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Transcript of MP135

  • COFINSMedida Provisria No. 135, de 30 de outubro de 2003

    SAP AG 2003, Reunio de Localizao - ASUG, Development Link & Localization Team

    MP 135/2003 o que muda ? Alquota para clculo de COFINS de 3% para 7,60% na maioria dos casos salvo excees.Reduo do efeito cascata , sendo que o valor pago em cada fase (dbito decorrente da venda) valer como crdito na etapa final de produo (crdito na compra).Estoque at a entrada em vigor tambm receber o crdito em 12 parcelas.

    Conceito geral

    What is a way to manage these challenges for ensuring transparency and unleashing the full savings and value potential locked up in your supply base? Enter SRM for closing the loop ^3 (to the power of 3)What does that mean?First, you need to close the loop between sourcing and procurement as the key business processes within SRM. Comprehensive analytics are necessary to analyze your spend on a global basis, develop a sound sourcing strategy and identify the right suppliers for the right products. Then, you need to ensure that the savings negotiated in a sourcing process materialize through execution in procurement this is achieved by contract management. But SRM doesnt happen in a vacuum. You also need to close the loop within the enterprise as supply management processes involve many users and processes. This loop is key for extended processes, for example in high tech, automotive and CPG/retail. Only through integration with for example a PLM or SCM system can end to end processes come to fruitionFinally your company doesnt work in a vaccum either, so you need to close the loop with suppliers a key step for seamless SRM processes with the entire supply base. And this is exactly what we are doing with mySAP SRM we are closing all three loops, making it the most comprehensive and only fully integrated SRM solutionBut how is all of this enabled? mySAP SRM is powered by SAP NetWeaver, SAPs open integration and application platform.Lets look at an example. (turn to next page)

    SAP AG 2003, Reunio de Localizao - ASUG, Development Link & Localization Team

    MP 135Os pagamentos efetuados pelas pessoas jurdicas de direito privado, pela prestao de determinados servios esto sujeitos a reteno na fonte da Contribuio Social sobre o CSLL, da COFINS e do PIS/PASEP...Os valores retidos devero ser recolhidos ao Tesouro Nacional pelo rgo pblico que efetuar a reteno ou de forma centralizada, pelo estabelecimento matriz da Pessoa jrdica, at o 3o. dia til da semana subsequente quela em que tiver ocorrido o pagamento

    What is a way to manage these challenges for ensuring transparency and unleashing the full savings and value potential locked up in your supply base? Enter SRM for closing the loop ^3 (to the power of 3)What does that mean?First, you need to close the loop between sourcing and procurement as the key business processes within SRM. Comprehensive analytics are necessary to analyze your spend on a global basis, develop a sound sourcing strategy and identify the right suppliers for the right products. Then, you need to ensure that the savings negotiated in a sourcing process materialize through execution in procurement this is achieved by contract management. But SRM doesnt happen in a vacuum. You also need to close the loop within the enterprise as supply management processes involve many users and processes. This loop is key for extended processes, for example in high tech, automotive and CPG/retail. Only through integration with for example a PLM or SCM system can end to end processes come to fruitionFinally your company doesnt work in a vaccum either, so you need to close the loop with suppliers a key step for seamless SRM processes with the entire supply base. And this is exactly what we are doing with mySAP SRM we are closing all three loops, making it the most comprehensive and only fully integrated SRM solutionBut how is all of this enabled? mySAP SRM is powered by SAP NetWeaver, SAPs open integration and application platform.Lets look at an example. (turn to next page)

    SAP AG 2003, Reunio de Localizao - ASUG, Development Link & Localization Team

    O que muda para os lanamentos na fatura?Exemplo de lanamento para IVA cpia do I3 (ICMS/IPI) ou do IVA para PISPreo Lquido Material: 82ICMS: 18 (18%)IPI: 10 (10%)PIS: 1,65 (1,65%)COFINS:7,60 (7,6%)--------------------------------------------------------Total daNF: 110Lanamento Contbil no momento da fatura:D - 1,65 PIS a recuperarD - 7,6COFINS a recuperarD -18 ICMS a recuperarD - 10 IPI a recuperarD - 72,75 EstoqueC - 110 Fornecedor

    What is a way to manage these challenges for ensuring transparency and unleashing the full savings and value potential locked up in your supply base? Enter SRM for closing the loop ^3 (to the power of 3)What does that mean?First, you need to close the loop between sourcing and procurement as the key business processes within SRM. Comprehensive analytics are necessary to analyze your spend on a global basis, develop a sound sourcing strategy and identify the right suppliers for the right products. Then, you need to ensure that the savings negotiated in a sourcing process materialize through execution in procurement this is achieved by contract management. But SRM doesnt happen in a vacuum. You also need to close the loop within the enterprise as supply management processes involve many users and processes. This loop is key for extended processes, for example in high tech, automotive and CPG/retail. Only through integration with for example a PLM or SCM system can end to end processes come to fruitionFinally your company doesnt work in a vaccum either, so you need to close the loop with suppliers a key step for seamless SRM processes with the entire supply base. And this is exactly what we are doing with mySAP SRM we are closing all three loops, making it the most comprehensive and only fully integrated SRM solutionBut how is all of this enabled? mySAP SRM is powered by SAP NetWeaver, SAPs open integration and application platform.Lets look at an example. (turn to next page)

    SAP AG 2003, Reunio de Localizao - ASUG, Development Link & Localization Team

    Exemplo de configurao Exemplos de como configurar o R/3 para atender a MP 135

    What is a way to manage these challenges for ensuring transparency and unleashing the full savings and value potential locked up in your supply base? Enter SRM for closing the loop ^3 (to the power of 3)What does that mean?First, you need to close the loop between sourcing and procurement as the key business processes within SRM. Comprehensive analytics are necessary to analyze your spend on a global basis, develop a sound sourcing strategy and identify the right suppliers for the right products. Then, you need to ensure that the savings negotiated in a sourcing process materialize through execution in procurement this is achieved by contract management. But SRM doesnt happen in a vacuum. You also need to close the loop within the enterprise as supply management processes involve many users and processes. This loop is key for extended processes, for example in high tech, automotive and CPG/retail. Only through integration with for example a PLM or SCM system can end to end processes come to fruitionFinally your company doesnt work in a vaccum either, so you need to close the loop with suppliers a key step for seamless SRM processes with the entire supply base. And this is exactly what we are doing with mySAP SRM we are closing all three loops, making it the most comprehensive and only fully integrated SRM solutionBut how is all of this enabled? mySAP SRM is powered by SAP NetWeaver, SAPs open integration and application platform.Lets look at an example. (turn to next page)

    SAP AG 2003, Reunio de Localizao - ASUG, Development Link & Localization Team

    O que muda para os lanamentos na fatura? 1. Criar uma chave de conta: COFINS a recuperar ZCO (por exemplo) como cpia do NVV e alterar o tipo de imposto de Input(2) para Output (1) conforme a seguir:

    What is a way to manage these challenges for ensuring transparency and unleashing the full savings and value potential locked up in your supply base? Enter SRM for closing the loop ^3 (to the power of 3)What does that mean?First, you need to close the loop between sourcing and procurement as the key business processes within SRM. Comprehensive analytics are necessary to analyze your spend on a global basis, develop a sound sourcing strategy and identify the right suppliers for the right products. Then, you need to ensure that the savings negotiated in a sourcing process materialize through execution in procurement this is achieved by contract management. But SRM doesnt happen in a vacuum. You also need to close the loop within the enterprise as supply management processes involve many users and processes. This loop is key for extended processes, for example in high tech, automotive and CPG/retail. Only through integration with for example a PLM or SCM system can end to end processes come to fruitionFinally your company doesnt work in a vaccum either, so you need to close the loop with suppliers a key step for seamless SRM processes with the entire supply base. And this is exactly what we are doing with mySAP SRM we are closing all three loops, making it the most comprehensive and only fully integrated SRM solutionBut how is all of this enabled? mySAP SRM is powered by SAP NetWeaver, SAPs open integration and application platform.Lets look at an example. (turn to next page)

    SAP AG 2003, Reunio de Localizao - ASUG, Development Link & Localization Team

    O que muda para os lanamentos na fatura?2. Criar chave de conta: ZCI a recuperar (por exemplo) como cpia do INX conforme a seguir:

    What is a way to manage these challenges for ensuring transparency and unleashing the full savings and value potential locked up in your supply base? Enter SRM for closing the loop ^3 (to the power of 3)What does that mean?First, you need to close the loop between sourcing and procurement as the key business processes within SRM. Comprehensive analytics are necessary to analyze your spend on a global basis, develop a sound sourcing strategy and identify the right suppliers for the right products. Then, you need to ensure that the savings negotiated in a sourcing process materialize through execution in procurement this is achieved by contract management. But SRM doesnt happen in a vacuum. You also need to close the loop within the enterprise as supply management processes involve many users and processes. This loop is key for extended processes, for example in high tech, automotive and CPG/retail. Only through integration with for example a PLM or SCM system can end to end processes come to fruitionFinally your company doesnt work in a vaccum either, so you need to close the loop with suppliers a key step for seamless SRM processes with the entire supply base. And this is exactly what we are doing with mySAP SRM we are closing all three loops, making it the most comprehensive and only fully integrated SRM solutionBut how is all of this enabled? mySAP SRM is powered by SAP NetWeaver, SAPs open integration and application platform.Lets look at an example. (turn to next page)

    SAP AG 2003, Reunio de Localizao - ASUG, Development Link & Localization Team

    O que muda para os lanamentos na fatura?3. Criar os passos 822,823,824, 845 e 846 conforme as seguir:

    What is a way to manage these challenges for ensuring transparency and unleashing the full savings and value potential locked up in your supply base? Enter SRM for closing the loop ^3 (to the power of 3)What does that mean?First, you need to close the loop between sourcing and procurement as the key business processes within SRM. Comprehensive analytics are necessary to analyze your spend on a global basis, develop a sound sourcing strategy and identify the right suppliers for the right products. Then, you need to ensure that the savings negotiated in a sourcing process materialize through execution in procurement this is achieved by contract management. But SRM doesnt happen in a vacuum. You also need to close the loop within the enterprise as supply management processes involve many users and processes. This loop is key for extended processes, for example in high tech, automotive and CPG/retail. Only through integration with for example a PLM or SCM system can end to end processes come to fruitionFinally your company doesnt work in a vaccum either, so you need to close the loop with suppliers a key step for seamless SRM processes with the entire supply base. And this is exactly what we are doing with mySAP SRM we are closing all three loops, making it the most comprehensive and only fully integrated SRM solutionBut how is all of this enabled? mySAP SRM is powered by SAP NetWeaver, SAPs open integration and application platform.Lets look at an example. (turn to next page)

    SAP AG 2003, Reunio de Localizao - ASUG, Development Link & Localization Team

    4. Criar um novo IVA com cpia de um Industrializado e setar a Categoria de Imposto como 1 nas PropriedadesO que muda para os lanamentos na fatura?

    SAP AG 2003, Reunio de Localizao - ASUG, Development Link & Localization Team

    O que muda para os lanamentos na fatura?

    What is a way to manage these challenges for ensuring transparency and unleashing the full savings and value potential locked up in your supply base? Enter SRM for closing the loop ^3 (to the power of 3)What does that mean?First, you need to close the loop between sourcing and procurement as the key business processes within SRM. Comprehensive analytics are necessary to analyze your spend on a global basis, develop a sound sourcing strategy and identify the right suppliers for the right products. Then, you need to ensure that the savings negotiated in a sourcing process materialize through execution in procurement this is achieved by contract management. But SRM doesnt happen in a vacuum. You also need to close the loop within the enterprise as supply management processes involve many users and processes. This loop is key for extended processes, for example in high tech, automotive and CPG/retail. Only through integration with for example a PLM or SCM system can end to end processes come to fruitionFinally your company doesnt work in a vaccum either, so you need to close the loop with suppliers a key step for seamless SRM processes with the entire supply base. And this is exactly what we are doing with mySAP SRM we are closing all three loops, making it the most comprehensive and only fully integrated SRM solutionBut how is all of this enabled? mySAP SRM is powered by SAP NetWeaver, SAPs open integration and application platform.Lets look at an example. (turn to next page)

    SAP AG 2003, Reunio de Localizao - ASUG, Development Link & Localization Team

    O que muda para os lanamentos na fatura?Estoque com PIS/COFINS inclusosReduo do COFINS no estoqueReduo do PIS

    What is a way to manage these challenges for ensuring transparency and unleashing the full savings and value potential locked up in your supply base? Enter SRM for closing the loop ^3 (to the power of 3)What does that mean?First, you need to close the loop between sourcing and procurement as the key business processes within SRM. Comprehensive analytics are necessary to analyze your spend on a global basis, develop a sound sourcing strategy and identify the right suppliers for the right products. Then, you need to ensure that the savings negotiated in a sourcing process materialize through execution in procurement this is achieved by contract management. But SRM doesnt happen in a vacuum. You also need to close the loop within the enterprise as supply management processes involve many users and processes. This loop is key for extended processes, for example in high tech, automotive and CPG/retail. Only through integration with for example a PLM or SCM system can end to end processes come to fruitionFinally your company doesnt work in a vaccum either, so you need to close the loop with suppliers a key step for seamless SRM processes with the entire supply base. And this is exactly what we are doing with mySAP SRM we are closing all three loops, making it the most comprehensive and only fully integrated SRM solutionBut how is all of this enabled? mySAP SRM is powered by SAP NetWeaver, SAPs open integration and application platform.Lets look at an example. (turn to next page)

    SAP AG 2003, Reunio de Localizao - ASUG, Development Link & Localization Team

    O que muda para os lanamentos na reteno?A configurao da reteno standard (Withholding Tax) 1. Criar um tipo de Withholding Tax para o momento do Pagamento

    What is a way to manage these challenges for ensuring transparency and unleashing the full savings and value potential locked up in your supply base? Enter SRM for closing the loop ^3 (to the power of 3)What does that mean?First, you need to close the loop between sourcing and procurement as the key business processes within SRM. Comprehensive analytics are necessary to analyze your spend on a global basis, develop a sound sourcing strategy and identify the right suppliers for the right products. Then, you need to ensure that the savings negotiated in a sourcing process materialize through execution in procurement this is achieved by contract management. But SRM doesnt happen in a vacuum. You also need to close the loop within the enterprise as supply management processes involve many users and processes. This loop is key for extended processes, for example in high tech, automotive and CPG/retail. Only through integration with for example a PLM or SCM system can end to end processes come to fruitionFinally your company doesnt work in a vaccum either, so you need to close the loop with suppliers a key step for seamless SRM processes with the entire supply base. And this is exactly what we are doing with mySAP SRM we are closing all three loops, making it the most comprehensive and only fully integrated SRM solutionBut how is all of this enabled? mySAP SRM is powered by SAP NetWeaver, SAPs open integration and application platform.Lets look at an example. (turn to next page)

    SAP AG 2003, Reunio de Localizao - ASUG, Development Link & Localization Team

    O que muda para os lanamentos na reteno?2. Definir cdigo de Withholding Tax

    What is a way to manage these challenges for ensuring transparency and unleashing the full savings and value potential locked up in your supply base? Enter SRM for closing the loop ^3 (to the power of 3)What does that mean?First, you need to close the loop between sourcing and procurement as the key business processes within SRM. Comprehensive analytics are necessary to analyze your spend on a global basis, develop a sound sourcing strategy and identify the right suppliers for the right products. Then, you need to ensure that the savings negotiated in a sourcing process materialize through execution in procurement this is achieved by contract management. But SRM doesnt happen in a vacuum. You also need to close the loop within the enterprise as supply management processes involve many users and processes. This loop is key for extended processes, for example in high tech, automotive and CPG/retail. Only through integration with for example a PLM or SCM system can end to end processes come to fruitionFinally your company doesnt work in a vaccum either, so you need to close the loop with suppliers a key step for seamless SRM processes with the entire supply base. And this is exactly what we are doing with mySAP SRM we are closing all three loops, making it the most comprehensive and only fully integrated SRM solutionBut how is all of this enabled? mySAP SRM is powered by SAP NetWeaver, SAPs open integration and application platform.Lets look at an example. (turn to next page)

    SAP AG 2003, Reunio de Localizao - ASUG, Development Link & Localization Team

    O que muda para os lanamentos na reteno?3. Associar os cdigos de reteno no Cadastro do Fornecedor

    What is a way to manage these challenges for ensuring transparency and unleashing the full savings and value potential locked up in your supply base? Enter SRM for closing the loop ^3 (to the power of 3)What does that mean?First, you need to close the loop between sourcing and procurement as the key business processes within SRM. Comprehensive analytics are necessary to analyze your spend on a global basis, develop a sound sourcing strategy and identify the right suppliers for the right products. Then, you need to ensure that the savings negotiated in a sourcing process materialize through execution in procurement this is achieved by contract management. But SRM doesnt happen in a vacuum. You also need to close the loop within the enterprise as supply management processes involve many users and processes. This loop is key for extended processes, for example in high tech, automotive and CPG/retail. Only through integration with for example a PLM or SCM system can end to end processes come to fruitionFinally your company doesnt work in a vaccum either, so you need to close the loop with suppliers a key step for seamless SRM processes with the entire supply base. And this is exactly what we are doing with mySAP SRM we are closing all three loops, making it the most comprehensive and only fully integrated SRM solutionBut how is all of this enabled? mySAP SRM is powered by SAP NetWeaver, SAPs open integration and application platform.Lets look at an example. (turn to next page)

    SAP AG 2003, Reunio de Localizao - ASUG, Development Link & Localization Team

    O que muda para os lanamentos na reteno?Contabilizao durante a fatura do IR:Exemplo de uma entrada de servio prestado por fornecedor jurdico com reteno de IR, PIS, COFINS e CSLL conforme MP 135

    What is a way to manage these challenges for ensuring transparency and unleashing the full savings and value potential locked up in your supply base? Enter SRM for closing the loop ^3 (to the power of 3)What does that mean?First, you need to close the loop between sourcing and procurement as the key business processes within SRM. Comprehensive analytics are necessary to analyze your spend on a global basis, develop a sound sourcing strategy and identify the right suppliers for the right products. Then, you need to ensure that the savings negotiated in a sourcing process materialize through execution in procurement this is achieved by contract management. But SRM doesnt happen in a vacuum. You also need to close the loop within the enterprise as supply management processes involve many users and processes. This loop is key for extended processes, for example in high tech, automotive and CPG/retail. Only through integration with for example a PLM or SCM system can end to end processes come to fruitionFinally your company doesnt work in a vaccum either, so you need to close the loop with suppliers a key step for seamless SRM processes with the entire supply base. And this is exactly what we are doing with mySAP SRM we are closing all three loops, making it the most comprehensive and only fully integrated SRM solutionBut how is all of this enabled? mySAP SRM is powered by SAP NetWeaver, SAPs open integration and application platform.Lets look at an example. (turn to next page)

    SAP AG 2003, Reunio de Localizao - ASUG, Development Link & Localization Team

    O que muda para os lanamentos na reteno?Contabilizao aps o pagamento da fatura:

    What is a way to manage these challenges for ensuring transparency and unleashing the full savings and value potential locked up in your supply base? Enter SRM for closing the loop ^3 (to the power of 3)What does that mean?First, you need to close the loop between sourcing and procurement as the key business processes within SRM. Comprehensive analytics are necessary to analyze your spend on a global basis, develop a sound sourcing strategy and identify the right suppliers for the right products. Then, you need to ensure that the savings negotiated in a sourcing process materialize through execution in procurement this is achieved by contract management. But SRM doesnt happen in a vacuum. You also need to close the loop within the enterprise as supply management processes involve many users and processes. This loop is key for extended processes, for example in high tech, automotive and CPG/retail. Only through integration with for example a PLM or SCM system can end to end processes come to fruitionFinally your company doesnt work in a vaccum either, so you need to close the loop with suppliers a key step for seamless SRM processes with the entire supply base. And this is exactly what we are doing with mySAP SRM we are closing all three loops, making it the most comprehensive and only fully integrated SRM solutionBut how is all of this enabled? mySAP SRM is powered by SAP NetWeaver, SAPs open integration and application platform.Lets look at an example. (turn to next page)

    SAP AG 2003, Reunio de Localizao - ASUG, Development Link & Localization Team

    Crditos da COFINS sobre Posio Inicial (Artigo 12)Lanamento do desconto igual ao resultado da aplicao do percentual de 3% sobre o valor do estoque (Crdito Presumido)

    Estoques em 01/Fev/2004: Bens para Revenda; Bens/Servios Utilizados como Insumos adquiridos de pessoa jurdica domiciliada no pas tm direito ao crdito da COFINS

    MP 135 Revalorizao dos estoques A utilizao do crdito ocorrer em 12 parcelas.

    SAP AG 2003, Reunio de Localizao - ASUG, Development Link & Localization Team

    MP 135 Revalorizao dos estoques Nota 686181 disponvel para clientes nas verses 4.6C e R/3 Enterprise

    Para clientes que assinaram o Contrato de Extenso de Manuteno das verses anteriores 4.6C recebero o programa via e-mail

    What is a way to manage these challenges for ensuring transparency and unleashing the full savings and value potential locked up in your supply base? Enter SRM for closing the loop ^3 (to the power of 3)What does that mean?First, you need to close the loop between sourcing and procurement as the key business processes within SRM. Comprehensive analytics are necessary to analyze your spend on a global basis, develop a sound sourcing strategy and identify the right suppliers for the right products. Then, you need to ensure that the savings negotiated in a sourcing process materialize through execution in procurement this is achieved by contract management. But SRM doesnt happen in a vacuum. You also need to close the loop within the enterprise as supply management processes involve many users and processes. This loop is key for extended processes, for example in high tech, automotive and CPG/retail. Only through integration with for example a PLM or SCM system can end to end processes come to fruitionFinally your company doesnt work in a vaccum either, so you need to close the loop with suppliers a key step for seamless SRM processes with the entire supply base. And this is exactly what we are doing with mySAP SRM we are closing all three loops, making it the most comprehensive and only fully integrated SRM solutionBut how is all of this enabled? mySAP SRM is powered by SAP NetWeaver, SAPs open integration and application platform.Lets look at an example. (turn to next page)

    What is a way to manage these challenges for ensuring transparency and unleashing the full savings and value potential locked up in your supply base? Enter SRM for closing the loop ^3 (to the power of 3)What does that mean?First, you need to close the loop between sourcing and procurement as the key business processes within SRM. Comprehensive analytics are necessary to analyze your spend on a global basis, develop a sound sourcing strategy and identify the right suppliers for the right products. Then, you need to ensure that the savings negotiated in a sourcing process materialize through execution in procurement this is achieved by contract management. But SRM doesnt happen in a vacuum. You also need to close the loop within the enterprise as supply management processes involve many users and processes. This loop is key for extended processes, for example in high tech, automotive and CPG/retail. Only through integration with for example a PLM or SCM system can end to end processes come to fruitionFinally your company doesnt work in a vaccum either, so you need to close the loop with suppliers a key step for seamless SRM processes with the entire supply base. And this is exactly what we are doing with mySAP SRM we are closing all three loops, making it the most comprehensive and only fully integrated SRM solutionBut how is all of this enabled? mySAP SRM is powered by SAP NetWeaver, SAPs open integration and application platform.Lets look at an example. (turn to next page)What is a way to manage these challenges for ensuring transparency and unleashing the full savings and value potential locked up in your supply base? Enter SRM for closing the loop ^3 (to the power of 3)What does that mean?First, you need to close the loop between sourcing and procurement as the key business processes within SRM. Comprehensive analytics are necessary to analyze your spend on a global basis, develop a sound sourcing strategy and identify the right suppliers for the right products. Then, you need to ensure that the savings negotiated in a sourcing process materialize through execution in procurement this is achieved by contract management. But SRM doesnt happen in a vacuum. You also need to close the loop within the enterprise as supply management processes involve many users and processes. This loop is key for extended processes, for example in high tech, automotive and CPG/retail. Only through integration with for example a PLM or SCM system can end to end processes come to fruitionFinally your company doesnt work in a vaccum either, so you need to close the loop with suppliers a key step for seamless SRM processes with the entire supply base. And this is exactly what we are doing with mySAP SRM we are closing all three loops, making it the most comprehensive and only fully integrated SRM solutionBut how is all of this enabled? mySAP SRM is powered by SAP NetWeaver, SAPs open integration and application platform.Lets look at an example. (turn to next page)What is a way to manage these challenges for ensuring transparency and unleashing the full savings and value potential locked up in your supply base? Enter SRM for closing the loop ^3 (to the power of 3)What does that mean?First, you need to close the loop between sourcing and procurement as the key business processes within SRM. Comprehensive analytics are necessary to analyze your spend on a global basis, develop a sound sourcing strategy and identify the right suppliers for the right products. Then, you need to ensure that the savings negotiated in a sourcing process materialize through execution in procurement this is achieved by contract management. But SRM doesnt happen in a vacuum. You also need to close the loop within the enterprise as supply management processes involve many users and processes. This loop is key for extended processes, for example in high tech, automotive and CPG/retail. Only through integration with for example a PLM or SCM system can end to end processes come to fruitionFinally your company doesnt work in a vaccum either, so you need to close the loop with suppliers a key step for seamless SRM processes with the entire supply base. And this is exactly what we are doing with mySAP SRM we are closing all three loops, making it the most comprehensive and only fully integrated SRM solutionBut how is all of this enabled? mySAP SRM is powered by SAP NetWeaver, SAPs open integration and application platform.Lets look at an example. (turn to next page)What is a way to manage these challenges for ensuring transparency and unleashing the full savings and value potential locked up in your supply base? Enter SRM for closing the loop ^3 (to the power of 3)What does that mean?First, you need to close the loop between sourcing and procurement as the key business processes within SRM. Comprehensive analytics are necessary to analyze your spend on a global basis, develop a sound sourcing strategy and identify the right suppliers for the right products. Then, you need to ensure that the savings negotiated in a sourcing process materialize through execution in procurement this is achieved by contract management. But SRM doesnt happen in a vacuum. You also need to close the loop within the enterprise as supply management processes involve many users and processes. This loop is key for extended processes, for example in high tech, automotive and CPG/retail. Only through integration with for example a PLM or SCM system can end to end processes come to fruitionFinally your company doesnt work in a vaccum either, so you need to close the loop with suppliers a key step for seamless SRM processes with the entire supply base. And this is exactly what we are doing with mySAP SRM we are closing all three loops, making it the most comprehensive and only fully integrated SRM solutionBut how is all of this enabled? mySAP SRM is powered by SAP NetWeaver, SAPs open integration and application platform.Lets look at an example. (turn to next page)What is a way to manage these challenges for ensuring transparency and unleashing the full savings and value potential locked up in your supply base? Enter SRM for closing the loop ^3 (to the power of 3)What does that mean?First, you need to close the loop between sourcing and procurement as the key business processes within SRM. Comprehensive analytics are necessary to analyze your spend on a global basis, develop a sound sourcing strategy and identify the right suppliers for the right products. Then, you need to ensure that the savings negotiated in a sourcing process materialize through execution in procurement this is achieved by contract management. But SRM doesnt happen in a vacuum. You also need to close the loop within the enterprise as supply management processes involve many users and processes. This loop is key for extended processes, for example in high tech, automotive and CPG/retail. Only through integration with for example a PLM or SCM system can end to end processes come to fruitionFinally your company doesnt work in a vaccum either, so you need to close the loop with suppliers a key step for seamless SRM processes with the entire supply base. And this is exactly what we are doing with mySAP SRM we are closing all three loops, making it the most comprehensive and only fully integrated SRM solutionBut how is all of this enabled? mySAP SRM is powered by SAP NetWeaver, SAPs open integration and application platform.Lets look at an example. (turn to next page)What is a way to manage these challenges for ensuring transparency and unleashing the full savings and value potential locked up in your supply base? Enter SRM for closing the loop ^3 (to the power of 3)What does that mean?First, you need to close the loop between sourcing and procurement as the key business processes within SRM. Comprehensive analytics are necessary to analyze your spend on a global basis, develop a sound sourcing strategy and identify the right suppliers for the right products. Then, you need to ensure that the savings negotiated in a sourcing process materialize through execution in procurement this is achieved by contract management. But SRM doesnt happen in a vacuum. You also need to close the loop within the enterprise as supply management processes involve many users and processes. This loop is key for extended processes, for example in high tech, automotive and CPG/retail. Only through integration with for example a PLM or SCM system can end to end processes come to fruitionFinally your company doesnt work in a vaccum either, so you need to close the loop with suppliers a key step for seamless SRM processes with the entire supply base. And this is exactly what we are doing with mySAP SRM we are closing all three loops, making it the most comprehensive and only fully integrated SRM solutionBut how is all of this enabled? mySAP SRM is powered by SAP NetWeaver, SAPs open integration and application platform.Lets look at an example. (turn to next page)What is a way to manage these challenges for ensuring transparency and unleashing the full savings and value potential locked up in your supply base? Enter SRM for closing the loop ^3 (to the power of 3)What does that mean?First, you need to close the loop between sourcing and procurement as the key business processes within SRM. Comprehensive analytics are necessary to analyze your spend on a global basis, develop a sound sourcing strategy and identify the right suppliers for the right products. Then, you need to ensure that the savings negotiated in a sourcing process materialize through execution in procurement this is achieved by contract management. But SRM doesnt happen in a vacuum. You also need to close the loop within the enterprise as supply management processes involve many users and processes. This loop is key for extended processes, for example in high tech, automotive and CPG/retail. Only through integration with for example a PLM or SCM system can end to end processes come to fruitionFinally your company doesnt work in a vaccum either, so you need to close the loop with suppliers a key step for seamless SRM processes with the entire supply base. And this is exactly what we are doing with mySAP SRM we are closing all three loops, making it the most comprehensive and only fully integrated SRM solutionBut how is all of this enabled? mySAP SRM is powered by SAP NetWeaver, SAPs open integration and application platform.Lets look at an example. (turn to next page)What is a way to manage these challenges for ensuring transparency and unleashing the full savings and value potential locked up in your supply base? Enter SRM for closing the loop ^3 (to the power of 3)What does that mean?First, you need to close the loop between sourcing and procurement as the key business processes within SRM. Comprehensive analytics are necessary to analyze your spend on a global basis, develop a sound sourcing strategy and identify the right suppliers for the right products. Then, you need to ensure that the savings negotiated in a sourcing process materialize through execution in procurement this is achieved by contract management. But SRM doesnt happen in a vacuum. You also need to close the loop within the enterprise as supply management processes involve many users and processes. This loop is key for extended processes, for example in high tech, automotive and CPG/retail. Only through integration with for example a PLM or SCM system can end to end processes come to fruitionFinally your company doesnt work in a vaccum either, so you need to close the loop with suppliers a key step for seamless SRM processes with the entire supply base. And this is exactly what we are doing with mySAP SRM we are closing all three loops, making it the most comprehensive and only fully integrated SRM solutionBut how is all of this enabled? mySAP SRM is powered by SAP NetWeaver, SAPs open integration and application platform.Lets look at an example. (turn to next page)What is a way to manage these challenges for ensuring transparency and unleashing the full savings and value potential locked up in your supply base? Enter SRM for closing the loop ^3 (to the power of 3)What does that mean?First, you need to close the loop between sourcing and procurement as the key business processes within SRM. Comprehensive analytics are necessary to analyze your spend on a global basis, develop a sound sourcing strategy and identify the right suppliers for the right products. Then, you need to ensure that the savings negotiated in a sourcing process materialize through execution in procurement this is achieved by contract management. But SRM doesnt happen in a vacuum. You also need to close the loop within the enterprise as supply management processes involve many users and processes. This loop is key for extended processes, for example in high tech, automotive and CPG/retail. Only through integration with for example a PLM or SCM system can end to end processes come to fruitionFinally your company doesnt work in a vaccum either, so you need to close the loop with suppliers a key step for seamless SRM processes with the entire supply base. And this is exactly what we are doing with mySAP SRM we are closing all three loops, making it the most comprehensive and only fully integrated SRM solutionBut how is all of this enabled? mySAP SRM is powered by SAP NetWeaver, SAPs open integration and application platform.Lets look at an example. (turn to next page)What is a way to manage these challenges for ensuring transparency and unleashing the full savings and value potential locked up in your supply base? Enter SRM for closing the loop ^3 (to the power of 3)What does that mean?First, you need to close the loop between sourcing and procurement as the key business processes within SRM. Comprehensive analytics are necessary to analyze your spend on a global basis, develop a sound sourcing strategy and identify the right suppliers for the right products. Then, you need to ensure that the savings negotiated in a sourcing process materialize through execution in procurement this is achieved by contract management. But SRM doesnt happen in a vacuum. You also need to close the loop within the enterprise as supply management processes involve many users and processes. This loop is key for extended processes, for example in high tech, automotive and CPG/retail. Only through integration with for example a PLM or SCM system can end to end processes come to fruitionFinally your company doesnt work in a vaccum either, so you need to close the loop with suppliers a key step for seamless SRM processes with the entire supply base. And this is exactly what we are doing with mySAP SRM we are closing all three loops, making it the most comprehensive and only fully integrated SRM solutionBut how is all of this enabled? mySAP SRM is powered by SAP NetWeaver, SAPs open integration and application platform.Lets look at an example. (turn to next page)What is a way to manage these challenges for ensuring transparency and unleashing the full savings and value potential locked up in your supply base? Enter SRM for closing the loop ^3 (to the power of 3)What does that mean?First, you need to close the loop between sourcing and procurement as the key business processes within SRM. Comprehensive analytics are necessary to analyze your spend on a global basis, develop a sound sourcing strategy and identify the right suppliers for the right products. Then, you need to ensure that the savings negotiated in a sourcing process materialize through execution in procurement this is achieved by contract management. But SRM doesnt happen in a vacuum. You also need to close the loop within the enterprise as supply management processes involve many users and processes. This loop is key for extended processes, for example in high tech, automotive and CPG/retail. Only through integration with for example a PLM or SCM system can end to end processes come to fruitionFinally your company doesnt work in a vaccum either, so you need to close the loop with suppliers a key step for seamless SRM processes with the entire supply base. And this is exactly what we are doing with mySAP SRM we are closing all three loops, making it the most comprehensive and only fully integrated SRM solutionBut how is all of this enabled? mySAP SRM is powered by SAP NetWeaver, SAPs open integration and application platform.Lets look at an example. (turn to next page)What is a way to manage these challenges for ensuring transparency and unleashing the full savings and value potential locked up in your supply base? Enter SRM for closing the loop ^3 (to the power of 3)What does that mean?First, you need to close the loop between sourcing and procurement as the key business processes within SRM. Comprehensive analytics are necessary to analyze your spend on a global basis, develop a sound sourcing strategy and identify the right suppliers for the right products. Then, you need to ensure that the savings negotiated in a sourcing process materialize through execution in procurement this is achieved by contract management. But SRM doesnt happen in a vacuum. You also need to close the loop within the enterprise as supply management processes involve many users and processes. This loop is key for extended processes, for example in high tech, automotive and CPG/retail. Only through integration with for example a PLM or SCM system can end to end processes come to fruitionFinally your company doesnt work in a vaccum either, so you need to close the loop with suppliers a key step for seamless SRM processes with the entire supply base. And this is exactly what we are doing with mySAP SRM we are closing all three loops, making it the most comprehensive and only fully integrated SRM solutionBut how is all of this enabled? mySAP SRM is powered by SAP NetWeaver, SAPs open integration and application platform.Lets look at an example. (turn to next page)What is a way to manage these challenges for ensuring transparency and unleashing the full savings and value potential locked up in your supply base? Enter SRM for closing the loop ^3 (to the power of 3)What does that mean?First, you need to close the loop between sourcing and procurement as the key business processes within SRM. Comprehensive analytics are necessary to analyze your spend on a global basis, develop a sound sourcing strategy and identify the right suppliers for the right products. Then, you need to ensure that the savings negotiated in a sourcing process materialize through execution in procurement this is achieved by contract management. But SRM doesnt happen in a vacuum. You also need to close the loop within the enterprise as supply management processes involve many users and processes. This loop is key for extended processes, for example in high tech, automotive and CPG/retail. Only through integration with for example a PLM or SCM system can end to end processes come to fruitionFinally your company doesnt work in a vaccum either, so you need to close the loop with suppliers a key step for seamless SRM processes with the entire supply base. And this is exactly what we are doing with mySAP SRM we are closing all three loops, making it the most comprehensive and only fully integrated SRM solutionBut how is all of this enabled? mySAP SRM is powered by SAP NetWeaver, SAPs open integration and application platform.Lets look at an example. (turn to next page)What is a way to manage these challenges for ensuring transparency and unleashing the full savings and value potential locked up in your supply base? Enter SRM for closing the loop ^3 (to the power of 3)What does that mean?First, you need to close the loop between sourcing and procurement as the key business processes within SRM. Comprehensive analytics are necessary to analyze your spend on a global basis, develop a sound sourcing strategy and identify the right suppliers for the right products. Then, you need to ensure that the savings negotiated in a sourcing process materialize through execution in procurement this is achieved by contract management. But SRM doesnt happen in a vacuum. You also need to close the loop within the enterprise as supply management processes involve many users and processes. This loop is key for extended processes, for example in high tech, automotive and CPG/retail. Only through integration with for example a PLM or SCM system can end to end processes come to fruitionFinally your company doesnt work in a vaccum either, so you need to close the loop with suppliers a key step for seamless SRM processes with the entire supply base. And this is exactly what we are doing with mySAP SRM we are closing all three loops, making it the most comprehensive and only fully integrated SRM solutionBut how is all of this enabled? mySAP SRM is powered by SAP NetWeaver, SAPs open integration and application platform.Lets look at an example. (turn to next page)What is a way to manage these challenges for ensuring transparency and unleashing the full savings and value potential locked up in your supply base? Enter SRM for closing the loop ^3 (to the power of 3)What does that mean?First, you need to close the loop between sourcing and procurement as the key business processes within SRM. Comprehensive analytics are necessary to analyze your spend on a global basis, develop a sound sourcing strategy and identify the right suppliers for the right products. Then, you need to ensure that the savings negotiated in a sourcing process materialize through execution in procurement this is achieved by contract management. But SRM doesnt happen in a vacuum. You also need to close the loop within the enterprise as supply management processes involve many users and processes. This loop is key for extended processes, for example in high tech, automotive and CPG/retail. Only through integration with for example a PLM or SCM system can end to end processes come to fruitionFinally your company doesnt work in a vaccum either, so you need to close the loop with suppliers a key step for seamless SRM processes with the entire supply base. And this is exactly what we are doing with mySAP SRM we are closing all three loops, making it the most comprehensive and only fully integrated SRM solutionBut how is all of this enabled? mySAP SRM is powered by SAP NetWeaver, SAPs open integration and application platform.Lets look at an example. (turn to next page)