5ª ficha de trabalho (past simple regular)

Post on 26-Jul-2016

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Transcript of 5ª ficha de trabalho (past simple regular)

Ano letivo 2015 / 2016Inglês – Módulo 3

(Componente de Formação Sociocultural)

Ficha de trabalho nº 5

Escola Básica e Secundária Dª Lucinda Andrade

Curso de Educação e Formação (CEF), Tipo 2 (1º ano) – 7ºD

Eletrónica e Automação – Instalador(a)/Reparador(a) de Computadores

Nome: _________________________________________________________________ Nº: _____ Data: ____ / ____ / _______


1. Circle each verb and write it in the Past Simple (affirmative) in the correct column.

2. Form the Past Simple (affirmative) of the following verbs.


3. Put the sentences into the Past Simple (affirmative). Use the following verbs. Then, match the sentences to the pictures.


4. What did they do last Saturday? Use the verbs in the box to complete the sentences about the picture (affirmative). Then, listen to check your answers.

5. Complete the sentences with the negative form of the verb.

6. Fill in the gaps with the Past Simple in the correct form (affirmative or negative).


7. Look at the chart and write affirmative and negative sentences as in the example.

8. Write the questions in the correct order.








9. Write the interrogative form of the Past Simple. Then give short answers. Follow the example.

10. Complete the sentence with the correct form of these verbs.

decide / decided visit / visited play / played

a. Did you ________________________________________________ Scotland last year?

Yes, I did. And I ________________________________________________ Loch Ness.

b. Did you ________________________________________________ tennis yesterday?

No, I didn’t. I ________________________________________________ baseball.

c. Did you ________________________________________________ to go home?

Yes, I ________________________________________________ to do my homework.

11. Write the interrogative form of the Past Simple. Then give short answers. Follow the example.


12. Look at the pictures and answer the questions, as in the example.

Did Martha wash her teeth? No, she didn’t. She washed her hair.

a. Did Jessica visit her grandfather? ___________________________________________


b. Did John and Mary work in the kitchen? ________________________________________


c. Did William play the guitar? __________________________________________________


13. Look at the picture and ask questions for the answers.


a. _________________________________________? Yes, she did. She walked alone in the grass.

b. _________________________________________? No, they didn’t. They watched the birds.

c. _________________________________________? No, they didn’t. They played football.

d. _________________________________________? Yes, she did. She skated very well.

e. _________________________________________? No, it didn’t rain.

14. Ask questions for the part of the sentences in bold. Choose the question word from the box.

15. Now you are a journalist. Ask the questions for Jesse McCartney’s answers.


16. Write true sentences about you. Use the verbs in brackets.