Atps Ingles III

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Transcript of Atps Ingles III

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Unidade de Ensino: UNIVERSIDADE ANHANGUERA UNIDERP Plo de Apoio Presencial de Juazeiro- Curso de Letras Portugus e Ingls 3 serie

Disciplina: INGLS III Equipe: Iara Tatiane Frana RA 426619 Leda Cristina Gonalves Gil RA 435313 Joana Darc Rodrigues da Silva RA 439974 Milton Shirakawa RA 434259Ttulo da ATPS: E-book SOBRE ASSUNTOS RELACIONADOS S AULAS DA DISCIPLINA DE INGLS III

Tutor (EAD): GLAUCE SOARES CASIMIROCidade: Juazeiro/BA Data: 31/03/20151Esta ATPS de Letras, 5 Srie Lngua Inglesa III, um e-book, contendo os assuntos da disciplina neste perodoYou are English language teacher and knows that it is important to include additional issues in order to make the lessons more interesting. Encouraging students to become more involved and interested


A importncia de enriquecer as aulas com assuntos relevantes e atualizados estimula os alunosa uma melhor aprendizagem e atitude mais participativa.Learning a language depends on practice and dedication, improving the knowledge of daily use and using the senses to each lets goThe Present Continuous describes an action that is taking place now, this moment, or is running out to happen. PRESENT CONTINUOUSAes que ocorrem no momento da fala. A ao tem incio antes do momento da fala, continua no momento em que se fala e, provavelmente, continuar depois do momento da fala:.Exemplos: Leda issweepingthe living room.(Leda est varrendo a sala de estar) Hurry up! Iara. We are allwaitingfor you! (Depressa! Iara. Estamos todos te esperando)

The man is doing something dangerous(O homem est fazendo algo perigoso)

The bullfighter is wearing a hat and tie(O toureiro est usando um chapu e gravata)

The girl is not holding a lizard(A menina no est segurando um lagarto)

She is not wearing a black t-shirt and jeansEla no est vestindo uma camiseta preta e jeans

They are eating a snack

They are not sitting on sofa4

Practicing the Present Continuous Tense he's skatinghe's riding a bicyclethey are playing football(soccer)she is cooking dinnerA ao do diafragma empurra ar dos pulmes atravs das pregas vocais, produzindo um trem de pulsos de ar. Esse trem formatado pelas ressonncias do trato vocal. As ressonncias bsicas, chamadas formantes vocais, podem ser modificadas pela ao de articuladores, para produzir sons vocais distinguveis, como as vogais.Fsica da Fala e da Audio. Acessado em 21 de Abril de 20145Luiz Gonzaga is a famous singer and composer of Brazilian popular music. Was born in Exu State of Pernambuco. Always had dressed in the costumes of the northeastern hinterland. He had a son composer known as Gonzaguinha. His biggest success in Brazilian popular music was "Asa Branca".Describing famous people

Ivete Sangalo is a famous singer of Brazilian popular music. Was born in Juazeiro Bahia. She began her career in Banda Eva in Salvador, leaving for a solo career later. In Savaldor currently participates in the Carnival through the "Electric Trios", with much success and joy.Continuando: Describing famous people Daniel Alves is a famous Brazilian footballer, who plays for Barcelona and won many titles in recent years. Was born in Juazeiro BA. The his parents still live in Juazeiro, in a place called Salitre, where they grow melons, onions, mangoes and etc ...

7O USO DE WILL E GOING TO EM INGLS"Will" has multiple uses in English. But compared to "going to" doubt is about using another in the future in English. For simplicity, let's just stay with this case: the use of two words to express ideas in the future in English. "Will" when used to talk about something in the future usually is accompanied by expressions that indicate uncertainty.As the uncertainty expressions are present in sentences the word that is often used to express the future in such cases is "will".Iwill probablygo to Petrolina in December.I dont know! ButI thinkIwillnot go to the party next Monday.Maybewewillnot be here tomorrow.

Exemplos com WILL:Quando estamos certos do que vai fazer e no lhe resta dvidas sobre o que far no futuro. J est decidido e praticamente acertado, a preferncia pelo uso do: going toImgoing toSalvador this year.Im notgoing tothe party next Saturday.Were notgoing tobe here tomorrow.Exemplos: going toThese latter examples the expressions of uncertainty did not appear. The reason is simple: you do not have doubts of that will do; you know you will do that and go! You are organizing to do! You are already planning and solving everything to make it happen.Portanto, lembre-se: quando no tiver certeza do que far no futuro use o willacompanhado de expresses de incerteza. Por outro lado, se voc tiver certeza e j est se planejando, ento faa uso do going to. Aqui noblog, h outras dicas sobre o Futuro em Ingls, faa uso da nossa ferramenta de buscas para encontrar essas dicas e ficar ainda mais com o Ingls na Ponta da Lngua.PRTICA DE LEITURA E COMPREENSO DE TEXTOS EM LNGUA INGLESA5 amazing benefits of gut bacteria

The phrase "gut bacteria" might sound icky and repulsive, but modern science may have you soon thinking differently about the bugs that live in yourgastrointestinal system. Top researchers around the globe are exploring the bacteria that naturally reside in the bowels of both people and animals, and targeting them as potential missing links in preventing and treating conditions like obesity and diabetes. Check out these five recent discoveries about the amazing benefits of gut bugs:Are the sentences below true (T) or false (F)-The bacteria harms our health ( )

-Researchers are not studying bacteria ( )

Bacteria can be combined in the treatment of obesity and diabetes ( )ABOUT ANHANGUERA

Anhanguera has transformed the lives of more than a million students and 20 years ago, is helping to change the future of our country. In line with the new phase of development of Brazil, the institution offers convenience and content compatible with the labor market in its undergraduate, graduate, extension and technical course, contributing to the growth of life project and professional growth of the students.SOBRE A ANHANGUERA EDUCACIONAL (Alunos de Jornalismo da Anhanguera-Uniderp conquistam Prmio Fundect- . Acesso em 29/03/2015) A Anhanguera j transformou a vida de mais de um milho de alunos e, h 20 anos, est ajudando a mudar o futuro do nosso pas. Alinhada nova fase de desenvolvimento do Brasil, a Instituio oferece convenincia e contedo compatvel com o mercado de trabalho em seus cursos de graduao, ps-graduao, extenso e curso tcnicos, contribuindo com o projeto de vida de crescimento e ascenso profissional dos alunos.Anhanguera transformed the lives of a million people( )It is helping to change the future of Brazil( )The institution doesnt offer content compatible to the labor market( )Are the sentences below true (T) or false (F)Anhanguera contributes to the growth of life and professional project of the students.( )She is chang___ lives and contribut____ to societyStudents are prepar___ to best takes up in several professional tasksThe best chance of work___ are for the most prepar___ peopleDescriptions and opinions using ed or ingShe is changing lives and contributing to societyStudents are prepared to best takes up in several professional tasksThe best chance of working are for the most prepared peopleRepostasDESCRIPTIONS AND OPINIONS USING ED OR INGLeda does not like to sing. She prefers danc_____Milton is study___ all Sundays. He is very tiredJoana is ride____ a bike. She has increasingly enjoy____Iara is comb_____ her hair. She plans to go to a partyLeda does not like to sing. She prefers dancingMilton is studying all Sundays. He is very tiredJoana is riding a bike. She has increasingly enjoyedIara is combing her hair. She plans to go to a partyRespostasThe Present Perfect is a tense used to talk about events that occurred in the indefinite past time that can last up today or have already been completed.In the Portuguese language we do not have something similar. But, if the time the action occurred is mentioned or suggested, is to use the Simple Past.A traduo de ambas as forma verbais para o portugus a mesma Present Perfect: Ihave workedin Cura a long time.(Eu trabalhei l pormuito tempo indeterminado)Simple Past: Iworkedthere for 10 years. (Eu trabalhei l por10 anos - tempo determinado):Estrutura do Present PerfectO Present Perfect formado pelo verbo auxiliarhave/has mais o verbo principal no particpio passado.Sujeito + have/has + verbo principal no particpio passado1617

18REFERNCIASPresent Perfect. Disponvel em: em: 17 mar. 2015.Fonte: Oxford University Press_ The Present Perfect. Disponvel em: Acesso em: 22 mar. 2015.Presente Contnuo ou Progressivo . Disponvel em: . Acesso em: 22 mar. 2015.

Future Plans Acesso em 29 maro 2015 19

Vocabulary Matching Worksheet - Action Verbs Acesso em: 22 mar. 2015.

O Uso de Will e Going To em Ingls Acesso em: 22 mar. 2015.

10 Things You Should Never Mix With Alcohol Acesso em: 22 mar. 2015. Present Perfect - Acesso em: 22 mar. 2015.