Inglês - Aula 01

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Módulo 1 -Introdução

Transcript of Inglês - Aula 01

INGLÊS para o Banco Central Teoria e Exercícios Comentados

Vladia Mattar

Prof. Vladia Mattar 1

Greetings Dear Students, Parabéns por ter saído na frente! Começar a estudar com antecedência é uma estratégia fundamental para garantir o sucesso!! A bit about me... Para aqueles que ainda não me´s NICE meeting you!! Meu nome é Vladia Mattar Hudson e estaremos juntos na preparação para o concurso do BACEN. Nasci na praia, mas vim parar em Brasília em 1998 e aqui estou até hoje. Yes!! I miss living near the beach!. Sou graduada em Letras-Inglês pela Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES). Além da graduação, tenho 3 diplomas de proficiência no idioma Inglês (FCE e CAE "Cambridge University" e CPE "Michigan University"). Tenho mais de 14 anos de experiência como professora em instituições de renome em Brasília. Tenho vivência em países de língua inglesa onde fiz cursos voltados para o ensino da língua inglesa (“EFL Teaching”) e cultura americana e britânica. Também, já ministrei palestras e organizei workshops na área. Bom, acho que posso dizer que: Teaching English is already part of me! Digo-lhes, sinceramente, que mais do que saber o idioma, é necessário um treinamento específico para resolver a prova de inglês de concursos e isso exige dedicação e estratégias de estudo. Então, vamos às nossas estratégias! About our course and the strategy. What is the objective? O domínio pleno de um idioma estrangeiro pressupõe desenvolver quatro habilidades fundamentais: speaking, listening, writing and reading. O foco do nosso curso será reading comprehension, pois é a habilidade cobrada pela banca CESGRANRIO. ATENÇÃO!! A abordagem do curso será instrumental, visa a compreensão escrita da língua. O curso não é para o aprendizado do idioma. To make make the whole story short, Você necessita ter conhecimento prévio do idioma para conseguir acompanhar as aulas ,ok??!! How are we going to prepare for the test? • Praticando com questões de provas passadas; • Praticando com questões inéditas (questões elaboradas por mim); • Enriquecendo o vocabulário e revisando a gramática com Teoria e Dicas

sobre: Word formation, false cognates, common words, connectors, phrasal verbs

and Sentence formation, verb tense, parts of speech and others; • Desenvolvendo estratégias de leitura (skimmimg and scanning) ; e

INGLÊS para o Banco Central Teoria e Exercícios Comentados

Vladia Mattar

Prof. Vladia Mattar 2

• Usando o fórum para dirimir suas dúvidas.

Vale ressaltar que as estratégias e tópicos abordados serão feitos à luz do edital do último concurso : LÍNGUA INGLESA Compreensão de texto escrito em Língua Inglesa. Gramática para a compreensão de conteúdos semânticos. Para enriquecer nossas aulas e cobrir toda matéria do edital, utilizarei, além das questões da CESGRANRIO, as de outras bancas com perfil similar ou que julgar interessante, como ESAF, NCE, QUADRIX, FCC, CESPE e as INÉDITAS. Teremos, então, uma variedade maior de textos para explorarmos itens gramaticais, vocabulário, expressões idiomáticas.. Em cada aula teremos:

� Textos e exercícios de provas – gabaritados e comentados; � Exercícios Inéditos – gabaritados e comentados; � Teoria e Dicas; � Lista das questões da aula, sem comentários e com gabarito, para


How often are we going to meet? Nossos encontros virtuais serão às quintas, lembrando que o fórum é uma importante ferramenta para nossos estudos, por isso sugiro sempre perguntar quando precisar. Responderei asap (as soon as possible). Feitas as apresentações, as the Ramones say... “hey ho... let’s go !?”


Parte 1 Studying and Reading strategies (Estratégias de Estudo e Leitura) Parte 2 Questões: Cesg/Bacen/2010;Cesg/IBGE/2010;Quadrix/Dataprev/2010 Parte 3 Questões INÉDITAS Parte 4 Teoria, Dicas e Vocabulary Builder Parte 5 Lista de questões desta aula e gabarito ‘seco’

INGLÊS para o Banco Central Teoria e Exercícios Comentados

Vladia Mattar

Prof. Vladia Mattar 3

Parte 1 Studying and Reading Strategies, ou Estratégias de Estudo e Leitura

Como estratégia de estudo para as nossas aulas, sugiro:

� ter em mãos, ou na tela, um dicionário Inglês-Português ou Inglês-Inglês, conforme seu grau de conhecimento do idioma. Ressalto que o dicionário Inglês-Inglês ajuda enriquecer o vocabulário.

� Ao final de cada aula, relacione as novas palavras por assunto. Dessa forma você criará um mapa mental semântico... “your own vocabulary builder” (exemplo ao final da aula).

� Aproveite todas as oportunidades para ler em inglês e aprender novas palavras. Vale tudo: cinema, internet, letras de músicas, jogos e outros.

Há duas estratégias básicas para leitura rápida: skimmimg e scanning.

� “Skimmimg” é uma leitura rápida para captar os conceitos e as idéias principais do texto. É uma exploração global, geral, feita com a leitura do título, autor, figura, fonte do texto e a primeira frase de cada parágrafo. Esta técnica é boa para uma primeira leitura, ou seja, uma leitura superficial.

� “Scanning” também envolve uma leitura rápida, porém procura-se

por algo específico no texto, seja em resposta a uma pergunta, ou para confirmar uma informação. Ao se encontrar a informação buscada, faz-se a leitura de todo o trecho, ou parágrafo, conforme a necessidade.

Qual você deve usar? Depende do que a questão exige, do tempo do candidato e da complexidade da questão. Podemos usar uma ou outra, ou ambas, ou nenhuma delas. Por exemplo: quando a questão exige interpretação pura, devemos evitar estratégias rápida de leitura. Quando a questão exigir vocabulário, usaremos scanning. Isto significa que você deve localizar a palavra no texto e ler o trecho no qual ela se insere para entender ou deduzir, pelo contexto, seu significado. Já o skimming pode ser usado quando a questão exige tipologia textual, por exemplo.

INGLÊS para o Banco Central Teoria e Exercícios Comentados

Vladia Mattar

Prof. Vladia Mattar 4

Questões que exigem gramática pura, muitas vezes podem ser respondidas sem releitura do texto ou até mesmo sem a leitura do texto ( arriscado, mas verdade! ) Sempre sugiro pelo menos uma leitura superficial= skimming

Parte 2 Questões gabaritadas e comentadas

CESGRANRIO/BACEN/2010 Text 1 Freedom of IMFormation ( By Reza Moghadam) Posted on September 17, 2009 by iMFdirect

With the global financial crisis, the world is increasingly looking to the international Monetary Fund—not just for financing but as the global institution charged with overseeing members’ economies and policies (what we call surveillance). It’s easy to forget that only 10 years ago the Fund was a secretive institution. That’s no longer the case. Communicating and engaging with the world at large is now a normal and essential part of the Fund’s business. The IMF today is a very open institution. The vast majority of our reports are published. The public can search the IMF’s archives. And we are making lots of effort to reach out to external stakeholders. The benefits of this increased transparency, both for the Fund’s surveillance and lending activities, are indisputable. Transparency allows us to engage with the public and to build a broader understanding and support of what we do. It benefits the quality of our advice by subjecting our analysis to outside scrutiny. And more generally, it makes us more accountable for our advice and financial decisions. In all, it makes us a more effective and legitimate institution. Frankly, the Fund cannot be a genuine leader on economic policy issues unless it is seen as transparent. We certainly would not have been able to achieve the major reforms of our lending frameworks and the increase in our financial resources had we not been seen as an open and transparent institution. Rightly, the public expects to know what we are up to. At the same time, certain aspects of transparency remain controversial. Some believe that publication undermines candor in the reports, the frankness of discussions between staff and country authorities, and the Fund’s role as trusted advisor. Communicating and engaging with the world at large is now a normal and essential part of the Fund’s business. We are gearing up to review the Fund’s transparency policy, as part of our efforts to increase our effectiveness. The IMF has come a long way over the last 10 years, and publication rates of reports are high. Raising them further is not the main issue, nor one that can

INGLÊS para o Banco Central Teoria e Exercícios Comentados

Vladia Mattar

Prof. Vladia Mattar 5

easily be resolved without changes much of our membership would consider revolutionary (such as making publication mandatory). Rather, further efforts should focus on making progress on a broad front, on issues that may catch fewer headlines, but are nevertheless crucial: • Reducing long publication lags. How can we simplify the cumbersome procedure for obtaining consent? • Maintaining the integrity of reports. The IMF’s analysis and advice must be, and be seen to be, convincing, candid, and independent. To this end, there is a long-standing and fundamental principle that Fund reports are not “negotiated” documents. • Making the Fund’s archives more accessible. The current setup for searching the archives—in particular the need to travel to Washington to gain full access to them—is outdated. We should also consider whether we can make some archived material available more quickly to the public.http://blog-

1-CESGRANRIO/BACEN/2010 The wordplay in the title refers to the fact that the: (A) IMF has not dared to open its reserved archives in Washington to the public in general. (B) IMF has been adopting a transparency policy so as to enhance its credibility and legitimacy. (C) IMF must be freed from the impositions of the world leaders on its financial decisions. (D) once secret information kept by the IMF is not freely discussed nor is it easily negotiable. (E) world economies are trying to get rid of the excessive control of the IMF over their financial systems. COMENTÁRIO Só com a leitura do título podemos responder essa questão!! O “wordplay”(= jogo de palavras) que a assertiva menciona é a junção de IMF (= FMI) e Information (=informação), “IMFormation”. O examinador foi tão legal que até deixou umas palavras em itálico para ajudar responder esta questão. Releia o trecho: “Transparency allows us to engage with the public and to build a broader understanding and support of what we do. It benefits the quality of our advice by subjecting our analysis to outside scrutiny. And more generally, it makes us more accountable for our advice and financial decisions. In all, it makes us a more effective and legitimate institution”. Revisando pronouns: It refere-se à “transparency”.

INGLÊS para o Banco Central Teoria e Exercícios Comentados

Vladia Mattar

Prof. Vladia Mattar 6

GABARITO: Letra B 2- CESGRANRIO/BACEN/2010 The only argument that CANNOT be considered supportive of publishing the IMF documents is that the (A) public must be made aware of what the IMF has been doing and the support it is giving to economic policy issues. (B) IMF will be regarded as a more trustworthy institution if it releases its documents and financial decisions to the public at large. (C) language used in documents that circulate publicly is usually more controlled and therefore less frank and direct in exposing opinions and facts. (D) lack of access of external stakeholders to the issues the IMF supports and the actions it takes makes the institution more vulnerable and less effective. (E) relevant changes made to the financing structure of the institution were only effected in recognition of the IMF as a reputable and candid organization. COMENTÁRIO: A questão exige atenção, pois “cannot be considered supportive of”. Procuramos aqui a alternativa que não serve de apoio para a publicação dos documentos do FMI, ou seja não torna a publicação vantajosa.

A) ERRADA. Apóia a idéia. aware of= ciente de B) ERRADA. Apóia a ideia, é uma vantagem de se publicar. Trustworthy =

confiável. C) CERTA. Mostra uma desvantagem (a linguagem usada) de se publicar os

documentos. D) ERRADA. A primeira vista pode parecer ser esta a resposta, mas leia até

o final...mostra uma desvantagem em não se publicar os documentos. Atenção para “lack of” = falta de.

E) ERRADA. Apóia a ideia. reputable and candid= respeitável e honesto (a) GABARITO: Letra C 3- CESGRANRIO/BACEN/2010 In terms of meaning, it is correct to affirm that (A) “...charged with...” and endowed with are synonyms. (B) “...reach out to...” and get in touch with are antonyms. (C) “...scrutiny.” and inquiry have opposite meanings. (D) “...gearing up to.” and getting ready for express contradictory ideas. (E) “...come a long way...” and made considerable progress express similar ideas. COMENTÁRIO: Nessa questão podemos usar scannig! Ache as palavras no texto!! Eu já fiz isso para vcs! Mas na prova é por sua conta, ok?? Esses verbos são chamados de Phrasal verbs! Conhecem? São verbos formados por 1 verbo+ 1 preposição, ou 1 verbo + 2 preposições. Eles sempre caem em prova e são considerados difíceis porque a mudança da preposição muda totalmente o sentido do verbo original.

INGLÊS para o Banco Central Teoria e Exercícios Comentados

Vladia Mattar

Prof. Vladia Mattar 7

Exemplo: • Watch = assistir Look = olhar • Watch out = ter cuidado look up to= admirar ( respeitar )

A) ERRADA. Não são sinônimos. “Charged with” = ter a responsabilidade

de,“endowed with” = ter o talento de B) ERRADA. As palavaras não são antônimas, estão no mesmo campo

semântico. “Reach out to” = alcançar. “Get in touch with” = contatar. C) ERRADA. As palavras não tem sentido oposto. D) ERRADA. As palavras são sinônimas. getting ready for = preparar para E) CERTA.

GABARITO: Letra E 4- CESGRANRIO/BACEN/2010 The expression in boldtype and the item in parenthesis are semantically equivalent in (A) “In all, it makes us a more effective and legitimate institution.” (all things considered). (B) “the Fund cannot be a genuine leader on economic policy issues unless it is seen as transparent.” - (given that). (C) “Rather, further efforts should focus on making progress on a broad front, on issues that may catch fewer headlines,” (moreover). (D) “To this end, there is a long-standing and fundamental principle that Fund reports are not ‘negotiated’ documents.”(last but not least). (E) “We should also consider whether we can make some archived material available more quickly to the public.” (while) . COMENTÁRIO : Essa nem precisa ler o texto, guys! Sentence connectors = Conjunções, conectivos e afins! Sempre questionados em provas… Bom saber os mais usados. A) CERTA. “In all” e “All things considered” expressam conclusão. B) ERRADA. “Unless” = “if not” = a menos que. C) ERRADA. “Rather” = instead of = ao invés de. Moreover= além disso D) ERRADA. Não são equivalents. “To this end” = para esse fim.

“Last but not least” = por último mas não menos importante. E) ERRADA. “Whether” = If = se. “While” = as= enquanto.

GABARITO: A Text 2 “I agree wholeheartedly with these transparency initiatives. I would also urge the IMF to keep going further forward particularly in regards to archives, as well as releasing country reports as part of a regular pattern of their activities, and to move to a system of releasing mandatory reports. In order for us not to repeat the same mistakes over and over again, we must be able to discern

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Vladia Mattar

Prof. Vladia Mattar 8

patterns from real world data. Secrecy is to be shunned since it promotes an imbalance in power and always leads to abuses.” Rahim, on December 14th, 2009 at 12:41 am #comment-579

5- CESGRANRIO/BACEN/2010 The comment above is in tune with Moghadam’s ideas, because Rahim states that (A) secret reports are not welcome in the IMF anymore because they actually distort real world data. (B) some concealment measures should be preserved so as to protect IMF archives and country reports. (C) no country reports should be mandatory to avoid the imbalance of power among the world’s leading nations. (D) the transparency initiatives promoted by the IMF may eventually lead to mistakes and to an abuse of power. (E) the IMF should regularly publish reports in order to keep the world informed on financial and economic issues the institution has adopted. COMENTÁRIO: in tune, no caput da questão, significa estar afinado com, em sintonia com. Então, procuramos uma alternativa que expressa a mesma idéia do texto principal (Moghadam’s ideas). O trecho a seguir confirma o que a alternativa ‘E’ traz. “I would also urge the IMF to keep going further …well as releasing country reports as part of a regular pattern of their activities, and to move to a system of releasing mandatory reports.” Vocab interessante: Urge= urgir , insistir Keep= continuar regular pattern= um padrão regular releasing= lançar concealment measures= medidas de ocultação mandatory= obrigatório lead = levar a, liderar Secrecy is to be shunned= segredo de ser evitado GABARITO: Letra E CESGRANRIO/IBGE/2010 Text 3 An 18-Minute Plan for Managing Your Day

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Vladia Mattar

Prof. Vladia Mattar 9

Yesterday started with the best of intentions. I walked into my office in the morning with a vague sense of what I wanted to accomplish. Then I sat down, turned on my computer, and checked my email. Two hours later, after fighting several fires, solving other people’s problems, and dealing with whatever happened to be thrown at me through my computer and phone, I could hardly remember what I had set out to accomplish when I first turned on my computer. I’d been ambushed. And I know better. That means we start every day knowing we’re not going to get it all done. So how we spend our time is a key strategic decision. That’s why it’s a good idea to create a to do list and an ignore list. The hardest attention to focus is our own. But even with those lists, the challenge, as always, is execution. How can you stick to a plan when so many things threaten to derail it? Managing our time needs to become a ritual too. Not simply a list or a vague sense of our priorities. That’s not consistent or deliberate. It needs to be an ongoing process we follow no matter what to keep us focused on our priorities throughout the day. I think we can do it in three steps that take less than 18 minutes over an eight-hour workday. STEP 1 (5 Minutes) Before turning on your computer, sit down with a blank piece of paper and decide what will make this day highly successful. What can you realistically carry out that will further your goals and allow you to leave at the end of the day feeling like you’ve been productive and successful? Write those things down. Now, most importantly, take your calendar and schedule those things into time slots, placing the hardest and most important items at the beginning of the day. And by the beginning of the day I mean, if possible, before even checking your email. There is tremendous power in deciding when and where you are going to do something. If you want to get something done, decide when and where you’re going to do it. Otherwise, take it off your list. STEP 2 (1 minute every hour) Set your watch, phone, or computer to ring every hour. When it rings, take a deep breath, look at your list and ask yourself if you spent your last hour productively. Then look at your calendar and deliberately recommit to how you are going to use the next hour. STEP 3 (5 minutes) Shut off your computer and review your day. What worked? Where did you focus? Where did you get distracted? The power of rituals is their predictability. You do the same thing in the same way over and over again. And so the outcome of a ritual is predictable too. If you choose your focus deliberately and wisely, and consistently remind yourself of that focus, you will stay focused. It’s simple. This particular ritual may not help you swim the English Channel. But it may just help you leave the office feeling productive and successful. And, at the end of the day, isn’t that a higher priority? Extracted from: 18minute-plan-for-managing.html

6- CESGRANRIO/IBGE/2010 The main purpose of the text is to (A) convince the reader that no one can fight against busy schedules.

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Vladia Mattar

Prof. Vladia Mattar 10

(B) justify why employees never focus on their most important tasks. (C) criticize the overload of activities people have to accomplish at work. (D) explain the importance of following rituals when working from home. (E) teach office workers how to make the best use of their daily business schedule. COMENTÁRIO Minha dica é a seguinte: skimming. Lembra? Ou seja: Leia o título - An 18-Minute Plan for Managing Your Day -, o que está em negrito- STEP 1 (5 Minutes), STEP 2 (1 minute every hour), STEP 3 (5 minutes). Tente responder a questão agora. Guys, deu pra perceber que o texto traz instruções? É um passo-a-passo de como planejar seu dia e administrar seu tempo, otimizando-o. A letra E reflete essa idéia do texto. GABARITO: E 7- CESGRANRIO/IBGE/2010 According to the first part of the text, the author had problems at work because he (A) had to fight for two hours against a fire in the office. (B) was asked to answer phone calls and reply to e-mails. (C) did not define his priorities before starting his working day. (D) could not remember everything he was supposed to do early in the morning. (E) decided to solve his co-workers’ computer problems before solving his own. COMENTÁRIO A) ERRADA. A expressão “fighting fire” (= combater o fogo) no texto é

usada de maneira metafórica. Ou seja, não houve um incêndio a ser combatido no escritório e sim vários problemas de última hora para resolver. A assertiva afirma que houve um incêndio no escritório.

B) ERRADA. Ninguém pediu que os emails fossem respondidos e telefone fosse atendido. O texto diz que a pessoa checou emails e atendeu os telefones. Aqui tem-se a diferença entre voz passiva e voz ativa.

C) CERTA. D) ERRADA. Apesar de o autor realmente não se lembrar do que teria de

fazer, o problema que teve foi a falta de tempo para as tarefas que ele tinha fazer – lack of time vs. lots to do ( muito a fazer)

E) ERRADA. O texto menciona “problems” e “computer”, separadamente, mas não “computer problems” (problemas de computador)

GABARITO: C 8- CESGRANRIO/IBGE/2010 The only adequate title to refer to STEP 1 is (A) “Set a Plan for the Day”. (B) “Refocus Your Attention”. (C) “Review Your Weekly Schedule” .

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Vladia Mattar

Prof. Vladia Mattar 11

(D) “Avoid Hard Decisions Early in the Day”. (E) “Make Good Use of Watch, Phone and Computer”. COMENTÁRIO Vamos direto ao Step 1 no texto! “Set” significa estabelecer, organizar. Algumas passagens que podem ajudar a chegar no título mais adequado: “decide what will make this day highly successful”, “Write those things down”, “decide when and where you’re going to do it”. GABARITO: A 9- CESGRANRIO/IBGE/2010 The only advice that is in line with STEP 2 is (A) Plan deliberate actions to redo the finished tasks. (B) Focus your attention on a different important activity every day. (C) Manage your day hour by hour. Don’t let the hours manage you. (D) Teach yourself to breathe deeply to be more productive tomorrow. (E) If your entire list does not fit into your calendar, reprioritize your phone calls. COMENTÁRIO “In line with” significa alinhado com. Vamos direto ao Step 2?! O “step 2” recomenda que se monitore o tempo, de hora em hora (“every hour”). GABARITO: C 10- CESGRANRIO/IBGE/2010 According to STEP 3, (A) success on the job depends on predicting the right outcomes. (B) it is important to analyze if you have met your goals of the day. (C) one should never shut off the computer before the end of the day. (D) focusing on the right distractions may help us be more productive. (E) distractions are essential to help one go through the responsibilities of the day. COMENTÁRIO O STEP 3 é claro: revisão do dia, as perguntas propostas são para análise de se você atingiu os objetivos propostos. GABARITO:B 11- CESGRANRIO/IBGE/2010 Check the option that contains a correct correspondence of meaning. (A) “...threaten...” and menace express contradictory ideas. (B) “...ongoing...” means the same as occasional. (C) “...further...” and spoil have similar meanings. (D) “...outcome...” and results are synonyms.

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Prof. Vladia Mattar 12

(E) “...wisely,” and prudently are antonyms. COMENTÁRIO Heys guys, este tipo de questão está em todas as provas recentes da CESGRANRIO, Vai estar em nossa prova também e com o vocabulário trabalhado em nossas aulas! Keep your fingers crossed! A) ERRADA. Não são contraditórias, são sinônimas B) ERRADA. “ongoing” (em curso) é diferente de “occasional” C) ERRADA. “Further” (além) totalmente diferente de “spoil” (estragar,

mimar,…). D) CERTA! E) ERRADA. “Wisely” e “prudently” são sinônimos. Ambas as palavras

significam ter/ demonstrar bom julgamento GABARITO:D 12- CESGRANRIO/IBGE/2010 Check the only alternative in which the expression in bold type has the same meaning as the item given. (A) “I could hardly remember what I had set out to accomplish when I first turned on my computer.” – intended (B) “How can you stick to a plan when so many things threaten to derail it?”- abandon (C) “…to keep us focused on our priorities throughout the day.” – distant from (D) “What can you realistically carry out that will further your goals…?” – eliminate (E) “Shut off your computer and review your day.” – start COMENTÁRIO Vocabulário/phrasal verbs! Vcs já Conhecem !!

Separei alguns phrasal verbs nas Dicas. Vale a pena aprender alguns. A) CERTA. Set out (estabelecer, fixar) está no mesmo campo semântico de

intended (pretender). Ôpa, false cognate! Intend é pretender e pretend é fingir...

B) ERRADO. Stick to (fixar-se em) é oposto de abandon C) ERRADA. Focused on (focado) é oposto de distant from (distante de) D) ERRADA. Carry out (realizar) é diferente de eliminate (eliminar) E) ERRADA. Shutt off (desligar aparelho eletrônico) é diferente de start( ligar,

começar) GABARITO: A 13- CESGRANRIO/IBGE/2010 Otherwise in the sentence “Otherwise, take it off your list.” can be substituted, without changing the meaning of the sentence, by

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Prof. Vladia Mattar 13

(A) Unless. (B) Or else. (C) Despite. (D) However. (E) Therefore. COMENTÁRIO Sentence connectors again! Otherwise = Or else significam: de outra maneira, senão. Ver Dicas para Lista de outros sentence connectors. GABARITO: B 14-CESGRANRIO/IBGE/2010 In “But it may just help you leave the office feeling productive and successful.” may just help could be correctly replaced, by (A) can only aid. (B) will probably help. (C) should never help. (D) might never assist. (E) couldn’t simply support. COMENTÁRIO Modal verbs, people!! watch out! Se você sentiu dificuldade, uma dica nesta questão é que a ela pede uma resposta afirmativa. Com isso, pode-se descartar as alternativas C,D e E que trazem as negativas never, never e couldn’t, respectivamente. “Only” na letra A remete à idéia de exclusivamente. Sobra, então, a B: “may” e “will probably” estão no mesmo campo semântico. GABARITO: B 15-CESGRANRIO/IBGE/2010 Which option correctly indicates the referent of that in“...isn’t that a higher priority?” (A) leave the office. (B) keep things simple. (C) get to the end of the day. (D) swim the English Channel. (E) feel productive and successful. COMENTÁRIO Precisamos saber o that está retomando! Atenção. That = isso ou aquilo, então, algo que já foi mencionado no texto. Basta descobrir o que é a “higher priority”. Veja o trecho: “But it may just help you leave the office feeling productive and successful. And, at the end of the day, isn’t that a higher priority?” GABARITO: E

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Prof. Vladia Mattar 14

QUADRIX/ DATAPREV/2010 Text 4 Natalie du Toit wins Laureus award Brad Morgan 11 March 2010

South African swimmer Natalie du Toit was named the Laureus World Sportsperson of the Year with a Disability at a gala ceremony in Abu Dhabi on Wednesday evening. She is one of only five athletes to have competed in the Olympics and Paralympics.

South African Sport Confederation and Olympic Committee (Sascoc) president Gideon Sam told the Sascoc website: "Natalie has done us proud over the years," he said. "All South Africans can be proud of her spirit and her never-say-die attitude."

'A true inspiration'

"She is a true inspiration to each and every athlete in this country, indeed the world, and we are hoping that she can build on this prestigious award as we look ahead to the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics in London.

"It's people like Natalie that provide the incentive for the youngsters to aspire to greatness, he continued. "She fully deserves this acknowledgement."


According to the extract above, it is right to say that. A) Natalie is the only one who has competed in the Olympics and Paralympics. B) The website president said…”Natalie has made us proud over the years”. C) Gideon Sam said that people like Natalie. D) Gideon Sam said that Natalie deserves the prize. E) Natalie du Toit was named after Laureus.

COMENTÁRIO A questão começa com “according to the extract above”, isso significa que não faremos inferência. A informação está no texto, não nas entrelinhas. É um texto curto e podemos aqui usar a estratégia scanning, ler as alternativas identificando palavras chaves que deverão ser buscadas no texto. Exemplo: alternativa “a” traz as palavras Olympics and Paralympics, então vá direto à linha 5 e leia a frase completa para a resposta. A) ERRADA – Natalie não foi a única (the only one) participante como afirma a

assertiva. Ela é uma das cinco atletas que participaram (one of only five).

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A pegadinha está no uso de ‘the only one’ que significa a única. E, “one of only” significa uma entre as poucas.

B) ERRADA – O presidente disse ao website (...president Gideon Sam told the Sascoc website: Natalie ...) e não o presidente do website disse, como afirma o item (the president of the website said...).

C) ERRADA – O item indica que o verbo ‘like’ foi usado no sentido de gostar, apreciar. Na verdade trata-se de ‘like’ como uma preposição que significa, neste caso, ‘like” = similar, igual a, como.

D) CERTA – Gideon Sam diz: “She fully deserves this acknowledgement”. E) ERRADA – “named after” significa receber o nome de. O texto traz que

Natalie “was named”, ( voz passiva ) que significa ser nomeada (para um prêmio, Laureous...)



Vladia/Inédita/2012 Text 5 How IFC creates opportunity where it’s needed most

IFC and our clients make a wide range of contributions in developing countries. Our clients’ success can have ripple effects across an economy, giving many people, including the poor, a chance to better their lives. IFC investee companies benefit employees and their families, local communities, suppliers, investors, and the customers who buy what they produce. They generate significant tax revenues for national and local governments — resources available for assisting the poor. They can use IFC’s support to expand or upgrade their facilities, improve environmental performance, strengthen corporate governance, and improve their management systems and adherence to industry standards. We provide advisory services to both firms and governments. Most of our advisory work with firms is provided alongside our investment services, to maximize impact. Our work with government clients ranges from supporting investment-climate reforms to helping design and implement public-private partnerships 17- VLADIA/INÉDITA/2012 “…success can have ripple effects across an economy” means A) will have an unpredictable effect on an economy.

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B) can have a cascade effect on the economy. C) ought to have some severe impact on an economy. D) can have risky effect on an economy. E) must have a cascade effect on the economy.

COMENTÁRIO Questão de vocabulário Ripple effect = cascade effect.

GABARITO: B 18 - VLADIA/INÉDITA/2012 The word Investee in “IFC investee companies benefit…” refers to

A) Those who work in IFC. B) Those business entities who invest in IFC. C) Those employers who work at IFC D) Those companies in which an investment is made. E) Those IFC’s employees whose investment is beneficial.

COMENTÁRIO Vocês provavelmente pensaram assim: Teacher, Essa foi chatinha de fazer!! Sorry students, é melhor errar no simulado, não é? Hey, ho...vamos lá! A)ERRADA. “Those who work in the IFC” = “employee” = empregado. B)ERRADA. “Those business entities who invest in IFC” = aquelas entidades que investem no IFC. C)ERRADA. Lembrando: “employer” = empregador D)CERTA. As empresas que receberam um investimento. E)ERRADA. Aqueles empregados da IFC cujos investimento é beneficial.

Esse ee (investee, employee, trainee) é quem recebe a ação. Employer= o empregador/ Employee= o empregado GABARITO: D 19- VLADIA/INÉDITA/2011 According to the text, it is correct to say that A) some companies buy their own products so to increase revenues. B) A great amount of tax income is produced by IFC clients. C) government provide advisory service to IFC. D) IFC clients consist of only private companies. E) IFC’s income is originated solely by government’s partnerships. COMENTÁRIO Interpretação! Não se confunda com o vocabulário:

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• Income = revenue = renda • Income tax = Tax revenue = imposto de renda

Resposta no trecho: “They generate significant tax revenues for national and local governments — resources available for assisting the poor…” They retoma IFC investee companies = IFC clients. GABARITO: B 20- VLADIA/INÉDITA/2012 All the alternatives support the title of the text, EXCEPT A) IFC support can be used to weaken corporate governance. B) IFC`s clients generate tax revenues making available resources to help the

poor. C) IFC’s clients benefit employees and their families. D) IFC can help companies to expand and upgrade their facilities. E) IFC and its clients help developing countries. COMENTÁRIO Procuramos a alternativa errada (EXCEPT) Vocabulary : strengthen= fortalece Weaken é oposto de strengthen. Vejo o trecho: ” strengthen corporate governance” GABARITO: A 21-VLADIA/INÉDITA/2012 Text 5 This Company of Technology and Information from Social Security originated from the centers of data processing of existing security institutes in the 70's. The Purpose of the company is to provide solutions on IT and communication for the implementation and improvement of social policies of the State, serving mainly to the National Social Security Institute. Fonte: ( Adapted.

The word “data” in text 1 refers to:

A) Time B) Any documents C) Chronological information D) Figures and maps E) Information stored in hardware


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Cuidado com os “false cognates”! São aquelas palavrinhas que nos enganam... Parecem com palavras da nossa língua, mas têm significado totalmente diferente.

Na questão acima, temos 2 falsos cognatos. “Data”, que não significa data e “figure” que não significa figura!

“Data” significa informação, especificamente no texto, informação armazenada no computador.

“Figure” significa símbolo, número, gráfico, mapa.



� Vocabulary Builder

Após a leitura de cada texto proposto em aula, faça um “Vocabulary Builder” das palavras a ele relacionadas. Esse esquema ajuda memorizar novas palavras.

Abaixo, segue o Vocabulary Builder feito do texto 4. Faça os seus de todos os textos que estudamos nesta aula!! Isso serve principalmente para aqueles em que você encontrou mais palavras novas.

Exemplo: Texto 4/ Prova Dataprev 2010


( prêmio)




( atleta)







Incentive (incentivo financeiro)



� Vocabulário:

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• “Never-say-die attitude”: postura de quem não se deixa sucumbir, não se dá por derrotado.

• “Acknowledgement”: palavra grande... mas, não é tão difícil. Olha só: palavras grandes, assim, provavelmente têm sufixos e prefixos. Se você sabe o significado da palavra “know” (saber, conhecer), pelo texto poderá entender o significado desta palavra: reconhecimento. Então, minha dica é: se você se deparar com uma palavra desconhecida, tente identificar sufixos e prefixos. Livrando-se deles, talvez você reconheça a palavra.

� Word formation A utilidade de se saber sobre a word formation (formação de palavras), do ponto de vista daquele que está desenvolvendo familiaridade com inglês, está no fato de que este conhecimento permite a identificação da provável categoria gramatical (se é um verbo? adjetivo?) mesmo quando não se conhece a palavra no seu significado. Essa identificação é de grande utilidade na interpretação de textos, especialmente para inferir significados de palavras desconhecidas.


a) ous, able, ful e less caracterizam adjetivos.

Exemplo: Helpful, jealous, viable, careless

b) hood, ship, ment, ness caracterizam substantivos

Exemplo: neighborhood, scholarship, judgement, happiness.

Able= can (ter condições de) + verbo. Payable = can pay= pagável Understandable = can understand = compreensível Affordable = can afford

Readable = can read

Reacheable = can reach

Unbelievable = can’t believe

Eatable = can eat

Lovable = can love

Printable: can print

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Cuidado com os adjetivos que terminam com able e não têm o sentido de can. Eles são outros adjetivos que terminam em able !! Exemplo: impracticable, formidable, comfortable, valuable, suitable.

Tion - quase sempre pode ser traduzido como ‘ção’.

Information: informação Nation: nação Precaution: precaução Attention: atenção Association: associação Satisfaction: satisfação Intention: intenção

Notion: noção Organization: organização Situation: situação: Foundation: fundação Salvation: salvação Sensation: sensação Generation: geração

Ous – geralmente caracterizam adjetivo

Marvelous: maravilhoso Famous: famoso Precious: precioso Delicious: delicioso Suspicious: suspeito

Fictitious: fictício Fibrous: fibroso Previous: anterior Generous: generoso Glorious:glorioso

� Phrasal verbs Vistos nesta aula. Estes vocês já aprenderam, não é?! Outros: ENGLISH PORTUGUÊS ENGLISH PORTUGUÊS Figure out Solucionar

(problema, mistério)

Get away from Sair. Ficar longe de

Do over Refazer Put up with tolerar Get over Recuperar

(doença, desilusão)

Make up Inventor (história)

Keep on Continuar Start over Recomeçar Leave out Omitir Take off Tirar (roupa,

acessório); decolar

Break up with Separar (de alguém)

Put off adiar

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Catch up Alcançar Get back to retornar Come up with Inventar,

encontrar(achar) Look up to admirar

End up with Terminar com Stand up for Defender uma ideia

� Sentence connectors Esses são os conectores de frases e de orações. Geralmente a Cesgranrio, assim como as demais bancas, pergunta o quê eles expressão: addition, conclusion, result, contrast... Ou perguntam se um pode ser substituido pelo outro. Exemplo: Therefore pode ser substituído por thus. Ambos expressam result. Então, o importante não é saber a tradução de cada um deles em separado, mas saber quais pertencem ao mesmo grupo. Por isso os separei por grupos. Colocarei em evidência aqueles que vejo com mais freqüência nas provas.

significado/ função

Conectores de oração/

Conectores de frases

outros (adjetivos, verbos e preposições)

Addition /adição

also besides furthermore in addition moreover too

and nor ("and not")

another an additional

Comparison /comparativo

also likewise similary too

and both... and not only... but also neither... nor

as just as

as... as like/alike just like similar to be alike be similar

Contrast /contraste ou idéias opostas

however in contrast instead in/by comparison nevertheless nonetheless on the other hand

but yet

although even though though whereas while

despite in spite of compared to compared with be different (from) be disimilar

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on the contray still

be unlike differ (from)

Example / exemplo

for example for instance

such as like an example of

Emphasize / ênfase

in fact

To explain and restate/ explicar e reafirmar

indeed that is

alternative / alternative

otherwise or if unless

effect or result /consequência ou resultado

accordingly as a result as a consequence consequently hence thus therefore

so result in cause have an effect on affect the cause of the reason for

Conclusion / conclusão

all in all in brief in conclusion in short in summery indeed

it is clear that we can see that. The evidence suggests that... These examples show that...

Thats all Folks !!!! for now...

Espero que tenham gostado desta aula. Aguardo vocês na Aula 2. Continuaremos nas próximas aulas com muito mais!!!

Qualquer dúvida feel free para perguntar. Estou aqui for you. Pode contar comigo!!!

Em seguida, vejam a lista de questões desta aula com o gabarito ‘seco’.

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Vladia Mattar Hudson

PARTE 5 LISTA DE QUESTÕES E GABARITO ‘SECO’ CESGRANRIO/BACEN/2010 Text 1 Freedom of IMFormation ( By Reza Moghadam) Posted on September 17, 2009 by iMFdirect

With the global financial crisis, the world is increasingly looking to the international Monetary Fund—not just for financing but as the global institution charged with overseeing members’ economies and policies (what we call surveillance). It’s easy to forget that only 10 years ago the Fund was a secretive institution. That’s no longer the case. Communicating and engaging with the world at large is now a normal and essential part of the Fund’s business. The IMF today is a very open institution. The vast majority of our reports are published. The public can search the IMF’s archives. And we are making lots of effort to reach out to external stakeholders. The benefits of this increased transparency, both for the Fund’s surveillance and lending activities, are indisputable. Transparency allows us to engage with the public and to build a broader understanding and support of what we do. It benefits the quality of our advice by subjecting our analysis to outside scrutiny. And more generally, it makes us more accountable for our advice and financial decisions. In all, it makes us a more effective and legitimate institution. Frankly, the Fund cannot be a genuine leader on economic policy issues unless it is seen as transparent. We certainly would not have been able to achieve the major reforms of our lending frameworks and the increase in our financial resources had we not been seen as an open and transparent institution. Rightly, the public expects to know what we are up to. At the same time, certain aspects of transparency remain controversial. Some believe that publication undermines candor in the reports, the frankness of discussions between staff and country authorities, and the Fund’s role as trusted advisor. Communicating and engaging with the world at large is now a normal and essential part of the Fund’s business. We are gearing up to review the Fund’s transparency policy, as part of our efforts to increase our effectiveness. The IMF has come a long way over the last 10 years, and publication rates of reports are high. Raising them further is not the main issue, nor one that can easily be resolved without changes much of our membership would consider

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revolutionary (such as making publication mandatory). Rather, further efforts should focus on making progress on a broad front, on issues that may catch fewer headlines, but are nevertheless crucial: • Reducing long publication lags. How can we simplify the cumbersome procedure for obtaining consent? • Maintaining the integrity of reports. The IMF’s analysis and advice must be, and be seen to be, convincing, candid, and independent. To this end, there is a long-standing and fundamental principle that Fund reports are not “negotiated” documents. • Making the Fund’s archives more accessible. The current setup for searching the archives—in particular the need to travel to Washington to gain full access to them—is outdated. We should also consider whether we can make some archived material available more quickly to the public.http://blog-

1-CESGRANRIO/BACEN/2010 The wordplay in the title refers to the fact that the: (A) IMF has not dared to open its reserved archives in Washington to the public in general. (B) IMF has been adopting a transparency policy so as to enhance its credibility and legitimacy. (C) IMF must be freed from the impositions of the world leaders on its financial decisions. (D) once secret information kept by the IMF is not freely discussed nor is it easily negotiable. (E) world economies are trying to get rid of the excessive control of the IMF over their financial systems. 2- CESGRANRIO/BACEN/2010 The only argument that CANNOT be considered supportive of publishing the IMF documents is that the (A)public must be made aware of what the IMF has been doing and the support it is giving to economic policy issues. (B) IMF will be regarded as a more trustworthy institution if it releases its documents and financial decisions to the public at large. (C) language used in documents that circulate publicly is usually more controlled and therefore less frank and direct in exposing opinions and facts. (D) lack of access of external stakeholders to the issues the IMF supports and the actions it takes makes the institution more vulnerable and less effective. (E) relevant changes made to the financing structure of the institution were only effected in recognition of the IMF as a reputable and candid organization. 3- CESGRANRIO/BACEN/2010 In terms of meaning, it is correct to affirm that (A) “...charged with...” and endowed with are synonyms. (B) “...reach out to...” and get in touch with are antonyms. (C) “...scrutiny.” and inquiry have opposite meanings. (D) “...gearing up to.” and getting ready for express contradictory ideas.

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(E) “...come a long way...” and made considerable progress express similar ideas. 4- CESGRANRIO/BACEN/2010 The expression in boldtype and the item in parenthesis are semantically equivalent in (A) “In all, it makes us a more effective and legitimate institution.” (all things considered). (B) “the Fund cannot be a genuine leader on economic policy issues unless it is seen as transparent.” - (given that). (C) “Rather, further efforts should focus on making progress on a broad front, on issues that may catch fewer headlines,” (moreover). (D) “To this end, there is a long-standing and fundamental principle that Fund reports are not ‘negotiated’ documents.”(last but not least). (E) “We should also consider whether we can make some archived material available more quickly to the public.” (while) . Text 2 “I agree wholeheartedly with these transparency initiatives. I would also urge the IMF to keep going further forward particularly in regards to archives, as well as releasing country reports as part of a regular pattern of their activities, and to move to a system of releasing mandatory reports. In order for us not to repeat the same mistakes over and over again, we must be able to discern patterns from real world data. Secrecy is to be shunned since it promotes an imbalance in power and always leads to abuses.” Rahim, on December 14th, 2009 at 12:41 am #comment-579

5- CESGRANRIO/BACEN/2010 The comment above is in tune with Moghadam’s ideas, because Rahim states that (A) secret reports are not welcome in the IMF anymore because they actually distort real world data. (B) some concealment measures should be preserved so as to protect IMF archives and country reports. (C) no country reports should be mandatory to avoid the imbalance of power among the world’s leading nations. (D) the transparency initiatives promoted by the IMF may eventually lead to mistakes and to an abuse of power. (E) the IMF should regularly publish reports in order to keep the world informed on financial and economic issues the institution has adopted. CESGRANRIO/IBGE/2010 Text 3 An 18-Minute Plan for Managing Your Day

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Yesterday started with the best of intentions. I walked into my office in the morning with a vague sense of what I wanted to accomplish. Then I sat down, turned on my computer, and checked my email. Two hours later, after fighting several fires, solving other people’s problems, and dealing with whatever happened to be thrown at me through my computer and phone, I could hardly remember what I had set out to accomplish when I first turned on my computer. I’d been ambushed. And I know better. That means we start every day knowing we’re not going to get it all done. So how we spend our time is a key strategic decision. That’s why it’s a good idea to create a to do list and an ignore list. The hardest attention to focus is our own. But even with those lists, the challenge, as always, is execution. How can you stick to a plan when so many things threaten to derail it? Managing our time needs to become a ritual too. Not simply a list or a vague sense of our priorities. That’s not consistent or deliberate. It needs to be an ongoing process we follow no matter what to keep us focused on our priorities throughout the day. I think we can do it in three steps that take less than 18 minutes over an eight-hour workday. STEP 1 (5 Minutes) Before turning on your computer, sit down with a blank piece of paper and decide what will make this day highly successful. What can you realistically carry out that will further your goals and allow you to leave at the end of the day feeling like you’ve been productive and successful? Write those things down. Now, most importantly, take your calendar and schedule those things into time slots, placing the hardest and most important items at the beginning of the day. And by the beginning of the day I mean, if possible, before even checking your email. There is tremendous power in deciding when and where you are going to do something. If you want to get something done, decide when and where you’re going to do it. Otherwise, take it off your list. STEP 2 (1 minute every hour) Set your watch, phone, or computer to ring every hour. When it rings, take a deep breath, look at your list and ask yourself if you spent your last hour productively. Then look at your calendar and deliberately recommit to how you are going to use the next hour. STEP 3 (5 minutes) Shut off your computer and review your day. What worked? Where did you focus? Where did you get distracted? The power of rituals is their predictability. You do the same thing in the same way over and over again. And so the outcome of a ritual is predictable too. If you choose your focus deliberately and wisely, and consistently remind yourself of that focus, you will stay focused. It’s simple. This particular ritual may not help you swim the English Channel. But it may just help you leave the office feeling productive and successful. And, at the end of the day, isn’t that a higher priority? Extracted from: 18minute-plan-for-managing.html

6- CESGRANRIO/IBGE/2010 The main purpose of the text is to (A) convince the reader that no one can fight against busy schedules.

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(B) justify why employees never focus on their most important tasks. (C) criticize the overload of activities people have to accomplish at work. (D) explain the importance of following rituals when working from home. (E) teach office workers how to make the best use of their daily business schedule. 7- CESGRANRIO/IBGE/2010 According to the first part of the text, the author had problems at work because he (A) had to fight for two hours against a fire in the office. (B) was asked to answer phone calls and reply to e-mails. (C) did not define his priorities before starting his working day. (D) could not remember everything he was supposed to do early in the morning. (E) decided to solve his co-workers’ computer problems before solving his own. 8- CESGRANRIO/IBGE/2010 The only adequate title to refer to STEP 1 is (A) “Set a Plan for the Day”. (B) “Refocus Your Attention”. (C) “Review Your Weekly Schedule” . (D) “Avoid Hard Decisions Early in the Day”. (E) “Make Good Use of Watch, Phone and Computer”. 9- CESGRANRIO/IBGE/2010 The only advice that is in line with STEP 2 is (A) Plan deliberate actions to redo the finished tasks. (B) Focus your attention on a different important activity every day. (C) Manage your day hour by hour. Don’t let the hours manage you. (D) Teach yourself to breathe deeply to be more productive tomorrow. (E) If your entire list does not fit into your calendar, reprioritize your phone calls. 10- CESGRANRIO/IBGE/2010 According to STEP 3, (A) success on the job depends on predicting the right outcomes. (B) it is important to analyze if you have met your goals of the day. (C) one should never shut off the computer before the end of the day. (D) focusing on the right distractions may help us be more productive. (E) distractions are essential to help one go through the responsibilities of the day. 11- CESGRANRIO/IBGE/2010 Check the option that contains a correct correspondence of meaning. (A) “...threaten...” and menace express contradictory ideas. (B) “...ongoing...” means the same as occasional. (C) “...further...” and spoil have similar meanings. (D) “...outcome...” and results are synonyms. (E) “...wisely,” and prudently are antonyms.

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12- CESGRANRIO/IBGE/2010 Check the only alternative in which the expression in bold type has the same meaning as the item given. (A) “I could hardly remember what I had set out to accomplish when I first turned on my computer.” – intended (B) “How can you stick to a plan when so many things threaten to derail it?”- abandon (C) “…to keep us focused on our priorities throughout the day.” – distant from (D) “What can you realistically carry out that will further your goals…?” – eliminate (E) “Shut off your computer and review your day.” – start 13- CESGRANRIO/IBGE/2010 Otherwise in the sentence “Otherwise, take it off your list.” can be substituted, without changing the meaning of the sentence, by (A) Unless. (B) Or else. (C) Despite. (D) However. (E) Therefore. 14-CESGRANRIO/IBGE/2010 In “But it may just help you leave the office feeling productive and successful.” may just help could be correctly replaced, by (A) can only aid. (B) will probably help. (C) should never help. (D) might never assist. (E) couldn’t simply support. 15-CESGRANRIO/IBGE/2010 Which option correctly indicates the referent of that in“...isn’t that a higher priority?” (A) leave the office. (B) keep things simple. (C) get to the end of the day. (D) swim the English Channel. (E) feel productive and successful. QUADRIX/ DATAPREV/2010 Text 4 Natalie du Toit wins Laureus award Brad Morgan 11 March 2010

South African swimmer Natalie du Toit was named the Laureus World Sportsperson of the Year with a Disability at a gala ceremony in Abu Dhabi on

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Wednesday evening. She is one of only five athletes to have competed in the Olympics and Paralympics.

South African Sport Confederation and Olympic Committee (Sascoc) president Gideon Sam told the Sascoc website: "Natalie has done us proud over the years," he said. "All South Africans can be proud of her spirit and her never-say-die attitude."

'A true inspiration'

"She is a true inspiration to each and every athlete in this country, indeed the world, and we are hoping that she can build on this prestigious award as we look ahead to the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics in London.

"It's people like Natalie that provide the incentive for the youngsters to aspire to greatness, he continued. "She fully deserves this acknowledgement."


According to the extract above, it is right to say that. A) Natalie is the only one who has competed in the Olympics and Paralympics. B) The website president said…”Natalie has made us proud over the years”. C) Gideon Sam said that people like Natalie. D) Gideon Sam said that Natalie deserves the prize. E) Natalie du Toit was named after Laureus.

Vladia/Inédita/2012 Text 5 How IFC creates opportunity where it’s needed most

IFC and our clients make a wide range of contributions in developing countries. Our clients’ success can have ripple effects across an economy, giving many people, including the poor, a chance to better their lives. IFC investee companies benefit employees and their families, local communities, suppliers, investors, and the customers who buy what they produce. They generate significant tax revenues for national and local governments — resources available for assisting the poor. They can use IFC’s support to expand or upgrade their facilities, improve environmental performance, strengthen corporate governance, and improve their management systems and adherence to industry standards. We provide advisory services to both firms and governments. Most of our advisory work with firms is provided alongside our investment services, to maximize impact. Our work with government clients ranges from supporting

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investment-climate reforms to helping design and implement public-private partnerships 17- VLADIA/INÉDITA/2012 “…success can have ripple effects across an economy” means A) will have an unpredictable effect on an economy. B) can have a cascade effect on the economy. C) ought to have some severe impact on an economy. D) can have risky effect on an economy. E) must have a cascade effect on the economy.

18- VLADIA/INÉDITA/2012 The word Investee in “IFC investee companies benefit…” refers to

A) Those who work in IFC. B) Those business entities who invest in IFC. C) Those employers who work at IFC D) Those companies in which an investment is made. E) Those IFC’s employees whose investment is beneficial.

19- VLADIA/INÉDITA/2011 According to the text, it is correct to say that A) some companies buy their own products so to increase revenues. B) A great amount of tax income is produced by IFC clients. C) government provide advisory service to IFC. D) IFC clients consist of only private companies. E) IFC’s income is originated solely by government’s partnerships. 20- VLADIA/INÉDITA/2012 All the alternatives support the title of the text, EXCEPT A) IFC support can be used to weaken corporate governance. B) IFC`s clients generate tax revenues making available resources to help the

poor. C) IFC’s clients benefit employees and their families. D) IFC can help companies to expand and upgrade their facilities. E) IFC and its clients help developing countries. 21-VLADIA/INÉDITA/2012 Text 5 This Company of Technology and Information from Social Security originated from the centers of data processing of existing security institutes in the 70's. The Purpose of the company is to provide solutions on IT and communication for the implementation and improvement of social policies of the State, serving mainly to the National Social Security Institute. Fonte: ( Adapted.

INGLÊS para o Banco Central Teoria e Exercícios Comentados

Vladia Mattar

Prof. Vladia Mattar 31

The word “data” in text 1 refers to:

A) Time B) Any documents C) Chronological information D) Figures and maps E) Information stored in hardware


Cesgranrio/ Bacen/ 2010

Cesgranrio/ IBGE/ 2010

Quadrix/ Dataprev/ 2010

Vladia/ Inéditas/ 2012

1- B 6- E 16-D 17-B 2- C 7- C 18-D 3- E 8- A 19 -B 4- A 9 -C 20-A 5- E 10- B 21-E 11- D 12- A 13- B 14- B 15- E