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Transcript of Ingles




Substantivos .................................................................................................................................................. pág. 2

Pronomes ...................................................................................................................................................... pág. 4

Adjetivos ....................................................................................................................................................... pág. 5

Verbos ........................................................................................................................................................... pág. 7

Condicionais ................................................................................................................................................ pág. 13

A voz passiva ............................................................................................................................................... pág. 13

Discurso direto e indireto ............................................................................................................................ pág. 15

Phrasal Verbs ............................................................................................................................................... pág. 16

Subject Question ......................................................................................................................................... pág. 20

Advérbios ..................................................................................................................................................... pág. 20

Numerais ....................................................................................................................................................... pág. 23

Preposições .................................................................................................................................................. pág. 25

Prefixos e Sufixos .......................................................................................................................................... pág. 26

Artigos ........................................................................................................................................................... pág. 27

Conjunções .................................................................................................................................................. pág. 27

Question Tag ................................................................................................................................................ pág. 28

Conectivos ................................................................................................................................................... pág. 29

Vocabulário ................................................................................................................................................. pág. 29

Exercícios ...................................................................................................................................................... pág. 30

Gabarito ....................................................................................................................................................... pág. 55

Prova anterior com resolução (AFA) ........................................................................................................ pág. 55

Prova anterior com resolução (ITA) .......................................................................................................... pág. 63

Prova anterior com resolução (IME) ......................................................................................................... pág. 70



Dividem-se em próprios e comuns.

Os comuns podem ser contáveis e não-contáveis e ambos podem ser concretos ou abstratos.


Podem ser empregues no singular, precedidos de:

- A(N). Ex.: a book (um livro), a dog (um cão), an elephant (um elefante), etc.

THE: Ex.: the book (o livro), the dog (o cão), the elephant (o elefante), etc.

Podem ser empregues no plural, precedidos de:

- artigo zero Ø: Ex.: books (os livros), dogs (os cães), elephants (os elefantes), etc.

- THE: Ex.: the books (os livros), the dogs (os cães), the elepants (os elefantes), etc.

- SOME: Ex.: some books (alguns livros), some dogs (alguns cães), some elephants (alguns elefantes), etc.

- HOW MANY (nas interrogativas): Ex.: How many books? (Quantos livros?), How many dogs? (Quantos

cães?), How many elephants? (Quantos elefantes?), etc.

- empregues com números: Ex.: one book (um livro), five dogs (cinco cães), fifteen elephants (quinze

elefantes), etc.

- Concretos: a cat (um gato), an ashtray (um cinzeiro)

- Abstratos: a conclusion (uma conclusão), an idea (uma idéia)


Esses substantivos não podem ser empregues no plural, não podem ser precedidos de A(N), nem a

seguir a um número.

No singular, podem ser precedidos de:

- artigo zero Ø: Ex.: milk (o leite), aluminium (o alumínio), etc.

- THE: Ex.: the milk (o leite), the aluminium (o alumínio), etc.

- SOME: Ex.: some milk (algum leite), some aluminiun (algum alumínio), etc.

- HOW MUCH: Ex.: How much mik? (Quanto leite?), How much aluminium? (Quanto alumínio?)

- Concretos: butter (manteiga), soap (sabão),etc.

- Abstratos: advice (conselho(s)), courage (coragem), etc.

Existem substantivos não-contáveis que não possuem a forma plural em inglês. Veja alguns deles:

advice – conselho(s) baggage – bagagem, bagagens

damage – dano(s), prejuízo(s) evidence – prova(s)

homework - trabalho(s) de casa informatin – informação, informações

laughter – riso(s) news – notícias

research – pesquisa(s) transport – transporte(s)

Esses substantivos não podem ser quantificados por si só, para isso é necessário recorrer a uma

construção: PARTITIVE + OF + (substantivo não-contável). Existem 3 tipos dessas construções: measure

partitives (quantificadores de medidas), typical partitives (quantificadores específicos) e general

partitives (quantificadores gerais ou neutros). Veja alguns exemplos:


an acre of (land) – um acre de (terra)

an kilo of (meat, sugar) – um quilo de (carne, açúcar)

a pound of (butter, cheese) – uma libra de (manteiga, queijo)

a yard of (cloth) – uma jarda de (tecido)


an amount of (work) – uma quantidade de (trabalho)

a block of (ice) – um cubo de (gelo)

a glass of (water, wine) – um copo de (água, vinho)

a sack of (coal, rice) – um saco de (carvão, arroz)


a bit of (advice) – um conselho

a bit of (interest) – um pouco de (interesse)

a piece of (furniture) – uma peça de (mobília)

a piece of (news) – uma notícia



Alguns substantivos apresentam-se somente na forma plural, referem-se a objetos constituídos por duas

partes iguais.

Ex.: bellows (fole), braces (suspensórios), goggles (óculos de proteção), pliers (alicate), shorts (calções),

suspenders (suspensórios), trunks (calções de banho), etc.

Os verbos que os acompanham conjugam-se no plural quando concordam com o próprio substantivo

ou quando concordam com a expressão two, three, etc., pairs of.

Ex.: These trousers are torn. (Estas calças estão rasgadas.)

My glasses are broken. (Os meus óculos estão partidos.)

There are three pairs of glasses on the table. (Há três pares de óculos em cima da mesa.)

There two pairs of trousers are dirty. (Estas duas calas estão sujas.)

Os verbos que os acompanham conjugam-se no singular quando concordam com a expressão a pair


Ex.: A pair of glasses costs a lot of money these days.

(Um par de óculos custa muito dinheiro hoje em dia.)

There is a pairo of glasses on the table.

(Há um par de óculos em cima da mesa.)

Já outros substantivos também se apresentam somente na forma plural, mas são acompanhados

somente de verbos no singular. Esses geralmente referem-se a certos tipos de jogos, doenças, disciplinas,


Ex; athletics (atletismo), bowls (jogo com bolas de madeira), draughts (jogo de damas), gymnastics

(ginástica), phonetics (fonética), shingles (herpes zoster)

Physics is my favourite subject. (A física é a minha disciplina favorita.)

The news on television is more interesting. (As notícias na televisão são mais interessantes.)


Quanto ao gênero os substantivos podem ser classificados em masculino, feminino, neutro ou comum.

Feminino - Em inglês, como regra geral, o feminino é formado a partir da adição do sufixo –ess ao

substantivo masculino. Ex.: author – authoress, count – countess, heir – heiress

Em alguns casos, existem mudanças na ortografia. Ex.: ambassador – ambassadress, prince – princess,

duke, duchess

Masculinos/femininos irregulares – Alguns substantivos masculinos apresentam formas irregulares de

feminino. Ex.: bachelor – spinter, dog, bitch, fox - vixen, gentleman - lady, king – queen, son – daughter,

wizard – witch

Invariáveis – Alguns substantivos apresentam uma forma única, tanto para o masculino quanto para o

feminino. O que os diferencia é a aplicação dos pronomes pessoais, possessivos e reflexivos.

Veja alguns deles: artist, baby, child, cook, cousin, dancer, driver, journalist, neighbor, painter, parent,

person, prisioner, repórter, singer, teacher.

Ex.: Our teacher didn‟t correct our test because she was so tired. (feminino)

My cousin told me that he needed to take care of his dog. (masculino)

Distinção para animais – Para difereciar o sexo dos animais, utilizam-se as formas male (macho) e

female (fêmea) antes deles. Ex.: male elephant (elefante macho), female elephant (elefante fêmea).

Essas formas também são usadas com referência a pessoas, quando o substantivo é do tipo uniforme.

Ex.: male nurse/female nurse

Substantivos femininos – Não há forma de masculino para alguns substantivos. Ex.: baby-sitter, miss,


Casos especiais – Alguns substantivos são diferenciados pela anteposição ou posposição de termos. Ex.:

boyfriend – girlfriend, man doctor – woman doctor, he cat – she cat

Neutros – Substantivos que designam seres inanimados e abstratos pertencem ao gênero neutro. Neste

caso, os pronomes a serem utilizados, no singular, são it e suas formas associadas its e itself. Ex.: book,

milk, fear, pride, etc.


O caso possessivo (apóstrofo) é empregue para indicar posse de algo, ou relação entre pessoas, ou de

pessoas e algo, num sentido genérico. Aplica-se a pessoas, grupo de pessoas, países e animais, mas

normalmente não é empregada em seres inanimados.

Adiciona-se o apóstrofo nos seguintes casos:

- substantivos singulares, mesmo os que terminam em –s:

Ex.: This is my sister‟s house. (Esta e a casa da minha irmã).

The actress‟s eyes are blue. (Os olhos da atriz são azuis.)


- substantivos plurais regulares:

Ex.: This is my parents‟ car. (Este é o carro dos meus pais.)

- substantivos plurais irregulars:

Ex.: Children‟s toys are usually expensive. (Os brinquedos para crianças são nomalmente caros.)

- nomes de pessoas no singular, mesmo os que terminam em –s:

Ex.: Paul‟s ambition is to become scientist. (A ambição do Paulo é se tornar um cientista.)

- períodos de tempo no singular:

Ex.: Yesterday‟s meeting was very tiring. (A reunião de ontem foi muito cansativa.)

- em caso de lojas ou casas, emprega-se normalmente os substantivos singulares isoladamente com a

adição do‟s:

Ex.: Where have you been all this more? To the doctor‟s. (Onde estiveste este tempo todo? No médico.)

- pode-se aplicar o apóstrofo mais de uma vez na mesma frase, em certas situações:

Ex.: John‟s daughter‟s teacher is sick. (O/A professor(a) da filha do João está doente.)

- nome de pessoas no plural:

Ex.: The Smiths‟ house is big. (A casa dos Smiths é grande.)

- nomes gregos antigos no singular, com mais de uma sílaba:

Ex.: Socrates‟ ideas (as idéias de Sócrates)

- períodos de tempo no plural:

Ex.: I‟ll see you in two days‟ time. (Ver-te-ei dentro de dois dias.)


Pronomes pessoais (Personal pronouns)

Os pronomes pessoais substituem na frase um substantivo ou um grupo nominal e indicam as pessoas

gramaticais. Se dividem em pronomes do caso reto e pronomes do caso oblíquo.

Os subject pronouns (caso reto) são utilizados como sujeito, portanto, vêm antes do verbo.

I – é sempre escrito com letra maíuscula. Quando o sujeito for composto, ele virá sempre em último

lugar, ex.: You and I are excellent players.

He e she – geralmente são usados para pessoas, mas são usados para animais ou coisas quando

queremos personificá-las, ex.: My dog is a poodle. He is very small.

She também é usado para substituir os substantivos ship (navio), nation/country (nação/país) e car

(carro). Ex.: Tha is a new ship. She is very modern.

It – é neutro, usado para designar animais ou coisas no singular. Ex.: The aplle is red. It is red.

Também pode ser usado para refir às palavras child (criança) e baby (bebê) quando não se sabe o

sexo. Ex.: There is a baby on the sofa. It is crying.

Os objects pronouns (caso oblíquo) têm a função de objeto na oração e são sempre precedidos por

um verbo ou uma preposição. Ex.: Mary and Jéssyca are sisters. I know them well.

Pronomes possessivos (possessive pronouns)

Possessive adjectives Possessive Pronouns

my mine

your yours

his his

her hers

its its (esse é raramente usado)

our ours

your yours

their theirs

Os possessives adjectives são usados antes de substantivos masculinos ou femininos, tanto no singular,

como no plural, ou seja, são invariáveis. Ex.: To his surprise, he couldn‟t win! Her blue eyes are beautiful.

OBS: Com os possuidores everydoby/everyone, anybody/anyone, somebody/someone, nobody/no

one, usa-se o possessivo his. Ex.: Everybody has to do his homework.

Quando o possuidor for one, é impossível indicar sua posse através dos possessives adjectives,

empregando-se a forma possessiva one‟s. Ex.: One has do one‟s homework.

Os possessives pronouns, assim como os possessives adjectives, também concordam com o possuidor,

mas nunca são usados antes de um substantivo, pois sua função é substituir a construção possessive

adjective + substantivo. Ex.: Is that car still your car? Is that car still yours?


Outra forma de indicar posse pode ser feita por one of + possessive pronoun. Ex.: A teacher of mine (one

of my teachers) is Italian.

Pronomes Reflexivos (Reflexive pronouns)









Reflexivo: indica que o sujeito pratica e recebe os efeitos da ação do verbo. O pronome vem logo após

o verbo e concorda com o sujeito. Ex.: I hurt myself in the soccer game.

Enfático: enfatiza o sujeito ou o objeto da oração. Sua posição pode variar e não é parte essencial da

oração. Ex.: She talked to the king herself/She talked to the king himself.

Idiomático: vem precedido de by, formando uma expressão que significa “sozinho”, “sem ajuda”. Ex.:

He lives by himself.

Pronomes indefinidos (Indefinite pronouns)

Embora sejam invariáveis, mudam de função de acordo com a forma em que forem usadas.

SOME (algum, alguns, alguma, alguma), SOMEBOBY/SOMEONE (alguém), SOMEWHERE (em algum lugar),

SOMETHING (algo, alguma coisa)

São empregados em frases afirmativas, antes de substantivos; em frases interrogativas, expressando

oferecimento, pedido ou sugestão. Ex.: She ask me some questions./Would you like some candies?

ANY (algum, alguns, alguma, algumas, nenhum, nenhuma, qualquer, quaisquer), ANYBODY/ANYONE

(alguém, ninguém, qualquer pessoa), ANYWAY/ANYHOW (de alguma forma, de nenhuma forma, de

qualquer forma), ANYWHERE (em algum lugar, em nenhum lugar, em qualquer lugar), ANYTHING (algo,

nada, qualquer coisa)

São empregados em frases interrogativas, em frases negativas e em frases afirmativas, com o significado

de “qualquer”. Ex.: Do you need any help?/I don‟t need any help./Any student here speaks English well.

NO (nenhum, nenhuma), NOBODY/NO ONE (ninguém), NOTHING (nada), NOWHERE (em nenhum lugar).

São empregados em frases afirmativas, cujo sentido expresse uma negação. Ex.: I have no money.

Orações Relativas (Relatives clauses)

São orações que identificam ou qualificam os elementos que as precedem em uma frase. Elas são

iniciadas por um pronome relativo. Ex.: The boy who sits next to me is very handsome.

São classificadas em Identificadoras (identifying) e não identificadoras (non-identifying).

Identifying – são as que identificam ou classificam o substantivo a que se referem, elas dizem a que

coisa ou pessoa estamos nos referindo. Ex.: Was it your car which was towed by the police?

Non-identifying – estas apenas acrescentam informações sobre o substantivo que já foi identificado. Ex.:

This is my friend Perry, who works at Contry Hospital.

3. ADJETIVOS São empregues para caracterizar os seres, objetos ou o estado das coisas.

Em inglês eles são invariáveis, isto é, não fazem concordância com a palavra à qual estão associados.

Ex.: a strong boy (um rapaz forte), strong boys (rapazes fortes)

Os adjetivos podem ser empregues:

- substantivo + adjetivo = an old man

- verbo + adjetivo = He became angry.

- verbo + complemento + adjetivo = She makes me happy.

- advérbio + adjetivo = very hot

- comparativo = Mary is younger than Emily.

- superlativo = This is the cheapest.

A maioria dos adjetivos mais comuns não tem uma terminação específica.

Veja como são formados alguns deles:

- substantivo + able (tendo a qualidade de) = pleasure – pleasurable (agradável)

- verbo + able (que pode ser) = imagine – imaginable (imaginável)


- substantivo + al (relativo a) = education – educational (educacional)

- substantivo próprio + an (habitante/língua de) = Korea – Korean (coreano)

- substantivo + ed (tendo a característica de) = disease – diseased (doente, doentio)

- verbo + ed (afetado pela ação do verbo) = interest – interested (interessado)

- verbo + ent (que é, que faz) = differ – different (diferente)

- substantivo próprio + ese (habitante/língua de) = Nepal – Nepalese (nepalês)

- substantivo + ful (cheio de, tendo a qualidade de) = fear – fearful (temeroso, medroso)

- verbo + ible (que pode ser) = deduce = deducible (deduzível)

- raiz de origem não-inglesa + ible (que pode ser) = legible (legível)

- substantivo + ic (de, sobre, a respeito de) = poet – poetic (poético)

- verbo + ing (indicando a ação do verbo) = disgust – disgunting (repugnante, nojento)

- raiz de origem não-inglesa + ing (indicando a ação do verbo) = impending (iminente, próximo)

- substantivo + ish (comportando-se como) = child – childish (acriançado, infantil)

- adjetivo + ish (um tanto, um pouco)= old – oldish (um tanto velho)

- substantivo próprio + ish (habitante/língua de) = England – English (inglês)

- verbo + ive (tendo tendência para) = deduce – deducive (dedutivo)

- raiz de origem não-inglesa + ive (tendo tendência para) = lucrative (lucrativo)

- substantivo + less (não tendo a qualidade de) = meaning – meaningless (sem sentido, sem significado)

- substantivo + like (semelhante a, característica de) = child – childlike (infantil)

- substantivo + ly (tendo a qualidade de) = cost – costly (caro, dispendioso)

- adjetivo + ly (tendo a qualidade de) = lone – lonely (solitário)

- substantivo + ous (tendo a característica de) = peril – perilous (perigoso)

- raiz de origem não-inglesa + ous (tendo a característica de) = previous (prévio)

- substantivo + y (cheio de, tendo a qualidade de) = wind – windy (ventoso, com muito vento)

Existem também os adjetivos compostos, que são constituídos de duas ou mais palavras conjugadas e

são empregados normalmente antes de um substantivo e com hífen.

Veja a formação de alguns deles:

- substantivo + particípio passado –ed = a hand-made wallet (uma carteira feita à mão)

- substantivo + particípio presente –ing = a fact-finding mission (uma missão de pesquisa)

- substantivo + adjetivo = a waterproof watch (um relógio à prova de água)

- advérbio + particípio passado –ed = a well-known writer (um escritor bem conhecido)

- advérbio + particípio presente –ing = a long-playing record (um disco de longa duração)

- advérbio + adjetivo = a fiercely-competitive sport (um esporte altamente competitivo)

-adjetivo + parcitípio passado –ed = a white-washed cottage (uma casa de campo caiada)

- adjetivo + particípio presente –ing = a free-standing sculpture (uma escultura sem nenhum suporte)

- adjetivo + substantivo = a high-speed train (um comboio de alta velocidade)

- adjetivo + substantivo + ed = a good-humoured person (uma pessoa alegre)

- adjetivo de três ou mais palavras conjugadas = an out-of-date dress (um vestido fora de moda)


Adjetivos de uma sílaba

Comparativo: adjetivo + er (than): older, higher, bigger than

Superlativo: The + adjetivo + est: the oldest, the highest, the biggest

Adjetivos de duas sílabas terminados em “y”: easy, heavy, funny, happy, dirty etc. O “y” muda para

“ier” ou “iest” no final: easier/the easiest, heavier/the heaviest, funnier/the funniest, happier/the

happiest, dirtier/the dirtiest. Muito menos comum são os adjeivos que terminam em “ow” – narrow,

shaloow, mellow – narrower/the narrowest, shallower/the shallowest.

Adjetivos de mais de uma sílaba

Comparativo: More + adj. (than): more tiring, more expensive, more famous, more beautiful, more

sincere, more interesting etc.

Superlativo: The most + adj.: the most tiring, the most expensive, the most famous, the most beautiful, the

most sincere, the most interesting etc.

Exceções: Good – better than – The best

Bad –worse than – The worst

Far – further than – The furthest


Menos … que

Comparativo: It was less expensive/fun than last year. (Foi menos caro/divertido que no ano passado.)

Superlativo: She‟s the least generous/stupid person I know. (Ela é a pessoa menos generosa/estúpida

que conheço.)

Igualdade = AS … AS

She‟s (not) as tall as me.

It‟s just as hot as yesterday.

I don‟t have as much money as I used to.

Are there as many people as you expected?

Graus de comparação

Much/Far large, smaller, better etc.

Considerably more difficult, popular, interested etc.

A little more/less milk (substantivos incontáveis)

Slightly more/fewer people (substantivos contáveis)

Not quite as old/expensive as

(Not) nearly as many/much as


Simple Continuous

(To be+ …ing)


(To have + pp*)

Perfect Continuous

(To have + been + ….ing)

Present I live I am (I‟m) living I have (I‟ve) lived I have (I‟ve) been living

Past I lived I was living I had (I‟d) lived I had (I„d) been living

Future I will (I‟ll) live I will (I‟ll) be living I will (I‟ll) have lived I will (I‟ll) have been living


Simple Have/Has + particípio passado (* a 3ª forma do verbo)

Continuous Have/Has + been + verbo com -ing

1. Passado não terminado = ações que começaram no passado mas não terminaram ainda:

I have lived (I‟ve lived) in Rio since 2002. (Moro no Rio desde 2002.)

She has been (She‟s been) waiting for 20 minutes. (Ela está esperando há 20 minutos.)

Se a ação já terminou, usa-se o Past:

I lived in Rio for 2 years. (Morei no Rio durante 2 anos.)

She waited for 20 minutes. (Ela esperou 20 minutos.)

2. Passado não-determinado = ações no passado, mas sem um tempo específco, porque:

a) Aconteceu no passado geral, na sua experiência/vida, e quando aconteceu não for considerado


Have you ever been to Paris? Yes, I have. (Você já esteve em Paris? Sim, já estive lá.)

I‟ve seen “City of God” times. Have you seen it? (Eu já vi “Cidade de Deus” 3 vezes. Você já viu?)

No primeiro exemplo, a palavra “ever” é usada para enfatizar “a primeira vez em qualquer momento

da sua vida” Por outro lado, se você está fazendo sobre um tempo mais específico, usa-se o Past:

Did you go to Paris when you were in France? (Você já foi para Paris quando estava na França?)

I saw “Cit of God” last year. (Eu vi “Cidade de Deus” no ano passado.)

b) Aconteceu no passado recente; é mais importante o que aconteceu há pouco tempo atrás do que

exatamente quando aconteceu. Este tipo é menos usado no ingles Americano.

We‟ve bought a new car. (Compramos um carro novo.)

My parents have just arrived. (Os meus pais acabaram de chegar.)

He‟s been playing football. (Ele estava jogando futebol.)

No segundo exemplo, a palavra “just” serve para enfatizar que algo acabou de acontecer, que

aconteceu recentemente, mas sem o tempo específico. Quando o tempo é determinado, por outro

lado, usa-se o Past:


We bought a new car two weeks ago. (Compramos um carro novo há duas semanas atrás.)

My parents arrived on Thursday. (Os meus pais chegaram na quinta-feira.)

Outras palavras muitas vezes usadas com Present Perfect:

Yet: Have you met her parents yet? (Você já conheceu os pais dela?)

I haven’t met them yet. (Não conheci eles ainda.)

Still: We still haven’t moved house. (Ainda não mudamos de casa.)

Already: She‟s already sent the cheque. (Ela já mandou o cheque.)


As formas mais comuns


1. WILL a) Decidido no momento;

reações; ofertas, pedidos,

promessas, ameaças etc.

b) Baseado na sua opinião ou

conhecimento de

comportamento típico

2. GOING TO a) Já decidido antes de falar –

planos pessoais.

b) Com evidência no presente,

quase acontecendo.



Organizado com outra(s)


1. a) A: This is so heavy! B: I’ll help you (A: É tão pesado! B: Vou te ajudar.)

b) I think she’ll probably be late. (Acho que provavelmente ela vai atrasar.)

2. a) I’m going to study hard. (Vou trabalhar bastante.)

b) Be careful, you‟re going to fall! (Cuidado, você vai cair!)

3. I‟m having lunch with Xuxa. We‟re meeting at Bob‟s. (Vou almoçar com a Xuxa. Vamos nos encontrar

no Bob”.)

As formas menos comuns

4. PRESENT SIMPLE Horários ou ações repetidas com freqüência.

5. FUTURE CONTINUOUS (Will be + ….-ing) Atividade em progresso em um tempo específico

no futuro.

6. FUTURE PERFECT (Will have + pp/Will have + been

+ ….-ing)

Ação que será completada (ou terá uma certa

duração) até um tempo específico no futuro.

4. What time does the train leave? (A que horas sai o trem?)

5. Tomorrow I’ll lyving on the beach. (Amanhã vou estar deitado na praia.)

6. We‟ll have finished by nex week. (Vamos terminar até a semana que vem.)


Perguntas diretas

Present Simple: Where DO you work? (Onde você trabalha?)

Why DOES she have a dog? (Por que ela tem um cão?)

(Exceções: to be e to have got: How is she? (Como ela está?) - Has he got a car? (Ele tem um carro?)

Past Simple: DID you buy the CD? (Você comprou o CD?)

How DID she get home? (Como ela chega em casa?)

(Exceção: “to be”: How old were you? (Quantos anos você tinha?)

Why was he o angry? (Por que ele foi irritado?)

Present/Past Continuous: What are/were you doing? (O que você está/estava fazendo?)

Is/was he playing? (Ele está/estava jogando?)

Present/Past Perfect: Have you finished? (Já acabou?)

Has he paid? (Será que ele paga?)

Had he been waiting long? (Ele teve que esperar muito tempo?)

Verbos modais: Can/could you help me? (Pode/Poderia me ajudar?)

Should I call her? (Devo chamá-la?)

Would you believe it? (Você acreditaria nisso?)

Sujeito da frase: Who lives upstairs? (Quem mora no andar de cima?)

Who ate my candy? (Quem comeu meu doce?)


Perguntas indiretas (+ a forma positiva):

Do you know where the bathroom is Você sabe onde é o banheiro?

Can/could you tell me how much it costs Pode/Poderia me dizer quanto custa?

I’d like to know why she didn’t come Eu gostaria de saber porque ela não veio.

I wish knew how many rooms there are Desejo saber quantos quartos há.

I don’t know/understand who broke the stereo Eu não sei/entendo quem quebrou o aparelho de som.

I have no idea when she’s coming Eu não tenho nenhuma idéia de quando ela está vindo.

I’m not sure what the looked like Eu não tenho certeza do que parecia.

I can’t remember how often she goes home Não me lembro quantas vezes ela vai para casa.

I’ve forgotten what time the film starts Esqueci a que horas o filme começa.

Perguntas relatadas (quando você relata o que outra pessoa já perguntou)

I – Mudança de tempo verbal:

Present → Past, Past/Present Perfect → Past Perfect

Will → Would, Can → Could

II – Forma positiva (como perguntas indiretas)

“What time are you going?” → He asked what time I was going.

(Que horas você vai? → Ele perguntou que horas eu estava indo.)

“Did you buy some milk?” → She asked if I had bought some milk.

(Você quis comprar leite? → Ela perguntou se eu tinha comprado um pouco de leite.)

Outras perguntas difíceis

What‟s he like? (Como ele é? = sua personalidade)

What does he look like? (Como ele é fisicamente?)

How old/tall is he? (Quantos anos ele tem/Qual é sua altura?)

How did you get there? ((Como você chegou lá?)

Can you tell me the way to ..? (Pode me dizer como chegar …?)

How long does it take to …? (Quanto tempo leva para chegar em …?)

How/What time did you get there? (Como/Que horas você chegou lá?)

How come you‟re doing this exam? (Por que está fazendo esta prova?)

What did you say that for? (Por que você falou isso?)

What‟s the point in going? (Qual é o motivo para ir?)


É usado para fazer um pedido, convite ou para dar uma ordem.

É formado pelo infinitivo sem o to. Nas formas negativas usa-se don‟t ou do not.

Ex.: Wait for me (Espera por mim.) – forma afirmativa

Have a good day! (Tenha um bom dia!) – forma afirmativa

Don‟t move, please! (Não se mova, por favor.) – forma negativa

Don‟t smoke. (Não fume.) – forma negativa

Let him try! (Deixe ele tentar!) – forma afirmativa com o uso de let

Don‟t let them stop. (Não deixe eles pararem.) – forma negativa com o uso de let


Gerúndio (o verbo + -ing)*

Verbos depois de preposições: por exemplo, I‟m thinking of studying, She‟s good at writing, I

apologised for being late, We talked about not moving, They‟re interested in coming etc. (Estou

pensando em estudar, Ela é boa em escrever, Me pediu desculpas por chegar atrasado, Nós

falamos sobre não se mover, Eles estão interessados em vir, etc.)

Verbos usados como substantivo: Having children is hard work, It‟s profitable being politician,

Working late is part of the job, It‟s hard not having a ar in Floripa. (Ter filhos é um trabalho árduo,

Ser político é lucrativo, Trabalhar até tarde é parte do trabalho, É difícil não ter um carro em


Verbos usados como adjetivo: A growing economy, falling prices, screaming children. (Uma

economia crescente, preços em queda, crianças gritando.)

Depois de alguns verbos, principalmente: admit, appreciate, consider, delay, deny, detest,

dislike, enjoy, escape, face, feel, like, finish, give up, imagine, involve, mention, mind, miss,

postpone/put off, practise, prefer, recommend, resent, risk, suggest, understand.


Às vezes o verbo faz parte de uma expressão fixa: have difficulty/trouble/problems doing, can‟t

stand/bear doing, can‟t help doing, spend time doing, It‟s (not) worth doing, There‟s no point (in) doing,

It‟s no use doing, Don‟t mind doing, be/get used to doing etc.

Infinitivo (to + verbo)

Depois de alguns adjetivos: easy to (remember), hard to (say), happy to (go), glad to (hear), sad

to see), wrong to (steal), exciting to (be), funny to (think).

Depois de alguns substantivos: (to make) a decision to, a promise to, an agreement to, an

arrangement to, an offer to, a wish to etc.

Depois de alguns verbos, principalmente: afford, agree, appear, arrange, ask, attempt, begin,

care, choose, consent, decide, determine, expect, fail, forget, happen, hate, help, hesistate,

hope, intend, learn, like, love, manage, mean, offer, prefer, prepare, pretend, promise, propose,

refuse, seem, start, swear, want, wish.

Outros verbos sao seguidos por uma pessoa/um objeto + o infinitivo, por exemplo: want someone to do

(querer que alguém faça). Outros verbos: advise, allow, ask, cause, command, encourage, expect,

forbid, force, get, hate, help, instruct, invite, leave, like, mean, need, oblige, order, permit, persuade,

prefer, recommend, remind, request, teach, tell, tempt, trouble, warn, wish, would like.

Some/any/no + one/body/thing/where: somewhere to sit, nobody to help, something to eat, anyone to

go with, nowhere to buy, nothing to do, anywhere to sleep etc.

Gerúndio ou infinitivo, com diferença de sentido

Verbos demonstrando preferências – like, love, hate, prefer, can‟t bear/stand

Gerúndio (mais comum) = preferências mais gerais: She likes reading.

Infinitivo = preferências mais específicas: I like to read in bed.

Try to do (fazer um esforço): I tried to call you. (Eu tentei ligar para você.)

Try doing (experimentar): He tried hiding the evidence. (Ele tentou esconder as provas.)

Need to do (precisa fazer): You need to lose weight. (Você precisa perder peso.)

Need doing (precisa ser feito): My hair needs cutting. (Meu cabelo precisa de corte.)

Remember to do (esquecer/lembrar fazer antes da ação): Did you remember to feed the dog? (Você se

lembra de alimentar o cão?)

Remember doing (ter lembranas de ter feito algo): I remember putting the keys on the table. (Lembro-

me de colocar as chaves sobre a mesa.)

Regret to do (se arrepender de algo no presente): I regret to tell you that … (Lamento dizer-lhe que…)

Regret doing (se arrepender de algo no passado): She regrets not having kids. (Ela lamenta não ter


Verbos seguidos por gerúndio e infinitivo, ou nenhum dos dois

(Be/get) used to e (Be/become) accustomed to (estar/ficando acostumado):

I‟m not used to living alone. (Não estou acostumado a morar sozinho).

Look forward to (esperar ansiosamente):

I look forward to hearing from you, We look forward to seeing you again.

(Eu espero ter notícias de você, Nós esperamos o ver novamente.)

Object to: He objects to waiting in line.

Let (deixar): He let me use his car. (Ele me deixou usar o seu carro.)

Make (fazer/obrigar): They made me retake the exam. (Eles me obrigaram a refazer a prova.)

Help (ajudar): We helpd her move. (Ajudamos ela a fazer a mudança.)

See/Hear (ver/ouvir): I saw you eat it. (Eu vi você comer.)

She heard me come in. (Ele me ouviu entrando.)

Had better (deveria): You‟d better see a doctor. (Você devia ir ao médico.)

Would rather (preferia): She‟d rather take a taxi. (Ela preferia pegar um táxi.)



São verbos que ajudam a simplificar a língua inglesa, usados, na maioria das vezes, em perguntas ou

frases interrogativas.

Em perguntas você pode mudar o tempo verbal de uma frase simplesmente mudando o verbo auxiliar,

em vez de memorizar as conjugações dos verbos.

Ex.: Do you play soccer? (Você joga futebol?)

Did you play soccer? = (Você jogou futebol?)

Will you play soccer? = (Você jogará futebol?)

Would you play soccer? = (Você jogaria futebol?)

OBS: Note que eles não tem nenhum significado na frase.

Ele também facilita as coisas de uma outra maneira: na resposta a uma pergunta, ele substitui o verbo e

todos os seus complementos Então, se alguém pergunta: Do you always go to work by car on week

days? (Você sempre vai para o trabalho de carro nos dias da semana?), a resposta pode ser,

simplesmente, Yes, I do. (Do= always go to work by car on week days)

Nas frases negativas é acrescentado o not depois do verbo auxiliar.


I do not like pizza / I don't like pizza (Eu não gosto de pizza).



Verbo (modal) Função Exemplos

Can Habilidade no presente e no futuro I can sing, but I can’d dance.

Can you come tomorrow?

Could Habilidade geral no passado ou em um


He could speak at 18 months.

If I had a car, I could take you.

Was/were able to Habilidade em uma situação específica

no passado

They were able to save him.

Wash he able to get another


Could have done Habilidade no passado, não realizada I could’ve gone to university.

Couldn’t you have called me?

Know how to Conhecimento ou habilidade específica I know how to change a wheel.

Do you know how to open it?

Manage to/succeed in Conseguir com alguma dificuldade We managed to get tickets.

He secceeded in selling the


Pedidos e permissão

Can I have the menu please? Yes, of course you can. (Posso ter o menu por favor? Sim, claro que pode.

Can you tell me the way to …? (Pode dizer-me o caminho para …?)

Could I send It next week? (Poderia me enviar na próxima semana?)

Could you just wait a moment? (Você poderia esperar apenas um momento?)

May I take this chair, please? (Posso tirar esta cadeira, por favor?)

Would you mind closing the door? (Você se importaria de fechar a porta?)

Would you mind if I closed the door? (Você se importaria se eu fechasse a porta?)

Would it be possible (for you) to close …? (Seria possível (para você) fechar …?


Presente e Futuro – Might/Could/May

It could be him, or it might be someone else.

(É possível ser ele, ou é possível ser outra pessoa.)

We might go to France, but we may just stay here.

(Talvez iremos para a França, mas de repente a gente vai ficar aqui.)

Passado – Migth/Could/May + have + past participle

He might have taken the car. (É possível ser ele que levou o carro.)


She could’ve been at the party. (Talvez ela estava na festa.)

Certeza (dedução)

Positivo – Must (have + past participle)

She must earn a good salary. (Ela deve ganhar um bom salário.)

They must have left. (Eles devem ter saído).

Negativo – Can‟t (have + past participle)

That can’t be easy. (Não deve ser fácil.)

He can’t have got lost. (Ele não pode ter se perdido.)

Obrigação forte e necessidade

Positivo – Must, Have to/Have got to

I must get a new TV. (Eu devo comprar uma televisão nova.)

You have to leave the room by 12h. (Você precisa sair do quarto até 12h.)

He‟s got to study. (Ele tem de estudar.)

Negativo – Mustn‟t V Don‟t have to/Haven‟t got to

You mustn’t park here. (Não deve estacionar aqui.)

I don’t have to work today, it‟s a holiday! (Não preciso trabalhar hoje, é feriado!)

She hasn’t got to come. (Ela não precisa vir.)

Obrigação fraca e conselhos

Should/Ought to (have + past participle). Should é mais comum:

You should/ought to stay in bed. (Você deveria ficar na cama.)

He should/ought to have paid the bill. (Ele devia ter pago a conta.)

To be supposed to = regras ou obrigações (geralmente não seguidas)

I‟m supposed to start at 9h. (Eu devia começar às 9h.)

You‟re not supposed to wear jewelry. (Não devia usar jóias.)

Needn‟t have + past participle = algo feito desnecessariamente.

The shop was closed so we needn’t have gone. (A loja estava fechada, então não precisava ter ido.)


Verbos que tem conotação de movimento são Dynamic Verbs.

Verbos com conotação estática (geralmente implicam em estado, condição inerte, sentimento,

sensação) são Stative Verbs e não aceitam a forma progressiva ("to be loving", por exemplo, que é uma

forma incorreta).

Veja abaixo uma pequena lista deles:

Stative Verbs Dynamic Verbs





























look at

















Devemos lembrar que existem muitos outros verbos, além dessa lista e aí vai uma dica pra quando você

tiver dúvida de como escrever ou falar: pergunte-se se o verbo tem conotação de movimento ou de

inércia. Se for um verbo de movimento, pode flexionar (to be + ing), caso contrário, é só se lembrar de

usar o gerúndio.


Usamos os conditionals quando queremos dizer que uma coisa irá acontecer em função de outra, ou

seja, quando se estabelece uma condição para que certas situações ocorram.

Tipo Forma Uso

FIRST If + present + future Situações bastante prováveis

SECOND If + past + would/could SItuações não muito prováveis

ou hipotéticas

THIRD If + Past Perfect + Would/could

have + past participle

Situações no passado

If you read this book, you‟ll pass the exam. (Se você ler este livro, vai passar no exame.)

I‟m going to scream if you touch me. (Vou gritar se você tocar em mim.)

If Brazil lost to Peru, the coach would be sacked.

(Se Brasil perdesse contra Peru, o técnico seria demitido.)

I could buy a car if I had more money.

(Eu poderia comprar um carro se tivesse mais dinheiro.)

If had know, I would’ve called you. (Se eu soubesse, ia te ligar.)

She could’ve won if she‟d played better. (Ela podia ter ganho se tivesse jogado melhor.)

Outras palavras usadas com os mesmos tempos verbais

When they arrive (Quando eles chegam

As soon as the film starts (Assim que o filme começa

Before there are new laws + FUTURO (Antes de existirem leis novas

After we sign the contract (Depois que assinar o contrato

Until my boss come back (Até o meu chefe voltar

Even if = mesmo se: Even if the comes, he won‟t have any money.

Whether .. or no Whether he comes or not, he won‟t have …

(Just) In case = caso …/se: Take an umbrella in case it rains.

Unless = a menos que:

Unless he passes the exam, he‟ll repeat the year.

(A menos que ele passe no exame, vai repetir o ano.)

As long as = desde que:

As long as/provided you pay me back.

(f) Provided (that) (Desde que você me devolve o dinheiro.) On condtion (that)

If only = se ao menos, quem me dera (expressa desejos e sonhos):

(Wish) If only/I wish I could speak French. (Se ao menos eu pudesse falar Francês.)


“To be” + particípio passado (3ª forma)

Usada para dar mais ênfase no objeto de uma frase, geralmente porque o sujeito (quem faz/fez/vai

fazer) não é importante, não é conhecido ou porque é óbvio. Apenas o verbo “to be” muda de acordo

com o tempo verbal, enquanto o particípio passado é constante.


Present Simple: Many cars are made in Brazil. (Muitos carros são feitos no Brasil.)

Continuous: Plans are being made. (Os planos estão sendo feitos.)

Past Simple: I was told to call later. (Disseram-me para ligar mais tarde.)

Continuous: My car was being repaired. (Meu carro estava sendo consertado.)


Will: You will be given a key. (Uma chave será dada a você.)

Going to: The film is going to be shown. (O filme vai ser mostrado.)

Present Continuous: The event is being held. (O evento está sendo realizado.)

Perfect: A decision will have been taken. (A decisão terá sido tomada.)

Present Perfect: Many books have been written. (Muitos livros foram escritos.)

He has been awarded a prize. (Ele foi premiado.)

Past Perfect: We realized the car had been stolen. (Nós percebemos que o carro tinha sido roubado.)

Verbos modais: Your project must be handed in by Friday.

(Seu projeto deve ser entregue até sexta-feira.)

The TV must have been switched on. (A tv deve ser ligada.)

Gerúndio: He hates being told what to do. (Ele detesta que lhe digam o que fazer.)

I got used to being fired. (Eu me acostumei a ser despedido.)


Present: A decision has to be made. (A decisão tem que ser tomada.)

Past: She was pleased to have been selected. (Ela estava feliz por ter sido selecionada.)

Verbos com dois objetos como tell, give, show, offer e seel, começa com a pessoa:

Alex was given a present. (Não “A present was given TO Alex”.)

We were shown the samples. (Não “The samples were shown to us”.)

Need + verbo com –ing = passiva

The house needs cleaning. = needs to be cleaned.

The report needed checking = needed to be checked.

Have something done = serviços que precisam ser feitos por outra(s) pessoa(s)

I‟ve just had my hair cut.

She‟s having her flat repainted.

Get something done = conseguir fazer com dificuldade

Did you get all your work finished?

We got the whole house cleaned.

It is said/believed/thought/expected/claimed etc. (that …)

It is believed that Vikings sailed to America.

Bush is thought to have avoided military service.

Let – não é usado na voz passiva (precisa usar “allowed to”)

They were allowed to use dictionaries.

Make/help/see/hear – inclui “to” na voz passiva:

The students was made to do the homework again.

He was heard to say that he was guilty.


É formado por have + objeto + particípio passado do verbo principal, tem sentido passivo e expressa

uma ação que alguém faz a nosso pedido ou em nosso favor, ou seja, não somos nós que realizamos a


Ex.: The roof of Lisa‟s house was damaged in a storn. (O telhado da casa de Lisa foi estragado em uma tempestade.)

Yesterday a workman came and repaired it. (Ontem um trabalhador veio e consertou isto.)

Lisa had the rood repaired yesterday. (Lisa teve o telhado consertado ontem.)

This means: Lisa arranged for somebody else to repair the roof. She didn‟t repair it herself.

(Isto significa: Lisa chamou outro alguém para consertar o telhado. Ela não consertou isto.)

Veja outros exemplos:

She doesn‟t have her nails done every week. (Ela não faz as unhas toda semana.)


Do you have your house cleaned every week? (Você limpa sua casa toda semana?)



É usado para reproduzir as palavras exatas do interlocutor, em citações, conversações nos livros, peças

de teatro, relatórios, depoimentos de testemunhas, etc.

Ex.: “See you tomorrow”, Mary said. ( -Até amanhã – disse Maria.)

OBS: Em inglês, as palavras do interlocutor são colocadas sempre entre aspas.

No discurso direto, na maioria dos casos, existe mais de um verbo e eles podem ser empregues no início,

no meio ou no final das frases.

Ex.: John said, “I think she likes you.” (João disse: Acho que ela gosta de ti.)

“I think,” said John, “she likes you”. (Acho – disse João – que ela gosta de ti.)

“I think she likes you,” John said. (Acho que ela gosta de ti – disse João.)

OBS: Exceto no início de um enunciado, existem três formas de marcar a presença de um verbo:

John said.

“I think she likes you,” he said.

Said John.

(said he.) → essa forma já não é mais utilizada.

Regras de pontuação no discurso direto:

- Tudo que é citado é colocado entre aspas (simples ou duplas), incluindo vírgulas, ponto finais, pontos

de interrogação e exclamação.

- Quando se marca a presença de um verbo no início de um discurso direto, esse é sempre seguido de

uma vírgula e o que vem a seguir começa com letra maiúscula.

- Quando essa marcação é no fim de um discurso direto, a vírgula vem antes da segunda aspa.

- Quando a marcação aparece no meio do discurso direto, a segunda metade da frase começa com

letra minúscula.

- Quando a frase citada termina com ponto de interrogação ou exclamação, não se utiliza vírgula.

- Quando cita-se duas ou mais frases como um todo, o verbo incluído no discurso direto é seguido de

ponto final e a segunda parte começa-se com letra maiúscula.

- Há ainda o caso de uma citação dentro de outra. Nesse caso são empregadas as aspas duplas e as

aspas simples.

Ex.: “When she saw me she said, „I need you‟,” John told me.

ou „When she saw me she said, “I need you”,‟ John told me.

- Quando ela me viu disse <Preciso-te> - disse-me João.

OBS: Quando cita-se nomes de filmes, livros, jornais, etc. esses são empregues em itálico em vez de


Ex.: “Have you ever read „The Times‟?” he asked. (“Have you ever read The Times?” he asked.)

ou „Have you ever read “The Times”?‟ he asked. („Have you ever read The Times?‟ he asked.)

- Já alguma vez leste <The Times>? – perguntou ele.


É usado para relatar algo dito por outra pessoa.

O verbo que introduz o discurso indireto pode estar no presente ou no passado, mas é usado com mais

freqüência no passado.

Na passagem do discurso direto para o indireto, os pronomes normalmente sofrem alteração.

Ex.: John said, “I‟ll lend you my book, Mary.” (discurso direto)

John told Mary (that) he would lend her his book. (discurso indireto – relatado por outra pessoa)

John said (or told me) (that) he would lend me his book. (discurso indireto – relatado por Mary)

I told Mary (that) I would lend her my book. (discurso indireto – relatado por John)

Quando o verbo que introduz o discurso indireto está no passado, existe dois métodos diferentes para

escolher o tempo verbal no enunciado relatado: método gramatical e método contextual.

- Método gramatical

Nesse método, o tempo verbal empregue no discurso direto recua para o passado

Ex.: “I need a holiday.” (discurso direto)

He said (that) he needed a holiday.

“I saw her.” (discurso direto)


He said (that) he had seen her.

- Método contextual

Nesse método, o tempo verbal no enunciado depende do ponto de vista do relator, que se baseia nos

fatos da situação como ele os vê na altura em que os relata.

Imagine que encontrou o João às 11 horas da manhã e ele contou como seria o seu dia:

“I arrived at work at eight.” (- Cheguei ao trabalho às oito.)

“I will have lunch at one.” (- Vou almoçar à uma.)

“I will leave work at five.” (- Vou sair do trabalho às cinco.)

Agora você encontra com uma amiga as 3 horas da tarde e ela pergunta-lhe de João. Poderá dizer o


He said (that) he had arrived at work at eight. (Ele disse que tinha chegado ao trabalho às oito.)

He said (that) he would have lunch at one. (Ele disse que ia almoçar à uma.)

He said (that) he will leave work at five. (Ele disse que vai sair do trabalho às cinco.)

Quando o verbo está no presente, o tempo verbal usado no enunciado é o mesmo que se utiliza no

discurso direto.

Ex.: “I can swim.” (discurso direto)

He says (that) he can swim (discurso indireto)

“No, I didn‟t.” (discurso direto)

He says (that) he didn‟t. (discurso indireto)


É usado para relatar o que aconteceu em um diálogo, sem o uso das aspas ou sem fazer citações,

assim o texto fica mais bonito, mais organizado e fácil de ler.

Ex.: He said: “I don‟t want to go to school.” (discurso direto)

He said he didn‟t want to go to school.” (reported speech)

Para relatar uma frase que foi dita por alguém no passado, usamos um verbo introdutório, como say,

tell, explain, em sua forma no passado (said, told, explained), e depois a frase dita, com as devidas

alterações de acordo com a tabela abaixo:

Discurso Direto Reported Speech Example

Simple Presente Simple Past He said: "I want some oranges."

He said he wanted some oranges.

Presente Continuous Past Continuous They said: "We are studying hard."

They said they were studying hard.

Simple Past Past Perfect She said: "I needed you, but uou weren't here."

She said she had needed him, but he hadn't been


Past Continuous Past Perfect Continuous Tom said: "I was talking to Mary."

Tom said he had been talking to Mary.

Present Perfect Past Perfect They said: "We've worked together."

They said they had worked together.

Going to – Future was/were going to I said: "I'm going to visit Jim"!

I said I was going to visit Jim"

Must Had to She told me: "I must hurry up."

She told me she had to hurry up.


São verbos de duas ou mais palavras, geralmente empregues em linguagem informal. Ex.: blow up

(explode/explodir), put out (extinguish/apagar).

Formam-se da seguinte maneira:

VERB + PREPOSITION = get over (an illness) – restabelecer-se de (doença)

VERB + ADVERB = set off – partir (em viagem)

VERB + ADVERB + PREPOSITION = put up with (something) – suportar, tolerar (algo)

Deve-se considerar cada uma das combinações dos phrasal verbs como um todo. Não é necessário

distingui-las para os aplicar, mas sim saber se ele é um verbo transitivo ou intransitivo.

Pode-se ainda combinar a parte que corresponde ao verbo com preposições ou advérbios diferentes

para formar novos phrasal verbs. Ex.: put about (espalhar – rumores), put aside (pôr de lado, pôr de

parte), put back (repor, atrasar)


Cada um deles pode ter múltiplos significados, como “put out” – apagar (fogo), estender (a mão),

anunciar notícias), espalhar (rumores), incomodar (alguém), deslocar (parte do corpo), fazer-se (ao

mar), etc.

Os transitivos dividem-se em separáveis e inseparáveis:

* Separáveis (2 palavras/2 formas): expressam-se de duas formas.

Quando o complemento direto não for um pronome, poderá vir antes ou depois da

preposição/advérbio, embora essa regra não seja geral. Ex.: Take your coat off” (Tire o casaco!), Take

off your coat! (Tire o casaco!)

Se o complemento direto for um pronome, este vem sempre antes da preposição/advérbio. Ex.: Take it

off! (Tire-o!), I told him off.(Eu ralhei com ele.)

Separaveis (2 palavras/1 forma): o complemento direto (incluindo os pronomes) vem sempre antes da

preposição/advérbio. Ex.: She let them down. (Ela desiludiu-os.), They didn‟t let them enter. (Eles não os

deixaram entrar.)

* Inseparáveis (2 ou mais palavras/1 forma): o complemento direto vem sempre depois da

preposição/advérbio. Ex.: Look after my baby, please. (Cuido do meu bebê, por favor.), The thief go

away with the money (O ladrão conseguiu fugir com o dinheiro.)

Phrasal Verb BE

be about estar por lugares intransitivo Is John about? O João está por aí?

be after estar atrás de (alguém) transitivo The police are after him. A polícia

está atrás dele.

be down with estar de cama com (doença) transitivo He is down with flu. Ele está de

cama com gripe.

be in on estar envolvido em (algo) transitivo I think John should be in on this

conversation. Penso que João

devia participar nesta conversa.

be off ir-se embora intransitivo I‟m off. See you tomorrow. Vou-me

embora. Até amanhã.

be on to suspeitar, desconfiar (de


transitivo The police are on to him. A polícia

suspeita dele.

be over acabar, terminar intransitivo The party is over. A festa acabou.

be up for estar disponível para (venda) transitivo The house is up for sale. A casa está

à venda.

be up to estar a querer, estar a tramar intransitivo What is he up to? O que ele está

querendo / a tramando?

be up to2 caber a alguém decider (algo) transitivo It is up to you to decide whether to

pass or fail the student. Cabe a si

decidir de passar ou reprovar o


Phrasal Verb BREAK

break away (from)

libertar-se, escaper-se


The thief tried to break away from the

guard as he was being taken to anoter

jail. O ladrão tentou escapar-se do

guarda quando ele estava sendo

transferido para outra prisão.

break down

deitar abaixo, arrombar


The fireman broke down the door and

managed to get in to save the baby‟s

life. O bombeiro arrombou a porta

abaixo e conseguiu entrar para salvar a

vida do bebê.

break in

forçar uma entrada


Someone broke in through the window

and stole the paiting. Alguém entrou pela

janela e roubou o quadro.

break off terminar, acabar, romper

(noivado, acordo, etc.)



They‟ve just broken of their engagement.

Eles acabaram de romper o noivado.

break out aparecer coberto de

(manchas, etc.)

intransitivo He broke out in a rash. Apareceu-lhe uma

irritação na pele.


break through

transport, atravessar,




The demonstrators broke through the

police cordon. Os manifestantes furaram

o cordão policial.

break up separar-se (amigos,

namorados, sociedade)

intransitivo John broke up with his girlfriend. O João

separou-se da sua namorada.

Phrasal Verb COME

come about acontecer, suceder intransitivo How did the accident come about? Como é

que aconteceu o acidente?

come across encontrar por acaso transitivo I came across some old letters yesterday.

Encontrei umas cartas velhas ontem.

come after



As I was walking in the park, a dog came after

me for no apparent reason. Enquanto eu estava

caminhando no parque, um cão começou a

perseguir-me sem nenhuma razão aparente.

come apart



The table hadn‟t been assembled properly.

That‟s why it came apart. A mesa não tinha sido

montada corretamente. É por isso que ela se


come back responder, retorquir intransitivo She came back at me ith an impolite question.

Ela respondeu-me com uma pergunta grosseira.

come down

ralhar com,



The whole thing came down to nothing. What

waste of time! Tudo resumiu-se a nada. Que

perda de tempo!

come in entrar, chegar intransitivo He has just come in. Ele acabou de


come into herdar transitivo She cam into a fortue hen her aunt died. Ela

herdou uma fortuna quando a tia dela morreu.

come off ter lugar, ocorrer,


intransitivo The meeting will come off a week today. A

reunião se realizará daqui a uma semana.

come out in

aparecer coberto de

(manchas, etc.)


He came out in a ras after drinking some milk.

Apareceu-lhe uma irritação na pele depois de

beber leite.

come over fazer uma visita intransitivo John came over the other day to see me. O

João veio no outro dia para me ver.

come up


defrontar-se com


transitivo She came up against a number of problems. Ela

defrontou-se com uma série de problemas.

Phrasal Verb GET

get about mexer-se, pôr-se a

fazer algo

intransitivo Despite her age, she still gt about quite a lot.

Apesar de sua idde, ela ainda se mexe bastante.

get along

arranjar-se, governor-

se, desenrascar-se


Don‟t worry. I can get along fine without his help.

Não te preocupes. Consigo desenrascar-me sem

a ajuda dele.

get away

ir-se embora, sair


Sorry, I couldn‟t get way earlier. I had a lot of

work in the office. Desculpe, eu não pude sair

mais cedo. Tive muito trabalho no escritório.

get back at vingar-se de


transitvo One of thse days I‟m going to get back at him.

Um dia destes vou vingar-me dele.

get in

regressar a casa


My children were already in bed whe I got in. Os

meus filhos já estavam dormindo quando

cheguei em casa.

get into

acostumar-se a,

adquirir o hábito de


Don‟t get into the habit of smoking. It‟s ba for

your health. Não adquiras o hábito de fumar. Faz

mal à saúde.

get off with ter relações íntimas

com (alguém)

transitivo Mary got off with John at the party. A Maria teve

relações íntimas com o João na festa.

get on with continuar com algo

(após interrupção)

transitivo Come on! Get on with your work! Vamos!

Continua com o teu trabalho!


get over


recuperar-se (de

doença, etc.)


Don‟t worry about her. She‟ll get over the shock

of losing her husband. Não se preocupes com

ela. Ela vai superar o choque em relação à

perda do seu marido.

get round

persuadir, convencer


I finaly manged to get round her to lend me her

car. Consegui finalmente convencê-la a

emprestar-me o seu carro.

get to irritar transitivo Don‟t let her get to you. Não deixe ela irritar


get up levantar(-se) intransitivo What time do you usually get up? Que horas

você costuma levantas?

Phrasal Verb GIVE

give away

trair, denunciar


Don‟t give me away. I don‟t want anybody to

know about this. Não me denuncie. Não quero

que ninguém saiba disso.

give in



Give your exam papers in before you leave.

Entreguem suas provas antes de saírem.

give out deixar de trabalhar,

parar (motor)

intransitivo The engine of the plane gave out. O motor do

avião parou de trabalhar.

give up desistir de, deixar de transitivo You should give up smoking. Você deveria deixar

de fumar.

Phrasal Verb GO

go about

espalhar-se (rumor,



The rumour is going abouth that our teacher is

retiring next mont. Está espalhando-se o boato

de que o nosso professor vai se aposentar no

próximo mês.

go against

ir contra, ser

desfavorável a, ser

contrário a


I don‟t like doing this that go against my

principles. Eu não gosto de fazer as coisas que

vão contra os meus princípios.

go at atacar transitvo Suddenly the animal went at him. Subitamente o

animal atacou-lhe.

go down se acolhido, ser


intransitivo His speech has gone down well with the crowd.

O seu discurso foi bem recebido pelo público.

go for escolher transitivo I‟ll o for the roast beef. Eu escolho o rosbife.

go off apagar-se intransitivo The lights went off. Apagaram-se as luzes.

go on continuar intransitivo Please go on. Continue por favor.

go out sair intransitivo John is not in. He has gone out. O João não está

em casa. Ele saiu.

go round

fazer um desvio


The road was blocked. We had to go round. A

estrada estava bloqueada. Tivemos que fazer

um desvio.

Go together



In my opinion, this tie and the shirt don‟t go

together. Na minha opinião, esta gravata e a

camisa não combinam.

Go without

passa sem


I had to go without breakfast because I was late

for work. Eu tive que sair sem o café da manhã

porque estava atrasado para o trabalho.

Phrasal Verb HOLD

hold against

deixar que algo

negative influencie a

opinião de


They may hold your criminal record against you.

Eles podem influenciar seu registro criminal

contra você.

hold back hesitar intransitivo The man held back, not knowing what to do. O

homem hesitou, sem saber o que fazer.

hold off

conservar a

distancia, impedir o


We managed to hold off the enemy.


avanço de Conseguimos impedir o avanço do inimigo.

hold on

aguentar, manter-se

firme, persistir


Try to hold on for a while. I‟m going to get some

help. Tente aguentar por algum tempo. Eu vou

buscar ajuda.

hold out oferecer (esperança,


transitivo The job holds out prospects of promotion. O

emprego oferece possibilidade de promoção.

hold (sb) to


fazer com que

(alguém) cumpra



Her father promised to buy her a doll. Now she

wants to hold him to it. O pai dela prometeu-lhe

comprar uma boneca. Agora ela quer fazer

com que ele cumpra a sua promessa.

hold with aprovar, concordar


transitivo I don‟t hold with letting children see violent films.

Não concordo em deixar as crianças verem

filmes violentos.


São frases interrogativas que perguntam pela identidade do sujeito. Não existe inversão de verbo e a

ordem das palavras é igual a de uma frase declarativa.

Ex.: Someone stole my bicycle. (frase declarativa)

Who stole my bicycle? (subject-question)

Consideremos a seguinte frase na interrogativa direta do tipo subject:

He asked, “Who broke the vase?”

Para convertê-la em interrogativa indireta:

- comece por: He asked …

- introduza o pronome me (opcional): He asked (me) …

- adicione o advérbio who da interrogativa indireta: He asked (me) who …

- recue o tempo verbal para o passado: He asked (me) who had broken …

-adicione o resto da frase da interrogativa indireta: He asked (me) who had broken the vase …

- termine a frase com ponto final: He asked (me) who had broken the vase.

OBS: Na interrogativa indireta não são usados recursos de pontuação (vírgula, aspas e interrogação).

Mais exemplos:

He asked, “Whose car was stolen?” (He asked whose car had been stolen.)

He asked, “How many of you can lift this box? (He asked how many of us coult lift that box.)


São empregues para modificar ou dar mais informação sobre verbos, adjetivos, outros advérbios e/ou


(verbo) + ADVERB

He ate quickly. (Ele comeu depressa.)

She drank slowly. (Ela bebeu devagar.)

ADVERB + (adjetivo)

It is fairly hot today. (Está bastante quente hoje.)

The book is reasonably cheap. (O livro é razoavelmente barato.)

ADVERB + (outro advérbio)

He ate fairly quickly. (Ele comeu bastante depressa.)

She did the test fairly well. (Ela fez o teste bastante bem.)

ADVERB + (frase)

Frankly, I don‟t trust him. (Sinceramente, não confio nele.)

Politically, he is finished. (Politicamente, ele está acabado.)

Os advérbios são divididos em várias categorias: intensidade, freqüência, modo, lugar e tempo.

* Advérbios de intensidade servem para modificar ou dar mais informação sobre: adjetivos, outros

advérbios e verbos. São eles:


almost (quase), barely (mal, apenas), fairly (razoavelmente, bastante), hardly (mal, apenas), nearly

(quase), quite (bastante), rather (bastante, um tanto), scarcely (mal, quase não), very (muito),

absolutely (absolutamente), really (realmente) etc.

Ex.: The room is nearly empty. (A sala está quase vazia.)

She did the exercises fairly quickly. (Ela fez o exercício bastante depressa.)

He hardly understans me. (Ele mal me conhece.)

* Advérbios de freqüência (definida e indefinida).

Definida: once (a day) – uma vez (por dia), twice (a week) – duas vezes (por semana), three times (a

month) – três vezes (por mês), several times (a year) – várias vezes (por ano), hourly – (de hora em hora),

every hour, every day – de hora em hora, todos os dias, on Saturdays, on Sundays – nos sábados, nos

domingos, on weekdays – nos dias da semana, at weekends – nos fins de semana.

Esses advérbios posicionam-se, normalmente, no fim das frases.

Ex.: John plays tennis every day. (O João joga tênis todos os dias.)

I visit my dentist twice a year. (Vou ao dentista duas vezes por ano.)

Indefinida: always (sempre), nearly always, almost always (quase sempre), usually, normally

(normalmente), sometimes, occasionally (às vezes, ocasionalmente), never (nunca), again and again

(repetidas vezes), now and again, now and then (de quando em quando), at times (por vezes).

Esses advérbios posicionam-se de várias formas:

- No início ou fim da frase para ênfase

Ex: Occasionally, you hear noises in the basement. (Ocasionalmente, ouve-se barulho na cave.)

Do you see her often? (Costumas vê-la muitas vezes?)

- No início da frase para ênfase (advérbio + imperativo)

Ex.: Always brush your teeth. (Escove sempre os dentes.)

Never forget what I said. (Nunca esqueças o que eu te disse.)

- No meio da frase antes do verbo se este tiver a forma de uma única palavra.

Ex.: I always get up early. (Eu sempre levanto-me cedo.)

I never said that. (Eu nunca disse isso.)

- No meio da frase a seguir ao verbo BE

Ex.: He is always late. (Ele chega sempre tarde.)

The weather is sometimes unpredictable. (O tempo é às vezes imprevisível.)

- No meio da frase a seguir ao primeiro verbo auxiliar (exceto os verbos auxiliares used to, have to e

ought to, que vêm somente depois do advérbio)

Ex.: He is always complainig. (Ele está sempre a queixar-se.)

Your request will never be granted. (O seu pedido nunca será aceito.)

- No meio da frase a seguir ao sujeito nas interrogativas

Ex.: Do you always come here? (Vens sempre aqui?)

Does she usually study? (Ela estuda normalmente?)

- Antes do verbo auxiliar nas respostas curtas

Ex. She always works hard. (Ela sempre trabalha muito.)

But I often do! (Mas eu vou muitas vezes.)

* Advérbios de modo formam-se juntando um sufixo a um adjetivo, substantivo, ou advérbio de direção.

- adjetivo + LY: beautifully (lindamente, maravilhosamente), carefully (cuidadosamente), easily

(facilmente), quickly (depressa, rapidamente), slowly (lentamente, vagarosamente).

- substantivo + WISE: crosswise (transversalmente), lengthwise (longitudinalmente), moneywise (em

relação a dinheiro), timewise (em relação a tempo), clockwise (no sentido dos ponteiros de um relógio)

- substantivo/advérbio de direção + WARD(S): upward(s) (para cima), downward(s) (para baixo),

northward(s) (em relação ao norte), eastward(s) (em relação a leste).

Outros advérbios de modo formam-se combinando adjetivos terminados em ly com way, manner ou


- adjetivo terminado em –ly + WAY/MANNER/FASHION:

She spoke in a motherly way. (Ela falou de um modo maternal.)

They walked in an ordely fashion. (Eles caminharam de uma forma ordeira.)

Existem advérbios de modo com significado e forma iguais aos seus adjetivos correspondentes:

Adjetivo = advérbio

He works fast. (Ele trabalha depressa.)

He came last. (Ele chegou em último lugar.)


Existem advérbios de modo em forma de sintagmas preposicionais:

He went home by train. (Ele foi para casa de comboio.)

We met by chance. (Encontramo-nos por acaso.)

Os advérbios de modo, podem aparecer depois do verbo, depois do verbo + complemento, ou ainda

entre o sujeito e o verbo.

Ex.: She drives carefully (Ela guia cuidadosamente.)

He rad the letter quickly. (Ela leu apressadamente a carta.)

I furiously slammed the door. (Fechei furiosamente a porta.)

Quando no início da frase, caracteriza dramatização:

Silently, the soldier crept behind the enemy lines.

(Silenciosamente, o soldado rastejou atrás das linhas inimigas.)

* Advérbios de lugar podem ser:

- Palavras tais como: here (aqui, para cá), there (aí, ali, lá, acolá), upstairs (em cima, no andar superior,

para o andar superior), somewhere (algures, em algum lugar, para algum lugar), anywhere (em

qualquer parte, em parte nenhuma), everywhere (em toda a parte, toda a parte).

- Palavras que podem igualmente ser preposições: in (dentro, para dentro), up (em cima, para cima),

out (fora, lá fora, fora de casa), over (por cima), round (em volta, em círculo, em roda, em torno),

behind (atrás, para trás)

- Sintagmas preposicionas: at school (na escola), to school (à escola), in hospital (no hospital), on the

right (à direita), at my aunt‟s (em casa da minha tia), from London (de Londres)

Esses advérbios nunca são colocados entre o sujeito e o verbo.

Quando houver mais de um advérbio de lugar numa mesma frase, começa-se pelo “menor” seguido

do próximo advérbio, o “maior” (John lives in a smal flat in London. / O João mora num pequeno

apartamento em Londres.)

Quando for empregue com outros advérbios (modo, tempo, etc.), deve vir depois do advérbio de

modo e antes do advérbio de tempo. (The man waited silently in the room all afternoon. / O homem

esperou na sala em silêncio toda a tarde.)

Quando for empregue com verbos de movimento (go, drive, fly, walk), virá depois do verbo e antes dos

outros advérbios. (She flew to London by British Airways last summer. / Ela foi de avião para Londres

através da British Airways no verão passado.)

Quando no início de uma frase, o verbo deverá ser seguido pelo sujeito, desde que este não seja um

pronome. (Down fell our books. / Lá caíram os nossos livros.)

Ainda no início da frase, sendo o sujeito um pronome, o verbo vem depois do sujeito. (Down they fell. /

Lá caíram eles.)

* Advérbios de tempo (definido, indefinido e de duração)

Definido: tomorrow (amanhã), next month (no próximo mês), at seven o‟clock (às sete horas), in

December (em Dezembro), at Christmas (no Natal), on Christmas Day (no dia de Natal).

No início da frase: At te o‟clock Mr. Brown will be makig an announcement. (Às dez horas o Sr. Brown irá

fazer uma comunicação.)

No fim da frase (mais comum): See you at Christmas. (Até Natal.)

Indefinido: then (então, depois, em seguida), soon (brevemente, (dentro) em breve), yet (ainda, até

agora), lately (ultimamente), eventually (finalmente, por fim), recently (recentemente, ultimamente),

suddenly (de repente, inesperadamente).

No início da frase: Suddenly he appeared. (De repente ele apareceu.)

No meio da frase: He has already left. (Ele já saiu.)

No fim da frase: I haven‟t finshed it yet (Ainda não acabei.)

Duração (em forma de sintagmas) preposicionais: since yesterday (desde ontem), from Monday to

Friday (de segunda a sexta-feira), until Wednesday (até quarta-feira), by seven o‟clock (antes das sete


No fim da frase: I have known her since 1990. (Conheço-a desde 1990.)

I work from Monday to Friday. (Trabalho de segunda a sexta-feira.)

Os advérbios podem apresentar os graus comparativos e superlativos.

Advérbios de uma única sílaba:

Advérbio Comparativo Superlativo Exemplo

fast faster fastest She walks faster than me. (Ela anda mais depressa que eu.)


high higher highest He climbed higher this time. (Ele trepou mais alto dessa vez.)

slow slower slowest I drive slower than you. (Eu guio mais devagar que tu.)

early earlier earliest She left earlier this morning. (Ela saiu mais cedo esta manhã.)

Advérbio de duas ou mais sílabas:

Advérbio Comparativo Superlativo Exemplo

fluently more fluently most fluently She speaks Englih more fluently these days. (Ela fala mais

fluentemente inglês hoje em dia.)

quickly more quickly most quickly She works far more quickly than me. (Ela trabalha muito

mais depressa que eu.)

slowly more slowly most slowly Could you drive more slowly? (Podias conduzir mais


Advérbios com formas de comparativo e superlativo irregulares:

Advérbio Comparativo Superlativo Exemplo

badly worse worst He sings a lot worse these days. (Ele canta muito pior

hoje em dia.)

much more most I drive more than I used to. (Eu conduzo mais do que


far farther/further farthest/furthest I can‟t walk any farther. (Não consigo andar mais


Outras formas de comparativo dos advérbios:

THE + (comparativo) + THE + (comparativo) The more clearly you speak, the more I will understand

you. (Quanto mais clara você for, mais irei te entender.)

AS + (advérbio) + AS He speaks English as fluently as his brother. (Ele fala tão

fluentemente inglês como o seu irmão.)

NOT ... AS / SO + (advérbio) + AS He doesn‟t cook as well as his mother. (Ele não cozinha

tão bem como a sua mãe.)

(comparativo) + AND + (comparativo) He is studying less and less these days. (Ele estuda cada

vez menos hoje em dia.)


* Cardinais – indicam uma quantidade: 0 – nought, zero 11 – eleven 22 – twenty-two 33 – thirty-three 102 – one hundred and two

1 – one 12 – twelve 23 – twenty-three ..... .....

2 – two 13 – thirteen 24 – twenty-four 40 – forty 1,000 – one thousand

3 – three 14 - fourteen 25 – twenty-five 50 – fifty 1,001 – one thousand and one

4 – four 15 - fifteen 26 – twenty-six 60 – sixty 1,002 – one thousand and two

5 – five 16 – sixteen 27 – twenty-seven 70 – sevnty ......

6 – six 17 – seventeen 28 – twenty-eight 80 – eighty 2,000 – two thousand

7 – seven 18 – eighteen 29 – twenty-nine 90 – ninety 3,000 – three thousand

8 – eight 19 – nineteen 30 – thirty ..... .....

9 – nine 20 – twenty 31 – thirty-one 100 – one hundred 1,000,000 – one milion

10 - ten 21 – twenty-one 32 – thirty-two 101 – one hundred and one 2,000,000 – two milion

OBS: Quando se sabe o número exato, diz-se os seguintes no singular: hundred, thousand, million, billion,

trillion, etc.

Quando não se sabe o número exato, diz-se os seguintes no plural: hundreds, thousands, millions,

billions, trillions, etc. Ex.: hundreds (of people) – centenas (de pessoas)

* Decimais – à esquerda do ponto, lê-se o número como inteiro e à direita do ponto, lêem-se os

algarismos individualmente.

0.125 – zero point one two five

4.051 – four point zero five one

* Ordinais – são adjetivos que indicam ordem: 1st – first 12th – twelfth 23rd – twenty-third ..... .....

2nd – second 13th – thirteenth 24th – twenty-fourth 40th – fortieth 1,000th –one thousandth

3rd – third 14th – fourteenth 25th – twenty-fifth 50th – fiftieth 1,001st – one thousand

and first

4th – fourth 15th – fifteenth 26th – twenty-sixth 60th – sixtieth 1,002nd – one thousand


and second

5th – ffth 16 – sixteenth 27th – twenty-seventh 70th – seventieth .....

6th –sixth 17 – seventeenth 28th – twenty-eighth 80th – eightieth 2,000th – two thousandth

7th – seventh 18 – eighteenth 29th – twenty-ninth 90th – ninetieth 3,000th – three


8th – eighth 19 – nineteenth 30th – thirtieth ..... .....

9th – ninth 20 – twentieth 31st – thirty-first 100th – one hundredth 1,000,000th – one


10 – tenth 21st – twenty-first 32nd – thisty-second 101st – one hundred and fist 2,000th –two millionth

11 - eleventh 22nd – twenty-second 33rd – thirty-third 102nd – one hundred and


3,000th – tree millionth

Esses numerais, colocam-se sempre antes dos substantivos:

Ex.: the First Wordl War (a Primeira Guerra Mundial)

the third chapter (o terceiro capítulo)

Os nomes de soberanos escrevem-se em numeração romana, mas verbalmente são empregues com

numerais ordinais.

Ex.: George IV – George the Fourth (Jorge Quarto)

Louis XIV – Louis the Fourteenth (Luis Quatorze)

* Frações

- Simples

½ - a half, one half

1/3 – a third, one third

¼ -a quarter, one quarter, a fourth, one fourth

1/8 – one eighth

1/12 – one twelfth

2/3 – two thirds

7/10 – seven tenths

- Complexas

12/35 –twelve over thirty-five

32/115 – thirty-two over one hundred and fifteen

43/235 – forty-three over two hundred and thirty-five

- Números inteiros e frações

3 ½ - three and a half

7 ¼ - seven and a quarter

12 ¾ - twelve and three quarters

* Telephone Numbers – lêem-se os algarismos individualmente com pausas após grupos de três ou

quatro números.

309 704 635 – three zero nine, seven zero four, six three five

369 4022 – three six nine, four zero two two

* Time – Uma das formas mais comuns de dizer as horas é:

6.00 – six o‟clock 6.30 –six thirty

6.05 – six oh five 6.35 – six thirty-five

6.10 – six tem 6.40 – six forty

6.15 – six fifteen 6.45 – six forty-five

6.20 – six twenty 6.50 – six fifty

6.25 – six twenty-five 6.55 – six fifty-five

Outra forma, com o uso de after e to:

6.05 – five after six 6.35 – twenty-five of seven

6.10 – tem after six 6.40 –twenty of seven

6.15 – a quarter after six 6.45 – a quarter of seven

6.20 – twenty after six 6.50 – ten of seven

6.25 – twenty-five after six 6.55 – five of seven

* Datas – O mês vem sempre antes do dia, tanto na forma abreviada como por extenso e é sempre

escrito com letra maíuscula e a virgula é empregue depois do dia, que é lido como número ordinal.

Ex.: 6.15.00 ou 6-15-00 ou 6/15/00 (June 15,2000)


* Idades - Existem várias formas de dizer a idade e uma pessoa

- BE + (NUMBER) – I am twety-five. (Tenho vinte e cinco anos.)

- BE + (NUMBER) + YEARS OLD – I am twenty-five years old. (Tenho vinte e cinco anos.)

- BE + (NUMBER) + OF AGE – He is twenty of age. (Ele tem vinte anos de idade.)

(NUMBER) – YEAR-OLD – a ten-yar-old boy. ((um rapaz de dez anos.)

- AT/BY/BEFORE/UNDER THE AGE OF (NUMBER) – He emigrated to Australia at the age of fifteen. Ele

migrou para Austrália aos quinze anos.)

- AGED + (NUMBER) (adjtivo) – He‟s ot two children, aged five and seven. (Ele tem duas crianças, uma de

cinco anos e outra de sete.)

- IN HIS/HER (EARLY/MID/LATE) … IES – (13-19) in his teens (entre 13 e 19 anos)

- (NUMBER) + YEARS OF AGE – Applicants under twenty-five years of age are not eligible for thepost. (Não

se aceitam candidatos com menos de vinte e cinco anos de idade para cargo.)

- BE + (NUMBER) + MONTHS OLD – My son is three months old. (O meu filho tem três meses de idade.)

- (NUMBER) + ISH – She looks twentyish. (Ela parece ter cerca de vinte anos.)

Quando a idade se refere a coisas, YEARS OLD é sempre empregue.

* YEARS – Os anos (civis) lêem-se da seguinte forma:


1500 – fifteen hundred 1506 – fifteen oh six 1526 – fiteen twenty-six

1600 – sixteen hundred 1601 – sixtee oh one 1631 – sixteen thirty-one

1700 – seventeen hundred 1703 – seventeen oh three 1753 – seventeen fifty-three

1800 – eighteen hundred 1807 – eighteen oh seven 1897 – eighteen ninety-seven

1900 – nineteen hundred 1909 – nineteen oh nine 1999 – nineteen ninety-nine

A000 A00A AA00 AAAA

2000 (the year) – two


2001 – two thousand and one 2100– twenty-one hundred 2011 – twenty eleven 2002 – two thousand and two 2200 – twenty-two hundred 2015 – twenty fifteen

3000 (the year) – three


2005 – two thousand and five 2300 – twenty-three


2025 – twenty twenty-five 2007 –two thousand and seven 2150 – twenty-one fifty

12. PREPOSIÇÕES – divididas em 4 categorias


TO: de um lugar para outro, deslocamento: go to, come to, bring to, take to, drive to, walk to, get into,

send to e muitos outros. Existem duas exceções principais:

I – Movimento para lugares gerais: go home, come here, drive there, run up/downstairs take in/outside,

go downtown, go away …

II – Verbos formados com Go + …-ing: go shopping, go sightseeing, go swimming, go surfing, go skiing,

go skating, go jogging, go riding, go camping …


AT: Prédios públicos, instituições – at school/university/college, at work/at the office at the

supermarket/shopping centre, at the cinema/theatre, at the bank/restaurant/post office etc. Exceções:

be in hospital/prison (mais permanência).

Eventos públicos, profissionais ou sociais – at a meeting, at party, at a show, at a barbecue, at a

conference, at a trade far, at an event etc.

Pontos específicos: at the top/bottom (of the hill), at the side (of the road), at the front/back (of the

class), at the edge (of the fields).

IN: Dentro de um espaço maior – in (side) a box, in the cupboard, in the kitchen in Rua Tiradentes, in São

Paulo, in Parana, in Brazil, in South America, in the world …

Às vezes, é possível usar “in”com prédios ou eventos públicos, quando quer enfatizar algo “dentro do

espaço físico”, como: “the desk in my office”, “smoke in the school”, “hot in the bank” etc.

ON: Cobrir uma area ou superfície – on the table (mas: sit at the table), on a chair, on page 30, on

TV/video/the screen/the internet/a computer, on the corner (of the street), on the beach (na areia), on

the side (of the truck), on the bottom (of the sea), on the back (of a t-shirt), on top (of the wardrobe).

Outras: on the radio, on 5th Avenue, on a farm



AT: Horas e momentos – at 9.30, at midnight, at the moment, at the same time, at the beginning, at the


Noite/fim de semana/celebrações – at night, at the weekend, at Christmas/Easter/New Year

ON: Dias e datas – on Monday, on 12th June, on my birthday, on New Year’s Eve

IN: Períodos maiores que um dia – in April, in the winter, in 2002, in the 1960s, in the 12th century

Partes do dia – in the morning/afternoon/evening

Daqui a … - in 5 minutes, in 2 years (time/from now)

FOR/SINCE: Período de tempo – for 25 minutes, for 3 months, for a long time

Quando começou – since 8.00, since 1989, since the beginning

UNTIL/BY: Até + tempo – We‟re staying until Thursday

Até + prazo – You have to finish by Tuesday

Combinações de preposições com outras palavras

Preposição + substantivo – on holiday/vacation, on a trip/tour/cruise, on business, on the phone, on foot,

on the way, on a diet, on fire, on time, on behalf of, on sale, in the world, in cash, in bed, in favour of, in

particular, in town, at home, at last, at present, by cheque/credit card, by mistake, by + transporte, by

chance, by mail, out of date, out of work, out of breath, go for a walk/drink/swim/drive, under control …


Adjetivo + preposição – interested in, afraid/frightened/terrified of, worried about, good/bad at, similar

to, different from/to, married to, tired of, fed up with, covered in … etc.

Verbo + preposição – think of doing (pensar em fazer), think about (pensar em algo), ask for, ait for,

depend on, happen to, dream about, hear of (de algo/alguém), hear about (de um acontecimento),

apologise for, insist on, accuse someone of, explain/complain to sb about st, spend money on, remind sb

of … etc.

Outra combinação de verbo e preposição acontece com os chamados phrasal verbs, verbos cujo

sentido é idiomático (diferente do sentido literal), por exemplo: bring up (crier), look for (procurar), put

out (apagar), speak up (falar mais alto).

As principais diferenças entre FOR e TO


Fazer algo para outra pessoa, para o benefício de

ou para ajudar alguém:

I‟ll open the door for you.

He bought a dog for his son.

Please fill in the form for me.

Quando faz parte do verbo, expressando:

a) Movimento: go, come, take etc.

b) Transferência: give, pay, lend, send, offer, show.

He gave the dog to his son.

I sent a postcard to my mum.

Opinião pessoal e emoções, como elas nos


For me, Pele is the best player of all time.

Money is so important for him.

O objetivo ou motivo para fazer algo:

I write books to make money.

To leave a message, press 3.


São elementos linguísticos acrescentados a uma palavra para produzir uma forma flexionada ou


Podem vir no início (prefixo) ou no final (sufixo) da palavra.

Veja abaixo alguns PREFIXOS:

ante-: in front of or before in space / prior to or

before in time – antediluvial, antediluvian,


ante-: em frente a ou antes no espaço / mais

cedo ou antes no tempo – antediluvial,

antediluviano, antepenúltimo(a)

bi: two times – biannual, bifacial bi: duas vezes – bianual, bifacial

ex-: former – ex-mayor, ex-boyfriend ex-: anterior – ex-prefeito, ex-namorado

Il-: contrary – illegible, illegitimate il-: contrário – ilegível, ilegítimo

ir-: without – irrelevant, irresistible ir-: sem – irrelevante, irresistível

non-: absence of – nonliteral, nonliving não: ausência de – não-literal, não-vivo

over-: excessive – overcrowded, overload super/supra/sobre: excessivo – superlotado,


post-: coming after - postwar pós-: que vem depois – pós-guerra

sub-: inferior – subclass, subartic sub-: inferior – subclasse, sub-ártico

under-: inferior – underline, undersea sub-: inferior – sublinhar, sub-marinho


Veja agora alguns SUFIXOS:

-al: similar/relative to – formal, partial -al: semelhante/relativo a – formal, parcial

-en: made of – wooden, golden -ado: feito de – de madeira, dourado

-ic: relativo to – economic, atomic -ico: relativo a – econômico, atômico

-less: without – useless, topless menos: sem - inútil – sem a parte de cima

-ory: thing or place for - laboratory -ório: coisa ou lugar para – laboratório

-y: full of – sunny, sandy, oily -ado/ido/iço/oso/etc.: cheio de – ensolarado,

arenoso, oleoso

-ent: forms nouns and adjs.: precedent / evident /


-ente: forma nomes e adjs: precedente / evidente

/ subsequente

-ness: forms abstract nouns: happiness forma subst. abstratos: felicidade

-tion: forms nouns from verbs: devotion -ção: forma subst. de verbos: devoção

-en: sweeten / darken / widen -ar/ecer: adoçar / escurecer / alargar

-ize: legalize / initialize / finalize -izar: legalizar / inicializar / finalizar


- Definidos – Emprega-se o artigo definido the.

É usado em diversas situações, tais como:

* com substantivos contáveis e não contavéis (the book / o livro)

* para se referir a algo já mencinado na frase anterior (I saw a man and a woman yesterday. The man

was short and the woman was tall. / Eu vi um homem e uma mulher ontem. O homem era baixo e a

mulher era alta.)

* quando se espera que a pessoa com quem falamos saiba a que estamos nos referindo. (It‟s hot in

here. Coul you open the window, please? / Está calor aqui. Podias abrir a janela, por favor?)

* com expressões que tem a ver com instrumetos musicais no singular (She plays the piano. / Ela toca


* nos superlativos. (the best book. / o melhor livro

* com numerais ordinais. (the first exercise / o primeiro exercício)

* com períodos do dia e da noite. (in the morning/ de manhã)

* para se referir a algo que é único. (the moon / a lua)

* com nomes de lugares. (the Azores / os Açores, the United States / os Estados Unidos)

* com adjetivos. (the old / os idosos)

* com apelidos plurais. (the Smiths / os Smiths/a família Smith)

- Indefinidos – Não há nenhuma diferença entre a e an.

São empregados somente com substantivos contáveis singulares e servem para identificar, classificar,

definir, quantificar, se referir a algo, falar sobre algo, com certos números e em exclamações.

Ex.: It‟s a book. (É um livro.)

A dog is a domestic animal. (O cão é um animal doméstico.)

I have a book. (Tenho um livro.)

A Mr. Brown would like to see you. (Um tal Sr. Brown deseja vê-lo.)

He is a doctor. (Ele é um médico.)

I‟d like a lemon, please. (Quero um limão, por favor.)

I saw a car crash into a tree. (Eu vi um carro bater numa árvore.)

three times a day (três vezes por dia)

I‟ve got a cold (Estou constipado.)

What a day” (Que dia!)

a hundred (cem)

OBS: Utilize a quando o substantivo iniciar com som de uma consoante e an quando o substantivo iniciar

com som de uma vogal.


Servem para juntar duas palavras, dois sintagmas ou duas orações e apresentam-se em três formas

básicas: simples (uma palavra), composta (duas ou mais palavras) e correlativa (palavras aos pares).

Podem ser de dois tipos (coordenativas ou subordinativas).

- Coordenativas: juntam duas palavras, dois sintagmas ou duas orações independentes de idêntica



He is hungry and thirsty (adjetivo + and + adjetivo)

The man in black and the woman in red are suspects. (sintagma + and + sintagma)

I like cheese but I don‟t like garlic. (oração independente + but + oração independente)

Simples - unem palavras, sintagmas ou orações de mesma função: and (e), but (mas), for (porque, visto

que), nor (nem), or (ou), so (portanto, por conseguinte), yet (contudo, todavia, embora, porém, no


Correlativas - juntam palavras, sintagmas ou orações de idêntica função: both … and (tanto … como),

either … or (ou … ou, quer … quer), neither … nor (nem … nem), not only … but also (não só … mas


- Subordinativas: juntam uma oração subordinada a uma oração principal. Não juntam palavras ou

sintagmas individuais.

Although he studied, he didn‟t pass the exam. (although + oração subordinada + oração principal)

I don‟t like him because he is a rude person (oração principal + because + oração subordinada)

Simples - juntam uma oração subordinada a uma oração principal. Não juntam palavras ou sintagmas

individuais: after (depois que), as (como, quando, enquanto, porque, visto que), however (de qualquer

maneira, seja como for), since (visto que, uma vez que, porque, desde que), until (até que), where

(onde, aonde), whilst (enquanto, ao passo que)

Composta – terminadas com as, juntam uma oração subordinada a uma oração principal. Não juntam

palavras ou sintagmas individuais: according as (conforme, à proporção que), as long as (desde que,

contanto que, enquanto), in so far as (visto que, porquanto, atendendo a), so far as (tanto quanto, até).

terminadas com than: rather than (em vez de), sooner than (em vez de)

terminadas com that: buth that (a não ser que, senão que), given that (dado que, levando

em conta o fato de que), in that (porque, visto que, devido a), so that (para que, a fim de que, de

modo que).

outras terminações: as if (como se), as though (como se), in case (no caso de)

Correlativas: juntam uma oração subordinada a uma oração principal. Não juntam palavras ou

sintagmas individuais: as … as (tão … como), as … so (do mesmo modo que, à medida que), no sooner

… than (no mesmo instante em que, mal), such … as (tão … como), whether … or (quer … quer).


As question tags são perguntas do tipo “yes/no”, empregues normalmente no fim de uma frase, na

maioria das vezes utilizadas oralmente ou na escrita informal e servem para pedir “confirmação”, tendo

a forma de verbo auxiliar + pronome pessoal.

Ex.: It‟s fun, insn‟t it? (É divertido, não é?)

You can teach me, can‟t you? (Você pode me ensinar, não pode?)

It isn‟t hot, is it? (Não está calor, está?)

John din‟t do it, did he? (O João não fez isso, ele fez?)

É comum o interlocutor empregar o verbo na afirmativa na question tag quando o verbo da oração

principal estiver na afirmativa. Ele reage ao que ouve, mostrando seu interesse, surpresa, decepção,

desaprovação ou uma outra reação.

Entoação ascendente (interesse, surpresa):

So you‟re going to the cinema, are you? (Então você vai ao cinema!, não é?)

Entoação descendente (decepção, desaprovação)

So you‟re getting married, are you? (Então vais casar, não é?)


Quando o verbo na oração principal estiver na afirmativa, o verbo da question tag normalmente estará

na negativa.

Ex.: It‟s easy, isn‟t it?

Quando o verbo na oração principal for be, emprega-se o mesmo na question tag.

Ex.: I‟m late, aren‟t you? (Estou atrasado, não estou?)

Quando o verbo na oração principal for there+be, emprega-se o mesmo na question tag.

Ex.: There‟s a lot of hunger in the world, isn‟t there? (Ha muita fome no mundo, não há?)

Quando o verbo na oração principal for precedido por um verbo auxiliar, emprega-se este último na

question tag.

Ex.: He has finished, hasn‟t he? (Ele acabou, não acabou?)

Quando o verbo na oração principal for precedido por mais que um verbo auxiliar, emprega-se sempre

o primeiro dos auxiliares na question tag.


Ex.: You‟ve been running, haven‟t you? (Você tem corrido, não tem?)

Quando o verbo na oração principal não é precedido por um verbo auxiliar, emprega-se do, does ou

did na question tag.

Ex.: She likes it, doesn‟t she? (Ela gosta, não gosta?)


Quando o verbo na oração principal estiver na negativa, o verbo da question é normalmente

empregue na afirmativa.

Ex.: It isn‟t difficult, is it?

As regras para utilização dos verbos são as mesmas usadas na forma afirmativa/negativa (acima).


Verbos na negativa tanto na oração principal quanto na question tag é muito raro e só empregue para

exprimir agressividade.

Ex.: So he won‟t give me my money back, won‟t he?

(Então ele não vai me devolver o dinheiro, não é?)


Quando o verbo na oração principal estiver no imperativo, emprega-se o verbo auxiliar will na question

tag. Esta forma é usada para pedir a alguém para fazer algo.

Ex.: Turn on the light, will you? (Podes acender a luz?)

Existem outras formas possíveis para o imperativo, além de will, são elas: won’t, would, can, can’t, shall.

Ex.: Close the window, would you?(Podes fechar a janela?)

Let‟s go, shall we? (Vamos?)

Shut up, can‟t you? (Você não pode se calar?)

It e they na question tag

It é empregado quando o sujeito do verbo na oração principal for nothing ou everything.

Ex.: Nothing is the same, is it? (Nada é igual, não é?)

They é empregado quando o sujeito do verbo na oração principal for somebody, anybody, no one,

nobody, etc.

Ex.: Somebody broke the vase, didn‟t they? (Alguém quebrou o vaso, não é?)


Words of connection são conjunções, advérbios, preposições, locuções, etc., que servem para

estabelecer uma relação lógica entre frases e idéias. O uso correto dessas palavras confere solidez ao

argumento e consequentemente elegância ao texto.

Veja alguns exemplos:

- First of all, / In the first place,/ To begin with, (Em primeiro lugar / Para começar)

- Especially / Mainly (Principalmente )

- … for some time / for a while / For the time begin (Por enquanto (no futuro) / Até que mude de idéia)

- As a rule (Via de regra)

- As time goes by (À medida em que o tempo passa)

- By the way / Speaking of that (A propósito / Por falar nisso)

- From the standpoint of (Do ponto de vista de)

- On the one hand (Por um lado)

- Likewise (Da mesma forma / Por seu turno)

- However (Entretanto / No entanto)

- In spite of / Despite (Apesar de)

- At least (Pelo menos)

- Unlike (Ao contrário de)

- Unless (A não ser que)

- Since (Uma vez que / Já que)

- For this reason / With this in mind (Por esta razão / Neste sentido / Desta forma / Diante do exposto …)

- Therefore / So (Portanto)

- All things considered / Finally / In summary (Levando tudo isso em consideração / Em resumo)

18. VOCABULÁRIO Falsos Cognatos


Actually (na verdade) – nowadays (atualmente), eventually (afinal), apparently (ficar sabendo),

ultimately (no final das contas), combine (combinar duas coisas) – arrange (combinar com outra

pessoa), compromise (meio termo) – arrangement (compromisso), deception (enganação) –

disappointment (decepção), educated (boa formação) – [im]polite ([mal-]educado), indicate (mostrar)

– recommend (indicar), nervous (nervosa, ansioso), annoyed/irritated (nervosa, chateado), particular

(específico) – private (particular), prejudice (preconceito) – loss (prejuízo), pretend (fingir) – intend

(pretender) – think of doing (pensar em fazer), propaganda (informações enganosas) –

advertising/advertisement (propaganda/uma propaganda), resume (recomeçar) – summarize (resumir),

reunion (encontro de ex-colegas, família etc.) – meeting (reunião), sensible (sensato) – sensitive

(sensível), a shopping centre (um shopping), go shopping (fazer compras), support (apoiar) – can’t

bear/stand (não suportar), sympathetic (solidário) – nice/friendly (simpático) tax (imposto) – fee/charge

(taxa), use (usar coisas) – wear (usar roupas, jóias, maquiagem etc.)

Palavras que causam erros com freqüência

Erevy day (todo dia) – all day (o dia todo), another 3 weeks (mais três semanas), go/come back (voltar),

cook (cozinheiro) – cooker (fogão), he‟s dead (Ele está morto.) – he died in 1990 (Ele morreu em 1990.),

he works hard (Ele trabalha duro/muito.) – hardly ever (quase nunca), a story (uma história) – history

(história), listen to (escutar, voluntariamente) – hear (ouvir), I left the house (saí de casa), I left it a home

(esqueci em casa), lend (emprestar) – borrow (pegar emprestado), steal some money (roubar dinheiro)

– rob a house/bank etc. (roubar casa/banco etc.), lose your wallet (perder a sua carteira) – miss the

planet/lesson (perder o/a avião/aula), do a test (fazer uma prova) – I met him in 1998 (Conheci ele em

1998.), I know his brother (Conheço o irmão dele.), I remember him (Eu me lembro dele.), you remind me

of him (Você me lembra dele.), they raise the price (Eles aumentam o preço.) – the price rises (o preço

subiu), he said (Ele falou.) – he told me (Ele me falou.), he got/be came annoyed (Ele ficou nervoso.),

there is/are (tem, existe), she‟s away/out of town (Ela está viajando.), a small town (uma cidadezinha) –

a big city (uma cidade grande), I usually work (Eu costumo trabalhar.) – I used to work (Eu trabalhava.) –

I‟m used to working (Estou acostumado a trabalhar.), she‟s so clever (Ela é tão esperta.) – she‟s such a

clever girl (Ela é uma menina tão esperta.), she‟s 10 years old (Ela tem 10 anos.) – a 10 year old gr (uma

menina de 10 anos), beside (do lado) – besides (além disso), bored (chateado/entediado),

annoyed/irritated (chateado/nervoso), impressive (impressionante), stressful (estressante).


Read the extract and answer questions 01 and 02.

Britain has one of the longest coastlines in Europe: 12,500 kilometres of varied and spectacular

shoreline that has shaped the character of this island nation. Over the years, many people have landed

at and embarked from British beaches; invaders and explorers, sailors and fishermen, merchants and

missionaries. The most numerous visitors, however, have _______ holidaymakers.


shoreline = costa, litoral

holidaymakers = turistas

01) Choose the best alternative to have the text completed.

a) been b) gone c) visited d) arrived

02) Choose the alternative that presents an irregular plural form of the noun.

a) beaches b) fishermen c) kilometres d) missionaries

Read the joke and answer the question.

“Doctor, doctor, I keep thinking I‟m invisible.”

“Who ________ tha?”

03) Choose the best alternative to complete the blank in the dialog.

a) said b) did say c) do dyou say d) did you say

Read the joke and answer the question.

Teacher: “Johnny, how can you prove the world is round?”

Johnny: “I never said it was, miss.”

04) The modal verb, underlined in the dialog, expresses:

a) ability b) advice c) possibility d) permission


Read the extract and answer questions 09 and 10.

Jade Barbosa lost her mother when she _____ just nine years old. At thirteen she had to leave her

father and brother in Rio to train at the Curitiba training center. At just sixteen she is the new star of

Brazilian gymnastics. In the Pan American Games she won one gold medal, one silver and one bronze. (Taken from Maganews – October 2007)

05) Complete the tex with the missing verb.

a) was b) got c) had d) made

06) According to the text, it is not true to say that:

a) Jade‟s parents died. b) she isn‟t an only child.

c) she moved to Curitiba. d) she won three medals as gymnast.

Read the text and answer questions 07, 08, 09, 10 and 11.

Who Sleeps?

1 Reptiles, birds and mammals all sleep. Some fish and

amphibians reduce their awareness but do not ever

become uncoscious like the higher vertebrates do.

Insects do not appear to sleep, although they may

5 become inactive in dayligth or darkness.

By studying brainwaves, it is known that reptiles do

not dream. Birds dream a little. Mammals all dream

during sleep. Whales and dolphins are “conscious

breather” and because they nedd to keep conscious

10 while they sleep in order to breathe, only one half of

Their brain sleeps at a time.


awareness = consciência

07) According to the text,

a) all animals fall asleep. b) frogs are never asleep.

c) reptiles neither sleep nor dream. d) insects are very active to become uncounscious.

08) In “… although they may become inactive …”, (line 4), the underlined word implies an idea of

a) addition b) purpose c) contrast d) comparison

09) “… only one half ot their brain sleeps…”, (lines 10 and11), means that

a) they keep conscious half a day. b) the largest part of their brain sleeps.

c) just fifty percent of their brain in asleep. d) dolphins and whales dream half and hour.

10) “Birds dream a little”, (line 7), means that

a) they dream a bit. b) they don‟t dream at all.

c) only some birds can dream d) just a few birds dream while sleeping.

11) In “… like the higher vertebrates do”, (lines 3 and 4), the underlined word was used

a) as an adverb b) for emphasis c) as a main verb d) as an auxiliary verb.

12) Choose the best alternative to fill in the blanks.

A: Do you have ________ book on Biology?

B: No, I have ___________. But I know there are _________ at the library.

a) some/any/some b) any/none/some c) any/some/none d) some/none/any

Read the text and answer questions 13, 14 and 15.

“These are some of the questions that parents ask themselves as their children grow up and move on:

Will they sleep through the nigth?

Will they learn to read?

Will they get good grades?

Will they avoid drugs?


Will they be responsible about sex?

Will the get into a decent scholl?

Will they go to college?

13) According to the text,

a) children don‟t want to grow up and move on.

b) children ask all these questions to their parents.

c) parents are worried about their children‟s future.

d) parents don‟t want to know anything about their children‟s life.

14) The sentences with “will”, in the text, were used to

a) change habits b) ask for advice c) give permission d) question about future

15) “move on”, (line 2), is closets in meaning to

a) marry b) go away c) have fun d) give a party

16) According to the use of the definite article, choose the best alternative.

a) He is learning guitar and piano. b) The France is famous for its wine.

c) The Biology is an important science. d) The Queen of England lives in London.

Read the text and answer questions 17, 18 and 19.

I‟m Brenda. I‟m a housewife, age 36. I can organise my week as I want. So long as there are clean

clothes to wear and meals to eat, nobody really minds how or when I do the housework.

The bad thing is that housework is so repetitive and unrewarding. Nobody notices if you do clean

the bathroom. It‟s only if you don‟t clean it that they will say anything.


Unrewarding = sem compensação

17) According to the text, Brenda

a) decides how and when to do her housework.

b) doesn‟t mind if the housework is repetitive.

c) should clean the bathromm first.

d) is very efficient.

18) We can infer from the text that people only care about the housework when they realize

a) the bathromm is really clean. b) how repetitive the housework is.

c) they can‟t find clean clothes to wear. d) how difficult is to organize the house.

19) “Brenda is a housewife” means that she works

a) for another family b) as a housekeeper c) in a hotel d) at home

Read the text and answer the question.

Linda Bates is a teacher at Allentown Adult School. She teaches English as a second language.

Students say, “Ms Bates is a very good teacher. She works very hard.” Students like her classes. They say,

“Her classes are interesting. We learn a lot from her.”

20) According to the text, we can conclude that Ms Bates teaches

a) well b) children c) hard things d) two languages

Read the extract and choose the best alternative to fill in the blank.

When you read you sometimes want to find specific information, such as a price, a phone number, or

an address. You don‟t read every word. You only look for the information you want. This skill is called


21) “scanning”, underlined in the text, is _________ for reading.

a) a rule b) an advice c) a technique d) some information

22) In “A microscope has many uses. Medical scientists use microscopes to see tiny organisms.”, the

underlined word means

a) harmful b) invisible c) biological d) extremely small


As questões de 23 a 29 referem-se ao seguinte texto:

Smarter Clothes. Europe wants to own the market for fabrics that can monitor you and your



AT THE EUCENTRE, A RESEARCH SITE cofounded by the Italian Civil Protection Departament in

Pavia, Italy, a young engineer dons a firefighter‟s uniform that has been in testing for six months. The first

prototype of the Proetex project, the ordinary looking navy blue jacket and pants contain high-tech

fabrics that can keep track of a firefighter‟s vital signs, warn him if the fire is too hot up ahead, provide

GPS readings of his position and alert the command center if he has passed out. (…)

Though the technology was pioneered in the U. S., the Europeans have taken the reins in a bid to

revitalize their traditional-textile industry, which has been hammered by Asian competition. “We want to

develop state-of-the-art know-how that can‟t be found in Asia”, says Andreas Lymberis, a scientific

officer with the European Commission who has championed smart textiles. “Our purpose is to create a

new markeet.”

Bringing industry partners like Phillips and traditional clothing and textile companies together with

university researchers from across the E.U. and Switzerland, Comission-funded teams have already

produced prototypes with limited commercial availability, such as a tank top that wirelessly monitors

cardiac patients and sports clothes that keep track of breathing. Other projects include fabrics that look

and feel normal but are embedded with microcomputers, solar panels and energy-harvesting systems,

as well as fabrics that measure blood oxygen levels and track biochemicals in sweat and bedsheets that

monitor depression.

The world market for smart textiles is still small – about R 440 million in revenue in 2008 – but that

could double by 2010, according to Massachusetts-based venture Development Corp. The challenge is

to fit applications to the market, says Lutz Walter, R&D manager at Euratex, a group representing the $

326 billion European clothing-and-textile industry. “In the medical field, there‟s high value added. But to

be approved as devices takes 10 years,” says Walter. “In other areas, it‟s price: How much are consumers

going to be willing to pay for a smart jogging shirt or for a baby suit that detects sudden death

syndrome?” (…)

The development of these technologies is currently taking place largely in the biomedical and

safety fields, but Annalisa Bonfiglio, a professor of electrical and electronic engineering at the University

of Cagliari who coordinates the Proetex projetc, thinks sports could be the sector where the most

potential lies. “Sportswear is an extremely powerful means for promoting the acceptance of these new

technologies by common people”, says Bonfiglio, noting that the technology Proetex develops for

rescue workers could easily be used later for sports applications.

At the Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital in Boston, researchers are testing a glove made by

Smartex, an Italian smart-materials company, that tracks motos functions in poststroke patients.

Smartex founder and University of Pisa biomedical-engineering professor Danilo de Rossi says

there is no way of knowing if Europe will maintain its edge. “Right now we are leading in this field”, he

says, since Europe tends to be concerned with medicine, social welfare and the elderly, whereas the U.S.

tends to focus on military technology. Thag could change. But in a business driven by technology rather

than price, the Europeans woulds still have a fighting chance.

23) Assinale a opção que melhor indica o tema central do texto.

a) Levantamento de necessidades do mercado mundial para o desenvolvimento de tecidos


b) Descrição de peças de vestuário desenvolvidas por engenheiros europeus e americanos.

c) Disputa do mercado mundial para detenção da tecnologia para desenvolvimento e produção de

tecidos inteligentes.

d) Concorrência entre diversas indústria do setor têxtil.

e) Disputa entre universidades e indústrias européias para o desenvolvimento de pesquisa tencológica

na área têxtil.

24) De acordo com o texto, a indumentária desenvolvida no Projeto Proetex permite, dentre outras

funções, que:

I. os sinais vitais e a localização do usuário sejam monitorados.

II. o usuário seja alertado sobre aumento da temperatura externa.

III. um possível desmaio do usuário seja evitado.

Está(ão) correta(s):


a) apenas a I b) apenas a II c) apenas a III d) apenas I e II e) apenas II e III

25) De acordo com o texto:

I. a tecnologia hoje utilizada para o desenvolvimento de tecidos inteligentes para uniformes de

bombeiros poderá ser facilmente adaptada para roupas de esportistas.

II. há consumidores dispostos a pagar qualquer preço por uma peça de roupa infantil que sinalize a

doença morte-súbita.

III. em breve, os asiáticos passarão a dominar o mercado de tecidos inteligentes, hoje nas mãos dos


Está(ão) correta(s):

a) apenas a I b) apenas a II c) apenas a III d) apenas I e II e) todas

26) Assinale a opção em que o termo da coluna II NÃO pode substituir o termo da coluna I no texto.


a) dons (parágrafo 1) wears

b) the reins (parágrafo 2) control

c) a bid (parágrafo 2) an attempt

d) hammered (parágrafo 2) stopped

e) championed (parágrafo 2) supported

27) Assinale a opção que indica o projeto, ou protótipo, de uso de tecido inteligente que NÃO é

mencionado no texto.

a) Roupa de cama capaz de monitorar depressão.

b) Coletes sem fio para monitorar pacientes cardíacos.

c) Roupas esportivas para monitorar respiração.

d) Tecidos com painel solar embutido.

e) Meias para monitorar movimentos de pacientes pós-derrame.

28) De acordo com o texto:

I. estima-se que a renda do mercado mundial de tecidos inteligentes poderá atingir 1.1 bilhão de

dólares em aproximadamente dois anos.

II. Smartex é uma empresa italiana que foi fundada por um professor universitário.

III. a Comissão Européia subsidiou uma equipe composta pela Philips, por empresas tradicionais das

áreas têxtil e de vestuário e por pesquisadores universitários americanos e suíços.

Estã(ão) correta(s):

a) apenas a I b) apenas a II c) apenas a III d) apenas I e II e) apenas II e III

29) Considere as seguintes frases extraídas do texto e as respectivas reescritas.

I. … a young engineer dons a firefighter‟s uniform that has been in testing for xis months. (parágrafo 1)

… a firefighter‟s uniform that has been in testing for xis months is donned by a young engineer.

II. … Commission-funded teams have already produced prototypes with limited commercial availability

… (parágrafo 3)

… prototypes with limited commercial availability have already produced by Commission-fuded


III. … researchers are testing a glove made by Smartex, an Italian smart-materials company, …

(paragrafo 6)

… a glove made by Smartex, an Italian smart-materials company, has been tested by researchers.

Está(ão) correta(s):

a) apenas a I b) apenas a II c) apenas a III d) apenas I e II e) apenas II e III

As questões de 30 a 31 referem-se ao texto abaixo:

Persuading Leonardo

Although both Ben Shneiderman‟s Leonard’s Laptop: Human Needs and the New Computing

Technologies and B. J. Fogg‟s Persuasive Technology: Using Computers to Change What We Think and Do

are written by academics, the books transcend academia to provide a different view of the Internt‟s

potential. Shneiderman prepares the groundwork for what he calls the “new computing” while Fogg

describes how to make that computing persuasive.


The idea behind Leonardo’s Laptop is a consideration of what Leonardo da Vinci world demand

from a laptop computer and what he would do with it. To Shneiderman, who is founding director of the

Human-Computer Interaction Lab at the University of Maryland, the new computing puts users first.

Shneiderman begins with a brief history of computing and computer applications, declaring that, “These

founders of the old computing overcame technological limitations to build impressive projects and then

turned to producing tools for themselves, giving little thought to the needs of other users.” Although not a

founder, I admit to being of the old computing generation. I programmed in dead languages such as

IBM‟s 1401 Autocoder and 360 Assembler before progressing to Cobol and RPG. I have now learned

Visual Basic and C++, and I can report that there is nothing intrinsic to any of these languages that center

a programmer‟s focus on those who use their applications. The new computing is not about languages

but, as Shneiderman suggests, about understanding human activities and human relationships.

With Leonardo as both creator and user, his laptop will enable greater creativity and grander

goals. This book goads you with ideas for applications in e-learning, e-business, e-healthcare, and e-

government. Each area is built around a framework for technology innovation that Shneiderman calls

the “four circles of relationships” and the “four stages of activites”. (…)

Althought the mental picture of Leonardo with a notebook computer excites the imagination, as

a literary device, it does not wear well as the book progresses. Nonetheless, Shneiderman achieves the

objective os Leonardo’s Laptop – creating a foundation for the new computing.

With a new computing application in hand, B. J. Fogg‟s Persuasive Technology: Using Computers

to Change What We Think and Do gives you advice on its implementation. To Fogg, who lauchend

Stanford‟s Persuasive Technology Lab and who holds seven patents in the area of UI* design, a web site

must first be credible to be persuasive. Fogg has coined the term “captology” to describe this branch of

the study of computers. From the book‟s “Introduction”.

Captology focuses on the design, research, and analysis of interactive computing products

created for the purpose of changing people‟s attitudes or behaviors.

It is the computer‟s ability to provide interactivity that gives its applications an advantage over

other forms of media.

Persuave Technology describes three basic roles that computers play: the computer as a tool, as

media, and as a social actor. Further, there are seven types of persuasive tools describes by Fogg. Such

tools persuade by simplifying, tunneling (guiding), customizing, being there at the right time, removing

tedium, rewarding after observation, and reinforcing proper behavior. As media, computers can modify

behavior by simulating new endeavors. As a social actor, computers persuade through praise.

Howeveer, no matter the role, to persuade, the application must be credible.

Perhaps the most interesting parts of Fogg‟s book are the two chapters that discuss the ways in

which computer applications destroy their own credibility and what an application or web site must do

to be considered, by its users, trustworthy. According to Fogg, a computing device or application is

perceived to be credible only if it is first perceived as believable-trustworthiness based on expertise. In

brief, an application is trustworthy if it is thought to be fair and unbiased. It is trustworthy if its author or

origin is thought to be skilled and knowledgeable. The crux of the issue is that credibillity matters.

Both books are thoroughly documented and both are excellent points of departure for a more

detailed inquiry into the available material. If both books are taken to heart, using computers and their

applications will become enjoyable and satisfying.

“U.I. - *User Inteface

30) Indique o gênero, em inglês, ao qual o texto acima pertence.

a) summary b) review c) essay d) abstract e) report

31) Considere as seguintes afirmações.

I. As duas obras discutidas no texto têm como assunto principal o uso do computador e suas aplicações

atuais e potenciais.

II. Shneiderman e Fogg, autores do texto, mostram a potencial aplicação da internet nos dias atuais.

III. De acordo com Shneiderman, o computador eficaz deve ser, concomitantemente, uma ferramenta

capaz de persuadir e um agente interativo.

Está(ão) correta(s):

a) apenas a I b) apenas a II c) apenas a III d) apenas I e II e) apenas I e III

32) Com relação a Leonardo’s Laptop: Human Needs and the New Computing TechnologiesI, NÃO se

pode dizer que a obra:

a) tem como foco o usuário de computadores, seja ele um iniciante ou especialista no assunto.


b) destaca a importância de programas como Autocoder e Assembler, assim como COBOL, RPG, Visual

Basic e C++.

c) discute o tipo de uso que Leonardo da Vinci faria, caso tivesse um computador portátil.

d) mostra a importância das relações humanas no uso do computador.

e) apresenta ao usuário possibilidades de diferentes usos do computador, dentre eles, para negócios


33) Com relação a Persuasive Technology: Using Computer to Chang What We Think and Do, analise as

afirmações a seguir:

I. O trabalho foi idealizado no Laboratório de Tecnologia Persuasiva da Universidade de Stanford e

consiste na sétima criação intelectual do ator.

II. Ao propor um novo conceito na área computacional, o autor destaca mudanças de atitude ou de

comportamento dos usuários.

III. A obra argumenta que uma página da web deve ser confiável para seduzir o usuário.

Está(ão) correta(s):

a) apenas a I b) apenas a II c) apenas a III d) apenas I e II e) apenas II e III

As questões de 34 a 37 referem-se à entrevista abaixo:

Ten Questions Over a Cell Phone

Milton Hatoum is the award winning author of Dois Irmãos (Two Brothers) and Cinzas do Norte (Ashes from

the North). His new novel, Órfãos do Eldorado (Eldorado Orphans), will be released next April.

1 –

Which was your best trip ever?

The trip I took with my father to Lebanon, in July 1992. He had not seen his Lebanese family for

over 30 years. Visiting Lebanon and meeting dozens of relatives was a very emotional


2 –

What is your dream trip?

To go to Kashmir and some parts of India. I also would like to visit several African countries.

3 –

In what other country would you like to live?

Well, I have already lived in three countries and eight different cities. I now just want to stay

around here. But when I think of Provence or Tuscany, I feel like spending some time in France

and Italy.

4 –

What do you admire most about a person?

His or her character. What elevates or demeans a human being is not religion, gender, color,

ethnicity – none of that. It‟s the caracter.

5 – What do you hate most in a person?

I think an arrogant person looks ridiculous. I hate meanness, deceit, dishonest people.

6 – Would you be happy without friends?

I would be unhappier without them.

7 – What animal would you like to be?

The very same one I was destined to be. Our fate is to be human.

8 –

What do you do when you have nothing to do?

I get bored when I don‟t do anything. Right now, after finishing a novel, I feel a bit like I‟m

hanging in mid-air, aimless. But there‟s always a book to read or re-read.

9 – Who is your favorite film director?

I love Rossellini, Visconti and the directors of Italian neo-realism.

10 –

What caracter would you like to be?

It‟s hard to say … I would be a terrible actor. But all the characters in my novels have a bit of

me in them.

34) Leia as informações abaixo sobre Milton Hatoum:

I. Viveu em diferentes países e cidades e pretende conhecer lugares na Índia e na África.

II. Destaca a viagem ao Líbano, com seu pai, há 30 anos, como uma das mais marcantes de sua vida.

III. Elegeu Provença ou Toscana para fixar residência.

Está(ão) correta(s):

a) apenas a I b) apenas a II c) apenas a III d) apenas I e II e) nenhum


35) De acordo com a entrevista, Milton Hatoum

I. é um renomado escritor, que recebeu premiação recentemente pela novela Dois Irmãos.

II. costuma reler suas obras quando está com tempo livre.

III. reconhece características pessoais nos personagens que cria.

Está(ão) correta(s):

a) apenas a I b) apenas a II c) apenas a III d) apenas I e II e) todas

36) Considere as seguintes traduções das respostas de Milton Hatoum:

I. What elevates or demeans a human being is not religion, gender, color, ethnicity – none of that.

O que enaltece ou descaracteriza um ser humano não é a religião, o sexo, a cor, a ética – nada disso.

II. I hate meanness, deceit, dishonest people.

Eu odeio mesquinharia, falsidade, pessoas desonestas.

III. Right now, after finishing a nvel, I feel a bit like I’m hanging in mid-air, aimless.”

Agora, depois de terminar uma novela, eu me sinto totamente no ar, sem rumo.

Está(ão) correta(s):

a) apenas a I b) apenas a II c) apenas a III d) apenas I e II e) apenas II e III

37) Marque a opção incorreta:

a) Can you describe the trip you took in 1992? pode substituir a pergunta nº 1, sem comprometer a

resposta de Milton Hatoum.

b) What is the main aspect that attracts your attention in a person? pode substituir a pergunta nº 4, sem

comprometer a resposta de Milton Hatoum.

c) What is an arrogant person like? pode substituir a pergunta nº 5, sem comprometer a resposta de

Milton Hatoum.

d) None except a human being pode ser outra resposta de Milton Hatoum à pergunta nº 7.

e) How do you feel when you have nothing to do? pode substituir a pergunta nº 8, sem comprometer a

resposta de Milton Hatoum.


The Reluctant Learner

My friend Tom is one of those six-to-midnight, enthusiastic, determined, and well-mentioned

studiers. At six o‟clock he approaches his desk, and carefully organizes everything in preparation for the

study period to follow. Having everything in place, he next carefully adjusts each item again, giving him

time to think up the fist excuse; he recalls that in the morning he did not have quite enough time to read

all the items of interest in the newspaper. He also realizes distractions completely out of the way before

setting down to the task at hand.

38) The sentence, “… he recalls that in the morning he did not have quite enough time to read all the

items of interest in the newspaper”

a) returns home in order to read the newspaper later

b) complains about his needs of having more time to read

c) assumes how organized he is every time he reads the news

d) remembers his lack of time in doing things

39) “He also realizes that if he is going to study it is better to have such distractions completely out of the

way before setting down to the task at hand”. The underlined word can be replaced by

a) learns b) understands c) hopes thinks

Read the following opinions from two children, Chelsea and Eryn (both aged 8) and then answer

questions 40 related to them.

Is the future for us?

Chelsea: The biggest problem with the environment is the ozone layer there‟s a hole, and it‟s getting

bigger. It‟s made by cars and airplanes – things which give off fumes.

Eryn: The ozone layer‟s like a piece of paper covering a rock. It‟s supposed to pretect us. I‟m scared the

hole will get bigger and move around the world and people will get cancer.


Chelsea: We could get tandems, and longer bikes, so children could ride on the back. Cars should be

very, very expensive.

Eryn: You also get bad pollution from burning down the rainforest. We should give money to poor people

in Africa and places.

Chelsea: We should spread out the people evenly. We could say, “Put your hands up all those who want

to live in Africa”. And then we could spread out the food. There‟s enough to go around.

Eryn: We use up far more of the earth than people in Africa so it‟s a good idea for the whole world to

discuss environment. (Move up – Heinemann)

40) Both Chelsea and Eryn think that we should

a) let poor people spread out the food b) not to burn a lot of fuel

c) burn down rain forest d) clean rivers and farmlands

Read the text bellow and answer questions 41 to 43.


Biotechnology is one of the new professional courses of studies offered by universisites.

Biotechnology uses chemical and biological knowledge and the knowledge of new technologies in the

areas of healthcare, food, chemistry, and the environment. Biotechnology graduates are

multidisciplinary professionals. They study biology, chemistry, physics, statistics, and information


In the area of microbiology, these professionals study fungi, bacteria, viruses, and protozoa and

the diseases that they cause in plants, animals, and human beings. They research the methods to use

such microorganisms in the production of foods and beverages, such as dairy products, beear, and


The biotechnologist specializing in immunology uses the microorganisms in the production of

vaccines and kits for diagnosis. In the food and pharmaceutical industries, they control microbial growth,

safety, and hygiene at the workplace. They work in research for the development of new

pharmaceutical drugs.

They also work in the environmental area, to evaluate and prevent water and soil contamination. (Challenge – Richmond)

41) The one who graduates in biotechnology

a) will be able to prescribe and it‟s quite likely that he/she can produce forms of organic stuff.

b) shall develop the capacity of producing microorganisms.

c) is able to diagnose, predict and sabotage diseases.

d) can acquire the knowledge to several professions and also carry out researches.

42) The text shows that

I. the one who studies Biotechnology is able to recognize different studies of health, cooking and

chemistry among others.

II. thestudy of this subject is a new area the universisites are offering.

III. tecnology involves multiple studies in the biotechnology area.

IV. the environment is actually a new version of the biotechnology study.

a) I, II and III b) III and IV c) I and II d) I, II and IV

43) The only matter that is NOT mentioned in the text is

a) different professions b) some subjects c) drinks d) illnesess

Read the text bellow to answer questions 44 and 45.

The Car Washer Who Became An Executive

Robert L. Johnson is the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of BET. Black Entertainment Television, a

cable TV channel in the United States, BET specializes in producing programs for the African-American


Read what this successful executive says about his first job.

“I __________ in Freeport, Illinois. My first job was at the local carwash. I _____________ sixteen years

old. I _____________ every day, all summer, for a dollar an hour. I worked with ten other guys. All of us


_________ from different racial, religious and economic backgrounds. We had to clean cars in teams, and

we quickly learned to work together.

I learned the better way to become indispensable: you know how to do all aspects of your job. At

the carwash, all „all aspects‟ included vacuuming the interior, scrubbing whitewalls and polishing

chromes until it shined. Sixteen years later, when I started my own business, I again had to know how to

do every job in the company – advertising, marketing, producing and negotiation contracts.

Working at the carwash taught me that there is a direct connection between working and a

feeling of self-steem. Young people who refuses jobs that they consider inferior or low-paying are only

hurting themselves. As long as you do your best, every job is a learning experience and a step to a better

job.” (Adapted from Reader‟s Digest, January, 1999)

44) Mark the option which ISN‟T applied correctly in the text.

a) themselves b) of your c) the better d) a better

45) Mark the option that completes the gaps respectively.

a) woke up / were / came back / came b) grew up / was / worked / were

c) was born / had/ traveled / got d) lived / got / tried / lived

Answer the questions 46 and 47 after reading the paragraph bellow.

Americans are well-known for being friendly. If we‟re taking a walk in the park and we pass

someone, we usually say a few words to people in stores, bars and banks. But remember: friendliness is

not friendship; it‟s politeness. In the United States, it‟s just as hard to make real friends as it is anywhere

else. (Move up – Heinemann)

46) In the statement,

“ … we usually say a few words to people in stores …” the underlined words may be understood as

a) some words can be said by us

b) many words could be spoken by people in stores

c) lots of words are used to say people about us

d) a small number of words are said by people in stores

47) The sentence, “In the United States it‟s just as hard to make real friends as it is anywhere else”, means

a) making friends for them is something they aren‟t able to do.

b) Americans show the rest of the world how easy relationship is in their country.

c) only in the United States people can‟t find easily real friends.

d) although difficult, real friends is something we have to fight for finding in America.

Read the following paragraph and then answer questions 48 according to it.

“The Kremlin hoping a young strong man can preserve its brutal victory in Chechnya”.

48) The underlined verb is a (an).

a) regular one and means permission b) modal giving an idea of ability

c) irregular form followed by an infinitive d) defective verb which expresses possibility

Read the following paragraph and then answer questions 49 to 52 according to it.

Dealing with Sensitive Materials on the Internet

With the emergency of user-friendly online systems, the Word Wide Web and its introduction into

the classroom, more and more children are taking advantage of the power of the internet. However, it

remains largely and adult forum, and so it carries with it adults subject matter.

Does it raise the question of what ________ when adult topics and a child‟s naïve explorations

meet? The debate has raised not only questions of obscenity, harassment, free speech, and censorship,

but also of government control of the Internet, and it‟s very nature as a communications resource.

Whatever the outcome of this war is, it will set a precedent for how society and government deal

with the exchange of information in the future. Is the Internet a free forum for discussion or is it a

broadcasting service and therefore subject to the same restrictions as television, print, or radio?

Are to internet communications on the right privacy covered by the, or can e-mail messages be

legally observe …? Are web pages free speech or are some subjects taboo on the internet because a


child may stumble upon them? And who is responsible for internet content in a communications medium

where traditional publishing scenarios no longer apply and content can be posted anonymously?

For people who wish to control or limit the use of the internet, the issue of children and

pornography has been a valuable tool for gaining public support. The key is to find a solution to protect

our children while at the same time, avoid setting up a climate of control that will limit our rights as adults. (Adapted from Franework Level 3 – Richmond)

49) The underlined question has been mixed up. Put the word in the right order according to the context.

a) Are communications on the Internet covered by the right to privacy?

b) Are the internet covered on privacy by the right to communications?

c) Are the internet to communications covered on by the rigth privacy?

d) Are the right by privacy to communications on the internet covered?

50) Comparing the pieces of content the internet provides, it may be sai that.

a) there are more childish articles than grown up ones

b) children have to surf the internet less than adult

c) the adult‟s content provides much more useful information

d) there isn‟t any solution to control our kids in the internet without limiting ourselves.

51) Complete the gap with the rigth verbal tense.

a) does happen b) happen c) do happen d) happens

52) Mark the correct question to the answer below extracted from the text.

“The debate”

a) Which subject has explored children?

b) What has raised questions of obscenity, harassment, etc?

c) Which topic protected children from the argument of the text?

d) What matter is trying to control the use of internet by children?

Read the following paragraph and then answer questions 53 and 54 according to it.

Upside dow

Who‟s to say

What‟s impossible

Well they forgot

This world keeps spinning

And with each new day

I can feel a change in everything

And as the surface breaks reflections fade

But in some ways they remain the same

And as my mind begins to spread its wings

There‟s no stopping curiosity (Jack Johnson)

53) In the lyrics the autor affirms that

a) people have forgotten their past

b) everything is moving and he‟s not interested in knowing it

c) although this world spins things do not change at all

d) the surface of the earth reflects some lofty ideals

54) Mark the right definitions for the title of the lyrics above

a) To cause something to change completely and in a bad way

b) To be friendly with someone, especially because they can help you

c) Having the part which is usually at the top turned to be at the bottom

d) When you cause something to move in a circle round a fixed point.

Leia a passagem a seguir e resolva às questões de 55 a 59.

If you happened to (55) dow London‟s Regent Street this (56) Christmas, you may have

noticed, just above the festooned storefronts and package-laden shoppers, a series of clusters of

glowing translucent globes. If you‟d taken a (57) look, you would have realized that the globes

were pulsating with color, the light emitting diodes (LEDs) within varying their hue and intensity according


to the number of (58) , the wind speed, and the amount of sunlight. And if you‟d looked really

close, you would have discovered the quad-core Xeon computers running customized software that

took inputs from people-monitoring video cameras and environmental sensors to precisely (59) the


Escolha, em cada questão, a alternativa que completa corretamente a lacuna correspondente,

tornando o texto coeso e coerente.

55) a) stroll b) tiptoe c) crawl d) trek e) paddle

56) a) next b) past c) future d) following e) ago

57) a) larger b) opener c) closer d) locally e) nearby

58) a) passersby b) passes c) passengers d) passings e) passwords

59) a) choreograph b) listen c) dance d) rehearse e) sing

60) Martin Hellman, professor emeritus at Stanford, used engineering risk analysis methods to determine

the failure rate for the United States‟ nuclear deterrence strategy and came up with a shocking 1

percent chance per year that a nuclear war will break out.

What can be understood about this passage?

a) According to the United States, a nuclear war is not likely to erupt.

b) Engineering risk analysis methods are inefficient because they hardly determine failure rates.

c) The USA develops strategies to avoid nuclear issues.

d) There have been found failures concerning the risk analysis methods used by Professor Martin Hellman.

e) According to the USA‟s nuclear deterrence strategy, 1 percent of the USA population is afraid of a

nuclear war eruption.

61) Chip makers replaced aluminum interconnects with better conducting copper ones about seven

years ago, but now copper‟s days are numbered too.

What is the present condition of copper interconnects?

a) They were substituted by aluminum ones.

b) They will soon be replaced.

c) They are numbered according to their conductivity.

d) Their conductivity is as powerful as aluminum ones.

e) They receive serial numbers.

62) Don McMillan likes to say that the only time people laugh at engineers is when they mess up at work.

But he‟s the exception. He‟s a trained electrical engineer, and people laugh at him everyday – unless he

messes up. That‟s because he tells jokes for a living.

What do we know about Don McMillan?

a) He‟s a comedian. b) He messes up at work.

c) People laugh at him because he messes up. d) He pretends he is a trained electrical engineer.

e) He makes money as an electrical engineer.

63) Designers use database of North American and European body measurements to create their

products but feel a lack of data to adapt the designs to Ansians‟ different body measurements. That will

soon change?

a) Databases of Norty American and European body measurements do well to all cultures.

b) Designers will soon chance North American and European body measurements databases.

c) Asians have the same body measurements as North American and European.

d) The body measurements databases used by designers are not perfect but please all their costumers.

e) One size never fits all.

64) Remember when Barbie whined that “math is hard.” Maybe you got annoyed at hearing a popular

female doll say that to little girls. Or maybe you aiso had a nagging suspicion thati, in fact, boys are

better at math. Well, the latest research is in, and the answer is a resounding no: an analysis of

performance on math tests finds that girls match boys. The findind appears in the Jully 25 issue of the

journal Science.

Which of the new information bellow could be coherently added to the passage?

a) And no gender difference can be found among top performers either.

b) So, once more it‟s proven that male chromosomes are more efficient.

c) Therefore, the gender struggle is over: women have shown better performances that men.

d) But playing Barbie is a way of learning Math.


e) Playing with the doll is a good stimulus to female X chromosome.

65) A legion of 38 solar-battered cars gathers in State Square in Darwin, on the northern coast of Autralia.

The tlat, rectangular bodies hug the ground like three-wheeled UFOs, their etherealness accentuated by

their moto‟s eerie, barely perceptible hum.

Three adjectives that can be used to describe the cars mentioned in this paragraph are

a) green, not curving, spherical b) UFO-like, secret, noisy

c) delicate, mysterious, silent c) heavy, unusual, humming

e) stable, unique, polluting

66) The midday sun had chased the last of the morning‟s chill from the air when David Downey turned

into the Garmin International parking lot, in Olathe Kan., winding up a 20-kilometer run. He‟d been out on

the road for nearly 2 hours, a little longer than usual, but he wanted to enjoy the perfect fall weather

while he could.

But the description of the situation presented in this paragraph, what do you know about the


a) It was quite hot at 12 o‟clock.

b) It was windy because it was autumn.

c) The wind was blowing at 20 kilometers per hour.

d) The bad weather had been delaying people‟s activities.

e) The morning had been cold.

67) As one of us – the heaviest one – approached the fist major hill on a test ride of Brammo Motorsport‟s

brand new Enertia electric motorcycle, we were doubtful that this light, elegantly designed bike could

haul a 109-kologram (240-pound) rider up the incline. We shouldn‟t have worried: it effortlessly propelled

him to the top of Portland, Ore‟s West Hills.

What is NOT true abouth the product mentioned in this paragraph?

a) Very heavy people can ride and trust it. b) Brammo Motorsport‟s latest model is just out.

c) It seems fragile. d) IT weights 109 kolograms.

e) It succeeds riding heavy people up hill.

68) Improving the diversity of biological habitats and ecosystems is a vital goal in itself, yet policies to

encourage biodiversity, like most legislation, will have both supporters and naysayers.

By the information in this sentence, what do we know about biodiversity?

a) Everybody agrees with it.

b) Life depends on its objectives.

c) The police will assure habitats and ecosystems goals.

d) Most of the policemen encourage this legislation.

e) Some people take a negative view of it.

69) Fisheries may be an ancient economic activity, but nowadays they are at the forefront of

globalization. For instance, when it comes to the trade itself: a blue hake caught off the coast of New

Zealand by a Japanese vessel may be processed in China before being flown to a market in London or


Saying that‟fisheries are at the forefront of globalization‟ means that…

a) Fisheries are an old and traditional economic activity.

b) The world has become globalized due to fisheries.

c) Blue hake fishing is an activity that unites New Zealand, Japan, China, England and France.

d) Fisheries have enabled diverse economies to engage round a common activity.

e) The demanding markets of London and Paris have made countries such as New Zealand, China and

Japan unite the vessel manufacturing activity.

Leia o texto e resolve as questões de 70 a 74.

E-NOSES Adapted from IEEE Spectrum, 03.08

Several hundred years ago, village doctors in rural China diagnosed diabetes by the

characteristically sweet semll of a patient‟s breath. Today hospitals use a battery of blood tests and

laboratory analyses to make that same diagnosis, but doctors may soon be sniffing their patient‟s breath

again. This time the doctors will have electronic noses small and cheap enough to carry in their pockets.


This e-nose will be the culmination of decades of work at counties laboratories, where researchers

have sought to create a tiny, cheap, automatic sniffer that would let wine bottles monitor the aging of

their, contents, allow meat packages to flag spoilage, and enable mailboxes to check for bombs.

Imagine barroom coasters that double as Breathalyzers, bumper stickers that monitor car emissions. Until

now, it‟s been just so much sci-fi.

E-nose technology has quietly advanced during the past two decades. Commercial models

equipped with sensor arrays came to market in the mid-1990s, and today they‟re used to distinguish

wines, analyze food flavors, and sort lumber. Benchtope systems are also used in the pharmaceutical,

food, cosmetics, and packaging industries, while smaller, portable units are used to monitor air quality.

But these noses cost in the range of US $5000 to $100,000. A coming convergence between e-

nose technology and advances in printed electronics will finally bring the price down – way down. Within

a decade we‟ll see e-noses that cost tens of dollars and appear in smart packaging for high-end items

like pharmaceuticals or as part of intelligent or interactive appliances – picture a refrigerator that nows

when milk has gone bad. Prices could easily drop to under a dollar by 2020.

The secret? Conducting polymers. Developers of both electronic noses and printed electronics

are exploiting these materials, which can be sensitive to the chemicals that make up odors and are also

capable of producing electrical signals. E-nose developers are concentrating on honing the sensing

properties of conducting polymers, while the printed-electronics people are investigating ways of using

these materials to fabricate ultralow-cost electronics. Combining the fruits of these two separate efforts

will finally bring e-noses into our supermarkets, homes, and daily life.

O quadro abaixo apresenta um título apropriado para cada parágrafo do texto, conforme seu

conteúdo. Observe o quadro e responda às questões de 75 a 79.

a) The innovative material

b) Personified inanimate objects

c) Past – inspired sci – fi

d) Already in the market

e) Allying technologies promise the product accessible in ten years

Atribua o título apropriado a cada parágrafo, de acordo com o quadro acima.

70) Título para o primeiro parágrafo a) b) c) d) e)

71) Título para o segundo parágrafo a) b) c) d) e)

72) Título para o terceiro parágrafo a) b) c) d) e)

73) Título para o quarto parágrafo a) b) c) d) e)

74) Título para o quinto parágrafo a) b) c) d) e)

75) In which of the following you are likely to find the text “E-NOSE”?

a) a tourist brochure b) a safety leaflet c) a scientific journal

d) a comic book e) a billboard

76) Escolha a palavra ou expressão que apresenta um significado DIFERENTE do significado da palavra

sublinhada em: “This e-nose will be the culmination of decades of work at countless laboratories…”

a) highest point b) end c) apogee d) climax e) result

77) De acordo com o conteúdo do texto “E-nose”, qual das seguintes frases é provável ser encontrada

no texto?

a) E-noses are a nonsense and deserve no more research.

b) E-noses will hardly be more than fantasy in people‟s mind.

c) E-noses will soon be omnipresent in this century‟s societies.

d) E-noses will remain unaffordable despite serious research is developed.

e) E-noses are mere toys in the hands of imaginative scientists.

78) Qual é o significado do seguinte fragmento retirado do texto “E-nose”: “Imagine barroom coasters

that double as Breathalyzers…”?

a) There will be twice as much barroom coasters as Breathalyzers.

b) Two different people will use the same barroom coaster.

c) Breathalyzers will be replaced by barroom coasters.

d) Every drink ordered will allow the costumer the right to use a Breathalyzer.

e) Barroom coasters will have one more function.

79) Qual dos títulos seguintes pode ser usado apropriadamente para substituir o título do texto “E-nose”?





Based on the text below, answer questions 80, 81 and 82.


Climate change over the next 20 years could result in a global catastrophe costing millions of lives

in wars and natural disasters.

A secret report, suppressed by US defense chiefs and obtained by The Observer, warns that major

European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas as Britain is plunged into a „Siberian‟ climate by 2020.

Nuclear conflict, mega-droughts, famine and widespread rioting will erupt across the world.

The document predicts thag abrupt climate change could bring the planet to the edge of

anarchy as countries develop a nuclear threat to defend and securedwindling food, water and energy

supplies. The threat to global stability vastly eclipses that of terrorism, say the few experts privy to its


„Disruption and conflict will be endemic features of life,‟ concludes the Pentagon analysis. „Once

again, warfare would define human life.‟ (Adapted from,12374,1153530,00.html.)

80) According to the text above, what will be the result of climate change?

a) Hunger, war, lack of rain, public disturbance.

b) War, eclipses, cold weather, lack of rain.

c) Hunger, cold weather, conflict, eclipses.

d) Terrorism, nuclear, threat, eclipses, rising seas.

e) Public disturbance, rising seas, global stability, nuclear threat.

81) What is NOT true according to the text?

a) Humans will have violent times.

b) England will be colder than it is today.

c) Climate changes will happen unexpectedly sudden.

d) Climate change will be more serious than terrorism.

e) Europe will be under the sea.

82) Considering the text, what does the word “dwindling” mean in this extract?

“(…) countries develop a nuclear threat to defend and secure dwindling food, water and energy


a) widerspreading b) decreasing c) stable d) existing e) proper

83) Read the text below. Why was this Army soldier in eastern Afghanistan praised by the Defense



Defense Secretary Robert Gates on Thursday praised on Army soldier in eastern Afghanistan who

drew media attention this month after rushing to defend his post from attack while wearing pink boxer

shorts and flip-flops, Reuters reported. Gates said in prepared remarks that he wants to meet the soldier

and shake his hand the next time he visits Afghanistan.

“Any soldier who goes into battle against the Taliban in pink boxers and flip-flops has a special

kind of courage”, Gates said in a speech to be delivered in New York. “I can only wonder about the

impact on the Taliban. Just imagine seeing that: a guy in pink boxers and flip-flops has you in his cross-

hairs. What an incredible innovation in psychological warfare”, he said.

Army Specialist Zachary Boyd, 19, of Fort Worth, Texas, rushed from his sleeping quarters on May 11

to join fellow platoon members at a base in Afghanistan‟s Kunar Province after the unit came under fire

from Taliban positions. A news photographer was on hand to record the image of Boyd standing at a

makeshift rampart in helmet, body armor, red T-shirt and boxers emblazoned with the message: “I love

NY”. When the image wound up on the front page of the New York Times, Boyd told his parents he might

lose his job if President Obama saw him out of uniform. (Adapted from,2933,521138,00.html)

This Army soldier in eastern Afghanistan was praised by the Defense Secretary…

a) because even geing tired he kept his position.

b) because he helped his feloows invade Afghanistan.

c) because he presented an incredible innovation in psychological warfare.


d) because President Obama saw him oit of uniform.

e) because he went into battle in his underwear.

Based on the text below, answer questions 84 and 85.


Cairo – Egypt has begun forcibly slaughtering the country‟s pig herds as a precaution against

swine flu, a move that the United Nations described as “a real mistake” and one that is prompting anger

among the country‟s pig farmers.

The decision, announced Wednesday, is already adding new strains to the tense relations

between Egypt‟s marjority Muslims and its Coptic Christians. Most of Egypt‟s pig farmers are Christians,

and some accuse the government of using swine flu fears to punish them economically. (Adapted from

84) Which is the best alternative considering some of the statements are true (T) and other are falses (F)?

I – The action Egypt has taken against the swine flu increased the conflict between Muslims and


II – The action Egypt has taken against the swine flu caused anger among pig farmers.

III – The U.N. considered the swine flu a real mistake.

IV – The U.N. supported the decision taken by Egypt.

V – The population of Egypt is mostly Muslims.

VI – The government wants to punish the Edyptians.

The best alternative is:

a) I – (T), II – (T), III – (F), IV – (F), V – (T), VI (F)

b) I – (T), II – (F), III – (T), IV – (T), V – (F), VI (F)

c) I – (F), II – (F), III – (T), IV – (F), V – (F), VI (T)

d) I – (T), II – (T), III – (T), IV – (F), V – (T), VI (F)

e) I – (F), II – (T), III – (F), IV – (F), V – (F), VI (T)

85) The word “prompting” is this extract from the first paragraph “(…) and one that is prompting anger

among the country‟s pig farmers.” Has the same meaning as:

a) realizing b) finishing with c) encouraging d) responding to e) preparing for

86) Which alternative below is NOT CORRECT, based on this


The rescue of Captain Phillips drew widespread praise for the Navy and Mr. Obama, but some

experts warned that it could escalate the campaign by Somali pirates, who have vowed to take revenge

on Americans and are holding more than 200 hostages from other countries.

Mr. Obama praised Captain Phillips for his “courage and leadership and selfless concern for his

crew”, and he said he was “very proud” of the Navy and other American agencies involed in the

operation. (Adapted from

a)The word “it” refers to the rescue of Captain Phillips. b) The word “who” refers to the Somali pirates.

c) The word “his” refers to Captain Phillips. d) The word “his” refers to Captain Phillips.

e) The word “he” refers to Captain Phillips.

87) Read the text below. Why has the US government changed credit card regulations?


Credit card companies in the US will soon be bound by new restrictions on their ability to charge

fees, or raise interest rates on existing borrowings.

The bill is designed to protect credit card users from unexpected fees or increases to their interest


The US government has been concerned to tighten its regulations of the banking system in the

light of the credit crunch and banking crisis.

“This cements a victory for every American consumer who has ever suffered at the hands of the

credit card industry”, said Senator Christopher Dodd, chairman of the Senate banking comminttee.


Americans currently owe nearly $1 trillion on their credit cards. The US government has been

concerned to tighten its regulation of the banking system in the light of the credit crunch and banking

crisis. (Adapted from

The US government has changed credit card regulations…

a) to keep their ability to charge fees and raise interest rates. b) to help financial companies.

c) to raise the credit limitations. d) to raise consumer protection

e) to avoid a credit crunch and banking crisis.

88) Read the text and check the statements below.


Just where in the world is the bluest sky? Expedia wanted to know for its “Blue Sky Explorer”

project. They asked NPL to develop a blue sky standard and some cheap equipment to measure it. Their

solution was to use cheap light-emitting diodes as the light standard,rather than the typical expensive

noble gas lamps, and the belt-and-braces device was calibrated against an international “colourimetry”


The result? Rio de Janeiro came out on top, followed by the Bay of Islands in New Zealand and

Uluru in Australia. Unsurprisingly the UK did not figure in strongly in the top 10, but Castell Dinas Bran in

Wales came in at number nine. (Adapted from

Which is the best alternative considering some of the statements are true (T) and others are false (F)?

I – The research is about the colour of the sky in different parts of the planet.

II – Expedia used a previous blue sky standard in the research.

III – The lamps that are currently used in the measurement were replaced by cheap ones.

IV – NPL adjusted the device to use an international “colourimentry” standard.

V – Rio de Janeiro and New Zealand got first rank in the Research while Australia came in second.

VI – It was a surprise that the UK did not figure in strongly in the top 10.

The best alternative is:

a) I – (T), II – (F), III – (F), IV – (F), V – (T), VI (F)

b) I – (F), II – (F), III – (T), IV – (T), V – (F), VI (F)

c) I – (F), II – (T), III – (T), IV – (F), V – (F), VI (T)

d) I – (T), II – (F), III – (T), IV – (T), V – (F), VI (F)

e) I – (T), II – (T), III – (F), IV – (F), V – (F), VI (T)

89) Which is the correct option to complete the text below?

________(1) last month I spent four days in _______(2) Angra with _____(3) cousin from ______(4) Paraná.

Her father is ______(5) uncle of mine who moved to _____(6) south 2 year ago.

a) Ø, the, a, the, the, the b) The, Ø, a, Ø, an, the c) Ø, Ø, a, Ø, an, the

d) The, the, a, the, the, the e) Ø, Ø, the, Ø, an, Ø

90) Which is the correct option to complete the sentences below?

The furniture for our living room _______________________ devilvered.

a) has not been b) have not been c) were not

d) does not have e) has not

91) Analyse the sentences below. Which TWO sentences express the same idea?

(1) Those poor children must have new shoes.

(2) Those poor children have had new shoes.

(3) New shoes must be provided for those poor children.

(4) New shoes must have been given for those poor children.

The correct answer is:

a) 1 and 2 b) 1 and 4 c) 2 and 3 d) 2 and 4 e) 1 and 3

92)Mary saw her boyfriend with another girl and they had a quarrel. She shouthed: “Don‟t come here


Which alternative best reports what she said?

a) She said her boyfriend do not come here anymore.

b) She told to her boyfriend not to come here anymore.


c) She said to her boyfriend to not to go there anymore.

d) She told her boyfriend not to come there anymore.

e) She told her boyfriend not to go there anymore.

93) Which sequence best complete the text below?

“That we are ____(1) the midst ____(2) crisis is now well understood. Our nation is ____(3) war against a

far reaching network ____(4) violence and hatred. Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of

great and irresponsibility ___(5) the part os some, but also our collective failure ____(6) make choices and

prepare the nation ____(7) a new age.” (Adapted from Barack Obama‟s speech/January, 2009)

a) at, to, in, of, at, in, to b) in, to, on, with, at, in, to c) in, of, at, of, on, to, for

d) at, of, in, for, at, to, for e) in, of, at, with, in, to, to

94) Which sequence best completes the text below?

When we go out on weekends, I don‟t mind ______(1). I enjoy ________(2) by car because it is more

comfortable and I can‟t resist __________(3) to take photos. However, I avoid ________(4) at night as I

prefer not _________(5) the risk of _________(6) on the wheel.

a) to drive, travel, to stop, driving, run, sleep

b) driving, to travel, to stop, driving, run, sleep

c) drive, traveling, stopping, to drive, to run, sleep

d) driving, traveling, stopping, driving, to run, sleeping

e) to drive, traveling, stopping, driving, to run, sleeping

95) Which alternative is grammatically correct?

a) He would like that I could come. b) He would like me to come.

c) He would like that I came. d) He would like me coming.

e) He would like me come.

96) Choose the best reply to this startement.

Mary: I have all the books the teacher told us about last class.

You: __________________________

a) Neither have I b) Nor have I c) So had I

d) So do I e) So did I

97) Which sequence best completes the text below?


Conventional wisdom among college and university students (and many of their parents) in early

2007 is that “everything needed for research is available free on the Web.” Therefore, academic libraries

are often viewed as costly dinosaurs – unnecessary expenses in today‟s environment. This idea is

uninformed at best and foolish at worst. If college and university libraries and librarians (1)__________, we

(2) ________ to invent, better yet, re-invent them. (Adapted from

a) don‟t exist, will have b) existed, would have c) didn‟t exist, would have

d) exist, won‟t have e) didn‟t exist, wouldn‟t have

98) Choose the best sequence to complete the blanks.


Trump has been so _________(1) in large part because he has managed to build a lifestyle brand

around the ___________(2) life that he lives and most people aspire to. He works ___________(3) to cultivate

the image, and he uses it to expand into new business lines and find new areas for profit. (Adapted from

a) success, luxurious, hard b) successful, luxury, hardly

c) successfully, luxuriously, hardly d) successfully, luxurious, hard

e) successful, luxurious, hard

99) Read the extract below and choose the only sequence that can complete it.



The other day I was chatting to a friend about children. We were discussing the fact that we had

both been __________(1) by rather strict parents, and had both decided to try to be more tolerant when

we _____________(2) and had children of our own. The problem that my friend had found with this strategy

was in finding a way to control his kids now that they are teenagers. He said the fact that he had

__________(3) them for more than 13 years, providing all the love and care they needed, is not enough to

persuade them to respect his decisions.

a) brought up, grew up, looked for b) grown up, brought up, kooked for

c) brought down, had grown up, looked after d) brought up, grew up, looked after

e) grown up, had grown up, looked like

NATO, ships, helicopters hunt down 7 pirates

NAIROBI, Kenya – NATO warships and helicopters pursued Somali pirates for seven hours after they

attacked a Norwegian tanker, NATO spokesmen said Sunday, and the high-speed chase only ended

when warning shots were fired at the pirates‟ skiff. Seven pirates attempted to attack the Norwegian-

flagged MV Front Ardenne late Saturday but fled after crew took evasive maneuvers and alerted

warships in the area, said Portuguese Lt. Cmdr. Alexandre Santos Fernandes, aboard a warship in the Gulf

of Aden, and Cmdr. Chris Davies, of NATO‟s maritime headquarters in England.

“How the attack was thwarted is unclear, it appears to have been the actions of the tanker,

“Davies said. Fernandes said no shots were fired at the tanker.

Davies said the pirates sailed into the path of the Canadian warship Winnipeg, which was

escorting a World Food Program delivery ship through the Gulf of Aden. The American ship USS

Halyburton was also in the area and joined the chase.

“There was a lengthy pursuit, over seven hours”, Davies said. The pirates hurled weapons into the

dark seas as the Canadian and U.S. warships closed in. The ships are part of NATO‟s anti-piracy mission.

“The skiff abandoned the scene and tried to escape to Somali territory”, Fernandes said. “It was

heading toward Bossaso but we managed to track them. Warning shots have been made after several

attempts to stop the vessel.”

Both ships deployed helicopters, and naval officers hailed the pirates over loudspeakers and

finally fired warning shots to stop them, Fernandes said, but not before the pirates had dumped most of

their weapons overboard. NATO forces boarded the skiff, where they found a rocket-propelled grenade,

and interrogated, disarmed and released the pirates.

The pirates cannot be prosecuted under Canadian law because they did not attack Canadian

citizens or interests and the crime was not committed on Canadian territory.

“When a ship is part of NATO, the detention of a person is a matter for the national authorities”,

Fernandes said. “It stops being a NATO issue and starts being a national issue.”

The pirates‟ release underscores the difficulties navies have in fighting rampant piracy off the

coast of lawless Somalia. Most of the time, foreign navies simply disarm and release the pirates they

catch due to legal complications and logistical difficulties in transporting pirates and witnesses to court.

Pirates have attacked more than 80 boats this year alone, four times the number assaulted in

2003, according to the Kuala Lumpur-based International Maritime Bureau. They now hold at least 18

ships – including a Belgian tanker seized Saturday with 10 crew aboard – and over 310 crew hostage,

according to an Associated Press count. (Adapted from:, 04/19/09)

100) The Canadian Navy is involved in the incident described in the text because:

a) The pirates accidentally crossed in front of the Canadian warship Winnipeg which was on its way

through the Gulf of Aden.

b) The pirates tried to attack an escorted ship filled with valuable supplies for the World Food Program.

c) The Norwegian tanker chased the pirates until the Canadian and the North American warships


d) NATO ships were already in the area looking for the pirate‟s skiff.

e) The USS Halyburton asked their Canadian counterparts for assistance after locating the skiff.

101) In the sentence “There was a lengthy pursuit, over seven hours”, there is a word formed by the suffix

“y”. In which option below the word is formed by the same suffix?

a) lately b) mostly c) fury d) ally e) healthy

102) According to the text, the crew members of the Somali shops seized CANNOT be held in custody


a) Their guns are hurled into the seas and no proof of their status as pirates can be found on board of

their ships.


b) International Law forbids NATO members to arrest crewmembers of other nationalities.

c) Somalia is a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and therefore its ships are only

subjected to that country‟s national legal persecution.

d) NATO members cannot make arrests abroad under a number of circumstances, such as when their

nationals are not directly affected.

e) Piracy is not a crime NATO countries are allowed to fight or prevent in the national waters of non-NATO


103) Which option contains words that replace with accuracy the following words that are underlined in

the text respectively: SKIFF – EVASIVE – THWARTED- RAMPANT:

a) vessel, elusive, avoided, increasing b) small boat, dangerous, facilitated, violent

c) yacht, ambiguous, planned, violent d) small boat, elusive, prevented, uncontrolled

e) vessel, dangerous, spoilt, increasing

104) In the fragment “… naval officers hailed the pirates over loudspeakers…”, the word highlighted

could be accurately replaced with:

a) alerted b) threatened c) called d) informed e) advised

105)According to the text, the inability to seize pirates and take them to court ends up:

a) Encouraging piracy in international waters because Somali authorities are too slow to introduce

measures to protect ships in its own territory.

b) Leading to difficult and lengthy court cases where witnesses and pirates have to be transported to

different locations.

c) Being the result of a number of legal and technical difficulties in Somalia to carry out proper legal

action against pirates due to particular international organizations such as NATO.

d) Underscoring the efforts of foreign navies to disarm and release pirates.

e) Increasing the attacks of pirates who benefit from the fact that legal persecution will not be sought

due to its inherent difficulties.

106) „The economic downturn has affected many households in the United States. U.S. homeowners have

continued investing their money in the stock market though”. The underlined connective expresses the

idea of:

a) conclusion b) time c) emphasis d) contrast e) addition

107) Choose the option in which the prepositions complete the verb phrases with accuracy, respectively:

I – The ship is bound _______ Africa.

II – We set sail ______ a tour of the Caribbean.

III – The captain was responsible _______ the incident.

IV – Attention has to be given ______ the weather conditions.

V – Crew members are expected to comply ______ safety regulations.

a) for, to, for, for, with b) in, for, for, to, to c) to, for, for, to, with

d) to, for, to, to, to e) for, to, to, for, with

108) Complete the sentences with the correct verb tenses:

I – Little __________________ what problems he creates for others.

II – No sooner ____________________ the receiver with a great sigh of relief, help arrived.

III – Not for one moment __________________________ his integrity.

IV – Under no circumstances _________________________ class.

a) Does he realize / he had put down / would I doubt / should you miss

b) Does he realize / had he put down / would I doubt / should you miss

c) He realizes / he had put down / will I doubt / you should miss

d) He will realize / he puts down / will I doubt / should you miss

e) He realized / he would put down / would I dout / you should miss

109) “People must be aware of the consequences of their actions. One can do whatever he pleases as

long as he doesn‟t do harm to others. This may not be followed by many people, but it certainly should. If

a person has many friends, he must know this already”. The underlined modal verbs express:

a) advice, permission, permission, advice, obligation

b) adivce, ability, permission, ability, obligation

c) obligation, permission, possibility, advice, deduction


d) obligation, ability, possibility, obligation, deduction

e) deduction, ability, permission, obligation, obligation

110) The suffix “ly” forms adverbs of manner from adjectives as, for example, in: calm (adjective) – calmly

(adverb of manner). Which of the adjectives below DOES NOT follow this rule?

a) quick b) fast c) fine d) quiet e) exquisite

111) “She has tried to reach them four times on the phone without success. Hence she needs to write

them as her last option”. The underlined connective expresses the idea of:

a) addition b) conclusion c) enumeration d) contrast e) concession

112) Choose the correct option to complete the sentences:

I – A stranger came into the hall _____________ he opened the front door.

II - __________________ you begin to look at the problem there is almost nothing you can do about it.

III - __________________ extensive inquiries were made at the time, no trace was found of any relative.

IV – You cannot be put on probation _______________ you are guilty.

a) Like, although, despite, as soon as b) Since, although, despite, as soon as

c) Since, even though, although, unless d) As, once, although, unless

e) As, once, in spite of, even if

113) The conditions expressed in the sentences “IF they had known the outcomes, they would have

taken different measures” and “you should know people better, if you really want to make more friends”

are, respectively:

a) unlikely, unlikely b) impossible, unlikely c) likely, unlikely

d) impossible, likely e) likely, impossible

114) “People believe that saving money is the key to happiness. Nevertheless, enjoying life also involves

spending money on things that make you feel happy and accomplished”. The underlined connective

could be replaced with:

a) Thus b) Moreover c) Still d) Therefore e) Furthermore

115) Mark the alternative in which DO and MAKE are all used correctly:

a) Do a favor / make repairs / make amends / make a bargain

b) Make a bid / make a demand / do ends meet / make an entry

c) Make an excuse / make a face / make as much as you can / make business

d) Do a proposal / make a scene / do silly things / make a review

e) Do an errand / make fun of / make known / do friends

As questões de 116 a 118 referem-se ao seguinte texto:

Botelho a worthy

Award Winner

Thys year, Brazil and the world have been celebrating the 100th anniversary of the first fight at a

public event by Brazilian Alberto Santos Dumont.

With his imminent retirement next April as president and chief executive officer of Embraer,

Maurício Botelho must be seen as another Brazilian aviation hero, one who turned a small money-losing

company into a vibrant word-class aircraft manufacturer.

Botelho spent the first 15 years of his working career at Embraer before leaving to pursue other

opportunities. When he returned in 1995, Embraer had been privatized and was embarking on

production and delivery of its first regional jets, several years behind competitor Bombardier.

The Embraer ERJ-145 had its maiden fight just weeks before Botelho came on board. First delivery

was in late 1996, and the company has never looked back. Nearly 1,000 aircraft based on the ERJ-145

platform had been deliverd to 87 operators around the world. A decate on, the EJR-145 program has

reached the 10 million fight-hour milestone.

Under Botelho‟s leadship, Embraer has had a penchant for seizing market opportunitites. It saw an

unfilled market niche for aircraft seating 70-110, and its four-model 170/190 program has won 731 orders

to date from airlines around the world.

Embraer also used the ERJ platform to develop and Intelligence, Surveillance and

Reconnaissance aircraft, and to produce the Legacy, its first foray into business jets. It is now raking in

orders for three other business aircraft in development.


Botelho‟s “legacy” is a dynamic company, one of Brazil‟s leading exporters, investing in its

employees and technology to produce top-notch aircraft. (Airline Business Daily – @ALTA, 2 December, 2006 p.6)

116) De acordo com o texto, pode-se inferior que Maurício Botelho:

a) trabalha na EMBRAER há quinze anos e é considerado um herói da aviação brasileira.

b) deixou as atividades na EMBRAER em 1995, época em que o modelo ERJ-145 foi projetado.

c) voltou a trabalhar na EMBRAER em 1995, antes da privatização da empresa.

d) iniciou sua vida professional na EMBRAER.

e) deixou a presidência da EMBRAER em abril de 2.006

117) Considere as seguintes informações:

I – O modelo ERJ-145, fabricado pela EMBRAER, teve Maurício Botelho como um dos idealizadores.

II – A empresa Bombardier passou a produzir jatos regionais para competir com os jatos do mesmo

padrão, fabricados pela EMBRAER.

III – A gestão de Maurício Botelho na EMPRAER foi bem-sucedida devido ao investimento em tecnologia

e em recursos humanos.

Está(ão) correta(s):

a) apenas a I b) apenas a II c) apenas a III d) apenas I e II e) apenas I e III

118) Considere as seguintes afirmações:

I – maiden em “The Embraer ERJ-145 had its maiden flight just weeks before…” (4º parágrafo) pode ser

substituído por single.

I – penchant em “…Embraer has had a penchant for seizing market opportunities.” (5º parágrafo) pode

ser substituído por tendency.

III – foray em “its first foray into business jets.” (6º parágrafo) pode ser substituído por attempt.

Está(ão) correta(s):

a) apenas a I b) apenas a II c) apenas a III d) apenas II e III e) todas

As quesões de 119 a 122 referem-se ao texto a seguir:

Taking Measure With Hardware and Software

The researchers who founded National Instruments Corp switched from building their equipment to

beefing up other people‟s.

“You could start a company”. That offhand comment by Jim Truchard got Jeff Kodosky and Bill

Nowlin thinking. Within days, Truchard and his two employees at the Applied Research Laboratories (ARL)

at the University of Texas as Austin (UT) decided to give it a go. That was in February 1976. By May, the trio

had incorporated. Today, National Instruments Corp has annual Sales topping $425 million, employs more

than 3100 people, sells some 1500 hardware and software products, and, for five years running, has been

rated by Fortune magazine as one of the 100 best companies to work for.

At ARL, Truchard headed an underwater acoustic measurements lab. “I had about two dozen

different projects, all the way from basic acoustics to pragmatic testing of military sonar beam formers”,

he says. Truchard went into science because of Sputinik. “I was right on the cusp of that movement. We

were all taking Russian and physics”, he says. He earnd bachelor‟s and master‟s degrees in physics and

did his PhD – on a nonlinear parametric acoust receiving array – in electrical engineering, all at UT.

Kodosky and Nowlin both worked part-time for Truchard while enrolled at U.T. Nowlin earned a master‟s in

electrical engineering and Kodosky, who has a bachelor‟s in physics from Rensselaer Polytechnic

Institute, worked toward a PhD: he drifted between theroretical high-energy physics and computer

science but did not complete the degree. (…)

Physics intuition

Both Kodosky and Truchard point to their physics training as playing a role in their success with

National Instruments. Says Truchard, “Acoustical measurements are fairly tricky, and it happens to be a

smaller are where you didn‟t have off-the-shelf equipment. You had to build equipment. That

background, and the measurements themselves, created a basis”. What‟s more, he adds, “the physics

background helps create good intuition. I think having solved differential equations and learned about

gradients, you know how things are going to work out. I‟ve always felt it helped me develop intuition

about business.”


In leaving academic research, says Kodosky, “we took a giant step back from what we were

workin on. ARL was cutting edge. Now it was customers who were doing the interesting experiments”. Still,

he and Truchard say they have more impact on science by supplying tools than they would have had as

researchers. “We can have a nonlinear effect on the productivity of the science and engineering

community. There is plenty of anectodal evidence that our virtual instrumentation can make people 5 to

10 times as productivity”. Kodosky says. “I personally would find it frustrating [to do research] because it‟s

slow, but dropping by a customer‟s site every couple of years is fun. We live vicariously through them”. (Tony Feder)

119) Considere as seguintes afirmações:

I – Truchard, Nowlin e Kodosky fundaram a empresa National Instruments Corp, em 1976.

II – A National Instruments Corp atua na area de informática e, de acordo com a Revista Fortune, está

entre as 100 melhores empresas mais produtivas nesta area.

III – Nowlin e Kodosky trabalhavam para Truchard, em tempo parcial, enquanto estudavam na

Universidade do Texas.

Está(ão) correta(s):

a) apenas a I b) apenas a II c) apenas a III d) apenas I e III e) apenas II e III

120) Considere as seguintes afirmações:

I – Truchard estudou Física na Rússia e tem doutorado em Engenharia Elétrica.

II – Nowlin é mestre em Engenharia Elétrica.

III – Kodosky não concluiu o doutorado.

Está(ão) correta(s):

a) apenas a II b) apenas I e II c) apenas I e III d) apenas II e III e) todas

121) Considere as seguintes afirmações:

I – A formação acadêmica dos proprietários da National Instruments Corp foi importante para o sucesso

da empresa.

II – Para Truchard, Nowlin e Kodosky, o ingresso no mundo corporativo representou um retrocesso em

termos de pesquisa acadêmica.

III – A graduação de Kodosky e Truchard em Física foi um fator relevante para o desenvolvimento da

intuição para os negócios.

Está(ão) correta(s):

a) apenas a I b) apenas I e II c) apenas I e III d) apenas II e III e) todas

122) A expressão What’s more (2ª coluna, 1º parágrafo) NÃO pode ser substituído por:

a) Nevertheless b) Besides c) Also d) Moreover e) Furthermore

Leia o texto a seguir e responda as questoes 123, 124 e 125.

Babies can spot languages on facial clues alone (Adapted from, May 2007)

(1) Young babies can discriminate between different languages just by looking at an adult‟s face,

even if they do not hear a single spoken word. And babies who grow up bilingual can do this for longer

than monolingual infants. The work suggest that visual information help to tell languages apart.

(2) “This supports the idea that infants come prepared to learn multiple languages and to

discriminate them both auditorily and visually”, says Whitney Weikum from the University of British

Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, who discovered babies‟ keen eye for speech. “Looking at a face may

help identify speakers of your native language”.

(3) Weikum and her colleagues, showed babies videos of adults speaking various sentences, but with

the sound turned off. The infants soon got bored, but as soon as speakers switched from Engelish to

French, they noticed the change and watched with renewed interest.

(4) Laura-Ann Petitto, who researches language and child development at Dartmouth College in

Hanover, US, previously studied visual language perception in deaf babies who were learning sign

language. She is excited by Weikum‟s results: “Never did we dream that young hearing babies also use

visual cues in this stunning way.”

Bilingual asset

(5) A good eye for different languages appears to be especially important if you need to tell them

apart regularly. At eight months old, bilingual babies could still see the switch happen, but their

monolingual peers stopped noticing it after the age of six months.


(6) “This shows us how a baby‟s language development is closely related to their learning

environment”, says Weikum. “Only if they are explosed to more than one language, do they remain able

to discriminate the languages visually.”

(7) However, Weikum does not think that parents who are keen to help their babies learn to speak

need to introduce a second language before the visual discrimination ability disappears, of start using

visually exaggerated speech. “Our study does not show visual speech cues help infants learn languages,

only to tell them apart. Parents should just continue talking to their babies in fun, engaging


(8) The researchers now want to discover more about how bilingual babies maintain and take

advantaged of visual discrimination, and find out what the precise visual cues are in a speaker‟s face

that help a baby to identify different languages.

123) Uma das frases a seguir expressa a idéia Principal (P) do texto, uma outra expressa uma idéia muito

Ampla (A) para ser considerada a idéia principal e uma terceira expressa uma idéia muito Restrita (R)

para ser a idéia principal do texto. Identifique-as:

a) ( ) Visual language perception is the focus of different researchers.

b) ( ) Young babies have a keen eye for identifying a second language switch.

c) ( ) Parents should not worry about introducing a second language to their kids before the visual

discrimination ability disappears.

124) Numere as frases abaixo de 1 a 8, conforme o número do parágrafo indicado no texto que

expressa a idéia de cada sentença.

a) ( ) Babies in whose environment only one language is spoken can hold the special ability for a shorter

priod of time.

b) ( ) Exposing a baby to visual linguistic stimuli won‟t necessarily make them better language learners.

c) ( ) Language visual information is used either by babies who can hear as by babies who cannot.

d) ( ) Scientists still don‟t have the answers for a series of questions.

e) ( ) Summary of the text.

f) ( ) The conclusion of the research agrees with the idea that humans have an innate biological

apparatus for learning different languages.

g) ( ) The context where a child is raised has to do with the development of their linguistic abilities.

h) ( ) The experiment procedure.

125) Complete as frases a seguir com „and‟, „because‟, „but‟, „or‟ e „so‟ para que elas façam sentido de

acordo com o texto “Babies can spot languages on facial clues alone”. Os conectivos não devem ser


a) Differently from monolingual babies, bilingual ones can discriminate between different languages

after six months old __________ that doesn‟t mean this ability them better languages learners.

b) Whitney Weikum discovered babies keen eye for speech __________ Laura-Ann Pelitto, who also

studies visual language perception in babies, got very excited with the results.

c) A good eye for different languages appears especially important to bilingual babies _________ they

need to tell them apart regularly.

d) The sound of the videos shown to the babies had to be turned off ________ the results couldn‟ have

concluded that visual information helps to tell languages apart.

e) The researches want to discover more about how bilingual babies maintain and take advantage of

visual discrimination ___________ the studies should be carried on.

Leia o texto a seguir e responda as questões 126, 127, 128 e 129.

Wi-F? Why Worry? (Adapted from BBC, April 2007)

Scare stories about the dangers of wireless networks lack credibility, argues Bill Thompson

(1) Students at Canada‟s Lakehead University have to be careful how they connect to the internet

because Wi-Fi is banned on large parts of the campus.

(2) University president Fred Gilbert, whose academic interests include wildlife management,

environmental studies and natural resources science, is worried about the health impact of the 2.4 GHz

radio waves used by wireless networks.

(3) Last year decided to adopt the precautionary principle and refused to allow Wi-Fi in those areas

that have what he calls „hard wire connectivity” until it is proved to be safe.

(4) Mr. Gilbert believes that “microwave radiation in the frequency range of Wi-Fi has been shown to

increase permeability of the blood-brain barrier, cause behavioural changes, alter cognitive functions,


activate a stress response, interfere iwht brain waves, cell grouth, cell communication calcium ion

balance, etc., and cause single and double strand DNA breaks”.

(5) Unfortunately the science says he is wrong, and his students are suffering as a resuft.

Smog talk

(6) While the heating effects of high exposures to electromagnetic radiation can be damaging, the

power levels of wireless connections are much lower than the microwave ovens and mobile phones

which share the frequency range, and treating them in the same way is the worst sort of


(7) Yet Mr. Gilbert is not alone.

(8) In 2003 parents sued a primary school in Chicago because it had dared to provide children with

easy access to computing resources over a wireless network.

(9) And there are a number of pressure groups, campaigning organizations and ill-informed

individuals who believe that wireless networks pose a threat to health and want to see them closed


(10) Now it seems they have been joined by the editor of the UK newspaper the Independent on

Sunday, which this weekend filled its front page with a call for research into the “electronic smog” that is

permeating the nation‟s schools and damaging growing children‟s brains.

(11) An accompanying editorial with the even-handed headline “high-tech horrors” called for an

official inquiry, while the article outlining the perceived dangers asked “Is the Wi-Fi revolution a health

time bomb?”

(12) The answer, of course, is “no”.

(13) That will not stop the newspaper stoking up a wave of opposition to one of the most liberating

technologies to have come out of the hi-tech revolution, limiting children‟s access to networked

computers at schools and even blocking plans to develop municipal wireless networks in our towns and


(14) If the journalists were really concerned about the dangers of radio frequency electromagnetic

radiation on the sensitive brains of the young, they should be calling for the closure of TV and radio

transmission towers rather than asking us to turn off our Wi-Fi laptops.

(15) The modulated frequencies that carry Radio 4 and ITV into our homes are just as powerful as the

wireless networks, and a lot more pervasive.

(16) And my wireless network is only carrying data when I‟m online, while Radio 3 burbles all day long,

possibly exciting electrons in my brain and causing headaches.

(17) Then there is the danger from photons of visible light streaming down onto us as we work, since

these carry more energy than microwaves and could surely do more damage.

(18) Perhaps we should demand that our children work in the dark.

126) Retiro do texto “Wi-Fi? Why Worry?” as informações pedidas nos itens seguintes.

The frequency of wireless network radio waves. ________________________a______________________.

Three health damages network radio frequency are supposed to cause: ____________b____________,

______________________c______________________ and ___________________d______________________.

An example of a technological device whose power levels are higher and can be more dangerous

to health than that of Wi-Fi: ______________e_________________.

127) Retire do parágrafo indicado uma palavra ou expressão que seja o sinônimo da expressão dada

em cada item.

a) parágrafo 6 – to have something in commom:

b) parágrafo 9 – are risky:

c) parágrafo 10 – request:

d) parágrafo 14 – insteat of:

e) parágrafo 17 – harm:

128) Complete as frases a seguir usando as palavras e expressões do quadro conforme o conteúdo do

texto “Wi-Fi? Why Worry?”

Bill Thompson

Fred Gilbert

Students at Canada‟s Lakehead University

Ill-informed individuals

The editor of The Independent



a) _____________________ thinks it is a mistake to forbid people to Wi-Fi connect to the internet under the

argument of health impact of the 2.4 GHz radio waves used by this kind of technology.

b) _____________________ devotes attention to diverse issues concerning how to live in nowadays world

without the pervasive effects of technology.

c) ______________________ are not allowed to use Wi-Fi resources in areas where the wire connectivity is


d) ____________________, e)_____________________, f) ____________________ and g)__________________ agree

when it comes to believing that wireless network technology threatens people‟s healthy.

h) _____________________ were imposed a precautionary principle by i) ___________________, and are

experiencing and unpleasant situation.

j) ______________________ are not really worried about the effects Wi-Fi technology can cause in humans‟

bodies, if so they would also claim agains radio frequencies and electromagnetic radiation.


01 – a, 02 – b, 03 – a, 04 – a, 05 – a, 06 – a, 07 – b, 08 – c, 09 – c, 10 – a, 11 – d, 12 – b, 13 – c, 14 – d, 15 – b,

16 – d, 17 – a, 18 – c, 19 – d, 20 – a, 21 – c, 22 – d, 23 – c, 24 – d, 25 – a, 26 – d, 27 – e, 28 – d, 29 – a, 30 – b,

31 – a, 32 – b, 33 – e, 34 – a, 35 – c, 36 – b, 37 – a, 38 – d, 39 – b, 40 – b, 41 – d, 42 – c, 43 – a, 44 – c, 45 – b,

46 – d, 47 – d, 48 – b, 49 – a, 50 – d, 51 – d, 52 – b, 53 – c, 54 – c, 55 – a, 56 – b, 57 – c, 58 – a, 59 – a, 60 – c,

61 – b, 62 – a, 63 – e, 64 – a, 65 – c, 66 – e, 67 – d, 68 – e, 69 – d, 70 – c, 71 – b, 72 – d, 73 – e, 74 – a, 75 – c,

76 – b, 77 – c, 78 – e, 79 – a, 80 – a, 81 – e, 82 – b, 83 – e, 84 – a, 85 – c, 86 – e, 87 – d, 88 – d, 89 – c, 90 – a,

91 – e, 92 – e, 93 – c, 94 – d, 95 – b, 96 – d, 97 – c, 98 – e, 99 – d, 100 – a, 101 – e, 102 – d, 103 – d, 104 – c,

105 – e, 106 – d, 107 – c, 108 – b, 109 – c, 110 – b, 111 – b, 112 – b, 112 – d, 113 – d, 114 – c, 115 – a, 116 – d,

117 – c, 118 – d, 119 – d, 120 – d, 121 – e, 122 – a, 123 – A, P, R, 124 – 5, 7, 4, 8, 1, 2, 6, 3, 125 – a) but, b)

and, c) because, d) or, e) so – 126 - a) 2.4 GHz, b) aumento da permeabilidade da barreira hemato-

encefálica, c) mudanças comportamentais, d) alteraçõees nas funções cognitivas, e) microondas ou

celulares, 127 – a) share, b) pose a threat, c) request, d) rather than, e) damage, 128) a) Bill Thompson,

b) Mr. Gilbert, c) Students at Canada‟s Lakehead University, d)Mr. Gilbert, e) Ill informed individuals, f)

The editor of the Independent, g) Journalists, h) Students at Canada‟s Lakehad University, i) Mr. Gilbert, j)





Let‟s spend the night together

“He used to love her, but it‟s all over now. A couple for more than two decades, Mick Jagger, and Jerry

Hall, said they would have their marriage annulled. Hall filed for divorce after a Brazilian model claimed

Jagger had made her pregnant. But Jagger challenged the action, saying his marriage to Hall in Bali was

nhot legally valid. Undoubtedly, the hangup was money. London papers claimed that the Rolling Stone‟s

lead singer will pay $11 million to $15 million. That shouldn‟t be a problem. The Stones, even after rolling

for a third of a century, are still the world‟s top musical attraction, taking in nearly $88 million so far from

this year‟s touring.” (Adapted from Time, July, 1999)

01) The Statement from the text, “But Jagger challenged the action saying his marriage to Hall in Bali was

not legally valid” means that Jagger

a) displayed how his determination in relation to his marriage in Bali was not valid and legal in count.

b) expressed his disagreement about the authorities rules, affirming his speech was true and theme were

some mistakes with the laws.

c) wanted to challenge Hall by saying their marriege had happened as a result of her pregnancy.

d) divorced his wife after confirming her judgment accepting the consideration of a court of law she‟s

brought an action against him.

RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA B – Jagger casou-se em Bali, mas afirma agora que o casamento não tem

validade jurídica.

02) The world hangup in the text means.

a) something you wait for a short time and solve tightly.

b) a particular place where people get money after requiring it in court.

c) an informal way to keep something updated instead of asking for money judicially.

d) a subject you have to solve.


RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA B – O dicionário refere-se a hang-up como um sentimento permanente e

irracional de ansiedade com relação a uma característica pessoal. Portanto, pode-se entender, no

contexto da passagem acima, que a palavra expressa um assunto a ser resolvido (uma pendência).


Where Astronauts Are Gods

“In a country which learned not to believe in God, it reigns the belief in science. Like saints, the

cosmonauts (the way Russians call astronauts) occupy a place of eminence in the pantheon of the

national Russian heroes. They have multiple talents, being the greatest one, the capacity of going to

space. Streets, avenues and schools are named after astronauts. There are a lot of statues and museums

all over the country. There‟s also a date to celebrate them, April, 12.

Up to now, ninety nine Russians have already gone into space since 1961, when Yuri Gagarin became

the first man to go into orbit. Not by chance, he‟s adored among the conquerors of Cosmo. His

premature death when he was 34 years old (seven years after his first and unique space flight in a tragic

plane accident whose causes are still mysterious) contributed to create the myth.” (Adapted from O Globo, April, 02-2006.)

03) According to the text, it‟s understood that

a) Russians are people whose religion isn‟t so strong as it is in the rest of the world.

b) Yuri Gagarin went into orbit and since then science is a great subject to be discussed.

c) Russia believes that God may be more important than its capacity to send cosmonauts to space.

d) Nowadays astronauts occupy a high position in the news.

RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA A – O texto fala sobre o sucesso dos expoentes científicos russos, e, devido à

falta de religião, estes expoentes acabam se tornando heróis nacionais, corroborando para que a

alternativa seja a letra A. É ressaltada a importância dos cosmonautas (astronautas) na cultura e na

mente do povo russo com exemplos como data comemorativa, estátuas, nome de ruas entre outros.

04) Another way to say the statement, “Streets, avenues and schools are named after astronauts”, would


a) Astronauts gave their names to streets, avenues and schools.

b) The names of astronauts give them a place of heroes on streets, avenues and schools.

c) Streets, avenues and schools are given to astronauts by the meaning of their names.

d) Russians honor their astronauts by giving their names to streets, avenues and schools.

RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA D – A tradução do trecho “Streets, avenues and schools are named after

astronauts” é “Ruas, avenidas e escolas recebem os nomes dos astronautas”.

a) FALSA, pois não são os astronautas que dão os nomes, mas sim as autoridades, em homenagem aos


b) FALSA, pois esta afirmativa significa “Os nomes dos astronautas lhes dão um lugar de heróis nas ruas,

avenidas e escolas”, sendo esta frase incoerente com o trecho de referência da questão.

c) FALSA, pois esta afirmativa significa “Ruas, avenidas e escolas são dadas a astronautas por meio de

seus nomes”, sendo esta frase incoerente com o trecho de referência da questão.

d) VERDADEIRA: a tradução desta alternativa é “Os russos homenageiam seus astronautas dando seus

nomes a ruas, avenidas e escolas”, frase esta que nada mais é do que uma paráfrase do trecho


05) Taking the sentence, “There are a lot of statues and museums all over the country. There‟s also a date

to celebrate them.”, the word in boldface refers to

a) the statues and museums in Russia b) streets, avenues and schools in Russia

c) the astronauts from Russia d) scientists from Russia

RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA C – O dia 12 de abril é uma data comemorativa para celebrar os astronautas

na Rússia, além disso, naquele país há estátuas e museus para homenageá-los.


June 12th, 1997. Diana, Princess of Wales, addresses a seminar on landmines. Here are some excerpts of

her speech:

I. “I welcome this conference on landimines (…) because the world is too little aware of the waste of life,

limb and land which antipersonnel landmines are causing among some of the poorest people on earth.

Indeed, until my journed to Angola early this year, (…) I was largely unaware of it too”. (…)

06) According to the except above the undefined statement means that


a) many people not even know or care about limbs and lands that are being lost due to landmines

among the poorest people.

b) anti-personnel landmines are causing awareness among not only the poorest people but the

landmines, too.

c) the poorest people on earth are waiting their lives in landmines that‟s why waste their healthy, too.

d) limbs and lands that are among the poorest population are not aware of the world.

RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA A – A princesa Diana discursa de modo claro falando que o mundo tem

pouca consciência (… to little aware …) sobre as perdas causadas por minas terrestres.

07) According to Diana‟s speech we way observe that her first concem is related to the

a) ones who are not killed outrigth

b) terrible injuries peopole from Angola suffer.

c) little information the world has about the deaths caused by landmines.

d) world that remains largely aware of the jandicapped ones.

RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA C – No começo do texto lemos “The world, with its many other preocupations,

remains largely unmoved by a death roll of some 800 people every month (…)”, cuja tradução é: “O

mundo, com suas muitas outras preocupações, permanece imóvel diante de um corredor da morte de

800 pessoas todos os meses”. Ao fim do texto lemos que esse “death roll” (corredor da morte) é causado

pelas minas terrestres, o que nos leva à alternativa C.

08) Read the paragraph below to answer question 8.

“Os brasileiros são os grandes beneficiados com a auto-suficiência na produção nacional de petróleo e

com os investimentos que estão sendo feitos pela Petrobrás.” (Revista PETROBRÁS, Abril de 2006.)

According to the text.

a) our fuel is being produced in our country and we need to import it.

b) a lot of investment should be done in order in put Brazil in a high position.

c) Brazilians now have their own production of fuel that‟s why we may be proud of Petrobras.

d) Petrobras has been the first company to produce fuel in great quantity.

RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA C – A tradução da alternativa C é “Os brasileiros agora possuem sua própria

produção de petróleo e por isso podemos nos orgulhar da Petrobrás. As demais alternativas não

expressam corretamente o texto porque:

a) afirma que necessitamos importar petróleo (o que não é dito no texto, pelo contrário, o texto

subentende auto suficiência do Brasil em petróleo);

b) afirma que, para colocar o Brasil em uma posição elevada são necessários elevados investimentos (o

texto nada afirma sobre posição elevada, mas sim sobre a auto suficiência e investimentos que já estão

sendo feitos e não investimentos futuros que seriam necessários);

d) diz que a Petrobrás é a primeira a produzir petróleo em grande quantidade (além de não ser

verdade, não é dito no texto).


The following extract is from a children‟s scholl science book. Read it and answer questions 9 to 11.

When houses are double glazed, only a relatively small amount of heat is lost through the windows.

Double glazed windows have two panes of glass and are strapped between them, preventing escaping

of the heat. Double glazing also ensures that condensation is reduced and noise is decreased. Heating

bills can be reduced when double glazing is installed. People living near busy roads or airports also find

that double glazing has to be fitted. (Taken from Exploring Grammar in Context – Cambridge University Press)

09) “only a relatively small amount of heat is los through the windows”. The boldface expression in the

sentence can only be substituted for

a) a great deal of b) plenty of c) a small number of d) a little

RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA D – A small amount of é usado com expressões incontáveis, e portanto só

pode ser substituída por a little.

10) Mark the option that means “Heating bills can be reduced when double glazing is installed.”

a) When double glazing is installed heating bills can reduced it.

b) Double glazing can reduce heating bills when it is installed.

c) Double glazing is installed to reduce heating bills.

d) When you install double glazing you reduce heating bills.


RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA B – A questão trata da passagem de voz passiva para ativa; por isso, para a

passiva, temos: “custos de calefação podem ser reduzidos com vitrificação dupla”, que, na voz ativa,

fica “a vitrificação dupla pode reduzir o custo de calefação”.

11) Mark the item that contains the right information about the text.

a) When double glazed is installed in a house it gets warmer and with less noise.

b) Houses become more secure if the windows are glazed because of the condensation.

c) A safe house is recognized when we can check that it‟s glazed indeed and not so noisy.

d) Double glazed houses are less noisy and prevent us from the high temperature.

RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA A – No texto lemos sobre as vantagens de colocar camadas duplas de vidro

nas janelas de uma casa: “only a relatively small amount of heat is lost through the windows. Double

glazed windosw … preventing escaping of the heat. (…) also ensures that condensation is reduced and

noise is decreased.”

Em português:

“somente uma relativamente pequena quantidade de calor é perdida através das janelas. Janelas

com camada dupla de vidro, eivta-se a perda de calor e também reduz a condensação e o barulho”.

Em nenhum momento o fator segurança é levado em consideração, eliminando as alternativas B e C.

Já a alternativa D pode ser eliminada uma vez que, segundo a mesma, a dupla camada de vidro nos

protegeria das altas temperaturas e esta afirmação não é sustentada pelo texto. Além disso, o contexto

é de uma região fria, sendo citado no texto “Heating bills can be reduced …”, isto é, despesas com

aquecimento podem ser reduzidas, assim, a alternativa correta é a A.


Read the article below carefully and answer questions 12 to 14.


Fireworks constitute a variety of devices used for religious or entertainment purposes. They contain

incendiary compunds that produce sound, color, smoke, or movement, or combination of these. The

ingredients consist of fuels, oxidizers, and modifying agents. The fuels used are charcoal, sulfur, antimony

sulfide, and powdered metals. Chlorates and nitrates usually provide oxygen for the reaction, since

fireworks do not use atmospheric oxygen. Various colors are obtained from metals salts. Sodium produces

yellow; copper, blue green; calcium, red; strontium, scarlet; and barium, green. Picric acid or sulfur tends

to intensify the colors, and ammonium salts increase the shades obtainable. Addition of iron and

aluminum powder provides sparks and fiery displays. The craft of blending mixtures packaging them is an

ancient one in China, where fireworks are used for religious purposes. In Europe fireworks for

entertainment have been manufactured since the 13th century. In many places throughout the United

States and Canada the sale of fireworks is restricted by law because of the danger of injury. (The International Encyclopedia)

12) Que alternativa está correta em relação ao texto?

a) O oxigênio atmosférico, na verdade, é um dos ingredientes dos fogos de artifício.

b) Fogos de artifício vêm sendo produzidos na Europa há oito séculos.

c) Religiosos usavam fogos de artifício somente para diversões.

d) Nos Estados Unidos e Canadá as pessoas não podem comprar fogos de artifício.


a) FALSA: no texto encontramos “fireworks do not use atmospheric oxygen”, isto é, os fogos não utilizam

oxigênio atmosférico.

b) VERDADEIRA: trecho transcrito do texto: “In Europe fireworks (…) have been manufactured since the

13th century”, ou seja, fogos têm sido fabricados na Europa desde o século 13 (isto é, há 8 séculos).

c) FALSA: o que o texto diz é que os fogos são utilizados para fins religiosos e para de diversão e não que

os religiosos o utilizam para diversão.

d) FALSA: no texto encontramos “In many places throughout the United Stares and Canada”, isto é, em

vários lugares dos EUA e Canadá e não em toda a extensão destes países como afirma a alternativa.

13) “The craft of blending mixtures packaging them is an ancient one in China, where fireworks are used

for religious purposes.” The word one in this sentece

a) refers to the world craft.

b) denotes the quantity of fireworks used in China.

c) is used to refer to a particular thing within a group.

d) is used to emphasize a situation.


RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA A – “The craft of blending mixtures packaging them is an ancient one”, ou

seja, an ancient craft. A palavra one é usada para que a palavra craft não tenha que ser repetida.

14) Change the sentence extracted from the text into passive voice.

“Chlorates and nitrates usually provide oxygen for the reaction.”

a) Oxygen is provided for the reaction usually by chlorates and nitrates.

b) The ones that usually provide oxygen for the reaction are chlorates and nitrates.

c) Oxygen for the reaction is usually provided by chlorates and nitrates.

d) Chlorates and nitrates are usually provided by oxygen for the reaction.

RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA C – Nesta questão temos a mudança do emprego de voz ativa para voz

passiva. Assim, se dissermos que “os cloratos e nitratos normalmente fornecem o oxigênio para a

reação” sua passiva será “o oxigênio para a reação será normalmente fornecido pelos cloratos e



Read the passage below and answer questions 15 to 17

Who Moved My Cheese?

Who Moved My Cheese? It‟s a parable that reveals deep truths about changes. Two little mice and two

little men live in a labyrinth searching for some cheese – a metaphor used to express what we wish to

have in life, from a good job to spiritual peace. One of them is successful and writes what he learnt from

his experiences on the walls of the labyrinths. The scribbled words on the walls teach us how to deal with

the changes to live with less stress and achieve much more success at work and personal life.

15) It‟s clear that “Who moved my chesse”” is

a) a self-confidence book that tries to make us smarter to modify plentiful situations in our lives.

b) a piece of advice for the ones who can‟t solve their problems at all, and still insist on being stuck.

c) a self-improvement reading that shows how we should deal with ourselves and make life better.

d) a special speech for the ones that are involved with the great changes that occur when they get


RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA C – O texto refere-se a um famoso livro da categoria “Auto ajuda”, que

poderia ter uma tradução livre para o inglês como “self-development”. O último parágrafo nos leva

diretamente à alternativa correta, quando diz “… teach us how to deal with the changes to live with less

stress and achieve much more success at work and personal life”, que em português significa “… nos

ensina como lidar com as mudanças da vida com menos estresse e alcançar muito mais sucesso no

trabalho e na vida pessoal.”

16) “Two little mice and two little men live in a labyrinth searching for some cheese.”

The world little can only be substituted for ___________ and refers to the ___________.

a) small / emphatic opinion given by the author to the characters.

b) few / size of the men and mice.

c) brief / height of them.

d) short / the lack of importance showed by the author.

RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA A – A palavra “little” no trecho significa pequenos.

b) FALSA: few é melhor traduzido por poucos

c) FALSA: bried é significa breve

d) FALSA: short significa curto

17) “Who moved my cheese?” What‟x expected from the one who reads it?

a) Knowing life and the labyrinths to succeed more then usual.

b) Searching spiritual peace and living as the characters, always complaining abouth the career and life

and general.

c) Scribbling new experiences and admitting the one success to use them deeply.

d) Dealing with changes, living better and achieving success.

RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA D – O texto afirma que a parábola pode nos ensinar a lidar com mudanças,

viver com menos stress e ter mais sucesso: “teach us how to deal with the changes to live with less stress

and achieve much more success at work and personal life”.


Read a letter and answer questions 18 to 20.


“As a survivor of the Holocaust, I lost the I led more than 60 years, when the world didn‟ t give a damn on,

like today, acknowledgde that a storm of destruction was imminent („The lost City‟, Sept, 12). Sitting in my

comfortable, dry home watching the horror of New Orleans made me cry the tears I didn‟t have when I

was a child losing everything, feeling with just the clothing I wore that day. More than 60 years ago, I was

on a different continent. The disaster that unfolded in front of my eyes today took place in my adopted

country, among my adopted people. “We didn‟t know” is an unpardonable excuse. “We didn‟t care” is

more like it. Without hesitation, America spends billions and wastes human life in a country that is not

interested in democracy. Yet we quibble about the cost of Katrina, a cost that will affect everyone in our

backyard for years to come.” (Lucie L. Liebman – Staten Island, New York)

18) The letter was written by someone who

a) subsisted a terrible hurricane even in her own country.

b) resisted the Holocaust though she had been in an unfamiliar country.

c) continued living in New Orleans otherwise she had passed by away.

d) didn‟t die despite the tragedy.

RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA D – No início da carta, sua autora cita que foi uma sobrevivente do

Holocausto, o qual teria sido uma tragédia que se concretizara porque o mundo não teria dado

atenção devida ao risco daquele desastre.

A alternativa B pode ter confundido muitos candidatos, porém, está incorreta porque afirma que a

autora teria sobrevivido ao Holocausto embora tivesse em um país desconhecido, sendo que o trecho

em negrito não se confirma no texto.

19) The Present Tense of the underlined verb in the first line is

a) led b) lead c) lid d) leaden

RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA B – O verbo em questão tem as seguintes formas:

Infinitive – To lead

Simple past – Led

Past participle – Led

E quer dizer levar, passar (a vida)

20) We realize that Lucie feels extremely sorry about ___________ because ____________.

a) the whirlpool / it destroyed part of her life. b) the hurricane / she lost almost everything.

c) America / it isn‟t democratic. d) Katrina / it destroyed her country.

RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA C – O sentimento de tristeza de Lucie é pelo fato de a América ter passado

pelos desastres que poderiam ter sido evitados. A melhor resposta é a alternativa C, contudo é

necessário ressaltar o fato de que a segunda coluna não é adequadamente preenchida por nenhuma

das alternativas.


Read the text and answer questions 21 to 23 according to it.

Fakes – a world of copycats

Every year, criminals make millions of dollars selling fake perfumes, clothes, medicines and computer

software. Counterfeit goods account for about 7% of total trade across the globe. And the criminals‟

gains are other people‟s losses. Take, for example, governments which are unable to collect revenue

from indirect taxes and customs duty on legitimate sales.

Over 30% of sales in mainland China are estimated to be counterfeit. In India, falke products account for

10% of the revenue for the entire health sector. Five out of six Yamaha bikes sold worldwide are not the

real thing. Nike, the brand which tells you to “just do it”, loses $70 million annually to the menace of fake

brands and pirate products. Identical fakes cost Gillette $20 million a year, and Proctor and Gamble loses

a staggering $150 million on a twelve-month average in China alone.

Sometimes consumes prefer to buy an illegal copy of a video, CD-ROM, cassette or software package

because it costs less. In Russia, for example, copies of Microsoft‟s Office 2000 program sell for just 1% of

the list price. Frequently, however, buyers don‟t realize they are buying a fake instead of the genuine

article. (Taken from Skyline 5 – Macmillan)

21) The sentence “… the criminals gains are other people‟s losses” means

a) criminals gain more than everyone. b) people lose more than expected by the criminals

c) criminals gain, whereas others lose. d) people expect to lose less than the criminals gain.


RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA C – “Whereas” dá a idéia de contraste, dando a idéia de que enquanto uma

pessoa ganha, a outra perde.

22) Read the statements below and classify them as (T) true or (F) false, respectively

( ) More than ninety percent of the worldwide trade is made of fake products.

( ) Two famous brands in China are responsible for a loss of more than a hundred million dollars per year.

( ) More than two thirds of Yamaha‟s bikes sold across the globe are fake products.

( ) The brand Nike has a great profit caused by counterfeit goods.

Mark the correct alternative.

a) F/F/T/F/ b) T/F/T/T c) T/T/F/F d) F/T/T/F


(F) Apenas 7% do comércio mundial é de produtos piratas/

(F) O texto afirma apenas que a empresa Procter and Galbme tem prejuízos com a pirataria (superiores

a 100 milhões de dólares por ano), portanto, embora certamente haja outras empresas com prejuízos na

China devido à pirataria, somente uma é citada;

(T) Cinco em cada seis motos Yamaha vendidas são ilegais;

(F) O texto informa que a Nike tem prejuízo de 70 milhões de dólares devido à ameaça de imitações e

produtos piratas.

23) According to the last paragraph, consumers

I – have always intended to byu counterfeit goods.

II – are sometimes deceived by the fakes.

III – occasionally prefer pirate products because they are cheaper.

IV – see the illegal copies as a solution to the growing economical problems.

The only correct sentences are

a) I and III b) III and IV c) II and III d) II and IV

RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA C - As proposições corretas são somente as número II e III e os trechos se

encontram a seguir:

Para a proposição II temos as duas últimas linhas do texto: “Frequently, however, buyers don‟t realize

they are buying a fake instead of the genuine article.” (Frequentemente, no entanto, os compradores

não notam que estão comprando um artigo falsificado ao invés de genuíno).

Para a proposição III temos as duas primeiras linhas do último parágrafo: “Sometimes consumers profer

to buy an illegal copy (…) because it costs less.” (Às vezes os consumidores preferem comprar uma

cópia ilegal … porque ela custa menos).

A afirmativa Iestá incorreta devido ao termo “sempre” que não condiz com o texto, segundo o qual “às

vezes” os consumidores preferem comprar produtos não originais. Jà a afirmativa IV está incorreta

porque nada é citado no último parágrafo sobre a crença dos consumidores a respeito de soluções

para problemas de crescimento econômico.


Read the fragment and answer questions 24 and 25.

Image, image, image …

Here’s the coolest … wildest … hippest … funkiest … object! Image-conscious person cannot do without


This style is ideal for fashion and consumer objects (cell phones, backpacks, watches, and so on). It‟s the

most common form of advertising for many products. But don‟t forget all those other types of message.

Be smart: don‟t let the advertisers fool you! (Taken from Consumers Portfolio)

24) There‟s one option which DOESN‟T match the context, mark it.

a) According to ads, the image-conscious person doesn‟t have to live without their products.

b) You may be persuaded by the advertisers.

c) You need to be perceptive to avoid being influenced by the ads.

d) You should pay attention to the message behind the advertisements.

RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA A – O modal usado no texto para exemplificar as propagandas é o modal

can (na forma cannot). Não é possível substituí-lo, no contexto, por have to, que expressa obrigação

em vez de possibilidade, capacidade. O uso de can no contexto sugere muito mais a idéia que o autor

do texto deseja passar sobre as propagandas do que o modal have to. Além disso, o texto enfatiza os

riscos de nós, consumidores, não sermos cautelosos em relação às propagandas, o que é

adequadamente expresso nas alternativas, exceto a A.


25) According to “image, image, image …” to sell fashion and consumer objects people announce

them as the most …

Mark the option DOESN‟T suit the text.

a) stylish b) different c) natural d) modern

RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA C – O fragmento fala de como a publicidade procura demonstrar que os

seus objetos são diferenciados, modernos, etc, e não naturais (comuns).


Read the paragraph and answer questions 26 to 28 according to it.

The concept of generation gap is widely accepted in Canada and the United States. It was a concept

that grew in prominence in the 1960s and 1970s, when a common belief among young people was

“Never trust anyone over thirty” and many older people feit they could no longer understand young

people. These days, manu people think that the generation gap is lessening because the baby-boom

generation (those born between 1946 and 1961) has moved past the age of fhirty. (Taken from Passages 1 – TM, CUP)

26) The sentence in italicx, “when a common … thirty” has the function of:

a) establishing contrast b) emphasizing a concept

c) showing a condition d) explaning something

RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA D – A palavra when (“quando”), neste contexto, serve para colocar um fato

em consideração, no sentido de explicá-lo; no caso do texto dado, a intenção é explicar o que significa

o “generation gap”, conflito de gerações que baseava-se na frase “Nunca confie em alguém com mais

de trinta anos”.

27) What‟s the main idea of the text?

a) Never believe older people.

b) The excessive amount of births after was caused the generation gap.

c) The United Sttes and Canada have a lot of problems concerning people coming from different


d) What is known as generation gap was spread by the young people in the sixties and seventies.

RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA D – O texto refere-se a um conflito de gerações ocorridos nos anos 60 e 70, o

qual está perdendo força nos dias atuais, entre outros fatores, pelo envelhecimento (e, portanto,

mudança de lado no conflito) dos jovens daquele período.

Notadamente, a segunda linha do texto diz “it (generation gap) was a concept that grew in

prominence in the 60‟s and 70‟s”. Além disso, nas 3 últimas linhas temos “These days, (…) past the age of


28) The text affims that “the generation gap is lessening”. It means it has

a) increased b) stabilized c) decreased d) not changed

RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA C – Da leitura do texto, infere-se que “the generation gap is lessening”, o que

signifca dizer que o conflito em questão está diminuindo. (Lessen é sinômino de decrease).

29) Read the paragraph of an article from Newsweek, Nov/14, 2005, whose title is “Rethinking Arafat”

and answer question 29 according to it.

“It might also take years for Palestinians to assess Arafat‟s legacy. Given the lingering suspicion that he

was poisoned (the cause of death is listed as undetermined), many Palestinians aren‟t in the mood to

start sorting through his record. „As long as this matter is not resolved, you won‟t hear people questioning

his leadership‟, says Hafes Barghouti, editor of the Palestinian daily Al-Jadidah, just bemoaning the


According to the writer,

a) Arafat‟s legacy will certainly take time to be assessed.

b) Arafat must have been poisoned.

c) many Palestinians want to clarify the suspicion concerning Arafat‟s death as soon as possible.

d) Arafat‟s leadership won‟t be questioned, unless the matter of his death is resolved.

RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA D – O texto coloca que, enquanto o assunto não for resolvido, ninguém

ouvirá as pessoas questionando a liderança de Arafat: „As long as this matter is not resolved, you won‟t

hear people questioning his leadership‟.

30) Read the headline of the article referred on the previous question and answer question 30.


“If the Palestinians leader was the real problem, why haven‟t things improved in the year since his


The author,

a) assures things will be better after the leader‟s death.

b) wonders if Arafat was really a problem to his country.

c) thinks improvements need time.

d) says things have changed after the leader died.

RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA B – O autor indaga se Arafat era realmente o problema da Palestina, já que,

de acordo com ele, as coisas não teriam mudado depois da morte da líder palestino.


As questões 1 a 7 referem-se aos seguintes textos:

Texto I

A text familiar to many, George Orwell‟s classic satire has cropped up on school reading lists eversince

the year of its creation. Few readers can fail to be touched by the tragedy within, by its wonderful

synthesis of unthreatening symbolism and incisive criticism. This familiarity is conveniente since, as an

adaptation, “Animal Farm” spends too little time on the details of time and place. Instead directors Joy

Batchelor and John Halas thrust us directly into the depression that in Manor Farm, briefly explaining the

situation with pictures and narration by Gordon Heath. (…)

Sadly, Batchelor and Halas make it vital to have read Orwell‟s biting satire on Soviet history before

viewing “Animal Farm”, just to know what‟s been left out. As it is, the firm grasps the supercial aspects of

Orwell‟s allegoric fable without his deeper message. In missing so badly, we‟re left within an impressive

attempt that never matches up to its birthright.

Texto II

Power, corrupts, but absolute power corrupts abolutely – and this is vividly and eloquently proved in

Orwell‟s short novel. “Animal Farm” is a simple fable of great symbolic value, and as Orwell himself

explained: “It is the history of a revolution that went wrong”. The novel can be seen as the historical

analysis of the causes of the failure of communism, or as a mere fairy-tale; in any case it tells a good story

that aims to prove that human nature and diversity prevent people from being equal and happy, or at

least equally happy. (…)

In “Animal Farm”, Orwell describes how power turned the pigs from simple “comrades” to ruthless

dictators who managed to walk on two legs, and carry whips. The history may be seen as an analysis of

the Soviet regime, or as a warning against political pwer games of an absolute nature and totalitarianism

in general. For this reason, the history ends with a hair-raising warning to all humankind: “The creatures

outsides looked from pig to man, and from man to pig and from pig to man again: but already it was

impossible to say which was which”.

Texto III

When the farm‟s prize winning pig, Old Major, calls a meeting of all the animals of Manor Farm, he tells

them that be has had a dream un which mankind is gone, and animals are free to live in peace and

harmony. (…)

When Old Major dies, (…) Snowball and Napoleon assume command, and turn his dream into a full-

gledged philosophy. One nigth, the starved animals suddenly revolt and drive the farmer Mr. Jones, his

wife, and his pet raven off the farm and take control. The farm is renamed “Animal Farm” as the animals

works towards a future read, the seventh and most important of which is that “all animals are equal” (…).

Many year pass, and the pigs learn to walk upright, carry whips, and wear clothes. The Seven

Commandments are reduced to a single phrase.: “All animals are equal. But some animals are more

equal then others”. Napoleon holds a dinner party for the pigs, and the humans of the area (in the

adjacent Foxwood Farm run by Mr. Pilkington), who congratulate Napoleon on having the most hard

working animals in the country on the least feed. Napoleon announces his alliance with the humans

against the labouring classes of both “worlds”. The animals discover this when they overhear Napoleon‟s

conversations and finally realize that a change has come over the ruling pigs. During a poker match, an

argument breaks out between Napoleon and Mr. Pilkington when they both play an Ace of Spades, and

the animals realize how they cannot tell me difference between the pigs and the humans.

01) Assinale a opção que indica, respectivamente, o gêneros dos Textos I, II e III


a) Sinopse de livro/filme crítica literária crítica cinematográfica.

b) Crítica literária sinopse de livro/filme crítica cinematográfica.


c) Crítica literária crítica cinematográfica sinopse de livro/filme.

d) Crítica cinematográfica crítica literária sinopse de livro/filme.

e) Crítica cinematográfica sinopse de livro/filme crítica literária.

RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA D – O primeiro texto fala sobre um filme que é adaptação de um livro. “as an

adaptation, „Animal farm‟ spends too much time on details of time and place. Instead, directors (…)”

O Segundo é uma crítica literária. “The novel can be seen as the historical analysis of the causes of the

failure of communism, or as a mere fairy-tale”.

O terceiro texto conta a história do livro e, consequentemente, também do filme (que é uma

adaptação do livro), portanto é uma sinopse.

02) Da leitura dos textos I, II e III, é possível depreender que:

I. o trabalho de Orwell pode ser entendido como um conto de fadas ou como uma crítica a regimes

políticos totalitários.

II. o filme Animal Farm retrata todos os aspectos apresentados no livro de mesmo nome e, por isso,

recebeu elogios da crítica.

III. o enredo de Animal Farm aborda, entre outros temas, a influência do poder no comportamento


Então está(ão) correta(s):

a) apenas a I b) apenas a II c) apenas a III d) apenas I e II e) apenas I e III


I – Verdadeira. A primeira afirmação está correta e pode ser confirmada com o trecho “The novel can

be seen as the historical analysis of the causes of the failure of communism, of as a mere fairy-tale.”

II – Falsa. A segunda afirmação está errada, o que pode ser confirmado através do último parágrafo do

primeiro texto, em que o autor afirma que uma leitura do livro se faz necessária para que se possa

captar aquilo que o filme não disse. Além disso, segundo a crítica apresentada no texto I, o filme não

passa a mensagem mais profunda do livro.

III – Verdadeira. O livro trata de uma fazenda dominada por animais, após a expulsão dos humanos. No

início da dominação da fazenda pelos animais, estes trabalhavem em pé de igualdade, porém mais

adiante os porcos passaram a comandar o lugar, reescrevendo as regras, de modo a reforçar e

consolidar o próprio poder. A alegoria faz alusão à luta pelo poder entre seres humanos, o que é

reforçado quando os porcos firmam um acordo com seres humanos para a exploração dos demais

animais. O desfecho se dá quando os outros animais concluem que porcos e humanos são iguais,

portanto, podemos dizer que a afirmação de que o poder influência no comportamento humano é

verdadeira, pois os porcos nada mais são do que uma sátira dos humanos detentores do poder.

03) Assinale a opção que indica possibilidade de substituição de termo ou expressão em negrito no

Texto I sem que o sentido do texto seja comprometido.

a) has cropped up em has cropped up on scholl reading lists pode ser substituído por has been imposed.

b) fail em Few readers can fail to be touched … pode ser substituído por help.

c) since em This familiarity is convenient since, as … pode ser substituído por because.

d) Instead na última sentença do primeiro parágrafo pode ser substituído por Furthermore.

e) left out em just to know what’s been left out pode ser substituído por included.


a) Incorreta. O verbo “crop up” quer dizer “acontecer ou aparecer repentinamente, enquanto to

impose significa impor;

c) Correta. “Since” pode ser um advérbio de tempo ou uma preposição, mas também pode ser uma

conjunção, expressando tempo ou razão. Na oração em questão: “This familiarity is convenient razão e

podendo, portanto, ser substituída por “because”;

d) Incorreta. “Instead” quer dizer “ao invés disso” e “furthermore” quer dizer “além de, além disso”;

e) Incorreta. O verbo “to be left out” quer dizer “deixar de for a”, enquanto included significa

exatamente o oposto.

04) Os termos prevent from (Texto II) e realize (Texto III) significam, respectivamente:

a) prevenir-compreender b) impedir-compreender

c) prevenir-imaginar d) impedir-idealizar

e) preparar-idealizar

RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA B – A questão traz famosos falsos cognatos que costumam confundir os

estudantes com menor domínio do inglês. Prevent from quer dizer impedir, evitar e realize significa notar,



05) No Texto III o termo which em the seventh and most important of which is that … refere-se a

a) the new philosophy of Animalism b) the wall of the barn

c) commandments d) all animals

e) all people

RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA C – Nesta questão “of which” faz referência a um elemento que for a citado

anteriormente, e este elemento é “os mandamentos”, como se pode notar através da leitura de todo o

período: “The Seven Commandments (…) are written on the wall (…), the seventh and most important of

which…”, cuja tradução é Os Sete Mandamentos (…) foram escritos na parede (…), o sétimo e mais

importante deles…

06) No final do Texto III, o autor afirma que os animais não conseguiam mais diferenciar os homens dos

porcos. Qual das opções abaixo, com frases encontradas no Texto II, faz observação semelhante?

a) power turned the pigs from simple comrades to ruthless dictators.

b) dictators who managed to walk on two legs, and carry whips.

c) human nature and diversity prevent people from being equal.

d) the creatures outside looked from pig to man.

e) but already it was impossible to say which was which.

RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA E – A alternativa E tem como tradução “mas já era impossível dizer qual era

qual” em um contexto em que se enfatiza significativamente a semelhança entre homens e porcos.

07) A expressão break out em destaque no Texto III significa

a) to make a sudden, quick advance b) to bring or come to an end

c) to develop suddenly d) to force or make a way through

e) to cause to separate into pieces suddenly or violently

RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA C – “To break out” quer dizer aparecer repentinamente.

As demais alternativas trazem os seguintes significados:

a) fazer um repentino, rápido avanço b) finalizar, concluir ou chegar a um acordo

d) abrir caminho e) rasgar ou espedaçar

As questões de 8 a 10 referem-se ao seguinte cartaz de divulgação de evento, afixado em um dos

murais do ITA.

08) De acordo com o texto do cartaz, considere as seguintes afirmações:


Brazilian SBPMat



0 Sociedade Brasileira

FLORIANÓPOLIS 6 em Pesquisas de

Materiais The annual meeting of the Brazilian Materials Research Society

(SBPMat), now being held for the 5th time, is the Largest and most

comprehensive Brazillilan national conference in Materials Science CALL

and Engineering. The V SBPMat / Brazilian MRS Meeting 2006 will FOR

provide a very stimulating environment for the dicussion of relevant PAPERS themes in materials research.

The Meeting will be held together with the X Brazilian Congress for

Microscopy of Materials (MICROMAT 2006), promoted by the

Brazilian Society for Microscopy and Microanalysis (SBMM). Brazilian MRS Meeting

The joint event will take place in the Costão do Santino Resort & Spa 2006

in Florianópolis, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Florianópolis, SC, Brazil

As in previous meeting, the conference will bring together scientists October 8 th – 12 th,

and engineers, from Brazil and abroad, interested in multidisciplinary 2006

topics of materials research. Costão do Santinho

The scientific program consistis of 13 symposia, each featuring Resort & SPA

Internationally recognized speakers as well as oral and poster

Contributions. In addition, leading-edge topics of materiais research Abstracts Submission

Will be highlighted by distinguished lectures in plenary sessions. Deadline

June 30, 2006


I. o V SBPMat é uma conferência internacional realizada anualmente na área de Ciências dos Materiais

e Engenharia.

II. o evento tem por objetivo promover discussões sobre temas ligados à pesquisa em Materiais.

III. estarão presentes no evento engenheiros e cientistas de várias partes do mundo, não apenas do


a) apenas a I b) apenas a II c) apenas I e II d) apenas II e III e) todas


I. Falsa – A primeira afirmação torna-se falsa, por dizer que a conferência é internacional, enquanto o

texto diz: “(…) the largest and most comprehensive Brazilian national conference”, isto é, trata-se de

uma conferência nacional.

II. Verdadeira – Ao final do primeiro parágrafo lemos: “MRS meeting 2006 will provide a very stimulating

environment for the discussion of relevant themes in material reserch.”, ou seja, o encontro irá

proporcionar um ambiente muito estimulante para a discussão de relevantes temas em pesquisa de


III. Verdadeira – No quarto parágrafo lemos: “The conference will bring together scientists and engineers,

from Brazil and abroad (…)”, ou seja, a conferência irá colocar em contato cientistas e engenheiros do

Brasil e de outros países.

09) Ainda de acordo com o texto no cartaz, considere as seguintes afirmações:

I. a programação científica do evento é composta de simpósios, palestras, comunicações orais e


II. o V SBPMart e o X MICROMAT serão realizados concomitantemente.

III. a informação Abstract Submission Deadline June 30, 2006 refere-se ao prazo final para inscrições no


Então está(ão) correta(s):

a) apenas a I b) apenas a II c) apenas a III d) apenas I e II e) todas


I. Correta – Esta afirmação é confirmada nas últimas linhas do último parágrafo. “The scientific program

consists of 13 symposia, each featuring internationally recognized speakers as well as oral and poster

contributions. In addition, leading-edge topics of materials research will be highlighted by distinguished

lecturers in plenary sessions.”, ou seja, na programação há 13 simpósios, apresentações orais, posters,

além de palestras conduzidas por distintos professores universitários.

II. Correta - A segunda afirmação pode ser confirmada pelo segundo parágrafo: “The Meeting will be

held together with the X Brazilian Congress for Microscopy of Materiais (MICROMAT 2006)”. “To be held

together” quer dizer “acontecer junto” tornando corret a assertiva.

III. Incorreta – “Abstract submission deadline” significa prazo final para apresentação de resumos de

trabalhos (no caso trabalhos científicos, pesquisas), não fazendo referência às inscrições propriamente

ditas. É possível, por outro lado, que a inscrição de palestrante do evento e apresentação dos resumos

seja um processo único, o que não é esclarecido pelo texto. De todo modo, este provavelmente não

seria o prazo máximo para se inscrever no evento, por exemplo, como ouvinte.

10) Finalmente considere as seguintes informações:

I. the largest and most comprehensive conference indica que a conferência é um evento de grande

porte e de caráter abrangente.

II. being held em now being held for the 5th time e will be held together em The meeting will be held

together with the X Brazilian … poderiam ser substituídos, respectivamente, por taking place e will occur.

III. leading-edge topics refere-se a temas em destaque na área de pesquisa de materiais.

Então eestã(ão) correta(s):

a) apenas a I b) apenas I e II c) apenas II e III d) apenas I e III e) todas


I. Correta – Largest significa maior; most comprehensive é o mesmo que mais abrangente.

II. Correta – To be held é sinônimo de to take place, will be held together, significa “vai ocorrer junto” e,

na frase, pode ser substituído sem perda de significado por will occur, ficando a frase com a seguinte

tradução: O encontro vai ocorrer com o X…

III. Correta – Leading-edge topics significa tópicos de elevada relevância e modernos, avançados,


11) A opção que melhor preenche a lacuna da primeira frase no diálogo abaixo é:

A – Well, Mr. Vagner, our point is that … Ahn, ___________________

B – Not at all…


A – Thanks … you know, people here got quite intolerant …

B – I don‟t mind.

C – Meu chefinho está tentando parar!!!

a) Can I smoke? b) Mind if I smoke? c) Do you smoke?

d) Want a cigarrete? e) Are you OK?

RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA B – Além da resposta dada, “Not at all”, que pode significar “de nada” ou

“de modo nenhum”, dependendo do contexto, o desenrolar do quadrinho mostra que o autor da

lacuna estaria perguntando ao outro se ele se importa de o primeiro fumar, portanto a frase que melhor

preenche a lacuna é “Mind if I smoke?”.

As questões de 12 a 16 referem-se ao texto a seguir:

An ever-improving electrical system

If you total up all the wires and cables of all diameters and lengths found in a large airplane, they could

stretch for hundreds of miles. The plane also has hundreds of places using alternating and low tension

continuous current (115 volts). It is common practice for these generating and distribution systems.

To maintain a solid energy reserve for peak usage times and unusual circumstances.

The kilowatts used on new models cannot be compared to what will be required on board the megajets

A380 (now going through flight testing) and the future A350, plus the Boeing 787 Dreamliner. All of these

plan on offering new dimensions in inflight entertainment and a level of connectivity that is comparable

to what we already have on the ground-for laptops and individual cell phones, broadband internet,

email, Wi-Fi (long distance enlacing) and all the rest.

In today‟s wide-body panes, the biggest consumer is the heating for de-icing and defrosting the

windscreens. But, even after adding in the 16 ovens and coffee machines in the gallery, plus the

electronic navigation, communications and avionics systems, we will still be well short of the electrical

system on board the advance jets that will go into service between 2006 and 2010.

Besides the fact that each of those aircraft will have two (not just one) alternators per engine, there will

be other brand-new electrical applications. The wiring may come with a variety of tensions and

frequencies, which will bring a new level of freedom to designers who are projecting a much larger, more

flexible. More efficient, and safer electrical system. Texto by Ernesto Klotzel, Illustration Clayton Jr. Icaro, April, 2006

12) Assinale a opção que melhor explicita o objetivo principal do texto

a) Descrever o sistema elétrico de um avião de grande porte.

b) Descrever as partes de um avião que demandam o uso de sistema elétrico.

c) Discorrer sobre as inovações que serão realizadas no sistema elétrico em novos aviões de grande


d) Comentar que, no futuro, poderemos usar celulares e internet em mega jatos.

e) Ressaltar que, no futuro, a fiação de novos aviões comportará tensões e freqüências variadas.

RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA C – O título “An ever-improving electrical system” (um sistema elétrico sempre

em desenvolvimento), e todo o texto falam sobre como os aviões, em pouco tempo, não suportarão a

demanda pelo sistema elétrico e quais serão os próximos passos para o desenvolvimento deste sistema.

13) Atualmente, nos grandes aviões, a maior parte da energia é consumida:

a) na utilização de fornos e máquinas de café.

b) em navegação eletrônica, sistemas de comunicações e de aviônica.

c) em sistemas antiembaçamento e degelo dos pára-brisas.

d) na manutenção da temperatura interna da aeronave.

e) na manutenção da energia da aeronave para eventuais emergências.

RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA C – No início do terceiro parágrafo temos “The biggest energy consumer is

the heating for de-icing and defrosting the windscreens.”, sendo “windscreen” o mesmo que “pára-

brisa” em português.

14) O termo these em All of these plan on offering… está substituindo:

a) novos megajatos.

b) equipamentos eletrônicos que poderão ser usados a bordo.

c) níveis de conectividade comparáveis ao que temos em solo.

d) quilowatts usados nos novos megajatos.

e) correntes elétricas que serão usadas nos megajatos.


RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA A – O período anterior à sentença termina falando dos novos megajatos. O

seguinte faz referência contextual “these” a estes novos megajatos, levando-nos à alternativa A.

15) A expressão to be well short of em we will still be well short of the electrical system … pode ser

substituída por:

a) to be far from b) to be adequately suppolied with c) to be below the limit

d) to be close e) to be left off

RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA A – A expressão to be well short of signifca “to be far from”. Note o sentido do

trecho “But, even after adding in … we will still be well short of the electrical system on board…”, o qual

afirma que mesmo colocando muitos dos equipamentos que consumam energia elétrica no avião

ainda estaremos distantes da capacidade do sistema elétrico a bordo. Este fato é justificado pelo

constante desenvolvimento na área.

16) O aspecto que permitirá maior liberdade as projetistas é que:

a) os novos jatos contarão com aplicações elétricas inovadores.

b) os megajatos terão dois alternadores por motor e a fiação comportará tensões e freqüências


c) os novos jatos contarão com corrente alternada e contínua.

d) os megajatos oferecerão novas possibilidades de entretenimento.

e) as novas aeronaves contarão com um sistema elétrico mais eficiente e seguro.

RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA B – No final do último parágrafo temos uma breve descrição de algumas

melhorias que darão mais liberdade aos projetistas do sistema elétrico: “The wiring may come with a

variety of tensions and frequencies, which will bring a new level of freedom to designers who are

projecting (…)”. A variedade de tensões e freqüências que dará aos projetistas maior liberdade é

citada na alternativa B.

As questões de 17 a 20 referem-se a um trecho do prefácio a seguir:


For about 25 years, I have the opportunity to observe the efforts of many individuals applying

digital image-processing techniques to problems offered by the real world. A few of these individuals

have established and enduring track record solid success on almost every attempt. They have

consistently contributed innovate and effective solutions that creatively employ the tools of the


These highly productive individuals demonstrably hold several characteristics in common. One

can venture to assume that these characteristics constitute a formula for success, to whatever extent

such a thing can exist in this field.

Uniformly, these success persons have (1) a genuine interest in – even fascination with – the

technology involved, (2) a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of this highly multidisciplinary

technology, (3) a conceptual type of understanding (as opposed to rote memorization of totally abstract

theory), and (4) a knack for seeing problems visually, graphically, and from more than one viewpoint. In

line with this cast point, they often find themselves hard pressed to explain their ideas without the aid of a

graph or drawing.

This book is designed to help the reader develp the last three of these traits nd perhaps enhance

the first as well. The selection of materials for inclusion (and, equally important, for omission), the example

used, the references cited, and the exercises and suggestions for projects are all directed toward this


In the field of digital image processing, mathematical analysis forms the stable basics upon which

one can make definite predictions regarding the performance of a digital imaging system. In this

treatment, however, mathematics is employed more as a faithful servant than as ruthless master. The

emphasis is on developing a conceptual understanding, and the analysis used to support this goal. Castleman, K. R. Digital Image Processing. Prentice Hall, 1996

17) Assinale a asserção que NÃO indica possíveis objetivos do livro.

a) Auxiliar no desenvolvimento da compreensão conceitual da teoria do processamento de imagens

digitais em contraposição à memorização mecânica da teoria.

b) Aprofundar a compreensão dos fundamentos da tecnologia de processamento de imagens digitais.

c) Desenvolver a capacidade de enxergar problemas relacionados a processamento de imagens sob

pontos de vista variados.

d) Apresentar exemplos, referências, exercícios e sugestões para o desenvolvimento de projeteos

usando tecnologia de processamento de imagens digitais.


e) Aumentar o interesse genuíno pela tecnologia de processamento de imagens digitais.

RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA D – O propósito do livro é ajudar no desenvolvimento de três das

características de pessoas de sucesso na área de processamento de imagens digitais. Isto está

explicado no quarto parágrafo, onde é feita uma referência ao desenvolvimento das três últimas

qualidades citadas no parágrafo anterior e melhoramento da primeira qualidade, também citada

anteriormente: “This book is designed to help the reader develop the last three of these traits and

perhaps enhance the first as well.”

O terceiro parágrafo, que enumera as características das pessoas bem sucedidas na área, fala das

seguintes características:

(1) interesse na tecnologia envolvida.

(2) compreensão dos fundamentos da tecnologia de processamento de imagens digitais.

(3) compreensão conceitual da teoria do processamento de imagens digitais em contraposição à

memorização mecânica da teoria.

(4) a capacidade de enxergar problemas relacionados a processamento de imagens sob pontos de

vista variados.

“Uniformly, these success persons have (1) a genuine interest in – even fascination with – the technology

involved, (2) a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of this highly multidisciplinary technology, (3)

a conceptual type of understanding (as opposed to rote memorization of totally abstract theory), and

(4) a knack for seeing problems visually, graphically, and from more than one viewpoint.”

18) Considere as seguintes asserções:

I. para elaborar o livro, o autor estudou, por um período de vinte e cinco anos, o trabalho de pessoas

que utilizam técnicas de processamento de imagens.

II. no processamento de imagens digitais, a análise matemática é utilizada como apoio ao

desenvolvido da compreensão conceitual.

III. a análise matemática oferece os fundamentos sobre os quais se pode fazer previsões precisas em

relação ao desempenho de um sistema de imageamento digital.

Das afirmações acima está(ão) correta(s):

a) apenas a I b) apenas a II c) apenas a III d) apenas I e II e) apenas II e III


I. Falsa – A resposta para a primeira afirmação se encontra logo no começo do texto, em que o autor

afirma: “For 25 years, I‟ve had the opoortunity to observe the efforts of many individuals (…)”. Em

nenhum momento este trecho denota estudo, apenas observação de pessoas e seus trabalhos,

tornando a afirmação falsa.

II. Verdadeira – No último parágrafo lemos sobre a matemática: “mathematics is employed more as a

faithful servant than as a ruthless master. The emphasis is on developing a conceptual understanding

(…)”. Este trecho demonstra que a matemática é utilizada no desenvolvimento de compreensão

conceitual, como afirma a asserção, tornando-o de fato falso.

III. Verdadeira – Ainda no último parágrafo, temos o trecho “(…) mathematical analysis forms the stable

basis upon which one can make definite predictions regarding the performance of a digital imaging

system.”, que nada mais é do que a versão em inglês da assertiva.

19) Assinale a opção que melhor traduz, respectivamente, os termos venture, knack e hard-pressed

a) especular; inclinação; não obrigados b) atrever-se; inaptidão; inflexíveis

c) evitar; propensão; sobrecarregados d) ser prudente; idoneidade; obsessivos

e) arriscar-se; talento; sob pressão

RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA E – “Venture”: arriscar-se, aventurar-se, “Knack”: aptidão, destreza, talento,

habilidade, “hard-pressed”: sob pressão, pressionados

20) As expressões as opposed to, in line with e however podem ser substituídas, respectivamente, por:

a) in contrast with, in agreement with, although

b) in contrast with, in agreement with, though

c) in contrast with, in dissension with, though

d) in conflict with, in dissension with, although

e) in conflict with, in agreement with, although

RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA B – “As opposed to” é usado para dizer que duas coisas são muito diferentes,

portanto deve ser substituído por “in contrast with”, “in line with” expressa concordância, portanto deve

ser substituída por “in agreement with”, já “however” expressa o contraste entre duas idéias colocadas

no período e deve ser substituída por “though” pois esta palavra pode assumir uma função adverbial

que tem o objetivo de contradizer aquilo que foi dito anteriormente.




New planet definition sparks furore

The new planet definition that relegates Pluto to “dwarf planet” status is drawing intense criticism from

astronomers. It appears likely that the definition will not be widely adopted by astronomers for everyday

use, even though it is the International Astronomical Union‟s (IAU) official position.

On Thursday, astronomers at the IAU meeting in Prague approved a resolution that says the solar system

has only eight planets, with Pluto excluded. Pluto is considered a “dwarf planet” instead.

Bu the new definition has provoked a backlash. Alan Stern, who heads NASA‟s New Horizons mission to

Pluto and works at the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado, US, says the new definition is


“The definition introduced is fundamentally flawed,”, he told New Scientist. “As a „sicentist, I‟m


Four planets

He says only four of the eight objects mentioned in the IAU definition actually meet the definition‟s criteria

– and Earth, Mars, Jupiter and Neptune do not.

That is because the definition stipulates that to be a planet, an object must have cleared the

neighborhood around is orbit. But Earth‟s orbital neighborhood is filled with thousands of near-Earth

asteroids, Stern says.

And Mars, Jupiter and Neptune have so-called “Trojan” asteroids sharing their orbits. “This is a half-baked

criterion for planethood,” he says.

He says the new definition was pushed by people who are unhappy with having large numbers of

planets (an earlier proposal, which was abandoned after heavy criticism at the meeting, would have

potentially allowed hundreds of new planets into the fold).

“It‟s just people that say things like, „School kids will have to memorize too many names‟. Do we limit the

number of stars because children have to think of too many names? Or rivers on the Earth? It‟s just crazy”,

Stern told New Scientist.

Minority report

Stern is also critical of the fact that only astronomers present for the vote, which ocurred at the end of the

two-week meeting, were allowed to have their say on the matter No email voting was allowed for the

decision – it was made by a show of hands – and that meant that less than 5% of the clearly 9000 IAU

members actually voted.

“You‟re going to see a real backlash in the coming weeks,” he says. “I know there is a petition among

planetary scientists that‟s getting a lot of support.”

In any case, he says, astronomers are not obligated to use the new definition, since the IAU does not

have the power to enforce it. “I don‟t think it‟s going to be very widely followed,” he says.

David Weintraub, author of the upcoming book Is Pluto a Planet? And a researcher at Vanderbilt

University in Nashville, Tennessee, US, says he thinks Pluto is still a planet – even under the new definition.

Grammar issue

“As best I can tell, „dwarf is an adjective and „planet‟ is a noun,” he told New Scientist. “I think the IAU

thinks they defined Pluto to not be a planet But they in fact have defined Pluto to be a planet – a

particular kind of planet.”

Astronomers who proposed the new definition respond that the term “dwarf planet” is meant to be

thought of as a single concept. And others pooint out that “minor planets” – asteroids and other small

bodies – are not considered planets.

But he agrees with Stern that the stipulation that a planet clears out its neighbourhood is flawed. A better

definition would say a planet is an object that orbits a star and is large enough to be spherical, but is not

large enough to be: a brown dwarf – a “failed” star with between about 13 and 75 times the mass of

Jupiter – or a star, he says.

„This is crazy‟

“Everyone agrees on those criteria,” he says, “The question is, can we agree on additional criteria to

refine the definition further? I think the answer is no.”

“Everybody who has communicated with me is saying. „This is crazy and we don‟t agree with it,” he adds

“I‟m not convinced that the folks who were at the meeting represented well the larger community.”


But not everyone is unhappu with the decision. Richard Conn Henry pleased with the outcome. “As far as

I‟m concerned, the right decision was made,” he told New Scientist. “I know a planet when I see it and

there are eight of them.”

He says it makes no sense to call Pluto a planeet because it is just one of huge numbers of objetcs in the

Kuiper Belt beyond Neptune. (Adaptado de New Scientist Space, Augusto 2006)

1.1) Leia o texto “New planet definition sparks furore”e responda, EM PORTUGUÊS, as perguntas que se


Considering the content of the text, why is the title “New planet definition sparks furore” appropriate?

RESOLUÇÃO: O título do texto se mostra muito apropriado devido ao debate gerado em torno da nova

definição de Plutão como um planeta anão. Tal resolução foi tomada em uma reunião de duas

semanas, e votaram para a decisão apenas astrônomos presentes a ela, e não todos os membros da

IAU (International Astronomical Union). De acordo com o texto, isso corresponde a menos de 5 por

cento dos membros.

Além disso, o critério utilizado foi falho, de acordo com a nova definição um objeto deve ter limpa a sua

vizinhança orbital para ser considerado um planeta. Planetas como Terra, Júpiter, Marte e Netuno não

se enquadram nesta categoria, portanto também não poderiam ser chamados de planeta.

Finalmente o IAU não tem poder de obrigar a nova denominação dada por ele a Plutão, gerando uma

tendência de que poucos astrônomos a adotariam no futuro.

1.2) Leia o texto “New planet definition sparks furore” e responda, EM PORTUGUÊS, as perguntas que se


Alan Stern, of Southwest Research Institute, states, “The definition is fundamentally flawed”. Find in the

text one argument that can be used to support his opinion.

RESOLUÇÃO: De acordo com o cientista a definição é falha pois há outros planetas que não se

enquadram nele. A nova regra diz que para um corpo ser considerado um planeta ele deve ter sua

vizinhança orbital limpa. No entanto Terra, Marte, Netuno e Júpíter não se enquadram nesta categoria

pois possuem asteróides em suas vizinhanças orbitais.

1.3) Leia o texto “New planet definition sparks furore” e responda, EM PORTUGUÊS, as perguntas que se


The scientist Alan Stern states that according to the criterion established by the resolution, Earth shouldn‟t

be considered a planet. Why wouldn‟ Earth be considered a planet?

RESOLUÇÃO: A definição do texto diz que um corpo celeste pode ser considerado um planeta quando

ele apresenta a sua vizinhança limpa, ou seja, não há corpos celestes em torno dele. Mas o cientista

afirma que há milhares de asteróides próximos à Terra. Dessa maneira, não poderíamos dizer que a Terra

é um planeta, de acordo com essa nova definição.

1.4) Leia o texto “New planet definition sparks furore” e responda, EM PORTUGUÊS, as perguntas que se


Richard Conn Henry, of Johns Hopkins University, says he is pleased with the outcome. Find in the text one

argument that supports his position.

RESOLUÇÃO: Richard Henry afirma que não faz sentido chamar Plutão de planeta pois ele seria apenas

mais um dentre muitos outros enormes corpos celestes no cinturão de Kuiper.

2.1) Considere as informações contidas no texto “New planet definition sparks furore”

What resolution was approved at the IAU meeting in Prage?

a) One that redefines what a planet is

b) One that states Earth, Mars, Jupiter and Neptune are not planets

c) One that sends a mission headed by Alan Stern to Pluto

d) One that considers Trojan asteroids in Mars, Jupiter and Neptune orbits

RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA A – No sexto parágrafo lemos “(…) the definition stipulates that to be a planet

an object must have cleared the neighborhood around its orbit (…)”, ou seja, trata-se de uma definição

do que seria um planeta. Isto é confirmado pelo título do texto, que indica a nova definição de planeta,

levando à alternativa A.


2.2) Considere as informações contidas no texto “New planet definition sparks furore” e marque a

alternativa correta em cada item seguinte.

According to the Prague resolution a planet …

a) has a neighborhood of clear objetcts. b) was included in the solar system.

c) must have its orbit cleared. d) is a half-backed criterion.

RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA C – O texto diz, no sexto parágrafo, que um dos critérios (bastante

controverso) para classificar um corpo celeste na categoria de planeta é que ele deve apresentar sua

órbita limpa.

2.3) Considere as informações contidas no texto “New planet definition sparks furore” e marque a

alternativa correta em cada item seguinte.

According to the text it is correct to affirm that…

a) hundreds of new planets were included in the Prague resolution list of planets.

b) an earlier proposal for adopting a planet definition was rejected.

c) the Prague proposal was abandoned after heavy criticism at the meeting.

d) school kids will not understand the new definition.

RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA B – Segundo o parágrafo 8, temos: “(…) (an earlier proposal, which was

abandoned after heavy criticism at the meeting, would have potentially allowed hundreds of new

planets into the fold.) (…)”. Temos que este trecho fala de uma proposta anterior, que faria com que o

número total de planetas fosse elevado à casa da centena. Esta proposta foi rejeitada.

2.4) Considere as informações contidas no texto “New planet definition sparks furore” e marque a

alternativa correta em cada item seguinte.

What can be inferred by the statement “Your‟re going to see a real blackash in the coming weeks. I

know there is a petition among planetary scientists that‟s getting a lot of support.”

a) Only 5% of the nearly 2000 IAU members will vote in the next meeting.

b) Most of the members of IAU don‟t have access to emails.

c) The petition among scientists will be sent by email.

d) The resolution will probably be contested by the majority of members because they were not allowed

to vote by email.

RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA D – Questões de interferência sempre são perigosas, pois o candidato

precisará de conhecimento de mundo ou algum vocabulário para resolvê-la. Nesta questão era

necessário compreender o significado da palavra “backlash”. O aluno acostumado com o método de

decomposição de palavras perceberia que “back” quer dizer “trás, volta”. O texto diz que repercussões

seriam vistas nas próximas semanas. O texto fala que a resolução causou descontentamento por parte

da comunidade astronômica devido ao fato que apenas os presentes puderam votar na resolução da

reunião de Praga e implica que provavelmente esta será contestada por este motivo.



UMA PALAVRA reetirada desta passagem, mantendo a mesma idéia do texto original.


True relaxation is most certainly not a matter of flopping down in front of the television with a welcome

drink. Nor it as about drifting into an exhausted sleep. Useful though these responses to tension and over-

tiredness may be, we should distinguish between them and conscious relaxation in terms of quality and

effect. Regardless of the level of tiredness, real relaxation is a state of alert yet at the same time passive

awareness, in which our bodies are at rest while our minds are awake.

Moreover, it is natural for a healthy person to be relaxed when moving as resting. Being relaxed in action

means we bring the appropriate energy to everything we do, so as to have a feeling of healthy tiredness

by the end of the day, rather than one of exhaustion.

Unfortunately, as a result of living in today‟s world, we are under constant strain and have difficulty in

coping, let alone nurturing our body‟s abilities. What needs to be rediscovered is conscious relaxation.

With this in mind we must apply ourselves to understanding stress and the nature of its causes, however


3.1) The text relates two ways of relieving from tension and over-tiredness, reinforcing the power of __3.1__

relaxation over the false one, which is considered only momentary.

RESOLUÇÃO: TRUE – devido à relação dicotômica da frase entre true e false.


3.2) The difference between these two ways of relaxing lies upon its __3.2__ and __3.3__.

RESOLUÇÃO: QUALITY – O primeiro parágrafo do texto cita que podemos distinguir entre as maneiras de

relaxar em termos de suas qualidades e efeitos.

3.3) The difference between these two ways of relaxing lies upon its __3.2__ and __3.3__.

RESOLUÇÃO: EFFECT – O primeiro parágrafo do texto cita que podemos distinguir entre as maneiras de

relaxar em termos de suas qualidades e efeitos.

3.4) In order to feel really relaxed, people should keep their __3.4__ alert at the same time their __3.5__

are at rest.

RESOLUÇÃO: MINDS – As questões 3.4 e 3.5 se encontram no final do primeiro parágrafo do texto em que

lemos “(…) in which our bodies are at rest while our minds are awake (…)” “em que nossos corpor estão

em repouso enquanto as nossas mentes estão ativas.

3.5) In order to feel really relaxed, people should keep their __3.4__ alert at the same time their __3.5__

are at rest.

RESOLUÇÃO: BODIES – As questões 3.4 e 3.5 se encontram no final do primeiro parágrafo do texto em

que lemos “(…) in which our bodies are at rest while our minds are awake (…)” “em que nossos corpor

estão em repouso enquanto as nossas mentes estão ativas.

3.6) Someone who is healthy is supposed to feel relaxed either moving or __3.6__.

RESOLUÇÃO: RESTING – Resposta no início do segundo parágrafo “(…) to be relaxed either moving or

resting (…)”

3.7) It is possible to feet relaxed even when you are moving or doing any other activity, it is just a matter

of devoting the right amount of __3.7__ to the things you do, not less or more.

RESOLUÇÃO: ENERGY – Resposta no início do segundo parágrafo “(…) Being relaxed in action means we

bring the appropriate energy to everything we do (…)” “Estar relaxado em ação significa que nós

usamos a quantidade de energia apropriada para tudo o que fazemos.”

3.8) If by the time you go to sleep you have a feeling of __3.8__ you are not taking the right relaxation, for

by the time your day finishes you should have a feeling of healthy __3.9__.

RESOLUÇÃO: EXHAUSTION – Respostas das questões 3.8 e 3.9 se encontram nas duas últimas linhas do

segundo parágrafo.

“so as to have a feeling of healthy tiredness by the end of the day, rather than one of exhaustion.” “para

ter uma sensação de cansaço saudável ao fim do dia, ao invés de um sentimento de exaustão.”

3.9) If by the time you go to sleep you have a feeling of __3.8__ you are not taking the right relaxation, for

by the time your day finishes you should have a feeling of healthy __3.9__.

RESOLUÇÃO: TIREDNESS – Respostas das questões 3.8 e 3.9 se encontram nas duas últimas linhas do

segundo parágrafo.

“so as to have a feeling of healthy tiredness by the end of the day, rather than one of exhaustion.” “para

ter uma sensação de cansaço saudável ao fim do dia, ao invés de um sentimento de exaustão.”

3.10) The text suggests that practicing __3.10__ relaxation is a way of living in nowaday‟s stressing world

paying close ttention to our bodies abilitie‟s and needs.

RESOLUÇÃO: CONSCIOUS – Terceira linha do terceiro parágrafo. “What needs to be rediscovered is

conscious relaxation.” “O que precisa ser redescoberto é o relaxamento consciente.”

4.1) Marque com um (X) a única alternativa correta para cada uma das perguntas abaixo.

My discovery of Tillie Olsen was a figt from a friend; years ago she gave me her copy of Tell Me a Riddle

because she liked the stories and wanted to share the experience.

What do we know of Tillie Olsen?

a) She is a friend. b) Shie likes stories. c) She gives gifts. d) She is an author.

RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA D – O texto diz que a descoberta de Tillie Olsen foi um presente de uma

amiga, que deu a sua cópia do livro “Tell Me a Riddle” para dividir a experiência. Assim, Tille Olsen é a

autora do livro.

4.2) Marque com um (X) a única alternativa correta para cada uma das perguntas abaixo.


The medical journal reported that heart attack victims who recover are approximately five times as likely

to die within the next five years as those people without a history of heart disease.

What did this article say about people who have had a heart attack?

a) They are more likely to die in the near future than others.

b) They will die in five years.

c) They are less likely to die than people without a history of heart disease.

d) They are likely to recover.

RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA A – A expressão “five times as likely” é comparativa e pode ser traduzida no

texto por “cinco vezes mais propensas”. Assim, temos que as pessoas que sofreram um ataque do

coração estão mais propensas (cinco vezes mais que uma pessoa que não teve ataque) a morrer

dentro do período de cinco anos seguintes.

4.3) Marque com um (X) a única alternativa correta para cada uma das perguntas abaixo.

Thanks to the ubiquitous use of vanilla as a _______ in ice creams and cakes the world over, its taste is

more ___________ to the majority of people than the appearance of the plant.

Que alternativa contém as palavras que completam correta e respectivamente as lacunas da frase?

a) flavor, recognize b) flavoring, recognizable

c) flavored, recognized d) flavoring, recognizing

RESOLUÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA B – Por ser precedido de artigo, percebe-se que a primeira lacuna é um

substantivo (substância que dá o sabor, no caso, de baunilha). O sufixo –ing é formador de substantivos

e portanto chegamos a flavoring. Entretanto o substantivo recognizing não existe, e sim recognizable

(reconhecível, familiar).


Leia o período seguinte. Em cada uma das linhas pode haver uma palavra excedente que torna errada

a estrutura da elocução. Caso a linha esteja correta, escreva no espaço indicado a palavra

“CORRETO”; caso haja alguma palavra extra, escreva-a no espaço indicado.

Training is not a cost. It’s an investment. It really doesn’t matter what much we pay

for an investment. What is really relevant is what we get in return.

5.1) Linha 1 ______________

RESOLUÇÃO: MUCH – A palavra não faz parte do contexto, tornando-a dispensável e irrelevante. Uma

outra forma que a tornaria correta seria dizer “how much” (we pay), ou seja, não importa o quanto

pagamos. Porém o enunciado fala sobre palavra excedente, portanto elimina-se “much”, fazendo com

que a frase tenha o sentido de que não importa o que pagamos em um investimento.

5.2) Linha 2 ______________

RESOLUÇÃO: CORRETO – Não há nada que desabone a elocução da segunda linha.