semntica (significado):= cognato / falso cognato= palavras de mltiplos sentidos= contextualizao= coeso e coerncia textuais Referncias: CELANI, al. The Brazilian ESP Project: an Evaluation. So Paulo:EDUC, 1988GALANTE, Terezinha Prado. Ingls para Processamento de Dados. So Paulo, Atlas,2003. - CRUZ, T.D. & SILVA, A. V. & Rosas, Marta. para informtica.Disal Editora, 2003GRELLET, Franoise. Developing Reading Skills. Cambridge University Press, 1995HUTCHINSON, Tom & WATERS, Alan. English for Specific Purposes. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1996REMANCHA ESTERAS, Santiago. Infotech:

English for Computer Users. 3.ed.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. 2 v.SILVA, Joo Antenor de C., GARRIDO, Maria Lina, BARRETO, Tnia Pedrosa. InglsInstrumental: 2 Leitura e Compreenso de Textos. Salvador: Centro Editorial e Didtico,UFBA. 1994TUCK, 1 2 Michael. Oxford Dictionary of Computing for Learners of English. Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press, 1996. 394 p. Referncias complementares: As demais referncias complementares esto nos textos usados.

DISCIPLINA: INGLS INSTRUMENTAL PERODO: 1 CARGA HORRIA: 80 h/a OBJETIVOS: Capacitar o aluno a interpretar textos tcnicos de informtica na lngua inglesa. EMENTA: Interpretar textos tcnicos de informtica a partir do desenvolvimento de habilidades de leitura e do estudo de itens gramaticais sistematizados referentes linguagem tecnolgica especfica. CONTEDO PROGRAMTICO: 1. ESTUDO DE TEXTOS VOLTADOS PARA A REA 1.1 Cognatos 1.2 Seletividade 1.3 Palavras-chave 1.4 Funes da linguagem 1.5 Inferncias e referncias contextuais 1.6 Tcnicas de skimming e scanning nos diferentes nveis de compreenso geral, pontos principais e detalhada. 2. GRAMTICA CONTEXTUALIZADA 2.1 Grupos nominais 2.2 Categorias de palavras 2.3 Conectivos (pronomes, conjunes e preposies) 2.4 Formas verbais: tempo e probabilidade 2.5 Voz passiva 2.6 Comparativos e superlativos BIBLIOGRAFIA: FREEDMAN, A. DICIONRIO DE INFORMTICA. So Paulo: Makron Books. MURPHY, R. GRAMMAR IN USE. CAMBRIDGE: Cambridge University Press.


Assinatura do Prof.: _______________


1. Defina Informtica. 2. Em que data se deu a criao dos primeiros PCs? 3. Quais so os trs tipos bsicos de computador? Explique resumidamente cada um. 4. O que um Hardware? 5. O que um Software? 6. Como podem ser classificados os monitores de vdeo? Explique resumidamente cada classificao. 7. O que resoluo? 8. Quais so as divises do teclado? 9. O que e para que serve a CPU? 10. Quais os dois tipos bsicos de memria? Explique resumidamente cada uma. 11. Como se d a medida de informao em um computador? 12. Quais as duas unidades bsicas de armazenamento? Explique resumidamente cada uma. 13. O que um Sistema Operacional? Porqu o Windows tornou-se to importante comercialmente? 14. O que voc entende por aplicativos computacionais? Cite os principais. 15. O que um vrus computacional? BOA SORTE! CINCIA ARTE DE DESCOBRIR COMO AS COISAS A RESPEITO DO MUNDO FUNCIONAM

1) Traduza o texto abaixo em folha de papel almao, devendo ser entregue para o professor na prxima aula.

TECHNOLOGY AND HUMANITY"A man without technology,..., is not a man". (Jos Ortega y Gasset) The Spanish philosopher Jos Ortega y Gasset, in his essay "Thoughts on Technology", defines technology in the context of humanity and nature. According to Ortega y Gasset, human real needs are independent of nature and rather are based on an individual's will and desires. These acts of will translate into humanity's manipulation of nature in an effort to

address these needs. When compared to natural needs, such as food and sleep, personal needs are superfluous. The end result is that humanity creates a new nature, a supernature, which is separate from real nature. The super-nature can be dominant over the real nature leading to numerous ethical issues. From this point of view, technology is the means whereby humanity separates itself from nature and that it is the mechanism used to adapt the natural environment to the individual. This is the reason why the Spanish philosopher said that a man without technology is not man. According to Jos Ortega y Gasset "Everything becomes clear...when we realize that there are two purposes [of technology]: "One, to sustain organic life, mere being in nature, by adapting the individual to the environment; the other, to promote the good life, well-being, by adapting the environment to the individual." Thus Ortega y Gasset distinguishes technology which is for survival from technology which is the result of will and desire. Therefore technology must be recognized as going beyond minimal existence. In doing so, technology becomes integral with using our environment for what we see as good; values generate technology.

TECNOLOGIA E HUMANIDADE TECHNOLOGY AND HUMANITYUm homem sem tecnologia, no um homem. (Jos Ortega de Gasset)

"A man without technology,..., is not a man". (Jos Ortega Y. Gasset) O filsofo espanhol Jos Ortega Y Gasset, em sua composio Reflexes sobre a tecnologia, define tecnologia no contexto da humanidade e da natureza. De acordo com Ortega Y Gasset, as reais necessidades humanas so independentes da natureza e um tanto baseada no que cada indivduo QUER e DESEJA. The Spanish philosopher Jos Ortega Y Gasset, in his essay "Thoughts on Technology", defines technology in the context of humanity and nature. According to Ortega y Gasset, human real needs are independent of nature and rather are based on an individual's will and desires.

Estes atos de manipulao da natureza traduziro em um esforo para suprir essas necessidades. Quando comparado com as necessidades naturais como comer e dormir, as necessidades pessoais so suprfluas. These acts of will translate into humanity's manipulation of nature in an effort to address these needs. When compared to natural needs, such as food and sleep, personal needs are superfluous. O resultado final que a humanidade cria uma nova natureza, a SUPER-NATUREZA, que separada da REAL NATUREZA. The end result is that humanity creates a new nature, a super-nature, which is separate from real nature. A SUPER-NATUREZA pode dominar a REAL NATUREZA gerando inmeras questes ticas. Deste ponto de vista, A TECNOLOGIA O MEIO PELO QUAL A HUMANIDADE SE SEPARA DA NATUREZA sendo o mecanismo usado para adaptar o ambiente natural ao indivduo. Esta a reao pela qual o filsofo espanhol disse que UM HOMEM SEM TECNOLOGIA NO HOMEM. The super-nature can be dominant over the real nature leading to numerous ethical issues. From this point of view, technology is the means whereby humanity separates itself from nature and that it is the mechanism used to adapt the natural environment to the individual. This is the reason why the Spanish philosopher said that a man without technology is not man. De acordo com Jos Ortega y Gasset tudo ser claro... quando entendermos que existem duas finalidades [da tecnologia]: Uma, para sustentar a vida biolgica, apenas estar na natureza atravs da adaptao do indivduo ao meio ambiente, a outra, para promover a boa vida, bem estar, atravs da adaptao do ambiente para o indivduo. According to Jos Ortega y Gasset "Everything becomes clear...when we realize that there are two purposes [of technology]: "One, to sustain organic life, mere being in nature, by adapting the individual to the environment; the other, to promote the good life, well-being, by adapting the environment to the individual." Assim Ortega y Gasset distingue a tecnologia e para a sobrevivncia de uma tecnologia o

resultado da vontade e desejo. Por conseguinte, a tecnologia deve ser reconhecida como algo que vai alm da mnima existncia. Thus Ortega y Gasset distinguishes technology which is for survival from technology which is the result of will and desire. Therefore technology must be recognized as going beyond minimal existence. Com isso, a tecnologia se torna parte integrante, usando o nosso meio ambiente para ser vista como boa; VALORES A FIM DE GERAR TECNOLOGIA. In doing so, technology becomes integral with using our environment for what we see as good; values generate technology. 2) Traduza o texto abaixo em folha de papel almao, devendo ser entregue para o professor na prxima aula.

TECHNOLOGY AND PROBLEM SOLVINGHumans create technology to adapt their environment to themselves, but technology also changes the way humans live, think, multiply, and die. In this sense, we say that humanity and technology live in symbiosis, as to a large extent one creates the other. Indeed, while it is useful to think about technology as a means to solve problems, sometimes the introduction of the tool precedes the problem to be solved! Did the introduction of the firearm solve the civil war problem in Japan? The invention of the telephone also did not solve a particular problem, as humans were communicating in other ways before its invention. But it did enable faster communication. Seeing technology as a means to solve problems, while correct, is not the whole story. Tools enable us to both cope and change our environment, but as the environment changes so do our needs and ourselves, leading us to use the same and new tools in unforeseen ways, in an endless loop of social-technological interaction. Every new tool changes the problem space. This permanent evolution of the problem-space is emphasized by our highly creative use of tools. As the German philosopher Martin Heidegger pointed out, we do not usually deliberately think about how to use our (best) tools. The tools available in our environment simply show up as solutions to present problems (Prem, 1998). And these may be problems that the introduction of the tool itself created! 3) Traduza o texto abaixo em folha de papel almao, devendo ser entregue para o professor na prxima aula.



Humans create technology to adapt their environment to themselves, but technology also changes the way humans live, think, multiply, and die.

Neste sentido, podemos dizer que a HUMANIDADE E A TECNOLOGIA VIVEM EM SIMBIOSE medida que um criado atravs do outro. De fato, embora seja til pensar na tecnologia como um meio para resolver problemas, s vezes, a introduo de ferramentas precede o problema a ser resolvido! SER QUE A INTRODUO DA ARMA DE FOGO RESOLVEU O PROBLEMA DA GUERRA CIVIL NO JAPO?

In this sense, we say that humanity and technology live in symbiosis, as to a large extent one creates the other. Indeed, while it is useful to think about technology as a means to solve problems, sometimes the introduction of the tool precedes the problem to be solved! Did the introduction of the firearm solve the civil war problem in Japan?

A inveno do telefone tambm no resolveu um problema particular, j que os seres humanos estavam se comunicando por outros meios antes da sua inveno. Mas possibilitou uma comunicao mais rpida.

The invention of the telephone also did not solve a particular problem, as humans were communicating in other ways before its invention. But it did enable faster communication.

Vendo a tecnologia como um meio para resolver problemas, embora correta, no tudo. Ferramentas permitem nos enfrentar e mudar nosso ambiente, mas como o ambiente muda para satisfazer nossas necessidades e ns mesmos, leva-nos a usar essas novas ferramentas de forma imprevista, num ciclo interminvel ou interao scio-tecnolgica. Seeing technology as a means to solve problems, while correct, is not the whole story. Tools enable us to both cope and change our environment, but as the environment changes so do our needs and ourselves, leading us to use the same and new tools in unforeseen ways, in an endless loop of social-technological interaction.

Cada nova ferramenta MUDA O ESPAO DO PROBLEMA. Essa evoluo permanente do problema de espao enfatizado pelo nosso uso altamente criativo de ferramentas.

Every new tool changes the problem space. This permanent evolution of the problemspace is emphasized by our highly creative use of tools.

Como o filsofo alemo Martin Heidegger salientou, ns normalmente no pensamos deliberadamente sobre como usar (melhor) nossas ferramentas. As FERRAMENTAS DISPONVEIS EM NOSSO MEIO, SIMPLESMENTE APARECEM COMO SOLUES PARA OS PROBLEMAS ATUAIS (Prem, 1998).

As the German philosopher Martin Heidegger pointed out, we do not usually deliberately think about how to use our (best) tools. The tools available in our environment simply show up as solutions to present problems (Prem, 1998).


And these may be problems that the introduction of the tool itself created!INGLS INSTRUMENTAL - ENG 06849 PROF. DR. ALEXANDRE ROSA DOS SANTOS TESTE 2 / VALOR = 10 PONTOS (PESO 1) Graduando (a): ___________________________________________________ 1) Complete with the Indefinite Articles (a or an):


a) Libiny is ______an______ intelligent girl. b) That is _____a______ shop. c) ________An_________ acquaintance is not ____a____ friend. d) You are ____an____ old friend, not ____a____ new friend. e) ____A______ shop is not _____a_____ house.2) Write the Plural Form of these sentences: a) You are a boy. You _are

boys.______________________________________________. girls._____________________________________.

b) Maya is a girl. Judy and Sara __are c) I am a student. We _are


3) Ask questions about the words in boldface using the Interrogative Words given: a) Libiny is tired. Who _is


b) Mrs. Delgado is fine. How

is Mrs. Delgado?_______________________________________ Tom?_______________________________________________

c) Tom is in that shop. Where _is

4) Fill in the blanks using the correct form of BE:

a) Gleissy and Tom _are______ old friends. b) She and I ___are____ classmates. c) You __are__ intelligent girls! d) __Are___ Libiny and Gleissy tired? e) ric and I __are___ not friends. We __are__ acquaintances. f) Telma and Joo Batista __are__ not Americans. They __are__ Brazilians.INGLS INSTRUMENTAL - ENG 06849 PROF. DR. ALEXANDRE ROSA DOS SANTOS TESTE 3 / VALOR = 10 PONTOS (PESO 1) Graduando (a): ___________________________________________________ Resolva o teste abaixo observando o resumo da tabela abaixo:


RESUMO RPIDO BE SIMPLE PRESENT Im youre hes shes its were youre theyre Who Where this that INDEFINITE ARTICLES a an Im not you arent he isnt she isnt it isnt we arent you arent they arent INTERROGATIVE WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS What DEMONSTRATIVE ADJECTIVES these those How Am I...? Are you ...? Is he...? Is she...? Is it...? Are we...? Are you...? Are they...?

5) Change the sentence to Plural Form (Mude as frases para o plural)

Model: This is a present for Mikaio. These are presents for Mikaio. a) This is a nice book. ___These

are nice books.__________________________________

b) That is a satellite. ____Those

are satellites.____________________________________

c) That is a nice teacher. ____Those

are nice teachers.______________________________

d) This is a good friend. ____These

are good friends._______________________________

6) Replace the words in boldface with the correct Subject Pronoun (Substitua as palavras em negrito com a correto Pronome Subjetivo) d) The CD is new. ___It

is new.________________________________________________. are good friends._________________________________.

e) Dogs are good friends.. ___They f) ___It

That house is beautiful!

is beautiful!____________________________________________. they small? _________________________________________.

g) Are those stores small? ___Are

7) Ask question about the words in boldface using What like?: (Fazer pergunta sobre as palavras em negrito usando What like?:)

d) _What are these CDs like?______________________________These CDs are new.

e) _ What is that university like? ___________________________That university is large.

f) _ What is the girl like? ___________________________________The girl is beautiful.

g) _ What are these classrooms like? ______________________These classrooms are small.

INGLS INSTRUMENTAL - ENG 06849 PROF. DR. ALEXANDRE ROSA DOS SANTOS TESTE 3 / VALOR = 10 PONTOS (PESO 1) Graduando (a): ___________________________________________________ Resolva o teste abaixo observando o resumo da tabela abaixo:


RESUMO RPIDO BE SIMPLE PRESENT Im youre hes shes its were youre theyre Who Where this that INDEFINITE ARTICLES a an Im not you arent he isnt she isnt it isnt we arent you arent they arent INTERROGATIVE WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS What DEMONSTRATIVE ADJECTIVES these those How Am I...? Are you ...? Is he...? Is she...? Is it...? Are we...? Are you...? Are they...?

8) Change the sentence to Plural Form (Mude as frases para o plural) Model: This is a present for Mikaio. These are presents for Mikaio. e) This is a nice book. _____________________________________________________________ f) That is a satellite.

_____________________________________________________________ g) That is a nice teacher. _____________________________________________________________ h) This is a good friend. _____________________________________________________________

9) Replace the words in boldface with the correct Subject Pronoun (Substitua as palavras em negrito com a correto Pronome Subjetivo) h) The CD is new. _____________________________________________________________. i) Dogs are good friends.. _____________________________________________________________. j) That house is beautiful! _____________________________________________________________. k) Are those stores small? _____________________________________________________________. 10) Ask question about the words in boldface using What like?: (Fazer pergunta sobre as palavras em negrito usando What like?:) h) _________________________________________________________ These CDs are new. i) _________________________________________________________ That university is large. _________________________________________________________ The girl is beautiful.


k) _________________________________________________________ These classrooms are small.

4) Traduza o texto abaixo em folha de papel almao, devendo ser entregue para o professor na prxima aula.

Information TechnologyDue to the tremendous importance of Information Technology (IT), and especially its potential for transforming society at large, the National Science Foundation - the biggest government institution supporting research inside and outside of universities and fostering young scientific talent - has established the field as one of its priority areas(1). The number of information systems, computing devices, data archives and other IT resources that are interconnected in complex, distributed systems is exploding. The resulting systems have the potential to transform both science and engineering research (e.g., with environmental and geological systems, remote observing systems, or embedded sensor systems for research on materials) and expectations about how we live, learn and work (e.g., with transportation and telecommunications networks, power generation and distribution systems, or distributed life long learning systems.) The USA, as a nation, harnessing the capabilities and sophistication of these resources will enable us to engage in endeavors that were never before possible. At the same time, when complex interactions and interdependencies within and among disparate systems result in failure, such as last summer's electric power grid outage, the many research challenges still confronting the Nation become more urgent. Understanding and predicting the possible behaviors of such systems, and developing better design strategies for these systems (e.g., based on a better understanding of complex systems) are critical to achieve

long-term national goals that depend on reliable, high confidence, distributed systems. A better understanding of how failures cascade, how scalability and interoperability among heterogeneous systems can be ensured, how inherent complexity can be managed, and how people and society interact with these systems is necessary (2). Today, networks link people, software, hardware, computational resources and data archives, and they enable unprecedented communications, coordination and collaboration among them. Powerful distributed applications enable new forms of science by collecting, disseminating, and analyzing observational or experimental data, or data from models or simulations. Other powerful applications include the networked services essential to our daily lives, such as cell phones, email, banking systems, transportation systems, critical infrastructures, distributed inventory control systems, and modern environmental observing systems. New knowledge is needed to improve the design, use, behavior, and stability of these widely distributed systems. A better understanding of this historical shift towards increasing connections and interdependencies among heterogeneous systems and how to harness their potential in service to society is necessary.INGLS INSTRUMENTAL - ENG 06849 PROF. DR. ALEXANDRE ROSA DOS SANTOS TESTE 4 / VALOR = 10 PONTOS (PESO 1) Graduando (a): ___________________________________________________


1) Make the sentences Interrogative and Negative: 1) The car keys are in Mrs. Delgados hand. Int - _____________________________________________ Neg - ____________________________________________ 2) Fernandas new home is nice.. Int - _____________________________________________ Neg - ____________________________________________ 2) Answer the question using the Possessive Form s or Model: Whose house is beautiful? (the Delgados). The Delgados house is beautiful. i) Whose car is big? (Alexandre).


_____________________________________________________________ j) Whose garage is small? (Joo).

_____________________________________________________________ k) Whose friend is nice? (Beatriz e Mateus). _____________________________________________________________

3) Ask question about the words in boldface. Use whose. l) The girls bedroom is nice. _____________________________________________________________. m) This is Priscila and Jssicas house. _____________________________________________________________. n) That is Conceios car. _____________________________________________________________.