6 Ano Ingles

Post on 31-Jan-2016

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Atividades de Inglês

Transcript of 6 Ano Ingles

2ª Prova Substitutiva / Inglês / Débora / 8º / Pág. 1



Aluno(a): Nº Ano: 8º Turma: Data: Nota: Professor(a): Débora Toledo Valor da Prova: 65 pontos

Orientações gerais: 1) Número de questões desta prova: 17 2) Valor das questões: Abertas (9): 5,0 pontos cada. Fechadas (8): 2,5 pontos cada. 3) Provas feitas a lápis ou com uso de corretivo não têm direito à revisão. 4)Aluno que usar de meio ilícito na realização desta prova terá nota zerada e conceituação comprometida. 5) Tópicos desta prova: - Past Continuous - Indefinite Pronouns - Prepositions (place/time) 1ª Questão: A fala do último balão pode ser substituída por:

“How`s your pasta, Liz?”

“Delicious. How`s yours?”

“I have no idea”

a) I have any idea.

b) I don`t have any idea.

c) I no have idea.

d) I don`t have some idea.

e) I don`t have no idea.

2ª Questão: “Are there _____ books for me today?” “No. There are _____ books for you today.” a) any - any

b) some - some

c) any – no

d) any – some

e) no - some

3ª Questão: Marque a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase “_______ the boys _________ TV an hour ago?


excelência em educação

2ª Prova Substitutiva / Inglês / Débora / 8º / Pág. 2

a) Was – watch.

b) Were – watch.

c) Was – watching.

d) Were – watching.

e) Were – Watched

4ª Questão: Complete as frases com some ou any: a) They didn`t make ______________ mistakes.

b) I can pay. I have got ____________ money.

c) Have you got ____________ brothers or sisters?

d) I haven`t got ____________ stamps but Ann has got _____________.

5ª Questão: Marque a alternativa cuja frase esteja na forma correta do Past Continuous. a) They were eat in the restaurant when I saw them.

b) My parents are traveling.

c) he was working in California when his father died.

d) I was study for the test.

e) She were working hard.

6ª Questão: Quanto ao uso das preposições de tempo, marque a alternativa incorreta: a) They arrived at 8 o`clock.

b) I`m going to travel in September.

c) They gave me a beautiful present on Christmas day.

d) He arrived on July 28th.

e) We moved to New York on 1996.

7ª Questão: Escolha a forma correta de completar a frase “The hairdresser was dyeing her hair while…”

a) She was reading a magazine.

b) She read a magazine.

c) She reads a magazine .

d) She were reading a magazine.

e) She didn`t read a magazine.

8ª Questão: Complete as frases com Simple Past ou Past Continuous: a) I __________________ very hard last night.

b) I __________________ when you called me on the phone. (to study)

c) We _________________ our dinner when you arrived. (to have)

d) I _________________ to work on the bus this morning. (to come)

e) While I _________________ to work this morning, I met an old friend.

Justin Bieber: I’m Just Trying to Make Selena Happy

Someone who’s probably very pleased with the

way Justin is turning out1 is his girlfriend, Selena Gomez, 19. The two appear to be going strong after more

than a year together. “I’m just trying to make her happy,

that’s all,” he says. “I think it’s important to make all

women feel like they’re princesses, because every girl is a

princess. I’m serious.”

Aw, sweet! We’ll see if he still agrees with that

2ª Prova Substitutiva / Inglês / Débora / 8º / Pág. 3

statement after a few bad breakups2... No matter what happens3, though, Bieber says he’s prepared, thanks to the talented man

who discovered him, Usher. “From the beginning, he told me to put family first and you’ll always

succeed, because your family will never leave you,” Justin explains. “He told me to always stay

humble4 and never forget where I came from.” Sounds like5 good advice to me!

Adapted from: <http://omg.yahoo.com/blogs/crush/justinbieber-


Vocabulary: 1. turning out: se tornando; 2. breakups: rompimentos; 3. no matter what happens: não importa o que aconteça; 4. humble: humilde; 5. sounds like: parece

9a Questão: Responda às perguntas em Português.

a) Há quanto tempo Justin e Selena estão juntos?



b) O que Justin pensa a respeito das mulheres?



c) Quem é Usher?



d) Que conselho importante Usher deu para Bieber?



10ª Questão: Faça o que se pede:

a) Encontre no texto uma frase com um Indefinite Pronoun. __________________________________________________________________________

b) Mude a frase que você copiou na letra “a” para a forma Negativa.


c) Encontre uma frase no Present Continuous. __________________________________________________________________________

d) Passe a frase “c” para o Past Continuous. __________________________________________________________________________

11ª Questão: Qual é a alternativa que preenche corretamente todas as lacunas das sentenças abaixo?

There isn’t _______________ at school.

The girls need _______________ to teach them.

My cousin left my keys ______________

a) anyone – somebody – somewhere

b) someone – anybody – anything

c) anybody – somewhere - nothing

d) someone – someone - somewhere

e) anyone – somebody - anything

2ª Prova Substitutiva / Inglês / Débora / 8º / Pág. 4

12ª Questão: Observando a figura e utilizando cinco verbos do quadro, escreva cinco frases sobre o que essas pessoas estavam fazendo ontem à tarde. Utilize a forma verbal no Past Continuous.

a) _______________________________________________________________________

b) _______________________________________________________________________

c) _______________________________________________________________________

d) _______________________________________________________________________

e) _______________________________________________________________________

13ª Questão: Escreva as frases que você criou na questão 12 na forma negativa.

a) _______________________________________________________________________

b) _______________________________________________________________________

c) _______________________________________________________________________

d) _______________________________________________________________________

e) _______________________________________________________________________

14ª Questão: Escreva as frases que da questão 12 na forma interrogativa.

a) _______________________________________________________________________

b) _______________________________________________________________________

c) _______________________________________________________________________

d) _______________________________________________________________________

e) _______________________________________________________________________

to play rugby – to skate – to swim – to read – to sleep – to eat – to walk the dog

2ª Prova Substitutiva / Inglês / Débora / 8º / Pág. 5

15ª Questão: Complete as frases com Indefinite Pronouns.

a) She said ___________________ but I didn't understand anything. (alguma coisa)

b) I didn't eat ___________________ because I wasn't hungry. (nada)

c) Dad, can we go ________________ on Sunday? Yes, what about going to the zoo? (algum lugar)

d) Is there __________________ in the house? No, it's deserted. (alguém)

e) __________________ has broken the window. I don't know who. (alguém)

f) He said _____________________ . (nada)

16ª Questão: Observe a figura e complete as frases com Prepositions of Place.

a) There is a cat ____________ the table.

b) There is a ball ___________ the cat.

c) The chair is ______________the table

d) The book is ______________the table.

e) There is a wastebasket ____________the table.

f) The umbrella is ____________the wastebasket.

g) The book is ___________the pen and the apple.

17ª Questão: “Would you like _____________ to drink?” “Yes, please”. O pronome que melhor complete a frase é:

a) anything

b) something

c) nothing

d) somewhere

e) anywhere

Have a good test! Hugs…