ةَمَاَمََِعْلاَََلَُِئاَضََف€¦ · Virtues of the Turban:...

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Transcript of ةَمَاَمََِعْلاَََلَُِئاَضََف€¦ · Virtues of the Turban:...




Virtues of the Turban

By: Muhammad Huzaifah ibn Adam aal-Ebrahim.





فالىاديلو,ونشهدأفلالوالاهللوحدهلشريكلوونشهدأف سيدناونبيناوشفيعناومولنامحمداعبدهورسولو

عليووعلىآلووأصحابوأجمعين,ومنتبعهمبإحسافتعالىصلىاهللالدين إلىيـو



Allaah Ta`aalaa says in the Qur‟aan Kareem:

كافيػرجواللوواليػوـ كافلكمفيرسوؿاللوأسوةحسنةلمن لقدكثيرا الخروذكراللو

{“There is for you – in the Rasool of Allaah هللعليوسلمصلىا – a most

perfect example for the one who desires Allaah, the Last Day, and

remembers Allaah in abundance.”} [Soorah al-Ahzaab, 33:21.]

And Allaah Ta`aalaa says:


كنتمتحبوفاللوفاتبعونييحببكماللوويػغفق رلكمذنوبكمواللولإف غفوررحيم

{“Say (O Muhammad صلىاهللعليووسلم): if indeed you love Allaah, then

follow me. (If you do so) Allaah will love you and forgive your sins, and

Allaah is Forgiving, Merciful.”} [Soorah Aal-e-`Imraan, 3:31.]

In this Aayah, Allaah Ta`aalaa has made Ittibaa` (obedience) to

Rasoolullaah صلى هللا عليه وسلم a Shart (condition) for acquiring His love;

without Ittibaa` (obedience) to Rasoolullaah صلى هللا عليه وسلم one can

never hope to become beloved by Allaah Ta`aalaa.

In the previous Aayah, Allaah Ta`aalaa describes Rasoolullaah صلى هللا

as being Uswatun Hasanah (a perfect example). This is Mutlaq عليه وسلم

(unrestricted); hence, we say that Rasoolullaah وسلم صلى هللا عليه is a

perfect example not only in matters of Deen but in every facet of life.

Imaam al-Ghazaali رحمة هللا عليه stated that amongst the secrets to

Sa`aadah (happiness and contentment) is following the Sunnah of

Rasoolullaah ليه وسلم صلى هللا ع in entirety; in how he ate, drank, slept,

dressed, walked, spoke, smiled, laughed, fought, dealt with people,


It is the opinion of some people that the eating, drinking, walking,

dressing, etc. of Rasoolullaah سلم صلى هللا عليه و are simply his `Aadaat

(habits) and that there is no reason for us to emulate it. They

differentiate between Sunnah and `Aadah; however, this view is

erroneous. In substantiation of it, they refer to some `Ulamaa of latter

times and some of the previous times. However, we pose a logical

question: whose `Aadaat (habits) are most beloved by Allaah

Ta`aalaa? Is the manner of dressing, eating, drinking, sleeping,

talking, walking, etc. of Rasoolullaah صلى هللا عليه وسلم greater, or the

dressing, eating, drinking, sleeping, talking and walking of anyone

else? Are the `Aadaat (habits) of Rasoolullaah صلى هللا عليه وسلم most

beloved to Allaah Ta`aalaa, or the `Aadaat (habits) of anyone else? If

the answer is – and of course it will be, if the respondent is a Muslim

– that the `Aadaat of Rasoolullaah صلى هللا عليه وسلم are greater and most

beloved to Allaah Ta`aalaa, then why should we not expend our efforts

to the utmost in attempting to emulate those Mubaarak `Aadaat


In fact, to a large extent it will be seen that the people putting forth

such objections towards following the Sunnah unrestrictedly are


themselves blindly following the `Aadaat (habits) of the Kuffaar

nations; America in particular.

Thus, we are forced to conclude that most of those in this age who

raise this objection towards following the Sunnah in entirety, which

includes following his Mubaarak `Aadaat (habits), in fact do so on

account of a dislike for the `Aadaat of an-Nabi صلى هللا عليه وسلم and an

overwhelming love for the `Aadaat of others.


Allaah Ta`aalaa says in the Qur‟aan Kareem:


{“Whatever the Rasool صلىاهللعليووسلم gives you, take it; and whatever

he forbids you from, abstain (from it), and fear Allaah; indeed, Allaah

is severe in punishing.”} [Soorah al-Hashr, 59:7.]

In the current age, there is an extreme laxity from the part of the

Muslims towards following the Sunnah of Rasoolullaah صلى هللا عليه وسلم;

the Kutub (books) of Seerah and Shamaa’il 1 are regarded as academic

material to be read and never implemented. That is not the Maqsad

(object) of `Ilm; the Maqsad (object) of acquiring `Ilm is to act upon it.


However, on account of this laxity towards the Sunnah displayed by

the Ummah these days, there is a chance to earn immense Thawaab.


( ديهشرجأوليتمأادسفدنعيتنسبكسمتملا )

أخرجوالطبرانيفياألوسطوأبونعيمفيحليةاألولياء 1 The Kutub of Shamaa‟il are those dealing with the description of Rasoolullaah صلى

.and his Sunnah هللا عليه وسلم


Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah رضي هللا عنه narrates that Rasoolullaah صلى هللا عليه

said, “The one who holds fast to my Sunnah when my Ummah وسلم

becomes corrupt, will receive the reward of a Shaheed.” [Narrated by

Imaam at-Tabraani in al-Mu`jam al-Awsat, and by Imaam al-

Asbahaani in “Hilyat-ul-Awliyaa”.]


( ديهشةائمرجأولفػيتمأادسفدنعيتنسبكسمتنم )

"الكامل"أخرجوابنعديفي Hadhrat `Abdullaah ibn `Abbaas رضي هللا عنهما narrates that an-Nabi صلى

said, “Whoever holds on to my Sunnah at the time when my هللا عليه وسلم

Ummah becomes corrupt, will receive the reward of 100 Shuhadaa.”

[Narrated by Imaam ibn `Adee in “al-Kaamil”.]

عنسعيدبنالمسيب،قاؿ:قاؿأنسبنمالك،قاؿليرسوؿاللوصلىاللوعليوألحدوسل ،إفقدرتأفتصبحوتمسيليسفيقػلبكغش علم:يابػني ثمقاؿ.فافػ

وذلكمنسنتي،ومنأحياسنتيفػقدأحبني،ومنأحبنيكافمعيفي لي:يابػني الجنة

رواهالترمذيHadhrat Anas ibn Maalik رضي هللا عنه narrates, “Rasoolullaah صلى هللا عليه

said to me, “O my beloved son, if you are able to get up in the وسلم

morning and go to sleep at night without having malice in your heart

towards anyone, then do so.” Thereafter he said to me, “O my beloved

son, and that is from my Sunnah, and whosoever revives my Sunnah

has loved me (i.e. it is a sign of his love for me), and whoever loves me

will be with me in Jannah.” [Narrated in Sunan at-Tirmidhee.]

So whosoever revives the Sunnah – any Sunnah – of Rasoolullaah صلى

by acting upon it and encouraging others to act upon it, will هللا عليه وسلم

In Shaa Allaah receive great Thawaab.

I have written this Kitaab to revive one particular Sunnah of

Rasoolullaah صلى هللا عليه وسلم – a “Sunnatun Mustamirrah” (continuous


Sunnah) – and that is the Sunnah of the turban. This Sunnah was

maintained by the Sahaabah, the Taabi`een and the Atbaa`-ut-

Taabi`een after them. It was amongst the Shi`aar (salient features) of

the `Ulamaa.

In today‟s time, for a variety of different reasons and excuses, it has

been abandoned, but it is our intention to revive it once again, In

Shaa Allaah.

Allaah Ta`aalaa says:

البالغ إفعليكإل{“Your duty is only to deliver (the message)…”}

[Soorah ash-Shooraa, 42:48.]

Hence, whether people will read the Ahaadeeth of Rasoolullaah صلى هللا

regarding the turban and then act upon them, or whether they عليه وسلم

will treat it again simply as words on a page to be read, with no reality

and practical implementation, is purely in the Hands of Allaah

Ta`aalaa. Only Allaah Ta`aalaa has control over that.

May Allaah Ta`aalaa make this a means of benefit to the writer and all

those who read it, and may He grant us the Tawfeeq to emulate the

Sunnah of Rasoolullaah صلى هللا عليه وسلم in its entirety,


كلوخالصالوجهكالكريم اللهماجعلعملنا

العالمينآمينيارب - Muhammad Huzaifah ibn Adam ibn Yusuf ibn Muhammad


(Completed on: 14th of Dhu‟l Hijjah, 1436 – 28th of September, 2015.)


Virtues of the Turban:

الحافظ،أناعبد ،أناأبوأحمدبنعدي أخبػرناأبوسعدالمالينيكعب،ثػناعيسىبن يونس،عنالعزيزبنسليماف،ثػنايػعقوببن




Hadhrat `Ubaadah ضي هللا عنه ر narrates that Rasoolullaah صلى هللا عليه وسلم said, “Wear the turban because it is the hallmark of the Malaa‟ikah,

and tie it in such a manner that the tail hangs at the back.” [Narrated by Imaam al-Bayhaqi in Shu`b-ul-Imaan.]


صلىاللوعليووسلمبثي ابمنالصدقةفػقسمهابػينأصحابوالنبيقطع لكم"ىذامنػ فػقاؿ:"اعتمواخالفواعلىاألممقػبػ


Hadhrat Khaalid ibn Ma`daan رضي هللا عنه narrates, “an-Nabi صلى هللا عليه

م وسل was presented with some garments from Sadaqah, so he divided them amongst his companions. He said, „Wear the turban; oppose the

nations who came before you.” [Narrated by Imaam al-Bayhaqi in Shu`b-ul-Imaan.]


Mullaa `Ali al-Qaari رحمة هللا عليه narrates the following Hadeeth in Mirqaat-ul-Mafaateeh:

صالةبعمامةأفضلمنسبعينصالةبغيرعمامة “Salaah performed with a turban is better than 70 Salaah performed without a turban.”

He also says:


علىفضيلةالعمامةمطل كلويدؿ قاجمعةبالعمامة.فػهذا

Imaam ibn `Asaakir narrates from Hadhrat `Abdullaah ibn `Umar رضي Marfoo`an – “A voluntary Salaah or Fardh Salaah performed – هللا عنه with a turban is equal to 25 Salaah performed without a turban, and

Jumu`ah performed with a turban is equal to 70 Jumu`ah performed without a turban.” He says, “All of this points out to the virtue of the

turban, unrestrictedly.” [Ibid.]

Hadhrat `Abdullaah ibn `Umar رضي هللا عنه said, “Jumu`ah performed

with a turban is better than 70 Jumu`ah performed without a turban.” [Narrated by Imaam ad-Daylami in “al-Firdows bi-Ma‟thoor al-Khitaab”.]

ركعتافبعمامةأفضلمنسبعينركعةبغير رضياهللعنوقاؿ: جابر عمامة


Hadhrat Jaabir رضي هللا عنه said, “Two Rak`aat performed with a turban is better than 70 Rak`aat performed without a turban.”

[Narrated by Imaam ad-Daylami in “al-Firdows bi-Ma‟thoor al-Khitaab”.]




Hadhrat `Abdullaah ibn `Umar رضي هللا عنه said, “The Malaa‟ikah witness the Jumu`ah, wearing turbans, and give Salaam to those

wearing turbans until the sun sets.” [Narrated by Imaam ad-Daylami in “al-Firdows bi-Ma‟thoor al-Khitaab”.]

ثػ ،ثنايحيىبنحيىبنيناأحمدبنمحمدبنحد مشقي حمزةالد،عنأبي ،ثناجميعبنثػوب،ثناأبوسفيافالرعيني صالحالوحاظي

كافرسوؿاهللصلىاهللعليووسلمليػوليوالياحتىأمامةقاؿ :مو،ويػرخيلهاعذبةمنجانباأليمننحواألذف يػعم

المعجمالكبيرللطبراني Hadhrat Abu Umaamah رضي هللا عنه narrates, “Rasoolullaah ى هللا عليه صل would not despatch anyone as a governor until he had tied for وسلم

him a turban, and he would let the tail hang at the right side, close to the ear.” [Narrated by Imaam at-Tabraani in al-Mu`jam al-Kabeer.]

ثػناخالدبنم ثػناعتاببنحرب،أخبػرناعبػيداللوبنحد حمد،حدأبيحميد،عنأبيالمليحبنأسامة،عنابنعباس،أفالنبيصلى




Hadhrat `Abdullaah ibn `Abbaas رضي هللا عنه narrates that Rasoolullaah

said, “Wear the turban; you will increase in Hilm صلى هللا عليه وسلم

(forbearance).” [Narrated in Mu`jam Abi Ya`laa al-Mowsili.]

ثػ الوليدالنػرسي،ثناىالؿبنبشر،ثناعمرافالحبننامحمدبنصحد،عنأبيجمرة،عنابنعباسأفرسوؿاهللصلىاهللعليو بنتماـ


معجمالكبيرللطبراني Hadhrat `Abdullaah ibn `Abbaas رضي هللا عنه narrates that Rasoolullaah said, “Wear the turban; you will increase in Hilm صلى هللا عليه وسلم

(forbearance).” [Narrated in Mu`jam al-Kabeer of Imaam at-Tabraani.]

ثػناأ ،ثػناأبوخليفةعبداللوالمزنيأحمدبندبنبوأحمدبنمحمحدالقاضي،ثػناأبوالوليد،ثػناعبػيداللوبنأبيحميد،عنأبيالمليحبن

هماقاؿ:قاؿرسوؿ اللوصلىاهللأسامة،عنابنعباس،رضياللوعنػ لمالم:اعتمواتػزدادواحعليووس

سنادولميخرجاه ىذاحديثصحيحاإل


Hadhrat `Abdullaah ibn `Abbaas رضي هللا عنه narrates that Rasoolullaah يه وسلم صلى هللا عل said, “Wear the turban; you will increase in Hilm

(forbearance).” [Narrated in al-Mustadrak `alas-Saheehayn, of Imaam al-Haakim.]


،أناأبوأحمدبن عدي،ثػنامحمدبنأحمدأخبػرناأبوسعدالمالينيحرب،ثػناإسماعيلبنسعيد،ثػناإسماعيلبنعمرأبوالمنذر،ثػنانب

ثنيابنعيسى،عنعبػيداهللبنأبي يونسبنأبيإسحاؽقاؿ:حدوؿاهللصلىاللوعليوحميد،عنأبيالمليح،عنأبيوقاؿ:قاؿرس


رواهالبيهقيفيشعباإليماف Hadhrat Abu‟l Maleeh narrates from his father, who said, “Rasoolullaah صلى هللا عليه وسلم said, „Wear the turban; you will increase

in Hilm (forbearance), and the turbans are the crowns of the Arabs.” [Narrated by Imaam al-Bayhaqi in Shu`b-ul-Imaan.]

Imaam ad-Daylami narrates from Hadhrat `Imraan ibn `Husayn رضي هللا :said صلى هللا عليه وسلم who narrates that Rasoolullaah ,عنه


رواهالديلمي “The turbans are the reverence of the Mu‟min and the honour of the Arabs. When the Arabs forsake the turban, they have removed their

honour.” [Narrated by Imaam ad-Daylami.]

ثػناقػتػيبةبن ثػناأبوداود،حد ثػناأبوبكر،حد ،حد أخبػرناأبوعلي،عنأبي ثػناأبوالحسنالعسقالني ثػنامحمدبنربيعة،حد سعيد،حد

صلى بنركانة،عنأبيو:أفركانةصارعالنبي جعفربنمحمدبنعليصلىاللوعليواللوعليووسلم،فصرعوالن قاؿركانة:.وسلمبي


صلىاللوعليو نػناوبػينوسمعتالنبي وسلميػقوؿ:فػرؽمابػيػ المشركينالعمائمعلىالقالنس


Hadhrat Ja`far ibn Muhammad ibn `Ali ibn Rukaanah narrates from

his father, who said, “Rukaanah wrestled with an-Nabi ليه وسلم صلى هللا ع , and an-Nabi صلى هللا عليه وسلم defeated him. Rukaanah said, „I heard an-Nabi صلى هللا عليه وسلم saying, „The difference between us and the

Mushrikeen is that we wear turbans over our Qalaanis (pl. of Qalansuwah 2).” [Narrated by Imaam al-Bayhaqi in al-Aadaab.]

2 Qalansuwah, in Urdu, is “Topi”.


Rasoolullaah صلىاهللعليووسلم Wearing

the Turban:

ثػناعبدالرحمنبنمهدي،عنحماد ثػنامحمدبنبشار،قاؿ:حد حدصلىاللوعليوبنس لمة،عنأبيالزبػير،عنجابرقاؿ:دخلالنبي



Hadhrat Jaabir رضي هللا عنه narrates, “Rasoolullaah وسلم صلى هللا عليه entered Makkah on the day of al-Fat‟h (the Conquest) and he was

wearing a black turban.” [Narrated by Imaam at-Tirmidhee.]

ثػنايحيىبنمحمد ،قاؿ:حد ثػناىاروفبنإسحاؽالهمداني حد،عنعبدالع زيزبنمحمد،عنعبػيداهللبنعمر،عننافع،المدني

صلىاللوعليووسلمإذااعتمسدؿ كافالنبي عنابنعمرقاؿ:كتفيوقاؿنافع:وكافابنعمريسدؿعمامتوبػ كتفيو،عمامتوبػين ينقاؿعبػيداهلل:ورأيتالقاسم،وسالمايػفعالفذلك.



Hadhrat `Abdullaah ibn `Umar رضي هللا عنه narrates, “When an-Nabi صلى used to tie the turban, he would let the loose end hang (at هللا عليه وسلم the back) between his shoulders.” Naafi` said, “When ibn `Umar ( رضي

used to tie the turban, he would let the loose end hang (at the (هللا عنه back) between his shoulders.” `Ubaydullaah said, “I saw al-Qaasim

and Saalim doing the same.” [Narrated in Sunan at-Tirmidhee.]


ثػناأبوأسامة،عنمساورالوراؽ،عن أخبػرنامحمدبنأباف،قاؿ:حدكأنيأنظرالساع ةإلىرسوؿجعفربنعمروبنأمية،عنأبيو،قاؿ:

اللوصلىاهللعليووسلمعلىالمنبروعليوعمامةسوداءقدأرخىكتفيو طرفػهابػين


Hadhrat Ja`far ibn `Amr ibn Umayyah narrates from his father, who

said, “It is as if I am looking right now at Rasoolullaah صلى هللا عليه وسلم upon the Mimbar, wearing a black turban, letting the end hang

between his shoulders.” [Narrated in Sunan an-Nasaa‟i.]

ثػناأبوالوليد،قاؿ:حد ثػناحمادبنسلمة،أخبػرناأبوخليفة،قاؿ:حدعنأبيالزبػير،عنجابر،أفرسوؿاللوصلىاللوعليووسلمدخل



Hadhrat Jaabir رضي هللا عنه narrates, “Rasoolullaah صلى هللا عليه وسلم entered Makkah on the day of Fat‟h-e-Makkah and he was wearing a

black turban.” [Narrated in Saheeh ibn Hibbaan.]

ثػناأبوأسامة،عنمساورقاؿ: ثػناأبوبكربنأبيشيبةقاؿ:حد حدكأنيأنظرإلىرسوؿثنيجعفربنعمروبندح حريث،عنأبيوقاؿ:

هابػين اللوصلىاهللعليووسلموعليوعمامةسوداءقدأرخىطرفػيػ كتفيو


سننإبنماجةHadhrat Ja`far ibn `Amr ibn Hurayth narrates from his father, who said, “It is as if I am looking at Rasoolullaah صلى هللا عليه وسلم (right now),

wearing a black turban, having let the two ends hang between his shoulders.” [Narrated in Sunan ibn Maajah.]


The Sahaabah Wearing Turbans:

ثػناجريربن ثػناسليمافبنحرب،قاؿ:حد ثػناأبوبكرقاؿ:حد حد،عنيػعلىبنحكيم،عنسليمافبنأبيعبداللو،قاؿ:" حازـ

كرابيسسود،وبيض،وحمر،أدركتالمه اجريناألولينيػعتموفبعمائموخضر،وصفر،يضعأحدىماالعمامةعلىرأسو،ويضعالقلنسوة

خرجهامنتحتفػوقػها،ثميديرالعمامةىكذا,يػعني:علىكورهلي ذقنو


Hadhrat Sulaymaan ibn Abi `Abdillaah رضي هللا عنه said, “I met the first

Muhaajireen and they were wearing thick cotton turbans of which some were black in colour, some were white, some were red, some

were green and some were yellow. One of them would place the turban on his head (i.e. a part of the turban), place the Qalansuwah on top of that, and then tie it in this manner, i.e. in a circle. They would not

take it out from under their chin.” [Narrated in the Musannaf of Imaam ibn Abi Shaybah.]

ثػنامحمدبنعبداللواألسدي،عنشريك، ثػناأبوبكرقاؿ:حد حدعنمخارؽ،عنعطاء،قاؿ:رأيتعلىعبدالرحمنبنعوؼعمامة


نفابنأبيشيبةمص Imaam `Ataa narrates, “I saw `Abdur Rahmaan ibn `Awf ( رضي هللا عنه) wearing a black turban.” [Narrated in the Musannaf of Imaam ibn Abi Shaybah.]


ثػناشريك،عن ثػناشاذاف،قاؿ:حد ثػناأبوبكرقاؿ:حد عاصم،حديػوـالجمعة،وعليوعمامة عنأبيرزين،قاؿ:خطبػناالحسينبنعلي


مصنفابنأبيشيبة Imaam Abu Razeen narrates, “Husayn ibn `Ali ( رضي هللا عنه) gave a

Khutbah to us on the day of Jumu`ah and he was wearing a black turban.” [Narrated in the Musannaf of Imaam ibn Abi Shaybah.]

ثػناالبكراوي،عنأبيعيسى،عنأبيوزياد، ثػناأبوبكرقاؿ:حد حدـشيخيػقاؿلوسالم،قاؿ:رأيتعلىأبي رداءعمامةقاؿ:قد الد



Abu `Eesaa narrates from his father Ziyaad, who said, “A Shaykh came (to us) whose name was Saalim. He said, „I saw Abu‟d Dardaa

wearing a black turban.” [Narrated in the Musannaf of (رضي هللا عنه )Imaam ibn Abi Shaybah.]

ثػناغندر،عنشعبة،عنسماؾ،عنملحاف ثػناأبوبكرقاؿ:حد حد بنثػرواف،قاؿ:رأيتعلىعمارعمامةسوداء

مصنفابنأبيشيبة Milhaan ibn Tharwaan narrates, “I saw `Ammaar ( رضي هللا عنه) wearing a

black turban.” [Narrated in the Musannaf of Imaam ibn Abi Shaybah.]


ثػناأبوالعنبسعمروبن ثػناوكيع،قاؿ:حد ثػناأبوبكرقاؿ:حد حدعمامةسوداءقدأرخىطرفػهامرواف،عنأبيو،قاؿ:رأيتعلىعلي منخلفو


Abu‟l `Anbas `Amr ibn Marwaan narrates from his father, who said, “I saw `Ali ( رضي هللا عنه) wearing a black turban, and he let the tail of it

hang behind him.” [Narrated in the Musannaf of Imaam ibn Abi Shaybah.]

ثػنااألعمش،عنثابتبن ثػناوكيع،قاؿ:حد ثػناأبوبكرقاؿ:حد حدعمامةس وداءعبػيد،عنأبيجعفراألنصاري،قاؿ:رأيتعلىعلي


مصنفابنأبيشيبة Abu Ja`far al-Ansaari narrates, “I saw `Ali ( رضي هللا عنه) wearing a black turban on the day `Uthmaan ( رضي هللا عنه) was killed.” [Narrated in the

Musannaf of Imaam ibn Abi Shaybah.]

ثػناأبوبكرقا ،قاؿ:رأيتابنالزبػيرحد ثػناعبػيدة،عنىشاـ ؿ:حد بػينيديومعتماقدأرخىطرفيالعمامة



Hishaam said, “I saw ibn az-Zubayr (i.e. `Abdullaah ibn az-Zubayr رضي wearing a turban with two tails, and he let both of them hang in (هللا عنه front of him.” [Narrated in the Musannaf of Imaam ibn Abi Shaybah.]

ثػناأبوداود، الروذباري،أنػبأناأبوبكربنداسة،حد أخبػرناأبوعليثػنامحمدب ثػناعثمافبنعثمافحد نإسماعيلمولىبنيىاشم،حد

ثػناشيخمنأىلالمدينةقاؿ: ثػناسليمافبنخربوذ،حد ،حد الغطفانيصلىاللوعليوسمعتعبدالرحمنبنعوؼيػقوؿ:عممنيرسوؿاللو


الدابللبيهقيSulaymaan ibn Kharraboodh narrates, “A Shaykh from the people of Madeenah said, “I heard `Abdur Rahmaan ibn `Awf ( رضي هللا عنه) saying,

“Rasoolullaah ى هللا عليه وسلم صل tied a turban for me, and he let (one tail) hang in front of me, and one (tail) hang behind me.” [Narrated by Imaam al-Bayhaqi in al-Aadaab.]

عممرسوؿاللوصلىاللوعليووآلووسلمعبد:عنعائشةقالت أربعأصابعالرحمنبنعوؼوأرخىلو

المعجمالكبيرللطبرانيHadhrat `Aa‟ishah رضي هللا عنها narrates, “Rasoolullaah صلى هللا عليه وسلم tied a turban for `Abdur Rahmaan ibn `Awf ( رضي هللا عنه) and let (the tail of it)

hang the (length) of four fingers.” [Narrated in al-Mu`jam al-Kabeer of Imaam at-Tabraani.]


The Taabi`een Wearing Turbans:

ثػناإسماعيلبنعبد ثػناوكيع،قاؿ:حد ثػناأبوبكرقاؿ:حد حدبػيضاءالملك،قاؿ:رأيتعلىسعيدبنجبػيرعمامة

مصنفابنأبيشيبة Ismaa`eel ibn `Abdil Malik said, “I saw Sa`eed ibn Jubayr wearing a white turban.” [Narrated in the Musannaf of Imaam ibn Abi Shaybah.]

ثػناديناربنعمر ثػناوكيع،قاؿ:حد ثػناأبوبكرقاؿ:حد و،قاؿ:حد سوداءرأيتعلىالحسنعمامة

مصنفابنأبيشيبة Deenaar ibn `Amr narrated, “I saw al-Hasan (i.e. Imaam Hasan al-

Basri) wearing a black turban.” [Narrated in the Musannaf of Imaam ibn Abi Shaybah.]

ثػناأبوبكرقاؿ: ثػناالفضلبندكين،عنعبدالواحدبنأيمن،حد حد سوداءقاؿ:رأيتعلىابنالحنفيةعمامة


`Abdul Waahid ibn Ayman said, “I saw ibn al-Hanafiyyah (i.e.

Muhammad ibn al-Hanafiyyah عليه رحمة هللا ) wearing a black turban.” [Narrated in the Musannaf of Imaam ibn Abi Shaybah.]

وأخرجابنعساكرفيتاريخوعنمالكقاؿ:لينبغيأفتترؾالعمائم ولقداعتممتومافيوجهيشعرة



Imaam ibn `Asaakir ه رحمة هللا علي narrates that Imaam Maalik رحمة هللا عليه said, “It is not appropriate for you to leave off (wearing) the turbans. I

used to wear a turban while I didn‟t have a single hair on my face (i.e. whilst I was a child).” [Faydh al-Qadeer, Sharh al-Jaami` as-Sagheer.]


The Malaa’ikah Wearing Turbans:

كاملالجحدري،ثنايوسفبنخالد ثػناعبدافبنأحمد،ثناأبو حد،ثناالصلتبندينار،عنأبيالمليح،ع نأبيو،قاؿ:نػزلتالسمتي

هاالعمائم،وكانتعلىالزبػير يػومئذعمامةالمالئكةيػوـبدروعليػ صفراء


Abu‟l Maleeh 3 narrates from his father, who said, “The Malaa‟ikah descended on the day of Badr and they were wearing turbans. Zubayr

(i.e. Hadhrat Zubayr ibn al-`Awwaam رضي هللا عنه) was wearing a yellow turban that day.” [Narrated by Imaam at-Tabaraani in al-Mu`jam al-Kabeer.]

،ثناحمزة ثػناأحمدبنداودالمكي ،ثناعبدحد بنعبػيداهللالثػقفيالقدوسبنحبيب،عنعطاءبنأبيرباح،عنابنعباس،قاؿ:قاؿرسوؿاهللصلىاهللعليووسلمفيقػولو}مسومين{قاؿ:معلمين،


المعجمالكبيرللطبرانيHadhrat `Abdullaah ibn `Abbaas رضي هللا عنه narrates, “Rasoolullaah صلى

."معلمين“ (that it means) – 4 مسومين said – explaining the word هللا عليه وسلم And the hallmark of the Malaa‟ikah on the day of Badr was black

turbans, and on the day of Uhud, red turbans.” [Narrated by Imaam

at-Tabaraani in al-Mu`jam al-Kabeer.]

3 The name of Abu’l Maleeh was `Aamir ibn Usaamah.

4 See Soorah Aal-e-`Imraan, Aayah 125.


ثػن ،أبيشيبة،ثناعمامحمدبنعثمافبنحد اربنأبيمالكالجنبيثناأبي،عنالحجاج،عنالحكم،عنمقسم،عنابنعباس،قاؿ:كافسيماءالمالئكةيػوـبدرعمائمبيضقدأرسلوىاإلىظهورىم،

يػقاتويػوـحنػينعمائمحمر،ولم يػوـبدرإنمالإلالمالئكةفييػوـدداومدداليضربوفكانوايكونوفع

المعجمالكبيرللطبرانيHadhrat `Abdullaah ibn `Abbaas رضي هللا عنه narrates, “The hallmark of

the Malaa‟ikah on the day of Badr was white turbans which they let

hang behind their backs, and on the day of Hunayn, red turbans. The

Malaa‟ikah did not (physically) fight on any day other than the day of

Badr; rather, they were sent to increase (the Muslim armies) and

support them. They did not strike (the Kuffaar).” 5[Narrated by Imaam

at-Tabaraani in al-Mu`jam al-Kabeer.]

ثػناأبوالعباسمحمدبنيػعقوب،ثػناب سابقحربننصربنحد،ثػناعبداللوبنوىب،أخبػرنيعبداللو بنعمر،عنعبدالخولني

هاأنػهاقالت: الرحمنبنالقاسم،عنأبيو،عنعائشةرضياللوعنػرضياللو رأيترجاليػوـالخندؽعلىصورةدحيةبنخليفةالكلبي


ـأمرنيأفأخرجإلى بنيقػريظةذلكجبريلعليوالصالةوالسال 5 This is the view of Hadhrat `Abdullaah ibn `Abbaas رضي هللا عنه. There were other `Ulamaa, though,

such as Imaam an-Nawawi رحمة هللا عليه who said that Malaa’ikah did and still continue to take part

in other battles. Refer to his Sharh on Saheeh Muslim for the Dalaa’il concerning this. He also

mentions that it is not only the Ambiyaa who can see the Malaa’ikah; the Sahaabah and Awliyaa of

Allaah Ta`aalaa can see them as well, with the Permission of Allaah Ta`aalaa.


سنادولم يخرجاهىذاحديثصحيحاإل

المستدرؾعلىالصحيحينللحاكمHadhrat `Aa‟ishah رضي هللا عنها narrates, “On the day of Khandaq, I saw

someone who looked like Dihyah ibn Khaleefah al-Kalbi, seated on an

animal, speaking with Rasoolullaah صلى هللا عليه وسلم. On his head was a

turban, the tail of which was hanging. I asked Rasoolullaah صلى هللا عليه

لم about him, so he said, “That was Jibreel وسلم لة والس ,عليه الص

commanding me to march against Banu Qurayzhah.” [Narrated in al-

Mustadrak `alas-Saheehayn of Imaam al-Haakim.]

ثػناجرير،عنيػعقوب،عنجعفر،عنسعيد ثػناأبوبكرقاؿ:حد حدكانتعمامةجبريليػو فرعوفسوداءـغرؽبنجبير,قاؿ:


Hadhrat Sa`eed ibn Jubayr رحمة هللا عليه said, “On the day Fir`own drowned, Jibreel ( لم لة والس ”.was wearing a black turban (عليه الص[Narrated in the Musannaf of Imaam ibn Abi Shaybah.]


The Length of the Turban:

Mullaah `Ali al-Qaari رحمة هللا عليه quotes Imaam an-Nawawi رحمة هللا عليه, who said:

كا-صلىاللوعليووسلم-كافلو عةأذرع،عمامةقصيرة،وعمامةطويلة،وأفالقصيرة نتسبػ والطويلةاثػنىعشرذراعا

“Rasoolullaah صلى هللا عليه وسلم had a short turban and a long turban.

The short turban was seven Dhiraa` 6, and the long one was 12 Dhiraa`.” [Mirqaat-ul-Mafaateeh.]

كيفكاف روىالبيهقيفيشعباإليمافعنابنسالـبنعبداهللبنسالـقاؿ:سألتابنعمرالنبيصلىاهللعليووسلميعتم؟قاؿكافيديرالعمامةعلىرأسوويغرزىامنورائوويرسللهاكانتنحوالعشرةأوفوقهابيسير ذؤابةبينكتفيو،وىذايدؿعلىأنهاعدةأذرع.والظاىرأنها

Imaam al-Bayhaqi رحمة هللا عليه narrates in Shu`b-ul-Imaan from Imaam

ibn Salaam ibn `Abdillaah ibn Salaam, who said, “I asked ibn `Umar tie the turban?” He صلى هللا عليه وسلم How did Rasoolullaah“ ,(رضي هللا عنه )said, “He used to tie the turban on his head, tuck it in at the back and

let the tail hang between his shoulders.” This proves that it (i.e. the turban) was a number of Dhiraa`. The apparent is that it was 10

Dhiraa` or a little more.” [End quote from Imaam al-Bayhaqi.]

6 A Dhiraa` is the length between the fingertip of the middle finger and the elbow.


Epilogue An objection may arise from some people that, “Most of the Ahaadeeth concerning the turban are Dha`eef! Why should we act upon them?

Why should they be quoted?” This epilogue is in response to them. Imaam Abu Zakariyyah Yahyaa ibn Sharaf an-Nawawi رحمة هللا عليه


وقداتفقالعلماءعلىجوازالعملبالحديثالضعيففيفضائل األعماؿ

“The `Ulamaa have consensus upon the permissibility of acting upon a Dha`eef Hadeeth in matters of virtues of deeds.” [Sharh al-Arba`een

an-Nawawiyyah, Muqaddimah.] Mullaa `Ali al-Qaari رحمة هللا عليه states:

الحسن وتػعددالطرؽيػبلغالحديثالضعيفإلىحد

“Multiple chains of narrations raise a Dha`eef Hadeeth to the level of Hasan.” [Mirqaat-ul-Mafaateeh.]

Imaam al-Munaawi رحمة هللا عليه states:

وىذهاألخباروإففرضضعفهاجميعهالكنلينكرتقويالحديث الضعيفبكثرةطرقووتعددمخرجيوإلجاىلبالصناعةالحديثية

“These narrations, even if they are all Dha`eef, become strong when

they have multiple chains of narrations, and no one denies this except one who is a Jaahil in the field of Hadeeth.” [Faydh al-Qadeer, Sharh

al-Jaami` as-Sagheer.] With this, we end the Kitaab.



Publications by this Author:

1) Kitaab-ul-^Aqeedah. 2) Hadhrat Diraar ibn al-Azwar (Radiyallaahu `Anhu).

3) Celebration of the Kuffaar Holidays: The Stance of the `Ulamaa-e-Haqq, and a Fitting Response to the Deviants.

4) Sayyidaat-ul-Jannah (The Queens of Jannah).

5) The Garden of Death.

6) Dābiq. 7) Solving Tarkeeb.

8) Fadhaa‟il-ul-`Imaamah (Virtues of the Turban).

9) A Refutation of the Objections Raised Against Ad-Dowlah Al-Islaamiyyah.

10) Arbitration.

11) Hajj or Ribaat.

12) Be Upon the Manhaj of the Salaf as-Saalih. 13) Healing the Chests With Regards to the Prohibition of Building

Upon Graves.

14) Imaani Preparations For The One Who is Not Present in the Jihaad.

15) Taaghoot.

16) The Ballista of Dawlat-ul-Islaam. 17) The Nusayri Baatinis.

18) The Removal of Doubts.

19) The Trade of Jihaad.

20) What Do You Know About `Aashooraa. 21) What The Mujaahideen Want.

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