If Clauses

Post on 28-Nov-2014

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Transcript of If Clauses


“Se eu ganhasse na loteria” , “se eu tivesse pensado” , “se ele estudar” , etc . Se , se , se ... Vamos falar dos tantos ses que fazem parte da linguagem de nosso cotidiano : as orações condicionais . Para facilitar o estudo e aprendizado vamos dividi-las em condições :


Usamos a “condição zero” para falarmos sobre algo que é verdadeiro ou que geralmente acontece , nós usamos o presente simples , ou imperativo/modal ( can , could , should , etc ) depois da if clause .

If + present simple , + present simple or imperative or present continuous , + present simple or imperative

If there’s a long wait , I take something to read . If I take a spare key , I don’t have to disturb the neighbors

Separamos as duas frases com uma vírgula se a if clause está no começo da frase .


Nós usamos o “primeiro condicional” para falar sobre uma situação provável e para descreve seu resultado .

If + present simple , will + infinitive or present continuous , will + infinitive

If you speak the language , the locals will be more hospitable . If you don’t use public transport , pollution will become an enormous problem . If I’m working late tonight , I’ll go out and buy a sandwich

Separamos as duas frases com uma vírgula se a if clause está no começo da frase .



Nós usamos o “segundo condicional” para falar sobre uma situação imaginária ou improvável no presente ou futuro e descrever seus resultados, ou dar conselho.

If + past simple , would + infinitive

If I left my fiancée , she would be very upset . If they got married , it wouldn’t last long . If she found out from someone else , she would be upset .

Separamos as duas frases com uma vírgula se a if clause está no começo da frase .

Giving Advice

If I were you , I would ( I’d ) go home . If I were she , I wouldn’t go out with him anymore .

We can also use should or ought to

I think you should/ought to talk about your feelings . In my opinion , she should/ought to wait until she has completed her studies .

Nas orações condicionais usamos were para todas as pessoas do singular e do plural .


Nós usamos o “terceiro condicional” para falar sobre uma situação imaginária ou improvável no passado e descrever seus resultados .

If + past perfect , would have + participle

If I’d seen him , I would have ignored him . If he’d spoken to me , I wouldn’t have said anything . If I had had time , I would have studied . If she had felt well , she would have gone to school .


Também podemos usar may have , might have e could have se o resultado não é certo .

If he had followed me , I might have told him to stop . Se ele tivesse me seguido, eu poderia ter-lhe dito que parasse.

Dicas ( Hints )

A ) O if pode estar tanto no começo quanto no meio da frase .

If we go by bus , it will be cheaper . If you don’t hurry , you will miss the train . If you’re hungry , have something to eat . If the phone rings , can you answer it , please ?

It will be cheaper if we go by bus . You will miss the train if you don’t hurry . I’m going to the concert if I can get the ticket . Do you mind if I use your phone ?

B ) If you see Ann tomorrow ... etc

Depois do if , usamos o presente ( not “will” ) . Dizemos : if you see . . . ( not “if you will see )

If you see Ann tomorrow , can you ask her to phone me ? If I don’t feel well tomorrow , I’ll stay at home .

C ) If and when

If I go out = its possible that I will go out , but I’m not sure :

A: Are you going out later ? B: Perhaps . If I go out , I’ll close the window .

When I go out = I’m going out ( for sure )

A: Are you going out later ? B: Yes , I’m . When I go out , I’ll close the window .

When I get home this evening , I’m going to have a shower .


If I’m late this evening , don’t wait for me . ( not “When I’m late” ) We’re going to play tennis if it doesn’t rain . ( not “when it doesn’t rain ) * Usamos if na “Zero” e “First Conditional” para ações e eventos que nós não temos certeza se acontecerão .

If a waiter suggests water , I ask for bottled .

If I go out tonight , I’ll have dinner early .

* Usamos when na “Zero” e “First Conditional” para ações e eventos que são mais exatos ou certos de acontecer .

When I’m really enjoying myself , I sometimes don’t know what I’m eating .

When I go out tonight , I’ll have dinner in a restaurant .