Passo a Passo para criar uma aplicação Móvel Híbrida

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Transcript of Passo a Passo para criar uma aplicação Móvel Híbrida

Mobile Development

Step by Step

Juliano Marcos Martins

Lets create a brand new application to lists Blogs entries from my blog at Wordpress.

Step by Step - 1

Create a simple application to list the post from my blog:

My blog:

Wordpress REST Documentation:

Step by Step 1.1

Getting posts URL (try to hit this URL at your browser):

Number its the number of posts to retrieve. Default is 20

See that each post have many attributes, what we care now is TITLE and excerpt

Step by Step 2 Create a Blank project

ionic start lePosts blank

It create some files and folders.What matter to us now, is the WWW folder.

Step by Step 3 Edit index.html

Ionic Blank Starter

This is the original Index file created by Ionic

Step by Step 3.1 Edit index.html

Posts {{}} {{b.URL}} Share

This is the final version, see that we changed many things. Be careful with cut and paste. You can delete all the content of your index file and paste this there.

Step by Step 4 Edit the app.js file

// Ionic Starter App

// angular.module is a global place for creating, registering and retrieving Angular modules// 'starter' is the name of this angular module example (also set in a attribute in index.html)// the 2nd parameter is an array of 'requires'angular.module('starter', ['ionic'])

.run(function($ionicPlatform) { $ionicPlatform.ready(function() { // Hide the accessory bar by default (remove this to show the accessory bar above the keyboard // for form inputs) if(window.cordova && window.cordova.plugins.Keyboard) { cordova.plugins.Keyboard.hideKeyboardAccessoryBar(true); } if(window.StatusBar) { StatusBar.styleDefault(); } });})

Inside js, you can find this file. This is the original file created by Ionic.

Step by Step 4.1 Edit the app.js file

var lePosts = angular.module("lePosts", ["ionic"]);

lePosts.service("lePostsSvc", ["$http", "$rootScope", lePostsSvc]);

lePosts.controller("lePostsCtrl", ["$scope", "$sce", "$ionicLoading", "$ionicListDelegate", "$ionicPlatform", "lePostsSvc", lePostsCtrl]);

function lePostsCtrl($scope, $sce, $ionicLoading, $ionicListDelegate, $ionicPlatform, lePostsSvc) { ${template: "Loading blogs..."}); $scope.deviceReady = false; $ionicPlatform.ready(function() { $scope.$apply(function() { $scope.deviceReady = true; }); }); $scope.blogs = []; $scope.params = {}; $scope.$on("lePosts.blogs", function(_, result) { result.posts.forEach(function(b) { $scope.blogs.push({ name:, avatar_URL:, title: $sce.trustAsHtml(b.title), URL: b.URL, excerpt: $sce.trustAsHtml(b.excerpt), featured_image: b.featured_image }); });

Here is the edited file. Its big, so, it continue in the next slide. Use this.

Step by Step 4.1 Edit the app.js file - cont

$scope.$broadcast("scroll.infiniteScrollComplete"); $scope.$broadcast("scroll.refreshComplete"); $ionicLoading.hide(); }); $scope.loadMore = function() { lePostsSvc.loadBlogs($scope.params); } $scope.reload = function() { $scope.blogs = []; $scope.params = {}; lePostsSvc.loadBlogs(); } $ = function($index) {$scope.blogs[$index].URL, "_blank", "location=no"); } $scope.share = function($index) { $ionicListDelegate.closeOptionButtons(); window.socialmessage.send({ url: $scope.blogs[$index].URL }); } }

function lePostsSvc($http, $rootScope) { this.loadBlogs = function(params) { $http.get("", { params: params}) .success(function(result) { $rootScope.$broadcast("lePosts.blogs", result); }); }}

Here is the edited file continuation. Take care to copy and paste and do not loose any piece of code.

Step by Step A pause to explanations...

So far we: Created a new project

Edited the index page that will hold the list of blogs. There, we set up the Controller that will make the magic. See that we have a FOR loop to list the posts. We also created a functionality to reload blogs when user pull text and load more when user scroll down.

In the controller, we created a service that connect to the wordpress feed and put the results in the array called blogs.

You can separate controller and services in more files to organize your code.

Step by Step 5 Testing at your browser

Now, in the command line, got to your app folder root, in my case:[~/workspaceIonic/lePosts]$ pwd/home/julianom/workspaceIonic/lePosts

Run the command:

ionic serve

Test now.

Step by Step 5.1 Testing at your browser

With the following command, you can test simulating a phone appearance:

ionic serve --lab

Test now.

Step by Step TIP

At your browser, ALWAYS run taking a look in the Console, it can help you to find errors, for example:

Step by Step TIP 2

When you change html, js, css, Ionic Serve will reload it, and you just need to reload the page at your browser. In some cases this will not work properly, so, its better close Ionic Serve (type q in the console), and start again.

Step by Step 6 Testing in the Phone

First of all, you need to add Platform, in my case, Android. Run the command (inside your app folder):

ionic platform add android

Step by Step 6 Testing in the Phone

Then, in order to run, you need to have your environment OK. Remember to perform the installations from the previous slides. In my case, I have started genymotion, then, I run the command:ionic run android

Step by Step Exercises

1- We have a Bug in the project: When pulling up, app load more blogs entries, but it repeat the entries! How to solve?

2- When user click URL, you should open it ;)


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for your dedication and patience!

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