New APPRESENTATION · 2018. 7....

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Transcript of New APPRESENTATION · 2018. 7....




Queridas(os) delegadinhas e delegadinhos,

Olhaaaa ela chegando novamenteee: a Mini SOI! Mais esperada que o aniversário de

18 anos, que a carteira de motorista, que feriado em meio de semana, WhatsApp do

contatinho ou a curtida na foto pelo crush.

Pedimos licença para trazermos verdades e derrubarmos forninhos. Se segura!

Como já virou tradição, resolvemos apresentar para vocês todas(os) as(os)

diretoras(es)que compõem a Mini SOI, e não somente os do seu comitê. Além disso, não

poderíamos deixar de falar dos(as) tutores(as), como também de alguns mitos que fazem parte

da nossa história. Com o passar dos anos, a Mini SOI se tornou uma família e, como em

qualquer família, temos nossas diferenças e características, mas que são fundamentais para

tornar o projeto tão singular. Cada uma dessas pessoas que serão apresentadas trabalhou com

toda dedicação e carinho para construir esse projeto. Então, caras(os) delegadinhas(os),

apresentamos a vocês a família Mini SOI 2018:

Para começar uma carta de apresentações, ninguém melhor do que Ângelo Menezes,

dono e proprietário da Janelinha Mágica® (inclusive, tatuada no seu corpo para 2018). O

diretor dos balõezinhos vermelhos transforma a Mini SOI, a cada ano (e botem anos nisso),

em um projeto leve e cheio de amor. O Pofexô, como é carinhosamente chamado por todos

nós, não só é mestre em Direito Constitucional, doutorando e Professor da UFRN, como

também especialista em transporte de alta velocidade, tendo em vista que, no intervalo de 30

minutos, deslocou-se das ladeiras de Olinda para o Atacadão da BR-101 em Natal (ou, pelo

menos, insistiu nesta versão dos fatos). Sempre preocupado com a efetivação dos direitos

fundamentais de amar e sonhar, o passar dos anos - para além de levar consigo boa parte dos

cabelos do Vovô da Mini SOI - foi crucial para que ele desenvolvesse a técnica do

melhor cheesecake da região.

Em seguida nosso vice-secretário geral: Antonio Gurgel – vulgo Tonhão, Tontz ou

Tonton. Não é por que está no secretariado que esse querido perdeu as raízes, ele continua

cantando seus hits polêmicos pelos quatro cantos. Por falar em Quatro Cantos, dizem que no

carnaval de Olinda ele estava fantasiado de Hulk, mostrando todo o poder da sua dança (sdds

Oudri Kanda Larrai) e dos seus cachos. E se você quer um super-herói @, então ele é a pessoa

certa, pois Tontz tem o grande poder de estar presente em vários lugares ao mesmo tempo,

resolver todo tipo de problema e fazer tudo com muita competência. Além disso, o seu super

trunfo é a risada escandalosa – que faz com que você se greie instantaneamente – assim como

o super latido, o qual é capaz de fazer você se mijar de rir #cuidado. E se você acha que

Antonio tinha como meta de vida o secretariado, você está muito enganado, por vários anos

ele sonhou com o #DireFashion, mas o prêmio não veio. Esses golpes o traumatizaram, mas a

mensagem que fica é que “quem acredita sempre alcança”, e como ele gosta de dizer “vdc”.

Apresentaremos agora o Comitê que veio com uma única missão: a de questionar "que

tiro foi esse?". Ele mesmo, o CDSI:

E para começar a responder, viemos apresentar a tutora braba desta pequena família,

Bárbara Bruna ou Babi (apenas para os que dizem ser amigos dela). Formada em Gestão de

Políticas Públicas, nossa amada tutora é um exemplo de determinação, atenção e dedicação


para todos, além de ser muito organizada e ter garantido a casa da Mini SOI em Olinda. “Se

for pra cima dela, melhor sair por baixo” é seu lema, pois apesar de gostar dos minions e ter

uma carinha de super fofinha, não tem medo de dar um sermão bem dado quando necessário.

Mesmo com uma vida de mestranda na UFRN, Babi é #GenteComoAGente e se diverte

bastante assistindo a todos os Reality Shows disponíveis na Televisão Brasileira, sempre

arranjando um tempo para comentar e torcer pelos participantes no seu twitter


Pra não dizer que não falei das flores, agora é a vez de Bia Tulipa, também conhecida

como Bia Azevedo. Trabalhadíssima no Black&White, reza a lenda que se você abrir o guarda

roupa dela só tem preto com uns poucos pontinhos brancos. Nossa Woman in Black é também

fechada com a militância - liberalismo e o patriarcado são com certeza as coisas que mais a

irritam no mundo. Inclusive, prestem atenção nas expressões faciais da nossa florzinha:

garantimos que vai valer a pena. Por outro lado, se quiserem ver essa tulipa desabrochar, aqui

vai o segredo: coloque um copinho de shot com qualquer coisa dentro na frente dessa flor que

o jardim chega brilha. Nossa frô é também cantora, mas vocês só vão vê-la cantando de

madrugada nos vídeos que ela posta no Instagram e apaga um minuto depois. Por fim, a

receita pra conquistar o coração dessa garota é inteligência, uma carinha de heterotop e uma

musiquinha de Chico Buarque.

A próxima Diretora a ser apresentada é... mais uma Bia! Estreando em seu primeiro

ano de Mini SOI, Bia Soares, é um exemplo de organização e pontualidade da SOIzinha,

conseguindo cativar todos a sua volta com bastante calma e sensibilidade. Não é de falar

muito, mas se ela falar (#atenção) é porque é uma coisa muito importante. Conhecida por sua

extrema dificuldade em resumir e sintetizar (que a fez, inclusive, reduzir as margens da

página para “diminuir o guia” #fraude), Bia também tem uma técnica infalível para entender

um texto, caros delegados: ler em silêncio. Nossa querida diretora pode ser facilmente

encontrada em restaurantes, sobretudo de Sushi, ou no drive do MC Donalds, mas não se

engane, essa é a líder do time Fit do comitê e tem uma alimentação mega saudável.

Descendente da Realeza britânica, nossa dear diretora ama tudo que vem do Reino Unido,

sendo, inclusive sua mãe uma grande incentivadora do projeto.

Clara Rocha, mais conhecida nas ladeiras de Olinda como Clarroxa (e as pilastras do

paçoca de pilão que o digam...), dá o que falar com suas fantasias super elaboradas para os

carnavais, tendo sido a mais icônica delas a fantasia de uva. Nossa Rainha dos Memes adora

gerar uma grea e criar paródias, dizem as más línguas que um dia Clara bebeu tanto suco

gummy que deixou as veias roxas! Sim, isso mesmo. A nossa querida diretora depois da

Calourada foi bater direito na Urgência de Pirangi preocupada com a saúde de seu corpo

(alow dr. Diego). Quando bebe muito, Clarroxa fica bastante emotiva não parando de chorar,

mas é só passar um pozinho na cara e falar “levanta a cabeça, princesa, se não a coroa cai”

que ela está pronta para outra. Muito gentil e prestativa, Clarinha com certeza é aquela pessoa

que você deseja manter sempre por perto... mas devemos logo avisar que ela só toma banho se


E chegamos a ele, o bendito fruto do comitê: Luís Felipe. Estreante na Mini SOI, esse

querido diretor é um viajante nato, sendo sempre possível vê-lo pelo mundo afora. Nessas

viagens, ele aproveita para repor a sua extensa coleção de... agendas. Luís tem atualmente três


agendas, e não, não é pra organizar seus contatinhos, pois seu coração já tem dona. Além

disso, vale ressaltar que ele criava abelhas (sim, juramos), tendo como mantra "quando o mel

é bom a abelha sempre volta". Nos seus tempos áureos como delegado da Mini SOI, Luís

adorava tumultuar e cantar hits de bandas nacionais muito conhecidas (eu falei faraó, êeeh

faraó), mas hoje espera que nenhum delegadinho o copie (ok? ok.). Caso você tenha alguma

dúvida sobre História pode perguntar a ele, pois nosso amigo será o melhor historiador que

vocês conhecerão.

Agora chegou a hora de falar sobre a nossa pequena grande diretora: Lara Lemos. Ela

ostenta um rostinho angelical, uma voz suave e uma estatura que lhe farão questionar a sua

maioridade, mas, não se deixe enganar, nobre Leitor, Lara já tem 20 anos (suspeita-se que

seus documentos tenham sido falsificados, mas ela nega tudo!). Feminista e defensora assídua

dos Direitos Humanos, nossa colega está sempre preparada para discutir suas ideias com

firmeza, determinação e respeito. Nas horas vagas, você pode encontrá-la dançando ballet no

Teatro Alberto Maranhão, nas mesas do Mahalila ou, ainda, nas dependências do Casanova

ou Ateliê Bar. Nestes últimos lugares, inclusive, Lara costuma chamar a atenção dos presentes

devido ao seu desempenho matemático, uma vez que tem a habilidade de executar a operação

do quadradinho de oito com perfeição.

Ana Cecília, para os íntimos apenas Ceci, é uma diretora extremamente eficiente e

organizada. Dona e proprietária da empresa ABNT, não deixa passar nenhuma referência,

nota de rodapé ou espaçamento entre linhas em suas correções. Esse fato soma-se ainda a

infância atípica que nossa querida diretora teve na sua terra natal, o país de Pau dos Ferros.

Enquanto as crianças brincavam na rua, Cecsi se divertia em casa brincando de jogos

gramaticais (se isso é bom ou ruim não podemos garantir, mas temos certeza que após a

correção dos guias seu comitê jamais esquecerá o que é uma próclise, mesóclise e ênclise).

Caso você esteja com pressa, aconselhamos não andar de carona com Ceci, pois sua prudência

não a deixa passar dos 20km/h, além, claro, de parar em todo e qualquer cruzamento (mesmo

tendo a preferência). Consegue colocar qualquer um pra cima com suas palavras de incentivo,

é dona de um coração enorme e uma competência admirável. Seu futuro como Ministra do

STF está garantido.

Renata Alecrim é diretora acadêmica do CDSI e uma apaixonada pelas simulações.

Dona de um olhar profundo e um sorriso marcante, é uma diretora com alma de delegada.

Especialista em Documentos de Trabalho, Tinha, como carinhosamente é chamada na Mini

SOI, é determinada e corre atrás do que quer, chegando a fazer uma apresentação de slides

para convencer os pais para participar de um show (#ficaadica). Animada em shows,

calouradas e Carnatal, é sempre possível observar sua felicidade nesses ambientes, chegando

a se emocionar em diversos momentos (vide pisões no pé e banhos de cerveja). Além de sua

competência notável como diretora, Tinha é uma famosa defensora dos Direitos Humanos e

apaixonada pela Defensoria (patrocínio da “família DPU”). Como podemos perceber, temos

uma diretora movida por muitas paixões, mas não se enganem: toda energia desta mulher

incrível, vem de uma bebida que começa com Ca e termina com Fé. Como uma taurina que se

preze, Tinha é conhecida por sua fome de leão, dando prejuízo em muito rodizio por aí #pas.

Dizem que ela está ansiosa para gritar É TETRAA! E por isso vai com tudo para ganhar o seu

4º título de #Diregata.


Chegando agora no comitê mais colorido da Mini SOI; o comitê das bi, das gay, das

sapa, das trans.. O nosso querido Conselho de Direitos Humanos – CêDêAgá para xs intímxs.

Começando com ela, que além de tutora desse belíssimo comitê, é também uma verdadeira

personalidade da Mini SOI, compondo seu quadro de diretores há muitos anos. Isso mesmo!

Estamos falando de ninguém mais ninguém menos que Flora Assaf! Florinha – para os

#chegados – é uma pessoa doce e extremamente dedicada quando se trata de sua vida

profissional. A nossa querida professora, além de ter uma didática incrível – e uma paciência

ainda mais incrível – é a guardiã de todas as normas técnicas da ABNT. Porém, muito embora

a nossa camaleoa de cabelos domine tantas técnicas de ensino-aprendizagem, tem certos

problemas quando o assunto é manter-se em pé, sendo também detentora de um arsenal de

quedas dignas de Oscar! #RIPLollapalooza2016

A próxima é a romântica incurável do comitê, a nossa canceriana Brena Monice –

também conhecida como Berenice ou Berê. Brena, que respira poesia, acredita muito no amor

e sempre que pode o expressa em seus textinhos e poemas, que são ~de arrepiar~

(literalmente). Mas não se engane com a descrição dada até aqui, porque basta essa garota

tomar alguns copos de cerveja que você poderá vê-la com os cachos amarrados no topo da

cabeça enquanto milita em prol da causa LGBT pelos bares afora. Também não ache que tudo

é amorzinho quando se trata de Berenice, porque a nossa feminista militante Convicta tem o

seu Vênus no signo de Gêmeos, de modo que a sua participação ativa nas calouradas e demais

rolés está mais do que patrocinada; e a sua bissexualidade, VIVÍSSIMA!

Vamos agora falar do MITO chamado Thalita Marianne. Ela que é Sapatão Convicta e

responsável por encabeçar comitês LGBT pela SOI Universitária e por outras simulações

mundo afora faz também parte do queridíssimo CDH da Mini SOI 2018. Além de ter as mais

loucas histórias de rebu de todo o comitê, Thalita é conhecida por virar 1L de qualquer bebida

alcoólica que você forneça em menos de 3min. O nosso querido fusquinha – que bebe desde

acetona até gasolina – possui também poderes sobrenaturais, que a permitem morrer e

ressuscitar no curto intervalo de tempo de uma calourada Habeas Copus. Mas não ache que é

apenas isso. A nossa Marília Mendonça – sim, ela canta! – está sempre plenamente disposta a

dar o sangue e o sono pela MiniSOI, também estando sempre disponível para auxiliar você,

carx delegadinhx.

Mais uma das grandes estrelas que compõe o CêDêAgá é Tépora Donidinha, a uma

das mais novas LGBTs da Mini SOI, é dona de um coração gigante, bem como, é uma ariana

MUITO FIEL, pois sua carinha de anjo engana o fato de ela ser MUITO BRIGUENTA, sendo

movida por ÓDIO mas é uma das mais choronas de todas as nossas estrelas, como de praxe

também ama uma caninha (pré-requisito pra ser do CDH), é a rainha do karaokê claramente

sendo filha da nossa Marilia Mendonça das simulações!! Débora é uma das preciosidades que

a MiniSOI ganhou no ano de 2018, com sua carinha de anjo e seu jeito quietinho, mas muito

disposta ela está mais que pronta para auxiliar todxs xs delegadinhxs!!

Sendo ela a cota hétero desse comitê, Raíssa Garcia é uma das pessoas de sorriso mais

encantador que os senhores conhecerão. Essa princesa amorosa, carinhosa e fofinha é de pau

dos ferros (O POVO DESSA CIDADE VAI DOMINAR O MUNDO!!!), e também é

extremamente inconstante – vai de crises de riso a prantos em questão de segundos. Raíssa

também faz jus ao C de Corajosas do CDH, sendo uma amante de cães ferozes (SÓ QUE


NÃO). Mas não se engane. A nossa torcedora fanática do Flamengo e amante do Samba do

Ateliê Bar e Petiscaria é braba de verdade e, quando se irrita, pode ser fatal!!! E, como todas

as rainhas desse comitê foram escolhidas A DEDO, Raíssa é baladeira, forrozeira, quase um

frasco de glitter ambulante (quando você encontra com ela nas baladinhas por aí, ela está

mascarada atrás de uma grande e grossa camada do pózinho brilhante) e tem um sorriso

iluminador. Raíssa é a nossa cotinha incrível e maravilhosa, extremamente preparada e

prontíssima para ajudar e auxiliar no que for preciso!


também UMA BIA!!! Nossa queridinha, Bia Araújo, é a croixfiteira do rolê; rainha fit;

famosa pelos seus “nunca mais eu vou beber” nas suas ressacas incuráveis. É a baladeira mais

top do comitê. Reza a lenda que ela é a Rainha de Muriú depois de ter dado um PT épico após

um litro de vodka (quer dizer que temos mais de um fusquinha no nosso comitê?). Os relatos

são de que a jovem caçou vodka pela casa inteira e, após achar uma quantidade ínfima dessa

bebida sagrada, ela se abraçou ao litro e chorou de emoção – tendo morrido após esse

momento incrível. É a Rainha Máxima do CDH ao falar do Samba do Ateliê, então, se você já

viu essa menina por aí, certamente foi dando show no Ateliê em uma quinta-feira rotineira.

Contudo, Bia Araújo é mais uma peça fundamental para montar esse comitê incrível e estará

disponível para auxiliar você o tempo todo!

Caio Fernandes, nossa cota homem do CDH, é o diretor mais gato da SOI (segundo

ele mesmo). Você vai reconhecê-lo pela marquinha de biquíni de fita isolante e os dizeres

“Vai malandra” que ficaram bronzeados em sua pele desde o carnaval, ou pelo som da sua

voz, possível de ser escutada no raio de 1km. Capitão Caio, que desbravou os sete mares de

Olinda com seu tapa-olho, é o maior cambista que você respeita. Ele não só vende senhas para

todas as festas de Natal como frequenta cada uma delas. Mas nem só de senhas vive um

homem, por isso que Caio, nas horas vagas, também faz pastéis. Todas essas ocupações não

impedem ele de ser um diretor maravilhoso, dedicado e com um coração enorme para caber

todos os delegados e delegadas do comitê. Caso você esteja pensando em uma maneira de

agradecer a esse diretor tão top pela sua maravilhosa orientação, fica a dica: o seu chocolate

preferido é o Ouro Branco.

Krysna Paiva (Crygina para os íntimos) tem zero juízo. Nada. Nem um tiquinho. E por

isso ela proporciona as melhores greas de todo o CDH. Segundo fontes seguras (GLOSS,

2018), Nego do Borel teria se inspirado na carreira de Krysna para escrever os versos “No fim

de semana tá tudo enrolado/tem tanto esquema, não dá pra contar”. Apesar da homenagem,

sua artista preferida é a Miley Cyrus, e Krysna vive intensamente a filosofia da cantora de

“this is the best of both worlds”. Dizem que ela finalmente encontrou Jesus no ano passado –

quando saiu rolando nas ladeiras de Olinda e ele lhe ajudou a levantar. Krys é uma mulher

inteligentíssima (geminiana, claro), mas tem um sério problema em achar as coisas. Correm

boatos que durante dois dias ela ficou procurando um chuchu. Porém, não se engane, o que

nossa líder suprema tem de resenha, tem de competente, e não vai medir esforços pra te ajudar

durante a simulação!

Partindo para o comitê que reúne assessoria jurídica, médica e psicológica em um só

lugar – cujos diretores nas horas vagas fazem bico de operador de carrinho bate-bate – temos

a Organização Mundial da Saúde – OMS! Iniciando pelo nosso tutor, esse homem fino.


Delicado. Sutil. Suave. Apenas algumas das palavras utilizadas para descrever o papel de

enrolar prego que é Daniel Augusto, o famoso Gugu. Talvez conhecido de vocês pela sua

participação no filme “A Branca de Neve e os Sete Anões” como o Anão Zangado. Super

fotogênico, esse tutor tem um histórico lendário no que se trata de Mini SOI, tendo sido

coroado DireGato por diversas vezes, inclusive em um comitê do qual ele nem fazia parte.

Hoje aposentado da vida de balada, passa seus dias como cinéfilo inveterado e fazendo bico

de Seu Lunga. Apesar desse seu jeitão, Gugu é muito querido por todos que o conhecem, e

promete agradar a todos com sua delicadeza marcante e piadas de qualidade duvidosa em

mais uma edição da Mini SOI.

Andressa Brito, mais conhecida como Dulce Dessa, é uma fã sincera da banda

Rebelde (RBD), sabendo cantar todas as músicas. Mas, o que realmente impressiona da nossa

querida Dulce, é a sua capacidade de organizar qualquer coisa em uma planilha do Excel e

transformá-la em um evento de sucesso. Andressa tem uma forte tendência para organizar

tudo o que acontece ao seu redor logisticamente e administrativamente, conquistando a

admiração de toda a Mini SOI! Para além do curso de Direito, os seus dotes são conhecidos

por todas as engenharias da UFRN, principalmente a de Produção. Entretanto, nem só de

muito trabalho vive a mulher! Frequentadora assídua de calouradas e sambas no Ateliê, Dessa

é referência aqui e em todo o Brasil de como se aproveitar bem uma festa. Rainha das

micaretas, podem estar certos de que ela estará presente no Carnatal e no Carnaval de Olinda!

Só não achem que será fácil encontrá-la... Sua dedicação e amor pela SOI são tão profundos

que ela até tentou sair, mas nunca conseguiu.

Em seguida, temos a representante da cota das Bias do nosso comitê (não poderíamos

ficar sem uma) e dona dos cachos mais bonitos (sem química, vale ressaltar) de toda a Mini

SOI. Beatriz Marinho ou Bia, para os íntimos, adora frequentar a gloriosa cidade de São

Paulo, e refere que durante suas passagens pela dita Megalópole, amplifica seu sotaque

potiguar, pois não nega suas raízes. Amante do Lollapalooza, cantora e blogueira, essa

diretora multifacetada consegue cativar uma pessoa mesmo após regurgitar nela (de maneira

acidental, claro) além de encantar até mesmo profissionais da saúde responsáveis por resgatar

pessoas ébrias além da conta. É garantia de muita grea, diversão e aprendizado, e com certeza

irá conquistar a todos nessa edição da Mini SOI.

Isadora Martins, mais conhecida com IsaTORA (devido às suas peripécias na época da

escola), aluna do 7º período do curso de Psicologia, é uma de nossas amadas diretoras.

Sempre com um sorriso no rosto e disposta a ajudar quem precisa, ela é a psicóloga da OMS,

mas além disso, IsaTORA goza de muitos talentos. Desde o bordado, até o canto, não há nada

que essa exímia diretora faça mal. Ela é aquela pessoa que vai te escutar quando você estiver

mal, que ficará acordada até tarde jogando UNO predatório e que encenará as brigas que você

planeja ter com alguém com a ajuda de fantoches dos Três Porquinhos. Amiga para todas as

horas, amante de Crepúsculo e fluente na língua francesa. Os delegadinhos que tiverem a

sorte de ter essa diretora como tutora, serão agraciados não apenas com uma pessoa que exala

competência em tudo que faz, mas que também coloca amor em todos os seus atos.

Laura Beatriz, essa pessoa que leva a Fé como sobrenome na vida, figura-se dentre os

componentes da OMS como a pessoa mais pontual do comitê (De acordo com o fuso horário

de Tóquio). Alérgica a relógios, essa querida ex aspirante a jornalista tinha o grande sonho de


apresentar um talk-show com duração de 24h, no qual ela seria a única atração. Diante da

impossibilidade deste, decidiu partir para o único curso no qual falar palavras difíceis durante

longas horas é aceitável, Direito. Nesta jornada, essa guerreira já enfrentou diversas batalhas,

a maior delas sendo sair do banheiro do NPJ, onde ela ficou presa na cabine do banheiro. Para

concluir essa missão, clamou pela ajuda de outros 3 integrantes do projeto, que tiveram a

árdua tarefa de abrir a porta da cabine – que estava destrancada.

Lucas Maciel, ainda não possui apelidos na Mini SOI, então se sintam confortáveis em

criar! Faz Medicina na UFRN, mas em hipótese nenhuma canta as baterias do seu curso em

público. Lucas tem uma sorte singular e é um dos poucos capazes de bater o carro e tê-lo

roubado no mesmo dia. É um frequentador assíduo de festas eletrônicas, recebendo cortesias

recorrentemente para abrilhantar as festas da Praia da Pipa com sua presença. Doce como um

limão, é conhecido por escolher palavras sempre muito sutis... Apesar de Natalense, o jovem é

encantado mesmo pelas cidades de Caicó e Manaus! No carnaval do Seridó, é o maior

especialista da região em economizar a água. Já no norte do país, o rapaz é lembrado como

poucos na ponte aérea. Nosso querido diretor conheceu uma outra diretora da OMS em uma

festa no Beach Club quando foi surpreendido por um jato de vômito, oportunidade em que

cuidou da jovem. Ambos só descobriram o fato na primeira reunião do comitê! Diego Fernandes, conhecido como Doutorzinho do Amor por uns e, mais do que

Batata, Potato, por outros é mais um medamigo da OMS. Detém vasto conhecimento jurídico

e faz uso de palavras do mais elevado juridiquês, fazendo-nos questionar se ele faz mesmo

medicina. Sua maior preocupação é a “tutela” de nossos delegados. Além disso, nosso querido

Potato é campeão número 1 de DireHitler e DireChato em seus comitês, caso seja irritado,

fica vermelho a ponto de explodir. Nos bares de Natal é conhecido por combinar os mais

variados gêneros e sabores alimentícios, dando origem a pratos como: vaca atolada com

farofa, vinagrete, língua e molho de alho. Já nas calouradas, difícil será encontrar o

Doutorzinho do Amor com seu corpo coberto, os boatos são de que ele tem forte alergia a

camisa. Chamar sua atenção é difícil, tendo em vista que ele está sempre atento aos jogos no

celular. Mas, uma tutora da Mini SOI conseguiu não só seu coração, como seus dotes

culinários, com direito ao pedido de namoro dentro de um pudim.

Maíra Arcoverde, mais conhecida no submundo das simulações como Maria

Ancoverde, é mais uma no time dos pilotos a lá Velozes e Furiosos da OMS. Motorista

pródiga, possui cartão fidelidade das mais diversas oficinas natalenses, já tendo trocado os

pneus do carro por 7 vezes apenas no ano de 2017. Para além disso, é uma menina super

educada. Boatos que ela, ao visitar a casa de terceiros, atinge a incrível marca de pedir licença

7x/minuto “é mais forte do que eu” disse Maíra, após pedir licença para pedir licença. Por

fim, é digno de nota que Maíra possui forte interesse pela astrologia, sendo dona orgulhosa de

uma estrela, além da física, pois ela busca a motivação por detrás das suas frequentes quedas,

que se tornaram uma verdadeira marca registrada dessa garota. Super dedicada, Maíra

promete uma fornecer experiências verdadeiramente emocionantes, seja nas caronas ou na

Mini SOI 2018!

Vamos falar agora sobre o UNSC, o famoso e tão esperado english committee!

Começando pela nossa tutora Carol Sedda, ela é

forte candidata à comissão dos fosseis da SOI, Carolzinha é a empreendedora do insta


@querogordices onde ela posta o seu trabalho com doces e faz inveja ao povo e não cobra os

dois rins e um fígado por um bolo gourmet. Carol tem a maior paciência do mundo – menos

quando não dão carona para delegadinhos - e é ótima de ser abraçada. Cozinha tão bem que

até errando fica gostoso, dizem que se você pedir para ela acender a chama do fogão, já não

tem como errar o prato.

Amanda Bezerra ou Mandy é uma pessoa muito responsável e dedicada ao que faz, ela

pode até parecer um pouco bossy, mas, é para o bem da produtividade. Dona de um coração

de ouro, cheio de muito amor e é uma verdadeira manteiga derretida. Após 2 anos de

secretariado ela finalmente chegou na MiniSoi, forçadamente (só que não kkkkk), contudo, há

boatos de que ela morre de saudades de ser tesoureira do secretariado. Ela saiu do secre, mas

o secre não saiu dela, porque ela não perde a oportunidade de cobrar dinheiro das pessoas.

Júlio Martins é o dono da edição da TV MiniSoi, é um amorzinho de pessoa quando

quer, mas cuidado para ele não se irritar com você, caso contrário será alvo de um olhar

mortal. É um cinéfilo socialmente aceitável, trabalha com onomatopeias (prepare-se para

pegar carona em seu vrumvrum), 100% responsável com a segurança dos delegadinhos e

odeia Andrei do fundo do seu coração. Trata-se do famoso maníaco das mensagens apagadas,

tic nervoso ou de propósito, eis a questão. Inclusive, reza a lenda que se você printar as

mensagens de Júlio antes dele apagar, ganhará a próxima loteria #GoodLuck.

Felipe Menescal, Menescal ou apenas menes é o senhor do tempo, só não sabe que vai

chover. Fundador do instituto Menescal de Tempos e Medidas e concorrente direto dos

achocolatados Toddy desde o berço. Apesar de chegar atrasado, já portou o título de senhor

pontualidade então, não se atrasem, a não ser que queiram ser reprimidos. Reza a lenda que

ele é na verdade um dinossauro que sobreviveu ao meteoro e atualmente se disfarça de

humano para integrar melhor à sociedade.

Sylvia, mais conhecida internamente como Lil’ Syl, largou a carreira de rapper para

ser diretora da Mini SOI. Se quiserem alguém para conversar sobre Gossip Girl ou Dinastia,

essa pessoa é Sylvinha. Quando não esta ocupada estudando ou assistindo série, esta nas

festas mais badaladas da cidade, e se o rolé ta bom, pode ter certeza que você vai receber um

áudio dela fazendo uma análise extremamente técnica e precisa da festa.

Andrei, também conhecido como Carlinhos, é a definição de labrador humano, sempre

fofo e de bem com a vida. É dono e proprietário do QG da Mini SOI e também de um

excelente resort em Barra de Cunhaú onde você precisa ter muito cuidado pois dá para assistir

a volta das tartaruguinhas para o mar. Seu maior hobby é se isolar do mundo jogando DOTA,

mas apesar disso é uma pessoa muito legal que conquista a todos pela barriga fazendo um

excelente macarrão carbonara.

Luiza, ou lhulhu para os íntimos, é a pessoa mais fofinha da Mini SOI. Conhecida

também por ser super responsável, organizada e nunca ter perdido um prazo. Apaixonada pela

Mini, simulou desde o ensino médio e sonhava em ser diretora entrando para o nosso time

esse ano encabeçando o grande desafio de construir o primeiro comitê em inglês para o ensino

médio (podem ter certeza que ela está fazendo de tudo para ser perfeito!). Mas por favor, não

se apaixonem por essa fofurinha pois ela namora (é o casal mais fofinho de Natal) e, dizem

por aí, que em breve seremos convidados para o casamento!



ISIS – Islamic State of Iraq and Syria

LN – League of Nations

NATO – North Atlantic Treaty Organization

OPEC – Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

PTSD – Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

SC – Security Council

SOI – Simulação de Organizações Internacionais

UK – United Kingdom

UN – United Nations

UNSC – United Nations Security Council

UNSCOM – United Nations Special Commission

UNSCR – UNSC resolution

US – United States

USA – United States of America

USA PATRIOT Act – Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate

Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act

USSR – Union of Soviet Socialist Republics


“Há homens que valem pela posição que ocupam, outros – bem raros, aliás, num

país que é um verdadeiro ‘deserto de homens e de idéias’ – que dignificam e

ilustram, com o seu valor pessoal, os postos a que servem.

Aqueles passam pelo cenário da vida pública como meteoros de trajetória efêmera

e desaparecem sem deixar vestígios; estes, muito ao contrário, se perpetuam e se

destacam no meio que atuam, centralizando as atenções e irradiando luz, como

astros de primeira grandeza dentro de uma órbita precisa e imutável.”

Que a estrela maior, denominada Ubirajara de Holanda, eterno diretor da nossa

querida “Soizinha”, continue irradiando sua luz perpetuamente por todas as

gerações da Mini SOI, e que seus esforços para fazer desse um grande projeto

jamais sejam esquecidos.

Esse guia foi elaborado como forma de homenagear todas as gerações de diretores e

delegados, responsáveis por construir e lapidar a nossa brilhante Mini-SOI.



APPRESENTATION LETTER ....................................................................................... 2

ABBREVIATIONS LIST ............................................................................................... 2

1. INITIAL CONSIDERATIONS ............................................................................... 13

2. UNSC’S BACKGROUND ..................................................................................... 13

2.1 COMMITTEE’S CREATION ............................................................................. 14

2.2 TO THIS DAY .................................................................................................. 15

3. COMPETENCE .................................................................................................... 15

4. STRUCTURE ....................................................................................................... 17


BETWEEN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND IRAQ ............................................ 18

5.1 IRAN-IRAQ WAR ............................................................................................ 19

5.2 THE GULF WAR .............................................................................................. 22

5.3 SEPTEMBER 11TH, 2001 .................................................................................. 25

6. THE AFTERMATH OF 9/11/2001 ......................................................................... 28


1382)……….. ............................................................................................................. 30

6.3 THE WAR AGAINST TERROR ......................................................................... 31

6.4 IMPACTS IN THE WORLD .............................................................................. 32


7.1 THE DIFFICULTY TO PRESERVE THE PEACE ............................................... 35

8. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS ................................................................................. 36

9. FINAL INSTRUCTIONS ...................................................................................... 37



Ladies and gentlemen, please be welcomed to the United Nations Security Council

(UNSC), or Security Council (SC) for short. You are about to discover the first ever

MiniSOI’s English committee.

In this Guide you’ll have the opportunity to learn more about the Organ which will

be simulated, how it operates, and its theme “The aftermath of 9/11/2001: Threats to

international security”, which will be simulated pretending that we are in 2002. It’s

important to note that this document is mostly as if we were in that same year and contains

only basic information to help you know what to look for while doing your own research.

In this year of 2018, you’ll have the chance to represent the most powerful nations in

the world, which, as you’ll soon realize, will prove not to be a simple task, capable of ending

wars and repel invading nations in the blink of an eye. You’ll discover that even the most

powerful diplomats face dilemmas that require nerves of steel.

With this Guide, we hope to clarify not only historical facts but also some recent

events. Decisions from twenty years ago may still prove quite effective causing and

perpetuating conflicts around the globe. You’ll perceive that terrorism isn’t something

exclusive of the 21st and not even something that happens out of pure human perversity.

We shall no longer delay you, come with us and dive into one of the most known

terrorist attack in recent history!


The United Nations Security Council isn’t the first try to handle conflicts between

nations military-wise. In the 19th century there were multiple examples, such as the

International Committee of the Red Cross (1863)1 and The Hague Conventions of 1899 and

19072. After the Great War (1914 – 1918) it was evident that an international organ capable of

maintaining the world peace was needed.



are/history/150/timeline/1863-1-meeting.htm. Accessed in Apr. 24, 2018. 2INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF THE RED CROSS INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF THE RED

CROSS. Treaties, States Parties and Commentaries. Retrieved from https://ihl- Accessed in Apr. 24, 2018.


That’s why on January 10th, 1920, the same day in which the Great War ended, the

League of Nations (LN)3 was formed. Its main goal was to prevent wars and solving

international conflicts through negotiation and arbitration4. Unfortunately, despite having

achieved both notable successes and failures, the LN proved, in 1930, that it was incapable of

preventing the aggressions by the Axis powers5.

Along with other reasons, the organization lost its credibility, causing members to

evade. The onset of the Second World War showed that the LN had failed its purpose, being

replaced later by the United Nations (UN).


Signed on June 26th, 19456, in San Francisco, the UN Charter established six main

organs, one of them was the Security Council. After its first session, which took place on

January 17th, 1946, in London, the SC has taken permanent residence at United Nations

Headquarters in New York City7.

Although the SC was created to maintain the world peace and security, much like the

late LN, since its permanent members have veto power, it has never yet been able to achieve

its goal. During the Cold War (1947 – 1991), for instance, the Organ was only able to act in

unrelated matters, considering that in any other situation there was necessarily two opposing

powers, with two exceptions.

The first exception was in 1950, when the SC authorized the United States to act

against the North Korean invasion of South Korean while Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

(USSR) was boycotting the Council, as it disapproved the presence of a representative of

Taiwan in the Chinese permanent seat8. The second was on November 7th, 1956, when the

3ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. League of Nations. Retrieved from Accessed in Apr. 24, 2018 4A form of alternative dispute resolution, often used to solve commercial disputes. 5UNITED STATES HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL MUSEUM. AXIS ALLIANCE IN WORLD WAR II.

Retrieved from Accessed in Apr. 24, 2018. 6UNITED NATIONS. Charter of the United Nations. Retrieved from

nations/index.html. Accessed in Feb. 19, 2018. 7UNITED NATIONS. What is the Security Council? Retrieved from Accessed

in Feb. 19, 2018. 8HARDWICK, Nicola-Ann. The UN during the Cold War: “A tool of superpower influence stymied by

superpower conflict”? Retrieved from

superpower-influence-stymied-by-superpower-conflict/. Accessed in Feb. 19, 2018.


resolution 1001 (ES-I) was approved by the UN General Assembly to establish the first UN

Peacekeeping Force – which actions require UNSC approval – to end the Suez Crisis9.


By the end of the Cold War, the SC found itself very busy. Between 1988 and 2000,

the Organ took on more missions in ten years than what they had done in the past four

decades. As result, the number of resolutions doubled, and the peacekeeping budget grew ten


They negotiated the end of many wars, oversaw democratic elections and showed

enough capability both to condemn the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait (1991) on the same day of its

offensive and to authorize an U.S.-led coalition, which successfully drove away the invading


Despite the victories, in the early 1990s, the SC was forced to face multiple crisis

that weren’t their primary responsibility12, such as the ethnic cleansing in Bosnia, the Rwanda

Genocide and internal conflicts in Haiti, Mozambique and the former Yugoslavia13.


The United Nations Security Council is UN’s principal crisis-management body with

international legal capacity. In addition to that, being an organ of the United Nations,

UNSC is ruled and established by the UN Charter and its principles, which are, in summary,

sovereign equality of all its Members, and the use of peaceful means in the settlement of their

international disputes14.

9UNITED NATIONS GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Resolution 1001. 7 November 1995. Retrieved from Accessed in Feb. 19, 2018. 10WIKIPÉDIA. United Nations Security Council, Cold War. Retrieved from Accessed in Apr. 24, 2018. 11HISTORY. Iraq invades Kuwait. Retrieved from

kuwait. Accessed in Feb. 24, 2018. 12WIKIPÉDIA. United Nations Security Council, Post-Cold War. Retrieved from Accessed in Apr. 24, 2018. 13Ancient country that was dissolved between 1992 and 2003, official recognition, into smaller countries:

Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY), the latter is

also known as Serbia and Montenegro. 14UN. Charter of the United Nations: Chapter 1. Retrieved from

charter/chapter-i/index.html. Accessed in Feb. 13, 2018.


As also determined in the United Nations Charter, UNSC’s most important

competence is to maintain global peace and security, thus being a center for harmonization

between nations through the development of friendly actions among its members. In practice,

when dealing with a potential conflict, the initial response of the Council is to recommend the

parties to reach agreements through peaceful and diplomatic means15. Failing that, as

guaranteed in the UN charter, the organ has the power to take more assertive actions, such as

imposing sanctions or authorizing the use of force to maintain or restore international peace

and security16.

Moreover, when facing a problem, the Council can act in benefit of civilians before

the governments reach an agreement regarding the issue, which allows the organ to be

completely active and significant in the upbringing of peace to the international scenery. For

example, UNSC can permit access through national borders for humanitarian organizations17.

In another approach, when there are no escalating issues regarding international

peace, UNSC’s day-to-day functions include the analysis of the preexisting peacekeeping

operations, consultations on specific countries’ security situation and monitoring the

implementation of UN sanctions regimes. Furthermore, the daily actions also include

exercising the trusteeship functions of the United Nations in "strategic areas".

In the other hand, the Council deals with economic matters as well, more specifically

the use of economic sanctions and other measures to prevent or stop aggression, such as arms

embargoes, travel bans, financial or diplomatic restrictions, etc18.

Nonetheless, other assigned functions delegated through the UN Charter include the

investigation of any dispute or situation which might lead to international friction, the

formulation of plans for the establishment of armaments regulations. Besides that, when

necessary, the SC can call on Members to apply economic sanctions and other measures not

involving the use of force to prevent or stop aggression.19

15AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT. Department of Foreign Affair and Trades. The role of the United Nations

Security Council. Retrieved from

2013-2014/Pages/the-role-of-the-united-nations-security-council.aspx. Accessed in Feb. 13, 2018. 16COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS. The UN Security Council. Retrieved from Accessed in Mar. 14, 2018. 17 Ibidem. 18UN. Actions with Respect to Threats to the Peace, Breaches of the Peace, and Acts of Aggression:

Chapter VII. Retrieved from Accessed in Feb. 14, 2018. 19 UN. UN Charter: Chapter IV. Retrieved from

vi/index.html. Accessed in Apr. 28, 2018.



Having acknowledged UNSC’s competence, it is important to understand the internal

structure of the Organ. In order to attend its goals to reach peace and international security,

the Council counts with subsidiary bodies, those being committees or working groups that

may address topics such as terrorism or internal procedural matters20.

As of the Council itself, it was originally composed by eleven members until 1965,

when the number of countries participating grew to fifteen, five of those being permanent

affiliates (China, Russia, United States of America, France and United Kingdom) and ten non-

permanent affiliates which were, in 2002, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Colombia, Guinea, Ireland,

Mauritius, Mexico, Norway, Singapore and the Syrian Arab Republic. The countries elected

last two years in the Council, with the replacement of five participants per election21.

The substantial difference between the permanent and non-permanent members is the

ability to use veto power. The veto is exercised when a permanent country votes against a

draft decision and so prevents its adoption22. However, it is necessary to have in mind that this

setup is strongly criticized by the international scenery.

Firstly, the creation of the veto power itself was polemic on its own, seeing that it

was resented by many small countries in the years preceding the official creation of UN. It

was basically forced on them by the veto nations – U.S., UK, China, France and the Soviet

Union – under a threat saying that without the veto there will be no UN23. The main critic,

however, is that the permanent seats, and thus veto power, are guaranteed to some of the most

well-developed countries in the world, fixating a hierarchy set by World War II and the

following Cold War, which prevents some developing countries to have truly significant

power in UNSC's decisions.

Regarding the voting procedure, all members have the right to suffrage24 in both

procedural and substantive matters. When it comes to procedural matters, nine of the

members must vote in favor of the decision for it to pass, some of those matters include the

20UN. Structure of UNSC. Retrieved from Accessed in Feb. 14,

2018. 21 UN. Countries Elected Members of the Security Council. Retrieved from Accessed in Apr. 28, 2018 22 UN. Veto system and records. Retrieved from Accessed in

Apr. 28, 2018 23 WILCOX, Francis. The american political science review. Retrieved from Accessed in Apr. 28, 2018. 24The right to vote.


proposal of an agenda and working papers. The substantive ones also need at least nine votes

in their favor, however all permanent members shall vote in its favor. An example of a

substantive matter is the implementation of a sanction or a resolution25.

Regarding the resolutions, they will fail if seven Members vote against it or abstain

from voting. If a permanent member isn’t completely on board with a proposed resolution but

does not wish to cast a veto, it may choose to abstain itself. This does not interfere the

resolution to be adopted if it obtains the required votes26.

Finally, it is crucial to point out that the organ has mandatory power over every

United Nations participant, which means that all of UN’s members must follow the decisions

of the Security Council, while other UN organs make only recommendations to member

states27. This coercive power, however, should not be confused with military power. Indeed,

the Council has the competence of invoking military forces when needed, but that isn't the

favorable approach most of the time, seeing that the Organ has mostly peaceful proposals.



An alarming situation happened last year, the al-Qaeda attack to the notorious World

Trade Center on September 11th, 2001, which compromises the international security. In

reason of this, is necessary one new reunion of the United Nations Security Council on

November 6th to 8th, 2002 in New York City, United States of America, where the Members

States will discuss about the global consequences of this attack and what measures are

necessary to ensure international peace and security.

Even though the council must primarily explore the possibility of a peaceful

resolution, if it finds that there is a real threat to the peace, a breach of the peace or an act of

aggression (Article 39 of the UN Charter)28, it may call upon UN members to apply

25AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT. Department of Foreign Affair and Trades. The role of the United Nations

Security Council. Retrieved from

2013-2014/Pages/the-role-of-the-united-nations-security-council.aspx. Accessed in Feb. 14, 2018. 26UN. Voting system and records of UNSC. Retrieved from

Accessed in Feb. 14, 2018. 27UN. About UNSC. Retrieved from Accessed in Feb. 14, 2018. 28Article 39: “The Security Council shall determine the existence of any threat to the peace, breach of the peace,

or act of aggression and shall make recommendations, or decide what measures shall be taken in accordance

with Articles 41 and 42, to maintain or restore international peace and security”.


diplomatic or economic sanctions, and when strictly necessary the UN Charter allows the

Security Council to take military action against the offending nation29.

In order to understand better this critic situation, it’s required the analysis of the

historical relations between United States of America and Iraq, as well as the consequences

that already took place and the others that may happen in the future depending on the

measures that the UNSC and Members States will adopt.

It is important to note that the relations between the United States and Iraq have

always been unstable, whereas sometimes the U.S. was supporting Iraq, for example, in Iraq's

independence (when the U.S. recognized Iraq as an independent State) and in the war against

Iran. While at other times, tensions and rivalries stood out, such as the war against terror.

The U.S. was always trying to have power over the Iraq territory, and at Cold War

era there was fear about Soviet expansionism into the Middle East, in reason of this the

American leaders started to prevent the spread of communism in Iraq. After the Iraqi

revolution of 1958, a nationalist movement emerged that sought to remove the vestiges of

foreign imperialism, U.S. leaders did not support for democracy in Iraq or the advancement of

its people. Afterward, in the early 1970s, Iraq nationalized U.S. petroleum interests and

partnered with the Soviet Union, the U.S.'s number one enemy, to develop its oil capacity30.


The Iran-Iraq War was one of the events that set the stage for what is happening

today in the world and, mostly, in the Middle East. In the initial context of the conflict, Iran

had recently turned into an Islamic Republic after the Iranian Revolution (1979), after several

decades of a pro-Western government, and the new national leader was Ayatollah Ruhollah

Khomeni, who started to stimulate an Islamic revolution in the neighbor countries, in order to

overthrow the socialist Ba’ath Party31. Meanwhile, also in 1979, Saddam Hussein, a Ba’athist

commander with great aspirations, became Iraq’s president.

Threatened by the imminent Islamic revolution that could reach his country and

taking advantage on the fact that, despite the greater power and larger territory, the post-

29ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. United Nations Security Council. Retrieved from Accessed in Oct. 20, 2017. 30HAHN, Peter. A Century of U.S. Relations with Iraq. Retrieved from

us-relations-iraq. Accessed in Oct. 28, 2017. 31STUDY.COM. The Iran-Iraq War: Causes & Timeline. Retrieved from Accessed in Feb. 20, 2018.


revolution Iranian government was military weak and isolated, Saddam Hussein decided to

attack it, focusing on seizing control of the rich Iranian oil fields32. On the other hand,

Khomeni saw Saddam as a tyrant oppressing Iraqi Shia majority, and also wanted to defeat

him and overthrow his regime33.

Initially, in 1980, Iraqi troops surprised their opponent taking over the banks from

the Shatt al-Arab, a waterway formed by Tigris and Euphrates rivers and the historical border

with Iran, and advanced in Iranian territory. But fastly the Iranian armed forces, bolstered by

the revolutionary militia, counterattacked, and in 1982 had already regained the lost territory.

At this point of the war, Iraq began seeking a peace agreement, but Khomeni intransigently

rejected it, starting to push across the border into Iraq34.

From then on, the conflict engaged in a stalemate35, with most of the Gulf Countries

supporting Iraq because of the same fear of an Islamic Revolution in their nations36. In this

situation both sides showed a marked disrespect for the humanity, with Iran using “human-

wave” attacks, composed by thousands of untrained and unarmed young men, who were

violently repelled and killed by the superior Iraqi military power37.

Picture 1: Iranian children used as soldiers in the human-wave attacks38.

32ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. Iran-Iraq War. Retrieved from

Iraq-War. Accessed in Feb. 20, 2018. 33HARDY, Roger. BBC NEWS. The Iran-Iraq war: 25 years on. Retrieved from Accessed in Feb. 20, 2018. 34ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. Iran-Iraq War. Retrieved from

Iraq-War. Accessed in Feb. 20, 2018. 35Obstacle, hurdle, barrier, draw. 36ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. Iran-Iraq War. Retrieved from

Iraq-War. Accessed in Feb. 20, 2018. 37HARDY, Roger. BBC NEWS. The Iran-Iraq war: 25 years on. Retrieved from Accessed in Feb. 20, 2018. 38COX, Savannah. ALL THAT INTERESTING. Iranian Child Soldiers In The Iran-Iraq War. Retrieved

from Accessed in Mar. 25, 2018.


Also, strong marks of the eight-year war were the “war of the cities” and “war of the

tankers”. In the “war of the cities”, sporadic air and missile attacks were made against the

adversary’s cities and oil installations, pounding their civilian population. About the “tanker

war”, both sides attacked each other’s oil-tanker shipping in the Persian Gulf, to deprive them

of trade. In this context, Iran attacked Kuwait’s and other Gulf States’ tankers, hitting the

international oil market and prompting USA, USSR and western European nations to interfere

in 1987. Their action consisted in sending warships to the Gulf to guarantee the flow of oil to

the world39.

In fact, the diplomatic relations between Iran and the Soviet Union were marked by

animosity since the beginning of the Iran-Iraq War, because Tehran40 opposed the Socialist

role in Afghanistan. Nevertheless, the super-power took advantage of the Middle Eastern

conflict to provide weapons to both sides that paid with oil on a barter basis. The same was

done by China, whose economic and political transformation was successfully completed due

to the free oil obtained41.

Therefore, the relationship between Iran and the United States was just as

problematic, because of the seizure of the U.S. embassy in Tehran by Iranian militants, and

the Americans were starting to consider the potential dangers of the anti-America Islamic

politics in the region42. In addition, the main American interest in the area was the protection

of oil exports, so when Iran attacked the Gulf Countries’ oil tanks, gave one more reason for

the USA step in on Iraq’s side, seeing it as the “less evil”43.

The western intervention helped to turn the tide of the war in Iraq’s favor, since

Iran’s major allies were Syria and Libya. Although the Arab nation continued seeking for a

peace agreement in the mid-1980s44 the end of the war only began when the UN Security

Council signed the ceasefire Resolution 598 in 198745.

39ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. Iran-Iraq War. Retrieved from

Iraq-War. Accessed in Feb. 20, 2018. 40Iran’s capital. 41ZEIDEL, Ronen. E-INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. Implications of the Iran-Iraq War. Retrieved from Accessed in Feb. 21, 2018. 42ENCYCLOPEDIA.COM. IRAN-IRAQ WAR (1980-1988). Retrieved from Accessed in Feb.

21, 2018. 43ZEIDEL, Ronen. E-INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. Implications of the Iran-Iraq War. Retrieved from Accessed in Feb. 21, 2018. 44ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. Iran-Iraq War. Retrieved from

Iraq-War. Accessed in Feb. 20, 2018. 45UNITED NATIONS SECURITY COUNCIL. Resolution 598. 20 July 1987. Retrieved from

Accessed in Feb. 20, 2018.


At the beginning, Iran was reluctant to consent, but some factors like the excessive

use of chemical weapons by Iraq during early 1988, a renewed wave of Iraqi missile strikes

on Iranian cities, the uncertainty about U.S.’ intentions intervening in the war and the general

fatigue after eight years of combat, secured its acceptance to the Resolution in August of the

following year (1988). In summary, the conflict was over without any winner46.

Picture 2: Iran Iraq War, map of the advances made by each side of the conflict47.

As mentioned in the previous topic, Iran-Iraq War was one of the moments when the

USA stood by Iraq’s side. But the amicable relation between them didn’t last much, seen that

in 1990 – only two years later – another conflict called Gulf War gradually turned them into



The Persian Gulf War, or simply Gulf War happened between 1990 and 1991 in

Middle East, and involved Kuwait, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, United States, among other countries.

46ENCYCLOPEDIA.COM. IRAN-IRAQ WAR (1980-1988). Retrieved from Accessed in Feb.

21, 2018. 47QUORA. Would Saddam have been able to defeat the coalition forces if he didn't have the war against

Iran? Retrieved from

he-didnt-have-the-war-against-Iran. Accessed in Mar. 25, 2018.


The seeds for the conflict were laid by the Iran-Iraq War, when Saddam Hussein supposed

that the large debt owed by Iraq, mostly to the Gulf States, was going to be forgiven, since

Iraqi side on the war was defending the entire Arab world from the Islamic revolution.

After the end of Iran-Iraq conflict, the unexpected decline of the Gulf Arab states’

support to Iraq, irritated its leaders, and in spite of its greater financier, Kuwait, would forgive

the debt, the country wasn’t willing to declare it to the world bank community. Besides,

tensions were increased when several Gulf Nations exceeded their oil production quotas

firmed by the Organization for Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), causing a drop of

world oil price and resulting in a huge loss of income to Iraq’s economy48.

These factors, along with Saddam’s ambition to acquire strategic territory and large

oil reserves, and the decline of the Soviet Union, made Iraq consider overtaking Kuwait,

assuming that the USA would not see it as a socialist attempt to control the Persian Gulf.

Thus, on August 2nd, 1990, Iraqi forces invaded Kuwait and occupied it by force49.

Attentive to the Kuwait situation, the United Nations Security Council called for Iraq

to withdraw its forces from the neighbor state and, without response, imposed a worldwide

ban on trade with Iraq as sanction. Noticing that Iraq was too close to Saudi Arabia, the

United States realized the Iraqi potential threat to the world’s largest oil producer and

exporter, triggering North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) troops to prevent it50.

By that time, the al-Qaeda organization was already consolidated with Osama Bin

Laden as its leader and he offered the same military protection to Saudi Arabia – Bin Laden’s

homeland – which was refused by the government, accepting NATO’s aid, instead. Due to

this, al-Qaeda’s anti-American and anti-Occident rhetoric only increased51.

To this anti-Iraq coalition placed in Saudi Arabia, joined several other Arab nations’

forces, forming a military buildup called Operation Desert Shield. Ignoring the sanctions

imposed against its actions and all elementary principles of the Public International Law –

48ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. The Persian Gulf War Causes. Retrieved from Accessed in Feb. 28, 2018. 49ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. Persian Gulf War. Retrieved from Accessed in Feb. 20, 2018. 50Ibidem. 51NOGUEIRA, Alberto. Líder e fundador da Al Qaeda, terrorista Osama bin Laden completaria 60 anos

nesta sexta-feira (10). Folha de São Paulo. São Paulo. 19 mar. 2017. Retrieved from

completaria-60-anos-nesta-sexta-feira-10/?loggedpaywall?loggedpaywall. Accessed in Mar. 25, 2018.


such as sovereignty – still on August 8th, 1990, Iraq formally annexed Kuwait, declaring it

was its 19th province, and not an independent nation anymore52.

By the end of November, in the same year, the UNSC authorized the use of force

against Iraq if its troops did not leave Kuwait territory until January 15th, 1991. Saddam

firmly refused to withdraw Iraqi forces from Kuwait, and one day after the deadline, the allied

coalition against Iraq started a counter-offensive with the Operation Desert Storm (a massive

air campaign led by U.S., that with aerial bombardment rapidly destroyed Iraq’s air


Another significant operation against Iraq was Desert Sabre, a ground attack

launched into Kuwait and southern Iraq on February 24th, 1991, whereby U.S. power took

back control of Kuwait City and led Iraqi resistance to collapse before George W. Bush

declared a ceasefire54. An interesting fact is that, considering all the American policy during

this era, the Department of State and President Bush are mostly associated with rolling back

the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait55.

Picture 3: The allied coalition, led by USA, takes back control of Kuwait56.

52KARADSHEH, Jomana. CNN. Tensions remain, 20 yeares after Gulf War. Retrieved from

Accessed in Feb. 28, 2018. 53ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. Persian Gulf War. Retrieved from Accessed in Feb. 20, 2018. 54Ibidem. 55OFFICE OF THE HISTORIAN. The First Gulf War. Retrieved from Accessed in Feb. 20, 2018. 56GULF NEWS. Looking back: The Gulf War in pictures: In February 1991 U.S. forces entered Kuwait to

end the Iraqi occupation of its smaller, oil-rich neighbor. Retrieved from


Therefore, the UNSC Resolution 687 came, on April 3rd, 199157, in order to

establish the terms of the ceasefire, setting rigid several forms of controlling Iraq. According

to its section C, some of Iraq’s obligations were to unconditionally accept, under international

supervision, the ban of its weapons of mass destruction (nuclear, biological and chemical

warfare), and ballistic missiles with a range over 150 km58.

Furthermore, the resolution required Iraq to declare, within fifteen days, the location,

quantity and types of such weapons, and determined the creation of a Special Commission

(UNSCOM) to guarantee Iraq’s compliance59. In the aftermath, as the other allies gradually

left the coalition, U.S. and British aircraft continued to patrol Iraq’s skies, alleging Iraq was

refusing to cooperate with UNSCOM inspections, as Iraq, on the other hand, kept reclaiming

its sovereignty60. The diplomatic relations between both sides have never been appeased, until

this date (November 2002).

5.3 SEPTEMBER 11TH, 2001

On September 11th, 2001, terrorists attacked the United States. They hijacked61 four

airplanes in mid-flight. The first two fell into the World Trade Center in New York, globally

known as the Twin Towers, which were widely considered symbols of America’s power and

influence. The third plane crashed into Virginian Pentagon, where is the headquarters of the

U.S. Department of Defense, and the last one never reached its intended target, crashing in

Pennsylvania62. Accessed in

Mar. 25, 2018. 57UNITED NATIONS SECURITY COUNCIL. Resolution 687. 3 April 1991. Retrieved from Accessed in Feb. 20, 2018. 58UN. Retrieved from Accessed in Feb. 20,

2018. 59ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. The Persian Gulf War Causes. Retrieved from Accessed in Feb. 28, 2018. 60ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. Persian Gulf War. Retrieved from Accessed in Feb. 20, 2018. 61Took control of. 62BBC. More information about: The 9/11 terrorist attacks. Retrieved from Accessed in Jan. 17, 2018.


Picture 4: World Trade Center attack63.

Picture 5: The Virginian Pentagon after the attack64.

Those terrible events caused the loss of the life of nearly 3,000 people, including the

19 hijackers. It was the terrorist incident on U.S. soil with the most casualties ever recorded65.

The responsibility for these losses was from the terrorist group called al-Qaeda, which was

created by Osama bin Laden in the late 1980s, and since then is intensely opposed to the

63ON THIS DAY IN MESSIANIC JEWISH HISTORY. 11 September 2001 Attack on the World Trade

Centre. Retrieved from

the-world-trade-centre-otdimjh/. Accessed in Feb. 6, 2018. 64WYNDHAM,John D. Bringing Closure to the 9/11 Pentagon Debate.Foreign Policy Journal.Washington,

D.C. Oct. 7, 2016. Retrieved from

911-pentagon-debate/. Accessed in Feb. 10, 2018. 65BBC. More information about: The 9/11 terrorist attacks. Retrieved from Accessed in Jan. 17, 2018.


United States and other Western democratic nations and has helped coordinate and fund

numerous bombings worldwide66.

It is emphasized that Osama took charge of the attack, he made a video saying that

the Twin Towers were legitimate targets, and with their destruction the pillars of morals in

U.S. were also destroyed. And he also said that:

If revenge for our people's death is terrorism, history will remember us as terrorists.

Yes, we killed their civilians, and that's legal, both from the point of view of religion

and logic. There are two types of terrorism: a good and an evil. What we practiced

was the good. We will not fail to kill them, as we will kill those who support them67.

It is important to note that the President George W. Bush had made one statement to

the U.S. saying that they had a national tragedy and described the events of that day as “evil,

despicable acts of terror”, and also announced that the U.S. was at war with a new and

different kind of enemy: the terrorism68.

At this point, it is necessary to understand the meaning that September 11 had in the

international order and its impacts. The attacks occurred at a time when the United States

reach the full maturity of its power, being compared as Roman Empire, showing the

vulnerability of the most powerful country and threatening its power by attacking the symbols

of America's power and influence69.

Besides that, the motivations behind the attacks refer to the essence of the terrorist

phenomenon, whose main objective is to weaken or destroy governments. In al-Qaeda’s case,

their actions are based in a specific interpretation of religious or prophetic scriptures and this

group justifies its violence as part of a crusade against nonbelievers70.

66SMITH, Natalie. What Happened on 9/11?. Retrieved from Accessed in Jan. 17, 2018. 67EL PAÍS.Bin Laden confesses 11-day attack on video, newspaper says. Folha de São Paulo. São Paulo. Nov.

11, 2001. Retrieved from Accessed in Feb. 10,

2018. 68BBC. More information about: The 9/11 terrorist attacks. Retrieved from Accessed in Jan. 17, 2018. 69BARBOSA, Rubens Antônio. The United States post September 11, 2001: implications for the world order and

for Brazil. Rev. bras. polít. int., Brasília, v. 45 n.1 Jan./July, 2002 Retrieved from: Accessed in Jan. 31, 2018 70LEMIEUX, Frederic. What is terrorism? What do terrorists want? The Conversation. [n.l]. May 23, 2017.

Retrieved from: Accessed in Feb.

10, 2018.


6. THE AFTERMATH OF 9/11/2001

To understand the international context of 9/11 attacks’ results it is important to

recognize the situation between United States and Iraq and the leadership of al-Qaeda on

September 11 attacks. Also, knowing the chronology of events is a key to understand

decisions United States made after the attacks and its impacts in the world.


In the same morning Tuesday, George W. Bush, the current U.S. president in 2001,

was in Sarasota71, Florida, reading a book to children in an elementary school. Clearly, he had

to interrupt the school’s schedule and announce that the country was under terrorist attack. He

had no option but departs from Sarasota to Barksdale Air Force Base72, Louisiana, and to the

Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska, for his own security. During his flight he could watch the

attacks while his vice, Dick Cheney, was in Washington. He and his wife, Lynne Cheney,

departed from The White House to Nebraska, to the President’s Emergency Operations


Picture 6: as security measure, the FAA closes the main routes to New York73.

71BUSINESS INSIDER. New Photos Show Moment President George W. Bush Learned Of 9/11 Attacks.

Retrieved from

2016-6#president-bush-talks-on-the-telephone-as-senior-staff-huddle-in-his-office-11. Accessed in Feb. 10. 2018 72MILITARY.COM. Barksdale Air Force Base. Retrieved from

guide/barksdale-air-force-base. Accessed in Feb. 10, 2018. 73 BUSINESS INSIDER. New Photos Show Moment President George W. Bush Learned Of 9/11 Attacks.

Retrieved from

2016-6#president-bush-talks-on-the-telephone-as-senior-staff-huddle-in-his-office-11. Accessed in Feb. 10. 2018


Picture 7: President Bush confers with staff by telephone, from his office aboard Air Force One, during the flight

from Sarasota to Barksdale Air Force Base74.

In New York, the United Nations (UN) and the United Nations Children's Fund

(UNICEF) were evacuated and the World Bank the Justice Department in Washington D.C. as


As security measurement the FAA transfers inbound of U.S. aircrafts must land on

Canada. At this time, both twin towers already have come down and there was a huge cloud

of black smoke that was possible to be captured by a satellite 400 km above the ground

level75. The United Airlines and American Airlines reported these four flights deviated from

their routes belonged to them. The Los Angeles International Airport was immediately

evacuated since it was the destination of three of these flights and the San Francisco

International Airport as well.

On September 12th, 2001, after the attacks, the first resolution after the 9/11 episode

(UNSCR 1368) (2001) was written about that event. In this resolution, they determined many

ways to combat threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts. It said to

call on all States to work together urgently to bring to justice the perpetrators, organizers and

sponsors of these terrorist acts and redouble their efforts to prevent and suppress terrorist acts

74BUSINESS INSIDER. New Photos Show Moment President George W. Bush Learned Of 9/11 Attacks.

Retrieved from

2016-6#president-bush-talks-on-the-telephone-as-senior-staff-huddle-in-his-office-11. Accessed in Feb. 10. 2018 75NASA. NASA Remembers September 11th. Retrieved from Accessed in Jan. 31, 2018.


including by increased cooperation and full implementation of the relevant international anti-

terrorist conventions and Security Council resolutions, in particular resolution 1269 (1999) of

19 October 199976.

Thereafter, the U.S. government took many steps to try to make the country safer. It

tightened security at airports and in public buildings. They created a new cabinet-level77

department, the Department of Homeland Security, to protect the United States from

terrorism. And those tragic events had also a significant effect on the world economic markets

and international confidence78.

The main impact that September 11 caused was the increasement of internal defense

and surveillance at borders and airports tend to take up significant space on the American

agenda and increase the U.S. concern about the preeminence of their national interest and the

aversion to accepting constraints in areas considered sensible79.

The United Nations rapidly organized a meeting to decide the future of Iraq

economics and diplomatic situation, in order to make restrictions about their economical

transitions. Based on these necessities, was created the United Nations Security Council

Resolution number 138280.



Created by the Security Council on November 29th, 2001, the UNSCR 1382 recalls

other previous resolutions about Iraq and its humanitarian improvement program. The

meeting decided necessary to take further actions comparing with previous resolutions


76BENNIS, Phyllis. Article 51: Self-Defense and its limits in the UN Charter. Feb, 1, 2002. Retrieved from Accessed in Apr. 24, 2018. 77Cabinet is a group of advisers for the head of a government. In the U.S., the Cabinet advises the President and

is composed of the leaders of government departments. 78SMITH, Natalie. What Happened on 9/11?. Retrieved from Accessed in Jan. 17, 2018. 79BARBOSA, Rubens Antônio. The United States post September 11, 2001: implications for the world order

and for Brazil. Retrieved from

73292002000100003. Accessed in Jan. 31, 2018. 80 AL JAZEERA. The Connection Between Iraq and 9/11. Sept. 7, 2011. Retrieved from Accessed in

Apr. 24, 2018. 81 UNITED NATIONS SECURITY COUNCIL. Resolution 1382. 29 November 2001. Retrieved from Accessed in

Jan. 31, 2018.


The document describes a series of prohibitions referent to Iraq. Basically, it

prevents the sale of products including military equipment and weapons to Iraq. The

resolution restrains the availability of any financial or economic resource (except if authorized

by other previous resolutions). Iraq had no choice but cooperate with every part of the

process. It also lists a sequence of technologies including electronics, computers, sensors,

lasers, algorithms and bioweapons with an extended quantity of technical parameters82.


The shock to United States’ foundations was mighty and very clear, as it’s possible

to identify most of damages provoked by attacks. This situation required alliances between

countries against Afghanistan to avoid other potential attacks. Within almost one month, the

U.S. sent troops to Afghan soil, giving birth to Afghanistan War83 on October 7th, 2001.

In a period of months, a several majority of terrorist group members were captured or

killed, and this quick advance of the American army obligated Taliban and al-Qaeda leaders

hide from investigation. To prevent new attacks in American soil (after the increasement of

vigilance in events, airports and federal buildings) George W. Bush and the congress

authorized the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required

to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 (USA PATRIOT Act)84 what basically

permitted the improvement and increment of surveillance power of federal agencies. The

decree made a huge readjust in privacy of national and foreign telecommunication.

Despite the attacks’ success, al-Qaeda was seriously affected after U.S. invasion,

since the troops have discovered and destroyed their main bases. Osama bin Laden, al-Qaeda

leader, didn’t expect the U.S.' response coming that way and Bush at January 2002 implanted

a new doctrine against the “evil axis”, which one includes Iraq and Iran85.

82 Ibidem. 83ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. The Afghanistan War. Retrieved from Accessed in Jan. 31, 2018. 84ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. The USA PATRIOT Act. Retrieved from Accessed in Jan. 31, 2018. 85THE ECONOMIST. Bush and the axis of evil. Retrieved from

Accessed in Jan. 31, 2018.



It is important to understand it was a successful work of al-Qaeda looking for targets

in order to cause impacts and have national and international press coverage. In front of this

situation, many countries allied with the United States to help and give support. For the first

time in history the NATO invoked Article 5 (The Principle of Collective Defense) allowing

nations’ union to defend them as the Alliance86.

On September 13th, the French newspaper Le Monde published a special edition of

its paper with the slogan “Nous sommes tous Américans”87 (We are all American, in

English)88. Shaken, the French people gave support as much as they could, offering a place to

sleep to Americans waiting on French airports (since all U.S. airspace was closed).

One week after attacks, Jacques Chirac, current French president, flew to New York

to meet George W. Bush, what made him the first foreign head of state to visit the president

after the tragedy89.

Picture 8: student officers display an American flag on the Trocadero square with the Eiffel tower in the

background during a solemn tribute to the victims of the 9/11 attacks on Sept. 11, 2011 in Paris90.

86NATO. Collective Defense Article 5. Retrieved from

Accessed in Jan. 31, 2018. 87LE MONDE. Nous sommes tous Américains. Retrieved from americains_913706_3232.html. Accessed in

Jan. 31, 2018. 88TIME. How Paris Stood With The U.S. After 9/11. Retrieved from

september-911-terrorism/. Accessed in Jan. 18, 2018. 89Ibidem.


The 9/11 attacks disturbed the world in many kinds but mainly the United States’

health and economical images. The direct impact was the death of 2,996 people, including the

19 hijackers, and over six thousand injured. A research showed a high increase of alcohol and

nicotine consumption as well in cases of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) registered in

New York91.

Considering New York, the most populous city in United States92, thousands of

people witnessed the attacks and millions watched it from their TVs. Still shocked by trauma,

the local commerce stopped for the four following days (resulting in a local economic

impact)93. The attacks themselves costed approximately 40 billion of dollars to the country.94

The event of 9/11 brought several changes to modern politics and economy between

nations, beginning with the less dependence of U.S. on foreign oil supply95.

It also made the national security infrastructure of the United States stronger than

ever. New bureaucracies have been created in its wake including the Department of

Homeland Security and the National Counterterrorism Center. The entire intelligence

community was reorganized and a new position, director of national intelligence, created

because the attacks revealed serious lack of coordination among the agencies. It also

encouraged America to use torture and secret prisons to fight back96.

90TIME. How Paris Stood With The U.S. After 9/11. Retrieved from

september-9. Accessed in Jan 31, 2018. 91THE GUARDIAN. 9/11 in Numbers. Retrieved from Accessed in Jan. 31, 2018. 92US CENSUS BUREAU. Population Distribution and Change 2000 to 2010. Retrieved from Accessed in Jan. 18, 2018. 93ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. The September 11 Attacks. Retrieved from Accessed in Jan. 31, 2018. 94GLOBALIZATION 101. Ten Years Later: The Global Impact of the 9.11 Attacks. Retrieved from Accessed in Jan 31,

2018. 95NEWS DAY OPINION/ OPED. 10 changes in the world since 9/11. Retrieved from Accessed

in Jan. 31, 2018. 96BROOKINGS. The World After 9/11. Retrieved from

911-part-i/. Accessed in Feb. 10, 2018.



The international treaty is an agreement between nations that aims to end a particular

conflict. In some cases, organizations can be parties to treaties, thus, a peace treaty consists in

negotiations and the ability to deal with subjects without causing hostility97.

Historically, in 1918, the president of the United States, Woodrow Wilson, made a

proposal to seal the peace and avoid the war without sanctions, having as his main purpose

“peace without winners”. Therefore, he wrote 14 points to unify the peace which contributed

for the creation of the UN afterwards98. Among these points, some very important ones are: to

enact peace pacts to be reached openly, without secret agreements; removal of all economic

barriers and establishment of equal conditions of trade between all nations in keeping with

and maintenance of peace; reduction of national weapons to the minimum necessary for

internal security; all these conditions to ensure equality between nations and keep the peace.

Later, in 1919, one of the first treaties to be held, the Treaty of Versailles, signed by

the European powers that brought the end of the First World War, took place, which the main

intention was to make Germany accept all the responsibilities, including the loss of one part

of its territory for a number of border nations, all colonies on the oceans and on the African

continent, a restriction on the size of the army and compensation for the damages caused

during the war. However, in Germany, the treaty caused shock and humiliation to the

population, contributing to the fall of the Weimar Republic in 1933 and the rise of Nazism99.

In July 1945, the two world powers, the United States and the Soviet Union, divided

the world into zones of influence at the Potsdam Conference and discussed the fate of

Germany, Japan and some European nations100.

97BERKELEY LAW. How can I do an international treaty? Retrieved from Accessed in Feb. 28, 2018. 98MUNDO EDUCAÇÃO. Creation of the UN after Second World War. Retrieved from Accessed in Feb.

27,2018. 99UNITED STATES HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL MUSEUM. Treaty of Versailles, 1919. Retrieved from . Accessed in Feb. 26, 2018 100ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. Potsdam Conference. Retrieved from . Accessed in Feb. 27, 2018



It is not easy to sustain compliance with the peace treaties. In general, the covenants

are extremely efficient, but each country have your sovereignty defending the national

interests, for this reason, conflicts of interest arise between nations, making it difficult to stop

all wars forever. Besides, some established measures can undermine the country's own laws,

leading to noncompliance, just like it happened with the treaty of Versailles, which breach led

to World War II101. Nevertheless, this lack of commitment is not common, for example, the

treaty of Westphalia has been fully complied with.

Another difficulty presented is the divergence between societies, for example, in the

Middle East. There, the people cannot achieve a pacified decision due to the prevail of

religious and territorial issues, so there is no tolerance and respect among them. Thus, it is

increasingly difficult to reach a consensus in which all will win102.

Furthermore, to have an international treaty you have to consider the personal

interests about your territory, but especially, how can you help other nations to have

international security encouraging and keeping the peace103.

After the terrorist attacks on September 11th, the Council Members had several

meetings to bring justice to the perpetrators, organizers and sponsors of the terrorist attacks

and stressed that those responsible for aiding, supporting or harboring would be held

accountable. Therefore, it was necessary to firm anti-terrorist conventions and Council

resolutions, resulting in treaties regarding international peace and security, which were

previously mentioned. However, threats to world order keep emerging throughout the globe,

making the search for peace a never-ending quest104.

101 DAILY HISTORY. How did the versailles treaty lead to World War II. Retrieved from Accessed in Feb.

27,2018 102REVISTA PLANETA. War and Peace are fruits of same international relationship. Retrieved from Accessed in

Feb. 25, 2018.

103 ibidem.

104 UNITED NATIONS. Security Council Counter-terrorism Committee. . Accessed in Feb 26, 2018.



Back to our current chronology, there are some statements that must be made clear.

Seventeen years ago, the United States wasn't officially engaged in any wars. Names such

as al-Qaeda or Osama bin Laden were not yet rooted into our darkest dreams. ISIS (Islamic

State in Iraq and Syria) didn't even exist.

The U.S. was responsible for deporting half the number of people that they do today

and its surveillance state, a fraction of its current size, did not represent an oppressive

mechanism for the civil rights and ideals that it claims to represent, such as freedom.

America’s involvement in the War on Terror – prompted by the 9/11 terrorist attacks

– resulted in a dramatic change in all world nation's attitudes and concerns about safety,

vigilance and privacy.

The expression exposed into the Aristotle's book, “Politics”, stands as a key factor

for understanding the impacts of the 9/11’s consequences, literally transcribed as: “anthropos

physei politikon zoon”. Whose translation is: “the human is a political animal”. As putting

human beings and society as elements of an indissociably system, it is noticeable that even the

most sensible touch can be perceived as a disruptive force, acting all over the system, causing

it an offensive instability.

As you may have noticed by now, the 9/11 outrage cannot be considered as just a

touch, nor it can be described as sensible. The social impacts of that dispute have its

manifestations spread among any sphere that you may be able to imagine. However, it is upon

the ideological level that its nefarious character finds rich soil to flourish.

The name of its main campaign, “War Against Terror”, exemplifies it quite properly.

It is a brilliant strategy to elect an amorphous enemy, and its foundation comprehends the fact

that that personification offers elasticity and fluidity, just as a t-shirt that can be adapted in

order to suit any owner that may be found “worthy” of it. At that stake, we see the uprising of

xenophobic, racist and separatist movements, just as Charlottesville’s walk (August 08th,

2017), all over the world. Discrimination acts as a curtain that hides the death of thousands

who are marginalized because of their skin, ethnicity, religion and beliefs. Just in 2018, 874

civilians were violently killed in Iraq and, from 2003 to now, that number increased to

202.757105, just for the Iraqi territory.

105IRAQ BODY COUNT. Database. Retrieved from Accessed in

Mar. 18, 2018.


Moreover, we summon you, students who are willing to make the difference, those

that hold the instruments to rewrite history, individuals not only capable of opening these

curtains and exposing it to the world, but to transform the geopolitical landscape that we face

when we look outside.


While simulating the United Nations Security Council, the activities exercised by the

participants of the committee are expected to be as reliable as possible but adapting as

conditions of the simulation: participants are expected to advocate for the nations they stand

for, in which the surrounding atmosphere comprehends the conflicts of the September 11

aftermath. The members must perform their duties according to a practice of the Council

itself, acting in compliance with its Charter.

As already explained in the present text, the Study Guide is characterized by being a

presentation of the international organ (institution) and the main subjects of the discussions

ahead, directing the research of those involved with the committee, which should not be

restricted to this – having the conscience that no direct reference or mention to the Guide can

be made during the simulation, in respect to the likelihood of the reproduction of the historical

moment. The Meeting will follow its own organizational forms, established in the Rules of

Procedure document of the Council, to be made available later by the Board of Directors of

this committee at the appropriate time.

Upon confirmation of participation in the United Nations Security Council, each

member will receive the instructions necessary for their performance in the simulation, being

provided with full support of the directors for any matter which may concern that unique

experience. Our roles as idealizers of this committee is to assist in the construction of

strategies and other clarifications necessary for the preparation of the participants.

In light of this, it is hoped that the United Nations Security Council will positively

impact all involved with this sensational committee, which will leave its marks on SOI -

Simulation of International Organizations, as the first English committee for high school

students in Northeast. The activities carried out here are sure to be successful, generating an

impeccable simulation, marked by excellence.



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