Bibliografia - Nikolas Rose

Post on 21-Oct-2015

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SPINK, M.J.P. Cérebro, self e sociedade: uma conversa com Nikolas Rose. Physis, v. 20, n. 1, pp. 301-324, 2010.


ROSE, Nikolas. El gobierno en las democracias liberales avanzadas: del liberalismo al neoliberalismo. Archipiélagos, Editorial Archipiélagos, Madrid, n. 29, 1992.

ROSE, Nikolas. Governando a alma: a formação do eu privado. In: SILVA, T. T. da (Org.). Liberdades reguladas. Petrópolis: Vozes, 1998, pp. 30-45.

ROSE, Nikolas. Como se deve fazer a história do eu? Educação & Realidade. Porto Alegre, v. 26, n. 1, pp. 34-57, jan/jun 2001.

ROSE, Nikolas. Inventando nossos eus. In: SILVA, T. T. D., (Org.). Nunca fomos humanos: nos rastros dos sujeitos. Belo Horizonte: Autêntica, 2001. pp.137-204.

ROSE, Nikolas. ¿La muerte de lo social? Re-configuración del territorio de gobierno. Revista Argentina de Sociología. v. 5, n. 8, 2007, pp. 111-150.

ROSE, Nikolas. Psicologia como uma ciência social. Psicologia & Sociedade, v. 20, n. 2, pp. 155-164, 2008.


I am going to talk on ‘governing conduct in the age of the brain’, as we agreed. There is a version of this talk on the web at

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ROSE, Nikolas. Biological citizenship and its form afterword. In: ZHANG, Everett; KLEINMAN, Arthur; WEIMING, Tu, (eds.) Governance of life in Chinese moral experience: the quest for an adequate life. Routledge: London, UK, 2010.

ROSE, Nikolas. 'Screen and intervene': governing risky brains. History of the human sciences, v. 23, n. 1, pp. 79-105, 2010.

ROSE, Nikolas; MILLER, Peter. Political power beyond the State: problematics of government. British journal of sociology, v. 61, suppl. 1, pp. 271-303, 2010.


ROSE, Nikolas. Normality and pathology in a biomedical age. Sociological review, v. 57 (Suppl.), pp. 66-83, 2009.


ROSE, Nikolas. The somatic ethic and the spirit of biocapital. Daedalus, pp. 36-48, Winter, 2008.

MILLER, Peter; ROSE, Nikolas. Governing the present: administering economic, social and personal life. Polity Press: Cambridge, UK, 2008.

ROSE, Nikolas. Race, risk and medicine in the age of ‘your own personal genome’. BioSocieties, v. 3, n. 4. pp. 423-439, 2008.


ROSE, Nikolas. Politics of life itself : biomedicine, power and subjectivity in the twenty-first century. Princeton University Press: Princeton, 2006.


ROSE, Nikolas. Displacement of politics. Idea: arts and society, v. 20, 2005.

ROSE, Nikolas. “Government" and "Normal". In: GROSSBERG, Lawrence; MORRIS, Meaghan; BENNETT, Tony; WILLIAMS, Raymond (eds.) New Keywords: a revised vocabulary of culture and society. Blackwell Publishing: Oxford, 2005, pp. 151-153.


ROSE, Nikolas. Genomics. In: KUPER, Adam; KUPER, Jessica (eds.) The social science encyclopedia. Routledge: London, UK, 2004.

ROSE, Nikolas. Power and psychological techniques. In: HOUSE, Richard; BATES, Yvonne (eds.) Ethically challenged professions: enabling innovation and diversity in psychotherapy and counselling. PCCS Books: Ross-on-Wye, UK, 2004, pp. 27-45.

ROSE, Nikolas; NOVAS, Carlos. Biological citizenship. In: ONG, Aihwa; COLLIER, Stephen J. (eds.) Global assemblages: technology, politics, and ethics as anthropological problems. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, 2004, pp. 439-463.

ROSE, Nikolas. Governing the social. In: GANE, Nicholas, (ed.) The future of social theory. Continuum International Publishing Group: London, 2004, pp. 167-185.

ROSE, Nikolas. Becoming Neurochemical Selves. In: STEHR, Nico (ed.) Biotechnology, Commerce And Civil Society. Transaction Publishers, Somerset, 2004, pp. 89-128.


ROSE, Nikolas. Neurochemical selves. Society, v. 41, n. 1, pp. 46-59, 2003.

RABINOW, Paul; ROSE, Nikolas. Introduction. In: RABINOW, Paul; ROSE, Nikolas (eds.) The essential Foucault: selections from the essential works of Foucault. New Press: New York, USA, 2003, p. 1954-1984.

ROSE, Nikolas. The neurochemical self and its anomalies. In: ERICSON, Richard; DOYLE, Aaron (eds.) Risk and morality. University of Toronto Pres: Toronto, 2003, pp. 407-437.


ROSE, Nikolas. Society, madness and control. In: BUCHANAN, Alec (ed.) The care of the mentally disordered offender in the community. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK, 2002, pp. 3-25.

ROSE, Nikolas. At risk of madness. In: BAKER, Tom; SIMON, Jonathan (eds.) Embracing risk. University of Chicago Press: Chicago, IL, 2002, pp. 209-237.


ROSE, Nikolas. The politics of life itself. Theory, culture & society, v. 18, n. 6, pp. 1-30, 2001.

ROSE, Nikolas. Biopolitics in the twenty first century - notes for a research agenda. Distinktion: Scandinavian journal of social theory, n. 3. pp. 25-44, 2001.

ROSE, Nikolas. The Tavistock programme: the government of subjectivity and social life. In: WETHERELL, Margaret (ed.) Discourse theory and practice: a reader. Sage Publications: London, 2001.

ROSE, Nikolas. Normality and pathology in a biological age. Outlines, v. 1, pp. 19-34, 2001.


ROSE, Nikolas. Identity, genealogy, history. In: REDMAN, Peter (ed.) The identity reader. Sage Publications: London, 2000, pp. 313-326.

ROSE, Nikolas; OSBORNE, Thomas. Governing cities, governing citizens. In: ISIN, Engin (ed.) Democracy, citizenship and the city: rights to the global city. Routledge: London, 2000, pp. 95-109.

ROSE, Nikolas. Government and control. In: GARLAND, David; SPARKS, Richard (eds.) Criminology and social theory. Oxford university press: Oxford, 2000, pp. 183-208.

NOVAS, Carlos; ROSE, Nikolas. Genetic risk and the birth of the somatic individual. Economy and society, v. 29, n. 4, pp. 485-513, 2000.


ROSE, Nikolas. Powers of freedom: reframing political thought. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1999.

ROSE, Nikolas. Governing the soul: the shaping of the private self. Free Associations Books: London, 1999.


MILLER, Peter; ROSE, Nikolas. Mobilising the consumer: assembling the subject of consumption. Theory, culture and society, v. 14, n. 1. pp. 1-36, 1997.


ROSE, N. Inventing our selves: Psychology, Power and Personhood. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1996.


MILLER, Peter; ROSE, Nikolas. On therapeutic authority: psychoanalytical expertise under advanced liberalism. History of human sciences, v. 7, n. 3, pp. 29-64, 1994.


ROSE, N. Government, authority and expertise in advanced liberalism. In: Economy & society, v. 22, n. 3, August, UK, Routledge, 1993.


ROSE, N.; MILLER, P. Political power beyond the state: problematics of government". British journal of sociology, v. 43, n. 2, UK, 1992.


MILLER, Peter; ROSE, Nikolas (eds.) The power of psychiatry. Polity Press: Cambridge, UK, 1986.


ROSE, Nikolas. The psychological complex: mental measurement and social administration. Ideology and consciousness, v. 5, pp. 5-68, 1979.


ROSE, Nikolas. Fetishism and ideology: a review of theoretical problems. Ideology and consciousness, v. 2, pp. 27-54, 1977.