Os primeiros passos com Xamarin.Forms - TheDevConf

Post on 13-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Os primeiros passos com Xamarin.Forms - TheDevConf

Presentation Guidelines


Xamarin.FormsDesenvolva UIs nativas para iOS, Android e Windowscom cdigo C# nico e compartilhado

Rafael MouraXamarin MVPXamarin Certified Mobile Developer

Technical Coordinator at Fidelity MobileTeam Leader at StudyxnetRepresentant of .NET CODERS MGWHO I AM?

Why Xamarin?

Porque Xamarin?

C# Code

Objective-C x C# with Xamarin

C# Code

C# funciona em mais de 2.6 bilhes de dispositivos

PCL (Portable Class Library) & SH (Shared Projects)

Visual Studio&Xamarin Studio

Mobile DevOps Lifecycle

Open Source open.xamarin.com

Open SourceXamarin.iOSXamarin.MacXamarin.AndroidXamarin.FormsBindings & Plugins

Remote Visual Studio iOS SimulatorMulti-TouchPressure SensitiveRpidoRotao, Screenshots, GPSSempre no VS

Remote Visual Studio iOS USB

Plug your iOS device into your PC USB port is automatically remoted to your Mac.Never leave your PC

O Xamarin.Forms

iOS C# UI Windows C# UIAndroid C# UI

Shared C# Backend

Shared UI CodeShared C# BackendTraditional Xamarin ApproachXamarin Forms

O que temos? 40+ Pages, layouts, e controls Two-way data binding Navegao API de animaes Dependency Service Messaging Center




Use Views customizadasNativasUse APIs nativasFcil de migrar para Xamarin Tradional

XAML Previewer





Native Embedding

Easily embed any native control into a Xamarin.Forms layout.

Native Embedding

Just add it as child to a layout.Exposed as an Extension Method.

Mobile DevOps Lifecycle

This rounds out themobile DevOps lifecycle from start to finish.

TDC 2016 APPhttps://github.com/Studyxnet/TDC16Xamarin.Forms90-99% cdigo compartilhadoFeatures Nativas

Azure Mobile App BackendTons of Native Features: Calendar, Barcode, Wi-Fi config, maps, and moreUrl Navigation with new Forms featuresBeautiful & Open Source

- evolve.xamarin.com

ResourcesDocumentao oficial do Xamarin.Formshttps://developer.xamarin.com/guides/xamarin-forms/

Xamarin.Forms by Charles Petzoldhttp://bit.ly/xamarin-forms-book

Git da Comunidade STXNET https://github.com/studyxnet/

