o,t 4 UUVIN?JOFI?13J -...

Post on 06-Sep-2019

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Transcript of o,t 4 UUVIN?JOFI?13J -...

o,t 4 |yUUVIN?JOFI?13J

o2-9 42-87 25 Tu:ar: O2-9 42-87 26

?uYr firvrnu 2559

d,irEa r il:s crra-ilfiuf,In : r n r : rua n uJf, uurin fi nur n r n qqlutrin Q rlSy t]1-l 25 60 a:a

uEEJu fi'rufirrruuuttavrc:qro:fiq

v v 44vv u u A ,ipiranorTtvrtd'urt'ud ld'ir:ud'ril:vtra-rvl-udln:rnr:uanrlfiuufinfl'nur nrnrqotltrir.ifi rJ:sqirfl 2560 a1n

I ba ra ki U n iversity rJ:v rvrn{r]u :r uas rdu od'rsi otld

:sgvrrarnr:r{riruTn:.:nr: : 1- 2 nrFrnl:6nrcr TFruttlirrflu:ounr:udrdnrcroid

n1nfl1tflnu1 d ..its u s t't a 1t o.1n 1: fl nu1 ua n [u a uu

nTnqgtulfinrf, rlne'ruu - f,.lr,rrn:r 2560 (5 r6ou)

Ir.ru'ruu 2560 - qunrrniuiS ZSOt (tt r6ou)

nrnqntulfiirr naln! 2560- nunrfi'ud 2561 (5 r6ou)

na'lFlr.l 2560 - f;lurnu 2561 (11 r6ou)


I. Cottege of Humanities

2. Col.l.ege of Education

3. Cottege of Science

4. Coltege of Engineering

5. Coltege of Agricutture

I. Program I : lbaraki Japanese Language and Cutture Program! q < v -l', s aa r,o c, y o& y -j,.a1u:uuanuauLa6nutn'tu1ttav?eluD::r.rrU!uLnurovrrv udprLusirr{Jusrolilfruorunrrufnrur{durLr

s.jr 'aj v 4,, -riou uri4fr'Llfrtluorunrrufnrulfrtluua"nan:qvrtln:-!al-n:ralrrs'[unrnqnhtriix (narnu 2560)

rvirrlu urrifr fr srfi fi fi uor unlil f J L pr N s fr uhJ a u r : n ril rdr fi nur16'fr'ra o rn r n

2. Program ll : General Exchange Program. - ^- .j. < o - ;^^;it,riufldrrfrgr'o{nr:anur'[uaruirrfififinrirn-rfinrgroti urinvr{Junr:aoulurioruiuurJ:nfirirEi


; "

I aa t ; ,. onluldtlu lnufrdrtdorfrFt?rufn'r1il4'rilr:nilr.rn1lsrdrlu[u:vnil6lrn (JLpT N2 fiutil) urir{rr,riufif,nv - -t-''-'-

fiautrtrh4rnr:ir-unrulelorqr:d'filSnurtol tbaraki University 1:^irirr{Jud'ocfinnrrlin.nsr{rluuurjolorAY

a rur :n fr oa r :n'r I n 'l1f o'r n qrvloi

3. Program lll : Two Step Programiq<-.j

rirr,r:nidnfrau [qfrnurnrul$nvi'euuD::lfrr]unrrr{riunr:udrrtuuluduGuuil:nfiluartrirtrfifrfrsrv4

rira'qfinurod flf;nd'orfinrrrfnruarrrr:nvrrrnrurfldulu:voird (JLpr N3 fiubJ) Inufi?rrov6'orrdr

t5uuflllsruavinruo:::r{r]utunrnnr:6nuru:n eirunrnfraolqvr{iunr:rdrrEuuluriuuEuuil:nfi


vag sqfudxruer4dilns

, 4, a^ u u

1,. 6'orrtJufrfrsrfloqiutowuriilura-uunun:nranifirird'rdnrgrtu:seiurJSryrXrni ra6o:v6'urirufrnfinrgr

2. 6'orfirr:uaur:n6'runruro'tnquuionrur{r]utfflu:vd'ln:rnirfi:vqtiluua-nan:fiarin:

3. {fitoiiunr:n-oru6onoloraur:ntfiuvrrudrirtrTn:rnr:r 16'nrulu:vuvrrarfi tbaraki University riryuo!3

uns doduao:vuuL'lnrttanrrj6uud'orn6'u!rfinurFio ru il?rriyura-uunrgn:nranivr-ufi

4. oloraur:niufiotoudrtddrulunr:tliriuJln:rnr: rriu rirorur: rirfirnin nirlcidru:rEirfiou uav6u1

nn oe:v uu r'rarfi rririrlln:t nr:

to n ar:rJ :s n ounr :axin :1. harin:u{riuTn:.rnr:fif,n*ant!a'rurr,rrivurd'urnum:orani (Ldrruuv,lo'Srfiriruuorrlri)

2. ha:t-n: Appl.ication Form for the Exchange Program (Form 2)

3. Certificate of Enrottment of the Applicant for the Exchange Program (Form 3) nturuToruornr:rji,<ilu:nu1fl0{r,Jailn:

4. Study ptan in Japan (Form 4)

5. Certifi cate of Academ ic Record (oonlpr urirrinuv rfi uuuavr.J:vltn na)

6. rirrurvrirf;ouFurr.r

7. ;ilriruyrirn:reril{or firiruilrufiilrirfiu: ur'ou rurn 4 ur. X 3 ril. (1.5 fu X 1.2 dr) q;ruru:!


8. Certificate of Physical Examination (uflunlvro'rnqrs)

9. Appl.ication for Certificate of Etigibil.ity (ld*ulv'Joilfi rirrauolri')

10. Letter of FinanciaI tolfrrJnn:01fil#nr:arirauurirldsirurorfif,n v,rio:r:vlrioruouirOufiilfintou, oer z, a ,

troo .!

eir"lrisjrufi'lu:Jn[u:vr,rirtfrfif,nttanuilfiuu ru lbaraki University vtrionuruluonar:Yu:otanruvnr:riu

(Bank statement) rorfr'r-Jnn:oflpru6'orrranrsirururiulurirufil:^in'rn'jr 700,000 urlu (il:vurru!U

240,000 uril)

1{111u[UA uo n d r :y n ariu do.: o qjtu grJ uu un r ur dt n qu fi as tlu do r lir n r : uil a uuuri :v n au dr er

ro n a r :lu rio 2,3,4 LLaa g do t n :o n dr u sr'r d'nu:n r rur dl n qrs6'r ri lvfl ra +i

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udnfr Loriunr:n-otdon [utdr:r:tLn:rnr:os'[65unr:unriurirs::urfrsun']:frnur ru tbaraki University ueiq ! tqtt d oq v a

^ y I a s ! -"[urirurilkidrudu'l frdfl60.:iufrqsoudrsnuro.: utiu rirfrfin Rirorur: nirrfruynllpruar:rn3oliu:yu'jrll:vuurr

d, v < o ovdatuavrirrJ:vniufiim*nvatnrvr rfJu6'u Tprurirn:orfivr[unr:"t{flisroqj ru r.J:vrvrrr$r-luraf uil:vlrru i00,000 urulr6ou

(rJ:vlrru ,O,OOO u',r, s




nlYUOn155Udiln: fu n0.i1LilfiAXlT,l1lfi

drrrraruannJ6au ?ul{tJo[tJ9r:udilnt

1. rirdnrsrnrnrqqhhiru6 (urLrgruu 2560) 16 n.u.2559

2. uir6nurnrnqqhLtriix (marn:r 2560) 6 n.vr.2560

rfrd frfiautoa:in:arrr:nor:ruavL6uerrfirrfiuuav Downtoad ronal:il:vno!n1:ffriFr:16'fi rirltroi!!

norirvrn#tLrniuii http://www.iad.intaff.ku.ac.th uav :vuurirfinrruo-nTua-fi http://eoffice.ku.ac.th ({ufi r i


6ruirruilrrfi 01il:orfi nr:rur

dm n*iln*(urlfl :tr na'uus nvar::ru)


รูปถ่าย ติดท่ีน่ี

งานทุนและเจรจาธุรกิจ กองวิเทศสัมพนัธ์


ส่วนที่ 1 รายละเอียดโครงการแลกเปลี่ยน มหาวิทยาลัยคู่สัญญาที่สมัครเข้าร่วมโครงการแลกเปลี่ยน .......................................................................ประเทศ....................................... ภาคการศึกษาท่ีสมัคร เร่ิมเมษายน □ 1 ภาคการศกึษา (เมษายน – กันยายน 2560) □ 2 ภาคการศึกษา (เมษายน 2560 – มีนาคม 2561) เร่ิมตุลาคม □ 1 ภาคการศึกษา (ตุลาคม 2560 – มีนาคม 2561) □ 2 ภาคการศึกษา (ตุลาคม 2560 – กันยายน 2561)

* นิสิตยินดีรับผิดชอบค่าใช้จ่ายและปฏิบัติตามเงื่อนไขที่โครงการก าหนดทุกประการ □ ยินดี □ ไม่ยินดี*

ส่วนที่ 2 รายละเอียดผู้สมัคร 1. ช่ือ (นาย/นาง/นางสาว)...........................................................นามสกุล........................................................................... Name (Mr./Mrs./Ms.)......................................................... Surname......................................................................... วัน/เดือน/ปีเกดิ....................................................................อายุ..................................................................................... นิสิตระดบั □ ปรญิญาตรี □ ปริญญาโท □ ปรญิญาเอก ช้ันปีท่ี............................................................................. คณะ...................................................................................ภาควิชา.................................................................................. สาขาวิชา...........................................................................รหัสประจ าตัว......................................................................... เกรดเฉลีย่สะสม................................................................................................................................................................ เบอร์โทรศัพท์ที่สามารถตดิต่อได้.........................................................................อีเมล์.......................................................................................... 2. ความรู้ทางด้านภาษา □ ภาษาอังกฤษ □ TOEFL ...................... □ IELTS......................... □ TOEIC......................... □ ภาษาอื่นๆ .......................................................................................................................................... 3. เหตุผลที่สนใจจะเป็นนิสติแลกเปลี่ยน………………….……………………………………………………..………………….……..................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4. ท่านเคยไดร้ับทุนหรือเข้าร่วมโครงการแลกเปลีย่นมาก่อนหรือไม ่(ถ้ามีโปรดระบุ)................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5. ช่ือผู้ปกครอง.................................................................................อาชีพ................................................................................................................ ความเกี่ยวข้องกับนิสิต.......................................................................อีเมล์............................................................................................................ ทีอ่ยู.่.........................................................................................................................................โทรศัพท์................................................................ 6. ช่ืออาจารย์ที่ปรึกษา........................................................................................ต าแหน่ง......................................................................................... อีเมล์....................................................................................โทรศพัท์.................................................................................................................... 7. ผู้สมัคร □ ยอมรับเงื่อนไขการสมัครต้องไม่อยู่ในระหว่างการสมคัรเข้าร่วมโครงการแลกเปลี่ยนนักศึกษาโครงการอื่นใดของ กองวิเทศสัมพันธ์และในระดับคณะจนกระทั่งใบสมัครได้รับการพิจารณาว่าเป็นที่สิ้นสุดแล้วโดยกองวิเทศสัมพันธ์และมหาวิทยาลัย เกษตรศาสตร ์ 8. ผู้สมัคร □ ยืนยันว่า ได้ท าการสืบค้นข้อมลูในส่วนท่ีเป็นทางดา้นวิชาการ การใช้ชีวิตในต่างประเทศและเง่ือนไขจ่ายใช้จ่ายในการเป็น นิสิตแลกเปลี่ยนที่ก าหนดโดยมหาวิทยาลยัคู่สญัญาเป็นที่เรียบรอ้ยแล้ว อีกท้ังได้ท าการปรึกษากับคณะต้นสังกัดและผู้ปกครองแล้วเช่นกัน ผู้สมัครรับทราบถึงข้อมูลทีไ่ด้มาและเห็นชอบด้วยประการ 9. ผู้สมัครขอรับรองว่าข้อความดงักล่าวข้างต้นเป็นจริงทุกประการ หากผู้สมัครไดร้ับคัดเลือกเป็นนสิติแลกเปลี่ยน ผูส้มัครยินดีและพรอ้มที จะปฏิบัติตามประกาศและข้อก าหนดต่างๆ ทุกประการ หากมีการตรวจสอบพบในภายหลังว่ามีขอ้ความที่ไม่เป็นจริงผูส้มัครยินดีใหต้ัดสิทธ์ิ การสมัครและเข้าร่วมโครงการแลกเปลีย่นนักศึกษาโดยไม่มีเงื่อนไข และยินยอมให้มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์พิจารณาลงโทษตามที่ เห็นสมควร ลายเซ็นนิสิต




(….....…………………………….………………………….) ............../................./................

*กรุณากรอกเบอร์โทรศัพท์ และอีเมล ์ที่ติดต่อได้ หากไม่สามารถตดิต่อท่านได้ จะถือว่าสละสิทธิ ์**กรุณายื่นใบสมัครเข้าร่วมโครงการนิสิตแลกเปลี่ยนฯ ฉบบัน้ีพร้อมกับเอกสารประกอบการสมัครอ่ืนๆ ดังที่มหาวทิยาลัยคู่สญัญาระบุไว้ หากเอกสารประกอบการสมัครใดๆ ไม่ครบถ้วนจะไม่ได้รบัการพิจารณา


August,1, 2016

To whom it may concern,

Kim Kwangnam

Director of International Student Center,

Ibaraki University

Call for Applications to Ibaraki University Exchange Program for 2017

We are pleased to announce that Ibaraki University is inviting applications for Ibaraki

University Exchange Program for 2016. We are accepting a few full-time undergraduate

and/or graduate students from your institution under the student exchange agreement

between Ibaraki University and your institution.

If there are any students at your university who are interested in studying at Ibaraki

University, please recommend them to apply to the program. The completed application

form with other necessary documents indicated at 6 (1) below must be arrived by the

due date indicated in 6 (2).

The details are as follows:

1. Number of students to be accepted

Not to exceed the number specified in the agreement

(Adjustments will be made considering the number of students who are already

accepted by Ibaraki University.)

2. Eligibility

Applicants must be full-time undergraduate/graduate students at your institution.

(1) Students who demonstrate academic excellence and personal integrity

(2) Students who do not intend to seek a degree at Ibaraki University

(3) Students who have a definite purpose and plan of study abroad and are expected

to obtain benefits through studying in Japan

(4) Students who, while studying at Ibaraki University, continue to be registered as


a full-time student at your university and return to your university to continue

their studies or to graduate from your university, as soon as they complete the

period of studying at Ibaraki University.

3. Period of stay

One academic year or less

※1st semester: 1st week of April to the middle of August

2nd semester: 4th week of September to 4th week of February

4. Status of student

Accepted students will have the status of a Special Auditor

5. Students’ arrival date in Japan

Students must arrive in Japan at the beginning of April, 2017 or at the 4th week of

September, 2017

6. Recommendation of applicants

Please fill in "Recommendation of the Applicants" (Form 1) and submit it to the

Student Exchange Section, Ibaraki University, along with the following documents as

listed in (1) by the due date.

・Please do not recommend more applicants than specified by the agreement.

・All the documents must be written in either Japanese or English. Any document

in a language other than Japanese or English must be accompanied by a

translation into Japanese or English.

・All documents must be completely filled in, with block letters.

・Incomplete or overdue documents cannot be processed.

・All the document submitted will not be returned.

・During the process, additional documents may be required other than those

indicated below.

・We will not accept applications sent directly from applicants. We will not answer

the questions directly asked by the applicants.

(1) Application documents

1 "Application Form for the Exchange Program" (Form 2) - 1 copy

2 "Certificate of Enrollment of the Applicant for the Exchange Program" (Form 3)


-1 copy

3 "Study plan in Japan" (Form 4) -1 copy

4 Certificate of Academic Record -1 copy

5 Photocopy of Passport -1 copy (if available)

6 Photograph 3×4cm / 1.2 ×1.5 inch - 3 copies

※Please look at page 11 for reference

7 Certificate of Physical Examination -1 copy※

8 Application for Certificate of Eligibility -1 copy※

9 Bank statement, certifying that the applicant has funds of approximately 700,000

yen or more -1 copy

If the applicant’s financial sponsor is paying all the expenses and the bank

statement is in the sponsor’s name, the sponsor must certify in writing that

he/she will pay for all the applicant’s expenses while the applicant is studying

at Ibaraki University.

※As for 7 and 8, use the designated forms.

(2) Deadline

Period①(For those who wish to study in Japan from April, 2017 to

August, 2017)・・・・・・September 30, 2016

Period ② (For those who wish to study in Japan from April, 2017 to

February,2018)・・・・・・September 30, 2016

Period③(For those who wish to study in Japan from 4th week of September, 2017

to February,2018)・・・・・・February 28, 2017

Period④(For those who wish to study in Japan from 4th week of September, 2017

to August,2018)・・・・・・February 28, 2017

7. Ibaraki University International Exchange Project Scholarship

The applicant must be a student from partner institutions under the student

exchange agreement with Ibaraki University. After examining submitted documents,

the recipient of the scholarship will be announced. As special measures, the

scholarship may be received preferentially by a student from a partner institution

with the imbalance in the number of accepted students.

Students who are receiving scholarships (except for loans) more than 50,000 JPY per

month, however, are not eligible for this scholarship. We will later notify partner

universities of the possibility that this scholarship can be granted to their students.

Monthly stipend : ¥40,000 (up to 10 months) ※This is Only for Period ③


8. Tuition fees etc.

Fees are quoted based on the exchange agreement.

If the agreement includes the tuition waiver, the examination fee, the enrollment fee

and the tuition will be exempted.

If the agreement does not include the tuition waiver, students must pay the following

tuition fee.

Fees for official examination Enrollment fee Tuition fee

Special Auditor ¥14,800(per unit)

Students are required to enroll in a minimum of seven 90-minute classes per week.

9. Living expenses

Average living expenses for international students at Ibaraki University are within

the range of ¥50,000 to ¥100,000 per month. (The exact amount of the expenses

varies depending on one’s choice of housing, etc.)

10. Health insurance

Exchange students must subscribe to the “National Health Insurance”. It costs about

2,000 yen per month. Upon joining the National Health Insurance System, a National

Health Insurance Certificate will be issued. If s/he shows this to a medical institution

at the time of receiving medical treatment, s/he will need to pay only 30% of the

incurred medical cost.

Additionally, they are required to purchase the “Personal Accident Insurance for

Students Pursuing Education and Research (PAISPER). However, the range of

activities covered under PAISPER is limited. Therefore, we recommend that exchange

students buy an insurance for study abroad with a broader coverage.

See in detail “Personal Accident Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and

Research”: http://jees.or.jp/gakkensai/index.htm

11. Housing

Exchange students are given priority for living in a university dormitory. In the

unlikely event that no room is available, applicants will need to rent a private

apartment near the campus (monthly rents are mostly within the range of ¥30,000

to ¥35,000).


12. Notification of the results of applications

The applicants who wish to arrive in Japan in April will receive the results of the

final selection by Ibaraki University between the middle of February and the

beginning of March. Those who wish to arrive in Japan in October will receive the

results in the end of August. Please note that, in some cases, Ibaraki University may

not be able to accept all of the applicants.

13. Student visa

Once their eligibilities have been confirmed, we will send you letters of acceptance

and the document issued by the Japanese Immigration, called a “Certificate of

Eligibility,” both of which are needed to apply for a student visa.

A Guide to Japanese Visas (The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan)

Japanese : http://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/toko/visa/index.html

English : http://www.mofa.go.jp/j_info/visit/visa/index.html

14. Inquiries

If you have any questions, please contact us either by email or fax, either in Japanese

or English. Please put “your university name – Ibaraki Exchange” on the title line in

your email/fax.

* We will not accept applications sent directly from applicants. We will not answer the

questions directly asked by the applicants.

Mr. Hiroshi Yasuda

Student Exchange Division, Ibaraki University

2-1-1 Bunkyo, Mito, Ibaraki-ken 310-8512, Japan

Telephone : +81-29-228-8056 Fax : +81-29-228-8594

E-mail :hiroshi.yasuda.hr@vc.ibaraki.ac.jp



(unit : millimeter)

1. The photograph of only an applicant

2. The size of the photograph is fixed as above. The size of head is from top of the

head(include hair) to chin

3. Turn to the front with bareheaded

4. No background or shadow

5. A clear photograph

6. Has to be taken within three months

Please write your nationality, name, and the date of your birth.

Useful information

Ibaraki University


International Student Center


JASSO “Student Guide to Japan”

(独)日本学生支援機構 「日本留学ガイドブック」



茨 城 大 学 長 殿

To:President of Ibaraki University

19 年Y 月M 日D □ 男 M □ 女 F


応募時 学部/研究科


在籍年次 School year □ 学部 年次Y □ 修士 年次Y □ 博士 年次Y

受入期間 □ 1st semester : From Apr. 2017 to Aug. 2017

□ 1st semester and 2nd semester : From Apr. 2017 to Feb. 2018

□ 2nd semester : From 4th week of Sept. 2017 to Feb 2018

□ 2nd and 1st semester : From 4th week of Sept. 2017 to Aug. 20


プログラム □ ProgramⅠ: Ibaraki Japanese Language and Culture Program

Program □ Program Ⅱ: General Exchange Program□ Program Ⅲ: Two Step Program

語学力    英語能力  English Proficiency

Language Ability 英語の能力について、いずれかを選んでください。Choose one from the list.

□□□ basic communication skills None

□  学習歴 □ □ Have you studied Japanese before?




(様式2) Form 2

. ~

機関 Institution 期間 period 教科書 textbook

. ~

. ~

. ~

Test Score: TOEFL ( ) TOEIC ( ) Other__________________ ( )

日本語能力 Japanese Language Proficiency

日本語能力試験(Japanese Language Proficiency Test) (N )

有 (Yes) 無 (No) □独学 (Self Study)

native speaker □ near nativehighly proficient □ good command

Period ①

Intended period of Period ②

study in Japan Period ③

Period ④

Course/MajorUndergrad Master Doctor

所在国名 CountryHome institution


ミドルネーム(イニシャル) Middle initial(s) 国籍 Nationality

氏名(漢字)Name in Kanji or Chinese characters

生年月日 Date of birth 性別 Gender


学生交流協定に基づく留学申請書Application Form for Ibaraki University Exchange Program

氏名(アルファベット) 姓 Family name

Name in alphabet 名 Given name

Choose one of the following programs. Find the detailed information of each of the following programs on page 3.

College/Graduate Schoo


Choose and fill in the College/Graduate School as well as the Department/Major


I hereby certify the above information is complete and accurate, and apply for the exchange program.

氏名 記入年月日Name: Date: 年Y 月M 日D署名

現住所Present Address :

Tel : Fax :



住所Present Address :

Tel : Fax :


Signature of applicant:


大学院Graduate school

学校名Name of school         ~所在地Address



Higher education(College, University)

学校名Name of school         ~所在地Address

学校名Name of school         ~


Secondary education

(Junior high, High School)

学校名Name of school         ~所在地Address

学校名Name of school         ~所在地Address

学校名Name of school

学歴 Educational background 期間 period

Emergency contact Relationship

家族氏名Family member




住所等連絡先Contact information (tel. E-mail, Adress etc.)

緊急連絡先 続柄

Term: One year (Students can start either semester)Eligibility and Language Requirement:・Students from Ibaraki University’s partner institutions・Students must have at least N3 level of Japanese language proficiency (Undergraduate)Outline:This year-long program caters to those who wish to study both the language and culture program and the general exchange program. In the first semester of this program, you can concentrate on improving Japanese language skills. In the second semester, you can be enrolled in a wide range of academic subjects offered by Ibaraki University.

Outline:Students are enrolled in one of the colleges or graduate schools at Ibaraki University. Almost all undergraduate classes are conducted in Japanese, high proficiency in Japanese language is required. However, if they wish to pursue their research in graduate level, students can be instructed in English with student advisor’s permission.

■Program Ⅲ: Two Step ProgramLocation: Mito Campus (College of Humanities, Science, Education)        Hitachi Campus (College of Engineering)        Ami Campus (College of Agriculture)

        Ami Campus (College of Agriculture)Term: ① First Semester: April-August     ② Second Semester: October-February     ③ One year (Students can start either semester)Eligibility and Language Requirement:・Students from Ibaraki University’s partner institutions・Students must have N2 level of Japanese language proficiency (Undergraduate)

・Students from Ibaraki University’s partner institutions・Students who wish to attend a beginner's course are required to have English communication skills.


This program aims to provide students with an opportunity to learn and improve the Japanese language and to deepen their understanding of Japanese culture and society. Students take Japanese language classes, and Japan-related classes taught in English. Intermediate-advanced students can also take college classes taught in Japanese. A wide range of cultural and educational activities are also provided during the semester.*Please note that we do not offer credits for Japanese Language and Culture Programs. Please discuss with your home university staff whether credits can be granted regarding classes for Japanese Language and Culture Program that you are going to take.

■Program Ⅱ: General Exchange ProgramLocation: Mito Campus (College of Humanities, Science, Education)        Hitachi Campus (College of Engineering)

■ProgramⅠ: Ibaraki Japanese Language and Culture ProgramLocation: Mito CampusTerm: ① First Semester: April-August     ② Second Semester: 4th week of September-February     ③ One year (Students can start either semester)

Eligibility and Language Requirement:

*Beginner's classes are offered only in the second semester starting from 4th week of September. Other classes (high-beginner's to advanced) are offered in both the first and second semesters.

■ProgramⅠ: Ibaraki Japanese Language and Culture Program場所: 水戸キャンパス期間: ①前学期: 4月~8月 ②後学期: 9月第4週~2月 ③1年(いずれの学期からでも開始可能)



・協定校からの留学生であること。  ・初級・初中級履修希望者は英語でのコミュニケーション能力を有すること。

概要:本プログラムでは、日本語能力の向上をはかるとともに日本の社会や文化への理解を深める。集中日本語コースと英語で開講される日本関連科目を履修する。中級~上級の学生は日本語で開講される専門科目も履修できる。また、様々な文化・教育活動にも参加できる。*Ibaraki Japanese Language and Culture Programの授業は茨城大学として単位を出していない。所属校で単位が認定できるか確認すること。

■Program Ⅱ: General Exchange Program場所: 水戸キャンパス(人文、教育、理学部) 日立キャンパス(工学部)

履修条件及び日本語力:・協定校からの留学生であること。  ・日本語能力試験N3以上の日本語能力を有すること。

概要:本プログラムは、1年間でIbaraki Japanese Language and Culture ProgramとGeneral Exchange Programの両方を受講するプログラムである。最初の学期は日本語を集中して学び、次の学期で専門科目を履修する。



■Program Ⅲ: Two Step Program場所: 水戸キャンパス(人文、教育、理学部) 日立キャンパス(工学部)

期間: 1年(いずれの学期からでも開始可能) 阿見キャンパス(農学部)

     阿見キャンパス(農学部)期間: ①前学期: 4月~8月 ②後学期: 9月第4週~2月


茨城大学長殿To:President of Ibaraki University

    下記の学生交流協定に基づく短期留学申請者は、ここに記載のとおり、本学に在籍   していることを証明します。 This is certify the following person who is applying for the exchanging program is registered as a regular student at our institution in the following capacity.


Name of institution


Faculty/ school

学年*1 □ 学部(Undergraduate) 学年

Year of study*1 □ 修士(Master's) Year of study

□ 博士(Doctorate)

卒業/修了予定年月*2 年Year 月Month

Expected date of


取得予定学位 □ 専攻  Major

Degree to be awarded □ 修士(Master's degree)

□ 博士(Doctor degree)


Host institution in Japan

提出年月日 年 月 日

Date year Month Day




*1 申請時の学年を記入してください。*1 Please fill in the school year at the time of application.*2  日本に短期留学した場合の卒業/修了年月日を記入してください。*2  Expected date of completion /graduation should include the period of study in Japan.

注:申請時の在籍大学の責任者が記入してください。Note:The authorized person of the applicant's home institution should fill out this form.

Certificate of Enrollment of the Applicant for the Exchange Program

(様式3) Form 3

Ibaraki university

学部(Bachelor's degree)



Name of applicant


国名Country大学名Name of University申請者氏名

Name of Applicant

Please write a purpose for the short-term stay and plan for study or research in Japan in detail.


Study plan in Japan日本での学習・研究計画書


(様式4) Form 4

茨城大学外国人留学生健康診断書 (特別聴講学生用)

ファミリー(Family) ファースト(First) ミドル(Middle)


現住所 address: 〒zip-code




生年月日 年 月 日(満 歳)


視 力 右 . ( . ) 左 . ( . )

聴 力 右 左

色 覚 □正常 □異常( )

運動機能 障 害

□正常 □異常( )

撮影方法method of photographing

□間接 indirectly □直接 directly


平成 年 月 日撮影

所見□無 Opinion□有 (□treatment/□observation is necessary)


入学後の健康管理上注意すべき疾病の有無とその内容 Express existence or nonexistence and detail of any noteworthy illness on the view of health care in the university.




I attest above contents based on the results of diagnostics. 平成 年 月 日

住所(所在地) 医療機関名 医師の氏名 ㊞

【記入上の注意】 1)視力に異常がある場合は、必ず矯正視力を記入してください。 2)その他各欄は必ず記入し、所見のない場合でも空欄とせず、なし、斜線等を記入し、記載漏れ


【NOTES】 1) If eyesight is not normal, be sure to fill out the corrected eyesight. 2) Please don’t leave columns in blank. In order to prevent accidental skip, please fill any word,

e.g. none.

Health Certificate of an International Student for Ibaraki University (for special auditor)

mother tongue




Japanese in katakana



date of birth Y M D ( years old)








color discrimination




abnormal dyskinesia


y d



photograph number

date of photographing








l men


past illn

ess presen

t illness


name of the institute or hospital

name of the doctor and signature or seal

date Y M D



経費支弁書 Letter of Financial Support

入国管理局長 殿 To: Director of Immigration Bureau

国籍 Nationality 氏名 生年月日 年 月 日 (男・女) Name Date of birth Year Month Day (Male/Female)

私は、このたび上記のものが日本国に在 留 中 入国した場合の経費支弁者になりましたので、下記のとおり経費

支弁の引き受け経緯を説明するとともに経費支弁について証明します。 I have become a financial supporter of the above applicant during his/her stay in Japan and therefore I would like to explain the reason for support and make the following statement:

1. 経費支弁の引受け経緯(申請者の経費支弁を引受けた経緯及び申請者との関係について具体的

に記載してください。 Reason for support (Explain the circumstance and the relationship between yourself and the applicant in detail. Also please state that you will be responsible for the financial need)

2. 経費支弁内容

Content of financial support

私 は、上記の者の日本国滞在について、下記のとおり経費支弁することを証明します。

I hereby prove that I will support the above applicant during his/her stay in Japan. (1) 学費 毎月・半年ごと・年間 円

Tuition Monthly/Semi-annually/Annually JPY (2) 生活費 月額 円

Living expenses Monthly amount JPY

(3) 支弁方法 (送金・振込み等支弁方法を具体的に書いてください。) Method of support (Explain method of remittance, transfer, etc.)

年 月 日 Year Month Day 経費支弁者 Supporter: 住所 〒 Address Tel E-mail 氏名(署名) ㊞ Name (Signature) 学生との関係 Relationship to the applicant

別記第六号の三様式(第六条の二関係)申請人等作成用 1 日本国政府法務省

For applicant, part 1 Ministry of Justice, Government of Japan

入国管理局長  殿Regional Immigration Bureau


1 国 籍・地 域 2 生年月日Nationality/Region Date of birth

Family name Given name3 氏 名

Name 4 性 別 ・ 5 出生地 6 配偶者の有無 ・

Sex / Place of birth Marital status /7 職 業 8 本国における居住地

Occupation Home town/city9 日本における連絡先

Address in Japan電話番号 携帯電話番号Telephone No. Cellular phone No.

10 旅券 (1)番 号 (2)有効期限 日 Passport Number Date of expiration Day

11 入国目的 (次のいずれか該当するものを選んでください。) Purpose of entry: check one of the followings□ I 「教授」 □ I 「教育」 □ J 「芸術」 □ J「文化活動」 □ K 「宗教」 □ L「報道」

"Professor" "Instructor" "Artist" "Cultural Activities" "Religious Activities" "Journalist"□ L 「企業内転勤」 □ M 「経営・管理」 □ L 「研究(転勤)」

"Intra-company Transferee" "Business Manager” "Researcher (Transferee)"□ N 「研究」 □ N 「技術・人文知識・国際業務」 □ N 「技能」

"Researcher" "Engineer / Specialist in Humanities / International Services" "Skilled Labor"□ N「特定活動(研究活動等)」 □ O 「興行」 ■ P 「留学」 □ Q 「研修」 □ Y 「技能実習(1号)」

"Entertainer" "Student" "Trainee"□ R 「家族滞在」 □ R 「特定活動(研究活動等家族)」 □ R「特定活動(EPA家族)」

"Dependent"□ T 「日本人の配偶者等」 □ T「永住者の配偶者等」 □ T「定住者」

"Spouse or Child of Japanese National" "Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident" "Long Term Resident"□ 「高度専門職(1号イ)」 □ 「高度専門職(1号ロ)」 □ 「高度専門職(1号ハ)」 □ U 「その他」

"Highly Skilled Professional(i)(a)" "Highly Skilled Professional(i)(b)" "Highly Skilled Professional(i)(c)" Others12 入国予定年月日 日 13 上陸予定港

Date of entry Day Port of entry14 滞在予定期間 15 同伴者の有無 有 ・ 無

Intended length of stay Accompanying persons, if any Yes / No16 査証申請予定地

Intended place to apply for visa17 過去の出入国歴 有 ・ 無

Past entry into / departure from Japan Yes / No(上記で『有』を選択した場合) (Fill in the followings when the answer is "Yes") 回数 回 直近の出入国歴 日 日

time(s) The latest entry from Day to Day18 犯罪を理由とする処分を受けたことの有無 (日本国外におけるものを含む。) Criminal record (in Japan / overseas)

有 (具体的内容 ) ・ 無Yes ( Detail: ) / No

19 退去強制又は出国命令による出国の有無 有 ・ 無 Departure by deportation /departure order Yes / No

(上記で『有』を選択した場合) 回数 回 直近の送還歴 日 (Fill in the followings when the answer is "Yes") time(s) The latest departure by deportation Day

20 在日親族(父・母・配偶者・子・兄弟姉妹など)及び同居者 Family in Japan (Father, Mother, Spouse, Son, Daughter, Brother, Sister or others) or co-residents

(注) 裏面参照の上,申請に必要な書類を作成して下さい。 Note : Please fill in forms required for application. (See notes on reverse side.)


東京 To the Director General of

 出入国管理及び難民認定法第7条の2の規定に基づき,次のとおり同法第7条第1項第2号に掲げる条件に適合している旨の証明書の交付を申請します。Pursuant to the provisions of Article 7-2 of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act, I hereby apply forthe certificate showing eligibility for the conditions provided for in 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 of the said Act.

年 月 日Year Month Day

FAMILY NAME, Given name

男 女 有 無


Male Female Married Single

茨城県水戸市文京2-1-1 茨城大学学務部留学交流課


年 月

Fill if any.年 月


"Designated Activities ( Researcher or IT engineer of a designated org)" "Technical Intern Training ( i )"

"Designated Activities (Dependent of Researcher or IT engineer of a designated org)" "Designated Activities(Dependent of EPA)"

Year Month年

Year Month Year Month

Explain if "Yes".

から 年

年 月Year Month

Special Permanent Resident Certificate number

続 柄 氏 名 生年月日 国 籍・地 域 同居予定 勤務先・通学先



Relationship Name Date of birth Nationality/Region Intended to residewith applicant or not Place of employment/school Residence card number

Yes / No

Fill if any.はい・いいえ

Yes / Noはい・いいえ

Yes / No


20については,記載欄が不足する場合は別紙に記入して添付すること。 なお,「研修」,「技能実習」に係る申請の場合は記載不要です。Regarding item 20, if there is not enough space in the given columns to write in all of your family in Japan, fill in and attach a separate sheet. In addition, take note that you are not required to fill in item 20 for applications pertaining to “Trainee” / “Technical Intern Training”.

Yes / Noはい・いいえ

写 真



: Circle around appropriate terms.

○ Please fill the yellow columns and put the yellow circles on the appropriate terms.

申請人等作成用 2  P (「留学」) 在留資格認定証明書用

For applicant, part 2 P ("Student") For certificate of eligibility

21 通学先 Place of study(1)名 称

Name of school(2)所在地 (3)電話番号

Address Telephone No.22 修学年数 (小学校~最終学歴) 年

Total period of education (from elementary school to last institution of education) Years23 最終学歴 (又は在学中の学校) Education (last school or institution) or present school

(1)在籍状況 □ 卒業 ■ 在学中 □ 休学中 □ 中退Registered enrollment Graduated In school Temporary absence Withdrawal□ 大学院 (博士) □ 大学院 (修士) ■ 大学 □ 短期大学 □ 専門学校

Doctor Master Bachelor Junior college College of technology□ 高等学校 □ 中学校 □ 小学校 □ その他 ( )

Senior high school Junior high school Elementary school Others(2)学校名 年

Name of the school Year

24 日本語能力 (専修学校又は各種学校において日本語教育以外の教育を受ける場合に記入)

□ 試験による証明 Proof based on a Japanese language test(1)試験名 Name of the test (2)級又は点数 Attained level or score

□ 日本語教育を受けた教育機関及び期間 Organization and period to have received Japanese language education機関名Organization期間: までPeriod from

□ その他Others

25 日本語学習歴 (高等学校において教育を受ける場合に記入) Japanese education history (Fill in the followings when the applicant plans to study in high school) 日本語の教育又は日本語による教育を受けた教育機関及び期間 Organization and period to have received Japanese language education / received education by Japanese language

機関名Organization 期間: までPeriod from

26 滞在費の支弁方法等 Method of support to pay for expenses while in Japan(1)支弁方法及び月平均支弁額 Method of support and an amount of support per month (average)□ 本人負担 円 ■ 在外経費支弁者負担 円

Self Yen Supporter living abroad Yen□ 在日経費支弁者負担 円 □ 奨学金 円

Supporter in Japan Yen Scholarship Yen□ その他 円

Others Yen(2)送金・携行等の別 Remittances from abroad or carrying cash■ 外国からの携行 円 ■ 外国からの送金 円

Carrying from abroad Yen Remittances from abroad Yen(携行者 携行時期 ) □ その他 円 Name of the individual Date and time of Others Yen carrying cash carrying cash

(3)経費支弁者 Supporter①氏 名

Name②住 所 電話番号

Address Telephone No.③職業 (勤務先の名称) 電話番号

Occupation (place of employment) Telephone No.④年 収 円

Annual income Yen

月Year Month to Year Month年 月 から 年

年 月Year Month to Year Month年 月 から

Japanese language ability (Fill in the followings when the applicant plans to study at advanced vocational school or vocational school (except Japanese language))



茨城県水戸市文京2-1-1 029-228-8056

(3)卒業又は卒業見込み年月Date of graduation or expected graduation

: Select appropriate status.

: Select appropriate term then fill the amount.

申請人等作成用 3  P (「留学」) 在留資格認定証明書用

For applicant, part 3 P ("Student") For certificate of eligibility

(4)申請人との関係 (上記(1)で在外経費支弁者負担又は在日経費支弁者負担を選択した場合に記入)

Relationship with the applicant (Check one of the followings when your answer to the question 26(1) is supporter living abroad or Japan)

□ 夫 □ 妻 ■ 父 □ 母 □ 祖父 □ 祖母 □ 養父 □ 養母Husband Wife Father Mother Grandfather Grandmother Foster father Foster mother

□ 兄弟姉妹 □ 叔父 (伯父)・叔母(伯母) □ 受入教育機関 □ 友人・知人Brother / Sister Uncle / Aunt Educational institution Friend / Acquaintance

□ 友人・知人の親族 □ 取引関係者・現地企業等職員Relative of friend / acquaintance Business connection / Personnel of local enterprise

□ 取引関係者・現地企業等職員の親族 □ その他 ( )Relative of business connection / personnel of local enterprise Others

(5)奨学金支給機関 (上記(1)で奨学金を選択した場合に記入)Organization which provide scholarship (Check one of the following when the answer to the question 26(1) is scholarship)

□ 外国政府 □ 日本国政府 □ 地方公共団体Foreign government Japanese government Local government

□ ) □ その他 ( )Others

27 卒業後の予定 Plans after graduation■ 帰 国 □ 日本での進学

Return to home country Enter school of higher education in Japan□ 日本での就職 □ その他 ( )

Find work in Japan Others28 本邦における申請人の監護人(通学先が中学校又は小学校の場合に記入)

Actual guardian in Japan ( Fill in the following if the applicant is to study at a junior high school or elementary school )(1)氏 名 (2)本人との関係

Name Relationship with the applicant(3)住 所

Address電話番号 携帯電話番号Telephone No. Cellular Phone No.

29 申請人,法定代理人,法第7条の2第2項に規定する代理人 Applicant, legal representative or the authorized representative, prescribed in Paragraph 2 of Article 7-2.(1)氏 名 (2)本人との関係

Name Relationship with the applicant(3)住 所

Address電話番号 携帯電話番号Telephone No. Cellular Phone No.

I hereby declare that the statement given above is true and correct. 申請人(代理人)の署名/申請書作成年月日 Signature of the applicant (representative) / Date of filling in this form

年 月 日

Year Month Day

※ 取次者 Agent or other authorized person(1)氏 名 (2)住 所

Name Address(3)所属機関等 Organization to which the agent belongs 電話番号 Telephone No.

Attention In cases where descriptions have changed after filling in this application form up until submission of this application, the applicant (representative) must correct the part concerned and sign their name.

茨城県水戸市文京2-1-1 茨城大学学務部留学交流課



注意 申請書作成後申請までに記載内容に変更が生じた場合,申請人(代理人)が変更箇所を訂正し,署名すること。


公益社団法人又は公益財団法人 (Public interest incorporated association /Public interest incorporated foundation

: Select appropriate term.